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Sex of Camel On Tick Infestation Rates in One-Humped Camel (Camelus Dromedarius) Population in The Northeast of Iran

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CAMEL: International Journal of Veterinary Science : 1(2):89-95.

September, 2013

Ixodid tick and the influence of age and

sex of camel on tick infestation rates in one-
humped camel (Camelus dromedarius)
population in the Northeast of Iran
Iman Jampour1, Gholamreza Mohammadi1, Sadegh Chinikar3,
Gholamreza Razmi2, Ehsan Mostafavi3 andTahmineh Jalali3
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Arbo viruses and Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Laboratory, National Reference Lab,
Pasteur Institute Tehran, Iran.
Corresponding Author:iman_jampoor@yahoo.com

Paper No. 9: MS Received: 19 April, 2013 MS Accepted: 12 August, 2013

Keywords:Frequency; Ticks; Camels; Iran;
This survey was carried out in eleven towns
and cities in the three provinces of Northeast
Iran (Khorasan Razavi, Northern Khorasan, and
Southern Khorasan) during the period from Introduction
May 2012 to January 2013 to identify the
Ticks are hematophagous arthropods
distribution of different tick species infesting
camels and to evaluate the influence of sex and belonging to the class Arachnids. Hard
age of camels on the infestation rate of ticks. A tick family ixodidae consist of 694
total of 200 camels were examined and 480 ticks species (Anderson et al., 2004; Akhtar
were collected (347 males and 133 females). et al., 2011). They are the major
Tick infestation was observed in 171 (85.5%) vectors of pathogens in animals and
camels. Hyalomma dromedarii was found to
humans. Injuries and diseases related to
be the predominant tick species (90.7%). Other
tick species were found in low numbers and ectoparasites are more prevalent and
were as follows: Hyalomma anatolicum (6%), severe than what is commonly
and Hyalomma marginatum (2.9%), perceived. Ticks cause widespread
Hyalomma asiaticum (0.4%). Significant distress and morbidity and act as
differences were observed in tick burden vectors of disease and affect the
between females and males (p<0.01).
economic conditions of camel-rearing.
Comparison of older and younger animals
showed no significant difference in the number The ability of a camel to survive in harsh
of ticks (p>0.05). environments, its endurance in
Jampour et al, Ixodid tick and the influence of age and sex of camel on tick infestation

prolonged droughts, and above all, its and towns were selected randomly
high potential to convert the scanty among the noted areas as a “cluster”
resources of desert into milk and meat and at least 14 camels were sampled
makes it important to pastoralists from each cluster.\
(Wosene, 1991).
All visible ticks were collected from the
The main effect of tick infestation in one- animals. Ticks from each animal were
humped camel is severe to mild anemia preserved in separate vials containing
and loss of appetite leading to a reduction 70% ethyl alcohol. The vials were labeled
in growth rate and decreased with the date of collection, animal
productivity. Tick infestation also results number, sex, age, and area. Estimation
in increased calf mortality (Nelson., of ages of camels was performed by
1977; Schwartz et al., 1983; Hart., the herdsman and recognized based on
1990). There are some reports on the the dental eruption. The collected ticks
distribution of tick fauna in Iran (Rahbari were brought to the laboratory and
et al., 2007; Nabian et al., 2009; Salim identified under a stereo-microscope
abadi et al., 2010; Razmi et al., 2011; according to general identification keys
Nourollahi Fard et al., 2012).This (Kaiser and Hoogstraal., 1963; Walker
survey was carried out to identify the et al., 2003; Apanaskevich and
frequency of infestation by different Filippova., 2007; Estrada-Pena et al.,
tick species in camels and to investigate 2013). Data was analyzed using the Chi-
the influence of sex and age of camels square test and the prevalence of tick
on the tick infestation rate and species was assessed using descriptive
identification of sex ratio in Northeastern statistics. Location of noted research is
Iran. shown on the GIS map.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted in three
provinces of Iran These provinces are
located at 55° 172 - 61° 152 E and
30° 242 -38° 172 N in Northeastern
Iran (Fig 1). North Khorasan is a
mountainous region with a temperate
cold weather. Khorasan Razavi is a
semi-desert region with mild weather.
South Khorasan is a semi-desert region
experiencing arid conditions. Average
annual rainfall is approximately
300-400mm in the northern areas and
Fig. 1. Khorasan (North, Razavi, South), the
150 mm in the southern areas. From study areas are shown on Iran’s map (Map
May 2012 to January 2013, eleven cities zones, 2013)

90 CAMEL: International Journal of Veterinary Science : 1(2):89-95. September, 2013

Jampour et al, Ixodid tick and the influence of age and sex of camel on tick infestation

Results tick species (90.7%) followed by

H.anatolicum (6%), H.marginatum
A total of 200 camels were examined.
(2.9%), and H.asiaticum (0.4%).
Tick infestation was observed in 171
camels, and 480 ixodid ticks (133 The effect of camel’s age on the tick
females and 347 males) were collected infestation was not significant.
from different regions in the Khorasan Significant differences were observed
provinces (Table 1). in tick burden between females and
males camel (p<0.01). Ratio of male
One genus was identified as Hyalomma.
ticks was higher than female ticks
Four species were reported as the major
(OR=2.61).The relative frequency was
tick species infesting camels in these
72.2% male ticks and 27.8% female
areas (Table 2). Among these,
H.dromedarii was the most predominant

