Risk and Benefit of CS
Risk and Benefit of CS
Risk and Benefit of CS
1 NHS Lothian Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Simpson’s Centre for Reproductive Health,
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2 Tommy’s Centre for Maternal and Fetal Health,
a1111111111 MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh Queen’s Medical Research Institute,
a1111111111 Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3 School of Women’s and Infants’ Health, University of Western Australia,
a1111111111 Crawley, Australia
a1111111111 * sarah.stock@ed.ac.uk
Competing interests: The authors have declared years (OR 1.21, 1.11 to 1.32; n = 887,960; 13 studies) and obesity up to the age of 5 years
that no competing interests exist. (OR 1.59, 1.33 to 1.90; n = 64,113; 6 studies). Pregnancy after cesarean delivery was asso-
Abbreviations: CINAHL, Cumulative Index to ciated with increased risk of miscarriage (OR 1.17, 1.03 to 1.32; n = 151,412; 4 studies) and
Nursing and Allied Health Literature; MOOSE, stillbirth (OR 1.27, 1.15 to 1.40; n = 703,562; 8 studies), but not perinatal mortality (OR 1.11,
Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in
Epidemiology; NNT, numbers needed to treat; OR,
0.89 to 1.39; n = 91,429; 2 studies). Pregnancy following cesarean delivery was associated
odds ratio; RCT, randomized controlled trial; with increased risk of placenta previa (OR 1.74, 1.62 to 1.87; n = 7,101,692; 10 studies), pla-
RoBANS, Risk of Bias Assessment tool for Non- centa accreta (OR 2.95, 1.32 to 6.60; n = 705,108; 3 studies), and placental abruption (OR
randomized Studies; SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate
1.38, 1.27 to 1.49; n = 5,667,160; 6 studies).
Guideline Network.
This is a comprehensive review adhering to a registered protocol, and guidelines for the
Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology were followed, but it is based on
predominantly observational data, and in some meta-analyses, between-study heterogene-
ity is high; therefore, causation cannot be inferred and the results should be interpreted with
When compared with vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery is associated with a reduced rate
of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, but this should be weighed against the
association with increased risks for fertility, future pregnancy, and long-term childhood out-
comes. This information could be valuable in counselling women on mode of delivery.
Author summary
Rates of cesarean delivery continue to rise worldwide, with recent (2016) reported rates of
24.5% in Western Europe, 32% in North America, and 41% in South America [1,2]. In the
presence of maternal or fetal complications, cesarean delivery can effectively reduce maternal
and perinatal mortality and morbidity [2]; however, an increasing proportion of babies are
delivered by cesarean when there is no medical or obstetric indication [3]. The short-term
adverse associations of cesarean delivery for the mother, such as infection, haemorrhage, vis-
ceral injury, and venous thromboembolism, have been minimized to the point that cesarean
delivery is considered as safe as vaginal delivery in high-income countries [4], though in low-
and middle-income countries, there is an increased risk of adverse short-term maternal out-
comes even with cesarean delivery without medical indication [1]. This notwithstanding, the
long-term risks and benefits of cesarean delivery for mother, baby, and subsequent pregnan-
cies are less frequently discussed with women, and there are few randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) addressing the issue [5,6]. Systematic reviews of observational studies investigating the
longer-term associations of cesarean delivery provide conflicting results on risks and benefits
for mother and baby [7–13].
Maternal preferences are an important influence on decisions about mode of delivery. At
present, evidence of longer-term complications of cesarean delivery has not been adequately
synthesized to allow fully informed decisions about mode of delivery to be made. The aim of
this systematic review and meta-analysis is to summarize the evidence about long-term risks
and benefits of cesarean delivery for women, children, and the associations with future
We conducted a systematic review of literature according to the recommendations of the
Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) Guidelines for Meta-Anal-
yses and Systematic Reviews of Observational Studies [14]. The study protocol was registered
with the University of York Centre for Reviews and Dissemination International prospective
register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO Record CRD42014007006, http://www.crd.york.ac.
