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Weather&Climatology of Telangana

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Weather and Climatology

of Telangana

Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) &

Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DE&S)
Planning Department, Government of Telangana
January, 2021
Weather and Climatology of Telangana List of ofϐicials associated with the Publication:
Sri G. Dayanandam, Director (FAC), DES & CEO (I/C), TSDPS
Dr. Y.V. Rama Rao, Consultant (Weather Forecast/Analysis), TSDPS
Sri A. Ramakrishna Naga Raju, Executive Of icer (Technical), TSDPS
Mrs R. Geetha, Statistical Of icer, DES
Mrs K. Sudha, Deputy Statistical Of icer, DES
Mr G. Sudhakar, MPSO, DES
Mr Ch. Veeranna, Web Manager, TSDPS
Mrs N. Sheethal, Data Analyst, TSDPS
Dr. M. Suresh, GMIS Manager, TSDPS
Mr A. Raghavendra Chary, DTP Expert, TSDPS
Mrs B. Swapna, GMIS Assistant, TSDPS
Mr B. Shiva Kumar, Data Analyst, TSDPS
Mr K. Srinivas, DPO, TSDPS

© 2021,
Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) &
Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES)

Published by
Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS)/
Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES)
Khairathabad, Hyderabad - 500 004
Email: tsdps-plg@telangana.gov.in, dir.dests@gmail.com

No part of this book may be reproduced for commercial use in any form, by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission from the
Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS)/Directorate of Economics
& Statistics (DES), Hyderabad - 500004. However, the Government/Research/
Academic Institutions are requested to acknowledge the source when using the
data/ information from the publication.

K. Ramakrishna Rao, IAS
Member Secretary, TSDPS &
Principal Secretary to Govt.
Finance and Planning Department,
Government of Telangana

Weather and climate is the paramount factor determining the sustainability of agricultural systems.
Properties of climate derived from long-term observations employing appropriate statistical tools ensure
that the usual range of variation in the climatic parameters is well known. Notwithstanding the dif iculties
in short-term accurate weather forecast, a proper understanding on the climate prevailing over a region is
essential to improve the productivity of agricultural systems, water resources management, urban planning
etc. The bene its of understanding the weather aberrations help in the establishment of techniques and
controls that foster a healthier agricultural planning.

The Economy of Telangana is mainly agro-based economy and depends on the vagaries of the
monsoon. Thus Rainfall Statistics play a vital role for designing of river projects, lood control measures
and study of droughts. Moreover, with the rapid increase in the activities connected with the formulation of
river projects, lood control management, necessity is being keenly felt for the detailed rainfall statistics.

As the Rainfall Registration Authority for the State of Telangana, Director, Directorate of Economics
and Statistics (DES), Hyderabad is vested with the responsibility of design, control and supervision of
revenue rain gauges network, collection and dissemination of rainfall data. In the present publication daily
Rainfall data from 01st June 1989 to 30th May 2019 (30 years) is considered for calculation of State, district
(33) and mandal (592) climatology, rainfall patterns and normals for different units have been compiled
on daily/ weekly/ monthly for effective monitoring of prevailing seasonal conditions in the state. This
publication includes chronological rainfall data from the year 1951 to 2020. Further using 1044 AWS data,
district wise climatic pro iles of Temperature and Humidity are discussed in detail.

This is truly a painstaking analytic research work; I therefore have no hesitation in complimenting
the authors for their efforts in assembling a voluminous meteorological database, putting it in order and
analyzing it in such a way to serve as a guide for planning activities of various agriculture related sectors.
We place on record the support rendered by Dr. K. Naga Ratna, Director, India Meteorological Department
(IMD), Hyderabad, Dr. G. Sreenivas, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU)
and UNICEF in bringing out this pulication.

I trust that this publication will provide extremely useful information for Agricultural scientists,
Weather resource management authority, Irrigation Department of icials, Policy Makers, Research Scholars
and other users.

Date : 21-01-2021
Hyderabad (K. Ramakrishna Rao, IAS)
G. Dayanandam,
Director (FAC), DES &

The Economy of Telangana is agro-based and agriculture is mainly depends on rainfall. Thus, the
productivity of rainfed crops is largely dependent on both the temporal and spatial distribution of rain.
DES brought out “A pro ile on Rainfall Statistics (1951-52 to 2004-05)” in February 2006 designed to serve
as a handy time series data relating to Rainfall statistics based on 23 districts of Andhra Pradesh, which
include erstwhile 10 districts of Telangana State. There is a demand for long-term climatic data from a high
density network of meteorological observatories for analysis at micro (mandal) level, especially on rainfall,
atmospheric temperature, humidity and other parameters to serve as a guide for planning activities of
various agriculture related sectors. In June 2017, DES has introduced integrated mandal wise rainfall
system to generate mandal wise average rainfall (mm) with all available rain gauge data from 459 manual
rain gauge stations of Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), 1044 Automatic Weather Station (AWS)
of Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) with 10X10 km grid and 12 AWS, 53 Automatic
Rain gauges (ARG) and 12 manual stations of India Meteorological Department (IMD). This high density
rainfall network of observations will provide realistic homogeneous rainfall estimation at mandal level for
runoff estimation and water resources management.

In the present publication, daily Rainfall data from 01st June 1989 to 30th May 2019 (30 years) is
considered for calculation of State, District (33) and Mandal (592) climatology and utilized for revision of
normals. Also district wise temperature and humidity pro iles are calculated based on AWS data from 2013
to 2020. This publication includes chronological rainfall data from the year 1951 to 2020.

We are thankful to DES & TSDPS Of icers and staff for their valuable contribution in real time data
collection and compilation. We place on record the inancial support rendered by UNICEF, Hyderabad under
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project to TSDPS in publication of this report.

We welcome comments and suggestions on the publication, which may be sent to (i) email id:
tsdps-plg@telangana.gov.in/ dir.dests@gmail.com or (ii) the Director, Directorate of Economics & Statistics,
Gananka Bhavan Premises, Khairatabad, Hyderabad – 500004 / the Chief Executive Of icer, Telangana State
Development Planning Society, Gananka Bhavan Premises, Khairatabad, Hyderabad - 500004.

Date : 21-01-2021
(G. Dayanandam)
Table of Contents
S.No Content Page No.
1 Introduction 1
2 Climate and Rainfall 1
3 Data and Methodology 3
4 Rainfall 5
4.1 Annual (June to May) and seasonal Rainfall 5
4.2 Time series trend Analysis 7
5 District wise mean rainfall, variability and trend 14
5.1 Mean Rainfall 14
5.2 Coef icient of variation 15
5.3 Trend in district rainfall 25
6 Analysis of Average Rainy days 26
7 Analysis of Average Dry days 29
8 Dry and Wet Spells 32
8.1 Dry Spells 32
8.2 Wet Spells 34
8.3 Average frequency of heavy rainfall days 36
8.4 Average rainfall intensity 38
9 Crop production and Southwest monsoon rainfall 39
10 Salient Features of Southwest monsoon Season-2020 40
10.1 Extreme Rainfall events during the monsoon-2020 41
11 Temperature and Humidity 47
11.1 Maximum Temperature 51
11.2 Minimum Temperature 52
11.3 Relative Humidity (%) over the state 58
12 Conclusions 59
District wise Climate At a Glance along with Mandal wise and Month wise Rain-
13 63
fall (mm) normals based on the 30 years data (1989-90 to 2018-19)

List of Tables
S.No Content Page No.
Normal rainfall (mm), Standard Deviation (mm) and coef icient of vari-
Table-1: ation (%) for the Southwest Monsoon months, four seasons and Annual 7
(June to May)
Highest and Lowest Mean rainfall (mm) records in last 70 years (01 June
Table-2: 1951 to 31 October 2020) during Southwest monsoon months, all four 8
seasons and annual
Excess and de icient rainfall years during the Southwest Monsoon season
Table-3: 9
and Annual based on 01 June 1951 to 31 December 2020.
Excess, de icient and normal decadal rainfall during the Southwest Mon-
Table 3a 11
Rainfall statistics (mean and CV) for the districts of Telangana for the
Table-4: four monsoon months, southwest monsoon season and annual (June to 15
May) based on 16 years data (2004-2005 to 2019-2020)
District wise Highest Top 3 recorded 24hrs rainfall from the year 2004 to
Table-5: 17
October 2020.
Table-6: District wise Rainy days 28
Table-7: District wise Dry days. 31
Table-8: Year wise number of Dry spells from 2004 to 2020 33
Table-9: Year wise number of Wet spells from 2004 to 2020 35
District wise average number stations recording heavy, very heavy rain-
Table-10: 38
fall during the Southwest monsoon from 2004 to 2020
Table-11: Month wise and seasonal rainfall during the Monsoon-2020 41
District wise Mean and Highest Maximum Temperature During Summer
Table-12: 48
District wise Mean and Lowest Minimum Temperature During Winter
Table-13: 49

List of Figures
S.No Content Page No.
Agro Climatic Zones of Telangana 33 Districts along with number of mandals
Figure 1 2
in each district.
Figure 2 Telangana State Elevation map 3
Figure 3 Network and location of weather observatories. 5
Figure 4 State Annual rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on 70 years) 10
State Southwest monsoon rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on
Figure 5 10
70 years)
State Northeast monsoon rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on
Figure 6 10
70 years)
Time series of mean rainfall (mm) for the months of June, July, August, Sep-
Figure 7 tember and October and month wise linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) 12
and recent last 30 years from 1990 to 2020 (right).
Time series of mean rainfall (mm) for Southwest and Northeast monsoon
Figure 8 seasons, Annual and linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) and recent last 30 13
years from 1990 to 2020 (right).
Decadal variation of Rainfall (mm) from 1951 to 2020 during the Southwest
Figure 9 monsoon season (top left), from 1991 to 2020 (top right) and from 1951 to 14
2020 for Annual (bottom).
District (left) and Mandal (right) wise June, July, August, September, South-
Figure 10 west monsoon, October, Northeast monsoon, Winter, Summer and Annual 23
(June to May) mean rainfall (mm).
District wise June, July, August, September, Southwest monsoon and annual
Figure 11 24
(June to May) Coefficient of Variation (%) of rainfall (mm)

