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Master of Science Thesis

Examiner: Professor Helge Lemmetyinen

Examiner and topic approved in the Faculty
of Science and Environmental Engineering
Council meeting on 9 November 2011


Master’s Degree Programme in Science and Engineering
VÄISÄNEN HENRI: CaCO3 scale inhibition in paper making processes – evaluation
of testing methods and inhibitor performance
Master of Science Thesis, 77 pages, 18 Appendix pages
December 2011
Major: Chemistry
Examiner: Professor Helge Lemmetyinen
Keywords: calcium carbonate precipitation, scaling problems in paper making, laborato-
ry testing of scale inhibitors

The formation of an adherent layer of inorganic deposition on the surfaces of process

equipment is called scaling. Scaling is a major problem in many industries using large
quantities of water. One of these industries is the paper making industry and the most
common scale forming compound is calcium carbonate. The scaling problem in the pa-
per making industry can be eased or in the best case completely solved by the use of
chemical additives referred to as antiscalants or scale inhibitors. The most common an-
tiscalant compounds are phosphonates and polycarboxylates.
The formation of calcium carbonate scale and its inhibition are widely studied
themes but few of the studies are linked in the conditions of paper making. The objec-
tives of this thesis are to establish laboratory testing methods for the evaluation of the
performance of different scale inhibitors in the paper making conditions and to evaluate
the performance of different antiscalants in these conditions. The thesis comprises an
extensive literature survey and an experimental part. The literature survey covers the
precipitation process of calcium carbonate, factors affecting this process and chemistry
of different antiscalants. Also the theory of a computational model of French Creek’s
WatSIM software is covered. In the experimental part three different laboratory test
methods are utilized to conclude the performance of different antiscalants in the condi-
tions of paper making. These laboratory test methods are a static jar test, a dynamic ro-
tating disk procedure, and a dynamic tube blocking procedure. The WatSIM software is
utilized to calculate different scaling potential indices in the conditions of paper making.
The results of this thesis show that the differences between different antiscalants can
be distinguished with the used laboratory testing methods and that the differences are
significant. The phosphonate antiscalants might function better than polycarboxylate
antiscalants in certain operating conditions but even a little change in the conditions, for
example in the pH or temperature, can completely block the ability of the phosphonate
antiscalants to function. The polycarboxylate antiscalants are more resistant to changes
in the operating conditions, which extend their range of use. The computational results
yielded with WatSIM were somewhat conflicting which indicates that the software is
not fully optimized for the conditions of paper making.

Teknis-luonnontieteellinen koulutusohjelma
VÄISÄNEN HENRI: CaCO3 saostumien esto paperinvalmistuksen prosesseissa –
koemenetelmien ja saostumanestoaineiden toiminnan evaluointi
Diplomityö, 77 sivua, 18 liitesivua
Joulukuu 2011
Pääaine: Kemia
Tarkastaja: Professori Helge Lemmetyinen
Avainsanat: kalsiumkarbonaatin saostuminen, saostumaongelmat paperinvalmistukses-
sa, saostumanestoaineiden laboratoriokokeet

Epäorgaanisten suolojen muodostamat prosessilaitteisiin tiukasti kiinnittyneet saostu-

makerrokset aiheuttavat ongelmia monilla teollisuudenaloilla, joissa käytetään suuria
määriä vettä. Yksi näistä teollisuuden aloista on paperiteollisuus, jossa yleisin saostumia
aiheuttavista suoloista on kalsiumkarbonaatti. Paperiteollisuuden saostumaongelmaa
voidaan helpottaa, tai parhaassa tapauksessa se voidaan kokonaan ratkaista, kemiallisten
lisäaineiden eli saostumanestoaineiden avulla. Yleisimmin käytettyjä saostumanestoai-
neita ovat fosfonaatti- ja polykarboksylaattiyhdisteet.
Kalsiumkarbonaatin saostuminen ja saostumisen estäminen ovat laajasti tutkittuja
aiheita, mutta harvat tutkimuksista liittyvät suoraan paperinvalmistuksen olosuhteisiin.
Tämän työn tavoitteet ovat luoda laboratoriokoemenetelmät eri saostumanestoaineiden
vertailuun paperinvalmistuksen olosuhteissa ja arvioida eri saostumanestoaineiden toi-
mintaa näissä olosuhteissa.
Työ koostuu kattavasta kirjallisuusselvityksestä sekä kokeellisesta osuudesta. Kirjal-
lisuusselvityksessä käsitellään kalsiumkarbonaatin saostumista ja siihen vaikuttavia
tekijöitä sekä eri saostumanestoaineiden kemiallisia ominaisuuksia. Myös laskennalli-
sen mallin, French Creekin WatSIM -ohjelman, teoria käsitellään kirjallisuusselvityk-
Kokeellisessa osuudessa saostumanestoaineiden toimintaa tutkitaan kolmella eri la-
boratoriomenetelmällä paperinvalmistuksen olosuhteissa. Käytettävät menetelmät ovat
staattinen purkkitesti, dynaaminen pyörivä kiekko -menetelmä ja dynaaminen saostu-
makapillaari -menetelmä. WatSIM -ohjelmaa hyödynnetään erilaisten saostumapotenti-
aali-indeksien laskemiseen paperinvalmistuksen olosuhteissa.
Työn tulokset osoittavat, että eri saostumanestoaineiden eroja voidaan arvioida käy-
tetyillä laboratoriokoemenetelmillä ja että erot ovat merkittäviä. Fosfonaattiyhdisteet
saattavat toimia paremmin kuin polykarboksylaatit tietyissä olosuhteissa, mutta jopa
hyvin pieni muutos olosuhteissa, esimerkiksi happamuudessa tai lämpötilassa, voi estää
fosfonaattiyhdisteen toiminnan kokonaan. Polykarboksylaatit kestävät paremmin muu-
toksia toimintaolosuhteissa, mikä laajentaa niiden käyttöaluetta.
WatSIM ohjelmalla saadut laskennalliset tulokset olivat melko ristiriitaisia keske-
nään, mikä viittaa siihen, että ohjelma ei ole optimoitu paperinvalmistuksen olosuhtei-


This study was carried out in Kemira’s Fiber and Biorefinery Chemistry laboratory at
Kemira’s Research & Development Center in Espoo. My sincere gratitude belongs to
my supervisors Erkki Räsänen and Jonas Konn for giving me the opportunity to perform
this thesis as a part of the Fiber and Biorefinery Chemistry team and for guiding me
through the project. I am also grateful for the whole team; I had a great time working
with you. I also wish to thank Tapio Honkanen for his help in the project.
In addition, I would like to thank my parents and siblings for supporting me in the
course of my studies and my friends for making my student years memorable. Last, but
definitely not least, my special gratitude belongs to my girlfriend Noora for being there
for me.

Tampere, 28th of November 2011

Henri Väisänen


1.  INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1 
1.1  Background ................................................................................................................... 1 
1.2  Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 2 
1.3  Structure and scope of the study .................................................................................. 2 
2.  THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 4 
2.1  Crystallization process of sparingly soluble salts .......................................................... 4 
2.1.1  Concept of supersaturation .................................................................................. 4 
2.1.2  Nucleation process ................................................................................................ 5 
2.1.3  Crystal growth ....................................................................................................... 9 
2.2  Precipitation of calcium carbonate ............................................................................. 12 
2.2.1  Equilibrium of CaCO3 in solution ......................................................................... 12 
2.2.2  Crystalline forms of CaCO3 .................................................................................. 13 
2.2.3  Effect of temperature, pH, and pressure on CaCO3 ............................................ 14 
2.2.4  Other factors affecting the CaCO3 precipitation process .................................... 15 
2.3  Chemistry of antiscalants ............................................................................................ 17 
2.3.1  Inhibition mechanisms ........................................................................................ 17 
2.3.2  Polyphosphates ................................................................................................... 18 
2.3.3  Phosphonates ...................................................................................................... 19 
2.3.4  Polycarboxylates ................................................................................................. 20 
2.3.5  Factors affecting the performance of antiscalants ............................................. 22 
2.4  Antiscaling testing methods ........................................................................................ 23 
2.4.1  Static methods .................................................................................................... 23 
2.4.2  Dynamic methods ............................................................................................... 24 
2.4.3  Additional methods ............................................................................................. 26 
2.5  Computational models of scaling ................................................................................ 26 
2.5.1  Scaling potential indices ...................................................................................... 26 
2.5.2  Ion association model ......................................................................................... 27 
2.5.3  Scale inhibitor dosage models ............................................................................ 30 
2.6  Scaling in pulp and paper making ............................................................................... 31 
2.6.1  Pulp mills ............................................................................................................. 32 
2.6.2  Paper mills ........................................................................................................... 32 


3.  RESEARCH METHODS AND MATERIALS .............................................................................. 34 
3.1  Materials ..................................................................................................................... 34 
3.2  Static methods ............................................................................................................ 36 
3.3  Dynamic methods ....................................................................................................... 38 
3.3.1  Rotating disk procedure ...................................................................................... 38 
3.3.2  Dynamic tube blocking procedure ...................................................................... 39 
3.4  Computational methods ............................................................................................. 40 
4.  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................. 42 
4.1  Results of the static tests ............................................................................................ 42 
4.1.1  Screening test ...................................................................................................... 42 
4.1.2  The effect of the inhibitor dosage ...................................................................... 45 
4.1.3  The effect of the temperature ............................................................................ 47 
4.1.4  The effect of the reaction time ........................................................................... 49 
4.1.5  The effect of the pH ............................................................................................ 51 
4.1.6  The effect of the supersaturation ratio .............................................................. 54 
4.1.7  The effect of the ionic strength on the static tests ............................................. 56 
4.1.8  Error sources and reliability of the method ........................................................ 58 
4.2  Dynamic tests .............................................................................................................. 59 
4.2.1  Rotating disk results ............................................................................................ 59 
4.2.2  Dynamic tube blocking results ............................................................................ 63 
4.3  Results of the computational methods ....................................................................... 65 
5.  CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 70 
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 73 
APPENDIX 1: ROTATING DISK PROCEDURE ................................................................................. 78 
APPENDIX 2: SCREENING TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................... 80 
APPENDIX 3: DTB RESULTS AT 50 °C ........................................................................................... 81 
APPENDIX 4: WATSIM CALCULATIONS ....................................................................................... 90 


a activity
c concentration
I ionic strength
J rate of nucleation
K equilibrium constant
k rate constant
Ksp solubility product
m molality
Mw weight average molecular weight
R growth rate
S supersaturation ratio
S.L. Saturation Level = supersaturation ratio
γ activity coefficient
γ’ interfacial tension
ΔG excess free energy
θ contact angle
μ chemical potential
σ relative supersaturation
τind induction time
τlp latent period
ν molecular volume

AA acrylic acid or acrylate monomer

ACC amorphous calcium carbonate
AM acrylamide monomer
ATMP aminotrimethylenephosphonic acid
B+S model birth and spread model
BCF theory Burton-Carbera-Frank theory
BDTMP butylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid)
DI-water deionized water
DSC differential scanning calorimeter
DTB dynamic tube blocking
DTPA diethylene triamine penta acetic acid
EDTA ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
EDTMP ethylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid)

FAAS flame atomic absorption spectrometer

HCC calcium carbonate hexahydrate
HDTMP hexamethylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid)
HEDP 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid
ICP-OES inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer
LSI Langelier saturation index
MA maleic acid or maleate monomer
MCC calcium carbonate monohydrate
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
NI non-ionic monomer
NON model nuclei on nuclei model
PAA polyacrylic acid or polyacrylate
PASP polyaspartic acid or polyaspartate
PBTC 2-phosphono-1,2,4-butanecarboxylic acid
PCC precipitated calcium carbonate
PDTMP pentylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid)
PESA polyepoxysuccinic acid
PMA polymaleic acid or polymaleate
ppm parts per million (mg/kg)
QCM quartz crystal microbalance
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SHMP sodium hexametaphosphate
TDS total dissolved solids



1.1 Background

When a sparingly soluble salt forms a tightly adherent layer of precipitate on the sur-
face, the process is called scaling. The scaling can be caused by many different salts, but
one of the most common scale forming salts is calcium carbonate. Scaling causes many
problems, such as plugging of the equipment, limited heat transfer, and reduced flow
rates in many industrial processes using large quantities of water. These industrial pro-
cesses include among others many processes of pulp and paper production. [1, p. 1397;
2, p. 345]
The precipitation of calcium carbonate or any other salt results from three mutual
processes: supersaturation, nucleation and crystal growth. When a supersaturated solu-
tion is formed, the nucleation and crystal growth can take place. The best way to solve
the scaling problem is to adjust to process parameters, for example pH and temperature,
such way that a supersaturated stage is never generated. This is not always possible, in
which case the cleaning of the formed scale or inhibition of the scale formation are the
options left. In the case of calcium carbonate, the cleaning can be done for example with
an acid boil out. The scale inhibition can be achieved with chemical additives often re-
ferred to as antiscalants or scale inhibitors. Most common antiscaling compounds are
phosphate, phosphonate, and polycarboxylate antiscalants. The objective of antiscalants
is to delay the formation of the precipitate, this is referred to as threshold inhibition, and
if the precipitation occurs to modify the formed crystals such way that they do not at-
tach to the surfaces of process equipment, this is referred to as crystal modification and
dispersing. The use of antiscalants is commonly a better option than the use of cleaning
procedures as the use of antiscalants does not cause down time and limit production. [1;
3; 4]
The alkaline and high temperature conditions of many unit operations of pulp and
paper mills are favorable for the formation of the calcium carbonate scale. Calcium is
present in the processes from wood and recycled calcium carbonate fillers and carbonate
from the cooking chemicals of pulping. The alkaline and high temperature conditions
combined with the high total dissolved solids (TDS) content of pulp and paper making
streams create extremely difficult conditions for the use of antiscalants compared with
many other applications. [5; 6]
In order to specify the performance of different antiscalants in the demanding condi-
tions of pulp and paper mills, it is important that the laboratory test methods are appro-
priate. Many different methods and standards for the laboratory scale testing exist [7; 8].
The difficulty of choosing right methods comes from the fact that the real process con-



ditions are very hard to simulate in the laboratory. In order to achieve reliable infor-
mation about the functionality of antiscalants, the methods used should cover as many
critical parameters as accurately as possible. Also computational models can be used to
achieve additional information about the scaling process and the performance of differ-
ent antiscalants [9].
The precipitation process of calcium carbonate and the effect of antiscalants on it
have been widely studied. The precipitation process of calcium carbonate is for example
well covered in the article On Calcium Carbonates: from Fundamental Research to Ap-
plication [10] by Brečević et al. and the effect of antiscalants on the process is discussed
among others in the articles by Rieger et al. [3] and Ketrane et al. [1]. Also the scale
problems in pulp and paper mills are well recognized [5; 11].
Although the scale inhibition is a widely studied theme and the problems of pulp
and paper mills are known, very few of the studies are directly connected with the con-
ditions of pulp and paper mills. Also the laboratory test methods used in many studies
are not suitable for a large scale product testing due to their complexity.

1.2 Objectives

The main objectives of this thesis were to upgrade the fundamental and practical know-
how about scaling of calcium carbonate in paper making conditions by:

 evaluating the effect of different test parameters on the scaling process and
scale inhibitor performance
 establishing adequate laboratory testing methods for evaluation of calcium car-
bonate scale inhibition
 gaining information about the functionality of commercially available antiscal-
ing chemistries, as well as new experimental products in the conditions of paper
 assessing the utility of French Creek’s WatSIM software in the conditions of
paper making.

1.3 Structure and scope of the study

The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter 2 is a literature survey covering the
theoretical background to the experimental part of the study. The precipitation of spar-
ingly soluble salts is first covered in general. After this the rest of the study focuses
merely on the precipitation of calcium carbonate. Also the chemistry of common an-
tiscalants used to solve calcium carbonate scale problems is presented, the options for
laboratory test methods are discussed, the theory of the used computational model is
covered, and the calcium carbonate scale problems of pulp and paper mills introduced.
Chapters 3 and 4 cover the experimental part of the study. In Chapter 3 the used re-
search materials and methods are covered in detail. The research methods include a stat-



ic jar test and two different dynamic tests, a rotating disk procedure and a dynamic tube
blocking procedure (DTB). In Chapter 4 the results of the laboratory tests are presented
and discussed. The suitability of used test methods is estimated and the performance of
different antiscalants discussed. In Chapter 5 the results of the study are concluded, the
achievement of the objectives estimated and the recommendations for further studies
This study focuses on establishing laboratory test methods for the scale inhibition in
paper applications and on estimating the functionality of different antiscalants in these
applications. Other applications than those of paper making are left beyond the scope of
this study. Nor is the economic point of view included when the suitability of different
products for the applications is discussed. In some cases also environmental regulations
may rule out the use of certain antiscalants, this is not taken into account in the discus-




The precipitation of sparingly soluble salts, in this case calcium carbonate, is a complex
process. Even though the precipitation processes have been studied widely for decades
all the phenomena included in the process are not fully understood. [1; 3]
In order to establish adequate testing methods for evaluation of calcium carbonate
scale inhibition it is important to understand the mechanisms of the precipitation pro-
cess, the effect of papermaking conditions, and the effect of inhibitor polymers on this
process. In this chapter these matters and computational models of calcium carbonate
precipitation in paper making are discussed in further detail.

2.1 Crystallization process of sparingly soluble salts

The precipitation of sparingly soluble salts from aqueous solution requires supersaturat-
ed conditions which lead to crystallization. Furthermore, the crystallization involves
two stages, nucleation and crystal growth. These processes depend mainly on the equi-
librium between mineral phases and aqueous medium. [2; 4]

2.1.1 Concept of supersaturation

Supersaturated conditions are developed when the concentration of salt increases above
the equilibrium level. These conditions may be caused by many factors, for example
temperature fluctuations or pH change. If the level of deviation from equilibrium is
small, the supersaturated solution can be metastable. Metastable solution returns to
equilibrium only when the interaction such as the introduction of seed crystal takes
place. However, when the level of supersaturation is great enough the supersolubility
level is reached and precipitation occurs with or without induction time. [4]
Supersaturation is often expressed as concentration difference between the solute
concentration, c, in solution and that at equilibrium, c∞.

c  c  c  (1)

The supersaturation ratio S is defined as

c a
S  , (2)
c a

where a and a∞ are the activities of supersaturated solution and equilibrium solution,
respectively. It is more relevant to use activities than concentrations, if the concentra-



tions are high. At low concentrations, activities can be assumed to be equal with con-
centrations. Sometimes also relative supersaturation,  , is used. It is defined as

c  c
  S 1. (3)

For salts, Mv+Av-, it is more appropriate to use mean ionic activities to define the super-
saturation ratio, Sa.

 a  vs  a  vs 
1/ v
 a ,s
Sa     , (4)
 a v  a v   a  ,
     

where subscript s refers to supersaturated solution and ∞ to equilibrium conditions. a+

and a  are the activities of positive and negative ions, respectively, and v   v   v .
The mean ionic activities are a  , s for the supersaturated solution and a , for the equi-
librium. The difference in chemical potential  between solute in supersaturated state
and equilibrium is the fundamental driving force for the formation of the salt from the
supersaturated solution

   s    . (5)

The chemical potential of the solute can be expressed in terms of standard potential  
and mean ionic activity a± of the solute

 solute     RT ln a v , (6)

where R is the molar gas constant and T the absolute temperature. Substitution of equa-
tion 6 to equation 5 gives

  a  ,s 
 ln   ln S  v ln S a .
 (7)
RT  a  , 

from which the driving force of salt formation can be calculated. [4, p. 828; 12, pp. 228–

2.1.2 Nucleation process

The supersaturated condition alone is not sufficient to cause the formation of crystals.
Before crystals can be developed the small centers of crystals, embryos, nuclei or seeds
must exist. When the solution reaches supersaturation, the nucleation can take place.