We developed and tested the search strategy in collaboration with a librarian experienced
in literature searching. We searched Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
(CINAHL) and Cochrane library databases. The search terms are described in S1 Table;
searches began 23 March 2014, and the last search was 25 May 2017. Additional studies were
identified from reference lists of papers. After removal of duplicates, the abstracts were then
screened for study inclusion criteria and full-text articles then assessed for eligibility.
We included RCTs and large (more than 1,000 participants) prospective cohort studies
(including those with prospectively collected data analysed retrospectively) that assessed out-
comes for women with term deliveries (>37 weeks gestation) after cesarean and vaginal deliv-
ery (exposures) with follow-up of greater than or equal to one year from the index delivery.
Two assessors (OEK and SJS) independently screened titles and abstracts of studies, then
accessed and appraised full texts. Data were extracted onto the RevMan programme (version 5.3)
(OEK and SJS). Where available, data for outcomes following operative vaginal delivery were
included in the ‘vaginal delivery’ group. In order to detect bias and to grade the quality of studies,
we used the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network (SIGN) Methodology checklists for
cohort studies and RCTs where appropriate and graded the studies as high quality with little or
no risk of bias (++), acceptable with some flaws in the study with an associated risk of bias (+), or
low quality with significant flaws (0) (OEK and SJS) [15]. As an additional assessment of bias and
study quality, we used the Risk of Bias Assessment tool for Non-randomized Studies (RoBANS),
which has shown moderate reliability and promising validity [16]. Studies were excluded if they
did not provide sufficient information to assess methods or data analysis. Authors were contacted
to clarify ambiguities in published results, in particular figures for outcomes in cesarean delivery
and vaginal delivery groups [17–19]. Where there was disagreement over eligibility for inclusion
or assessment of study quality, this was referred to a meeting of all authors.
We analysed the data in three groups of prespecified outcomes: maternal, childhood, and
subsequent pregnancy outcomes. The primary outcome chosen for each database search was
that which we felt patients would be most concerned about. As there were several other rele-
vant outcomes for each database search, we added these as secondary outcomes (see Table 1).
Table 1. Primary and secondary outcomes. Table displaying the primary and secondary outcomes specified for database searches of maternal, childhood, and subse-
quent pregnancy outcomes.
Group Primary outcome Secondary outcomes
Maternal outcomes Pelvic floor dysfunction (any of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, Maternal death
uterine prolapse, or vaginal prolapse) Chronic pain (including pelvic pain)
Sexual dysfunction (including dyspareunia)
Healthcare usage
Childhood outcomes Asthma (up to 12 years and from 15 years) Wheeze (up to 5 years and 6–15 years)
Overweight (3–13 years)
Obesity (up to 5 years, 6–15 years, and adulthood)
Inflammatory bowel disease (up to 35 years)
Subsequent pregnancy Perinatal death (from 22 weeks gestation to one week of age) Placenta previa
outcomes Placenta accreta
Placental abruption
Uterine rupture
Ectopic pregnancy
Postpartum haemorrhage
Antepartum haemorrhage
Preterm labour
Fetal growth restriction (small for gestational age, low
birth weight [<2,500 g])
Neonatal death
Results were pooled in a Mantel–Haenszel fixed effects meta-analysis with ORs, 95% confi-
dence intervals, and two-sided p-values. Heterogeneity was assessed using the chi-squared and
I-squared tests, with random effects models used when substantial heterogeneity was present,
i.e., when I-squared exceeded 40%. Results were summarized in tables and illustrated using
forest plots. Planned sensitivity analyses were by study quality, cohort size (>50,000), GDP of
country of publication (top two thirds, bottom third of International Monetary Fund list), and
study period (cohort pre-1980, post-1980) and were applied where appropriate. This study
period cutoff was chosen as cesarean delivery rates and obstetric care have changed signifi-
cantly since 1980.
