State Protect and Promote The Right All Citizens To Quality Education at All Levels and Shall Take Appropriate Steps To Make Such Education Accessible at All
State Protect and Promote The Right All Citizens To Quality Education at All Levels and Shall Take Appropriate Steps To Make Such Education Accessible at All
State Protect and Promote The Right All Citizens To Quality Education at All Levels and Shall Take Appropriate Steps To Make Such Education Accessible at All
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Every child is entitled to the basic necessities in life: food, shelter, and clothing.
More than these physiological needs that has to be attended, it is the responsibility of
the parents, together with the full support and assistance of the State, to provide their
children with quality education. As expressed in Article 14 Section 1 of the Philippine
Children and youth with special needs include those who are gifted with advance
knowledge and skills on one hand, and the physically and mentally impaired and
handicapped persons on the other. They need education and training different from
those given to ordinary children. They need special programs that would further
enhance their unusual mental and physical capacities to make these beneficial to them
and to their family and community.
... . .
SECTION I.Title. This Act shall be known as the “Special Education Act of
It is also the policy of the State to give full support for their welfare and
development to ensure their full integration to society as well as to facilitate their active
participation in the affairs of the State. Towards this end and also pursuant to the
mandate stated in Section 13 of Article XIV, Art. 3 of P.D. 603 and Sections 12-14 of
R.A. 7277, the State shall institutionalize an adequate and relevant educational program
for every child with special needs through the establishment of SPED Centers and of
their vital support mechanisms. Thus, all CSN’s, irrespective of the degree of sensory,
physically or intellectual disability or need, will have the opportunity to be educated in
the most educationally enhancing environment consistent with the provision of a quality
education that best meets their needs.
(b) To ensure that CSN’s fully develop their abilities, talents interests and all
aspects of their development to become more responsible for their lives and
more effective partners in the all of the affairs and concerns of the country;
(c) To ensure the CSN’s understand, appreciate and respect differences among
groups and members in society and also to understand the nature of society
in which they live;
(d) To inform the parents about the full continuum of services, possible
placement options during discussions about their children’s education and
other relevant information to enable them to make informed decisions and
(e) To equip the parents and other caregivers and the teachers with the
capabilities to identify, prevent, refer and intervene with the developmental
disorders and disabilities of children as well as in the relevant individual
programming planning for the student where such program differs
significantly for the standard curriculum and other matters that enhance the
role of parents and other caregivers as the primary educators that
caregivers of their children from birth onward;
(f) To involve private groups, local government units and national agencies
other than the DECS in the education of children with special needs;
(9) To effectuate significant and positive changes in community attitudes
towards disability and the need to provide special education, care and other
needs of children with special needs.
~~~~~~~0~ Terms. - For the purposes of this Act, these terms
are defined as follows:
(a) Disability shall mean 1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits one or more psychological or anatomical function of an individual or
activities of such individual, 2) a record of such an impairment; 3) being
regarded as having such an impairment;
(d) Disabled persons are those suffering from restriction or different abilities, as a
result of a mental, physical, sensory or neurological impairment, to perform
an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human
(f) Children and youth with special needs are the gifted and fast learners and
those who are disabled, impaired and handicapped persons in need of
special education as well as services for rehabilitation. Hefshe differs from
the average child in (I)
mental characteristics; (2) sensory abilities; (3)
neuromuscular or physical characteristics; (4) social; (5) multiple handicaps;
and/or (6) has a developmental lag to such an extent that requires modified
school practices or special education services to develop to his maximum
capability. They include ages 0-21 years old and may be as follows:
Gifted children and fast learners are those capable of superior
performance and these include those with demonstrated achievement or
potential ability in one or more of the following area general intellectual
ability, specific aptitude, creative or productive thinking ability, leadership
ability or those individuals who consistently manifest the following cluster
of traits: above average ability (including intelligence), high creativity
(implies the developmental appreciation of innovative ideas) and high task
commitment (related to a high degree of motivation) and those who by
reason thereof, require services or activities not or ordinarily provided by
the school.
3. The Visually impaired are those who are blind or having a low vision. A
person is blind if he has a visual of 20/200 or less in a better eye
maximum correction. The low vision person retains a relatively low degree
of vision and can read only enlarged print of regular or regular print under
special condition.
