Weissman Now Workbook
Weissman Now Workbook
Weissman Now Workbook
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Welcome 3
Program Benefits 4
Required Reading 5
Session Handouts 8
Session Two: Back to the Basics – Infinite Love & Gratitude 14-15
and the Art & Science of Muscle Reflex Testing
Session Six: What You Perceive is Based Upon What You Believe 21-23
Session Seven: Essential Acts of Self-Love, The Five Basics for 24-25
Optimal Health
Session Eight: Bridging the Gap to a Whole New Way of Living in 26-27
Exactly where you are is the starting point for living in The NOW. For some it’s a health
challenge, diagnosis, or traumatic accident that awakens them to the journey of
reclaiming one’s path or purpose. For others it’s a betrayal, loss of a job, or the death of
a loved one. Regardless of what road you’re currently traveling, The NOW Program is
here to center you and provide the tools so that you can not only face life’s stressors, but
grow more powerful as a result.
As a NOW Practitioner for your clients, you’ll enable them to discern the truth in each
and every moment, and thus guide them in an empowering way. This program is
designed to awaken your mind to a deeper sense of learning, healing, and growing.
You were called to The NOW Certification Training Program for a specific reason. Living
in one’s power is crucial for both individuals and the collective consciousness of
humanity. As our planet, and every living being upon it, faces greater and greater
challenges more people are searching for answers, meaning, and purpose in life.
The NOW Certification Program was created to enable you to not only be fully present,
but to also lead your clients (friends, family) into the world of their dreams and to find the
answers within them, all while holding a safe space. Becoming a NOW Practitioner will
not only enable you to profoundly contribute to the emotional wellbeing of others, but to
also dramatically deepen your own understanding of your own body and life. This is
deep, powerful work that you have been guided to participate in, work that will serve you
well for many years to come.
I am delighted to have this time with you. Our conscious choice to be fully present in The
NOW is a wonderful stepping stone to creating a world of peace, power, and passion
and will forever change who we are. May our journey be filled with miracles, joy, and of
course Infinite Love & Gratitude!
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Within each and everyone is a passionate fire when stoked activates the power of the
Will. Your Will is what shapes your thoughts, opens your heart to feel, and gives you the
courage to say “Yes” to you, even in the most challenging of life’s circumstances. We all
can relate to the reactive parts of ourselves…eating habits, addictions, broken hearts,
negative streaks, and the painful feeling that your life lacks meaning or purpose. What
if there was another way? How might you value the ability to stay in your power
regardless of your history, current circumstances, or what potentially lies ahead? NOW
is the time to reconnect, balance, and thrive!
I am a powerful advocate and teacher of the mind and its ability to influence and change
the health of our bodies and relationships. No matter where you are in your life, this
eight – week Online Certification Course will create clarity for you to transform a life of
reaction into one of action. What’s more, upon successful fulfillment of the course, you’ll
be certified to use these incredible techniques, both personally and professionally. So
grab The LifeLine “NOW” and realize your infinite potential to shine.
Keep Shining!
Dr. Darren Weissman
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Program Benefits
Using this 8-week online course –based upon Darren’s LifeLine Technique®- The
NOW Program will help you:
Simply shift negative thoughts of guilt and shame into compassion and
Use the 1-2-3 PLAN for creating a conscious body and life.
Live in tha power of Infinite Love and Gratitude as a way of be-ing rather than do-
Connect to the subtle energy of emotions that are influencing the way you feel
about yourself and the world around you.
If your current work involves helping others heal or you’d like to create such a
career, The NOW Program is also the perfect opportunity to enhance your
Darren will also share his expertise as a world renowned healer and workshop
leader and help you incorporate these techniques into your work with others.
In this 8-week adventure, you’ll participate in 8 one and a half hour special live
online lessons with Darren to initiate change on a subconscious mind level that
will powerfully impact your body and relationships. All lessons are also yours to
keep as a download for a valuable resource for years to come.
