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Lea 4 Module 4

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Law Enforcement Operations and Planning with Crime Mapping Page 1 of 15

Investigation Procedures

Topic: Investigation Procedures

Welcome Notes:



Figure 1. https://saffwein.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/avoiding-ssdi-fraud-investigation.jpg

To observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry; to make a systematic examination
especially: to conduct an official inquiry
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
a. Identify the categories of police operations
b. List down the proper operational procedures
c. Differentiate the duties of patrol supervisor from patrol officer
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Investigation Procedures


Before you proceed to the main lesson, let’s complete this


Read the summary of the video, “Critical Thinking”.

Figure 1. https://ed.ted.com/lessons/5-tips-to-improve-your-critical-thinking-samantha-agoos

Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it’s impossible to make a perfect choice
every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective
technique is critical thinking. This is a way of approaching a question that allows us to carefully
deconstruct a situation; reveal its hidden issues such as bias and manipulation and make the best

You may now proceed to the main lesson.
Law Enforcement Operations and Planning with Crime Mapping Page 3 of 15
Investigation Procedures


Based on the preliminary activity, do you use critical thinking in

your everyday decisions?
You may now proceed to the lesson.
Responsibility of the Territorial Police Unit
The Police Unit that has territorial jurisdiction over the area where the armed confrontation occurred
shall secure the scene and immediately undertake the necessary investigation.
Scene of the Crime Operation (SOCO) Team to Process the Crime Scene
The concerned Police Unit shall immediately request the Scene of the Crime Operation (SOCO)
Team to conduct crime scene processing. (PNP Standard Operating Procedure No. ODIDM-2011-008
“Conduct of Crime Scene Investigation”)
Mandatory Examination of Firearm Seized/Confiscated during Police Operation
All firearms, cartridges and slugs seized, captured or recovered during checkpoints or
pursuit operations or in any other police operations including those seized during the service of warrants
and, more importantly, those recovered from the crime scene shall immediately be submitted to the local
Crime Laboratory (CLO) which shall in turn process it for capturing and cross-matching through the
Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS);
The field investigator or investigator-on-case (IOC) shall submit the photo of the firearm and
the receipt issued by the local Crime Laboratory Office for the said firearm/cartridges/slugs to the
prosecutor or the court;
Should the prosecutor eventually require the physical submission of the firearm, the
investigator-on-case shall manifest with the prosecutor or court that a subpoena be issued for the Crime
Laboratory which issued the receipt to present the said firearm; and
It is also imperative that the chain of custody be strictly observed and documented and
therefore, as much as practicable, it shall be the investigator-on-case (IOC) who shall personally submit the
recovered firearms/ shells/slugs to the local Crime Laboratory.
Inquest Proceeding Necessary When the Suspect Dies
In cases of armed confrontation wherein the suspect dies, the Team Leader of the operating unit
shall submit the incident for inquest before the duty Inquest Prosecutor prior to the removal of the body
from the scene, except in areas where there are no Inquest Prosecutors. In which case, the territorial police
unit can proceed with the investigation.
This Rule shall apply to all actions, proceedings, and incidents requiring the reception of evidence
before the court in place of the direct testimonies of witnesses in order to reduce the time needed for
completing their testimonies.
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Investigation Procedures
Application of Rule to Criminal Actions
This rule shall apply to all criminal actions where the maximum imposable penalty does not exceed
six years.
Contents of Judicial Affidavit
A judicial affidavit shall be prepared in the language known to the witness and, if not in English or
Filipino, accompanied by a translation in English or Filipino, and shall contain the necessary
1. The name, age, residence or business address, and occupation of the witness;
2. The name and address of the lawyer who conducts or supervises the examination of the witness and
the place where the examination is being held;
3. A statement that the witness is answering the questions asked of him, fully conscious that he does so
under oath, and that he may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury;
4. Questions asked of the witness and his corresponding answers, consecutively numbered, that:
a. Show the circumstances under which the witness acquired the facts upon which he testifies
b. Elicit from him those facts which are relevant to the issues that the case presents; and
c. Identify the attached documentary and object evidence and establish their authenticity in
accordance with the Rules of Court;
5. The signature of the witness over his printed name; and
6. A jurat or a proof that an oath was taken before an administering officer or a notary public.
Sworn Attestation of the Lawyer
The judicial affidavit shall contain a sworn attestation at the end, executed by the lawyer who
conducted or supervised the examination of the witness, to the effect that:
1. He faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions he asked and the corresponding
answers that the witness gave; and
2. Neither he nor any other person then present or assisting him coached the witness regarding the
latter’s answers.
Police Blotter
Each PNP operating unit shall maintain an official police blotter where all types of operational and
