An Evaluation of The Yield of Corn (Zea Mays L.) and Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Intercrop
An Evaluation of The Yield of Corn (Zea Mays L.) and Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Intercrop
An Evaluation of The Yield of Corn (Zea Mays L.) and Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Intercrop
An evaluation of the yield of corn (Zea mays L.) and bean (phaseolus vulgaris)
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An evaluation of the yield of corn (Zea mays L.) and bean (phaseolus vulgaris) intercrop
Habibollah Heidari, 2Bahram Majd Nassiri, 3Seyed Jalil Noorbakhshia, 1Mehrdad Ataie Kachoie
Department of Agro-Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Shahrekord, Iran
Central of Agriculture Research Institute of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Central of Agriculture Research Institute of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Shahrekord, Iran
Abstract: In order to investigate the yield of maize-green bean intercrop (Zea mays L. and phaseolus
vulgaris) an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications in 2013
cropping season in Chahar Mahal-e-Bakhtiari Province. The experiment comprised of 6 treatments: sole
maize, sole green pea and 4 maize-green pea intercropping mix-proportion: 50green pea:50 maize in one
alternate rows (1GB:1M), 20 green pea:80 maize, 50 green pea:50 maize in 2 rows of maize to 2 rows of
green pea (2M:2GB), 80 green bean: 20 maize. The results showed that planting pattern had significant
effects on (P≤0.01) biological yield of maize and green bean, dry weight of green bean sheath, dry weight
of corn, ear length, ear diameter, height of green bean and maize plants, and the length of green bean
sheath. The comparison of the results shows the advantage of intercropping over sole-crop, and most of the
measured traits 1GB: 1M and 2M: 2GB planting patterns had significant advantage over other planting
patterns. Therefore, according to the results, under climatic conditions of the study area and similar regions,
we can recommend rotate intercropping of these two plants to get the top yield.
Key words: Zea mays L Phaseolus vulgaris Biological yield Intercrop Dry weight
bean 30 .753 7.77 .488 35.5 4.2 246 0.061 0.55 7.34 3.05 0.83
Maize cv. KSC704 and Sunry green bean were used in development. SAS software package was used for
the experiment. Treatments of intercrops respectively statistical data analysis, analyzing the variance of the
were: treatment 1: 100% maize - 0.0 % green beans data and comparing their means. Microsoft Excel was
(sole maize), treatment 2: 0.0 % maize -100% green used to draw graphs. Duncan's multiple range tests at
beans (sole green bean), treatment 3: 50% maize - 50% 5% significance level was used to compare the means.
green beans in alternate rows (1M:1GB), treatment 4:
80% maize- 20% green beans (80M:20GB), treatments RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
5: 50% maize-50% green beans (2 rows of maize to 2
rows of green bean) namely (2M:2GB), and treatment Analysis of variance showed that the use of different
6: 20% corn - 80% green beans (20M:80GB). The methods of planting patterns for maize and green beans
experimental farm bed was prepared by furrower. The have significant effects on the biological yield of maize,
distance between rows was 50 cm. Maize and green dry weight of the corn, diameter and length of the ear
bean was planted on each row with 7-15 cm from one and the height of the maize plants (Table 1.0).
another. The traits we studied included biological yield Comparative analysis of the means show that 1M: 1GB
of maize and green beans, dry weight of green bean and 2M: 2GB had the highest biological yield, and there
sheath, dry weight of maize, ear length, ear diameter, were no significant differences in biological yield of
green bean pod length, the height of the maize and intercropped maize and sole-cropping one. It should be
green bean plants. The seeds of both species were noted that biological yield of 80M: 20GB and 20M:
sowed simultaneously in dry soil in mid-May. 150 kg 80GB respectively had significantly decreased
triple super phosphate fertilizer and 100 kg potassium compared to sole-cropping treatment. To the extent that
sulfate fertilizer per hectare and 150 kg urea per hectare biological yield of 20M:80GB compared to sole maize,
were used simultaneously for both species. The shows 80% loss in biological yield. Analysis of
fertilizer was used three times based on the principles variance showed that planting pattern had a significant
of crop and soil analysis, i.e., before planting, when effect on the dry weight of maize. The comparison of
they had grown six leaves and during flower the means suggests there were no significant
differences in dry weight of maize planted in the deteriorated with regard to sunlight absorption and the
patterns of 1M: 1GB, and 2M: 2GB and sole maize. space required for plant growth. In this study, 2M: 2GB
Dry weight of maize planted in pattern of 4 rows of plot had higher dry matter compared to sole maize.
maize to 1 row of green bean and vice versa Creating suitable space and light in 2M: 2GB lead to
significantly decreased compared to dry weight of ear higher yield of maize per unit area. In this study, as the
in alternate planting (1M: 1GB and 2M: 2GB). density of the maize increases, the ear diameter
Comparative analysis shows that the mean corn decreases. This finding accords with Rezaee et al. [3].
