Case Study: Schroeder Reverberator: L. Liu Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich Fall Semester, 2012
Case Study: Schroeder Reverberator: L. Liu Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich Fall Semester, 2012
Case Study: Schroeder Reverberator: L. Liu Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich Fall Semester, 2012
Fall 2012
L. Liu
Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich
Fall semester, 2012
Room Impulse Response
M.R.Schroeder, Natural sounding artificial reverberation,
Journal of the audio society, 1962.
Feedback Comb Filter As Reverberation Unit
y (t ) = x(t ) + gy (t − τ )
reverberated sound
Echo Density
After the initial reflection, the rate at which the echoes reach the
listener begins to increase rapidly
A listener can distinguish differences in echo density up to a
density of 1 echo/ms (1000 echoes / sec)
A feedback comb filter with 40ms delay line produces 25 (1000/40) echoes
The amount of time required to reach this threshold influences the
character of the reverberation. In a good situation, this is typically
This time is roughly proportional to the square root of the volume
of a room. So that small spaces are characterized by a rapid
buildup of echo density
Source: 7
Design an Artificial Reverberator
All-pass Filters
y[n] = − gx[n] + x[n − M ] + gy[n − M ]
Frequency Response
All-pass filter has flat frequency response
Hardware architecture
Network of Reverberation Units
Parallel connection
When reverberation units are connected in parallel, their
impulse responses add.
Series Connection
When placed in series (cascade), The number of pulses
produced in one unit is the product of 3 and the number of
pulses produced by its preceding units.
Delay of each unit (apart from the first unit) is made about 1/3
of the preceding delay. Therefore the echoes of each unit is 3
times of its preceding unit.
Highly Irregular Response
Schroeder Reverberator
Reverberation Time (RVT)
Loop Gain, Delay and Reverberation Time
y[ n ] = x[ n ] + gy [ n − M ]
loop gain
g = 0.001(τ / T60)
Choosing Control Parameter Values
Element Reverb time Delay time
C1 T60 29.7ms
C2 T60 37.1ms
C3 T60 41.1ms
C4 T60 43.7ms