FINAL DRAFT Theorical Framework
FINAL DRAFT Theorical Framework
FINAL DRAFT Theorical Framework
Paper submitted
Research 1
Universidad de La Sabana
Chía, Colombia
November 2019
1.0 Introduction
How many teachers have asked themselves if they can transform the education provided
by schools starting in their own classes? In this paper, itI will be discussed the essential role that
teachers have in the classrooms, and the aspects teachers need to take into account when we talk
about students’ proficiency in terms of leaning. Given that, as teachers, we need to know that in
our classroom, there would be children with special needs and that one part of those children’s
success depends on teachers. As Ortiz, Amaya, Gallo, & Catañeda (2016) declares that ,
“America Latina teachers have become reflecting on the education of children with special
needs, taking into account diversity. So, this represents the creation of an educational system to
be able to satisfy the needs of children with different kinds of disabilities” ( (p.9). In this regard,
policies and regulations for children with special education needs in Colombia are implemented
by the Ministry of Education, and it aims to include children with special needs within
mainstream classes. However, those educational needs policies would have to be contrasted with
organization, materials, working hours, and competences of language teachers (Cardenas, 2006).
On the other hand, to plan and provide an appropriate and inclusive curriculum the
teacher has to observe the children, make assessments, liaise with the parents and the other
professionals who may be involved, and then ensure that the setting is adapted to enable the
children to access the curriculum (Drifte, 2013). Moreover, “children with special needs require
adaptations not only in the curriculum, but also, in some important aspects such as in activities
and the materials only as special as needed” (Early Intervention Technical Assistance, 1995,
p.2). For these reasons, one key characteristic of a quality of educational needs program in
excluding them because of their weaknesses in different areas. Stubbs (2008) said, “Inclusive
education refers to a wide range of strategies, activities, and processes that seek to make a reality
of the universal right to quality, relevant and appropriate education” (p.8). In the mean time,
Shucksmith (2000) remarks that “The concept of educational inclusion was now set in the much
wider context of ‘social inclusion’, implying concern about all those of all ages who were
marginalized, unproductive and non-participative in society” (as cited in Cline & Frederickson,
2015, p. 9). On the other hand, the term inclusion has been accepted as common parlance within
today’s education system and indeed in wider society (Howley, 2007, p.10).
education as the provision of services to students with disabilities, giving them the necessary
support services and supplementary aids to achieve the child´s successful academic, behavioral
and social (as cited in Shyman, 2015). Thus, inclusive education does not only refer to students
with disabilities, but it is also a special educational requirement of students with learning
On the other hand, inclusive education in Colombia is when a teacher recognizes the
particularities of diversity in the classroom, allowing students to have the same learning
opportunities. Ainscow (2003) argues that it is a process for adequate forms to respond to
diversity, taking advantage of learning differences students can have in order to achieve
sustainable changes (as cited in Robayo Acuña & Cárdenas, 2017). In this regard, inclusive
education in Colombia looks for the success of all students, notwithstanding the difficulties they
Colombia has educative support for inclusive education to students who have some
difficulties in their learning process. In addition, It seeks to support teachers that have students
with any special need implementing and adapt the curriculum and the evaluation process
according to the strategies and conditions established by the MEN (Ministerio de Educacion
Nacional, 2016). Furthermore, the system aims to include children with special needs within
mainstream classes; however, there is still much room for improvement. For that reason, teachers
must know the national policies of children with special needs to create and adapt an adequate
Also, with the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD), the
Colombian state has transformed practices and regulations implementing and evaluating public
policies that include persons with disabilities and seek to protect and respect their human rights
(Correa & Castro, 2016). Also, Also, Colombia now has a National Disability and Social
Inclusion Policy, adopted in 2013, this document is centered on the CRPD and promotes the
social management of risk when addressing disability. Although this may be true, it is a fact that
some schools may be limited, and they may not satisfy all students’ needs. So, in these cases, the
teacher needs to find a way to develop and implementing the necessary adaptations to ensure the
children’s learning process. With this in mind, in the field of foreign languages in Colombia,
Mejía (2011) refers to The National Program of Bilingualism as a need for implementing
language policies that allow the inclusion of all the languages and cultures present in the country.