diameter decreased as compared to other treatments. Reduction in yield components of each crop and the
The mean ear diameter has decreased from almost 125 conditions for increase in density of the crop are
mm to 117 mm. Other treatments of intercropping evident, but due to the increase per unit area, yield
maize had no significant differences with other increases per unit area. The same situation was
treatments. As Tables 2.0 and 3.0 shows, the ear length observed for the length of the ear in maize plants. In
in both alternate planting of green beans- maize and 1M: 4GB plot, the competition between plants during
1M: 4GB had no significant differences with other the growth of ears was the lowest. Provision of
treatments. In 1M: 4GB and sole green bean, ear length adequate space and light for maize plants and their
were not significantly different from each other, but had competition with green beans makes the growth of the
15% loss compared to alternate planting, on average it ears last longer and increase the quantitative parameters
had decreased from 35cm to 30 cm. Alternate planting of this trait. This is consistent with Eskandari and
of 2M: 2GB compared to sole-cropping conditions had Javan-mard [12].
significantly higher plants, 4M: 1GB was significantly The higher the number of maize plants compared to
different and its plants were higher than those of sole- green bean plant, the less would be the height of maize
crops (Tables 2.0 and 3.0). plants, which reveals the competition between plants,
Table 4.0 shows that 20M:80GB (1 row of maize to 4 especially the intense competition between the maize
rows of green bean) suggest that biological yield of plants compared to green bean plants. Dry weight of
green bean was significantly different form sole green green bean sheath, more than any other parameter is
bean and showed 12 % loss. 4M: 1GB had the lowest influenced by different treatments of intercropping. 2M:
biological yield. 4M: 1GB compared to other treatments 2GB plot has the highest dry weight of sheath in green
and sole green bean had significantly higher plants. To bean plants. The trend of dry weight of sheath also
the extent that, this treatment compared to sole green suggests that the higher the light share of plants in
bean was up to 20% higher and had highest plants. green bean intercrops; the yield of dry matter of sheath
Planting pattern had significant effect on dry weight of would be higher too. Thus, 4M: 1GB has the lowest
sheath per unit area. 2M: 2GB and 1M: 4GB had sheath dry weight; and the treatment consisting of two
significantly higher dry weight of green bean sheath by rows of green bean and two rows of maize had the
about 30% compared to sole green bean. The pattern highest sheath dry weight. The significantly positive
consisting of a line of green beans for 4 lines of maize impact of the planting pattern makes way for increased
significantly by 60% reduced the dry weight of pods yield of green bean in unit area which is due to better
per unit area. 1M: 1GB and 4M: 1GB compared to sole- environmental conditions, higher efficiency in
crops are significantly different. 4M: 1GB plot had the absorption of sunlight, humidity, and higher food
greatest height (Table 4.0). intake. Further, green beans use maize plants as a
The study results showed that biological yield of maize protector which helps to achieve higher yield in
is heavily influenced by planting pattern, especially in intercropping. This is in agreement with Eskandari and
the treatment which are planted in the space between the Javan-mard [1] in evaluating the yield of maize and
green beans. Providing appropriate light and suitable cowpea intercropping patterns in consumption of
density for green beans in the open space of maize and environmental resources and complementary role of
providing the perfect conditions for maize leads to intercropping components.
greater biological yield for both crops. Different growth
rates, the breadth of the leaf and shoots of both crops, CONCLUSION
provided environmental conditions (especially adequate
light) for expansion of maize shoots, leading to Due to resource limitations and tendency to make less
increased yield and higher efficiency of photosynthesis use of agricultural inputs and machinery we may
in maize. This finding agrees with Schutz and Brim recommend intercropping. The combination of these
(1967). 4M: 1GB plot to some extent has improved the two plants after harvesting can provide better hay or
light and environmental conditions in favor of higher silage with higher nutritional value. Although maize has
biological yield of maize; however, the growth a high yield in dry matter production, the plant is poor
conditions for green bean plants have significantly in protein (less than 100 grams per kilogram of dry
matter). While protein is essential for optimum growth and proposed field plot design. Crop sci.7: 371-
and milk production by animals [11], because of the 376.
low protein content of forage maize, to only feed forage 11. Ghanbari-Bonjar H, 2000. Intercropped wheat
maize does not lead to satisfactory results in many (Triticumaestivum) and bean as a
animals. Thus, when the produced forage is poor in
protein, it is necessary to use protein supplements. A
good way to increase the protein content of the forage is
to mix it with legume plants which are rich in protein
content. Green bean is an annual plant from the legume
family that could be intercropped with maize to
increase the protein content of livestock diets and cut
the expenses of adding protein supplements to forage.
Physiological and morphological differences between
intercropping ingredients influence their ability to make
use of environmental resources.