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User Manual

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Experiment User Manual

Issue 7.0
31 August 2018
Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Experiment User Manual

Prepared by:

Margaret Frerking
Samuel Gulkis
Mark Hofstadter
Lucas Kamp
Timothy Koch
Robert Nowicki
F. Peter Schloerb

Approved by

______________________________________ _______________________
Mark Hofstadter Date
MIRO Principal Investigator
Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

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Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table of Contents

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... x

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... xi
CHANGE LOG ........................................................................................................................................ xiii
1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Science Objectives and Investigation .................................................................... 1-2
1.1.3 Measurement Approach ........................................................................................ 1-5
1.1.4 MIRO Science Data Deliverables ......................................................................... 1-5
1.2 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 1-6
1.2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 1-6 Performance Characteristics ................................................................ 1-6 System Overall Configuration ............................................................. 1-6
1.2.2 Detailed Description ............................................................................................. 1-9 Telescope ............................................................................................. 1-9 Calibration Targets ............................................................................ 1-10 Millimeter-Wave Heterodyne Receiver ............................................. 1-11 Submillimeter-Wave Heterodyne Receiver ....................................... 1-11 Spectrometer Assembly ..................................................................... 1-14 Flight Computer................................................................................. 1-15 Command and Data Handling System ............................................... 1-15 Power Handling and Distribution ...................................................... 1-16
1.3 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 1-16
1.3.1 Flight Software Development Environment ........................................................ 1-16
1.4 OPERATIONAL MODES ....................................................................................................... 1-16
2 EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 PHYSICAL UNITS .................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 CALIBRATION SWITCH MECHANISM .................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 ELECTRICAL ......................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.1 Power Interface ..................................................................................................... 2-5 General Interface Description .............................................................. 2-5 Power Distribution Block Diagram and Redundancy.......................... 2-6
2.4 SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................ 2-7
2.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 2-7
2.4.2 Commanding ......................................................................................................... 2-7
2.4.3 Hardware Interfaces ........................................................................................... 2-10
2.4.4 Spectral Data Interface ....................................................................................... 2-10 CTS Control....................................................................................... 2-10 PLL, LO, and IFP Control ................................................................. 2-12
2.4.5 Continuum Data Interface .................................................................................. 2-12
2.4.6 Engineering Data Interface ................................................................................ 2-13
2.4.7 Power Interfaces ................................................................................................. 2-13
2.4.8 Mirror Control Interface..................................................................................... 2-15
2.4.9 Pin-Puller Control .............................................................................................. 2-15

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2.4.10 Inbound FIFO Interface ...................................................................................... 2-15

2.4.11 Outbound FIFO Interface ................................................................................... 2-16
2.4.12 Interrupts Interface ............................................................................................. 2-16
2.5 BUDGETS (MASS, POWER, DATA RATES)........................................................................... 2-17
2.5.1 Mass .................................................................................................................... 2-17
2.5.2 Operating Power ................................................................................................. 2-17
2.5.3 Data Rate Overview ............................................................................................ 2-19
2.5.4 Data Rates Within Modes ................................................................................... 2-20
2.6 NON-OPERATING HEATERS ................................................................................................ 2-30
2.7 SPACECRAFT POWERED THERMISTORS .............................................................................. 2-30
2.8 PYRO LINES ........................................................................................................................ 2-30
2.9 OBDH CHANNEL................................................................................................................ 2-30
2.9.1 Channel Allocation ............................................................................................. 2-30
2.9.2 Telemetry............................................................................................................. 2-30
2.9.3 Telecommand ...................................................................................................... 2-30
2.9.4 Bit Rate Requirements......................................................................................... 2-31
2.9.5 Timing ................................................................................................................. 2-31
2.9.6 Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 2-31 Telecommands and Verification ........................................................ 2-31 Experiment Status and Event Reporting ............................................ 2-31
2.9.7 Electrical Interfaces Circuits .............................................................................. 2-31 General .............................................................................................. 2-31 Telemetry ........................................................................................... 2-32 Telecommand .................................................................................... 2-33 Broadcast Pulse (TSY) ...................................................................... 2-34 Environmental and Status Monitoring ............................................... 2-35 Redundancy ....................................................................................... 2-35
2.9.8 On-board Operational Interface with DMS ........................................................ 2-35 Telecommand .................................................................................... 2-35 Telemetry ........................................................................................... 2-35
3 EXPERIMENT OPERATIONS .................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 OPERATING PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Instrument Power On, Warm-up, and Stabilization .............................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Functional Tests .................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 In-Flight Calibration Observations ...................................................................... 3-1 Radiometric ......................................................................................... 3-3 Frequency ............................................................................................ 3-3 Field of View ....................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.4 Primary Scientific Observations ........................................................................... 3-3 Asteroid Mode ..................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.5 MIRO Flight Computer Memory Operations........................................................ 3-4
3.1.6 Thermal Operating Limits..................................................................................... 3-4
3.1.7 Optimizing Data Taking ........................................................................................ 3-4 Calibration Heater................................................................................ 3-4 CTS Gap .............................................................................................. 3-5 Housekeeping Cycle Skip .................................................................... 3-5
3.2 OPERATING MODES .............................................................................................................. 3-5
3.2.1 Ground Test Plan .................................................................................................. 3-5
3.2.2 In-orbit Commissioning Plan (MIRO EID-B, § ........................................ 3-6
3.2.3 Instrument Checkout ............................................................................................. 3-6

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3.2.4 Flight Operations Plans (MIRO EID-B, § ................................................ 3-6 Launch Phase ....................................................................................... 3-6 Cruise Phases ....................................................................................... 3-7 Mars Gravity Assist ............................................................................. 3-7 Earth Gravity Assists ........................................................................... 3-7 Steins Fly-by ........................................................................................ 3-7 Lutetia Fly-by ...................................................................................... 3-7 Deep Space Hibernation Mode (DSHM) ............................................. 3-7 Rendezvous Manoeuvre ...................................................................... 3-7 Comet Drift Phase ............................................................................... 3-7 Comet Approach Navigation and Maneuvering .................................. 3-7 Nucleus Mapping and Close Observation ........................................... 3-8 SSP Delivery and Comet Escort to Perihelion .................................... 3-8
3.2.5 Interferences ......................................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.6 Operational Constraints ....................................................................................... 3-8
3.3 FAILURE DETECTION AND RECOVERY STRATEGY ............................................................... 3-9
4 MODE DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 MODE TRANSITION TABLE ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 DETAIL MODE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.1 Engineering Mode ................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Millimeter Continuum Mode ................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.3 Submillimeter Continuum Mode ........................................................................... 4-3
4.2.4 Dual Continuum Mode .......................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.5 CTS / Submillimeter Continuum Mode ................................................................. 4-3
4.2.6 CTS / Dual Continuum Mode ................................................................................ 4-4
4.2.7 Asteroid Mode ....................................................................................................... 4-4 LO Settings in Asteroid Mode ............................................................. 4-5
6 DATA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK (TELECOMMANDS) ..................................................... 6-1
6.1 TELECOMMANDS .................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Warm-Up Telecommands...................................................................................... 6-1 Calibration Heater Telecommand ........................................................ 6-1 USO Power Telecommand .................................................................. 6-3 CTS Warm-Up Telecommand ............................................................. 6-6
6.1.2 Mode Change Telecommands ............................................................................. 6-10 Mode Change Telecommand ............................................................. 6-10 Asteroid Mode Telecommand ........................................................... 6-17
6.1.3 Additional Engineering Mode Telecommands .................................................... 6-23 Engineering Housekeeping Cycle Skip Telecommand ..................... 6-23
6.1.4 Additional Continuum Mode Telecommands ...................................................... 6-26 Continuum Subtraction Value Telecommand ................................... 6-26 Millimeter LNA Power Telecommand .............................................. 6-28 Submillimeter LNA Power Telecommand Definition ....................... 6-30
6.1.5 Additional Spectroscopic Mode Telecommands ................................................. 6-33 IFP Power Control Telecommand ..................................................... 6-33 Submillimeter Gunn Voltage Telecommand ..................................... 6-36 PLL Reset Telecommand .................................................................. 6-40 SMM Gunn Voltage Auto-control Enable/Disable Telecommand.... 6-43 CTS Heater Control Telecommand ................................................... 6-45

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Date: 31 August 2018 CTS Internal Calibration Telecommand ............................................ 6-48 CTS Data Masks Telecommand ........................................................ 6-53 CTS Run Time Telecommand ........................................................... 6-58 CTS Pulse Position Telecommand .................................................... 6-62
6.1.6 Calibration Mirror Control Telecommands ....................................................... 6-65 Move Mirror Telecommand .............................................................. 6-65 Step Mirror Telecommand................................................................. 6-67
6.1.7 Software Telecommands ..................................................................................... 6-71 Software Restart Telecommand......................................................... 6-71 Memory Checksum Telecommand .................................................... 6-73 Memory Dump Telecommand........................................................... 6-75 Memory Load Telecommand ............................................................ 6-78
6.1.8 S/C Interface Telecommands .............................................................................. 6-81 Enable MIRO HK Generation Telecommand ................................... 6-81 Disable MIRO HK Generation Telecommand .................................. 6-82 Time Update Telecommand .............................................................. 6-84 Connection Test Telecommand ......................................................... 6-86 Enable Science Telecommand ........................................................... 6-88 Disable Science Telecommand .......................................................... 6-89 Reset Telemetry Telecommand ......................................................... 6-91
7 DATA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK (TELEMETRY) .............................................................. 7-1
7.1 TELEMETRY .......................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Housekeeping Data Telemetry .............................................................................. 7-2 Description .......................................................................................... 7-2 Packet Definition ................................................................................. 7-2 Expected Values .................................................................................. 7-7 Calibration ......................................................................................... 7-31 Limits ................................................................................................. 7-34 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-36
7.1.3 Spectroscopic (CTS) Science Telemetry ............................................................. 7-37 Description ........................................................................................ 7-37 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-38 Expected Values ................................................................................ 7-39 Calibration ......................................................................................... 7-41 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-42
7.1.4 Submillimeter Continuum Science Telemetry ..................................................... 7-42 Description ........................................................................................ 7-42 Packet Telemetry Definition .............................................................. 7-43 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-44 Calibration ......................................................................................... 7-45 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-45
7.1.5 Millimeter Continuum Science Telemetry ........................................................... 7-46 Description ........................................................................................ 7-46 Packet Telemetry Definition .............................................................. 7-46 Expected Values ................................................................................ 7-47 Calibration ......................................................................................... 7-48 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-48
7.1.6 Miscellaneous Science Telemetry ....................................................................... 7-48 Description ........................................................................................ 7-48

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Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-49 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-51 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-51
7.1.7 Memory Dump Telemetry.................................................................................... 7-51 Description ........................................................................................ 7-51 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-52 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-53 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-53
7.1.8 Memory Checksum Telemetry ............................................................................. 7-54 Description ........................................................................................ 7-54 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-54 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-55 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-56
7.1.9 MIRO On (Progress Event Report #1) Telemetry ............................................... 7-56 Description ........................................................................................ 7-56 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-57 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-58 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-58
7.1.10 Asteroid Mode Started (Progress Event Report #2) Telemetry........................... 7-58 Description ........................................................................................ 7-58 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-59 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-60 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-60
7.1.11 Asteroid Mode Completed (Progress Event Report #3) Telemetry ..................... 7-60 Description ........................................................................................ 7-60 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-61 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-62 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-62
7.1.12 Connection Report Telemetry ............................................................................. 7-62 Description ........................................................................................ 7-62 Telemetry Definition ......................................................................... 7-63 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-63 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-64
7.1.13 Mirror Error Report Type 1 Telemetry ............................................................... 7-64 Description ........................................................................................ 7-64 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-65 Expected Values ................................................................................ 7-66 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-66
7.1.14 Mirror Error Report Type 2 Telemetry ............................................................... 7-66 Description ........................................................................................ 7-66 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-67 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-68 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-68
7.1.15 Mirror Error Report Type 3 Telemetry ............................................................... 7-68 Description ........................................................................................ 7-68 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-69 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-70 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-70
7.1.16 Mirror Error Report Type 4 Telemetry ............................................................... 7-70 Description ........................................................................................ 7-70 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-71

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Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-72 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-72
7.1.17 Mirror Error Report Type 5 Telemetry ............................................................... 7-72 Description ........................................................................................ 7-72 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-73 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-74 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-74
7.1.18 CTS Error Report Telemetry ............................................................................... 7-74 Description ........................................................................................ 7-74 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-75 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-76 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-76
7.1.19 Accept Success Event Report Telemetry ............................................................. 7-76 Description ........................................................................................ 7-76 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-77 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-78 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-78
7.1.20 Incomplete Packet Event Report Telemetry ........................................................ 7-78 Description ........................................................................................ 7-78 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-79 Expected values ................................................................................. 7-80 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-80
7.1.21 Incorrect Checksum Event Report Telemetry ..................................................... 7-80 Description ........................................................................................ 7-80 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-81 Expected Values ................................................................................ 7-82 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-82
7.1.22 Incorrect APID Event Report Telemetry ............................................................. 7-82 Description ........................................................................................ 7-82 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-83 Expected Values ................................................................................ 7-84 RSDB Entries .................................................................................... 7-84
7.1.23 Invalid Command Code Event Report Telemetry Definition .............................. 7-84 Description ........................................................................................ 7-84 Packet Definition ............................................................................... 7-85 Expected Value .................................................................................. 7-86 RSDB Inputs ...................................................................................... 7-86
7.1.24 Additional Rosetta Telemetry Relevant to MIRO ................................................ 7-86
8 USE OF THE EQM AFTER LAUNCH ........................................................................................ 8-1
8.1 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR ESA MANPOWER ................................................................................ 8-1
9 SCIENCE DATA ............................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 ANTENNA TEMPERATURE .................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.1 Definition of Antenna Temperature ...................................................................... 9-1
9.2.2 Antenna Temperature of MIRO Calibration Targets ............................................ 9-2
9.2.3 Antenna Temperature of a Source of Emission ..................................................... 9-4
9.2.4 Relationship of Antenna Temperature to Physical Temperature .......................... 9-5

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9.3 SPECTROMETER BAND LOCATIONS ...................................................................................... 9-7

9.3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 9-7
9.3.2 Bands Defined by IF Filters .................................................................................. 9-7
9.3.3 Bands Defined for Performance Monitoring ........................................................ 9-9
9.3.4 Bands Defined for On-Board Data Compression ............................................... 9-10
9.3.5 Bands Defined for Spectral Baseline Removal ................................................... 9-11
9.4 MAPPING SKY FREQUENCY TO SPECTROMETER CHANNEL NUMBER ................................ 9-12
9.4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 9-12
9.4.2 Algorithms to Convert RF Frequency Bands to the IFP Output Frequencies .... 9-13
9.4.3 Algorithms to Convert CTS Channel Number into IF Input Frequency ............. 9-15
9.4.4 Algorithm to Convert CTS Input Frequency to RF Frequency ........................... 9-16
9.5 MIRO CALIBRATION .......................................................................................................... 9-17
9.5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 9-17
9.5.2 Radiometric Calibration Summary ..................................................................... 9-17
9.5.3 A Monograph On MIRO Calibration .................................................................. 9-22
9.6 MIRO BORESIGHT AND GEOMETRY DATA PRODUCTS ...................................................... 9-22
9.6.1 MIRO Boresight .................................................................................................. 9-22
9.6.2 MIRO Geometry Data Products ......................................................................... 9-24
9.7 ERROR BARS ON MIRO CALIBRATED SCIENCE DATA ....................................................... 9-28
9.7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 9-28
9.7.2 Continuum Data .................................................................................................. 9-28
9.7.3 Spectrometer Data .............................................................................................. 9-30
9.8 FREQUENCY SWITCHING AND “FOLDED” SPECTRA ........................................................... 9-31
9.9 BEAM PATTERNS, SPILLOVER, AND ANTENNA TEMPERATURES........................................ 9-32
A MIRO CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................. A-1

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List of Tables
Table 1.1-1: The MIRO submillimeter receiver is fixed tuned to observe simultaneously the eight
molecular transitions shown in this table. ............................................................................. 1-2
Table 1.1-2: Relationship to Stated Goals of Rosetta Mission .................................................................. 1-4
Table 1.2-1: MIRO Instrument Performance Characteristics .................................................................... 1-7
Table 1.2-2: IF Frequencies for the Submillimeter-wave Receiver. Mixer numbers refer to numbers
given in Figure 1.2-5 ........................................................................................................... 1-13
Table 2.3-1: Power Supply Interface ......................................................................................................... 2-5
Table 2.5-1: Measured Mass of the MIRO Instrument in Kilograms ...................................................... 2-17
Table 2.5-2: MIRO Power Consumption by Mode.................................................................................. 2-18
Table 2.5-3: Comments on the Power Options Shown in Table 2.5-2 .................................................... 2-19
Table 2.5-4: Default Data Rates Including Overhead .............................................................................. 2-20
Table 2.5-5: Engineering Mode ............................................................................................................... 2-21
Table 2.5-6: MM Continuum Mode......................................................................................................... 2-21
Table 2.5-7: SMM Continuum Mode ...................................................................................................... 2-21
Table 2.5-8: Dual Continuum Mode ........................................................................................................ 2-22
Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode ............................................................................................. 2-23
Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode (continued).......................................................................... 2-24
Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode (continued).......................................................................... 2-25
Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode .............................................................................................. 2-26
Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode (continued) .......................................................................... 2-27
Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode (continued) .......................................................................... 2-28
Table 2.5-11: Asteroid Mode ................................................................................................................... 2-29
Table 2.9-1: Experiment OBDH Interface Channels/Functions .............................................................. 2-30
Table 3.1-1: MIRO Calibration/Observing Needs ..................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3.1-2: Calibration Priorities (1 = highest) ........................................................................................ 3-3
Table 3.3-1: MIRO Failure Modes and Possible Recovery Operations................................................... 3-10
Table 4.1-1: Mode Transition Table .......................................................................................................... 4-2
Table 4.2-1: Initial LO Setting for Specific Molecules.............................................................................. 4-5
Table 9.2-1: Representative Differences between Physical and Antenna Temperatures .......................... 9-6
Table 9.3-1: Band Boundaries Defined by the IFP Narrow-Band Filters. ................................................. 9-8
Table 9.3-2: Performance Monitoring Bands .......................................................................................... 9-10
Table 9.3-3: On-Board Data Compression Bands.................................................................................... 9-10
Table 9.3-4: Bands Used for Spectral Baseline Subtraction in Level 3 Version 3 Products. .................. 9-11
Table 9.4-1: The Eight Molecular Transitions Observed by MIRO ........................................................ 9-13
Table 9.4-2: Frequency Oscillators Internal to MIRO ............................................................................. 9-13
Table 9.4-3: RF (Sky Frequencies) Targeted by MIRO .......................................................................... 9-14
Table 9.4-4: RF (Sky Frequencies) to IF Frequency................................................................................ 9-15
Table 9.4-5: Parameters Relating CTS Channel to Frequency ................................................................ 9-16
Table 9.4-6: Band boundaries, RF and IF Center Frequencies, and Direction Factor for Conversion
Between the IF and RF Frequency ...................................................................................... 9-16
Table 9.5-1: Allocation of Time in a Calibration Sequence. ................................................................... 9-17

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Table 9.5-2: Bands Used for Spectral Baseline Subtraction in Level 3 Version 3 Products. .................. 9-22
Table 9.7-1: One-sigma RMS Uncertainty of MIRO Calibrated Continuum Data ................................. 9-29

List of Figures
Figure 1.2-1: MIRO Instrument Block Diagram........................................................................................ 1-8
Figure 1.2-2: Isometric Drawing of the MIRO optical bench. ................................................................... 1-9
Figure 1.2-3: Schematic Diagram of the Millimeter-wave Receiver Front End ...................................... 1-11
Figure 1.2-4: Schematic Diagram of the Submillimeter-wave Receiver Front End. The sub-harmonic
mixer doubles the input LO frequency (shown as 282 GHz) so sky frequencies are
effectively mixed with an LO at 562.813 GHz (see Table 9.4-2 and
Section ......................................................................................................... 1-12
Figure 1.2-5: Schematic Diagram of the Submillimeter-wave Receiver Intermediate Frequency
Processor ............................................................................................................................ 1-13
Figure 1.2-6: Chirp Transform Spectrometer Configuration ................................................................... 1-15
Figure 2.1-1: Electronics Unit.................................................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2.1-2: Sensor Unit ........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2.1-3: Sensor Backend Electronics Unit ......................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2.1-4: Ultra Stable Oscillator .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2.2-1: Calibration Switch Mechanism ............................................................................................ 2-5
Figure 2.3-1: Power Distribution Block Diagram (Electronics Unit) ........................................................ 2-6
Figure 2.3-2: Power Distribution Block Diagram (Sensor Backend Electronics Unit) ............................ 2-7
Figure 2.4-1: MIRO Software Data Flow and Control Diagram ............................................................... 2-9
Figure 2.4-2: MIRO Hardware Data and Control Flow ........................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2.9-1: Telemetry Interface Circuit—Data Output and Sample Input ........................................... 2-32
Figure 2.9-2: Telecommand Interface Circuit—Data Input, Clock Input (combined with TM) and
Sample Input ...................................................................................................................... 2-33
Figure 2.9-3: Broadcast Pulse (TSY) Circuit Interface ............................................................................ 2-34
Figure 6.1-1: Angles associated with Calibration mirror positions ......................................................... 6-67
Figure 7.1-1: T1 Spectrometer (one of four thermistors—T1, T2, T3, T4—on the CTS acoustic
delay line section). ............................................................................................................. 7-10
Figure 7.1-2: T6 Spectrometer (one of two thermistors—T5, T6—on the CTS electronics section).
The temperature in this section of the CTS follows the EU temperature. .......................... 7-10
Figure 9.3-1: IFP narrow-band filter transmission functions and representative spectral lines. ................ 9-8
Figure 9.4-1: The basic elements of the smm heterodyne receiver system.............................................. 9-12
Figure 9.6-1: Apparent offset of the comet nucleus from its expected location in 91 raster maps
made by MIRO during 2015. ............................................................................................. 9-24
Figure 9.9-1: Millimeter (left) and submillimeter (right) beam patterns measured in the lab prior to
launch. Beam patterns are normalized to have a peak value of 1. Note that the beams,
particularly the submm, are not symmetric. This may be due to a small misalignment
of the secondary mirror. ..................................................................................................... 9-33

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Figure 9.9-2: Azimuthally averaged millimeter (top) and submillimeter (bottom) beam patterns. The
green curves labeled “lab” are for the laboratory measurements shown in Fig. 9.9-1. The
black curves labeled “co-pol” are from our Physics-Optics model, and the dashed lines are
empirical fits to different regions of the curves. Details of the empirical fits are given in
the text. Note that the empirical fits do not attempt to match the side-lobes, but only
follow the general trend of the model response. ................................................................ 9-35

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Date: 31 August 2018

Change Log

Version Date Revised By Description

4.4 3/30/2009 Removed requirement to turn off MIRO during thruster firings (Sections 3.2.5 and
4.4 3/30/2009 Removed the PMRG entries under “Parameters” and moved the PMRD entries up
to replace it in the following subsections: (ZMR19221) (ZMR 19214) (ZMR19218) (ZMR19215) (ZMR19217) (ZMR19210) (ZMR19222) (ZMR00301)
4.5 8/10/2009 Tables 2.5.4-1 through 2.5.4-6 have been changed to reflect a new housekeeping
Draft rate. Internal Release Only.
4.5 2/25/2011 Add Chapter 9 and general reformatting
4.6 3/29/2011 Add Sections 9.3 and 9.4, reformatting, update data compression and packet
length information in Chapter 6 to reflect software patches.
5.0 9/25/2013 General reformatting to a smaller file size; minor word-smithing; changes to
Section 2.5.2, 4.2.5, 4.2.7,, and
5.1 3/26/2014 Update Table 2.5-2: MIRO Power Consumption by Mode
Update Notes following Table 2.5.2
Update Table 2.5-4: Default Data Rates Including Overhead
6.0 8/31/2017 MDH Correct typos and add clarifications in various sections. Add Sections 9.5, 9.6,
and 9.7.
6.1 1/31/2018 MDH Several minor text clarifications and typos.
6.2 5/31/2018 MDH Add description of Level 3 Version 3 data products (primarily Sections 9.3.5 and
9.5.2), various minor updates to other sections.
6.3 5/31/2018 MDH Add Section 9.8, correct various typos.
6.4 6/15/2018 MDH Clarifications to Fig. 1.2-4 and Section 9.5.2 (regarding background subtraction).
Corrections to Sections,, (regarding LO settings), Section
9.8 (Folding of spectra), and Table 9.4-6 (line frequencies). Other typos corrected
in various sections.
7.0 8/31/2018 MDH Add section 9.9 and update 9.7. Corrections and clarifications in 9.4, 9.7, 9.8.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The investigation, Microwave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO),
addresses the nature of the cometary nucleus, outgassing from the nucleus and
development of the coma as strongly interrelated aspects of cometary physics,
and searches for outgassing activity on asteroids. MIRO is configured both as
a continuum and a very high spectral resolution line receiver. Center-band
operating frequencies are near 188 GHz (1.6 mm) and 562 GHz (0.5 mm).
Spatial resolution of the instrument at 562 GHz is approximately 5 m at a distance
of 2 km from the nucleus; spectral resolution is sufficient to observe individual,
thermally broadened, line shapes at all temperatures down to 10 K or less. Four
key volatile species—H2O, CO, CH3OH, and NH3—and the isotopes—H217O
and H218O—are pre-programmed for observation. These lines are listed in
Table 1.1-1. The primary retrieved products are abundance, velocity, and
temperature of each species, along with their spatial and temporal variability.
This information will be used to infer coma structure and processes, including the
nature of the nucleus/coma interface.
MIRO will sense the subsurface temperature of the nucleus to depths of
several centimeters or more using the continuum channels at millimeter and
submillimeter wavelengths. Model studies will relate these measurements to
electrical and thermal properties of the nucleus and address issues connected to
the sublimation of ices, ice and dust mantle thickness, and the formation of gas
and dust jets. The global nature of these measurements will allow in situ lander
data to be extrapolated globally, while the long duration of the mission will allow
us to follow the time variability of surface temperatures and gas production.
Models of the thermal emission from comets are very crude at this time since they
are only loosely constrained by data. MIRO will offer the first opportunity to
gather subsurface temperature data that can be used to test thermal models.
MIRO is highly complementary to the IR mapping instrument on the orbiter,
having similar spatial resolution but greater depth penetration.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 1.1-1: The MIRO submillimeter receiver is fixed tuned to observe

simultaneously the eight molecular transitions shown in this table.
Species Frequency (MHz) Transition
H216O 556936.002 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
H217O 552020.960 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
H218O 547676.440 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
Carbon Monoxide
CO 576267.9305 J(5-4)
NH3 572498.3784 J(1-0)
CH3OH 553146.296 8 (1)--7 (0) E
CH3OH 568566.054 3 (-2)--2 (-1) E
CH3OH 579151.005 12 (-1)--11(-1) E
The measurement objectives of the MIRO investigation are listed below.
1. Characterize abundances of key volatile species and isotope ratios
The MIRO instrument will measure absolute abundances of key volatile species—
H2O, CO, CH3OH, and NH3—and quantify fundamental isotope ratios—17O/16O
and 18O/16O —in a region within several km from the surface of the nucleus,
nearly independent of the orbiter to comet nucleus distance.
Water and carbon monoxide are chosen for observation because they are believed
to be the primary ices driving cometary activity. Methanol is a common organic
molecule, chosen because it is a convenient probe of gas excitation temperature
by virtue of its many transitions. Knowledge of ammonia abundance has
important implications for the excitation state of nitrogen in the solar nebula. By
providing measurements of isotopic species abundances with extremely high mass
discrimination, the MIRO experiment can use isotope ratios as a discriminator of
cometary origins. The MIRO investigation will combine measurements of the
variation of outgassing rates with heliocentric distance with models of gas
volatilization and transport in the nucleus to quantify the intrinsic abundances of
volatiles within the nucleus.
2. Understand processes controlling outgassing in upper surface layers of
the nucleus
The MIRO experiment will measure surface outgassing rates for H2O, CO, and
other volatile species, as well as nucleus subsurface temperatures to study key
processes controlling the outgassing of the comet nucleus. Correlated
measurements of outgassing rates and nucleus thermal properties will be used to
test models of gas formation, transport, and escape from the nucleus to advance
our understanding of the important processes leading to nucleus devolatilization.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

3. Study the processes controlling the development of the inner coma

MIRO will measure density, temperature, and kinematic velocity in the transition
region close to the surface of the nucleus. Measurements of gas density,
temperature, and flow field in the coma near the surface of the nucleus will be
used to test models of the important radiative and dynamical processes in the
inner coma, and thus improve our understanding of the causes of observed gas
and dust structures. The high spectral and spatial resolution provided by the
MIRO instrument will provide a unique capability to observe narrow Doppler-
broadened spectral lines resulting from the low gas temperatures and low
pressures. Asymmetric lines shapes due to Doppler shifts of the evaporating and
effusing gases in the line of sight to the comet nucleus will be searched for to
understand the boundary layer at the nucleus.
4. Characterize the nucleus subsurface to depths of few centimeters or more
The MIRO instrument will map the nucleus and determine the subsurface
temperature distribution to depths of several centimeters or more. Morphological
features on scales as small as 5 m will be identified and correlated with regions of
outgassing. The combination of global outgassing and temperature observations
from MIRO and in situ measurements from the Rosetta lander will provide
important insights into the origins of outgassing regions and of the thermal inertia
of subsurface materials in the nucleus.
5. Search for low levels of gas in the asteroid environment
The MIRO instrument will measure subsurface temperatures and search for low
levels of water vapor (and other constituent gases) in the vicinity of asteroids
(2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia to provide information on near surface thermal
characteristics including the presence or absence of a regolith or water ice.
6. Search for high altitude water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars
The MIRO instrument has the potential for providing unique data about the upper
atmosphere of Mars during the Rosetta encounter with the planet in February
2007. No other instrument with the capabilities of MIRO has been on a spacecraft
in the vicinity of Mars. Its very high-resolution spectrometer makes it sensitive
for measuring high altitude water concentration and winds. Its two continuum
channels will provide surface and subsurface temperatures. Carbon monoxide and
several isotopes of water can also be measured or upper limits set.
The relationships between MIRO objectives and those identified in ESA SCI(93)7
are given in Table 1.1-2.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 1.1-2: Relationship to Stated Goals of Rosetta Mission

To Achieve Rosetta Corresponding MIRO
Objectives Objectives
Global characterization of  Perform global temperature Globally characterize the
nucleus, surface morphology mapping (maximum ground nucleus subsurface to depths
and composition, and dynamic resolution <5m) of a few centimeters or more
properties  Dayside and nightside
 Derive thermo-physical
properties of subsurface
 Detect and characterize
active/inactive regions using
temperature and spectroscopic
detection of H2O, CO, and NH3
 Confirm state of rotation

Chemical, mineralogical, and  Measure abundances and Characterize the abundances

isotopic composition of isotopic ratios of important coma of major volatile species and
volatiles and refractories in gases (H2O, NH3, CO, CH3OH) key isotope ratios in volatiles
cometary nucleus
Physical properties and  Measure gas temperature and Study the processes
interrelation of volatiles and molecular excitation (CH3OH) in controlling the development of
refractories in cometary near surface coma the inner coma
nucleus  Measure flow velocities Study the processes
controlling outgassing in the
surface layer of nucleus
Study of development of  Measure onset outgassing of Study the processes
cometary activity and the water and carbon dioxide controlling the development of
processes in the surface layer  Measure local origin of the inner coma
of the nucleus and in the inner outgassing Study the processes
 Measure gas flow velocities controlling outgassing in the
surface layer of nucleus
Origin of comets, relationship  Measure oxygen isotopes to Study the processes
between cometary and infer temperature of formation controlling outgassing in the
interstellar material, and origin  Measure outgassing as function surface of the nucleus
of Solar System of heliospheric distance Characterize the abundances
of major volatile species and
key isotopes ratios in volatiles
Global characteristics of  Measure temperature Search for low levels of gas in
asteroids, dynamic properties,  Search for low levels of the asteroid environment
surface morphology, and outgassing
 Confirm state of rotation

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The MIRO experiment will acquire both high-resolution molecular line spectra in
absorption and emission, and broadband continuum emission data from which gas
abundances, velocities, temperatures, and nucleus surface and subsurface
temperatures will be derived.
The MIRO instrument is composed of a millimeter wave mixer receiver operating
with a center-band frequency of 188 GHz, and a submillimeter heterodyne
receiver operating with a center-band frequency of 562 GHz. The two receivers
are fixed tuned. The submillimeter wave receiver provides both broadband
continuum and high-resolution spectroscopic data, whereas the millimeter wave
receiver provides continuum data only.
The submillimeter wave spectroscopic frequencies allow simultaneous
observations of six molecules, chosen to achieve four (1, 2, 3, and 5) of the five
MIRO objectives. The six molecules pre-selected are known constituents of
comets. The submillimeter wave lines observed include the ground-state
rotational transition of water 1(10)-1(01) at 557 GHz, the corresponding lines of
two oxygen isotopes of water, and the 572 GHz ground state rotational line of
ammonia J(1-0). Since these lines are ground-state transitions (i.e., between the
lowest rotational levels of these molecules), they are expected to be the strongest
in cometary conditions. The submillimeter spectrometer can also observe the CO
J(5-4) line, and three methanol lines.
The millimeter and submillimeter wavelength continuum channels address the
MIRO objective number 4. Using the continuum channels, MIRO will sense the
subsurface temperature of the nucleus to depths of several centimeters or more.
Model studies will relate these measurements to electrical and thermal properties
of the nucleus and address issues connected to the sublimation of ices, ice and
dust mantle thickness, and the formation of gas and dust jets.


1. Intensity Calibrated Continuum Data at 188 GHz;
2. Intensity Calibrated Continuum Data at 562 GHz;
3. Intensity and Frequency Calibrated Spectral Line Data at 562 GHz;
4. Average brightness temperatures of two asteroids at two frequencies;
5. Brightness temperature (partial) maps of comet nucleus at two frequencies;
6. Brightness temperature versus solar phase observations of the comet nucleus
at two frequencies;
7. Calculated abundances for all observed molecules as a function of time and
spatial position;
8. Measured Doppler velocities for all observed molecules as function of time
and spatial position; and
9. Calculated temperature of the coma from methanol spectral line data.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The MIRO instrument provides both very sensitive continuum capability for
temperature determination and very high-resolution spectroscopy for observation
of molecular species. The instrument consists of two heterodyne radiometers, one
at millimeter wavelengths (1.3 mm) and one at submillimeter wavelengths
(0.5 mm). The millimeter and the submillimeter radiometers have continuum
bandwidths of 0.5 GHz and 1.0 GHz, respectively. The high-resolution
submillimeter spectrometer has a total bandwidth of 180 MHz and a spectral
resolution of 44 kHz (4096 channels). Eight different RF frequency bands are
shifted into contiguous frequency bands to feed the 180-MHz spectrometer.
This allows simultaneous observations of eight molecular transitions that span a
frequency range of 31.5 GHz. Performance Characteristics

Key MIRO instrument performance characteristics are summarized in
Table 1.2-1. System Overall Configuration

A block diagram of the MIRO instrument is shown in Figure 1.2-1. An isometric
drawing of the MIRO optical bench is shown in Figure 1.2-2. The instrument is
packaged into four separate units. A description of each unit is provided below.
1. The Sensor Unit consists of the telescope, baseplate, and optical bench. The
Sensor Unit is mounted to the spacecraft skin at the baseplate. The telescope,
mounted on the baseplate, is outside the spacecraft, while the optical bench,
also mounted to the baseplate, is inside the spacecraft. The optical bench
carries the millimeter- and submillimeter-wave receiver front ends (RFEs), the
calibration mechanism, and the quasi-optics for coupling the telescope to the
The opening in the Optical Bench Plate under the Turning Mirror is where
light from the telescope first enters the optical bench. The Turning Mirror
directs the incoming light to the Diplexer. The wire grid Diplexer splits the
light from the telescope into a mm component and a smm component. The
mm component passes through the Diplexer and is directed with the mm
Matching mirror to the mm receiver front end (RFE) mixer shown on the left
of the figure. The smm component is reflected from the Diplexer toward the
smm Matching Mirror which directs the signal to the smm receiver front end
(RFE) mixer shown on the left.
2. The Sensor Backend Electronics Unit is flush mounted internal to the
spacecraft on a louvered radiator. It contains the intermediate frequency
processor, the phase-lock loop, frequency sources and power conditioning and
housekeeping electronics.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

3. The Electronics Unit is flush mounted internal to the spacecraft on a louvered

radiator. It contains the Chirp Transform Spectrometer (CTS), the instrument
computer, and the power conditioning circuits.
4. The Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO) Unit is flush mounted internal to the
spacecraft and provides the high accuracy frequency reference for the

Table 1.2-1: MIRO Instrument Performance Characteristics

Equipment Property Millimeter-Wave Submillimeter-
Telescope Primary Diameter 30 cm 30 cm
Primary F/D 1 1
Edge taper on primary > 20 dB >20db
Near Sidelobe level <–30 dB <–30 dB
Angular Resolution 23.8 ± arcmin 7.5±0.25 arcmin
Primary surface accuracy <12 microns < 12 microns
Fraction power in main beam ~ 93% ~93%
Polarization s/c x-axis s/c y-axis
Spectral RF Frequency Band 186.7–189.7 GHz 547.6–579.2 GHz
Performance IF Bandwidth 1–1.5 GHz 5.5-16.5 GHz
Spectral Resolution N/A 44 kHz
Allocated Spectral Range per line N/A ~ 20 MHz
Accuracy < 1 MHz 10 kHz
Spectrometer Center Frequency/Bandwidth 1350/180 MHz
Number of channels 4096
Radiometric DSB Receiver Noise 2000 K ~4000 K
Performance Temperature
SSB Spectroscopic Sensitivity
(300 KHz, 2 min)
relative 2 Krms
absolute 3 Krms
Continuum Sensitivity (1 sec):
relative 1 Krms 1 Krms
absolute 3 Krms 3 Krms
Data Rates Continuum Mode <1 kbps
Spectroscopic Mode 2 kbps
On-board Storage 0.2 Gb (one day’s data volume, Mode 3,
100% duty cycle, see Table 2.5-7)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 1.2-1: MIRO Instrument Block Diagram

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 1.2-2: Isometric Drawing of the MIRO optical bench.

The parabolic primary mirror has a diameter of 30 cm, providing a diffraction-
limited half-power main beamwidth of about 7.5 arc min at 560 GHz frequency
(0.535 mm wavelength) and about 23.8 arc min at 188 GHz (1.6 mm wavelength).
An offset Cassegrain design is used to minimize volume and provide very low-
level sidelobes. The end-to-end optical system is designed to minimize alignment
sensitivity to the large temperature range the telescope will experience during the
course of the mission. The Cassegrain design also reduces or eliminates multiple
reflections between the receiver input and the secondary mirror, which is a major
problem with on-axis systems.
Sets of beam wave-guiding mirrors bring the signals to the feed horns at the
receiver front ends (RFEs) on the optical bench, with a minimum amount of loss.
The illumination of the primary mirror by millimeter and submillimeter receivers
is a Gaussian pattern with >20 dB edge taper resulting in <30 dB sidelobe levels
for the primary beam patterns.
A significant advantage of the offset Cassegrain design is the absence of aperture
blockage and the resulting improvement in both aperture and beam efficiency.
The efficiency of the telescope is also a function of the mirror surface accuracy.
The surface RMS is 11 m corresponding to less than /48 at 0.535 mm.
Combining the effects of the illumination, surface error, and reflectivity losses,
the telescope has an aperture efficiency of greater than 0.7 and a main beam
efficiency of greater than 0.93 at both frequencies.
The telescope is designed to operate at temperatures between ~100 K at comet
rendezvous to temperatures near ~300 K at perihelion. To maximize performance

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

over this large temperature range, the telescope is fabricated entirely of

aluminium so that it scales with temperature to maintain a sharp focus. The beam
is nearly parallel at the telescope/optical bench interface minimising misalignment
along the optical path. Lateral misalignments are minimized by symmetrical
design in one axis and fixing the telescope mount near the beam axis through the
baseplate. Calibration Targets

Radiometric calibration of the instrument is accomplished using two calibration
targets at different temperatures. A permanent-magnet stepper motor switches the
RF input to the mm and smm receivers from the telescope to either a cold
calibration target or a warm calibration target to provide measurements of the
receiver gains. The switching is accomplished by positioning a small mirror in the
optical path of the instrument to one of three positions (sky, hot load, cold load).
In normal operation, the gain is calibrated every 30 minutes by switching between
hot load, cold load and telescope (sky) positions. Gain calibration is completed in
two minutes, allowing 28 minutes out of every 30 minutes for observations.
A fail-safe device (pin puller) has been built into the mirror actuator mechanism.
In case of a mirror actuator failure, the switching mirror can be moved out of the
optical path through the use of a built-in pin puller. In this position, the RF inputs
to the receivers arrive from the telescope. A “pulled” pin can be reinserted into
the drive mechanism if the failure can be resolved.
The two calibration targets are mounted on the MIRO instrument itself, and each
is at a different physical temperature by virtue of its location. The colder of the
two targets is mounted outside the spacecraft, exposed to space. It comes to
radiative equilibrium under the influence of sunlight, the spacecraft exterior, the
MIRO telescope, cold space, and nearby objects such as the comet itself. The
second target (warm) is mounted inside the spacecraft close to the optical bench.
The warm calibration target contains an on-off heater that can be used to increase
its temperature above the optical bench temperature. Neither target is temperature
controlled, however redundant thermistor sensors provide accurate measurements
of the target temperatures.
The calibration targets are constructed from aluminium, machined on one side to
form a series of regularly spaced pyramids. The pyramids are coated with an
absorber coating material to provide an emissivity greater than 0.99 in both the
mm and smm bands.
During spectroscopic observations, the submillimeter wave receiver is operated in
a “frequency switched” mode to eliminate residual baseline ripple. For half the
integration time, the signal frequency is shifted 5 MHz above the nominal
frequency, while the other half of the time it will be shifted 5 MHz below. The
frequency is switched every five seconds. The on-board computer subtracts the
spectra obtained during alternating switch cycles and reports the difference. In
normal operation, the difference spectra contains data from three full switch
cycles, corresponding to 30 seconds of data. (Interleaving the frequency settings

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

for total integrations longer than 10 seconds helps compensate for systematic
drifts during the integration period.) Millimeter-Wave Heterodyne Receiver

The millimeter-wave receiver is a total power, single channel, continuum
radiometer. Its operating wavelength is near 1.6-mm. A block diagram of the
system is shown in Figure 1.2-3.
The 1.6-mm wave signal is down-converted by mixing with a local oscillator
(LO) signal at half its frequency in the subharmonic mixer. The resulting
intermediate frequency (IF) is filtered and then detected for the total power
continuum channel in the Intermediate Frequency Processor (IFP).

Figure 1.2-3: Schematic Diagram of the Millimeter-wave Receiver Front End Submillimeter-Wave Heterodyne Receiver

The submillimeter-wave receiver operates both as a single broadband radiometer
for continuum measurements, and as a spectroscopic receiver. The receiver is
fixed tuned to observe three isotopes of water, (H216O, H217O and H218O), three
methanol lines (CH3OH), ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO). A block
diagram of the submillimeter wave RFE is shown in Figure 1.2-4. A block
diagram of the Intermediate Frequency Processor (IFP) is shown in Figure 1.2-5
and Table 1.2-2 lists the observed lines along with the various frequencies
associated with the IFP.
The 0.5-mm wave signal is down-converted to a first IF band of 5.5 to 16.5 GHz.
A divider separates out the continuum band while the spectroscopic signal is
further down-converted for input to the spectrometer. Table 1.2-2 summarizes the

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

down-converted frequencies for each spectral line of the down-converted

spectrum for input into the spectrometer. The LOs are used multiple times to save
power. Nominally, 20-MHz wide filters are used in the IFP before input to the
spectrometer to eliminate excess noise. The bandwidth of the spectral line
receiver will allow observations over Doppler shifts of  5.4 km/sec or  8 km/sec
with frequency switching. This will allow short spectral observations of the
asteroids near closest approach, and measurements of low-velocity molecular

Figure 1.2-4: Schematic Diagram of the Submillimeter-wave Receiver

Front End. The sub-harmonic mixer doubles the input LO frequency
(shown as 282 GHz) so sky frequencies are effectively mixed with an LO at
562.813 GHz (see Table 9.4-2 and Section


Figure 1.2-5: Schematic Diagram of the Submillimeter-wave Receiver

Intermediate Frequency Processor
Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030

Date: 31 August 2018

Rev: 0
Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 1.2-2: IF Frequencies for the Submillimeter-wave Receiver.

Mixer numbers refer to numbers given in Figure 1.2-5
IF 1 IF 2 IF 3 IF 4 IF 5 IF 6 IF 7 IF 8 IF 9
Lines RF (MHz) M1 out M2 out M3 out M4 out M5 out M6 out M7 out M3 out to CTS
() 22182 7728 7728 7147 2182 7147 22182 7728
H218O 547677 15136 - - - - 7989 5807 1340 - 1340
H217O 552021 10792 6428 - - 1300 - - - - 1300
CH3OH 553146 9667 14031 6303 1425 - - - - - 1425
H216O 556936 5877 - - - 1270 - - - - 1270
CH3OH 568566 5753 1389 - - - - - - - 1389
NH3 572498 9685 14049 6321 1407 - - - - - 1407
CO 576268 13455 9091 1363 - - - - - - 1363
CH3OH 579151 16338 - - - 9191 - 2044 6408 1320 1320 Spectrometer Assembly

The spectrometer is connected to the output of the Intermediate Frequency
Processor (IFP) which down-converts only the parts of the submillimeter-wave
receiver’s first IF that are necessary. The spectrometer’s function is to perform
real-time spectral analysis of the down-converted submillimeter-wave signals.
The spectrometer output is a digitized power spectrum supplied to the Command
and Data Handling System.
The spectrometer is a Chirp Transform Spectrometer having 4096 channels, each
channel having a resolution of 44 kHz. The high spectral resolution is needed to
observe thermally broadened spectral lines in the comet coma.
Figure 1.2-6 shows the configuration used for the MIRO experiment. In the
expander unit a chirp is generated by impulsing a reflective array compressor
(RAC) filter with 450-MHz center frequency, 180-MHz bandwidth, and
20-microsecond dispersion time. The amplified chirp is dispersed by a second
RAC of the same type, again amplified and finally frequency doubled. The output
signal of the expander unit is a chirp centered around 900 MHz with 360-MHz
bandwidth and 40-microsecond dispersion time. The sync delay between the two
expander subunits is about 20 microseconds. The compressor unit has an input
frequency of 1350 MHz with a bandwidth of 180 MHz (the input bandwidth of
the CTS). The input signal is multiplied by the expander output signal. The
resulting 450-MHz difference frequency signal is filtered by another RAC of the
same type as used in the expander unit, since a chirp slope inversion took place
due to mixing into the lower sideband. The output of the compressor subunit is
combined in a commutator, and split into real and imaginary parts. Subsequently
the baseband signal is digitized by two eight-bit analog-to-digital converters.
Within a 20-microsecond interval, 4096 digitized channels are distributed into an
acquisition memory. The next spectrum is available after the next transform
interval and added channelwise to the former one. The memory read out interval
is programmable between about 1 s and 5 s.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 1.2-6: Chirp Transform Spectrometer Configuration Flight Computer

The flight computer for MIRO is a radiation hardened Reduced Instruction Set
Computer (RISC) System/6000 (also referred to as RS/6000) which was used on
the Mars Pathfinder and Mars Surveyor Projects. The design of this computer is
based on the Rios Single Chip (RSC) RISC microprocessor with implementation
of the VMEbus and RS232 interfaces and it provides up to 128 Mbytes of local
memory (RAM). The processor is a single chip implementation of the IBM Model
220 workstation and it is considered to be in the POWER PC architecture family.
In the MIRO application, the RS/6000 computer is operated at a divided down
clock speed of 2.5 MHz to reduce power. This was accomplished by replacing the
normal 40-MHz oscillator in the MIRO RS/6000 with a 20-MHz oscillator Command and Data Handling System

The Command and Data Handling (C&DH) system consists of all the electronics
that control the operation of the instrument and communicates to the spacecraft
via a serial port. The C&DH consists of the computer, flight software, engineering
data electronics (EDE), and power supply. The computer receives, processes,
verifies, and executes all commands that control the operation of the instrument
via the flight software. The C&DH directs the acquisition of science and
housekeeping telemetry and formats the data in the appropriate packets. The EDE
monitors selected temperature, voltage, and current levels within the instrument.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Power Handling and Distribution

The 28-Vdc input from the spacecraft is converted into the various voltages
needed by the instrument and distributed to the assemblies in the Electronics Unit
and separately in the Sensor Back End Unit.