Table 1. Number and sex of ticks collected from different regions in northeast of Iran

Area No. Male No. Female Total Ratio of Male to Female

Nehbandan 27 9 36 3
Sarayan 28 23 51 1.21
Birjand 41 7 48 5.85
Kani mani 26 24 50 1.08
Boshroyeh 52 7 59 7.42
Robatsang 32 0 32 32
Quchan 28 13 41 2.15
Sabzevar 18 13 31 1.38
Mashhad 31 17 48 1.82
Chehl dokhtaran 28 6 34 4.66
Mangale 36 14 50 2.57
Total 347 133 480 2.60

Table 2. Frequency and sex of ticks infesting in camels in different areas of


Tick spp Male Female Total

H. dromedarii 307(70.6%) 128(29.4%) 435(90.7%)
H .marginatum 10(71.4%) 4(28.6%) 14(2.9%)
H. anatolicum 29(100%) 0(0%) 29(6%)
H. asiaticum 1(50%) 1(50%) 2(.4%)
Total 347(72.2%) 133(27.8%) 480(100%)

CAMEL: International Journal of Veterinary Science : 1(2):89-95. September, 2013 91

Jampour et al, Ixodid tick and the influence of age and sex of camel on tick infestation

Discussion differences in genera and species in

In the current study, only four species distinct regions can depend on the
were observed from a single genus climate. Significant differences were
Hyalomma. Population frequency of observed in tick burden between females
H.dromedarii (90.7%) was higher than and males (p<0.01) and the same results
the others and H.asiaticum had the were reported by Elghali (Elghali and
lowest frequency (0.4%). Hassan., 2009). However, this finding
H.marginatum comprised about 2.9% contradicts the results obtained by Maha
and H.anatolicum accounted for 6% of et al (Maha et al., 2010). We believe
total collected species. In this study, that these significant differences are
H.dromedarii was found to be the most related to hormonal changes,
dominant species and this is in pregnancy, and lactation in females,
agreement with the results obtained by which results in lower resistance to tick
Salim abadi et al in Yazd province (Salim infestation.
abadi et al., 2010), Vanstraten and We did not observe higher number of
Jongejan in Egypt (Vanstraten and ticks in older animals in comparison
Jongejan., 1983), Alwaer in Libya with younger ones in our study
(Alwaer., 2004), Lawal et al in Sokoto (p>0.05) and this is not in agreement
Nigeria (Lawal et al., 2007), Maha et with the finding of Megersa who
al in Sudan (Maha et al., 2010) Karral reported that the total tick burden was
et al (Karrar et al., 1963) and Elghali significantly higher in camels 1-3 years
(Elghali., 2005). In addition to of age with poor health condition
H.dromedarii, Karrar reported the (Megersa et al., 2012). The relative
presence of Rhipicephalus sanguineus frequency was 72.2% male ticks and
and Rhipicephalus praetextatus (simus), 27.8% female ticks. Total tick sex ratio
(Karrar et al., 1963) but these species was 2.61. It is important to note that
were not encountered in our study. only females of H.dromedarii were
Moreover, Diab et al found found engorged and that the females of
H.impeltatum (Diab et al., 2001) but the other tick species were not engorged
this finding is not in accordance with or only partially engorged. This may
our study. Nabian et al reported that indicate host specificity of camels for
H.dromedarii and H.schulzei are H.dromedarii Host specificity could also
commonly found in camels and rarely account for the lesser number of other
in cattle in semi-desert areas of Iran species detected in our study. Elghali
(Nabian et al., 2009). H. schulzei was reported that H.dromedarii is the
not found in our study but our findings predominant tick species in camels in
are in concordance with those reported the River Nile state (Elghali and Hassan.,
by Nourollahi Fard (Nourollahi Fard et 2009) whereas, Alwaer, studying tick
al., 2012). We believe that the infestation in sheep found H.dromedarii

92 CAMEL: International Journal of Veterinary Science : 1(2):89-95. September, 2013

Jampour et al, Ixodid tick and the influence of age and sex of camel on tick infestation

representing only 0.5% of the tick fauna to female ratio of ticks is 2.61. Poor
in the same area (Alwaer., 2004). The husbandry practices may be a
rate of anti-tick resistance of hosts determinant, making the animals more
depends upon the species of the host prone to tick infestation and strategic
and upon the number of ticks fed up. application of acaricide might minimize
In the case of permanent feeding of the tick burden.
larvae during 40 days the anti-tick
resistance was low or completely absent Acknowledgements
(Balashov., 1993). These findings on Thanks to staff members of Veterinary
host preference might support our Department of the North Khorasan
suggestion. In our study we found a province, particularly Dr Razavi, Dr
special location for each age group of Ramezani, Dr Ahmadi, Dr Hassan
ticks. For example, nymphs almost Safaee and Dr Shahin Ahmadi for their
always (97%) were collected from the complete support and collaboration in
flank region. This is not in accordance sampling.
with Elghali’s finding, who found a high
percentage of nymphs on the back, References
particularly the hump region (Elghali and Akhtar, M ., Faqir, M, Lodhi, L.A, Iftikhar, H,
Hassan., 2009). Highly engorged Irfan, Anwar, M. 2011. Immunity
females were always found with one against Ticks-A Review. Pak Vet J, 31:
or two male ticks in the long hair of 1-8.
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vaccine trials using Boophilus derived
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