1.0 Rehabilitation Design and Proposed Remedial Measures
1.0 Rehabilitation Design and Proposed Remedial Measures
1.0 Rehabilitation Design and Proposed Remedial Measures
Rehabilitation of the existing road pavement will not only be based on the present
surface condition but also on the expected increase in traffic loading and the remaining
life as determined by the FWD survey.
The rehabilitation design adopted in this study is the structural number (SN) method,
which requires among others, laboratory tests and insitu measurements of material
strength, expressed as material coefficient. The required data are:
Partial reconstruction
Full reconstruction.
Overlay may involve addition of only new surfacing or new surfacing and a base course.
Partial reconstruction is normally carried out by reworking the existing pavement and
adding new pavement layers as required, i.e., reprocessing the old pavement to new
base course or new subbase in the new pavement. Full reconstruction is carried out by
downgrading of the existing pavement to subgrade for the new pavement.
These methods have been assessed and appropriate choice made based on technical
aspects such as the condition of the road, strength requirements for the new pavement,
types of material in the existing pavement, available material for construction of the new
pavement, required or adjusted surface levels of the new road, and construction
1.1.3. Rehabilitation Design Basing on SN
The strength of the existing pavement was determined based on the structural number
(SN) from the DCP tests, and also as the product of thickness and material coefficient of
the layer (MoW, 1999). Where it was not possible for the DCP cone to penetrate
through a given layer, material coefficients together with layer thickness of the
corresponding layer were used to estimate the existing SN. Table 9.6 of the Pavement
and Materials Design Manual was adopted. The existing structural number SNexist is
given by:
SNexist= × ∑ ( ai×ti)
25.4 i=1
Strength Deficiency
Calculation of the strength deficiency (SNdiff) in the existing pavement structure has
minimum been carried out for the top of subbase level and for the top of subgrade level
using the following expression:
Required Strength
Table 9.7 of the Pavement and Materials Design Manual (1999) was adopted for
determination of the required structural number, SNrequired. The inputs are design
traffic loading (in this case TLC 50 as shown on chapters 5 and 7) and support condition
(CBR) at the calculated level in the existing pavement structure.
The design traffic loading on this section was 35.7 million (TLC 50 was adopted). The
output of rehabilitation design is shown on Table 7-1.
Table 7-1: Rehabilitation Design (km 0+000-35+500)
KM 0+000 - 35+500 (TLC 50)
Pavement structure a t SN ex SN ex cum SN req SN diff Remarks
100 AC 0.40 100 1.57 1.57
200 CRR 0.15 200 1.18 2.75 3.5 2.32
200 C1 0.15 200 1.18 3.93 4.2 3.02
The calculated structural deficiency of the structure is out of
Overlays (SN diff …) Range
As per the PMDM. Full reconstruction is advised.
Overlays (SN diff …)
The design traffic loading on this section was 35.7 million (TLC 50 was adopted). The
output of rehabilitation design is shown on Table 7-2.