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Qualification Services for Agilent

Chemical Analysis lnstruments

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Agilent Technologies
Operation al Qu al ification/Performan ce Verificati on
for the Agilent 78908 Series GC/MSD System

Protocol Revision Number Rev. A.02.20

lnstrument lD

Deviations: Yes No _ Verified by (customer):


ln this Protocot
This protocol is intended for technical readers in regulated environments who are
perforrring operational qualification/perfonnance verification (OQ/PV) on AgiIent
Technologies GCiMS Syster-ns.

The protocol is divided into the following sections.

ProtocoI Approval
Contents: Fill in fbrms for approval of protocol by customer and Agilent Technologies.
Protocol Dctails
Contents: Fill in fbrms fbr details of the OQ/PV to be pertbrrred.
Equipment List
Clontents: Equipment required to perform thc OQ/PV tests.
Qualilication Ovcrvicw
Contents: General qualification procedure, individual test ovelview, and acceptance lirnits.
Procedures and Results
Clorltents: Procedures and results for general qualitrcation, preparation and tests.
Form ulas (if reqLrested)
Cor-rtents: Formulas and figures tbr evaluation of test results.
Certification of System Qualification
Clontents: F'ill in fbrms for deviation correction and OQ,fV celtillcation.
Attachmcnts/Supporting Docu ments
Contents: Relevant forms and data produced

O Copyright Agilent Technologies 2001-2003

All rights reserved. Reproduction. adaptation or translation rvithout prior written permission is
prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.

Rcv. .4..02.20, Septernber 2003

The infbrrnation contained irr this document is subject to change rvithout notice. Agilent Technologies
rrakes no warranty of any kind to this material, incltrding but not limited to, the implied wananties or
merchantability and fitness lbr a particular purpose. Agilent Tecl.urologies shall not be liable for errors
conlained herein or tbr incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance. or use of this material.

Deviations: Yes _ No _ Verified by (customcr'):

Table of Contents

Deviations: Ye s No Verified by (customer):

Rev. A.02.20 Date Printed: 2l-Lpr-2021 15:44:54 I Pae.- 3 of 15
Protocol Approval

Use this protocol to qualify and record the configuration and operation of the GC

Protocol AcceptancelApproval by Customer

Agilent Technologies recommends that operation of the ChemStation used in the
delivery of the OQ/PV described by this protocol be qualified (OQ) and that the
ChemStation be placed under appropriate change control. Software qualification is an
optional service provided by Agilent Technologies.

A sign offarea has been provided at the bottom ofeach page in case an internal SOP
requires review and acceptance of every page in this document. If page-by-page sign
off is not required, use the area to document deviations only. Acceptance of the entire
document is complete when the Certifrcation of System Qualification is reviewed and
signed by the responsible parties.

Per-page sign offin this protocol Yes,A{o

Required for all pages

Required only for pages that contain data

Required only fbr pages that contain deviations

I have reviewed this document and agree that it provides appropriate procedures for
the Operational Qualification (OQ) of the equipment for which it has been configured

Felisita Inananda Eridanty 01-04-2021

Customer Name (Print) Signature

Additional revieu,, ilrequired by custorrer'

Reviewer' s Name/Titl e (Print) Signatr-tre

Protocol Acceptance/Approval by Agilent

I agree that the OQ/PV procedures in this document, assembled by Agilent Analytical

the current Agilent qualification procedure.

Kristian Malvrn H ()7 -04-2021

Executing Engineer's Narne (Print) Signature

Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customer):

Protocol roval

Gustomer Details
The customer listed below is the owner/user of the instrument.

Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya No. 19,

PT. Smart.Tbk Runekut Kidul. Kec. Runekut. Surabaya
CompanyName Location

Laboratory Felisita Inananda Eridanty

Department Contact

lnstrument Details
The procedures in this OQ/PV will be performed on the instrument listed below.

CC 7890B MSD .59778 Laboratory

ItrstruLnent ID Locarion

Initial or Requalification Datc OQ/PV Last Perfonned if Requalification

Date Planned Maintenance Last Performed if


Qualification Details
The following details apply to the OQ/PV performed on the instrument listed above.

