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Process Safety Event PSE Reporting Gui-334210

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Process Safety Event (PSE) Reporting

March 2019

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) represents companies, large
and small, that explore for, develop and produce natural gas and oil throughout Canada. CAPP’s
member companies produce about 80 per cent of Canada’s natural gas and oil. CAPP's associate
members provide a wide range of services that support the upstream oil and natural gas industry.
Together CAPP's members and associate members are an important part of a national industry with
revenues from oil and natural gas production of about $101 billion a year. CAPP’s mission, on behalf of
the Canadian upstream oil and natural gas industry, is to advocate for and enable economic
competitiveness and safe, environmentally and socially responsible performance.

This publication was prepared for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). While it is believed that the information contained
herein is reliable under the conditions and subject to the limitations set out, CAPP does not guarantee its accuracy. The use of this report or any
information contained will be at the user’s sole risk, regardless of any fault or negligence of CAPP or its co-funders.

2100, 350 – 7 Avenue S.W. 1000, 275 Slater Street 1004, 235 Water Street 360B Harbour Road
Calgary, Alberta Ottawa, Ontario St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador Victoria, British Columbia
Canada T2P 3N9 Canada K1P 5H9 Canada A1C 1B6 Canada V9A 3S1
Tel 403-267-1100 Tel 613-288-2126 Tel 709-724-4200 Tel 778-410-5000
Fax 403-261-4622 Fax 613- 236-4280 Fax 709-724-4225 Fax 778-410-5001
CAPP is actively working on improving Process Safety Management (PSM) performance
in the oil and gas industry. Learning from events using consistent metrics is an important
element of PSM supporting prevention and improvement activities.
This Guide provides a framework for standardized measuring, recording and reporting of
process safety performance metrics for petroleum industry operations managed by
members to CAPP. The purpose of this guide is to provide CAPP members with the
information and instructions needed to classify and report Process Safety Events (PSEs)
using the CAPP Data Hub, and for internal use.
This framework is largely leveraged from ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016 and IOGP Report 456.
This guide covers PSE events occurring in a joint venture or in areas under a Member
Company’s operating control. PSEs occurring in downstream oil and natural gas,
chemicals, subsidiaries or to partnerships are not included.
The CAPP Data Hub provides members access to key components of CAPP's industry-
leading data store, which includes cross-jurisdictional health, safety and other data from
multiple sources including government, regulators and members. The Hub also includes
powerful analysis tools, enabling independent and collaborative reporting and strategic

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page iii


1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 Scope .................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 Resources Used and Terminology........................................................................ 1-1

2 Applying Process Safety to Oil and Gas Operations ........................................................ 2-2

2.1 Defining Process Safety........................................................................................ 2-2

2.2 Applying Process Safety Concepts to Oil and Gas Operations ............................ 2-3

3 PSE Reporting Criteria ...................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Overview of PSE Reporting Standards ................................................................. 3-1

3.2 PSE Reporting Decision Flowchart ....................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Tier 3 and Tier 4 PSEs (Leading Indicators) .......................................................... 3-4

4 CAPP Process Safety Event Reporting.............................................................................. 4-1

4.1 Accessing the Forms ............................................................................................ 4-1

4.2 Reporting Tier 1 and Tier 2 Events....................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Data Analysis and Results Reporting ................................................................... 4-5

5 References and Resources ............................................................................................... 5-1

Appendix A. Defining Tier 1 & Tier 2 Process Safety Events........................................................ A-1

A.1. Defining Tier 1 & Tier 2 Process Safety Events .................................................... A-2

Appendix B. Non-toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities .................................................. B-1

B.1. Non-toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities............................................... B-2

Appendix C. Toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities .......................................................... C-1

C.1. Toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities ...................................................... C-2

Appendix D. Categories for Process Safety Metrics .................................................................... D-1

Appendix E. Glossary and Acronyms ........................................................................................... E-1

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page iv

E.1. Glossary ................................................................................................................ E-2
E.2. Acronyms ........................................................................................................... E-12

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page v

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Oil and gas operations involve complex processes with hazards that have the potential
for catastrophic events involving loss of life, harm to health and extensive
environmental damage that needs risk management.
The management of process safety is globally recognized as the primary approach for
establishing the required level of safe operations needed to manage high hazard
Process Safety is the discipline of preventing an unplanned or uncontrolled Loss Of
Primary Containment (LOPC) of hazardous material from a process due to an
unintended event or condition that could potentially result in a major event. This also
includes LOPC of non-toxic and non-flammable substances in circumstances where harm
or damage could result.
A number of associations and companies have established metrics that are being
adopted by companies in oil and gas, petrochemical, and chemical sectors. There is
general acceptance across the oil and gas industry of recently published metrics to
record Process Safety Events (PSEs). Much of the industry is already tracking this
information either through their own Process Safety Management (PSM) programs
and/or through various regulatory reporting requirements that give industry licence to
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to provide CAPP members with the information and
instructions needed to classify and report Process Safety Events (PSEs) to CAPP and for
internal use.
The information will allow companies to assess their own performance and help to
identify opportunities for improvement.
1.3 Scope
This CAPP Guide covers Tier 1 and 2 PSEs in the upstream and midstream oil and natural
gas industry involving an LOPC during well drilling and completion, production and
pipeline operations, heavy oil production where it is inseparable from upstream, in situ,
and related oil and gas transportation activities (see Section 2.2 for a more detailed
description). PSEs occurring in downstream industry are outside the scope of this guide.
Tier 3 and 4 PSEs are not covered.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 1-1

1.4 Resources Used and Terminology
In preparing this guideline, CAPP has relied on the efforts of American Petroleum
Institute (API) and International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) as noted in
Section 5 – References and Resources. In particular, ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016 provides an
overview of LOPC events and their hierarchy. Since much of the work by API focuses on
the downstream and chemical refining, this document also relies on IOGP’s Process
Safety – Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators. IOGP’s product provides
an overview on this subject tailored for oil and gas producers.
A glossary of relevant terms and acronyms is included in Appendix E.

