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Musoni Release Notes 1.41 1

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Version 1.


Release Notes

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 1

Release Notes Overview

The Release Notes are a comprehensive overview of the new features and
functionality added as part of Musoni’s latest release. These notes are designed to
give you all the information you need to immediately understand and start benefitting
from the new features.

For each new feature, we give a high level description of the functionality, and provide
a step-by-step walkthrough, along with screenshots of how to start using the feature.

If you would like to learn more about any new feature, please contact the Musoni
support team on support@musonisystem.com who will be happy to answer any
questions you have.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 2

Table of Contents
1. All Clients List 4
1.1 Customise Columns 4
1.2 Bulk Actions 4
1.3 Advanced Filters 5
2. Data Export: Advanced Filters and Extensions 6
2.1 Advanced Filters 6
2.2 Extensions 7
3. Document Templates 7
3.1 System-defined examples 8
3.2 Clone templates 8
3.3 Preview templates 8
3.4 Improved editor 9
3.5 Document Templates on new entities 10
4. DFA - Digital Field Application 10
4.1 UI refresh 10
4.2 Withdrawals 11
5. Apply Existing Holiday to New Branch 14
5.1 Date filters on holidays 14
5.2 Apply holiday to a new branch 14
6. Improvements to the Shares Module 16
6.1 Standing Instructions 16
7. Smaller Features and Improvements 18

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 3

1. All Clients List

We have extended the Clients module with a new All Clients tab. This tab lists all clients
in one view, allowing for more advanced filtering.

The page shows the basic filters by default. You are able to filter on branch and loan
officer as on the other tabs. Additionally, you can select one or more statuses (Pending
Approval, Active, Rejected and Closed).

1.1 Customise Columns

On the resulting list of records you can influence the visible columns on the client list
through the customize button:

1.2 Bulk Actions

By clicking rows in the list of records you can select one or more clients and bulk
approve or bulk reject your selection:

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 4

Currently the bulk actions are limited to Bulk Approve and Bulk Reject. Further actions will be
added on the upcoming releases.

1.3 Advanced Filters

With advanced filters, you have even more control over the data. You can combine
multiple filter conditions:

For example, you can filter for Female clients belonging to either Branch 1 or Branch 2:

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 5

After filtering you can then either export the data, or carry out bulk actions on your new list of

2. Data Export: Advanced Filters and Extensions

2.1 Advanced Filters

The Data Export module is refreshed with more advanced filters. Conditions that are
available differ per attribute type. Some examples include:

• Text: equal to, contains, starts with, etc.

• Number: less than, greater than, between
• Dates: less than, greater than, between

Dropdown fields are available on staff, branch, user and status fields. When looking for
the loan officer dropdown field, select the loan officer id field. this will provide a
dropdown. The field officer name field is still available to search based on a text value.

Conditions can be grouped. By default, they are grouped by AND; this means each
condition must apply for the record to be in the result set. You can also group
conditions through the OR operator. E.g., in the below export, the results include
matches for both Branch 1 and Branch 3. Previously, you had to run the export once
for each branch and combine the results afterwards. Now you can achieve this in a
single data export run.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 6

The above export can be read as:

• Provide all loans where:

o client name contains “david”
o and office is “Branch 1” or “Branch 3”
o and loan is disbursed between 1 jan 2020 and 31 dec 2020
o and loan is in arrears from or after 1 Jan 2021

The new filters work on new data exports created after the 1.41 release date. Old data
exports remain working as they were. To benefit from the new data filters you need to
recreate a data export.

2.2 Extensions

With release 1.41 the following entities have been added to the data export module or
have been extended with new attributes:

• Loan Reschedule Request: this is added to the Loan entity and available under
‘User Forms’ tab. It adds the data of a reschedule request to the exported loans.
• Loan Product: various new attributes are added including the accounting
• Savings Product: various new attributes are added including the accounting
• Share Account: extended with new attributes (Total amount Approved Shares,
Total amount Pending Shares, Nominal Price, Current Market Price)
• Share Account Transaction: added
• Standing Instruction: added

3. Document Templates

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 7

The document templates module has been significantly improved. Most of these
improvements are at the core of the module. They allow for more complex expressions
in the templating syntax (conditional statements, loop structures) and allow for using
helpers (text formatting, number calculations).

3.1 System-defined examples

We will use these powerful features to gradually provide you with system-defined
example templates that you can use to more easily customize your own documents.
With this release, we provide an example loan repayment schedule. This is available as
a system-defined template (shown below and called “Musoni Loan Schedule”).

3.2 Clone templates

To utilise the system defined templates, you first need to Clone it before being able to
customise it to your own requirements. Click the Clone button and enter a name:

Cloning can be done on any document template. It allows you to reuse existing
templates, create variants of them or try out a new update without disrupting users
currently using the original.

3.3 Preview templates

To get a preview of a template you can use the Preview button:

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 8

You can search for a record to preview the template by entering a search term:

This renders a preview of the cloned schedule:

3.4 Improved editor

The document template editor is improved to allow for more control over the
advanced template syntax, including a code syntax view.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 9

3.5 Document Templates on new entities

Document Template support has been extended to also apply to Groups and Share

4. DFA - Digital Field Application

4.1 UI refresh

With the newest release of the Digital Field Application (DFA 2.6.0) we introduce the
first steps in refreshing the user interface. Form input fields have been adjusted to
make better use of the space on mobile devices, showing more of the field input. Visual
feedback of validation results is improved as well.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 10

4.2 Withdrawals

DFA withdrawals can be enabled for your organisation. Note: Before doing so it is
important to review your operational processes and how you implement withdrawals
in the field. Liaise with your account manager to enable DFA withdrawals in your demo

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 11

DFA 2.6.0 brings individual and bulk withdrawals to the field officer in the field. If the
DFA user has the permissions for withdrawals, the button Withdrawal becomes
available on savings accounts.