undercover dispatches shall be recorded containing the five “Ws” (who, what, where, when and why) and
one “H” (how) of an information.
A Police blotter is a logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime incident reports, official
summaries of arrest, and other significant events reported in a police station.
Police Blotter for Cases involving Women and Children
A separate Police Blotter, however, shall be maintained for crime incident reports involving
violence against women and children and those cases involving a child in conflict with the law to protect
their privacy pursuant to Republic Act (RA) 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act of 2004)
and RA 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006), respectively
Crime Incident Reporting System (CIRS)
Each PNP operating unit shall also maintain and utilize the PNP Crime Incident Reporting System
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(CIRS), an electronic reporting system that facilitates crime documentation, modernizes data storage and
provides quick and reliable transmission of crime information from lower units and NOSUs of the PNP to
the National Headquarters at Camp Crame, Quezon City.
17.4 Blotter Procedure
Before entry into the blotter book, the Duty Officer (DO) should first evaluate if the report is a crime
incident, arrest or event/activity, which is for records purposes only. If the report is a crime incident, the DO
shall first accomplish the Incident Record Form (IRF) from which the entry in the blotter book and IRS shall
be extracted. All other reports shall be recorded directly to the blotter book.
To promote consistency in the recording of crime incidence, the PNP adopts a uniform procedure in
reporting and collecting crime data including cases reported to other law enforcement agencies that are
part of the Criminal Justice System.
Execution and Procedures
The Chief of Police is primarily responsible for the maintenance of accurate crime data. Accuracy
and integrity of crime recording processes must be ensured by the Chief of Investigation Section and Crime
The Chief of Police shall likewise ensure that crime data are gathered from all sources, such as:
Barangay, NBI, PDEA, BFAR, DENR, DSWD, BOC, BI and other agencies with law enforcement functions
in the locality.
Unit Commanders shall appoint a Crime Registrar who shall be responsible in consolidating and
maintaining crime data fi les of each unit to ensure consistency and continuity
a. Incident Reports
All crime incidents whether reported by the victims, witnesses or third parties must be recorded in
the police blotter, even under the following circumstances.
1. When the offender is ill and is unlikely to recover or is too senile or too mentally disturbed for
proceedings to take place;
2. When the complainant or an essential witness is dead and the proceedings cannot be pursued;
3. When the victim or an essential witness refuses, or is permanently unable to stand as a witness; and
4. The victim or complainant or witness is a minor.
b. Reporting Jurisdiction
The police unit with the territorial jurisdiction where the crime was committed shall have the
primary responsibility to record and report the same. If a continuing crime is committed in various areas of
responsibilities, it should be recorded and reported as a single crime by the unit taking cognizance of the
Booking of arrested suspects shall be undertaken to record and document the information
surrounding the arrest of the suspect.
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Policies and Guidelines
The following policies and guidelines shall be adhered to by all PNP personnel involved in the
booking of arrested suspects:
a. General Policy
After arrest, a suspect is taken into police custody and “booked” or “processed”. During booking, the
following procedures shall be performed by designated police officers
1. Record the arrest made in the Police Blotter;
2. Conduct pat down or strip search of the suspect;
3. Submit the suspect for medical examination;
4. Take the criminal suspect’s personal information (i.e. name, date of birth, physical characteristics, etc.);
5. Record information about the suspect’s alleged crime;
6. Perform a record search of the suspect’s criminal background;
7. Fingerprint and photograph the suspect;
8. Take custody of any personal property carried by the suspect (i.e. keys, purse), to be returned upon the
suspect’s release; and
9. Place the suspect in a police station lock-up/holding cell or local jail.
Specific Functions, Responsibilities and Procedures
The following are the functions, procedures and responsibilities of the different personnel during
the booking of arrested suspects:
1) Arresting Officer (AO):
1. Upon arrest, the Arresting Officer (AO) shall immediately bring the suspect/s to the police station and
present the suspect/s to the Desk Officer (DO);
2. The AO shall ask the Desk Officer to record in the police blotter the circumstances of the arrest as well
as the identity of the suspects and names of Arresting Officers (AO). This procedure of assigning a
blotter number to the arrest of the suspects signifies that the police station has officially taken
cognizance of the arrest. The AO shall sign in the blotter entry;
3. The AO and the DO shall thereafter conduct a more thorough pat-down search of the suspects. Any
deadly weapon or contraband found and confiscated shall also be recorded in the blotter. When
women or children are among those arrested, the DO shall task the duty WCPD officer to conduct the
pat-down. A strip search may be conducted as the situation demands but only with the authority of the
Chief of Police (COP) or the Officer on Duty. A strip search, if conducted, will be so indicated in the
4. After the pat-down, the AO shall request the DO to prepare PNP Booking Form-1
5. The AO shall receive the accomplished medical examination request form and then shall be
responsible for bringing/escorting the suspect/s to the government hospital referred to in the request
for the examination of the suspect/s;
