Lesson 1: The Structures of Globalization
Lesson 1: The Structures of Globalization
Lesson 1: The Structures of Globalization
3. Political Globalization
In July 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement After the world wars, world leaders sought to
introduced the concept of pegged currencies create a global economic system that would ensure
against the US dollar that was tied to the price of a longer-lasting global peace. They believed that
gold. In 1973, the system collapsed following a one of the ways to achieve this goal was to set up a
sharp appreciation in the price of the US dollar network of global financial institution that would
that raised a red flag with respect to exchange promote economic interdependence and
rates and the ties of the US dollar to the price of prosperity. The Bretton Woods system (BWS) was
gold. From 1973 until today, countries are free to inaugurated in 1944 during the United
choose their exchange agreement. Nations Monetary and Financial Conference to
prevent the catastrophes of the early decades of the
century from reoccurring and affecting internal
Today, most of the widely traded currencies, such ties.
as the US dollar, the Euro, the British pound or the
Japanese yen, have a floating exchange rate.
However, central banks often raise concerns about
the implications of adopting a floating exchange
rate and how floating currencies can affect global
foreign investment and monetary policies
Gold standard Floating currency
President Woodrow Wilson (USA, 1913-1921) was Marx and his co-author, Friedrich Engels, believed
influenced by the thinking of Mazzini. He saw that that in a socialist revolution seeking to overthrow
nationalism as a prerequisite for the state and alter the economy, the proletariat “had
internationalization. Because of his faith in no nation”. Hence, their now famous battle cry,
internationalism, he forwarded the principle of self- “Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to
determination - the belief that the world’s nation lose but your chains.” They opposed nationalism
has a right to free and sovereign government. He because they believed it prevented the unification
hoped that free nations would become democracies, of the world‟s workers. Instead of identifying with
because only by being such would they be able to other workers, nationalism could make workers in
build free system of international relation based on individual countries identify with the capitalist of
international law and operation. He became the their countries.
most notable advocate for the creation of the The vision of Marx continues even after he died,
League of Nations. At the end of World War I in his followers establish an international
1918, He pushed to transform the league into a organization, the Socialist International (SI), was a
venue for conciliation and arbitration to prevent union in European socialist and labor parties
another war. established in Paris in 1889. Although short-lived,
The league came into being that same year. the SI‟s achievement included the declaration of
Ironically and unfortunately for Wilson, the US May 1 as Labor Day and the creation of an
was not able to join the organization due to strong International Women‟s Day. Most importantly, it
opposition from the Senate. The league was also initiated the successful campaign for an 8-hour
unable to hinder another war from breaking out. It workday.
was practically helpless to prevent the onset and The SI collapsed during WWI as the member
intensification of World War II. On one side of the parties refused or were unable to join the
war were the Axis Powers –Hitler‟s Germany, international efforts to fight for the war. Many of
Mussolini‟s Italy and Hirohito‟s Japan –who were these sister parties even ended up fighting each
ultra-nationalists that had an instinctive disdain for other. It was a confirmation of Marx‟s warning:
internationalism and preferred to violently impose when workers and their organization take the side
their dominance over the nations. It was in the of their countries instead of each other, their long-
midst of this year between Axis Powers and Allied term interests is compromised.
Powers (composed of the US, UK, France, Holland
and Belgium) that internationalism would be When the SI collapsed more radical version
eclipsed. emerged like in the case of Bolshevik party and its
leader Vladimir Lenin. They did not believe in
The league failed to prevent another war but it gave obtaining power for the working class through
birth to some of the more task-specific election, rather, they exhorted to revolutionary
international organization which include World
“vanguard” parties which today partied referred to This lesson examined the roots of the international
as Communist party system. In tracing these roots, a short history of
internationalism was provided. Moreover,
. internationalism is one window into broader
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as phenomenon of globalization. Nevertheless, it is a
Lenin (April 22, 1870 – January 21, 1924) very crucial aspect of globalization since global
was a Russian revolutionary and the leader of interactions are heightened by the increased
the Bolshevik party. He was the first leader interdependence of states. This increased
of the USSR and the Communist government interdependence manifests not just through state-
that took over Russia in 1917. Lenin is also to-state relations. Increasingly, international
known as the creator of Leninism a version relations are also facilitated by international
of Communism that he adapted for the Soviet organizations that promote global norms and
Union. policies. The most prominent example of this
organization is the United Nations.