Electronic searches provided 30,327 citations and hand-searching of references provided a fur-
ther 57 papers. After exclusions, 80 studies were included (one RCT and 79 observational stud-
ies) (see flow diagrams in S1 Fig, S2 Fig and S3 Fig; of note, three of the 80 studies contributed
to both the ‘maternal outcomes’ and ‘subsequent pregnancy outcomes’ meta-analyses and are
included in both flowcharts; thus, the sum of all papers in flow diagrams is 83). For the purpose
of combining estimates, the RCT was not meta-analysed with the observational studies, but
the results were presented separately. Two independent reviewers assessed study quality. Sev-
eral studies had high or unclear risk of detection bias through inadequate blinding of outcome
assessments, and many had a high risk of attrition bias caused by the inadequate handling of
incomplete outcome data. The majority of studies were of acceptable quality, and many were
adjusted for multiple confounding factors. Of note, in the majority of studies, the adjusted
ORs were not substantially different from the crude ORs. All studies were from high-income
countries (top third of GDP list); 13 were hospital studies, and 67 were population studies (see
S2 Table, S3 Table, S4 Table and S5 Table).
Results of meta-analyses are summarized in Table 2 and Figs 1–3.
Maternal outcomes
One RCT of 2,088 participants [5] and data from 23 reports of prospective cohort studies
(total of 3,849,075 participants) were included [20–42] (see S2 Table for characteristics).
Primary outcome: Pelvic floor dysfunction. No studies reported ‘pelvic floor dys-
function’ as an outcome; therefore, the following individual outcomes were used: urinary
incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse (to include uterine and/or vaginal prolapse), and fecal
incontinence. The RCT did not demonstrate any statistically significant association of cesarean
delivery with urinary incontinence (OR 0.78, 95% confidence intervals 0.56 to 1.08) or fecal
incontinence (OR 3.07, 95% confidence intervals 0.90 to 10.49) [5]. In total, data from 11 man-
uscripts were eligible for meta-analysis, with follow-up ranging from 12 months postnatal to
Table 2. Summary of meta-analyses. Table summarizing the meta-analyses performed detailing the number of studies, number of participants, effect estimate of each
outcome and statistical method used. As studies had multiple cohorts and different follow-up periods, meta-analyses were divided according to age or duration of
Outcome Studies Participants OR [95%CI] Statistical Method
Maternal Outcomes
Primary Outcomes
Urinary incontinence 8 58900 0.56 [0.47, 0.66] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Pelvic organ prolapse 2 39208 0.29 [0.17, 0.51] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Fecal incontinence 5 43260 1.04 [0.73, 1.48] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Secondary Outcomes
Pelvic pain 2 18308 0.74 [0.54, 1.00] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Subfertility 11 3692014 1.60 [1.45, 1.76] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Childhood Outcomes
Primary Outcomes
Asthma up to 12 years 13 887960 1.21 [1.11, 1.32] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Adulthood asthma from 15 years 2 9072 1.87 [0.65, 5.32] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Secondary Outcomes
Wheeze up to 5 years 5 53686 1.10 [0.96, 1.26] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Wheeze 6-15 years 4 20815 1.18 [1.05, 1.33] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Allergy/atopy 8 44131 1.15 [0.97, 1.36] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Overweight at 3-13 years 4 187148 1.22 [1.06, 1.41] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Obesity up to 5 years 6 64113 1.59 [1.33, 1.90] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Obesity at 6-15 years 5 35428 1.45 [1.15, 1.83] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Adult obesity at 20-28 years 5 33101 1.34 [1.25, 1.44] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Inflammatory bowel disease up to 35 years 3 2605129 0.73 [0.69, 0.79] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Subsequent Pregnancy Outcomes
Primary Outcome
Perinatal death 2 91429 1.11 [0.89, 1.39] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Secondary Outcomes
Placenta previa 10 7101692 1.74 [1.62, 1.87] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Placenta accreta 3 705108 2.95 [1.32, 6.60] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Placental abruption 6 5667160 1.38 [1.27, 1.49] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Uterine rupture 4 841209 25.81 [10.96, 60.76] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Miscarriage 4 151412 1.17 [1.03, 1.32] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Ectopic pregnancy 3 312026 1.21 [1.04, 1.40] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Stillbirth 8 703562 1.27 [1.15, 1.40] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Hysterectomy 2 167674 3.85 [1.06, 14.02] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Antepartum hemorrhage 3 116073 2.43 [0.81, 7.34] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Postpartum hemorrhage 2 167674 0.72 [0.55, 0.95] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Preterm labor 7 10509366 1.07 [0.99, 1.16] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Small for gestational age 5 10901970 1.01 [0.89, 1.14] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Low birth weight (<2500g) 4 699499 1.15 [0.93, 1.43] Mantel-Haenszel Random Effects
Neonatal death 5 10275127 1.01 [0.98, 1.05] Mantel-Haenszel Fixed Effects
Fig 1. Modified forest plot of maternal outcomes meta-analyses. In addition to the meta-analyses shown, one RCT assessed dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia with no
statistically significant associations. One RCT and one cohort study investigated sexual dysfunction, notably dyspareunia, with conflicting results. No studies investigated
maternal death or healthcare usage. RCT, randomized controlled trial.