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2 Applying Process Safety to Oil and Gas Operations
2.1 Defining Process Safety
Three definitions published by IOGP are helpful for framing the scope of process safety
management in the oil and gas industry:
1) Process Safety: Process safety is a disciplined framework for managing the
integrity of operating systems and processes handling hazardous substances.
It is achieved by applying good design principles, engineering, operating, and
maintenance practices. It deals with the prevention and control of events
that have the potential to release hazardous materials and energy. Such
events can result in toxic effects, fire or explosion, and other releases of
energy that could result in serious consequences such as multiple fatalities,
injuries, property damage, environmental damage, and lost production.
2) Asset Integrity: Asset integrity is related to the prevention of major events. It
is an outcome of good design, construction and operating practice. It is
achieved when facilities are structurally sound and perform the processes
and produce the products for which they were designed. The emphasis is on
preventing unplanned hydrocarbon releases that may, either directly or via
escalation, result in a major event. Structural failures may also be initiating
events that escalate into major events.
3) Major Event: An event that has resulted in multiple fatalities and/or serious
damage, possibly beyond the asset itself. Typically initiated by a hazardous
release, but may also result from structural failure or the loss of stability that
has caused serious damage to an asset.

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2.2 Applying Process Safety Concepts to Oil and Gas Operations
It is important to consider how
process safety applies to oil and gas
operations and full life-cycle
development considerations for Procssesses
each segment of our industry. related to
related to the
Equally important is the need to design and
design and
consider the operations of both the operation of
operation of
owner wells,
oil and gas producers and the facilities and
contractors conducting related equipment
operations on their behalf.
Oil and gas industry includes the
following (see Appendix D for
1) Well Operations: Drilling, Completions and Well Servicing
Well operations includes all exploration, appraisal and production drilling, wireline,
completion and workover activities as well as their administrative, engineering,
construction, materials supply and transportation aspects.
o For drilling and completion operations, relevant PSEs include drilling,
well workovers, wireline operations when “in hole” and there is a
release of gas, oil, other drilling and well completion fluids or mud
above ground or above sea-bed or onto the rig floor. This might occur
during site preparation, rigging up, site restoration, etc., and loss of
circulation, loss of drilling mud, well kick or underground blowout.
o For completion and well servicing operations, relevant process events
include release during the completions or well servicing work on
production wells under pressure (e.g., snubbing).
2) Pipeline Design and Operation including:
o Flow-lines between wells and pipelines between facilities associated
with field production operations
o Pipeline operations (including booster stations) operated by company
exploration and production business

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 2-3

3) Facility Design and Operation including:
Production for this guidance covers petroleum and natural gas production operations,
including administrative and engineering aspects, repairs, maintenance and servicing,
materials supply and transportation of personnel and equipment. It covers all
mainstream production operations including:
o Oil (including condensates) and gas extraction and separation
o Heavy oil production where it is inseparable from upstream (e.g.,
steam assisted gravity drainage) production
o Oil processing (water separation, stabilization)
o Gas processing (liquids separation, compression, dehydration,
sweetening, CO2 removal)
Gas processing activities with the primary intent of producing gas liquids for sale
including secondary liquid separation (e.g., gas compression, dehydration, liquids
separation, sweetening, sulfur recovery, CO2 removal, deep cut (C2/C3), and LNG).
Production storage facilities including oil, condensate, NGL, LPG, produced water,
production waste streams. Also to be considered are Floating Storage Units (FSUs) and
sub-sea storage units.
Processing for this guidance excludes mining processes associated with the extraction of
heavy oil, heavy oil when separable from upstream operations, and secondary heavy oil
processing such as upgrading and refining. Processing, for this guidance, also excludes
large refinery facilities and offshore.
4) Rail and Truck Transportation including:
o Oil & gas loading facilities, including land or marine vessels (trucks
and rail) when connected to an oil or gas production process including
the handling and transportation of oilfield wastes.
Useful examples of applicable PSE events are provided in ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016,
Annex A, and in IOGP RP456.

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3 PSE Reporting Criteria
Tier 1 and 2 PSEs are reportable to CAPP when they meet the criteria in Section 3.1 and
3.2 respectively. Tier 3 and 4 PSEs are not reportable to CAPP.
3.1 Overview of PSE Reporting Standards
An unplanned or uncontrolled Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) is deemed to be a
PSE when it results in one or more of the consequences in Table 3.1 below. To
determine if the PSE is a Tier 1 or 2 PSE, review the severity of the harm or damage
caused using Table 3.1, and review the amount of material released using Appendix B
and Appendix C. The most severe result from any of these tables applies.

Table 3-1 Determining the PSE level by PSE’s consequences

Process Safety Event PSE Level

Tier 1 Tier 2
Injury to Employee or Fatality and/or Lost Recordable occupational injury
Contractor due to a loss of Workday Case (‘days away (restricted work case or medical
primary containment from work’ or LTI) treatment case)
Injury to the Public or a Third Fatality, or injury/illness that
Party due to a loss of primary results in a hospital
containment admission
A release of material greater
A release of material greater than
than the Tier 1 threshold
Liquid release and spill due to the Tier 2 threshold quantities
quantities described in
a loss of primary containment described in Appendix B/C in any
Appendix B/C in any one-
one-hour period
hour period
A release of material greater
than the threshold
A release of material greater than
quantities described in
the threshold quantities
Appendix B/C in any one-
described in Appendix B/C in any
hour period that ALSO
one-hour period that ALSO
resulted in any one or more
resulted in any one or more of
of the following:
Gas release from a pressure the following:
• Liquid carryover
relief device (PRD) due to a • Liquid carryover
• Discharge to a
loss of primary containment • Discharge to a potentially
potentially unsafe
unsafe location
• An onsite shelter-in-place
• An onsite shelter-in-
• Public protective measures
(e.g., road closures
• Public protective
measures (e.g., road

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 3-1

Process Safety Event PSE Level
Tier 1 Tier 2
Impact to the Community due Officially declared
to a loss of primary community evacuation or
containment community shelter-in-place
Fire or explosion resulting in
Fire or explosion resulting in
Fire or explosion due to a loss greater than or equal to
greater than or equal to $2,500 of
of primary containment $100,000 of direct cost to
direct cost to the Company
the Company

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3.2 PSE Reporting Decision Flowchart
The flowchart below provides a step-by-step process to determine if an event is a PSE
using Table 3.1 and Appendices B and C.
Did the event the result in an uncontrolled or
Event is not reportable as a Tier 1 or 2 PSE,
unplanned Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) during NO
but may be recorded by the company as
a drilling, completion, production or pipeline activity?
part of a broader or different KPI.
(See Section 2)


Did the event result in an event with any of the

harmful effects or damaging consequences listed in YES Event is reportable as a PSE and should be
Table 3.1? classified as either Tier 1 or Tier 2.


