Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference
Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference
Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference
I. Background
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), EGR project, is selecting a service provider
(National Communications Firm) to design and deliver communication trainings and products.
Considering the complexity of this procurement, the pre-bid meeting was conducted by inviting all
interested bidders to join this meeting.
II. Objective
The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference is to provide instruction to interested bidders on the
requirements, how to prepare responsive proposal and opportunity for bidders to ask for clarifications.
IV. Presentation
To make this pre-bid conference more beneficial to all interested bidders, the Procurement Unit
prepared slide presentation which covered the following contents:
Instruction to Bidders
To begin the presentation, Procurement focal point welcomed and thanked all participants who
attended this pre-bid meeting and explained about the purpose of the conference. Procurement focal
point also encouraged all participates to openly ask for clarification if they are not sure in any part of this
Procurement focal point went through each slide, presented and explained all the contents of the
Request for Proposal document as well as the required documents to be submitted to UNDP.
The brief on the term of reference was presented by Mr. Nathan Leibel, EGR Project Manger. The pre-bid
meeting was ended at 11:00 am.
For any request for clarifications, bidders are required to send the queries in writing to Ms. Sereyvattana
Chan at email: sereyvattana.chan@undp.org and cc procurement.kh@undp.org . UNDP will issue the
clarifications to queries received by posting on the website and share with all bidders.
Please see the detail information in attached slide presentation of pre-bid meeting.
At the end of this presentation, there were some questions from participates and these were clarified as
2 Should the bidder declare team member No need to declare. The proposed team member is
whom engage from outside of bidder staff combination bidder’s staff and outside export in order
member? to response to requirement in the TOR. However, the
deliveries have to be accountable by bidder’s firm.
3 Does the education of key personnel can be Should follow requirement in the TOR.
4 The experience of National “illustrator, Due to the required education is not high, experience
layout and designer” requires 5 years is a bit is very important in order to design and develop
high, can it be reduced? website.