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A Methodology For Adapting Sustainability Tools

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Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer

A Methodology for Adapting Sustainability Tools

Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor

*Corresponding author: omid.saadatian@gmail.com, http://www.ukm.my/SERI

Abstract: - Many developing countries look at the experiences, technologies, strategies tools and
framework of developed countries to improve their current status through adaptation technique. This
adaptation is not merely copying but is taking into consideration all details of the context of the country
which intends to adapt. Realm of sustainable development is not far from the above subjects. This paper
presents a methodology for adapting a sustainability framework for university campuses from Canada to
Malaysia. For that, all steps of selecting a suitable framework, localization procedures and details of some
methodological techniques such as content analysis, case study, and observation, as well as interview and
questionnaire survey were delineated accordingly. The result imparts that how a western sustainability
framework can be adapted for another county, concerning the local context. This methodology, as an
example, can be used for similar research and for other developing countries that aim to use the world
class experience in a more economical expense.

Key-words:- Methodology, Adaptation, Sustainable campus, Malaysian universities

1 Introduction behavioural events and focus on a contemporary

Sustainable development is a new concept that event is needed and its main research question is
has attracted many scholars around the world [1, started by How or Why [5, 6]. Even though
2, 3, 4]. In this paper, exploring and promoting using the Case study has been enumerated as a
the application of Sustainability in Higher challenging strategy in social science, this
Education in Malaysian Higher Educational strategy’s requirement conforming to this
Institutions by adapting a suitable assessment research objectives and research questions
approach focusing on community sustainability therefore, it is wise to embark setting this
has been set as the aim. Therefore, in line with strategy as the main strategy of this research.
this aim, three objectives were set namely; According to[5] p2, in order to use case study
1. To evaluate the different Sustainability in methodology, three subjects of; “Defining the
Higher Education assessment approaches, and case study”, determining the relevant data” and “
identify the relevant one for Malaysia, what should be done with the data” should be
2. To identify Sustainability in Higher Education considered based on the objectives of study. In
assessment indicators in community aspect for addition, to use the case study, five components
Malaysia Public Research Universities, should also be taken into account in research
3. To formulate the indicators of Sustainability design whereby research design is the logic that
in Higher Education considering Malaysian links the data to research objectives[5]. These
experts opinions include; research question(s); the research
For addressing the objective number one, proposition if any (s); the unit(s) of analysis, the
Archival research method and content analysis is logic linking data to the proposition(s) and; the
employed. However, Case study has been criteria for interpreting the findings” [5] p21. On
regarded as a suitable strategy, in particular top of above, [7] has answered the
research that does not require control of misunderstanding of considering Case study as a

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weak research method in social science, which study the different Sustainability in Higher
triggered the researcher to use it. Education assessment approaches and identify
the relevant one for Malaysia” the strength and
weakness should be identified. Therefore, a
2 Research Framework content analyzes technique was employed.
Research framework is a medium, which
facilitate better understanding of the procedure
of a research [8]. This study’s framework
attempted to show the sequence of study in
addressing the three objectives of the research.
In doing so ovals have been utilized to show the
strategies, and techniques while a rectangle
refers to different steps (see Fig 1).

2.1 Archival Research Technique

Archival research technique is employed to
facilitate the investigation of documents and
textual materials in the realm of Sustainability in
Higher Education assessment approach. In the
classic sense, archival methods are those that
involve the study of historical documents [9, 10,
11], and the first objective of this research
follows the same goal. Therefore, an archival
research method was conducted over different
Sustainability in Higher Education dissertations;
Sustainability in Higher Education approaches
and Sustainability in Higher Education articles
for the time span of 12 years starting from 1998.
The objective of this part was to identify
international Sustainability in Higher Education
assessment approaches. The documents which
were analysed were articles, which discuss
Sustainability in Higher Education, in
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Education, Journal of Educational Policy,
Journal of cleaner environment, Journal of Fig 1: Research Framework
Education for Sustainable Development,
National Malaysia Plans, and AASHE bulletin,
as well as Sustainability in Higher Education .
dissertation of Pro Quest data base. 2.3 Case Study Research Strategy
Since the research focuses on how or why
2.2 Content Analysis something occurs, focuses on contemporary
Content analyzes as another research technique events, and when control of behavioural events
was utilized to address the research objective. are not required Case study can be an
This technique which quantifies and analyzes appropriate research methodology if the five
the meanings and relationships of concepts has above mentioned component is considered in
been cited as an appropriate method of research design [5]. Six techniques of data
qualitative researches [12, 3, 13]. For addressing collection were defined known as archival
the first objective of this research, which is; “to records, documentation, interviews, direct