If the event was an LOPC, did the amount of material

released exceed any of the thresholds in either YES Event is reportable as a PSE and should be
Appendix B or C? classified as either Tier 1 or Tier 2.

If the event resulted from a PRD discharge, did any of

the material released exceed the thresholds listed in
tables Appendix B or C, and did the discharge result in
one or more of the following: YES Event is reportable as a PSE and should be
- Liquid carryover classified as either Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- Discharge to a potentially unsafe location
- An onsite shelter-in-place
- Public protective measures (e.g., road closures)


Event is not recordable as a Tier 1 or 2 Process Safety Event, but the company may
report the incident internally*

*CAPP members are encouraged to track all events internally even when they are not reportable.

Figure 3-1 Determining Whether to Report a Process Safety Event

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3.3 Tier 3 and Tier 4 PSEs (Leading Indicators)
While Tier 3 and 4 PSEs are not reportable to CAPP, recording them internally is
Tier 3 and 4 PSEs such as demands on safety systems, safe operating limit exceedances,
pressure relief device activations, a spill/release below a Tier 2 threshold, or any other
near misses that could have led to an LOPC are leading indicators and take place more
frequently in industry than higher consequence Tier 1 and 2 PSEs. Leading indicators
provide an opportunity to have insight into the integrity/performance of their
operation. These events indicate barrier weaknesses that relate to operating discipline,
management systems, and challenges to safety systems.
All aspects of process safety are important and it is strongly recommended that the oil
and gas industry include Tier 3 and 4 metrics in their internal reporting. Descriptions of
leading indicators are readily available in both ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016 and Process
Safety Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators at

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 3-4

4 CAPP Process Safety Event Reporting
For CAPP’s process safety event reporting, Tier 1 and Tier 2 PSEs are reportable. In
addition to a total of the number of Tier 1, and the total number of Tier 2 events that
occurred during the year, CAPP’s reporting form asks for more detailed information
about the nature and consequences of the event. Most of the additional information is
recorded in the form of yes/no responses to questions, or multiple-choice responses
using drop down menus. Section 4.2 provides a summary of the additional information
required. Appendix D includes a listing of the categories for process safety metrics.

4.1 Accessing the Forms

Tier 1 and 2 PSE events are reported in an online data entry form through the CAPP data
portal in the Data Hub section of MemberNet, CAPP’s secure, members-only website.
For each Tier 1 and 2 PSE, CAPP’s reporting form will ask for related information. The
requested information is shown below.

Figure 4-1 Process Safety New Event Form

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 4-1

4.2 Reporting Tier 1 and Tier 2 Events
When reporting, the following information will be required for each Tier 1 and Tier 2 PSE
(See Figure 4.1):
• The date of the PSE.
• Location:
o Using the drop down list, choose between Alberta, British Columbia,
Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador offshore, Nova Scotia offshore,
Northwest Territories, or Saskatchewan.
• Function:
o Choose between Drilling and Completions, Gas Processing, Conventional
Oil Processing, Non-Conventional Insitu Processing, Non-Conventional
Heavy Oil Processing, Primary Production and Storage, Transportation, and
Utilities and Offsites (see Appendix D).
o Then choose the appropriate “Operation” (pick from drop down list).
o Note: if you choose “Other” as one of the options in the “Operation” drop
down list, you must then type something in the “Other” field located just
below the “Operation” drop down list.
Note: Fill out the form for each Tier 1 or 2 PSE. If you enter two PSEs of the same tier,
for the same province, and for the same day, the system will generate a popup window
to confirm the entry. Click “yes” if you want to record more than one entry, with similar
data. Click “no” otherwise.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 4-2

Figure 4-2 Tier 1 Form

• If you are reporting a Tier 1 event (see Figure 4-2), provide yes or no response to the
following questions:
o Was a community evacuation or shelter-in-place required?
o Did the event cause a fire or explosion resulting in $100,000 or more
direct cost? (Choose yes/no)
o Was the pressure relief device (PRD) discharge greater than Tier 1
o Was the material released above Tier 1 Thresholds?
o Was there an Employee or Contractor Fatality or LWC (provide numbers in
the associated boxes)?
o Was there any Third Party Hospitalization or Fatality? (provide numbers in
the associated boxes)?

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 4-3

Figure 4-3 Tier 2 Form

• If you are reporting a Tier 2 event (See Figure 4.3), provide yes or no response to the
following questions:
o Was a community evacuation or shelter-in-place required?
o Did the event cause a fire or explosion resulting in $2,500 to $99,999
direct cost?
o Were pressure relief device (PRD) discharge greater than Tier 2
o Was the material Released Above Tier 2 Thresholds?
o Was there an injury or illness to an employee or contractor (provide
numbers in the associated boxes)?
• For both Tier 1 and Tier 2 events provide the following information:
o Choose from the drop down list the type of material released (toxic,
flammable and combustible, Acid and Base, or a Release Associated with
Injury or Fatality). Also select the appropriate Material Subcategory from
the dropdown list.
o The type of activity (start-up, normal operations, shutdown or other).
o The Failure Category (Equipment Failure, Human Error, Procedural, or
External). Also select the appropriate Failure Reason from the dropdown