Kristian Malvin H 07-04-202)

Executing Engineer's Name Date OQ/PV Perfbnncd

1 lime / vcar
Frequency of OQ/PVs

De-viations: Yes No Veritled by (customer)

Instrument Record
GC/MSD System

Model Number Serial Number Instrument ID.t Description
c70118 us1743M029 Mass Selective Detector
For comprehensive system details, see the Installation Qualification.
* The mainfiame serial number is required. Include instrument IDs
for all accessories.
** Optional customer supplied information (asset number, system number, system name, and so on)

Model Nurnber Serial Number' Instrument ID Description
:134408 us r 7433054 Gas Chromatograph
For comprehensive system details, see the Installation Qualification.
* Ihe mainframe serial number is required. lnclude instrument IDs
for all accessories.
++ Optional customer supplied information (asset number, system number, system nqme, and so on)

Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customer):

Instrument Preparation
System Inspection/lnlet Preparation


System Inspection
. Is the GC/MSD system in good operating condition (no obvious physical

Results (Yes/No) Acceptance Pass/Fail Verihed By/Date

Yes Yes Pass KMt07-04-2021

. Are there any apparent safety issues in the GCiMSD system and surrounding

Results (Yes/No) Acceptance Pass/Fail Verihed By/Date

No No Pass KMl0l-04-2021

. Are required gases present and ofappropriate pressure?

Results (Yes/No) Acceptance PassiFail Verified By/Date

Yes Yes Pass KMt0l-04-2021 '

. Are all the power, signal, and remote cables connected properly?

Results (Yes,No) Acceptance Pass/Fail Verified By/Date

Yes Yes Pass KMIOT-04-2021

Deviations: Yes No _ Verified by (customer):

Basic Operation and Safety Tests


Electronic Safety Check

Unplug the 7890. Use a digital multi meter to measure the continuity between the rnainfiame
chassis and the ground pin on the electrical plug.

Is there contimrity between the chassis and the ground plug'?

Result (YesiNo) {cceptance Pass/Fail Verified bv: Date
Yes Yes Pass KM 07-04-2021
Unplug the 5975. Use a digital multimeter to measure the continuity between the rnainframe
;hassis and the ground pin on the electrical plug.

ls therecontinuily betr,veen the chassis and the grouncl plug'?

Result (YesNo) Acceptance Pass/Fail Verified by: Date
Yes Yes Pass KM 07-04-202t
* You do not have to colibrale the digital mul.timeler.

Embedded Software and I/O Map Tests

Porver cycle the CC and observe the self test.*

Does the systern successtully cornplete the self-test without reporting errors?
Result (YesNo) Acceotance Pass,iFail Verified bv; Date
Yes Yes Pass KM 01-04-2021
* lf this i,s lha c:Lrstomer's systetfi, close the ChemStotion sessittrt befbre y.nt,er c.y-clins the GC. A Not
LleoJv stttltts is nul ttn crrot.

Request a GC oven ternperature of 600 "C.

Does the systenl reject the request?

Result (YesNo) AcceDtance Pass/Fail Verified by: Date
Yes Yes Pass KM )7-04-202r
With the CC oven on and at temperature, open the oven door.

Jbserve fan operation. Does the oven shut off?

Result (YesNo) Acceptance PassiFail Verified bv: Date
fes Yes Pass KM )7-04-2021
Iemporarily configure any installed inlet for hydrogen carier gas. With the inlet column
fitting unplugged and no column installed, request an inlet pressure of 100 psi.
The GC reqtrire,r a power c.ycle to recoverfrom this induced en'or condilion. Restore lhe inlel's
original carrier gas configurotiott afier test is completed.

)oes the hydrogen safety shutdown occur (typically in about 2 rninutes)'7

lesult (Yes,t{o) Acceptance Pass/Fail Verified bv: Date
l'es Yes Pass KM )1-04-2021

Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customer):

Back Inlet Test
S/SL Inlet Leak Test


S/SL lnlet Leak Test
SiSL Inlet Leak Test
Initial Final
Pressure Pressure Typical
Reading Readrlg Range of Custorner
(P,) (P") (P") Operation Specification++ Pass/Fail Verified By/Date
25 24.99 0.0r Pp < 2.0 psi Pass KMljl-04-2021
x Pn-PsPp
** lf a atstomer s:peciJicotion ctpplies, it cunn<tt be ntore stringenl thcm the Agilent Technologies'
range of'operation.