The onboard MIRO flight software controls the MIRO Instrument hardware. The
software consists of a start-up routine followed by a generic executive. The
executive activates Command and Data Handler, Data Collection and Transfer,
Sequencing, Calibration, and Background Processor and these modules execute
the appropriate routines for each required function.
The science data including calibration measurements are packetized and stored in
a standard format. Housekeeping data including instrument health data
(temperatures, currents, and voltages), mode of operation and science data are
stored and reported in the telemetry packets (CCSDS format as described in the
ESA Telemetry Standard).
A more complete description of the MIRO software can be found in Section 2.4.


The WindRiver Tornado VxWorks kernel system for the RS/6000 was used for
flight software development. The VxWorks Real-Time Operating System
includes multitasking preemptive priority scheduling, intertask synchronization
and communications facility, interrupt handling support, and memory
management. The host machine for the flight software development was a Sun
Ultra-10 Workstation, running UNIX (Solaris OS v2.5.1).


MIRO is configured to have seven primary operational modes. Each mode
provides a different capability, and has a different power consumption (see
Section 6 for a detailed description of each mode). The engineering mode
(1 mode) provides a low-power mode to obtain housekeeping measurements only.
Single- and dual-receiver continuum modes (three modes) are available to obtain
the radiometric brightness within the MIRO field-of-view from the millimeter and
submillimeter channels. These modes are useful for the investigation of the
properties of surfaces such as those of the asteroids and comet nucleus. There are
two spectroscopic modes (two modes). One provides both smm and mm
continuum (CTS/dual continuum) as well as the smm spectroscopic channels. The
second provides the smm continuum channel, and the smm spectroscopic
channels (CTS/smm). These spectroscopic modes allow a sensitive detection of
specific gases generated by the comet nucleus (and possibly the asteroids as well).
A single mode, called the Asteroid mode (one mode), is designed for the two
asteroid encounters. In this mode, the receiver is configured in the CTS/Dual
Continuum mode. The data rate and setting of the first local oscillator are
modified for the Asteroid mode.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

In the comet rendezvous stage of the mission, it is envisaged that MIRO will
initially be turned on in a continuum mode to detect and measure the continuum
emission from the nucleus. During the cometary and targeted mapping phases, a
majority of the viewing will be in the one or two receiver/spectrometer modes to
study outgassing processes, bulk composition, and coma formation. These phases
will provide the highest spatial resolution for studying the nucleus. If limb
sounding is feasible, it would enhance the minimum detectability of species, and
allow greater resolution of the coma.
Following the mapping phase, MIRO plans to operate in the CTS/Dual
Continuum mode. During this phase, both nucleus and coma studies will be

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ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

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Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

MIRO consists of four distinct physical units and an interconnecting harness. The
electronics unit configuration is shown in Figure 2.1-1, the sensor unit
configuration is shown in Figure 2.1-2, the sensor backend electronics unit is
shown in Figure 2.1-3, and the ultra stable oscillator is shown in Figure 2.1-4.
The electronics unit consists of four assemblies bolted together into a single unit.
The four assemblies include the spectrometer analog assembly, the spectrometer
digital assembly, the data handling assembly and the command and power
assembly. The electronics unit attaches to the spacecraft payload panel by eight
M5 screws. It is mechanically separated from the sensor backend electronics unit
and can be up to two meters in distance away from it.

Figure 2.1-1: Electronics Unit

The sensor unit includes the following three major assemblies: telescope,
baseplate, and the optical bench. It is mounted on the Rosetta payload (+Z) panel
using the baseplate. The baseplate is a 40525025 mm machined aluminium
panel with structural ribs with a total thickness of 25 mm. It is accommodated by
top-mounting over a slighter smaller cut-out in the spacecraft payload panel. It is
attached to the spacecraft payload panel by 10 M5 screws, making it thermally
coupled to the payload panel, and hence collectively controlled. A 50 mm hole
through the baseplate allows the RF signal from the telescope to pass through the
baseplate to the optical bench.

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ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 2.1-2: Sensor Unit

The telescope, consisting of a primary reflector, a secondary reflector and

interconnecting structure, is constructed entirely from aluminium. It is attached to
the outside of the baseplate by a thin-wall epoxy-glass cylinder, making it
thermally isolated from the spacecraft. Also attached to the outside of the
baseplate is the calibration cold target, which is isolated from the baseplate by a
thin-wall cynate ester cylinder.
The optical bench is attached to the baseplate side that is internal to the
spacecraft. The attachment is through a kinematic mount making it thermally
isolated from the baseplate. A radiator is mounted to the optical bench to remove
the power dissipated on the bench. It attaches to the bench with eight M4 screws
and is detachable during installation of the sensor unit. The calibration hot target
is also attached to the baseplate internal to the spacecraft. Mounted on the optical
bench are all the elements requiring optical alignment—the mirrors, calibration
switch, polarization splitting diplexer, millimeter-wave receiver front-end and
submillimeter-wave receiver front-end.
The sensor backend electronics unit consists of three assemblies bolted together:
the power and housekeeping assembly, the intermediate frequency processor
assembly and the phase-lock loop assembly. It also has three frequency

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

synthesizer assemblies mounted to the exterior surface of the phase-lock loop

assembly. The sensor backend electronics unit attaches to the spacecraft payload
panel by six M5 screws.

Figure 2.1-3: Sensor Backend Electronics Unit

The ultra-stable oscillator unit is attached to the spacecraft payload panel by four
M4 screws. It is mechanically separate from but connected by harness to the
sensor unit and the electronics unit. The ultra-stable oscillator can be up to two
meters away from the sensor unit and up to two meters away from the electronics

Figure 2.1-4: Ultra Stable Oscillator

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The only mechanism in the instrument is the calibration switch mechanism that
switches the input to the front-ends from the telescope to either the cold
calibration target or the hot calibration target. The configuration is shown in
Figure 2.2-1. The actuator is a permanent-magnet stepper motor with a planetary
geartrain. It is stepped at 27 pulses per second to drive the mirror at 0.27 degrees
per second. Positive mirror positioning is determined by means of LED-
photodiode pairs for each of the three positions. Soft and hard stops at the ends of
travel, combined with the counter weighting, preclude a launch latch. The
permanent magnet provides passive holding of position with the power off. A fail-
safe device insures that the mirror can be positioned in the telescope position to
receive science data if the actuator fails. The fail-safe is a thermally controlled
shape memory metal pinpuller coupling between the actuator and the mirror. If
needed, current is supplied to the pinpuller, retracting a retention pin. A spring
returns the mirror to the telescope position. The mirror and the pinpuller are
individually counter-weighted to reduce torque to the motor during ground-testing
and launch.
The mechanism has been fully tested functionally and environmentally, and a
qualification model has been life-tested to a number of cycles which exceed the
requirement specified in EID-A (four times ground operational cycles plus
two times orbit predicted cycles). All design features are previously used in flight
experiments, or have gone through extensive testing for existing space programs.
Most of the mechanism is aluminium structure with Vespel bushings. However,
the motor, geartrain, fail-safe device, and sensors contain a variety of materials.
Of interest to the spacecraft are the magnets and lubricant of the actuator. Similar
stepper motors have been characterized and found to be well within the spacecraft
magnetic field requirement, even without shielding. The motor lubricant is a
highly refined low-vapor pressure oil, which has been used inside sensitive optical
instruments. The shape memory metal alloy used in the pinpuller device was
originally developed for the Wide Field Planetary Camera II Project and has gone
through extensive breadboard testing.
By virtue of the counterweight to make ground testing of the mechanism possible,
the low duty cycle to prevent overheating, the optical bench cover for protection
and the small inertia/low speed of the moving mass, the mechanism is not
expected to offer any constraints on the spacecraft.
The mechanism operates approximately half a minute each 30 minutes during
observations. For an 18-month escort mission, this is 0.3 months of operation.

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Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 2.2-1: Calibration Switch Mechanism

2.3.1 POWER INTERFACE General Interface Description

The spacecraft power subsystem provides to MIRO:
 Electrical power from a voltage-regulated DC main bus.
 Protected distribution and switching of power.

Table 2.3-1: Power Supply Interface

Number of Number of
Function LCL Class
Main Lines Redundant Lines
+28 V Main Bus
MIRO Experiment Supply 1 1
(109 W / 4.0 A trip-off limit)
(Switched and Current Limited)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Power Distribution Block Diagram and Redundancy

The power routing within MIRO is shown in Figure 2.3-1. The 28 V Main and
Redundant lines supply the power to the MIRO’s Electronics Unit. The selected
28 V power line is filtered and sent to the Sensor Backend Electronics Unit, and
the secondary supplies of the Electronics Unit. Secondary power to the Chirp
Transform Spectrometer (CTS) and the Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) is switched
by control of MIRO’s computer.
Figure 2.3-2 shows how the secondary power is switched by MIRO’s computer
for the Millimeter and Submillimeter receivers for the various operating modes.

Figure 2.3-1: Power Distribution Block Diagram (Electronics Unit)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 2.3-2: Power Distribution Block Diagram

(Sensor Backend Electronics Unit)

The MIRO software architecture is designed to be compliant with the ESA EID-A
while at the same time also fulfilling the science functional requirements. The
EID-A primarily defines the MIRO software interface to the spacecraft. The
Flight Software Requirement Document, RO-MIR-RS-0005 provides a complete
description of the MIRO flight software originally delivered to ESA and executed
in the FM. Subsequent patches to the software are not contained in this document.
The primary data and control flows are shown in Figure 2.4-1. A collection of
chirp transform spectrometer (CTS) data, millimeter continuum data, and
submillimeter continuum data constitute the primary task of the MIRO software.
The MIRO software architecture has been designed to maximize the collected
amount of science data over time. Many different operating submodes have been
defined to reduce the amount of data returned, to allow for operation during
mission phases when other Rosetta instruments are competing for downlink
bandwidth. The collected science data is then packetized as per the EID-A TM
definition and transferred to the Rosetta spacecraft.

There is no internal sequence machine resident within the MIRO flight software.
It is simply command driven, and takes limited action on its own. All commands
will be issued to the MIRO software via either on-board control procedures

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

(OBCPs) executed by the Rosetta spacecraft computer or as nominal mission

timeline (MTL) commands. OBCPs are used where closed loop control is
required over the MIRO software by the spacecraft computer. Closed-loop control
is where the DMS would monitor telemetry generated by the MIRO software and
alter the commands being sent based on that telemetry. The nominal MTL
commands are used for open-loop commanding where the spacecraft issues
MIRO a command and does not perform any processing of MIRO-generated
telemetry. Most of the MIRO commanding will be via the MTL. Exceptions to
this will include startup and shutdown OBCPs.
The MIRO OBCPs and nominal MTL commands will be uplinked to the
spacecraft as required to support operations during the various phases of the
mission. The MIRO S/W will not be altering the contents of its EEPROM resident
data. Most operating parameters will be given default values that can be
overridden by uplinked telecommand. It is envisioned that during the course of
the mission, a small list of parameter changes, software patches, etc., will be sent
to the MIRO software each time it is restarted via the startup OBCP. The software
design has been structured to support this operations concept. Any MIRO
information that needs to be monitored and/or acted upon by the DMS will be
defined in the EID-B.

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Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 2.4-1: MIRO Software Data Flow and Control Diagram

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The primary definitions of the interfaces between the MIRO software and the
associated MIRO hardware are described in the individual MIRO hardware ICDs.
This section will define the software interface to the hardware as viewed from a
software development perspective. Most of the information contained in this
section is the result of conversations with the various hardware PEMs. See
Figure 2.4-2 for an overview of the MIRO hardware.


The interface to the CTS is via a bi-directional port. It is a 32-bit interface, which
is both read from and written to. Access to this interface is via the VME bus. The
software that executes to read from or write to the CTS is simply a read or write
from a specific memory address. The CTS is an intelligent hardware device that is
programmed by the MIRO software to integrate for a specific period of time.
MIRO is using a programmable duration (approximately 4.95 seconds) for all
spectrometer scans. When the CTS has completed each scan, an interrupt is
generated and sent to the MIRO software.
A signal called “busy” is generated by the CTS while it is performing each scan.
In the case of an internal CTS error or an SEU event that disables the CTS, the
busy line will remain high. The busy line remaining high after the CTS scan
should have completed will be the triggering event for determining that the CTS
has failed. It is not known whether the CTS will generate an interrupt or not
during these two failure modes. Therefore, only the busy line is being used as the
failure indicator. SEU processing within the CTS is enabled by a special
command sent to the CTS every time it is powered on. The nominal powering on
sequence for the CTS will contain an “SEU Enable” command as the last action.
The CTS contains four internal sum of squares (SOS) tables which are 256256
16-bit values. Prior to operation the SOS tables need to be loaded with data. The
process of determining what values to load into the SOS tables prior to nominal
data collection is called the CTS internal table calibration process. The table
calibration of the SOS table requires about 45 seconds to complete. It will be
recalculated each time the CTS is powered on, and also periodically during
nominal operation via ground TC.
The MIRO software can also control the CTS internal heater temperature and
power consumption. These are also implemented as a ground TC sent to the
MIRO software, which is then sent to the CTS hardware.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
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Date: 31 August 2018

Figure 2.4-2: MIRO Hardware Data and Control Flow

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 PLL, LO, and IFP Control

There is additional hardware that feeds the RF signal into the CTS after
performing some pre-processing of the signal. The Sensor Unit Control Register
(SUCR) is the means by which the other hardware is controlled.
There are 4 bits in the SUCR called IFP Power Control. These bits do not control
power but control the gain of the RF data going into the CTS instrument. This is a
very coarse control. The setting of these bits will be via a ground TC. Default
values will exist in the software.
There is a bit in the SUCR for LO frequency control. This is used to switch the
LO between the two possible settings. The LO is switched before each CTS scan
is started, except when running is Asteroid Mode or raw data mode. There are
four corresponding bits (phase-lock alarms) in the Sensor Unit Status Register
(SUSR) showing when the set frequencies have stabilized following an LO
switch. See the hardware ICD for a description of whether a 0 or 1 indicates that
the frequency output is not stable. The four alarms will need to be polled
following the changing of the LO frequency to confirm that the new frequencies
are locked in. The alarms will be polled during the scan at a 20-Hz rate,
coinciding with continuum data collection. Any alarms that have changed will be
reported back in the CTS telemetry.
When the CTS is not powered, the LO frequency cannot be controlled. The
frequency changes will need to be skipped when running in a power configuration
where the CTS is not turned on.
There is a bit in the SUCR called load_freq that gets set to load the three
frequency synthesizer chips. A set of three fixed 19-bit values are then loaded by
the FPGA hardware into the frequency synthesizers. The software will reload
these every 30 minutes before performing the instrument calibration. This should
happen after the CTS is powered on and warmed up.


The exact bit level definitions of all the registers discussed below can be found in
the H/W ICDs. The following paragraph is supplied to familiarize the reader with
the basic H/W involved in obtaining the data.
The I/F to the sensor backend electronics unit (SBEU) is via the 32-bit
(SUCR). The software loads 16 bits at a time. All 32 bits are processed each
time. The data from the SU is returned in the SUSR (64 bits). A software
query initiates the data return. The contents of the SUSR include millimeter
data (16 bits), submillimeter data (16 bits), SU and EU A/D data (12 bits) and
various other data. Sensor unit A/D conversions require a small delay in order
to return valid conversions. This delay is built into the software. The EU A/D
conversions require no delay. A bit in the main control register (MCR) is used
to set the millimeter and/or submillimeter sampling rate of 50 milliseconds.
A 100-msec sampling rate is available in the hardware. However, the MIRO
FSW is not designed to use this rate. When continuum data is ready, the H/W
generates an interrupt that requires processing by the software.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

There are three sets of 4 bits used to control voltage or bias settings for the mm
and smm receivers. These will be set to an optimum value prior to launch and the
S/W will have the capability to change them in flight. This will be via ground TC.


The I/F to the electronics unit (EU) consists of a 16-bit Electronics Unit Control
Register (EUCR) and a corresponding 16-bit Electronics Unit Status Register
(EUSR). The A/D data is collected from either the SUSR or EUSR depending on
where the channel being sampled is located. The SU provides 32 channels of
engineering data and the EU provides 24. All measurements are 12 bits. A bit in
the MCR is then toggled to start the conversion running. The SUSR and EUSR
each contain an end of conversion bit (EOC) indicating when a specific A/D
conversion is complete. Polling of this bit would normally be required as there is
no interrupt associated with the EOC. For the FM delivery the software will
include built in delays to allow the conversions time to complete. The qqq
milliseconds of delay that occur during the conversion process have no impact on
the running code as the conversions are 200 milliseconds apart and the previous
conversion completes before the next one is started.
The FM approach for performing an A/D conversion is as follows (assuming SU
1. Write the S/U channel number to the SUCR mux.
2. Clock it out to the H/W.
3. Write channel number 0 into the EUCR mux.
4. Clock it out to the H/W.
5. Delay 16–32 milliseconds.
6. Toggle the start S/U convert bit in the MCR.
7. Toggle the start E/U convert bit in the MCR.
8. Wait 16–32 milliseconds to allow the conversions to complete.
9. Set the SU status retrieve bit in the MCR.
10. Wait 16–32 milliseconds.
11. Read the converted S/U value out of the SUSR.
It should be noted that the S/U and E/U engineering conversion routines contain
dummy conversions for the opposite interface. This addition was made because
S/U conversions cause power fluctuations due to sharing a common power supply
with other electronics. These power fluctuations alter the continuum data enough
to be detected by ground-processing software. The “skip engineering cycles” TC
was added to allow for even further reductions of this noise.


The MIRO software has access to a total of 14 separate power switches. Some of
these switches turn on and off multiple components. In some cases (i.e., CTS),
multiple switches are required to turn on a single component.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The first eight of these are via bits in the SUCR. The other six are via bits in the
electronics mux register (EMUX).
1. Millimeter continuum (multiple components), two switches
2. Submillimeter continuum (multiple components), two switches
3. Spectral data (multiple components), two switches
4. Pin-Puller power
5. Mirror motor power
6. Ultra Stable Oscillator power
7. CTS
a. +5 Volts
b. +3.3 Volts
c. +5 Volts analog
d. ±12 Volts
8. Hot target power
The spectral data power is needed along with all the CTS power for any CTS
operation. The spectral data power should be powered on after the CTS power.
The USO is only needed for CTS operation, and it is automatically turned on
every time the CTS is powered on. There is also a ground-command to separately
turn the USO on and off. The USO may be turned on well in advance of the CTS
to allow for additional warm-up beyond what is required for just the CTS. HK
telemetry packets will be generated during the warming up process so the warm-
up process can be monitored. The intent is to keep MIRO in the engineering mode
until all the desired warm-up temperatures have been reached. The three sets of
4 voltage bias bits in the SUCR should be set prior to powering the associated
(mm or smm) electronics on. The multiplier power is on all the time so that is not
applicable to the setting of its 4 bits. A very short warm-up time is required for
the mm and smm electronics. Data will be taken from these immediately after
powering on.
Overall power control is via a combination of ground-command and internal
control. Mode switching will cause a pre-defined set of power control actions to
occur prior to entering the new mode. Ground-commands are used primarily to
fine tune such things as IFP power control and SMM multiplier bias. No “sanity
checking” will be performed by the onboard software with respect to processing
the ground TCs. The ground-operations personnel will be responsible for
verifying that the commands sent to the instrument are correct and coherent.
There are eight temperature-set points and three power-level settings within the
CTS. One of the three power settings is an off setting. There will be a new control
for “Pulse Position”. This may need to vary based on the temperature level. The
FM software will process the ground-command for the pulse position to change
the pulse position.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


As part of the MIRO instrument calibration process, the viewing target is changed
from space to a hot target followed by a cold target. Data is collected while
pointing at each of these targets. There are three mirror positions: 1=space, 2=hot,
3=cold. The SUCR has two associated bits: mirror power control on/off and
mirror direction forward/backward. There is another word where the number of
mirror steps is loaded to cause the mirror to move. The mirror power bit should be
set first, prior to loading the step-word, because loading the step-word starts the
countdown whether it is powered or not.
The mirror moves at 100 pulses per second and each pulse/step moves the mirror
0.27 degrees. Position 2 is 48.6 degrees from position 1, which is 180 steps
requiring 1.44 seconds. Position 3 is 22.95 degrees from position 2, which is
85 steps requiring 0.68 seconds. There is a hard stop in both directions between
positions 1 and 3. To go back to position 1 from position 3 requires changing the
mirror direction to backward and going 180+85 steps = 265 total steps requiring
2.12 seconds.
The feedback to the S/W is 3 bits in the SUSR called mirror position. These will
be set by the mirror electronics when the mirror is in the required position. All
movements between two positions are accomplished via an initial gross
movement followed by a series of single steps until the mirror position sensor
indicates that the final position has been achieved.
All other data rate calculations in this document and appendices assume that the
three mirror-movements will require 5 seconds total time. The estimated
movement time totals 4.24 seconds and the remainder allows for additional
processing overhead.


There is a bit in the SUCR called the pin-puller bit. This activates the pin-puller
mechanism. This is a fault recovery mechanism if the mirror is not responding as
it should. Activation of the pin-puller will allow the mirror to move to position 1
automatically. The S/W will then move the motor enough steps, in reverse, to get
back to position 1 from where ever it was. Backing up into the stop does not cause
any wear and tear. At position 1, the pin-puller will automatically reinsert itself
where it belongs. Mirror operation should be back to normal at this point. The
S/W will generate an alarm if a pin pull is required and another confirming that it
worked or didn’t. An automated response has been built into the code to address
cases where the use of the pin-puller mechanism is required. See fault protection
section below.


The inbound FIFO is 512 words (1024 bytes). It is accessed by reading a 16-bit
integer value from a memory location that is mapped, via vxworks, to the VME
bus. There are status flags associated with the FIFO hardware that are accessible
to the software. They are empty, half-full, and full. The hardware keeps track of

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

the read pointer. The software only needs to read from the required memory
location to transfer data out of the FIFO. Polling of the status flags are required as
the FIFO generates no interrupts to the software.


The outbound FIFO is sized to be 4096 words (8192 bytes). It is accessed by
writing a 16-bit integer value to a memory location that is mapped, via vxworks,
to the VME bus. There are flags associated with the FIFO hardware that are
accessible to the software. They are empty, half-full, full, ¼ full and ¾ full. The
hardware keeps track of the write pointer. The software only needs to write to the
required memory location to transfer data into the FIFO. If the FIFO is read after
being reset it will output a 16-bit word containing zero. The initial plan was to use
this feature of the FIFO hardware to indicate to the S/C that we had no data to
send. If the S/C reads a zero, it will indicate that we have no data to send. This
proved to not be a robust enough design. See the description of the Outbound Fifo
Manager Task for further details.
The software is able to transfer data into the FIFO over the VME bus about 4
faster than the spacecraft is capable of reading the FIFO. In spite of this, a race
condition was detected during as mentioned above.


The EU hardware handles all buffering of interrupts such that the software only
needs to address the processing of one interrupt at a time.
There are only three interrupts that the FSW will receive:
1. Time Synchronization
2. CTS
3. Continuum
Time Synchronization: This will occur every 8 seconds. If a new spacecraft TC
packet has been received since the prior interrupt, the time value contained in the
packet will be stored as our current spacecraft time.
CTS: This interrupt occurs when the spectrometer has finished collecting data for
the programmed interval. This will be approximately every 5 seconds. Upon
receipt of this interrupt the FSW will proceed to read the 16384 bytes of data out
of the spectrometer. Since the readout requires 0.127 seconds, care must be taken
so that other higher priority processing can interrupt this if required.
Continuum: The last interrupt that will be generated is for the continuum data.
This interrupt will occur every 50 milliseconds. The FSW will need to read the
collected data out and restart the continuum data collection.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


2.5.1 MASS
The measured mass of the MIRO instrument, in kilograms, is provided in Table

Table 2.5-1: Measured Mass of the MIRO Instrument in Kilograms

Unit Sub-unit Sub-unit mass (kg) Unit Mass (kg)
SU 6.7
Telescope 2.1
Baseplate 1.8
Optical Bench 2.8
SBEU 5.78
USO 1.12
EU 6.27
Wiring Harness 0.45
Total Mass 20.32
SU=Sensor Unit; SBEU=Sensor Backend Electronics Unit; USO = Ultra Stable Oscillator Unit;
EU=Electronics Unit). This table does not include mass of multi-layer insulation (MLI).


The MIRO instrument has six (6) primary power modes. Listed from lowest to
highest power, they are (the numbering indicates the designation of each mode as
reported in the “power” telmetered parameter):
6. Engineering Mode
5. Millimeter Continuum Mode (MMC)
4. Submillimeter Continuum Mode (SMMC)
3. Dual Continuum Mode (DualC)
2. Submillimeter Spectroscopic Mode (CTSSM)
1. Spectroscopic, Dual Continuum (CTSDC)
In addition, Asteroid Mode is an operational mode whose power-level is
consistent with Mode #1, but which generates significantly more data (see Section
Table 2.5-2 provides a detailed breakdown of power for the seven modes.
Column 1 identifies the modes for each line in the table. Columns 2–5 show the
power consumption for the calibration heater, the USO, the “Load” (described in
the note below Table 2.5-2) operating power, and the CTS warm-up, respectively.
The submillimeter and millimeter Low Noise amplifiers power consumption are
shown in Columns 6 and 7, respectively. Column 8 shows each mode’s power
consumption for normal operation (excepting Asteroid mode). The maximum and
minimum power for each mode except for Asteroid mode are shown in Columns

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

9 and 10, respectively. The negative powers shown in Columns 6 and 7 reflect the
fact that the low noise amplifiers are normally turned on when the smm and mm
receivers are turned on, however they can be powered off thereby reducing the
power. Table 2.5-3 provides additional information about each option.

Table 2.5-2: MIRO Power Consumption by Mode

(Numbers are power in Watts)
CalHtr Load
Min Max Warm-up LNA LNA
Eng 0.7 2.5 9.2 4.1 20.6 N/A N/A 18.3 18.3 48.8
MMC 0.7 2.5 9.2 4.1 20.6 N/A 1.7 27.1 20.6 52.8
SMMC 0.7 2.5 9.2 4.1 20.6 -1.7 N/A 29.3 22.8 55.0
DualC 0.7 2.5 9.2 4.1 20.6 -1.7 -1.7 36.3 28.1 62.0
SMMS 0.7 Included – N/A -1.7 N/A 65.0 62.6 76.1*
CTSDC 0.7 Included – N/A -1.7 N/A 70.4 66.3 81.5*
Ast 0.7 Included – N/A N/A N/A Depends on playback
* CTS Max includes “CTS heating” power, which refers to a short-term activity in the CTS that occurs
when it is turned on without a previous CTS Warm-up. This can be affected by using the CTS
Heater telecommand.
Load comes on automatically when USO or CalHtr is on and CTS (including CTS Warm-up) is not on.
“Normal” implies:
- CalHtr, USO and CTSWarm-up off for Eng mode;
- LNA and CalHtr on for Continuum, which therefore also has the Load on;
- LNA and CalHtr on in CTS modes.
“Min” has all options off, including LNA. However, for CTS, USO is on in “Min” as this mode cannot be
usefully run without it.
(For the CTS, “Min” also includes a drop of about 5.6W when the CTS is not integrating, which occurs
for at most 0.5 second between the 5-second CTS scans.)
“Max” for Continuum modes adds the following to “Normal”: USO (max) and CTS Warm-up, but Load
is off.
“Max” for CTS adds the following to “Normal”:
- 6.7W for USO warm-up (Max–Min), which takes about 0.4 hour.
- 4.4W for CTS heating, lasting about 1 hour; these numbers assume that the default temperature
and power level are used. If these are changed, using the CTS Heater telecommand, then the
power and duration will also change.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-3: Comments on the Power Options Shown in Table 2.5-2

Comments on
Options In Description
Table 2.5-2
USO Powered on automatically when you enter any CTS mode;
The USO can be powered on and off from all modes;
Remains on when you move from mode to mode;
The USO power is never turned off automatically;
A command to power-off the USO off is required.
mmLNA Powered on automatically when the mm receiver is powered on;
The only way to turn the LNA off (with mm on) is by direct command;
Once turned off, the LNA stays off until 1) commanded on, 2) power off/on the
instrument, or 3) a software restart is performed.
Smm LNA Powered on automatically when the smm receiver is powered on;
The only way to turn the LNA off (with smm on) is by direct command;
Once turned off, the LNA stays off until 1) commanded on, 2) power off/on the
instrument, or 3) a software restart is performed.
CTS warm-up The CTS warm-up command is only issued from Engineering, MM Continuum,
SMM Continuum, or Dual Continuum modes;
CTS heater This command is used only when the instrument is in a CTS mode
This command sets the temperature regulation point of the SAW filters; internal
clocks are not turned on until CTS mode is entered.
There is a high and low power setting which determines the rate at which the
filters are warmed; it is also possible to set the power to zero.
The CTS heater is turned on automatically when you enter any CTS mode but the
filter temperatures are set either by a global variable or by a previously set


The data rates for the MIRO instrument depend both on the instrument mode,
and on the integration time setting and the spectral resolution setting within an
individual mode. The default settings correspond to the highest time resolution
and highest spectral resolution for an individual mode. Table 2.5-4 gives the data
rates for the default settings. The rates range from 103 bps in the engineering
mode to 2517 bps in the CTS Dual Continuum mode. Data rates in the Asteroid
mode do not exceed the maximum rate of 2517 bps. The total accumulated data
volume, from launch through the near perihelion phase is estimated to be
9.213 Gbytes.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-4: Default Data Rates Including Overhead

Mode Name bps
Engineering 103
mm Continuum 460
smm Continuum 460
Dual Continuum 816
CTS/smm 2160
CTS/Dual Continuum 2517
Asteroid 2517


Depending on the parameters specified in the mode change command, the MIRO
software can generate a variety of telemetry data rates in the different power
modes. Tables 2.5-5 through 2.5-11 give the data rates possible within each mode.
Nearly all MIRO telemetry packets have been designed to be 430 bytes in size.
Collected telemetry data is then trickled out over time depending on the allowable
data rate. The rate is specified as a fixed number (maximum) of 430 byte
telemetry packets to be sent by the MIRO software to the spacecraft every
8 seconds.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-5: Engineering Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + 12.5%
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 0 0 N/A N/A 91 0 0 0 91 103 1

Table 2.5-6: MM Continuum Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 1 0 N/A N/A 91 344 0 0 435 460 1

1 2 0 N/A N/A 91 172 0 0 263 281 1
1 5 0 N/A N/A 91 69 0 0 160 174 1
1 10 0 N/A N/A 91 34 0 0 126 139 1
1 20 0 N/A N/A 91 17 0 0 109 121 1

Table 2.5-7: SMM Continuum Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 0 1 N/A N/A 91 0 344 0 435 460 1

1 0 2 N/A N/A 91 0 172 0 263 281 1
1 0 5 N/A N/A 91 0 69 0 160 174 1
1 0 10 N/A N/A 91 0 34 0 126 139 1
1 0 20 N/A N/A 91 0 17 0 109 121 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-8: Dual Continuum Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 1 1 N/A N/A 91 344 344 0 779 816 2

1 2 2 N/A N/A 91 172 172 0 435 460 1
1 5 5 N/A N/A 91 69 69 0 229 246 1
1 10 10 N/A N/A 91 34 34 0 160 174 1
1 20 20 N/A N/A 91 17 17 0 126 139 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 0 1 32 1 91 0 344 1538 1639 2075 2160 6

1 0 1 32 2 91 0 344 775 901 1336 1394 4
1 0 1 32 3 91 0 344 513 646 1082 1130 3
1 0 1 32 4 91 0 344 385 522 957 1001 3

1 0 1 64 1 91 0 344 770 895 1330 1388 4

1 0 1 64 2 91 0 344 389 526 961 1005 3
1 0 1 64 3 91 0 344 257 398 834 873 3
1 0 1 64 4 91 0 344 193 336 772 808 2

1 0 1 96 1 91 0 344 514 647 1082 1131 3

1 0 1 96 2 91 0 344 260 401 836 875 3
1 0 1 96 3 91 0 344 172 316 751 787 2
1 0 1 96 4 91 0 344 129 274 710 744 2

1 0 1 128 1 91 0 344 386 523 958 1002 3

1 0 1 128 2 91 0 344 195 338 774 810 2
1 0 1 128 3 91 0 344 129 275 710 744 2
1 0 1 128 4 91 0 344 97 243 679 712 2

1 0 2 32 1 91 0 172 1538 1639 1903 1982 5

1 0 2 32 2 91 0 172 775 901 1164 1216 3
1 0 2 32 3 91 0 172 513 646 910 952 3
1 0 2 32 4 91 0 172 385 522 785 823 2

1 0 2 64 1 91 0 172 770 895 1158 1210 3

1 0 2 64 2 91 0 172 389 526 789 826 2
1 0 2 64 3 91 0 172 257 398 662 695 2
1 0 2 64 4 91 0 172 193 336 600 630 2

1 0 2 96 1 91 0 172 514 647 910 952 3

1 0 2 96 2 91 0 172 260 401 664 697 2
1 0 2 96 3 91 0 172 172 316 579 609 2
1 0 2 96 4 91 0 172 129 274 538 566 2

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode (continued)

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 0 2 128 1 91 0 172 386 523 786 823 2

1 0 2 128 2 91 0 172 195 338 602 632 2
1 0 2 128 3 91 0 172 129 275 538 566 2
1 0 2 128 4 91 0 172 97 243 507 534 2

1 0 5 32 1 91 0 69 1538 1639 1800 1875 5

1 0 5 32 2 91 0 69 775 901 1061 1109 3
1 0 5 32 3 91 0 69 513 646 807 845 2
1 0 5 32 4 91 0 69 385 522 682 716 2

1 0 5 64 1 91 0 69 770 895 1055 1102 3

1 0 5 64 2 91 0 69 389 526 686 719 2
1 0 5 64 3 91 0 69 257 398 559 587 2
1 0 5 64 4 91 0 69 193 336 497 523 2

1 0 5 96 1 91 0 69 514 647 807 845 2

1 0 5 96 2 91 0 69 260 401 561 590 2
1 0 5 96 3 91 0 69 172 316 476 502 2
1 0 5 96 4 91 0 69 129 274 435 459 2

1 0 5 128 1 91 0 69 386 523 683 716 2

1 0 5 128 2 91 0 69 195 338 498 525 2
1 0 5 128 3 91 0 69 129 275 435 459 2
1 0 5 128 4 91 0 69 97 243 404 427 1

1 0 10 32 1 91 0 34 1538 1639 1765 1839 5

1 0 10 32 2 91 0 34 775 901 1027 1073 3
1 0 10 32 3 91 0 34 513 646 772 809 2
1 0 10 32 4 91 0 34 385 522 648 680 2

1 0 10 64 1 91 0 34 770 895 1021 1067 3

1 0 10 64 2 91 0 34 389 526 652 684 2
1 0 10 64 3 91 0 34 257 398 524 552 2
1 0 10 64 4 91 0 34 193 336 462 487 2

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-9: CTS/ SMM Continuum Mode (continued)

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 0 10 96 1 91 0 34 514 647 773 809 2

1 0 10 96 2 91 0 34 260 401 526 554 2
1 0 10 96 3 91 0 34 172 316 442 466 2
1 0 10 96 4 91 0 34 129 274 400 423 1

1 0 10 128 1 91 0 34 386 523 649 681 2

1 0 10 128 2 91 0 34 195 338 464 489 2
1 0 10 128 3 91 0 34 129 275 400 423 1
1 0 10 128 4 91 0 34 97 243 369 391 1

1 0 20 32 1 91 0 17 1538 1639 1748 1821 5

1 0 20 32 2 91 0 17 775 901 1009 1055 3
1 0 20 32 3 91 0 17 513 646 755 791 2
1 0 20 32 4 91 0 17 385 522 631 662 2

1 0 20 64 1 91 0 17 770 895 1004 1049 3

1 0 20 64 2 91 0 17 389 526 634 666 2
1 0 20 64 3 91 0 17 257 398 507 534 2
1 0 20 64 4 91 0 17 193 336 445 470 2

1 0 20 96 1 91 0 17 514 647 755 792 2

1 0 20 96 2 91 0 17 260 401 509 536 2
1 0 20 96 3 91 0 17 172 316 424 448 2
1 0 20 96 4 91 0 17 129 274 383 405 1

1 0 20 128 1 91 0 17 386 523 631 663 2

1 0 20 128 2 91 0 17 195 338 447 471 2
1 0 20 128 3 91 0 17 129 275 383 363405 1
1 0 20 128 4 91 0 17 97 243 352 373 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 1 1 32 1 91 344 344 1538 1639 2419 2517 6

1 1 1 32 2 91 344 344 775 901 1680 1751 5
1 1 1 32 3 91 344 344 513 646 1426 1487 4
1 1 1 32 4 91 344 344 385 522 1301 1358 4

1 1 1 64 1 91 344 344 770 895 1674 1745 5

1 1 1 64 2 91 344 344 389 526 1305 1362 4
1 1 1 64 3 91 344 344 257 398 1178 1230 3
1 1 1 64 4 91 344 344 193 336 1116 1165 3

1 1 1 96 1 91 344 344 514 647 1426 1487 4

1 1 1 96 2 91 344 344 260 401 1180 1232 3
1 1 1 96 3 91 344 344 172 316 1095 1144 3
1 1 1 96 4 91 344 344 129 274 1054 1101 3

1 1 1 128 1 91 344 344 386 523 1302 1359 4

1 1 1 128 2 91 344 344 195 338 1118 1167 3
1 1 1 128 3 91 344 344 129 275 1054 1101 3
1 1 1 128 4 91 344 344 97 243 1023 1069 3

1 2 2 32 1 91 172 172 1538 1639 2075 2160 6

1 2 2 32 2 91 172 172 775 901 1336 1394 4
1 2 2 32 3 91 172 172 513 646 1082 1130 3
1 2 2 32 4 91 172 172 385 522 957 1001 3

1 2 2 64 1 91 172 172 770 895 1330 1388 4

1 2 2 64 2 91 172 172 389 526 961 1005 3
1 2 2 64 3 91 172 172 257 398 834 873 3
1 2 2 64 4 91 172 172 193 336 772 808 2

1 2 2 96 1 91 172 172 514 647 1082 1131 3

1 2 2 96 2 91 172 172 260 401 836 875 3
1 2 2 96 3 91 172 172 172 316 751 787 2
1 2 2 96 4 91 172 172 129 274 710 744 2

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode (continued)

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 2 2 128 1 91 172 172 386 523 958 1002 3

1 2 2 128 2 91 172 172 195 338 774 810 2
1 2 2 128 3 91 172 172 129 275 710 744 2
1 2 2 128 4 91 172 172 97 243 679 712 2

1 5 5 32 1 91 69 69 1538 1639 1868 1946 5

1 5 5 32 2 91 69 69 775 901 1130 1180 3
1 5 5 32 3 91 69 69 513 646 875 916 3
1 5 5 32 4 91 69 69 385 522 751 787 2

1 5 5 64 1 91 69 69 770 895 1124 1174 3

1 5 5 64 2 91 69 69 389 526 755 791 2
1 5 5 64 3 91 69 69 257 398 627 659 2
1 5 5 64 4 91 69 69 193 336 565 594 2

1 5 5 96 1 91 69 69 514 647 876 916 3

1 5 5 96 2 91 69 69 260 401 630 661 2
1 5 5 96 3 91 69 69 172 316 545 573 2
1 5 5 96 4 91 69 69 129 274 503 530 2

1 5 5 128 1 91 69 69 386 523 752 788 2

1 5 5 128 2 91 69 69 195 338 567 596 2
1 5 5 128 3 91 69 69 129 275 504 530 2
1 5 5 128 4 91 69 69 97 243 472 498 2

1 10 10 32 1 91 34 34 1538 1639 1800 1875 5

1 10 10 32 2 91 34 34 775 901 1061 1109 3
1 10 10 32 3 91 34 34 513 646 807 845 2
1 10 10 32 4 91 34 34 385 522 682 716 2

1 10 10 64 1 91 34 34 770 895 1055 1102 3

1 10 10 64 2 91 34 34 389 526 686 719 2
1 10 10 64 3 91 34 34 257 398 559 587 2
1 10 10 64 4 91 34 34 193 336 497 523 2

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-10: CTS Dual Continuum Mode (continued)

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

1 10 10 96 1 91 34 34 514 647 807 845 2

1 10 10 96 2 91 34 34 260 401 561 590 2
1 10 10 96 3 91 34 34 172 316 476 502 2
1 10 10 96 4 91 34 34 129 274 435 459 2

1 10 10 128 1 91 34 34 386 523 683 716 2

1 10 10 128 2 91 34 34 195 338 498 525 2
1 10 10 128 3 91 34 34 129 275 435 459 2
1 10 10 128 4 91 34 34 97 243 404 427 1

1 20 20 32 1 91 17 17 1538 1639 1765 1839 5

1 20 20 32 2 91 17 17 775 901 1027 1073 3
1 20 20 32 3 91 17 17 513 646 772 809 2
1 20 20 32 4 91 17 17 385 522 648 680 2

1 20 20 64 1 91 17 17 770 895 1021 1067 3

1 20 20 64 2 91 17 17 389 526 652 684 2
1 20 20 64 3 91 17 17 257 398 524 552 2
1 20 20 64 4 91 17 17 193 336 462 487 2

1 20 20 96 1 91 17 17 514 647 773 809 2

1 20 20 96 2 91 17 17 260 401 526 554 2
1 20 20 96 3 91 17 17 172 316 442 466 2
1 20 20 96 4 91 17 17 129 274 400 423 1

1 20 20 128 1 91 17 17 386 523 649 681 2

1 20 20 128 2 91 17 17 195 338 464 489 2
1 20 20 128 3 91 17 17 129 275 400 423 1
1 20 20 128 4 91 17 17 97 243 369 391 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 2.5-11: Asteroid Mode

# of Summed 50-msec # of Summed 50-msec CTS CTS Overall + ESA
Housekeeping HK Rate CON/mm CON/smm CTS Rate CTS Rate Including Overall Rate
Continuum-mm Continuum-smm Integration Smoothing Packet Overhead Data Mode
On/Off (bps) Rate (bps) Rate (bps) (bps) Calibration (bps) (bps)
Integrations Integrations Time Shift (bps)

Data rates do not exceed the rate of output as when the instrument is in CTS/Dual Continuum. See

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018




2 main and 1 redundant


The MIRO instrument uses no pyrotechnic devices.


MIRO’s channel allocations are listed in Table 2.9-1.
Table 2.9-1: Experiment OBDH Interface Channels/Functions
Interface Signal Type or Function Main Redundant
Telecommand Channels Memory Load Commands 1 1
High Power On/Off Commands 0 0
Telemetry Channels 16-bit Serial Digital Channel 1 1
Fast Serial Interface (typ. Mbps) N/A N/A
Monitor Channels Spacecraft Powered Thermistors 2 1
Bi-level Channels 0 0
Analogue Channels 0 0
Timing Channels High Frequency Clock 0 0
Broadcast Pulse (TSY) 1 1
Special Synchronization Converter Synchronization Signal N/A N/A
Channels Frequency reference N/A N/A

MIRO will send telemetry source packets which consist of both Science Packets
and Science Housekeeping Packets. MIRO source packets will conform to the
ESA Packet Telemetry Standard, ref. PSS-04-106, Iss. 1.

MIRO telecommand packet will be consistent with the format as defined in the
ESA Telecommand Standard, ref. PSS-04-107, Iss. 2. Telecommand will provide
the following at a minimum: Instrument commands, memory loads and broadcast
MIRO has no requirement for discrete commands through the RTU.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The engineering and scientific bit rates are given in Volume 6, Table 6.4.3-1 of
the EID-B. The optimum bit rate is the highest bit rate and occurs for the full
calibration mode. The minimum rate occurs for the millimeter continuum mode.
There are no special requirements (high speed data transmissions for defined
There are no specific constraints or preferences for the implementation of the
Packet Telemetry, i.e., whether variable or fixed packet length per mode or
limitations on maximum packet size.
MIRO will provide a 16-bit word that indicates the length of the packets if a
packet is available or zero if no packet is ready for pickup.

2.9.5 TIMING
S/C time updates will be sent to MIRO along with the TSY pulse for
synchronizing. MIRO will use its internal clock and counters to add to the S/C
time updates. No S/C High Speed Clock is required as long as the period between
S/C updates is less than 1 hour.

The DMS is expected to monitor parameters from the housekeeping packets and
compare values to a stored table to determine anomalies. Results are stored to be
downloaded for further investigation. Telecommands and Verification

MIRO telecommands and verification is discussed in EIDB-2.8. Experiment Status and Event Reporting

MIRO experiment status and event reporting is discussed in EIDB-2.8.

MIRO’s electrical interface will be compatible with the RTI interface specified in
the Spacecraft Data Handling Interface Standard, ref. ES-PSS-47/TTC-B-01,
Iss. 1.
A Standardized Balanced Digital Link (SDBL) will be used to perform the serial
data transmission.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Telemetry
Refer to Figure 2.9-1 the implementation of Telemetry interface circuits.

Figure 2.9-1: Telemetry Interface Circuit—Data Output and Sample Input

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Telecommand
Refer to Figure 2.9-2 for the implementation of the Telecommand interface
circuits. MIRO does not require switch closure or high power on/off commanding.

Figure 2.9-2: Telecommand Interface Circuit—Data Input, Clock Input

(combined with TM) and Sample Input

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Broadcast Pulse (TSY)

Refer to Figure 2.9-3 for the implementation of the Broadcast Pulse (TSY)
interface circuit.

Figure 2.9-3: Broadcast Pulse (TSY) Circuit Interface

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Environmental and Status Monitoring

Two temperature sensors within MIRO will be monitored by the S/C. One located
near the sensor electronics and the other on the optical bench. Only the sensor on
the optical bench will have a redundant temperature sensor. Redundancy
MIRO will provide for redundancy on all signal lines to/from the OBDH. MIRO
will design its interface circuits to prevent a single failure from propagating to its
redundant interface.
MIRO is configured as non-redundant and will OR the main and redundant signal
in such a way as to enable proper operation if either signal is stuck in its high or
low state.
MIRO will provide both a main and redundant signal to the OBDH.


