Lea 4 Module 4
Lea 4 Module 4
Lea 4 Module 4
Investigation Procedures
Welcome Notes:
Figure 1. https://saffwein.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/avoiding-ssdi-fraud-investigation.jpg
To observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry; to make a systematic examination
especially: to conduct an official inquiry
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
a. Identify the categories of police operations
b. List down the proper operational procedures
c. Differentiate the duties of patrol supervisor from patrol officer
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Investigation Procedures
Figure 1. https://ed.ted.com/lessons/5-tips-to-improve-your-critical-thinking-samantha-agoos
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it’s impossible to make a perfect choice
every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective
technique is critical thinking. This is a way of approaching a question that allows us to carefully
deconstruct a situation; reveal its hidden issues such as bias and manipulation and make the best
You may now proceed to the main lesson.
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Investigation Procedures
1. __________________ Crime Incident Reporting System (CIRS) is a logbook that contains the
daily registry of all crime incident reports, official summaries of arrest, and other significant events
reported in a police station.
2. __________________The Police Unit that has territorial jurisdiction over the area where the
armed confrontation occurred shall secure the scene and immediately undertake the necessary
3. __________________ A Police blotter is an electronic reporting system that facilitates crime
documentation, modernizes data storage and provides quick and reliable transmission of crime
information from lower units and NOSUs of the PNP to the National Headquarters at Camp Crame,
Quezon City.
4. __________________ All crime incidents whether reported by the victims, witnesses or third
parties must be recorded in the police blotter, even when the offender is ill and is unlikely to
recover or is too senile or too mentally disturbed for proceedings to take place
5. __________________ The police unit with the territorial jurisdiction where the crime was
committed shall have the primary responsibility to record and report the same. If a continuing crime
is committed in various areas of responsibilities, it should be recorded and reported as a single
crime by the unit taking cognizance of the crime.
7. ___________________ Upon arrest, the Desk Officer (DO)shall immediately bring the suspect/s to
the police station and present the suspect/s to the Duty Investigator (DI)
8. ___________________ The Desk Officer shall then prepare or accomplish PNP Booking Form
(PNPBF)-1 “Request for Medical Examination of the Arrested Suspect”. The Desk Officer shall
have the police station Officer on Duty (OD) to sign the request form, but in the absence of the OD,
the Desk Officer may sign the request form himself.
9. ___________________ The Arresting officer must always inform the Desk Officer of the status of
the case and the suspect so that updates will be entered in the police blotter;
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Investigation Procedures
Take custody of any personal property carried by the suspect (i.e. keys, purse), to be returned
upon the suspect’s release
Conduct pat down or strip search of the suspect, submit the suspect for medical examination;
Record information about the suspect’s alleged crime;
Place the suspect in a police station lock-up/holding cell or local jail.
Perform a record search of the suspect’s criminal background;
Fingerprint and photograph the suspect;
Take the criminal suspect’s personal information (i.e. name, date of birth, physical characteristics,
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Investigation Procedures
Directions: Write AO if the statement written below is the functions and responsibility of an Arresting Officer.
Write DO if it’s the Desk Officers’ and DI for Duty Investigator
1. The __________________ shall receive the accomplished medical examination request form and
then shall be responsible for bringing/escorting the suspect/s to the government hospital referred to
in the request for the examination of the suspect/s
2. Upon arrest, the __________________ shall immediately bring the suspect/s to the police station
and present the suspect/s to the Desk Officer (DO);
3. The __________________ shall log and record the details of the arrest made and assign a blotter
entry number to the arrest.
4. The __________________ shall obtain personal information from each suspect and accomplish
PNPBF-2 with the help of the AO. The PNPBD-2 booking sheet should contain among others the
personal circumstances of the suspect/s.
5. The __________________ shall receive the Medical Examination results from the government
physician and then he shall bring back the suspect/s to the police station and turn-over the
suspect/s and the results of the medical examination
6. The __________________ shall ensure that Mug Shots or the photographic portrait of the
suspects are taken in four (4) different methods in accordance with the procedures.
7. The __________________ shall conduct record check to determine if the arrested suspect/s have
previous or existing cases and/or standing warrant of arrest
8. The __________________ will collect all personal valuables of the suspect that are not allowed to
be brought inside the lock-up cell
9. The __________________ shall be responsible for preparing the necessary documents such as:
Affidavit-complaint; affidavit of witness; booking and arrest report; photo copy of recovered
evidence if any; and a letter of case referral to the Prosecutor’s Office that should be signed by the
Station Commander or police station Officer on Duty with the former’s unavailability
10. The __________________ shall then prepare or accomplish PNP Booking Form (PNPBF)-1
“Request for Medical Examination of the Arrested Suspect”.
Directions: In your own words, explain what investigation is. Discuss your answer within 3 sentences.
You have come to an end of Module 4.
OOPS! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….
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Investigation Procedures
Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
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