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Gcworld L7: The Global Interstate System

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GCWORLD /2020-2021


In this chapter, we will look at the regional alliances and worldwide
organizations of states. This manifests the efforts of countries and governments in the
world to cooperate and collaborate together. Next, international and regional economic
bond bodies, such as IMF and the World Bank, must also be considered as they often
push for neoliberal reforms in the world. The third kind of replacement to the traditional
nation-state and the idea of national autonomy comes from the non-state actors. One of
these is the private capital groups, including banks and groups of people, with money that
can determine the well-being of people in a particular area. Multinational corporations
and non-governmental organizations, such as the Amnesty International, are significant
organizations that put into questions the strength of national autonomy and global
politics. The emergence of non-state organizations, like Al-Qaeda, ISIS and terrorist
organizations, which seek power try to depose a government and replace the system with
their own ideological belief.
Lesson 2: The Relevance of State amid Globalization and the Institutions
that govern International Relations
I. Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Determine different institutions that govern international relations
2. Discuss and enumerate organizations
3. Explain the relevance of state amid Globalization
II. Notes:
A. The Relevance of State amid Globalization
The state is a distinctive political community with its own set of rules and
practices and that is more or less separate from other communities. It has four elements:
people, territory, government, and sovereignty. The first element of a state us a
permanent population. This population does not refer to a nomadic people that move
from one place to another in an indefinite time. This permanent presence in one location
is strengthened by the second element of a state, a defined territory. A territory has clear
boundaries. A territory is effectively controlled by the third element, government. The
government regulates relations among its own people and with other states. This means
that the state is a formally constituted sovereign political structure encompassing people,
territory, and its institutions on the one hand, and maintaining its autonomy from other
states on the other hand.
It is important to differentiate the idea of nation from state. Nation refers to a
people rather than any kind of formal territorial boundaries or institutions. It is a

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collective identity grounded on a notion of shared history and culture. If we talk about the
Philippine as a state, we may refer to the Philippine government the Philippine territory,
and its internal and external sovereignty. If we talk about the Philippine as a nation, we
refer to our shared collective notion of democracy, our history, and our collective
identity. In other words, the state is a political concept, while a nation is a cultural
concept. States, through its formalized institutions, more or less reflect nations. This
would allow states to have a certain people with their own collective identity. In turn,
they should be allowed to form their own political state. This is the principle of national
This brings us to the concept of the nation-state. It is a territorially bounded
sovereign institution that governs individuals sharing a collective history, identity, and
culture. In reality, it is difficult to think of any nation as having any shared national
identity. The Philippines, although formally a state, has a variety of ethnic traditions.
A variety of arguments are made including that nation-states continue to be the
major players on the global stage (Gilpin, 2001), that they “retain at least some power in
the face of globalization” (Conley, 2002, pp. 378-399), that they vary greatly in “their
efficacy in the face of globalization” (Mann, 2007, p. 472), and that the rumors of the
demise of the nation of the nation-state are greatly exaggerated.
Beland (2008) argued that “the role of the state is enduring- and even increasing-
in advanced industrial societies”(p.48). He saw greater demands being placed on the state
because of four major sources of collective insecurity: terrorism; economic globalization,
leading to problems such as outsourcing and pressures toward downsizing, as well as the
current economic crisis; threats to national identity due to immigration; and the spread of
global diseases such as AIDs. Further, the state does not only respond to these threats, but
may also exaggerate or create dangers, thereby making its citizens more insecure
(Glassner, 2000).
The other side of this argument in support of the nation-state is that global
processes of various kinds are not as powerful as many believe. For example, global
business pales in comparison to business within many countries.
A related point is that it would be a mistake simply “to see globalization as a
threat to, a constraint on, the nation-state; it can also be an opportunity for the nation-
state”(Conley, 2002, pp. 378-399).
There are several international organizations that governments of countries
around the world and individuals participate in. These include the United Nations, the
International Court of Justice, NAFTA, and NATO. There are also non-governmental
organizations promoting social and economic growth.