The following sections describe in general terms the operational interface between
payload units and the DMS. Telecommand
MIRO will receive commands sent from the ground or generated within the DMS.
MIRO will be capable of receiving the commands at 131K bits per second MIRO
will support a maximum data volume of 1024 bytes within a 0.2-second period. Telemetry
Data of different types will be collected and are as follows:
1. Housekeeping Data
MIRO science housekeeping packet will contain those channels that will indicate
the instrument’s health, provide data to determine instrument’s operating
temperatures and its operation modes. The MIRO science housekeeping packets
will contain verification of commands received.
2. Science Data
MIRO will provide both the science and science housekeeping to the S/C over a
common interface. The MIRO analogue channels will be converted to
housekeeping channel.
3. Large Data File Transfer
The DMS shall provide storage for data file to be used for MIRO program
changes. Data rate and storage required are defined in EIDB Volume 6. This is
based on MIRO operating out of RAM where initially program would be moved
from EEPROM to RAM but if program is to be changed after launch, the new
program would be uploaded to the DMS and then from the DMS to MIRO.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

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Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

MIRO has four (4) major types of operations during the Rosetta Mission:
1. Warm-up of CTS and USO
2. Functional Tests
3. In-Flight Calibration Observations
4. Primary Scientific Observations
Two parts of the MIRO instrument require a warm-up period to stabilize their
electronics for in spec performance. These are the Chirp Transform Spectrometer
(CTS), an assembly of the Electronics Unit, and the Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO)
Unit. During this warm-up period, these components require power above their
nominal operating state. To minimize the impact of this additional power need,
the instrument power switches are configured such that most other MIRO
components are off. The warm-up sequence is performed automatically at
instrument turn on and requires about 30 minutes for the CTS and at least 4 hours
for the USO. MIRO may begin operations (acquisition of data) after the CTS
warm-up with the realization that the USO may not be completely stable and
analysis will have higher error bars. Note that spectroscopic data acquired before
the CTS is fully warmed up have a high risk of being completely meaningless.


The functional tests will turn on and functionally check out the instrument after
any prolonged period during the mission in which the instrument has been turned
off. Such periods include the launch and cruise phases of the mission. These tests
consist of turning on the instrument such that all types of data are collected
(engineering, continuum and spectroscopic) and commanding several parameter
changes in order to ascertain the health and status of the instrument.


MIRO will need to perform in-flight calibrations periodically during the mission
to check the absolute frequency response. During these observations, MIRO will
point at various celestial sources, including Venus, Jupiter, Mars (at a distance)
and (Galactic) instellar molecular clouds as well as MIRO’s internal “hot” and
“cold” targets. Table 3.1-1 contains a summary of the calibration goals during the
mission and Table 3.1-2 prioritizes them. Details of the calibrations are described
in Section 3.2 of this document.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 3.1-1: MIRO Calibration/Observing Needs

Targets Calibration Attributes

Modes Used

Internal Loads

Operation Phase

(Ref: EID-B Table 6.3.1-1)



Launch phase H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Commissioning-1 [1-17] C C C - C - - C C C C C C C
Cruise phase 1 [1-6], H - - - - C - - C C - - - - C
Commissioning-2 [1-17] C C C - C - - C C C C C C C
Earth flyby 1 [1-6], [13-4] C C C - - - - C C C C C - C
Cruise phase 2 H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mars flyby [1-6], [13-4] - - - C - - - C C C C - - C
Cruise phase 3 H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earth flyby 2 [1-6], [13-4] C C C - - - - C C C C C - C
Cruise phase 4-1 H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steins flyby [1-6], [13-4] C - - - - S - C C - - - C C
Cruise phase 4-2 H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Earth flyby 3 [1-6], [13-4] C C C - - - - C C C C C - C
Cruise phase 5 H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DSHM Commissioning H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lutetia flyby [1-6], [13-4] C - - - - S - C C - - - C C
Cruise phase 6 (DSHM) H - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Comet drift phase [1-6], [13-14], [15], [16] C - - - - - S - C - - - - C
Far approach [1-6], [7-12], [13,14], [15], [16] C - - - - - S - C - - - - C
Close approach [1-6], [7-12], [13,14], [15], [16] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Transition to global mapping [1-6], [7-12], [13,14], [15], [16] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Nucleus map./close enc. [1-6], [7-12], [13,14], [15], [16] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Comet low activity phase [1-6], [7-12], [13,14] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Comet activity: moderate
[1-6], [7-12] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Comet activity: sharp increase [1-6], [7-12] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Comet activity: high activity [1-6], [7-12] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Near perihel phase [1-6] C - - - - - S - C - - - - -
Extended mission TBD - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. C (calibration) and S (science) refer to primary purpose of the observations;
2. Target sources may either be used for calibration or science; celestial sources include Venus, Jupiter, Mars (at a
distance) and (Galactic) interstellar molecular clouds

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 3.1-2: Calibration Priorities (1 = highest)

Calibration Elements Moon Earth Mars Celestial
Field of View (beam) 1 2 3 4
Radiometric (power) 1 2 3 4
Frequency (knowledge) x 2 1 3
Spectrometer (function) x 2 1 3 Radiometric
The principal radiometric calibration opportunity is the close observation of the
Moon during the Earth swing-bys. MIRO continuum maps will be compared to
detailed Moon models in order to perform the calibration. Frequency
Opportunities for frequency calibration of the CTS will occur with nearby
observations of Mars and Earth, in which several known spectral lines will be
observed with high accuracy. Field of View

Calibration of the FOV and offset of the MIRO beams requires a target that is
bright enough to give a strong signal in the continuum detectors and distant
enough to be of an angular size much less than the beamwidths. The best
candidate for this is the Earth, well away from the swing-bys.


MIRO will acquire science data during the Asteroid Flybys and during Comet
Approach, Mapping and Close Encounter, and Escort to Perihelion phases, as well
as for targets (typically comets) of opportunity. Continuum, spectroscopic, and
calibration data will be taken during these times. These primary operating modes
of MIRO are described in Section of this User Manual.
Table 3.1-1 summarizes when science observations with MIRO will occur.
Section 3.2 of this document describes in more detail the types of data acquired
during these phases.
Some special modes are described in the next section. Asteroid Mode

A special mode was designed for the asteroid encounters, in which a large
amount of spectroscopic data are acquired in a short period of time (maximum
18 minutes) and then played back during several hours after that. When using this
mode, care must be taken in the observation design to allow sufficient time after
the primary observations to play back all the data including as much of the post-
Asteroid Mode data as are desired.

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ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Note that this mode is not necessarily limited to use in asteroid encounters. It can
also be of use in any close encounter with a target.
The Asteroid Mode telecommand is described in Section of this User


The MIRO flight software is capable of being patched with updates from the
ground. This capability has been tested before launch; however, the procedure for
doing this in flight has yet to be worked out.
It should be noted that due to a bug, the Memory Checksum command in the
MIRO flight software only includes every other memory location in the
checksum, i.e., half the total memory requested. Therefore, in order to ensure that
the EEPROM has not suffered any radiation damage, it is necessary to dump the
entire area and perform the check on the ground.


The principal thermal concern is overheating of the Gunn oscillators in the mm-
wave and submm-wave heterodyne receivers mounted on the optical bench in the
Sensor Unit, which may cause degradation of the longevity of some components.
Therefore, we require that the instrument be switched off if the Optical Bench
temperature exceeds 45 degrees C.


Certain commands are designed to optimize the efficiency and stability of data
acquisition. These include the Calibration Heater command, the CTS Runtime
command, which controls the “CTS gap” and the Housekeeping Cycle Skip
command. Calibration Heater

There are two calibration loads in the MIRO instrument, one internal to the
Sensor Unit and one mounted externally under the primary mirror of the
telescope. The MIRO instrument is radiometrically calibrated by correlating its
measured response when looking at each of the calibration loads with their
physical temperature. For this calibration to be accurate, the difference in the two
loads’ temperature should be greater than 30°C. The cold load will be at the
temperature of the external environment. This is expected to become quite cold
when the Rosetta spacecraft is far from the Sun. The warm load is at the ambient
temperature inside the spacecraft maintained between −20°C and +50°C. The
purpose of the calibration heater is increase the temperature of the warm load
should the two loads be within 30°C of each other. The calibration heater
command, when turned on, supplies current to a heater on the warm calibration
load. With this current applied, the warm load heats up about 30°C above its
ambient temperature. When the calibration heater is turned off, the warm load
temperature returns to ambient.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The Calibration Heater telecommand is described in Section of this User

Manual. CTS Gap

In modes where both CTS and continuum data are being acquired, the CTS gap is
the time between the end of the readout of a given continuum packet and the start
of the next CTS scan. Reducing this gap increases the speed of data generation;
however, it must not be so small that the CTS scan and the continuum readout
overlap, as this will cause an instrument failure (power-off). The value of the gap
is reported in the Miscellaneous Science packets, and it can be changed by
varying the parameters of the CTS Runtime command, which sets the duration of
a CTS scan.
The CTS Runtime telecommand is described in Section of this User
Manual. Housekeeping Cycle Skip

The digital noise generated when reading the engineering housekeeping data
every 11 seconds can cause excess noise in the continuum data. The engineering
housekeeping cycle skip command can be used to skip this readout for a certain
period of time in order to eliminate this noise source.
The Housekeeping Cycle Skip telecommand is described in Section of this
User Manual.


The ground test plan for MIRO, both EQM and FM includes tests for electrical
and functional verification including the spacecraft interfaces and a full set of
environmental tests (vibration, shock, thermal/vacuum, and EMC). Tests that will
be performed on the flight model, which are not performed on the EQM, are
optical alignment tests and detailed calibration tests. In addition, the MIRO STM
performed qualification level vibration testing of each unit.
For functional and interface verifications (not including the detailed electrical
verification and EMC test), a set of test sequences are defined (see Attachment 4
of this document). The following tests are defined:
 Full Functional Test (FFT)
 Bench Test (BT)
 Unit Functional Test (UFT)
 Integrated System Test (IST)
 Special Performance Test (SPT)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


MIRO will initially undergo a checkout procedure during the commissioning
phase, followed by tests to establish baseline performance of the instrument.
MIRO will run through its operational modes, and will provide calibration and
housekeeping data. As an essential part of (1) the instrument pointing and
alignment, and (2) the radiometric calibration of both the millimeter and
submillimeter-wave receivers, the MIRO instrument will observe the Moon, the
Earth and Celestial sources (Venus, Jupiter, Mars, or Galactic) as available.
Observations will be required at times which are not tightly constrained (within a
10-day period TBC). Two sets of observations are desired; one set preferably
timed to be late in the commissioning period when the Earth or Moon are smaller
than the smallest MIRO beamwidth (7 arc min), and a second set when either
source is large relative to the MIRO beamwidths so that its limb may be scanned.
The Moon is a valuable source for gain calibration because it was extensively
observed by the Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer and its microwave
brightness temperature distribution is well understood. Observations of the Moon
when it is smaller than the MIRO beamwidth will enable the verification of the
antenna on-axis gain to within approximately 2%. Observations when the Moon is
larger than the beamwidth will enable the verification of the main beam efficiency
and will enhance confidence in our ability to determine absolute brightness
temperatures of the comet nucleus. These observations will require up to four
hours each, (more time than when the Moon is smaller than a beamwidth) since
mapping is required.


During the regular payload checkout activities, MIRO will run a standard
sequence (AMRF100A, see FOP) in which as many modes and commands are
exercized as possible. In addition, a dump of EEPROM memory (AMRF101A,
see FOP) will be performed in order to check for radiation damage (see §3.1.5).


This section covers the post-launch operation of MIRO in conjunction with the
overall operations of the Rosetta spacecraft. The MIRO science team will conduct
its mission operations through the Rosetta Science Operations Centre (RSOC) as
described below. The operations requirements for MIRO are given for all phases
of the mission, from launch until the end of the mission, making use of the
facilities provided to the MIRO team by ESOC. This portion of Volume VI is a
response to Volume VI of the Rosetta EID-A and is to be read in that context.
Specifically, the Mission Operations description and definitions of terms
appearing in that document are not repeated here.
The following sections describe the requirements of the MIRO instrument during
the mission phases described in Section 6.2 of the EID-A. Launch Phase

MIRO was off during launch phase.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Cruise Phases

MIRO was generally be switched off during the cruise phases with the exception
of the calibration periods, periodic instrument checkouts, and observations
associated with the Deep Impact mission and Comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR). Mars Gravity Assist

Mars observations in both the continuum and spectral modes are desired to obtain
spectral calibration and confirmation of pointing parameters, to be obtained
toward the end of the Mars Gravity Assist period after close encounter and before
the apparent disk of Mars decreases below the MIRO beamwidths. Both centered
(boresighted) and limb sounding observations are desired. The Asteroid Mode
may be used for these observations. [Update for Version 6.0: MIRO was not
turned on during the Mars flyby because power constraints would not have
allowed it to be turned on long enough to warm up and stabilize.] Earth Gravity Assists

A minimal instrument turn-on and checkout procedure was performed during the
three Earth flybys. Earth observations in spectral modes were made to confirm
spectral calibration. Observations of the Moon in continuum mode were made to
determine pointing parameters and establish gain calibrations. Steins Fly-by

The flyby of Steins was the first opportunity for science observations by MIRO,
which was turned on and fully operational during this phase. Continuum
radiometry and submillimeter spectroscopy was performed, via the Asteroid
Mode, to search for low levels of gas (water) and evaluate the thermal and
electrical properties of the asteroid. Lutetia Fly-by

MIRO operations at Lutetia were the same as those for Steins. Deep Space Hibernation Mode (DSHM)

MIRO remained switched off during this phase. Rendezvous Manoeuvre

MIRO was switched off during this phase. Comet Drift Phase

Instrument turn-on and checkout procedure were performed during this phase and
brief periods of comet observations. Comet Approach Navigation and Maneuvering

MIRO was typically turned on and fully operational during this and all subsequent

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Nucleus Mapping and Close Observation

MIRO will operate primarily in continuum mode during this phase and will
support the mission’s nucleus characterization effort. By mapping the area near
the lander the surface emissivity can be characterized using in situ temperature
measurements from the lander. If power is available, spectroscopic mode will be
used as well. [Update for Version 6.0: MIRO was typically turned on and fully
operational during this and all subsequent phases.] SSP Delivery and Comet Escort to Perihelion

Observations during this phase are MIRO’s prime mission objective. MIRO will
operate in all modes, and will observe the nucleus in both continuum and
spectroscopic modes with as large a range of solar phase angles as possible, and
will observe the coma in all possible directions from the spacecraft relative to the
nucleus. [Update for Version 6.0: MIRO was typically turned on and fully
operational during this and all subsequent phases.]

At the present time, no interferences between MIRO and other instruments or
subsystems have been definitely established, although disturbances are
occasionally seen in the data that could be due to interference. It is intended to
continue to monitor the MIRO data during periods of operation for signs of
interference from other instruments or from the spacecraft. No restrictions need to
be placed on the MIRO instrument because of interference from other instruments
or the spacecraft.


The following operational constraints exist for MIRO:
1. Instrument constraints related to warming up (see §3.1.10):
It is imperative that CTS warm-up be started at least 30 minutes before the
CTS is turned on; if this is not done, there is a high probability that the CTS
data will be invalid.
It is desirable that the USO be stable during CTS operations, but since full
stabilization can take 8 hours (or more), it is permissible to start the CTS soon
after CTS warm-up has been performed (above), with the realization that the
data will have higher noise than after stabilization has been achieved.
Normally, the USO should be turned on at least 2 hours before the CTS is
started up.
2. Commanding constraints. The following constraints exist on the instrument
commands that switch various modules on and off:
USO: cannot be powered off from any CTS mode; otherwise, it can be
powered on or off from any mode.
MM LNA: this is powered on automatically when MIRO goes into MM
Continuum, Dual Continuum and CTS/Dual Continuum modes. It can be

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

powered on or off in these modes only, not in any other mode. It can only be
powered on after it has been powered off without a mode change.
SMM LNA: same as MM LNA, with the substitution of SMM for MM.
CTS Warm-up: this command can only be issued from a non-CTS mode; the
CTS warm-up is automatically switched off by any mode change to a non-
CTS mode, and this is the only way in which it can be turned off.
CTS Heater: this command can only be issued from a CTS mode. Note that
the CTS heater is turned on automatically when any CTS mode is entered, but
the temperature and heating rate are then set to default values.
3. Pointing constraint: the MIRO boresight shall not be closer than 5 degrees
from the Sun.
4. Power constraint: there is a latching current limit (LCL) of 109W / 4A
(Ref. EID-B Section 2.4.1, Table 2.4-1).
5. Thermal constraint: the Optical Bench temperature should not exceed
45 degrees C; if this is exceeded, MIRO should be turned off (see §3.1.6).
6. Interferences (see §3.2.5): No restrictions need to be placed on the MIRO
instrument because of interference from other instruments or the spacecraft.


The MIRO instrument is a single-string instrument. Accordingly, there is little
that can be done in the event of a major instrument failure. Table 3.3-1
summarizes the possible failure modes and describes the consequences of each.
Also refer to EID-B §6.5.4 for recovery procedures.
In order to prevent the instrument temperatures from rising to excessively high
values during observations in which there is no ground contact with the spacecraft
for extensive periods, there is an on-board monitoring procedure on the Optical
Bench temperature (NTSA0194), which will turn off MIRO by OBCP if this item
exceeds 45 degrees C for more than 30 consecutive seconds.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 3.3-1: MIRO Failure Modes and Possible Recovery Operations

Failure Response
Mirror Motor Complete failure to Activate the pin puller mechanism that will disengage
operate the mirror from the motor. Once disengaged, the
spring-loaded mirror will move to the “Space” position.
Calibration target data will be lost
Mirror LEDs for Failure to indicate Error codes returned in anomaly packets need to be
positioning position analyzed to determine if this failure is permanent. If
permanent failure, only recovery is to re-write flight
software to count steps to each calibration target
mm-receiver Failure of May be able to bring component back into operation by
component changing operating parameter. Worse case is complete
loss of mm continuum data.
Submm-receiver Failure of May be able to bring component back into operation by
component changing various operating parameters. Worse case is
complete loss of submm continuum data and all
spectroscopic data.
Signal processing Failure of key Depending on component that fails, may be
electronics component recoverable via operating parameters. Some data loss
will happen.
Main electronics Failure of key Depending on component that fails, may be
component recoverable via operating parameters. Some data loss
will happen.
Power Controller Failure of DC/DC Depending on which power converter fails, some
Electronics Converter recovery is possible
Failure of CPU Failure of Not recoverable
Failure of CTS Failure of Loss of spectroscopic data

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Date: 31 August 2018

The MIRO instrument has seven major modes based on power: 1) Engineering;
2) Millimeter Continuum; 3) Submillimeter Continuum; 4) Dual Continuum;
5) CTS/Submillimeter-wave Continuum; 6) CTS/Dual Continuum; and
7) Asteroid.
The power levels for each mode are given in Table 2.5-2. The data rates for a
given mode are dependent on the parameters selected. Typical data rates for
modes 1–6 are given in Tables 2.5-5 through 2.5-10. The data rate for Asteroid
Mode is approximately 27 kbits/s. The parameters for each mode are described in
more detail in Flight Software Requirements Document, RO-MIR-RS-0005.
When the MIRO instrument is initially powered on, it will enter Engineering
mode upon receipt of a time update telecommand from the spacecraft.
Engineering mode telemetry will be sent to the spacecraft within one minute
following the time synchronization telecommand.


Table 4.1-1 shows the mode transitions possible with the MIRO instrument. With
the exception of the Asteroid mode, it is possible to change from any operational
mode to any other operational mode. The Asteroid mode can only be entered from
the dual continuum and exited to dual continuum. The exit to dual continuum is
automatic and does not require a separate mode change command. The instrument
can be powered off from any mode without harm to the instrument, however, in
normal operation it is best to reenter the Engineering mode before powering off.
A mode change command is issued to the MIRO software to switch between
modes. The mode change command contains four controlling parameters:
1. Power mode (the 6 defined above)
2. CTS integration period (30, 60, 90, or 120 seconds)
3. CTS smoothing value
4. Continuum summing value (1, 2, 5, 10, or 20)
The process of changing from one operational mode to another is begun via a
graceful shutdown of the current mode. If the CTS is running as part of the
current mode, then the current CTS integration period is allowed to complete. The
telemetry data associated with the current scan, as well as the accumulating
continuum data, are then flushed out. The software is then shut down.
If the CTS is not operating then the graceful shutdown is much simpler. If
continuum data is being collected then the current 5-second (≤100 samples,
dependent on summing value) collection cycle is allowed to complete prior to
shutting down the software. If engineering mode is the current mode then no
graceful shutdown is required as engineering collection continues through all
mode transitions.

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ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

After the graceful software shutdown is complete, any required power state
changes are made. This could result in numerous components either being
powered on or off depending on the current mode and the commanded mode.
The start of each mode, except for engineering only mode, begins with an
instrument calibration. The instrument calibration views the hot target for
30 seconds, the cold target for 30 seconds, and finally the space target for
30 seconds. CTS data collected during calibration is not subtracted based on LO
frequency. Both LO data sets are returned. The continuum summing value in
place when the mode is changed is controls the rate of continuum collection
during the instrument calibration.
When the instrument calibration is complete the nominal processing mode is
begun. The MIRO instrument will remain in nominal processing until it receives a
mode change command or approximately 30 minutes have elapsed. After
30 minutes another instrument calibration is performed. Instrument calibration is
performed with every mode change and every 30 minutes except when running in
engineering only mode.
Engineering TM is generated during all of the MIRO operational modes.

Table 4.1-1: Mode Transition Table

MODE NAME #/# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Engineering FROM 1 0 Y Y Y Y Y N
mm continuum MODE 2 Y 0 Y Y Y Y N
smm continuum 3 Y Y 0 Y Y Y N
Dual Continuum 4 Y Y Y 0 Y Y Y
smm spectroscopic (CTS) 5 Y Y Y Y 0 Y N
CTS/ Dual Continuum 6 Y Y Y Y Y 0 N
Asteroid 7 N N N Y (A) N N 0
Note: The transition from Mode 7 (Asteroid) to Mode 4 (Dual Continuum) is automatic. This is
indicated by Y(A) in the Table above.


While running in Engineering mode the MIRO software is collecting engineering
data from 56 internal sensors. The sampling of these sensors is at a 5 Hz rate. All
engineering measurements are 12-bit A/D converted values. The Engineering
mode telemetry is sent to the spacecraft in the form of a housekeeping telemetry
packet. One engineering telemetry packet is generated every 11 seconds, unless
the Engineering Housekeeping Cycle Skip Telecommand has been executed with
its parameter set to n, not equal to zero. Then, the telemetry packet is returned
every (n+1)*11 seconds.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The engineering TM is also generated during all the other MIRO operational


While running in Millimeter Continuum mode the MIRO software has powered
up the millimeter continuum portion of the electronics. Millimeter continuum data
is collected at a 20 Hz. rate. All continuum data consist of 16-bit values. The
millimeter continuum data is nominally packet into science telemetry packets
every 10 seconds. A “summing value” parameter can cause the MIRO software to
sum either 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 separate continuum values prior to putting them into
the telemetry packet. This feature can reduce the data rate to as little as one
millimeter continuum packet every 200 seconds.


Submillimeter Continuum mode is very similar to Millimeter Continuum mode
except a different set of electronics is powered on. The data collection and
packing is identical to Millimeter Continuum mode. Millimeter and submillimeter
continuum data are contained in separate science telemetry packets. A field in the
source data header identifies which type of science data is contained in the
telemetry packet.


In Dual Continuum mode, the millimeter and submillimeter continuum are being
collected simultaneously. When running in Dual Continuum mode, the summing
value parameter mentioned earlier is applied to both sets of data. This causes the
same amount of millimeter and submillimeter data to be generated.


This mode adds the collection of chirp transform spectrometer (CTS) data. The
CTS is programmed by the MIRO software to run for an initial sub-integration
period of approximately 5 seconds. An internal LO frequency generator is then
switched and another 5-second period is observed. These pairs of observations
are repeated with the respective results being summed over time. Selectable
integration periods are 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds. The data from the 2 LO
frequencies are then subtracted from each other.
The CTS returns a total of 4096 channels of data. In normal processing each of
the 4096 raw data measurements acquired during each capture period shall be
right shifted 5 bits prior to further processing, except when MIRO is operating in
Asteroid mode, where 5-bit shifting is skipped and the data set consists of the
entire 32-bit CTS word being returned for each of the 4096 channels. The 4096
data values can be further reduced by application of a smoothing function
whereby data from several channels are combined and weighted to produce fewer
final channels. Smoothing window sizes are 1, 5, 7, and 9 channels. A mask is
applied to the CTS data and only 12 bits of each resulting measurement is
returned (see Section

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Date: 31 August 2018

CTS data collection and the LO frequency switching is coordinated with the
collection of continuum data. When there is no continuum summing applied,
exactly 100 continuum samples are taken during each LO frequency-switch
setting. Upon receipt of the data on the ground it is known at which LO frequency
all of the continuum measurements were made at.
If the CTS has just been powered on, an internal calibration of the CTS is
performed. This consists of loading the 4 CTS sum of square tables with a linear
ramping pattern. A 10,000-cycle integration is then performed and the resulting
data read out. The data is then averaged to yield the midpoint of the table. The
resulting midpoint values for each table are downlinked in telemetry packets for
monitoring over time.
Note: Four CTS bands suffer from instablility due likely to an unstable amplifier;
see CTS anomaly report RO-MIR-TN-2012-001-LWK.


This is similar to CTS/SMM Continuum mode except that the millimeter
continuum data is also collected. As the CTS spectrometer and two continuum
channels are operating simultaneously, the model is called CTS/dual continuum.


The Asteroid mode is a special mode, intended to be used during the encounters
with the two asteroids (but may be used elsewhere). In this mode, spectroscopic
and continuum data are acquired in a short period of time (maximum 18 minutes)
at a high data-collection rate and then played back during several hours following
the data collection. The mode is designed to improve sensitivity for detection of
water (or other molecules) that might exist in a cloud around the asteroid. As seen
from the spacecraft, any spectral lines of water will be blue shifted as the S/C
approaches the asteroid, and red shifted as the S/C departs. These Doppler shifts,
due to the relative motion between the S/C and the asteroid, cause the spectral line
to rapidly move through the available passband. The purpose of the mode is to
effectively widen the passband of the individual IFP bands by offsetting the LO
by 5 MHz at specified times during the encounter. This process keeps the
spectral line within the passband for approximately an extra minute or two
depending on the flyby velocity and encounter distance.
The mode works as follows. On approach to the asteroid, the MIRO instrument
will be commanded to be in dual continuum. At a specific spacecraft time
specified by ground-command, the instrument will be commanded into Asteroid
mode and the local oscillator will be commanded to a specific setting (5 MHz)
where it will remain until closest approach at which time the local oscillator will
shift in the opposite direction. While in Asteroid mode, the spectrometer and both
continuum channels will be operating. The spectrometer will output data every
5 seconds with all 32 bits of 4096 channels-5-bit shifting does NOT occur as it
does during normal data processing. This process extends the passband by

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Date: 31 August 2018

10 MHz. At the end a specified time, the MIRO instrument will return to Dual
Continuum mode.
The data rate associated with the Asteroid mode requires a special discussion.
While in Asteroid mode, data is collected at one rate, buffered, and then output at
a different rate depending on the mode the instrument is in. While in Asteroid
mode, around 16 minutes or less, the output data rate is exactly the same as
CTS/dual continuum data rate, which is six packets every collection cycle, which
is nominally every 8 seconds.
Since the data collection rate while in Asteroid mode is approximately six times
faster than the output data rate, the buffered data have not been transferred to the
S/C at the end of Asteroid mode. When Asteroid mode is finished it automatically
switches to Dual Continuum mode, and the packet output rate then changes to the
rate for dual continuum. This is two packets at most per collection cycle. This rate
will continue until a mode change to any other mode, at which point the output
rate will change to whatever rate that mode dictates. Thus, the Asteroid mode is
unique in that its data rate is variable. LO Settings in Asteroid Mode

The initial LO setting needs to be specified in Asteroid mode. The initial LO
setting is either LO 1 or LO 0; at closest approach to the asteroid, the LO is
automatically switched to the opposite position. A setting of LO 1 shifts the
LO + 5 MHz. A setting of LO 0 shifts the LO − 5 MHz. The particular setting
needed depends on the molecule under consideration and on which sideband the
line is in for each of its down-conversions. Table 4.2-1 gives the Initial LO
settings for the principal molecules of interest for MIRO. The principal molecule
of interest for the asteroid encounters is water. For water, the initial LO setting
is LO 1.

Table 4.2-1: Initial LO Setting for Specific Molecules

Frequency Shift in Frequency Shift in Spectrometer Frequency
Initial LO
Line Spectrometer on Spectrometer on with no shift
Approach Departure (MHz)
H216O 1 − + 1270
H217O 1 − + 1300
CH3OH 0 + − 1320
H218O 1 − + 1340
CO 1 − + 1363
CH3OH 1 − + 1389
NH3 0 + − 1407
CH3OH 1 − + 1425

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Date: 31 August 2018

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The following is a list of Contingency Recovery Procedures (CRP) and
sequences, and Flight Control Procedures (FCP) and sequences for MIRO. This
list is based on Issue 5.1 dated 26/07/2005. Details of procedures are contained in
CRP-001 Emergency Switch-Off
MR-FCP-001 MIRO Power On Engineering using OBCP
MR-FCP-003 MIRO Power Off using OBCP
MR-FCP-004 MIRO Power Off/Asteroid
MR-FCP-007 MIRO Calibration Heater Power On
MR-FCP-009 MIRO CTS Warm-up
MR-FCP-011 MIRO Mode Change to CTS/Dual Continuum
MR-FCP-012 MIRO Mode Change to CTS/SMM
MR-FCP-013 MIRO Mode Change to Dual Continuum
MR-FCP-014 MIRO Mode Change to SMM Continuum
MR-FCP-015 MIRO Mode Change to MM Continuum
MR-FCP-016 MIRO Mode Change to Engineering
MR-FCP-030 MIRO CTS Internal Calibration
MR-FCP-031 MIRO MM LNA Power Off
MR-FCP-100 MIRO Instrument Checkout
MR-FCP-101 MIRO EEPROM Memory Dump
MR-FCP-200 MIRO Radio Source Boresight
MR-FCP-210 MIRO Radiometric Calibration of the Moon
MR-FCP-300 MIRO Point at Fixed Celestial Position
MR-FCP-500 MIRO Asteroid Observation
MR-SEQ-301 Enable HK
MR-SEQ-302 Disable HK
MR-SEQ-402 Dump MIRO Memory
MR-SEQ-403 Check MIRO Memory

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

MR-SEQ-601 Set Submm Gunn Voltage

MR-SEQ-603 MM LNA Power
MR-SEQ-604 Submm LNA Power
MR-SEQ-605 MR IFP Power Control
MR-SEQ-607 Reset PLL
MR-SEQ-610 CTS Run Time
MR-SEQ-611 CTS Pulse Position
MR-SEQ-612 Move Mirror
MR-SEQ-613 MIRO SW Restart
MR-SEQ-614 MIRO Mode Change
MR-SEQ-615 CTS Thermal Control Command
MR-SEQ-617 MIRO CTS Data Masks
MR-SEQ-618 Continuum Subtraction Value
MR-SEQ-621 CTS Warm-up
MR-SEQ-622 USO Off
MR-SEQ-623 SMM Gunn Voltage AutoCtrl Enable/Disable
MR-SEQ-624 MIRO Engineering Data Slow Down
MR-SEQ-631 Enable Science
MR-SEQ-632 Disable Science
MR-SEQ-722 Step Mirror

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


MIRO is operated through telecommands. The telecommands are divided into six
functional groups.
1. Warm-Up Telecommands
2. Mode Change Telecommands
3. Additional Engineering Mode Telecommands
4. Additional Continuum Mode Telecommands
5. Additional Spectroscopic Mode Telecommands
6. Calibration Mirror Control Telecommands
7. Software Telecommands
8. Spacecraft Interface Telecommands
Each telecommand has parameters with a set of fixed values that can be assigned
to them.


The warm-up telecommands are used when MIRO is first powered up. Calibration Heater Telecommand Description
There are two calibration loads in the MIRO instrument, one internal to the
Sensor Unit and one mounted externally under the primary mirror of the
telescope. The MIRO instrument is radiometrically calibrated by correlating its
measured response when looking at each of the calibration loads with their
physical temperature. For this calibration to be accurate, the difference in the two
loads’ temperature should be greater than 30°C. The cold load will be at the
temperature of the external environment. This is expected to become quite cold
when the Rosetta spacecraft is far from the Sun. The warm load is at the ambient
temperature inside the spacecraft maintained between −20°C and +50°C. The
purpose of the calibration heater is increase the temperature of the warm (load
should the two loads be within 30°C of each other.
The calibration heater command, when turned on supplies current to a heater on
the warm calibration load. With this current applied the warm load heats up about
30°C above its ambient temperature. When the calibration heater is turned off, the
warm load temperature returns to ambient.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 01100101 EID-A Optional, 101 = Calibration Heater
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-1 decimal: 0=Heater Off, 1=Heater On
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
Calibration heater state: On (1), Off (0) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. Action Taken

Bit 14 of address 100 of the control register is set to the value specified.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. The direct effect of this command is that the
temperature of the warm load should increase. The two temperatures, measured
by two sensors on the Warm load should increase. In addition the current and
voltage change on the supply lines. Also as mentioned above Bit 14 of address
register 100 is set to 1.The typical effect on telemetry is summarized below.
(Note that the actual voltages vary depending on the instrument state and may
even go in the opposite direction. See expected values for telemetry in §7.1.)

Calibration Heater Telecommand Off On

Control Bits
AddReg 100, Bit 14 (NMRA0005, bit 9) 0 1
Sensor Results
Warm Load 1 (NMRA0033) ambient ambient +30C
Warm Load 2 (NMRA0044) ambient ambient +30C
+24 V EU (NMRA0020) 23.1V 24.87
+24 V Current (NMRA0026) 0.02A 0.05A

The impact on the science data: The measured continuum channels should
increase. The measured spectroscopic calibration data should increase. Additional Information

During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches this value is set to 0 (off). RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19208 –Calibration Heater Power
Parameters: PMRG0014 –PLL Reset, default 0, Off
0, off
1, on USO Power Telecommand Description
The USO provides the frequency reference for spectroscopic measurements.
It takes about 8 hours to stabilize. It is automatically turned on in the two
spectroscopic modes. This command allows it to be turned on in any mode so that
it can warm up prior to initiating a spectroscopic mode.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001011 EID-A Optional, 11 = USO Power
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-1 decimal: 0=USO Off, 1=USO On
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
USO state: On (1), Off (0) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. Action Taken

Bit 13 of address 100 of the control register is set to the value specified.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. The direct effect of this is that the USO is turned
on or off. The USO is temperature stabilized. It has two sensors—TLM Heating
and TLM RF. The first is a measure of the temperature stabilizing circuit
operation, the second is a measure of the output power. These two indicators are
not calibrated. The supply voltage and current also change. The typical effect on
telemetry is summarized below.

USO Power Telecommand Off On

Control Bits
AddReg 100, Bit 13 (NMRA0005, bit 10) 0 1
Sensor Results
TLM Heating (NMRA0027) 0.01 1.35
TLM RF (NMRA0028) 0.01 0.05
+24V (NMRA0020) 23.37 23.5
+24V Current (NMR0026) 0.02A 0.4A

Impact on the science data: The frequency calibration of the spectroscopic data
will be correct. There is no way of verifying this from the data other than looking
at a source with a known spectroscopic signature, such as an astrophysical source. Additional Information

During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches this value is set to 0. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19209 –USO Power
Parameters: PMRG0015 –PLL Reset, default 0, Off
0, off
1, on

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 CTS Warm-Up Telecommand Description
The analog part (SAW filters) of the CTS is temperature controlled. For optimum
performance of the thermal feedback analog part of the CTS should be at least
20C above ambient. This command turns on the thermal control. It takes about
an hour for the CTS to stabilize.
In addition, the CTS does not turn on correctly if it is below about −5°C.
Therefore, it needs to be warmed up prior to turning it on. It warms up in a few
minutes after executing this command.
This command can be executed in any non-spectroscopic mode. In a
spectroscopic mode the CTS heater command should be used to change the
temperature for the thermal control. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010011 EID-A Optional, 19 = CTS Warm-up
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS Warm-Up Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
CTS Heater Power 4 0=High, 1=Off, 2=Low
CTS Heater 4 All values are degrees C; 0=0, 1=10, 2=20,
Temperature 3=30, 4=40, 5=50, 6=60, 7=70
Reserved 8 Not Used Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
CTS Heater Temperature (PMRD2701): 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
CTS Heater Power (PMRD2702): High, Off, Low Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore to tell
the memory check task to perform the CTS warm-up processing. Action Taken

The memory check task powers on the CTS and sets the analog SAW filter
temperature and power levels as specified in the TC. The CTS internal clocks are
then turned off to reduce power consumption. The CTS digital electronics remain
on. The global variable that contains the CTS temperature and power level is also
set as specified by the TC. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. The direct effect of this is that the thermal control
for the analog SAW filters of the CTS is turned on and set to the input
temperature. The heating rate is determined by the power level. There are
six temperature sensors in the CTS. Spect Temp 1–4 are in the analog part. Spect
Temp 5–6 are in the digital part. The first four temperatures should stabilize at
the commanded temperatures. The last two temperatures will increase by about
5–10C. The supply voltage and current also change. The typical effect on
telemetry is summarized below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS Warm-Up Telecommand Off On

Control Bits
Add Reg 100, bit 9 (NMRA0005, bit 14) 0 1
Add Reg 100, bit 11 (NMRA0005, bit 12) 0 1
Add Reg 100, bit 10 (NMRA0005, bit 13) 0 1
Add Reg 100, bit 8 (NMRA0005, bit 15) 0 1
Add Reg 100, bit 12 (NMRA0005, bit 11) 0 1
Add Reg 100, bit 15 (NMRA0005, bit 8) 0 1
Sensor Results
Spect Temp #1 (analog) (NMRA0009) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #2 (analog) (NMRA0010) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #3 (analog) (NMRA0011) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #4 (analog) (NMRA 0012) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #5 (digital) (NMRA0013) ambient ambient + 5C
Spect Temp #6 (digital) (NMRA0014) ambient ambient + 5C
+12V EU (NMRA0016) 13.20V 12.29V
+12V Curr EU (NMRA0022) 0.07A 0.31A

Impact on the science data: There is no easily measured impact on the science
data. The CTS spectroscopic data will be more stable when the CTS SAW filters
are maintained at a constant temperature. Additional Information

When the CTS is warming up great care must be taken to not perform a mode
change to a mode where the CTS is not normally on because the CTS will then be
powered off and the benefit of the warm-up will be reduced.
The default setting of the global variable that contains the CTS temperature and
power level is 30˚C and low power. The default setting of the global variable
takes place when either the instrument is powered on or a software restart TC is
processed. The setting of the CTS heater temperature and power level in the CTS
itself does not take place until the CTS is turned on. In the case where this TC is
used to warm up the CTS and also to set the CTS temperature and power global
variable, that setting will remain in memory even when the instrument is put into
a mode where the CTS is powered off. Upon entering a mode where the CTS is
again powered on the global variable will be used to set the CTS temperature and
power level to the previous setting.
Once the CTS warm-up command has been issued there is no way “turn off” the
warming up process other than performing a mode change to a mode where the
CTS is not on. The “CTS Heater Power” data element described above when set
to off does not turn the CTS warm-up off it sets the heater power to the analog
SAW filter heaters off. The CTS digital electronics remain powered.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Thermal-Vacuum testing of the CTS has shown that at temperatures around

−5C and below the CTS electronics need to be warmed up for a period of a few
minutes to insure that the internal calibration of the CTS sum of squares table is
performed correctly. Failing to warm up for a sufficient period of time, or simply
switching to a CTS operational mode without warming up, could result in
incorrectly calibrated CTS sum of squares tables. This will be evident in the CTS
table midpoint values in the miscellaneous science TM packet. Nominal values
for the CTS table midpoints fall within the range of 122–128. In the failure-case,
the midpoints exceed 128 and are often in the area of 38000 and higher. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19221 – CTS Warm-up
Parameters: PMRD2701 – CTS Heater Temperature
0, 0 deg
1, 10 deg
2, 20 deg
3, 30 deg
4, 40 deg
5, 50 deg
6, 60 deg
7, 70 deg
PMRD2702 – CTS Heater Power
0, High Power
1, Off
2, Low Power
PMRD2703 – Not Used

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.2 MODE CHANGE TELECOMMANDS Mode Change Telecommand Description
MIRO has six primary modes:
1. Engineering mode
2. Millimeter-wave Continuum mode
3. Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode
4. Dual Continuum mode
5. CTS/Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode
6. CTS/Dual Continuum mode
The Engineering mode is the lowest power mode. The flight computer is turned
on and returns the engineering telemetry.
The continuum modes include the Millimeter-wave Continuum mode, the
Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode and the Dual Continuum mode. In the
Millimeter-wave Continuum mode, only the millimeter-wave receiver is on and
returning data. Similarly, in the Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode, only the
submillimeter-wave continuum receiver is on and returning data. In the Dual
Continuum mode, both the submillimeter-wave and millimeter-wave continuum
receivers are on and returning data.
The spectroscopic modes include the CTS/Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode
and the CTS/Dual Continuum mode. The submillimeter-wave receiver can return
both continuum and spectroscopic data. To return spectroscopic data requires that
the USO be on, the submillimeter-wave local oscillator be phase-locked, and the
intermediate frequency processor be operational, as well as the continuum parts of
the receiver be on. The CTS/Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode returns both
submillimeter-wave spectroscopic and continuum data. The CTS/Dual Continuum
mode returns submillimeter-wave spectroscopic data, submillimeter-wave
continuum data, and millimeter-wave continuum data.
The sequence followed for the Continuum modes starts with a calibration that
consists of (1) observing the “hot” load for 30 seconds, (2) observing the “cold”
load for 30 seconds, (3) observing the “source” for 30 seconds, and (4) continuing
to observe “source” position. This sequence is repeated every 33 minutes and
50 seconds. The data is returned as counts.
The sequence followed for the spectroscopic modes starts with (1) observing the
“hot” load for 30 seconds with the frequency switching between LO 0 and LO 1
every 5 sec, (2) observing the “cold” load for 30 seconds with the frequency
switching between LO 0 and LO 1 every 5 seconds, (3) observing the “source”
position for 30 seconds with the frequency switching between LO 0 and LO 1
every 5 seconds, and (4) repeated “source” position observations for the
integration time with the frequency switching between LO 0 and LO 1 every

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

5 seconds. LO 1 shifts frequencies +5 MHz (higher frequency). LO 0 shifts

frequency −5 MHz (lower frequency). This continues for 33 minutes and
50 seconds, when the sequence starts over. The calibration data is returned as
15 seconds of added data binned into LO 0 and LO 1 data sets, while the signal is
returned as [LO 0 (−5 MHz) – LO 1 (+5 MHz)].
In addition to changing the mode, the parameters that control data volume
associated with each mode are passed by this telecommand. Additional settings
associated with each mode have separate telecommands given later. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00000101 EID-A Optional, 5 = Mode Change
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Mode Change Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Power mode 3 1=CTS/Dual Continuum, 2=CTS/SMM
Continuum, 3=Dual Continuum, 4=SMM
Continuum, 5=MM Continuum,
CTS integration period 2 0=30 sec, 1=60 sec, 2=90 sec, 3=120 sec
Continuum summing 3 0=sum 1, 1=sum 2, 2=sum 5, 3=sum 10,
value 4=sum 20
CTS smoothing value 2 0=smooth 1, 1=smooth 2, 2=smooth 3,
3=smooth 4
Reserved 1 Not used
Reserved 1 Not used
Reserved 4 Not Used Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
Power mode: selects one of six power modes. The instrument is in engineering
mode when powered on.
CTS integration period: selects one of four integration periods for the
submillimeter-wave spectroscopic data. 30 seconds is the default. This parameter
is set greater than the default in order to reduce data volume for a given period of
time. When this parameter is set to 120 seconds, for instance, four 30-second data
sets are averaged together on-board. This does not affect the continuum data.
Continuum summing value: This selects the number of continuum data sets to add
together on-board. The default is to sum 1 data set. This parameter is set greater
than the default in order to reduce data volume for a given period of time. When
this parameter is set to sum 10, for instance, 10 continuum values are added
together on board. Note that the data is summed, not averaged. This is applied to
the millimeter-wave and/or submillimeter-wave continuum data. This does not
affect the spectroscopic data.
CTS smoothing value: This parameter smoothes the spectroscopic data in
frequency. The default value is “smooth 1” which returns all 4096 of the CTS
channels. This parameter is set greater than the default in order to reduce data
volume for a given period of time. “Smooth 2”, for instance, reduces the number
of CTS channels by a factor of 2, from 4096 to 2048.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Execution Description

The inbound FIFO manager task parses the information contained in the mode
change TC and stores it in global memory for use by the executive task. The
inbound FIFO manager task then sets the mode_change semaphore to notify the
executive task that a mode change has been commanded.
The executive task checks for a mode change once per second while in the
nominal processing loop. Action Taken

