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Da Curated Archive 2021-11-11

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This is an archive of actively maintained links to RPG Troves.

Each one is a single game, theme, or publisher, and strives to be complete.

See an (offline) trove you mirrored or happen to collect? Toss up a link!

It's never too late to become a curator.

/Drop, /Donate, /Submit, etc. links are for filling gaps in troves. If you're suspicious of a file's
hygiene, please denote so in the filename.



If you wanted to help, you could join the Anon Brigade by becoming a Curator and/or by finding stray
PDFs for other Curators.

Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.

Really prolific games can be divided into components; by edition, setting, publisher etc.

Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it up again
later. Using indirect links like r3br@nd<dot>ly, $plit<dot>to, or pasteb!n has a real advantage in that this
document will tend to stay valid without constant editing.

I found this big honking list of rpgs,

that probably means everyone else has known about it for ages.
It stopped in 2007, it has descriptions and stuff. http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/
This one started in 2008


Sorry for the incomplete links and funny L33t spelling of upload site names

ss, @SS or $$ is Send Space, m3g@ is Mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com

Some links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe

There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.

Add the hypertext protocol colon stuff to the front then the upload site spelled correctly, then add the final gibberish to
build a complete link.

Links in Green are either new links or dead links that are now working.
Links in RED are not working. They will be left up in here for a period of time before being removed. If you maintain
one of these troves or sites, please update the link. If someone would like to make another trove for these, multiple
troves are great, more is better, redundancy, you can’t have enough of a good thing, etc.
7emeCercle (Keltia, Kuro, Qin – The Warring States, and Yggdrasill)
r3br@nd<dot>ly /7emeCercle

7th Sea
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SevenSeas
m3g4 /folder/PRwUCTSZ#P2-PavDIcs9S1wkqC4HVNA

Aces & Eights

r3br@nd<dot>ly /AcesandEights

AGE Trove (Fantasy AGE, Blue Rose, Dragon Age, Modern AGE, The Expanse)
r3br@nd<dot>ly /AGETrove

MF /folder/khkqm7bvo24sh/Agone

r3br@nd<dot>ly /AlbedoRPG

Alternity RPG
r3br@nd /Alternity

r3br@nd<dot>ly /AmberRPG

Anime & Cartoon

r3br@nd<dot>ly /AnimeRPG

Animated Maps
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Animaps

Atlas Games - Feng Shui, Over the Edge, Penumbra, Unknown Armies, and more
r3br@nd<dot>ly /AtlasGames

Arion Games Fighting Fantasy & Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG, Gamebooks,
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ForestofDoom Magazines & Related Materials; Human(ish), Maelstrom, and more
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DeadDrop ←(for drops)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Battletech
r3br@nd<dot>ly /BTdrop ←(for drops)

Boot Hill
r3br@nd<dot>ly /BootHill
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

Board Game Scans

r3br@nd<dot>ly /GameScans

Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG / Angel RPG

r3br@nd<dot>ly /BuffyAngel

Buck Rogers (TSR)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TSRBuckRogers
Burning Wheel
SS /folder/gthatc

Burning Systems - BW. MG and TB

r3br@nd<dot>ly /burningstuff

Call of Cthulhu and related

m3g4 /folder/uMwmABiD#5FYpmjOYEULT12Jcju2ADg

Christmas/Winter Holiday Collection

r3br@nd<dot>ly /XmasRPG

Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Chuubo

Conan - all things Conan and general sword and sorcery/planet

r3br@nd<dot>ly /KING-CONAN

Conan 2d20
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Conan2d20

Conan 2E (Conan RPG by Mongoose Publishing)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Conan2E

Conan Monolith Board Game

r3br@nd<dot>ly /ConanMonolith

Con Stuff
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ConStuff

Costume Period Drama Trove Deeds Not Words RPG; Good Society RPG; Storybrewers Mini-Games;
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Corsetry and Victoriana RPG.
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DiceDrop ←(for drops)

