Forecasting Exchange Rates Using General Regression Neural Networks
Forecasting Exchange Rates Using General Regression Neural Networks
Forecasting Exchange Rates Using General Regression Neural Networks
In this study, we examine the forecastability of a speci"c neural network architecture called general
regression neural network (GRNN) and compare its performance with a variety of forecasting techniques,
including multi-layered feedforward network (MLFN), multivariate transfer function, and random walk
models. The comparison with MLFN provides a measure of GRNN's performance relative to the more
conventional type of neural networks while the comparison with transfer function models examines the di!erence
in predictive strength between the non-parametric and parametric techniques. The di$cult to beat random walk
model is used for benchmark comparison. Our "ndings show that GRNN not only has a higher degree of
forecasting accuracy but also performs statistically better than other evaluated models for di!erent currencies.
Predicting currency movements has always been a problematic task as most conventional econometric
models are not able to forecast exchange rates with signi"cantly higher accuracy than a naive random walk
model. For large multinational "rms which conduct substantial currency transfers in the course of business,
being able to accurately forecast the movements of exchange rates can result in considerable improvement in
the overall pro"tability of the "rm. In this study, we apply the general regression neural network (GRNN) to
predict the monthly exchange rates of three currencies, British pound, Canadian dollar, and Japanese yen.
Our empirical experiment shows that the performance of GRNN is better than other neural network and
econometric techniques included in this study. The results demonstrate the predictive strength of GRNN and
its potential for solving "nancial forecasting problems. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0305-0548/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1094 M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110
1. Introduction
Applying quantitative methods for forecasting in "nancial markets and assisting investment
decision making has become more indispensable in business practices than ever before. For large
multinational "rms which conduct substantial currency transfers in the course of business, being
able to accurately forecast movements of currency exchange rates can result in substantial
improvement in the overall pro"tability of the "rm. Nevertheless, predicting exchange rate
movements is still a problematic task. Most conventional econometric models are not able to
forecast exchange rates with signi"cantly higher accuracy than a naive random walk model. In
recent years, there has been a growing interest to adopt the state-of-the-art arti"cial intelligence
technologies to solve the problem. One stream of these advanced techniques focuses on the use of
arti"cial neural networks (ANN) to analyze the historical data and provide predictions to future
movements in the foreign exchange market. In this study, we apply a special class of neural
networks, called general regression neural network (GRNN), to forecast the monthly exchange
rates for three internationally traded currencies, Canadian dollar, Japanese yen, and British pound.
In order to provide a fair and robust evaluation of the GRNN, relative performance against other
forecasting approaches are included in our empirical investigation. Speci"cally, the performance of
the GRNN is compared with those of the multi-layered feedforward neural network (MLFN), the
type of ANN used in many research studies, and the models based on multivariate transfer
function, a general econometric forecasting tool. In addition, random walk forecasts are generated
to give benchmark comparisons.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A review of the literature is given in the next
section. In Section 3, we give an explanation of the logic and operations used by the GRNN. Then,
a description of the empirical data employed in our study is provided in Section 4. This section also
explains the neural network training paradigm and presents the model speci"cations for the
forecasting approaches tested in the experiment. In Section 5, a description to our statistical analyses
is presented and the experimental "ndings are discussed. The paper is then concluded in Section 6.
2. Literature review
The theory of exchange rate determination is in an unsatisfactory state. From the theoretical
point of view, the debates between the traditional #ow approach and the modern asset-market
approach have seen the victory of the latter. However, from the empirical point of view, the
forecasting ability of the theoretical models remains very poor. The results of Meese and Rogo!
[1}3] came as a shock to the profession. According to these studies, the current structural models
of exchange-rate determination failed to outperform the random walk model in out-of-sample
forecasting experiments even when the actual realized values of the explanatory variables were used
(ex-post forecasts). The results of Meese and Rogo! have been con"rmed in many subsequent
papers (e.g., Alexander and Thomas [4], Gandolfo et al. [5,6], and Sarantis and Stewart, [7,8]).
Moreover, even with the use of sophisticated techniques, such as time-varying-coe$cients, the
forecasts are only marginally better that the random walk model [9].