6. The AO shall receive the Medical Examination results from the government physician and then he
shall bring back the suspect/s to the police station and turn-over the suspect/s and the results of the
medical examination to the Duty Investigator (DI); and
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Investigation Procedures
7. The AO will obtain PNP Booking Form 2 - “Arrest and Booking Sheet” and refer it to the DI so that
both of them will accomplish the form, diligently providing all the information required in the form. The
copy of the Arrest and Booking Form shall form part of the Case folder and kept at the Investigation
Section at the police station
2) Desk Officer (DO):
1. Upon presentation by the AO of the arrested suspect/s to the DO, the Desk Officer (DO) shall log and
record the details of the arrest made and assign a blotter entry number to the arrest. The entry shall
include the name of the arresting officer and information as to the identity of the suspects and shall
contain the five (5) “W”s and one (1) “H” (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How) of an information
as well as the name of the government hospital where the suspect/s will be referred for medical
2. After recording in the police blotter, the DO together with the AO shall conduct a redundancy pat-down
search of the suspect/s. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the suspect/s do not carry any
deadly weapons or contraband when they are referred to a government hospital for medical
examination. Any weapons or contraband or any other items confiscated or taken in custody during the
pat-down search shall likewise be recorded in the blotter. (If the suspect is a woman or child, the Desk
Officer shall call for the duty WCPD officer who shall conduct the search); and
3. The Desk Officer shall then prepare or accomplish PNP Booking Form (PNPBF)-1 “Request for
Medical Examination of the Arrested Suspect”. The Desk Officer shall have the police station Officer on
Duty (OD) to sign the request form, but in the absence of the OD, the Desk Officer may sign the
request form himself.
3) Duty Investigator (DI):
1. After medical examination, the Arresting Officer shall refer the suspect/s and the case to the Duty
Investigator (DI). The DI and the AO shall accomplish the PNP Booking Form-2 “Arrest and Booking
Form” and ensure that a copy of the results of the medical examination are attached to the booking
2. The DI shall obtain personal information from each suspect and accomplish PNPBF-2 with the help of
the AO. The PNPBD-2 booking sheet should contain among others the personal circumstances of the
suspect/s. Likewise, the initial determination of the nature of the offense is included in the booking
sheet. The last part of the booking sheet refers to the medical history or information known of the
suspect/s, this part should not be confused with the medical certification issued by a doctor upon his
arrest which shall be attached to the PNP Booking Form-2A (Annex “J”- Medical Examination
Result Sheet)
3. The DI shall conduct record check to determine if the arrested suspect/s have previous or existing
cases and/or standing warrant of arrest; The Duty Investigator shall not process suspects brought by
the Arresting Officers who have not undergone a medical examination in a government hospital;
4. The DI shall ensure that Mug Shots or the photographic portrait of the suspects are taken in four (4)
different methods in accordance with the procedures. The 4R mug shots shall be attached to or
printed in the PNP Booking Form-2B (Annex “K”- Mug Shots of Suspects)
5. The Duty Investigator shall prepare a Turn-over Receipt Form (from Investigator to the Jailer) known
as PNP Booking Form-3 (Annex “L”- Turn Over of Arrested Suspects Form and Annex “L-1”-
Jailer’s Receipt of Suspects Form”). The Jailer of the Station will now take responsibility of the
suspect. If it is necessary that the arrested persons be placed in the lock-up cell, a complete body
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Investigation Procedures
frisking of the suspect by pat-down type search for any concealed weapon must be done. Strip search
shall be conducted if necessary. On body search of arrested male suspect, it is typically not required
to same sex pat down searches, but it is wise. When it comes to women and children, the WCPD
officer who is familiar with women and children protection duties will conduct the search. Search is
done to ensure that no prohibited object will be brought inside the lock-up cell, particularly sharp
objects that can be used to hurt other prisoners and ropes that might be used for entangling;
6. All personal valuables of the suspect that are not allowed to be brought inside the lock-up cell will be
collected by the Investigator and shall be turned-over to the police station Property Custodian. The
Investigator shall prepare PNP Booking Form 4. (Annex “M”- Suspect’s Personal Property Receipt
7. The DI shall also be responsible for ensuring that the suspects’ fingerprints or ten prints are taken by
the Fingerprint Technician, using both the ten print card and the PNPBF-2. Only a trained Fingerprint
Technician shall be allowed by the DI to take the ten prints of the suspects using the standard PNP
Crime Laboratory Form No 452-038 to ensure that this will be readable by the Automated Fingerprint
identification System (AFIS). The ten print card is considered as an integral part of the booking form
and is known as PNP Booking Form-2C (Annex “N”- Ten print Card);
8. The DI must always inform the Desk Officer of the status of the case and the suspect so that updates
will be entered in the police blotter;
9. The Investigator shall be responsible for preparing the necessary documents such as: Affidavit-
complaint; affidavit of witness; booking and arrest report; photo copy of recovered evidence if any; and
a letter of case referral to the Prosecutor’s Office that should be signed by the Station Commander or
police station Officer on Duty with the former’s unavailability.