when sensitivity analysis was performed, excluding two low-quality studies [32,39] (955/6,883
cesarean delivery versus 7,129/49,319 vaginal delivery; OR 0.59, 95% confidence intervals 0.49
to 0.70, p < 0.00001; I2 = 72%; 6 studies).
Compared to vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery was associated with reduced odds of pelvic
organ prolapse (116/4,898 cesarean delivery versus 2,055/34,310 vaginal delivery; OR 0.29,
95% confidence intervals 0.17 to 0.51, p = 0.005, I2 = 87%; 2 studies) (S5 Fig) [20,27]. There
was no statistically significant difference in rates of fecal incontinence (234/6,449 cesarean
delivery versus 705/36,811 vaginal delivery; OR 1.04, 95% confidence intervals 0.73 to 1.48,
p = 0.82, I2 = 72%; 5 studies) (S6 Fig) [5,20,22,26,33,42]. Similar results were seen when sensi-
tivity analysis was performed, excluding one low-quality study [22] (187/6,087 cesarean deliv-
ery versus 663/36,534 vaginal delivery; OR 1.09, 95% confidence intervals 0.71 to 1.67,
p = 0.69, I2 = 77%; 4 studies).
Secondary outcomes: Menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea; chronic pain (including pelvic
pain) and sexual dysfunction (including dyspareunia); and subfertility. Data from the one
RCT showed no association between mode of delivery and heavy menstrual bleeding (menor-
rhagia) or painful menstrual bleeding (dysmenorrhea) [5].
Two studies investigated pelvic pain [21,42]. There was no statistically significant associa-
tion of mode of delivery with pelvic pain (33/2,449 cesarean delivery versus 313/15,512 vaginal
delivery; OR 0.74, 95% confidence intervals 0.54 to 1.00, p = 0.05, I2 = 0%) (S7 Fig).
When compared with vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery was associated with increased
odds of dyspareunia in one cohort study (OR 1.49, 95% confidence intervals 1.11 to 2.00) [34],
Fig 2. Modified forest plot of childhood outcomes meta-analyses. As studies had multiple cohorts and different follow-up periods, meta-analyses were divided
according to age or duration of follow-up.
but there was no statistically significant effect demonstrated in the RCT (OR 0.96, 95% confi-
dence intervals 0.61 to 1.50) [5].
There were no studies found investigating maternal death or healthcare usage as a long-
term association of cesarean delivery.
Meta-analysis of 11 studies (3,692,014 women) showed an association between cesarean
delivery and increased odds of subfertility when compared to vaginal delivery (246,096/
567,155 previous cesarean delivery versus 995,022/3,124,859 previous vaginal delivery; OR
1.60, 95% confidence intervals 1.45 to 1.76, p < 0.00001) (S8 Fig) [23,24,29–31,35–37,40,41].
Between-study heterogeneity was high in this meta-analysis (I2 = 99%) due to the varying fol-
low-up periods, varying cohort numbers, and study periods. Sensitivity analysis excluding four
studies with <50,000 participants [29,30,35,36] did not alter these results (243,260/560,190
previous cesarean delivery versus 978,990/3,075,271 previous vaginal delivery; OR 1.64, 95%
confidence intervals 1.46 to 1.84, p < 0.00001; I2 = 100%; 7 studies).