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 4-4

4.3 Data Analysis and Results Reporting
Process safety key performance indicators are new for CAPP’s MemberNet secure,
members-only website. These indicators will help members measure the strength of
their process safety management systems and controls for preventing major incidents.
• Under the MemberNet PSE reporting program, members will collect and report their
industry performance on the number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 process safety events and
their consequence characteristics.
• With the use of international standards, CAPP member performance can be
compared internationally.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 4-5

5 References and Resources
The present CAPP Guide is aligned to the reporting standards and requirements in the
following documents:
ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016. ANSI/API Recommended Practice 754: Process Safety
Performance Indicators for the Refining and Petrochemical Industries. Second Edition,
April 2016.
IOGP, Report No. 456. Process Safety Recommended Practice on Key Performance
Indicators, November 2011 (Appendix B updated January 2017). Available from IOGP at:
IOGP, 2011. Upstream PSE examples – Supplement to report 456, November 2011.
Available from IOGP at: https://www.iogp.org/bookstore/product/upstream-pse-

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page 5-1

Appendix A. Defining Tier 1 & Tier 2 Process Safety Events

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page A-1

A.1. Defining Tier 1 & Tier 2 Process Safety Events
Tier 1 Process Safety Event
A Tier 1 process safety event is an incident with severe consequences. The following
definition of a Tier 1 event comes from ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016. Any event that
occurred during drilling, production, and processing activities and meets the definition
below is recordable as a Tier 1 event.

Tier 1 Definition
A Tier 1 Process Safety Event (PSE) is a loss of primary containment (LOPC) with the
greatest consequence. A Tier 1 PSE is an unplanned or uncontrolled release of any
material, including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot
condensate, nitrogen, compressed CO2 or compressed air), from a process that
results in one or more of the consequences listed below:
• An employee, contractor or subcontractor ‘days away from work’ injury and/or
• A hospital admission and/or fatality of a third-party
• An officially declared community evacuation or community shelter-in-place
• A fire or explosion resulting in greater than or equal to $100,000 of direct cost to
the company
• A pressure relief device (PRD) discharge to atmosphere whether directly or via a
downstream destructive device that results in one or more of the following four
liquid carryover
discharge to a potentially unsafe location
an onsite shelter-in-place

o public protective measures (e.g., road closure) 

AND a PRD discharge quantity greater than the threshold quantities in
Appendix B and Appendix C in any one-hour period
• A release of material greater than the threshold quantities described in
Appendix B and Appendix C in any one-hour period

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page A-2

Tier 2 Process Safety Event
A Tier 2 process safety event is an incident with consequences that are significant but
about an order of magnitude less severe than the consequences of a Tier 1 event. The
following definition of a Tier 2 event comes from ANSI/API RP 754 – 2016. Any event
that occurred during drilling, production, and processing activities and meets the
definition below is recordable as a Tier 2 event.

Tier 2 Definition
A Tier 2 Process Safety Event (PSE) is an LOPC with lesser consequence. A
Tier 2 PSE is an unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material, including
non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot condensate,
nitrogen, compressed CO2 or compressed air), from a process that results in
one or more of the consequences listed below and is not reported in Tier 1:
• An employee, contractor or subcontractor recordable injury
• A fire or explosion resulting in greater than or equal to $2,500 of direct cost to
the company
• A pressure relief device (PRD) discharge to atmosphere whether directly or via a
downstream destructive device that results in one or more of the following four
liquid carryover
discharge to a potentially unsafe location
an onsite shelter-in-place

o public protective measures (e.g., road closure) 

AND a PRD discharge quantity greater than the threshold quantities in
Appendix B and Appendix C in any one-hour period
• A release of material greater than the threshold quantities described in
Appendix B and Appendix C in any one-hour period

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page A-3

Material Release Thresholds
If an LOPC release of a gas or liquid exceeds the material release threshold quantities
listed on the tables below in any one-hour period, the event is reportable as a PSE.
If the LOPC release exceeds the amount listed in the Tier 1 column of the table, the
event is recordable as a Tier 1 PSE. If the LOPC release exceeds the amount listed in the
Tier 2 column, the event is recordable as a Tier 2 PSE. When a PSE results in multiple
thresholds exceeded, the PSE should be recorded at the highest Tier applicable to any
one of the exceeded thresholds.
PRD discharges have identical material release thresholds as LOPCs when determining
their tier, but they have additional requirements to determine whether they are
recordable as PSEs (see Appendices B and C).
Important note: The release threshold applies only to acute releases. Acute releases are
LOPCs which exceed the reporting threshold for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE within any period
of one hour during the event. LOPCs which occur over a prolonged period (such as
fugitive emissions) and are unlikely to constitute a major event risk of a fire, explosion
or toxic release are not reportable.
Pressure relief device (PRD) discharges to atmosphere
A PRD discharge event is reportable as a PSE if it caused serious harm or damage
(Section 4.2), or exceeded the material release threshold quantities listed in Appendix B
and Appendix C, and resulted in any of the following:
o liquid carryover
o discharge to a potentially hazardous location
o on-site shelter in place
o public protective measures
The Tier level of a PRD is determined by exactly the same threshold limits as an LOPC.

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Appendix B. Non-toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page B-1