Deviations: Yes _No _ Verified by (customer):

GC Oven Temperature Accuracy Test



GC Oven Temperature Accuracy Test

Measured Typical Range Customer
Setpoint Pass/Fail Verified By/Date
Value of Operation Specification'
100"c )9.7"C t00.0 + 4.0"c Pass KM107-04-2021

230"C 231.3"C 230 + 5"C'. Pass KMt07-04-2021

* If a customer specificotion applies, it cannot be more stringent than Agilent Technologies' range o/
** Record the value, integer or decimal, as it is displayed. Do not round the displayed volue.

Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customcr):



RFPA Optimization Work Sheet

Set rrVz 100 mlz 800 n.r/z

Initial value (mV) 46 363

Minimized value (mV) 45 Vi: : 360

Drift in 5 rnin 45 Vf: :360

Record the outcome of the rninimizatiot procedure included in the previous section.

Result (Yes/No) lAcceptance lPass/Fail lVerified by Date

Yes Yes lPass lfV 0'1-04-2021

Measured Customer
ltern Range of Pass/Fail Veritled Bv/Date
Value Specification

Minimized value
360 <ll00uV Pass KNv07-04-2021
at 800 m/z (Vi)

Drift in 5 min <

3 100 mV Pass KMt07-04-2021
+ If customer specification
applies, it cannot be more stringent than Agilent Technologies'range of
** Yd: abs (Vf-Vt)

Deviations: Yes _ No _ Verified by (customer):

Declaration of Change Control


ATIINE.U and Tune Evaluation Test (Filarnent l)
Measured Iypical Range Customer
Item PassiF'ail Verified By/Date
Value of Operation Specification-

Mass Axis
59.00 59.00 +/- 0.20 Pass KMl01-04-2021
ttrlz- 69
Mass Axis
219.00 219.00 +t- 0.20 Pass KM/07-0.1-202 I
Mass Axis
s02.06 502.00 +l- 0.20 Pass KMl07-04-202r
n/z- 502

Mass Axis
70.03 70.00 +/- 0.20 Pass KM/07-04-2021
mlz- 1O

Mass Axis
220.00 220.00 +/- 0.20 Pass KMt07-04-2021
Mass Axis
503.07 503.00 +/- 0.20 Pass KMl07-04-2021
lsotope Ratio
1.45 1.50 to 1.60 % Pass KMl07-04-2021

lsotope Ratio
4.31 3.20 to 5.40 Yo Pass Kj|i1/07-04-2021

lsotope Ratio
10.39 7.90 to 12.30 0/o
Pass KMIOT-04-2021

)1.23 > 40.00 Yo Pass KW07-04-2021
Ratio 219169

Abundance o/"
5.87 > 2.40 Pass Kls.,.IOT-04-2021
Ratio 502169
7.77 <20.00% Pass KMt07-04-2021
Ratio l8/69

Ratio 28/69
t.s2 10.00 % Pass KMl07-04-2021

* If a customer specification applies, it cannot be more stringent than Agilent Technologies'ronge of


Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customer):

Declaration of Change Control


This document is under change control. Revision history is maintained and printed on
each document. Access to the master documents is limited to process owners.

Documents receive periodic review and cannot be assigned an evergreen status. The
qualification perlbrmed according to this document refers only to the
hardware/software configuration in place at the time of the qualification.
Agilent Technologies recommends that instrument configuration change management
procedures be in place to maintain the validation process. Any changes to the
analytical or computer hardware or software must be clearly specified. A change
management system provides a means for determining the degree of re-qr-ralification
required according to the extent of the changes made. All details of the changes,
completed tests, and test results must be thoroughly recorded and documented.
Note: Instrument conf,rguration change management is not the responsibility of
Agilent Technologies.

Deviations: Yes No Verified by (customer):

Certification of System Qualification


OQ / PV Certification

Declaration of Certification Type

Certification type* Initial
Sp ec if1t i n i t i ct I o r re q u aI ifi c' a t i o n (re oc cu rr i n g ).

The analytical system identified in the Instrument Module: General Procedures

section has yielded the following results.

Sumrnary of Results

Some of the qualif,rcation tests or measurements required Pass after

correction in order to successfully complete.+ comection
Some of the qualification tests or measurements were not
successfully completed. * *
*Attach a Deviation Report lhat describes lhe corrective action thot was taken. The Deviation
Reporls associated with this document are listed below. I/ a dettiation is due to a process change
(Product Support Bulletin, Service Note, and so on), attach a copy of the change notification.
** Agilent Technologies recommends that the system be retnoved sertsice until it is repairetl.