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Course Certificate Requirements:
1. Listen to all 8 lessons
2. “Connect” yourself every morning and evening
3. Conduct one practice session using the three steps
4. Sign the ethics agreement and return to Dr. Weissman:
mail: NOW-Infinite Love Press, 1448 Techny Rd., Northbrook,
Illinois, 60062 or e-mail:susan@infiniteloveandgratitude.com or
fax: 847-714-1532
5. Register with Dr. Darren Weissman – http://bit.ly/NOWRegister
Required Reading:
Awakening To The Secret Code of Your Mind by Dr. Darren Weissman
Highly Suggested:
The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude by Dr. Darren Weissman
The Nature of Infinite Love and Gratitude Transformational Cards
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Schedule of Online Seminars
Lesson Details
Session 1: Your body Speaks Your Mind-What is Your Mind Really Saying?
Before you get to where you want to be, you need to be ok with where you’re at.
Awakening to the power of your mind is akin to discovering a new world with infinite
possibilities. Every symptom in your body and every stress in your life is a gift in strange
wrapping paper. Rather than symptoms or stress meaning that something is wrong with
you, they actually represents a distinct conversation stemming from your subconscious
mind that you NOW have the ability to own your power. Emotions hold the key to
helping you connect to the field of energy that connects all of creation. With a new view
on symptoms and stress you’ll be able to practically activate your body and life’s innate
capacity for healing, regeneration, and wholeness.
Session 3: The 1-2-3 PLAN for Transforming Reaction into Action, Step 1
There are simple ways to plug in and charge the battery of yoru body and relationships.
You’ll become skilled at how to intentionally activate specific points that influence and
balance the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, the minds infinite potential to attract,
the spirits power of pure love, the earth’s nature to thrive, and the Divine Consciousness
essence to be One with everything and everyone. The exercise that is taught in this
session will empower you to consciously begin and end your each and every day.
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Session 5: Creating Portals of Possibilities, Step 3
The present, past, and future are merely a thought away. Aligning your intentions
through specific declarative statements creates an attractor field of manifestation. What
once was looked at as bad, negative, broken or wrong will transform into a magical
doorway to creating the life and body of your dreams and desires. You’ll learn how to
extinct reactive patterns of your subconscious mind and replace them with powerful and
positive vibrations of your authentic self.
Session 7: Essential Acts of Self-Love, The Five Basics for Optimal Health
Life is a journey rather than a destination. Through a thorough understanding of The
Five Basics for Optimal Health, you’ll awaken to the personal journey that your are
traveling. The quantity, quality, and frequency of water, food, and rest and exercise, and
owning your power hold the vibration of transforming an unhealthy person and body into
a healthy, strong, and confident being of love and light. Learning simple ways to apply
the Five Basics into your life as a way of being rather than something else you need to
Session 8: Bridging the Gap to a Whole New Way of Living in the NOW
Rather then The NOW being a one size fits all process, it’s a creative journey of being
present, open and authentic to the feelings any particular moment. In this session Dr.
Darren will share personal ways that you can apply your new found wisdom and know
how. We will cross our T’s and dot our I’s to be sure that your’re fully confident with
embracing each and every moment in life with Infinite love and Gratitude.
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Session One: Your Body Speaks Your Mind-What is Your Mind Really Saying?