In online mode, a withdrawal is directly sent to the main system and the processing
result will be provided. If processed the savings account balance will be updated. In
offline mode, the withdrawal will be stored in the pending list of actions on the app
and displayed as pending on the savings account. Upon syncing the pending records
from the DFA the withdrawal transactions will be attempted and results will be
provided to the user.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 12

Bulk withdrawals are available from a new module on the home screen. They behave
similarly to how group posting withdrawals are available in the main system. The sheet
will be populated with all saving accounts of clients in the group. A withdrawal amount
per account can be provided.

Bulk withdrawals are available in both online and offline mode.

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 13

5. Apply Existing Holiday to New Branch

In Configuration > Products > Working Days, you are able to set the holidays you want
to apply in the system. We have improved the rendering of the working days and the
way working days can be applied to branches.

5.1 Date filters on holidays

The holidays are now presented in two tabs Past and Future. By default, the future tab
is selected and a period of six months from today is set. This allows having a clear
overview of upcoming (or past) holidays.

5.2 Apply holiday to a new branch

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 14

It is now possible to Edit an existing holiday and apply it to branches to which the
holiday was not yet applied. Imagine we have added a holiday to our branches like this:

This holiday shows in our future list of holidays:

Now imagine we add a second region with a new branch. Previously, you needed to
create a new holiday and apply to this new branch. This is not needed anymore. You
can now apply the existing holiday to a new branch:

By selecting Area 2 and Branch 2. The existing holiday will be also applied to the new

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 15

6. Improvements to the Shares Module

6.1 Standing Instructions

Standing Instructions have been extended to allow recurring purchases of shares from
a savings account.

You pick Share Purchase as the transfer type when creating a standing instruction. You
can then select a savings account as the from account and a share account as the to
account. Recurring purchases are limited between accounts of the same client. In
number of shares you enter the number of shares to be purchased on each recurrence.
In number of purchases you enter the number of times the standing instruction should

Shares will be purchased at the purchase price applicable on the share product at the
moment of the purchase. Charges will be incurred when configured and active on the

An example of an executed standing instruction (3 recurrences):

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 16

This results in the following transactions on the savings account:

And the following transactions on the shares account:

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 17

7. Smaller Features and Improvements

Here we document some of the smaller improvements that have been made to the
system alongside this release.

• MS-2206 - Extend Data Export Tool

• MS-2718 - Refactor Create Client page for improved performance
• MS-2915 - Next-gen Document templates
• MS-2967 - Implement Metropol V4.1 for monthly CE file (Kenya only)
• MS-3286 - API Gateway on dev and demo
• MS-3468 - Add Vietnamese as a new system language
• MS-3470 - Load Vietnamese translations (Reports)
• MS-3513 - Implement OpenAPI / Swagger
• MS-3529 - Top Client Report performance improved
• MS-3549 - Bulk Reject Pending Approval items
• MS-3550 - Support hierarchy in /clients endpoint
• MS-3612 - Bulk create loans: add link to created loan
• MS-3617 - UILabel Change - "Credit Check" on "Loan Appraisal Check”
• MS-3619 - Review support for Vietnamese numeral conversion
• MS-3641 - Extend Share import with approval and activation steps
• MS-3678 - Extend test case for NPA with advanced mapping
• MS-3679 - Consider repayment frequency number on APR
• MS-3685 - Extend Loan Product Entity with Accounting attributes
• MS-3694 – Share Products: Allow to link income to any GL in accounting settings
• MS-3712 - Adjust penalty job to not post backdated penalties on interest
recalculation loans
• MS-3727 - Split list of holidays into two tables- Past and Future
• MS-3735 - Extend savings account endpoint with maximum withdrawal amount
• MS-3754 - Allow filtering holidays tabs by date
• MS-3759 - Frontend: Shortcut to create SI from Share Account page

Musoni Release Notes 1.41 18

• MS-3760 - Frontend: Add SI tab on Share Account page
• MS-3761 - Data Export: Extend SI entity with success and failure date
• MS-3763 - Support share transactions in document templates
• MS-3764 - Frontend: Allow to print a document for an individual share
• MS-3778 - Deploy Template Handler Lambda to Demo & Live
• MS-3785 - Uniform Record Listing: Allow Bulk Actions on Clients
• MS-3795 - Increase translation coverage for Vietnamese (frontend)
• MS-3800 - Improve Groups page Client listing
• MS-3812 - Ensure externalId's of share accounts are unique
• MS-3829 - Allow to bulk reject clients from the All Clients list
• MS-3830 - Allow to bulk approve clients from the All Clients list
• MS-3842 - Show “i” icon on all audit actions
• MS-3856 - Backend: Update SI template + add new params to SI endpoint
• MS-3861 - Hide Member Allocation Tab if the loan is not a group loan
• MS-3879 - Implement recursive function to process JSON fields
• MS-3884 - Improve the selection to which entity a document template belongs
• MS-3891 - Add dateFormat support to templatehandler handlebars function
• MS-3898 - Backend - add tenantTimezone as scope to templates for parsing
localised datetimes in templates
• MS-3899 - Template handler - Render datetimes using moment-timezones
when using dateformat
• MS-3902 - Update googlei18n/libphonenumber to v8.12.25

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