There is no general agreement on nucleation terminology, but usually nucleation is

specified to primary and secondary nucleation. Primary nucleation takes place in the
absence of other crystallites. When new crystal is generated in the presence of other
crystallites, it is identified as secondary nucleation. Primary nucleation can be further
distinguished into homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. Homogeneous nuclea-
tion starts spontaneously and randomly, whereas heterogeneous nucleation occurs cata-
lyzed on the surface of foreign particles. [4, p. 829; 13, p. 181]
According to classical nucleation theories, homogeneous nucleation progresses
through bimolecular reactions. First a dimer is formed, which again reacts to a trimer
and so on, finally resulting in a cluster with a critical size. When a critical size is
reached, the nucleus can grow further to a macroscopic crystallite. This can only occur
when supersaturation is locally high. Clusters which do not reach the critical size are
unstable and redissolve. If the critical size is reached, the nucleus remains stable under
the average supersaturation conditions of the solution. [4, p. 829; 13, p. 182]
This phenomenon can be further discussed by reviewing the overall excess free en-
ergy, ∆G, between a small particle of solute and solute in solution. The particle is as-
sumed to be spherical. The overall excess free energy is a sum of surface excess free
energy, ∆GS, and volume excess free energy, ∆GV. The surface excess free energy is
caused by interfacial tension,  ' , between the developing crystalline surface and the su-
persaturated solution. The volume excess free energy is the free energy between a very
large particle and the solute in solution.

G  GS  GV  4 r 2 '  r 3G , (8)

where r is the radius of the sphere and G the free energy change of the transformation
per unit volume. The terms ∆GS and ∆GV of equation 8 are of opposite signs and differ-
ently proportional to r, so the overall excess free energy, ∆G, has a maximum value,
∆Gcrit, which corresponds to the critical size of the nucleus, rc. The critical size is ob-
tained by setting dG dr  0 :

d G
 8 r '4 r 2 G  0 (9)
 2 '
rc  . (10)

Substituting equation 10 to equation 8 gives

16 '3 4 rc2

Gcrit   . (11)
3(G ) 2 3



A nucleus formed in a supersaturated solution pursues for a decrease in the free energy,
whether it achieves this objective through dissolution or growth is conditional on the
size of the cluster. [13, pp. 183–184]
The rate of nucleation, J, can be expressed as an Arrhenius equation

 G
J  Ae kT
. (12)

where k is the Boltzmann constant, 1.381 1023 J K -1 , T is the absolute temperature,

and A the pre-exponential factor. The basic Gibbs-Thomson relationship can be written

2 '
ln S  . (13)

S is defined by equation 2 and  is the molecular volume. Connecting equations 10 and

13 gives

2 ' kT ln S
 G   . (14)
rc 

Substituting this to equation 11 gives

16 '3 2
Gcrit  (15)
3(kT ln S ) 2

and to equation 12

16 ' 3  2

3 k 3T 3 (ln S ) 2
J  Ae . (16)

Equation 16 indicates that the rate of nucleation is governed by the temperature, the
level of supersaturation and the interfacial tension. For a case of non-spherical nuclei
the geometrical factor 16 / 3 in equations 11, 15, and 16 must be replaced by an appro-
priate one. [13, pp. 184–186]
However, the equations above consider the case of homogenous nucleation, which is
in fact a rare event. In most cases, especially in papermaking streams, there are foreign
particles of appropriate size, which act as heteronuclei leading to heterogeneous nuclea-
tion. The most active heteronuclei in liquid solutions are of range 0.1 to 1 μm. The pres-
ence of a suitable heteronuclei may induce nucleation at a lower supersaturation ratio



than required for homogeneous nucleation. The critical free energy of a heterogeneous
 , can be associated to a homogeneous one with the equation
case, Gcrit

  Gcrit ,
Gcrit (17)

where the factor  is dimensionless and less than unity. [13, pp. 192-193]
The factor  can be expressed as

(2  cos )(1  cos ) 2

 , (18)

where  is the contact angle between the crystalline deposit and the foreign particle. It
corresponds to the angle of wetting in liquid-solid systems. The contact angle can be
expressed using three interfacial tensions

 'sl  'cs
cos  , (19)
 'cl

The interfacial tension are between the foreign solid and liquid  'sl , between the crys-
talline phase and the foreign solid  'cs , and between the crystalline phase and the liquid
 'cl . [13, pp. 192–193]
In the case of secondary nucleation the solution nucleates more easily due to prima-
ry crystals present in the solution. This can be explained in two different ways. Either a
new surface layer starts to grow on the primary crystal and is then removed by the me-
chanical shearing of fluid before attached properly into crystal lattice, or small particles
can be torn of the primary crystal by collisions or mechanical shearing of fluid. Both
cases result in stable embryos which can grow into crystals at a lower supersaturation
level than required for the primary nucleation. [13, p. 195; 14]
The nucleation process can be strongly affected by impurities in the solution. Col-
loidal substances and foreign cations can suppress nucleation. The actions of high mo-
lecular weight substances and cations are quite different. High molecular substances,
such as antiscalants, probably have their main action on heteronuclei whereas cations,
such as Fe3+ and Al3+, affect on crystallite structures. [13, pp. 205–206] The effect of
impurities will be discussed more in context with the formation of calcium carbonate
scale and chemistry of antiscalants.
As mentioned before, there can be an induction time,  ind , between the formation of
supersaturated solution and detection of the first crystals. Induction time consists of the
time needed to form a stable nucleus and the time required for the stable nuclei to grow
into detectable size. At low supersaturations also a latent period,  lp , can exist. The la-



tent period is the time between the first crystals detected and a radical change in the
supersaturation of the solution due to precipitation. [13, pp. 206–207]

2.1.3 Crystal growth

When the stable nuclei of critical size have been formed, they start to grow into visible
crystals. The crystal growth is a complex process and many theories have been formed
to describe the crystal growth mechanisms. The most relevant of these theories are the
diffusion theories and adsorption-layer theories, which are discussed in this section. [4;
The Gibbs-Volmer theory is based on thermodynamic reasoning. It suggests that a
crystal grows by layer to layer induced by two-dimensional surface nucleation. Accord-
ing to this theory, when growth units of crystallizing substance arrive at a crystal face,
they are at first loosely connected to the crystal surface forming an adsorption layer. In
this layer the growth units are free to migrate by surface diffusion and they link into the
crystal lattice in a position, where the attractive forces are the greatest. In an ideal case,
a whole layer is completed before the next layer starts to grow. [13, p. 218]
In the new layer, a surface nucleation must first occur before the layer starts to
grow. The critical free energy, ∆Gcrit, of surface nucleation can be expressed in the same
manner as for homogeneous three-dimensional nucleation in chapter 2.1.2. The only
difference is that in this case the object considered is a disc, whereas in the three-
dimensional case it was a sphere. This examination leads to equation 20. [13, p. 219]

 h '2 
Gcrit  . (20)
kT ln S

In equation 20 h is the height of the disc. Comparing the equations 15 and 20 with typi-
cal values leads to a conclusion that surface nucleation requires lower local supersatura-
tion than three-dimensional nucleation but still rather high values are necessary. [13, pp.
Another way to approach the growth of a crystal face is the Kossel model, where a
crystal face is assumed to consist of steps of monoatomic height. This model is depicted
in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. Kossel's model of crystal growth. Flat surfaces (A) are separated by steps (B). There
are kinks (C), adsorbed growth units (D), edge vacancies (E), and surface vacancies (F) on the
steps. [13, p. 220]


The steps may contain kinks and vacancies, where the growth units can be most easily
adsorbed. Eventually all the kinks and vacancies are filled leading to full steps and a
completed face. A new face starts to grow with surface nucleation. In this model, the
growth rate is fastest when the crystal faces are entirely covered with kinks. This condi-
tion is not likely to remain long as for example broken crystals have a tendency to repair
themselves rapidly and continue to grow at much slower rate. However, many crystals
grow quite rapidly even at low supersaturations, which is not consistent with this model.
This inconsistency can be explained with the fact that the ideal layer-by-layer growth
hardly ever occurs. [13, p. 220]
There are also models based on the surface nucleation, which don’t assume the lay-
er-by-layer growth. One of these is birth and spread (B+S) model. This model is based
on the idea that several nuclei can be formed on a crystal face and they all spread and is
also referred to with other names such as nuclei on nuclei (NON) and polynuclear
growth. [13, p. 231] Although theories based on the surface nucleation have some use
they don’t correspond to empirical experiences of crystal growth rate at low supersatu-
rations. [15]
Instead of surface nucleation other ways to induce crystal growth may be consid-
ered. There are dislocations in the crystal face of which screw dislocation is considered
important for crystal growth. The concept of screw dislocation is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. (a) Crystal growth induced by screw dislocation. (b) Spiral growth leads to absence
of smooth faces. [16]

Screw dislocation causes the crystal to grow in a spiral manner, which leads to absence
of smooth faces and surface nucleation is not necessary for the crystal to grow. Burton-
Carbera-Frank theory (BCF theory) for spiral growth mechanism states that the curva-
ture of the spiral near its origin is related to distance between successive turns of spirals
and the level of supersaturation. The growth rate, RBCF, at any supersaturation is

1 dm
RBCF   A 2 tanh( B  /  ) , (21)
A dt


where A is the surface area of the crystal, m is the mass of solid deposition in time t, A’
and B’ are constants depending on the temperature and step spacings and  is relative
supersaturation. When the level of supersaturation is low equation 21 approximates to
R BCF   2 and with high supersaturations to RBCF   . This means that the graph of
growth rate as a function of relative supersaturation changes from parabolic to linear
when the level of supersaturating increases. The BCF theory was developed for vapors,
but it can also be used with liquids with different expressions of A and B. However, in
liquid solutions the phenomenon is more complex and these factors are difficult to
quantify. [4, p. 831; 13, pp. 220–223]
Diffusion-reaction theories are another way to approach the crystal growth process.
These theories state that the crystal growth is a two-step process where solute molecules
are transported to the crystal surface by diffusion and this is followed by a reaction inte-
grating the molecules into the crystal lattice. The rate equations for this process are

RG  k d (c  ci ) (diffusion) (22)
RG  k r ( c i  c  ) r (reaction) (23)
RG  K G (c  c ) g (overall), (24)

where kd and kr are rate constants for diffusion and reaction. KG is an overall crystal
growth coefficient and c is the concentration of the solute in solution. Subscript i for
concentration refers to crystal-solution interface concentration (which is shown to be
supersaturated [13, p. 226]) and ∞ to equilibrium saturation. Exponents r and g are the
orders of reaction and overall process, respectively. It should be noticed that the term
order in this case is not the same as in chemical kinetics conventionally. [13, pp. 225–
The overall order of the process, g, is usually 1–2 for the crystallization of inorganic
salts. If the reaction is rapid in comparison with diffusion, the overall process is diffu-
sion controlled and K G  k d . This would be the case at relatively low supersaturation
levels. Similarly, high supersaturation leads to a case controlled by reaction step, when
K G  k r . [13, p. 227]
It should be noted that crystal growth mechanisms are complex and not fully under-
stood. Many of them can occur simultaneously being additive processes or consecutive-
ly being competing processes. [13, p. 232] The crystal growth theories represented in
this thesis are only a few of those existing. For further orientation Crystallization by
J.W. Mullin [13] and Handbook of Industrial Crystallization by A. S. Myerson [15] of-
fer a good starting point.


2.2 Precipitation of calcium carbonate

The precipitation of calcium carbonate occurs basically the same way as described in
Chapter 2.1 for sparingly soluble salts. However, the process is more complex due to
several crystalline forms that solid calcium carbonate can have. The temperature, pH,
pressure, and the presence of impurities in solution have significant effect on the precip-
itation behavior of CaCO3.

2.2.1 Equilibrium of CaCO3 in solution

The precipitation reaction of CaCO3 can be written in a general form:

Ca2+ + CO32- ⇌ CaCO3, (I)

where KCC is the equilibrium constant of the reaction. However, the precipitation pro-
cess is quite complex and the following equilibrium reactions have to be taken into ac-
count for carbonate

H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3 + H+ (II)

HCO3- ⇌ CO3 + H+ (III)

and for calcium [17, p. 29]:

Ca2+ + HCO3- ⇌ CaHCO3+ (IV)

Ca2+ + CO32- ⇌ CaCO3 (V)

Ca2+ OH- ⇌ CaOH+ (VI)

Carbon dioxide also dissolves in water to some extent [17, p. 28]:

CO2 (g) ⇌ CO2 (aq) (VII)

CO2 (aq) + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 (VIII)

The dissolution of carbon dioxide has no major effect in the case of papermaking as the
majority of carbonate comes to the process from other sources. In aqueous systems, also
the dissociation of water has to be taken into account:

H2O ⇌ H+ + OH- (IX)


Further complexity to the calcium carbonate precipitation process comes from the
fact that CaCO3 has several crystalline forms with different physical properties and no
single equilibrium constant, KCC, for the formation of CaCO3 can be given. [17, p. 32]

2.2.2 Crystalline forms of CaCO3

Calcium carbonate can precipitate in six different forms, the three anhydrous poly-
morphs are calcite, aragonite, and vaterite, the three hydrated forms are amorphous cal-
cium carbonates (ACC), calcium carbonate monohydrate (MCC), and calcium car-
bonate hexahydrate (HCC). Polymorphs differ in lattice structure and have different
shapes. They have different physical properties, for example solubility and melting
point, but are chemically the same. Polymorphs of CaCO3 (calcite, aragonite and va-
terite) are enantiotropic meaning that they can transform from one form to another. Ac-
cording to Ostwald’s step rule the least stable crystalline form precipitates first and then
transforms into a more stable one. The least stable form also has the highest solubility
under the conditions in question. Often hydrated forms of CaCO3 are also referred to as
polymorphs, because they have the capability to transform into more stable form, but
strictly speaking they are not, as they differ in chemical form. Under standard condi-
tions, calcite is the most stable form of CaCO3 and ACC the most unstable. [10; 13; 17]
ACC is an unstable precursor in precipitation at relatively high supersaturations. It
transforms rapidly into more stable anhydrous forms. At low temperatures (10–30 °C) it
transforms into vaterite and calcite, at moderate temperatures (40–50 °C) into all three
anhydrous forms, and at high temperatures (60–80 °C) into aragonite. ACC exhibits
spherical shape with a diameter less than 1 μm. [10, p. 469; 17, p. 33]
HCC (CaCO3•6H2O) is somewhat more stable form than ACC. HCC can stay un-
modified at low temperatures (≈ 0 °C) for a few days but decomposes rapidly into an-
hydrous forms at higher temperatures. The presence of phosphate suppresses the trans-
formation of hydrous forms into anhydrous crystals and enables the growth of HCC.
The structure of HCC is monoclinic. HCC is the only crystalline form of CaCO3, which
solubility increases with the increase in temperature. [10, p. 470; 17, pp. 33–34]
MCC (CaCO3•H2O) is about as stable as HCC. It is a hydrated modification of cal-
cite and its mineral name is therefore monohydrocalcite. Like HCC, also MCC grows in
the presence of substances inhibiting the growth of anhydrous forms. These inhibitors
can be for example magnesium or other ions and organic matter. The crystal system of
MCC is hexagonal. [10, p. 471; 17, p. 35]
Vaterite is the most unstable form of anhydrous polymorphs of calcium carbonate. It
transforms rapidly into calcite or aragonite depending on the temperature. However, it is
reported that vaterite is often the first solid phase formed in scaling [18]. The crystal
system of vaterite is hexagonal. [10, p. 472; 17, p. 36]
Aragonite and calcite are the two most common forms of CaCO3. Under standard
conditions calcite is the thermodynamically stable form. However, the difference in the
free energy of formation of aragonite and calcite is small and therefore aragonite is also
a common form of CaCO3. It transforms slowly into calcite and in the presence of im-


purities aragonite can be a stable form. The structure of aragonite is orthorhombic and
the structure of calcite trigonal-rhombohedral. [17, p. 37; 19, p. 137]

2.2.3 Effect of temperature, pH, and pressure on CaCO3

The solubility of inorganic salts is commonly a function of temperature. In the case of
calcium carbonate, the solubility of all crystalline forms except HCC decreases with the
increase in temperature, which is quite uncommon for inorganic salts. [20, p. 2227] The
solubility products of different crystalline forms of CaCO3 as a function of temperature
at 1 atm are presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Equations for solubility products of different calcium carbonate crystalline forms at 1
atm and the temperature range in which they are valid. [21; 22; 23; 24]

Crystalline form  log Ksp (T in K and t in °C)  Temperature range ( °C) 

‐6.1987 ‐ 0.00053369*t ‐ 
ACC  10–55 

HCC  0.1598 ‐ 2011.1/T  0–25 

MCC  ‐7.050 ‐ 0.000159*t2  15–50 

‐172.1295 ‐ 0.077993*T + 
Vaterite  0–90 
3074.688/T + 71.595*log T
‐171.9773 ‐ 0.077993*T + 
Aragonite  0–90 
2903.293/T + 71.595*log T
‐171.9065 ‐ 0.077993*T + 
Calcite  0–90 
2839.319/T + 71.595*log T

The solubility products of ACC, vaterite, aragonite and calcite from Table 2.1 are pre-
sented in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3. Solubility products of ACC, vaterite, aragonite, and calcite as a function of tempera-
ture. [20]


A noteworthy matter in the solubility products of calcium carbonate polymorphs is that

at higher temperatures the differences in their solubility products are smaller as seen in
Figure 2.3. Therefore, the stabilities of aragonite and vaterite increase compared with
In the case of calcium carbonate, another factor affecting the solubility is the value
of pH. The effect of pH on solubility is much greater than the effect of temperature due
to the diprotic nature of carbonate. The carbonate species as a function of pH is present-
ed in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. The presence of different carbonate species as a function of pH. [17, p.31]

As seen in Figure 2.4, CaCO3 is soluble in acid solutions as the equilibrium of the equa-
tion II shifts to the carbonic acid. When pH increases, bicarbonate and carbonate are
also present. In strongly basic solutions only carbonate ions exist as the equilibrium of
the equation III shifts to carbonate and CaCO3 is insoluble. Although the solubility of
CaCO3 changes with pH, it should be noted, that this is due to a decrease of the car-
bonate concentration with the decrease of pH and the solubility product remains un-
changed, being only a function of temperature and pressure [25; 26].
The solubility of CaCO3 increases with the increasing pressure. The pressure de-
pendence of the solubility product is complex issue and will not be discussed more here.
This dependence is described in detail in many publications [26; 27]. Also the partial
pressure of CO2 in the ambient air affects the solubility of CaCO3. An increase in the
partial pressure of CO2 shifts the equilibrium of the reactions VII and VIII to the right
side, which leads to decrease in the pH due to increment in the amount of carbonic acid.
This causes an increase in the solubility of CaCO3. [27]

2.2.4 Other factors affecting the CaCO3 precipitation process

Impurities, such as foreign ions and molecules, influence the precipitation process. They
can have effect on the rate of the precipitation and the crystalline form of calcium car-


bonate. Impurities can be inorganic or organic and act as inhibitors or promoters of pre-
cipitation. [10; 19]
Foreign metal ions, for example Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, and Cu2+, have been re-
ported to make aragonite the thermodynamically stable form of CaCO3 under conditions
that normally favorite calcite. The presence of these metal ions has also been reported to
promote bulk precipitation and delay nucleation and crystal growth. [19, pp. 137–138]
The mechanisms behind these phenomena are not easy to define, but some suggestions
can be made. It is probable that the promotion of bulk precipitation is due to formation
of heteronuclei containing these foreign ions, for example ZnCO3 or Zn(OH)2. These
heteronuclei compete as growth centers with the metallic surface and reduce the precipi-
tation on the surface. The delay of nucleation can be explained by the interaction of the
foreign metal ions with the calcium carbonate embryos below the critical size and the
delay of crystal growth by the adsorption of the ions on the growth sites of calcium car-
bonate crystal. The replacement of calcium ions in the crystal lattice with ions of small-
er ionic radius and higher hydration energy than calcium results in retardation of the
crystal growth rate of aragonite and the transformation to calcite is blocked. [19, pp.
The effect of inorganic anions on calcium carbonate precipitation is less significant
than the effect of cations. Anions such as SO42-, NO3-, and Cl-, have some influence on
the content of the corresponding metal ion in the calcium carbonate lattice. Magnesium
content of calcite, for example, has been reported to decrease in the order MgSO4 >
Mg(NO3)2 > MgCl2 [10; 28] Anions alone have a little effect on the CaCO3 morpholo-
gy. Only sulfate ions have been reported to cause aggregation of crystals at moderate
and high relative supersaturations. This can be explained with the tetrahedron structure
of sulfate ion. For example NO3- has a planar sp2 hybrid structure like CO32-. When in-
corporated in the crystal lattice of CaCO3, sulfate ions cause more disturbances because
they are of a wrong shape. [10, p. 480; 28]
Organic substances can also affect the CaCO3 precipitation. Most of them act as in-
hibitors of the precipitation and if the precipitation occurs they often act as promoters of
a certain polymorph. Simple organic molecules like propionic acid have no significant
effect on calcium carbonate precipitation but more complex molecules like citric acid
and fulvic acid have reported to inhibit the precipitation on nucleation and growth stag-
es. These more complex carboxylic acids adsorb on the positively charged growth sites
of CaCO3 crystals and disable their growth. [10, p. 481]
Another factor affecting the precipitation process is the tendency of small solid par-
ticles in aqueous systems to form clusters due to attractive van der Waals forces. These
forces can cause particles to attach permanently if the particles are small enough for the
van der Waals forces to overcome the gravitational forces. This process is called ag-
glomeration and it can boost scaling. [13, p. 316] Agglomeration has influence on the
precipitation kinetics and particle size distribution of calcium carbonate crystals. At low
supersaturation levels agglomeration has a minor role. At higher supersaturation levels


greater amount of small particles is present and agglomeration plays an increasing role.
[29; 56]

2.3 Chemistry of antiscalants

CaCO3 precipitation can be prevented with chemical additives often referred to as an-
tiscalants or scale inhibitors. Commonly used antiscalants are polyphosphates, phos-
phonates and polycarboxylates. Also chelating agents, for example aminocarboxylates
such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylene triamine pentaacetic
acid (DTPA), can be used for scale inhibition, but they function mainly by complexing
calcium in the solution. This is impractical because their use requires stoichiometric
amounts with calcium ions and is therefore uneconomical at high calcium level. Poly-
phosphates, phosphonates and polycarboxylates function on a much lower dosage. Usu-
ally the used dosages vary from a few to some dozen parts per million. The inhibitors
functioning at dosages below the stoichiometric level are often referred to as “threshold
inhibitors” [1; 31]
These threshold inhibitors can affect the precipitation process in three different ways

1. Threshold inhibition: The nucleation and crystal growth stages are retarded
by the antiscalant.
2. Dispersing: The antiscalant affects the attractive forces between particles and
prevents agglomeration.
3. Crystal modification: The antiscalant modifies the crystal structure such way
that the surface area of crystal is reduced, which limits the ability of the crys-
tal to attach to surfaces and other crystals.