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observation, physical artefacts and participant Case One: Universiti Malaya

observation in terms of data collection The Universiti of Malaya (UM) has been
techniques in Case study [5]. Since all of those accorded as the oldest university in the country.
techniques were not necessary to be integrated; It establishment, refers to 1905 while its official
archival record, interview, observation, for their establishment is in the year of 1949. The
strength is employed to have more source of Universiti Malaya was ranked 89th in 2005,
evidence. 169th in 2006, 192th in 2006, 246th in 2007,
The study follows Flyvbjerg guideline for 230th in the year 2008 and finally 180th in the
selecting cases which are; “Information Oriented year 2009 by THES - QS World University
Selection Strategy” and “Extreme /deviant Rankings [8].
case.” This selection strategy increases the
validation of study as well as generalization of UM Campuses
the case study[7]. UM has three campuses out of which two has
The research justifies the selection of the cases located in KL, and the third one has located in
based on the latest scientific material of Case Kelantan [8]. The Main Campus which is 750
study as research strategy. The four cases acres (3.0 km²) is located in the suburb of
namely UM, UKM, USM, UPM are selected Lembah Pantai, southwest of Kuala Lumpur.
based on theory, which are either extreme or
paradigm case. According to Flyvbjerg [7]the Case Two: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
extreme case can be well suited for getting some (UKM)
points for well-known case studies. Moreover, UKM is considered National University of
Flyvbjerg [7] imparts; typical or extreme cases Malaysia, which was officially established in
often reveal much information, since they 1970 [8]. UKM was ranked 186th in 2006, 200th
activate many actors. in 2007, and 250th in 2008 [8]. UKM has the
same administration and management system of
2.3.1 Paradigmatic Case UM.
Although the main intention of the research in
selecting the case study is “Extreme /deviant UKM Campuses
case”, USM could have been accorded as a UKM has three campuses. The main campus,
paradigmatic case in Sustainability in Higher which is 1,096 hectares, is located in Bangi, a
Education too, which provides a unique wealth city near Kuala Lumpur capital of Malaysia. The
of information and strengthens the validity of second one, which is located in Kuala Lumpur,
this paper. In this regard [7] has depicted; a case is 22 hectares and the last one, which is located
can be extreme, critical, and paradigmatic in Cheras, is 22 hectares.
simultaneously. The interpretation of such a case
can provide a unique wealth of information, Case Three: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
because one obtains various perspectives and Universiti Sains Malaysia is the third public and
conclusions of the case according to whether it Research university which was established
is viewed and interpreted as one or another type in1969 [8]. According to the Times Higher
of case [8, 7]. Education Supplement the University was
ranked 111th in the World University Ranking
2.3.2 Case Studies Particulars 2004 and was ranked 314th by THE QS World
The four selected Public Research universities University ranking 2009 [8]. USM has the same
are among the oldest, most popular, most Management and administration system of UM
important and the highest-ranking universities of and UKM.
Malaysia[14, 8]. Those are in one hand, similar
in terms of importance popularity and USM Campus
management and on the other hand, have their USM has three campuses where the main
own strength in different aspects of campus is located in Minden in the Penang
Sustainability in Higher Education[14]. island and two other campuses; entitled “health
campus” located at Kubang Kerian in Kelantan

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and “engineering campus” at Seri Ampangan, 2.3.4 Proposition