M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110 1095
The models considered by Meese and Rogo! were the #exible-price (Frenkel}Bilson) monetary
model, the sticky-price (Dornbusch}Frankel) monetary model, and the sticky-price (Hooper}
Morton) asset model. Other models for exchange rate forecasting include the portfolio balance
model, and the uncovered interest parity model. Of the three models used by Meese and Rogo!, the
Hooper}Morton model is more general and nests the other two models. However, as argued in the
previous paragraph, those three models have been shown to be unsatisfactory. The evidence related
to the portfolio balance model was ambiguous [7]. On the other hand, both Fisher et al. [10] and
Sarantis and Stewart [7] found that the models based on a modi"ed uncovered interest parity
(MUIP) approach showed some promising results compared to the other conventional theoretical
approaches. In a related paper, Sarantis and Stewart [8] provided evidence that exchange rate
forecasting models based on the MUIP produced more accurate out-of-sample forecasts than the
portfolio balance model for all forecast horizons, thus arguing in favor of the MUIP approach to
exchange rate determination and forecasting.
In light of the previous literature, we will consider both univariate and multivariate approaches
to exchange rate forecasting. Furthermore, given the mounting evidence favoring the MUIP
approach to exchange rate modeling, we use the MUIP relationship as the theoretical basis for our
multivariate speci"cations in our experimental investigation.
Essentially, Sarantis and Stewart [7,8] showed that the MUIP relationship can be modeled and
written as follows:
e "a #a (rH!r )#a (nH!n )#a (pH!p )#a (ca /ny )#a (caH/nyH)#k , (1)
where e is the natural logarithm of the exchange rate, de"ned as the foreign currency price of
domestic currency. r,n, p, and (ca/ny) represent the logarithm of nominal short-term interest rate,
expected price in#ation rate, the logarithm of the price level, and the ratio of current account to
nominal GDP for the domestic economy, respectively. Asterisks denote the corresponding foreign
variables. k is the error term. The variables (ca/ny) and (caH/nyH) are proxies for the risk premium.
Eq. (1) is a modi"ed version of the real uncovered interest parity (MUIP) relationship adjusted for
risk. Sarantis and Stewart [7] provided a more detailed discussion and investigation of this
In the last decade, applications associated with arti"cial neural network (ANN) has been gaining
popularity in both the academic research and practitioner's sectors. The basic structure of and
operations performed by the ANN emulate those found in a biological neural system. Basic notions
of the concepts and principals of the ANN systems and their training procedures can be found in
Rumelhart and McClelland [11], Lippman [12], and Medsker et al. [13]. Many of the countless
applications of this arti"cial intelligence technology are related to the "nancial decision making.
Hawley et al. [14] provide an overview of the neural network models in the "eld of "nance.
According to Hawley et al., there is a diversity of "nancial applications for neural networks in the
areas of corporate "nance, investment analysis, and banking. A review on recent literature also
1096 M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110
reveals "nancial studies on a wide variety of subjects such as bankruptcy prediction [15,16],
prediction of savings and loan association failures [17], credit evaluation [18,19], analysis of
"nancial statements [20], corporate distress diagnosis [21], bond rating [22], initial stock pricing
[23], currency exchange rate forecasting [24], stock market analysis [25}27], and forecasting in
futures market [28,29].
GRNN is a class of neural networks which is capable of performing kernel regression and other
non-parametric functional approximations. Although GRNN has been shown to be a competent
tool for solving many scienti"c and engineering problems (e.g., signal processing [30]), chemical
processing [31], structural analysis [32], assessment of high power systems [33], the technique has
not been widely applied to the "eld of "nance and investment. The only one "nancial study
primarily based on GRNN is Wittkemper and Steiner [34] in which the regression network is used
to verify the predictability of the systematic risk of stocks.