Dr. Masaru Emoto: Crystal Slides
Dr. Masaru Emoto: Sound/Music Slides
LifeLine Blood Slides
How the Mind is Programmed
Session Questions
Session Two: Back to the Basics – Infinite Love & Gratitude and the Art & Science
of Muscle Reflex Testing
Muscle Reflex Testing
Session Questions
Session Three: The 1-2-3 PLAN for Transforming Reaction into Action, Step1
Step I: The Connection
Session Questions
Session Four: The Power of Attention and Intention, Step 2
Step 2: Symptom/Stress – Intention
Session Five: Creating Portals of Possibilities, Step 3
Step 3: Conscious Mind Portal
Session Questions
Session Six: What You Perceive is Based Upon What You Believe
Two Women
The NOW Session Form
Session Questions
Session Seven: Essential Acts of Self-Love, The Five Basics for Optimal Health
The Five Basics for Optimal Health Calendar
Session Questions
Session Eight: Bridging the Gap to a Whole New Way of Living in the Now
The Law of Transformation and Creation
The 9 Rules for The Game of Life
Session Questions
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Hope Thank you in
Bach’s Air
for the G String
The Power of
Infinite Love & Gratitude
Before After
A boy, age 9, with symptoms of Using the power of Infinite Love &
Gratitude, released subconscious
severe migraine headaches. feelings of internalized anger
toward his parents because of their
The Power of
Infinite Love & Gratitude
Before After
A 41 year-
year-old woman Using the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude,
released subconscious feelings of
diagnosed with depression associated with being
breast cancer emotionally and verbally abused by her
The Power of
Infinite Love & Gratitude
Before After
Session 1: Your Body Speaks Your Mind – What is Your Mind Really
9. How do we communicate with the field of energy that connects all of creation?
10. Every cell in the body and every relationship in life is intelligently designed to
heal, regenerate completely, and be whole? T or F
MRT comes from your heart, not your head. You will feel it, rather than think you got it.
Being hydrated will help you to feel the automatic reflex reaction more efficiently.
Have clear intention and focus…meaning stay in present Time Consciousness (PTC).
Bend your elbow so your arm is at 90 degrees and place your other hand over the bent
arm’s wrist.
To create a slight resistance in the bent arm, imagine that you’re holding a one liter bottle
of water.
It’s important to say, “Hold Strong” to activate your conscious mind. This will make it
obvious for you to feel the “Lock Out” or “Give Way” when the subconscious mind is in
harmony with or overrides the conscious mind.
Be confident and apply slow and even pressure on the bent arm.
You are feeling for an obvious resistance “Lock Out” where the muscle is locked into
place… it’s a reaction and obvious when it “Locks Out” or “Gives Way.”
4. With confidence and gentle even pressure, press down on your bent arm feeling
for the reflex reaction. You will feel a “Lock Out.”
7. With confidence, and gentle even pressure, press down on your bent arm feeling
for the reflex reaction. You will feel a “Give Way” of the MRT.
8. Always finish with saying “LOVE” three times and feel the “Lock Out” once again.
Session 2: Back to the Basics – Infinite Love & Gratitude and the Art &
Science of Muscle Reflex Testing
6. When feeling for a lock out, where does muscle reflex testing come from, your
heart or head?
7. Being an observer and properly hydrated will help you to feel the lock out of a
muscle reflex test. T or F
8. What angle should the bent arm be at to get the most dependable readings with
Muscle Reflex Testing?
Session 3: The 1-2-3 PLAN for Transforming Reaction into Action: Step 1
2. Where is the spirit point located and how do you activate it?
3. Where is the mind point located and how do you activate it?
4. Where is the body point located and how do you activate it?
7. You can perform the Step 1: The Upgrade without Muscle Reflex Testing?
T or F
8. How do you harmonize the energy of the spirit, mind, body, earth, and
Divine Consciousness?
9. What is the order for the Spirit – Body Connection, Mind – Body
Connection, Earth – Body, Mind, & Spirit Connection, Divine
Consciousness – Body, Mind, & Spirit Connection?
10. What do you say to yourself or a client once you’ve finished the upgrade?
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
1. Based upon the feeling of the intention, repeat the Present Time Declarative
If the MRT gives way, harmonize with the ILS until it locks out. Repeat the
statement until the MRT locks out in the clear.
2. Based upon the feeling from the intention repeat the Past-Time Declarative
“I’m OK that there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling _____
(i.e. happy)is a choice in each and every circumstance. As a result I’m OK that
there’s a part of me that has never chosen to feel _____ (i.e. happy).”
If the MRT gives way, harmonize with ILS until it locks out. Repeat the
statement until the MRT locks out in the clear.