Childhood outcomes
Thirty-five manuscripts met the inclusion criteria (see S3 Table for characteristics) [17,19,44–
76]. As studies had multiple cohorts and different follow-up periods, meta-analyses were
divided according to age or duration of follow-up.
Primary outcome: Asthma. Meta-analysis of 13 studies (887,960 participants) [17,45,49,
55,58,59,61,63,67,69,72,73,76] showed an association between cesarean delivery and increased
Fig 3. Modified forest plot of subsequent pregnancy outcomes meta-analyses. An additional outcome not included in this modified forest plot is
uterine rupture, OR 25.81 (95% confidence intervals 10.96 to 60.76). OR, odds ratio.
0%) (S11 Fig, S12 Fig) [59,62,69,72]. Following sensitivy analysis, excluding two low-quality
studies [59,72], there was no statistically significant association between mode of delivery and
wheeze at this age (251/1,848 cesarean delivery versus 640/6,318 vaginal delivery; OR 1.14,
95% confidence intervals 0.97 to 1.34; p = 0.11, I2 = 0%).
Eight studies (n = 44,131) assessed allergies, hypersensitivity, dermatitis, or atopic condi-
tions, evaluating a variety of outcomes [51,59,61,63,67,69,75,77]. In order to enable a meta-
analysis, a single outcome from each study was chosen. All studies had follow-up of up to 8
years except one [75], which had 31 years follow-up. There was no statistically significant asso-
ciation between mode of delivery and odds of hypersensitivity/allergy/dermatitis/atopy in the
meta-analysis (S13 Fig). There was moderate heterogeneity between the studies (I2 = 51%).
Compared with vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery was associated with increased odds of
childhood overweight (3,221/39,866 cesarean delivery versus 9,792/147,282 vaginal delivery;
OR 1.22, 95% confidence intervals 1.06 to 1.41, p = 0.007; 4 studies; I2 = 47%) [56,57,64,70]. In
performing planned sensitivity analyses, we excluded one low-quality study [70], which did
not alter results (3,191/39,721 cesarean delivery versus 9,587/145,740 vaginal delivery; OR
1.19, 95% confidence intervals 1.04 to 1.35; p = 0.01, I2 = 42%). Cesarean delivery was also
associated with increased odds of childhood obesity at up to 5 years when compared with vagi-
nal delivery (834/6,645 cesarean delivery versus 5,295/57,468 vaginal delivery; OR 1.59, 95%
confidence intervals 1.33 to 1.90, p < 0.00001, I2 = 68%; 6 cohorts) [17,19,54,64], at 6–15 years
(655/5,728 cesarean delivery versus 2,716/29,700 vaginal delivery; OR 1.45, 95% confidence
intervals 1.15 to 1.83, p = 0.002, I2 = 63%; 5 cohorts) [19,44,53,64], and at 20–28 years (1,250/
7,759 cesarean delivery versus 3,105/25,342 vaginal delivery; OR 1.34, 95% confidence intervals
1.25 to 1.44, p < 0.0001, I2 = 0%; 5 studies) [19,48,53,60,66] (S14 Fig, S15 Fig, S16 Fig, and S17
In a meta-analysis of 3 studies, cesarean delivery was associated with reduced odds of
inflammatory bowel disease when compared with vaginal delivery (878/319,164 cesarean
delivery versus 7,806/2,285,965 vaginal delivery; OR 0.73, 95% confidence intervals 0.69 to
0.79, p < 0.00001, I2 = 0%) (S18 Fig) [10,17,68].
versus 188/638,867 previous vaginal delivery; OR 2.95, 95% confidence intervals 1.32 to 6.60,
p = 0.008; I2 = 47%; 3 studies) (S21 Fig) [79,85,86,88,95]. In a sensitivity analysis excluding one
study with a pre-1980 cohort [79], the association was no longer statistically significant (OR
5.32, 95% confidence intervals 0.67 to 44.26; p = 0.11, I2 = 68%).