Religion has the most difficult Major learning outcome of this unit:
relationship with globalism. Religions 1. To explain the role of global processes in
regards identities as inferior and everyday life.
narrow because they are earthly
categories, on the other hand
membership to a religious group , Lesson 7: Media and Globalization
organization or cult represent a
Learning outcomes:
superior affiliation that connects human
directly to the divine and supernatural. 1. Analyze how various media drive
The relationship between religion and different forms of global integration;
globalism is much more complicated. 2. Compare the social impacts of
There are veritable explosions of different media on the process of
religious fervor, occurring in one form globalization; 3. Explain the dynamic
of another in all the major religious between local and global cultural
traditions. Religions may benefit from production; and 4. Define responsible
the process of globalization; this does media consumption.
not mean that tensions with globalist
ideology subside. Globalization entails the spread of various
GUIDE QUESTIONS cultures and involves the spread of ideas.
When a film is made in Hollywood, it is
1. What are the conflicting shown not only in the United States, but also
ideas between religious in other cities across the globe.
thoughts and the
ideology of globalism People who travel the globe teaching and
discussed in Lesson 1? preaching their beliefs in universities,
2. Why is secularization churches, public forums, classrooms or even
theory outdated? as guests of a family play major role in the
3. How do you describe the spread of culture and ideas. But, today
reactions of some televisions programs, social media groups,
religious movements to books, movies and magazines and the like
globalization? How do have made it easier for advocates to reach
others facilitate larger audiences. Globalization relies on
globalization? media as it main conduit for the spread of
global culture and ideas.
3. Digital Media –Internet and mobile mass Cellphones expand people’s senses because
communication. Within the category of they provide the capability to talk to more
internet media, there are the e-mail, internet people instantaneously and simultaneously.
sites, social media and internet-based video On the other hand, they also limit the senses
and audio. because they make users easily distractible
and more prone to multitasking. This is not
necessary bad thing; it is merely change with
While it is relatively easy to define the term a trade-off.
“media”, it is more difficult to determine
what media do and how they affect societies.
The question of what new media enhance and
According to media theorist Marshall
what they amputate was not a moral or ethical
Mcluhan – the “medium is the message”.
one, according to McLuhan. New media are
McLuhan proposes that medium itself, not
neither inherently good nor bad. He merely
the content is carries, should be focus of the
draws attention to the historically and
study. He said that a medium affects the
technologically specific attributes of various
society in which it plays a role not only by the
content delivered over the medium, but also
by the characteristic of the medium itself. He
B. The Global Village and Cultural
also did not mean that ideas (“messages”) are
useless and do not affect people.