Deviation in rainfall climatology over district (left) and mandal (right) aver-
Figure 12 age rainfall (mm) from (2004-05 to 2018-19) minus (1988-89 to 2002-03) for 25
(a) annual (June to May) and (b) Southwest Monsoon season.
Average number of Rainy days over districts during June, July, August, Sep-
Figure 13 27
tember, Southwest monsoon season and annual.
Average number of Dry days over districts during June, July, August, Septem-
Figure 14 30
ber, Southwest monsoon season and annual.
Figure 15 Year wise number of Dry spells from years 2004 to 2020 32
Figure 16 Year wise number of wet spells from years 2004 to 2020 34
District wise average number stations recording heavy, very heavy rainfall
Figure 17 36
during the Southwest monsoon from 2004 to 2020.
Year wise Heavy & Very Heavy Rainfall Events during the Southwest Mon-
Figure 18 37
soon season from 2004 to 2020
Year wise Rainfall intensity (mm/day) during the Southwest monsoon season
Figure 18a 39
from 2004 to 2020
South and Northeast monsoon season crop production (tons) verses annual
Figure 19 40
rainfall (mm). Rice (left) and Maize (right) from 2008 to 2019
Rainfall (mm) deviation from normal during Southwest monsoon-2020 Left:
Figure 20 41
District wise Right: Mandal wise.
The Summer (March-May) and Winter (January-February) season Mean
Figure 21 52
Maximum and Minimum temperature based on 2013-2020 data
Box plot representing the month wise Mean, Maximum and Minimum Tem-
Figure 22 53
perature (0C) based on 2013-2020 data
Year wise variation of annual (June-May) Mean temperature (°C)
Figure 23a 53
from 2013 to 2020
Year wise variation of May month maximum temperature (°C)
Figure 23b 53
along the trend line from 2013 to 2020
Figure 24a Hourly Maximum temperature on 29 April 2019 and 28 May 2019 54
Figure 24b Hourly Minimum temperature on 27 November 2018 and 01 January 2019 55
Box plot representing the Southwest Monsoon Mean, Maximum, Minimum
Figure 25 and extreme maximum and minimum temperatures (0C) based on averages 55
2013-2017 data.
Box plot representing the Northeast Monsoon Mean, Maximum, Minimum
Figure 26 and extreme maximum and minimum temperatures (0C) based on averages 56
2013-2017 data.
Box plot representing the Winter Season Mean, Maximum, Minimum and ex-
Figure 27 56
treme maximum and minimum temperatures (0C) based on 2013-2020 data.
Box plot representing the Summer Season Mean, Maximum, Minimum and
Figure 28 57
Extreme maximum and minimum temperatures based on 2013-2020 data.
Box plot representing the Annual Mean, Maximum, Minimum and Extreme
Figure 29 57
maximum and minimum temperature (0C) based on 2013-2020 data.
Box plot representing the month wise Mean, Maximum, Minimum Relative
Figure 30 58
humidity (%) based on 2013-2020 data

List of Annexure
S.No Content Page No.
Annexure-I IMD Methodology used for computation of Rainfall Normal. 131
District wise and Month wise normals based on the last 30 years data
Annexure-II 133
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) - Month wise
State Year wise - Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st
Annexure-III 137
December 2020
Districts wise (erstwhile 10) - Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from
Annexure-IV 143
1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004.
Districts wise (new 33) - Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from
Annexure-V 183
1st June 2004 to 31st October 2020.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

1. Introduction
Telangana state is the 29th state of India, came into existence on 2nd June 2014 after it is bifurcated from
Andhra Pradesh. It is located between 15°55’N to 19°55’N latitude and 77°10’E to 81°50’E longitude
in south central India and it shares its boundaries with Andhra Pradesh to the south and southeast,
Chhattisgarh and Orissa to the northeast, Maharashtra to the north and west and Karnataka to the west.
The state of Telangana has geographical area about 112,077 sq km. Telangana is situated on the Deccan
plateau, in the central stretch of the eastern seaboard of the Indian peninsula. The average elevation of
the plateau area is about 500 meter, higher in west and southwest and sloping downward toward the
east and northeast, where it meets the discontinuous line of the Eastern Ghats ranges. Western part of
the state is mostly hilly with an altitude generally varies from 300m to 600m and some part is having an
altitude of 600 m to 949 m. Peak height of the state is 949 m which is observed in the extreme eastern
part of the state (Doli Gutta, Mulugu district).

The report consists of the following components based on the analysis of rainfall data carried

a) Detailed Mandals, districts and state climatology and trend analysis of rainfall, temperature and
humidity data.

b) Districts wise weather pro iles at a glance covering the rainfall, temperature and humidity.

c) Time series data on Rainfall Statistics.

2. Climate and Rainfall

Telangana state, in general, experiences tropical climate and is geographically located in a semi-arid area
and has predominantly hot and dry climate. It is apportioned into three agro-climatic zones based on
the geographical characteristics such as rainfall, temperature, nature of soils etc. The agro-climatic zones
of Telangana 33 districts along with number of mandals in each district are given in Fig.1. The mandal
names are given in district pro iles in Section-13. Fig.2. gives the state elevation map.

a) Northern Telangana Zone: This zone includes Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Mancherial, Peddapalli,
Jagtial, Nirmal, Rajanna Sircilla, Kamareddy, Karimnagar, Nizamabad districts. Annual rainfall (June to
May) ranges from 950 to 1150 mm and is received mostly during Southwest monsoon season. Minimum
and maximum temperatures during winter and summer seasons range between 15°C to 25°C and 32°C
to 40°C, respectively. Red soils are predominant soils in this zone, which include chalks, red sands and
deep red loams along with very deep black cotton soils. Rice, Maize, Soyabean, Cotton, Redgram and
Turmeric are important crops etc, grown in this zone.

b) Central Telangana Zone: This zone includes Siddipet, Jangaon, Medak, Sangareddy, Warangal Urban,
Warangal Rural, Mahabubabad, Khammam, Jayashankar, Mulugu, Bhadradri Kothagudem districts and
receives an annual rainfall (June to May) from 800 to 1300 mm. Minimum and maximum temperatures
during winter and summer ranges between 18°C- 25°C and 32°C-38°C, respectively. Red soils are
predominant which includes chalks, red sands and deep red loams along with very deep black cotton

soils. Important crops grown in this zone are Cotton, Rice, Maize, Greengram, Mango and Chilies etc.

c) Southern Telangana Zone: This zone comprises the districts of Medchal-Malkajgiri, Wanaparthy,
Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Jogulamba Gadwal, Mahabubnagar, Nagarkurnool, Nalgonda, Suryapet, Narayanpet,
Rangareddy, Vikarabad. The annual rainfall (June to May) ranges from 560 to 800 mm. Minimum
and maximum temperatures during winter and summer ranges between 20°C- 26°C and 32°C-38°C,
respectively. This zone is predominantly underlain by red soil. Important crops grown in the zone are
cotton, rice, red gram, maize, groundnut and green gram etc.

High Altitude and Tribal Zone: This zone consists of the areas along Northern and Eastern borders
of Adilabad, Jayashankar, Mulugu, Bhadradri Kothagudem districts. The annual rainfall (June to May) is
around 1100 to 1300 mm. Important soils in this zone include red sandy loams, red loams with clay base
along with very small patches of alluvial soils. Minimum and maximum temperatures during winter and
summer ranges between 16°C- 25°C and 32°C-39°C respectively. Important crops grown in this zone are
chillies, Rice, Cotton and horticultural crops.

Fig. 1 Agro Climatic Zones of Telangana 33 districts along with number of Mandals in each district.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig. 2 Telangana State Elevation Map

3. Data and Methodology

Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) brought out a publication “A pro ile on Rainfall Statistics
(1951-52 to 2004-05)” in February 2006 is irst of its kind and it is designed to serve as a handy time
series data relating to Rainfall statistics which containing the district-wise, season-wise rainfall data
from 1951-52 to 2004-05 based on 23 districts of Andhra Pradesh, which include erstwhile 10 districts
of Telangana State. In continuation of the above, in the present publication daily Rainfall data from 01
June 1989 to 30 May 2019 (30 years) is considered for calculation of 592 mandals, 33 districts and state
climatology, rainfall patterns and trend variability.

The Government of Telangana introduced integrated mandal wise rainfall system in June 2017 to
generate mandal wise average rainfall (mm) with all available rain gauge data from 459 manual rain
gauge stations of Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), 1044 Automatic Weather Station (AWS) of
Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) and 12 AWS, 53 Automatic Rain gauges (ARG)
and 12 manual stations of India Meteorological Department (IMD) (Fig. 3). The simple average rainfall
data is prepared taking into account all the available rainfall observations in each mandal of total 592
mandals over the state. Using these averaged daily data (24 hours: previous day 08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.
today), monthly rainfall series of each station/mandal are computed. Monthly district rainfall series has
been constructed by considering arithmetic average of all the mandal rainfall values within the district.
The monthly rainfall series of the state has been computed by using area weighted rainfall values of all
the districts within the state as per the IMD criteria (Annexure-I).

The daily Rainfall data from 1st June 1989 to 30th May 2019 (30 years) is considered for calculation
of mandal, district and state mean rainfall patterns and trend variability. District wise and Month wise
normals based on the last 30 years data (1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) given in Annexure –II.

State - Year wise - Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 30th November 2020 is given in Annexure
–III, Districts wise (erstwhile 10 districts) - Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st
May 2004 is given in Annexure –IV and Districts wise (new 33 districts) - Year wise Monthly Rainfall
(mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st October 2020 given in Annexure–V.