When compared with women with previous vaginal delivery, women with a previous cesar-
ean delivery also had increased odds of placental abruption (6,047/858,208 previous cesarean
delivery versus 23,855/4,808,952 previous vaginal delivery; OR 1.38, 95% confidence intervals
1.27 to 1.49, p < 0.00001; I2 = 54%; 6 studies) [82,85–87,89,95] and uterine rupture (215/
91,837 previous cesarean delivery versus 56/749,372 previous vaginal delivery; OR 25.81, 95%
confidence intervals 10.96 to 60.76, p < 0.00001; I2 = 80%; 4 studies) (S22 Fig, S23 Fig)
When compared with women with previous vaginal delivery, women with previous cesar-
ean delivery had increased odds of miscarriage (2,060/19,106 previous cesarean delivery versus
12,663/132,306 previous vaginal delivery; OR 1.17, 95% confidence intervals 1.03 to 1.32,
p = 0.01; I2 = 79%; 4 studies) [29,35,40,85], ectopic pregnancy (223/71,040 previous cesarean
delivery versus 772/240,986 previous vaginal delivery; OR 1.21, 95% confidence intervals 1.04
to 1.40, p = 0.02; I2 = 0%; 3 studies) [35,78,85], and stillbirth (496/118,192 previous cesarean
delivery versus 1,905/585,370 previous vaginal delivery; OR 1.27, 95% confidence intervals
1.15 to 1.40, p < 0.00001; I2 = 34%; 8 studies) (S24 Fig, S25 Fig, S26 Fig) [83,85,86,92,93,96–
Women with previous cesarean delivery had increased odds of hysterectomy (19/29,626
previous cesarean delivery versus 31/138,048 previous vaginal delivery; OR 3.85, 95% confi-
dence intervals 1.06 to 14.02, p = 0.04; I2 = 69%; 2 studies) [85,97] and antepartum haemor-
rhage (413/17,259 previous cesarean delivery versus 1,237/74,170 previous vaginal delivery;
OR 1.22, 95% confidence intervals 1.09 to 1.36, p = 0.0007; I2 = 0%; 2 studies) [86,90] but
reduced odds of postpartum haemorrhage (1,087/29,626 previous cesarean delivery versus
7,455/138,048 previous vaginal delivery; OR 0.72, 95% confidence intervals 0.55 to 0.95,
p = 0.02; I2 = 88%; 2 studies) [85,97] (S27 Fig, S28 Fig, S29 Fig). There was no statistically sig-
nificant association between previous mode of delivery and preterm labour
[85,86,90,91,94,97,98], small for gestational age [79,86,91,94,97], low birth weight (<2,500 g)
[86,90,94,98] or neonatal death [81,86,91,94,97] (S30 Fig, S31 Fig, S32 Fig, S33 Fig).
Non-prespecified outcomes
Whilst searching for the outcomes defined in our protocol, we identified studies looking at the
risk of additional outcomes, including childhood type 1 diabetes [17,99–102] and celiac disease
[99,103]. These were not defined as outcome variables in our protocol, and we did not there-
fore systematically review the risks of these events. However, the results of these studies are
summarized in S6 Table.
This systematic review and meta-analysis has highlighted the long-term risks and benefits of
cesarean delivery for mother, baby, and subsequent pregnancies when compared to vaginal
delivery in term (>37 weeks gestation) pregnancies. We found that cesarean delivery is associ-
ated with reduced rates of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse but has adverse
associations with fertility, future pregnancy outcome, future pregnancy complications, and
long-term childhood outcomes.
We attempted to minimize bias in the review by adhering to a registered protocol and fol-
lowing the MOOSE guidelines [14]. We only included studies with a large number of
participants. In order to minimize publication bias, the database searches were comprehensive,
without language or date restrictions, and efforts were made to include unpublished data
through contacting authors. However, as with all systematic reviews, publication bias is a pos-
sibility. Despite the strengths of this systematic review, we recognize that the associations are
based on predominantly observational data, which itself may be vulnerable to bias.
