Second Term Test 2018: Information and Communication Technology - I
Second Term Test 2018: Information and Communication Technology - I
Second Term Test 2018: Information and Communication Technology - I
01' Below chart shows the greetings received by Saman from the day when he passed the O/L
examination before three years and upto now against time. Statements regarding the things which
represent this chart are given from A to D.
(A) The validity of an information is not changed by the passing of
(B) The validity of statement is not decreased by the passing of time.
(C) No decision can be made from this chart regarding the timeliness of
an information.
Time (D) The validity of an information is maximized when it is created.
Which is the correct statement/statements from above?
^1& A and B only ^2& A only ^3& C and B only ^4& D only
02' Diagnosing of diseases in health sector is successful through the invention of various equipment by
using Information and Communication Technology. What is the correct answer after matching few
above equipment with its' testing organ.
05' Which is the correct order of Least Significant Digit(LSD) and Most Significant Digit(MSD) of
^1& 0, 5 ^2& 8, 5 ^3& 5, 8 ^4& 5, 0
07' Which is the answer when arranged 10001102 , 608 , 50 , 3A16 numbers in descending order?
^1& 608, 3A16, 50, 10001102 ^2& 608, 50, 3A16, 10001102
^3& 50, 3A16, 10001102, 608 ^4& 10001102, 3A16, 50, 608
09' What is the answer included only optical media data storage devices?
^1& Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), Compact Disk (CD) , Blue-Ray
^2& Digital Versatile Disk (DVD), Hard Disk, Blue-Ray
^3& Hard Disk, Floppy Disk , Magnetic Tape
^4& None of above
10' Ashen who is conducting a business, networked all computers in his office with the
purpose of regulating in his office affairs according to below diagram. Which is the answer
that include network type and network topology respectively?
^1& Wide Area Network and Star Topology
^2& Metropolitan Area Network and Bus Topology
^3& Local Area Network and Ring Topology
^4& Local Area Network and Bus Topology
11' Following is an image in backside page of a book. What is the correct answer for the code
represented by this image and its' duty?
^1& Bar Code ®
a bar code number that can be taken details of a good
^2& QR Code ®
a bar code number that can be taken details of a good
^3& Bar Code ®
a web address of a good
^4& QR Code ®
a web address of a good
14' Money locker of a teller machine used in paying counter opens when electricity is
available and identifying the finger print or face of the cashier. What is the correct order of
logic gates regarding above process respectively?
^1& OR gate and AND gate ^2& NOT gate and AND gate
^3& AND gate and OR gate ^4& NAND gate and AND gate
15' Logic circuits with input x and y and its' truth table is
shown below. The correct order of the truth table values
for output F is,
17' What is the answer which included only Word Processing software?
^1& Microsoft Word, Open office Writer, VisiCalc
^2& Open office Writer, libre office Writer, Google Sheet
^3& iWork Pages, Open office Writer, Office 365 Word
^4& Kingsoft writer, Open office Writer, libre Office Calc
18' In an certain electronic spreadsheet, =(A2/A8) + A6 has been inserted in A15 cell. What is
the value, when 20,10,6 are inserted into A2,A8,A6 cells respectively?
^1& 10 ^2& 8 ^3& 7 ^4& 6
² Gifts are given by one of bank for their customers who deposit money during the new year
festival days. Following tables are used to store gifts and customer details.
Grade 11 Second Term Test 2018 Information and Communication Technology - Part I
² According to above information, answer questions from 24 to 26.
24' What is the answer of number of fields and number of records in Customer_Table and Gift_Table
^1& 2,4 and 5,2 ^2& 4,2 and 2,5 ^3& 2,4 and 2,5 ^4& 5,2 and 4,2
26' What is the relationship between Customer_Table and Gift_Table in above data base?
^1& One to one relationship ^2& One to many relationship
^3& Many to many relationship ^4& No relationship
27' To display your photo in certain position in all slides of an electronic presentation, you should insert
that photo in ………….
^1& Handout Master ^2& Slide Master
^3& Task pane ^4& Slide Pane
28' In programming, identifiers are used when naming a variable, constant. What is the incorrect identifier
used in Pascal programming?
^1& mark ^2& full-name ^3& sub1 ^4& AvgMark
^3& ^4&
34' Consider the following statements regarding the implementation of an information system.
A - In pilot implementation, integrated system implementation is decided based on the success
of selected sample.
B - Direct implementation is most suitable implementation method for the security of data and
information of the system.
C - Phase implementation can be used for the ease of system implementation and the ease of
Which is the correct statement/statements among above statements?
^1& A only ^2& A and B only ^3& A and C only ^4& All A, B and C
35' Select the most suitable statement regarding IP address among below statements.
^1& IP address is used to identify each device in internet.
^2& IP address is used to uniquely identify web sites in internet.
^3& IP address is used to uniquely identify e-mail accounts.
^4& IP address is used to uniquely identify a device or a web site in internet.