The same antiscalant can affect the precipitation process with more than one of these
mechanisms. The performance of different antiscalants is influenced by the temperature,
pH, supersaturation ratio, and the presence of other ions in the solution. In the case of
polymer antiscalants, the molecular weight of the polymer can play an important role

2.3.1 Inhibition mechanisms

As the crystallization process of CaCO3 is relatively complex and interactions between
the antiscalant and forming nuclei are challenging to study, it is difficult to draw con-
clusions about the specific inhibition mechanisms involved. However, it is evident that
the threshold inhibition, dispersing and crystal modification are all based on the adsorp-
tion of the negatively charged antiscalant on the surfaces of the developing nuclei and
on the positively charged growth sites of the growing crystals.
The threshold inhibition can be defined as the adsorption of the inhibitor on the sur-
face of ion clusters on the nucleation stage of the crystallization process. The adsorption


on the surfaces of these clusters causes them to be unstable and redissolve rather than
grow into visible size (see Chapter 2.1.2) which delays the formation of crystals. The
threshold inhibition is basically the capability of the antiscalant to extend the induction
time,  ind , between the formation of the supersaturated state and detection of the first
crystals. [31; 33]
Eventually, the crystals start to grow. In the crystal growth stage, the inhibitors ad-
sorb on the growth sites of the crystals causing the crystal modification and the retarda-
tion of crystal growth. These distorted crystals are much less capable of adhering on the
metal surfaces and cause tightly adherent scale deposits. If the adherent inhibitor has an
electrostatic charge, it also has dispersing properties due to the electrostatic repulsion of
particles with the charge of the same sign. This repulsion disables the crystals to ag-
glomerate. [33]
Phosphonates and polycarboxylates both exhibit threshold inhibition and crystal
modification properties. Generally phosphonates are better threshold inhibitors, whereas
polycarboxylates are better dispersants. The selection of the used scale inhibitor de-
pends on the conditions of the application. It can be supposed that at low supersatura-
tion levels phosphonates may be sufficient treatment due to their threshold properties
and at higher supersaturation levels, where the complete inhibition of precipitation is
unlikely, polycarboxylates may be better due to their dispersing properties. Also blends
of phosphonates and polycarboxylates can be used. [33; 34] The suitability of different
compounds at different applications will be discussed more in context with research
results. The differences of different antiscalant groups (polyphosphates, phosphonates
and polycarboxylates) are discussed next.

2.3.2 Polyphosphates
Polyphosphates are inorganic polymers consisting of phosphate groups PO4 which are
linked together by shared oxygen atoms. They can be either cyclic or linear compounds.
The structure of a commonly used polyphosphate antiscalant, sodium hexametaphos-
phate (SHMP) is shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. Structure of sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP). The phosphate groups are linked
together by shared oxygen atoms. [35]

Polyphosphates act as threshold inhibitors. They are efficient at the pH range of 8–10,
but only at temperatures near the room temperature. At higher temperatures, the P-O
linkages undergo hydrolysis and long polymer chains are broken to shorter ones. This


suppresses the inhibition efficiency and increases the risk of calcium phosphate precipi-
tation. [1, pp. 1398] Due to the hydrolysis at higher temperatures there is a little use of
polyphosphates in the papermaking processes.

2.3.3 Phosphonates
Phosphonates are organic compounds containing one or more phosphonic acid, C-
PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2 groups. Phosphonates can be separated into aminophospho-
nates and other phosphonates. Compared with polyphosphates, the C-P-C and P-C-N-C-
P bonds of phosphonates are more stable against hydrolysis than the P-O-P bonds of
polyphosphates and therefore phosphonates are useful also at higher temperatures.
Phosphonates have negatively charged dissociated phosphonic acid groups in aqueous
solutions. [1, p. 1398]
Aminophosphonates contain an amine group attached to phosphonate group. For ex-
ample, Figure 2.5, aminophosphonates ethylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic
acid) (EDTMP), butylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid) (BDTMP), pen-
tylenediamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid) (PDTMP), and hexamethylenediamine
tetra(methylene phosphonic acid) (HDTMP) are used as antiscalants and compared with
their aminocarboxylate analogs. Also the structure of aminotrimethylenephosphonic
acid (ATMP) which is a commonly used antiscalant is presented in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5. The structures of some aminophosphonates. EDTA is the aminocarboxylate analog
of EDTMP. [31, p. 5412; 36, p. 152]

Despite the analogy in the structure of aminophosphonates and aminocarboxylates, their

antiscaling mechanisms are different. When aminocarboxylates sequester calcium ions
at stoichiometric dosages, aminophosphonates inhibit the precipitation of CaCO3 at sub-
stoichiometric quantities, which indicates that their scale inhibition efficiency is mostly
based on the adsorption of the negatively charged phosphonic acid groups on the nuclei
and growth sites of crystals as described in Chapter 2.3.1. However, at larger quantities
aminophosphonates also act as complexing agents like aminocarboxylates. [31]


Other phosphonates used for scale inhibition are for example 2-phosphono-1,2,4-
butanecarboxylic acid (PBTC) and 1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP).
Their structures are presented in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6. The structures of the PBTC and HEDP phosphonates, which are commonly used as
scale inhibitors. [36, p. 3230; 35]

The efficiency of phosphonates as scale inhibitors is the best when the molecule size is
small. EDTMP, for example, has been reported having better efficiency than amino-
phosphonates with more methyl linkages (BDTMP, PDTMP and HDTMP). This indi-
cates that the spacing of phosphonate groups is important for the ability to inhibit scal-
ing. In the case of phosphonates the adsorption on the CaCO3 growth sites can be quite
selective leading to the blockage of specific growth sites. This leads to the fact that the
increase in the dosage of the phosphonate inhibitor does not improve the threshold inhi-
bition after a certain dosage because there are a limited number of specific growth sites.
Aminophosphonates can also precipitate as calcium salts if the dosage is increased too
much. [1, p. 1398; 31, pp. 5413–5414]

2.3.4 Polycarboxylates
Polycarboxylates are linear or cyclic polymers containing carboxylic acid groups,
RCOOH. Polycarboxylates are polyelectrolytes, which means that their carboxylic acid
groups dissociate in aqueous solutions and results in negatively charged polyanions with
carboxylate groups, RCOO-. The efficiency of polycarboxylates as scale inhibitors is
based on these negatively charged regularly spaced carboxylate groups. Polyacrylic acid
(PAA), polymaleic acid (PMA), polyaspartic acid (PASP), and polyepoxysuccinic acid
(PESA) are some of the polycarboxylates used as antiscalant. Also copolymers like ma-
leic acid/acrylic acid (MA/AA) copolymer and terpolymers like maleic acid/acrylic ac-
id/acrylamide (MA/AA/AM) terpolymer are used. In the terpolymers one of the mono-
mers is usually non-ionic. This non-ionic part can be for example acrylamide and its
purpose is to increase the dispersing properties of the polymer by enhancing steric hin-
drance between particles. [1; 37; 38; 41] Structures of some polycarboxylates used in
antiscalants are presented in Figure 2.7.


Figure 2.7. The structures of polycarboxylates. a) PAA, b) PMA, c) PASP, d) PESA. [35; 39]

Polycarboxylates are good crystal modifiers and dispersants but they can also exhibit
threshold inhibition properties. [1; 3]
Rieger et al. [3] have studied the effect of polycarboxylates on CaCO3 precipitation
by x-ray microscopy to achieve better understanding about the inhibition mechanism of
polycarboxylates. They concluded that precursors of calcite crystallization, CaCO3 na-
noparticles, are fixed in a network of polymers bridged by Ca2+-ions. This is shown in
Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8. The effect of polycarboxylate on CaCO3 precipitation. The polycarboxylate is ad-
sorbed on the surfaces of CaCO3 nanoparticles forming a network of polymers bridged by Ca2+-
ions. [3, p. 8305]

If the amount of polymer is sufficient to cover the nanoparticles entirely, they are stabi-
lized. If the amount of polymer is not sufficient, the nanoparticles dissolve and recrys-
tallize to calcite. In this case the morphology of the calcite is affected by the polycar-
Compared with phosphonates, the adsorption of polymeric species on the CaCO3
growth sites does not require selective interactions in order to act as growth blocker.
This means that the efficiency relative to phosphonate inhibitors increases with an in-
creasing dosage (dosages over ~20 ppm). [31, p. 5414] With an increasing dosage also
the complex formation interactions between carboxylate groups and calcium ions play
an increasing role. It can be assumed that two carboxylate groups are required to com-
plex one calcium ion. [32]


As mentioned before, the molecular weight of an antiscalant polymer can play an

important role in the inhibition performance. Loy et al. [32] have studied the influence
of the molecular weight of PAA on its inhibition efficiency. They came to the conclu-
sion that an optimal molecular weight range exists. It has been reported that this range is
2000–20000 g/mol [31; 40]. The reason for this is not completely understood. It is
probable that the charged polymers with lower molecular weight diffuse faster in the
solution and their adsorption rate is high, whereas polymers with higher molecular
weight adsorb to a greater extent. It has also been suggested that higher number concen-
tration on the interface with smaller polymer species has benefits and that the bridging
potential between crystals, which is promoted by larger polymer species, has effect on
the inhibition performance. These assumptions could explain the existence of the ideal
range. Polymers inside the range have a good compromise of the properties of small and
large components. [32]
Loy et al. [32] also concluded that under competitive conditions between smaller
and larger polymer components the smaller components adsorb first, but are replaced by
the larger components later. This indicates that the polydispersity of the polymer also
plays an important role in the inhibition process. They also reported that at low dosages
the inhibition performance for the mixtures of polymers with different molecular weight
distributions can be predicted from the performances of the individual distributions. [32,
p. 1883]

2.3.5 Factors affecting the performance of antiscalants

Other factors besides supersaturation that have effect on the performance of antiscalants
are the temperature, pH, pressure, and the presence of impurities such as iron and alu-
minum ions in the solution. Even a little change in these factors can have significant
impact on the scale inhibitor.
The performance of the scale inhibitor can sometimes be a function of pH. The level
of alkalinity can have effect on the dissociation state and stereochemistry of the inhibi-
tor molecule. Also the charge and shape of the inhibitor can change with varying pH.
Temperature has effect on the supersaturation level of CaCO3 but in addition it af-
fects the inhibitor. Especially in high temperature applications with relatively long resi-
dence times, for example boilers and digesters, the thermal stability of the antiscalant
plays an increasing role. [9; 40; 41] In high temperature applications, particularly when
combined with high alkalinity, phosphonates are at risk of reversion to orthophosphates
[41, p. 3]. As is well known, also polymers undergo thermal degradation when treated
long times with high temperatures. Polycarboxylates can lose their calcium carbonate
inhibition ability if they lose molecular weight or carboxylic acid groups due to high
temperature. Elevated pressures have the same kind of effect on the scale inhibitors than
elevated temperature. [40; 41]
Some impurities additional to calcium carbonate can have major effect on the an-
tiscalant. Small amounts of iron and aluminum ions can drastically lower the perfor-


mance of calcium carbonate scale inhibitors by deactivating their functional acid

groups. [41, p. 2]

2.4 Antiscaling testing methods

The antiscaling testing methods can be distinguished by the test conditions to static and
dynamic or by the analytical methods to online and offline methods. In this chapter,
alternative testing methods are discussed. The operational principles of different meth-
ods are described and their advantages and disadvantages estimated.

2.4.1 Static methods

Static methods for testing different antiscaling products are usually very straightfor-
ward. The static jar test used in this work is quite simple and described in Chapter 3.
Some standards for the scale inhibitor performance in static conditions exist, for exam-
ple the NACE Standard TM0374-2007 [7]. The problem with these standards is that in
addition to the standard method they also standardize the test conditions and obviously
the conditions vary with different applications and different products perform different-
ly in varying conditions.
In the static methods, the supersaturation, which is needed for the precipitation to
occur, can be created with several different methods. The simplest way is to mix an ani-
onic carbonate or bicarbonate solution with cationic calcium solution. The advantage of
this method is the simplicity and it is suitable when a large amount of samples is pre-
pared. Also the carbonate/calcium ratio can be easily adjusted. Other ways are to induce
the supersaturation to undersaturated solution by increasing the pH of the test solution
electrochemically or with other methods. The advantages of these methods include
among others the isolation of different kinetic stages. A good overview of these meth-
ods can be found in the article Evaluation method for the scaling power of water by F.
Hui et al. [8].
The difficulty in the static methods is to choose the right way to measure and moni-
tor the precipitation process. The online options are to measure the free calcium ion
concentration by calcium selective electrode or the mass of the precipitated calcium
carbonate by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). Also indirect methods can be used,
for example the pH can be monitored as the pH of the solution changes when calcium
carbonate precipitates or the current can be monitored as the current decreases when the
precipitation occurs induced electrochemically on the surface of the electrode. These
methods also come with advantages and disadvantages. The pH of the solution, for ex-
ample, will not radically change if there is excess carbonate compared with calcium.
The QCM technique is accurate but impractical when the amount of samples is large.
Also the combination of two or more of these methods is possible. For example the
combination of QCM and calcium selective electrode is often used. [8; 42]
An alternative for the real time measurements is to choose a reaction period and ana-
lyze the sample afterwards. In this case the determination of the free calcium could be


performed by a simple EDTA titration method [43] but the reliability of this method is
questionable as the unprecipitated calcium can be partly bound by the antiscalant and
therefore is not seen as free calcium by the method. Alternative ways to analyze the free
or precipitated calcium amount are for example inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and
flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS) [38; 44]. These analytical methods offer
reliable results but are slower and more expensive to use.
The static tests are usually good for large scale screening tests but are quite far away
from the real applications. In many static methods only the inhibition percentage is cal-
culated. The information received from the static methods can be increased if also the
bulk precipitation and adherent deposition are analyzed. Also an addition of metal sur-
face would bring the static test closer to real applications. The bulk precipitation can be
considered as homogeneous nucleation and the adhesion on the surface as heterogene-
ous nucleation. [44]

2.4.2 Dynamic methods

Usually at the real applications the conditions are rather dynamic than static. The dy-
namic conditions can be added quite easily to the jar test with stirring. Magnetic or oth-
er stirrer can add the stirring. A metallic rotating disk electrode, for example, can be
used to add dynamic conditions and metal surface to an electrochemical method. [44]
The problem with the addition of the stirring is that the system can be very delicate to
the dynamic conditions. The equilibrium between free calcium, bulk precipitation and
adherent deposition can change even with a little change in the stirring which affects the
reproducibility of the test. [45] Another way to test antiscaling products in the dynamic
conditions is to use a more complicated system to study the precipitation. In this thesis,
the dynamic tube blocking procedure performed on a Process Measurement and Control
(PMAC) Systems Ltd instrument is used.
The PMAC instrument is once through constant flow system. The basic principle of
the system is to mix cationic and anionic solutions in a scaling coil and to monitor the
pressure difference over the scaling coil. The test is started with high amount of scale
inhibitor and the dosage is then decreased stepwise. The scale formation in the test coil
causes an increase in the differential pressure. The operational principle of the system is
presented in Figure 2.9.


Figure 2.9. Operational principle of the PMAC instrument.

The cationic and anionic pumps are HPLC piston pumps. The solvent organizer before
the anionic pump makes it possible to adjust the scale inhibitor dosage. In the solvent
organizer there is an anionic solution without the inhibitor, anionic solution with desired
amount of inhibitor, cleaning solution, and deionized water. The inhibitor dosage is con-
trolled by mixing of the two anionic solutions. The cleaning solution and water are used
to clean the system. The maximum flow rate of each pump is 10 ml/min. The anionic
and cationic solutions are pre-heated before they are mixed in the inlet of the scaling
coil. The material of the scaling coil can be chosen between stainless steel and Monel.
The operational parameters are set with the PMAC DSL computer software and dur-
ing the test run the differential pressure, system pressure, and fluid temperature are
monitored and recorded by the same software. The operation of the instrument is cov-
ered in more detail in Chapter 3. [46]
The advantages of the PMAC system are that the progress of the test can be moni-
tored real time, the system is highly automated, and the temperature and pressure can be
set to actual pulp and paper making conditions. With this instrument, the scaling test
can be operated at temperatures up to 250 °C, and pressures up to 200 bar. On the other
hand, the system is a once through system, which is not the case in the pulp and paper
making as many of the pulp and paper making processes include long residence times or
closure of water circuits. The only way of controlling the residence time with PMAC
instrument is the flow rates of the pumps. Nor is the high amount of suspended solids
present in the paper making streams possible to simulate with this system. [46]


2.4.3 Additional methods

It is noteworthy that it is not possible to attain real process conditions in the laboratory
scale. The precipitation process in the real applications can be very slow and it is neces-
sary to speed up the process in the laboratory. When there is no single laboratory test
method that represents real conditions, it is reasonable to use several methods in order
to achieve knowledge of the performance of different products.
In addition to methods already presented, it is possible to achieve more information
on the scaling process and performance of the antiscalants with several methods. The
morphology of the formed scale, for example, can be studied with scanning electron
microscope (SEM), X-ray microscopy and particle size distribution measurements. [3;
44] The thermal stability of the antiscalants can be studied with differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC).
Requirements for a good laboratory method are the adjustability of the test condi-
tions, reliability and reproducibility. If one test method is not sufficient to cover the
conditions of the real applications, several methods should be used in order to study as
many of the critical parameters as possible.