We had just finished the discussion on Investigation

Procedures. Let’s move on to the next higher level of activity/ies
or exercise/s that demonstrate your potential skills/knowledge of
what you have learned.
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Investigation Procedures



Name: ______________________________ Year & Section: __________________

Directions: Read the following statements and determine if the term/guidelines are accurate. Write True if
the statement is correct and if wrong, underline/encircle the incorrect word/s and write the correct one to
make the statement true.

1. __________________ Crime Incident Reporting System (CIRS) is a logbook that contains the
daily registry of all crime incident reports, official summaries of arrest, and other significant events
reported in a police station.

2. __________________The Police Unit that has territorial jurisdiction over the area where the
armed confrontation occurred shall secure the scene and immediately undertake the necessary
3. __________________ A Police blotter is an electronic reporting system that facilitates crime
documentation, modernizes data storage and provides quick and reliable transmission of crime
information from lower units and NOSUs of the PNP to the National Headquarters at Camp Crame,
Quezon City.

4. __________________ All crime incidents whether reported by the victims, witnesses or third
parties must be recorded in the police blotter, even when the offender is ill and is unlikely to
recover or is too senile or too mentally disturbed for proceedings to take place
5. __________________ The police unit with the territorial jurisdiction where the crime was
committed shall have the primary responsibility to record and report the same. If a continuing crime
is committed in various areas of responsibilities, it should be recorded and reported as a single
crime by the unit taking cognizance of the crime.

6. ___________________ Scene of the Crime Operation (SOCO) means to observe or study by

close examination and systematic inquiry; to make a systematic examination especially: to
conduct an official inquiry

7. ___________________ Upon arrest, the Desk Officer (DO)shall immediately bring the suspect/s to
the police station and present the suspect/s to the Duty Investigator (DI)

8. ___________________ The Desk Officer shall then prepare or accomplish PNP Booking Form
(PNPBF)-1 “Request for Medical Examination of the Arrested Suspect”. The Desk Officer shall
have the police station Officer on Duty (OD) to sign the request form, but in the absence of the OD,
the Desk Officer may sign the request form himself.
9. ___________________ The Arresting officer must always inform the Desk Officer of the status of
the case and the suspect so that updates will be entered in the police blotter;
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Investigation Procedures

Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Directions: Organize the following procedures that shall be performed by designated police officers. Copy
the text below and place on the boxes in correct order. The first and last are given

Record the arrest

made in the Police

Place the suspect in a

police station lock-
up/holding cell or
local jail.