The Ultimate Cthulhu Collection

- Achtung! Cthulhu
- Cthulhu 1920s
- Cthulhu by Gaslight
- Cthulhu Dark
- Cthulhu Dark Ages
- Cthulhu Invictus
- Cthulhu Now & Delta Green
- Cthulhu Rising
- Cthulhu Tech
- End Time
- Plus Age of Cthulhu, BRP, The Unspeakable Oath, World War Cthulhu, Worlds of Cthulhu and more.
$plit<dot>to /Cthulhu
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Cthulhu

Trail of Cthulhu
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TofC

Cyberpunk - all editions

r3br@nd<dot>ly /CyPunk
r3br@nd<dot>ly /bnrr4aw
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)
Dark Conspiracy - 1st thru 4th Editions, Board Game, and more
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DarkConspiracy

MF /folder/ays916q7aql9p/d20_Trove

Dangerous Journeys
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Mythus

Deadlands - Classic, Hell on Earth, Lost Colony

$plit<dot>to /Deadlands
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Deadlands
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DeadlandsTrove

Dime Adventures
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DimeAdventures

DM Tools
DM Tools part 1 (Journals and workbooks, lairs, PC's and NPC's, story building, tables)
m3g4 /folder/18ol2IQQ#ICJA7K6oSk_zAZIe4BB-cA
DM Tools part 2 (Worldbuilding, research library)
m3g4 /folder/WR4gkaIL#H-JpiqW0c-uUZg775j8a6Q
DM Tools part 3 (Bestiaries)
m3g4 /folder/B5AzxazC#8R4du9aMdyoYTU10QyCYgg

Dream Pod 9
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DPod9

Duets - RPGs for Two

r3br@nd<dot>ly /DUETRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DUETDrop ←(for drops)

Dungeons & Dragons

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Homebrew ← (templates for making pretty PDFs)
AD&D 1e
m3g4 /folder/Ko1xUCwI#fKmnzBERduq8ng3TtLMg4g
D&D 4e
m3g4 /folder/S9sAyLyB#nYtUasX-Zy21-HC-wTtcCA
D&D 5e official
m3g4 /folder/QxdjBI4Z#5zlMSioceak5tFaflPN5KQ
D&D 5e 3rd party adventures
m3g4 /folder/WXwx3SQS#uk_QE-drdQktKHZc6ugmTA
D&D 5e 3rd party campaign settings
m3g4 /folder/v00BzQDI#ZV73QV3GejIehTjcbN86Vw

r3br@nd<dot>ly /FreeBarsaive

Elric Comics
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ElricComics

r3br@nd<dot>ly /PHATE

Fantasy Craft
r3br@nd<dot>ly /FantasyCraft
Fantasy Flight Games
r3br@nd<dot>ly /oft5eo
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Fantasy Games Unlimited

r3br@nd<dot>ly /FGU

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Fiasco
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

Flying Buffalo's Catalyst System Agnostic series

r3br@nd<dot>ly /CatalystBooks

Fragged Empire ← (4-eared Elven Catgirls in Space!)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Fragged

Free League Games

r3br@nd<dot>ly /FreeLeague

French RPGs
m3g4 /#F!pD4WnD5J!JLF4yhyfh3CCTQ2aottfJg

French RPG Magazines

m3g4 /#F!uHBWGBjK!hWXEiEqgvwacJUptTTVvww

GM-Less/Rotating GM/Collaborative
r3br@nd<dot>ly /NOGM

Gamebooks CYOA, Endless Quest, etc.

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Gamebook

Games Workshop specialist and board games - Blood Bowl, Space Hulk and more
r3br@nd<dot>ly /gwsg
r3br@nd<dot>ly /gwsg-drop ←(for drops)
r3br@nd<dot>ly /dropofpolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Games Workshop Magazines

r3br@nd<dot>ly /GWMagTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly GWMagTrove-drop ←(for drops)

Gamma World - First through Fourth edition

m3g4 /#F!z9wHCQwC!HCeMOum5467vvbTd2XwiMw

German RPGs
r3br@nd<dot>ly /BtechDE Battletech german
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PathDE Pathfinder german
r3br@nd<dot>ly /FreeLeagueDe Free League games german (Coriolis, Forbidden Lands, Mutant:Year Zero,

r3br@nd<dot>ly /gumshoe

Halloween Themed RPGs – Halloween and Horror treats, with some tricks mixed in
r3br@nd<dot>ly /HalloweenRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Harn