4. The Hearing impaired are those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. The deaf
person is one whose hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes in life.
The hard-of-hearing has a sense of hearing, which although defective is
functional without a hearing aid.
9. The Speech Impaired are those whose speech differs from the average so
far as to draw unfavorable attention to the manner of speaking rather that
to that thought conveyed.
(9) Auxiliary aids and services are services that are basically non-education, but
impinge on the education process of the child with special needs. These
1. therapy;
2. qualified interpreters or other effective methods of delivering materials
to individuals with hearing impairments;
3. qualified readers, taped test or other effective methods of delivering
materials to individuals with visual impairments;
4. acquisition or modification of equipment or device;
5. other similar services and actions or all types of aids and services that
facilitate the learning process of people with mental disability;
(h) Special instructional materials means a textbook in Braille, large type or any
other medium or any apparatus that conveys information to student or
otherwise contributes to the learning process.
(i) Private sectors participation encompasses all forms of indispensable,
substantial and meaningful participation of private individuals, partnership,
groups or entities, community-based organization or non-governmental
organizations in the delivery of educational and rehabilitative services for
students and children with special needs.
(j) Basic Education consists of at least six (6) years of elementary education and
at least four (4) of secondary education including pre-school education.
(k) Special Education is basic education that takes into account the special
needs of both disabled children and gifted that requires a systematic and
deliberate process for them to achieve functional literacy and which will bring
the individual to the highest level of his potential and capacity. It is also
defined as that type of education tailored to meet the needs of children who
cannot profit because of disabilities or exceptional abilities.
(I) Functional Literacy is the level of literacy necessary for the student or child to
become a useful citizen and effective member of the society.
SECTION 5. e. - This Act shall cover student and children with special
needs nationwide.
The Philippine Printing House for the Blind under the Existing organization
structure of DECS shall become part of the SSAAD.
The SPED center shall function as the Resource Center for the implementation
of inclusive education that will accept all kinds of children on regular school. It shall a)
support children with special needs integrated/included in regular school and b) assist in
the conduct of school-based training; c) produce appropriate teaching materials, and d)
conduct assessment of children with special needs.
Each SPED Center shall have the following staff who shall have a starting salary
classification of Grade 13:
a) 1 SPED teacher for the Mentally Gifted;
b) 1 SPED teacher for the Mentally Retarded/Handicapped;
c) 1 SPED teacher for the Visually Impaired;
d) 1 SPED teacher for the Hearing Impaired;
e) 1 SPED teacher for Autistic Children;
f} ISPED teacher for the Learning Disabled;
g) 1 SPED teacher for children with behavior problems.
SECTION 9. ~ ~ i n e r aSP€Q
n ~ Teachers. - Itinerant SPED teachers shall also be
appointed whenever necessary and on a needs basis. He/she shall assist isolated or
remote schools with specialized equipment, individual programs, curriculum adjustment,
teaching aids and building modifications.
SECTION 14. Nutritional Programs. - The nutritional programs for CSN’s shall
be supervised by the National Nutrition Council and the Department of Health in
coordination with the local government unit health officer.
D. Provision of counterpart funds for the training and seminars of parents and
teachers nutritional programs for the studentskhildren with special needs in
their respective localities to be determined by the Bureau, in coordination with
the Department of Budget and Management and the Department of Finance.
SECTION 23. Appropriations. - For the implementation of this Act, the amount
of six hundred million pesos (P600, OOO,OO.OO) per year for five (5) consecutive years is
hereby appropriated for the SPED program to be included in the General,Appropriate
A supplementary appropriation in the amount of twenty million pesos
(P20,000,000.00) to be sourced from the President Social Fund, and the Philippine
Gaming Corporation shall be provided to BSE as a reserve fund for every year of
operation immediately upon approval of this Act. This shall be used exclusively to
augment funding for auxiliary aids and services.
Government incentives and support provided by the DECS, DOF, DOH, DILG,
the Council for the Welfare of Children and the NATIONAL Commission for the Welfare
of Disabled Personnel shall also be included in their respective annual budget in the
General Appropriations Act.
SECTION 27: . - This Act shall take fifteen (15) days after its
publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.