Choose The Best Answer
Choose The Best Answer
Choose The Best Answer
2. X : “I have to go to school, but look at the sky. It is very cloudy. I think It is going to rain.”
Y : “….”
a. You don’t take an umbrella
b. I should take an umbrella
c. You are going to take an umbrella
d. I may take an umbrella
e. You should take an umbrella
8. Devi: I saw Mr. Sofyan come by bus this morning. Where is his car?
Aldi: His car is broken so he asked the mechanic to repair it.
Devi: I see.
From the dialogue we can conclude that….
a. Mr. Sofyan had repaired his car
b. Mr. Sofyan had his car repaired
c. the mechanic asked to repair the car
d. the mechanic asked Mr. Sofyan to repair the car
e. the mechanic and Mr. Sofyan repaired the car
9. Although the telephone was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, the first transatlantic
telephone cable went into operation eighty years later.
When did the transatlantic telephone cable go into operation?
a. When Alexander Graham Bell was still alive.
b. Soon after Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
c. Before Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention.
d. In 1796
e. In 1956
Satellite Space-eyes does not look like the satellites of the 1980’s. It has large wings that gather
solar power. The power is for the motor. It keeps the satellite in the same place above the earth.
All the big farmers in the area have paid for the cost of Satellite Space-eye.
Constants in one of those farmers, his home computer makes the connection with Satellite
Space-eye. He asks to see picture of the field in the south-west corner of his farm. The picture
appears on a TV screen. It is a picture of a green wheat field. Everything looks fine. He then asks
the computer to show the same area, but in colors. The colors show the different temperatures in
the field. He knows healthy wheat plants will all be green. The TV screen blinks and a beautiful
pictures appears. It has many shades of blue, red, and green.
Constants looks closely at the large red spot near the middle of the wheat field. He knows that
something is wrong in the wheat field. He knows that something is wrong in the wheat field. The
red color means the spot is warmer than its surroundings. It may be due to-lack of moisture or
not enough nutrients in the soil. Insect eating the wheat can also show a red spot.
Constants tells the computer to tell him more about the warm spot. The computer points out that
the problem is a shortage of nitrogen in the soil. He asks the computer to predict the harvest if he
adds the fertilizer. He then tells the computer the current market price for wheat. He also tells the
price of the fertilizer. He asks for a costing. He wants to know if it will give him a profit to add
the fertilizer. The computer gives him the answer, is it a science fiction? No, it is happening now.
Farmer in Lampung and West Java are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next two
month because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat from a long
drought. Therefore, the government has started worrying the two provinces.
Uday and Qusay are dead and the delighted British and American governments suggest that Iraq
will be a safe place. Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And with the dictator’s sons out of the
way forever, Iraqis are more confident about continuing the resistance against the American
Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential hopeful,
delivered a blistering attack on Bush’s foreign policy which was driven, he said, by “machismo”
and “arrogant unilateralism”. Bush, he continued, treated U.S. allies “like so many files on
America’s windshield”. He added: “Foreign policy isn’t a John Wayne movie.”
The attack on the villa where Saddam’s sons were hiding might be seen as driving home the
point. Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a shoot-out is
welcomed by Tony Blair as “great news”.
25. “The attacked on the villa where Saddam’s son’s were hiding might be seen as driving home
the point.” (Paragraph 3)
The word attack has similar meaning with the word….
a. raid
b. resist
c. shield
d. defend
e. withdraw
For the being I am very upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat together, talk
together. The real problem is, she cannot refuse what her parents want.
So, should I forget my girlfriend, the only one that I truly love? Or else, should I just wait, and
dream that one day she will be back to me?
Rio, Padang
Dear Rio,
You call her your girlfriend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I’d say that there
is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully you can find
another love and life happily forever.