3. Based upon the feeling from the intention repeat the Future-Time Declarative
If the MRT gives way, harmonize with the ILS until it locks out.
Repeat the statement until the MRT locks our in the clear.
If the MRT gives way, harmonize with the ILS until it locks out. Repeat
the statement until the MRT locks out in the clear.
3. What is the million dollar question and what does it help you to appreciate?
8. The final intention you create will look like . . . I am _______, Feeling _______. T or
9. How does the conscious and subconscious mind influence your attractor field?
10. Activating a feeling based upon an intention is the first conscious experience of
creating a new attractor field for your body and relationships. T or F
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Questions for The NOW Program
3. Before you get to where you intend to be, you need to be OK with where you are
at. T or F
4. What’s the purpose for the Present, Past, Future Declarative Statement Portal?
5. The Present, Past, Future Declarative Statement Portal can be performed without
Muscle Reflex Testing. T or F
6. Why do you repeat the declarative statement until the Muscle Reflex Test “Locks
Out” or until you feel an energy shift in your heart?
7. What is the purpose of creating the Past Time Declarative Statement with the
words “keeps forgetting that feeling _______ is a choice in each and every life
circumstance? As a result, I’m OK that there’s a part of me who has never chosen
to feel _______.”
8. What’s the first thing you do to activate the energy field of the future?
9. If I want to heal, I need to feel. (This is why the first declarative statement for the
Future Declarative Statement is about feeling.) T or F
10. Taking your time, and memorizing the sequence of the Present, Past, and Future
Declarative Statement Portal will help you to shift any negative moment into one of
positivity and possibility. T or F
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
There may be a time when I will need to challenge your subconscious mind…because
there is resistance. When that happens I will ask you these four questions:
2. Imagine that you are sitting in the movie theater of your mind. Observe the
THOUGHTS of ______ (emotion). Observe whatever images, pictures, or memories that
appear on the screen within your mind. As you are let me know that your are by saying
out loud, “Infinite Love and Gratitude”. The MRT will ”give way.” Harmonize with the
3. Allow your heart to beat with _______(emotion). As you are let me know that you are
by saying out loud “Infinite Love and Gratitude”. Where do you FEEL (emotion)
________ in your body? How do you describe this feeling?
(Give them an opportunity to observe the quality of the feeling in their body.)
Now say: “If you were to rate this feeling on a scale of zero to 10, where zero was no
feeling at all and 10 is extreme, how would you rate this feeling? As you tune into the
feeling of _______ (repeat back the words used to describe the feeling), please let me
know by saying out loud, “Infinite Love and Gratitude.” The MRT will “give way.”
Harmonize with the ILS.
4. Listen to the voice inside your mind. You know, that internal self-talk? The voice of
____ (emotion). Pay attention to what that voice is saying to you about the BELIEFS
that you’ve been holding about yourself. As you tune into what that voice is saying, let
me know by saying out loud, “Infinite Love & Gratitude.” The MRT will “give way.”
Harmonize with the ILS.
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Questions for The NOW Program
5. What are the three primary ways that you process, learn, and grow?
10. Listening to the voice inside the mind, “The beliefs that you’ve been holding
about yourself . . .” can loop you back into another See, Feel, Hear
Challenge? T or F
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Calendar – 5 Basics For Optimal Health
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Questions for The NOW Program
Session 7: Essential Acts of Self-Love, The Five Basics for Optimal Health
2. What are the three components of The Five Basics that are
unique to each and every one?
3. What is the optimal amount of water for you to drink each and
every day?
4. Why is tap water, distilled water, and reverse osmosis not the
most optimal choice for quality water?
5. What is a serving size of food and how often should you eat a
serving of food throughout the day?
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
The Law of Transformation and Creation
Emotions transform energy.
I am __________(intention).
3. Everything is interconnected. For every choice that you make there will be
a consequence.