The objective of the analysis is to:

1. Identify the spatial pattern of the mean rainfall of 592 mandals, 33 districts and state.
2. Understand district wise observed rainfall trend and variability in annual (June to May) and
season wise i.e. Southwest monsoon (June, July, August and September), Northeast monsoon
(October-December), winter (January-February) and summer (March-May).
3. Wet/dry spell, Rainy & Dry days
Different statistical characteristics like mean and coef icients of variation (CV%) of rainfall, rainy and dry
days were calculated for different months, seasons and year as a whole. Due to limitation of daily rainfall
data availability, daily station rainfall data from 01 June 2004 to 30 May 2020 (16 years) is utilized for
identi ication of the mean spatial patterns and rainfall trends. From mean and standard deviation (SD),
the coef icient of variation (CV) is calculated as follows:
Coef icient of variation (CV) = (Standard Deviation × 100)/ Mean
Also, based on 2013-2020 AWS data, annual (June to May), seasonal and monthly mean maximum,
minimum temperature and humidity also discussed.
In addition to the above, State-District-mandal month wise climatology based on last 30 years and State-
District month wise time series data from 1st June 1951 to 30th November 2020 are provided at the end
of the report for reference.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

guages (IMD)
guages (DES)
Manual Rain

Manual Rain
No. of Man-





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Total 592 12 1044 53 459 12 1580

Fig. 3 Network and location of weather observatories.

4. Rainfall
4.1. Annual (June to May) and seasonal rainfall

Mean rainfall (mm) and coef icient of variance (%) for the monsoon months (June, July, August and
September) for southwest monsoon season and annual (June to May) are given in Table-1. Highest and
lowest rainfall occurred in last 70 years (01 June 1951-October 2020) for monsoon months, all seasons
and annual (June to May) is given in Table-2. The mean annual rainfall (June to May) of Telangana is 898.8
± 228 mm with a coef icient of variation of 26%. The mean gives information on the normal amount
of rainfall one can expect in the area. It can be used to obtain an idea of the departure of the annual
rainfall from the normal, or to compare climatic regions. The values of coef icient of variation show the
change from the mean values of rainfall. It shows that the annual rainfall is not dependable (rainfall is
dependable if CV is < 25 per cent).

The Southwest monsoon enters the State in June irst week and lasts until second week of October (as
per IMD report ‘New Normal Dates of Onset/Progress and Withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon over
India-2020’). Hyderabad normal onset data is 08 June and withdrawal date 14 October. Southwest
monsoon rainfall accounts for 80% of the annual precipitation (Table-1). Highest contribution to the
Southwest monsoon rainfall is coming from the month of July (25%) followed by August (22.7%),
September (18.2 %) and June (14.2%) respectively.
Rainfall during Northeast monsoon (NEM) season is highest in Khammam (142 mm) followed by
Nalgonda (137 mm). Winter rains are negligible in the state; however, sizeable summer rains are received
in the region.

During the period from 1951 to 2020, highest mean rainfall of 1351.1 mm was received in 1983-84 and
lowest of 559.3 mm was received in 1972-73. The highest rainfall recorded during 1983 can be attributed
to the collective success of Southwest Monsoon with deviation of 53% and Northeast monsoon with
117% excess. The lowest rainfall recorded during 1972 can be attributed to the failure of Southwest
monsoon with deviation of -38%.

The rainfall ≥ 20 per cent above normal annual rainfall is considered as excess year and ≤ 20 per cent
is considered as de icit year. Excess, de icient and normal rainfall years (based on rainfall deviation
from normal) during the Southwest, Northeast monsoon and Annual based on 1st June 1951 to 30th
September 2020 is given in Table 3. Decadal excess, de icient and normal rainfall during the Southwest
Monsoon is given in Table-3a. During the period from 1951 to 2020, there are 14 (20%) excess annual
(June to May) rainfall years, 17 (25%) de icit rainfall years and 38 (55%) normal rainfall years. During
the Southwest monsoon there are 16 (23%) excess monsoon years, 17 (24%) de icit and 37 (53%)
normal rainfall years and during the Northeast monsoon, there are 25 (36%), excess monsoon years and
30 (43%) de icit, 15 (21%) normal rainfall years.

The Annual, Southwest monsoon and Northeast monsoon season excess, de icit and normal year plots
(1951 to 2020) are given in Fig. 4 to 6.

The districts wise Rainfall statistics (mean and CV%) of Telangana for four monsoon months, Southwest
monsoon season and Annual (June to May) based on 16 years data (2004-2005 to 2019-2020) is given
Table-4 and district wise highest top 3 recorded 24hrs rainfall from the year June 2004 to October 2020
is given in Table-5.

The data shows there is a large variability in Annual rainfall (June to May) across the districts with Mulugu
receives highest rainfall (1300 mm) followed by Bhadradri Kothagudem (1171 mm) and Kumuram
Bheem (1164 mm). Lowest annual rainfall was noticed in Jogulamba-Gadwal (560 mm) followed by
Narayanpet district (588 mm).

The mandal wise rainfall shows, Venkatapuram mandal, Mulugu district receives highest rainfall (1542.1
mm) followed by Wazeed mandal, Mulugu (1451.2 mm) and Cherla mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem
(1382.7 mm). Lowest rainfall was noticed in Ghattu mandal, Jogulamba-Gadwal (455.5 mm) followed
by Kaloor Timmanadoddi, Jogulamba-Gadwal (500.6 mm) and Chinna Chintha Kunta, Mahabubnagar
district (503.5 mm).

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

4.2 Time series trend Analysis

Time series of rainfall (mm) depicting the yearly mean and trend for June, July, August, September and
October and month wise linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) and recent last 30 years from 1990 to
2020 (right) are given in Fig. 7. Also time series of mean rainfall (mm) for Southwest and Northeast
monsoon Seasons, annual and linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) and recent last 30 years from 1990
to 2020 (right) are given in Fig. 8.

The trend lines are also displayed for each of the series. From 1951 to 1989, the rainfall trend lines show
no signi icant trend during the period. However, during 1990 to 2020, it indicates monthly rainfall for
the months of June, July and August show no signi icant trend while September show slight upward
trend of 3.8 mm/yr. Both Southwest monsoon season and Annual (June to May) rainfall shows slight
increasing trend of 9.0 mm/yr and 8.0 mm/yr respectively. Similarly Northeast monsoon season has not
shown any signi icant trend.

District wise (33 districts) time series of rainfall (mm) variation for Southwest monsoon (left) and
annual (right) from 2004 to 2020 are given in section-13 along with district climatology. The trend lines
are also displayed for each of the series. The data shows that most of the districts are not showing any
trend. Only few districts namely Karimnagar, Rajanna Sircilla, Siddipet, Warangal Urban, Jayashankar,
Mulugu, Suryapet, Wanaparthy and Narayanpet showing slight increasing rainfall trends during the
Southwestmonsoon season in last 16 years.

Decadal variation of Rainfall (mm) from 1951 to 2020 during the Southwest monsoon Season (top left)
and recent 30 years from 1991 to 2020 (top right) and from 1951 to 2020 for annual (bottom) are given
in Fig, 9. The decadal variation shows, during the period from 1951-1980, there is a decreasing trend in
3 decades and there is a sudden increase in rainfall for the decade 1981-1990. From 1991 to 2020, the
rainfall again shows an increasing trend in last 3 decades.

From Fig.5 and Table-3a, it shows there was more number of normal/excess Southwest monsoon years
with 2 excess, 7 normal (90%) and 1 de icit (10%) during the last decade 2011-2020 compared to earlier
two decades 1991-2010 with 1 excess, 10 normal (55%) and 9 de icit (45%) years.

Table 1 Normal rainfall (mm), Standard Deviation (mm) and Coefϐicient of Variation (%) for the
Southwest Monsoon months, four seasons and annual (June to May)
June July Aug Sept. JJAS OND Winter Summer Annual
Mean (mm) 128.2 224.9 203.9 163.4 720.4 111.0 11.4 56 898.8
% of Annual 14.3 25 22.7 18.2 80.2 12.3 1.3 6.2 100
Std Dev (mm) 69 99 85 96 183 74 16 47 228
CV (%) 56 45 41 63 26 68 150 86 26

Table 2 Highest and Lowest Mean rainfall (mm) records in last 70 years (01 June 1951 to 31
October 2020) during Southwest monsoon months, all four seasons and annual

Highest Year Lowest Year
Rainfall (mm)
June 242.9 1978 54.2 2014
July 544.1 1988 74.1 2002
August 415.6 1983 42.7 1968
September 361.6 2016 31.9 1994
October 250.6 1974 0.9 1965
Southwest Monsoon 1242 1988 431.3 1972
Northeast Monsoon 265.3 1987 2.5 1965
1960, 1963, 1973,
Winter 70.5 1986 0 1993, 2005, 2009
and 2006
Summer 198.0 1990 9.4 2007
Annual 1351.1 1983-84 559.3 1972-73
24hrs Highest 517.5 19-07-2013 - -
Rainfall Recorded Wazid(M), Mulugu(D)

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table 3 Excess, deϐicient and normal rainfall years (based on rainfall deviation from normal)
during the Southwest, Northeast Monsoon and Annual based on 01 June 1951 to 30 September

