Evaluation 1 - 20%
Evaluation 1 - 20%
Evaluation 1 - 20%
Read carefully, follow the instructions given and answer all the questions. (5% each part)
I. Make adjectives by using the suffixes: -OUS, -AL, -Y, -IVE, -ABLE, -FUL, -LESS (Write all the
II. Fill in the correct word using a prefix from the box (Write all the word).
1. qualified - disqualified
2. avoidable - unavoidable
3. obey - disobey
4. competent - incompetent
5. mature - immature
6. logical - illogical
7. cover - discover
8. conscious - unconscious
9. certain - uncertain
10. attractive - unattractive
11. patient - impatient
12. agree - disagree
13. continue - discontinue
14. personal - impersonal
15. fair - unfair
16. complete - incomplete
17. legal - illegal
18. trust - distrust
IV. Prefixes and suffixes quiz (Select the correct answer).
2. If you take away the prefix from disagree, the root word is agree.
A) True (correct)
6. If you wanted to say someone is not helpful, which word would you use?
A) inhelpful
B)unhelpful (correct)
9. What does the prefix 'dis' do to the word appeared in this sentence?
The cat disappeared before her very eyes.
A) It tells you that the cat appeared bigger than before.
B)It tells you that the cat vanished. (correct)
C)It tells you that the act appeared to be further away.
10. What does the suffix 'ful' do to the word house in this sentence?
She had a houseful that weekend.
A) It tells you that her house was empty that weekend.
B)It tells you that her house was a mess that weekend.
C)It tells you that she had lots of people staying i n her house that weekend. (correct)