4. Judgment is prohibited.
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
Questions for The NOW Program
Session 8: Bridging the Gap to a Whole New Way of Living in the Now
2. With the NOW Program you’ll be able to diagnose, treat, and cure
symptoms and disease. T or F
9. Upgrading the energy field of your body, mind, and spirit with the
earth and Divine Consciousness is a wonderful way to begin and
end your day. T or F
The simplest component of the NOW is the harmonizing tool….the sign language hand
mudra of “I Love You.” When I use this mudra I will say “Infinite Love and Gratitude”.
Because we are experiencing this NOW session together, please say, “Infinite Love and
Gratitude” with me.
The way I communicate with your subconscious mind is through muscle reflex testing
(MRT). MRT is a fast, non-invasive, laser-like mechanism to assess imbalance between
the conscious and subconscious mind. (Do a quick demonstration)
Spirit to Body: “Reconnecting the field of your Spirit, which is pure love to your Body,
which is designed to heal, regenerate completely, and be whole.”
Spirit/Body Unified: “Making sure that there is a unified and harmonious connection
between the field of your Spirit and the field of your Body.”
Mind to Body: “Reconnecting the field of your Mind, which is infinite, with the field of
your Body, which is designed to heal, regenerate completely, and be whole. When the
field of your Mind is open all possibilities and potential exists.
Body/Mind Unified: Making sure that there is a unified and harmonious connection
between the field of your Mind and the field of your Body.
Earth to Body: Reconnecting to the field of Mother Earth, whose nature is to thrive.
When the field of your Body, which is designed to heal, regenerate completely, and be
whole, is in harmony with the field of Mother Earth, your Body now has the potential to
Earth to Mind: Reconnecting the field of the Earth to your infinite Mind….when
connected and in harmony your Mind takes on a thriving nature.
Earth to Spirit: Reconnecting the field of the Earth to your Spirit…..when they are
connected and in harmony your Spirit takes on a thriving nature.
Place your palms together in the universal hand posture of prayer….this is our
connection to Source….the Infinite Field of Oneness.
Source to Body: Reconnecting Source to Body. When connected you are at One with
your Body.
Source to Mind: Reconnecting Source to Mind….When connected you are at One with
your Mind.
Source to Spirit: Reconnecting Source to Spirit …when you are connected you are at
One with your Spirit.
Ask your client…”Is your body speaking to you with any physical symptoms?”
Continue to ask if they have any other physical symptoms and rate each symptom.
“Now connect to something or someone that is stressful or upsetting. No matter what or
who you think about, wherever that takes you, let me know you are connected by saying,
’Infinite Love & Gratitude.”
Say to the client, “Ask yourself . . . What happened or didn’t happen that causes that
person or situation to be upsetting or stressful?”
Now immediately ask . . . “What emotion does that cause you to feel?”
Now ask the person, “Would you ever choose to create your day this way…or even a
moment this way?” The answer is always “NEVER!”
You agree and say…. “I know”. “So knowing that you’d never consciously choose to feel
this way or have these experiences, but realizing that you are feeling this way and
having these experiences: we now realize that the symptoms and stress are reactive in
Something is activating a reactive pattern in your body and you life. The reactive mind is
the subconscious mind. Its intelligence is that it only knows how to react. It doesn’t
make creative or logical decisions, it merely reacts to its environment.
Now say, “I’m pretty confident that if you could have your subconscious mind react
differently than with these physical symptoms or stresses that you would. Is that
correct?” (Wait for the person to acknowledge…”Yes”)
“What we’re going to do now is set an intention to guide and influence your
subconscious mind. This will enable you to break the cycle of living a life of reacting to
reactions so you can live life intentionally.”
The power of manifesting an intention can be easily accomplished if you follow two
simple Golden Rules
There are 2 Golden Rules for setting an Intention.
1. Focus on what you choose rather than what you want to go away.
(What you focus on grows!!!)
2. Set this intention of what you choose as if you’re already there. If you were
already where you’d choose to be you’d be in the Land of “I am ________.”