The general regression neural network (GRNN) was originally proposed and developed by
Specht [35]. This class of network paradigm has the distinctive features of learning swiftly, working
with simple and straightforward training algorithm, and being discriminative against infrequent
outliers and erroneous observations. As its name implies, GRNN is capable of approximating any
arbitrary function from historical data. The foundation of GRNN operation is essentially based on
the theory of nonlinear (kernel) regression * estimation of the expected value of output given a set
of inputs. Although GRNN can provide a multivariate vector of outputs, without loss of generality,
our description of the GRNN operating logic is simpli"ed to the case of univariate output. Eq. (2)
summarizes the GRNN logic in an equivalent nonlinear regression formula:
yf (X, y) dy
E[y"X]" \ , (2)
f (X, y) dy
where y is the output predicted by GRNN, X the input vector (x , x ,2, x ) which consists of
n predictor variables, E[y"X] the expected value of the output y given an input vector X, and f (X, y)
the joint probability density function of X and y.
The topology of GRNN developed by Specht [35] primarily consists of four layers of processing
units (i.e., neurons). Each layer of processing units is assigned with a speci"c computational
function when nonlinear regression is performed. The "rst layer of processing units, termed input
neurons, are responsible for reception of information. There is a unique input neuron for each
predictor variable in the input vector X. No processing of data is conducted at the input neurons.
The input neurons then present the data to the second layer of processing units called pattern
M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110 1097
neurons. A pattern neuron is used to combine and process the data in a systematic fashion such
that the relationship between the input and the proper response is `memorizeda. Hence, the
number of pattern neurons is equal to the number of cases in the training set. A typical pattern
neuron i obtains the data from the input neurons and computes an output h using the transfer
function of
h "e\6\3G Y6\3G N, (3)
where X is the input vector of predictor variables to GRNN, ; is the speci"c training vector
represented by pattern neuron i, and p is the smoothing parameter.
Eq. (3) is the multivariate Gaussian function extended by Cacoullos [36] and adopted by Specht
in his GRNN design.
The outputs of the pattern neurons are then forwarded to the third layer of processing units,
summation neurons, where the outputs from all pattern neurons are augmented. Technically, there
are two types of summations, simple arithmetic summations and weighted summations, performed
in the summation neurons. In GRNN topology, there are separate processing units to carry out the
simple arithmetic summations and the weighted summations. Eqs. (4a) and (4b) express the
mathematical operations performed by the &simple' summation neuron and the &weighted' summa-
tion neuron, respectively.
S " h , (4a)
S " w h . (4b)
The sums calculated by the summation neurons are subsequently sent to the fourth layer of
processing unit, the output neuron. The output neuron then performs the following division to
obtain the GRNN regression output y:
y" . (5)
Fig. 1 illustrates the schematic sketch of the GRNN design and its operational logic described
above. It should be noted that the depicted network construct is valid for any model with
multivariate outputs. The speci"c design for exchange rate forecasting in our study has only one
(univariate) output neuron.
4.1. Data
The sample data applied to this study are collected from the AREMOS data base maintained by
the Department of Education of Taiwan. The entire data set covers 259 monthly periods running
from January 1974 through July 1995. To serve di!erent purposes, the data are divided into three
sets: the training set (129 months from January 1974 through September 1984), the model
1098 M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110
Fig. 1. General GRNN construct. A typical GRNN construct consists of four layers } of processing units } input,
pattern, summation, and output neurons. Input layer receives the input vector X and distributes the data to the pattern
layer. Each neuron in the pattern layer then generates an output h and presents the result to the summation layer. The
numerator and denominator neurons in the subsequent summation layer compute the weighted and simple arithmetic
sums based on the values of h and w learned in the supervised training. The actual mathematical operations performed
by these neurons in the hidden layers are illustrated in the diagram. The neurons in the output layer then carries out the
division of the sums computed by the neurons in the summation layer.
selection/determination set (65 months from October 1984 through February 1990), and the
out-of-sample testing set (65 months from March 1990 through July 1995). This breakdown uses
one half of all data for model training and estimation and the remaining half for model selection
and holdout testing. Once the selected forecasting models are appropriately speci"ed, they are
retrained using data from January 1974 through February 1990 to generate the out-of-sample
forecasts for the hold out testing period.
Several transformations are applied to the original data. Following the postulations from
previous work on MUIP models, we take the natural logarithm of all variables in the data set.
Then lagged di!erences are computed for each period such that
*x "x !x (6)
R R R\
where x is any variable (either predictor or independent) observed at period t. The exact
speci"cation for each forecasting model will be presented in the following Section 4.3.