Nibong Tebal in mainland Penang. Based on Yin [5]; proposition is mostly
proposed in Causal research. The main structure
Case Four: Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) of this study is not causal. Therefore, it is not
UPM as a Research and Public university, which relevant to have a proposition. This has been
used to be called Universiti Pertanian Malaysia elaborated by Yin [5] P19 that “not all studies
or Agricultural University of Malaysia, was need to have propositions and some research,
officially established in the year 1971 through rather than having propositions, would have a
the merge of the three Faculties [5]. In April 3, stated purpose or criteria on which the success
1997, its name was changed to Universiti Putra will be judged “. Besides, Flyvbjerg [7] has
Malaysia by Malaysia’s Prime Minister. A criticized the conventional perception of some
strategic move in preparing UPM to become a scholars that deems all case studies should have
higher learning institution aligned with a proposition or being linked to a hypothesis.
Malaysia’s strategic plan in dynamic high
technology. Times Higher Education by (QS) 2.3.5 Unit of Analysis
World University Rankings [8] ranked UPM Since units of analysis are the selected resources
292th in 2006 and 364th in 2007, 320th 2008 which should be examined in case study
and 345th in 2009. UPM has the same method, lecturers of following faculties and
management and administration system as UM, institutes of four research universities namely
UKM and USM. UM, UPM, USM, UKM are considered unit of
analyse. Unit of analyses is selected based on
UPM Campuses their expertness in three pillars of Sustainable
UPM possesses two campuses, which the main Development, Economic, Environment, and
one has been located in Serdang, Selangor Social, as well as their familiarity to learning
nearby Kuala Lumpur capital of Malaysia. The and teaching issues, which are the main
other branch campus is located in Bintulu, constructs of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Sarawak state (ibid). UPM used to have another Those faculties and institutes are:
campus in Mengabang Telipot, Terengganu state In UPM:1. Faculty of Environmental Study, 2.
that has been officially upgraded to the Faculty of Educational Study, 3. Faculty of
University College of Science and Technology Human Ecology.
Malaysia, with its own management and In UKM: 1. Faculty of Economics and
administration in 2001(ibid). Business, 2. Faculty of Social Sciences and
Humanities, 3. Institut Alam dan Tamadun
2.3.3 Research Questions Melayu, 4. Institute for Environment and
The main research question is: Development, 5. Institute of Ethnic Studies
Main- RQ: How the research can adapt a In USM:1. School of Humanity, 2 .School of
suitable community Sustainable Higher Educational Study,3. School of Social Science
Education assessment approach for Malaysia In UM:1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 2.
Higher Education Institute? Faculty of Education, 3. Faculty of Economics
The sub-research questions are; & Administration (see Fig 2).
Sub- RQ 1: What are the strengths and weakness
of existing International Sustainability in Higher
Education assessment approaches?
Sub-RQ 2: How can Sustainability in Higher
Education assessment approach are applied at
Malaysia Higher Education Institutions?
Sub-RQ 3: What are the formulas that can
assess the community aspect of Sustainability in
Higher Education in Malaysia?

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employed 72 lectures and researches [8]. Among

these 72 people; 27 persons are professor, 14
persons are Associate Professor, and 13 lecturers
are PhD holder whose expertness is in
Curriculum and Education Technology,
Education Management, Planning and Policy,
Education Psychology and Counselling,
Language Education and Literacy and finally
Mathematics and Science.

Faculty of Economics & Administration in

Faculty of Economics and Administration has
always cited as one of research hub of UM. This
faculty has four departments, and 74 researches
and lectures, out of which 10 persons are
professor, 12 persons are Associate Professor,
and 15 persons are PhD holder [8].

Faculty of Economics and Business in UKM

The Faculty of Economics and Business of
UKM commenced its activities in the year 1970.
However, it attained faculty status on the
Figure 2 Relationship between case studies year1974. In 1979, the faculty was divided into
and unit of analyses two faculties-namely, Faculty of Economics and
the Faculty of Business Management. In the year
Unit of Analysis Particulars 2004, it was decided to merge the faculties
In the following section, the detail of the unit of again. Faculty of Economics and Business
analysis will be depicted. These data are research and teaches different disciplines,
collected by communicating directly to those mainly under Economics, Business
organizations and are the newest and most management, Accounting, and Unity knowledge
reliable data. [8].
Faculty of Arts and Social Science in UM Based on UKM registrar official letter, The
Faculty of Arts and Social Science is one of the Faculty of Economics and Business has 164
oldest faculties of UM, which was founded in academic staff out of which six persons are
the year 1959 [8]. This faculty has housed 119 Professor, 34 persons are Associate Professor,
researchers and lectures in 13 different and 35 persons are PhD holder.
departments [8] Among these 119 academicians,
19 persons are professor, 23 persons are Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities in
Associate Professor, and 16 lecturers are PhD UKM
holder whose expertness are in various field The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
such as Anthropology and Sociology studies, (FSSH) was officially launched in the year 2001,
Chinese Studies, East Asian Studies, Indian by merging the Faculty of Social Sciences and
Studies, International and Strategic Studies, Humanities and the Faculty of Language Studies
Media Studies, Gender Studies, Urban Studies and Faculty of Development Science [8]. FSSH
and Planning, History and English. has been constituted from six centres of studies
Faculty of Education in UM 1. History, Politics, and Strategy Studies, 2.
Faculty of Education has been founded in 1963 Language Studies and Linguistics, 3. Media and
and is very active in research and education [8]. Communication Studies, 4. Malay Language,
It has six different departments and has Literature, and Culture Studies, 6. Psychology