Upon detection of a mode change command the executive task begins a graceful
shutdown of the software in the current mode of operation. If running in a mode
where the CTS is operating the current CTS integration is allowed to complete.
If we are running in one of the continuum modes the current 5 seconds
(100 samples) of continuum data collection is allowed to complete. In both of
these cases all collected science TM data is processed and flushed out to the
outbound FIFO manager task as part of the graceful shutdown.
Following the graceful shutdown the executive task sets all required global
variables to control the transition to the new operating mode. Any required
powering off/on of the various hardware components is then performed. The
software then enters the new operating mode and an instrument calibration is
performed provided the new mode is anything other than engineering mode. If the
CTS has been powered on as part of the new mode then the instrument calibration
is preceded by an internal CTS calibration. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data.
The software will enter the new operating mode following a graceful shutdown of
the previous mode. New telemetry output rates and power consumption will be in
effect depending on the operational mode that is entered.
The typical effect on address register 100 and SUCR is summarized below.
Values for temperatures, voltages and currents can be found in Section
Expected Values for engineering telemetry.
The result on the science data: Typical science data are given in Section 7.1 as
 Section 7.1.3 Spectroscopic (CTS) Science Telemetry (YMR00011)
 Section 7.1.4 Submillimeter Continuum Science Telemetry (YMR00011)
 Section 7.1.5 Millimeter Continuum Science Telemetry (YMR00011)
 Section 7.1.6 Miscellaneous Science Telemetry (YMR00011)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Function Telemetry Eng. mm cont Dual cont CTS/SMM CTS/Dual
Operational NMRA0002 6 5 4 3 2 1
Mode (Power (NMRD0201)
Operational NMRA0002 NA NA NA NA 0=30s, 0=30s,
Mode (CTS (NMRD0202) 1=60s, 1=60s,
Integration 2=90s, 2=90s,
Period) 3=120s 3=120s
Operational NMRA0002 NA 0=sum 1 0=sum 1 0=sum 1 0=sum 1 0=sum 1
Mode (NMRD0203) 1=sum 2 1=sum 2 1=sum 2 1=sum 2 1=sum 2
(Continuum 2=sum 5 2=sum 5 2=sum 5 2=sum 5 2=sum 5
Sum Value)) 3=sum10 3=sum10 3=sum10 3=sum10 3=sum10
4=sum20 4=sum20 4=sum20 4=sum20 4=sum20
Operational NMRA0002 NA 0=sm 1 0=sm 1
Mode (CTS (NMRD0204) 1=sm 2 1=sm 2
Smoothing 2=sm 3 2=sm 3
Value) 3=sm 4 3=sm 4
-5V SBEU for SUCR bit 25 0 1 0 1 0 1
mm cont. (NMRA0004, bit 6)
-5V SBEU for SUCR bit 24 0 0 1 1 1 1
smm cont (NMRA0004, bit 7)
-5V SBEU for SUCR bit 26 0 0 0 0 1 1
spectroscopy (NMRA0004, bit 5)
+5V SBEU, SUCR bit 10 0 1 0 1 0 1
+/-12V SBEU (NMRA0003, bit 5)
for mm cont.
+5V SBEU, SUCR bit 5 0 0 1 1 1 1
+/-12V SU for (NMRA0003, bit 10)
smm cont.
+5V SBEU, SUCR bit 11 0 0 0 0 1 1
+/-12V SBEU (NMRA0003, bit 4)
for spect.
+12V SPEC Add Reg 100, bit 8 0 0 0 0 1 1
EU (NMRA0005, bit 15)
+5V Spec EU Add Reg 100, bit 9 0 0 0 0 1 1
(NMRA0005, bit 14)
+5V ANA Add Reg 100, bit 10 0 0 0 0 1 1
SPEC EU (NMRA0005, bit 13)
+3.V SPEC Add Reg 100,bit 11 0 0 0 0 1 1
EU (NMRA0005, bit 12)
-12V SPEC Add Reg 100,bit 12 0 0 0 0 1 1
EU (NMRA0005, bit 11)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

For the spectroscopic modes, the CTS sum of squares table midpoints will be
placed in the miscellaneous science file. This is one of the earliest diagnostics to
determine if the CTS is operating correctly. The CTS warm-up telecommand
should be executed prior to the change mode command if its operating
temperature is below about −5°C. If the CTS is operating correctly, the midpoints
of the sum of squares tables will all be about 125. If is not, then one or more
midpoints is zero.
The frequency smoothing is accomplished as described below.
Smoothing Shift = 1: All 4096 values are returned.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4096

Smoothing Shift = 2: Window size of 5 is shifted over data set two positions at a time. Returned
value is computed as a mathematical weighting function of the 5 values in the window. The
smoothing weights are 0.03, 0.22, 0.50, 0.22, 0.03, respectively. 2046 values are returned.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4096

1 – 5 Value 1
3 –Value
7 2
Returned Value
5 –39

Smoothing Shift = 3: Window size of 7 is shifted over the data set three positions at a time.
Returned value is computed as a mathematical weighting function of the 7 values in the window.
The smoothing weights are 0.01, 0.03, 0.30, 0.32, 0.30, 0.03, 0.01, respectively. 1364 values are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4096

1 – 7Value 1
Returned Value 2
4 – 10
Returned Value 3 7 – 13

Smoothing Shift = 4: Window size of 9 is shifted over the data set four positions at a time.
Returned value is computed as a mathematical weighting function of the 9 values in the window.
The smoothing weights are 0.01, 0.03, 0.11, 0.23, 0.24, 0.23, 0.11, 0.03, 0.01, respectively.1022
values are returned.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4096

Returned Value
1–9 1
Returned Value 2 5 – 13
Returned Value 3 9 – 17

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Additional Information

The executive assembly only processes mode change commands during the
nominal processing loop. This means that any mode changes sent to the software
during instrument calibration will not be acted upon until after the instrument
calibration is complete. For example, if the instrument is running in Engineering
mode and is then commanded into CTS/Dual Continuum mode the following will
take place. The numerous hardware components will be powered on, the CTS
internal sum of squares table will be initialized, and an instrument calibration will
be performed. This requires approximately 2.5 minutes. During that 2.5 minutes,
the executive assembly is not checking for any further mode change commands.
The first CTS integration is started, and then the executive assembly enters the
nominal processing loop where mode change commands are processed. Any
mode change sent in during the prior 2.5 minutes will then be acted upon.
Assuming a mode change was sent to the instrument during that time, a graceful
shutdown will allow for at a minimum of one CTS integration period to complete,
which could require anywhere from an additional 30–120 seconds depending on
the CTS integration period. In the case where multiple mode change commands
are sent to the instrument during the instrument calibration, only the last one
received is processed. Mode change commands are not kept in a buffer, only the
last one received is processed. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19214 – Mode Change
Parameters: PMRD2001 – Power Mode, default = Engineering
1, CTS/Dual Cntm
2, CTS/SMMCntm
3, DualContinm
4, SMMContinuum
5, MM Continuum
6, Engineering
PMRD2002 – CTS Integration Period, default = 30 s
0, 30 sec
1, 60 sec
2, 90 sec
3, 120 sec
PMRD2003 – Continuum Sum Value, default = Sum 1
0, Sum 1
1, Sum 2
2, Sum 5
3, Sum 10
4, Sum 20

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

PMRD2004 – CTS Smoothing Value, default =Smooth 1

0, Smooth 1
1, Smooth 2
2, Smooth 3
3, Smooth 4
PMRD2005 – Reserved
PMRD2006 – Reserved
PMRD2007 – Reserved Asteroid Mode Telecommand Description
The Asteroid mode telecommand is a complex command calling the other modes
in a timed sequence. Asteroid mode returns “raw” data, the only mode that does


All times will be referenced to the Start Time in the Asteroid mode command,
which is when data in Asteroid mode start to be generated. The time when the
spacecraft is at closest approach to the asteroid is called the “asteroid flyby time”.
Prior to this time, the spacecraft is approaching the asteroid; after it, the spacecraft
is leaving the asteroid. At the asteroid flyby time, the relative velocity between
the spacecraft and the asteroid is zero.
The maximum time for this whole procedure to take place, starting two hours
prior to the start time, is about six hours in the longest case. It is a function of the
Execution time parameter, N, as follows:
 Time to complete=3.1+0.03*N (hours).
At this point, all the data taken in Asteroid mode will have been played out.
However, the data taken in CTS/Dual mode during the playback period will only
be beginning to be played out. The choice must then be made whether to switch
the instrument off and lose these latter data or wait until the playback has “caught
up”, which will take many more hours.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Time Name Type Event

-2 hour (at least) manual MIRO instrument turned on and
warmed up (USO on, Cal Heater on,
CTS Warm-up 70°C/High)
-7 min (at least) manual Execute Asteroid mode command
-(4 min + CTS manual Execute change mode to Dual
integration time) (at Continuum mode
-119 sec Carried out 1. graceful shutdown,
automatically by 2. power up for Asteroid mode,
asteroid command 3. CTS internal calibration,
4. SMM Gunn voltage auto scan
0 Start time Carried out Start calibration
automatically by
asteroid command
133.5 sec Carried out Start taking N data sets with LO
automatically by frequency in starting “LO frequency
asteroid command setting”
133.5+N*5.26 sec Asteroid Carried out LO setting switched, take N data sets
[10.7 minutes max] flyby time automatically by
asteroid command
133.5+N*10.52 sec Carried out Start calibration
[19 minutes max] automatically by
asteroid command
267+N*10.52 sec Carried out change mode to Dual Continuum
[21.3 minutes max] automatically by mode
asteroid command
387+N*10.52 sec manual change mode to CTS/Dual Continuum
to maximize data playback rate
(NOTE: if data taken in this mode are
of value, precede this with a CTS
warm-up command!)
67+1.8*N minutes Playback manual All asteroid data read out. Execute
(approx.) end change mode to Engineering

The LO setting is optimized for the H2O line. The frequency of the water line
(and all the other lines) is Doppler shifted due to the relative motion of the
spacecraft and the source of emission (the asteroid). It moves from high frequency
(approaching the asteroid) to low frequency (departing from the asteroid).
However, the direction that this frequency shifts in the MIRO spectrometer
depends on which sideband the line is in for each of its down-conversions. This
varies with each line as shown in the table below.
LO 1 shifts frequencies − 5MHz (lower frequency). LO 0 shifts frequency
+5MHz (higher frequency).

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Frequency Shift in Frequency Shift in Spectrometer

Initial LO
Line Spectrometer on Spectrometer on Frequency with no
Approach Departure Shift (MHz)
H216O 1 – + 1270
H217O 1 – + 1300
CH3OH 0 + – 1320
H218O 1 – + 1340
CO 1 – + 1363
CH3OH 1 – + 1389
NH3 0 + – 1407
CH3OH 1 – + 1425 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 13.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001111 EID-A Optional, 15 = Asteroid mode
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 64 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Asteroid Mode Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Start Time 32 Variable Spacecraft time in seconds
Execution Time 16 Variable Number of 5-second CTS scans per LO
frequency. Must be an even number
between 2 and 96.
Starting LO frequency 16 0 or 1 LO frequency to start on, switch to other as
per science FR document Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
Start time (PMRG2501 Astrd Mode #1) (= asteroid flyby time −
Start Time is the time at which the Asteroid mode begins its automated sequence.
This should precede the Asteroid Flyby time by an interval equal to the Execution
Time parameter multiplied by 5.3 seconds plus the time for a calibration
(139 secs). Start Time must be at least 8 minutes later than the time at which the
Asteroid mode command is issued. The units of Start Time are spacecraft time in
Execution time (PMRD2502) (N, = even number between 2 and 96)
Execution Time is the number of 5-second CTS scans per LO frequency that are
done before and after the encounter. This value must be an even integer between
2 and 96.
Starting LO Frequency (PMRD2503) (= 0 or 1)
For CTS warm-up command
CTS Heater Temperature (PMRD2701) (= 0, 10, … 50, 60, 70 deg)
CTS Heater Power (PMRD2703) (= High or Low)
For Dual continuum time (= Execution time (PMRD2502)*.37 hours)
Dual Continuum Observation Time is the time to read out the data taken during
the asteroid encounter. Data continues to be taken in Dual Continuum mode, after
the Asteroid mode sequence has been completed. Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task checks to verify that the
start time of the Asteroid mode is at a minimum of 130 seconds in the future. If
that is the case then a global variable is set to notify the executive task that
Asteroid mode has been programmed. (Note that 130 seconds is an absolute lower
limit; in practice the interval should be considerably longer, see Timeline, above.)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Action Taken

Once notified that Asteroid mode is programmed, the executive task begins
checking once per second if it is time to begin Asteroid mode processing by
performing a graceful software shutdown of the current operational mode. Once
the graceful shutdown has been completed, the powering up for Asteroid mode is
done. An internal CTS table calibration is performed and the SMM Gunn Voltage
setting is found using the nominal search described earlier. The Asteroid mode
routine is called by the executive task and all high-level control over Asteroid
mode processing is done there. Resulting Effect

The programmed Asteroid mode sequence is executed at the time specified in the
Asteroid mode command.
The Asteroid mode doesn’t do anything until about 2 minutes prior to the start
time except check to see if it is time to start its automated sequence. At about
2 minutes prior to the start time, the instrument should be in Dual Continuum
mode and fully warmed up.
The effect of the Asteroid mode command will be to place MIRO in CTS/Dual
Continuum mode about 2 minutes prior to the Start Time, calibrate the instrument,
take a number (N) of CTS scans with the LO set at its initial frequency, change to
the other LO setting and take another N scans, calibrate again, and then to return
automatically to Dual Continuum mode.
To verify that the Asteroid mode has been activated check the Asteroid mode
programmed and Asteroid mode start time parameters in the Miscellaneous file.
In addition, progress event reports are generated.
 Asteroid Mode Started (YMR00013) is generated when the flight software
begins running the Asteroid mode sequence. This should correlate to the
Asteroid mode start time issued in the Asteroid mode TC.
 Asteroid Mode Completed (YMR00014) is generated when the flight software
completes the Asteroid mode sequence. Additional Information
Running in Asteroid mode generates a large amount of CTS data that are
internally buffered in the instrument. These data are played back in the mode
selected following Asteroid mode, during which time the instrument will be
taking more data in that mode. It can take as long as 35 hours for the playback to
catch up to the data being acquired. If the instrument is powered down, or a
software restart is performed, or disable science telemetry command is executed
for any reason, all accumulated data that is buffered internally will be lost.
The instrument can be in any mode when the command is sent to program
Asteroid mode. However, to transition to Asteroid mode correctly the instrument
must be in Dual Continuum mode at the time that the graceful shutdown is

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

performed prior to starting Asteroid mode. This time is approximately

120 seconds prior to the programmed Asteroid mode start time.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches there is no Asteroid mode programmed by default. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19219 – Asteroid Mode
Parameters: PMRG2501 – Astrd Mode#1 (Start Time)
PMRG2502 – Astrd Mode#2
PMRD2502 – Execution Time
PMRD2503 – Starting LO Frequency
0, LO Freq 0
1, LO Freq 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.3 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING MODE TELECOMMANDS Engineering Housekeeping Cycle Skip Telecommand Description
The digital noise generated when reading the engineering housekeeping data
every 11 seconds can cause excess noise in the continuum data. The engineering
housekeeping cycle skip command can be used to skip this readout for a certain
period of time in order to eliminate this noise source. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010110 EID-A Optional, 22 = Engineering HK Cycle
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Number of 11.2 second engineering cycles
to skip data collection. Range of 0–65535.
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
N = number of 11.2 sec engineering data packets to skip reading. N = 0 is the
default. Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately sets the
global variable used to control the processing of the engineering data collection
task. Action Taken

The engineering data collection task uses the global variable to determine how
many 11.2-second engineering data collection cycles should be skipped following
each cycle in which data is collected. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data.
In the telemetry: NMRAH143 MR71/4 DataFieldHdr time – successive values
differ by (N+1)*11.2 seconds.
The impact on the science: When set to a value other than 0, the engineering data
collection task will not perform any A/D conversions of engineering data during
the specified number of 11.2-second engineering collection cycles. No
engineering HK packets will be generated during those cycles as a result. The
continuum data, if we are running in a mode where it is being collected, will be
more stable during the cycles of non-collection as opposed to when sensor unit
A/D conversions are taking place. Additional Information

This TC was added solely for the purpose of allowing the ground controllers the
option to “turn off” engineering data collection for specific periods of time to
collect cleaner continuum data. The TC to turn off engineering HK packet
generation would not produce the same result, as that TC simply causes the
software to drop collected packets on the floor, while the A/D conversions that
cause the noise in the continuum channels continue. Upon initial power-on or a
software restart the default setting for this value is zero, indicating that no
collection cycles will be skipped. This is the nominal mode where engineering
HK TM packets get generated every 11.2 seconds. Any changes made to the skip
value will not be reflected until the following 11.2-second collection cycle. For
example, if sometime after instrument power-on the TC was sent with a skip
value of 10, the current 11.2-second cycle of collection would be completed prior

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

to the engineering task then skipping the subsequent 10 collection cycles. While
in the process of skipping the 10 cycles it is possible to increase the number of
cycles to skip by sending another TC with a value greater than 10. If a TC were
then sent to skip 20 cycles while the software was halfway through skipping
10 cycles the total number of cycles ultimately skipped would be exactly 20.
There is no cumulative/additive effect. When the software finishes skipping the
desired number of cycles it repeats the entire sequence again by collecting
engineering data for one cycle and then skipping the desired number of cycles.
This repeats indefinitely, until the cycle skip count is again changed by TC.
Lowering the skip count value from a higher value has two possible outcomes.
If the new skip count value is higher than the number of cycles that have already
been skipped then the software will simply keep skipping cycles until the new
lower number of cycles has been skipped. If the new skip count value is lower
than the number of cycles that have already been skipped then the next cycle that
starts will be a good collection cycle followed by the new number of skipped
For purposes of simply “turning off” engineering data collection for an indefinite
period, the best method would be to uplink this TC with a value of 65535. This
will produce a skip period of 8.5 days, effectively turning off engineering data
collection. When one wants to resume periodic engineering HK data collection
just send the TC in with a more reasonable skip count value (i.e., five) or just a
zero to cause it to collect engineering HK data continuously. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19224 – Engineering Housekeeping Cycle Skip
Parameters: PMRG0030 –Eng HK Cycles Skip

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.4 ADDITIONAL CONTINUUM MODE TELECOMMANDS Continuum Subtraction Value Telecommand Description
The maximum value for continuum data, 32000, may be exceeding when looking
at a very bright source or using the continuum summing capability in the mode
change telecommand. When this happens, data is lost. Typical values for un-
summed continuum data are about 7000. The continuum subtraction value
telecommand allows the subtraction of an offset prior to summing to mitigate this
problem. Different values can be entered for the millimeter-wave and
submillimeter-wave continuum channels. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000001001 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 9.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001110 EID-A Optional, 14 = Continuum subtraction
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 32 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Continuum Subtraction Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Millimeter Subtraction 16 Variable Unsigned integer to be subtracted from each
Value millimeter sample.
Submillimeter 16 Variable Unsigned integer to be subtracted from each
Subtraction Value submillimeter sample. Parameters
The parameters are in the application data.
 Millimeter-wave subtraction value: integer to be subtracted from the
millimeter-wave continuum data.
 Submillimeter-wave subtraction values: integer to be subtracted from the
submillimeter-wave continuum data. Execution Description
Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task sets a global variable that
is used by the continuum interrupt processing task. Action Taken

The continuum interrupt processing task uses the two subtraction values supplied
to decrement the raw continuum samples taken every 50 milliseconds. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data.
No effect on the command address registers or the engineering sensors.
The impact on the science data:
1. The value of the millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave continuum
subtraction values are stored in the header of the continuum data files as well
as in the Miscellaneous Science File.
2. The summed continuum samples that get output in the TM packets will be
reduced. Additional Information
The continuum subtraction takes place prior to any other processing of the
continuum data. Raw continuum samples are collected every 50 milliseconds and
the continuum subtraction value is decremented from the raw samples. Only after
this decrementing is the summing of the continuum samples performed as per the
current continuum summing value specified in the operational mode. The

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

continuum subtraction value is placed in the continuum TM packet to allow for

easier decoding of the data. The continuum subtraction value is placed in the
TM packet at the time of packet creation and will not reflect the continuum
subtraction value later on in the TM packet if the subtraction value is changed
during the course of populating the continuum TM packet. A continuum packet
can take anywhere from 10 to 200 seconds to fill depending on the continuum
summing value in effect. During initial software startup following power on or
during a software restart to incorporate memory patches the continuum
subtraction values are set to zero. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19218 Continuum Subtraction Value
Parameters: PMRD2401 – MM Subtraction Value, default =0
PMRD2402 – SMM Subtraction Value, default=0 Millimeter LNA Power Telecommand Description
This command turns the power on or off to the millimeter-wave receiver low
noise amplifier on the optical bench. The power is turned off in order to obtain a
“zero” value for the millimeter-wave continuum data calibration. This should be
done at least once per Millimeter-wave Continuum, Dual Continuum, or
CTS/Dual mode observing session.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00000111 EID-A Optional, 7 = MM LNA Power
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-1 decimal: 0=Power Off, 1=Power On
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameters are given in the packet application data.
mm LNA power state (PMRG0009) : Power off=0, Power on = 1 Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. Action Taken

Bit 8 of address 700 of the sensor unit control register is set to the opposite of the
value specified. In the hardware 0=on and 1=off.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.
mm LNA Power Telecommand Off On
Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 8 (NMRA0003, bit 7)** 1 0
Sensor Results
+12V-2 Current SBEU*(NMRA0054) 0.56A 0.7A
*The difference of roughly 0.014A should be observed. The absolute value depends on the rest of the
state of the instrument
**Note that the value of the SUCR Bit 8 has the inverse meaning of the command value.

The impact on the science data: The mm-wave continuum value goes to its “zero”
counts level, about 1700. Additional Information

During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this value is set to “on” (0 in the SUCR). RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19203–MM LNA Power
Parameters: PMRG0009–mm LNA Power, default 1, On
0, off
1, on Submillimeter LNA Power Telecommand Definition Description
This command turns the power on or off to the submillimeter-wave receiver low
noise amplifier on the optical bench. The power is turned off in order to obtain a
“zero” value for the submillimeter-wave continuum data calibration. This should
be done at least once per Submillimeter-wave Continuum, Dual Continuum, or
CTS/Dual mode observing session.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter
First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001000 EID-A Optional, 8 = SMM LNA Power
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-1 decimal: 0=Power Off, 1=Power On
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameters are given in the packet application data.
smm LNA power state (PMRG0010): Power off = 0, Power on = 1
Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. Action Taken

Bit 9 of address 700 of the sensor unit control register is set to the opposite of the
value specified. In the hardware 0 = on and 1 = off.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.
smm LNA Power Telecommand Off On
Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 9 (NMRA0003, bit 6)** 1 0
Sensor Results
+12V-2 Current SBEU*(NMRA0054) 0.56A 0.7A
*The difference of roughly 0.014A should be observed. The absolute value depends on the rest of the
state of the instrument
** Note that the value of the SUCR Bit 9 has the inverse meaning of the command value.

Impact on the science data: The submm-wave continuum level goes to its “zero”
level, about 1700. Additional Information

During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this value is set to “on” (0 in the SUCR). RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19204 –Submm LNA Power
Parameters: PMRG0010 –Submm LNA Power, default 1, On
0, off
1, on

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

This telecommand sets the power level into the chirp transform spectrometer
(CTS) coming out of the intermediate frequency processor (IFP). It can be
adjusted in 1 dB steps over a range of 16 dB. The power level for the hot mirror
position during a calibration should be about 20000. This is a function of
temperature since the gain of the system varies with temperature. At room
temperature, this is achieved with an IFP power setting of 3 dB.
Since this command changes the gain of the spectroscopic system, a calibration
sequence is automatically initiated when it is executed. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 4 = IFP Power Control
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-15 decimal, specifies the IFP Power
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
The parameters are given in the packet application data.
IFP power level (PMRG0011): 0 = 0 dB, 1 = −1 dB, 2 = −2db … .15 = −15dB Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task stores the setting in a
global memory location. If the instrument is already running in a mode where the
CTS is powered on, the executive task initiates a mode change. Action Taken

The executive task initiates a graceful shutdown of the software as part of a
nominal mode change. Prior to performing an instrument calibration, the IFP
Power Control setting that was stored in global memory is clocked out to the
hardware. Bits 6–7 and 13–14 of address 700 of the sensor unit control register
are set to the value specified. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc. as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.

IFP Power Control Telecommand

Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 6 (NMRA0003, bit 9) Bit 0 of IFP Power Control
SUCR, Bit 7 (NMRA0003, bit 8) Bit 1 of IFP Power Control
SUCR, Bit 13 (NMRA0003, bit 2) Bit 2 of IFP Power Control
SUCR, Bit 14 (NMRA0003, bit 1) Bit 3 of IFP Power Control
Sensor Results

Impact on the science: Typical CTS spectra in the hot mirror position during the
calibration sequence as a function of IFP Power Control values is given in the
table below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Commanded IFP Observed CTS Measured Ratio Ratio if Exactly

Level Level to IFP Level =0 1 dB Change
3 -3db 19633
0 0dB 36531 1 1
1 -1dB 31393 0.86 0.79
2 -2dB 24010 0.66 0.66
4 -4dB 15738 0.43 0.42
8 -8dB 5203 0.14 0.14
3 -3dB 19520 0.53 0.50 Additional Information

The effect of the changing of the IFP Power Control is so great on the CTS data it
was decided to have this command treated as if it were a mode change command.
A graceful software shutdown is performed prior to implementing the new setting.
The IFP bits in the sensor unit control register are not tri-stated. When the CTS is
not on, these bits need to be set to 0. When the CTS is on, the global variable
containing the IFP power level setting is clocked into the hardware shortly after
the CTS is powered on. The powering on and off of the 4 IFP bits is now done in
the power_off and power_on routines.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, the global value is set to 3. The hardware is set to 0
because we come up in engineering mode by default. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19205 –IFP Power (RF) Control
Parameters: PMRG0011 –IFP Power Control, default 3, -3 dB
CMRV0006: 0, 0
1, -1 dB
2, -2 dB
3, -3 dB
4, -4 dB
5, -5 dB
6, -6 dB
7, -7 dB
8, -8 dB
9, -9 dB
10, -10 dB
11, -11 dB
12, -12 dB
13, -13 dB
14, -14 dB
15, -15 dB

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Submillimeter Gunn Voltage Telecommand Description
The Submillimeter Gunn Voltage Telecommand allows manual control of the
submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator voltage and hence frequency. This is
desirable since the voltage that will result in the desired frequency is somewhat
temperature dependent.
Note: This telecommand can be executed in the submillimeter continuum mode to
control the frequency of the Gunn oscillator. However, in that case, the
submillimeter Gunn oscillator is not controlled by the phase-lock system. Packet Definitions

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00000001 EID-A Optional, 1 = SMM Gunn Voltage
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0–15 decimal, specifies the SMM Gunn
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
The telecommand parameter is given in the packet application data.
Submillimeter-wave Gunn voltage: one of sixteen values (0= 9.36V, 1= 9.29V,
2=9.23V, 3=9.16V, 4=9.09V, 5=9.02V, 6=8.95V, 7=8.88V, 8=8.81V, 9=8.74V,
10=8.67V, 11=8.60V, 12=8.53V, 13=8.46V, 14=8.39V, 15=8.32V) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. Action Taken

Bits 0–3 of address 800 of the sensor unit control register are set to the value
specified. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.
Submillimeter Gunn Voltage Telecommand
Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 16 (NMRA0004, bit 15) Bit 0 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 17 (NMRA0004, bit 14) Bit 1 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 18 (NMRA0004, bit 13) Bit 2 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 19 (NMRA0004, bit 12) Bit 3 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
Sensor Results
SMM_PLL_ERR (NMRA0055) Will become unlocked: Locked between 1.55V
and 2.74V, Unlocked >2.74V or <1.55V (see
typical data below)

The frequency of the Gunn oscillator changes with voltage and temperature. The
variation with voltage has been measured to be +458.82 MHz/V over the range of
commandable voltages. The voltage step size is 0.07V, corresponding to a change
in 32.7 MHz at the Gunn oscillator frequency or 128 MHz at the sky frequency.
At about room temperature, telecommand of 4 = 9.09V corresponds to the
required frequency of 140703.3MHz. The resultant frequency for each
commandable voltage based on this slope is given below.
The frequency also varies with temperature with a slope of 0.0037 V/C at
140.7 GHz. The absolute temperature is not well-calibrated. In the table below,
we have set the voltage at 20°C to be that corresponding to a command of 4, the
value observed to be locked at room temperature. Therefore, this table provides
trends. Based on this, the command parameter values that need to stay locked
over the whole operating temperature range (−20°C to 40°C) is from 6 to 3.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Voltage Gunn Freq LO Freq Baseplate Gunn Bias

(V) (GHz) (GHz) Temperature for 140.7 Command
0 9.36 140.8271 563.309 (˚C) GHz (V)
1 9.29 140.7905 563.180 −20 8.95 6
2 9.23 140.7675 563.070 −10 8.98
3 9.16 140.7354 562.941 0 9.02 5
4 9.09 140.7033 562.813 10 9.05
5 9.02 140.6711 562.685 20 9.09 4
6 8.95 140.6390 562.556
30 9.13
7 8.88 140.6069 562.428
40 9.17 3
8 8.81 140.5748 562.299
*9.09 V is the nominal voltage for a
9 8.74 140.5427 562.171
sensor baseplate temperature in
10 8.67 140.5105 562.042 vacuum of 20°C
11 8.6 140.4784 561.914
12 8.53 140.4463 561.785
13 8.46 140.4142 561.657
14 8.39 140.3821 561.528
15 8.32 140.3500 561.400
Note: 4 is nominal for a sensor baseplate
temperature of about 20°C in vacuum

Typical Phase Lock Error as a function of submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator

voltage at room temperature. The voltage for which lock is achieved is a function
of temperature.
Submm Gunn
Value SMM_PLL_ERR State
start 9.09 1.6311 locked
0 9.36 3.1915 unlocked
3 9.16 2.5608 locked
4 9.09 1.5818 locked
5 9.02 0.4704 unlocked
6 8.95 0.3763 unlocked
9 8.74 3.0685 unlocked
12 8.53 3.0695 unlocked
15 8.32 3.0709 unlocked
12 8.53 3.0713 unlocked
9 8.74 3.0657 unlocked
6 8.95 0.37541 unlocked
5 9.02 0.4695 unlocked
4 9.09 1.6004 locked
3 9.16 2.532 locked
0 9.36 3.1896 unlocked
4 (nominal) 9.09 1.6516 locked

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Note that the Gunn oscillator could be locked at two different voltages, though we
have never seen it lock at the lower (wrong) voltage. Also, there sometimes is
hysteresis, though not seen here.
Impact on the science: The submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator will become
unlocked resulting in inaccurate frequency knowledge for the spectroscopic
channels. The PLL alarm bits in the Spectroscopic (CTS) science data are set
when the submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator becomes unlocked. For more
information, see telemetry discussion in Section 7.1.3. Also, the number of times
that 6 PLL lock indicator bits were found to be locked and unlocked is stored in
the Miscellaneous Science file under PLL Lock Successful counter and PLL Lock
Unsuccessful counter. Additional Information

While this command can be used to directly set the SMM Gunn Voltage, there are
other commands that can affect the setting of the SMM Gunn Voltage value. The
“SMM Gunn Voltage Auto-control Enable/Disable” TC can enable automatic
control by the software over this setting. See the description of that TC to see
under what conditions the automatic control will change the setting. If the
automatic control is disabled, then any change made via this TC will stay in effect
until a future change is made or automatic control is enabled.
During initial software startup following power-on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this value is set to 4.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 RSDB Entries

Telecommand: ZMR19201 – Submm Gunn Voltage
Parameters: PMRG0006 –Submm Gunn Voltage, default = 4 (9.09 V)
CMRV0003 =0-15
0, 9.36V
1, 9.29V
2, 9.23V
3, 9.16V
4, 9.09V
5, 9.02V
6, 8.95V
7, 8.88V
8, 8.81V
9, 8.74V
10, 8.67V
11, 8.60V
12, 8.53V
13, 8.46V
14, 8.39V
15, 8.32V PLL Reset Telecommand Description
The Phase Lock Loop (PLL) reset command opens (or closes) the feedback loop
for the phase-lock electronics.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001010 EID-A Optional, 10 = PLL Reset Control
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 0 or 1 Setting of 0= off (loop closed) or 1=on (loop
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameter is given in the packet application data.
PLL Reset (PMRG0013) 0 = off (loop closed, nominal, default)
1 = on (loop open (reset)) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Action Taken

Bit 12 of address 700 (SUCR) of the sensor unit control register is set to the value
specified. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.

PLL Reset Telecommand

Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 12 (NMRA0003, bit 3) Phase-lock Reset (0 locks, 1 unlocks)
Sensor Results
SMM_PLL_ERR (NMRA0055) Locked between 1.55V and 2.74V, Unlocked >2.74V or
<1.55V (see typical data in previous command)

Impact on the science: The submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator will become

unlocked resulting in inaccurate frequency knowledge for the spectroscopic
channels. The PLL alarm bits in the Spectroscopic (CTS) science data are set
when the submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator becomes unlocked. For more
information, see telemetry discussion in Section 7.1.3. Also the number of times
that 6 PLL lock indicator bits were found to be locked and unlocked is stored in
the Miscellaneous Science file under PLL Lock Successful counter and PLL Lock
Unsuccessful counter. Additional Information

This TC was originally implemented to toggle the affected bit upon receipt of the
TC. It was changed to be a high or low setting.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this value is set to zero. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19207 –Reset PLL
Parameters: PMRG0013 –PLL Reset, default 0, Off
0, off
1, on

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 SMM Gunn Voltage Auto-control Enable/Disable Telecommand Description
MIRO is automated to adjust the submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator voltage to
stay locked over temperature. This command either enables or disables this
capability. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010101 EID-A Optional, 21 = SMM Gunn Voltage
auto-control enable/disable
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 0-1: 0=auto-control disabled, 1=auto-control
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameter is found in the packet application data.
SMM Gunn Volt Enbl/Dsbl (PMRG0029): 1 = Enable (default), 0 = disable

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a global variable
that controls further processing by other tasks. Action Taken

When the auto-control capability is disabled, the software control of the SMM
Gunn Voltage works as follows:
1. SMM Gunn Voltage set to 4 following every power on or software restart.
2. Following CTS internal table initialization the SMM Gunn Voltage is set to 3.
3. The SMM Gunn Voltage setting is increased by 1.
4. If the last setting was 15 the SMM Gunn Voltage is set to 0.
5. A 1-second delay occurs.
6. The PLL Phase Error engineering measurement is sampled.
7. If the PLL Phase Error lies between 1.55V (0x680) and 2.74V (0xb80) the
SMM Gunn Voltage is left at the current value and processing continues.
8. If the PLL Phase Error falls outside the range then go to step 3.
9. If the desired PLL Phase Error is not achieved after 32 iterations, the software
exits the loop and processing continues with the SMM Gunn Voltage set to 4.
Following this, the SMM Gunn Voltage remains at its last set value until it is
either manually changed via TC or the instrument is repowered or the software is
When the auto-control capability is enabled, the software control of the SMM
Gunn Voltage works as follows:
1. The same processing occurs as described in steps 1–9 above.
2. Just prior to each instrument calibration if we are running in a mode where the
CTS is powered on the PLL Phase Error is again checked to see if it falls
within the 1.55V (0x680) to 2.74 (0xb80) range.
3. If the value is < 1.55V (0x680) the SMM Gunn Voltage is decreased by 1.
4. If the value is > 2.74V (0xb80) the SMM Gunn Voltage is increased by 1.
5. Processing then continues with an instrument calibration. Resulting Effect

When enabled, approximately every 30 minutes (instrument calibration) the SMM
Gunn Voltage may be adjusted 1 count either up or down to automatically
compensate for temperature-induced drift in the hardware.
The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. Typical values are given below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Submillimeter Gunn Voltage Telecommand

Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 16 (NMRA0004, bit 15) Bit 0 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 17 (NMRA0004, bit 14) Bit 1 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 18 (NMRA0004, bit 13) Bit 2 of smm Gunn osc. voltage
SUCR, Bit 19 (NMRA0004, bit 12) Bit 3 of smm Gunn osc. voltage

Impact on the science: If the submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator becomes

unlocked, then the frequency knowledge for the spectroscopic channels becomes
inaccurate. The PLL alarm bits in the Spectroscopic (CTS) science data are set
when the submillimeter-wave Gunn oscillator becomes unlocked. For more
information, see telemetry discussion in Section 7.1.3. Also the number of times
that 6 PLL lock indicator bits were found to be locked and unlocked is stored in
the Miscellaneous Science file under PLL Lock Successful counter and PLL Lock
Unsuccessful counter. Additional Information

As per the above pseudo-code, the SMM Gunn Voltage will only be changed at
most one setting in either direction, and the change will only occur just prior to
each instrument calibration, nominally every 30 minutes.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, the auto control of the SMM Gunn Voltage is
enabled. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19223 – SMM Gunn Voltage AutoCtrl Enable/Disable
Parameters: PMRG0029 – SMM Gunn Volt Enbl/Dsbl, default = 1, Enable
0, Disable
1, Enable CTS Heater Control Telecommand Description
The analog part (SAW filters) of the CTS is temperature-controlled. For optimum
performance of the thermal feedback analog part of the CTS should be at least
20C above ambient. This command allows you to set the temperature that the
analog part of the CTS will be controlled to. In addition, the power level available
for this thermal control can be specified. This latter control allows a trade between
power dissipation and time to reach a certain temperature.
This command can be executed only in spectroscopic modes. In a non-
spectroscopic mode, the CTS warm-up telecommand should be used to change the
temperature for the thermal control.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 1001 EID-A Optional, Acknowledgement of
Acceptance and Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00000110 EID-A Optional, 6 = CTS Heater Control
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

CTS Heater Control Telecommand Application Data Definition

Size Value
Data Element Comment
(bits) (binary)
CTS Heater Power 4 0=High, 1=Off, 2=Low
CTS Heater 4 All values are degrees C; 0=0, 1=10, 2=20,
Temperature 3=30, 4=40, 5=50, 6=60, 7=70
Reserved 8 Not Used Parameters
The parameters are contained in the application data of the packet.
CTS Heater Temperature (PMRD2101): 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
CTS Heater Power (PMRD2102): High, Off, Low

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task stores the CTS heater
setting in a global variable and immediately clocks the specified setting out to the
CTS. Action Taken

A CTS command is built which contains the value specified in the application
data field of the TC and sent to the CTS. Resulting Effect

The CTS power level and temperature setting are sent to the CTS and the CTS
will begin to heat up to the required temperature using the level of power
The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc. as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data. The direct effect of this is that the thermal control
for the analog SAW filters of the CTS is turned on and set to the input
temperature. The heating rate is determined by the power level. There are six
temperature sensors in the CTS. Spect Temp 1–4 are in the analog part. Spect
Temp 5–6 are in the digital part. The first four temperatures should stabilize at
the commanded temperatures. The last two temperatures will increase by about
5–10°C. The supply voltage and current also change. The typical effect on
telemetry is summarized below.

CTS Warm-Up Telecommand Off On

Control Bits (already set by change mode)
Sensor Results
Spect Temp #1 (analog) (NMRA0009) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #2 (analog) (NMRA0010) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #3 (analog) (NMRA0011) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #4 (analog) (NMRA 0012) ambient commanded temperature
Spect Temp #5 (digital) (NMRA0013) ambient ambient + 5°C
Spect Temp #6 (digital) (NMRA0014) ambient ambient + 5°C
+12V EU (NMRA0016) 13.20V 12.29V
+12V Curr EU (NMRA0022) 0.07A 0.31 (lo) – 0.51A (hi)

Impact on the science data: There is no easily measured impact on the science
data. The CTS spectroscopic data will be more stable when the CTS SAW filters
are maintained at a constant temperature.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Additional Information

The default setting of the global variable that contains the CTS temperature and
power level is 30°C and low power. The default setting of the global variable
takes place when either the instrument is powered on or a software restart TC is
processed. The setting of the CTS heater temperature and power level in the CTS
itself does not take place until the CTS is turned on. In the case where this TC is
used to set the CTS temperature and power global variable, that setting will
remain in effect (in memory) even when the instrument is put into a mode where
the CTS is powered off. Upon entering a mode where the CTS is again powered
on, the global variable will be used to set the CTS temperature and power level to
the previous setting.
If the CTS is not powered on and this TC is sent to the instrument, the software
will not execute.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this internally stored value is set to 30C and low
power. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19215 – CTS Heater Controls
Parameters: PMRD2101 – CTS Heater Temperature, default = 10C
0, 0 deg
1, 10 deg
2, 20 deg
3, 30 deg
4, 40 deg
5, 50 deg
6, 60 deg
7, 70 deg
PMRD2102 – CTS Heater Power, default = Low Power
0, High Power
1, Off
2, Low Power
PMRD2103 – Not Used CTS Internal Calibration Telecommand Description
The CTS uses four banks of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to generate the
4096 spectral channels. Each of the four banks of ADCs contains two high-speed
8-bit ADCs. The output of the ADC banks are interspersed so that the 1st channel
comes from the 1st ADC bank, the 2nd channel from the 2nd ADC bank, the 3rd

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

channel from the 3rd ADC bank, and the 4th channel from the 4th ADC bank. The
pattern of repeating, interspersed ADC banks continues through all 4096
channels. Each of the eight individual ADCs has a different offset and gain that
may drift with time and temperature. The purpose of the CTS internal calibration
is to compensate for these differences.
Since the CTS internal calibration invalidates the instrument calibration, the CTS
internal calibration telecommand actually does two things: (1) the actual CTS
internal calibration followed by (2) a new instrument calibration.
A CTS internal calibration is performed automatically every time the CTS is
powered on. (A mode change telecommand to a spectroscopic mode will not
perform a CTS internal calibration if the instrument is already in a spectroscopic
mode.) This telecommand was created to allow for a re-calibration at least once a
day to compensate for any temperature or power level induced changes in the
CTS functioning during multi-day CTS observing periods. Once the CTS internal
calibration and instrument calibrations are complete, the instrument automatically
resumes in the spectroscopic mode it was in before the command was invoked.
The CTS internal calibration command should not be used unless the instrument
is already operating in a spectroscopic mode. If the instrument receives a CTS
internal calibration command when it is not in spectroscopic mode, the command
will be rejected.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 1001 EID-A Optional, Acknowledgement of
Acceptance and Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010001 EID-A Optional, 17 = CTS Internal
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Anything
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
This telecommand requires no parameters. Execution Description

The inbound FIFO manager task sets a variable in global memory for use by the
executive task. The inbound FIFO manager task then sets the mode_change
semaphore to notify the executive task that a mode change has been commanded.
The executive task checks for a mode change once per second while in the
nominal processing loop.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Action Taken

Upon detection of a CTS internal calibration command the executive task begins a
graceful shutdown of the software in the current mode of operation. The current
CTS integration is allowed to complete. All collected science TM data is
processed and flushed out to the outbound FIFO manager task as part of the
graceful shutdown. Then, the command causes a CTS internal calibration and an
instrument calibration to be carried out. Upon completion of the command, the
executive task resumes the operation of the software in the same operational mode
as before the command had been received.
This CTS uses as a sum of squares (SOS) look-up table as part of its processing.
The SOS table is an (x,y) square 256×256 in size. There are four of these SOS
tables, one for each ADC bank of two ADCs each. The center of the table
contains 0. Proceeding outward from the center, the cells are populated by the
values (x2+y2) as shown in the partially filled table below.

32 16 32
18 9 18
8 5 4 5 8
5 2 1 2
16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16
5 2 1 2 5
8 5 4 5 8
18 9 18
32 16 32

If the ADC is perfect, with no offset, then the center of the table will be at
(128, 128). The effect of an offset is to shift the table center. The CTS internal
calibration procedure determines the effective center (also called midpoint) for
each of the eight ADCs. The four SOS tables are then generated with the 0 being
placed in the effective center. These four SOS tables, each with their own
midpoints, are then loaded into the CTS.
A two-step process is used in order to measure the effective center of a SOS table
for each ADC bank. The first step determines the x center, the second the y
center. To determine the x-axis center, the SOS table is loaded with a linear
ramping pattern, so that each column of the table contains the same data in each
row. The CTS executes 10,000 cycles and the data is read out of the CTS. A
linear SOS table loaded for calculating the x-axis midpoint is shown below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

Again, if the ADC were perfect, the average of the output of the CTS when scaled
for the number of cycles would be 127.5. However, since it is not perfect the
output would be different, say 126.7. This is then the computed midpoint for the
x-axis ADC. Since the SOS table can only be loaded with integer values, the
calculated floating point table midpoint is rounded to the nearest integer value
prior to subsequently computing the actual SOS table values.
A linear SOS table loaded for calculating the y-axis midpoint is shown below. A
similar scheme is used, but in this case, the SOS table is loaded with the linear
ramping pattern in the rows, not the columns.

124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126
127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127
128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129
130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130
131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131
132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132

Again, if the ADC were perfect, the average of the output of the CTS when scaled
for the number of cycles would be 127.5. However, since it is not perfect the
output would be different, say 124.2. This is then the computed midpoint for the
y-axis. After rounding, 124 would be used as the midpoint for computing the
actual SOS table.
The two rounded midpoints for each SOS table are then used to determine the cell
that contains the value 0. The entire SOS table is then generated around the zero
point until the entire table is filled in, as described earlier. Resulting Effect

The x and y midpoints of the four sum of squares tables are downlinked in the
miscellaneous science TM packet that gets generated immediately after the CTS
internal calibration is complete. There are two midpoints for each table: one

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

representing the real part of the transform, the other the imaginary part. The
values of the midpoints should be about 128 if the inherent offset of the ADC
banks is exactly centered with regard to a null input signal. Additional Information

The CTS contains four internal sum of squares tables which are 256256 16-bit
values. These are loaded with data calculated by the flight computer and then
transferred to the CTS. The CTS uses them to process the CTS spectrum. The
process of determining what values to load into the sum of squares tables prior to
nominal data collection is the CTS internal calibration process.
The CTS does not turn on correctly if its operating temperature is below about
−5°C. When this occurs, the one or more of CTS internal calibration midpoints
are orders of magnitude larger than the expected value of around 127. When
temperatures are this low, the CTS warm-up command should be used prior to
entering any spectroscopic mode. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19216 – CTS Internal Calibration
Parameters: PMRG0022 – CTS Internal Calibration CTS Data Masks Telecommand Description
The CTS generates spectra that consist of 4096 channels of 32-bit data. The flight
software compresses the 32-bits to 12-bits. The default compression algorithm
looks for the channel with the largest value within each of seven spectral bands
(defined in Section 9.3.4). It identifies the high bit associated with this value and
then makes that the most significant bit for all the channels of that band by
stripping off the higher bits with zero value. Then, it goes down 12 bits below this
high bit and strips off the lower bits. (Note that this algorithm was changed by a
software patch—and patches must be reloaded each time the instrument is turned
on—starting in September 2009. Prior to that date, the location of the high bit to
be returned was the same for all bands. If one band had a much higher signal than
another, that had the potential of reducing to an unacceptable value the dynamic
range of the band with the weak signal. The CTS Data Mask telecommand was
designed to avoid this by allowing manual selection of the 12 bits within each
spectral band. The revised software reduces the need for this telecommand,
though there are situations where it still might be useful.)
This telecommand manually sets the high bit above which bits are stripped. The
CTS spectra are a composite of seven bands (Section 9.3.4). Each band may have
significantly different gains. In addition, calibration data and regular differenced
data have very different values. Therefore, a total of 14 most significant bits can
be set, seven associated with the calibration data in each band and seven for
regular differenced data in each band.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000010011 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 19.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010010 EID-A Optional, 18 = CTS Data Masks
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 112 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS Data Masks Telecommand Application Data Definition

Size Value
Data Element Comment
(bits) (binary)
Calibration band #1 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #2 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #3 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #4 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #5 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #6 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Calibration band #7 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #1 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #2 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #3 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #4 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #5 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #6 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31
Nominal band #7 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11-31 Parameters
The parameters are given in the packet application data definition.
The value assigned to the parameters is an integer in the range from 11 to 31.
(PMRD2301) Calibration Band#1 MSB
(PMRD2302) Calibration Band#2 MSB
(PMRD2303) Calibration Band#3 MSB
(PMRD2304) Calibration Band#4 MSB
(PMRD2305) Calibration Band#5 MSB
(PMRD2306) Calibration Band#6 MSB
(PMRD2307) Calibration Band#7 MSB
(PMRD2308) Nominal Band#1 MSB
(PMRD2309) Nominal Band#2 MSB
(PMRD2310) Nominal Band#3 MSB
(PMRD2311) Nominal Band#4 MSB
(PMRD2312) Nominal Band#5 MSB
(PMRD2313) Nominal Band#6 MSB
(PMRD2314) Nominal Band#7 MSB Execution Description

The inbound FIFO manager task parses the 14 mask values out of the TC and
populates a global array that will be used by the CTS final processing task.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Action Taken

Following the population of the global mask array, the inbound FIFO manager
task generates a miscellaneous science TM packet containing, among other things,
the current set of mask values. Resulting Effect

Immediately following the processing of the TC and the setting of the global
mask variables, all CTS data sets that are generated will reflect the use of the
Typical values for the most significant bit by the autonomous compression routine
are MSB=25 for calibration data and MSB=17 for regular differenced data. The
value of the MSB for the calibration data depends on the IFP power setting. The
value for the MSB for the regular differenced data depends on the noise in the
spectrum (integration time, receiver temperature). The autonomous value is stored
in the spectroscopic (CTS) science source data packet and named CTS multiplier
value. Note that the 11 must be added to this value to get the number to input into
this command. Therefore, if the multiplier value is 12, then to get the same effect
the input to this command is 23. When this command is executed, the multiplier
value is set to zero and the user-defined values are placed in the miscellaneous
science file.
If the most significant bit of one band is increased by one bit, then it will appear a
factor of two smaller when compared to the other bands. Additional Information

CTS data sets generated as a result of an uplinked mask are identified by having
the “CTS Multiplier Value” data element set to zero. In this case, the masks sent
out in the most recent miscellaneous science TM packet must be used to expand
the raw 12-bit CTS values out to their actual size.
Once a CTS data mask has been uplinked, there is no way to “drop back” to using
the auto-calculated value for CTS data set MSB determination. The only way to
get back to that mode of operation is to issue a software restart command or
repower the instrument.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, the mask values for the seven calibration bands are
set to zero, and the seven nominal bands are set to 11. Also, auto-calculation of
the MSB of each data set is re-enabled. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19217 – CTS Data Masks
Parameters: PMRD2301 Calibration Band#1 MSB
11, MSB=11
12, MSB=12

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

13, MSB=13
14, MSB=14
15, MSB=15
16, MSB=16
17, MSB=17
18, MSB=18
19, MSB=19
20, MSB=20
21, MSB=21
22, MSB=22
23, MSB=23
24, MSB=24
25, MSB=25
26, MSB=26
27, MSB=27
28, MSB=28
29, MSB=29
30, MSB=30
31, MSB=31
PMRD2302 Calibration Band#2 MSB
PMRD2303 Calibration Band#3 MSB
PMRD2304 Calibration Band#4 MSB
PMRD2305 Calibration Band#5 MSB
PMRD2306 Calibration Band#6 MSB
PMRD2307 Calibration Band#7 MSB
PMRD2308 Nominal Band#1 MSB
PMRD2309 Nominal Band#2 MSB
PMRD2310 Nominal Band#3 MSB

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

PMRD2311 Nominal Band#4 MSB

PMRD2312 Nominal Band#5 MSB
PMRD2313 Nominal Band#6 MSB
PMRD2314 Nominal Band#7 MSB
CMRV0018 CTS Run Time Telecommand Description
This telecommand is used to minimize overhead in the timing when both the
spectroscopic and continuum data are being collected (i.e., during spectroscopic
modes—CTS/SMMContinuum and CTS/Dual Continuum modes). The
objective is to reduce that gap from its worst case of 500 milliseconds to about
20 milliseconds, by increasing the CTS run-time.

