Jannah Patricia R. Nava
Jannah Patricia R. Nava
Jannah Patricia R. Nava
NURS 2-1
1. Based on the characteristics of individuals at each stage of growth and development, identify health
teaching/education topic that can be provided to individual/family or community in the aspects of
health promotion and disease prevention. Provide at least 2 topics for each stage of growth and
1. Proper breastfeeding. Health teaching for the mom in terms of proper breastfeeding as well
as what they should do in taking proper care of the baby while at the infancy stage. This can also include
the nutritious food that the mom can consume to ensure a healthy and adequate supply of breastmilk.
2. Good sleeping habits for the infant. Proper sleep is vital in the development of infants, it’s
important for the parents to learn about the correct methods to do so as well as the attributed safety
measures that they can do to avoid harm or accidents to the baby.
1. Healthy eating practices for the toddler. At this stage toddlers should be taught good eating
habits, promote eating nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits and proteins in accordance to their needs
as well as good table mannerisms where they should learn by imitating the parents during meal time.
2. Safe environment for playtime. The toddler stage is the part of development where children
are still lacking moral responsibility and they do everything that they want to do, and sometimes this
causes conflicts especially in playtime where it is inevitable for them to get hurt if not taken proper
precautions (i.e. swallow small toy, bump head etc.) That is why it’s important to teach parents the
proper measures that they should take to ensure the welfare of the toddler.
1. Activities for good physical growth. Educate parents to encourage the development of their
child by letting them engage in activities for physical growth and refinement of motor skills including
jumping, running, and climbing. This can also help the child to become social with other kids.
2. Good hygiene and safety practices. At a time where the child is starting to become active and
associate themselves with playmates, they become exposed to different germs that can be detrimental
to their health. Therefore, it’s important to teach toddlers about the importance of health and safety
practices to preschoolers for them to develop self-help skills where they learn to wash their hands after
coming from outside and playing or before eating, how to properly use soap for bath times and how to
brush their own teeth.
4. School age (6-12 years old)
1. Common health problems in school age children. Parents may require knowledge on issues
typical in this age range, such as behavior disorders, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and enuresis, in
addition to knowing about their child's disease and treatment plan. Any of these issues may cause stress
for the kid and family, necessitating considerable instruction to improve both the parents' and the
child's awareness of the situation and ways for dealing with it.
2. Puberty. Puberty is a time of dramatic physical change. It includes the growth spurt,
development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and maturation of the sexual organs.
Therefore, it is important that children learn about the physical and emotional changes that happen
during puberty, because they need to identify that changes that is occurring in their body like hair
growth in new places or unfamiliar body odors and more, how to manage it and how to stay safe.
1. Sex education. At this stage of development adolescents are at risk for sexually transmitted
infections and teen-age pregnancies as associated with disparities by race/ethnicity and family income.
That is why it’s important to teach them about sex and the repercussions that it might cause as well as
the safe and preventative practices, like using condoms or being abstinent till they are in the right age.
2. Practices that can promote mental health. Adolescents go through a lot of developmental
changes, which might have an impact on their physical and mental health. However, teaching them and
their parents about these can help them stay safe and healthy by encouraging beneficial health
behaviors such as preventative care such as, adequate sleep, eating healthy, doing stress reduction
activities and many more.
6. Adulthood
1. Chronic Diseases. It is important to educate adults that as they age they become more and
more vulnerable to all sorts of illnesses and injuries. This includes pneumonia, cancer and chronic
endocrine diseases. That is why it’s vital to give them education about appropriate lifestyle modification
involving nutrition and exercises, stress management, as well as key warning signs of possible impending
illnesses. For example, they may need to learn about how to spot memory problems, signs of cancer like
a change in the color of a mole, or an endocrine disease, such as sudden weight gain, so that all can be
caught and treated earlier.
2. Alcohol addiction. Give them education about the harmful effects of alcohol to the body and
what effects it can have to their abilities. We can also promote health by recommending rehabilitation
centers, therapies and the right methods to cope for their addiction.
7. Old Adulthood
1. Chronic health problems. Chronic health problems such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and
Alzheimer's disease are more common in older people. Encouraging them to partake on more physical
activity can help individuals avoid chronic disease as well as injuries caused by falls. They're also more
likely to visit the hospital for infections, such as pneumonia, which is a primary cause of death in this age
range. Making sure that older adults receive preventive care, such as flu and pneumonia immunizations,
can help them stay healthy.
2. Physical injury and falls. Older adults suffer from chronic conditions and multi-morbidities,
limiting their functional ability. Thus, health promotion for the older adults needs to be done, such as
physical activity programs to reduce the risk of dementia, arthritis pain, and falls to help with the
challenges of limitation in their health and daily activities.