Hex and Chit Board Games - No AVH/SPI

r3br@nd<dot>ly /HexChit
r3br@nd<dot>ly /HexChitDrop

Hyperborean Mice
r3br@nd<dot>ly /HyperboreanMice

r3br@nd<dot>ly /IC-RPG

Indiana Jones (WEG World of Indiana Jones)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /IndianaJones

Iron Crown Enterprises

r3br@nd<dot>ly /IronCrown

Iron Kingdoms – d20, Warmachine, Hordes, Fiction, and more

r3br@nd<dot>ly /IKRPG

It Came from the Late, Late, Late Show

r3br@nd<dot>ly /LateLateShow

Japanese RPGs
m3g4 /#F!KA1DHRRL!MGkoDoBdnehHG7D2iXOwXQ!vNUw3LzR

JDR Trove
$plit<dot>to /JDRTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /JDRTrove

JDR Magazines
$plit<dot>to /JDRMags
r3br@nd<dot>ly /JDRMags

Judge's Guild Magazine

r3br@nd<dot>ly /JudgesGuild
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CarseSubmissions

Justice, Inc.
r3br@nd<dot>ly /JusticeInc

Kid-Friendly RPGs
r3br@nd<dot>ly /RPGKid

Kings of War
r3br@nd<dot>ly /KingsOfWar

Killer – The Live Roleplaying Game

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Killer

m3g4 /#F!08c1zAyJ!oh-qmhe5tuLWz5L-_UCVdw
r3br@nd<dot>ly /LancerFrog
r3br@nd<dot>ly /FrogDrop ←(for drops)

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Lejentia

Legend of the Five Rings

$plit<dot>to /Lot5R
r3br@nd<dot>ly /L5R

Lone Wolf Adventure Game

r3br@nd<dot>ly /LoneWolf

Magazines - too big for one shelf!

r3br@nd<dot>ly /MagA-F
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MagG-M
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MagN-Z
$plit<dot>to /RPGMags
r3br@nd<dot>ly /RPGMags
r3br@nd<dot>ly /GWMagTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MiscMags
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TGMag Tabletop Magazine
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WhiteWolfMag White Wolf Magazines
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PyramidMag Pyramid Magazine
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MinWarMag Miniature Wargames Magazine
r3br@nd<dot>ly /bcf5d Wargames Illustrated
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WarGamIll Wargames Illustrated
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WargameMags Strategy & Tactics, Moves, The General, Heroes, All-Star Replay
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CAGAIN Casual Game Insider
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Shadis Shadis Magazine
r3br@nd<dot>ly /GameShoppe1987
r3br@nd<dot>ly /GameShoppeDrop ←(for /GameShoppe1987)

Maps and Tiles

m3g4 /folder/4hQg1bpZ#otIGWI6GE4IJABjAlJ6EdA
m3g4 /folder/gtcklRxY#RuQfbcDHnNx7ET_uYdDLaA

Mayfair Games – Board Games, Chill, City-State, Role Aids, and Underground
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MayfairGames

Mecha RPGs
m3g4 /folder/u2wV0Y5R#v1rIWBgkPfYXpmTfKtc5bg

Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes

r3br@nd<dot>ly /MSPE

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Metabarons

Midkemia Press
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Midkemia
Misc Games, play aids, and RPGs picked out of interest or curiosity
$plit<dot>to /MiscTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /MiscTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /StvnUniverse
r3br@nd<dot>ly /randomrpgs Element Masters, Noir, Enforcers, Immortal, and Enforcers
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DaphinesStuphs Doctor Who, ICONS, Central Casting, Nightlife, Recipes, Marvel FASERIP
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DaphinesDroppings ←(for /DaphinesStuphs drops)
m3g4 /folder/Z5lXgCST#T7zFXPflsHHwflsxmpiAkA TTRPG 0-H Part 1
m3g4 /folder/bcpH3KyR#sb54DWyiCjPcA6k3Q5UQDQ TTRPG I-W
m3g4 /folder/ZtkGkTDI#JLkw9vg3f1nQvqZXkUgN-g Systems 1-I
m3g4 /folder/1tNk1JLR#lavZDR0rCJAvVtBNGjIjNQ Systems I-Z + Loose Files