2.5 Computational models of scaling

Many computational models have been developed for predicting the scaling potential of
aqueous systems. These models are usually based on the thermodynamic calculations of
the supersaturation ratio by means of activities of ion species present in the system. The
differences in these models come from the method that is used for ionic activity calcula-
tions. The software used in this work is French Creek WatSIM. The models related to
this software are discussed in more detail. [30]

2.5.1 Scaling potential indices

The WatSIM is developed for the determination of the scaling potential of common
sparingly soluble salts in municipal applications. It calculates several scaling potential
indices when the concentrations of specific ions, pH and temperature are known. These
indices include among others the Langelier saturation index, Saturation Level and Mo-
mentary Excess. [47]
The Langelier saturation index is a commonly used indicator for scaling potential of
calcium carbonate in aqueous systems. It is an equilibrium model derived from the theo-
retical concept of saturation. The model is described in detail in the literature [48]. The
problem of the Langelier saturation index is that it does not account for common ion
effect or non-carbonate alkalinity, so it predicts incorrect scaling potential in high TDS
(total dissolved solids) systems and when other alkalinity than carbonate alkalinity is
present. [30; 47]
Another and probably the most useful scaling potential indicator which the WatSIM
calculates is the saturation level, S.L., which is the same as the supersaturation ratio de-


fined with the equation 2. It can also be presented using the solubility product of the
salt, in this case calcite.

. . (25)

In equation 25 and are the activities of calcium ion and carbonate ion, re-
spectively. Ksp,calcite is the solubility product of calcite at the temperature and pressure
under study. The WatSIM software uses ion association model to calculate the satura-
tion level. This model is covered in Chapter 2.5.2. [30]
The Momentary Excess index describes the amount of the sparingly soluble salt
which would have to precipitate to bring the solution to the equilibrium. It is the only
index of WatSIM which describes the amount of scale, not only the driving force. It is
not certain that all of the salt will precipitate but the Momentary Excess index gives an
estimation of the quantity of the scale. For example, the saturation level can be the same
for a solution with high carbonate and low calcium concentration and a solution with
equal parts of calcium and carbonate but the Momentary Excess gives larger value for
the latter case. [47, p. 11] The calculation method of Momentary Excess is covered in
the literature [49].

2.5.2 Ion association model

The ion association model takes into account the interactions between different ions and
is therefore reliable also in high TDS systems. Instead of using the total analytical val-
ues of calcium and carbonate, the saturation level is calculated based on the free ion
concentrations. For example, in the case of CaCO3 the equilibrium of the reactions II–
IX is checked. The process is iterative consisting of the following steps:

1. Checking the water for electro neutrality via cation-anion balance and balancing
with appropriate ion.
2. The estimation of ionic strength, calculation and correction of activity coeffi-
cients and dissociation constants for the temperature, and correction of alkalinity
for non-carbonate alkalinity.
3. Calculation of the distribution of species in the water using the equilibrium con-
4. Checking the water for balance and adjusting ion concentrations to agree with
total analytical values.
5. Repeating the steps 1–4 until the change in the values is insignificant.
6. Calculation of the supersaturation ratio based on the free ion concentrations.

The most challenging part of this process is the calculation of activities of single ions.
The activity of single ion is formally defined as


, (26)

where ai is the activity, γi (kg/mol) is the activity coefficient and mi (mol/kg) the molali-
ty of a single ion. [30; 50, pp. 5–6]
Single ion activities or single ion activity coefficients cannot be determined thermo-
dynamically or exactly measured or calculated. Therefore non-thermodynamic models
have to be used to calculate single ion activity coefficients. The ion association model
of WatSIM is based on the WATEQ program [50], which uses the Debye-Hückel equa-
tions and the MacInnes assumption to calculate the activity coefficients. [47; 50, p. 6]
The Debye-Hückel theory was developed to explain the non-ideal behavior of elec-
trolyte solutions. It considers the effect of electrical interactions between oppositely
charged ions. The original equation states that a single ion activity coefficient, γ, can be
calculated with equation

log , (27)

where A and B are constants, z is the ionic charge, I is the ionic strength, and a is the
hydrated ion size that is estimated from experimental data.
The ionic strength, I, is defined as

∑ , (28)

where m is the molality and z the charge of the ith ion. [12, p. 232] The constants A and
B are calculated by the equations

. √ ⁄ ⁄
⁄ kg mol (29)
. √ ⁄ ⁄
⁄ kg mol cm , (30)

where d is the density of water, T is the absolute temperature and ε is the dielectric con-
stant of water. [50, p. 8]
However, the original form of the equation is only valid for very dilute solutions. In
more concentrated solutions, the extended form of the equation can be used.

log . (31)

In the extended form of the equation a second adjustable parameter, b, is added. This
parameter takes into account the decrease in the concentration of solvent in concentrated
solutions. [50, p. 7]


The information about the behavior of single ion activities at higher concentrations
is needed to fit the parameters of the extended Debye-Hückel equation. It is necessary to
determine the variation of single ion activity coefficients with ionic strength to assign
the parameters a and b in equation 31. For many salts the mean ionic activity coeffi-
cients, , are experimentally determined. If the activity of one ion can be calculated,
then others can be derived from it. This can be done with the MacInnes assumption,
which states that the ion activity coefficients of K+ and Cl- are equal to each other and to
the mean ionic activity coefficient of KCl,

. (32)

The mean ionic activity coefficient is defined as

. (33)

Using the equations 32 and 33,

, (34)

and so on. (35)

When deriving these single ion activity coefficients, one must be careful to avoid solu-
tions in which the ions are associated. The activity coefficient for CO3 , for example,
cannot be calculated using the mean ionic activity coefficient of H2CO3 because of the
formation of the HCO3 ion pair. [50, pp.8–9]
After the ion activity coefficients are solved, the mass action and mass balance
equations can be solved. The chemical model in the WatSIM solves the distribution of
solution species using total analytical concentrations, experimental solution equilibrium
constants, mass balance equations and measured pH. First the distribution of anionic
weak acids (silicate, phosphate, borate, and sulfide species) is calculated using total
analytical concentrations, the pH and activity coefficients. The carbonate species calcu-
lation requires the alkalinity determination in addition. This procedure is covered in
detail in the literature. [50, pp. 10–11]
The distribution of ion pairs is calculated with similar procedure than the distribu-
tion of anionic weak acids. Only the analyzed or calculated anion concentrations are
used in place of the pH. The free ion concentrations of calcium is, for example, calcu-
lated with the equation


mCa total
mCa 2   (36)
 K IV a HCO  K V aCO 2  K VI aOH  .
1   Ca 2   3
 3
 
    CaOH  
 CaHCO 
3 CaCO3 

In equation 36 KIV, KV, and KVI are the equilibrium constants of the reactions IV, V, and
VI. In WatSIM this equation also includes sulfate and phosphate species. The derivation
of the equation 36 is presented in the literature. [50, pp.11–13]
The concentrations of ion pairs affect the ionic strength and the activity coefficients
as they were originally calculated with total analytical concentrations. The corrected
values are calculated by iteration. When the sums of all weak acids, complex ions and
free ions for all anions differ less than 0.5 percent from the analytical values, the itera-
tion is completed. [50, p. 13]
The equilibrium constants, K, used in the calculations are expressed as a function of
the absolute temperature, T.

log log , (37)

where A, B, C and D are experimental coefficients from which one or more may be ze-
ro. The equilibrium constants for crystalline forms of calcium carbonate are expressed
in this form in Table 2.1 but the coefficients used in the WatSIM may vary from those.
If experimental data at only a few temperatures is available, the equilibrium constants
can be expressed using Van’t Hoff relation.

log log , (38)


where Δ is the enthalpy change of the reaction at reference temperature, Tr, which is
usually 298.15 K and R is the gas constant. The effect of pressure is not taken into ac-
count in the calculations of WatSIM. [50, p. 16–17]

2.5.3 Scale inhibitor dosage models

In addition to predicting scaling potential, the scale inhibitor dosages can be modeled
with WatSIM. These models are based on the idea that the scale inhibitors extend the
induction time. This means that the crystal modification and the dispersing properties of
the antiscalants are not modeled. The induction time,  ind , can be described with an

, (39)


where k is a temperature dependent constant, S is the saturation level and P is the criti-
cal number of molecules in a cluster prior to phase change. The temperature dependent
constant, k, correlates well with the Arrhenius relationship

e . (40)

In equation 40 A is a pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas

constant and T is the absolute temperature. [30]
The dosage models of WatSIM are based on empirical laboratory and field data. The
equation 39 can be modified by adding the inhibitor dosage, D, as a factor to the right

, (41)

where M is an experimental coefficient. The dosage can be solved from this equation.
The time used in the place of induction time is the residence time in the application, and
saturation level is calculated with the ion association model. Other coefficients are esti-
mated using regression analysis. [9]
The database used in determining the required dosages for different applications
must cover several critical parameters in order to be reliable. These parameters are the
temperature, time, supersaturation ratio and pH. For example, there is no use of a dos-
age model for a system operating at 90 °C, if the data is available only for the tempera-
ture range 20–50 °C. Even if all the parameters are covered, the dosages proposed by
the software may vary from those actually needed, because all systems are different and
not all the parameters can be taken into account. For example, the amount of suspended
solids affects the precipitation process by promoting heterogeneous nucleation and the
conditions in practical systems may be more or less dynamic whereas the data used in
the software is based mainly on static laboratory tests. [9; 30]

2.6 Scaling in pulp and paper making

Scaling is a common problem throughout pulp and paper making processes due to large
quantities of water used. The recent trend of closing up of the process water circuits
induced by stricter environmental demands can make the scaling an even more severe
problem. The deposition of the calcium carbonate scale is present in the alkaline pro-
cesses of pulp and paper mills. Scaling can cause a number of operational problems
such as plugging of equipment, inefficient usage of chemicals, and lost production due
to downtime. The most common ways of resolving scale problems in papermaking pro-
cesses include the optimization of operating conditions, cleaning of equipment from
scale build up, and prevention of scale formation with antiscalants. [5; 6]


2.6.1 Pulp mills

Several pulping unit operations are moderately or highly alkaline with high tempera-
tures. As calcium and carbonate are present in the pulping process, these conditions are
favorable for the formation of the calcium carbonate scale. Also the high amounts of
dissolved and suspended solids complicate the function of the antiscalant and promote
scaling. The calcium comes to the process from wood and carbonate is present in the
cooking liquor. Most of the calcium is present in the bark and cambial layer of the wood
and one way of eliminating the scaling of calcium carbonate would be the use of more
effective barking procedures. Calcium carbonate scale depositions can be formed in
various areas in the pulp mill, including the digester, the black liquor evaporators and
the bleach plant. [5]
The most challenging part is the digester where the high pH of 12 to 14, temperature
around 170 °C and pressure up to 15 bar combined with relatively long residence time
set very difficult conditions for the scale inhibitors. In these conditions, the complete
inhibition of calcium carbonate precipitation is unlikely and the crystal modification and
dispersing properties of the inhibitor have more importance as the main objective is to
prevent the adherence of the precipitation. Two possible ways of dealing with digester
scale are the use of phosphonate and polycarboxylate antiscalants or various cleaning
methods. The use of antiscalants is preferred as the cleaning methods create additional
costs. [11; 51]
In the black liquor evaporation systems water-soluble scales can be formed which
also promotes the growth of the calcium carbonate scale. The scale deposition reduces
the efficiency of the evaporation process due to decrease in heat transfer. The black liq-
uor is generally evaporated to 60–80 % solids content. The higher the solids content the
more severe is the scaling problem. Black liquor evaporators are usually multiple effect
evaporators which commonly have from four to eight effects in series. Generally, the
calcium carbonate scaling occurs only in one or two of these effects. A common way of
dealing with this scale is a hot acid boil out. However, the boil out affects the produc-
tion and can cause corrosion problems, which makes the use of antiscalants a viable
option. [5; 11; 51]
In the bleach plant the extreme pH swings caused by the acid and alkaline bleaching
and washing stages create ideal conditions for scale formation. Calcium carbonate scale
forms in the stages where pH exceeds 8. The temperature in the bleaching is not as high
as in previous pulping processes, which leaves more options for the use of antiscalants.

2.6.2 Paper mills

Calcium carbonate scale is also common in neutral paper making processes. It is en-
countered in many locations around and on the paper machine affecting the performance
of the paper machine. The sources of calcium and carbonate in paper mills are virgin


and secondary fiber, fresh water, and process additives such as calcium carbonate filler.
[5; 6]
The closure of water circuits combined with the increased use of precipitated calci-
um carbonate (PCC) as a filler and coating pigment has made the calcium carbonate
scaling problem especially severe on the mills using recycled fibers as raw material.
Although the overall process is slightly alkaline, there might be some acidic chemicals
and dilution waters which cause the dissolution of the filler. This way the otherwise
stable and harmless PCC filler enters the process water as a solute and can precipitate in
another stage of the paper making process and cause scale deposition. [6; 52]
In paper mills the scaling can be inhibited or reduced by the use of antiscalants. In
the alkaline paper making the pH is in the range of 7 to 9 and temperature near 50 °C. In
these conditions the performance of many antiscalants is good. Also the solutions for
the limitation of pH shocks can reduce the scaling problems. One of these is the use of
carbon dioxide instead of alum and sulphuric acid for neutralizing kraft pulp and con-
trolling paper machine stock pH. The pH shock is limited due to the buffer capacity of
the CO2/H2CO3/HCO3- system. [53]



In order to determine the performance of scale inhibitors as accurately as possible it is

important to test the product with both static and dynamic laboratory tests with varying
test conditions. It is also important that the tests are quite easy and quick to perform yet
giving enough information to conclude the performance of the antiscalant. Additional
information or evaluation of laboratory test results can be achieved with computational
In this chapter the research methods used in this thesis are described and discussed.
The static test used was a quite common static jar test. The dynamic tests were a rotat-
ing disk procedure and a dynamic tube blocking procedure. Computational model uti-
lized comes from French Creek’s WatSIM software.

3.1 Materials

The following solutions were needed to perform the laboratory tests:

 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 M Na2CO3

 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 M NaHCO3
 4 M NaCl
 4 M NaCl containing 0.5 M NaOH
 80 ppm, 160 ppm and 320 ppm Ca2+-ions (0.002 M, 0.004 M and 0.008 M
 10 mg/ml inhibitor as solids
 7 % and 14 % HNO3

Analytical grade reagents were used. Using the carbonate and bicarbonate solutions, test
conditions of four different pH values were created to correspond with the process con-
ditions of pulp and paper making. The pH values and the ratios of used solutions are
presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. The percentage values of the carbonate and bicarbonate solutions in the samples
with different pH values.

Sodium carbonate Sodium bicarbonate

pH solution (%) solution (%)
8.8 10 90
9.2 40 60
10.7 90 10
12.7 100 0

Table 3.1 tells the ratio of the Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 solutions used to make the sample.
This determines the final pH of the sample, the total concentration of the carbonate in
the sample is insignificant at least in the range used in this work. In the samples of pH
12.7, the 4 M NaCl solution containing 0.5 M NaOH was used in addition to achieve
high enough pH. In all the other pH values the 4 M NaCl solution without NaOH was
A large number of scale inhibitors were used in the tests. All the antiscalants used in
this study and their properties are listed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. The antiscalants used in the antiscaling tests.

Antiscalant  Composition  Mw(Da) 

Polyacrylate PAA 2500
Polymaleate PMA 600
Polyaspartate 1 PASP 3000
Polyaspartate 2 PASP 5000
Polyaspartate 3 PASP 10000
Phosphonate 1 ATMP
Phosphonate 2 HEDP
Phosphonate 3 PBTC
Copolymer 1 MA:AA 1600
Copolymer 2 MA:AA 1900
Copolymer 3 MA:AA 3050
Copolymer 4 MA:AA 6100
Copolymer 5 MA:AA 50000
Copolymer 6 MA:NI 7450
Terpolymer 1 MA:AA:NI 2900
Terpolymer 2 MA:AA:NI 2700
Terpolymer 3 MA:AA:NI 2850
Terpolymer 4 MA:AA:NI 2850
Terpolymer 5 MA:AA:NI 2700
Terpolymer 6 MA:AA:NI 2300


The antiscalants of Table 3.2 were chosen to represent different antiscaling chemistries.
The molecular weights of the polymers are expressed as the weight average molecular
weights, MW. In the Copolymers and Terpolymers the proportions of the monomeric
species and the molecular weights vary. The abbreviation NI in stands for non-ionic
monomer. The used non-ionic polymer compounds are not specified.

3.2 Static methods

In the static jar method, the test conditions can be assumed to represent homogeneous
nucleation conditions, as the presence of foreign heteronuclei is minor. The aim of the
static tests was to determine the repeatability of this method and to compare the static
results with dynamic results in order to understand what information these tests actually
give and is it necessary to do also other tests. The test results were also utilized to de-
termine the performance of different types of polymers and to compare the performance
of different antiscaling chemistries in different conditions.
The samples of the static jar tests were prepared by weighing into a lidded 250 ml
glass jar. The size of one sample was 200 g. The variables in the test preparation were
the pH from Table 3.1, the total amount of calcium and the total amount of carbonate.
Only the concentration of NaCl was held constant in all the tests representing the high
TDS conditions of paper making streams. At first 50 g of the carbonate and bicarbonate
ions containing solution was weighed into the jar, then 50 g of the 4 M NaCl solution
was added and finally 100 g of the solution containing calcium ions was added. All the
used conditions are presented in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3. Compositions of different static samples.

pH  Ca2+ (ppm)  CO32‐ (ppm) 

8.8  80  3000 
40  3000 
9.2  80  3000 
160  3000 
10.7  80  3000 
12.7  80  3000 

The final NaCl concentration of all the samples was 1 M. Table 3.3 describes the blank
samples without inhibitor solution. Four different inhibitor dosages were used: 5, 10, 18
and 30 ppm as solids. These were prepared by adding 100, 200, 360 and 600 μl of 10
mg/ml inhibitor solutions into the samples in the middle of adding the NaCl solution, so
that the final size of the sample was still 200 g. The samples containing 40 ppm calcium
ions were prepared using an 80 ppm calcium containing solution, the samples contain-


ing 80 ppm calcium ions were prepared using a 160 ppm calcium containing solution
and the samples containing 160 ppm calcium ions were prepared using a 320 ppm cal-
cium containing solution. The samples containing 1500 ppm carbonate ions were pre-
pared using 0.1 M solutions of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3, the samples containing 3000 ppm
carbonate ions were prepared using 0.2 M solutions and the samples containing 4500
ppm carbonate ions using the 0.3 M solutions.
The samples were then placed in a water bath for a desired reaction period. Three
different temperatures, 50, 75, and 95 °C and four different reaction periods, 1.5, 5, 20,
and 48 hours were used. The temperatures were chosen to correspond with the condi-
tions of pulp and paper mill (see Chapter 2.6) with the limitation that 100 °C could not
be exceeded as the tests were performed at the pressure of 1 atm.
After the reaction period, the jar was inverted ten times and 100 ml of the sample
was taken with a syringe and filtered through a 0.2 μm hydrophilic polypropylene
(GHP) filter. After the filtration, three different parts of the sample were further treated.
The “filtrate” sample containing the free calcium was prepared by adding 10 ml of fil-
tered sample into a 50 ml volumetric flask. 25 ml of the 14 % HNO3 solution was added
and the sample was made to the mark with deionized water (DI-water). The “mem-
brane” sample representing the precipitated calcium carbonate dispersed in the solution
was prepared by pushing 50 ml of the 7 % HNO3 solution through the same syringe
filter used for filtering the original sample. The third part, “adherent”, represents the
precipitated calcium carbonate attached to the surfaces of the jar. This sample was pre-
pared by disposing the rest of the original sample and rinsing the jar with acetone in
order to make it dry. After letting the jar dry for about 5 minutes, 50 ml of the 7 %
HNO3 solution was added in the jar to dissolve the attached calcium carbonate. This
procedure results in three different samples in 7 % HNO3. The intention of the acid so-
lution is to preserve the sample and prevent the calcium carbonate from further precipi-
tation. The calcium contents of these three samples were measured with the Perkin-
Elmer Optima 5300 DV ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spec-
The ICP results show the distribution of calcium to different parts of the original
sample. In addition the inhibition percentage can be calculated.