 Take custody of any personal property carried by the suspect (i.e. keys, purse), to be returned
upon the suspect’s release
 Conduct pat down or strip search of the suspect, submit the suspect for medical examination;
 Record information about the suspect’s alleged crime;
 Place the suspect in a police station lock-up/holding cell or local jail.
 Perform a record search of the suspect’s criminal background;
 Fingerprint and photograph the suspect;
 Take the criminal suspect’s personal information (i.e. name, date of birth, physical characteristics,
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Investigation Procedures

Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Directions: Write AO if the statement written below is the functions and responsibility of an Arresting Officer.
Write DO if it’s the Desk Officers’ and DI for Duty Investigator

1. The __________________ shall receive the accomplished medical examination request form and
then shall be responsible for bringing/escorting the suspect/s to the government hospital referred to
in the request for the examination of the suspect/s
2. Upon arrest, the __________________ shall immediately bring the suspect/s to the police station
and present the suspect/s to the Desk Officer (DO);
3. The __________________ shall log and record the details of the arrest made and assign a blotter
entry number to the arrest.
4. The __________________ shall obtain personal information from each suspect and accomplish
PNPBF-2 with the help of the AO. The PNPBD-2 booking sheet should contain among others the
personal circumstances of the suspect/s.
5. The __________________ shall receive the Medical Examination results from the government
physician and then he shall bring back the suspect/s to the police station and turn-over the
suspect/s and the results of the medical examination
6. The __________________ shall ensure that Mug Shots or the photographic portrait of the
suspects are taken in four (4) different methods in accordance with the procedures.
7. The __________________ shall conduct record check to determine if the arrested suspect/s have
previous or existing cases and/or standing warrant of arrest
8. The __________________ will collect all personal valuables of the suspect that are not allowed to
be brought inside the lock-up cell
9. The __________________ shall be responsible for preparing the necessary documents such as:
Affidavit-complaint; affidavit of witness; booking and arrest report; photo copy of recovered
evidence if any; and a letter of case referral to the Prosecutor’s Office that should be signed by the
Station Commander or police station Officer on Duty with the former’s unavailability
10. The __________________ shall then prepare or accomplish PNP Booking Form (PNPBF)-1
“Request for Medical Examination of the Arrested Suspect”.

Finally, let us summarize the lesson of what we had discussed

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Investigation Procedures

Directions: In your own words, explain what investigation is. Discuss your answer within 3 sentences.

Basis for Grading

Level Description Score

 Well written and very organized.
 Excellent grammar mechanics.
OUTSTANDING  Clear and concise statements. 9-10
 Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
 Writes fairly clear.
 Good grammar mechanics.
GOOD 7-8
 Good presentation and organization.
 Sufficient effort and detail
 Minimal effort.
 Good grammar mechanics.
 Fair presentation.
 Few supporting details.
 Somewhat unclear.
 Shows little effort.
POOR  Poor grammar mechanics. 5
 Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
 No organization of thoughts.

You have come to an end of Module 4.
OOPS! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….
Law Enforcement Operations and Planning with Crime Mapping Page 13 of 15
Investigation Procedures
Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Direction/Instruction: Directions: Arrange the booking of arrested suspect flowcharts by drawing a

graphic organizer. Use a separate bond paper to be submitted personally on _______.
1. suspect is arrested
2. arresting officer brings the suspect to the police station
3. desk officer enters into the blotter the arrest and prepares request for medical examination of
4. arresting officer brings suspects to the government hospital for medical examination arresting
officer brings back suspects to station and accomplishes arrest and booking forms
5. arresting officer refers the suspects to the duty investigator
6. duty investigator assists preparation of booking forms and takes the fingerprints and mug shots
7. duty investigator turns over the suspects to the duty jailer
8. duty jailer takes custody of the suspects and place them in the lock-up cell

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Graphics/ Graphics go Graphics go well Graphics go well Graphics do not go
Pictures well with the with the text, but with the text, but with the
text and there is there are so many there are too few accompanying text
a good mix of that they distract and the brochure or appear to be
text and from the text. seems "text- randomly chosen.
graphics. heavy".
Attractiveness & The brochure The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's
Organization has attractive formatting well-organized formatting and
exceptionally and well-organized information. organization of
attractive information. material are
formatting and confusing to the
well-organized reader.
Content - All facts in the 99-90% of the facts 89-80% of the Fewer than 80% of
Accuracy brochure are in the brochure are facts in the the facts in the
accurate. accurate. brochure are brochure are
accurate. accurate.
Spelling & No spelling No more than 1 No more than 3 Several spelling
Proofreading errors remain spelling error spelling errors errors in the
after one person remains after one remain after one brochure.
other than the person other than person other than
typist reads and the typist reads and the typist reads
corrects the corrects the and corrects the
brochure. brochure. brochure.