Deϐicit/ Departure Southwest Monsoon Northeast Monsoon Annual
Excess ≥20% 1953, 1955, 1956, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1953-54, 1955-56, 1956-57
1958, 1959, 1962, 1955, 1956, 1961,
1959-60, 1961-62, 1962-63
1970, 1975, 1978, 1962, 1963, 1969,
1981, 1983, 1988, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975-76, 1978-79, 1983-84
1989, 2010, 2016, 2020 1974, 1975, 1977,
1988-89, 1989-90, 2005-06
(16 years) 1982, 1983, 1985,
1987, 1994, 1995, 2010-11, 2013-14 (14 years)
2005, 2013, 2019,
2020 (25 years)
De icit ≤ -20% 1952, 1968, 1971, 1954, 1960, 1964, 1952-53, 1971-72, 1972-73,
1972, 1974, 1977, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1979-80, 1984-85, 1991-92,
1984, 1992, 1993, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-
1994, 1995, 1997, 1981, 1986, 1988, 95, 1997-98, 1999-2000,
1999, 2002, 2004, 1989, 1991, 1992, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2009-10,
2009, 2014 (17 years) 1996, 1998, 1999, 2011-12, 2014-15, 2015-16.
2000, 2002, 2003, (17 years)
2004, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2011, 2014,
2015, 2016, 2018 (30
Normal ≥-19% to ≤ 1951, 1954, 1957, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1951-52, 1954-55, 1957-58,
19% 1960, 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1978, 1958-59, 1960-61, 1963-64,
1964, 1965, 1966, 1984, 1990, 1993, 1964-65, 1965-66, 1966-67,
1967, 1969, 1973, 1997, 2001, 2009, 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70,
1976, 1979, 1980, 2010, 2012, 2017. 1970-71, 1973-74, 1974-75,
1982, 1985, 1986, (15 years) 1976-77, 1977-78, 1980-81,
1987, 1990, 1991, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1985-86,
1996, 1998, 2000, 1986-87, 1987-88, 1990-91,
2001, 2003, 2005, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1998-99,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2003-04,
2011, 2012, 2013, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09,
2015, 2017, 2018, 2012-13, 2016-17, 2017-18,
2019. (37 years) 2018-19, 2019-20. (38 years)

State Annual Rainfall Deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020
60 51
41 4445
3733 36 34
40 25 2323 27 23
% Deviation

17 21
11 13 13 14
1 4
2 12 6 11 10
2 4 1
-20 -2 -5 -3 -4 -2 -6
-10 -9 -7 -8 -11 -10 -7
-12 -14 -16 -14-11 -15 -17
-22 -20 -24 -29 -28 -25 -27 -25-21
-40 -30 -30 -29-32-33
-38 -34 -32



Fig. 4 State annual (June-May) rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on 70 years)

State Southwest Monsoon Rainfall Deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020
60 51 53 50
43 42
40 29 25 28
% Deviation

21 20 2118 20 2117 19
15 11 14 12 16 13
20 10
4 14 1 0 4 236
-4 -4 -3 -6 -1
-20 -9 -9 -9 -10 -8
-16 -14 -10
-40 -23 -25
-20 -19 -22-19 -18 -19 -20 -19
-33 -32-33 -28 -33 -32 -36 -31 -31
-37 -39

Fig. 5 State Southwest monsoon season rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on 70 years)

State Northeast Monsoon Rainfall Deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020

200 174
171 178
160 135 126
121 117
120 86 88
% Deviation

72 70 73
80 39 49 42 39 3844
24 28 25 29 23 29 33
40 7 9 18 10
3 4 4 3
-40 -14 -16 -15 -11 -2 -6
-18 -26
-80 -39 -30 -34 -39 -26 -26 -35 -36 -39 -33-20-41 -44
-59-56 -61 -49
- 52
-65 -64 -77 -71-82 -70 -81 -58-79 -70
-120 -97

Fig. 6 State Northeast monsoon season rainfall deviation (%) from 1951 to 2020 (based on 70 years)

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table 3a: Decadal rainfall - Excess, Deϐicient and Normal years during the Southwest monsoon Season.

Description Excess Normal Deϐicient

Decade1 (1951-60) 5 (50%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%)

Decade2 (1961-70) 2 (20%) 7 (70%) 1 (10%)

Decade3 (1971-80) 2 (20%) 4 (40%) 4 (40%)

Decade4 (1981-90) 4 (40%) 5 (50%) 1 (10%)

Decade5 (1991-2000) 0 (0%) 4 (40%) 6 (60%)

Decade6 (2001-2010) 1 (10%) 6 (60%) 3 (30%)

Decade7 (2011-2020) 2 (20%) 7 (70%) 1 (10%)

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for the month of Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for the month of
300 June 300 June
June y = -0.2066x + 135.11 June y = 1.4073x + 95.739
250 Linear (June ) R² = 0.0074 Linear (June ) R² = 0.0679
Rainfall (mm)

200 200
Rainfall (mm)


100 100


0 0

Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for the month of Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for the month of
600 July 400 July
July y = -1.0356x + 257 July y = 1.8881x + 155.32
500 Linear (July) R² = 0.0528 Linear (July) R² = 0.0588
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

300 200


0 0


Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for the month of Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for the month of
500 August 400 August
August August y = 1.9444x + 174.66
y = 0.0405x + 211.1
Linear (August) Linear (August) R² = 0.0556
400 R² = 9E-05
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)


0 0

Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for the month of Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for the month of
400 September 400 September
September September y = 3.8399x + 86.803
y = -0.4135x + 177.99
Linear (September) Linear (September) R² = 0.2173
R² = 0.0114
300 300
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

200 200

100 100

0 0

Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for the month of Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for the month of
October October
300 300
October October
y = -0.117x + 91.975 Linear (October)
y = 0.1613x + 84.974
Linear (October)
R² = 0.0014 R² = 0.0006
Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

200 200

100 100

0 0

Year Year

Fig. 7 Time series of mean rainfall (mm) for the months of June, July, August, September and
October and month wise linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) and recent last 30 years from
1990 to 2020 (right).

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for Southwest Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for Southwest
Monsoon Monsoon
1300 1200
1200 1100
Linear (SWM) y = -1.615x + 781.19 Linear (SWM)
1100 y = 9.0806x + 512.52
R² = 0.0314 1000
Rainfall (mm)

1000 R² = 0.2751

Rainfall (mm)
900 900
800 800
700 700


Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for Northeast Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for Northeast
Monsoon Monsoon
300 300
NEM NEM y = 0.0404x + 103.91
250 Linear (NEM) y = -0.1874x + 115.9 250 R² = 4E-05
Linear (NEM)
R² = 0.0036
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

200 200
150 150
100 100





Year Year

Rainfall Variation from 1951 to 2020 for Annual Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for Annual
1400 1400 y = 8.0207x + 681.43
Annual y = -2.3834x + 974.51 Annual
R² = 0.1809
1300 1300
Linear (Annual) R² = 0.0565 Linear (Annual)
1200 1200
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

1100 1100
1000 1000
900 900
800 800
700 700
600 600
500 500



















Year Year

Fig. 8 Time series of mean rainfall (mm) for Southwest and Northeast Monsoon seasons, Annual
and linear trends from 1951 to 2019 (left) and recent last 30 years from 1990 to 2020 (right).

Decadal Rainfall variation in Southwest Monsoon Decadal Rainfall variation in Southwest Monsoon
from 1951 to 2020 from 1991 to 2020
900 812 815 y = 79.385x + 499.19
776 700
800 736 R² = 0.9985

Rainfall (mm)
690 662 600
Rainfall (mm)

577 500
1991-2000 2001-10 2011-20
1951-60 1961-70 1971-80 1981-90 1991-2000 2001-10 2011-20
South West Monsoon
South West Monsoon

Decadal Rainfall variation in Annual from 1951 to 2019

986 1004
1000 887 870
Rainfall (mm)

800 721




1951-60 1961-70 1971-80 1981-90 1991-2000 2001-10 2011-19


Fig. 9: Decadal variation of Rainfall (mm) from 1951 to 2020 during the Southwest Monsoon
Season (top left), from 1991 to 2020 (top right) and from 1951 to 2020 for Annual (bottom).

5. District rainfall mean, variability and trend

5.1. Mean Rainfall

The District (left) and Mandal (right) wise mean rainfall analysis for June, July, August, September,
Southwest monsoon, October, Northeast monsoon, Winter, Summer and Annual (June to May) is given
in Fig.10.

Districts from Northern and Eastern region of the Telangana receives highest amount of rainfall in
Southwest monsoon season. It is in the range of 157-203 mm in June, 236-379 mm in July, 191-344 mm
in August, 144-207 mm in September, 683-1113 mm for Southwest monsoon, 65-170 mm Northeast
monsoon season and 855-1300mm for annual respectively. Mean spatial pattern of rainfall also indicate
that northern districts receive highest rainfall in June and eastern districts records highest amount of
rainfall for other months. Central and southern region of the Telangana receives less rainfall compare
to northern and eastern districts. It ranges from 72-134 mm in June, 108-246 mm in July, 120-206 mm
in August, 110-161 mm in September, 410-730 mm in Southwest monsoon season and 560-912 mm in

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

During the month of October, main rainfall is over Hyderabad, Nalgonda, Suryapet and Khammam which
are in the range of 96-110 mm and during the NE monsoon, north and central districts of the state received
less rainfall which are in the range of 96-110 mm and Hyderabad, Nalgonda and Khammam received in
the range of 131-150 mm. Winter rainfall is very less over south and less than 200 mm received over
north and central districts. In summer, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Mahabubabad and Khammam received
71-95 mm and remain districts receives in the range of 46-70 mm rainfall.

5.2 Coefϐicient of variation

The district wise mean and coef icient of variation (%) of rainfall statistics for monthly (June to October),
Southwest monsoon season and annual (June to May) based on 16 years data (2004-2005 to 2019-2020)
is given in Table 4. The values of coef icient of variation indicate the change from the mean values of

District wise June, July, August, September, Southwest monsoon and Annual (June to May) is given in
Fig.11. It shows that the annual rainfall is highly variable in Nagarkurnool (38%) district followed by
Jogulamba-Gadwal (34%). Least variability in annual rainfall has been noticed in Bhadradri Kothagudem
and Mahabubabad (20%) districts. The variability in the rainfall during Southwest monsoon was found
to be highest in Jogulamba Gadwal (35%) followed by Nagarkurnool (32%) and the least in Khammam
(22%) followed by Bhadradri Kothagudem, Mahabubabad, Nirmal, Jagtial (23%). The mean variability
during the Northeast monsoon period (68%) is high in comparison to Southwest monsoon (26%). Highest
variability in Northeast monsoon rainfall is observed in Jayashankar (90%) followed by Nalgonda (88%)
and the least in Kumuram Bheem (50%) followed by Sangareddy (51%).