GRNN requires supervised training. The network performs learning by examining the relation-
ship between each pair of input vector X and the observed corresponding output y and "nally
deduces the underlying function by summarizing all of these relationships encountered in the
training set. Let p denote the number of lags (autoregressive terms) used in the forecasting model.
For the training in this experiment, (129-p) cases from the training set, each corresponding to an
individual training vector of inputs and its matching output, are sequentially presented to the
network. The network then learns by creating a pattern neuron for each training case. This
M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110 1099
Fig. 2. GRNN construct for exchange rate forecasting. The design of the illustrated GRNN construct is based on the
Modi"ed Uncovered Interest Parity (MUIP) theorem. The depicted construct shows in input vector with six groups of
input variables. Each group of variables contains a "nite number of lagged terms in which the total number of lags di!ers
from group to group and from one currency to another. There are (129-p) neurons in the pattern layer, representing the
training cases in the training data set. The value of p is equal to the number of lagged terms in the model speci"cation.
After the supervised training is completed, the regression network will compute the exchange rate forecast of period
t based on the values of the predictor variables.
procedure is repeated until all cases in the training set are gone through. Fig. 2 illustrates the
GRNN construct after training with (129-p) cases in the training set.
Prediction of the exchange rate forecasts for the model selection/determination period begins
after the network is trained. The 65 in-sample forecasts are then compared with the actual
observations and the network parameters are adjusted. Afterward, the best three model speci"ca-
tions in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) are chosen. The network is then trained using the
cases in both training and model selection sets. Estimation of the exchange rates in the holdout
testing period is then performed and performance statistics for these 65 out-of-sample forecasts are
computed. The entire experimental procedure is repeated for di!erent currencies.
In order to obtain a fair and more robust comparison of GRNN's performance with the others,
we pick up the best three speci"cations from each forecasting approach. Like the one for GRNN,
the selection criterion is root mean square error (RMSE); however, an alternative criterion of mean
absolute error (MAE) also leads to the same selection. In addition, a random walk model is
included for benchmark comparisons. After the speci"cations are chosen and the parameters are
determined, the out-of-sample forecasts from each of these forecasting speci"cations are generated
and subject to statistical evaluations. Hence, our "nal statistical testings involve a total of 10
di!erent forecasting models for each currency.
Let F(E) and G(E) denote the implied functional relationships estimated by GRNN and MLFN,
respectively. Table 1 show the selected speci"cations for Canadian dollar, Japanese yen, and British
pound forecasting, respectively. These selected speci"cations are chosen from the best three models
from each of the GRNN, MLFN, and multivariate transfer function approaches. Appendix
A contains a detailed description of the notation for representing the transfer function model.
5. Performance evaluation
Five primary statistical measures are computed from the out-of-sample forecasts made by each
selected speci"cation. As described in the previous section, each series of forecasts is checked
against with the 65 observed cases in the holdout testing set. The "ve evaluation criteria are: mean
absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), ; statistic, and the bias (a) and regression
proportion coe$cient (b) from the Theil's Decomposition Test [39]. The ; statistic is the ratio of
the RMSE of a model's forecasts to the RMSE of the random walk forecasts of no change in the
dependent variable. Since the random walk forecast of next month's exchange rate is equal to
the current month's rate, a ; statistic of less than 1 implies that the tested model outperforms the
random walk model during the holdout period. Likewise, a ; statistic in excess of 1 implies that the
model performs worse than the random walk model. The ; statistic has a major advantage over
the RMSE in the comparison of forecasting models because it is a unit-free measurement. Thus, it is
easier to calibrate the relative performances by ; statistic than by the unit-bound RMSE.
The Theil's Decomposition Test [39] is conducted by regressing the actual observed exchange
rates on a constant and the predicted exchange rates e( estimated by a particular model.
e "a#be( . (7)
The constant a (bias coe$cient) should be insigni"cantly di!erent from zero and the coe$cient
b for predicted exchange rate variable (regression proportion coe$cient) should be insigni"cantly
di!erent from one for the forecast to be acceptable.