36' Useless emails received by us is stored in a separate place without disturbing. What is the name of
that place?
^1& Draft ^2& Outbox ^3& Trash ^4& Spam
37' What is used to convert Uniform Resource Locater (URL) into IP address?
^1& DNS ^2& Mail Server ^3& Web Server ^4& Web browser
38' Pixel is the basic building block of a digital graphic. When amount of bits of a pixel is increased, its'
color amount is also increased. What is the color amount, if its' amount of bits are four?
^1& 8 ^2& 16 ^3& 32 ^4& 64
39' A famous tool which is currently used to do practical activities by using robot technology.
^1& Port Program ^2& Arduino ^3& Google Input ^4& 3D Animation
40' Social networks are famous web sites in all over the world. Which can be considered as a social
web site among them?
^1& Second life ^2& Firefox ^3& Fedora ^4& Google chrome
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(01) (i) Nimsara went to a private bank ATM and then inserted his ATM card to machine and
inputted his secret pin number. ATM machine displayed the balance amount of the
account after validating the ATM card and the PIN number. Consider ATM as a system
and write down the input, process and the output for the above scenario.
(ii) Online shopping is becoming more popular in modern day among people when buying
products. Online shopping has its own advantages and disadvantages. Write down one
advantage and disadvantage.
(iii) In the below table, descriptions of the column X (number 1-5) has a matching term in
column Y (letter P – Q). Write down the matching number and the letter from column
X and column Y.
(iv) For a Drill event in a school sport meet, FD16 number of boys and 100100112 number
of girls were selected. Write down the total number of students who participated for the
drill event as decimal number.
(v) Write down the Boolean equation (F) for the following logic circuit.
(vi) Following table illustrates some tools used in word processing software.
Write down the letter of the tool which use to do the following tasks from the above
table.(marks are not given when provided multiple letters for a given task)
(vii) Following illustrates a unique URL, which use to identify files and information in
Write down the matching term for above listed letters (A- D) from the below listed
^02& ^A& Consider the following logic circuit which was designed to protecting bicycle rider.
Bicycle engine will switch on only when the following activities are fulfilled; rider
wear the safety helmet (A), insert the key and switch on the key (B) and releasing the
bicycle stand (C)
Consider wearing the safety helmet and inserting the key and switching on the key as
1 and folding the bicycle stand as 0.
The engine can only start, only if the output equals to 1.
(i) Complete the logic circuit by inserting correct logic gates to X and Y
(ii) Write the Boolean expression F for the above logic circuit.
^B& Below truth table represent the Boolean expression F = (A+B) AC .Copy the below
table in your answer sheet and complete column F.
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Bold, Italic, Underline, Bullets, Sort, left align, center align, Right align, Shapes,
pictures, hyperlink, Center indentation, Right indentation, Table
(ii) Mention two word processing software which use cloud computing concept.
(iii) Write down two point which you should focus, when preparing power point
presentation. (2 marks)
Grade 11 Second Term Test 2018 Information and Communication Technology - Part II
(04) Below table represents the quantity of products purchased in January by Kumara Stores
(i) Write down the equation to indicate total cost for January month school bag purchases
in cell H4 (2 marks)
(ii) Agent gives 5% discount for each item they sell to Kumar stores. It is indicated in cell
F11. Write down the formula by only using cell addresses to get discounted price for
the cell address I4. (2 marks)
(iii) Total Net Value of the purchased item for the month is indicated in cell address
J11.Write down equation with functions to calculate the Total Net Value. (2 marks)
(iv) In order calculate the quantity of goods purchased for 3rd week, following equation is
= function1 (value1:value2)
Write down the appropriate values for function1, value1 and value 2 (2 marks)
(v) Write two chart types which can be used to represent purchased items and quantities
in the same chart for the given weeks. (2 marks)
(05) Following database tables shows the data related to vehicle parking charges stored in an
automated vehicle parking system
Space ID
(i) Mention two primary keys with the table name for the above database. (2 marks)
(ii) Write down the data types for the below fields mentioned in above the
"vehicle_parking" table. (2 marks)
(a) Vehicle_No
(b) Space_ID
(c) Date
(c) Fees
(iii) Explain "what is a composite key? Write an example by making use of above
database. (2 marks)
(iv) On 2018/04/15 a vehicle "car" brand "Toyota" model "Prius" number "ACB8974"
parked in the space "S1002" at 7.30 a.m. And the car left the park around 1.30 p.m.
(a) Mention the table/s which needs to update to indicate the above scenario.
(b) Mention the records in the above updated table/s. (3 marks)
(v) Mention relationship between vehicle table and space table in the above
database (1 mark)
^06& ^A& Old boy association of Gamunu Vidyalaya plans to develop a new Computer Based
Information System instead of present manual information system in-order to perform
the school administrative functionalities easily.