Table 4 Rainfall statistics (mean and CV) for the districts of Telangana for the four monsoon
months, southwest monsoon season and annual (June to May) based on 16 years data (2004-
2005 to 2019-2020)

S. June July August September Annual
District Monsoon
Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV
1 Adilabad 203.2 49 319.4 46 306.1 38 159.7 36 988.4 24 1152 23
2 Kumuram Bheem 184.8 49 334.1 57 315.9 36 172.2 41 1007 28 1164 29
3 Mancherial 166.8 47 310.7 40 291.1 33 160.6 57 929.2 24 1078 25
4 Nirmal 178.7 47 291.6 42 259.9 31 170.9 49 901.1 23 1051 24
5 Nizamabad 157.3 40 269.6 45 254.9 32 151.6 83 833.4 27 990.4 25
6 Jagtial 157.6 40 269.6 39 242.6 35 160 59 829.8 23 997 25
7 Peddapalli 157.3 46 294.9 41 237.9 48 165.3 61 855.4 28 1017 28
8 Jayashankar 156.8 66 315.8 41 273.1 42 161.9 58 907.6 28 1061 29

9 168.7 80 298.4 32 286.1 39 185.9 65 939.1 23 1171 20
10 Mahabubabad 139.7 72 246.5 40 236.7 45 171.8 62 794.7 23 992.9 20
11 Warangal Rural 155.4 65 281.1 42 243.7 42 170 67 850.2 25 1027 24
12 Warangal Urban 134.1 59 245.8 50 192.1 40 158 71 730 29 912.3 27
13 Karimnagar 119 42 236.1 47 191.2 44 156 73 702.3 27 871.2 27
14 Rajanna Sircilla 127.6 39 214.2 47 197.9 38 143.7 90 683.4 29 855.1 27
15 Kamareddy 139.8 36 247.9 51 259.1 34 149.8 87 796.6 24 971 23
16 Sangareddy 119.1 41 197.5 50 193.5 41 149.4 64 659.5 24 844.5 24
17 Medak 120.4 38 214.7 45 205.8 36 136.6 98 677.5 25 841.3 24
18 Siddipet 98.1 55 180.7 44 163.8 44 133.3 86 575.9 26 742.7 26
19 Jangaon 122.3 51 212.1 47 178.9 46 161.5 66 674.8 24 861.9 24
Yadadri Bhuvan-
20 96 46 146.6 48 138.8 55 146.7 56 528.1 26 716.1 28
21 103.5 43 168.3 47 177.4 57 133.9 90 583.1 29 774.7 27
22 Hyderabad 101.6 50 174.7 55 184.6 56 142 74 602.9 28 810.5 27
23 Rangareddy 92.1 55 141.9 50 142.9 44 135.5 50 512.4 24 702.9 29
24 Vikarabad 111.9 45 181.5 44 182.3 40 158.5 52 634.2 27 815 26
25 Mahabubnagar 83.2 45 139.2 44 130.2 38 123.7 50 476.3 23 632.7 27
Jogulamba Gad-
26 72.3 125 108.3 46 119.6 43 109.5 50 409.7 35 560.6 34
27 Wanaparthy 74.1 76 133.1 51 126.8 43 118.2 52 452.2 29 603.9 31
28 Nagarkurnool 74.2 72 125.4 53 119.4 39 132.7 55 451.7 32 633.2 38
29 Nalgonda 82 55 125.9 44 136.3 43 153.1 54 497.3 27 692.6 31
30 Suryapet 95.5 67 175.7 43 175.6 47 150.3 50 597.1 25 776.6 22
31 Khammam 124.8 66 244.2 37 247.4 42 176.9 68 793.3 22 1032 22
32 Mulugu 183.2 69 379.4 37 343.9 37 206.9 63 1113 24 1300 23
33 Narayanpet 77.9 67 132.5 52 123 38 113.6 48 447 27 588.2 28
State 128.2 56 224.9 45 203.9 41 163.4 63 720.4 26 898.8 26

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table 5: District wise Highest Top 3 recorded 24hrs rainfall from the year June 2004 to October

Rainfall, Date, Location, Rainfall, Date, Location, Rainfall, Date, Location,

Mandal Mandal Mandal
312 mm, 05-08-2006 306 mm, 05-08-2006 301 mm, 04-08-2008
Narnoor, Narnoor Utnur, Utnur Ichoda, Ichoda
Kumuram 503.6 mm, 23-07-2013 385 mm, 05-08-2006 367.8 mm, 23-07-2013
Bheem Dahegaon, Dahegaon Sirpur_U, Sirpur_U Sirpur_T, Sirpur_T
303.8 mm, 12-08-2018 296.8 mm, 12-08-2018 291.8 mm, 12-08-2018
Dandepally, Lingapur Luxettipet, Shantapur Hajipur, Hajipur
280.8 mm, 30-07-
291.8 mm, 12-08-2018 280.3 mm, 20-08-2017
Nirmal 2010 Kaddampeddur,
Hajipur, Hajipur Kuntala, Kuntala
234.6 mm, 05-08-2006
395.4 mm, 24-09-2016 238.75 mm, 24-09-2016
Nizamabad Nizamabad_South,
Armur, Armur Ranjal, Ranjal
286.3 mm, 12-08-2018 281.3 mm, 12-08-2018 274 mm, 17-09-2015
Dharmapuri, Jaina Beerpur, Kolvai Jagtial Rural, Polasa (ARS)
260.2 mm, 19-09-2006
364.2 mm, 30-07-2010 279.8 mm, 12-08-2018
Peddapalli Mutharam_Manthani,
Manthani, Manthani Palakurthy, Maredupalli
362.8 mm, 19-07-2013
305.6 mm, 19-07-2013 286.8 mm, 19-07-2013
Jayashankar Mutharam_Mahadevpur,
Bhupalpalle, Bhupalpalle Kataram, Kataram
410 mm, 20-09-
Bhadradri 340.8 mm, 20-09-2005 315.4 mm, 20-09-2005
2005 Mulakalapalle,
Kothagudem Dammapeta, Dammapeta Julurpad, Julurpad
322 mm, 20-09-2005 307.8 mm, 04-09-2012 272.6 mm, 04-08-2006
Bayyaram, Bayyaram Kuravi, Kuravi Kothaguda, Kothaguda
276.6 mm, 05-08-2006 270.5 mm, 15-08-2020 266.25 mm, 29-08-2014
Warangal Rural
Nekkonda, Nekkonda Nallabelly, Nallabelly Redlawada, Nekkonda
201.6 mm, 15-08- 198.4 mm, 19-07-
Warangal 195.4 mm, 30-07-2010
2020 Hanamkonda, 2013 Kamalapur,
Urban Hasanparthy
Hanamkonda Marripalligudem
440.6 mm, 19-09- 414.6 mm, 05-08-
315.5 mm, 19-09-2006
Karimnagar 2006 Chigurumamidi, 2006 Shankarapatnam,
Thimmapur, Thimmapur
Chigurumamidi Shankarapatnam
340 mm, 20-09-2006 298.3 mm, 20-09-2006 222.4 mm, 05-08-2006
Rajanna Sircilla
Konaraopeta, Konaraopeta Sircilla, Sircilla Sircilla, Sircilla
401 mm, 05-08-2006 384 mm, 31-07-2011 320.8 mm, 25-09-2016
Machareddy, Machareddy Yellareddy, Yellareddy Machareddy, Machareddy
224 mm, 01-10-2016 220 mm, 27-07-2006 194 mm, 16-07-2020
Naykal, Naykal, Andhole, Andhole Andole, Annasagar

240.6 mm, 25-09- 211.4 mm, 23-09- 200.75 mm, 25-09-
Medak 2016 Shankarampet_R, 2016 Shankarampet_R, 2016 Shankarampet_ R,
Shankarampet_R Shankarampet_R, Shankarampet_R
251.5 mm, 23-09-
238.6 mm, 21-09-2005 217 mm, 23-09-2016
Siddipet 2016 Kondapak,
Maddur, Maddur Chityal, Cherial
350.9 mm, 21-09- 258 mm, 10-07-2005
250.4 mm, 30-07-2010
Jangaon 2005 Raghunathpalle, Raghunathpalle,
Ganpur_Stn, Ganpur_Stn.
Raghunathpalle Raghunathpalle
320 mm, 29-10-
Yadadri 320 mm, 29-10-2005 222.25 mm, 26-10-2013
2005 Ramannapeta,
Bhuvanagiri Choutuppal, Choutuppal, Bijilapur , Mothkur
230.2 mm, 21-09- 196.75 mm, 21-09-2016
Medchal- 201.5 mm, 14-09-2017
2016 Quthbullapur, Muduchinthalapally,
Malkajgiri Malkajgiri, Malkajgiri
Quthbullapur Kesavaram
258.3 mm, 14-10-
252.4 mm, 14-10-2020 248.3 mm, 14-10-2020
Hyderabad 2020 Musheerabad,
Saidabad, Saidabad Bandlaguda, Bandlaguda
300.0 mm, 14-10-2020 226.8 mm, 21-07-2012 188 mm, 29-10-2005
Hayathnagar Saroornagar, Saroornagar, Madgul, Madgul
218 mm, 31-08-2016 212.4 mm, 31-08-2016 194.2 mm, 31-07-2011
Peddemul, Peddemul Pargi, Pargi Bantwaram, Bantwaram
182 mm, 02-10-2009 170.2 mm, 30-09-2009 152 mm, 10-10-2017
Devarkadara, Devarkadara Jadcherla, Jadcherla Devarakadra, Devarakadra
Jogulamba 317 mm, 23-06-2007 288.2 mm, 23-06-2007 280 mm, 23-06-2007
Gadwal Alampur, Alampur Aiza, Aiza Itikyal, Itikyal
231 mm, 01-10-2009 218 mm, 01-10-2009 205 mm, 01-10-2009
Atmakur, Atmakur Wanaparthy, Wanaparthy Pebbair, Pebbair
320 mm, 01-10-2009 268.6 mm, 01-10-2009 237 mm, 01-10-2009
Uppunuthala Uppunuthala Achampet, Achampet Lingal, Lingal
242.2 mm, 23-09-
320 mm, 29-10-2005 309.2 mm, 26-10-2013
Nalgonda 2016 Damaracherla,
Chityala, Chityala Narketpalle, Narketpalle
256 mm, 21-09-
286.8 mm, 25-10-2013 225.8 mm, 17-08-2013
Suryapet 2005 Thirumalagiri,
Mellachervu, Mellachervu Suryapet, Suryapet
396.2 mm, 04-08-2006 344.6 mm, 20-09-2005 341.2 mm, 20-09-2005
Singareni, Singareni Singareni, Singareni Enkuru, Enkuru
354 mm, 18-09-
517.5 mm, 19-07-2013 460.4 mm, 19-07-2013
Mulugu 2006 Venkatapuram,
Wazeed, Wazeed Wazeed, Wazeed
160 mm, 02-10-2009 143.2 mm, 03-10-2009 137 mm, 02-10-2009
Maganoor, Maganoor Narayanpet, Narayanpet Narva, Narva