Continuum Samples 1 continuum sample = 0.050 seconds +- 1% 100th Sample
100 continuum sample = 5.00 seconds +- 1% = 4.95 to 5.05 seconds
Min Max

1 second 5 seconds

Next 100
Sample Sample Sample Sample Continuum
Nominal Continuum Sample
97 98 99 100 Samples
Timeline 1

4.50 5.05 5.225

Switch LO
on 100th
Both CTS and
Continuum Initial PLL and
Interrupt Freq. Syn. Alarm
Nominal CTS CTS Done Switch LO
started at end
States Captured
Timeline of CTS
Interrupt Frequency

4.50 4.95* 5.225

CTS unload (~230-500 msec)

Next CTS scan started

Gap from 100th

Continuum interrupt until
CTS unloading

The continuum and spectrometer detailed timeline is given below. The figure
shows the detail at the end of a 5-sec LO frequency switch. During each

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

~5 seconds CTS scan, 100 continuum samples are read out. A time gap is
introduced between the time when the 100th continuum sample is read out and the
next 5-second CTS scan is started. The reason for introducing this gap is that
there is an uncertainty in the continuum sample readout of +/-1%, which means
that the 100th sample could be readout anywhere between 4.95 and 5.05 seconds.
The CTS run-time is programmable by this telecommand. Its default setting is
4.95 seconds, the minimum time for the 100th continuum sample to be read out.
This is returned in the Miscellaneous Science data. Also, the time to readout the
CTS data is uncertain, between 230 and 500 milliseconds. When the program
starts up, the worst case is assumed, that both the 100th sample is read out at
4.95 seconds and the CTS readout takes 500 milliseconds. The next CTS scan and
continuum readout, then start at 5.225 sec. The gap, called the continuum/CTS
unloading gap, from the actual 100th continuum interrupt until the actual CTS
readout is complete is returned in the Miscellaneous science file. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as the
source. The remaining 11 bits are zero initially,
and constitute a one-up Telecommand
counter. A separate counter is used for each
APID/Packet Category combination.
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand = 192
Packet Subtype 8 00001100 EID-A Optional, 12 = CTS run time setting
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS Run Time Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Large Multiplier 1 When set to 1, multiply the results obtained
from the small multiplier by an additional
Small Multiplier 1 When set to 1, multiply the integration
counts field by 16.
Integration Counts 14 Varies Integration counts. Each count equals
~22.35 microseconds. Parameters
The telecommand parameters are identified in the packet application data
Large multiplier (PMRD1601): 0, 1 – multiply small multiplier by
256largemultiplier, default = 0.
Small multiplier (PMRD1602): 0, 1 – multiply integration counts by
16smallmultiplier, default = 1.
Integration counts (PMRD1603): default = 13858
(each count = ~22.35 microseconds). Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the hardware. The internal variable that is used to keep
track of the average CTS scan times is zeroed as this command directly affects the
CTS scan duration. The internal variable that is used to track the minimum
duration from the 100th continuum interrupt being received until the CTS readout
complete is also initialized to 10.0 as increasing or decreasing the CTS run-time
will directly affect this value. Both of these values appear as TM in the
miscellaneous science packet. Action Taken

The global variable that is used to control the CTS integration cycle count is set to
the specified value.
The CTS scan duration, beginning with the next CTS integration, will be set to the
number of cycles specified in the global variable. The global variable will remain
set to the specified value until either (1) power down/up, (2) software restart,
(3) receipt of new CTS Run Time command. Resulting Effect

The CTS scan duration will be set to the number of cycles specified. The 100th
continuum cycle is read out in a range from 4.95 seconds to 5.05 seconds. The
time for the CTS data to unload is from 0.19 to 0.50 seconds. Then, the range for

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

the gap as a function of CTS run-time is given in the table below. The gap should
not be less than 0.02 seconds. As you can see from the table below the range for
the CTS run-time is between 4.956 (default from large multiplier = 0, small
multiplier = 1, integration counts = 13858) and 4.47 seconds (large multiplier = 0,
small multiplier =1, integration counts =12499).

Large Multiplier 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Small Multiplier 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Integration Counts 13858 13701 13422 13142 12863 12583 12499
CTS Run Time (sec) 4.956 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.47
Max Gap (sec) 0.506 0.45 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.02
Min Gap (sec) 0.096 0.04 -0.06 -0.16 -0.26 -0.36 -0.39

The CTS Run-time and continuum/CTS unloading gap in seconds are read out in
the Miscellaneous Science file. The Gap is initially set to 10.0 to indicate when it
hasn’t been updated.
The CTS is considered to have failed if the busy line of the CTS is still high
during the 100th continuum interrupt processing. The busy line normally goes low
at the completion of the CTS scan. If the busy line stays high, a graceful software
shutdown will occur returning the instrument to the engineering mode. A CTS
Error Event Report (YMR00015) will be generated. Additional Information

Operationally, this TC should be used to decrease the “continuum/CTS unloading
gap” value in the miscellaneous science packet down to a value of about
0.020 seconds.
A short experiment indicates that for the case where
Large multiplier = 0,
Small multiplier = 1, and
Integration Counts = 13620
results in a gap of .02 seconds. This implies that the CTS unloading time is just
under 0.2 seconds. This however should be verified in flight.
The methodology for doing this should be as follows. A miscellaneous science
packet is generated every 30 minutes of nominal operation as part of the
instrument calibration. The continuum/CTS unloading gap should be monitored in
each of the miscellaneous science packets that are generated at 30-minute
intervals due to instrument calibration. Miscellaneous science packets are also
generated for a variety of other reasons, so the continuum/CTS unloading gap
values in those TM packets should not be used. When the continuum/CTS
unloading gap as reported in the miscellaneous science packet stops decreasing
over time, the value should be noted. Assume that the value has stabilized at
0.100 seconds. The CTS run-time will now need to be adjusted to a lower value in
order to decrease the continuum/CTS unloading gap. The CTS run-time should

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

not be lowered to a value to immediately reduce the gap from 0.100 to the desired
0.020 value, but gradually decreased over perhaps three or four iterations. If we
wanted to lower it from 0.100 to 0.050, we would need to decrease the CTS run-
time by about 2272 cycles (0.050/0.000022). The CTS run-time would then be
changed from the nominal value of 30242 (221728 cycles) to 30100 (219456
cycles). The continuum/CTS unloading gap should then be monitored until it
stops decreasing again, and the process repeated to lower the gap closer to the
desired value of 0.020. Once the process has been repeated several times and the
gap has been reduced to the 0.020 level, the CTS run-time being used should be
noted. This CTS run-time should then be uplinked via TC every time the
instrument is repowered or restarted to implement a memory patch. This is the
CTS run-time that should be used for long-term operation. Once this process has
been completed, the continuum/CTS unloading gap should still be monitored over
time to ensure that it maintains the 0.020 nominal level. Further small adjustments
may be required over time due to temperature, power, or other variables.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this value is set to 30242. The 30242 corresponds to
0x7622. Bit 14 serves as an indicator to multiply the value specified in bits
0-13 by 16. Bit 15 serves as an indicator to further multiple the resulting value by
an additional 256. The initial setting of 0x7622 represents 0x3622 * 0x10 which
totals 221728. This number is the number of cycles that the CTS is set to run for,
where each cycle is approximately 22.35 microseconds duration. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19210 – CTS Run Time
Parameters: PMRD1601 – Large Multiplier
0, 0
1, SmlMultx256
PMRD1602 – Small Multiplier
0, 0
1, IntCntsx16
PMRD1603 – Integration Counts CTS Pulse Position Telecommand Description
This telecommand translates the CTS spectrum with respect to channel number,
by approximately four spectral channels per unit change in the pulse position
number. The default position is 410. This telecommand would allow adjustment
of the frequency offset that might result from a change in the CTS function. This
is not anticipated.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 1001 EID-A Optional, Acknowledgement of
Acceptance and Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00001101 EID-A Optional, 13 = CTS pulse position
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable See CTS ICD for additional information
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
CTS pulse position (PMRG0017) = 410 (default) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC the inbound FIFO manager task immediately clocks the
specified setting out to the CTS. Action Taken

A CTS command is built that contains the value specified in the application data
field of the TC and sent to the CTS.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effect

There is no telemetry that indicates the value of the pulse position. However, it
turns out that there is an internal “birdie” in the instrument that results in a signal
at 1364.7 MHz when the CTS pulse position is set to 410 (default). The effect of
this telecommand is to translate the spectrum with respect to channel number by
approximately four channels/unit change. So for instance when the CTS pulse
position is set to 510, the birdie will move 400 channels (each channel is about
44 kHz wide; see Section 9.4) to ~1347.1 MHz. Additional Information

The CTS pulse position is only sent out to the CTS at two times. When the CTS
internal tables are calibrated, this is sent out just prior to the start of that
processing. When the TC itself is received, the value is also clocked out to the
CTS. The value received in the TC is stored internally and used during subsequent
internal CTS calibrations.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, this internally stored value is set to 410 and used
when a CTS internal calibration takes place.
If the CTS is not powered on and this TC is sent to the instrument, the software
will fail in a manner that is TBD. If the CTS pulse position telecommand is sent
during the integration of a CTS scan, the signal at each channel may be altered,
resulting in changes to the outputted differenced spectrum. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19211 – CTS Pulse Position
Parameters: PMRG0017 – CTS Pulse Position, default = 410

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.6 CALIBRATION MIRROR CONTROL TELECOMMANDS Move Mirror Telecommand Description
This telecommand will move the calibration mirror to any of its preset positions—
space, hot load, and cold load. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 01100110 EID-A Optional, 102 = Move Mirror
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable 1-3 decimal: 1=Space, 2=Hot Target, 3=Cold
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
The parameter is given in the packet application data.
Move Mirror (PMRG0018): 1 = space (default), 2= hot load, 3= cold load

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore that
activates the memory check task. The memory check task performs the actual
moving of the mirror as required by the command. Action Taken

The mirror is moved from its current location to the specified location. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc., as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data.

Calibration Heater Telecommand Off On

Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 28 (NMRA0004, bit 3)* 1 0
SUCR, Bit 29 (NMRA0004, bit 2)* 0=forward, 1=backward
SUCR, Bit 31 (NMRA0004, bit 0)* Set and clear to activate pin puller
Sensor Results
Mirror Location (NMRA00006) 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
+24 V EU (NMRA0020)* See spike
+24 V Current (NMRA0026)* See spike
*May be ob for less than 11 sec, so engineering data may miss it

The impact on the science data: the mirror location is returned with the CTS
Science source data, the Submillimeter Continuum source data, and the
Millimeter Continuum source data.
Event Reports:
Failure of the mirror returns event reports
 Mirror Error Type 1 (YMR00002) is generated when the mirror fails to
achieve the desired position, but is then successfully driven back to its
mechanical stop and then positioned at space.
 Mirror Error Type 2 (YMR00003) is generated when the mirror fails to
achieve the desired position, is then driven back to its mechanical stop and
then fails to find space position.
 Mirror Error Type 3 (YMR00004) is generated when the mirror fails to
achieve the desired position, is then driven back to its mechanical stop and
then fails to find the space position, the pin puller is activated, and the space
position located successfully.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

 Mirror Error Type 4 (YMR00005) is generated when the mirror fails to

achieve the desired position, is then driven back and then fails to find the
space position, the pin puller is activated, and the space position is not located.
 Mirror Error Type 5 (YMR00006) is generated when the previous mirror
failure was recovered from and was followed by a subsequent failure. Additional Information
The memory check task is used to perform the mirror movement because the
movement requires several seconds of time to execute, and we do not want to
delay the processing of the inbound FIFO manager task while that is taking place.
Mirror movement fault protection is in place during the mirror movement; i.e.,
any failure to reach the desired location will result in recovery actions taking
place. A pin puller releases the mirror and it is returned to the mechanical stop
position by a spring. The pin puller is then re-engaged.
Once manually moved via this command, the mirror will remain in the location
specified, unless manually moved again, until the next instrument calibration
occurs. At that time, the mirror will be automatically moved by the software to
support instrument calibration. At the end of the instrument calibration, the mirror
will be pointing to the space location.
During initial software startup following power on or during a software restart to
incorporate memory patches, the mirror is driven back to the mechanical stop and
moved forward until it reaches the space position. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19212 – Move Mirror
Parameters: PMRG0018 – Move Mirror, default = space
1, space
2, hot
3, cold Step Mirror Telecommand

-10 Description
The Step mirror command moves the mirror the

commanded number of steps in either the forward -25

(from mechanical stop) or backward (toward 23


mechanical stop) direction.


The calibration mirror is driven by a stepping motor Space

with 0.27-degree step size. The space position is Figure 6.1-1: Angles
near the mechanical stop. The hot load is 41 (152 associated with
steps) degrees from the space position, while the Calibration mirror
cold load is 23 (85 steps) degrees from the hot load. positions

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The calibration loads are 5 cm in diameter. The hot load is located approximately
8 cm from the calibration mirror while the cold load is located about 28 cm from
the calibration mirror. Therefore, the hot load half angle at the calibration mirror
is roughly 17 (63 steps) degrees, while the cold load half angle at the mirror is
about 5 degrees (18 steps). These angles are shown in Figure 6.1-1. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 00010100 EID-A Optional, 20 = Step Mirror
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Step Mirror Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Movement Direction 8 0=forward, 1=backward
Number of steps 8 0-255

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
Mirror movement direction (PMRD2801): 0 = forward (from space to hot to
cold), 1 = backwards (from cold to hot to space)
Number of steps (PMRD2802): 0–255 (note 237 steps will go from space to cold) Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore that
activates the memory check task. The memory check task performs the actual
stepping of the mirror as required by the command. Action Taken

The mirror is moved a series of single steps from its current location in the
specified direction. Resulting Effect

The resulting effect has three parts: (1) the software command is reflected in
either Address Register 100 or the Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) control
bits, (2) the change in temperature, voltage, etc. as measured by sensors, and
(3) impact on the science data.

Calibration Heater Telecommand Off On

Control Bits
SUCR, Bit 28 (NMRA0004, bit 3)* 1 0
SUCR, Bit 29 (NMRA0004, bit 2)* 0=forward, 1=backward
SUCR, Bit 31 (NMRA0004, bit 0)* Set and clear to activate pin puller
Sensor Results
+24 V EU (NMRA0020)* See spike
+24 V Current (NMRA0026)* See spike
*May be for less than 11 sec, so engineering data may miss it Additional Information

The memory check task is used to perform the mirror movement because the
movement could require several seconds of time to execute, and we do not want
to delay the processing of the inbound FIFO manager task while that is taking
Mirror movement fault protection is not in place during the mirror movement
because the mirror is not being move to a desired location, only some number of
steps that will likely not place it on one of the position sensors.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

This step movement of the mirror does not alter the internal variable used to track
where the mirror is pointing. If the mirror had been pointing to space prior to
receiving and executing this command, upon movement completion, the internal
variable will indicate that the mirror is still pointing at space. This could result in
problems during the next instrument calibration if the mirror were stepped too far
and mirror fault protection executes because the desired position is not achieved
as expected. The reason the software does not attempt to more accurately “keep
track” of the actual location of the mirror during stepping is because this
capability was added late in the software development effort for the sole purpose
of determining if the mirror position sensors were positioned to accurately reflect
the optimum optical path. If this command is used in flight, it should be done so
carefully, keeping track of the steps so that it can be returned to a nominal
Due to the above, the mirror location returned in NMRA0006 and the science data
is not changed by this command. If no command has been issued to return to a
preset mirror location, these values will be incorrect. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19222 – Step Mirror
Parameters: PMRD2801 – Movement Direction, default = 0, forward
0, forward
1, backward
PMRD2802 – Number of Steps, default = 0

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.7 SOFTWARE TELECOMMANDS Software Restart Telecommand Description
The software restart telecommand is used for several purposes: (1) to implement a
patch that has been loaded by the load memory telecommand, (2) to reset
parameters, such as the CTS mask parameters to default, without turning off the
whole instrument, and (3) to restart the system if for some reason it is not
This command should be implemented while in engineering mode. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Private Telecommand =
Packet Subtype 8 01100111 EID-A Optional, 103 = Software Restart
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Anything
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
S/W Pwr Down (PMRG0019 ): value isn’t used for anything Execution Description

Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore that is
acted upon by the executive assembly. The executive assembly checks the setting
of the restart semaphore once per second when running in the nominal processing
loop. When the executive sees that the restart semaphore has been set, it begins
the processing required to restart the software. Action Taken

The executive assembly deletes all created tasks, message queues, and
semaphores prior to exiting. The patch executive task detects that the executive
task has terminated and processes the entire set of memory patches that exist. The
software is then restarted with all memory patches in effect. Resulting Effect

All memory patches uplinked since the last power on will be in effect once the
software restarts. Additional Information

The executive assembly does not check the software restart semaphore during
instrument calibration processing. Because of this, the restart command should
only be sent while the instrument is in engineering mode.
From the time that the inbound FIFO task manager receives the software restart
command until the restart processing is complete with the software back up and
running is approximately 10 seconds. During this time, no TCs should be sent to
the instrument, as there is no software running to process them.
All internally buffered data within the instrument awaiting collection by the
spacecraft will be lost during the software restart.
A software restart results in the same initial state as when the instrument is first
powered on. No uplinked settings for any commandable items are retained
through the software restart. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR19213 – Software Restart
Parameters: PMRG0019 – S/W Pwr Down (Grnd Test)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Memory Checksum Telecommand Description
This telecommand will carry out a checksum of the memory specified in the
parameters. It does a complete checksum of memory, but only a partial checksum
(every other word) of the EEPPROM. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 13.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Memory Management = 6
Packet Subtype 8 00001001 EID-A Specified, 9 = Check Memory
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 64 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Memory Checksum Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Memory ID 8 01100100 100 = MIRO’s assigned ID
Number of blocks 8 00000001 Must be 1.
Start address 32 Variable Must be quadword aligned. RAM range is
0x00000000 through 0x01FFFFFF. ROM
range is 0xFF800000 through 0xFF8FFFFF.
Block Length 16 Variable Number of quadwords (32 bit words) to
check. 64k-1 maximum quadwords. Parameters
The parameters are given in the telecommand application data.
The two that can be set are:
 Start address (PMRG0002): for patch uploads a candidate is 0x300000, the
RAM range is 0x0000000 through 0x1FFFFFF, for EEPROM the range is
0xFF800000 through 0xFF8FFFFF and in 0x8000 long sections this is
0xFF800000, 0xFF820000, 0xFF840000, 0xF860000, 0xF880000,
0xFF8A0000, 0xFF8C0000, 0xFF8E0000.
 Block length (PMRG0003): the number of quadwords (32 bit words) to check. Execution Description
Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore to tell
the memory check task to perform the memory checksum processing. Action Taken

The memory check task performs the checksum over the specified address range
of ROM or RAM memory. For the ROM the checksum is incomplete, checking
only every other quadword. Resulting Effect

A TM packet (YMR00008) is generated in response to this TC that contains the
final memory checksum calculated.

Start Address NMRAST51 copied from TC

Block Length NMRAST52 copied from TC
Checksum NMRAST54
Note: The checksums for the EEPROM start addresses above are in table below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Start Address Checksum

0xFF800000 0xDE39
0xFF820000 0xA511
0xFF840000 0x74DB
0xFF860000 0xCC56
0xFF880000 0x0A8B
0xFF8A0000 0xBEFC
0xFF8C0000 0x3743
0xFF8E0000 0x84C0 Additional Information

The checksum algorithm used is the ESA standard as defined in the EID-A
document. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00603 – Check MIRO Memory
Parameters: PMRG0001 –Memory Block
PMRD0101 – Memory ID, default = 100
PMRD0102 – Blocks, default = 1
PMRG0002 – Memory Start
PMRG0003 – Memory Length Memory Dump Telecommand Description
This telecomm and will dump out either RAM or EEPROM memory of a
commandable length starting at a commandable location.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 13.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Memory Management = 6
Packet Subtype 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, 5 = Dump Memory
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 64 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Memory Dump Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Memory ID 8 01100100 100 = MIRO’s assigned ID
Number of blocks 8 00000001 Must be 1.
Start address 32 Variable Must be quadword aligned. RAM range is
0x00000000 through 0x01FFFFFF. ROM
range is 0xFF800000 through 0xFF8FFFFF.
Block Length 16 Variable Number of quadwords (32 bit words) to
check. 64k-1 maximum quadwords.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
The parameters are given in the telecommand application data.
The two that can be set are:
 Start address (PMRG0002): the RAM range is 0x0000000 through
0x1FFFFFF, for EEPROM the range is 0xFF800000 through 0xFF8FFFFF.
 Block length (PMRG0003): the number of quadwords (32 bit words) to dump. Execution Description
Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task sets a semaphore to tell
the memory check task to perform the memory dump processing. Action Taken

The memory check task performs the dump of the specified address range of
ROM or RAM memory. Resulting Effect

One or more memory dump TM packets (YMR00007) are generated in response
to this TC that contains the memory contents of the requested area.

Start Address NMRAST51 copied from TC

Block Length NMRAST52 copied from TC
Memory Data NMRAST53 Contents of dump Additional Information

The memory dump request can specify as many as 256k bytes of data,
64k quadwords. Memory dump TM packets are created with the largest size
allowed by the EID-A specification.
Memory dump TM packets are trickled out at a rate of one per collection cycle of
the DMS. If the DMS collection cycle is every 8 seconds, then a 256k byte dump
contained in 65 TM packets will be output in 520 seconds.
Only the first memory dump telemetry packet contains all the header
information—this therefore requires separate handling by ESOC. Specifically, the
Memory ID field type should contain “sub-type 6” which defines the format of
the memory dump telemetry packets. The second and subsequent packets of each
memory dump do not have this information.
The message queue data structure in the outbound FIFO manager task that is used
to hold the memory dump TM packets is sized to hold no more than 65 packets. A
memory dump of the maximum allowable 256k bytes of memory should not be
performed until it is known that the data structure is empty. The message queue
associated with the dump TM packets needs to be managed as a consumable
resource, in that memory dumps should not be requested that would generate
more TM packets than are available in the queue at that time. Since it is not

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

anticipated that the memory dump TC will be used very frequently, this should
not be difficult to do.
Since the dump parameters (start address, end address, etc.) are stored in global
memory by the inbound FIFO manager task for use by the memory check task
another precaution must be taken. Processing of the memory dump request and
generation of the TM packets requires 20 or 30 seconds of clock time by the
memory check task. During this time, it is important that another memory dump,
memory checksum, or memory load command not be sent as the memory dump
that is in progress will be corrupted.
The simplest way to avoid any problems with memory checksum and memory
dump processing is to wait for the associated TM data to be sent out of the
instrument. At that point, it is safe to send the next such request. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00602 – Dump MIRO Memory
Parameters: PMRG0001 –Memory Block
PMRD0101 – Memory ID, default = 100
PMRD0102 – Blocks, default = 1
PMRG0002 – Memory Start
PMRG0003 – Memory Length Memory Load Telecommand Description
The memory load telecommand loads a patch into an intermediate storage
location. Note that the load command does not actually patch memory.
The procedure for patching requires the following sequence.
1. Execute the load memory telecommand—this places the patch in a temporary
2. Execute the stop the time update telecommand
3. Execute the software restart telecommand—the patch is loaded into its proper
4. Execute the start time update telecommand
5. Execute the check memory telecommand on the proper location—this
determines if the patch is successfully loaded.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 Variable This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Memory Management = 6
Packet Subtype 8 00000010 EID-A Specified, 2 = Load Memory
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 64 Variable Detailed definition on following page
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Memory Load Telecommand Application Data Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Memory ID 8 01100100 100 = MIRO’s assigned ID
Number of blocks 8 00000001 Must be 1.
Start address 32 0 Not used by software as part of memory
loading but must pass address validation
check. Hence the forced zero.
Block Length 16 Variable Number of quadwords (32 bit words) that
follow in the data block field. If the data block
exceeds the maximum TC packet size it
must be split up into more than 1 TC.
Data Block Varies Variable Contains memory load information.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
The parameters are given in the telecommand application data.
The three that can be set are:
 Start address (PMRG0002): not used, however needs to have value to pass
formatting check
 Block length (PMRG0003): the number of quadwords (32 bit words) to load,
 Data block (PMRG0004): the 1st quadword contains the memory address
where the patch is to be loaded following a software restart (0x00300000 was
used during SVT), the second quadword is the number of quadwords of data
that follow, and the subsequent quadwords the data to be loaded into memory. Execution Description
Upon receipt of this TC, the inbound FIFO manager task populates the main patch
area of memory with the contents of the data block field. Action Taken

The data from the “Data Block” area of the TC is appended to the current contents
of the patch array in global memory. The amount of data to be appended is solely
based on the “Block Length” field. The “Start Address” field of the TC is not
applicable as the patch data is loaded sequentially into this pre-defined area of
memory. Resulting Effect

The contents of the current TC are appended to all accumulated memory patches. Additional Information

All uplinked patches will be incorporated into the instrument upon receipt of a
software restart command. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00601 – Load MIRO Memory
Parameters: PMRG0001 – Memory Block
PMRD0101 – Memory ID, default = 100
PMRD0102 – Blocks, default = 1
PMRG0002 – Memory Start
PMRG0003 – Memory Length
PMRG0004 – MemData

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

6.1.8 S/C INTERFACE TELECOMMANDS Enable MIRO HK Generation Telecommand Description
This telecommand starts MIRO engineering housekeeping data transfer to the
“outbound FIFO management task” for transmission to the S/C. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Housekeeping Reporting=3
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 5=Enable HK Report
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable PAD=1, Structure ID=1
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
PAD (PMRDSID1) = 1 (default)
Structure ID (PMRDSID2): identifier of which HK report to be acted on = 1
(MIRO has only one HK report)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Execution Description Action Taken

On receipt, MIRO starts generation of the HK report. The engineering
housekeeping collection task is running and collecting engineering data whenever
MIRO is on. It packetizes the data, too. This occurs every 11.3 seconds unless the
engineering housekeeping cycle skip telecommand has been executed. The only
effect that turning the HK generation on is that the housekeeping data is
transferred to the “outbound FIFO management task” for transmission to the S/C. Resulting Effect

Generation of MIRO Housekeeping Data packets (YMR00001) is enabled (see
Section 7.1.2 for description). RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00301 – Enable MIRO HK Generation
Parameters: PMRDSID1 –Pad
1, default
1, default Disable MIRO HK Generation Telecommand Description
This telecommand stops the MIRO housekeeping packet transfer to the “outbound
FIFO management task” for transmission to the S/C.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter
First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Housekeeping Reporting=3
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 6=Disable HK Report
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable PAD=1, Structure ID=1
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
PAD (PMRDSID1): default = 1
Structure ID (PMRDSID2): identifier of which HK report to be acted on =1
(MIRO has only one HK report) Execution Description Action Taken

On receipt, MIRO stops generation of the HK report. When HK telemetry
generation is off, the engineering collection task is still running and collecting
engineering data. It packetizes the data, too. The only effect that turning the HK
generation off has is that the completed telemetry packets are dropped on the floor
instead of being transferred to the “outbound FIFO management task” for

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

transmission to the S/C. If engineering housekeeping data collection is interfering

with the quality of science data, then disabling HK telemetry generation will not
fix that problem. They will need to use the “engineering HK cycle skip”
command. Resulting Effect

Generation of MIRO Housekeeping Data packets (YMR00001) is disabled. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00302 – Disable MIRO HK Generation
Parameters: PMRG0SID –Pad/SID
1, default
1, default Time Update Telecommand Description
This telecommand sends the spacecraft time to MIRO.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Time Synchronization=9
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 1=Accept Time Update
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 48 Variable SCET=CUC time
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
Time Value (PMRG0005) = CUC time, the time code format is four octets of unit
seconds followed by two octets of fractional seconds Execution Description Actions Taken

The spacecraft elapsed time presented in this packet is used to update the
instrument time reference on receipt of the following broadcast pulse.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effects

MIRO time-stamps each telemetry packet. The time value is furnished to a
resolution of 1/65536 sec. MIRO maintains telemetry time stamping to an
accuracy of better than 100 msec. Additional Information

MIRO requires spacecraft time update once per hour. The MIRO software uses its
internal real time clock (RTC) provided on the RAD6000 as the precision time
source. The RTC is crystal driven and provides the accuracy required for the TM
packet time stamping.
The interaction between the spacecraft provided time and the RTC works as
follows. The MIRO software stores the spacecraft time internally upon receipt of
the spacecraft time synch telecommand. When the follow-up TSY pulse is
received, the MIRO software resets the RTC time to zero. From that point
forward, the RTC will show the precise elapsed time since the spacecraft time was
last received. All telemetry timestamps are calculated by adding the contents of
the RTC registers to the last received spacecraft time to produce the current time.
MIRO software resynchs to the spacecraft time as often as the spacecraft sends
out the time synch telecommand. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR00901 – Time Update
Parameters: PMRG0005 – Time Value Connection Test Telecommand Description
The objective of this command is to determine if MIRO is “alive”. It tests the
connection path from the spacecraft to the instrument.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter is
used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 000000000000011 This gets set to the size of the application
1 data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Test service = 17
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 1=Connection Test request
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 0 Variable none
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
None. Execution Description Actions Taken

When MIRO receives this request, it responds by generating a Connection Test
Report (YMR00009) within 4 seconds if the following was completed
successfully after start-up.
1. Mirror driven to mechanical stop
2. Mirror moved to space
3. Time synch received or 60 seconds, whichever is first
4. Turned on engineering telemetry collection.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effects

A connection test report is generated (YMR00009) RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR01701 – Connection Test Enable Science Telecommand Description
This telecommand enables the output of science telemetry packets. Science
telemetry packets are still generated as long as the instrument is in any mode other
than engineering mode. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer=20
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 1=Enable Science Report
Generation (RTU-link)
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Pad field (9 bits)=0, PID (7bits=71)
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
Process ID (PMRG0PID): Pad field (9bits) = 0, PID (7 bits) = 71(default)—the
science report on which the operation acts is defined by the PID of the TM source
application. For all MIRO science reports, the PAD = 0 and the PID = 71. Execution Description Actions Taken

On receipt of this request, MIRO enables the outputting of science reports on the
RTU link. Resulting Effects

The transmission of Science telemetry (YMR00011) to the spacecraft is enabled. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR02001 – Enable Science
Parameters: PMRG0PID – Process ID Disable Science Telecommand Description
This telecommand disables the outputting of science telemetry packets to the
spacecraft. Science telemetry packets are still generated as long as the instrument
is in any mode other than engineering mode.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer=20
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 2=Disable Science Report
Generation (RTU-link)
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 16 Variable Pad field (9 bits)=0, PID (7bits=71)
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum Parameters
Process ID (PMRG0PID): Pad field (9bits) = 0, PID (7 bits) = 71(default)—the
science report on which the operation acts is defined by the PID of the TM source
application. For all MIRO science reports, the PAD = 0 and the PID = 71. Execution Description Actions Taken

On receipt of this request, MIRO stops outputting of science reports on the RTU
link. When the output of these science telemetry packets is disabled, the outbound
FIFO manager task drops all queued packets of that type on the floor the next
time that it runs. It runs at 10 Hz.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Resulting Effects

The transmission of Science telemetry (YMR00011) to the spacecraft is disabled. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR02002 – Disable Science
Parameters: PMRG0PID –Process ID Reset Telemetry Telecommand Description
If the telemetry stream from MIRO appears to be corrupted, the DMS may issue
this command as part of a telemetry recovery procedure. Packet Definition

Data Element Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Sequence Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length 16 0000000000000111 This gets set to the size of the application
data field (in bytes) + 5. In this case, 7.
PUS Version 3 000 EID-A Specified, Ground Sourced
Checksum Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Ack 4 0001 EID-A Specified, Acknowledgement of
Packet Type 8 11000000 EID-A Specified, Common Payload
Telecommands = 255
Packet Subtype 8 00000100 EID-A Optional, 1=Reset Telemetry Output
Pad 8 00000000 EID-A Mandatory
Application Data 0 Variable none
Packet Error Control 16 Variable Telecommand Packet Checksum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Parameters
None Execution Description Actions Taken
The telemetry buffer is cleared. Resulting Effects
The telemetry in the buffer is lost. RSDB Inputs

Telecommand: ZMR25501 – Reset telemetry

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The MIRO telemetry is downloaded in packets. Each packet has associated with
it, a
1. Name,
2. Header information including Packet Type and Subtype,
3. Format, and
4. Parameters.
The MIRO Telemetry Packets are given in the table below.

Packet Name Type Type Name Subtype Name
Type Name
Accept Success 1 1 Telecommand Verification Acceptance Success Report YMRST001
Incomplete Packet 1 2 Telecommand Verification Acceptance Failure Report YMRST002
Incorrect Checksum 1 2 Telecommand Verification Acceptance Failure Report YMRST003
Incorrect APID 1 2 Telecommand Verification Acceptance Failure Report YMRST004
Invalid Command Code 1 2 Telecommand Verification Acceptance Failure Report YMRST005
MIRO Housekeeping 3 25 Housekeeping Data Housekeeping Parameter Report YMR00001
MIRO On 5 1 Event Reporting Normal Progress Report YMR00012
Asteroid Mode Started 5 1 Event Reporting Normal Progress Report YMR00013
Asteroid Mode 5 1 Event Reporting Normal Progress Report YMR00014
Mirror Error Type 1 5 2 Event Reporting Warning Anomalous Event Report YMR00002
Mirror Error Type 2 5 2 Event Reporting Warning Anomalous Event Report YMR00003
Mirror Error Type 3 5 2 Event Reporting Warning Anomalous Event Report YMR00004
Mirror Error Type 4 5 3 Event Reporting Ground Action Anomalous Event YMR00005
Mirror Error Type 5 5 3 Event Reporting Ground Action Anomalous Event YMR00006
CTS Error 5 3 Event Reporting Ground Action Anomalous Event YMR00015
Memory Dump 6 6 Memory Management Memory Dump Report YMR00007
Memory Checksum 6 10 Memory Management Memory Check Report YMR00008
Connection Report 17 2 Test Service Connection Test Report YMR00009
Spectroscopic (CTS) 20 3 Science Data Science Data Report YMR00011
Submillimeter 20 3 Science Data Science Data Report YMR00011
Continuum Science

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Packet Name Type Type Name Subtype Name
Type Name
Millimeter Continuum 20 3 Science Data Science Data Report YMR00011
Miscellaneous Science 20 3 Science Data Science Data Report YMR00011

The MIRO housekeeping data contains engineering data including temperatures,
voltages, and currents.
The housekeeping data packets are generated whenever the instrument is turned
on in any mode. It is nominally generated every 11.2 seconds. If the housekeeping
skip command is executed, the generation time can be set to multiples of 11.2 sec. Packet Definition

RSDB Size Value

Data Element Comment
Name (bits) (binary)
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Header Flag
Application 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Process ID
Packet Category 4 0100 EID-A Specified, Housekeeping = 4
Segmentation NMRDH141 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source NMRDH142 14 1 up Zero initially, A separate counter is used for each APID/Packet
Sequence Count counter Category combination (i.e., science, housekeeping, memory
dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH142 16 10001001 This gets set to the size of the source data field (in bytes) + 9.
This is 137 bytes.
Time NMRAH143 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the data within the packet
was initiated. 4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
seconds. (Precision on fractional seconds is not 2 bytes, but
probably <0.001 sec.)
PUS Version NMRDH145 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH146 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH147 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH148 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Table 2.8.2-1, Housekeeping Reporting = 3
Packet Subtype NMRDH149 8 00011001 EID-A Specified, Housekeeping Parameter Report = 25
Pad NMRDH140 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data 1024 128 bytes Detailed definition on following page.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Engineering Source Data Definition

Data RSDB Parameter Data Size
Field # Reference (bits)
1 NMRA0001 8 Pad
1 NMRA0001 8 SID, value = 1
2 NMRA0002 16 Operational Mode
3 NMRA0003 16 SUCR bits 0–15*
4 NMRA0004 16 SUCR bits 16–31*
5 NMRA0005 16 Address 100 bits 8–15 (in LSBs)*
6 NMRA0006 16 Mirror Location: 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
7 NMRA0064 16 Reserved
8 NMRA0065 16 Reserved
Data RSDB Parameter EU Channel Data Size
Signal Name Function
Field # Reference No. (bits)
9 NMRA0009 0 16 T_BRANCHA1 CTS Temp. Sensor 1 Branch A
10 NMRA0010 1 16 T_BRANCHA2 CTS Temp. Sensor 2 Branch A
11 NMRA0011 2 16 T_BRANCHB1 CTS Temp. Sensor 1 Branch B
12 NMRA0012 3 16 T_BRANCHB2 CTS Temp. Sensor 2 Branch B
13 NMRA0013 4 16 T_ANATRAY1 CTS Temp. Sensor 1 Ana. Tray
14 NMRA0014 5 16 T_ANATRAY2 CTS Temp. Sensor 2 Ana. Tray
15 NMRA0007 6 16 EU-TEMP Electronics Unit Temperature
16 NMRA0008 7 16 ECAL-TEMP Reference Temp (634 ohms)
17 NMRA0015 16 16 +5V-LO +5V Voltage Monitor
18 NMRA0016 17 16 +12V-LO +12V Voltage Monitor
19 NMRA0017 18 16 −12V-LO −12V Voltage Monitor
20 NMRA0018 19 16 +3.3VLO +3.3V Voltage Monitor
21 NMRA0020 20 16 +24V-LO +24V Voltage Monitor
22 NMRA0019 21 16 +5VANA-LO +5V Ana. Voltage Monitor
23 NMRA0021 22 16 +5VI-LO +5V Current Monitor
24 NMRA0022 23 16 +12VI-LO +12V Current Monitor
25 NMRA0023 24 16 −12VI-LO −12V Current Monitor
26 NMRA0026 25 16 +24VANAI-LO +24V Current Monitor
27 NMRA0024 26 16 +3.3VI-LO +3.3V Current Monitor
28 NMRA0025 27 16 +5VANAI-LO +5V Ana. Current Monitor
29 NMRA0027 28 16 TLM-HEATING USO Temp Status
30 NMRA0028 29 16 TLM-RF USO RF Power Status
31 NMRA0029 30 16 HVPG1 CTS PG1 Voltage
32 NMRA0030 31 16 HVPG2 CTS PG2 Voltage

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Engineering Source Data Definition (continued)

Data RSDB Parameter SU Channel Data Size

Signal Name Function
Field # Reference No. (bits)
33 NMRA0031 0 16 COLD-LOAD1 Cold Load Temperature # 1
34 NMRA0032 1 16 COLD-LOAD2 Cold Load Temperature # 2
35 NMRA0033 2 16 WARM-LOAD1 Warm Load Temperature #1
36 NMRA0034 3 16 O/B Optical Bench Temperature
37 NMRA0035 4 16 TELESCOPE-1 Telescope # 1 Temperature
38 NMRA0036 5 16 TELESCOPE-2 Telescope # 2 Temperature
39 NMRA0037 6 16 PLL-T Phase Lock Loop Temperature
40 NMRA0038 7 16 IFP-DET-T smm IF Processor Detector
41 NMRA0039 8 16 IFP-AMP-T smm IF Processor Amplifier
42 NMRA0040 9 16 SMM-LO-GUNN smm Lo Gunn Temperature
43 NMRA0041 10 16 MM-LO-GUNN mm Lo Gunn Temperature
44 NMRA0042 11 16 MOTOR Mirror Motor Temperature
45 NMRA0043 12 16 SEN-EL Sensor Electronics Temperature
46 NMRA0044 13 16 WARM-LOAD2 Warm Load Temperature # 2
47 NMRA0045 14 16 CAL-TEMP-LO Reference Temperature (191 ohms)
48 NMRA0046 15 16 CAL-TEMP-HI Reference Temperature (681 ohms)
49 NMRA0047 16 16 +5V-LO +5v Voltage Monitor
50 NMRA0048 17 16 +12V-1-LO +12v Voltage Monitor # 1
51 NMRA0050 18 16 +12V-2-LO +12v Voltage Monitor # 2
52 NMRA0049 19 16 −12V-LO −12v Voltage Monitor
53 NMRA0051 20 16 +5VI-LO +5v Current Monitor
54 NMRA0052 21 16 +12VI-1-LO +12v Current Monitor # 1
55 NMRA0054 22 16 +12VI-2-LO +12v Current Monitor # 2
56 NMRA0053 23 16 −12VI-LO −12v Current Monitor
57 NMRA0059 24 16 MM-GUNN-I mm Gunn Current Status
58 NMR0061 25 16 SMM-MULT smm Multiplier Current Status
(no data)
59 NMRA0055 26 16 SMM-PLL-ERR Static Phase Error for smm PLL
60 NMRA0056 27 16 FS1-ERR Phase Error for Freq Synthesizer # 1
61 NMRA0057 28 16 FS2-ERR Phase Error for Freq Synthesizer # 2
62 NMR0058 29 16 FS3-ERR Phase Error for Freq Synthesizer # 3
63 NMRA0060 30 16 SMM-PLL- smm Gunn Current Status (Via PLL)
64 Reserved 31 16 Reserved
*See following tables for identification of bits

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Address Bit Assignments

Bit No. NMRA0005 Type Function
Start End
0100 01FF 0* Output Select EMUX 0
0100 01FF 1* Output Select EMUX 1
0100 01FF 2* Output Select EMUX 2
0100 01FF 3* Output Select EMUX 3
0100 01FF 4* Output Select EMUX 4
0100 01FF 5* Output Send CMD REG Data to SU
0100 01FF 6* Output Enable motor stepping
0100 01FF 7 Output Load enable (1=enable, 0=disable)
0100 01FF 8* 15 Output +12V SPEC On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 9* 14 Output +5V SPEC On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 10* 13 Output +5V ANA SPEC On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 11* 12 Output +3.3V SPEC On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 12* 11 Output −12V SPEC On (comes on when +12V SPEC is On)
(0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 13* 10 Output +24V USO On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 14* 9 Output CAL HTR On (0=off, 1=on)
0100 01FF 15* 8 Output CTS Tri-state: 1=disable, 0=Enable**
0200 02FF 0* Output ST CONV EU (Initially HI, LO-HI to start)
0200 02FF 1* Output ST CONV SU (initially HI, LO-HI to start)
0200 02FF 2* Output ST Continuum period (Initially HI, LO-HI to start)
0200 02FF 3* Output Continuum select (0=5ms, 1=100 ms)
0200 02FF 4* Output Motor speed select (0=100Hz, 1=500 Hz)
0200 02FF 5* Output ST Acquisition of SU Status
0200 02FF 6* Output Reset SMD FIFO (Initially HI, LO-HI to reset)
0200 02FF 7* Output Reset Data FIFO (initially HI, LO-HI to reset)
0200 02FF 8–15 Output Unassigned
0300 03ff 0–15 Input SU Status Register Bits 33-48 (mm cont.)
0400 04FF 0–15 Input SU Status Register Bits 49-64 (smm cont.)
0500 05FF 0–15 Input SU Status Register Bits 1-16
0600 06FF 0–15 Input SU Status Register Bits 17-32
0700 07FF 0–15 Output SU Control Register Bits 1-16
0800 08FF 0–15 Output SU Control Register Bits 17-32
*Low edge triggers, H/W initiates it low, I will initiate it HI in S/W, to toggle I will go LO-HI
**In FM S/W Code: Initially enabled, disabled after CTS powered on, enabled by turning off CTS power.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Sensor Unit Control Register (SUCR) Bit Assignments

