Contoso Insurance Code Sample: Component List
Contoso Insurance Code Sample: Component List
Contoso Insurance Code Sample: Component List
Component List
This table lists all the Azure components used in the code sample and describes what they are used for.
Sub Components
Type Name Description
Type Name
SQL Mobile Claims Database the mobile application interacts
Database with.
SQL server contosoinsurance
SQL CRM Claims Database everything but the mobile app
Database interacts with.
other-party-plate-images Container to store other party license plate images
other-party-card-images Container to store other party insurance card images
other-party-license-images Container to store other part driver’s license images
Storage account contosoinsurancestorage Blobs vehicle-images Container to store the customer’s vehicle images
claim-images Container to store claim images
mobile-claims MobileClaim Queue
new-claims NewClaimForApproval Queue
contosoinsurance Web App MVC 5 App used for Claims Adjusters
Custom API for the mobile App:
App Service Web API SubmitClaimForProcessing Writes to DB, when write is done, then writes to
contosoinsurance-api MobileClaim Queue.
Web API TableControllers for the Mobile App
Function App contosoinsurance-function Function Triggers on mobile-claims queue and writes to CRM
Claims SQL database and new-claims queue, removes
item from mobile-claims queue. Returns current claim
and other party from CRM Claims SQL database. Calls
OCR to process license plate, driver’s license, and
insurance card other party images. Updates the current
claim and other party in CRM Claims SQL database with
the data returned from the OCR process.
Triggers on new-claims queue and invokes Logic App,
removes items from new-claims queue.
Invoked by the ContosoClaimManualApprover Logic app
to update the CRM Claims SQL database.
AutoApproveClaim Invoked by the HandleNewClaim Azure Function. Queries
the CRM Claims SQL database and looks to see if the
current customer has submitted a claim before. If no
previous claims are found for the current customer, then
auto approves the claim. If previous claims are found for
the current customer, then does not auto approve the
Shared Contains the common csx files.
When a claim is manually approved or rejected the CRM
Claims Database is updated and an email and push
notification is sent to the customer.
See the description for this Logic App below.
Logic App
See the description for this Logic App below.
Notification Hub ContosoClaimApprovedNotification
This logic app auto approves or rejects claims. See the Src\Contoso Insurance.vsdx Visio diagram to see where it fits into the entire process.
This logic app handles manually approved claims. See the Src\Contoso Insurance.vsdx Visio diagram to see where it fits into the entire process.
Mobile Claims Database
The mobile app interacts with the Mobile Claims database. These tables document the database schema and describe all of the columns.
Claims Table
Column Type Description
Id nvarchar Primary key for this table auto-generated by mobile app
Description nvarchar Description of incident entered in mobile app
DateTime datetime Date and time the incident occurred auto-generated by mobile app
Coordinates geography GPS coordinates where incident occurred auto-generated by mobile app based on current GPS location
Vehicle Id int The Id of the vehicle selected in mobile app
OtherPartyMobilePhone The mobile phone number entered into the mobile app.
CustomerVehicles Table
Column Type Description
Id nvarchar Primary key for this table
UserId nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
LicensePlate nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
VIN nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
Vehicle Id int Foreign key to Claims table
CRM Claims Database
Everything but the mobile app interacts with the CRM Claims database. These tables document the database schema and describe all of the columns.