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and Human Development, 7. Social, which was launched in the year 1970, and its
Development, and Environmental Studies [5]. name, altered to the School of Humanities two
According to UKM registrar official letter, years later [8]. According to USM Registrar
FSSH has employed 275 academic staff out of official letter, School of Humanities has
which 16 persons are Professor, 69 persons are employed 82 academic staff out of which seven
Associate Professor, and 29 persons are PhD staff are Professor, 22 staff are Associate
holder. Professor, and 47 staff are PhD holder.

Institute for Environment and Development School of Educational Study in USM

(LESTARI) in UKM The School of Educational Studies (SES) is
The Institute for Environment and Development among USM faculty schools, which aims to
(LESTARI) was established in the year 1994 to teach and research on five aspects of educational
fulfil the aspirations of the university and to study namely;
realize the aim of Sustainable Development 1. Curriculum and Instruction, 2. Language and
through research and capacity development [8]. Literature, 3. Educational Psychology and
According to UKM registrar official letter, Counselling,
LESTARI has 23 academic staff, out of which 4. Social Foundation of Education, 5.
nine persons are Professor Doctor, a person is Educational Administration [8].
Associate Professor, and 11 persons are PhD According to USM Registrar official letter, the
holder. School of Educational Studies has employed 70
academic staff out of which four staff are
Institute of Ethnic Studies in UKM professor, 21 staff are Associate Professors and
The Institute of Ethnic Studies was officially 45 staff are PhD holder.
established in the year 2007 to research on
‘ethnic studies [8]. The Institute of Ethnic School of Social Science in USM
Studies has five research clusters focusing on; The School of social science was established in
1. Ethnicity and Religion, 2. Ethnicity at the year 1970 aiming to maintain the concept of
Workplace, 3. Ethnicity and Consumerism, 4. an inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary
The Arts and Social Integration. education [8].
According to UKM registrar official letter, The According to USM Registrar official letter, the
Institute of Ethnic Studies has employed 10 School of Social Science has employed 54
academic staff out of which two people are academic staff out of which six staff are
Professor, one person is Associate Professor, Professor, 10 staff are Associate Professor, and
and five persons are PhD holder. 14 staff are PhD holder.

Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu Faculty of Human Ecology (FHE) in UPM
(ATMA) Faculty of Human Ecology was officially
Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu or Institute established in the year 1992 with the merge of
of Malay World and Civilization commenced as the Department of Development Studies and
a Language, Literature, Culture and Malay in the Department of Social Science from the Faculty
year 1972. However, it changed its name in the of Educational Studies [8]. FHE consists of five
year 1992 aiming to focus on Malay culture and departments namely:
civilization [8]. According to UKM registrar 1. Human Development and Family Studies, 2.
official letter, ATMA has employed 20 Resource Management and Consumer Studies,
academic staff out of which nine staffs are 3. Social and Development Science, 4.
Professor, two staff are Associate Professor, and Government and Civilization Studies, 5. Music
two staff are PhD holder. (ibid).
According to UPM Registrar official letter, FHE
School of Humanity in USM has employed 66 academic staff out of which
The School of Humanities was originally the four staff are professor, 13 staff are Associate
School of Cultural and Community Studies, Professor, and 20 staff are PhD holder.