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig. 10 District (left) and Mandal (right) wise June, July, August, September, Southwest monsoon, October,
Northeast monsoon, Winter, Summer and Annual (June to May) mean rainfall (mm).

Fig. 11 District wise June, July, August, September, Southwest monsoon and Annual (June to
May) Coefϐicient of Variation (%) of rainfall (mm)

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

5.3 Trend in district rainfall based on 15 years

Difference in 15 years mean rainfall from (2004-05 to 2018-19) minus (1988-89 to 2002-03) for annual
(June to May) and Southwest monsoon season for district and mandals are shown in Fig. 12. Increasing
trend in rainfall was observed in both annual (June to May) and Southwest Monsoon period over south
and eastern districts and decrease over northern districts. Signi icant increase (25-75 mm) is observed
for Hyderabad, Mulugu, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Warangal urban, Narayanpet, Jogulamba Gadwal,
Wanaparthy and Signi icant decreasing (110-157 mm) is observed over Nirmal, Mancherial, Kamareddy,
Medak, Rajanna Sircilla and Suryapet.

Fig. 12 Deviation in rainfall climatology over district (left) and mandal (right) average rainfall
(mm) from (2004-05 to 2018-19) minus (1988-89 to 2002-03) for annual (June to May) (above)
and Southwest Monsoon season (below)

6. Analysis of Average Rainy day
A rainy day is de ined as a day when cumulative rainfall received in a period of 24 hours is ≥ 2.5 mm.
As a irst approximation, the temporal distribution of rainfall can be understood from the number of
rainy days. Average number of Rainy days over districts during June, July, August, September, Southwest
Monsoon season and Annual is given in Fig.13. Season wise average numbers of rainy days including the
coef icient of variance for monsoon, annual are given in Table-6. The mean annual rainfall of 898.8 mm
is received with average over 61 rainy days with a variability of 19% and the Southwest monsoon season
mean rainfall of 720.4 mm is received over 47 rainy days with a variability of 18%.

North south dipole pattern in average rainy days is seen from the analysis with higher number of rainy
days in northern and eastern districts and lower number of rainy days in southern and southeast districts.

Month wise average rainy days for June, 6 to 12 days with maximum 10 days over Wazeed mandal, Mulugu
district and lowest 4 days over Kangal mandal, Nalgonda district, in July, it is 9 to19 days with maximum
18 days over Venkatapuram mandal, Mulugu district and lowest 4 days over Nampalle mandal, Nalgonda
and 5 days over Narayanapur, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district, in August, 9 to 18 days with maximum 16
days over Wazeed mandal, Mulugu district, with lowest 6 days over Neredugommu mandal, Nalgonda
and in September, 6 to 11 days with maximum 11 days over Lingapu and Chintalamanepally mandals,
Kumuram Bheem and Wazeed, Mulugu district, with lowest 6 days over Nampalle and Marriguda
mandals, Nalgonda.

Extreme northern and east districts of the state (Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Nirmal, Mancherial, Mulugu)
records more number of annual rainy days as compare extreme southern (Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy,
Jogulamba Gadwal, Nagarkurnool, Nalgonda) across all timescale.

The highest annual Rainy days are observed from extreme eastern districts with highest over Bhadradri
Kothagudem (80 days) and Mulugu (74 days) followed by Kumuram Bheem (72 days) and lowest over
southern districts Jogulamba Gadwal (47 days) followed by Wanaparthy (49 days) and Hyderabad (51
days). Mandal wise highest numbers of rainy days are recorded over Venkatapuram and Wazeed, Mulugu
(66 days) and minimum Nampalle, Nalgonda (30 days).

During the Southwest monsoon season, similar trend of annual was observed with highest over
Bhadradri Kothagudem (62 days) followed by Mulugu (60 days), Kumuram Bheem (58 days) and lowest
over Jogulamba Gadwal (35 days) followed by Wanaparthy (37 days) and Hyderabad (38 days). Mandal
wise highest over Wazeed (54 days), Mulugu followed by Chintalamanepally (53), Kumuram Bheem and
minimum Nampalle (20 days) and Marriguda (21 days), Nalgonda district.

During the Northeast monsoon season with average 7 days, highest 11 over Bhadradri Kothagudem, 10
over Khammam, Mahabubabad and Rangareddy, lowest 5 days over Adilabad and Nirmal.

During the Winter monsoon season with average 1 day, highest 2 over Kumuram Bheem, Mancherial and
Nirmal. During the summer season average was recorded to be 5 days, highest of 7 days over Bhadradri

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig. 13 Average number of Rainy days over districts during June, July, August, September, Southwest
monsoon season and Annual.

Table 6: District wise rainy days

Dcode District SWM SWM CV NEM Winter Summer Annual Annual CV

1 Adilabad 57 14 5 1 6 69 17
2 Kumuram Bheem 58 17 6 2 6 72 19
3 Mancherial 55 19 6 2 4 67 21
4 Nirmal 53 16 5 2 3 63 19
5 Nizamabad 52 17 6 2 4 64 18
6 Jagtial 50 18 6 2 5 63 20
7 Peddapalli 49 18 6 2 5 62 20
8 Jayashankar 55 18 6 0 5 66 20
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 62 16 11 0 7 80 16
10 Mahabubabad 53 16 10 1 5 69 17
11 Warangal Rural 53 17 8 2 4 67 17
12 Warangal Urban 46 20 6 0 5 57 20
13 Karimnagar 46 16 6 2 6 60 19
14 Rajanna Sircilla 44 17 6 2 6 58 20
15 Kamareddy 52 17 6 2 6 66 19
16 Sangareddy 48 17 7 1 6 62 18
17 Medak 46 17 6 1 6 59 19
18 Siddipet 42 18 7 1 6 56 21
19 Jangaon 48 15 8 2 5 63 18
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 40 19 9 2 5 56 21
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 40 19 9 1 5 55 20
22 Hyderabad 38 19 7 1 5 51 20
23 Rangareddy 43 20 10 0 8 61 21
24 Vikarabad 50 18 8 0 8 66 18
25 Mahabubnagar 42 18 7 0 6 55 20
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 35 22 7 0 5 47 22
27 Wanaparthy 37 21 7 0 5 49 22
28 Nagarkurnool 39 20 7 0 6 52 23
29 Nalgonda 40 20 9 1 5 55 20
30 Suryapet 41 22 9 1 4 55 20
31 Khammam 53 14 10 1 5 69 15
32 Mulugu 60 17 8 1 5 74 17
33 Narayanpet 40 19 7 0 5 52 20
State 47 18 7 1 5 61 19

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

7. Analysis of Average Dry days

A dry day is de ined as a day when cumulative rainfall received in a period of 24 hours is < 0.2 mm or
trace (not enough to be measured). Average number of Dry days over districts during June, July, August,
September, Southwest monsoon season and Annual is given in Fig.14. Dipole pattern is also seen for
the average frequency of dry days with northern and eastern districts showing the lower dry days as
compare to southern and southeast districts.

For annual, the northern and eastern districts indicate a less number of dry days compare to southern
districts of the state. The annual average dry days for northern (southern) region of the Telangana is in
the range of 232 to 250 (260 to 279) days out of 365 days and for Southwest monsoon season 30 to 42
(39 to 49) days out of 122 days. Districts from the southwestern region indicate higher number of dry
days and comparatively a smaller number of dry days are observed over southeastern districts of the
Telangana state.

Season wise average numbers of dry days are given in Table-7. The highest dry days are observed from
extreme southwestern districts with highest over Jogulamba Gadwal and Hyderabad (278 days) followed
by Wanaparthy (275) and lowest over districts Bhadradri Kothagudem (233), Vikarabad (244 days)
and Khammam (246). Similar trend was observed Southwest Monsoon season highest over Jogulamba
Gadwal (59 days) followed by Wanaparthy (57 days), Medchal-Malkajgiri (56 days) and lowest over
Bhadradri Kothagudem(30), Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Mancherial (35) and Khammam 37 days.

During the Northeast monsoon season with 72-81 dry days out of 92 days. During the winter season
with 57-58 dry days out of 59 days. During the summer season with 74-83 dry days out of 92 days.