Say… “You already told me what you wouldn’t choose. If you had a menu of Infinite
Possibilities, how would you choose to feel?” The client will make a powerful positive
statement such as “Happy, Confident, or Grateful.”
Now say…”Well if you were already there you could say, I am _____ (intention…
i.e. happy, confident , or grateful). Now say, “I am _____(intention) 3x’s.
Wait until they acknowledge you with an affirmative. Say…”Imagine that your nature is I
am __________(intention).”
“Let me know that you are by saying out loud, “Infinite Love and Gratitude.” “How does it
feel to imagine this.”
If they’re in Present Time Consciousness (PTC) they will say, “Great or Awesome!”
It’s this feeling that will be used in Step 3, Creating the Portal with the Present, Past,
Future Declarative Statement Portal.
If the client is not in PTC while asking them to imagine they will be unable to come up
with a positive feeling or they will have a mundane response such as, “Good.” In this
case follow the steps below.
Ask the client if they can imagine themselves happy? Wait until they say “YES.”
You speak words that express __________ (intention) therefore you create relationships
of ___________ (intention).
People are inspired by you and attracted to you because you are
When people are around you, let alone just thinking of you, causes others to begin to
think and feel in an I am _______ (intention) way simply because you’re being your
authentic nature.”
“How does it feel in your heart right now, to imagine this as your truth all of the time?” If
they are truly imagining this as their truth, they will make a statement that is animated in
some way such as, “Awesome” or “Sooooo good” or “Fantastic!”
It’s this feeling that will now be put into the Conscious Mind Present, Past, Future
Declarative Statement Portal. For example, “I’m now choosing to feel awesome!”
“I’m OK that there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling _______
(i.e. awesome)is a choice in each and every life circumstance.”
Now say…
“As a result of forgetting, I am OK that there is a part of me that has never chosen to feel
_________ (i.e. awesome).”
Check the indicator muscle. If it “gives way,” harmonize with the ILS.
Check the indicator muscle. If it “gives way”, harmonize with the ILS.
Now say…
Check the indicator muscle. If it is weak, harmonize with the ILS. Repeat the statement
©2011 Infinite Love Press Inc. All rights reserved www.DrDarrenWeissman.com
(The NOW Story, con’t)
There may be a time when I will need to challenge your subconscious mind…because
there is resistance do to a person, place, memory, or addiction. When that happens I
will ask you these four questions:
2. Imagine that you are sitting in the movie theater of your mind. Observe the
THOUGHTS of ______ (emotion). Observe whatever images, pictures, or memories that
appear on the screen within your mind. As you are let me know that your are by saying
out loud, “Infinite Love and Gratitude”. The MRT will “give way.” Harmonize with the
3. Allow your heart to beat with _______(emotion). As you are let me know that you are
by saying out loud “Infinite Love and Gratitude”. Where do you FEEL (emotion)
________ in your body? How do you describe this feeling?
Give them an opportunity to observe the quality of the feeling in their body.
Now say: “If you were to rate this feeling on a scale of zero to 10, where zero was no
feeling at all and 10 is extreme, how would you rate this feeling? As you tune into the
feeling of _______ (repeat back the words used to describe the feeling), please let me
know by saying out loud, “Infinite Love and Gratitude.” The MRT will “give way.”
Harmonize with the ILS.
4. Listen to the voice inside your mind. You know, that internal self-talk? The voice of
____ (emotion). Pay attention to what that voice is saying to you about the BELIEFS that
you’ve been holding about yourself. As you tune into what that voice is saying, let me
know by saying out loud, “Infinite Love & Gratitude.” The MRT will “give way.”
Harmonize with the ILS.
I will do my best to follow the 5 Basics of Optimal Health (water, food, rest,
exercise and own my power).
I accept the fact that I will experience pain, fear, and challenge.
Print Name:__________________________________________________________
Signature:___________________________ Date:______________________
Please return by mail: 1448 Techny Road, Northbrook, IL 60061; fax: 847-714-1532 or
email: susan@infiniteloveandgratitude.com