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Faculty of Educational Studies in UPM to quantitatively analyze the extracted data from
The Faculty of Educational Studies was respondents of these four universities. Besides
established in the year 1975 [8]. It has six quality of the solution, certainty regarding the
departments, namely: correctness of the solution and total solution
1. Foundations of Educations, 2. Sports Studies, time verified and accepted if their confidence
3. Language and Humanities Education, 4. coefficients are at least at the 95% interval.
Science and Technology Education, 5.
Professional Development and Continuing 2.4 Observational Field Techniques
Education, 6. Counsellor Education and The research employs observation techniques for
Counselling Psychology [8]. its strong validity whereby Trochim [15] has
According to UPM Registrar official letter, The enumerated this technique as the best available
Faculty of Educational Studies has employed approximation to the truth of or conclusion.
103 academic staff out of which 12 staff are Unobtrusive Observation is selected in order not
Professor, 27 staff are associate professor, and to affect the behavioural of individual in four
43 Staff are PhD holder. universities. In order to increase the external
validity, four universities have been observed in
Faculty of Environmental Study in UPM the time span of 36 months starting from
The Faculty of Environmental Study was born December 2006 to December 2009.
from the Department of Environmental The type of Unobtrusive Observation has been
Sciences, Faculty of Science and Environmental Behaviour Trace studies. The type of recording
Studies in the year 2004 [8]. The faculty has two has followed Descriptive Variable Analyses,
departments namely; which is to observe a phenomenon and to write
1. Department of Environmental Sciences, 2. it down. (see Fig 3).
Department of Environmental Management
According to UPM Registrar official letter, The
Faculty of Environmental Studies comprises of
23 academic staff out of which one staff are
professor and 12 staff are Associate Professor
and seven staff’ posses Doctorate.
2.3.6 The Logic Linking Data to the

Since this study does not have any proposition,

using the idea of “pattern matching” is not
relevant for this particular research, and it is not
necessary to have this subject. However, for
satisfying the criteria on which the success will
be judged, it is stated that” the final approach is
usable for Higher Educational Institutions which
have the same managing and structure system as Fig 3 Error! No text of specified style in
these four research universities have.” document. Sequence of Observation

2.3.7 Criteria for Interpreting Data 2.5 Objective of Observation

Although Yin [5] p26 has commented on this The objective of observation is to identify the
subject as “the least well developed component special challenges of Malaysian Higher
of the case study” several criteria is defined to Educational Institutions which affect
interpret the data Statistical Package for Social Sustainability in Higher Education in terms of
Sciences (SPSS) software is employed as a tool

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community, particularly in issues of gender, open-ended interview. The name of interviewees

ethnicity, and language. was kept confidential due to the promise, which
2.6 Interview Technique was made to the interviewees.
Interview technique is utilized in three different 2.6.3 Sampling in Interview
parts of this study as a qualitative technique of a The saturation point theory is utilized in
process of finding of other people opinions to sampling the interview. The fact that the
validate the research finding. interview and observation are forms of the
qualitative research and the issue of sampling is
2.6.1 Interview of International Scholars therefore, not very significant and thus, it is
The purpose of this interview was to validate the better to employ saturation method [8]. This
first objective of the research, which is “to study means that in a qualitative research, it is not
the different Sustainability in Higher Education necessary to determine the extent of the
assessment approaches and identify the relevant diversity, while the qualitative aspect only
one for Malaysia.” In this regard a structured, supports the archival research. Hence, the
close ended, telephone interview is carried out interview was kept on conducting upon the time
with 10 Sustainability in Higher Education no new knowledge is gained.
scholars, from 10 universities in the year 2008.
The saturation point theory is used in selecting 2.7 Questionnaire Survey Technique
the number of interviews. A questionnaire technique is employed to fulfil
The following table shows the name of the objective of the research. Questionnaire
interviewee’s institutions and time of the technique is one of the most important tools of
interview. The interviewees are selected among measurement in social research [8]. Paper and
the university clerks, who have a position like pen questionnaire is selected to satisfy, partially,
the coordinators of sustainability or have the second objective of the research, which is to
published, at least, a journal article in one of identify Sustainability in Higher Education
Sustainability in Higher Education journals. assessment indicators in community aspect for
The names of the interviewees are promised to Malaysia Public Research Universities. The
be kept confidential due to the restriction of their questionnaire survey’s objective itself is: “to
professional career. identify the relevant factors that contribute to
campus community sustainability in Malaysia
2.6.2 Interview for Validation of Challenges universities context”.
The purpose of this interview was to validate the Based on Cresswell, [16] there are four main
finding of Malaysia specific challenges and its reasons to use a written questionnaire as the
effects on Sustainability in Higher Education. medium of a survey. Those are:
A face to face, open ended interview was 1. The respondents of research are located in a
conducted from 10 high authorities and very large geographical areas and questionnaire
experienced lectures of Case study namely; survey is a cost effective technique,
UM, USM, UKM ,UPM. This was conducted in 2. Questionnaires are easy to be analyzed and
partially addressing the second objective of different validity test is applicable,
research, which was; to identify Sustainability in 3. Respondents are familiar with this technique,
Higher Education assessment indicators in 4. There is not so much bias, since there is a
community aspect for Malaysia Public Research uniform question and researcher’s own opinions
Universities. do not affect the quality of answers,
A typical five-level Likert scale measurement
2.6.3 Interview for Formulating the tool comprising, strongly disagree, disagree,
Indicators for Malaysia neither agree nor disagree, agree and strongly
This interview was conducted aiming to satisfy agree is utilized to grasp the opinions of the
the third objective of the research, which was; to scholars of four selected universities.
formulate the indicators considering Malaysia
experts opinions. For this ten Malaysia scholars
and experts in 2009 carried out a face-to-face,

