Biomass Case Study
Biomass Case Study
Biomass Case Study
THE LONG TERM BENEFITS OF BIOMASS OVER The average net unit cost of biomass fuels derived from forest
CONVENTIONAL FOSSIL FUEL BASED ENERGY wood waste and wood product recycling in the UK is approximately
SOURCES 1.0 p/kWh and 2.2 p/kWh for wood chip and wood pellet
respectively. Unlike the cost of fossil fuels, the price of biomass is
The recent high profile news articles regarding the spiraling expected to stabilise or even reduce.
cost of energy and the impact of the burning of fossil fuels on
climate change have highlighted the need for practical cost This is due to the fact that it is an emerging commodity and the
effective non-fossil fuel alternatives such as biomass. biomass industry is expanding and benefiting from increasing
economises of scale and market share thereby reducing prices.
The cost of fossil fuel based energy sources in past years Indeed the biomass industry predicts that the availability of biomass
has been at an all time low and this has acted as a barrier to fuels will increase in line with demand thereby allaying worries that
the take up of alternative energy sources such as biomass. demand may outstrip supply.
However all that is set to change as the long term cost of Comparison of Future Gas & Biomass Supply Costs
gas and electricity is set to rise significantly over the next 10- Gas 5% Gas 10% Gas 15% Wood Pellet 3% Wood Chip 3%
20 years due to a combination of dwindling resources, global Gas 15%
generation and electricity through biomass fired combined Concession Period (Years)
Comparison of Future Gas and Biomass Supply Costs Comparrison of Wood Chip and Pellet Biomass Boiler Installation