Doosis Kalsium
Doosis Kalsium
Doosis Kalsium
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
Karine Briot, Christian Roux
Key messages
Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis is the most common
form of secondary osteoporosis and the first cause in ▸ Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) is
To cite: Briot K, Roux C. young people. Bone loss and increased rate of fractures the most common cause of secondary osteopor-
Glucocorticoid-induced occur early after the initiation of corticosteroid therapy, osis, the most common cause before 50 years
osteoporosis. RMD Open and are then related to dosage and treatment duration. of age, and the most common iatrogenic cause
2015;1:e000014. The increase in fracture risk is not fully assessed by bone of the disease.
mineral density measurements, as it is also related to ▸ Previous and current exposure to glucocorti-
alteration of bone quality and increased risk of falls. In coids (GCs) increases the risk of fracture and
patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a treat-to-target strategy bone loss.
▸ Prepublication history for focusing on low disease activity including through the use ▸ The increase in fracture risk is not fully assessed
this paper is available online. of low dose of prednisone, is a key determinant of bone by bone mineral density measurements, as it is
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loss prevention. Bone loss magnitude is variable and also related to alteration in bone quality and
visit the journal online
there is no clearly identified predictor of the individual risk increased risk of falls.
rmdopen-2014-000014). of fracture. Prevention or treatment of osteoporosis ▸ Prevention or treatment of osteoporosis should
should be considered in all patients who receive be considered in all patients who receive GCs.
Received 12 February 2015 prednisone. Bisphosphonates and the anabolic agent ▸ Recent international guidelines are available and
Revised 16 March 2015 parathyroid hormone (1–34) have shown their efficacy in should guide management of corticosteroid-
Accepted 17 March 2015 the treatment of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. induced osteoporosis, which remains under-
Recent international guidelines are available and should diagnosed and under-treated.
guide management of corticosteroid-induced
osteoporosis, which remains under-diagnosed and under-
treated. Duration of antiosteoporotic treatment should be inflammatory rheumatic disorders (rheuma-
discussed at the individual level, depending on the toid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatic…) and
subject’s characteristics and on the underlying lung disorders (asthma and chronic obstructive
inflammation evolution. lung diseases). Apart from bone and ocular
side effects, lipodystrophy and neuropsychiatric
disorders are also common adverse events of
INTRODUCTION long-term GC therapy.4
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) A number of guidelines for GIOP are now
is the most common cause of secondary available, but the proportion of GC-treated
osteoporosis, the first cause before 50 years patients receiving preventatives for bone com-
and the first iatrogenic cause of the disease.1 plications remains low. Paradoxically, the
Prior and current exposure to glucocorti- numbers of underlying comorbidities and con-
coids (GCs) increases the risk of fracture and comitant treatments are strong determinants
bone loss. A key point is that the underlying of the absence of prevention of GIOP, although
inflammation for which GCs are used also they are themselves added risk factors for osteo-
has a role in bone fragility, as there is a porosis.8–11 There has been greater awareness
strong relationship between inflammatory of this condition in recent years, with improve-
cells and bone cells.2 This is one of the ment in the number of patients receiving
Department of determinants of rapid bone loss occurring at bisphosphonates.12 However, even interven-
Rheumatology, Research the initiation of GCs. tions by pharmacist do not significantly
Center, Epidemiology and improve these numbers,13 and recent studies
Biostatistics Sorbonne Paris
The prevalence of use of oral GCs in the
Cité, Cochin Hospital, community population is between 0.5 and confirm the neglecting of osteoporosis prophy-
INSERM U1153, Paris 0.9% (65% women), rising to 2.7% in women laxis in patients exposed to GCs.
Descartes University, Paris, aged ≥50 years.3–5 In the Global Longitudinal
France Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW),
Correspondence to
conducted in 10 countries, 4.6% of 60 393 post- PATHOGENESIS
Professor Christian Roux; menopausal women were receiving GCs at Bone fragility in GIOP is characterised by baseline visit.6 7 The main causes of GC use are rapidity of bone loss at the introduction of
GCs, and the discrepancy between bone mineral density by a number of cytokines, the main pathway being
(BMD) and risk of fractures. These two points can be driven by Th 17 cells subpopulation (ie, interleukin (IL)
explained by the pathogenesis of GIOP. 6 and IL23).22–26 Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α)
transgenic mice are models of osteoporosis with dra-
Role of underlying inflammation matic decrease in bone mass and deterioration of bone
In the general population, even small elevations of C microarchitecture. Moreover, an over expression of scler-
reactive protein within the normal range increase non- ostin has been observed in these models, with a conse-
traumatic fracture risk.14 In some studies, variations quence of inflammation-related decrease in bone
within the low levels of inflammatory markers and cyto- formation.27 Finally autoimmunity has a role in bone
kines predict bone loss and elevated inflammatory remodelling, as antibodies against citrullinated proteins
markers are prognostic for fractures.15 16 (ACPAs) can increase osteoclast numbers and activity
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) doubles the risk of hip and through citrullinated vimentin located at the surface of
vertebral fractures, regardless of the use of GCs,17 and precursors and cells (through a TNF-α local effect).28
disease activity is consistently associated with low BMD. All these clinical observations and biological studies
In a prospective study of patients with early RA con- show that inflammation has a deleterious effect on bone
ducted at a time when biotherapies were not available, remodelling, inducing an increase in resorption and a
high bone loss was observed, mainly in patients with per- decrease in formation, before any effect of GCs
sistent inflammation during follow-up (ie, persistent themselves.