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2.7.1 Explanation for Survey Population tools in calculating sample size or “n” in order
For conducting the survey, it is needed to clarify to achieve a more accurate result.
the aim of the survey to get higher responds.
Therefore, the people are assured that the N=Σpi →
purpose of the survey would be only used for N=119+72+74+164+275+23+10+20+82+70+54
academic purposes. Likewise, they are given the +66+103+23= 1155
contact information of the researcher for
eradicating any doubts about the legitimacy of Mitra and Lankford’s Formula for Sample
the research. They are promised their answers to Size
be kept confidential, and they remain Mitra and Lankford proposed two formulas,
anonymous. which impart [9]:
Sample size (n) = 10 % of population (N)
2.7.2 Sampling of Questionnaire Survey n = 10% (N) = 10% (1125) = 113
In line with the main research method and in and
addressing all units of analysis of research Case; e = √ (P (1-P)/n) or Sampling error = square
a probable sampling is selected as the main root of [(p) (1 – p)/ proposed sample size].
sampling strategy. In this regard, in order to P is considered the probability that the
provide a greater precision and smaller sample condition exists and normally assumed to be
and avoid unrepresentative sample error, 50%.”
stratified sample method is taken as the base of e = √ (P (1-P)/n) ; P = 50% and e = 3.5%
sampling. The mode of stratified sampling is 3.5% = √ (50 %( 1-50%)/n) n = 204
selected based on proportionate stratification. Since 204≥ 113 → n=204
Proportionate stratification, the sample size of
each stratum is proportionate to the population On line Sample Size Calculator of Creative
size of the stratum, in other words, each stratum Research Systems
has the same sampling fraction. The foundation of this on line software is based
nh = ( Nh / N ) * n on following formula, which elaborates[10]:
In this formula: Z 2 * (p) * (1-p)
nh is the sample size for stratum h, n=
Nh is the population size for stratum h, c2
N is total population size,
n is total sample size, Z = Z value (1.96 for 95% confidence level)
For calculating the total sample size (n) three p = 50%
different methods namely; Mitra and Lankford’s c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal
Formula, on line Sample Size Calculator of (e.g., .05 = ±5)
Creative Research Systems and Raosoft software Correction for Finite Population
was employed and the biggest sample was
selected for the most accuracy of sample size. new n = n/{(1+(n-1)/N}

2.7.3 Population (N) and Stratums

The first phase of sampling is to define the Where: N= population
research population and stratums, which are
defined into 14 stratums in the unit of analysis

2.7.4 Sample Size (n) Calculation

In order to enable the survey finding to
generalize, it is required to utilize an appropriate
sampling calculation. The research utilized
different techniques and software and on line

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tested based on the internal consistency

(reliability). Therefore, a pre-test is conducted
among thirty lectures of case studies on
November 2009. The content of questionnaires
is presented to the participants to investigate its
clarity in the meaning, objective, sequence, and
they were asked to give comments to improve
the questionnaire. The pre-test procedure
realizes a few numbers of problems such as
ambiguousness, and typing error.