B.1. Non-toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities
An LOPC is reportable as a PSE only when release is “acute” i.e. exceeds a threshold
quantity in any one-hour period. PSE Tier is highest of all that apply.
Material hazard classification (with Tier 1 Tier 2
example materials) (Categories below refer to API/ANSI (Categories below refer API/ANSI
Standard 754) Standard 754)
Outdoor Release Indoor Release Outdoor Release Indoor Release
Flammable Gases – e.g.
≥ 500 kg ≥ 50 kg ≥ 50 kg ≥ 25 kg
• methane, ethane, propane,
butane (1,100 lb) (110 lb) (110 lb) (55 lb)
• natural gas (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T2-5) (Cat.T2-5)
• ethyl mercaptan
Flammable Liquids with Boiling Point
≤ 35°C (95°F) and Flash Point < 23°C ≥ 50 kg ≥ 50 kg ≥ 25 kg
≥ 500 kg
(73°F) – e.g.
(1,100 lb) (110 lb) (110 lb) (55 lb)
• liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T2-5) (Cat.T2-5)
• liquefied natural gas (LNG)
• isopentane
Flammable Liquids with Boiling Point
> 35°C (95°F) and Flash Point < 23°C
≥ 1,000 kg ≥ 100 kg ≥ 100 kg ≥ 50 kg
(73°F) – e.g.
• gasoline/petrol, toluene, xylene (2,200 lb) (220 lb) (220 lb) (110 lb)
• condensate or or or or
• methanol ≥ 7 bbl ≥ 0.7 bbl ≥ 0.7 bbl ≥ 0.35 bbl
• > 15 API Gravity crude oils (Cat.T1-6) (Cat.T1-6) (Cat.T2-6) (Cat.T2-6)
(unless actual flashpoint
Combustible Liquids with Flash Point
≥ 2,000 kg ≥ 200 kg ≥ 100 kg
≥ 23°C (73°F) ≥ 200 kg (440 lb)
and ≤ 60°C (140°F) – e.g. (4,400 lb) (440 lb) (220 lb)
• diesel, most kerosenes, or or or
≥ 1.4 bbl
• < 15 API Gravity crude oils ≥ 14 bbl ≥ 1.4 bbl ≥ 0.7 bbl
(unless actual flashpoint (Cat.T2-7)
(Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T2-7)
Liquids with Flash Point > 60°C ≥ 2,000 kg ≥ 200 kg ≥ 200 kg ≥ 100 kg
(140°F) released at a temperature at (4,400 lb) (440 lb) (440 lb) (220 lb)
or above its flash point – e.g.
or or or or
• asphalts, molten sulphur
≥ 14 bbl ≥ 1.4 bbl ≥ 1.4 bbl ≥ 0.7 bbl
• ethylene glycol, propylene glycol
• lubricating oil (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T2-7) (Cat.T2-7)
Liquids with Flash Point > 60°C ≥ 1,000 kg ≥ 500 kg
(140°F) released at a temperature (2,200 lb) (1,100 lb)
below its flash point – e.g.
Not applicable Not applicable or or
• asphalts, molten sulphur
≥ 7 bbl ≥ 3.5 bbl
• ethylene glycol, propylene glycol
• lubricating oil (Cat.T2-8) (Cat.T2-8)

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page B-2

Appendix C. Toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page C-1

C.1. Toxic Material Release Threshold Quantities

Material hazard classification (with Tier 1 Tier 2

example materials) (Categories below refer to API/ANSI (Categories below refer API/ANSI
Standard 754) Standard 754)
Outdoor Release Indoor Release Outdoor Release Indoor Release
TIH Hazard Zone A materials: ≥ 5 kg ≥ 0.5 kg ≥ 0.5 kg ≥ 0.25 kg
• acrolein (stabilized) (11 lb) (1.1 lb) (1.1 lb) (0.5 lb)
• bromine (Cat.T1-1) (Cat.T1-1) (Cat.T2-1) (Cat.T2-1)
TIH Hazard Zone B materials : ≥ 25 kg ≥ 2.5 kg ≥ 2.5 kg ≥ 1.3 kg
• hydrogen sulphide (H2S), (55 lb) (5.5 lb) (5.5 lb) (2.8 lb)
• chlorine (Cl2) (Cat.T1-2) (Cat.T1-22) (Cat.T2-2) (Cat.T2-2)
TIH Hazard Zone C materials: ≥ 100 kg ≥ 10 kg ≥ 20 kg ≥ 5 kg
• sulphur dioxide (SO2) (220 lb) (22 lb) (44 lb) (11 lb)
• hydrogen chloride (HCl) (Cat.T1-3) (Cat.T1-3) (Cat.T2-3) (Cat.T2-3)
TIH Hazard Zone D materials: ≥ 200 kg ≥ 20 kg ≥ 20 kg ≥ 10 kg
• ammonia (NH3) (440 lb) (44 lb) (44 lb) (22 lb)
• carbon monoxide (CO) (Cat.T1-4) (Cat.T1-4) (Cat.T2-4) (Cat.T2-4)
Other Packing Group I Materials:
• aluminum alkyls ≥ 500 kg ≥ 50 kg ≥ 50 kg ≥ 25 kg
• some liquid amines (1,100 lb) (110 lb) (110 lb) (55 lb)
• sodium cyanide (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T1-5) (Cat.T2-5) (Cat.T2-5)
• sodium peroxide
• hydrofluoric acid (>60% solution)

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page C-2

Material hazard classification (with Tier 1 Tier 2 Material hazard Tier 1
example materials) (Categories (Categories classification (Categories
below refer to below refer to (with example below refer to
IOGP RP457) IOGP RP457) materials) IOGP RP457)

Outdoor Release Indoor Release Outdoor Release Indoor Release

Other Packing Group II Materials :
≥ 100 kg ≥ 100 kg ≥50 kg
• aluminum chloride ≥ 1,000 kg
• phenol (2,200 lb) (220 lb) (220 lb) (110 lb)
• calcium carbide or or or or
• carbon tetrachloride 7 bbl 0.7 bbl 0.7 bbl 0.35 bbl
• some organic peroxides (Cat.T1-6) (Cat.T1-6) (Cat.T2-6) (Cat.T2-6)
• hydrofluoric acid (<60% solution)
Other Packing Group Ill materials:
• sulphur
≥2,000 kg ≥200 kg ≥200 kg ≥100 kg
• lean amine
• calcium oxide (4,400 lb) (440 lb) (440 lb) (220 lb)
• activated carbon or or or or
• chloroform 14 bbl 1.4 bbl 1.4 bbl 0.7 bbl
• some organic peroxides (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T2-7) (Cat.T2-7)
• sodium fluoride
• sodium nitrate
Strong Acids or Bases — includes: ≥2,000 kg ≥200 kg ≥200 kg ≥100 kg
• suplhuric acid, hydrochloric acid (4,400 lb) (440 lb) (440 lb) (220 lb)
• sodium hydroxide (caustic) or or or or
• calcium hydroxide (lime) 14 bbl 1.4 bbl 1.4 bbl 0.7 bbl
(Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T1-7) (Cat.T2-7) (Cat.T2-7)
Moderate Acids or Bases — includes: ≥1,000 kg ≥500 kg
• diethylamine (2,200 lb) (1,100 lb)
(corrosion inhibitor) None None or or
7 bbl 3.5 bbl
(Cat.T2-8) (Cat.T2-8)

This table is taken from IOGP 456 Appendix B.