Deviation Record/C ross-Refere nce

Rcport Attached

*Attach a Devialion Corection Reporl Form and supporting documenlation to the Attachntents
section of this protocol.

Felisita Inananda Eridanty 07-04-2021

Customer Nanre (Print Name) Signature Date

Kristian Malvin H 07-04-2021

Executing Engineer (Print Name) Signature Date
Attachments/S upporting Documen ts


This section lists documents that are referred to but not included in the body of this

Attached Number of
Document (Yes/No) Pages
1. Etune and Tune Evaluation Report (EI) Yes

2.LogAmp Test Yes

3. Injection Precision Yes

4. Signal to Noise Yes

5. Engineer Cerlificate Yes


This docunrerrt provides a protocol to vcrify and record instrunrent configuration

and evidence ofproper operation. [t has been prepared fiom our interpretatrorr of
applicable rcgulations as well as industry best practices. The docunrcnt is designed
to provide an irrportant component of a completc complianoe package- Validation
depends upon many tactors and use ofthis protocol alone does not assure
cornpliance. Agilent Technologies rtakes no promises or representrtions as to its
sutficiency fbr any specific regulatory prograln.

Deviations: Ycs No Verified by (customer):

.Extraction Source Autotune - 5977
timestamp: 07-Apr-27 1:03 PM (UTC+07;00) GCMS 59778
R\GCM S\1\5977\etu ne. u us7743M029
Ion Polarity Pos PFTBA Open
il Em i ssi on 34.6 [4ass Gain -388
Electron Enero\ lo.o Mass Offset -21
Filament 1 Amu Gain 1366
lepel I er 3.39 Amu Offset 139.63
Ion Focus 89.8 width219 -0.030
Entrance Lens 7t.6 DC Polarity Pos
Ent Lens Offset 1 0.28 HED Enable On
Ion Body 10.0 0 Elvl Volts t387.7

JI, Post Extra.tor

Post Extractor 2
1 0

Exlraator Lens
Scan SDeed

letClean Flow 0.00 Averaq es

!'I;-rr ini:zl l',{.ail ln-r'zl l.l;;. l nir:l Actual/[Setpoint] [0.00]

Actual m/z Abund Rel Abund Pw50

Temperatures and Pressures
69.00 500,208 100.0% 0.60
219.00 445,533 MS Source 230 Turbo Speed 10 0.0
89.1% 0.59
502.00 27,684 5.5% 0.55
MS Quad 150 Hi Vac N/C

Low High Step Speed Threshold Peaks Base Abundance Total Ion
0.00 701.00 0.10 3 100 280 69.00 476,760 1,800,619

lrri;;5 (al'.)

Tatget rn/z Actual m/z Abund Rel Abund Iso m/z Iso Abund Iso Ratio
69.00 69.00 47 6,160 1 00.0% 70.10 7,083 1.5%
21 9.00 219.0 0 427,L84 88.5olo 220.00 19,128 4,50/o

502.0 0 502.00 25,136 5.40/o 503.10 2,499 11.3%

Check H20 -9.4o/o N2 -1.8% 02 -O.3o/o COZ -1.60/o N2/H2O -79.2o/o

t) Flow: 1.00 Column(2): 0.00 ml/min Interface Temp: 300

us maxrmum 90 volts using ion 502; Electron Multiplier Gain 79838.696

maxtmum 35 volts usinqion 219; Gain Factor 0.7984

GainValues(ScanSpeed): -388(3) -381(2) -366(1) -339(0) -286(FS1) -207(Fsz) -315(Fs3)

TARGET MASS: 50 69 131 2L9 4t4 502 1050

Offset 139.6 139.6 139.6 139.6 139.6 139.6 139.6
Lens offset 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3
System Verificatlon - Tune (Detector Optimization) Portlon
rument Name : GCMS 5977B
Polarity : Pos,itive
nt 1
t Vacuum status :High Vacuum: <no gauge> Torr Turbo:100?
ak shou.ld be 59 or 21-9 OK
tf on of mass 69 59.00 OK
tion of mass 219 279.A0 OK
tlon of mass 502 502.05 OK
ti on of isotope mass 10 7 0. 03 OK
tion of isotope mass 224 220.04 OK
tion of isotope mass 503 503.07 OK
oot mass 70 to mass 69(0.s - 1.62) 1.45 OK
oof mass 220 to mass 279 13 .2 - s.4Z) 4 .31 OK
oot mass 503 to mass 5O2 \1 .9 - 12 .3% ) 10.39 OK
oot 219 lo 59 should be > 40% and is 9t .23 OK
oof 502 to 69 should be > 2.4% and is OK

