Brownian Dynamics Study of Gel-Forming Colloidal Particles: P. H. S. Santos, O. H. Campanella, and M. A. Carignano
Brownian Dynamics Study of Gel-Forming Colloidal Particles: P. H. S. Santos, O. H. Campanella, and M. A. Carignano
Brownian Dynamics Study of Gel-Forming Colloidal Particles: P. H. S. Santos, O. H. Campanella, and M. A. Carignano
Brownian dynamics simulations are used to study the formation process of colloidal gels and the effect of
particle concentration on their rheological properties. To model the interaction between particles, we adopted
an R-shifted 12-6 Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential, which allows independent control of the particle size and
attractive range. For a short-ranged potential, the percolated network characteristic of a gel exhibited a
viscoelastic behavior of weak gels. The storage modulus (G′) increased with the particle concentration increase.
Moreover, the dependency of storage modulus (G′) on the particle concentration followed a power law function,
which is commonly reported in the literature for experimental data. Simulating frequency sweep tests showed
that the system behaved as a liquid-like or solid-like material, depending on the frequency applied. The crossover
frequency, i.e., the frequency at which G′ and G′′ are equal, appears to shift slightly to lower values when the
particle concentration increases, suggesting a more solid-like behavior for systems with higher particle
concentration. During gelation, the storage modulus increases as a stretched exponential and reaches a constant
value at long times.
extremely short, the liquid phase becomes metastable and there which relates the friction constant to the radius of the sphere,
is a gas/solid phase transition for those systems.30-32 a, and the viscosity of the pure solvent, η. Finally, the
Weak gels are thermodynamically unstable systems in which Stokes-Einstein relation establishes the connection between the
the active gellant agent forms a fragile and space-filling network. diffusion process and the thermal energy
Spherical particles may form weak gels if the range of the
attraction between the particles is considerable smaller than the k BT kBT
characteristic size of the particles. At sufficiently low temper- D0 ) ) (4)
ature, the short-ranged potentials lead to the formation of gels, γ 6πηa
while longer range potentials (for example Lennard-Jones
12-6) tend to result in a faster phase separation. However, Considering that our model particles interact by a smooth
depending on the time scale studied, a transient gel structure continuous interaction potential, there is no clear definition of
can also be observed for long potential range.28 Performing the particle radius and the range of attraction between the
Brownian dynamics simulations for a short-ranged potential, particles. We will define an effective diameter following the
we show the formation of transient gels at low packing fractions Weeks-Chandler-Andersen theory:33,34
for relatively long simulation times. Most of the efforts on
colloidal systems focus on gelation routes of transient gels and
on the development of a general theoretical framework that
σeff ) ∫0∞ [1 - e-U rep(r)/kBT
]dr (5)
covers all concentration ranges, including high packing fractions.
It is still a challenge to link macroscopic properties of materials where Urep(r) is the repulsive part of the interparticle potential.
with their microstructural properties and conformation. In Therefore, our time unit is expressed in terms of σeff instead of
practice, macroscopic properties of gels provide important and the radius of particle a. Then the time unit can be defined as
useful inputs to the design of new materials, and that is the 2
σeff /4D0.
reason why most fundamental research on gels describes their To model the interaction between colloidal particles, we
properties in terms of viscoelasticity. In this paper we use a adopted an R-shifted 12-6 Lennard-Jones potential:
rheological approach to study short-ranged transient gels and
{ [(
the effect of particle concentration on the gel formation and on
∞, r e R0
) ( )]
their mechanical properties using computer simulations. The
main objective is to get a better understanding about relations U(r) ) 4ε σ 12
σ 6
, r > R0 (6)
between microstructural and macroscopic (viscoelastic) proper- r - R0 r - R0
ties of colloidal gels.