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Appendix D. Categories for Process Safety Metrics

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page D-1

Asset / Activity Classification
Category 1 Subcategory 1 Reference
Drilling and Completions Conventional OGP
Hydraulic Fracturing

Gas Processing Gas Compression API / OGP

Liquids Separation
Sulfur Recovery
CO2 removal
Deep Cut (C2/C3)
Conventional Oil Processing Water Separation API
Vapour Recovery
Non-Conventional Insitu – Water/Solvent recovery
Insitu Processing Insitu – Oil Production
Non-Conventional Coking
Heavy Oil Processing Froth Treatment
Hydrotreating / Hydrocracking
Hydrogen Production
Sulfur Recovery
Vapor Recovery

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page D-2

Asset / Activity Classification
Category 1 Subcategory 1 Reference
Primary Production and Storage Well Integrity OGP
Transportation Pump Stations OGP / API
Compressor Stations
Loading / Unloading Facilities
Truck Tanker – only when
connected to the process
Rail Tanker – only when connected
to the process
Pipelines, Primary
Pipeline, Gathering
Utilities and Offsites Tank Farm OGP / API
Plant Utility / Steam Plant / Co-
*Other = is an open field for a description of the process

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page D-3

Hazardous Material Classification
Category 2 Subcategory 2 note
Toxic Acrolein The data base needs to be robust
Bromine enough that commodities can be
H2S added if needed and deleted if not
Aluminum alkyls
Liquid Amine
Sodium Cyanide
Sodium Peroxide
Aluminum Chloride
Calcium Carbide
Carbon Tetrachloride
Organic Peroxide
Flammable and Combustible Natural Gas The data base needs to be robust
Ethyl Mercaptan enough that commodities can be
LPG added if needed and deleted if not
>15 API crude oil
< 15 API crude oil
Lube oil
Acid and Base HCl
Releases associated with injury or Steam
fatality (if not captured above) Air

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page D-4

Appendix E. Glossary and Acronyms

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-1

E.1. Glossary
The following terms and acronyms are referenced in this reporting guide:
Asset Integrity
Asset integrity is related to the prevention of major events. It is an outcome of good
design, construction and operating practice. It is achieved when facilities are structurally
sound and perform the processes and produce the products for which they were
designed. The emphasis is on preventing unplanned hydrocarbon releases that may,
either directly or via escalation, result in a major event. Structural failures may also be
initiating events that escalate into major events.
Underground salt caverns are used for the storage of natural gas, hydrocarbons or for
the disposal of oil processing waste.
CO2 Removal
Amine treating, membrane systems or other technology used to remove CO2 typically to
meet pipeline quality specifications. CO2 in gas tends to reduce
Major construction, fabrication activities and also disassembly, removal and disposal
(decommissioning) at the end of the facility life. Includes construction of process plant,
yard construction of structures, offshore installation, hook-up and commissioning, and
removal of redundant process facilities.
An individual or organization performing work for the reporting company, following
verbal or written agreement. ‘Sub-contractor’ is synonymous with ‘Contractor’.
Contractor Employee
Any person employed by a Contractor or Contractor’s Sub-Contractor(s) who is directly
involved in execution of prescribed work under a contract with the reporting company.
A reservoir in which buoyant forces keep hydrocarbons in place below a sealing caprock.
Reservoir and fluid characteristics of conventional reservoirs typically permit oil or
natural gas to flow readily into wellbores. The term is used to make a distinction from
shale and other unconventional reservoirs, in which gas might be distributed throughout
the reservoir at the basin scale, and in which buoyant forces or the influence of a water
column on the location of hydrocarbons within the reservoir are not significant (Ref 1).
Dehydration is part of gas conditioning to remove water vapour from gas streams to
prevent the formation of hydrates and corrosion in pipelines. Various processes

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-2

accomplish dehydration including hydrate suppression with a chemical, absorption with
glycol, absorption with a deliquescent salt, adsorption with dry desiccant, or
Destructive Device
A flare, scrubber, incinerator, quench drum, or other similar device used to mitigate the
potential consequences of a PRD release.
Direct Cost
Cost of repairs or replacement, cleanup, material disposal, environmental remediation
and emergency response.
Direct cost does not include indirect costs, such as business opportunity, business
interruption and feedstock/ product losses, loss of profits due to equipment outages,
costs of obtaining or operating temporary facilities, or costs of obtaining replacement
products to meet customer demand. Direct cost does not include the cost of the failed
component leading to LOPC, if the component is not further damaged by the fire or
Separation of natural gas stream into their base components using fractionation. This
works based on the different boiling points of the different hydrocarbons in the NGL
stream, e.g. deethanizer, depropanizer, debutanizer, etc.
Drilling & Completions
Drilling is the process of boring into the earth for the purpose of extracting oil or natural
gas. The drilling process includes the placement of casing in the borehole. Completion is
the process of making a well ready for production. This involves preparing the bottom of
the hole to the required specifications, running-in the production tubing and its’
associated down hole tools, perforating and stimulating
as required, and running-in and cementing the casing. Drilling and completions
operations include water wells, boreholes, auger rigs, and coring operations (Ref 2).
The process by which an initial – sometimes small – event triggers a further – sometimes
larger event that may be classified as a near miss or an event
An unplanned or uncontrolled outcome of a business operation or activity that has or
could have contributed to an injury, illness or physical damage or environmental