69 Precursor (<: 3%) a .21 OK

219 Precursor (<: 6%) 0.51 OK
502 Precursor (<: 123) a .62 OK

Air al1d Water Check

Apr 07 13:10:18 2027 Instrument: GCMS 5977B
NTER\GCMS \ 1\5977\etune.u USL743MO29

rnq for a leal< in the system

ro of 18 to 69 (<20%) 1.11 OK
oot 28 r'o 69 (<10'" 1
1.52 OK

Iron Multiplier Voltage OK

portion of System Veriflcation passed

tem Verificatlon for GCMS 59778 hied Apr 07 13:La:22 202I Page 1
'1, 6cMstsm kd.tion Sour..addune- dlne u - tcApTUREI trx
f rt. r,n. Vaculm k.dE Pnamtur ailc Dj.gndj.r rB M 66phi6 Hdp -E
Mars Mltr k Msn
502@ 1772 27938 15G 7@i.9
Fi 1e FIDO3 . D
0n 0'1 Apr 2021 14-:15


Vial fl Sample Multjplier: 1

Time: Apr 07 15;01:03 2021-

Method : D : \MassHunter\ccMS\2\METHODS\FrD3Peak.M
Tirle : FID3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 16:00:49 202L
e vla : Initial Calibration
Compound R. T. Qfon Response Conc Units Dev (Min)

t Compounds Qvafue
c14 1 57 125482 0.22 g/L 98
c1s 1 .825 \/ 124948 0.22 g/L 96
c16 2 . L27 57 724029 0.22 q/L 99

qual 1 f out of range (m) = manual inteqration (+) = signals summed

PI Wed Apr O'1 76:01:04 2021

Fi 1e F]DO4 . D
0n 0l Apr 202L L42^20
F]D O4

Vial 11 Sample Multiplier: 1

Time: Apr 0 7 15 :02 ;1-4 2O2l

Method : D : \MassHunter\GCMS\2\METHoDS\FID3Peak.M
Title : FID3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 16:00249 2O2l
: Initial Cal-ibration
Compound R. T. QIon Response Conc Unlts Dev (Min)

t Compounds Qvalue
c14 1 .527 5't L22963 0.2L g/L 97
c15 1 .825 57 125337 0.22 g/L 98
c15 2 . L26 s7 124094 0.22 g/L 98

qualifier out of range (m) = manual integratlon (+) = signafs summed

.M Wed Apr 07 1-5 :02 :1-4 2021

Yqsaru! s \rvvu

Path D: \BNM\OQPV\SMART\GCMS 59 778\

Fi 1e FIDO5. D
On 01 Apr 202L 14:_24

Viaf 11 Sample Multiplier: 1

Time: Apr 0'7 76 : 02 :52 2O2l

Method : D: \MassHunter\GCMS\2\METHODS\FTD3Peak.M
Titfe : FID3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 16:00:49 2021
vra : Initial Calibration
Compound R. T. QIon Response Conc Unirs Dev (Min)

Compounds Qvalue
ca4 1. 527 5'/ 725563 0.22 g/L 91
c15 1. 825 51 726160 o.22 g/L 9l
2. L27 51 L24491 o.22 g/L 99

qualifier out of range (m) - manual integration (+) = signals summed

.M Wed Apr 07 l6:a2:52 202L

Quantitation Report (Not Revleweo/

Path D: \BNM\ OQPV\ SMART\GCMS 59778\

F',r-Le F]DO5 . D
On 07 Apr 2021- 1-4:ZB

Vial 1l- Sample Multipller:

Time: Apr 07 16:03:76 202L
Method : D: \MassHunter\GCMS\2\METHODS\FrD3Peak.M
Title : FID3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 15:00:49 202a
vi-a : Initial Cafibration
Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev (Min)

t Compounds Qvalue
c1-4 l - 627 57 124673 0. 22 g/L e]
c15 t.825 57 L23937 0. 22 g/L 96
c16 2 -L27 5't 1-252L2 0. 22 s/L 98

qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration (+) = signals summed