Fig. 14 Average number of Dry days over districts during June, July, August, September, Southwest
monsoon season and Annual.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table 7: District wise dry days

Dcode District SWM NEM Winter Summer Annual

1 Adilabad 35 80 57 78 250
2 Kumuram Bheem 35 81 57 79 252
3 Mancherial 35 80 57 82 254
4 Nirmal 39 81 57 83 260
5 Nizamabad 38 79 57 80 254
6 Jagtial 42 81 57 80 260
7 Peddapalli 42 81 57 82 262
8 Jayashankar 40 80 57 82 259
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 30 72 57 74 233
10 Mahabubabad 41 75 57 81 254
11 Warangal Rural 42 78 57 82 259
12 Warangal Urban 51 79 57 83 270
13 Karimnagar 47 80 57 80 264
14 Rajanna Sircilla 50 81 57 80 268
15 Kamareddy 38 78 57 79 252
16 Sangareddy 40 77 57 76 250
17 Medak 40 78 57 79 254
18 Siddipet 46 78 58 78 260
19 Jangaon 45 77 57 78 257
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 52 77 57 77 263
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 56 79 57 78 270
22 Hyderabad 59 79 58 82 278
23 Rangareddy 43 75 57 73 248
24 Vikarabad 38 76 57 73 244
25 Mahabubnagar 46 78 58 77 259
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 59 79 58 82 278
27 Wanaparthy 57 79 58 81 275
28 Nagarkurnool 49 75 58 76 258
29 Nalgonda 47 75 57 76 255
30 Suryapet 48 75 58 81 262
31 Khammam 37 72 57 80 246
32 Mulugu 38 78 57 79 252
33 Narayanpet 51 79 58 79 267
State 44 78 57 79 258

8. Dry and Wet Spells
At shorter time scales, the day to day variability of rainfall is characterized by wet and dry episodes,
namely, spells of continuous rain or no rain. These spells of rain are usually a manifestation of synoptic
scale events, which in themselves might be part of larger scale organization of convection (e.g., lows and
depressions during the Indian monsoon season). Most studies that focus on wet spell characteristics
have been regional. One primary reason for most studies being regional can perhaps be attributed to a
dense network of rain gauges available for a particular region. Characteristics of wet spells (WSs) and
intervening dry spells (DSs) are extremely useful for agriculture and water-related sectors. The features
of wet and dry spells for 592 mandals across Telangana state using rain gauge data available for the
period 2004-2020 is used.

8.1 Dry Spells

As per the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers welfare report – 2016,
‘a dry spell is a short period, usually 4 weeks (upto 3 weeks in case of light soils), of low rainfall or
no rainfall. Thus, consecutive 3-4 weeks after the due date for the onset of monsoon with rainfall less
than 50% of the normal in each of the weeks is de ined as a Dry spell. This indicator is important as it
quanti ies the extent of intra-season rainfall variations which is so critical for the health of crops and
maintenance of soil and hydrological regime. Based on the de inition, the dry spells period (3-4 week)
is identi ied for all 592 mandal based on type of soil and rainfall deviation for monsoon period 1 June
to 30 September. Based on mandal average, year wise number of dry spells over district and state are
calculated. Year wise average number of dry spells during the southwest monsoon season from years
2004 to 2020 given in Fig.15 and year wise number of dry spells are given in Table-8. It shows there is
a gradual decreasing trend in dry spells from 2004 to 2020 with lowest (0) in year 2020. The highest
number of dry spells of 16 is observed in Adilabad followed by 15 in Nalgonda districts followed by 14
in Mancherial, Nirmal, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Suryapet. The lowest of 4 dry spells in Wanaparthy, 5 in
Peddapalli, Jagtial districts.

State number of Dry Spells from 2004 to 2020

45 44
y = -1.0515x + 28.875
Dry Spells Average

R² = 0.1626
35 34
30 31 31
25 26
20 21
15 17 17
10 12 11
5 5 5
0 5 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Year Dry Spells Linear (Dry Spells)

Fig 15 Year wise number of Dry spells from 2004 to 2020

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table-8: Year wise number of Dry spells from 2004 to 2020

Dcode District

1 Adilabad 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 16
2 Kumuram Bheem 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10
3 Mancherial 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 14
4 Nirmal 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 14
5 Nizamabad 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 13
6 Jagtial 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
7 Peddapalli 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5
8 Jayashankar 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 11
9 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 8
10 Mahabubabad 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
11 Warangal Rural 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 8
12 Warangal Urban 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
13 Karimnagar 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6
14 Rajanna Sircilla 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 8
15 Kamareddy 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 11
16 Sangareddy 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 11
17 Medak 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 10
18 Siddipet 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8
19 Jangaon 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 8
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 14
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
22 Hyderabad 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 10
23 Rangareddy 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 13
24 Vikarabad 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 12
25 Mahabubnagar 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 11
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 10
27 Wanaparthy 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
28 Nagarkurnool 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 11
29 Nalgonda 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 15
30 Suryapet 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 14
31 Khammam 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 12
32 Mulugu 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
33 Narayanpet 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 10
State 34 21 39 12 17 44 5 23 5 5 31 26 17 11 31 9 0 330

8.2 Wet spells

There is no unique de inition to de ine wet spells. Many scientists used different criteria such as daily
deviation from normal with upper limit mm/day, intensity and frequency of rainfall above 90th percentile
etc. In the present study, we have considered ≥5 days with minimum ≥2.5mm/day and cumulative rainfall
≥100 mm during the period. The duration of Wet spells (WSs) is categorized as longer period (5-10
days) over the mandal along with the rainfall amount is higher (100 mm) is considered as a Wet spell.
Based on the above method, the wet spells period is identi ied for all 592 mandal for monsoon period
1st June to 30th September. Based on mandal average districts average was calculated and state average
is calculated based on district average. Year wise average number of wet spells during the southwest
monsoon season from 2004 to 2020 given in Fig.16 and year wise number of wet spells are given in
Table-9. It shows there is a slight increasing trend in wet spells during 2004 to 2020 with highest of
28 wet spells in Mulugu, followed by 22 in Bhadradri Kothagudem and 21 in Adilabad district. Lowest
of 5 wet spells were recorded in Suryapet, Jogulamba Gadwal and Narayanpet followed by 6 in Yadadri
Bhuvanagiri, Rangareddy, Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda.

State number of Wet Spells from 2004 to 2020
Wet Spells Average

50y = 0.7574x + 18.596 45

R² = 0.0828 43
30 32
27 26 25
20 22 22
16 18 17 18
10 9 9 11
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Year Wet Spells Linear (Wet Spells)

Fig. 16: Year wise number of wet spells from years 2004 to 2020

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table-9: Year wise number of Wet spells from 2004 to 2020

Dcode District

1 Adilabad 1 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 21
2 Kumuram Bheem 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 19
3 Mancherial 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 19
4 Nirmal 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 16
5 Nizamabad 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 16
6 Jagtial 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 16
7 Peddapalli 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 15
8 Jayashankar 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 19
9 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 22
10 Mahabubabad 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 14
11 Warangal Rural 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 18
12 Warangal Urban 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 3 0 0 2 2 17
13 Karimnagar 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 13
14 Rajanna Sircilla 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 12
15 Kamareddy 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 17
16 Sangareddy 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 11
17 Medak 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 15
18 Siddipet 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 11
19 Jangaon 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 11
20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6
21 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 10
22 Hyderabad 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 11
23 Rangareddy 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 6
24 Vikarabad 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 11
25 Mahabubnagar 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 8
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5
27 Wanaparthy 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 8
28 Nagarkurnool 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6
29 Nalgonda 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 6
30 Suryapet 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 5
31 Khammam 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15
32 Mulugu 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 0 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 28
33 Narayanpet 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5
State 9 36 27 26 16 25 18 9 22 43 22 17 56 11 18 32 45 432

8.3 Average frequency of heavy rainfall days

District wise average number of stations recording heavy (64.5-115.5 mm), very heavy rainfall (more
than or equal to 115.6 mm) based on 2004 to 2020 rainfall data during the Southwest monsoon season
is calculated and presented in Fig. 17 & Table.10. Average pattern of the heavy rainfall events are
similar to the average pattern of rainy days. Higher number of heavy rainfall events occurred more over
northern districts (Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Nirmal, Kamareddy, Jagtial and Mancherial) of the state
as compared to districts from the southern part (Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy, Narayanpet, Jogulamba
Gadwal, Nagarkurnool). Also heavy rainfall events are observed over eastern districts (Mulugu,
Jayashankar, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Khammam and Warangal Rural) of the state during the season.

Year wise from 2004 to 2020, Number of stations recording Heavy, Very Heavy rainfall per day plots
during the Southwest monsoon season is given in Fig. 18. It shows, during the last 16 years, both heavy
and very heavy rainfall received days shown an increasing trend in number of heavy, very heavy rainfall

Fig.17 District wise average number stations recording heavy, very heavy rainfall during the
Southwest monsoon from 2004 to 2020.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Heavy Rainfall events during Southwest Very Heavy Rainfall events during
Monsoon Season Southwest Monsoon Season
30 5
y = 0.8392x + 0.1595
25 y = 0.0925x + 0.7669
R² = 0.5234 4

No. Station/Day
No. Station/Day

R² = 0.1661
5 1

0 0


Year Year

Heavy and Very Heavy Rainfall events during

Southwest Monsoon Season
y = 0.9317x + 0.9264
R² = 0.4758
No. Station/Day

















SWM Linear (SWM)

Fig.18 Year wise Heavy & Very Heavy Rainfall events during the Southwest monsoon season from
2004 to 2020

Table.10 District wise average number stations recording heavy, very heavy rainfall during the
Southwest monsoon from 2004 to 2020.