Rather, his statement was an attempt to draw Global village viewed the world as a
attention to how media, as a form of community in which distance and isolation
technology, reshape society. In short how have been dramatically reduced by electronic
media reshape the societies. Thus television media (such as television and the Internet).3
is not a simple bearer of messages; it also
shapes the social behavior of users and The term global village is closely associated
reorients family behavior. Since it was with Herbert Marshall McLuhan, the
introduced in the 1960s, television has Canadian communications theorist and
steered people from the dining table where literature professor hailed by many as a
they eat and tell stories to each other to the prophet for the 20th century. McLuhan's
living room where they silently munch on mantra, "the medium is the message,"
their food while watching. Television has summarized his view of the influence of
also drawn people away from meaningful television, computers, and other electronic
activities such as playing games or reading information sources in shaping society and
books. modern life. By 1960, he had delineated his
concept of the "global village," and by 1970,
the public had embraced the term and
Today, smartphone allows users to keep in
recognized the idea as both exhilarating and
touch instantly with multiple people at the
same time. Consider the effect of the internet
on relationships. Prior to the cellphone, there
was no way for couples to keep constantly in Years after McLuhan, media scholars further
touch, or to be updated on what the others do grappled with the challenges of global media
all the time. The technology (medium), and culture. A lot of them assumed that global
not the message, make for this social change media had a tendency to homogenize the
possible. culture. They argued that as global media
spread, people from all over the world would
begin to watch, listen to and read the same
McLuhan added that different media
things. This thinking arose at a time when
simultaneously extend and amputate human
America’s power had turned into the world’s
senses. New media expand the reach of
cultural heavy weight. Commentator,
therefore, believe that media globalization to pay attention to the ways in which audience
couple with American hegemony would create understood and interpreted media message. A
a form of cultural imperialism whereby study was conducted emphasizes that media
American values and culture would consumers are active participants in the
overwhelm all others. meaning-making process, who view media
“texts” (in media studies, a “text” simply
Cultural Imperialism comprises the cultural refers to the content of any medium) through
aspect of imperialism. Imperialism refers to their cultural lenses.
the creation and maintenance of unequal
relationship between civilizations favoring Ian Ang studied the ways in which different
the more powerful civilization. Thus, cultural viewers in Netherlands experiences watching
imperialism is the practice of promoting and the American soap opera “Dallas”. She
imposing a culture, usually that of politically presented a detailed analysis of audience-
powerful nation over a less powerful nation. viewing experience. Her observation was
“rather than receiving American culture in a
Cultural imperialism, in anthropology, passive and resigned way, the viewers’ put a
sociology, and ethics, the imposition by one lot of emotional energy into the process and
usually politically or economically dominant they experience pleasure based on how the
community of various aspects of its own program resonated with them.
culture onto another non-dominant
community. It is cultural in that the customs, A further study was conducted by Elihu Katz
traditions, religion, language, social and moral and Tamar Liebes regarding Ang’s analysis.
norms, and other aspects of the imposing They argued that texts are received differently
community are distinct from, though often by varied interpretative communities because
closely related to, the economic and political they derived different meanings and pleasure
systems that shape the other community. It is from these texts. Thus, people from diverse
a form of imperialism in that the imposing cultural backgrounds have their own ways of
community forcefully extends the authority understanding the show. Russian was
of its way of life over the other population by suspicious of the show’s content, believing
either transforming or replacing aspects of not only that it was primarily about America,
the non-dominant community’s culture. but that it contained American propaganda.
American viewers believed that the show,
In 1976 media critic Herbert Schiller though set in America, was primarily about
argued that not only was the world being the lives of the rich.
Americanized but that this process also led
to the spread of American capitalist values Apart from the challenge from the audience
consumerism. studies, the cultural imperialism thesis can be
belied by the renewed strength if regional
trends in the globalization process. Asian
Consumerism the theory that culture, for example, has proliferated
an increasing consumption of worldwide through the globalization of
goods is economically desirable. media. Japan brands –from Hello Kitty to the
Mario Brothers to Pokémon – are now an
Similarly, John Tomlinson states that cultural indelible part of global popular culture. The
globalization is simply euphemism for “Western same can be applied for Korean pop (K-pop)
cultural imperialism” since it promotes and Korean Drama (K-drama), which are
“homogenized, Westernized, consumer culture. widely successful regionally and globally.
The observation even applies to culinary
These scholars who decry cultural tastes. The most obvious case of globalized
imperialism, however, have a top-down view Asian cuisine is sushi. And while it is true
of the media, since they are more concerned that McDonald’s has continued to spread
with the broad structures that determine across the Asia, it is also the case that Asian
media content. Moreover, their focus on brands have provided stiff competition. The
America had led them to neglect other global Philippines’ Jollibee claims to be the number
flows of information that the media can one choice for fast food in Brunei.
enable. This media/cultural imperialism
theory has, therefore, been subject to Globalization will remain an uneven process,
significant critique. and it will produce inequalities. Nevertheless,
it leaves room for dynamism and cultural
change. This is not contradiction; it is merely
a testament to the phenomenon’s complexity.