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-3

Geophysical, seismographic and geological operations, including their administrative
and engineering aspects, construction, maintenance, materials supply, and
transportation of personnel and equipment; excludes drilling.
A release of energy resulting from an LOPC that causes a pressure discontinuity or blast
wave (e.g., detonations, deflagrations, and rapid releases of high pressure caused by
rupture of equipment or piping).
Is any combustion resulting from an LOPC - regardless of the presence of flame. This
includes smouldering, charring, smoking, singeing, scorching, carbonizing, or the
evidence that any of these have occurred.
First Aid
A consequence of an event that required medical attention, often consisting of one-
time, short-term treatment and requiring little technology or training to administer.
First aid can include cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches; treating a minor burn;
applying bandages and dressings; the use of non-prescription medicine; draining
blisters; removing debris from the eyes; massage; and drinking fluids to relieve heat
stress. A full list of 14 first aid treatments is provided by OGP in Reference 18. First aid
cases are not classified as recordable events for the purpose of reporting to OGP but
may be used by companies as a criterion for reporting of events as Tier 3 KPIs.
Gas Compression
Gas compression is used to increase the pressure of the gas (Ref 3).
Gas Processing
Raw gas from the reservoir goes through primary processing to purify raw natural gas by
removal of contaminates such as water, carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide
(H2S) in order to produce pipeline quality natural gas.
Gas to Liquids (GTL)
A process that combines the carbon and hydrogen elements in natural gas molecules to
make synthetic liquid petroleum products, such as diesel fuels, naphtha and lubricants
(Ref. 4 modified).
Hospital Admission
Formal acceptance by a hospital or other inpatient health care facility of a patient who is
to be provided with room, board, and medical service in an area of the hospital or
facility where patients generally reside at least overnight.
Treatment in the hospital emergency room or an overnight stay in the emergency room
would not by itself qualify as a ‘hospital admission’.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-4

Hydraulic Fracturing
A stimulation treatment routinely performed on oil and gas wells in low-permeability
reservoirs. Specially engineered fluids are pumped at high pressure and rate into the
reservoir interval to be treated, causing a vertical fracture to open. The wings of the
fracture extend away from the wellbore in opposing directions according to the natural
stresses within the formation. Proppant, such as grains of sand of a particular size, is
mixed with the treatment fluid to keep the fracture open when the treatment is
complete. Hydraulic fracturing creates high-conductivity communication with a large
area of formation and bypasses any damage that may exist in the near-wellbore area.
(Ref. 1)
An event or chain of events that has resulted in recordable injury, illness or physical
damage or environmental damage.
An unconventional oil extraction technique used to enhance oil recovery. These include
water flood and polymer flood techniques.
Common approaches include water flood, polymer flood, steam (CSS/SAGD). Other non-
proven approaches include solvent toe to heel air injection (THAI) and VAPEX.
Directional drill technology is used to install a well or multiple wells to recover heavy oil
from deep oil sand formations in place without mining. Proven technology to support in-
situ oil sands recovery includes Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Cyclic
Steam Stimulation (CSS). There are other technologies not in wide use including Toe to
Heel Air Injection (THAI), Reservoir Adjusted Solvent Dewpoint (RASD-Vapex), and other
unproven processes.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
Information or data that provides evidence of a company’s performance in managing its
key risks, which in this guide are those risks related to asset integrity and process safety.
KPIs may also be referred to as performance metrics.
Liquids Separation
Knockout of liquids from a rich/wet gas stream simply by a drop of pressure as gas
enters the separator.
Lost Work Day Case (LWDC)
Any occupational injury or illness, other than a fatal injury, which results in a person
being unfit for work on any day after the day of occurrence of the occupational injury.
‘Any day’ includes rest days, weekend days, leave days, public holidays or days after
ceasing employment. A LWDC is a recordable event.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-5

Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC)
An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material from primary containment,
including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g., steam, hot condensate, nitrogen,
compressed CO2 operations, any unplanned or uncontrolled release to the surface
(seabed or ground level) should be included. LOPC is a type of event. An unplanned or
uncontrolled release is an LOPC irrespective of whether the material is released into the
environment, or into secondary containment, or into other primary containment not
intended to contain the material released under normal operating conditions).
Major Event
An event that has resulted in multiple fatalities and/ or serious damage, possibly beyond
the asset itself. Typically, a major event is initiated by an LOPC event, but may also result
from major structural failure or loss of stability that has caused serious damage to an
Material Release Threshold Quantity
The weight of gas, liquid, or solid material released from an LOPC which, if exceeded,
results in the event being recordable as either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 PSE. The threshold
quantities are described more fully in API/ ANSI standard RP 754 and follow the UNDG
classification system.
A barrier which limits consequences, generally by limiting escalation, but which does not
prevent the initial event.
Near Miss
An event or chain of events that has not resulted in a recordable injury, illness or
physical damage or environmental damage but had the potential to do so in other
Supporting facilities which are not primary production and process or utility, e.g.
tankage and storage (atmospheric, pressurized and refrigerated), flare,
loading/unloading facilities, firewater pump house and such.
Number of Employees
Average number of full-time and part-time employees involved in exploration and
production, calculated on a full-time basis, during the reporting year.
Number of Fatalities
The total number of Company’s employees and/or Con- tractor’s employees who died
as a result of an event. ‘Delayed’ deaths that occur after the event are to be included if
the deaths were a direct result of the event. For example, if a fire killed one person
outright, and a second died three weeks later from lung damage caused by the fire, both
are reported.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-6