% , (42)

where [Ca2+]sample is the calcium concentration of the “filtrate” of an inhibited sample,

[Ca2+]blank is the calcium concentration of the “filtrate” of a blank, representing uninhib-
ited conditions, and [Ca2+]control is the calcium concentration of the “filtrate” of a sample
containing no carbonate, representing 100 % inhibition.


3.3 Dynamic methods

Two different dynamic methods were used to determine the performances of different
antiscaling products. These methods were a rotating disk procedure and a dynamic tube
blocking procedure performed on a Process Measurement and Control (PMAC) Sys-
tems Ltd instrument. In both of these methods, a metal surface is present and a prescale
or seeding stage is used so that the tests represent heterogeneous or secondary nuclea-
tion conditions. The aim of the dynamic test was to compare the results of these tests
with each other and with the results of static tests and to evaluate the reliability and re-
peatability of the methods. Also information about the performance of different chemis-
tries in dynamic conditions was gained.

3.3.1 Rotating disk procedure

In the rotating disk procedure, the conditions of the static jar test were basically trans-
ferred to dynamic conditions. In addition, a seeding stage was added at the beginning of
the test in order to make the conditions represent heterogeneous nucleation conditions
and to accelerate the kinetics of the crystal growth. In the rotating disk procedure a
stainless steel disk with a diameter of 51 mm and thickness of 3.1 mm attached to a stir-
rer was immersed in the test solution and rotated at 250 rpm for 90 minutes. The tests
were performed in a polystyrene cup, which was heated with a water bath. For the de-
tailed procedure, see Appendix 1. The test set-up is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Test set-up used in the rotating disk procedure.

In the rotating disk test the used temperature was 50 °C. Higher temperatures could not
be used due to the open water bath. In order to keep the variables at a minimum the
same disk was always used with the same stirrer. The stirrers and disks were numbered
from 1 to 3 starting from left.


The treatment of the sample after the reaction period was similar to the static meth-
od. The only differences were in the preparation of the “adherent” sample. 100 ml of the
7 % HNO3 was used instead of 50 ml and the dissolution process was performed with
the disk spinning for 15 minutes in the 7 % HNO3 solution. Also the possible calcium
carbonate precipitated on the surface of the polystyrene cup was included in the “adher-
ent” sample.

3.3.2 Dynamic tube blocking procedure

The same CaCl2, NaHCO3, Na2CO3, and NaCl solutions that were used in the static tests
and rotating disk tests were also used with the DTB. The solutions were filtered with 0.2
µm Merck Millipore GSWP filter paper before operation as the HPLC pumps of the
DTB instrument are sensitive to impurities. The CaCl2 solution was used as a cationic
solution and the NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and NaCl solutions were mixed in advance to form
an anionic solution. The pH of the test was again controlled by the car-
bonate/bicarbonate ratio. Also an anionic solution containing 200 ppm of antiscalant
was prepared. 5 % acetic acid was used as a cleaning solution. These solutions were
attached in the pumps of DTB instrument according to Figure 2.9.
The parameters, which can be chosen for the test run, are the temperature, the pres-
sure, the flow rates of the pumps, and the length of steps between the decreases of the
inhibitor dosage. The test can be started with a clean test coil or the first step of the test
run can be a prescale step, where the coil is partially blocked with the scale before the
actual test starts. The idea of the prescale step is similar to the seeding stage of the rotat-
ing disk procedure and it also describes better the real applications than a completely
clean system. The prescale step ends when the differential pressure exceeds a chosen
value. Also the actual test ends, and the cleaning program starts when a chosen value of
differential pressure is exceeded. This value is usually higher than the value at which
the prescale ends. In the cleaning program, the system is first flushed with the 5 % ace-
tic acid solution and then with DI-water.
The results of DTB runs are presented graphically by plotting the differential pres-
sure as a function of time. A typical graph is shown in Figure 3.2.




Differential pressure (psi) 8

Inhibitor dosage decrement

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed Time (min)
Prescale Cleaning program

Figure 3.2. A typical graph from a dynamic tube blocking (DTB) test run.

In the case of Figure 3.2 the prescale was set to end at differential pressure 1.5 psi and
the cleaning program started at differential pressure 10 psi. The anionic pump of the
DTB instrument is momentarily shut down when the solvent organizer changes the pro-
portions of the anionic solutions with and without the inhibitor. This can be seen as a
differential pressure and system pressure drop in the recorded data and the inhibitor
dosage decrements can be easily identified from the graph.
If the performance of an antiscalant is wanted to be expressed as a single value, the
minimum inhibitory concentration MIC can be determined from the graph. The MIC
value is the last inhibitor concentration at which the scaling is prevented. In Figure 3.2,
the MIC value would be the inhibitor dosage used between 37 minutes and 42 minutes.
It is advisable to repeat the test with this inhibitor concentration in order to confirm the
value [46].

3.4 Computational methods

In order to utilize the French Creek’s WatSIM software, the M and P alkalinities had to
be determined for the test solutions. This was done for the samples of pH 9.2 and 10.7
containing 3000 ppm CO3 . The samples were prepared otherwise similarly with static
jar test samples but water was added instead of CaCl2. A 10 ml sample was titrated with
0.1 M (=0.1 N) HCl. The titration yields two end points, the first is P endpoint and the
second is M endpoint. The alkalinity is then calculated with the equation

mg/l . . 1000, (43)


where NAcid is the normality of the acid, VAcid is the volume of the used acid at desired
endpoint in milliliters, VSample is the volume of the sample in milliliters, and eq.
wt.(CaCO3) is the equivalent weight of calcium carbonate.
This is all that is required for the French Creek to calculate supersaturation ratios,
- 2-
but also the distributions of HCO3 , CO3 and OH- ions can be determined from the alka-
linity titrations. The alkalinity relations are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Alkalinity relationships [54].

Result of titration  Hydroxide Alkalinity Carbonate alkalinity  Bicarbonate alkalinity

P = 0  0  0  M 
P < 1/2M  0  2P  M ‐ 2P 
P = 1/2M  0  2P  0 
P > 1/2M  2P ‐ M  2(M ‐ P)  0 
P = M  M  0  0 

The total carbonate amount of the sample can be verified with the relationships of Table
3.4. When using the relationships of Table 3.4, one must be careful in the conversions
2- -
between the alkalinities of mg/l as CaCO3, mg/l as CO3 , and mg/l as HCO3 .
The molecular weight of CaCO3 is 100 g/mol and the molecular weight of CO3 ion
is 60 g/mol. Therefore, each milligram of CaCO3 contains 0.6 milligrams of CO3 . So
the conversion between carbonate alkalinities is

( mg⁄l) 0.6 mg⁄l . (44)

When making the conversion between alkalinity as CaCO3 and alkalinity as HCO3 , the
following reaction must be considered [55]

CaCO3 H2 O CO2 →Ca HCO3 2 . (X)

- -
This means that each mol of CaCO3 corresponds to two mols of HCO3 ions. HCO3 ion
has a molecular weight of 61 g/mol, so each milligram of CaCO3 corresponds to
g/mol -
1.22 milligrams of HCO3 . The conversion between bicarbonate alkalinities
can be written

( mg⁄l) 1.22 mg⁄l . (45)



In this chapter the results of the laboratory tests are presented and discussed. First the
results of the static tests are covered and then the results of dynamic tests are discussed
and compared with the static ones. The tests were started with a large scale screening
test of different antiscalants with the static method described in the previous chapter.
Five antiscalants of different chemistries were then chosen for further study. The varia-
bles covered with the tests were the inhibitor dosage, temperature, pH, reaction time,
and saturation level. Also the effect of total ionic strength is discussed.

4.1 Results of the static tests

In the static tests the performance of different antiscaling chemistries and the reliability
of the method were studied. The ICP results of the “filtrate”, “membrane”, and “adher-
ent” parts of the sample were calculated to parts per million (ppm = mg/kg) in the origi-
nal sample. The sum of these three parts should yield the concentration of the control
sample’s “filtrate” part. Also the inhibition percentages were calculated.

4.1.1 Screening test

In the screening test several different antiscalants were tested with the test conditions of
pH 9.2, temperature of 50 °C, and reaction period of 48 hours. The calcium concentra-
tion of these tests was 80 ppm as Ca2+ and carbonate concentration 3000 ppm as CO3 .
A NaCl concentration of 1 M was used to represent the high TDS conditions. These
were held as reference conditions throughout the tests. Based on the screening test re-
sults, five antiscalants were chosen for further study.
A selection of the results of the screening test is presented in Table 4.1. All results
of the screening test can be found in Appendix 2.

Table 4.1. Results from the screening test. Inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm was used.
Filtrate  Membrane  Adherent   Total   %  
(ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+)  Inhibition 

Blank 5.0 27.6 49.5 82.1 0%

Control 82.4 100 %
Polyacrylate 5.3 1.5 69.8 76.6 0%
Polymaleate 56.0 0.8 19.7 76.5 66 %
Polyaspartate 1 6.6 9.8 65.8 82.2 2%
Polyaspartate 2 5.5 12.3 66.5 84.3 1%
Polyaspartate 3 5.2 24.1 46.5 75.7 0%
Phosphonate 1 83.6 1.8 0.2 85.6 102 %
Copolymer 3 62.0 4.2 18.7 84.9 74 %
Copolymer 5 41.7 6.9 37.4 86.0 47 %
Terpolymer 1 64.3 4.3 11.5 80.0 77 %
Terpolymer 2 62.6 3.6 15.3 81.5 74 %

The inhibitor dosage of these results was 18 ppm as solids. Due to large amount of sam-
ples, duplicates were not made for each sample. If the duplicates were made, the aver-
age value of the results was used in Table 4.1. All the results of the screening test in-
cluding duplicates can be found in Appendix 2. The repeatability, reliability and error
sources of this method are discussed more under a separate chapter. The inhibition per-
centages were calculated with equation 42. The inhibition percentage of Terpolymer 1 is
calculated as an example,
. .
% 1 100 % 76.6 %.
. .

When calculating inhibition percentages with this method, it is possible to get inhibition
percentages over 100 %, like in the case of Phosphonate 1. This is due to the inaccura-
cies of the method.
The results of Table 4.1 are presented graphically in Figure 4.1.


100 %
90 %
80 %
70 %
60 %
50 %
40 %
30 %
20 % Filtrate

10 %
0 %

Figure 4.1. Performance of different antiscalants in the screening test.

Terpolymer 1 and Copolymer 5 are commercially available products. Both products are
known to perform well in specific real process applications. Terpolymer 2 and Copoly-
mer 3 are new experimental antiscaling polymers. Also three different polyaspartate
(PASP) antiscalants of different molecular weighs were tested.
According to the screening test, both the commercially available Terpolymer 1 and
the experimental product Terpolymer 2 performs equally well. The performance of Co-
polymer 2 compared with Copolymer 4 indicates that the lower molecular weight of
Copolymer 2 improves the performance. This result is consistent with the conclusion
made in Chapter 2.3.4 that an optimal molecular weight range exist being 2000–20000
g/mol. The molecular weight of Copolymer 2 is 3050 g/mol whereas the molecular
weight of Copolymer 4 is 50000 g/mol. The Polymaleate (maleate homopolymer) per-
forms quite like the Copolymer 2 whereas the Polyacrylate (acrylate homopolymer)
does not exhibit any inhibition in these conditions. Also the performances of all three
different Polyaspartates are poor. The increase in the adherent precipitation compared to
blank in the cases of Polyaspartates and Polyacrylate can be explained with the promo-
tion of the nucleation on the glass surface of the jar. Although these antiscalants per-
form poor in the 48 h test it is likely that they delay the precipitation process in the be-
ginning and the nucleation is promoted at the irregularities of the glass surface. This
leads to adherent precipitation rather than bulk precipitation. The best performing an-
tiscalant in the screening test was the Phosphonate 1, which is an ATMP antiscalant. It
was the only antiscalant that could completely inhibit the precipitation at 50 °C in the 48
h test with the dosage of 18 ppm.
According to the screening test, the performances of different antiscalants can be
distinguished with the static jar method. The static tests were carried on with five an-


tiscalants. The selected antiscalants were Terpolymer 2, Polymaleate, Polyacrylate,

Phosphonate 1, and Polyaspartate 3. The Terpolymer 2 was chosen for further study as
the performance of the new terpolymer antiscalant was of great interest. Polymaleate,
Polyacrylate, Polyaspartate 3, and Phosphonate 1 were chosen to represent basic an-
tiscaling chemistries. The PASP chosen was the Polyaspartate 3 with the highest molec-
ular weight as it might show some dispersing properties according to the screening test.
ATMP was chosen from the phosphonates as it had the best performance in the screen-
ing test. The properties of these antiscalants can be found in Table 3.2.

4.1.2 The effect of the inhibitor dosage

The effect of the inhibitor dosage for five selected inhibitors was studied at the same
conditions as in the screening test. The studied dosages were 5, 10, 18, and 30 ppm as
solids. The results of these tests are shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Results of the static tests with varying inhibitor dosage. Tests were carried out at 50
°C for the test period of 48 h.
Filtrate Membrane  Adherent  Total  
Dosage   %  % 
Sample  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as 
(ppm)  Inhibition  Filtrate 
Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+) 
5 32.5 1.0 44.3 77.8 36 % 42 %
10 43.1 1.6 29.3 73.9 49 % 58 %
Terpolymer 2
18 62.6 3.6 15.3 81.5 74 % 77 %
30 77.3 3.6 0.6 81.4 93 % 95 %
5 15.0 1.2 57.5 73.8 13 % 20 %
10 39.7 1.1 33.1 73.9 45 % 54 %
18 56.0 0.8 19.7 76.5 66 % 73 %
30 77.3 1.3 0.6 79.3 93 % 97 %
5 6.7 1.8 69.4 77.9 2% 9%
10 3.6 1.3 68.2 73.0 -2 % 5%
18 5.3 1.5 69.8 76.6 0% 7%
30 3.9 2.7 68.0 74.5 -1 % 5%
5 5.9 36.7 34.0 76.6 1% 8%
10 8.4 45.2 22.9 76.5 4% 11 %
Phosphonate 1
18 83.6 1.8 0.2 85.6 102 % 98 %
30 75.5 0.7 0.4 76.5 91 % 99 %
5 8.6 48.0 19.8 76.4 5% 11 %
10 4.4 25.7 36.7 66.8 -1 % 7%
Polyaspartate 3
18 5.2 24.1 46.5 75.7 0% 7%
30 4.8 7.6 61.0 73.5 0% 7%

Duplicates of all samples were not made in these tests. Only the screening test results of
inhibitor dosage 18 ppm were confirmed and the average values were used in Table 4.2.
The increasing dosage was assumed to increase the inhibition and the samples with dif-
ferent inhibitor dosages could be considered as parallel samples.


In Table 4.2 also the percentage value of free Ca2+ (filtrate) per total Ca2+ (sum of
the filtrate, membrane, and adherent) was calculated and labeled as % filtrate. The %
filtrate value of Terpolymer 2 with the inhibitor dosage of 5 ppm is calculated as an

32.5 ppm
% 2 100 % 41.8 %.
77.8 ppm

This way the inhibition percentages of over 100 % and below 0 % could be avoided.
The relative performance of the antiscalants is the same with both percentage values
apart from some exceptions. The use of % filtrate value is also better as most of these
samples are from the same series, where the ICP result of the control sample was only
78 ppm. Also most of the total calcium values are close to this value. In this case, the
use of % inhibition value yields larger errors than the use of % filtrate value, as the con-
trol concentration used in these calculations was the average of all the control samples
made (82.4 ppm). The test made with the 30 ppm dosage of Phosphonate 1, for exam-
ple, yields more logical percentage value when the % filtrate is calculated. It should be
noted that the % filtrate values are generally larger than the % inhibition values as there
is also few ppms of free calcium in the blank. In the sample with 10 ppm of Polyaspar-
tate 3, the sum value is so much below the control value that some sort of error might
have happened in the sample treatment. The test was not repeated as it seemed obvious
that the performance of this product was poor.
The % filtrate values are plotted as a function of the inhibitor dosage in Figure 4.2.




Terpolymer 2
60% Polymaleate
% filtrate

50% Polyacrylate

40% Phosphonate 1
Polyaspartate 3



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
inhibitor dosge (ppm as solids)  
Figure 4.2. The performance of the antiscalants as a function of inhibitor dosage. Tests were
carried out at 50 °C for the test period of 48 h.


It can be seen from Figure 4.2 that the polymer antiscalants Terpolymer 2 and Poly-
maleate improve their performance more linearly compared with phosphonate antiscal-
ant Phosphonate 1, which performs poorly with lower dosages but improves rapidly
when the dosage exceeds certain value. This finding is not completely consistent with
the conclusions made in the theoretical part (see Chapter 2.3) but can be explained with
the more specific interactions of the phosphonates. When the test period is long the low
dosage of phosphonate can block only some of the growth sites while others continue to
grow. When the dosage is increased, at some point it is sufficient to block all the growth
sites and the precipitation does not occur during the 48 h test period. The linear behav-
ior of polymers can be explained by their less specific interactions. The performance is
based more on blocking of growth sites and steric hindrance with their relative large
molecule size. At the lowest dosage of 5 ppm, the Terpolymer 2 is superior to the other
antiscalants in this test. This can be assumed to be due to the non-ionic compound in the
polymer. The non-ionic part of the polymer may keep the polymer backbone straight
and the functionality of the carboxylate groups is maintained whereas the pure maleate
and acrylate polymers tend to coil around the calcium in high ionic strength conditions
like in these tests and the functionality is lost more rapidly.
The poor performance of Polyaspartate 3 and Polyacrylate even with higher dosages
is interesting. It seems that the test conditions are too harsh for these antiscalants to
work. When looking at the membrane results of Table 4.2, at a lower dosage the Poly-
aspartate 3 seems to have more dispersing properties than with higher dosages. The rea-
son for this is hard to explain.

4.1.3 The effect of the temperature

The next variable in the static tests was the temperature. The other conditions were
again held constant and the inhibitor dosage used was 18 ppm as solids. Terpolymer 2,
Polymaleate, and Phosphonate 1 were chosen for these tests. This time duplicates of
each sample were made. The results are presented in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3. Results of the static tests with varying temperature. Tests were carried out with inhibi-
tor dosage of 18 ppm for the test period of 48 h.
Filtrate Membrane Adherent  Total 
Sample  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as  % filtrate 
Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+) 
67.8 4.2 15.2 87.1 78 %
57.4 3.0 15.4 75.8 76 %
Average 62.6 3.6 15.3 81.5 77 %
32.6 16.7 27.9 77.3 42 %
Terpolymer 2 34.1 4.2 44.6 83.0 41 %
Average 33.4 10.5 36.3 80.1 42 %
11.6 19.6 48.2 79.4 15 %
10.0 34.5 36.8 81.4 12 %
Average 10.8 27.0 42.5 80.4 13 %
55.5 0.9 19.0 75.4 74 %
56.5 0.7 20.4 77.7 73 %
Average 56.0 0.8 19.7 76.5 73 %
34.5 4.4 39.2 78.1 44 %
Polymaleate 31.3 11.6 31.1 74.0 42 %
Average 32.9 8.0 35.2 76.1 43 %
2.0 5.3 76.7 84.1 2%
1.0 39.6 28.5 69.0 1%
Average 1.5 22.5 52.6 76.6 2%
78.7 1.4 0.2 80.2 98 %
88.5 2.3 0.3 91.1 97 %
Average 83.6 1.8 0.2 85.6 98 %
8.7 5.1 50.7 64.4 13 %
Phosphonate 1 6.2 22.6 66.9 95.7 6%
Average 7.4 13.8 58.8 80.0 9%
1.5 18.5 25.7 45.7 3%
0.5 40.3 28.8 69.6 1%
Average 1.0 29.4 27.3 57.6 2%

From the data of Table 4.3 can be seen that the parallel tests yield consistent results for
the filtrate value but at higher temperatures than 50 °C the values of membrane and ad-
herent parts of the sample differ increasingly. The differences in the membrane values
are due to bigger crystals and agglomerates that are formed at higher temperatures in the
presence of antiscalant. In this case, the sample cannot be made homogeneous by invert-
ing the jar after the test and the 100 ml of the sample which is filtrated can include vary-
ing amounts of the agglomerates. For this reason there are quite big differences also in
the calculated total amounts of calcium in the samples. This problem could be solved by
filtering the whole sample instead of 100 ml. This would require more time for each


test. The differences in the adherent parts of the sample can be explained with the fact
that at increasing temperature the equilibrium between bulk precipitation and adherent
depositions becomes more delicate as the solubility of other polymorphs than calcite
approach the solubility of calcite (see Figure 2.3). However, the filtrate parts of the
sample are reliable and they can be plotted as a function of temperature. This is done in
Figure 4.3.