C. Critiques of Cultural Imperialism
Proponents of the idea of cultural imperialism D. Social Media and the Creation of Cyber
ignored the fact that media messages are not Ghettoes
just made by producers, they are consumed by
audience. In the 1980s, Media scholars began
Social media refers to websites and Internet as splintering and dividing due to
applications that are designed to allow people various factors, such as technology,
to share content quickly, efficiently, and in commerce, politics, nationalism, religion and
real-time. While many people access social divergent national interests.8
media through smartphone apps, this
communication tool started with computers, In the United States, voters of Democratic
and social media can refer to any internet Party read liberal websites, and voters of
communication tool that allows users to Republican Party read conservative website.
broadly share content and engage with the This segmentation, notes in the journal,
public.6 Science, has been exacerbated by the nature
of social media feeds which leads users to
Cyber ghetto the equivalent of a read article, memes and videos shared by like-
ghetto in cyberspace; a place on minded friends.
the internet etc. where a social
group is marginalized.7 Facebook can be resembles living in an echo
chamber, which reinforces one’s existing
The world is becoming culturally beliefs and opinion. This echo chamber
homogenous because of media. precludes users from listening to or reading
As with that entire with new opinions and information that challenge their
media, social media, have both view points, thus making them more partisan
beneficial and negative effects. and closed-minded.
Also, enables the user to be a
consumer and producers of The segmentation has been used by people in
information simultaneously. power who are aware that social media
Apart from the nature of diverse bubbles can produce herd mentality. It can be
audiences and regional trends in exploited by politicians with less than
cultural production, the internet democratic intentions and demagogues
and social media are proving that wanting to whip up popular anger. The same
the globalization of culture and inexpensiveness that allows social media to be
ideas can move in different a democratic force likewise makes it a cheap
directions. While Western culture tool of government propaganda. Russian
remains powerful and media dictator Vladimir Putin has hired armies of
production is still controlled by social media “troll” (paid users who harass
handful of powerful Western political opponents) to manipulate public
corporations, the internet opinion through intimidation and the
particularly the social media, spreading of fake news. Most recently,
challenging previous ideas about American intelligence agencies established
media and globalization. the Putin used trolls and online
misinformation to help Donald Trump win the
presidency – a tactic the Russian autocrat is
On the other hand, these forms of likely to repeat in European elections he seeks
communication have democratized access. to influence.
Anyone with an internet connection or a smart
phone can use Facebook and Twitter. These In across the world, Putin imitators replicate
media have enabled users to be consumers his strategy of online trolling and
and producers of information disinformation to clamp down on dissent and
simultaneously. delegitimized critical media. Critics of
The democratic potential of social media was the increasingly dictatorial regime of Turkish
most evident in 2011 during the wave of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are threatened by
uprising known as the Arab Spring. Without online mobs of pro-government trolls, who hack
access to traditional broadcast media like TV, accounts and threaten violence. Some of their
activist opposing authoritarian regimes in responses have included threats of sexual violence
Tunisia, Egypt and Libya used Twitter to against women.
organize and to disseminate information.
Their efforts toppled their respective This dark side of social media shows that
government. More recently the “women even a seemingly open and democratic media
march” against newly installed US President may be co-opted towards undemocratic
Donald Trump began with a tweet from a means. Global online propaganda will be the
Hawaii lawyer and became a national, even biggest threat to face as the globalization of
global, movement. media deepens. Internet media have made the
world so interconnected that a Russian
Social media also have their dark side. In dictator can, for example, influence
2000’s commentators began referring the American elections on the cheap.
emergence of “splinternet”. Splinternet – also
referred to as cyberbalkanisation or Internet Summary
balkanisation – is a characterization of the
This lesson showed that different media have on everyday globalizations in the
diverse effects on globalization process. realms of religion, culture and city
Global television was creating a global life.
monoculture. More likely that social media
will splinter cultures and ideas into bubbles of Major learning outcome of this unit:
people who do not interact. Societies can 1. To explain the role of global processes in
never be completely prepared for the rapid everyday life.
changes in the systems of communication.
