000 Jds CL Citation CJ4 WT v0.3
000 Jds CL Citation CJ4 WT v0.3
000 Jds CL Citation CJ4 WT v0.3
→ release PARKING BRAKE Check and monitor the flightplan. Check STAR and
→ slowly advance THROTTLE APPROACH altitude contraints and compare to actual charts.
Check RAD/NAV ILS frequency and compare with actual
→ keep speed ~ 20-30 Kts (Turns ~ 10 Kts)
charts. Estimate your TOD based on your Cruise FL and
compare to actual TOD. Descend should begin aprroximately
BEFOR TAKEOFF / HOLDING POINT at a distance of 10 NM plus 3 NM per 1.000ft above
destinations runway elevation. If ATC is not giving you
Landing Lights...........................................................ON clearance to descent shortly (3-5 Minutes) after your TOD,
Strobe Lights.............................................................ON then the STAR or APPROACH likely is broken. Start to
Trims.........................................................SET FOR T.O. descent then anyways.
ATC/TCAS (FMS TUN)........................................TA/RA
Pitot/Static Heat 1&2.................................................ON DESCENT
Ice-Protection....................................................AS REQ
Autopilot...............................SET CLEARED ALTITUDE Again, due to a lot of wrong STAR altitudes in MS FS
TO/GA Mode(Button under L FIRE ENG workaround)..........ACTIVATED database, you are advised to constantly check your altitude
during descent and approach even if you were given
ATC Clearance..................................................AS REQ clearance to descent at the TOD. For a standard 3° glidepath
approach, make sure you are not significantly higher at a
given point than the elevationof the destination plus a 1.000ft
TAKEOFF – PROCEDURE per 3 NM to go. Example: If you have 21 NM to go,
destination is at sea level and you are at an altitude of 12.000
→ line up and brake ft, than you are way too high. you should be around 7.000 ft.
@ V2+10 PERF
→ reatract Flaps → APPROACH
→ Yaw Damper set ON Enter Wind/OAT/QNH
@ thrust reduction altitude (~1.000 ft AGL) Select A/I, Flaps and the press SEND>
→ accelerate to 240 KIAS Climb Speed Autopilot...........................................................AS REQ
(use VNAV MODE for a optimum 3° Sinkpath)
AUTOPILOT..................................................AS REQ
@10.000 ft / FL100
Speed below 10.000 ft............................MAX.250 KIAS
AFTER TAKEOFF Landing Lights...........................................................ON
Landing Gear................................................CHECK UP
@Transition Altitude
Flaps............................................CHECK RETRACTED
Altimeter ............................................SET QNH/LOCAL
Citation CJ4 Working Title Mod Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 2
Cessna Citation CJ4 – Working Title Mod
Checklist & Procedures for MS Flight Simulator by JayDee v0.2
@ ~25 NM to go → Push TO/GA (Button under L FIRE ENG workaround).
→ Throttles TAKEOFF
Belt Button..................................................................ON → Pitch 7.5° then follow FD
Safety Button..............................................................ON → Flaps 1 (15°)
Mimimums.................................................................SET → Gear UP
Altimeter Altimeter.................CHECK SET QNH/LOCAL → Flaps UP (0°)
TUNE → Yaw Damper ON
→ Check ILS Frequency in NAV1 → Autopilot AS REQ
→ Check NAV Source switched to FMS if req.
coming soon
Citation CJ4 Working Title Mod Checklist & Procedures by JayDee - Page 3