The Morrow Project

r3br@nd<dot>ly /MorrowProject

r3br@nd<dot>ly /przejebane
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Music for RPGs – Mood/Setting/Ambient

r3br@nd<dot>ly /OSRTapes

Nu-SR – OSR Adjacent RPGs Mork Borg, Mothership, Troika, multiple Hack systems, and many others
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Nu-SR
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Numenera - with Cypher System, Gods of the Fall, and The Strange
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Cypher

The One Ring

r3br@nd<dot>ly /torrpg

r3br@nd<dot>ly /OspreyGames
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OspGamII

r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAASS Aircam Aviation Series

r3br@nd<dot>ly /OACAWA Aircam Airwar
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OACM Air Campaign
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OACO Aerospace Colour
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAERO Aerospace
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAEU Aviation Elite Units
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OANS Anatomy of the Ship
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAOTCE Aircraft of the Aces
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAVPI Aviation Pioneers
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OBOR Battle Orders
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OCAM Campaign
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OCMBT Combat
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OCOM Combat Aircraft
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OCOMD Commanders
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ODSS Desert Storm Special
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ODIG Digital General
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ODUE Duel
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OELI Elite
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OESS Essential Histories
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OESP Essential Histories Specials
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OFOF Force on Force
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OFOR Fortress
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OFRCO Frontline Color
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OGHI Graphic History
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OGNA General Aviation
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OGNM General Military
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OGTO Guide to…
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMAA Men at Arms
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMIAI Military Aircraft
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMISC Osprey Misc
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMOD Modelling
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMDM Modelling Manuals
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OMODM Modelling Masterclass
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ONVA New Vanguard
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OOOB Order Of Battle
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OPLTF Production Line to Frontline
r3br@nd<dot>ly /ORAID Raid
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OSUBA Superbase
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OAVG Air Vanguard
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OVAGU Vanguard
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OWOR Warrior
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OWPN Weapon
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OXPL X-Planes

OSR Trove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /O-S-R pw = Saberclaw
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OSR-Donate / ←(for drops)

Miniature Painting Guides

r3br@nd<dot>ly /HowToPaint

Paper Friends
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PaperFriends
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SevenWonders ←(for drops)

Paper Minis
m3g4 /folder/HFpghTbT#qTbpydZbcvVZ48b-6_U5yw

Papercraft Trove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PapercraftTrove

Paranoia - all editions

$plit<dot>to /Paranoia
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Paranoia

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Parsely

Pelgrane Press
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Pelgrane

Polish RPGs
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PL-RPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PolishRPGs
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)
Polyhedron Magazine
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Polyhedron
m3g4 /#F!CLAViZLY!wBhXOlnsXcQfGLt4HKPe0A

Powered by the Apocalypse also Forged in the Dark, Spire, and Trophy
r3br@nd<dot>ly /PBTA-n-stuff
m3g4 /megadrop/BNlMIcE3IAY ←(for drops)

Prose Descriptive Qualities

r3br@nd<dot>ly /PDQ

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Ptolus

Rangers of Shadowdeep
r3br@nd<dot>ly /RangersSD

Recon - RPG Inc.