where r is the distance between the centers of the particles and
Model and Simulation Details R0 is the shifting distance. In all the simulations, a spherical
We performed Brownian Dynamics (BD) simulations in the cutoff was imposed at rc ) R0 + 2.5σ. This interaction potential
overdamped limit. Namely, we numerically integrate the position allows for an independent control of the size of the particles
Langevin equation: through the shifting distance R0 and the range of attraction
through Lennard-Jones parameter σ. Taking ε as the unit of
energy, and σeff as the unit of length, we can rewrite the
dri 1 interaction potential in the reduced form:
) fi(t) + θi(t) (1)
dt γ
{ [(
where γ is the friction constant, the same for all the particles, ε
fi(t) is the force acting on particle i due to the interaction with ∞, r' e R0/σeff
the other colloidal particles, and θi(t) is a random noise satisfying
〈θi(t)θi(t)〉 ) 2δijδ(t)kBT/γ. Here kB is the Boltzmann constant
and T the absolute temperature. The hydrodynamic interaction
r' - R0/σeff ) (
r' - R0/σeff )]6
, r' > R0/σeff (7)
among the particles is beyond the scope of this work and is not
considered. It is also convenient to introduce the reduced temperature
Within the Einstein-Smoluchowski theory of Brownian T* ) kBT/ε. All the simulations presented here are with N )
motion, the mean square displacement of a particle is given 2000 particles and constant volume V. In order to prevent
by: particle overlap, a sufficiently small time step was used (8 ×
10-6σ2eff/4D0) and no special provision was implemented to avoid
the region of infinite potential energy. We use σeff as a nominal
〈r2〉 ) 6D0t (2) size (diameter) of the particle and define the volume fraction
Figure 1. Potential energy as a function of time for a system interacting Figure 3. Potential energy of a system with 2000 particles, interacting
via standard Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential. The insert shows the initial with the R-shifted potential with R0 ) 9 and σ ) 1. Different colors
100 time units in which the particles form a percolated cluster. The correspond to different volume fractions: 0.10 (black), 0.13 (red), 0.16
drop in U between t ) 200 and t ) 300 corresponds to the breaking in (green), and 0.20 (blue). For the intermediate volume fraction, we run
the connectivity of the percolated cluster in one of the Cartesian two independent simulations starting from a different initial condition
directions, and the subsequent reorganization of the system’s structure. and with different time steps ((8 × 10-6)σeff
/4D0 and (8 × 10-7)σeff 2
4D0). Longer simulation was performed for the system with volume
fraction 0.13.
energy is zero or a very small negative number for all the cases,
since there is practically no contact between the particles. indication of the advance of the separation process. Figure 2D
shows the final structure, at t ) 10 000, that has a cylindrical
shape as the connectivity across the box is maintained only in
We started our work considering the pure Lennard-Jones one of three directions. Figure 2D also reveals the crystalline
system. This is a particular case of an interaction potential with order in parts of the system. Lodge and Heyes20,25-29 previously
R0 ) 0. Even though this system is not in our main interest, it reported the formation of transient gels using a Lennard-Jones
represents a good test case for the simulation methodology due 2n-n potential, volume fractions of 0.10, 0.16, and 0.20, and
to the existence of previous works in similar systems. In Figure T* ) 0.3. They used 864 particles and a total simulation time
1 we show the time evolution of the potential energy of the of 81 time units. In their conclusion, they discussed the
system, for a simulation corresponding to a volume fraction of surprisingly gel-like behavior of the longest range potential
φ ) 0.13 and a temperature T* ) 0.2, and in Figure 2 we show system (n ) 6). Moreover, they commented that there were no
a series of snapshots characterizing the whole process. The signs of complete phase separation for the long-range system,
potential energy shows a monotonic decreasing behavior as a which could be due to the time scale of their simulations, since
function of time. At first the decrease is very sharp as the those systems tend to phase separate more rapidly. We also
particles cluster themselves to form a gel-like structure with observed visually a gel-like structure using Lennard-Jones
several branches. Figure 2A shows a snapshot of this transient potential (n ) 6), volume fraction of 0.13, and T* ) 0.2 at
gel that remains as such up to a time of t ≈ 200 (in reduced short simulation times (t ) 100). However, if the simulation
units). Then there is a major reaccommodation of the branches goes on for longer times, the system no longer exhibits a
as they cluster together to form a single bulky structure, still percolated network characteristic of gel, which shows the
percolated, but reducing its surface area as shown in Figure 2B important role that the potential range and time scale play in
which corresponds to t ) 500. The formation of the central transient gels.
bulky structure is reflected by a change in the slope of the We now consider particles interacting through a short-range
potential energy curve between t ) 200 and t ) 300. The system potential, as is the case with R0 ) 9, and σ ) 1. In Figure 3 we
keeps evolving and the connectivity across the box in one of show the time evolution of the potential energy for six
the directions is lost, as shown in Figure 2C corresponding to trajectories corresponding to four different volume fractions.
t ) 1000. The breaking of the space-filling network is an All the simulations were done at the same temperature T* )
Figure 2. Snapshots of the standard Lennard-Jones system at (from left to right) t ) 100, t ) 500, t ) 1000, and t ) 10 000. In the first
two snapshots, the system forms a percolated cluster interconnected through all the faces of the simulation box. At t ) 1000 the connectivity
in the vertical direction has been lost, and at t ) 10 000 the connectivity in a second direction is also broken and the cluster adopts a
cylindrical shape.
Brownian Dynamics Study J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 41, 2010 13055
Figure 4. Snapshots of a system with volume fraction of 0.13 interacting with the R-shifted potential with R0 ) 9 and σ ) 1 at (from left to right)
t ) 100, t ) 500, t ) 1000, and t ) 10 000. The typical network of a gel remains up to 10 000σeff 2