Every technological change, after all, creates
multiple unintended consequences. Lesson 8: The Global City
Consumers and users of media will have hard
Learning outcomes:
time turning back the clock. Through people
may individually try to keep out of Facebook 1. Explain why globalization is a spatial
and Twitter, for example, these media will phenomenon;
continue to engender social changes. Instead 2. Identity the attributes of a global city; and
of fearing this changes or entering a state of 3. Analyze how cities serve as engines of
moral panic, everyone must collectively globalization.
discover ways of dealing with them
responsibly and ethically.
Each phase in the long history of the
world economy raises specific
questions about the particular
GUIDE QUESTIONS conditions that make it possible. One
of the key properties of the current
1. Compare and contrast the phase is the ascendance of information
social impacts of technologies and the associated
television and social increase in the mobility and liquidity
media. of capital. There have long been cross-
2. Do you think border economic processes—flows of
globalization leads to capital, labor, goods, raw materials,
cultural imperialism? 3. and tourists. But to a large extent
What strategies can you these took place within the inter-state
use to distinguish system, where the key articulators
between fake news and were national states. The international
factual information on the economic system was ensconced
internet? largely in this inter-state system. This
has changed rather dramatically over
the last decade as a result of
Lesson 8: The Global City privatization, deregulation, the
opening up of national economies to
The contemporary world is an ever- foreign firms, and the growing
changing mix of social and political participation of national economic
changes. While religious, political, and actors in global markets.2
ethnic conflicts continue, we are
currently living in one of the most If you had a chance, would you move
peaceful eras in the history of the to New York or Tokyo? Chances are
planet. Challenges of the 21st century many of you would like to move to
include emerging technologies, health these major cities. And if not you
care, overpopulation, climate change, would probably like to visit them
poverty, illiteracy, disease, and anyway. Some of you might have
migration. How we choose to deal with already travelled to these cities as
these emerging frontiers will shape this tourists or temporary residents. Or
unit for future generations.1 maybe you have heard stories about
them. You may have relatives living
there who have described buzzing
metropolises, with forests of
skyscrapers and train lines that zigzag
Unit 2: A World of Ideas: Cultures of on top of each other. You may
Globalization likewise have an idea of what these
cities look like based on what you
This unit focuses on how the have seen in movies or TV.
globalization structures discussed in
Unit 1 affect various form of cultural Not all people have been to global
life. ―Culture‖ is used here in the cities, but most know about them.
broadest possible sense, referring to Their influence extends even to one’s
the daily practices of people. Thus, if imagination. What are these places?
the first unit focused on a ―large‖ form
of globalization, this unit will zero in
Why are they important? And how are where global servants serve global
they relevant to you? entrepreneurs.
Global city is a city that plays a
A. Why Globalization is spatial?
significant role in the global economic
system. They portray the economic,
So far, much of the analysis of social, and political state of the country
globalization in the previous lessons and its people.
has looked at how ideas or
internationalism shaped modern world The term ―GLOBAL CITY” was
politics. We also examined cultural popularized by Sociologist Saskia
movements like K-pop and how they Sassen. Her criteria for what
spread through media like internet. constitutes a global city were primarily
What this lesson will emphasize, economic. She identified three (3)
however, is that globalization is spatial. global cities: New York, London and
This statement means two things: Tokyo, all of which are hubs of global
finance and capitalism. They are
homes, for instance, of the world
Spatial is relating to, occupying, or having the largest stock exchange where investors
character of space or pertaining to or involving or buy and sell shares in major
having the nature of space. corporations. New York has New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE), London has
the Financial Times Stock Exchange
1. Globalization is spatial because it occurs in (FTSE) and Tokyo has the Nikkei. The
physical spaces. Foreign investments and capital amount of money traded in these
move through a city, and when companies build markets is staggering.