GCWORLD /2020-2021

1. Peace Treaties and Military Alliances: The UN and NATO

Global politics entails relationship of countries and different governments and
non-governmental organizations. The United Nations (UN) is one of the leading political
organizations in the world where nation-states meet and deliberate. However, it remains
as an independent actor in global politics. The premise for its establishment was the
restructuring of the world devastated after the Second World War. The term “United
Nations” was coined by former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 (United
Nations, 2011). Its operations began on October 24, 1945. It started with 50
representatives from different countries. Generally, it functions in four areas: military
issues, economic issues, environmental issues, and human protection. It is made up of
close to 200 countries from around the world, 193 member states to be exact, with the
Republic of South Sedan as its latest member (United Nations, 2011). The UN, with its
headquarters in New York City, was designed to be a place where countries could come
to discuss their issues without resorting to violence and war, which had plagued our
planet for several years in the past. Maintaining peace and building friendships is the
number one goal of the UN, as well as providing a forum where countries could gather to
discuss global issues. The General Assembly is the gathering of all of these countries. It
is held in an auditorium where speeches are given. Representatives from different
member states can vote on issues.
Maintaining international peace and security became the central mission of the
UN after the war. Up to this day, the UN is the major force in governing interstate
relations (Ritzer, 2015). According to the UN (2011), peace and security are maintained
“by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping;
and creating the conditions to allow peace and to hold and flourish”. The UN also has
what is known as the Security Council. This group of countries decides what to do when
two or more countries are waging war or are on the verge of fighting. There are five
permanent members of the UN security council- the United States, Britain, Russia, China
and France. In addition to the five members, ten additional countries joined the
permanent members for two years terms, make a total of 15 countries. The Security
Council tries to be the arbiter in ceasefires between two sides. They can pass sanctions
like block trade with another country as punishment. They can send troops or observers
and, if worst comes to worst they can use military force. In the past, UN peacekeepers
have been sent to Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The big five permanent members
have a veto power, which means that one member can stop the entire council from taking
actions against a country. This has come up recently during the Syrian Civil War in
which Russia and China, who are allies with Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad, have been

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able to stop the other members from stepping into the deal with the Syrian leader who
was accused of using biological weapons against his own people.
The main deliberative body, the general assembly, provides a forum for members
state to express their views and reach a consensus. In 1991, the UN’s military role was
put in to question during its intervention in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait wherein the
security council authorized the use of force (Ritzer, 2015). Aside from this, the UN
intervened in the civil wars of less developed countries, such as Cambodia and East
Timor, through “election and human rights monitoring, disarmament, and even the
assumption of state functions” (Weiss and Zach, 2007, p.1219)
The UN is not all about fights. It has a program called UNICEF or the United
Nations Children’s Emergency Fund. Its primary goal is to help children around the
world. They collect funds to distribute emergency relief from famine and poverty and
disease. It also provides education program in areas where there are no schools. While
UNICEF is part of the United Nations, they operate semi-independently and relay on
In terms of economic issues, the main focus of the UN is the reduction of global
inequality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover a range of concerns for the
improvement of all aspects of life. According to the UN (2017), sustainable development
encompasses economic prosperity, social well-being, and environmental protection.
Since the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) did not end poverty for all people, the
UN’s post-2015 sustainable development agenda showcases the vision of the
organization when it comes to broader issues such as climate change, disaster risk
reduction, and gender equality.
Environmental issues, such as pollution and hazardous wastes, are addressed
through United Nation Environment Program (UNEP). The increasing rate of greenhouse
gas emissions, rising sea level, and occurrence of extreme weather patterns are the effects
of the climate change. As a response, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) took efforts that can mitigate climate change like assessment of climate
science, facilitation of climate agreements, and giving assistance to countries to reduce
emissions (UN, 2011).
The UN also has the International Court of Justice (ICJ), usually referred to as
the World Court. It is located in the Netherlands in a town called The Hague. This is
where countries can settle disputes in a court of law, as well as a place where war
criminals and rulers who have done terrible things to their people can be put to trial for
their crimes. Aside from this, there are also a variety of international courts and tribunals
created by the UN such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The problem is, sometimes, getting the