We chose our outcomes a priori. Whilst this minimized bias, we have been unable to
include some data from well-conducted prospective randomized trials. Examples include [6]
and [104], both of which looked at neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years of age in chil-
dren delivered by planned cesarean delivery versus planned vaginal delivery. Neither study
demonstrated statistically significant differences in the two delivery groups; therefore, includ-
ing these would not have substantially altered the conclusions of our review.
Two independent reviewers assessed study quality using two bias assessment tools that cor-
related well. Any bias was mainly due to attrition bias or detection bias. These biases are likely
to have operated in different directions, with attrition bias reducing the observed difference
between the treatment groups and detection bias magnifying it. Importantly, excluding studies
of low quality did not change findings, suggesting that any bias will have had minimal effect.
However, as with all meta-analyses of observational studies, some caution must be exercised in
the interpretation of results. This is especially true in analyses where high levels of between-
study heterogeneity were observed (pelvic organ prolapse, subfertility, placenta previa, uterine
rupture, preterm labour), likely to reflect differences in the definitions of outcomes and con-
founders, follow-up times, and parity in cohorts, or where there the range of confidence inter-
vals were very wide (placenta accreta, uterine rupture, hysterectomy, antepartum
Observational studies of the risks and benefits of cesarean delivery have multiple potential
confounding factors. The majority of included studies adjusted for at least some of these (S2
Table, S3 Table, S4 Table). Maternal age, parity, and BMI were commonly adjusted-for vari-
ables. Studies assessing childhood outcomes frequently also adjusted for birth weight, breast-
feeding, maternal education, and maternal smoking. Studies assessing the association of
cesarean delivery with subsequent pregnancy outcomes additionally adjusted for a range of
maternal complications in previous pregnancy such as hypertension, diabetes and preterm
labour. In this systematic review and summary meta-analysis of mainly observational data we
were unable to adjust for confounding factors. However, it is worth noting that in the majority
of studies included, multivariable analysis did not significantly alter findings of univariable
analysis. Nevertheless, our findings must be interpreted with caution.
We were unable to analyse results by the indication for cesarean delivery or the category of
cesarean delivery—planned (elective) or emergency. Nevertheless, several studies did assess
outcomes by classification of cesarean delivery (elective or emergency) or timing of cesarean
delivery (pre-labour, intrapartum, or second stage of labour) without significant changes in
the ORs of complications [25,27,54,56,58,60,71]. Cesarean delivery rates varied depending on
the country where the study was performed and the cohort dates; for example, the [75] study
cohort in 1966 had a cesarean delivery rate of 5%. This may affect generalizability of the find-
ings to modern practice, but temporal differences in obstetric practice are unavoidable in stud-
ies of long-term complications.
Although previous systematic reviews have assessed individual outcomes [8–12,101,105–
109], we have found no other published reviews synthesizing the evidence for all long-term
risks and benefits of cesarean delivery relating to mother, baby, and subsequent pregnancies.
There is a lack of documented evidence about medium- to long-term outcomes in women and
their babies after a planned cesarean delivery or a planned vaginal birth [4]. Therefore, the
findings of this review will form a valuable and necessary addition to discussions about mode
of delivery and consenting for planned cesarean delivery. Patients may attribute different
weight to the outcomes; for example, some might prioritize minimizing the risk of stillbirth in
a future pregnancy, while others might prioritize minimizing the risk of respiratory morbidity
for their baby. The information included in this review will allow women (and their caregivers)
to make more personally relevant decisions.
Although we cannot conclude that cesarean delivery causes certain outcomes, patients and
clinicians should be aware that cesarean delivery is associated with long-term risks for the
baby and for subsequent pregnancies and a reduced risk of urinary incontinence and pelvic
organ prolapse for the mother. The significance that women attribute to these individual risks
is likely to vary, but it is imperative that clinicians take care to ensure that women are made
aware of any risk that they are likely to attach significance to. Women and clinicians thus
should be aware of both the short- and long-term risks and benefits of cesarean delivery and
discuss these when deciding on mode of delivery.