Bit # RSDB TM Name Description
Bit No.
0 NMRA0003 15 Hskp_Mux0 Selects housekeeping channel
1 NMRA0003 14 Hskp_Mux1 Selects housekeeping channel
2 NMRA0003 13 Hskp_Mux2 Selects housekeeping channel
3 NMRA0003 12 Hskp_Mux3 Selects housekeeping channel
4 NMRA0003 11 Hskp_Mux4 Selects housekeeping channel
5 NMRA0003 10 Pwr_Contl_Non-5VSMM Commands +5V, +/−12V on after −5V is commanded
using smm cont. mode
6 NMRA0003 9 IFP_Contl1 Bit 0 of IFP Power Control
7 NMRA0003 8 IFP_Contl2 Bit 1 of IFP Power Control
8 NMRA0003 7 MM_LNA_On Powers on MM LNA Bias (0=on, 1=off)
9 NMRA0003 6 SMM_LNA_On Powers on SMM LNA Bias (0=on, 1=off)
10 NMRA0003 5 Pwr_Contl_Non-5VMM Commands +5V, +/−12V on after −5V is commanded
on using mm cont. mode
11 NMRA0003 4 Pwr_Contl_Non-5VSPEC Commands +5V, +/−12V on after −5V is commanded
on using SPEC mode.
12 NMRA0003 3 Loop Reset Phase-lock Reset (0 locks, 1 unlocks)
13 NMRA0003 2 IFP_Contl3 Bit 2 of IFP Power Control
14 NMRA0003 1 IFP_Contl4 Bit 3 of IFP Power Control
15 NMRA0003 0 Not used 0
16 NMRA0004 15 Set_smm_GO0 Sets bit for voltage to smm Gunn Osc (LSB)
17 NMRA0004 14 Set_smm_GO1 Sets bit for voltage to smm Gunn Osc
18 NMRA0004 13 Set_smm_GO2 Sets bit for voltage to smm Gunn Osc
19 NMRA0004 12 Set_smm_GO3 Sets bit for voltage to smm Gunn Osc (MSB)
20 NMRA0004 11 Not used 0
21 NMRA0004 10 Not used 0
22 NMRA0004 9 Not used 0
23 NMRA0004 8 Not used 0
24 NMRA0004 7 Set_pwr_mode0 Sets −5V for smm cont. mode
25 NMRA0004 6 Set_pwr_mode1 Sets −5V for mm cont. mode
26 NMRA0004 5 Set_pwr_mode2 Sets −5V for spec. mode
27 NMRA0004 4 Load_freq Loads the (3) frequency synthesizer chips (set and
clear to load)
28 NMRA0004 3 Mirror_pwr_ON Sets mirror power on (0=on, 1=off)
29 NMRA0004 2 Mirror_dir Sets mirror direction to forward (0=forward,
30 NMRA0004 1 Set_Freq_V- Sets smm frequency switched state (+/−5MHz)
31 NMRA0004 0 Pin_Puller-On Activate pin puller (set and clear to activate)
Note: This data moved into engineering HK packet when packet has been filled with data. Reflects settings at about
11.2 seconds after the packet time stamp.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Values

The expected values given below were measured during the MIRO thermal
Vacuum Tests conducted at JPL prior to integration of the instrument onto the
Rosetta spacecraft. The first table contains housekeeping data for when the
instrument was cold, −20°C.
The second table contains housekeeping data with the instrument in different
modes for when the instrument interface for the EU was 55°C and SU 40°C.
Values measured when instrument was “Cold” (Interfaces at about −20°C)

CTS/ SMM - CTS Heater

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont- CTS Warm-


Power LO, finished
Eng - Cal Heat Off
Eng - Warmed Up
Eng -Cal Heat On

Eng - USO Off

Eng - USO On

On, Power Lo
Up, Power Hi

Up Power Lo

SMM Cont

Dual Cont

CTS/ Dual
MM Cont

Up Off

Spect T1 [C] -5.78 -6.08 -6.31 -9.73 -9.90 -10.03 -10.40 -10.63 -10.86 -10.96 -9.93 -8.90 -9.27 -8.20 -0.17 -0.30
Spect T2 [C] -5.62 -5.95 -6.19 -9.63 -9.79 -9.93 -10.32 -10.52 -10.75 -10.85 -9.36 -9.03 -9.30 -9.30 -0.68 -0.55
Spect T3 [C] -5.65 -5.94 -6.18 -9.60 -9.77 -9.90 -10.30 -10.53 -10.73 -10.87 -9.77 -8.74 -9.20 -9.10 -0.01 -0.15
Spect T4 [C] -5.69 -6.03 -6.26 -9.67 -9.84 -9.97 -10.37 -10.60 -10.80 -10.93 -9.47 -9.11 -9.34 -9.37 -0.78 -0.65
Spect T5 [C] -20.82 -20.83 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.82 -20.87 -20.83 -20.82
Spect T6 [C] -16.56 -16.79 -16.99 -18.31 -18.31 -18.34 -18.41 -18.47 -18.54 -18.57 -18.31 -18.08 -17.55 -17.42 -14.94 -14.77
EU Temp [C] -6.98 -7.15 -7.25 -6.19 -6.26 -6.32 -6.59 -6.82 -7.02 -7.15 -7.05 -6.95 -6.16 -5.86 -3.24 -3.14
Ecal Temp [DN] 2600 2601 2601 2601 2601 2599 2598 2599 2601 2600 2601 2602 2602 2600 2602 2602
+5V EU [V] 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08
+12V EU [V] 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.59 11.97 12.21 13.09 13.20 12.29 13.06 12.82
-12V EU [V] -12.57 -12.57 -12.57 -12.57 -12.58 -12.56 -12.56 -12.56 -12.57 -12.66 -12.65 -13.10 -13.22 -12.75 -13.14 -13.01
+3.3V EU [V] 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.37 3.37 3.37 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44
+24V EU [V] 23.37 25.12 23.66 24.58 24.21 24.21 23.38 23.39 23.39 26.11 26.11 26.11 23.75 23.75 24.14 24.14
+5V Ana EU [V] 5.22 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10
+5V Curr EU [A] 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.55 1.46 1.47 1.47 2.08 2.06 2.07 2.08
+12V Curr EU [A] 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.51 0.31 0.07 0.07 0.31 0.10 0.14
-12V Curr EU [A] 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
+24V Curr EU [A] 0.02 0.05 0.45 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.38 0.38 0.17 0.17
+3.3V Curr Eu [A] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.66 0.67 0.66 1.33 1.35 1.33 1.34
+5V Ana Curr EU [A] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
TLM Heating [V] 0.01 0.01 1.35 0.78 0.97 0.97 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.30 1.30 0.97 0.97
TLM RF [V] 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03
CTS V Ana 1 [V] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.46 2.47 2.47 2.45 2.45 2.46 2.46
CTS V Ana 2 [V] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.47 2.48 2.48 2.46 2.46 2.47 2.47
Cold Load 1 Temp [C] -46.97 -47.12 -47.20 -47.50 -47.42 -47.35 -47.35 -47.42 -47.42 -47.42 -47.50 -47.50 -47.64 -47.64 -48.02 -48.10
Cold Load 2 Temp [C] -46.50 -46.65 -46.73 -46.95 -46.95 -46.80 -46.88 -46.95 -46.95 -46.95 -46.95 -46.95 -47.17 -47.17 -47.55 -47.55
Warm Load 1 Temp [C] 6.38 6.45 8.17 20.24 20.16 19.26 16.94 15.65 14.54 14.01 13.41 12.96 11.54 11.17 7.38 6.98
Warm Load 2 Temp [C] 6.36 6.44 8.08 20.20 20.13 19.28 16.90 15.63 14.51 13.98 13.39 12.94 11.52 11.14 7.26 6.96
Telescope1 Temp [C] 16.27 16.27 16.20 15.82 15.82 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.59 15.59 15.37 15.29
Telescope2 Temp [C] 17.38 17.31 17.31 16.86 16.86 16.79 16.79 16.71 16.71 16.71 16.64 16.64 16.56 16.56 16.34 16.34
PLL Temp [C] -16.23 -16.38 -16.53 -18.45 -18.53 -18.60 -18.75 -16.16 -14.09 -13.42 -12.90 -12.53 -11.50 -11.20 -8.38 -8.23
IFP Det Temp [C] -19.54 -19.76 -19.99 -21.72 -21.72 -21.80 -21.80 -21.65 -21.50 -21.35 -21.27 -21.19 -20.67 -20.52 -19.16 -19.01
IFP Amp Temp [C] -18.70 -18.92 -19.07 -20.84 -20.92 -20.92 -20.99 -20.84 -20.70 -20.62 -20.47 -20.40 -19.73 -19.59 -18.26 -18.11
SMM LO Gunn Temp [C] -21.74 -21.81 -21.81 -21.89 -21.89 -21.89 -21.89 -20.02 -18.68 -18.08 -17.63 -17.18 -16.28 -16.13 -15.54 -15.69
MM LO Gunn Temp [C] -21.07 -21.07 -21.07 -21.15 -21.15 -21.07 -19.87 -19.65 -18.20 -18.45 -17.92 -17.47 -18.15 -18.60 -20.32 -19.57
Motor Temp [C] -19.89 -19.89 -19.89 -20.04 -20.04 -20.04 -17.13 -16.02 -15.20 -16.24 -16.99 -17.43 -15.79 -16.54 -18.33 -16.32
Sensor Elect. Temp [C] -13.00 -13.14 -13.29 -15.16 -15.24 -15.31 -15.38 -15.38 -15.31 -15.24 -15.09 -15.01 -14.71 -14.56 -13.29 -13.14
Optical Bench Temp [C] -20.05 -20.05 -20.05 -20.12 -20.12 -20.12 -20.05 -19.82 -19.38 -19.08 -18.85 -18.56 -18.03 -17.88 -18.18 -16.33

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS/ SMM - CTS Heater

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont- CTS Warm-


Power LO, finished
Eng - Cal Heat Off
Eng - Warmed Up
Eng -Cal Heat On

Eng - USO Off

Eng - USO On

On, Power Lo
Up, Power Hi

Up Power Lo

SMM Cont

Dual Cont

CTS/ Dual
MM Cont

Up Off

Cal Temp Low [DN] 491 491 491 492 491 491 491 491 492 492 492 491 491 491 492 491
Cal Temp High [DN] 3735 3734 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735 3735
+5V SBEU [V] 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.14 5.14 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 4.99 4.99 4.98 4.96
+12V-1 SBEU [V] 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.47 12.47 12.47 12.47 12.03 12.03 12.03 12.05
+12V-2 SBEU [V] 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.01 11.92 11.92 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.92 11.92 11.92 11.84
-12V SBEU [V] -12.59 -12.59 -12.59 -12.59 -12.59 -12.59 -12.69 -12.64 -12.77 -12.77 -12.77 -12.77 -12.18 -12.18 -12.17 -12.19
+5V Curr SBEU [A] 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.30 0.29 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.29
+12V Curr1 SBEU [A] 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
+12V Curr2 SBEU [A] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.32 0.37 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.68
-12V Curr SBEU [A] 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.17
MM Gunn Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148.6 0.00 148.7 148.9 148.9 149.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 148.6
SMM Mult Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SMM PLL ERR [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.23 2.60 2.58 2.54 2.53
FS1 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.62 1.62 1.66 1.66
FS2 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.68 1.68 1.71 1.71
FS3 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.53 1.54 1.59 1.59
SMM PLL Gunn Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 123.6 124.0 124.2 124.4 124.5 121.8 121.8 122.1 122.0

Values measured when instrument was “Hot” (EU interface at about 55˚C, Optical Bench
at about 40˚C)

CTS/ SMM - CTS Heater

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont- CTS Warm-


Power LO, finished
Eng - Cal Heat Off
Eng - Warmed Up
Eng -Cal Heat On

Eng - USO Off

Eng - USO On

On, Power Lo
Up, Power Hi

Up Power Lo

SMM Cont

Dual Cont

CTS/ Dual
MM Cont

Up Off


Spect T1 [C] 67.56 66.88 66.37 66.21 65.75 65.48 65.11 64.83 64.42 65.79 64.63 67.53 66.64 66.69 68.31
Spect T2 [C] 67.77 67.16 66.64 66.51 66.07 65.76 65.39 65.11 64.71 66.44 65.25 67.23 66.78 68.28 68.38
Spect T3 [C] 67.67 66.98 66.47 66.33 65.89 65.62 65.24 64.97 64.52 65.96 64.76 67.67 66.71 68.83 68.39
Spect T4 [C] 67.69 67.07 66.56 66.43 65.98 65.71 65.34 65.06 64.62 66.26 65.10 67.14 66.73 68.20 68.30
Spect T5 [C] 60.84 56.81 56.75 56.78
Spect T6 [C] 55.15 54.41 53.73 53.83 53.19 53.29 52.74 52.58 52.17 52.34 52.13 52.68 53.63 54.41 54.98
EU Temp [C] 57.84 57.00 56.62 56.52 56.28 56.08 55.81 55.57 55.27 55.27 55.13 55.51 56.39 57.44 57.94
Ecal Temp [DN] 2625 2625 2625 2625 2624 2625 2625 2624 2624 2623 2623 2625 2626 2626 2626
+5V EU [V] 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.09 5.05 5.05
+12V EU [V] 12.43 12.44 12.44 12.43 12.44 12.43 12.44 12.46 12.46 12.03 11.80 12.96 13.09 12.96 12.77
-12V EU [V] -12.34 -12.37 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.38 -12.36 -12.37 -12.47 -12.56 -12.90 -13.04 -12.97 -12.87
+3.3V EU [V] 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.49 3.47 3.46
+24V EU [V] 23.03 24.87 23.56 24.28 24.83 23.03 23.03 23.02 23.02 25.79 25.79 25.81 24.76 24.76 24.76
+5V Ana EU [V] 5.22 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07
+5V Curr EU [A] 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.51 0.53 0.52 0.54 1.49 1.48 1.48 2.09 2.12 2.10
+12V Curr EU [A] 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.32 0.52 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.13
-12V Curr EU [A] 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
+24V Curr EU [A] 0.02 0.05 0.28 0.10 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.06
+3.3V Curr Eu [A] 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.55 0.55 0.54 1.27 1.27 1.26
+5V Ana Curr EU [A] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
TLM Heating [V] 0.01 0.01 1.04 0.79 0.79 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.79 0.79 0.79

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS/ SMM - CTS Heater

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont - CTS Warm-

Dual Cont- CTS Warm-


Power LO, finished
Eng - Cal Heat Off
Eng - Warmed Up
Eng -Cal Heat On

Eng - USO Off

Eng - USO On

On, Power Lo
Up, Power Hi

Up Power Lo

SMM Cont

Dual Cont

CTS/ Dual
MM Cont

Up Off

TLM RF [V] 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02
CTS V Ana 1 [V] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.48 2.48 2.48
CTS V Ana 2 [V] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.48 2.48 2.48
Cold Load 1 Temp [C] -29.48 -28.73 -28.43 -28.50 -29.03 -29.10 -28.95 -28.80 -29.18 -29.33 -29.40 -29.10 -28.65 -29.33 -30.00
Cold Load 2 Temp [C] -28.97 -28.22 -27.92 -27.92 -28.45 -28.52 -28.37 -28.30 -28.67 -28.75 -28.82 -28.60 -28.15 -28.75 -29.42
Warm Load 1 Temp [C] 49.01 48.56 48.78 48.78 48.78 46.89 44.61 43.02 40.98 38.86 39.46 37.80 36.14 34.55 33.57
Warm Load 2 Temp [C] 48.93 48.47 48.70 48.70 48.70 46.81 44.54 42.95 40.91 38.79 39.47 37.81 36.15 34.57 33.51
Telescope1 Temp [C] 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 22.93
Telescope2 Temp [C] 23.66 23.66 23.74 23.66 23.74 23.66 23.74 23.66 23.66 23.68 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.59 23.59
PLL Temp [C] 56.46 54.72 53.97 53.74 53.29 52.99 52.76 53.74 57.14 58.20 57.97 58.43 58.96 59.79 60.32
IFP Det Temp [C] 55.84 55.15 54.76 54.69 54.38 54.22 54.15 54.22 54.30 54.46 54.38 54.53 54.92 55.30 55.69
IFP Amp Temp [C] 55.56 54.88 54.43 54.28 54.05 53.90 53.75 53.82 53.90 54.05 53.97 54.05 54.58 55.03 55.34
SMM LO Gunn Temp [C] 43.71 42.41 41.64 41.26 40.96 40.65 40.27 42.26 43.33 44.32 44.02 44.63 45.01 44.93 44.78
MM LO Gunn Temp [C] 45.88 44.80 44.11 43.81 43.50 43.27 44.04 43.81 44.04 45.50 45.19 45.80 44.19 42.73 43.58
Motor Temp [C] 45.14 44.76 44.30 44.07 43.77 43.54 44.84 44.84 45.37 43.54 43.92 43.16 44.23 43.01 44.15
Sensor Elect. Temp [C] 59.09 58.24 57.63 57.32 57.09 56.86 56.56 56.48 56.48 56.63 56.56 56.71 56.94 57.17 57.55
Optical Bench Temp [C] 45.22 44.31 43.70 43.39 43.09 42.86 42.55 42.55 42.78 43.16 43.09 43.39 43.54 43.32 43.16
Cal Temp Low [DN] 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 486.0 486.0 487.0 487.0 487.0 486.0
Cal Temp High [DN] 3730 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731
+5V SBEU [V] 5.17 5.18 5.17 5.18 5.17 5.17 5.13 5.14 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 4.93 4.93 4.89
+12V-1 SBEU [V] 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.24 12.31 12.24 12.38 12.37 12.37 12.37 11.89 11.89 11.91
+12V-2 SBEU [V] 12.04 12.03 12.04 12.04 12.03 12.03 11.94 11.93 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.93 11.93 11.84
-12V SBEU [V] -12.42 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.43 -12.52 -12.48 -12.61 -12.61 -12.61 -12.61 -11.95 -11.94 -11.98
+5V Curr SBEU [A] 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.33 0.31 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.20 1.20 1.35
+12V Curr1 SBEU [A] 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.48 0.48 0.48
+12V Curr2 SBEU [A] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.40 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.40 0.40 0.73
-12V Curr SBEU [A] 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.18
MM Gunn Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 157.3 0.00 157.3 157.3 157.3 157.4 0.00 0.00 157.1
SMM Mult Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SMM PLL ERR [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 2.29 2.25 2.21
FS1 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.70 2.71 2.71
FS2 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.41 2.42 2.42
FS3 Err [V] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 2.69 2.70
SMM PLL Gunn Curr [mA] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 145.4 145.8 145.1 146.1 146.2 144.9 145.1 144.9

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Graphs of selected engineering housekeeping data as a function of instrument mode for the
“Cold” and “Hot” Measurements.

Figure 7.1-1: T1 Spectrometer (one of four thermistors—T1, T2, T3, T4—on the CTS
acoustic delay line section).

Figure 7.1-2: T6 Spectrometer (one of two thermistors—T5, T6—on the CTS electronics
section). The temperature in this section of the CTS follows the EU temperature.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Calibration Temperature Calibration

There are 21 Platinum Resistance Thermistors (PRT) in the MIRO instrument.
The tables below provide both a second order and first order polynomial fit for the
temperature as a function of raw data number for each PRT. The MIRO EGSE
uses the second order fit. It provides the higher accuracy necessary to meet the
temperature accuracy requirements. The first order fit is used by the Rosetta Data
system to provide calibrated temperatures. The RSDB calibration data is used by
ESA at download time to determine if an “out-of-limit” condition is met. This
does not require the same degree of accuracy as the scientific use of the data.

EGSE 2nd order polynomial fit of temperature as a function of raw data number (DN).
T[N] T[N] T[N]
Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Max.
A B C Residual
PRT Error
S/N PRT Location Subsys [C/DN2] [C/DN] [C] [C]
PE40 Spect 1 (T_BRANCHA1) EU 2.07883E-07 3.30314E-02 −19.726 0.078
PE41 Spect 2 (T_BRANCHA2) EU 2.08406E-07 3.29487E-02 −20.227 0.077
PE53 Spect 3 (T_BRANCHB1) EU 2.09061E-07 3.31136E-02 −19.123 0.072
PE55 Spect 4 (T_BRANCHB2) EU 2.07419E-07 3.29994E-02 −19.888 0.072
PE44 Spect 5 (T_ANATRAY1) EU 2.06196E-07 3.28688E-02 −20.823 0.076
PE62 Spect 6 (T_ANATRAY2) EU 2.04410E-07 3.30287E-02 −20.060 0.065
JF72 EU TEMP EU 2.10070E-07 3.28850E-02 −20.666 0.091
YK64 COLD-LOAD1 TEMP SU 9.04375E-07 7.08852E-02 −182.322 0.004
YK68 COLD-LOAD2 TEMP SU 9.05168E-07 7.13410E-02 −181.954 0.003
YG80 WARM-LOAD1 TEMP SU 1.04532E-06 6.92694E-02 −181.685 0.346
YK69 WARM-LOAD2 TEMP SU 1.03268E-06 6.92212E-02 −181.714 0.299
JF54 O/B TEMP SU 1.08622E-06 6.96198E-02 −182.487 0.09
JF73 TELESCOPE-1 TEMP SU 1.14824E-06 6.92175E-02 −182.003 0.268
LS46 TELESCOPE-2 TEMP SU 1.07134E-06 6.86548E-02 −183.325 0.542
LS54 PLL-TEMP (S/N 02) SBEU 8.26760E-07 7.01107E-02 −185.042 0.006
YK62 IFP-DET-T (smm) TEMP (SN02) SBEU 8.79567E-07 6.99528E-02 −183.799 0.003
YK60 IFP-AMP-T (mm) TEMP (SN02) SBEU 8.91920E-07 7.13595E-02 −183.029 0.004
LS41 SMM-LO-GUNN TEMP (SN02) SU 8.51491E-07 7.02587E-02 −184.653 0.004
HZ55 MM-LO-GUNN TEMP (SN02) SU 1.05513E-06 7.02858E-02 −182.608 0.064
JF57 MIRROR MOTOR TEMP SU 1.08123E-06 6.95330E-02 −182.631 0.088
JF70 SEN-EL TEMP SBEU 1.06962E-06 6.96692E-02 −182.699 0.083

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

RSDB Linear fit of temperature as a function of raw data number

T[N] T[N] Max Error
Coefficient Coefficient Error at
PRT RSDB m b at DN=0 Dnmax
S/N PRT Location Subsys Name [C/DN] [C] [C] [C]
PE40 Spect 1 (T_BRANCHA1) EU CMRY0100 0.033883675 -20.29413482 0.57 0.56
PE41 Spect 2 (T_BRANCHA2) EU CMRY0101 0.033803149 -20.79651699 0.57 0.57
PE53 Spect 3 (T_BRANCHB1) EU CMRY0102 0.03397076 -19.69487753 0.57 0.57
PE55 Spect 4 (T_BRANCHB2) EU CMRY0103 0.033849823 -20.45497342 0.57 0.56
PE44 Spect 5 (T_ANATRAY1) EU CMRY0104 0.033714199 -21.38677463 0.56 0.56
PE62 Spect 6 (T_ANATRAY2) EU CMRY0105 0.033866794 -20.61866605 0.56 0.55
JF72 EU TEMP EU CMRY0106 0.033746334 -21.23971713 0.57 0.57
YK64 COLD-LOAD1 TEMP SU CMRY0123 0.074412308 -184.5559698 2.23 2.07
YK68 COLD-LOAD2 TEMP SU CMRY0124 0.07487112 -184.189303 2.24 2.06
YG80 WARM-LOAD1 TEMP SU CMRY0125 0.07334614 -184.2668159 2.58 2.38
YK69 WARM-LOAD2 TEMP SU CMRY0136 0.073248693 -184.2651337 2.55 2.36
JF54 O/B TEMP SU CMRY0126 0.0740733 -185.4560633 2.97 2.95
JF73 TELESCOPE-1 TEMP SU CMRY0127 0.0739253 -185.1412464 3.14 3.12
LS46 TELESCOPE-2 TEMP SU CMRY0128 0.073047302 -186.2529661 2.93 2.91
LS54 PLL-TEMP (S/N 02) SU CMRY0129 0.073500419 -187.3020201 2.26 2.24
YK62 IFP-DET-TEMP (smm) (SN02) SU CMRY0130 0.073558985 -186.2027378 2.40 2.39
YK60 IFP-AMP-TEMP (mm) (SN02) SU CMRY0131 0.075016325 -185.4664865 2.44 2.42
LS41 SMM-LO-GUNN TEMP (SN02) SU CMRY0132 0.073749861 -186.9800848 2.33 2.31
HZ55 MM-LO-GUNN TEMP (SN02) SU CMRY0133 0.07461183 -185.4925038 2.88 2.86
JF57 MIRROR MOTOR TEMP SU CMRY0134 0.073966056 -185.5862737 2.96 2.93
JF70 SEN-EL TEMP SU CMRY0135 0.074054605 -185.623042 2.92 2.90 Voltage Calibration

There are 18 Voltages read out in the housekeeping data. The calibration for all of
these is linear as given in the table below.
b m*Raw Data Number
Description RSDB Name [V] [V/DN]
+5 EU Voltage CMRY0107 0 1.5647700E-03
+12 EU Voltage CMRY0108 0 3.5557460E-03
−12 EU Voltage CMRY0109 0 −5.7070700E-03
+3.3 EU Voltage CMRY0110 0 9.4854200E-04
+24 EU Voltage CMRY0111 0 1.2184308E-02
+5 Ana EU Voltage CMRY0112 0 1.5863220E-03
USO TLM Heating Voltage CMRY0119 0 1.2210012E-03
USO TLM RF Voltage CMRY0120 0 1.2210012E-03
CTS-Ana-1 Voltage CMRY0121 0 1.5258790E-03

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

b m*Raw Data Number

Description RSDB Name [V] [V/DN]
CTS-Ana-2 Voltage CMRY0122 0 1.5258790E-03
+5V SBEU Voltage CMRY0137 0 1.5561130E-03
+12-1 SBEU Voltage CMRY0138 0 3.5520800E-03
+12-2 SBEU Voltage CMRY0139 0 3.5574990E-03
−12 SBEU Voltage CMRY0140 0 −5.8037160E-03
SMM-PLL-ERR Voltage CMRY0147 0 9.3155000E-04
FS1-ERR Voltage CMRY0148 0 1.2207030E-03
FS2-ERR Voltage CMRY0149 0 1.2207030E-03
FS3-ERR Voltage CMRY0150 0 1.2207030E-03

The USO Telemetry Heating Voltage and RF Voltage are not calibrated for
temperature and power. Current Calibration

There are 12 Currents read out in the housekeeping data. The calibration for all of
these is linear as given in the table below.

b m*Raw Data Number

Description Units RSDB Name [A or mA] [A or mA/DN]
+5V EU Current A CMRY0113 0 7.6320000E-04
+12V EU Current A CMRY0114 0 2.2749800E-04
−12V EU Current A CMRY0115 0 2.6894900E-05
+24V EU Current A CMRY0116 0 2.1656800E-04
+3.3V EU Current A CMRY0117 0 1.1616000E-03
+5V Ana EU Current A CMRY0118 0 1.3607000E-04
+5V SBEU Current A CMRY0141 0 3.3313900E-04
+12V-1 SBEU Current A CMRY0142 0 2.7165900E-04
+12V-2 SBEU Current A CMRY0143 0 2.1425100E-04
−12V SBEU Current A CMRY0144 0 4.6708500E-05
MM Gunn Current mA CMRY0145 0 1.5258789E-01
SMM-PLL Gunn Current mA CMRY0151 0 6.2948800E-02

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Other Calibration Limits
The limits are based on values obtained during thermal vacuum testing at JPL.
The general approach was to set the soft limit at least 10% beyond the expected
difference between the maximum and minimum expected value and the hard limit
at least 20% beyond the expected values.

Telemetry Name Units Condition Hard Low Soft Low Soft High
Name High
Spect_T1 LMR10023 C CTS/Smm Cntm or −40.0 −35.0 80.0 85.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
Spect_T2 LMR20023 C CTS/Smm Cntm or −40.0 −35.0 80.0 85.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
Spect_T3 LMR30023 C CTS/Smm Cntm or −40.0 −35.0 80.0 85.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
Spect_T4 LMR40023 C CTS/Smm Cntm or −40.0 −35.0 80.0 85.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
Spect_T5 removed C Fails intermittently at
high temperatures
Spect_T6 LMR60023 C CTS/Smm Cntm or −40.0 −35.0 80.0 85.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
EU_Temp LMR00021 C TRUE for all modes −30 −20 50 60
ECal_Temp LMR00022 Raw TRUE for all modes 2585 2595 2630 2640
+5V_EU LMR00024 V TRUE for all modes 4.5 4.7 5.3 5.5
+12V_EU LMR00025 V TRUE for all modes 11.0 11.5 13.4 13.5
−12V_EU LMR00026 V TRUE for all modes −13.5 −13.2 −11.5 −11.0
+3.3V_EU LMR00027 V TRUE for all modes 2.9 3.1 3.6 3.7
+24V_EU LMR00029 V TRUE for all modes 22.0 22.5 26.5 27.0
+5V_Ana_EU LMR00028 V TRUE for all modes 4.5 4.7 5.3 5.5
+5V_Curr_EU LMR00030 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.1 3 3.3
+12V_Curr_EU LMR00031 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.01 0.8 0.9
−12V_Curr_EU LMR00032 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.01 0.11 0.113
+24V_Curr_EU LMR00035 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.01 0.8 0.83
+3.3V_Curr_EU LMR00033 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.01 2.0 3.0
+5V_Ana_Curr_EU LMR00034 A TRUE for all modes 0 0.01 0.8 1.0
TLM_Heating LMR00036 V TRUE for all modes 0.003 0.007 1.5 2.2
TLM_RF LMR00037 V TRUE for all modes 0.003 0.006 0.1 0.15
CTS_V_Ana_1 LMR10038 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 2.4 2.43 2.6 2.65
CTS/Dual Cntm
CTS_V_Ana_2 LMR20038 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 2.4 2.43 2.6 2.65
CTS/Dual Cntm
Cold_Load1_Temp LMR10039 C TRUE for all modes −183.0 −180.0 105.0 107.0
Cold_Load2_Temp LMR20039 C TRUE for all modes −183.0 −180.0 105.0 107.0
Warm_Load1_Temp LMR10040 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 75.0 85.0
Warm_Load2_Temp LMR20040 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 75.0 85.0
OB_Temp LMR00041 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 35.0 40.0

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Telemetry Name Units Condition Hard Low Soft Low Soft High
Name High
PAY412-MIRO Temp 2 LMR00074 C MIRO off −30.0 −25.0 55.0 60.0
A Limits (Rosetta TRP)
PAY412-MIRO Temp 2 LMR00074 C TRUE for all modes −20.0 −15.0 40.0 45.0
A Limits (Rosetta TRP)
PAY413-MIRO Temp 2 LMR00075 C MIRO Off −30.0 −25.0 55.0 60.0
B Limits (Rosetta TRP)
PAY413-MIRO Temp 2 LMR00075 C TRUE for all modes −20.0 −15.0 40.0 45.0
B Limits (Rosetta TRP)
PAY414-MIRO Temp 1 LMR00076 C MIRO off −30.0 −25.0 55.0 60.0
A Limits (Rosetta TRP)
PAY414-MIRO Temp 1 LMR00076 C TRUE for all modes −20.0 −15.0 55.0 65.0
A Limits (Rosetta TRP)
Telescope1_Temp LMR00071 C TRUE for all modes −183.0 −180.0 105.0 107.0
Telescope2_Temp LMR00072 C TRUE for all modes −183.0 −180.0 105.0 107.0
PLL_Temp LMR00042 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 70.0 75.0
IFP_DET_Temp LMR00043 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 65.0 70.0
IFP_AMP_Temp LMR00044 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 65.0 70.0
SMM_LO_GUNN LMR00045 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 45.0 50.0
MM_LO_GUNN LMR00046 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 45.0 50.0
Motor_Temp LMR00047 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 100.0 150.0
Sen_El Temp LMR00048 C TRUE for all modes −30.0 −20.0 65.0 70.0
Cal_Temp_Low LMR00049 Raw TRUE for all modes 430 440 500 560
Cal_Temp_High LMR00050 Raw TRUE for all modes 3650 3700 3850 3900
+5V_SBEU LMR00051 V TRUE for all modes 4.5 4.7 5.3 5.5
+12V_1_SBEU LMR00052 V TRUE for all modes 11.0 11.5 12.6 13.0
+12V_2_SBEU LMR00054 V TRUE for all modes 11.0 11.5 12.5 13.0
−12V_SBEU LMR00053 V TRUE for all modes −13.0 −12.9 −10.8 −10.3
+5V_Curr_SBEU LMR00055 A TRUE for all modes 0.001 0.01 1.5 1.6
+12V_Curr_1_SBEU LMR00056 A TRUE for all modes 0.001 0.01 0.55 0.6
+12V_Curr_2_SBEU LMR00058 A TRUE for all modes 0.001 0.01 0.83 0.89
−12V_Curr_SBEU LMR00057 A TRUE for all modes 0.001 0.01 0.2 0.25
MM_GUNN_Curr LMR00063 mA Mm Cntm, Dual Cntm, 140.0 145.0 160.0 170.0
CTS/Dual Cntm
SMM_PLL_ERR LMR00059 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 1.0 2.0 2.75 3.3
CTS/Dual Cntm
FS1_ERR LMR00060 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 1.0 1.4 3.0 3.5
CTS/Dual Cntm
FS2_ERR LMR00061 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 1.0 1.4 3.0 3.5
CTS/Dual Cntm
FS3_ERR LMR00062 V CTS/Smm Cntm or 1.0 1.4 3.0 3.5
CTS/Dual Cntm
SMM_PLL_GUNN_Curr LMR00063 mA CTS/Smm Cntm or 110.0 115.0 150.0 160.0
CTS/Dual Cntm

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00001 – MIRO Housekeeping
Parameters: NMRAxxx – identified in table above
The telemetry parameters that have subparameters are listed here.
NMRA0002 – Operational Mode
NMRD0201 Power Mode
NMRD0202 CTS Integration Period
NMRD0203 Continuum Sum Value
NMRD0204 CTS Smoothing Value
NMRD0205 Reserved (not used)
NMRD0206 Reserved (not used)
NMRD0207 Reserved
NMRAH141 – MR71/4 PckSeqCount
NMRDH141 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH142 MR 71/4 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH143 – MR71/4 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH143 MIRO 71/4 Coarse time
NMRDH144 MIRO 71/4Fine time
NMRAH144 – MR71/4 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH145 PUS version number
NMRDH146 Checksum flag
NMRDH147 Data field header spare
NMRDH148 MIRO 71/4 Packet Type
NMRDH149 MIRO 71/4 Packet Subtype
NMRDH140 Data field header pad

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The submillimeter-wave spectroscopic frequencies allow simultaneous
observations of 8 spectral lines; H2O (556.936 GHz), H217O (552.021 GHz),
H218O (547.676 GHz), CO (576.268 GHz), NH3 (572.498 GHz), and CH3OH
(553.146, 568.566, 579.151 GHz). These lines are returned in seven down-
converted bands (defined by filters, see Section 9.3.4), that are spectrally analyzed
by the Chirp Transform Spectrometer (CTS).
Band 1 (1270 MHz): H2O
Band 2 (1300 MHz): H217O
Band 3 (1320 MHz): CH3OH (579.151 GHz)
Band 4 (1340 MHz): H218O
Band 5 (1363 MHz): CO
Band 6 (1389 MHz): CH3OH (568.566 GHz)
Band 7 (1407, 1425 MHz): NH3, CH3OH (553.146 GHz)
Spectroscopic data is generated in three of the MIRO operating modes:
1. CTS/Submillimeter-wave Continuum mode.
2. CTS/Dual continuum mode.
3. Asteroid mode.
Two types of data are returned.
1. Calibration data
2. Differenced frequency switched data.
Each digitized spectrum contains 4096, ~44 KHz wide channels (unless CTS
smoothing is invoked). Note that the precise channel width is temperature
dependent, as discussed in Section 9.4.
In addition to the spectroscopic data, additional related information is packaged in
the spectroscopic science file. The first CTS science packet contains the
operational mode, the science data type (in this case CTS data), the calibration
mirror location, the CTS multiplier value, the calibration indicator, and the LO
frequency setting. The last CTS science packet contains PLL alarm data for the
CTS scan. One byte of PLL alarm data will be present for each 5-second CTS
scan that is contained in the CTS data set.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Spectroscopic (CTS) Science Telemetry Definition
Size Value
Data Element RSDB Name Comment
(bits) (binary)
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Segmentation Flags NMRDH1C1 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence Count NMRDH1C2 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is used for
each APID/Packet Category combination (i.e.,
science, housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH1C2 16 110110111 or This gets set to the size of the source data field
100110110 (in bytes) + 9. This is 439 bytes except for the
last packet of each spectrum, when it is
310 bytes.
Time NMRAH1C3 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the data
within the packet was initiated. 4 bytes of
seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
PUS Version NMRDH1C5 3 000 EID-A Specified, Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH1C6 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH1C7 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH1C8 8 00010100 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer = 20
Packet Subtype NMRDH1C9 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, RTU Interface = 3
Pad NMRDH1C0 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data 3440 430 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS Science Source Data Definition

Size Value
Data Element Comment
(Bits) (Binary)
Operational mode 16 MIRO operational mode
Science data type 8 00000001 CTS data = 1
Mirror location 8 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
CTS multiplier value 16 N All CTS data values should be multiplied by 2^N, when a user
defined CTS mask is in effect this will be zero.
Data set number 16 1 up counter Specifies CTS data set number
Packet number 8 Specifies packet number within CTS data set
Calibration indicator 4 0=Calibration, 1=nominal CTS data
LO frequency setting 4 0=LO frequency 0, 1= LO frequency 1 Note: This setting only applies
to calibration data as indicated by the calibration indicator.
CTS data 3360 Usually 420 Processed CTS data. Multiple data packets depending on value of
bytes, but CTS Smoothing Value. Note: Last CTS packet contains PLL alarm
270 in the last data for the CTS scan. One byte of PLL alarm data will be present
packet of for each 5-second CTS scan that is contained in the CTS data set.
each The 4 most significant bits of each PLL alarm byte represent the PLL
spectrum alarm states at 0.05 seconds elapsed time into the scan. The 4 least
significant bits indicate whether the corresponding PLL alarm bit ever
changed. See details below.
Note: When the Asteroid mode bit in the “operational mode” data element is set the following CTS science data packet
decoding rules apply: The “calibration indicator” will always be zero even though some of the asteroid data is calibration
data and some is not. All asteroid data sets are the same and consist of 4096 32-bit samples packed into 39 TM
packets of 420 bytes each, and 1 packet of 4 bytes plus 1 byte of PLL data. The “LO frequency setting” will indicate
which LO frequency the data was captured at. Expected Values

Typical spectra are shown below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

CTS calibration Data: Shown above is a typical CTS calibration data. The vertical
scale is in counts (about 4107); the top horizontal scale in frequency (MHz); the
bottom horizontal scale is in channel numbers. The CTS calibration data shows
the structure of the IF band pass. The seven bands are indicated by the dotted
lines. Six of these scans are obtained for each calibration: (1) observing the hot
load at −5 MHz, (2) observing the hot load at +5 MHz, (3) observing the cold
load at −5 MHz, (4) observing the cold load at +5 MHz, (5) observing the source
position at −5 MHz, and (6) observing the source position at +5 MHz. Since the
count level is dominated by the receiver noise, these six scans look very similar.
The spike at 1364.7 MHz is internal to the instrument. Though unintentional, it
serves as a good indicator that the CTS pulse position is set correctly.

CTS differenced data is shown above. If there were no drift between the 5-second
LO switches the data would be at 0 counts. In this figure, it is slightly above 0
consistent with a linear increasing drift. The structure seen in the calibration data
has been cancelled out. The seven bands are indicated by the dotted lines. The
peak-to-peak signal is consistent with 30-second integration time, 44-kHz
bandwidth, and receiver noise temperature of about 5000 K.


The PLL alarm bits are comprised of six individual bits that are tracked during the
CTS scans. The six bits are shown in the table below:

Frequency Frequency Frequency SMM Low SMM High LO Frequency

Synthesizer 3 Synthesizer 2 Synthesizer 1

The three MSB are the three frequency synthesizer alarms. The three LSB are the
three PLL alarms. For the frequency synthesizer alarm bits, 1 = locked and 0 =
alarm condition. For the PLL alarm bits, 0 = locked and 1 = alarm condition.
Since the number of bits was increased from four in the EQM to six in the flight, a
scheme was developed to consolidate the six bits down to four to generate the
same amount of returned telemetry. The three frequency synthesizer bits are

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

ANDed together upon their initial sampling on continuum sample number 1. If all
three bits are 1, indicating lock, then the initial value of the consolidated
frequency synthesizer bit will be 1. If any of the three frequency synthesizer bits
are 0, then the consolidated frequency synthesizer bit will be 0. The three PLL
alarm bits have an initial state that corresponds directly to the 0 or 1 returned from
the hardware. The table below shows the four bits that comprise the initial alarm
bit state as returned in the four MSB of the alarm data for each CTS scan:

Consolidated Frequency SMM Low SMM High LO Frequency

Synthesizer Bit

These four bits show the initial state of the alarms as sampled during the first
continuum sample approximately 50 milliseconds into the CTS scan. There are 99
remaining continuum samples during the 5-second CTS scan. The four LSB of the
alarm data are used to indicate if the alarm bits ever change from their initial state
at any time during the remaining 99 samples. For the three PLL bits, it is very
straightforward. If the initial state ever changes, the “change bit” in the four LSB
will show a 1. If the PLL alarm never changes, then the “change bit” will show a
0. The final returned eight bits are shown below:

Consolidated SMM SMM LO Frequency Consolidated SMM SMM LO Frequency

Frequency Low High Frequency Low High Change Bit
Synthesizer Bit Synthesizer Change Change
Change Bit Bit Bit

The consolidated frequency synthesizer change bit works as follows. If any of the
three initial frequency synthesizer bits changes from its initial value during the
CTS scan, the change bit will be set to 1. If none of the three bits change during
the scan, then the change bit will be set to 0. The three frequency synthesizer bits
were consolidated because it was determined that they were likely to be the most
stable of the six alarm bits. If the three frequency synthesizers are working
perfectly and never lose lock during a CTS scan, then the returned bit pair should
be 1-0. Since they are consolidated, it will not be possible to determine exactly
which one is losing lock should one or more of them lose lock. Since each of the
three PLL alarm bits is separately tracked, it will be possible to determine which
of them is losing lock during each scan. Calibration
The absolute calibration of the instrument is obtained by observing two blackbody
loads at two different temperatures. The cold load is exposed to space, while the
hot target is located inside the spacecraft and can be heated. Calibration occurs
automatically about every 30 minutes.
For spectroscopic observations, the submillimeter-wave receiver is operated in a
“frequency switched” mode to eliminate residual baseline ripple. For half the
integration time, the signal frequency is shifted 5 MHz above the nominal
frequency, while the other half of the time it is shifted to 5 MHz below. The

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

frequency switching occurs every five seconds. The +5 MHz data (referred to as
LO1) are subtracted from the -5 MHz (LO0) data by the on-board computer.
The calibration data is not differenced. It consists of 6 scans each with 30 seconds
integration time.
1. Hot load with LO switched to −5 MHz
2. Hot Load with the LO switched to +5 MHz
3. Cold load with the LO switched to −5 Mhz
4. Cold Load with the LO switched to +5 MHz
5. Source with the LO switched to −5 MHz
6. Source with the LO switched to +5 MHz RSDB Entries

The Spectroscopic data file YMR00011. Some of the header values are called
specifically with NMR … designations. These are indicated in the above tables.

The submillimeter-wave receiver provides continuum data as well as
spectroscopic data. The submillimeter-wave continuum band is 1 GHz wide
centered at 569.813 GHz (USB) and 555.813 GHz (LSB), since the receiver is
double sideband.
Submillimeter-wave continuum data is taken in five MIRO operating modes.
1. Submillimeter Continuum mode.
2. Dual Continuum mode.
3. CTS/Submillimeter Continuum mode.
4. CTS/Dual Continuum mode.
5. Asteroid mode.
A continuous digitized stream of data is returned. The integration time per data
point defaults to 50. It is controlled by the continuum summing parameter in the
Change Mode telecommand. The data output will be summed over 50 ms
(one continuum value summed), 100 ms (two continuum values summed), 250 ms
(five continuum values summed), 500 ms (10 continuum values summed) or
1000 ms (20 continuum values summed). A fixed value may be subtracted from
these measurements depending on whether or not the Continuum Subtraction
Value telecommand has been executed. The subtraction value is contained in the
miscellaneous science file. When the summing value is set to either 1 or 2,
additional timestamps are placed in the continuum packet.
In addition to the spectroscopic data, additional related information is packaged in
the spectroscopic science file. The first CTS science packet contains the
operational mode, the science data type (in this case, submillimeter-wave

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

continuum data), the calibration mirror location, MM subtraction value, SMM

subtraction value, the calibration indicator, and the LO frequency setting. In
addition, time tags are applied approximately every five seconds. If in a
spectroscopic mode is on, then the level is changed by LO frequency switching. Packet Telemetry Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Segmentation Flags NMRDH1C1 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH1C2 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is used for
Count each APID/Packet Category combination
(i.e., science, housekeeping, memory dump,
Packet Length NMRAH1C2 16 Varies This gets set to the size of the source data
field (in bytes) + 9. This is nominally
439 bytes, but can be as small as 49
depending on the number of samples
contained in the packet.
Time NMRAH1C3 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated. 4 bytes
of seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
PUS Version NMRDH1C5 3 000 EID-A Specified, Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH1C6 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH1C7 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH1C8 8 00010100 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer = 20
Packet Subtype NMRDH1C9 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, RTU Interface = 3
Pad NMRDH1C0 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data Varies 40–430 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Continuum (Submillimeter) Source Data Definition

Data Element Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Operational mode 16 MIRO Operational mode
Science data type 8 00000010 Submillimeter data = 2
Mirror location 8 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
Calibration indicator 16 0=Calibration, 1=nominal CTS data
MM subtraction value 16 Current value as uplinked via TC
SMM subtraction value 16 Current value as uplinked via TC
Reserved 16 0000000000000000
Timestamp 2 48 Time of 101st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 1. Time of 51st continuum sample if continuum
summing value is 2. Zero otherwise.
Timestamp 3 48 Time of 101st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 2. Zero otherwise.
Timestamp 4 48 Time of 151st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 2. Zero otherwise
Continuum Data Varies 10-400 bytes Field is nominally 400 bytes, but can be as short as
10 bytes if flushed for a mode change. Alternating sets
of continuum data at LO1 and LO2 if CTS running. Size
of each set depends on continuum summing value. Expected Value

Typical submillimeter continuum data are shown below. The first scan shown
below is typical of a non-spectroscopic mode—either Submillimeter-Continuum
mode or Dual Continuum mode. The vertical axis in the plot above is counts. The
horizontal scale is time, in this case, in minutes. In addition to the source date
(about 7880 counts), the effect of a calibration sequence is seen as well. The
higher level (about 7900 counts) results from observing the hot load for
30 seconds, while the lower level (about 7780 counts) results from observing the
cold load for 30 seconds.
The second scan below shows typical submillimeter continuum data in a
spectroscopic mode—either CTS/Submillimeter Continuum mode or CTS/Dual
Continuum mode. The effect of the +/−5 MHz frequency switching every
5 seconds is clearly seen by a slight change in level. To process this data, it is
necessary to bin it into the appropriate frequency switch before applying the

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Calibration
The absolute calibration of the instrument is obtained by observing two blackbody
loads at two different temperatures. The cold load is exposed to space, while the
hot target is located inside the spacecraft and can be heated. Calibration occurs
automatically about every 30 minutes. RSDB Entries

The Spectroscopic data file YMR00011. Some of the header values are called
specifically with NMR … designations. These are indicated in the above tables.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The millimeter-wave receiver provides continuum data. The millimeter-wave
continuum band is 500 MHz wide centered at about 188.75 GHz (LSB) and
191.25 GHz (USB), since the receiver is double sideband. Note that the LO is not
locked so that these are as uncertain as the LO frequency.
Millimeter-wave continuum data is taken in four MIRO operating modes.
1. Millimeter Continuum mode.
2. Dual Continuum mode.
3. CTS/Dual Continuum mode.
4. Asteroid mode.
A continuous digitized stream of data is returned. The integration time per data
point defaults to 50. It is controlled by the continuum summing parameter in the
Change Mode telecommand. The data output will be summed over 50 ms
(one continuum value summed), 100 ms (two continuum values summed), 250 ms
(five continuum values summed), 500 ms (10 continuum values summed) or
1000 ms (20 continuum values summed). A fixed value may be subtracted from
these measurements depending on whether or not the Continuum Subtraction
Value telecommand has been executed. The subtraction value is contained in the
Miscellaneous Science file. When the summing value is set to either 1 or 2,
additional timestamps are placed in the continuum packet. Packet Telemetry Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Segmentation Flags NMRDH1C1 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH1C2 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is used for
Count each APID/Packet Category combination
(i.e., science, housekeeping, memory dump,
Packet Length NMRAH1C2 16 Varies This gets set to the size of the source data
field (in bytes) + 9. This is nominally
439 bytes, but can be as small as 49
depending on the number of samples
contained in the packet.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment

Time NMRAH1C3 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated. 4 bytes
of seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
PUS Version NMRDH1C5 3 000 EID-A Specified, Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH1C6 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH1C7 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH1C8 8 00010100 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer = 20
Packet Subtype NMRDH1C9 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, RTU Interface = 3
Pad NMRDH1C0 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data Varies 40–430 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Continuum (Millimeter) Source Data Definition

Data Element Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Operational mode 16 MIRO Operational mode
Science data type 8 00000011 Millimeter data = 3
Mirror location 8 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
Calibration indicator 16 0=Calibration, 1=nominal CTS data
MM subtraction value 16 Current value as uplinked via TC
SMM subtraction value 16 Current value as uplinked via TC
Reserved 16 0000000000000000
Timestamp 2 48 Time of 101st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 1. Time of 51st continuum sample if continuum
summing value is 2. Zero otherwise.
Timestamp 3 48 Time of 101st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 2. Zero otherwise.
Timestamp 4 48 Time of 151st continuum sample if continuum summing
value is 2. Zero otherwise
Continuum Data Varies 10-400 bytes Field is nominally 400 bytes, but can be as short as
10 bytes if flushed for a mode change. Alternating sets
of continuum data at LO 1 and LO 2 if CTS running. Size
of each set depends on continuum summing value. Expected Values

Typical millimeter-wave continuum data is shown below. The vertical axis in the
plot above is counts. The horizontal scale is time, in this case in minutes. In
addition to the source date (about 7335 counts), the effect of a calibration
sequence is seen as well. The higher level (about 7400 counts) results from
observing the hot load for 30 seconds, while the lower level (about 7000 counts)
results from observing the cold load for 30 seconds.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Calibration
The absolute calibration of the instrument is obtained by observing two blackbody
loads at two different temperatures. The cold load is exposed to space, while the
hot target is located inside the spacecraft and can be heated. Calibration occurs
automatically about every 30 minutes. RSDB Entries

The Spectroscopic data file YMR00011. Some of the header values are called
specifically with NMR … designations. These are indicated in the above tables.