Furthermore, de Mejia suggested finding some possible directions for bilingual education
programs to enhance the recognition and valuing of linguistic and cultural diversity in our
country. Thus, it is necessary to implement a bilingual curriculum that helps each student in the
On the other side, we also find some international policies in inclusive education. The
United Nations emphasizes the need for an inclusive educational system intending to realize this
right without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity, States Parties shall ensure an
inclusive education system at all levels (Lawson, 2018). Also, the organization UNICEF (2007)
addresses the specific needs of children with severe and complex sensory impairments for access
to specific supports to learning such as sign language, Braille and low vision aids. But in this
case, children with special needs may also need modifications to the curriculum, to styles of
Sometimes people confuse the terms when we talk about children with disabilities, and
children with special needs. Those concepts are totally different and the adaptation in the
curricula varies according to each case. I thought that both were the same and I was not sure
about it all, but Tthe distinction between them helps me to understand the way that teachers I
need to take for implementing the learning processes in the classroom. Kalambouka, Farrell,
Dyson, & Kaplan (2007) define children with special needs as students who have special
educational needs that require different strategies to learn and to interact with others in an
educational environment (cited by (Montaño & Vera, 2012). In contrast, the Ministerio de
Educación Nacional in the Decree N° 366 of 2009 points out that one student is considered as a
child with special needs when she/he has a deficit that affects his/her academic performance in
an educational environment and which has a clear disadvantage in relation to the other students
Indeed, these perspectives of special educational needs open the possibility that students
with special needs may be able to achieve successful learning processes with the school, teachers
and parents’ help. In this regard, one of the most important things is the teachers’ role in their
classroom, the strategies they implement, and the compromise they have to help children with
Teachers need to find many of the teaching strategies to ensure that children with special
needs achieve productive learning, as Nind & Wearmouth (2006) suggest that some pedagogical
knowledge and of all students as capable of learning and of social interactions. However, a lack
of clarity about meanings can make it difficult for teachers to know how best to proceed in
developing policies and practices that will encourage schools to be both highly inclusive in their
student intake whilst supporting the highest achievements from all their students (Florian, L.,
With this in mind, the teacher reflection is an important thing that helps teachers to
understand and reflect about their pedagogical practices when they work with special educational
needs children, as Brigden (2002) says, “ Reflection itself is a complex but vital skill which is
central both to our capacity to learn from experience and to apply that learning to our
professional practice”(p.54). So, this practice that mentions the author maybe helps me to reflect
on how my teaching decisions impact my special educational needs students’ learning and how
Another key point when teachers work with children with special needs is essential for
some elements to create a successful class. English classroom is one of those essential elements
because it facilitates the language teaching/learning process. In this regard, Haver (2009) states
that posters, pictures, diagrams, charts, etc. need to be displayed throughout the classroom space.
Thus, the classroom needs to be a place with enough space to develop different didactic activities
and it requires creating a pleasant environment in order to focus and motivate all students (cited
by Montaño & Vera, 2012). But, beyond the classroom adaptation, it is necessary that students
feel comfortable with the teacher and with the class. In addition, Students need to feel free to
make mistakes without fear of being judged or ridiculed. Then again, the classroom should be a
place where students with special needs are happily participating in English activities and
projects by the hand of their teachers and their classmates (Edwards, L., & Crocker, 2008).
Finally, these interactions are fundamental to the relationship between teachers and students.
Moreover, in an English classroom is crucial that students feel free to learn by their own rhythm,
without pressure to finish or to achieve the learning goals. Children with special needs may go
step by step, I mean, I mean, they should build their learning process according to the capacity
On the other side, the curricula and the assessment are connected with the teaching-
learning strategies, and they should create them according to each special case because not all the
children have the same learning difficulty. Before to start doing this task, the child must have a
neuro or psychological diagnostic in order to understand and to find the best way to organize and
propose the activities and the assessment in the curriculum. Indeed, Edwards, L., & Crocker
(2008) states that it is essential to take into account the specific learning difficulties that are
encompassing the biological, neurological, psychological and educational aspects and look for a
professional person who can provide information on the child’s medical history and any relevant
diagnoses in order to enable the practicalities of assessing the child. Besides, before meeting
students for the assessment, the teacher can make some guesses as to which test may be useful
and appropriate, and those that may be beyond the child’s current language levels (Edwards, L.,
& Crocker 2008). Finally, it is also important to discuss children´s difficulties with their school
teachers and speech and language therapist to ensure that everybody is cooperating with their
learning process.
3.0 Conclusion
To conclude, there are many elements, policies, strategies, and curriculums that help
teachers to implement or to be creative in their classrooms to ensure that children with special
needs have successful learning processes during their scholarship. But the essential tools that
have teachers are their passion, organization, and their motivation to focus on the needs of these
students, involving them in all unimaginable learning processes where they do not feel invisible
anymore. In this regard, the adaptations in materials, curriculum, spaces, and interactions are
really crucial when we are going to prepare a class for children with special needs. As Early
Intervention Technical Assistance (1995) points out, when including young children in typical
early childhood settings, some planning will be needed to make sure it is successful for
everyone. While you may not be able to predict every adaptation needed, work as a team with
the family to plan for as many of the necessary adaptations as possible according to the need of
each student.
On the other hand, Matthews (2009) argues that a “possible solution to avoid invisible
children in our classrooms could be raising education teachers‟ and their students‟ awareness of
the key ideas of the disabled peoples‟ movement, such as the social model of disability, may
present new routes towards more inclusive education” (p. 16). In contrast, all children should
have the right to equal opportunities in education, meaning that all children should have
opportunities to fulfill their potential and be included within an educational system. I mean, the
primary aim should be to increase the participation of children in the learning process, thus
providing effective schooling for all (Dimitriadi, 2014). With this in mind, it would be an
essential idea to develop a plan by reviewing a typical day and identifying any potential times
SEN are taken to be the outcome of an interaction between the individual characteristics
of learners and the educational environments in which they are learning. This means that, if we
are to fully understand the learning difficulties experienced by some children, we have to
consider the curriculum and learning environment being provided for them (Cline &
Frederickson, 2015).
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