Direct Instruction Lesson Plan
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan
Edu 220
Class consists of 20 students who are in Kindergarten. Two of the students are
gifted, one is disabled, and two are second language learners.
II. Subject/Skill:
Math/Pairing skill: Pairing numbers 1-6 with themselves. (1+1, 2+2, 3+3,
4+4, 5+5, & 6+6)
III. Objective(s)
To have students arrange, identify, and pair numbers 1-6. Students will
demonstrate mastery of pairing when ALL numbers 1-6 are paired correctly
by providing the correct pairs of dice and by reciting the correct number of
dots on the dice.
IV. Procedures:
2. Review Prerequisites:
In order to be successful in this lesson, students will need to have mastered
counting up to six objects. These skills were practiced in prior lesson
“Counting to Ten”. The teacher will review and refresh the student’s
counting skills of 1-6 on the projector and will then explain the definition
of a pair (a pair is two items that are the same as each other) and explain
that the purpose of this lesson is to teach the students how to identify items
that are similar.
3. Modeling:
Teacher will demonstrate pairing by rolling one dice and then matching it
with its pair. The teacher will also give examples of pairs by using the
projector to draw dots and connect the to the right pair. Teacher will use
teddy bear counters to explain pairs by placing bears in 2 groups of 1-6
and comparing the similarities.
V. Materials
10 large rolling dice, pairing skills worksheet page 22, pencil, 1 clipboard, 2
numerical translation reference worksheets.
Students will be divided into 5 groups of 4. Each group will be given two of
the dice. Each student will be given a worksheet and pencil. Each group will
be placed in different areas of the classroom that allows spacing.
VII. Modifications
Gifted students shall pair with disabled student and another student. Disabled
student has loss of left arm usage and may not be able to pick up the dice.
Give disabled student clipboard to hold paper secure for when writing.
Both second language learners need to be placed in a group together with two
other students, preferably Michael and Michelle who are bilingual and helpful
with translation. Second language learners need to each be given a numerical
translation reference worksheet. This worksheet has the numbers 1-6 and
instructions written in Spanish and English and will allow students to
VIII. Assessment
When done with the project, students should be able to pair numbers 1-6
correctly using dice. Student mastery will be determined upon completion
of two objectives and by gathered data. Data will be collected on a student
assessment sheet that will grade the two objectives. The first objective will
be to have each student master pairing the dice correctly for each number
1-6. The second objective will be to have the students master identifying
the number of dots 1-6 on the dice correctly. Teacher will gather this data
by going around to each group and having each student demonstrate their