The miscellaneous science telemetry contains parameters critical to analyzing the
data that are not captured in the other science files.
A Miscellaneous Science file is generated under the following circumstances:
1. Whenever a mode change takes place. This happens not only on a Mode
Change command, but also automatically with the following telecommands:
CTS Internal Cal, IFP Power Control, and Asteroid mode.
2. During autonomously executed calibration sequences that take place roughly
every 30 minutes following a Mode Change telecommand.
3. When the CTS Data Mask telecommand is executed.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

4. When a CTS internal table calibration takes place. (Per this and item 1, the
CTS Internal Cal telecommand generates two MS packets, while the Asteroid
mode command, which has two mode changes and a cal, generates three.) Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1100 EID-A Specified, Private (science) = 12
Segmentation Flags NMRDH1C1 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH1C2 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is used for
Count each APID/Packet Category combination
(i.e., science, housekeeping, memory dump,
Packet Length NMRAH1C2 16 110110111 This gets set to the size of the source data
field (in bytes) + 9. This is 439 bytes.
Time NMRAH1C3 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated. 4 bytes
of seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
PUS Version NMRDH1C5 3 000 EID-A Specified, Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH1C6 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH1C7 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH1C8 8 00010100 EID-A Specified, Science Data Transfer = 20
Packet Subtype NMRDH1C9 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, RTU Interface = 3
Pad NMRDH1C0 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data 3440 430 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Miscellaneous Science Source Data Definition

Size Value
Data Element Comment
(bits) (binary)
Operational mode 16 MIRO operational mode
Science data type 8 00000100 Miscellaneous science data = 4
Mirror location 8 1=sky, 2=hot, 3=cold
Reserved 48 Header reserved area
Asteroid Mode Programmed 16 0 or 1 0=Asteroid mode not currently programmed, 1=Asteroid
mode programmed
Asteroid Mode Start Time 32 Varies Spacecraft time for Asteroid mode execution to start
Millimeter Subtraction Value 16 Varies Unsigned integer subtracted from each submillimeter
sample. As specified in the TC parameter.
Submillimeter Subtraction Value 16 Varies Unsigned integer subtracted from each millimeter
sample. As specified in the TC parameter.
CTS Run Time 40 Varies ASCII representation of floating point: i.e., 4.878
Continuum / CTS Unloading Gap 40 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 0.056
CTS Table 1 Midpoint #1 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.07
CTS Table 1 Midpoint #2 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.08
CTS Table 2 Midpoint #1 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.09
CTS Table 2 Midpoint #2 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.10
CTS Table 3 Midpoint #1 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.11
CTS Table 3 Midpoint #2 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.12
CTS Table 4 Midpoint #1 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.13
CTS Table 4 Midpoint #2 48 Varies ASCII representation of floating point value: i.e., 125.14
CTS Calibration band #1 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #2 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #3 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #4 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #5 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #6 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Calibration band #7 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #1 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #2 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #3 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #4 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #5 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #6 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
CTS Nominal band #7 MSB 8 Varies Valid setting is in the range of 11–31
PLL Lock Successful Counter 32 Varies The number of times that all 6 PLL lock indicator bits
were found to be in lock when a CTS scan was about to
be started.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Size Value
Data Element Comment
(bits) (binary)
PLL Lock Unsuccessful Counter 32 Varies The number of times that one or more of the 6 PLL lock
indicator bits were found to not be in lock when a CTS
scan was about to be started.
Reserved 2640 330 bytes Will use as required Expected Value

Two samples of Miscellaneous Science files are given below.
*** Record #27 time = 1171396.767
OpMode = x2000 MirPos = 1
AstMode = 0 Ast.Start = 0.000
MM Subtract = 0 SMM Subtract = 0
CTS RunTime = 4.956 Unload Gap = 10.00
CTS Midpoints:
126.6 123.5 126.2 127.6 124.4 123.9 125.6 126.1
CTS Cal.band MSBs: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CTS Nom.band MSBs: 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
PLL Lock: Success = 2694 Unsuccessful = 268

*** Record #28 time = 1171452.417

OpMode = x2000 MirPos = 3
AstMode = 0 Ast.Start = 0.000
MM Subtract = 0 SMM Subtract = 0
CTS RunTime = 4.956 Unload Gap = 0.105
CTS Midpoints:
126.6 123.5 126.2 127.6 124.4 123.9 125.6 126.1
CTS Cal.band MSBs: 29 25 25 25 25 25 25
CTS Nom.band MSBs: 21 17 17 17 17 17 17
PLL Lock: Success = 2704 Unsuccessful = 268 RSDB Entries

The Spectroscopic data file YMR00011. Some of the header values are called
specifically with NMR … designations. These are indicated in the above tables.

On receipt of a dump request, the defined area of memory is formatted as a Dump
Telemetry Report and transferred to the spacecraft.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Memory Dump Telemetry Definition
Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 1001 EID-A Specified, Private (dump) = 9
Sequence Flags NMRDH191 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count NMRDH192 14 000 + 1 up First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
counter the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter is
used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length NMRAH192 16 Varies This gets set to the size of the source data
field (in bytes) + 9.
Time NMRAH193 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated. 4 bytes
of seconds followed by 2 bytes of fractional
PUS Version NMRDH195 3 010 EID-A Specified
Checksum Flag NMRDH196 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH197 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH198 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Memory Management = 6
Packet Subtype NMRDH199 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, 6 = Memory Dump
Pad NMRDH190 8 Variable Copied from TC.
Source Data Varies Variable Detailed definition on following page

Memory Dump Telemetry Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Memory ID NMRDST50 8 01100100 100 = MIROs assigned ID
Number of blocks NMRDST55 8 00000001 Must be 1.
Start address NMRAST51 32 Variable Copied from TC.
Block Length NMRAST52 16 Variable Copied from TC.
Data Block NMRAST53 Varies Variable Contents of dump as requested in the
memory dump TC.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

Contains the contents of the memory block being dumped, contiguously from the
defined address. The block consists of a structured array of memory words, as
shown below, repeated a “block_length” number of times.
For 16 bit word memory width:

Data word
2 octets
Unsigned integer

For 32 bit memory width:

Most significant word Least significant word

2 octets 2 octets RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00007 – Memory Dump MID 100
Telemetry Parameters: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparameters are given below.
NMRAH191 – MR71/9 PckSeqCount
NMRDH191 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH192 MR71/9 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH 193 – MR71/9 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH193 MIRO 71/9 Coarse time
NMRDH194 MIRO 71/9Fine time
NMRAH194 – MR71/9 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH195 PUS version number
NMRDH196 Checksum flag
NMRDH197 Data field header spare
NMRDH198 MIRO 71/9 Packet Type
NMRDH199 MR 71/9 Packet Subtype
NMRDH190 Data field header pad
NMRAST50 – Memory ID Blocks
NMRDST50 Memory ID
NMRDST55 Memory Blocks

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

On receipt of a checksum request, the checksum of the contents of the defined
area of memory is calculated. Packet Definition

Memory Checksum Telemetry Definition
Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 0111 EID-A Specified, Private (event) = 7
Sequence Flags NMRDH171 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count NMRDH172 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground” as
the source. The remaining 11 bits are zero
initially, and constitute a one-up
Telecommand counter. A separate counter
is used for each APID/Packet Category
Packet Length NMRAH172 16 0000000000010011 This gets set to the size of the source data
field (in bytes) + 9. In this case, 19.
Time NMRAH173 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH175 3 010 EID-A Specified
Checksum Flag NMRDH176 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH177 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH178 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Memory Management =
Packet Subtype NMRDH179 8 00001010 EID-A Specified, 10 = Memory Check
Pad NMRDH170 8 Variable Copied from TC.
Source Data 80 Variable Detailed definition on following page

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Memory Checksum Telemetry Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Memory ID NMRAST50 8 01100100 100 = MIRO’s assigned ID
Number of blocks NMRAST50 8 00000001 Must be 1.
Start address NMRAST51 32 Variable Copied from TC.
Block Length NMRAST52 16 Variable Copied from TC.
Checksum NMRAST54 16 Variable Checksum computed by ESA standard
checksum algorithm. Expected Value

Typical output file is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1143409.69735 ( 6,10) 6401 ff80
0000 8000
de39 0000
MIRO makes use of a standard ESA CRC computation algorithm/routine. This
routine is used to compute the CRCs on incoming telecommand packets and also
for computation of the memory checksum that takes place as part of the memory
check service. The memory check can be performed on both the RAM and
EEPROM areas of memory. The code is as follows:
UINT16 calccrc_( UINT8 *buffer, unsigned count )
UINT16 crc = 0xffff;
unsigned i;
unsigned j;
UINT16 wtemp;
char audit_string[80];

for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )

wtemp = buffer[i] << 8;
for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
if( (crc ^ wtemp) & 0x8000 )
crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x1021;
crc = (crc << 1);
wtemp = (wtemp << 1);
return( crc );
When the code is executing and performing a checksum on regular memory
(RAM) it proceeds through a byte at a time and the checksum is valid because the
RAM is byte addressable. The EEPROM on the other hand is quadword
addressable rather than byte addressable.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The calccrc routine accesses memory one byte at a time, as each byte is then
processed individually within the routine. Accessing EEPROM memory via byte
accesses produces incorrect data 50% of the time. The following example
illustrates the problem. Suppose the first quadword of EEPROM located at
0xFF800000 contained the value 0xAABBCCDD. If one were to read the
following memory locations via byte accesses to locations 0xFF800000,
0xFF800001, 0xFF800002, and 0xFF800003, one would get 0xAA, 0xAA,
0xDD, and 0xDD, respectively. Craig Hatfield obtained these results by running
code on a flight rad6000. RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00008 – Memory Check MID 100
Telemetry Parameters: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

The MIRO On Progress Event Report is generated when the MIRO flight
software has come up normally and received a time synchronization TC packet
and the associated TSY pulse from the spacecraft.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Normal/Progress
Report = 1
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

MIRO On (Progress Event Report #1) Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111110 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43006. This is generated when
the flight software has come up
normally and received a time
synchronization TC packet and the
associated TSY pulse from the
spacecraft. Basically when we synch to
spacecraft time for the first time.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5, 1) a7fe 0000 (note that a7fe(HEX) =
43006(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00012 – Progress Event 1
Telemetry Parameter: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Asteroid Mode Started Report is generated when the flight software begins
running the Asteroid mode sequence. This should correlate to the Asteroid mode
start time issued in the Asteroid mode TC.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Normal/Progress
Report = 1
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Asteroid Mode Started (Progress Event Report #2) Source Data Definition
Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111111 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43007. This is generated when
the flight software begins running the
Asteroid mode sequence. This should
correlate to the Asteroid mode start
time issued in the Asteroid mode TC.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5, 1) a7ff 0000 (note that a7ff(HEX) =
43007(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00013 – Progress Event 2
Telemetry Parameter: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Asteroid Mode Completed Report is generated when the flight software
completes the Asteroid mode sequence.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Normal/Progress
Report = 1
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Asteroid Mode Completed (Progress Event Report #3) Source Data Definition
Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010100000000000 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43008. This is generated when
the flight software completes the
Asteroid mode sequence.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5, 1) a800 0000 (note that a800(HEX) =
43008(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00014 – Progress Event 3
Telemetry parameters: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

Upon receipt of a connection test request, the Connection Test Report is generated
if the following was completed successfully after start-up.
1. Mirror driven to mechanical stop.
2. Mirror moved successfully to space position.
3. Time synch received or 60 seconds pass, whichever is first.
4. MIRO turned on housekeeping telemetry collection.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Telemetry Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 0111 EID-A Specified, Private (event) = 7
Sequence Flags NMRDH171 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Sequence Count NMRDH172 14 000 + 1 up counter First 3 bits are zero indicating “Ground”
as the source. The remaining 11 bits
are zero initially, and constitute a one-
up Telecommand counter. A separate
counter is used for each APID/Packet
Category combination.
Packet Length NMRAH172 16 0000000000010011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. In this case,
Time NMRAH173 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH175 3 010 EID-A Specified
Checksum Flag NMRDH176 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH177 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH178 8 00000110 EID-A Specified, Connection Test
Packet Subtype NMRDH179 8 00001010 EID-A Specified, 2 = Connection Test
Pad NMRDH170 8 Variable Copied from TC.
Source Data Variable 0000 0000 Expected Value

The expected output for this report is below
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139983.43179 (17, 2) 0000 0000

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00009 – Connection Report
Telemetry Parameters are given in the table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Mirror Error Report is generated when the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, but then is successfully driven back and then positioned at the space

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags NMRDH171 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH172 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH172 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is 13 bytes.
Time NMRAH173 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH175 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH176 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH177 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH178 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH179 8 00000010 EID-A Specified, Warning = 2
Pad NMRDH170 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data 32 4 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Mirror Error Type #1 Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111001 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43001. This is generated when
the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, but then is successfully driven
back then positioned at space.
Failed Position NMRA0063 16 1, 2 or 3 The position that the mirror could not
achieve. 1=space, 2=hot, 3=cold

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Values

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,2 ) a7f9 0000 (note that a7f9(HEX) =
0000 0001 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00002 – Mirror Error Type 1
Telemetry Parameter: Identified in table above.
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Mirror Error Report is generated when the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then fails to find the space position.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags NMRDH171 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH172 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH172 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
13 bytes.
Time NMRAH173 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was
initiated. 4 bytes of seconds followed
by 2 bytes of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH175 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH176 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH177 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH178 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH179 8 00000010 EID-A Specified, Warning = 2
Pad NMRDH170 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data 32 4 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Mirror Error Type #2 Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111010 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43002. This is generated when
the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then
fails to find the space position.
Failed Position NMRA0063 16 1, 2 or 3 The position that the mirror could not
achieve. 1=space, 2=hot, 3=cold

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,2 ) a7fa 0000 (note that a7fa(HEX) =
0000 0001 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00003 – Mirror Type 2
Telemetry Parameters: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Mirror Error Report is generated when the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then fails to find the space position, the pin
puller is activated and the space position located.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000010 EID-A Specified, Warning = 2
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Mirror Error Type #3 Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111011 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43003. This is generated when
the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then
fails to find the space position, the pin
puller is activated and the space
position located.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,2 ) a7fb 0000 (note that a7fb(HEX) =
43003(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00004 – Mirror Error Type 3
Telemetry Parameter: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Mirror Error Report is generated when the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then fails to find the space position, the pin
puller is activated and the space position is not located.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Ground Action = 3
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Mirror Error Type #4 Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111100 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43004. This is generated when
the mirror fails to achieve the desired
position, is then driven back and then
fails to find the space position, the pin
puller is activated and the space
position is not located.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,3 ) a7fc 0000 (note that a7fc(HEX) =
43004(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00005 – Mirror Error Type 4
Telemetry Parameters are given in the tables above.
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This Mirror Error Report is generated when a previous mirror failure was
recovered from and was followed by a subsequent failure.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001101 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
13 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Ground Action = 3
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 32 4 bytes Detailed definition on following page

Mirror Error Type #5 Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010011111111101 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43005. This is generated when a
previous mirror failure was recovered
from and was followed by a
subsequent failure.
Failed Position NMRA0063 16 1, 2 or 3 The position that the mirror could not
achieve. 1=space, 2=hot, 3=cold

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,3 ) a7fd 0000 (note that a7fd(HEX) =
0000 0001 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00006 – Mirror Error Type 5
Telemetry Parameters: In table above
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This CTS Error Report is generated when the CTS busy line is still high when it
should already have gone low indicating a scan completion.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 000 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 1000111 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 111 EID-A Specified, Event = 7
Segmentation Flags 2 11 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH171 14 1 up counter Zero initially, A separate counter is
Count used for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science,
housekeeping, memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRDH172 16 0000000000001011 This gets set to the size of the source
data field (in bytes) + 9. This is
11 bytes.
Time NMRAH172 48 Varies Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes
of fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRAH173 3 010 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH175 1 0 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH176 4 0000 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH177 8 00000101 EID-A Specified, Event = 5
Packet Subtype NMRDH178 8 00000011 EID-A Specified, Ground Action = 3
Pad NMRDH179 8 00000000 EID-A Specified
Source Data NMRDH170 16 2 bytes Detailed definition on following page

CTS Error Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Event ID (EID) NMRA0EID 16 1010100000000001 MIRO range given in EID-A 2.8. This
one is 43009. This is generated when
the CTS busy line is still high when it
should already have gone low
indicating a scan completion.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 5,3 ) a801 0000 (note that a801(HEX) =
43009(DEC)) RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMR00015 – CTS Error
Telemetry Parameters: In table above.
Telemetry Parameters with subparts are given below
NMRAH171 – MR71/7 PcktSeqCount
NMRDH171 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH172 MR 71/7 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH173 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr time
NMRDH173 MIRO 71/7 Coarse time
NMRDH174 MIRO 71/7Fine time
NMRAH174 – MR71/7 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH175 PUS version number
NMRDH176 Checksum flag
NMRDH177 Data field header spare
NMRDH178 MIRO 71/7 Packet Type
NMRDH179 MIRO 71/7 Packet Subtype
NMRDH170 Data field header pad

This report is generated when within four seconds of successful receipt of a

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 EID-A Specified, Event = 1
Segmentation Flags NMRDH111 2 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH112 14 Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science, housekeeping,
memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH112 16
Time NMRAH113 48 Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH115 3 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH116 1 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH117 4 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH118 8 EID-A Specified, Telecommand
Verification = 1
Packet Subtype NMRDH119 8 EID-A Specified, Acceptance Success
Report = 1
Pad NMRDH110 8 EID-A Specified
Source Data 32 Detailed definition on following page

Accept Success Event Report Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Global PID NMRAST01 16
Sequence Control NMRAST02 16

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 1,1 ) 0000 0000 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMRST001 – Accept Success
Telemetry Parameters: In table above.
Telemetry Parameters that have subparameters are listed below.
NMRAH111 – PckSeqCount
NMRDH111 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH112 MR 71/1 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH113 – DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH113 MIRO 71/1 Coarse time
NMRDH114 MIRO 71/1Fine time
NMRAH114 – MR71/1 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH110 Data field header pad
NMRDH115 PUS version number
NMRDH116 Checksum flag
NMRDH117 Data field header spare
NMRDH118 MIRO 71/1 Packet Type
NMRDH119 MIRO 71/1 Packet Subtype
NMRAST01 – Global PID
NMRDST02 PctCategory
NMRAST02 – Sequence Counts
NMRDST03 Source
NMRDST04 Counter

This report is generated when failed to receive whole packet within timeout
period (2 seconds for OBDH bus).

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 EID-A Specified, Event = 1
Segmentation Flags NMRDH111 2 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH112 14 Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science, housekeeping,
memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH112 16
Time NMRAH113 48 Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH115 3 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH116 1 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH117 4 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH118 8 EID-A Specified, Telecommand
Verification = 1
Packet Subtype NMRDH119 8 EID-A Specified, Acceptance Failure = 2
Pad NMRDH110 8 EID-A Specified
Source Data 16 Detailed definition on following page

Incomplete Packet Event Report Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Global PID NMRAST01 16
Sequence Control NMRAST02 16
Failure Code NMRAST03 16 1
Packet Service Info NMRAST04 16
Length in TC Header NMRAST10 16
Number of Received NMRAST11 16

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected values

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 1,2 ) 0000 0001 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMRST002 – Incomplete Packet
Telemetry Parameters: In table above.
Telemetry Parameters that have subparameters are listed below.
NMRAH111 – PckSeqCount
NMRDH111 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH112 MR 71/1 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH113 – DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH113 MIRO 71/1 Coarse time
NMRDH114 MIRO 71/1Fine time
NMRAH114 – MR71/1 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH110 Data field header pad
NMRDH115 PUS version number
NMRDH116 Checksum flag
NMRDH117 Data field header spare
NMRDH118 MIRO 71/1 Packet Type
NMRDH119 MIRO 71/1 Packet Subtype
NMRAST01 – Global PID
NMRDST02 PctCategory
NMRAST02 – Sequence Counts
NMRDST03 Source
NMRDST04 Counter
NMRAST04 – Packet Sequence Info
NMRDST06 TC Sub-type

This report is generated when a packet has an incorrect check sum.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 EID-A Specified, Event = 1
Segmentation Flags NMRDH111 2 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH112 14 Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science, housekeeping,
memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH112 16
Time NMRAH113 48 Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH115 3 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH116 1 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH117 4 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH118 8 EID-A Specified, Telecommand
Packet Subtype NMRDH119 8 EID-A Specified, Acceptance Failure = 2
Pad NMRDH110 8 EID-A Specified
Source Data 16 Detailed definition on following page

Incorrect Checksum Event Report Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Global PID NMRAST01 16
Sequence Control NMRAST02 16
Failure Code NMRAST03 16 2
Packet Service Info NMRAST04 16
Received Checksum NMRAST12 16
Computed Checksum NMRAST13 16

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Values

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 1,2 ) 0000 0002 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMRST003 – Incorrect Checksum
Telemetry Parameters: In table above.
Telemetry Parameters that have subparameters are listed below.
NMRAH111 – PckSeqCount
NMRDH111 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH112 MR 71/1 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH113 – DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH113 MIRO 71/1 Coarse time
NMRDH114 MIRO 71/1Fine time
NMRAH114 – MR71/1 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH110 Data field header pad
NMRDH115 PUS version number
NMRDH116 Checksum flag
NMRDH117 Data field header spare
NMRDH118 MIRO 71/1 Packet Type
NMRDH119 MIRO 71/1 Packet Subtype
NMRAST01 – Global PID
NMRDST02 PctCategory
NMRAST02 – Sequence Counts
NMRDST03 Source
NMRDST04 Counter
NMRAST04 – Packet Sequence Info
NMRDST06 TC Sub-type

This report is generated when a packet has an incorrect application ID.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 EID-A Specified, Event = 1
Segmentation Flags NMRDH111 2 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH112 14 Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science, housekeeping,
memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH112 16
Time NMRAH113 48 Defines the time that the acquisition of
the data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH115 3 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH116 1 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH117 4 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH118 8 EID-A Specified, Telecommand
Verification = 1
Packet Subtype NMRDH119 8 EID-A Specified, Acceptance Failure = 2
Pad NMRDH110 8 EID-A Specified
Source Data 16 Detailed definition on following page

Incorrect APID Event Report Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Global PID NMRAST01 16
Sequence Control NMRAST02 16
Failure Code NMRAST03 16 3
Packet Service Info NMRAST04 16

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Values

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 1,2 ) 0000 0003 RSDB Entries

Telemetry Packet: YMRST004 Incorrect APID
Telemetry Parameters: In table above.
Telemetry Parameters that have subparameters are listed below
NMRAH111 – PckSeqCount
NMRDH111 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH112 MR 71/1 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH113 – DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH113 MIRO 71/1 Coarse time
NMRDH114 MIRO 71/1Fine time
NMRAH114 – MR71/1 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH110 Data field header pad
NMRDH115 PUS version number
NMRDH116 Checksum flag
NMRDH117 Data field header spare
NMRDH118 MIRO 71/1 Packet Type
NMRDH119 MIRO 71/1 Packet Subtype
NMRAST01 – Global PID
NMRDST02 PctCategory
NMRAST02 – Sequence Counts
NMRDST03 Source
NMRDST04 Counter
NMRAST04 – Packet Sequence Info
NMRDST06 TC Sub-type

This report is generated when a telecommand contains an invalid command code.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Packet Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Version Number 3 EID-A Mandatory
Type 1 EID-A Mandatory
Data Field Header Flag 1 EID-A Mandatory
Application Process ID 7 EID-A Specified, 71
Packet Category 4 EID-A Specified, Event = 1
Segmentation Flags NMRDH111 2 EID-A Mandatory
Source Sequence NMRDH112 14 Zero initially, A separate counter is used
Count for each APID/Packet Category
combination (i.e., science, housekeeping,
memory dump, etc.)
Packet Length NMRAH112 16
Time NMRAH113 48 Defines the time that the acquisition of the
data within the packet was initiated.
4 bytes of seconds followed by 2 bytes of
fractional seconds.
PUS Version NMRDH115 3 EID-A Specified, Non-Science data
Checksum Flag NMRDH116 1 EID-A Mandatory
Spare NMRDH117 4 EID-A Mandatory
Packet Type NMRDH118 8 EID-A Specified, Telemetry Verification = 1
Packet Subtype NMRDH119 8 EID-A Specified, Acceptance Failure = 2
Pad NMRDH110 8 EID-A Specified
Source Data 16 Detailed definition on following page

Invalid Command Code Event Report Source Data Definition

Data Element RSDB Name Size (bits) Value (binary) Comment
Global PID NMRAST01 16
Sequence Control NMRAST02 16
Failure Code NMRAST03 16 4
Packet Service Info NMRAST04 16
FC4_Par3 NMRAST14 16
FC4_Par4 NMRAST15 16

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018 Expected Value

A typical output is shown below.
Time (Pkt Typ, STyp) Data
1139979.86552 ( 1,2 ) 0000 0004 RSDB Inputs

Telemetry Packet: YMRST005 – InvalidCmdCode
Telemetry Parameters: In tables above
Telemetry Parameters that have subparameters are listed below.
NMRAH111 – PckSeqCount
NMRDH111 Segmentation Flag
NMRDH112 MR 71/1 SourceSeqCount
NMRAH113 – DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH113 MIRO 71/1 Coarse time
NMRDH114 MIRO 71/1Fine time
NMRAH114 – MR71/1 DataFieldHdr PUS
NMRDH110 Data field header pad
NMRDH115 PUS version number
NMRDH116 Checksum flag
NMRDH117 Data field header spare
NMRDH118 MIRO 71/1 Packet Type
NMRDH119 MIRO 71/1 Packet Subtype
NMRAST01 – Global PID
NMRDST02 PctCategory
NMRAST02 – Sequence Counts
NMRDST03 Source
NMRDST04 Counter
NMRAST04 – Packet Sequence Info
NMRDST06 TC Sub-type


NMRAT002 – PAY413 – MIRO Temp 2B
NMRAT101 – PAY414 – MIRO Temp 1A
NMRAT102 – PAY412 – MIRO Temp 2A

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The EQM was initially taken back to JPL after launch and installed in a testbed
facility at JPL. During the cruise phase, it was realized that certain instrument
commands, such as software patches, could not be realistically tested in this
configuration, as it did not include the PI to ESA and ESA to spacecraft
interfaces. Therefore, in late 2010, the MIRO EQM was sent to Darmstadt,
Germany, and integrated into the spacecraft EQM. The MIRO EQM was removed
from the spacecraft model after the end of flight operations and will be shipped
back to JPL. When at JPL, the EQM is located in Bldg 233-100. The testbed
facility includes the entire instrument, S/C simulator, and GSE.
The EQM is mostly functional, however, the optics and phase-lock loop need
additional work to bring the system to the fully-operational point. The wire grid
diplexer is not installed because of its sensitivity to handling. The testbed facility
contains original documentation and spare parts. The telescope is in the facility
but not installed on the instrument. The EQM does not have 100% fidelity with
the hardware flight instrument, however, it is very close. The software installed
on the testbed has 100% fidelity.
During flight operations, the EQM testbed was used for troubleshooting the flight
instrument, and for checking out software and telemetry commands, including
patches. After the end of Rosetta operations, it is intended to keep the EQM for an
indeterminate time as a testbed and potential source of parts for future instruments
developed by JPL. As the first submillimeter instrument flown in deep space, it is
eventually hoped that the EQM will reside in a museum-type display at JPL.
It is the intention of the PI to maintain the JPL testbed facility as long as funding
and the facility itself allow. It is not the intention to keep the facility at the 100%
operational level.
At the request of ESA, the MIRO testbed facility can be used to troubleshoot
problems that are brought to the attention of the PI.

There are no special requirements on the testbed. The intent is to keep the EQM in
a reasonable ready state to be able to troubleshoot the flight instrument. Thus far,
this has entailed maintaining an operational flight-like computer and power-on
capability. The optics are not required to be fully functional.


None required while the instrument is at JPL.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

This page is intentionally left blank

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

This chapter is intended to be a reference for users of MIRO science data. It was
introduced in Version 4.5 of the Users Manual with just a few monographs
addressing topics of interest, with additional Sections added during each revision.
Topics anticipated to be added in later versions are:
 Science data products. (Currently described in the MIRO Experimenter to
Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Agreement, RO-MIR-IF-0001,
available via the public Rosetta data archives hosted by ESA’s Planetary
Science Archive [PSA] and NASA’s Planetary Data System [PDS].)
 Beam pattern.
 Frequency calibration. (Currently summarized in the MIRO Experimenter to
Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Agreement, RO-MIR-IF-0001,
available via the public Rosetta data archives hosted by ESA’s Planetary
Science Archive [PSA] and NASA’s Planetary Data System [PDS].)
 Pipeline data processing. (Currently described in the MIRO Experimenter to
Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Agreement, RO-MIR-IF-0001,
available via the public Rosetta data archives hosted by ESA’s Planetary
Science Archive [PSA] and NASA’s Planetary Data System [PDS].)
 Special data processing.
 Data quality flags. (Currently described in the MIRO Experimenter to
Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Agreement, RO-MIR-IF-0001,
available via the public Rosetta data archives hosted by ESA’s Planetary
Science Archive [PSA] and NASA’s Planetary Data System [PDS].)


Some of MIRO’s measurements are reported as an antenna temperature. To
understand the meaning of this quantity, it is first necessary to define what is
meant by antenna temperature and then to derive an expression for the antenna
temperature produced by the MIRO instrument when viewing a thermal
calibration target.


Antenna temperature is used by the MIRO experiment as a measure of the power
delivered by the telescope (when viewing an object) to the millimeter and
submillimeter receivers. This units change from Watts to Kelvin is accomplished
by defining the antenna temperature as the received power (P, in Watts) received
from the source of emission, divided by the bandwidth (dν) of a receiver channel
and the Boltzmann constant, k.
TA  Eq. 1
k d

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Note that we are not making the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation (which involves a
linear relation between brightness and physical temperature). Equation 1 is a
definition of antenna temperature regardless of whether the Rayleigh-Jeans law is
valid or not.
The response of the MIRO instrument is linear for the power levels it is expected
to encounter. In that case, there is a simple relation between antenna temperature
and the raw instrument counts that are reported. We use this fact later, but for ease
of reference, we state it here mathematically as:
TA   T Eq. 2
where D is the counts reported by the instrument when observing a source, and G
and To are calibration coefficients (gain and offset, respectively) determined from
measurements of MIRO’s calibration targets. Gain has units of counts/K, and To
is in K.


The millimeter and submillimeter MIRO radiometers are both heterodyne
receivers having a single polarization receive capability. When viewing a source
of radiation with brightness B( ,  ), the radiometers receive a power (P) in
bandwidth ∆ equal to

Eq. 3
Ae  effective area of antenna
B( , ) = brightness of source, Watts m -2 Hz-1 rad -2
PN ( ,,  ) = normalized power pattern of antenna, dimensionless
d = sin( ) d d = element of solid angle, rad 2
The factor of 1/2 is introduced to account for the single polarization of the MIRO
receivers at both wavelengths, and making the assumption that the energy emitted
by whatever we are observing, B(,), is equally split between the polarizations.
To determine the antenna temperature calibration scale for MIRO, a three-
position switchable mirror can direct the input of the receivers to either the sky, a
warm calibration target, or a cold calibration target. The temperatures of the two
calibration targets are measured using platinum resistance thermometers. When
viewing the calibration targets, their brightness does not vary strongly over the
bandwidth of the MIRO receivers nor does it vary strongly over the beamwidth.
In that case, we can integrate Eq. 3 over frequency and solid angle and write for
the power received by the MIRO receivers

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

h 3  1
P  Ae  2  h d  A
 c  e kT  1

In this expression for the power, we have substituted the Planck brightness
function (as a function of the physical temperature) for the brightness. An
important detail to note is that at millimeter wavelengths, the MIRO cold
calibration target does not completely fill our beam. This requires us to apply a
correction factor which is discussed in MIRO Technical Note 3170, but it is
neglected for the tutorial presented here.
We next make use of a relation among antenna effective area, beam solid angle,
and the observing wavelength:
Ae A =  = 2

which can be derived from equilibrium considerations as discussed in Wilson
et al. 2009 (Tools of Radio Astronomy, 5th edition, published by Springer).
(Intuitively, one can see that a relation like this is plausible given that for a
circular dish collecting area goes as radius squared while the diffraction limited
beam size goes as (/radius)2.) Inserting this expression into the equation for
received power (assuming no losses), we can write for the received power per
Hertz of the calibration target
P/d = h /kT
Watts Hz-1
e -1
The power received from the calibration target, expressed as an antenna
temperature, can now be written as
1 h x
TA = h /kT
=T x Eq. 4
ke -1 (e 1)
x= .
This equation for TA gives the power received from a calibration target but not the
antenna temperature from an observed source. To determine the temperature from
an observed source, the gain of the receiver needs to be calibrated using the
calibration targets and sky, or some combination of the three.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The MIRO receiver uses a square law detector to measure power. The output of
the detector is in counts. In general, the counts are proportional to the sum of the
receiver noise power and received power from observed source. When viewing
the warm and cold loads, the receiver gains can be calculated from the
expressions (see Eq. 2)
TAW =  To
TAC =  To
Subtracting the two above equations and solving for gain, we find
D W  DC
Gain = G = Eq. 5
where DW and DC are the digital counts from the receiver when viewing the warm
and cold calibration targets respectively, and TAW and TAC are the antenna
temperatures produced by the warm and cold targets respectively, computed from
the expressions (Eq. 4)
1 h
TAW = h /kTW
ke -1

1 h
TAC = h /kTC
ke -1
The units of G are in counts per K (antenna temperature). Since receiver noise
power is included in DW and DC , it is removed by taking the difference in the
In order to compute the antenna temperature of the source, it is necessary to
define a reference. For example, if we take the reference to be the number of
counts when viewing the warm load (DW), and D the number of counts when
viewing the source, then
D  DW
TAW 
is the difference in antenna temperature between the source and the warm load.
The difference can be positive or negative depending on whether the source is
stronger or weaker than the signal power from the warm load. As noted above, the
receiver noise power is removed in the subtraction process.
Since the antenna temperature from the warm load is TAW the antenna temperature
of the source can be written as
TAsource = TAW + TAW

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

An alternative expression which uses the cold load as the reference is

TAsource = TAC + TAC .
Generally, we try to use the reference for which T is a minimum. This keeps
the interpolation step size to a minimum. Comparing the above expressions to
Eq. 2, we can see that the calibration coefficient G is given by Eq. 5, and To can
be expressed as either
T   TAW
or, equivalently,
T   TAC .
Having both warm and cold load calibration targets allows MIRO to be calibrated
even if the boresight is on the target for a long period of time and no “off”
measurements are available. Where “off” measurements are available, the gain
can be calculated from either of the two additional equations below, where DOFF is
the count when observing empty sky and we assume the antenna temperature of
empty sky is due to Planck emission from the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) at 2.73 K. (Using Eq. 4, the antenna temperature of the CMB, TAcmb, is
about 0.3 K in MIRO’s millimeter channel, and 1.5E-3 in the submillimeter.)
Gain = G =
TAW  TAcmb
Gain = G =
TAC  TAcmb
And these gains can be used to determine antenna temperature with

TAsource = TAcmb  TAOFF


Previously we noted that the antenna temperature from a blackbody
(emissivity = 1) target at temperature T, which fills the telescope beam, could be
written as
1 h x
TA = h /kT
=T x
ke -1 (e 1)

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

x .
The series expansion for TA is given by
x 1 2
TA = T ( 1- + x - ...)
2 12
xT 1
TA = T- + Tx 2 - ...) = T - Delta
2 12
xT 1
Delta = ( - Tx 2 + ...) .
2 12
In the limit where x << 1, TA converges to the physical temperature, T, of the
target. This is the previously mentioned Rayleigh-Jeans limit, appropriate for low
frequencies and high temperatures. This approximation is not valid at the high
frequencies and low physical temperature of objects MIRO typically observes,
nor are the objects being looked at perfect blackbodies. For this reason, the
antenna temperature of an object, even if it fills MIRO’s beam, is different than
the physical temperature.
The table below shows how the antenna temperature deviates from the target
physical temperature for the two frequencies used in the MIRO experiment and
for a range of temperatures that the MIRO experiment will be viewing. The
parameter x is substantially different from zero under these conditions. It is
absolutely necessary to use the full expression (or the series expansion) for P/d
to relate it to physical temperature. It can be noted that for physical temperatures
~50 K and above, the antenna temperatures at 190 GHz and 556.9 GHz are lower
than the physical temperatures by about 4.5 K and 12–13 K, respectively.

Table 9.2-1: Representative Differences between Physical

and Antenna Temperatures

Frequency T - TA
(GHz) T = 2.7 K T = 50 K T = 100 K T = 150 K T = 300 K
190 2.378 4.421 4.490 4.513 4.536
556.9 2.699 12.179 12.769 12.967 13.165

A final thing to keep in mind when interpreting antenna temperatures is that they
are based on the full field-of-view of the instrument. If an object that fills our
beam yields an antenna temperature of 300 K, that same object filling only half of
our beam would result in an antenna temperature of 150 K.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The MIRO instrument is designed to simultaneously detect eight different spectral
lines whose rest frequencies are spread across 32 GHz (from an H218O line at
547.7 GHz to a CH3OH line at 579.2 GHz). In order to fit all eight lines into the
180 MHz bandwidth (4096 channels) of the MIRO spectrometer, the
submillimeter receiver contains a series of mixers, amplifiers, and filters that take
a spectral region approximately 20 MHz wide around each of the targeted lines,
and places them “side-by-side” within the bandpass of the spectrometer. See
Section of the MIRO Users Manual for details of how this is done. Section
9.4 of the Users Manual provides equations that relate the true “sky frequency” of
spectral features observed to the frequency and channel number at which it
appears in the spectrometer. In this section, we will typically use only
spectrometer channel number or frequency at the input to the spectrometer
(referred to as the intermediate frequency, or IF), instead of trying to refer back to
the sky frequency.
Given that the eight spectral lines being studied have different signal paths into
the spectrometer, creating different performance statistics and calibrations, it is
convenient to refer to eight different “bands” within the spectrometer, each
associated with a different spectral line. The best way to define each of these
bands depends on the intended use. For this reason, MIRO commonly uses four
different ways of defining band boundaries. This section summarizes how bands
are defined for each approach.


These band boundaries are appropriate to use when one is interested in knowing
from what sky frequencies most of the observed power is coming. These bands are
specified by IF frequency, as that is the parameter defining the filters.
The MIRO spectrometer takes as input frequencies in the range of approximately
1260 to 1440 MHz (the exact frequencies being temperature dependent, as
described in Section 9.4). The Intermediate Frequency Processor, or IFP, places
the eight spectral lines of interest across this frequency range as described in
Section To minimize noise from one spectral region of interest interfering
with the signal from a neighboring spectral region, the IFP contains relatively
narrow-band ceramic filters placed just before the seven signal paths through the
IFP are fed to the spectrometer. See Figure 1.2-6; the filters referred to are near
the right side of the figure, just before the power combiner. Note that there are
only seven filters, but eight spectral lines are observed. This is because the IFP
design places two spectral lines side-by-side at IF, allowing a single filter to pass
Figure 9.3-1 shows the normalized transmission of each filter as a function of IF
(the black solid lines). For reference, it also shows the emission from the targeted
spectral lines (blue dashed lines) for a simple comet model. The model is
described in detail at the end of this section. Each molecule’s line appears twice

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

due to frequency switching, with the plus 5 MHz setting shown as short dashes,
the minus 5 MHz setting shown as long dashes. Labels identify each species
If every sky frequency observed by MIRO contained the same amount of power,
and the instrument were perfectly calibrated, the points at which the normalized
transmission of each filter are equal would mark the boundaries between bands.
The equations of Section 9.4 could then be used to calculate the sky frequency
from which most of the emission is coming within each band. These cross-over
points are listed in Table 9.3-1. See MIRO Technical Note TN3067 for additional
discussion of this. The pseudo-SNR approach discussed in that document yields
cross-over points identical to those given here to within 0.1 kHz.

Figure 9.3-1: IFP narrow-band filter transmission functions and

representative spectral lines.

Table 9.3-1: Band Boundaries Defined by the IFP Narrow-Band Filters.

H2O H217O Me1103 H218O
Low High Low High Low High Low High
IF Freq. (MHz) 0 1290.0259 1290.0259 1309.9692 1309.9692 1329.9922 1329.9922 1349.9764

CO Me87 NH3 / Me542

Low High Low High Low High
IF Freq. (MHz) 1349.9764 1378.9721 1378.9721 1398.9950 1398.9950 

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

In the above table, note that the lowest and highest frequencies are listed as 0 and
infinity. This is because there is no adjacent filter to “cross-over” on the low and
high sides of the spectrometer input. Instead, the IF frequency associated with
the first and last spectrometer channel—as calculated using expressions in Section
9.4—should be used for band boundaries. Those frequencies are temperature
dependent, but the low- and high-frequency limits will be near 1260 and
1440 MHz, respectively.
For future reference, the model spectra shown in Figure 9.3-1 assume a
spherically symmetric nucleus and coma, producing 1.0  1028 water molec/sec
moving radially at 1 km/s. The nucleus radius is 1 km, and the instrument line-of-
sight is taken to be limb-sounding the nucleus (impact parameter 1.2 km) from
1000 km away. Coma gas temperature (kinetic and excitational) is 100 K. The
abundance of the species, relative to water, is assumed to be:
H217O = 4.0  10-4
H218O = 2.0  10-3
CH3OH = 0.04
CO = 0.05
NH3 = 0.01
The brightness temperature plotted is a Rayleigh-Jeans temperature. These model
calculations were made in 1999 using radiative transfer software originally
developed by R. Redman and modified by M. Hofstadter.


These bands are used when one desires to identify spectrometer channels that are
associated with one of our targeted spectral lines, but whose signal comes from
only one path through the IFP. This selects channels with the most accurate
calibration and whose signal comes from well-defined sky frequencies. These
bands are specified by spectrometer channel number.
In Section 9.3.2, we defined bands based upon the idealized case of a spectrally
uniform signal and perfect calibration. In almost all observational situations, those
conditions are not met. This is particularly true near the IF filter cross-over
points, where power may be coming from either of two signal paths through the
IFP. For this reason, some of the MIRO data analysis software focuses only on
channels likely to contain a targeted line but well-away from the filter cross-over
points shown in Figure 9.3-1. For example, we track the mean and rms values
within each band-center when looking at one of our calibration loads as a quick
check of performance.
Table 9.3-2 lists band boundaries typically used for this type of performance
monitoring. The limits are somewhat arbitrary, and changes of 10 channels
(~0.4 MHz) are unlikely to be significant. Note that eight bands are defined,
unlike the filter-based bands described in the previous section. This allows us to
monitor channels associated with each of the eight targeted spectral lines. Note

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

that spectrometer channel number increases as frequency decreases, so the lowest

IF frequency band (containing the H2O line) has the highest channel numbers.
Note also that spectrometer channel numbers are zero-based.

Table 9.3-2: Performance Monitoring Bands

H2O H217O Me1103 H218O CO Me87 NH3 Me542
Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi
(Zero- 3769 4024 3069 3324 2637 2892 2197 2452 1665 1920 1073 1328 669 924 253 508

The channel numbers in Table 9.3-2 assume one is considering a full-resolution

spectrum, which is the default output of MIRO. The instrument can be
commanded to do on-board spectral smoothing and then return fewer than
4096 channels. See Section for a description. When looking at
smoothed spectra, the above channel numbers should be adjusted accordingly.


These bands are used by the on-board software as part of MIRO’s data
compression scheme, and should be transparent to the average user.
One of the ways MIRO’s on-board software compresses the spectrometer data for
downlink is to divide each spectrum into bands based on channel number, which
are roughly aligned with the filter cross-over points of Section 9.3.2. Only the
12 most significant bits used in a band are reported for each channel of that band.
Details of this are described in Section Table 9.3-3 lists the band
boundaries used for this purpose. Note that channel numbers are zero-based.