After your long journey of reading and accomplishing the

module, let us now challenge your mind by answering the
evaluation part of this module.
Law Enforcement Operations and Planning with Crime Mapping Page 14 of 15
Investigation Procedures


Name:______________________________ Year & Section: __________________

Direction/Instruction: Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. The Judicial Affidavit Rule shall apply to all criminal actions where the?
A. Maximum imposable penalty does not exceed three months.
B. Maximum imposable penalty does not exceed three years.
C. Maximum imposable penalty does not exceed six years.
D. Minimum imposable penalty exceeds six years.
2. A judicial affidavit shall be prepared in the language known to the witness and, if not in English or
Filipino, accompanied by a translation in English or Filipino, and shall contain the necessary
data/information, except
A. The name, age, residence or business address, and occupation of the witness.
B. The name and address of the lawyer who conducts or supervises the examination of the
witness and the place where the examination is being held.
C. A statement that the witness is answering the questions asked of him, fully conscious that he
does so under oath, and that he may face administrative liability for false testimony or perjury.
D. Questions asked of the witness and his corresponding answers, consecutively numbered.
3. It contains the daily registry of all crime incident reports, official summaries of arrest, and other
significant events reported in a police station. It is where all types of operational and undercover
dispatches shall be recorded containing the five "Ws" (who, what, where, when and why) and one "H"
(how) of an information.
A. Police journal C. Police blotter
B. Police logbook D. Police file
4. What is the electronic reporting system that facilitates crime documentation, modernizes data storage
and provides and reliable transmission of crime information from lower and NOSUs of the PNP to the
National Headquarter at Camp Crame, Quezon City?
A. PNP radio message form
B. Memorandum form of communication
C. Civilian Business Letter format
D. PNP Crime Incident Reporting System (CIRS)
5. All reports shall be recorded directly to the blotter book except for crime incidents in which the _____.
A. The five Ws and one H of information should all be answered.
B. Duty officer shall first accomplish the Incident Record Form (IRF).
C. Duty investigator will be the one to make the entries into the police blotter.
D. PNCO on duty should gather more information to be entered into the police blotter.
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Investigation Procedures
6. Who is appointed by the Unit Commanders who shall be responsible in consolidating and maintaining
crime data files of each unit to ensure consistency and continuity?
A. Investigator-on-case C. Crime Registrar
B. Chief investigator D. Knight
7. The police unit with the territorial jurisdiction where the crime was committed shall have the primary
responsibility to record and report the same. How about to a continuing crime that is committed in
various areas of responsibilities, how should it be recorded and reported?
A. It should be recorded and reported by whoever the first responder.
B. It should be recorded and reported as a single crime by the unit taking cognizance of the
C. The memorandum form of communication is used to record and report the crime.
D. All the police stations whose jurisdiction the crime was committed should submit separate
8. After arrest, a suspect is taken into police custody and booked" or processed. During booking, the
following procedures shall be performed by designated police officers, except
A. Record information about the suspect's alleged crime
B. Perform a record search of the suspect's criminal background
C. Fingerprint and photograph the suspect
D. Take custody of any real property carried by the Suspect (i.e. keys, purse), to be returned upon
the suspect's release
9. The Arresting Officer shall ask the Desk Officer to record in the police blotter the circumstances of the
arrest as well as the identity of the suspects and names of Arresting Officers (AO). The AO shall sign in
the blotter entry. What action signifies that the police station has officially taken cognizance of the
A. The act of arresting the suspects and bringing them to the police station.
B. The process of asking questions from the suspects and recording them.
C. This procedure of assigning a blotter number to the arrest of the suspects.
D. The act of bringing the suspects to the prosecutor for inquest proceedings.
10. Who has the responsibility of escorting the suspects to and from the government hospital for medical
A. Investigator-on-case C. Duty Officer
B. Arresting officer D. First responder

CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the end of this module!

You may now proceed to the next module.
Don’t forget to submit all the exercises, activities and portfolio
on ___________________.
Well Done!!!

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