Table 2 summarizes the performance statistics based on the 65 out-of-sample forecasts (from
March 1990 through July 1995) generated by the GRNN, MLFN, multivariate transfer function
and random walk models. Results in Table 2 illustrate that the GRNN models generally outper-
form the parametric multivariate transfer function and the random walk models. In addition, the
GRNN models generates more accurate forecasts than MLFN, its neural network counterpart.
M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110 1101
Table 1
(a) The selected model speci"cations for Canadian dollar forecasting in the holdout testing period. The three model
speci"cations yielding the best RMSE in the model selection/determination period are chosen. These models will be
evaluated using the data in the holdout testing set (from March 1990 through July 1995). A brief interpretation of the
transfer function modeling and its notation can be found in Appendix A and Markradis et al. [38] provide a further
discussion of this forecasting technique
(b) The selected model speci"cations for Japanese yen forecasting in the holdout testing period. The three model
speci"cations yielding the best RMSE in the model selection/determination period are chosen. These models will be
evaluated using the data in the holdout testing set (from March 1990 through July 1995). A brief interpretation of the
transfer function modeling and its notation can be found in Appendix A and Markradis et al. [38] provide a further
discussion of this forecasting technique
Table 1 (continued)
(c) The selected model speci"cations for British pound forecasting in the holdout testing period. The three model
speci"cations yielding the best RMSE in the model selection/determination period are chosen. These models will be
evaluated using the data in the holdout testing set (from March 1990 through July 1995). A brief interpretation of the
transfer function modeling and its notation can be found in Appendix A and Markradis et al. [38] provide a further
discussion of this forecasting technique
Table 1 (continued)
For all currencies, GRNN models yield lower ; statistics than the other forecasting models. On the
other hand, it is also encouraging to "nd out both MLFN and transfer function models do improve
the forecasting accuracy than the random walk model, which does not make use of additional
information in forecasting.
It is interesting to observe that the forecasts improve by a reasonable degree when the same
input information of a parametric model is provided to the GRNN. This improvement in
the forecast can be viewed in several directions * drop in forecast error, gain in explanatory
power, and increase in correlation to the actual observations. For all currencies examined
in this study, all parametric models based on multivariate transfer function and random
walk pattern exhibit an insigni"cant correlation to the actual observations. This notion is
supported by the signi"cance of the regression proportion coe$cients computed by the Theil's
Decomposition tests. Although the forecasting bias for the two types of neural network
models, GRNN and MLFN, are both insigni"cant, improvements in forecast error (MAE and
RMSE) as well as proportion coe$cient is apparent when we move from the MLFN architecture to
the GRNN paradigm. The superior performance of the GRNN models is also supported by
a comparison between the transfer function model (ARIMA(1, 0, 0)-MUIP(1, 0)) with the corre-
sponding GRNN model (AR(1)-MUIP(1)). From Table 2, the ; statistic and the results of Theil's
Decomposition Test indicate that the parametric models perform closely to the random walk
model. However, when the same set of historical information is applied to the GRNN models, not
only the good performances in bias (a) and correlation to actual observation (b) are retained but
also the forecast errors (MAE, RMSE, and ; statistic) are reduced drastically. It is believed that the
GRNN is capable of deducing the complex nonlinear relationships that most linear models cannot
and that this advantage may contribute to the overall superior performance of the regression
Both researchers and practitioners are interested not only in the forecasting accuracy of the
various approaches but also in their performances relative to that of the GRNN. In other words, it
1104 M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110
Table 2
Performance statistics for the out-of-sample forecasts in the holdout testing period from March 1990 to July 1995 (65
observations). The 65 out-of-sample forecasts are estimated by the best three speci"cations of the GRNN, MLFN, and
multivariate transfer function models. Performance statistics for the random walk model are also computed for
benchmark comparison. The performance of each forecasting model are measured by "ve criteria * mean absolute error
(MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), ; statistic, and the bias coe$cient (a) and regression proportion coe$cient (b)
of Theil's Decomposition Test. The bias coe$cient (a) and the regression proportion coe$cient (b) represent the constant
and the coe$cient, respectively, from regressing the actual exchange rate on a constant and the predicted value. The
respective t-statistic is in parenthesis
Canadian Dollar
Japanese Yen
Table 2 (continued)
Table 3
Pairwise t-tests for the di!erence in forecasting accuracy between GRNN and other forecasting approaches. The
t-statistics are based on comparisons of the MAE and RMSE of the GRNN forecasts in the holdout testing period (from
March 1990 to July 1995) with those of the MLFN, multivariate transfer function, and random walk models. The best
three speci"cations from each forecasting approach provide a total 3;65"195 matching observations for each t-test.
