Nervous System 4 PDF Free
Nervous System 4 PDF Free
Nervous System 4 PDF Free
• Microscopic nerve cells (neurons) collected into macroscopic bundles called nerves carry
electrical messages all over the body
• External or internal stimuli activate the cell membrane of the nerve cells to release stored
electrical energy within the cells.
• This energy passed through the length of the nerve is called nerve impulse.
Parasympathetic Sympathetic
Nerves Nerves
4. Cerebral hemispheres – brain is divided in half, right and left called cerebral hemispheres
- subdivided into four major lobes, frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.
6. Other important part of the brain are called thalamus and hypothalamus.
7. Structures that lie below the cerebrum and connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord,
a. cerebellum
b. pons
c. medulla oblangata
Medulla •Nerve fibers cross over, left to right and right to left
•Contains centers to regulate heart, blood vessels and respiratory
oblongata system
• Column of nervous tissue extending from the medulla oblongata to the second lumbar vertebra
within the vertebral column.
• Below the spinal cord is the fan of nerve fibers called cauda equina.
• Inner region contains cell bodies (grey matter) and outer region contain nerve fibers (white
• Three layers of connective tissue membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
• Except the vagus nerve, which carries messages to and from the neck, chest and abdomen.
• Spinal Nerves carry messages between the spinal cord and the chest, abdomen and extremities.
• Spinal nerves and cranial nerves are composed of nerves that help the body respond to changes
in the outside world.
• They have sense receptors for sight (eye), hearing and balance (ear), smell (olfactory) and touch
(skin sensation)
• Sensory (afferent) nerves carry messages from the receptors to the brain and spinal cord.
• Motor (efferent) nerves travel from the brain and spinal cord to muscles of the body, to make
them respond.
• Large group of nerve cells that function automatically or involuntarily, without conscious
• Carries impulses AWAY from the CNS to the glands, heart, blood vessels, and involuntary
muscles found in the walls of the internal viscera.
• Dendrites: branching fibers of the neuron where the stimulus begins an impulse.
- electrical charge in the dendrite membranes changes and the impulse moves along the
• Cell body: the impulses from the dendrites reaches the cell body which contains the nucleus
- small collection of nerve cell bodies outside the brain and spinal cord are called ganglia
(singular: ganglion)
• The impulse passes through the axon to leave the cell via the terminal end fibers of the neuron.
• Synapse: the space where the nerve impulse jumps from one neuron to another.
• Neurotransmitter: the transfer of the impulse cross the synapse depends on the release of a
chemical substance called a neurotransmitter, by the neuron that brings the impulse to the
- tiny sacs (vesicles) containing the NT are located at the ends of the neuron and they release
the NT into the synapse.
NT: acetyl choline, norepinephrine, epinephrine, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, endorphin
• Nerve is the macroscopic structure, able to be seen with the naked eye.
• Consists of a bundle of dendrites and axons that travel together like strands of rope.
• Afferent or sensory nerves : peripheral nerves that carry impulses to the brain and spinal cord
from stimulus receptors like the skin, eye, ear and nose.
• Efferent or motor nerves: carry impulse from the CNS to organs that produce responses
(muscles or glands)
• Can reproduce
• Ependymal cells – lines membranes within the brain and spinal cord where CSF circulates
• Glial cells, particularly astrocytes regulate the passage of potentially harmful substance from the
blood into the nerve cells of the brain.
• Protective barrier between the blood and the brain is called blood brain barrier.
1. Congenital
2. Neoplastic
4. Traumatic
5. Infectious
6. Vascular
EEG Gradually progressive dementia
PET Stroke; embolus, hemorrhage, or thrombosis are etiologic factors
AFP Intrathecal medications can be administered through the procedure
MS This fluid is analyzed for abnormal blood cells, chemicals and protein
MRI Procedure to diagnose abnormal electrical activity in the brain
LP Neurologic symptoms and/or signs due to temporary interference of blood
supply to the brain
CVA High levels in amniotic fluid and maternal blood are associated with spina
AD Diagnostic procedure that allows excellent visualization of soft tissue in the
TIA Radioactive materials, such as glucose are taken up by the brain and images
CSF Destruction of the myelin sheath in the CNS occurs with plaques of hard scar
1. Part of the brain that controls sleep, appetite, temperature, and secretions of the pituitary
gland: hypo----------------
2. Pertaining to fainting: syn-------------------
3. Abnormal tingling sensations: par---------------------
4. Slight paralysis: par--------------------------
5. Inflammation of a spinal nerve root: --------------------it is
6. Inability to speak: a-------------------------
7. Movement and behavior that are not purposeful: a----------------------
8. Lack of muscular coordination: a--------------------
9. Reading, writing, and learning disorders: dys---------------------
10. Excessive movement: hyper-------------------
11. Paralysis in one half (right or left) of the body: ------------------plegia
12. Paralysis in the lower half of the body: ----------------------plegia
13. Paralysis in all four limbs: --------------------plegia
14. Nervous exhaustion and fatigue: neur---------------------------