70 Terpolymer 2
Filtrate (ppm as Ca2+)

60 Polymaleate
50 Phosphonate 1
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature (°C)
Figure 4.3. Performance of chosen antiscalants as a function of the temperature. Tests were
carried out with inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm for the test period of 48 h.
It appears that the temperature has drastic effect on the performances of antiscalants.
Increasing the temperature from 50 °C to 75 °C decreases the amount of free calcium
almost to half in the case of Terpolymer 2 and Polymaleate. In the case of Phosphonate
1 the free calcium concentration at 75 °C is under 10 % from the free calcium concen-
tration at 50 °C. At 95 °C the Terpolymer 2 is the only one of these three antiscalants
that can keep even a small part of calcium from precipitating.
It seems that even a quite small increase in the temperature with long residence time
causes the thermal degradation of the polymer antiscalants and the hydrolysis of the
phosphonate antiscalant. Another explanation for the rapid failing of inhibition at higher
temperatures, especially in the case of the Phosphonate 1, could be the increasing per-
centage of aragonite in the forming precipitate. The differences in the crystal structure
of calcite and aragonite could cause the phosphonate group spacing of ATMP to be
mismatched with the crystal growth sites when the percentage of aragonite increases.
However, this is pure speculation as the morphology of the precipitate was not studied.

4.1.4 The effect of the reaction time

The effect of the residence time was studied with Terpolymer 2 and Phosphonate 1. The
inhibitor dosage used for Terpolymer 2 was 18 ppm as solids and for Phosphonate 1 10
ppm as solids. The lower dosage for Phosphonate 1 was chosen because the inhibition
with the 18 ppm dosage was complete even after 48 hours. The reaction times of 1.5 h,


5 h, and 20 h were used. The other conditions were held the same as in the screening
test. Duplicates of each sample were made and the results are presented in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4. Results for the tests with different reaction times. The tests were carried out at 50 °C.
Filtrate Membrane Adherent  Total 
Sample  Time (h)  % filtrate
(ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)
78.2 2.5 1.6 82.3 95 %
75.1 1.2 1.6 77.8 96 %
Average 76.7 1.8 1.6 80.1 96 %
68.5 2.4 7.9 78.8 87 %
Terpolymer 2 5
70.8 0.9 0.3 72.0 98 %
(18 ppm)
Average 69.6 1.7 4.1 75.4 92 %
63.2 3.1 13.7 80.0 79 %
63.2 1.0 13.2 77.4 82 %
Average 63.2 2.0 13.5 78.7 80 %
82.2 1.3 0.5 84.0 98 %
86.2 1.3 0.5 88.1 98 %
Average 84.2 1.3 0.5 86.0 98 %
82.7 1.1 2.4 86.2 96 %
Phosphonate 1 5
82.0 1.2 1.9 85.0 96 %
Average 82.3 1.1 2.2 85.6 96 %
5.5 38.5 30.9 74.9 7%
5.0 39.1 33.9 78.1 6%
Average 5.3 38.8 32.4 76.5 7%

The results presented in Table 4.4 show that the duplicates yield consistent results apart
from the second sample of Terpolymer 2 in the test with reaction time of 5 hours. In this
sample adherent result can be assumed to be incorrect as all the other adherent results
show expected behavior with increasing reaction time. The % filtrate values are plotted
as a function of reaction time in Figure 4.4. For the 5 h test of Terpolymer 2 the value
of the first test (87 %) is used instead of the average.


% filtrate

50% Terpolymer 2

40% Phosphonate 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
Reaction time (h)  
Figure 4.4. Performance of chosen antiscalants as a function of the reaction time. The used
dosage of Terpolymer 2 was 18 ppm and the dosage of Phosphonate 1 10ppm. Tests were
performed at 50 °C.
These results confirm the earlier speculations that with shorter reaction time the Phos-
phonate 1 is capable of inhibiting the precipitation well but cannot keep the calcium
carbonate from precipitating when the residence time is increased. In the results of Ter-
polymer 2 can be seen that a good polymer antiscalant can better retard and delay the
precipitation after the nucleation has taken place compared with a phosphonate antiscal-
ant, which can longer delay the nucleation process but fails rapidly when the crystal
growth begins.

4.1.5 The effect of the pH

Next variable in the static tests was pH. Other conditions were again held constant. The
temperature was 50 °C and reaction time 48 h. The used pH values were 8.8, 9.2, 10.7,
and 12.7. The results for blanks in these conditions are presented in Table 4.5. Dupli-
cates were made for each blank.

Table 4.5. Results of the blanks with varying pH. Tests were carried out at 50 °C with the reac-
tion period of 48 h.
Filtrate Membrane Adherent  Total
Sample  pH 
(ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+) 
4.0 9.5 69.6 83.1
3.6 4.8 72.8 81.2
Average 3.8 7.1 71.2 82.1
4.6 23.4 51.7 79.7
1.5 21.8 49.8 73.1
Average 3.1 22.6 50.8 76.4
0.9 68.1 7.0 76.0
1.0 73.5 6.7 81.2
Average 0.9 70.8 6.9 78.6
3.6 73.2 7.5 84.3
1.8 76.5 7.4 85.8
Average 2.7 74.9 7.5 85.0


The results of Table 4.5 show that with increasing pH the amount of adherent precipi-
tate is decreased and the amount of precipitate in the solution is increased. This is due to
the increased supersaturation ratio with increasing pH. When the supersaturation is in-
creased the precipitation in the solution occurs faster and the growth on the surface is
diminished. The results of the parallel samples in Table 4.5 are consistent and it was
decided that it was not necessary to do duplicates for each sample with an inhibitor. The
results of all five inhibitors with varying pH are summed up in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. Results of different antiscalants with varying pH. Tests were carried out at 50 °C with
the reaction period of 48 h and inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm.
Filtrate Membrane Adherent  Total 
Sample  pH  % filtrate
(ppm as Ca ) (ppm as Ca ) (ppm as Ca )  (ppm as Ca2+)
2+ 2+ 2+

8.8 80.2 2.7 0.3 83.2 96 %

9.2 67.8 4.2 15.2 87.1 78 %
Terpolymer 2
10.7 51.8 4.3 27.5 83.6 62 %
12.7 64.5 11.8 10.3 86.6 75 %
8.8 82.8 1.4 0.3 84.5 98 %
9.2 56.5 0.7 20.4 77.7 73 %
10.7 38.4 1.7 46.0 86.1 45 %
12.7 37.3 1.6 42.6 81.5 46 %
8.8 5.5 10.1 63.5 79.1 7%
9.2 5.0 1.4 72.4 78.8 6%
10.7 3.9 4.4 75.9 84.2 5%
12.7 3.5 68.0 14.6 86.2 4%
8.8 83.0 1.4 0.2 84.5 98 %
9.2 78.7 1.4 0.2 80.2 98 %
Phosphonate 1
10.7 5.5 27.9 48.4 81.9 7%
12.7 76.8 2.2 4.2 83.2 92 %
8.8 8.2 2.6 70.7 81.4 10 %
9.2 4.5 24.8 49.6 78.9 6%
Polyaspartate 3
10.7 7.2 29.2 49.1 85.5 8%
12.7 4.7 66.9 14.6 86.3 6%

At pH 8.8, all the other antiscalants can practically completely inhibit the calcium car-
bonate from precipitating except Polyacrylate and Polyaspartate 3, which display very
little inhibition even at the lowest pH. The adherent and membrane parts of these two
antiscalants differ from the blanks to some extent, yet having the same trend of the in-
creasing percentage of the membrane part with increasing pH. In the results of Terpol-
ymer 2, Polymaleate, and Phosphonate 1 the trend of the % filtrate value seems logical
until the pH 12.7. This is demonstrated by plotting the % filtrate values as a function of
pH in Figure 4.5


% filtrate

50% Terpolymer 2
40% Polymaleate
30% Phosphonate 1
8 9 10 11 12 13
Figure 4.5. Performance of chosen antiscalants as a function of pH. Tests were carried out at
50 °C with the reaction period of 48 h and inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm.

The behaviors of the antiscalants in the tests with the pH values of 8.8, 9.2, and 10.7 are
consistent with the previous results. As the pH and supersaturation increase, the perfor-
mances of the polymer antiscalants sink less drastically than the performance of the
phosphonate antiscalant. The improvement of the performance at pH 12.7 with all three
antiscalants is surprising. The test results for Phosphonate 1 were repeated a few times
at pH values 10.7 and 12.7 in order to make sure that the result was correct. The same
behavior took place in the repeated tests.
As the possibility of a false result was excluded, there are two reasons for this kind
of behavior that could be thought of. First possibility that came to mind was that the
increased ionic strength due to added NaOH in order to increase the pH value to 12.7
could decrease the activities of calcium and carbonate ions and decrease the supersatu-
ration ratio. The increase in the sodium ion concentration was about 3000 ppm due to
the NaOH addition in the samples of pH 12.7 which seemed insignificant as the total
sodium ion concentration was about 25000 ppm in the samples with lower pH values.
However, this possibility could easily be checked by increasing the sodium ion concen-
tration of the pH 10.7 sample to the same level with an addition of NaCl. This was done
for a blank, Terpolymer 2, and Phosphonate 1. The results with increased sodium level
are presented in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7. Repeated tests with increased sodium ion concentration.

Filtrate Membrane Adherent  Total 
Sample  pH  % filtrate
(ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+) (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)
Blank 10.7 4.6 55.0 25.5 85.1 5%
Terpolymer 2 10.7 54.4 6.7 27.1 88.2 62 %
Phosphonate 1 10.7 6.6 49.9 13.6 70.2 9%

When comparing these results with the results of Table 4.5 and Table 4.6, it seems that
the increased sodium ion concentration was not the main reason for the good perfor-


mance of the antiscalants at pH 12.7. The results of the blank in Table 4.7 differ slightly
from the earlier blanks at the same pH as the relative amount of adherent precipitate is
increased but the results of Terpolymer 2 and Phosphonate 1 are very similar to earlier
results at the same pH.
The second potential explanation is that the morphology of the scale is changed at
pH 12.7 compared with other pH values which improves the performances of the an-
tiscalants at this pH. The validity of this explanation has not been evaluated.

4.1.6 The effect of the supersaturation ratio

The effect of different calcium and carbonate levels on the performance of Terpolymer
2 and Phosphonate 1 was studied. For the Phosphonate 1 calcium levels below 80 ppm
and carbonate levels below 3000 ppm were not studied as the inhibition percentage was
practically 100 % at these levels. These tests were performed at pH 9.2 and temperature
50 °C with the inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm and reaction period of 48 h. The results are
summarized in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8. Results of the static tests with different calcium and carbonate levels. Tests were
carried out with inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm for the test period of 48 h at 50 °C and pH 9.2.
Filtrate Membrane  Adherent   Total   %
Ca2+  CO32‐ 
Sample  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as  (ppm as  inhibi‐
(ppm)  (ppm) 
Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+)  Ca2+)  tion 
40 3000 4.5 29.8 5.1 39.4 0%
80 3000 4.6 23.4 51.7 79.7 0%
Blank 160 3000 2.0* 24.4 113.2 139.6 0%
80 1500 3.3 12.5 61.6 77.4 0%
80 4500 1.5* 28.8 32.9 63.2 0%
40 0 41.9 41.9 100 %
Control 80 0 82.4 82.4 100 %
160 0 162.5 162.5 100 %
40 3000 39.3 1.7 0.2 41.2 93 %
80 3000 57.4 3.0 15.4 75.8 68 %
Terpolymer 2 160 3000 39.6 61.3 53.3 154.3 23 %
80 1500 80.4 2.8 0.2 83.4 97 %
80 4500 51.9 3.6 21.8 77.2 62 %
80 3000 78.7 1.4 0.2 80.2 95 %
Phosphonate 1 160 3000 10.2 3.9 142.1 156.3 5%
80 4500 7.7 29.7 35.4 72.8 8%
* The concentration was below the lowest calibration value of the ICP and not as accurate as other results

The results of Table 4.8 seem logical as the increased supersaturation reduce the inhibi-
tion percentage values of the antsicalants. This time the % inhibition was chosen to be
calculated instead of % filtrate because many different blanks were used for different
calcium and carbonate levels. For example, the % filtrate value of the blank with 40
ppm calcium and 3000 ppm carbonate is 12 % whereas the % filtrate value for the blank


with 160 ppm calcium and 3000 ppm carbonate is only 1 %. For this reason the % fil-
trate values at different calcium levels for samples including inhibitors would not be
comparable. The percentage distributions of calcium in the samples of Table 4.8 are
graphically presented in Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7. In Figure 4.6 the carbonate level is
held constant at 3000 ppm as CO3 and in Figure 4.7 the calcium level is held constant
at 80 ppm as Ca2+.

100 %
90 %
80 %
70 %
60 %
50 % Adherent
40 % Membrane
30 %
20 %
10 %
0 %
40 80 160 40 80 160 80 160
Blank Terpolymer 2 Phosphonate 1
Figure 4.6. The effect of different calcium levels on the calcium distribution of the sample in
absence and presence of scale inhibitor. The carbonate level was held constant at 3000 ppm as
. Tests were carried out with inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm for the test period of 48 h at 50 °C
and pH 9.2.


100 %
90 %
80 %
70 %
60 %
50 % Adherent
40 %
30 %
20 % Filtrate
10 %
0 %
1500 3000 4500 1500 3000 4500 3000 4500
Blank Terpolymer 2 Phosphonate 1
CO32‐ (ppm)

Figure 4.7. The effect of different carbonate levels on the calcium distribution of the sample in
absence and presence of scale inhibitor. The calcium level was held constant at 80 ppm as
Ca2+. Tests were carried out with inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm for the test period of 48 h at 50 °C
and pH 9.2.

When the calcium level of the sample is increased, the amount of adherent precipitation
is increased in the blank. The same behavior is noticed when the carbonate level is de-
creased. This means that decrease in the excess carbonate in the blank results in favor-
ing the adherent precipitate, and the supersaturation ratio is irrelevant. It can also be
concluded from this data that a change in the calcium level affects the amount of adher-
ent precipitate more than a change in the carbonate level.
When an antiscalant is present in the sample, the amount of adherent precipitate
grows with the increasing supersaturation ratio. The reason for this is the same as dis-
cussed in context with the performance of PASPs and Polyacrylate in the screening test
(see Chapter 4.1.1 on page 44) the inhibitor slows the bulk precipitation process and the
precipitation on the surface is promoted. Yet again the Terpolymer 2 is more resistant to
the changes in the test conditions than Phosphonate 1. It appears that the phosphonate
antiscalant performs well as long as the primary nucleation does not occur. As soon as
crystals are present the failure is rapid. In the case of Terpolymer 2 the secondary nucle-
ation is inhibited to a much greater extent. This finding is consistent with the conclu-
sions of Rieger et al. [3] about the inhibition mechanisms of polycarboxylates. When
the calcium ions are bridged into the polymer network, they are stabilized better than in
the case of phosphonate antiscalants.

4.1.7 The effect of the ionic strength on the static tests

The role of ionic strength on the performance of the antiscalant has been mentioned
before and is discussed next by comparing the results of the static test made in this
study to some earlier test results at Kemira. The test conditions differ quite much but the
biggest difference is that in the earlier test the ionic strength is low. In the earlier test,


the calcium concentration is 640 ppm as Ca2+, carbonate concentration is 960 ppm as
CO3 . These tests were carried out at pH 8.6 and temperature 50 °C and the test period
was 20 h. The pH was adjusted with NH4Cl buffer solution. The final test solution had a
chloride concentration of about 4500 ppm, which is low in comparison with the chloride
concentration of about 36000 ppm in the tests of this study. The test results of the earlier
test were compared with the test results of pH 8.8 from Table 4.6. The % inhibition val-
ues of these two tests are compared in Table 4.9. The antiscalant dosage of the earlier
results is 20 ppm and the dosage of the results of this study is 18 ppm.

Table 4.9. Comparison of low ionic strength results of earlier test and the pH 8.8 results from
Table 4.6.
Sample  % inhibition (this study)  % inhibition (earlier test) 
Terpolymer 2 97 % 61 %
Polymaleate 101 % 91 %
Polyacrylate 2% 101 %
Phosphonate 1 101 % 87 %
Polyaspartate 3 6% 88 %

The differences between these two test results are significant. The results are almost
completely contrary to each other. Only the Phosphonate 1 and Polymaleate perform
almost similarly in both cases. The results of Polyaspartate 3 and Polyacrylate in the
earlier test indicate that the high ionic strength in the tests of this study was the main
reason for their poor performance. As mentioned before, the homopolymers might coil
up in high TDS conditions as there is no compound to hold the polymer backbone
straight. On the other hand, these homopolymers seem to be better threshold inhibitors
in low TDS conditions than the Terpolymer 2.
The reason for the poorer performance of Terpolymer 2 in the earlier test might be
the higher calcium level in this test, which means that the supersaturation ratio of the
earlier test is likely higher than in the test of this study. Also the poorer performance of
Phosphonate 1 indicates this. When the calcium level is high and the ionic strength low,
the non-ionic compound in the Terpolymer 2 lessen the threshold inhibition properties
of the antiscalant. The main idea of the non-ionic part is to hold the polymer backbone
straight and to increase steric hindrance, which both improve more the dispersing and
crystal modification properties of the polymer. In the threshold inhibition the non-ionic
part of the polymer is inactive and might be the reason for the lower inhibition rates of
Terpolymer 2 than those of pure PMA and PAA antiscalants at low TDS test conditions.
It is notable that the PMA antiscalant performs also in the high TDS conditions.
When comparing the structures of PMA, PAA, and PASP (Figure 2.7) it is noteworthy
that the maleate monomer has functional carboxylate groups on both sides of the poly-
mer backbone and the acrylate, and aspartic acid only on the other. This means that in
the polymaleate there are functional groups regularly on both sides of the polymer
backbone even if the stereochemistry of the polymer is not controlled. It might be that


this results in less coiling in the PMA antiscalant and the performance is quite good also
in the high TDS conditions.

4.1.8 Error sources and reliability of the method

The repeatability of the method has already been discussed in context with the results
and it appears that the method is quite reliable. Due to large amount of samples the
same test was rarely repeated in order to confirm the results, but when parallel tests
were made they were in good consistency with each other in most cases. Only the re-
sults at high temperature had increased variance in the duplicates. The reason for this
error was explicit and visual; the elevated temperature caused more agglomeration of
the precipitate and a representative sampling for filtration was difficult.
The systematic error of measurements caused by the inaccuracies of scales, pipettes,
volumetric flasks, and so on can be assumed to be minor. The majority of the error
comes from the random error in the treatment of the sample after the reaction period and
from the random error of the ICP. The error in the sample treatment comes from the
difficulty of making the sample homogeneous before filtering and the error of ICP
measurements has generally been estimated to be ± 5 %. It is hard to distinguish be-
tween these two error sources.
The total error of the method is estimated statistically. As the same sample was not
prepared multiple times, the error in the distribution of calcium into filtrate, membrane,
and adherent parts is not reasonable to be estimated statistically. However, all the sam-
ples of Tables 4.1-4.8 with the supposed total calcium concentration of 80 ppm can be
concerned as a single series of measurements, if only the total values of calcium are
taken into account. The average, ̅ , and standard deviation, s, are calculated with Mi-
crosoft Excel for the results of Tables 4.1-4.8 as follows.

̅ 79.1 ppm,

where N is the total amount of measurements. The standard deviation for the same val-
ues is

∑ ̅
6.6 ppm.

The error limit of the method can be estimated using these values.
6.6 ppm⁄79.1 ppm 100 % 8.3 %, so the error limit of the method can be estimat-
ed to be ± 9 %. The same calculations can be made for the control samples prepared.
The results of the control samples are summed up in Table 4.10.

