Business Law - Law Characteristics Notes
Business Law - Law Characteristics Notes
Business Law - Law Characteristics Notes
What is law?
Generally, a set of rules which governs a society.
Governs the way members of a society Act towards one another.
Classification of law
Criminal Law
1. Regulates behavior perceived as being antisocial and dangerous to the public.
2. Criminal matter generally initiated by the police.
3. Prosecution must prove the guilt of the accused beyond all reasonable doubts.
4. Aim is the punish the criminal.
Civil Law
1. Gives legal rights the individuals to govern their formal and informal relationships with
each other.
2. Initiated by the person who claimed they have been wronged.
3. Claimant must prove the defendant is liable on a balance of probabilities.
4. Aim is to compensate the claimant for the wrong committed against them.
Sources of law
Where does the law come from?
legislation [primary and delegated legislation]
judicial precedent/common-law
the Constitution
Arise out of the switch on Moore’s and prActices of a people.
Exception to the common law.
Rules of law which apply in a particular locality and form a body of law distinct from the
common law.
Evolve over time to become law.
Customs are not judicially recognized until they are settled by a judicial decision.
The party who pleads a customary right must prove that it exists.
1. Antiquity: it must have existed from time immemorial (proof, as far back as living
memory goes)
2. Continuance: it must have existed continuously without interruption from the accepted
date without interruption.
3. Peaceable enjoyment: it must have existed peaceably by common consent or without
4. Mandatory: it must be obligatory or mandatory.
5. Certainty and clarity: it must be certain and clear.
6. Consistency: one custom cannot contradict another.
7. Reasonableness: it cannot be unreasonable or unfair.
legal rules which derives authority from Parliament/National Assembly.
What gives National Assembly this authority:
1. Belize Constitution section 68 – “subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the
National Assembly may make laws for the peace, order, and good government of
2. Separation of powers doctrine
a. Parliament is also given the power to confer or delegate such lawmaking power
on other authorities or functionaries.
Functions of legislation:
1. Revision – revision of substantive rules of the common law.
2. Consolidation of enActments – to clarify and simplify the status of an existing law.
3. Codification – to clarify and simplify the status of case law by legislation.
4. Collection of revenue or monetary control
5. Implementation of treaties – incorporation
6. Social legislation – to deal with the day-to-day administration of the country
7. Public policy
8. Response to pressure groups – to respond to pressure groups within the society.
Types of legislation:
1. Primary Legislation
2. Delegated Legislation
Primary Legislation
Created by the legislative arm of the National Assembly
Two types:
Private Acts – proposed by a corporation, company, or private
Public Acts – proposed by the people through its representatives in the
National Assembly.
Delegated Legislation
Parliament delegates powers to subordinates or statutory bodies to create legal rules.
Main types of delegated legislations are bylaws and regulations or orders.
Qualities Of Delegated Legislation:
Speed and efficiency
Doctrine Of Judicial Precedent
“where there are no applicable statutes on a particular issue, the judge must look to the case
law, that is, cases decided previously on the said issue, to find the relevant law upon which to
base his or her decision.”
Judicial precedent is the actual principle of law in the previously decided case.
Types of judicial precedents:
1. binding precedent
2. persuasive precedent
Binding Precedent
comes from the doctrine of binding judicial precedent, stare decisis.
Judge has a legal obligation to use the cited cases, not merely for guidance, but is bound to
apply the principles of law found in such case.
Case: London Tramcars Company Limited versus London County Council [1898], Lord
Halisbury stated that: “a decision of this house once given upon a point of law is conclusive
upon the house afterwards, and it is impossible to raise that question again as if it was res
integra and could be re-argued.”
Binding precedents
1. legal certainty and precision
1. the excessive volume of reported cases makes the location of legal principles difficult
2. illogical, technical distinctions in the process of distinguishing precedent
3. rigid
Persuasive precedent
Case: Boodram v AG and Another (1994) the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago, in being
persuaded by a decision from the Jamaican Court of Appeal on the question of pretrial publicity,
referred to Jamaica as a: “country which shares with us… A common history and jurisprudence
[and]… A strong common bond which we share with… The other islands of the region.”
The degree of persuasiveness of such a precedent depends on a variety of factors. These
include the jurisdiction from which it emanates, the status of the court which makes the decision,
and its date.
Separation of powers
Describes the separation of powers between different branches of government.
No branch of government should infringe or interfere with the powers of another branch.
Very important for the administration of justice.
Ensures that the balance of power is maintained within each arm of the state.
The legislative branch is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and appropriating
the money necessary to operate the government.
The executive branch is responsible for implementing and administering the public policy
enacted and funded by the legislative branch.
The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the constitution and laws and applying
their interpretations of controversies brought before it.
Note: all the constitutions in the Commonwealth Caribbean contain provisions for
entrenchment, whereby certain of their provisions may not be altered except by a special
majority of parliament or, in some cases, a referendum.
e.g. Section 69 of the Belize Constitution
Reception Of Law
The doctrine of reception of laws the process by which the law of one
territory/environment is intentionally exported into another
In the Caribbean our legal systems are created out of our colonial experiences. The laws
of our colonizers were transplanted into the region. This is the reason why the legal
systems in the Caribbean mainly belong to the common law legal tradition with some
historical connections to the civil law traditions
Some scholars argue that it can be said that rather than receiving english common law it
was imposed on the commonwealth caribbean.
The reason for the reception or imposition of law in the caribbean was mainly to maintain
social order
Since the adoption of reception of laws closely tied to the Caribbean’s history, it is
important to make a distinction between settled or conquered territories. Whether the
territory was settled or conquered determines how the English law was imposed on
Settled territory – a territory where there were no previous inhabitants for example
Antigua, Anguilla, Bahamas, St. Kitts, Barbados, and Montserrat.
Conquered territory – a territory where there were previous inhabitants but was
subsequently transferred to another conquering power after battle. For example Belize,
Dominica, St. Lucia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and St. Vincent.
The English common law was introduced into the Commonwealth Caribbean by two methods:
a. With respect to settled colonies, the colonists carried with them only so much of the
English laws as was applicable to their own situation and the condition of the infant
colony. The date of the establishment of the colony was the date of reception.
b. For conquered territories, the colonists retain the existing legal system only in so far as it
was not repugnant to natural justice. The existing system was retained until such time as
other arrangements could be made for English law to be introduced.