(i) To develop the above computer based information system they decided to use
software development life cycle (SDLC). Mention first two steps in System
Development Life Cycle (1 mark)
(ii) Mention two main points to consider when planning new Computer Based
Information Systems. (2marks)
(iii) List down 2 testing methods which can be used to test new Computer Based
Information Systems (2 marks)
To fulfill the above requirement, write down e mail addresses in the blanks with the
given number. (4 mark)
^07& ^A& The below flowchart shows a scenario of 50 candidates who were selected to follow a
course in university. The candidates who get above 50 marks from the written exam
and 75 above marks from practical exam will get select to follow the course.
5? C
Grade 11 Second Term Test 2018 Information and Communication Technology - Part II
In the above flow chart fill the missing blanks for A to G with appropriate labels.
(While NO.of_Applicant<=50, Result = "Not selected", True, False, False)
Num:= 1;
Total:= Num*Num;
Until Num<=10;
^C& Consider computer program consists many processes then it becomes complex and
difficult to understand.Because of that program consists with sub programs to become
more readable and easy to understand.Wite down two sub programs used in Pascal
Grade 11 Second First Term Test 2018 Information and Communication Technology (1/4)
Answer Sheet - Paper I
01. ( 4 ) 02. (2 ) 03. ( 3 ) 04. ( 2 ) 05. ( 2 ) 06. ( 3 ) 07. ( 4 ) 08. ( 1 ) 09. ( 1 ) 10. ( 3 )
11. ( 4 ) 12. (4 ) 13. ( 1 ) 14. ( 3 ) 15. ( 2 ) 16. ( 2 ) 17. ( 3 ) 18. ( 2 ) 19. ( 3 ) 20. ( 1 )
21. ( 3 ) 22. (2 ) 23. ( 3 ) 24. ( 3 ) 25. ( 4 ) 26. ( 1 ) 27. ( 2 ) 28. ( 2 ) 29. ( 1 ) 30. ( 2 )
31. ( 4 ) 32. (4 ) 33. ( 4 ) 34. ( 3 ) 35. ( 4 ) 36. ( 4 ) 37. ( 1 ) 38. ( 2 ) 39. ( 2 ) 40. ( 1 )
Paper - II
^01& (i) Input pin number/ATM card
Process Testing the validity of card
Output Account balance/ money
(2 marks for correct each 3 answers,1 marks for correct 2 answers,0.5 marks for correct 1
answers) (02 marks)
(ii) Advantages - able to use online shopping via internet at any time any place, open 24 hours a
day, able to select goods among many suppliers
Advantages – unable to prove the quality of goods by testing physically, Takes much time from
ordering the good to receiving the good and unable to believe whether the good is been received.
(1 mark for each suitable answer 1x2=2) (02 marks)
(iii) 1 = S
5 = R (2 marks for correct each 5 answers,1.5 marks for correct 4 answers,1 marks for correct 3
answers.0.5 marks for correct 2 answers) (02 marks)
(iv) FD 16 = 16*15+1*13 = 253
10010011 = 128+16+2+1 = 147
400 (02 marks)
(c) 6578
6 = 110
5 = 101
7= 111 (1 mark for convert to binary)
1AF 16
(1 mark for convert the correct binary number into hexadecimal number) (1x2=2 marks)
(b) (i) Advantages - The minimum cost for software installation and maintenance
Increase the process effectiveness
The user does not have the computer memory to save the document and install software
Disadvantages – needs uninterrupted internet facility
Decrease the process when low speed connection
(1 mark for each correct answers 1x2=2) (1x2=2 marks)
(ii) Google Docs / Office 365 Word / Microsoft OneDrive Word (1x2=2)
(iii) number of columns, animation or video
font size / targeting the objectives
correcting spelling and correctness of language
using color
( 1 mark for each correct answer 1x2 =2) (1x2=2 marks)
(Total marks 10)
^04& (i) = F4* G4 (02)
(ii) = H4 *F$11 fyda H4 *$F$11 (02)
(iii) = Sum( J4:J9) (02)
(iv) Function 1 = Count (02)
Value1 = D4
Value2 = D9
(v) Bar chart
Line chart
column chart (02 marks)
(Total marks 10)
^05& (i) Vehicle Table – Vehicle_No
Space Table – Space_ID (02 marks)
(ii) a. Vehicle_No - Text
b. Space_ID - Text
c. Date - Date/ Time
d. Fees - Currency (0.5x4=2 marks)
(iii) Composite primary key – The pimary key which consists of two or more columns of a table
uniquely identifies a record is called composite primary key.
Vehicle Parking Table –Vehicle_No and Space_ID (1 marks)
(1 mark for defining the composite key , 1 mark for correct example) (1 marks)
Grade 11 Second First Term Test 2018 Information and Communication Technology (4/4)
Answer Sheet
(iv) (i) Vehicle_Table and Vehicle_parking_Table (1 marks)
(ii) Vehicle_Table (1 marks)