The null hypothesis is no di!erence in the forecasting accuracy between GRNN and the tested approach
Canadian dollar
MLFN 2.3543 0.0195 2.3178 0.0215
Transfer function 2.8192 0.0053 3.0259 0.0028
Random walk 3.7160 0.0003 5.0664 7.87;10\
Japanese Yen
MLFN 3.8208 0.0002 4.0384 7.77;10\
Transfer function 3.7393 0.0002 3.3474 0.0010
Random walk 3.6447 0.0003 3.5303 0.0005
British Pound
MLFN 1.6192 0.1071 1.4350 0.1529
Transfer function 1.7231 0.0865 1.7344 0.0845
Random walk 3.6214 0.0004 2.6995 0.0076
is important to "nd out whether GRNN forecasting signi"cantly outperforms the others. Given
this notion, we perform a series of t-tests to determine the signi"cance of the di!erences of means
with respect to the MAE and RMSE measures.
Table 3 reports the results of the conducted pairwise t-tests. For Canadian dollar and Japanese
yen, all comparisons are found to be signi"cant at a"0.05 level, suggesting that GRNN fore-
casts are statistically better than the forecasts made by MLFN, multivariate transfer function,
and random walk models. These results are also consistent with the "ndings in the previous
section. However, the conclusions are di!erent in the case of British pound forecasting. As
indicated in Table 3, the GRNN forecasts yield lower forecast errors than the random walk model
at a"0.05 level. Nevertheless, the signi"cance in the di!erence is reduced to a"0.10 level when
GRNN forecasts are compared with those estimated by the transfer function models. For the
comparison with MLFN, the quality of the two neural network approaches are statistically
indi!erent, showing that the more conventional MLFN is still a valuable tool in forecasting
The disparity in the ranking of the comparison tests here suggests some interesting points. First,
although the forecasting accuracy in terms of MAE and RMSE are quite similar between MLFN
and GRNN, a comparison of their ; statistics, which is a relative improvement measure to the
random walk model, indicates the existence of a gap in their performances. This belief is further
M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110 1107
supported by the (regression proportion coe$cients) results of Theil's Decomposition test in that
the GRNN forecasts closely follow the actual exchange rate movements but the MLFN pre-
diction has some di$culty to match with the reality. The implication to the researchers is that
a more comprehensive framework of evaluation has to be developed and misleading conclusions
may be drawn if the study relies upon only a couple of conventional statistics (e.g., RMSE,
Second, as we have expected, the experiment illustrates a varying degree of predictability of
di!erent currencies. For example, based on the values of RMSE and ; statistics, we can observe
that, to a certain extent, the movement of Canadian dollar is more predictable than the other
two currencies. Japanese yen is the worst among the three examined currencies. This may
be explained by the more volatile economy in Asia than in North America. A closer
examination of the MAE and RMSE across di!erent currencies substantiates the notion
that the Japanese and British currencies have undergone wider #uctuations in their history.
The closer performance of GRNN, MLFN, and multivariate transfer function in British pound
suggests the possibility of developing a hybrid forecasting approach in these hard-to-predict
environments. The hybrid framework may utilize di!erent neural network architectures or even
a mix of learning network and parametric technique. In this case, it is hoped that the simultaneous
use of neural network and parametric technique may add predictive strength to the combined
6. Conclusions
This exploratory research examines the potential of using GRNN to predict the foreign currency
exchange rates. Empirical results suggest that this nonparametric regression neural network may
provide better forecasts than the other forecasting approaches tested in this study. This is
illustrated by a comparison of the forecasting quality of the GRNN with that of the MLFN,
a neural network architecture widely used in the literature, and multivariate transfer function, also
another general parametric technique in econometric analyses. The comparative evaluation is
based on a variety of statistics which measure di!erent forms of forecast errors. For all currencies
included in our empirical investigation, GRNN models outperform the models associated with
MLFN, multivariate transfer function, and random walk. Moreover, our analysis "nds that, except
the case of British pound, the means of MAE and RMSE for the GRNN forecasts are signi"cantly
lower than those of other approaches. In the future, it would be interesting and bene"cial to verify
the predictive strength of GRNN on other "nancial assets, especially on the relative basis of
The authors are grateful for the helpful comments from the two anonymous referees and
Jatinder Gupta, the guest editor of this special issue. The authors would also like to
thank M. Nimalendran and the participants at the 1999 Financial Management Association
1108 M.T. Leung et al. / Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1093}1110
Appendix A
A multivariate transfer function model is essentially an ARIMA with added exogenous variables.
