Turco Aquasorb (Turco 2858) (Water Displacing Oil)
Turco Aquasorb (Turco 2858) (Water Displacing Oil)
Turco Aquasorb (Turco 2858) (Water Displacing Oil)
(Turco 2858)
TURCO AQUASORB is a clear, amber liquid, formulated to impart short term rust and corrosion protection
to both ferrous and nonferrous metals during manufacturing and overhaul.
TURCO AQUASORB displaces water from metal surfaces, leaving an oil-like protective film which
prevents corrosion and rusting under humid conditions. TURCO AQUASORB is an ideal for post oil
treatments such as phosphate and is often used on aircraft engine and wheel bearings and similar
components after rework.
TURCO AQUASORB is not recommended for use when salt spray protection is required.
TURCO AQUASORB offers these features:
3. Neutralizes fingerprints.
4. Approved by Pratt & Whitney, General Electric A.E. and Rolls Royce.
6. Can be applied by any convenient shop method - swabbing, brushing, spraying or immersion.
TURCO AQUASORB can be applied by dip, spray, or swab methods. When immersion methods are used,
a valve or drain plug should be installed in the bottom of the tank in order to drain the displaced water from
the tank.
Immersion tanks should be drained of water daily and fresh TURCO AQUASORB should be added to
replace drag-out.
TURCO AQUASORB does not require control. However, as with any chemical solution, it should be
replaced when it becomes contaminated.
Removal: TURCO AQUASORB can be removed from parts by alkaline, emulsion or solvent cleaners.
Consult your TURCO Sales Engineer for the best remover based upon your production needs.
TURCO AQUASORB contains petroleum distillates. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing or
prolonged breathing of vapor. Do not take internally. Use with adequate (equivalent to outdoor) ventilation.
Protective clothing such as a chemical face shield or goggles gloves, made from solvent resistant
materials, should be worn when using and handling this product. Do not spray in confined or closed area.
Transport and store in closed containers at temperatures between 0° - 50°C (32° - 120°F).
Before using this product refer to container label and TURCO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for
additional precautionary, handling and first aid information.
The above information and recommendations concerning this product are based upon our laboratory tests and field use experience with this
or similar products. However, since conditions of actual use are beyond our control, any recommendations or suggestions are made without
warranty, express or implied. Manufacturer's and seller's sole obligation shall be to replace that portion of the product shown to be defective.
Neither shall be liable for any loss, damage, or injury, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of this product.