Table 4.10. Results of the control samples.
Sample  Total calcium (ppm) 
Control  81.1
   ̅ =82.4 s=3.0

From the results of Table 4.10, the error limit in the case of control samples can be cal-
culated; 3.0 ppm⁄82.4 ppm 100 % 3.6 % 4 %. In the control samples, the error
resulting from the sample treatment after the reaction period is negligible and the error
comes mainly from the error of ICP. From the error limits of the control samples can be
estimated that about half of the total error of ± 9 % comes from the ICP.

4.2 Dynamic tests

The main aim of the dynamic tests was to estimate the suitability and reliability of the
used methods for antiscalant testing. No large scale comparisons were made among
different antiscaling chemistries, but when the data for the same antiscalant is available
from static and dynamic tests, the results are compared and discussed. The used meth-
ods were a rotating disk procedure and dynamic tube blocking procedure.

4.2.1 Rotating disk results

The rotating disk tests were carried out at the temperature 50 °C and pH 9.2. The reac-
tion period was 1.5 h, the calcium concentration of the sample was 80 ppm as Ca2+, car-
bonate concentration 3000 ppm as CO3 , and NaCl concentration 1 M. The used inhibi-
tor dosage was 18 ppm. The results of rotating disk tests are summarized in Table 4.11.

Table 4.11. Results of the rotating disk tests. Tests were performed at 50 °C and pH 9.2 with
the reaction period of 1.5 h. Inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm was used.
Filtrate  Membrane   Adherent   Total  
Sample  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+) 
Copolymer 2 66.0 1.5 24.6 92.1
Copolymer 3 70.5 2.4 18.6 91.5
Copolymer 4 70.0 1.5 14.3 85.7
Copolymer 6 62.5 4.9 25.5 92.8
Polyaspartate 3 3.4 2.0 73.7 79.0
Phosphonate 1 84.5 1.3 1.1 86.9
Phosphonate 2 81.0 9.8 2.4 93.2
Phosphonate 3 58.0 2.6 21.6 82.2
Polyacrylate 102.0 1.7 1.5 105.2
Terpolymer 2 65.8 2.3 16.8 84.8
Terpolymer 3 73.0 2.6 19.6 95.2
Terpolymer 4 74.0 3.1 19.0 96.1
Terpolymer 5 81.5 1.4 15.5 98.4

It is obvious from the data of Table 4.11 that the sum of filtrate, membrane and adherent
constantly exceeds the average control value of 82.4 ppm. This is due to the evaporation
of water from the uncovered polystyrene cup during the 90 min test period. This results
in too high values of the filtrate part of the sample. Because of this it is not reasonable
to calculate % inhibition or % filtrate values for these results. However, as the evapo-
rated amount of water can be considered to be the same in every sample, the results are
comparable. The results of Table 4.11 are presented in Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 and
compared with the results of the static screening test for the same samples. The results
of the new experimental antiscalants are presented in Figure 4.8 and the results of some
commercially available antiscalants in Figure 4.9.


100 %

80 %

60 % Adherent
40 %

20 %

0 %
Copolymer 2
Copolymer 3
Copolymer 4
Copolymer 6

Copolymer 2
Copolymer 3
Copolymer 4
Copolymer 6
Terpolymer 2
Terpolymer 3
Terpolymer 4
Terpolymer 5

Terpolymer 2
Terpolymer 3
Terpolymer 4
Terpolymer 5
Dynamic test Static test
Figure 4.8. Comparison of the new laboratory scale products in static and dynamic conditions.
Tests were performed at 50 °C and pH 9.2 with the inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm. The reaction
period in the dynamic tests was 1.5 h and in the static tests 48 h.

100 %

80 %

60 % Adherent

40 %

20 %

0 %
Polyaspartate 3

Phosphonate 1

Phosphonate 2

Phosphonate 3

Terpolymer 6

Polyaspartate 3

Phosphonate 1

Phosphonate 2

Phosphonate 3

Terpolymer 6

Dynamic test Static test
Figure 4.9. Comparison of commercially available products in static and dynamic conditions.
Tests were performed at 50 °C and pH 9.2 with the inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm. The reaction
period in the dynamic tests was 1.5 h and in the static tests 48 h.
The test conditions of the static and dynamic test were otherwise the same but the reac-
tion period in the dynamic case was only 1.5 h as it was 48 h in the static case. The per-


formances of all the other new products but Copolymer 6 (Figure 4.8) are similar in
both cases which indicate that accelerated kinetics is achieved with the addition of a
metal surface, a seeding stage and the stirring. The performance of the Copolymer 6,
which is a maleate/non-ionic copolymer, is quite different in the static and dynamic
case. This could be due to dynamic conditions or the shorter reaction period. The per-
centages of adherent parts of the Copolymer 6 samples are quite similar in static and
dynamic test, and it is the percentages of the membrane and filtrate parts that change.
The same behavior can be seen for the other Copolymer and Terpolymer samples of
Figure 4.8 but to a smaller extent, as the amount of bulk precipitation in the 48 h static
test was generally quite low. It seems that the addition of a metal surface, a seeding
stage and the dynamic conditions accelerate the adhesion process relatively more than
the bulk precipitation process.
Also the results of Terpolymer 6 presented in Figure 4.9 are consistent with this
conclusion, whereas the Polyaspartate 3 shows completely opposite behavior as the fil-
trate percentage remains the same and the membrane precipitation converts into adher-
ent precipitation. This could be simply due to the overall poor performance of the Poly-
aspartates in any test performed in this study and the slight inhibition properties that the
PASP has in these conditions only promote the adhesion process rather than delay the
precipitation process. When only the adherent part is examined, the Phosphonate 3
(PBTC) is the only antiscalant which performs significantly better in the dynamic test.
This is likely due to the rapid failure of the phosphonates in the longer tests, which was
detected in the static test results.
Problems of the method
Although the rotating disk results presented above seem to be reasonable when com-
pared with the static results some problems stood out. The reproducibility of the test
was questionable when using different stirrers and disks. A number of blanks were pre-
pared to study the reproducibility of the method. The results of the blanks are presented
in Table 4.12.

Table 4.12. Results of the blanks in the rotating disk tests. Tests were performed at 50 °C with
the reaction period of 1.5 h.
Sample  Filtrate Membrane  Adherent  Total   Stirrer and 
(ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  disk used 
Blank 1 1.5 16.0 61.7 79.2 1
Blank 2 7.0 19.6 56.5 83.0 2
Blank 3 2.0 6.5 65.8 74.3 1
Blank 4 1.5 24.9 45.0 71.4 2
Blank 5 2.0 45.3 18.0 65.3 3

As it can be seen from the results of Table 4.12 the rotating disk method does not seem
very repeatable. There is big variance in all three parts of the sample and the total
amount of calcium is below the control value, which is opposite behavior to the samples


containing an inhibitor. The reasons for this are multiple. First, as the free calcium con-
centration is small, the evaporation of the water does not affect the total calcium result.
Second, the adherent deposition is on the surface of the polystyrene cup to a great ex-
tent. In the presence of an inhibitor the adherent deposition occurs almost completely on
the metal disk. It is likely that the adherent deposition on the surface of the polystyrene
cup is not dissolved properly, at least in the blanks 4 and 5. This might be due to the
smaller volume of acid solution used in the dissolution than the volume of the sample
leaving part of adherent scale remaining above the fluid level of the acid solution. Third,
the differences between different disks and stirrers may affect the overall precipitation
quite a lot. If one disk spins with a slightly different speed or if the rod of one disk
swings more than other, the delicate equilibrium between the filtrate, membrane and
adherent may change as was discussed in Chapter 2.4. Also the preparation of repre-
sentative filtrate and membrane samples is harder than in the static case, as the uncov-
ered polystyrene cup cannot be inverted in order to make the sample homogeneous be-
fore filtering.
The best way to avoid or diminish these problems would be to always use the same
disk with the same stirrer and to run parallel samples with all three stirrers and then cal-
culate average of these three parallel runs. This way the differences caused by the
equipment would be eliminated. It should also be confirmed that the same disk with the
same stirrer gives reproducible results. The two repeated blanks of Table 4.12 are not
sufficient to draw conclusions about the reproducibility.
Seeding stage
The role of the seeding stage to the accelerated kinetics of the precipitation process was
studied by analyzing the adherent calcium amount on the metal disk after the seeding
stage. It was found out that only about 1 % of the calcium used in the seeding was ad-
hered on the metal surface, when the seeding was performed as described in Appendix
1. In order to increase this amount, the extension of the seeding stage would be justified.
With more prescale on the disk, the adhesion process could be more repeatable.

4.2.2 Dynamic tube blocking results

The dynamic tube blocking (DTB) tests were all performed at pH 9.2, at the pressure of
200 psig and the temperature of 50 °C. The other variables were adjusted in order to
receive test conditions in which the scaling would occur at appropriate rate and so that
the precipitation occurs as scale growth on the surfaces of the scaling coil rather than in
the liquid phase. These variables included the concentration of NaCl, the concentrations
of calcium and carbonate and the flow rates of the solutions. A prescale step was chosen
to be included in all tests.
The calcium concentration was set to 80 ppm, carbonate concentration to 1500 ppm
and NaCl concentration to 0.5 M. The prescale step was set to end at Δp=2.2 psi, 0.5 psi
above the initial pressure difference and the cleaning step was set to start at Δp=5 psi.
The flow rate was 3 ml/min per pump. First, a test was run with 5 minute steps and then


the MIC value was confirmed with another run of fewer 10 minute steps. In the second
run the first step was only 5 minutes with a rather high inhibitor dosage so that the
prescaling would certainly stop. Nine different antiscalants were tested this way. The
MIC values of these tests are listed in Table 4.13.

Table 4.13. MIC values of different antiscalants in the DTB tests at 50 °C and pH 9.2. 80 ppm
Ca2+, 1500 ppm CO3 , and 0.5 M NaCl was used.
Antiscalant  MIC 
Copolymer 1 15 ppm
Copolymer 3 30 ppm
Copolymer 5 > 100 ppm
Polyaspartate 3 > 100 ppm
Phosphonate 1 3 ppm
Polyacrylate 10 ppm
Polymaleate 7.5 ppm
Terpolymer 1 15 ppm
Terpolymer 2 15 ppm

The graphs of the Phosphonate 1, Copolymer 5, Polyacrylate, and Polyaspartate 3 are

plotted in Figure 4.10. The graphs of all the test runs can be found in Appendix 3.

Figure 4.10. Result graphs of selected antiscalants in the DTB test run at 50 °C. A) Phospho-
nate 1, B) Copolymer 5, C) Polyacrylate, D) Polyaspartate 3

The ATMP antiscalant Phosphonate 1(Figure 4.10A) was superior to other antiscalants
in the DTB run in the conditions used. This was expected as it was superior also in the
static jar tests with similar conditions and as the antiscalants with good threshold inhibi-


tion properties, like phosphonates, are supposed to perform well in the once through
systems with short residence times. The Polymaleate is the best of the polymer antiscal-
ants which is likely due to the low molecular weight of this product. The effect of the
molecular weight can also be seen in the results of Copolymer 1, Copolymer 3, and Co-
polymer 5, which all are MA/AA copolymers with the molecular weights of 1600, 3050
and 50000 Da, respectively. These findings are in consistency with the conclusions of
Loy et al. [32] that the smaller polymer components diffuse and adsorb faster than larg-
er ones. The favoring of the threshold inhibition properties over the crystal modification
and dispersing properties of this method can be best seen from the results of the Copol-
ymer 5 (Figure 4.10B). With the high molecular weight, it did not manage to stop the
scaling in the DTB run even with the highest dosage and had the worst performance in
this test whereas in the static test with long residence time (see Figure 4.1) it was much
better as the crystal modification and dispersing properties could retard the precipitation
process over a longer time period.
An interesting result is that the Polyacrylate (Figure 4.10C) which performed poorly
in all of the static tests (apart from the test of Table 4.9 with low ionic strength) is the
second best polymer antiscalant in this test. This can be due to good threshold inhibition
properties of the product or the lowering of the NaCl concentration form 1 M to 0.5 M.
As has been discussed before, the ionic strength seems to have great influence on the
pure polyacrylate and the halving of the NaCl concentration could critically ease its
performance. It is also notable that the pure polymaleate and polyacrylate performed
better in this test than all of the copolymers and terpolymers. In the case of Polymaleate,
this is likely due to the lower molecular weight and in the case of Polyacrylate the low-
ered ionic strength could be the main explanation.
The Polyaspartate 3 (Figure 4.10D) had a poor performance also in this test but the
result graph confirms the earlier speculations that it has some inhibition properties even
though it could not be seen in the results of static tests (apart from the test of Table 4.9)
and the rotating disk method. Although the Polyaspartate 3 could not stop the scaling in
the DTB run even with the highest dosage the retardation of the scaling can be clearly

4.3 Results of the computational methods

The computational model WatSIM from French Creek was utilized to estimate the scal-
ing potential of selected test conditions from the static tests. The aim of these calcula-
tions was to understand the effect of different variables on the scaling potential and to
learn what additional information can be achieved with the modeling software.
The scaling potential indices of calcium carbonate at the static test solutions of pH
9.2 and 10.7 with the carbonate concentration of 3000 ppm as CO3 were calculated.
The calculations were performed for the temperatures 50 °C, 75 °C, and 95 °C and for
the calcium levels of 40 ppm, 80 ppm, and 160 ppm. Other input values for the calcula-
tions were the sodium ion concentration as parts per million, chloride ion concentration


as parts per million and the M and P alkalinities as CaCO3 (mg/l). The Na+ and Cl- con-
centrations were calculated using the 1 M concentration of NaCl in the static tests. Also
the Na+ from the sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate solutions and the Cl- from
the calcium chloride solution were taken into account. The alkalinities were determined
with titration as described in Chapter 3.4.
The alkalinity titration for the sample of pH 9.2 yielded two end points. At the first
end point, which is the P end point, the consumption of the acid, VAcid, was 2.1155 ml.
For the second end point, which is the M endpoint VAcid = 7.2218 ml. For the sample of
pH 10.7, also two end points appeared. The VAcid values for the P and M end points were
4.5975 ml and 9.6661 ml, respectively. The alkalinity values are calculated with equa-
tion 43. For the pH 9.2 sample,

0.1 eq/l 2.1155 ml

mg/l 50000 mg/eq 1057.75 mg/l
10 ml
0.1 eq/l 7.2218 ml
mg/l 50000 mg/eq 3610.9 mg/l
10 ml

and for the pH 10.7 sample,

0.1 eq/l 4.5975 ml

mg/l 50000 mg/eq 2298.75 mg/l
10 ml
0.1 eq/l 9.6661 ml
mg/l 50000 mg/eq 4833.05 mg/l.
10 ml
It should be noted that the titrations were performed at room temperature although the
calculations with WatSIM were performed at higher temperatures. This might cause a
minor error in the results of the saturation level calculations but the effect of tempera-
ture on the alkalinity values is assumed to be insignificant as the effect of pH plays a
major role.
The validity of the titration results can be checked with the relations of Table 3.4. In
both cases P < ½M, therefore the carbonate alkalinity is 2P and the bicarbonate alkalini-
ty M-2P. For the sample of pH 9.2

2 1057.75 mg/l as CaCO3 2115.5 mg/l as CaCO3

3610.9 2115.5 mg/l as CaCO3 1495.4 mg/l as CaCO3 .

The conversion of the carbonate alkalinity can be made with equation 44,

0.6 2115.5 mg/l as CO2‐

3 1269.3 mg/l as CO2‐

The conversion of the bicarbonate alkalinity can be made with equation 45

‐ ‐
1.22 1495.4 mg/l as HCO3 1824.39 mg/l as HCO3 .

The bicarbonate concentration can be further converted to carbonate concentration by

using the molecular weights of carbonate and bicarbonate ions.

60 g/mol
1824.39 1794.48 mg/l as CO2‐
61 g/mol
The sum of the carbonate and bicarbonate alkalinities yields now 1269.3 1794.48
2‐ 2‐
3063.8 mg/l as CO3 , which is quite close to the supposed value of 3000 mg/l as CO3 .
The same calculation was performed for the sample of pH 10.7 and yielded 2758.5
282.66 3041.2 mg/l as CO3 for the total concentration of carbonate ions.
The input values used in the saturation level calculations are summed up in Table

Table 4.14. The input values used in the WatSIM for the saturation level calculations.
P alkalinity  M alkalinity 
pH  T (°C)  Ca2+ (ppm)  Na+ (ppm)  Cl‐ (ppm) 
(mg/l as CaCO3)  (mg/l as CaCO3) 
50  80 
9.2  75  80  1058  3611  24600  35600 
95  80 
50  80 
10.7  75  80  2298  4833  24600  35600 
95  80 

In the actual static jar tests, the sodium ion concentration actually changes a bit when
the pH is adjusted from 9.2 to 10.7 but the change is so minor that the sodium ion con-
centration value was not changed between the calculations. Also the chloride ion con-
centration changes a bit when the calcium concentration is changes but again the change
is regarded as insignificant.


The results for the calculations of the selected scaling potential indices are presented
in Table 4.15. The data of the input values and all the scaling potential indices and other
values that WatSIM calculates are available for the conditions of pH 9.2 and calcium
concentration of 80 ppm with all three temperatures in Appendix 4.