Claims Table
Column Type Description
Id int Primary key for this table auto-generated by mobile app
Description nvarchar Description of incident entered in mobile app
DateTime datetime Date and time the incident occurred auto-generated by mobile app
Coordinates geography GPS coordinates where incident occurred auto-generated by mobile app based on current GPS location
Correlation Id uniqueidentifier Correlation Id auto-generated by mobile app
Status int Used to track status of the incident. Possible status values include: Submitted, Auto Approved, Auto Rejected,
Manual Approved, Manual Rejected
CustomerId int Foreign key to Customer table
Type nvarchar Always set to the value Automobile for this phase of the demo
DueDate date Calculated – Use Date column above and add 1 week
DamageAssessment int Set by the web app. Choices include: Severe, Moderate, Minimal
Correlation Id uniqueidentifier Correlation Id auto-generated by mobile app
Vehicle Id int The Id of the vehicle selected in mobile app
OtherPartyId int Foreign key to OtherParties table
ClaimImages Table
Column Type Description
Id int Primary key for this table
ClaimId nvarchar Foreign key to Claim table
ImageUrl nvarchar URL to blob image in claim-images container
Customers Table
Column Type Description
Id int Primary key for this table
FirstName nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
LastName nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
Street nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
City nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
State nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
Zip nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
DOB date Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
Email nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
PolicyStart date Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
PolicyEnd date Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
PolicyId nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
DriversLicenseNumber nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
MobilePhone Nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
CustomerVehicles Table
Column Type Description
Id nvarchar Primary key for this table
CustomerId int Foreign key to Customer table
LicensePlate nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
VIN nvarchar Pre-populated from a SQL Script to seed the demo data
OtherParties Table
Column Type Description
Id int Primary key for this table
FirstName nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
LastName nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
Street nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
City nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
State nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
Zip nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
DOB date Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
PolicyStart date Obtained from OCR of the Insurance Card submitted from the mobile app
PolicyEnd date Obtained from OCR of the Insurance Card submitted from the mobile app
PolicyId nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Insurance Card submitted from the mobile app
DriversLicenseNumber nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Driver’s License submitted from the mobile app
LicensePlate nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the License Plate submitted from the mobile app
VIN nvarchar Obtained from OCR of the Insurance Card submitted from the mobile app
MobilePhone Nvarchar Mobile phone number entered in mobile app
LicensePlateImageUrl nvarchar URL to blob image from the mobile app
InsuranceCardImageUrl nvarchar URL to blob image from the mobile app
DriversLicenseImageUrl nvarchar URL to blob image from the mobile app
Application Insights Status Logging Matrix
This table describes all of the Custom Events and their associated metrics that are logged to Application Insights.
Log Log Name Metric Metri Host Aler AlertName Triggers/Events Logged Content Version
Type (Event c t ID <<description>> placeholder is the text in the
Name in Value Trigger/Event Column.
Statu Mobile App Mobile 0 Null Null Null Vehicles synched with SQL server <<Date and Time Stamp (in milliseconds)>> -- Programmatically return the
s Log Status App <<description>> -- AssemblyFileVersion from the
Claims synched with SQL server Status: <<operation status [Success/Failure]>> -- AssemblyInfo.cs file.
Version: <<version>>
Claim submitted to REST API
Operation <<Success/Failure>>
Statu REST API REST 0 Web Server Null Null Claim received from mobile app <<Date and Time Stamp (in milliseconds)>> -- Programmatically return the
s Log Status API Host Name <<description>> -- AssemblyFileVersion from the
Claim submitted to mobile-claims Status: <<operation status [Success/Failure]>> -- AssemblyInfo.cs file.
queue Version: <<version>>
Statu Azure Azure 0 To be Null Null Data queried from <Database <<Date and Time Stamp (in milliseconds)>> -- The app setting to log is
s Log Function Function determined Name> SQL Database <<Function Name>> -- FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSI
Status . I am <<description>> -- ON. It will look something like
asking MS. Data inserted into <Database Status: <<operation status [Success/Failure]>> -- ~0.x.
Name> SQL Database Version: <<version>>
In code, use
Data updated into <Database ConfigurationManager.AppSetti
Data deleted from <Database
Name> SQL Database
ContosoClaimAutoApprover Azure
You can find the pictures for these users in the Src/Images/User Pictures folder in the GitHub repository.
Email Matrix
This section defines the content for the emails sent by the system.
Event To Subject Body
Logic App Does Not Auto Approve Claim Claims Adjuster Claim Pending Review See Email 1 Below
Logic App Auto Approves Claim Customer Claim Automatically Approved See Email 2 Below
Claims Adjuster Manually Rejects Claims Customer Claim Rejected See Email 3 Below
Claims Approver Manually Approves Claim Customer Claim Approved See Email 4 Below
Email 1
Claim number <Claim ID> was not auto approved. Please review the claim and approve or reject it.
Email 2
Hello <Customer Name>,
The claim you recently submitted was automatically approved. You can proceed to schedule repairs. If you have any questions, please contact your agent.
Claim number: <Claim ID>
Email 3
Hello <Customer Name>,
The claim you recently submitted was not approved by the claims adjuster. If you have any questions, please contact your agent.
Email 4
Hello <Customer Name>,
The claim you recently submitted was manually approved. You can proceed to schedule repairs. If you have any questions, please contact your agent.