If the associations between cesarean delivery and outcomes were known to be causal, the
key significant associations in this review could be summarized using ‘numbers needed to
treat (NNT) for benefit or harm’. We have calculated the NNT for benefit and harm for each
statistically significant outcome from the meta-analyses and displayed this in S7 Table. These
are aimed to help put the risks and benefits of cesarean delivery into context and could be used
as a basis for a tool to help counselling and consenting for cesarean delivery in the antenatal
period, keeping in mind these figures are based on observational data. The estimates suggest
that around 17 cesareans would be needed to prevent one case of urinary incontinence (NNT
for benefit 17 95% CI 14,22), but for every 1,500 cesareans performed, there would be approxi-
mately nine additional cases of childhood asthma (NNT for harm 162 95% CI 107–308), and
in subsequent pregnancies, an additional 166 women with subfertility (NNT for harm 9 95%
CI 8–12), three women with placenta praevia (NNT for harm 494 95% CI 420, 589), two
women with uterine rupture (NNT for harm 538 95% CI 224–1340), 21 miscarriages (NNT for
harm 69 95% CI 37–386), and one stillbirth (NNT for harm 1144 95% CI 773–2059).
We have synthesised the evidence for the long-term risks and benefits of cesarean section. This
information should help inform discussions about mode of delivery and may facilitate appro-
priate personalized delivery planning and shared decision-making. Further research into the
long-term risks and benefits of cesarean delivery on maternal request will be beneficial. Whilst
randomized trials might be the gold standard in this regard, one that addressed all relevant
outcomes would have to be so large and with such a long follow-up so as to be likely to be
Supporting information
S1 Protocol.
S1 Moose Checklist.
S1 Table. Search strategy.
S2 Table. Maternal outcomes—Study characteristics.
S12 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of wheeze in children 6–15 years old after cesarean
delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S13 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of hypersensitivity or allergy or dermatitis or
atopy in children after cesarean delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S14 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of children being overweight at 3–8 years old after
cesarean delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S15 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of obesity in children up to 5 years old after cesar-
ean delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S16 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of obesity in children 6–15 years old after cesarean
delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S17 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of adulthood obesity after cesarean delivery com-
pared to vaginal delivery.
S18 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of inflammatory bowel disease in children and adults
up to age 35 years after cesarean delivery compared to vaginal delivery.
S19 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of perinatal death in pregnancy after cesarean deliv-
ery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S20 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of placenta previa in pregnancy after cesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S21 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of placenta accreta in pregnancy after cesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S22 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of placental abruption in pregnancy after cesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S23 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of uterine rupture in pregnancy after cesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S24 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of miscarriage in pregnancy after cesarean deliv-
ery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S25 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of ectopic pregnancy after cesarean delivery com-
pared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S26 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of stillbirth in pregnancy after cesarean delivery
compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S27 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of hysterectomy in pregnancy after caesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S28 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of having antepartum haemorrhage in pregnancy
after cesarean delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S29 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of postpartum haemorrhage in pregnancy after
cesarean delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S30 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of preterm labour in pregnancy after cesarean
delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S31 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of having a small for gestational age baby in preg-
nancy after cesarean delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S32 Fig. A random effects meta-analysis of having a baby with low birthweight (<2,500 g)
in pregnancy after cesarean delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
S33 Fig. A fixed effects meta-analysis of neonatal death following a pregnancy after cesar-
ean delivery compared to pregnancy after vaginal delivery.
We would like to thank Mrs Sheila Fisken (Academic Support Librarian for Medicine, Univer-
sity of Edinburgh) for her contribution to the database search strategies.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
Data curation: Oonagh E. Keag.
Formal analysis: Sarah J. Stock.
Investigation: Oonagh E. Keag, Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
Methodology: Oonagh E. Keag, Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
Resources: Oonagh E. Keag.
Software: Oonagh E. Keag, Sarah J. Stock.
Supervision: Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
Validation: Oonagh E. Keag, Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
Writing – original draft: Oonagh E. Keag.
Writing – review & editing: Oonagh E. Keag, Jane E. Norman, Sarah J. Stock.
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