Table 4.15. Calculated values of selected scaling potential indices with the initial values of Table

Saturation level  Langelier satura‐ Momentary Excess 

pH  T (°C)  Ca2+ (ppm)
(Calcite)  tion index  (Calcite, ppm) 

40  30.41  2.67  72.57 

50  80  60.50  2.98  146.44 
160  119.81  3.28  241.37 
40  20.78  2.92  74.03 
9.2  75  80  41.37  3.22  119.93 
160  82.08  3.52  127.56 
40  14.01  3.08  59.53 
95  80  27.91  3.38  71.67 
160  55.47  3.68  74.07 
40  38.11  4.32  71.18 
50  80  75.91  4.62  144.02 
160  150.58  4.92  281.47 
40  21.67  4.62  69.46 
10.7  75  80  43.22  4.92  128.23 
160  85.97  5.22  146.33 
40  11.62  4.91  51.62 
95  80  23.21  5.21  76.08 
160  46.26  5.51  81.77 

The results for the saturation level calculation are quite unexpected. The increase in the
calcium level or the pH value increases the saturation level as it should, but the increase
in the temperature decreases the saturation level, which is opposite to what is expected.
The Langelier saturation index (LSI) results are increasing logically with the increasing
pH, calcium level and temperature. Nevertheless, as was discussed in Chapter 2.5.1 the
ion association is not taken into account in the Langelier saturation index and the values
calculated in this case might be systematically too large. However, the increase of the
LSI from 2.67 at the lowest temperature, pH and calcium level to 5.51 at the highest
temperature, pH and calcium level gives a more realistic picture from the relative scal-
ing potential of the aqueous solutions than the corresponding increase in the saturation
level from 30.41 to 46.26. The Momentary Excess values seem to correspond quite
closely with the saturation level values.
The illogical behavior of the saturation level with increasing temperature might be
brought on by the lack of data for the equilibrium constants at these temperatures. This


is unlikely as this kind of data is easily available. Also the relatively high pH or the high
TDS value could be out of range of the model used in the software, as it is designed to
be used in municipal applications which rarely have high TDS values or high pH that
are present in the pulp and paper applications. However, it is not possible to verify these
presumptions as the details of the model are unknown. The data of Appendix 4 shows
that with increasing temperature the calculations yield smaller value for the free car-
bonate ions. The reason for this is hard to explain without knowing the species in which
the carbonate is bound according to the calculations of WatSIM. The amount of free
calcium ions seems reasonable. Although the LSI values of these calculations seem the
most logical, the problem of using this index arises when also the sodium chloride con-
centration is altered. The LSI value remains the same with altering total ionic strength
though the activities of calcium and carbonate ions are obviously affected by the ionic



The formation of the calcium carbonate scale is a common problem in many industrial
processes using large quantities of water and it can be solved or eased with the use of
antiscalants. The scaling problems in the pulp and paper mills are often more difficult to
solve than in many other industries, where scaling is encountered. The reason for this is
the alkaline conditions of the pulp mill combined with high temperature and high
amount of dissolved and suspended solids, which disable the function of many antiscal-
ants that function well in other applications. In order to determine the performance of
different antiscalants in the conditions of pulp and paper mills, adequate laboratory test-
ing methods have to be established.
In order to determine the performance of a scale inhibitor as accurately as possible it
is important to test the product with both static and dynamic laboratory tests with vary-
ing test conditions. It is also important that the tests are quite easy and quick to perform
yet giving enough information to conclude the performance of the antiscalant. Addi-
tional information or evaluation of laboratory test results can be achieved with computa-
tional models. In this thesis one static method and two dynamic methods were used. The
static method was a quite simple static jar test and the dynamic methods were a rotating
disk procedure and a dynamic tube blocking procedure. The utilized computational
model was French Creek’s WatSIM.
The static jar test proved to be a reliable and repeatable method for the evaluation of
the performances of different antiscalants. In the method the concentration of the unpre-
cipitated calcium, the amount of the precipitated calcium carbonate in the liquid phase,
and the amount of the precipitated calcium adhered on the surface of the jar are meas-
ured. The error limit of the method was estimated to be ±9 %. In addition to the reliable
results, the advantage of the method is that several test parameters are easily adjustable.
These parameters include the temperature, pH, supersaturation ratio, and reaction peri-
od. The disadvantage of the method is that the static conditions which represent homo-
geneous nucleation are far away from the real test conditions of the unit operations of
pulp and paper mills.
The results of the dynamic rotating disc procedure seemed to give information about
the performance of different antiscalants in the dynamic conditions. In this procedure
the static jar test is basically transferred to dynamic conditions by an addition of a rotat-
ing stainless steel disk. The advantages of this method in comparison with the static jar
test were the addition of the dynamic conditions, a seeding stage and a metal surface.
The seeding stage and the metal surface simulate the heterogeneous nucleation. These
additions bring the test closer to a real application, where the system is rarely static or


completely clean. In addition, the advantage of the rotating disk procedure was that the
precipitation process could be accelerated and the results from 1.5 h rotating disk tests
were in consistency with 48 h static tests. However, there were problems with the re-
peatability of the test results when parallel stirrers were used. The results for the blanks
without an inhibitor differed quite much when different disks and stirrers were used.
Also the efficiency of the seeding stage could be better if the seeding stage was extend-
ed. Before the rotating disk procedure can be utilized in a large scale product testing, the
problems of the method have to be solved.
The dynamic tube blocking procedure enables the testing of the antiscalants in high
pressure and temperature dynamic conditions. In this method, a calcium solution and a
carbonate solution flow through a narrow scaling coil which is blocked when scaling
occurs. The level of blockage is quantified by measuring the pressure difference over
the scaling coil. The method proved to give additional information about the threshold
inhibition properties of the antiscalants at the temperature of 50 °C. At higher tempera-
tures, the adjustment of the process parameters such way that the blockage of the scal-
ing coil would be controlled turned out to be challenging and could not be completed in
the scope of this study.
With the computational model WatSIM, various scaling potential indices can be cal-
culated. These include among others the Langelier saturation index and Saturation Lev-
el. When analyzing the calculation results of the software for the typical high TDS, high
carbonate level and alkaline conditions of paper making, it became evident that the
model is not suitable for the use in these conditions. The calculated Saturation Level
values decreased with increasing temperature, which was opposite to what was ex-
pected. The calculated LSI values were logical but did not include the effect of the high
TDS content on the activities of calcium and carbonate ions.
The functionality of different commercially available antiscaling chemistries and
some new experimental products in the alkaline and high TDS conditions of paper mak-
ing were evaluated with the static jar test, rotating disk procedure, and dynamic tube
blocking procedure. The results of these tests confirmed the presumption made in Chap-
ter 2.3.1 that phosphonates are better threshold inhibitors whereas the dispersing proper-
ties of polycarboxylates are better. As long as the nucleation does not occur the phos-
phonates can inhibit the precipitation completely but when the nucleation occurs the
failure is fast as the crystal modification and dispersing properties are poor. A good pol-
ycarboxylate antiscalant cannot inhibit the nucleation as well as phosphonates but can
slow down the crystal growth process much better.
The differences between different polycarboxylate antiscalants were drastic. The
best performing polycarboxylates were a pure polymaleate antiscalant referred to as
Polymaleate and a new experimental maleate/acrylate/non-ionic terpolymer referred to
as Terpolymer 2. The pure polyacrylate antiscalant referred to as Polyacrylate showed
very little inhibition in all of the static tests of this thesis but had rather good threshold
inhibition properties in the dynamic tube blocking test. It has also performed well in the
some earlier tests with low TDS content, which indicates that the high TDS content dis-


ables the function of a pure polyacrylate. The behavior of the polyaspartic acid antiscal-
ant referred to as Polyaspartate 3 had similar behavior with Polyacrylate in different
tests but it had poorer threshold inhibition properties in the dynamic tube blocking pro-
cedure. Also the molecular weight of the polycarboxylate antiscalants played a major
role in its performance. A low molecular weight seems to promote the threshold inhibi-
tion properties and high molecular weight the dispersing properties.
There is no single answer for what is the best antiscalant in the applications of paper
making but the results gained with the methods of this study show that the advantages
and disadvantages of different antiscalants can be distinguished with these methods. It
seems that maleate/acrylate/non-ionic terpolymer type of antiscalants have the best tol-
erance for the changes in the test conditions which indicates that they would be a good
choice for example for the digester scale inhibition where the complete inhibition of the
scale is unlikely. In order to link the laboratory test results to real applications, experi-
ence from the performance of the antiscalants in the pilot and mill scale trials has to be
In order to answer the few questions which arose from the test results of this thesis,
further study should be made. The further study should consider how critical the TDS
value is to the performance of the antiscalants and how the morphology of the precipita-
tion is affected by different test parameters and antiscalants. Also the thermal stability
of the antiscalants and the effect of impurities such as iron and aluminum ions on the
performance of the antiscalants are worth studying.
The main objective of the study was to establish adequate laboratory testing meth-
ods for Kemira’s Fiber and Biorefinery Chemistry laboratory. Other objectives included
the improvement of their overall knowledge about the scaling phenomenon of the calci-
um carbonate and the gathering of information about the performance of different an-
tiscalants in the conditions of paper making. The objectives of the study were reached
and the overall success of the work was good although some of the topics require fur-
ther study.



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1. Make sure disks are clean from the end of the last run. Cleaning step detailed

2. Pre-scale (seeding) step:

a. Add 25 ml anionic solution to clear polystyrene cup. (Anionic solution =
6000 ppm carbonate and 2 M NaCl containing solution)
b. Immerse disk (to about the bottom of the vortex formed) and start stirrer
at 250 RPM.
c. Add 25 mL CaCl2 (160 ppm as Ca2+) to separate cup. Pour this into cup
that is spinning with anionic solution.
i. Avoid getting solution onto shaft
ii. Ensure that no bubbles are trapped on bottom of disk
d. Raise disk immediately after the CaCl2 addition.
e. Let the disk spin at high speed (e.g. 2000 rpm) until dry in appearance.
f. While spinning, rinse with distilled water (top and bottom of disk).
g. After distilled water, rinse with acetone (top and bottom of disk).
h. Allow to stand for 5 minutes.

3. Scale step:
a. Add 75 mL anionic solution to clear polystyrene cup.
b. Add inhibitor as desired.
c. Immerse disk (about 2 cm above bottom of cup) and start stirrer at 250
i. Do not allow disk to touch the cup walls
ii. Ensure no bubbles are present on the bottom of the disk.
d. Add 75 mL CaCl2 (160 ppm as Ca2+) to separate cup. Pour this into cup
that is spinning with anionic solution
i. Avoid getting solution onto shaft
ii. Ensure no bubbles are present on the bottom of the disk
e. Spin at 250 RPM for 90 minutes
f. Disk should be positioned so that vortex does not touch surface (near
the 110 mL graduation level in cup.)
g. Raise disk and spin at high speed until dry in appearance. Save these
cups for analysis. These contain what we call “filtrate” and “membrane”
h. Rinse disk (top and bottom) with distilled water.

i. While spinning rapidly, rinse with acetone.
j. Allow to dry.

4. Dissolution Step
a. Pour 100 mL of 7% HNO3 into the same cup in which the scale step was
performed and swirl to dissolve the scale from the surfaces of the cup
b. Immerse disk in the same cup and rotate at 250 RPM for 15 minutes.
i. Ensure that no bubbles are present on bottom of the disk
c. Raise disk out of solution and spin rapidly to remove excess liquid.
d. Save these cups for analysis. These cups contain the “adherent”

5. Cleaning step:
a. Rinse disk (top and bottom) with distilled water
b. Rinse with acetone at high spinning speed and allow drying.



Test was performed with inhibitor dosage of 18 ppm as solids at 50 °C and pH 9.2. The test
period was 48 h, calcium level 80 ppm, carbonate level 3000 ppm and NaCl concentration 1 M.

Filtrate   Membrane   Adherent   Total  

(ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+)  (ppm as Ca2+) 
7.8  31.0  57.0  95.8 
4.6  23.4  51.7  79.7 
1.5  21.8  49.8  73.1 
6.2  34.2  39.6  79.9 
85.5        85.5 
78.2  78.2 
Control  81.1  81.1 
82.2  82.2 
85.0        85.0 
Copolymer 1  56.0  3.6  25.4  85.0 
Copolymer 2  59.0  3.4  23.6  86.0 
Copolymer 3  62.0  4.2  18.7  84.9 
67.5  2.1  16.3  85.8 
Copolymer 4 
72.0  2.6  13.8  88.4 
Copolymer 5  41.7  6.9  37.4  86.0 
Copolymer 6  6.0  44.1  24.6  74.7 
Polyaspartate 1  6.6  9.8  65.8  82.2 
Polyaspartate 2  5.5  12.3  66.5  84.3 
4.3  71.0  11.9  87.2 
Polyaspartate 3  4.5  24.8  49.6  78.9 
5.8  23.4  43.3  72.5 
88.5  2.3  0.3  91.1 
Phosphonate 1 
78.7  1.4  0.2  80.2 
Phosphonate 2  84.0  10.7  0.3  95.0 
Phosphonate 3  7.5  36.3  42.6  86.4 
5.0  1.4  72.4  78.8 
5.6  1.6  67.2  74.4 
55.5  0.9  19.0  75.4 
56.5  0.7  20.4  77.7 
Terpolymer 1  64.3  4.3  11.5  80.0 
67.8  4.2  15.2  87.1 
Terpolymer 2 
57.4  3.0  15.4  75.8 
Terpolymer 3  61.5  5.6  16.8  83.9 
Terpolymer 4  61.0  4.1  17.8  82.9 
Terpolymer 5  59.5  2.5  21.1  83.0 
Terpolymer 6  6.0  66.8  3.5  76.2 



Phosphonate 1

Run 1: 5 min steps
0.5 ppm
1 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

2 ppm
4 7.5 ppm 5 ppm
10 ppm 4 ppm
3 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)

Run 2: First step 5 min, others 10 min

1 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

3 ppm 2 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)



7.5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

10 ppm 5 ppm 4 ppm

30 ppm 3 ppm
2 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)

3 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

4 ppm
7.5 ppm 5 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)



7.5 ppm 1 ppm
10 ppm 5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

2 ppm
30 ppm 4 ppm
3 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)

4 ppm
7.5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

5 ppm
10 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)


Polyaspartate 3

7.5 ppm 4 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

10 ppm 5 ppm
30 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)

5 10 ppm
20 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

30 ppm
40 ppm
50 ppm
100 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Elapsed time (min)


Copolymer 1

5 ppm 4 ppm
7.5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

10 ppm
30 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)

Differential pressure (psi)

7.5 ppm
15 ppm 10 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)


Copolymer 3

3 ppm
7.5 ppm 4 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

10 ppm 5 ppm
30 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed time (min)

Differential pressure (psi)

7.5 ppm
20 ppm 15 ppm 10 ppm
30 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Elapsed time (min)


Copolymer 5

5 ppm

10 ppm 7.5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

50 ppm 30 ppm
100 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)

Run 2: 10 min steps
10 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

20 ppm
80 ppm 60 ppm 40 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elapsed time (min)


Terpolymer 1

3 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

10 ppm 4 ppm
30 ppm 7.5 ppm
50 ppm 5 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (min)

Differential pressure (psi)

15 ppm 5 ppm
10 ppm 7.5 ppm
30 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed time (min)


Terpolymer 2

2 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

7.5 ppm
10 ppm 5 ppm 3 ppm
30 ppm 4 ppm
50 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed time (min)

5 ppm
Differential pressure (psi)

30 ppm 15 ppm 10 ppm 7.5 ppm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed time (min)




Input data: pH 9.2 T=50 °C 

Calcium (as Ca)   80.00 Chloride (as Cl) 35600
Magnesium (as Mg)   0.00 Sulfate (as SO4) 0.00
Sodium (as Na)   24600 "M" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 3611
Potassium (as K)   0.00 "P" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 1058
Ammonia (as NH3)   0.00 Oxalic acid (as C2O4) 0.00
Iron (as Fe)   0.00 Cyanide (as HCN) 0.00
Manganese (as Mn)   0.00 Phosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Aluminum (as Al)   0.00 Pyrophosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Zinc (as Zn)   0.00 Silica (as SiO2) 0.00
Boron (as B)   0.00 Nitrate (as NO3) 0.00
      Fluoride (as F) 0.00
pH 9.20  
Temperature (°C) 50.00  
Calculated T.D.S. 62478  
Calculated Cond. 58516  

Calcite (CaCO3) 60.50 Calcite (CaCO3) 146.44
Aragonite (CaCO3) 51.13 Aragonite (CaCO3) 145.42
Anhydrite (CaSO4) 0.00 Anhydrite (CaSO4) -2.6%E+3
Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) 0.00 Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) -3.1%E+3
Calcium phosphate 0.00 Calcium phosphate -0.00297
Hydroxyapatite 0.00 Hydroxyapatite -1.2%E+3
Fluorite (CaF2) 0.00 Fluorite (CaF2) -84.99
Silica (SiO2) 0.00 Silica (SiO2) -186.84
Brucite (Mg(OH)2) 0.00 Brucite (Mg(OH)2) -12.12
Magnesium silicate 0.00 Magnesium silicate -373.84
Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) 0.00 Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) >-0.001
Siderite (FeCO3) 0.00 Siderite (FeCO3) -0.00116
Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) 0.00 Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) >-0.001
Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) 0.00 Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) -3.20
Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) 0.00 Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) -0.335
Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) 0.00 Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) -0.318


Langelier 2.98 Calcium 80.00 61.02
Ryznar 3.25 Carbonate 2251 152.56
Puckorius 2.61 Phosphate 0.00 0.00
Larson-Skold Index 12.12      
C.C.P.P. 199.60      
D.I.C. (mg/L C) 544.36 Temperature (°C) 50.00
Pb solubility(ug/L) 0.00176 Time(mins) 3.00
Cu solubility(mg/L) 0.151    
Zn solubility(mg/L) 97.29    
PPO4 solubility(mg/L) 310.39    
PO4 solubility(mg/L) 499.79    



Input data: pH 9.2 T=75 °C 

Calcium (as Ca)   80.00 Chloride (as Cl) 35600
Magnesium (as Mg)   0.00 Sulfate (as SO4) 0.00
Sodium (as Na)   24600 "M" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 3611
Potassium (as K)   0.00 "P" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 1058
Ammonia (as NH3)   0.00 Oxalic acid (as C2O4) 0.00
Iron (as Fe)   0.00 Cyanide (as HCN) 0.00
Manganese (as Mn)   0.00 Phosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Aluminum (as Al)   0.00 Pyrophosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Zinc (as Zn)   0.00 Silica (as SiO2) 0.00
Boron (as B)   0.00 Nitrate (as NO3) 0.00
      Fluoride (as F) 0.00
pH 9.20  
Temperature (°C) 75.00  
Calculated T.D.S. 62456  
Calculated Cond. 54462  


Calcite (CaCO3) 41.37 Calcite (CaCO3) 119.93
Aragonite (CaCO3) 34.08 Aragonite (CaCO3) 118.04
Anhydrite (CaSO4) 0.00 Anhydrite (CaSO4) -2.2%E+3
Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) 0.00 Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) -3.4%E+3
Calcium phosphate 0.00 Calcium phosphate -0.00191
Hydroxyapatite 0.00 Hydroxyapatite -1.5%E+3
Fluorite (CaF2) 0.00 Fluorite (CaF2) -94.52
Silica (SiO2) 0.00 Silica (SiO2) -306.99
Brucite (Mg(OH)2) 0.00 Brucite (Mg(OH)2) -6.19
Magnesium silicate 0.00 Magnesium silicate -465.67
Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) 0.00 Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) >-0.001
Siderite (FeCO3) 0.00 Siderite (FeCO3) -0.00144
Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) 0.00 Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) >-0.001
Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) 0.00 Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) -3.45
Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) 0.00 Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) -0.332
Zinc phosphate 0.00 Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) -0.358


Langelier 3.22 Calcium 80.00 66.65
Ryznar 2.76 Carbonate 2550 78.72
Puckorius 2.08 Phosphate 0.00 0.00
Larson-Skold Index 11.43      
C.C.P.P. 199.65      
D.I.C. (mg/L C) 544.20 Temperature (°C) 75.00
Pb solubility(ug/L) < 0.001 Time(mins) 3.00
Cu solubility(mg/L) 0.00904    
Zn solubility(mg/L) 2.09    
PPO4 solubility(mg/L) 309.06    
PO4 solubility(mg/L) 815.77    


Input data: pH 9.2 T=95 °C 

Calcium (as Ca)   80.00 Chloride (as Cl) 35600
Magnesium (as Mg)   0.00 Sulfate (as SO4) 0.00
Sodium (as Na)   24600 "M" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 3611
Potassium (as K)   0.00 "P" Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 1058
Ammonia (as NH3)   0.00 Oxalic acid (as C2O4) 0.00
Iron (as Fe) 0.00 Cyanide (as HCN) 0.00
Manganese (as Mn)   0.00 Phosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Aluminum (as Al)   0.00 Pyrophosphate (as PO4) 0.00
Zinc (as Zn)   0.00 Silica (as SiO2) 0.00
Boron (as B)   0.00 Nitrate (as NO3) 0.00
      Fluoride (as F) 0.00
pH 9.20  
Temperature (°C) 95.00  
Calculated T.D.S. 62480  
Calculated Cond. 50752  

Calcite (CaCO3) 27.91 Calcite (CaCO3) 71.67
Aragonite (CaCO3) 22.58 Aragonite (CaCO3) 70.63
Anhydrite (CaSO4) 0.00 Anhydrite (CaSO4) -2.1%E+3
Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) 0.00 Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) -3.7%E+3
Calcium phosphate 0.00 Calcium phosphate -0.00154
Hydroxyapatite 0.00 Hydroxyapatite -1.8%E+3
Fluorite (CaF2) 0.00 Fluorite (CaF2) -103.44
Silica (SiO2) 0.00 Silica (SiO2) -435.02
Brucite (Mg(OH)2) 0.00 Brucite (Mg(OH)2) -1.45
Magnesium silicate 0.00 Magnesium silicate -547.56
Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) 0.00 Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) >-0.001
Siderite (FeCO3) 0.00 Siderite (FeCO3) -0.00188
Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) 0.00 Strengite (FePO4*2H2O) >-0.001
Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) 0.00 Calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) -3.81
Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) 0.00 Ca pyrophosphate (CaP2O7) -0.350
Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) 0.00 Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) -0.401


Langelier 3.38 Calcium 80.00 70.23
Ryznar 2.44 Carbonate 2644 45.74
Puckorius 1.73 Phosphate 0.00 0.00
Larson-Skold Index 11.23      
C.C.P.P. 199.67      
D.I.C. (mg/L C) 544.19 Temperature (°C) 95.00
Pb solubility(ug/L) < 0.001 Time(mins) 3.00
Cu solubility(mg/L) 0.00126    
Zn solubility(mg/L) 0.127    
PPO4 solubility(mg/L) 317.68    
PO4 solubility(mg/L) 1294    

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