skyscrapers. People who are working in these
business start to purchase or rent high-rise The global economy has changed
condominium units and better homes. As all these significantly since Sassen wrote her
events happen, more people are driven out of city book, and any account of the economic
centers to make way for new development. power of cities today must take note of
the latest developments. Recent
2. Globalization is spatial because commentators expanded the criteria that
what it makes it move is the fact that Sassen used to determined what
it is based in places. Los Angeles, the constitutes a global city because of
home of Hollywood, is where the latest developments, therefor it is not
movies are made for only the status of the economy of a
global consumption. The main certain city to be considered global
headquarters of Sony is in Tokyo, and city. For example Los Angeles is
from there the considered global city because of
company coordinates the sales of its cultural influence. San Francisco is
various electronics goods to branches now considered global city because it is
across the world. In other words, cities the home of the most powerful internet
act on globalization and globalization based companies. Some cities in China
acts on cities. Cities especially like Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou
GLOBAL CITY are the sites as well as are also considered global city because
the medium of globalization as well as they are centers of trade and finance of
they enables and shapes global forces. growing economy of china.
Others consider cities ―global‖ simply
In the years to come, more and more because they are great places to live in.
people will experience globalization In Australia, Sydney commands the
through the cities. In 1950, only 30% greatest proportion of capital.
of the world lived in urban areas, by However, Melbourne is described as
2014, that number increased to 54%. Sydney’s global rival because it is
And by 2050, it is expected to reach referred to as the ―world livable city‖
66%. –a place with good public
transportation, a thriving cultural scene
B. Definition of Global Cities and a relatively easy pace of life.
Global Cities are the sites and mediums
C. Indicators for Globality
of globalizations. They are, therefore,
material representations of the
phenomenon. We can see the best of Characteristics of Global City
globalization; they are places that
create exciting fusion of culture and 1. Economic power
ideas. They are also places that
generate tremendous wealth. However, New York may have the largest stock
they remain sites of great inequality, market in the world but Tokyo houses
the most number of corporate New York – headquarters of the United
headquarters. Shanghai may have a Nations
smaller stock market compared to New Brussels –headquarters of European Union
York and Tokyo, but plays a critical Jakarta –location of main headquarters of
role in the global economic supply ASEAN
chain ever since China has become the
manufacturing center of the world.
Powerful political hubs exert influence
Shanghai has the world’s busiest
on their own countries as well as
container port, moving over 33 million
international affairs. The European
container units in 2013.
Central Bank, which oversees the
Euro, is based in Frankfurt. A decision
Economic opportunities in a global city made in that city can, therefore, affect
make it attractive to talents from across the political economy of an entire
the world. Since the 1970s many of the continent and beyond.
top IT programmers and engineers
form Asia have moved to the San
3. Center of higher learning and culture
Francisco Bay Area to become of the
key figures in Silicon Valley’s
technology boom. London remains a A city’s intellectual influence is seen
preferred destination for many Filipinos through the influence of its publishing
with nursing degrees. industry. Many of its books that people
read are published in places like New
To measure the economic York, London or Paris. The New York
competitiveness of a city, The Times carries the name of the New
Economist Intelligence Unit has added York City, but is far from being a local
criteria like market size, purchasing newspaper. People read it not just
power of the citizens, size of the across the America, but also all over the
middle class and potential for growth. world. One of the reasons for the many
Based from these criteria, ―tiny‖ tourists visiting Boston is because they
Singapore is considered Asia’s most want to see Harvard University. Many
competitive city because of its strong Asians are moving to cities in Australia
market, efficient and incorruptible because of the leading English-
government and livability. Is also a language universities there. Education
house the regional offices of many is Australia’s third largest export. In
major global corporations. 2015, the Australia government
reported that it made as much as 19.2
billion Australian dollars form
education alone.