2.7.6 Statistical Test

Figure 4: Determining the sample size using Since this research attempts to avoid any kind of
Creative Research Systems biases in gender issues for the indicators related
to gender and attempted to avoid possible biases,
n =287
which might have been stemmed from different
Error! No text of specified style in document.
organization attitude. For controlling this
subject, it is needed to compare one group to
hypothetical value and since the type of the data
is measurement from Gaussian population,
therefore T-Test is recommended as a suitable
test. Nevertheless, comparing three or more
unmatched groups from the same data it is
needed to use one-way ANOVA.

T- Test
Although there are several kinds of T-tests, this
research referred to the most common one that is
the “independent samples t-test. It simply tests
whether or not two independent populations
have a significant mean values difference on
some measure. For this, it is assumed null
Figure 5: Calculating the sample size using hypotheses; there is a significant difference
Raosoft software between different gender votes in indicators
related to ganders.
Determining the Final Total Sample and Ho: µ1 - µ2 = 0
Stratum of Sample Size H1: µ1 - µ2 ≠ 0
µ1= vote of female in indictors related to gender
µ2: vote of male in indictors related to gender
Comparing the four-sample size it is determined
to select the biggest sample size. ANOVA Test
Since 289≥ 287≥214≥113→ n= 289 Since the multiple t-tests could not be used
nh = ( Nh / N) * n because as the number of groups grows, the
For instance, for stratus 1; nh= (119/1155) × 289 number of needed pair comparisons grows too,
→ nh= 119×.2502→ nh= 30 therefore ANOVA is used as the suitable test. If
P value P<.05 then there will be a significant
2.7.5 Pilot Study difference. ANOVA provides a statistical test for
Many scholars have strongly emphasized on the equality of group means. The Independence
conducting a pre- tested to gain more clarity, of cases, the normality of distributions, and
accuracy and understandably [16]. In addition, homogeneity are assumptions, which are taken
the items in the same group are required to be into consideration. The ANOVA test is

ISBN: 978-1-61804-114-2 63
Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer

conducted based on different categories of study Cause-Effect or Causal relationships and this
level, affiliation and race and other study research is not a causal effective one, and does
variable. not have hypotheses; hence internal validity is
not a point of concern. According to Trochim
3 Validation [15]internal validity is only relevant in studies
The research implements triangulation strategy that try to establish a causal relationship [15].
as the main strategy of validation. The
triangulation strategy is an advantage in
investigating different layers of an incident, 3.3 External Validity
which reduce the possibility of occurrence of External validity or generalization, which recalls
errors [16]. Research followed the Yin map and that validity, refers to the approximate truth of
Trochim in line of requirements of Yin. the research conclusions. It refers to the
approximate truth of conclusions that involve
3.1 Construct Validity generalizations. In other words, it is to
Construct validity involves generalizing from generalize the finding to the other persons out of
the study method to the concept of the research sample. Issue of external validity or
programme or measures. Generally, four threats generalization is considered in two sections in
endanger to construct validity. The research tries this study, which are: Section1: External validity
to avoid these four treats to validate the finding of respondents of the questionnaire survey to all
by following consideration: survey population, Section 2: External validity
1. Get the experts to analyze the research for of four case studies to other Malaysia Higher
avoiding inadequate preoperational Explication Educational Institutions.
of Constructs (control of supervisory panels, The research employs Inferential Statistics and
presentation for scholar colleagues, consulting Sampling theory to address the section one.
with other experts) Basically, selecting a fair sample from that
2. Implement multiple versions of the population and conduct the research with the
programme to avoid Mono-Operation Bias sample is the answer of this challenge whereby
3. Using pilot study to avoid mono-Method Bias the sample is representative of the population
4. Using the professional interviewer to avoid and can be automatically generalized to results
Experimenter Expectancies. back to the population.
Besides, the research has followed the guideline For addressing the external validity of section
of Yin [5]. two; Proximal Similarity Mode is employed ;
Table 1Construct Validity under this model, by thinking about different
generalizability contexts and developing a
theory about which contexts are more like this
research which also holds for times and places.
By placing different contexts in terms of their
relative similarities, the implicit theoretical or a
gradient of similarity is used [15]. The research
provides the degree of similarity between
Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions to
these four universities.

4 Conclusion
This study concludes that use of experiences of
3.2 Internal Validity
Internal Validity is the approximate truth about other countries financially benefits the users if
inferences regarding cause-effect or causal some considerations are taken into the account.
relationships [5]. Since internal Validity is the For that, the context of the country which
approximate truth about inferences regarding intends to adapt those strategies, tools, frame

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