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violators all the way to Europe to peace trial because there is no actual police forced to go
out and get them. As more and more countries interact with one another, people are
looking for the ICJ to play a bigger role in the future of our global world.
Finally, the UN promotes and protects human rights through different
organizations and mechanism. Since 1948, human rights have been brought into the
realm of international law. This is reflected in the Universal Declaration of the Human
Rights. A variety of UN-sponsored human rights treatise and agreements have been done
for huma protection. Other mechanisms include the office of the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights Treaty
bodies, the UN Development Group’s Human Rights Mainstreaming Mechanism
(UNDG-HRM), and the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the
Responsibility to Protect (UN, 2011). There are also legal instruments that helped the
organization like the International Bill of the Human Rights which consists of three legal
documents: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the International
Covenant on Civil and Political rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights. The UN also believes in democracy and that it is interdependent
with the development and respect for all human rights.
The UN is being criticized as being weak and is unable to stop wars. Because of
this, the next institution that we are going to discuss continues to play a big role in
foreign conflicts. This is NATO. It is a defensive treaty or a military alliance between the
United States, Canada, and the 25 European countries. This treaty and international
organization is based on the idea of collective security. The countries in this organization
basically agreed to combine their militaries and announce to the world that if a country
messes with one if its members, the other countries will come to their defense. NATO
was created after the Second World War, mostly during the beginning of the Cold War.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, former Soviet states, like
Poland, and Croatia, had joined NATO, making the present-day Russia feel more
threatened. NATO has sent troops and undertaken military operations in Afghanistan,
Kosovo, Iraq and Africa. The United States with, by far, the most advanced military in
the world makes up the bulk of NATO forces and operations. Many of these wars of
conflicts are considered to be strictly U.S. wars.

2. Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Another example of an international organization that was developed out of war is
the Red Cross (Red Crescent in Muslim Countries). It is considered as a non-
governmental organization (NGO). NGOs are not tied to any country. This allows them

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to operate freely throughout the world. They provide emergency relief such as food,
water, and medical supplies for those whose homes or towns have been destroyed by
disaster or war. They also monitor the treatment of prisoner of wars and go to conflicts to
make sure that no war crimes are taking place.In fact, the Red Cross began as an
organization to help those who were wounded during wars. The big Red Cross worn by
NGO is the identification that they are not soldiers. Part of why it is important for the
Red Cross to be an NGO is that they remain neutral and would help the wounded from
both sides of war. Since they are neutral, governments are more likely to let them come
into their countries to help. While the headquarters of the International Red Cross is in
Geneva, Switzerland, they have branches all around the world.
In addition to the Red Cross, there are many NGOs dedicated to helping people
around the world. Doctors Without Borders provides free emergency healthcare in
disaster areas; Oxfam fights famine and disease; Amnesty International speaks out for
human rights and political prisoners; and Save the Children helps kids get health care and
3. Global Economic Associations: The WTO and NAFTA
The next group is an economic association- WTO. It is made up of 162 countries
around the world and was created with the goal of increasing free trade. Countries,
therefore, can buy and sell goods from one another without placing taxes on imports or
tariffs. In addition, tariffs are used to protect businesses and companies inside their
country. Though good in nature, WTO is not without criticism. In fact, a protest in Seattle
at 1999 WTO Conference led to a major riot as some said that WTO was more about
helping large companies and corporations than it was about helping people.
Another famous economic organization is NAFTA. This is an economic treaty
between the United States, Canada and Mexico in which the three countries trade freely
without taxing each other. NAFTA is not without critics either. Some American
autoworkers protested against NAFTA as several car companies moved their factories to
Mexico in search for cheaper labor. NAFTA, like WTO, represents the challenge in
America of keeping manufacturing factories.
C. Exercises/Written Activities
A quiz paper is being attached.

The Contemporary World First Edition, Prince Kennex Reguyal
Aldama, Rex Bookstore
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GCWORLD /2020-2021


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“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13


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