Table 9.3-3: On-Board Data Compression Bands

H2O H217O Me1103 H218O CO Me87 NH3 / Me542
Band (Band 6) (Band 5) (Band 4) (Band 3) (Band 2) (Band 1) (Band 0)
Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi Low Hi
(Zero- 3371 4095 2916 3370 2458 2915 2002 2457 1339 2001 881 1338 0 880

The channel numbers in Table 9.3-3 assume one is considering a full-resolution

spectrum, which is the default output of MIRO. The instrument can be
commanded to do on-board spectral smoothing and then return fewer than
4096 channels. See Section for a description. When looking at
smoothed spectra, the above channel numbers should be adjusted accordingly.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


In some MIRO spectral data products a baseline is subtracted from the data as
described in Section 9.5.2. The baseline is defined on the so-called “interpolated”
IF grid used in that data set. For completeness, the discussion of bands in that
section is repeated here.
In MIRO Pipeline Software Version 3.0 (used to generate Level 3 Version 3
products), the spectral baseline is removed from the spectra generated by
Software Version 2.0. Note that we use the “common frequency grid,” also
referred to as the interpolated frequency grid, in Version 3 products. (The
frequency response of MIRO’s spectrometer is temperature dependent—see
Section 9.4.3—so the common frequency scale interpolates all observations to the
same intermediate frequencies.) The region around each of the eight spectral lines
observed is treated independently, and each spectrum is treated independently. As
is commonly done with spectral data, channels on either side of the emission
feature are used to estimate a linear spectral baseline having slope and intercept,
and this linear function is subtracted from the spectral region. This results in the
spectral lines appearing in a flat baseline with zero average brightness. Table
9.3-4 provides details on what channel numbers are associated with each spectral
feature for purposes of calculating a baseline. With two exceptions, the baseline is
calculated by averaging the lowest 10% of channel numbers in a band and the
highest 10% of channel numbers, and fitting a line to those two points. The first
exception involves Band 1, the H2O line. In this case, the highest 15 channel
numbers are ignored, due to those channels almost always containing no data
(only when the CTS is at an unusual temperature are those frequencies sampled).
The second exception involves Band 6, which contains both a CH3OH line and an
NH3 line, with the NH3 line appearing at the lowest edge of the band. For this
band, channels 754 to 804 are used to calculate the low-channel-number baseline
point, and the same linear fit is used for both lines.

Table 9.3-4: Bands Used for Spectral Baseline Subtraction in Level 3

Version 3 Products.
Band Band Starting Channel Band Ending Channel
Spectral Line
Designation Number (Zero-Based) Number (Zero Based)
1 H216O 3405 4151*
2 H2 O
17 2952 3405
3 CH3OH 2497 2952
4 H218O 2043 2497
5 CO 1384 2043
6 CH3OH 929 1384
7 NH3 and CH3OH 58* 929
*See text for special considerations regarding Bands 1 and 7.

This discussion of bands used to calculate spectra baseline in the Interpolated

Frequency grid is repeated in Section 9.5.2.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


The submillimeter (smm) receiver on MIRO includes both a broadband
continuum channel and a high-resolution spectroscopic backend that utilizes a
Chirp Transform Spectrometer (CTS). Spectral Power data from the CTS are
recorded and presented by a channel number running from 0 to 4095. In this
section, we will describe how spectral power at the input frequencies are mapped
into channel numbers at the output of the CTS.

Figure 9.4-1: The basic elements of the smm heterodyne receiver system.

The RF Input from the telescope is combined with the Local Oscillatory (LO)
signal at frequency flo in the Mixer. The mixer down-converts the RF Input signal
to an intermediate frequency (IF) signal which is then fed into a low noise
amplifier (LNA). The signal at the first IF frequency, fif, arises from signal
frequencies both greater than and less flo, namely (flo - fif ) and (flo + fif ).
Receivers whose first IF frequencies contain RF signal frequencies both greater
than and less than the LO frequency are called Double Sideband receivers. It is
common to say that the RF spectrum has been folded. The important point to
remember is that a single frequency in the IF spectrum originates from two
different frequencies in the RF spectrum. In the MIRO receiver, the IF spectrum
covers a frequency range from 5 GHz to 16 GHz. The overall frequency coverage
in the RF is 22 GHz, divided between two frequency bands.
Following amplification, the IF signal is fed into a complex processor module
called the Intermediate Frequency Processor or IFP. The IFP extracts small
frequency segments from the IF band and shifts their frequencies so that all of the
frequency segments are contiguous and covering 180 MHz. The frequency
segments are chosen to contain the eight spectral lines of interest for the MIRO
instrument. The eight spectral lines are given in Table 1.1-1 and repeated below.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 9.4-1: The Eight Molecular Transitions Observed by MIRO

Species Frequency (MHz) Transition
H216O 556936.002 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
H217O 552020.960 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
H218O 547676.440 1(1,0)-1(0,1)
Carbon Monoxide
CO 576267.9305 J(5-4)
NH3 572498.3784 J(1-0)
CH3OH 553146.296 8 (1)--7 (0) E
CH3OH 568566.054 3 (-2)--2 (-1) E
CH3OH 579151.005 12 (-1)--11(-1) E

The output frequency band from the IFP is fed directly into the CTS where the
spectral power in the 180 MHz band is determined and output in each of the 4096
channels or bins of the CTS. To determine how RF spectral power at the input to
the telescope is mapped into channel numbers at the output of the CTS, it is
necessary to know the mapping algorithms used in the 1) heterodyne receiver,
2) the IFP, and in the CTS. Items 1 and 2 can be lumped together into a single
algorithm for each band.


The frequency conversions used in the MIRO receiver are accomplished using a
fixed local oscillator frequency and three synthesizer frequencies, all locked to the
ultra-stable oscillator on USO. Table 9.4-2 gives the frequencies used.

Table 9.4-2: Frequency Oscillators Internal to MIRO

Name Note
LO 562.813 Local Oscillator Frequency (LO)
S1 2.182 IFP Synthesizer #1
S2 7.147 IFP Synthesizer #2
S3 7.728 IFP Synthesizer #3

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ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 9.4-3 provides the primary list of molecules targeted in the MIRO
experiment and RF frequency ranges mapped into the output of the IFP.

Table 9.4-3: RF (Sky Frequencies) Targeted by MIRO

Line Center RF Band
ID # Molecule Notes
Frequency (MHz) (MHz)
1 H2-16O 556936.002 556916.00 556956.002
1 568670.000 568710.000 Image Band

2 H2-17O 552020.960 552011.960 552031.960

2 573594.040 573614.040 Image Band

3 ME-1103 579151.005 579141.003 579161.003

3 546464.997 546484.997 Image Band

4 H2-18O 547676.440 547666.440 547686.440

4 577939.560 577959.560 Image Band

5 CO 576267.9305 576253.431 576282.431

5 549343.569 549372.569 Image Band

6 ME87 568566.054 568556.055 568576.055

6 557049.945 557069.945 Image Band

7 NH3 572498.3784 572468.433 572509.433

7 553116.567 553157.567 Image Band

8 ME542 553146.296 553116.567 553157.567

8 572468.433 572509.433 Image Band

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 9.4-4: RF (Sky Frequencies) to IF Frequency

RF Bands Algorithm to Map RF frequencies (GHz) into
ID #
(MHz) CTS input frequencies (GHz)
1 556916.002 556956.002 ABS(S2-ABS(freq-LO))
1 568670.000 568710.000

2 552011.960 552031.960 ABS(S3-ABS(2*S1-ABS(freq-LO)))

2 573594.040 573614.040

3 579141.003 579161.003 ABS(S3-ABS(2*S1+ABS(S2-ABS(S2-ABS(freq-LO)))))

3 546464.997 546484.997

4 547666.440 547686.440 ABS(S2-ABS(S1-ABS(S2-ABS(freq-LO))))

4 577939.560 577959.560

5 576253.431 576282.431 ABS(S3-ABS(2*S1-ABS(freq-LO)))

5 549343.569 549372.569

6 568556.055 568576.055 ABS(2*S1-ABS(freq-LO))

6 557049.945 557069.945

7 572468.433 572509.433 ABS(S3-ABS(S3-ABS(2*S1+ABS(freq-LO))))

7 553116.567 553157.567

8 553116.567 553157.567 ABS(S3-ABS(S3-ABS(2*S1+ABS(freq-RLO))))

8 572468.433 572509.433


The CTS uses SAW devices and these are temperature dependent. The SAW
devices have been calibrated by injecting signals of a given frequency into the
CTS and observing the output channel as a function of the SAW device
temperature. A MIRO Technical Memo (authored by S. Gulkis and C. Backus)
describes the resultant algorithm which is summarized here.
The IF input frequency (F in MHz) corresponding to a given channel number
using the equation


Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

F = IF input frequency in MHz,
T = temperature of the SAW devices specified in the MIRO data base as
N = Bin or Channel number ranging from 0 – 4095.
a, b, c, and d are fitted parameters given in the following table.

Table 9.4-5: Parameters Relating CTS Channel to Frequency

Parameter Units Value Std Error
a MHz per deg C −0.0996154 2.0E-4
b MHz per Channel −0.0443027 4.2E-6
c MHz per (Channel-deg C) 7.66259E-6 8.9E-8
d MHz 1443.27


In order to convert the CTS input frequency to the RF frequency, we first have to
divide the 4096 channel band into eight bands.
When the SAW temperature is 67.9 C, the band boundaries for the eight bands are
given in Table 9.4-6. The table also lists the center frequency of each band in the
CTS input frequency and RF frequency. Note that there is no filter separating
Bands 7 and 8, so their lower and upper bounds, respectively, are not defined.
For each band, the equation to convert the CTS input frequency to the RF
frequency is given as follows:
RF(N, T) = [FGHz(N, T) – IFcenter(N, T)]*direction + RFcenter
where RF(N,T) is the RF frequency, F(N,T) is the CTS input frequency in GHz,
IFcenter (N, T) is the CTS input center frequency of the band, and RFcenter is the RF
center frequency of the band.

Table 9.4-6: Band boundaries, RF and IF Center Frequencies, and Direction Factor for
Conversion Between the IF and RF Frequency
RF Center IF Center Lower Upper
Band Molecule Direction
(GHz) (GHz) Channel Channel
1 H216O 556.936 1.270 3388 4095 1
2 H217O 552.021 1.300 2924 3306 1
3 CH3OH 579.151 1.320 2457 2843 −1
4 H218O 547.676 1.339 2018 2399 1
5 CO 576.268 1.363 1359 1933 1
6 CH3OH 568.566 1.389 881 1263 1
7 NH3 572.498 1.407 * 879 −1
8 CH3OH 553.146 1.425 0 * 1

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


Section 9.5 summarizes the radiometric calibration of MIRO. It first provides a
concise summary of the algorithms used (Section 9.5.2) and then includes a
longer monograph on the radiometric stability of the system and alternative
calibration approaches (Section 9.5.3).


The MIRO instrument is calibrated on a periodic basis and immediately following
every mode change. An automatic calibration will take place every 1895 seconds
(approximately 32 minutes), if not interrupted by a mode change command,
which triggers a calibration immediately. The normal interval of 1895 seconds
allows 95 seconds for the calibration and 1800 seconds (30 minutes) for the data
collection period. The 1800 seconds allows for complete CTS integration periods
of 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds (60, 30, 20, and 15 output spectra, respectively).
The 95 seconds of calibration data are distributed as follows:

Table 9.5-1: Allocation of Time in a Calibration Sequence.

Time (seconds) Activity
5 3 mirror movements/no data collection
30 Warm load position- CTS + continuum + engineering
30 Cold load position - CTS + continuum + engineering
30 Sky position - CTS + continuum + engineering

These calibration data are included in the CODMAC Level-2 data files as part of
the time sequence. They are flagged by a Calibration field in the header columns.
Each calibration sequence includes collecting 30 seconds of data on an internal
warm calibration target, 30 seconds on an internal cold calibration target, and
30 seconds on the sky wherever the instrument boresight is pointed during the
sequence. The continuum Summation parameter and, if in a spectroscopic mode,
the CTS Smoothing parameter, are applied during calibration observations. If the
CTS is on, frequency switching is performed during calibration observations
but—unlike during normal science observations—the two LO settings are not
subtracted from each other. Instead, one spectrum is returned for each of the two
LO settings (each representing a 15-second integration). Thus, there are two
spectra returned on the warm load, two from the cold load, and two on the sky.
The number of continuum packets returned on each calibration target depend on
the Summation parameter: three are returned for Summation=0, two for
Summation=1, and one for Summation=2 or 3. These data are used to determine
the relation between instrument counts and absolute flux units. Flux is reported as
a Rayleigh-Jeans brightness temperature in Kelvin. The brightness temperature is
related to, but not the same as, the physical temperature of the target (see Section
9.2 for a detailed discussion).

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

The instrument response is assumed to be linear, so that the relation between

recorded counts, D, and brightness temperature, T, is
(Eq. 1)
where g is the gain in counts per Kelvin, and I is the intercept in counts. Since the
physical and hence the brightness temperatures of the warm and cold calibration
targets are known (see below), and using the subscript H to refer to the warm load
and C to the cold, a calibration sequence can be used to determine the gain and
intercept by these equations:
(Eq. 2)
(Eq. 3)
where is . We will refer to the gain and offset collectively as the
calibration parameters.
The above equations are used to determine the calibration parameters at the time
of each calibration cycle. These will be referred to as the “instantaneous
calibration parameters.” For continuum data, the “D” in Equations 1 and 2 is the
average number of counts reported while observing each load (and hence may
average multiple packets depending on the Summation value), with LO0 and LO1
data averaged separately. For spectroscopic data, the two LO settings are
averaged together, but calibration parameters for each channel are calculated
Instantaneous gains are not calculated when there is no engineering data from
within 2 minutes of the calibration cycle (the engineering data provide the
physical temperature of the hot and cold loads). In addition, instantaneous
continuum gains whose values deviate significantly from expected values are not
used (mm gains < 4.0 counts/K or > 6.0 counts/K; submm gains < 1.45 counts/K
or > 1.7 counts/K). As discussed in Section 9.5.3, smoothing of the instantaneous
gains before applying them to the science data results in a better science product.
Smoothing of the continuum and CTS data are handled differently.


As discussed in Appendix A, when looking at the cold load, the MIRO
millimeter-wavelength beam picks up some signal from the surrounding structure.
Therefore, an effective cold-load temperature is used for the calculation of mm
calibration parameters:
TCeff  w  TC  1  w   TOptical Bench (Eq. 4)
where TC and TOpticalBench are the cold load and optical bench temperatures
recorded in MIRO engineering data, and w represents the fraction of the
millimeter signal arising from the load. In MIRO software version 1 and 1.1, w is
taken to be 0.910. In software versions 2 and 3, it is taken to be 0.925. This
correction is only applied when working with millimeter data.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018


In Software Versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0
For calibrated continuum science data generated by MIRO’s Pipeline software
Version 2.0, gain as a function of time is calculated in a two-step process. First,
the instantaneous gains are box-car smoothed: at the time of a calibration, 16
instantaneous gains before and 16 after are averaged with the instantaneous gain
at that time. This results in an averaged-gain at the time of each calibration cycle.
Second, for the start time of each continuum science packet, a least-squares
quadratic fit is made to the 16 box-car-smoothed gains nearest the start time
(nominally eight before and eight after) to determine a gain versus time curve, and
that gain curve is used in the calibration equation. A single gain value is used for
all continuum science values in a packet. A similar process is used to determine
the intercept as a function of time, except that 1) the instantaneous intercepts are
not box-car smoothed, 2) the box-car smoothed gain values are used in Eq. 3 to
generate a new instantaneous intercept, and 3) a linear fit to the four nearest
instantaneous intercepts is used (nominally two before and two after the science
data). When in a spectroscopic mode (which means frequency-switching is
applied), the calibration parameters for LO0 and LO1 are calculated separately
and applied separately to the LO0 and LO1 continuum science data. For
simplicity, even when not in a spectroscopic mode, the continuum gains are
calculated and applied as if frequency switching were active.
For completeness, we note that in Versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the continuum
calibration, no box-car smoothing was applied, and a linear interpolation in time
between the one calibration immediately preceding a science observation and the
one immediately after were used to calculate both gain and offset. This older
calibration algorithm adds noise to the calibrated data because the instrument gain
is more stable than the measurement precision of an instantaneous gain
In Software Version 3.0
Note that observations of empty sky calibrated with both Versions 1 and 2 of the
software typically show a brightness of about 1.6 K in the submm, and -0.5 K in
the mm channel. Expected brightness temperature values of the cosmic
microwave background are about 0.001 and 0.33 K in the submm and mm,
respectively, so the MIRO values are in error. While the magnitude of this error is
smaller than nominal instrument requirements (3 K absolute, see Table 1.2-1) the
fact that it appears to be systematic suggests a correction can be applied. There
are several possible causes for this small offset, including non-linearities in the
MIRO detectors (discussed further in Appendix A), hot- and cold-load
emissivities not being 1.0, temperature gradients within the calibration targets, or
unmodeled optical effects within the instrument or telescope. Whatever the cause
or causes, the correction is expected to be smallest when observing objects whose
temperature is near that of the hot- and cold-load calibration targets, and largest
when observing empty sky. MIRO Pipeline Software Version 3.0 (used to
generate Level 3 Version 3.0 products), therefore, applies an additive correction
to the continuum temperatures generated by the Version 2 software. The

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

correction is linear in scene temperature, having a value of 0.0 at the average of

the hot and cold load measured physical temperatures, but when looking at empty
sky the correction has its maximum amplitude, chosen to make the observed
temperature match the expected cosmic background value. The correction added
to the Version 2 continuum temperatures is given by
2T  TH  TC
Correction   TS  TS  (Eq. 5)
2TS  TH  TC
where T is the Version 2 calibrated continuum temperature, TH and TC are the hot-
and cold-load physical temperatures, respectively, TS is the Version 2
temperature found when looking at empty sky (described below), and TS is the
expected sky temperature (0.001 K and 0.33 K for the submm and mm,
respectively). To determine the value of TS for each continuum data record, we
first find all Version 2 calibrated continuum records, within ±2 days of the record
to be calibrated, whose average value is less than 3 K (each continuum data
record typically contains 200 continuum samples spanning a total of 10 seconds in
time). This is our initial filter to find empty sky measurements. We then fit a
Gaussian to the distribution of candidate empty sky observations, and use the
peak of the Gaussian as the value of TS . This fitting process further reduces
measurement noise and helps filter out the relatively small number of sky
observations made close enough to the nucleus to be slightly “contaminated” by
emission from the nucleus or coma dust. (We also tested algorithms that filter sky
data by distance from the nucleus, and we performed spot checks against the
Gaussian fitting process. The two approaches give similar results, so we use the
Gaussian as it is computationally easier.) Note that this process allows for time
variations in the correction factor. A single record of MIRO continuum data
contains many measurements which, depending on the instrument’s summing
value (which controls integration times), span 10 to 200 seconds in time. This
time range is small compared to the averaging time used to calculate TS , so the
same TS value is used for correcting all continuum measurements in a record.


In Software Versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0
For calibrated spectroscopic science data generated by MIRO’s Pipeline software
Version 2.0, each of the 4096 CTS channels is calibrated independently. For
reasons discussed below, the Intercept in Eq. 1 is taken to be zero. Because of
frequency switching, a science spectrum incorporates data at both LO settings, so
for CTS purposes the instantaneous gain is taken to be the average gain of the two
LO settings.
The gain at the time of a science observation is taken to be one-half of the average
gain of the nearest 32 instantaneous gains. The factor of one-half (effectively
increasing the reported brightness temperature) is due to the fact that MIRO is a
double-sideband system. (MIRO measures the total power received in two
frequency bands, an upper and a lower sideband. When looking at a continuum

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

target, such as the comet nucleus or a calibration target, roughly equal amounts of
power are received in each sideband. A spectral line, however, only exists in one
of the sidebands, so the effective CTS gain for that line is only half of what it is
for the calibration signal which exists in both sidebands.)
In a perfect instrument, frequency-switched spectra would have a baseline
brightness (where there is no spectral feature from the comet) of 0 K. Due to a
systematic offset between the calibration parameters at each LO setting,
differenced spectroscopic data typically have a small positive bias, with the
baseline being at about 2 K. (The rms scatter in a typical 30-second spectrum is
larger than this. See Section 9.7 for a discussion of error bars associated with
calibrated data.) This baseline also can vary in some IF frequency bands (defined
in Section 9.3.2) due to an amplifier instability. In software Versions 1 and 2, we
leave these non-zero baselines in the calibrated data because they may be of
interest for future engineering uses.
For completeness, we note that earlier versions of calibrated CTS data, instead of
averaging instantaneous gains, just used a linear interpolation in time to calibrate
each science spectrum. As with the continuum data, this unnecessarily added
noise, so the newer algorithm should always be used.
In Software Version 3.0
In MIRO Pipeline Software Version 3.0 (used to generate Level 3 Version 3
products), the spectral baseline is removed from the spectra generated by
Software Version 2.0. Note that we use the “common frequency grid,” also
referred to as the interpolated frequency grid, in Version 3 products. (The
frequency response of MIRO’s spectrometer is temperature dependent—see
Section 9.4.3—so the common frequency scale interpolates all observations to the
same intermediate frequencies.) The region around each of the eight spectral lines
observed is treated independently, and each spectrum is treated independently.
As is commonly done with spectral data, channels on either side of the emission
feature are used to estimate a linear spectral baseline having slope and intercept,
and this linear function is subtracted from the spectral region. This results in the
spectral lines appearing in a flat baseline with zero average brightness. Table
9.5-2 provides details on what channel numbers are associated with each spectral
feature for purposes of calculating a baseline. With two exceptions, the baseline is
calculated by averaging the lowest 10% of channel numbers in a band and the
highest 10% of channel numbers, and fitting a line to those two points. The first
exception involves Band 1, the H2O line. In this case, the highest 15 channel
numbers are ignored, due to those channels almost always containing no data
(only when the CTS is at an unusual temperature are those frequencies sampled).
The second exception involves Band 6, which contains both a CH3OH line and an
NH3 line, with the NH3 line appearing at the lowest edge of the band. For this
band, channels 754 to 804 are used to calculate the low-channel-number baseline
point, and the same linear fit is used for both lines.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

Table 9.5-2: Bands Used for Spectral Baseline Subtraction in Level 3

Version 3 Products.
Band Band Starting Channel Band Ending Channel
Spectral Line
Designation Number (Zero-Based) Number (Zero Based)
1 H216O 3405 4151*
2 H2 O
17 2952 3405
3 CH3OH 2497 2952
4 H218O 2043 2497
5 CO 1384 2043
6 CH3OH 929 1384
7 NH3 and CH3OH 58* 929
*See text for special considerations regarding Bands 1 and 7.

This discussion of bands used to calculate spectra baseline in the Interpolated

Frequency grid is repeated as Section 9.3.5.


Please see Appendix A for MIRO Co-Investigator F. Peter Schloerb’s monograph
on MIRO calibration.


The MIRO instrument is rigidly mounted to the spacecraft. During spacecraft
assembly, an attempt was made to align the spacecraft and instrument z-axes.
Each MIRO receiver (SubMM and MM) has its own beam pattern and boresight.
Observations of Venus soon after launch, and of the Moon during the Earth
flybys, were used to test the alignment. Various scans across Venus and the Moon
were made, and the data were compared to model calculations to determine in a
least-squares sense the best fit to each MIRO boresight axis relative to the
spacecraft z-axis. Ultimately, the Moon data were decided to be the most reliable,
and the following offsets determined assuming spherically symmetric, Gaussian
beam patterns:
Offset from Zs/c along Offset from Zs/c
Instrument Assumed Beam Shape
Xs/c (deg) along Ys/c (deg)
MIRO SubMM -0.082 ± 0.005 -0.0067 ± 0.005 Circular Gaussian-shaped
beam with full width at half
power (HPBW) = 0.125 deg.
MIRO MM -0.018 ± 0.025 -0.057 ± 0.025 Circular Gaussian-shaped
beam with full width at half
power (HPBW) = 0.395 deg.
See the Rosetta Project document RO-EST-TN-3305 for additional information
on the boresight alignment of all Rosetta instruments.

Reference: RO-MIR-PR-0030
ROSETTA Issue: 7 Rev: 0
Date: 31 August 2018

During analysis of MIRO data at the comet, however, it is seen that the beam is
routinely offset relative to the comet from where it is expected to be. Figure 9.6-1
shows an analysis of 91 raster maps of the nucleus made in 2015. For each
observed map, a model of the nucleus (based on shape model
OSIRIS_SHAP7_1.6) is fit to the map. The nucleus appears displaced in both the
millimeter and submillimeter beams by a similar amount. At the time of this
writing (August 2017), we cannot say what causes this residual offset.
Possibilities include a potentially time-varying MIRO alignment, flexing of the
spacecraft, or errors in the spacecraft or comet ephemerides. It should be noted
that other instruments report pointing offsets of similar magnitude, and the
Rosetta Project is investigating. We conclude that
 Using the MIRO boresight alignment information given in the above table,
along with the Rosetta Project’s reconstructed SPICE kernels (described in
Section 9.6.2), can result in MIRO’s beams being—relative to the comet—
0.025 degrees (1.5 arcsec) away from their expected location.
 The relative positions of the MIRO millimeter and submillimeter beams are,
however, accurate to 0.0017 degrees (0.1 arcsec).
 In 2015, the residual offset can be corrected for by assuming the MIRO
submillimeter beam has an additional offset from the above tabulated values
of 0.0223 ± 0.0042 degrees (1.34 ± 0.25 arcsec) along the spacecraft x-axis
and -0.0033 ± 0.0058 degrees (-0.2 ± 0.35 arcsec) along the spacecraft y-axis.
The millimeter beam has offsets of 0.0223 ± 0.0057 degrees (1.34 ± 0.34
arcsec) along the spacecraft x-axis and -0.0053 ± 0.0068 degrees (-0.32 ±
0.41) arcsec along the spacecraft y-axis. We have not performed this analysis
for any other years, and cannot speculate on systematic pointing offsets at
other times.

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Figure 9.6-1: Apparent offset of the comet nucleus from its expected
location in 91 raster maps made by MIRO during 2015.


Some MIRO data archived in the PSA/PDS includes geometry information. This
section gives a brief summary of the geometry information provided at the comet.


Geometric information produced by early versions of MIRO’s Pipeline software
were calculated assuming the comet nucleus was a tri-axial ellipsoid. These
quantities should be ignored in favor of later data products. Do not use geometry
information contained in data records with the SW_VERSION parameter set to
1.0 or 1.1. In the PSA/PDS archive, this includes all CODMAC Level 3 data sets
whose directory names include V1.0. An example is

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where the “3” in the directory name indicates it is a CODMAC Level 3 product,
and V1.0 indicates it is the first data set of that level for the ESC1 mission phase
delivered for public release. Note that the version number in the PSA/PDS
directory names is different from the MIRO Pipeline software version number
that generated the data products.


Geometric information tagged with SW_VERSION=2.0 or 3.0 within the data
records have been calculated using a nucleus shape model provided by the
OSIRIS team, and designated OSIRIS_SHAP7_1.6. Because other versions of the
MIRO software may use other shape models, the field SHAPE_VERSION is
contained with the geometry data records. It is an integer indicating the shape
model used, and its definition will be updated over time. As of May 2018,
possible values of SHAPE_VERSION and the corresponding shape model used
1 = SHAP5-v0.3
2 = SHAP5-v1.2;
3 = OSIRIS_SHAP7_1.6
4 = OSIRIS_V_1.1
In addition to a shape model, various comet, spacecraft, and instrument
ephemerides are needed to calculate geometric parameters. SPICE kernels
provided by the Rosetta Project are used. As with the nucleus shape model,
various versions of the SPICE kernels were generated over time. This includes
preliminary versions developed for mission planning purposes and so-called
“reconstructed” kernels developed after-the-fact. In SW_VERSION 2.0 and 3.0
records, the best available reconstructed kernels, as of August 2017, were used.
(Note that these kernels do not account for the residual pointing offsets discussed
at the very end of Section 9.6.1.) The field SPICE_KERNEL_VERSION within a
geometry data record is an integer identifier for a particular set of kernels:
2014 indicates:

2015 indicates:

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2016 indicates:

As of May 2018, the only PSA/PDS data sets generated with MIRO Pipeline
SW_VERSION=2.0 are ones designated as CODMAC Level 3 Version 2.0 for the
PRL and ESC1 mission phases. A sample directory name is RO-C-MIRO-3-PRL-
67P-V2.0, where it must be remembered that the version number in the PSA/PDS
directory names is not always the same as the MIRO SW_VERSION field used to
generate the data.
The geometry parameters calculated by the SW_VERSION=2.0 or 3.0 MIRO
software include (note that the only difference between the software versions is
that the bad data flag is -999.9 in Version 2.0 and -999.0 in Version 3.0):
BS_X_ANG: Angle between MIRO boresight and comet center projected
on the MIRO x-axis (-360 to +360 deg with positive angles measured
counterclockwise from the x-axis towards the y-axis).
BS_Y_ANG: Angle between MIRO boresight and comet center projected
on the MIRO y-axis (-360 to +360 deg with positive angles measured
counterclockwise from the y-axis towards the negative x-axis).
BS_Z_ANG: Angle between MIRO boresight and the spacecraft to comet-
center line (0 to 90 degrees).
DIST: Distance between the spacecraft and comet center (km).
EMI_ANG: Emission angle (0 to 90 deg): Angle between surface normal
and MIRO boresight. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0 (3.0)
FOUND_INTERSECTION: Set to 1 when MIRO boresight intercepts
shape model. Otherwise, set to 0.
LOCAL_SOLHA: Solar hour angle (0 to 24). Angle between surface
normal at boresight location and the Sun measured in hours. 0 is midnight
and 12 is Noon. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0 (3.0) if

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PHASE_ANG: Angle between Sun and spacecraft as measured at the

comet center (-180 to 180 degrees; negative values represent local solar
times between midnight and Noon).
POL_ANG: Pole angle. Angle from the Rosetta y-axis to the projection of
the comet spin axis on the Rosetta xy-plane (-180 to 180 degrees positive
counterclockwise from the y-axis towards the negative x-axis).
RH: Distance between the comet and the Sun in AU.
SC_ANG: Angle between the Rosetta y-axis and the J2000 z-axis
measured counterclockwise in the Rosetta xy-plane (-180 to 180 degrees).
SCENE_EFF_LAT: Effective latitude (-90 to 90 deg). Over the course of
one comet day, the smallest angle between the surface normal and the Sun.
For a given spot on the surface, effective latitude varies with season. Set to
-999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0 (3.0) when
SCENE_EFF_LON: Effective east longitude (-180 to 180 deg). The angle
between the prime meridian and the surface normal projected on the
equatorial plane. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0 (3.0) when
SCENE_EFF_SOLHA: Effective solar hour angle (0 to 24 hours). The
angle between the surface normal and the Sun projected on the plane of
the sub-solar latitude. 0 is Midnight, 12 is Noon. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in
SCENE_LAT: Comet-centric latitude (-90 to 90 deg) of the boresight on
the surface. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0 (3.0) when
SCENE_LON: Comet-centric eastward longitude of the boresight on the
surface (-180 to 180 deg). Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0
SCENE_R: Distance between the comet center and the boreisght
intersection with the surface. Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in SW_VERSION 2.0
SCENE_SOL_INC_ANGLE: Angle between the surface normal at the
boresight location and the Sun (0 to 180 deg). Set to -999.9 (-999.0) in
SSC_LAT: Comet-centric latitude of the sub-spacecraft point on the
nucleus (-90 to 90 deg).
SSC_LON: Comet-centric east longitude of the sub-spacecraft point on
the nucleus (-180 to 180 deg).
SSOL_LAT: Comet-centric latitude of the sub-solar point on the nucleus
(-90 to 90 deg).

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SSOL_LON: Comet-centric east longitude of the sub-solar point on the

nucleus (-180 to 180 deg).
SUN_DEC: Position of the Sun in J2000 declination (-90 to 90 deg).
SUN_RA: Position of the Sun in J2000 Right Ascension (-180 to 180
TGT_DEC: Position of the comet in J2000 declination (-90 to 90 deg).
TGR_RA: Position of the comet in J2000 Right Ascension (0 to 360 deg).
VLOS: Velocity of spacecraft relative to comet center projected on line-
of-sight vector in km/s.
VRAD: Velocity of spacecraft relative to comet center in km/s.
ZDEC: Declination of the spacecraft z-axis in J2000 coordinates (-90 to
90 deg).
ZRA: Right Ascension (0 to 360 deg) of the spacecraft z-axis in J2000
The above quantities are calculated using SPICE library functions as well as some
MIRO-developed code.


This section summarizes the error bars (uncertainty) to be associated with
calibrated science data generated by MIRO Pipeline software versions 2.0 through
Additional information on instrument characteristics relevant to this discussion
(e.g., instrument sensitivity and Allan deviation calculations) can be found in
Gulkis et al. 2007 (Space Science Reviews 128, 561-597).


The continuum brightness temperatures reported every 50 msec have an
uncertainty which is dependent on the brightness of the target. In practice, there
are two temperature regimes to consider. The high-temperature regime
(TA > 100 K) occurs when looking at the nucleus (whose brightness is of the same
order as that of our on-board hot and cold calibration loads). Our continuum
measurements are, by design, most accurate in this regime. The low temperature
regime (TA < 10 K) is relevant when looking at weak dust emission from the
coma. Some measurements are in an intermediate regime, such as nucleus polar
observations in winter. In this case, use of the low temperature regime is
recommended. The submillimeter and millimeter-wavelength rms uncertainties to
use with continuum data generated by MIRO Pipeline software versions 2.0 and
3.0 are given in Table 9.7-1.

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Date: 31 August 2018

Table 9.7-1: One-sigma RMS Uncertainty of

MIRO Calibrated Continuum Data
Measurement Uncertainty (K) Measurement Uncertainty (K)
for TA ≥ 100 K for TA < 100 K
Submillimeter ±1.0 ±1.3
Millimeter ±0.4 ±0.5

The above uncertainties represent random errors associated with each 50 msec
sample, including the random measurement errors made when observing our
calibration targets. In addition to the above rms uncertainty, there are several
possible systematic errors.
The largest systematic biases are thought to arise from spillover effects around the
primary and secondary mirrors, discussed in detail in Section 9.9. As discussed
there, we believe most millimeter and submillimeter antenna temperatures
reported are about 4% lower than they should be. This bias depends on several
factors, some of which are not well known or time varying, so we have not
attempted to correct this in our data products. This bias affects both wavelengths
similarly, so while absolute antenna temperatures need adjusting, the relative
brightness of the two channels is correct.
A second potential systematic bias may affect the calibration of the millimeter
data. As discussed in Appendix A, and summarized in Section 9.5.2 (see Eq. 4), a
design error causes the millimeter beam to sample some of the supporting
structure when looking at the cold calibration target. A correction (the so-called
w-factor) is applied, but that factor is itself uncertain. We believe any residual
errors are less than 1%.
Another potential systematic bias may arise when looking at targets whose
brightness temperature is very different than the brightness of our calibration
targets. This can be thought of as an extrapolation error and is the reason
Table 9.7-1 accounts for two temperature regimes. This error source can be at
least partially mitigated by using observations of empty sky. In calibration
software versions 3.0 and above, these sky measurements are used to update the
calibration equation (see Section 9.5.2). Even with this improvement, the random
errors indicated in Table 9.7-1 are still present.
A final comment about Table 9.7-1 is that it reports the uncertainty on the
50 msec continuum samples. Experimentally, it has been determined that MIRO’s
continuum channels are typically stable for several seconds. This allows a user to
time-average continuum data and reduce rms noise levels. We estimate the
uncertainty on a 5-second average to be about three times smaller than those
reported in Table 9.7-1 in the high temperature limit, and about 1.3 times smaller
in the low temperature limit. This is much less of an improvement than one would
expect from averaging pure Gaussian noise (which scales as the square-root of the
integration time) because of systematic errors. We note that MIRO is typically
calibrated every ~30 minutes, so we cannot accurately track variations with a time
scale less than that, and calibration errors are strongly correlated on that time

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Date: 31 August 2018

scale. Typically, time-averaging continuum data beyond about 1 second is of

limited use both because of approaching instrument stability limits and because of
spacecraft motions and nucleus rotation.


The characteristics of MIRO spectroscopic (CTS) data are very different from
those of the continuum channels. This is because of the much higher frequency
resolution of the CTS, which increases the thermal (rms) noise, and because of
frequency switching, which provides for a much more stable system allowing
drastically longer integration times.
At full 44 kHz frequency resolution and the minimum allowed 30-second
integration time, the channel-to-channel rms noise level in a spectrum is about
16 K without frequency switching (such as when observing a calibration target).
With frequency switching (all CTS science observations of Comet 67P/C-G were
made with frequency switching), the rms noise level in a full-resolution spectrum
is about ± 10 K. There are variations in performance between IF bands (the bands
are described in Section 9.3.2), and there are some time variations, so in general it
is best to use the scatter in the spectral baseline within a given band (staying away
from band edges and comet spectral features) to determine the noise level in a
spectrum to be analyzed.
Since frequency switching effectively stabilizes receiver performance, the
dominant uncertainty in a spectrum is thermal noise. This makes it possible to
average spectra for many days (!) and reduce the noise level as the square-root of
the integration time. (Of course, the observing geometry and the science
application rarely allow integrations that long.) Cometary lines are also typically
broader than 44 kHz, allowing smoothing over frequency as well, decreasing
noise by another factor of the square-root of the number of channels.
The spectrometer data are subject to the same spillover biases mentioned for the
continuum data, typically ~4%. Such biases could potentially have spectral
structure (i.e. may not be uniform across the entire spectrum), dependent on
conditions in the coma and the location of the spacecraft. Unlike the continuum
data, spectral analyses typically do not require precision to better than 10%, so
most users can ignore this potential bias.
A larger potential bias in the absolute calibration of the spectrometer data is in the
assumed side-band ratio. As a double-sideband system, the spectra MIRO reports
consist of signal from two frequency regions: one contains the targeted spectral
line and the other is thought to be free of any spectral signal. The intent of
MIRO’s design is to deliver equal amounts of power to the spectrometer from
each spectral region, and this is assumed by our spectral calibration algorithm.
There is some evidence that sideband ratios may differ from unity by ~10% for
the water lines and ~30% for methanol. We have no information on possible
deviations from unity for the other lines. Therefore, users of the spectral data are
cautioned that the absolute level of any spectral feature may be uncertain by

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Date: 31 August 2018

~20%, but this bias due to side-band ratios will not add any spectral structure
across a feature.


As mentioned in several places in this document (e.g., Section, MIRO
science spectra (other than those collected while in asteroid mode, see Section
4.2.7) are collected using “frequency switching.” Frequency switching means the
signal coming into MIRO is integrated for a short time, and then a shift of
10 MHz is introduced and the signal integrated again. One integration is then
subtracted from the other, and the difference reported as the output spectrum. This
technique has the advantage of removing many instrument artifacts, and serves as
part of the calibration and stabilization process. Because of frequency switching,
each spectral line from the comet or other science target appears twice, once as a
positive image and once as a negative, separated by 10 MHz in the spectrometer
(see Figure 11 of Appendix A).
A square-root of two improvement in signal to noise can be achieved by
combining the two images of each spectral line. This involves shifting one of the
images 10 MHz towards the other, and then subtracting it from the other image.
While really a shift and subtract operation, for historical reasons we refer to this
process as “folding” the spectra.
In MIRO Pipeline Software Version 4.0 (used to generate Level 4 Versions 1.0
and 2.0 products), the spectra that were generated by Software Version 3.0 on the
“common IF frequency grid” (Level 3 Version 3.0 products; see Section 9.5.2)
are folded and IF frequency is converted to a Doppler shifted comet-centric
velocity grid. The folded spectrum for each band is obtained in four steps: 1)
Identify the rest-frequency of the spectral line in the IF (see Section 9.4.2), 2)
Shift the portion of the spectrum at lower frequency than the rest frequency to
frequencies 10 MHz higher, 3) Subtract the shifted image from the portion of the
spectrum at higher frequency than the rest frequency of the line, and 4) Divide the
result by 2 (to average the two spectra) and multiply by the direction factor given
in Table 9.4-6 (this factor of 1 or −1 depends on whether lines are effectively in
the upper or lower sideband of the receiver). The central IF frequency for each
band is given in Table 9.4-6, and Table 9.5-2 provides the channel numbers in the
common frequency grid associated with each of the 8 spectral lines.
Cometary spectra are typically provided on a velocity scale instead of frequency.
This has several advantages for scientific analysis (such as allowing easier
comparison of the velocity distribution of different gases). In the folded spectra,
the common IF frequency grid is transformed into a Doppler shifted comet-centric
velocity grid using the standard Doppler velocity expression:

VD = c / RFline * (Fline – F)

where VD is the Doppler velocity associated with a common grid frequency F,

RFline is the rest frequency of the line (see Table 9.4-1), c is the speed of light, and

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Fline is the rest frequency of the line in the IF (to convert the sky frequency, RFline,
to Fline, use expressions in Section 9.4.2 or values listed in Table 9.4-6). The
velocity grid is truncated to the range of −4 km/s to 4 km/s.


To first order, the antenna temperatures reported when looking at the comet or
other science target represent a convolution of a Gaussian main beam with the
brightness distribution of the source on the sky. This approximation is good to a
few percent, which is sufficient for some purposes. Recommended Gaussian beam
parameters are given at the end of this section. For many applications, particularly
those requiring simultaneous fitting of the mm and submm continuum data to
retrieve surface properties as a function of depth, greater precision may be
required. This section discusses the higher-order corrections. These involve
accounting for slight mismatches in the optical coupling of components within
the instrument (on the optical bench), spillover effects around the antenna
(external to the spacecraft), and deviations of the true antenna pattern from an
ideal Gaussian beam.
We used commercially available Physical-Optics (PO) modeling packages (the
CHAMP and GRASP tools made by TICRA) to analyze our optical path. We find
that at both our millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, about 2% of the
received signal comes from within the instrument when looking at the calibration
targets or the sky. (This 2% does not include the mismatch of the cold load with
the millimeter beam, corrected for using Eq. 4 in Section 9.5.2.) Because this
signal from within the instrument is always present and relatively constant, errors
it creates in our instrument calibration and in the measurement of antenna
temperature cancel to first order.
When looking through the antenna at targets in the sky, there are spillover losses
to be considered at the secondary and primary mirrors external to the spacecraft.
PO modeling indicates that at both MIRO wavelengths 2% of the signal at the
secondary mirror comes from spillover around the primary (the secondary mirror
“sees” around the primary mirror). This spillover falls on the spacecraft body, and
since the spacecraft covering is expected to be reflective at our wavelengths, it is
likely that this signal is terminated on the sky above the spacecraft. A second 2%
loss at both wavelengths comes from the primary mirror spilling over the
secondary. This signal also terminates on the sky background. Thus,
approximately 4% of the signal MIRO reports comes from broad regions of
the sky.
The important conclusions regarding these first two corrections considered are:
 Under the assumption that the internal coupling to the calibration loads and
the antenna are the same (which the PO modeling confirms), and to the extent
that internal instrument temperatures do not change significantly on ~hour
time scales (which is typically true), scattering within the optical bench has no
net effect on the antenna temperatures measured by MIRO. We therefore

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neglect this internally-scattered emission, and believe this creates an error on

the reported antenna temperatures of less than 1%. The effects of antenna
spillover on the calibration of MIRO data are almost the same at the submm
and mm wavelengths. This means the relative brightness measured in the two
channels is not appreciably affected by these terms.
 When absolute continuum temperatures are required, spillover losses must be
considered. Approximately 96% of the received signal comes from the
antenna pattern (discussed below), and 4% from the sky above the spacecraft.
In most situations, the 4% is from empty sky, resulting in MIRO reporting
continuum antenna temperatures which are 96% of the true value. When
within ~20 km of the comet, however, portions of the spillover may come
from the warm nucleus. This makes the error less than 4% (but of unknown
sign) when targeting the warm nucleus, and potentially larger than 4% when
targeting very cold regions (e.g., polar night). Users of MIRO continuum data
must assess the regime they are in and consider increasing reported antenna
temperatures by 4% when far from the nucleus.
 Spillover effects on the spectral data have not been considered in detail, but
are potentially complex when the spacecraft is within denser regions of the
coma, the spectra being a combination of 96% of emission from where the
antenna is pointed, and 4% of emission from the gas immediately surrounding
the spacecraft.

Figure 9.9-1: Millimeter (left) and submillimeter (right) beam patterns

measured in the lab prior to launch. Beam patterns are normalized to have
a peak value of 1. Note that the beams, particularly the submm, are not
symmetric. This may be due to a small misalignment of the secondary

We now consider MIRO’s beam pattern, which describes how the signal coming
from the primary mirror is distributed on the sky. The antenna temperature
(neglecting the losses described above) is a convolution of this beam pattern with
the source. Figure 9.9-1 shows MIRO’s beam patterns as measured in the lab
prior to launch. The numerical data are available from the Rosetta data archive
maintained by NASA’s Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System, and
from ESA’s Planetary Science Archive. (In particular, see the “Documents”

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section in Level 4 Version 2 data products.) Figure 9.9-2 shows azimuthally

averaged antenna patterns for the lab measurements, for our Physical-Optics (PO)
based model, and for an empirical fit to the other curves. In the empirical fits, the
innermost Gaussian term is a fit to the lab data. The empirical fit to the far
antenna pattern for both the mm and submm beams is a fit to the PO model. The
submm antenna pattern has more structure than the mm, likely due to surface
irregularities on the primary mirror, so the submm empirical fit includes an
intermediate region which is a linear fit to the lab data. Expressions for the
empirical fits are given below. Some things to note about MIRO’s beam
patterns are:
 At submm wavelengths, about 3.5% of the power entering the receiver from
the antenna comes from angles beyond 2.5 half-power beam widths (HPBW).
Only 0.35% of the submm power comes from more than 1 degree off axis.
 At mm wavelengths, only 0.6% of the power comes from outside 2.5 HPBW,
and 0.16% comes from more than 1 degree off axis.
Users requiring precise, absolute knowledge of submm nucleus brightness
temperatures in localized regions of the surface should model the observed
antenna temperatures by convolving the full antenna pattern with models of the
nucleus brightness distribution. In regions of strong spatial gradients in brightness
(e.g., near a limb or shadow), using only the Gaussian main beam can yield errors
of up to 3.5%. The Gaussian approximation for the millimeter data is better than

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Figure 9.9-2: Azimuthally averaged millimeter (top) and submillimeter

(bottom) beam patterns. The green curves labeled “lab” are for the
laboratory measurements shown in Fig. 9.9-1. The black curves labeled
“co-pol” are from our Physics-Optics model, and the dashed lines are
empirical fits to different regions of the curves. Details of the empirical fits
are given in the text. Note that the empirical fits do not attempt to match the
side-lobes, but only follow the general trend of the model response.

The empirical fits to the beam patterns shown in Fig. 9.9-2 are given by the
equations below. For the most demanding applications, the full two-dimensional
beam patterns shown in Fig. 9.9-1 should be used. In the expressions that follow,
θ is the angle off the boresight in degrees, and G is the antenna gain in dB,
normalized to a peak value of 0.

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For the millimeter beam,

G  a 2 for   0.66 degrees
G b c
 d for   0.66 degrees

a  81.7339
b  96.6409
c  100.4374
d  2.0102

Note that the central Gaussian pattern corresponds to a beam with Full Width at
Half Maximum (FWHM) of 0.3838 degrees. This is slightly smaller than the
FWHM assumed when retrieving the MIRO boresight using lunar data (discussed
in Section 9.6.1).

For the submillimeter beam,

G  a 2 for   0.19 degrees
G  e  f for 0.19    0.91 degrees

G b c
 d for   0.91 degrees

a  773.108
b  106.9089
c  94.1939
d  1.8776
e  30.3756
f  22.8370

The central Gaussian pattern has a FWHM of 0.1248 degrees.

Appendix A,
MIRO Calibration
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