Occupational Injury
Any injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc. which results from a work-
related activity or from an exposure involving a single event in the work environment,
such as deafness from explosion, one-time chemical exposure, back disorder from a
slip/trip, insect or snake bite.\
Officially Declared
A declaration by a recognized community official (e.g., fire, police, civil defence,
emergency management) or delegate (e.g., Company official) authorized to order the
community action (e.g., shelter-in-place, evacuation).
Pressure Relief Device (PRD)
A device designed to open and relieve excess pressure (e.g., safety valve, thermal relief,
rupture disk, rupture pin, deflagration vent, pressure/vacuum vents).
Primary Containment
A tank, vessel, pipe, truck, rail car, or other equipment designed to keep a material
within it, typically for purposes of storage, separation, processing or transfer of gases or
liquids. The terms vessel and pipe are taken to include containment of reservoir fluids
within the casing and wellhead valving to the surface. Note that primary containment
for a specified material may comprise a vessel or pipe that is inside another vessel that
is also designed as primary containment for a different material; for example, a heating
tube is primary containment for fuel gas or fuel oil, even though the tubes may be inside
a firebox which is in turn within an oil-water separator.
Facilities used in drilling and production operations in the oil & gas industry. This
includes rigs and process equipment (e.g., vessels, piping, valves, boilers, generators,
pumps, compressors, exchangers, refrigeration systems) and includes storage tanks,
ancillary support areas (e.g., boiler houses and waste water treatment plants), on-site
remediation facilities, and distribution piping under control of the Company.
Process safety
Process safety is a disciplined framework for managing the integrity of operating
systems and processes handling hazardous substances by applying good design
principles, engineering, and operating and maintenance practices. It deals with the
prevention and control of events with the potential to release hazardous materials and
energy. Such releases can result in toxic effects, fire, explosion, and could ultimately
result in serious events including fatalities, injuries, property damage, lost production
and environmental damage.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-7

Process Safety Event (PSE)
A Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) from a process that meets the Tier 1 or Tier 2
definitions in this guide. A PSE is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and is reportable. For
the purpose of reporting a PSE:
Drilling facilities are considered to be part of a process when operations are ‘in-hole’.
Land or marine vessels (trucks and ships) are considered to be part of a process when
physically connected to a production facility.
Production covers petroleum and natural gas production operations, including
administrative and engineering aspects, repairs, maintenance and servicing, materials
supply and transportation of personnel and equipment. Refer to the discussion on page
2-3 for additional details.
A recordable event is a type of event or event, including an LOPC or an occupational
injury or illness, or other outcome which has been determined to meet or exceed
definitions, criteria or thresholds for inclusion and classification in data provided to OGP
(or other agencies or stakeholders). The broader term ‘reportable’ is used in this guide
to indicate then key performance indicator data collected by CAPP.
Secondary Containment
An impermeable physical barrier specifically designed to prevent release of materials
into the environment that have already breached primary containment (i.e., an LOPC).
Secondary containment systems include, but are not limited to: tank dykes, curbing
around process equipment, drainage collection systems into segregated oily drain
systems, the outer wall of double walled tanks, etc.
Secondary Liquids Separation
Separation of gas into light end components (propane, butane and such) for sales using
processes like turbo expansion, absorption towers and similar.
Reduce vapour pressure of produced oil/condensate for purposes of tank storage and

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-8

A process used to remove hydrogen sulfide [H2S] and carbon dioxide [CO2] from a gas
stream. These components are removed because they can form acidic solutions when
they contact water, which will cause corrosion problems in gas pipelines. In a
sweetening process, different types of ethanolamine can be used, including
monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), diglycolamine (DGA) and
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA). Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are absorbed by
the ethanolamine and sweet gas leaves at the top of the absorber. The ethanolamine is
heated and acid gas (hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide gases) and water vapor are
obtained. The water is removed while the acid gas can be flared or further treated in a
sulfur recovery unit to separate out elemental sulfur. Finally, the lean ethanolamine is
returned to the absorber
Tank Farm
A Tank Farm is a collection of tanks that typically store crude oil and petroleum products
within a common area at the edge of a plant typically used as surge volume before
entering a pipeline or other transportation method. The tank farm area can also be used
to store consumables or intermediate processing products.
One of the four levels of the OGP framework for asset integrity KPIs as described in this
report, which is in turn based on the API/ANSI standard RP 754.
Third party
A person with no business relation with the company or contractor.
United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG)
A classification system used to evaluate the potential hazards of various materials when
released, which is used by most international countries as part of the product labelling
or shipping information.
Unsafe location
An atmospheric pressure relief device discharge point
or downstream destructive
device (e.g., flare, scrubber) discharge point that results in a potential hazard, such as
the formation of flammable, toxic or corrosive mixtures at grade level or on elevated
work structures, or ignition of relief streams at the point of emission.
Air systems, cooling systems, fuel systems, power generation, steam generation, water
systems (BFW, Utility Water, potable water, fire water, etc.) and such that supports the
primary or secondary plant processes.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-9

Vapour Recovery
Primary oil production typically has both free gas and entrained gas that is recovered
throughout the inlet and cleaning processes. Environmental regulations typically also
require vapour recovery off the storage tanks and blanket gas system.
The industry generates wastewater from the water extracted from the geological
formations and from chemicals used during exploration, well drilling and production of
oil and gas.
Water Separation
Processes that remove water from oil including inlet separator, free water knockout
drum, treaters and tanks (using residence time) or other process equipment.

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-10

Well Integrity
Well integrity refers to well servicing operations in an effort to optimize production of
the well and maintenance to extend the life of the well.
Work-Related Injury
See occupational injury.
1) Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary, (http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com).
2) CAPP Guide Health and Safety Performance Metrics Reporting, November
3) Online engineering encyclopedia,
4) Online education, (http//www.eia.gov/kids)
5) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) E&P Petrowiki online taxonomy,

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-11

E.2. Acronyms
Many of the following acronyms are used in this reporting guideline as well as those
frequently used when discussing process safety.
• ABSA Alberta Boiler Safety Association
• AER Alberta Energy Regulator (Formerly EUB and ERCB)
• AFPM American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
• AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
• API American Petroleum Institute
• BCSA British Columbia Safety Authority
• CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
• CEPA Canadian Environmental Protection Act
• CCPS Center for Chemical Process Safety
• CSA Canadian Standards Association
• DACC Drilling and Completion Committee
• IOGP International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (formerly OGP)
• LOPC Loss of Primary Containment
• OGC British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission
• OSHA US Occupational Safety and Health Administration
• PRD Pressure Relief Device
• PSM Process Safety Management
• SER Saskatchewan Energy and Resources
• TDG Transportation of Dangerous Goods
• TSB Transportation Safety Board of Canada
• TSASK Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan

March 2019 Process Safety Event Reporting Page E-12

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