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Recon

Retro Sci-Fi Trove Starblazer Adventures RPG & Comics; Terran Trade Federation RPG & Artbooks
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TerranTrade
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DiceDrop ←(for drops)

Rifts - with other Palladium products

$plit<dot>to /Rifts
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Rifts

Rolll 19+1
r3br@nd<dot>ly /R20AA
r3br@nd<dot>ly /R20BB
r3br@nd<dot>ly /R20CC
r3br@nd<dot>ly /R20DD

$plit<dot>to /RuneQuest
r3br@nd<dot>ly /RuneQuest

Sailor Moon
r3br@nd<dot>ly /h1oq25i
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Sanguine Press
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Sanguine

Savage Worlds - numerous settings

$plit<dot>to /SaWo
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SavageWorlds

Shadow of the Demon Lord

r3br@nd<dot>ly /DemonLord
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SotDL

r3br@nd<dot>ly /ShadeRushLifeSupport
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)
Solo Games
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SoloGames
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SOLORPG

Space 1889 - all editions

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Space1889

Space 1889 - Clockwork Publishing

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Space1889-CWP

Spanish RPGs
m3g4 /#F!F1t1VLTI!X_IRZmebfBOzBrM5bN3gBw

Spectrum Games - Macabre Tales, Retrostar, Slasher Flick, The Big Crime, Stories from the Grave, Cartoon
Action Hour
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SpectrumGames

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Starfire

Star Fleet Battles - A Call to Arms, Starmada, Captain's Logs, Zines, Federation Commander,
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SFleet Federation & Empire, and more
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CarseSubmissions ←(for drops)

Star Maps
r3br@nd<dot>ly /StarMaps

Star Trek
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TrekTrove
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TransporterPad ←(for drops)

Star Wars - D6, D20 and FFG

$plit<dot>to /StarWars
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WarStars

Stars Without Number

r3br@nd<dot>ly /StarsWithoutNumber
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

Stormbringer - with Elric! and Dragon Lords of Melniboné

$plit<dot>to /Stormbringer
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Stormbringer

Superhero Games - Hero Games, Marvel Superheroes, M&M, V&V

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Supers

Super Squadron
r3br@nd<dot>ly /SuperSquadron

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Talislanta

Thanksgivng related goodies

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TurkeyTrove

They Came from Beneath the Sea

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TCFBTS
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Timemaster
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

Tiny D6
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Tiny_d6

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Torg

Torg Eternity
r3br@nd<dot>ly /TorgEternity

Traveller - the general trove

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Traveller
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

Tri Tac Games

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TriTacGames

Triple Ace Games

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TripleAce

Trudvang Chronicles
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Trudvang

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Twerps

Two Hour Wargames

r3br@nd<dot>ly /TwoHourWargames
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOff

VTT Tokens
m3g4 /folder/4xx0RCyS#GuNIj_-1TWdN1ipBJzAu_g

Warhammer 40K – 1st thru 7th Editions

r3br@nd<dot>ly /OldWH40K
r3br@nd<dot>ly /OldWH40K-drop ←(for drops)

Warhammer 40k Roleplaying Games

m3g4 /folder/CXB3yYxL#p-E08OZoy-pQVyqk4LJsTw

Warhammer 40,000 Novels

m3g4 /#F!K2IgwBDL!rt7VIHn-kdO0uaOb7F_k2A

Warhammer Fantasy
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WFRP
r3br@nd<dot>ly /DropOfPolish ←(for drop, if files are not clean, please note them as so)

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game

m3g4 /folder/hksVBCgJ#79soiDjwCLckGlcw9D_1vg

Warhammer Historical Battles

r3br@nd<dot>ly /GWWHH
Warhammer Novels
m3g4 /folder/QpkRVa5A#4Bj9Zi313gP3YNPGbf-sVw

Warhammer wargames
m3g4 /folder/h1sl0ITR#fJTeMN03okkXCzJmYWOiVw

Warlord Games Rules

r3br@nd<dot>ly /WarlordGames

Wizards RPG – Based on Ralph Bakashi’s Film

r3br@nd<dot>ly /Wizards
r3br@nd<dot>ly /BakshisWizards

World Building and Game Design

r3br@nd<dot>ly /WorldBuilding

World of Darkness / Chronicles of Darkness Exalted

r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-BeastRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-ChangelingRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-DemonRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-DeviantRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-ExaltedRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /CWODs-GeistRPG
r3br@nd<dot>ly /WOD-COD-drop ←(for drops)

Wrestling RPGs
r3br@nd<dot>ly /Wrassling

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