The general model can be stated as:
y "a #a y #2#a y #e #b e #2#b e
R R\ N R\N R R\ O R\O
(u #u ¸#2#u ¸L) (u #u ¸#2#u ¸P)
# L x # P x #2, (8)
(1!d ¸!2!d ¸K) R\@ (1!d ¸!2!d ¸Q) R\@
where x ,x , are exogenous variables lagged for b periods, ¸ is the lag operator, y is the
R\@ R\@ 2 R
dependent variable, and e is the residual. The addition of exogenous variables can improve
forecasting if these variables help explaining the variation of the dependent variable. Interested
readers should refer to Makridakis et al. (1983) for a detailed explanation of the technique.
A.2. Notation
In this paper, we adopt the notation used in RATS (Regression Analysis of Time Series),
a statistical package found in the computer systems of most academic institutes. The speci"cation
of the transfer function is composed of two parts, one for the univariate (ARIMA) terms and the
other for the exogenous variables. Thus, a model is denoted by ARIMA(p, i, q)-MUIP(n/d), where
p and q are the numbers of lags in the univariate ARIMA, i is the number of di!erencing, and
MUIP(n/d) means MUIP with n being the numerator lags and d the denominator lags. This
corresponds to the format of Eq. (8) stated above. Below are some representative examples using
this notation.
ARIMA(1, 0, 1)-MUIP(0/0):
*e "a #a y #e #b e #(u )*(rH!r) #(u )*(nH!n) #2 .
R R\ R R\ R\ R\
ARIMA(1, 0, 1)-MUIP(0/1):
*e "a #a y #a y #e #b e
R R\ R\ R R\
(u ) (u )
# *(rH!r) # *(nH!n) #2 .
(1!d ¸) R\ (1!d ¸) R\
ARIMA(1, 0, 1)-MUIP(1/0):
*e "a #a y #e #b e
R R\ R R\
#(u #u ¸)*(rH!r) #(u #u ¸)*(nH!n) #2 .
R\ R\
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Mark T. Leung is Assistant Professor of Management Science at the University of Texas. He received his B.Sc. and
M.B.A. in "nance degrees from the University of California, and Master of Business and Ph.D. in operations
management from Indiana University. His research interests are in "nancial forecasting and modeling, applications of AI
techniques, scheduling and optimization, and planning and control of production systems. He has published in Decision
Sciences, International Journal of Forecasting, International Review of Financial Analysis, and Review of Pacixc Basin
Financial Markets and Policies.
Hazem Daouk is a Ph.D. candidate in Finance, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He received a DESCF
from ICS Paris, France, and an M.B.A. from the University of Maryland. His research interests include volatility of asset
prices, international "nance, and "nancial econometrics. He has published in the Journal of Financial Economics and
International Journal of Forecasting.
An-Sing Chen is Professor of Finance at National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan. He received his B.B.A. in "nance
from Kent State University and M.B.A. in "nance and Ph.D. in business economics from Indiana University. His areas of
interest are forecasting and modeling, options and derivatives, international "nance, and applied econometrics and
arti"cial intelligence. He has published articles in a variety of journals, including Advances in Pacixc Basin Business
Economics and Finance, Advances in Pacixc Basin Financial Markets, Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of
Investing, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, International Journal of Finance, International Journal
of Forecasting, International Review of Economics and Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, and Review of
Pacixc Basin Financial Markets and Policies.