Galileo Test Range Pseudolites: A Performance Augmentation System
Galileo Test Range Pseudolites: A Performance Augmentation System
Galileo Test Range Pseudolites: A Performance Augmentation System
Antenna TX Antenna RX
Coupler Figure 2: A mobile Pseudolite
Power Mobile PSLs are one of the most important feature in the
GTR project, allowing to obtain a complete setting up an
L1 Amplifier
experimental area for a user receiver wherever it should
be requested. A user terminal will take advantage of a
better availability of GNSS-like signals in the Test Area,
Signal Reference
Generator Clock
Receiver improving his navigation performances. On the other
hand, a mobile transmitting system offers several
handling matters that have to be taken into account with
Industrial PC respect to a fixed one [6], [7].
The Test Area is covered, in phase A, by 4 PSLs: 2 fixed
Modem and 2 mobile.
C. Pseudolite Warm-Up
The Pseudolite warm-up phase is used to initialize all the
instrumentation installed inside the rack. The warm-up is
Figure 1: GTR Pseudolite Architecture
articled in some phases briefly described in the
B. Mobile and Fixed PSLs
1. Mechanical set-up (valid only for mobile PSL). In
the first step of the warm up the van is stabilized
PSLs offer great flexibility, especially because they can
by its two jacks, the antenna system is assembled
be easily installed wherever they are needed. The more
on the telescopic support and the power source is
displacement easiness is guaranteed, the more are
selected and switched on (mobile pseudolites can
advantages: this is the reason behind the choice of using,
be alimented by a 220 V external current source,
in the GTR project, mobile pseudolite in addition to fixed
an internal generator or an inverter);
2. Hardware set-up: once step 1 is closed, the
conditioner is switched on and the warm up phase
is suspended until the temperature inside the van is
of 21°C. After this, the atomic clock, the signal Time Laboratory Facility (TLF) is one of the GTR main
generator and all the instruments installed inside elements, its output is a time scale used as a stable time
the rack (excluding GPS receiver) are switched on; and frequency reference. TLF is composed by 1 AH-
3. Software initialization: Once the atomic clock and Maser clock, 4 Cesium clocks and a GPS Timing
the signal generator are locked, the GPS receiver is Receiver, assuring a high short/medium term time
switched on and the Pseudolite Control Software stability and a precise lock to the GPS time (GST when
coming up. The software makes some check on all available).
the instruments and, if everything is good, it starts The GTR-TLF facility works together with the GTR
a georeferentiation process that finishes only when Orbitography Facility (GTR-OLF) which runs the
the user specified accuracy is reached or when a synchronization, between GTR-TLF and GTR-PSL
time interval, selected by the operator, is spent. (pseudolites), and orbit determination algorithms.
Once the hardware setup is completed, hence from the In the following picture a scheme of the functional
beginning of the software initialization phase, pseudolites architecture of the synchronization process is given.
are able to establish a connection with the GTR Control
Centre (GTR-CC) for monitoring and control purpose. Parse Ephem. Filter Ephem.
Recs Pool
At the end of the georeferentiation process (at least one
hour), form GTR-CC, for each pseudolites fixed and TLF NAV file
mobile, are set PRN, transmission power, message type
and Healty Flag status. The status of each pseudolite is
FileSystem PSL OBS file
known by the GTR-CC thanks to the telemetry sent by Polling
the PSL.
TLF OBS file Search Matching
At this point pseudolites are ready to start the OLF OBS
One of the most important aspects that impact on the Search Matching
pseudolites performances is the synchronization with
Check Ephem
respect to the TLF. availability
D. Pseudolite Synchronization
Elaboration Thread
In Navigation Systems, transmitters’ clock errors are the
main error source affecting ranging, and hence
Figure 3: Synchronization process: Functional
positioning, performances for this reason, in order to be
able to exploit high positioning performances the system
has to provide a mean of computing and distributing The synchronization process includes also a pre-
correction parameters for those errors. processing phase (done at file parsing time) and a post-
In particular, while the user terminals can retrieve such processing phase in order to detect, eliminate/compensate
clock correcting parameters by computing PVT outliers at the receiver and after the execution of the
solutions, a synchronization procedure has to be provided common-view algorithm. In particular a customized
in order to correct for transmitting elements. dynamic outlier rejection algorithm is implemented as a
Pseudolites transmit the synchronization parameters in post-processing function.
the same fashion used by GPS Space Vehicles, namely Updated clock models parameters are computed, for each
by including in the generated navigation message the pseudolite, every 8 minutes according to the data flow
four coefficients for the clock offset, clock drift, clock diagram represented hereafter.
drift-rate and time of clock characterizing a polynomial
clock model.
The synchronization algorithm, which implements the
Common-View technique, uses as reference station the
GTR Time Laboratory Facility (GTR-TLF) running the
GTR System Time.
Limit Navigation Errors, utilizing the augmentation furnished
by the PSLs, is about 6 m respect to about 16 m with the
GPS signals only.
Latitude [°]
12.7448 12.7449 12.745 12.7451 12.7452 12.7453 12.7454 12.7455
Longitude [°]
Figure 7: GDOP PSL+GPS vs GPS only
Figure 5: 2D position PSL only