.M Wed Apr 07 16:03:L6 2021-

Path D: \BNM\OQPV\SMART\GCMS 59 778\
File FIDOT . D
On 07 Ap'r 2O2l 14:31

Vial 11 Sample Multiplier: 1

Time: Apr 07 15: O3:49 2027

Method : D : \MassHunter\GCMS\2\METHODS\FrD3Peak. M
t Title : FID3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 16:00:49 2a2l
se via : Tnitial Calibration
Compound R.T, QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min)

L Comoounds Qvalue
1) CL4 1 621 51 t-25408 a.22 g/L 98
2) C1s 1 825 57 1-2623 0 a.22 g/L 91
3) C16 2 L2'1 57 724962 0.22 g/L 99

- qualifier out of range (m) = manuaf integratlon (+) = signafs summed

k.M Wed Apr o1 16:03:49 202L

Path : D:\BNM\OQPV\SMART\GCMS 59778\
Fil-e : FID08.D
n : O1 Apt 2O2l 1-4:35
ator I
Ie : FID08
Vial : 11 Sample Multiplier: 1

Time: Apr 07 16:04:16 202L

Method : D: \MassHunter\GCMS\2\METHODS\FrD3Peak.M
Title : FrD3Peak
Update : Wed Apr 07 16:00:49 2027
se via : Initial Calibration
Compound R. T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev (Min)

t Compounds Qvalue
c14 1. 51 r23661 0. 22 g/L 91
c15 1. 825 51 t-27 061 0. 22 g/L e]
c16 2. 1-26 51 l-24499 0. 22 g/L 98

quaf I f rer out of range (m) = manual integration (+) = signafs summed

.M Wed Apr O7 )-6 : O4 : l5 2O21-

Qualitative Analysis Report

Data File SNRO3.D Sample Name SNRO3

Sample Type Position 11

Instrument Name GCMS 59778 User Name

Acq Method OFN_SNR,N4 Acquired Time 07-Apr2l 3:20:56 PM (UTC+07:00)

IRM Calibration
Not Apolicable DA Method Default. m
Erpected Barcode Sample Amount
Dual Inj Vol 1 TuneName etune.u

TunePath D:\MassHunter\GCMS\1\5977\ TuneDatestamp 2021-04-07T13:03:38+07:00

MSFirmwareVersion 6.00.34 OperatorName
Acquisition Time
Ru nCompletedFlag True 0/-Apr-27 3:20:56 PM (UTC+07:00)
IqassHunter GC/MS Acquisition 18-lul-
Acquisition Sw SingleQuadrugole
2017 Copyright @ 1989-2017 Agilent Technologies,
Version Driver Version
In c.

Firmware version


Fragmentor Voltage Collision Energy 0 lonization Mode EI

5 +El TIC Scan SNR03.d




3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 s.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 -7.8
Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min)

Fragmentor Vohge Collision Enegy 0 Ionization Mode EI

Paqe 1 oF 2 Printed at l:15 Pl.4 on 7-Aptr2021

Agilent Technologies
Qualitative Analysis Report

x10 s



3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4
Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min)

-- End Of Report -

hge2of2 Prifted at l:15 PM on 7-Apr2021

',: AgilentTechnologies

'|}. AgilentTechnologies

Certificate of Completion

Learner Name:- Kristian Malvin Handoko

Title Of Course: ANCE-GCMS-2-041-D: 5977 EIICIIHES MSD GC-MS OPER. H/W S/W Intro, Rcpair
and Troubleshooting

Completion Date: August 23,2016

Certified By Company: Learning at Agilent

All Service and Support training certilicates have the following specific limitations.

A ce rlificale for Service and Support training is onl1, vali6 while employed by Agilent Tcchnologies or while working as an Agilent-atrthorized sen,ice
provider', through u,hich thc servicc cnrployec has ongoing access to Agilent'st Safety AIo1s, Selvice Notes, rnternal technical updates. update training, cun'ent
docurentation, technical support, curreflt parts, and parls Lrpdates. Completion of lraining alone, r'vithont boing emplol,cd by r\gitcnt Technologies. cloes not
clualily an individtial to saf'ely' install, service or maintaitr Agilent products.

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