high CRP).18 In ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory
disease in which GCs are not used, there is bone loss Bone effects of GCs
and an increased risk of vertebral fractures, driven by The predominant effect of GCs on bone is the impair-
inflammation.19 20 ment in bone formation (figure 1).29 The evidence that
There is a strong biological rationale for these clinical this is a direct effect, independent of the inflammation
observations. Osteoclastogenesis is under the control of effect, comes from studies conducted in healthy volun-
RANK-ligand, which is produced by osteocytes in normal teers: prednisone 5 mg daily is enough to rapidly and sig-
bone remodelling, but also by lymphocytes and fibro- nificantly decrease serum P1NP and osteocalcin, which
blasts in other situations, such as oestrogen deficiency21 are specific markers of bone formation; the changes are
and inflammation. Osteoclastogenesis can be enhanced reversed after discontinuation of the prednisone.30
cumulative dose. The increased rate of bone loss persists fractures, and 0.65 and 1.20 for hip fracture probability.53
in chronic GC users, but more slowly. For very high doses of glucocorticoids, greater upward
adjustment of fracture probability may be required.
FRAX assessment has already been included in some
ASSESSMENT OF FRACTURE RISK guidelines at different steps of the treatment decision.
Role of BMD American College of Rheumatology guidelines recom-
There is a mismatch between BMD data and fracture data mend treatment in postmenopausal women and
in patients receiving GCs because of the disparity related men aged 50 years or older starting oral glucocorticoids
to the alteration of bone quality. At similar levels of BMD, with a FRAX-derived 10-year probability of major osteo-
postmenopausal women taking GCs have considerably porotic fracture of over 10%, and in those with a prob-
higher risk of fracture than controls not using GCs. ability of less than 10% if the daily dose of prednisolone
There is a debate on the appropriate T score threshold to or its equivalent is ≥7.5 mg/day.54 According to the
be considered a risk and as an indication for treatment in International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)–European
patients with GCs: the same diagnostic criterion as in Calcified Tissue Society55 recommendations, a treatment
postmenopausal women has been suggested (T≤−2.5),50 decision for postmenopausal women and for men aged
but a higher threshold (ie, T≤−1.5) has been proposed ≥50 years exposed to oral glucocorticoids for ≥3 months
for intervention,46 because bone loss can be 10% or should be based on fracture risk assessment with FRAX
more in some individuals over the first year of GC use. adjusted for glucocorticoid use (with or without BMD
There is no means to provide an evidence-based thresh- testing). Treatment can be considered directly (without
old for treatment decisions. A practical approach is to rec- FRAX assessment) if patients are at high risk defined by
ommend a BMD measurement in GC users (optimally at one of the following criteria: prevalent fracture, age
the initiation of treatment) and to consider that patients ≥70 years, exposure to a glucocorticoid dose ≥7.5 mg
with T ≤−2.5 as those who should receive the highest pri- per day or low BMD (T≤−2.5).55
ority for treatment.51 However, beyond the BMD, a more
comprehensive approach of the risk and clinical judge- Role of underlying disease
ment is needed. Persistent inflammation is associated with bone loss as
shown in longitudinal studies in patients with active RA
Role of FRAX or ankylosing spondylitis (SpA). In contrast, prospective
The WHO fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) algo- open studies show that complete control of inflamma-
rithm has been developed to estimate the 10-year risk of tion (in parallel with clinical improvement and thus
hip and other major fractures (clinical spine, humerus or increased mobility) is accompanied by the absence of
wrist fracture) based on clinical risk factors, with or bone loss.56 This is expected in SpA in the absence of
without BMD.52 The risk factors included in FRAX are: GCs, but is also observed in RA of the hand, spine and
age, sex, body mass index (BMI), personal history of frac- hip, in patients receiving low doses of GCs.56–58 In the
ture, parental history of hip fracture, current smoking, BeSt study, conducted in patients with recent-onset
alcohol intake, glucocorticoid use, rheumatoid arthritis, active RA, bone loss was limited in all treated groups,
other causes of secondary osteoporosis and femoral neck including in the group initially treated with high-dose
(not spine) BMD. These clinical risk factors are largely prednisone.59 Thus, the concept that a high level of
independent of BMD and can thus improve the fracture inflammation is more deleterious for bone than a low
risk assessment. FRAX cannot be used in premenopausal dose of GCs, controlling this inflammation is relevant as
women, men aged <40 years and in subjects previously far as surrogate markers (BMD, biological parameters)
treated with antiosteoporotic drugs. are concerned. However, there is no evidence for a
One of the limitations of FRAX is that use of oral GCs reduction in fracture risk with such a strategy,60 and new
is entered as a dichotomous risk factor and does not take epidemiological studies are mandatory in this matter.
into account the dose of GCs and the duration of use.
Moreover, FRAX does not take into account the differ- Role of patient characteristics
ence in risk between prior and current use.49 FRAX Age, female gender, low BMI, history of falls and previ-
assumes an average dose of prednisolone (2.5–7.5 mg/ ous fractures, duration of menopause and smoking are
day or its equivalent) and may underestimate fracture associated with fracture risk in patients with GCs, simi-
risk in patients taking higher doses and may overestimate larly to how they are in primary osteoporosis. We have
risk in those taking lower doses. Moreover the predictive shown that prevalence of non-vertebral fractures is a
value of FRAX has been mainly validated for non- strong determinant of the risk of having vertebral frac-
vertebral fractures although the principal risk in GCs tures in patients with RA,61 implying that the individual’s
users is for vertebral fractures. Adjustment of FRAX has skeleton is already of inadequate strength to withstand
been proposed for postmenopausal women and men the trauma of daily living. Beyond GC use, these risk
aged ≥50 years with lower or higher doses than 2.5– factors must be assessed in all patients, and all causes of
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Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with 24. Lam J, Takeshita S, Barker JE, et al. TNFα induces
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