No. District Heavy Very Heavy Combined

1 Adilabad 42 12 53
2 Kumuram Bheem 34 12 47
3 Mancherial 36 9 46
4 Nirmal 35 7 42
5 Nizamabad 52 11 62
6 Jagtial 40 7 46
7 Peddapalli 30 7 37
8 Jayashankar 29 10 39
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 53 11 64
10 Mahabubabad 32 6 38
11 Warangal Rural 42 10 52
12 Warangal Urban 22 5 26
13 Karimnagar 25 7 32
14 Rajanna Sircilla 19 4 23
15 Kamareddy 37 8 46
16 Sangareddy 30 3 34
17 Medak 30 4 34
18 Siddipet 31 5 36
19 Jangaon 19 4 23
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 20 2 22
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 21 3 23
22 Hyderabad 32 4 36
23 Rangareddy 30 2 32
24 Vikarabad 22 2 24
25 Mahabubnagar 11 1 12
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 7 1 8
27 Wanaparthy 9 1 10
28 Nagarkurnool 14 3 16
29 Nalgonda 32 5 38
30 Suryapet 23 5 27
31 Khammam 39 8 46
32 Mulugu 37 15 52
33 Narayanpet 9 1 9
8.4 Average rainfall intensity

Rainfall intensity year wise during the Southwest monsoon season is given in Fig.18a. The rainfall
intensity is calculated based on cumulative rainfall during the season divided by number of rainy days.
An annual increasing trend of 0.23 mm/Southwest to 0.78 mm/ Southwest monsoon is observed during
the last 16 years.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

State Rainfall intensity during the SW monsoon season

Rainfall Intensity (mm/day)

y = 0.7819x + 41.316
60 R² = 0.2305
















June July Aug Sep SWM Linear (SWM)

Fig.18a Year wise Rainfall intensity (mm/day) during the Southwest monsoon season from 2004
to 2020

9. Crop production and Southwest monsoon rainfall

In Telangana state the Rice and Maize are major corps hence, they are considered for the analysis purpose.
The Rice and Maize crop production (tons) and corresponding Southwest Monsoon rainfall (mm) during
the Kharif and Rabi season are given in Fig.19. It shows that the crop production has direct relation with
the rainfall for both rice and maize in Kharif and Rabi season. In case of rice production the Kharif and
Rabi seasons shows a sudden increase from 2016 due to other source of water availability in addition
to ground water resources and improvement in agricultural practices. In case of Maize, the production
in both Kharif and Rabi seasons shows increased from 2011 onwards and also Maize production has
increased more during Rabi season as compared to Kharif season.

Rice Crop Production vs Rainfall for SWM Maize Crop Production vs Rainfall for SWM
1000 SWMZĂŝŶĨĂůů 90,00,000
1000 SWMZĂŝŶĨĂůů 30,00,000
ZŝĐĞ;<ŚĂƌŝĨͿ 80,00,000
900 DĂŝnjĞ;<ŚĂƌŝĨͿ
900 25,00,000
Crop Production

Rainfall (mm)

Crop Production

Rainfall (mm)

60,00,000 800
50,00,000 700
600 15,00,000
40,00,000 600
500 30,00,000 500 10,00,000

400 20,00,000 400 5,00,000

Year Year

Rice Crop Production vs Rainfall for SWM Maize Crop Production vs Rainfall for SWM
1000 90,00,000 1000 12,00,000
SWM Rainfall SWM Rainfall
Rice (Rabi) 80,00,000 Maize (Rabi)
900 11,00,000
800 800

Crop Production

Crop Production
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)
700 50,00,000 700
600 600
500 500
20,00,000 6,00,000

400 10,00,000 400 5,00,000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Year Year

Fig. 19 Kharif & Rabi season crop production (tons) verses Southwest monsoon rainfall (mm).
Rice (left) and Maize (right) during the Khrif (above) Rabi (below) season from 2008 to 2019

10. Salient Features of Southwest Monsoon Season 2020

Monsoon onset over Kerala was on 1st June 2020 and monsoon set in Telangana on 11th June and covered
entire Telangana was on 12th June 2020 and withdrawn from some parts of Telangana on 26th October,
2020 and it has withdrawn from entire Telangana on 28th October, 2020. State Cumulative rainfall at
the end of Monsoon (June-September) is 1078.2 mm against Normal 720.4 mm with deviation 50%.
This is the highest rainfall recorded during the last 30 years (1991-2019). The earliest highest rainfall
recorded was Monsoon-2016 with 912.2 mm. During the season irst time all four months recorded
above normal rainfall. June recoded 172.8 mm against Normal 129.2 mm with deviation 34%, July
recoded 267.0 mm against Normal 244.2 mm with deviation 9%, August recoded 390.7 against Normal
219.2 mm with deviation 78% and September recoded 247.7 against Normal 127.8 mm with deviation
94%. Also August-2020 recorded highest rainfall in 20 years. The earlier highest recorded was 369.7 mm
with deviation of 68.7% in Monsoon-2000. Month wise and seasonal rainfall during the Monsoon-2020
is given in Table-11

14 districts received large excess, 13 excess and 6 normal rainfall during the season. The highest rainfall
recorded (normal) in Mulugu was 1916 mm (1099.8) with deviation of 74% followed by Bhadradri
Kothagudem 1550.1 mm (940.0 mm) with deviation 71% and Warangal Rural 1535.3 mm (844.3 mm)
with deviation 82%.

Out of 589 Mandals: 38% of Mandals (226) received large excess (geographical area: 39%), 34% of
Mandals (201) received excess (area: 34%), 25% of Mandals (146) received normal (area: 26%), 3% of
Mandals (16) received de icit (area: 3%). Rainfall (mm) deviation from normal district and mandal wise
given below.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig. 20 Rainfall (mm) deviation from normal during Southwest monsoon-2020 Left: District wise
Right: Mandal wise.

Table 11: Monthly wise and seasonal rainfall (mm) during the Monsoon-2020.
Normal Previous year Current year % of deviation
Month Status
(mm) (2019) (2020) to Normal
June 129.2 87.1 172.8 34.0 Excess
July 244.2 215.2 267.0 9.0 Normal
August 219.2 243.5 390.7 78.0 Large Excess
September 127.8 245.5 247.7 94.0 Large Excess
Southwest monsoon 720.4 791.3 1078.2 50.0 Excess
October 95.5 162.0 170.9 79.0 Large Excess
Northeast monsoon 124.9 172.9 179.4 44.0 Excess

10.1 Extreme Rainfall events during the Monsoon-2020

Case-I: 15th & 16th August 2020

Total 9 low pressure systems formed over Bay of Bengal during June to September 2020. Out of these 9
low pressure systems, ive low pressure systems formed in August (4-10, 9-11, 13-18, 19-26 and 24-31
August) over the North Bay of Bengal in succession out of which four of them became Well marked and
moved west-northwestward across central India upto Gujarat and south Rajasthan. Under this scenario,
active monsoon conditions prevailed over the state which caused excess rainfall (78%). Also in two days
15th & 16th August, 2020 very high amount of rainfall with extremely heavy rain occurred over Warangal
Rural, Warangal Urban, Mulugu, Karimnagar and Siddipet which causes lash loods over Warangal Rural,
Warangal Urban districts. The observed rainfall and TSDPS 24 hr ahead Weather Model Forecast maps
on 15th August, 2020 are given in Fig.20a. In this case the forecast model shown slight displacement and
underestimation of heavy rainfall event over Warangal Rural, Warangal Urban districts however, it is
able to predict heavy rainfall event over Jaishankar and Mulugu districts. Top 20 Highest Rainfall (mm)
received in 24 hrs during the event is given in Table 11.1 and Highest Rainfall recorded in past 15 years
are given in Table 11.2.
Fig-20a The observed rainfall and TSDPS 24 hr ahead Weather Model Forecast maps on 15th
August, 2020.

Table 11.1: Top 20 Highest Rainfall (mm) received in 24 hrs during the event
S.No District Mandal Location Date Rainfall (mm)
1 Karimnagar Manakondur Edulagattepalli 15/08/2020 274.8
2 Warangal Rural Nallabelly Nallabelly 15/08/2020 270.5
3 Warangal Rural Duggondi Duggondi 15/08/2020 260.8
4 Warangal Rural Nallabelly Medapalle 15/08/2020 248.5
5 Warangal Rural Narsampet Laknepalle 15/08/2020 244.5
6 Warangal Rural Shayampet Shayampet 15/08/2020 235.0
7 Mulugu Venkatapuram Venkatapuram 16/08/2020 233.6
8 Mulugu Venkatapuram Alubaka(Z) 16/08/2020 224.5
9 Warangal Urban Hanamkonda Hanamkonda 15/08/2020 223.2
10 Warangal Urban Warangal Warangal 15/08/2020 222.6
11 Warangal Rural Parkal Parkal (RDO Of ice) 15/08/2020 220.0
12 Warangal Rural Duggondi Duggondi 15/08/2020 218.6
13 Siddipet Koheda Samudrala 15/08/2020 215.0
14 Siddipet Koheda Koheda 15/08/2020 215.0
15 Warangal Rural Atmakur Atmakur 15/08/2020 213.4
16 Mulugu Mangapet Mangapet 16/08/2020 213.3
17 Warangal Urban Elkathurthi Elkathurthi 15/08/2020 212.0
18 Warangal Urban Hasanparthy Hasanparthy 15/08/2020 210.8
19 Warangal Rural Sangem Sangem 15/08/2020 210.0
20 Warangal Rural Damera Pulakurthi 15/08/2020 205.8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Table 11.2: 24 hrs Highest Rainfall (mm) recorded in past 15 years

S.No District Mandal Location Date Rainfall (mm)
1 Warangal Rural Nekkonda Nekkonda 05/08/2006 276.6
2 Warangal Rural Nallabelly Nallabelly 15/08/2020 270.5
3 Warangal Rural Nekkonda Redlawada 29/08/2014 266.25
4 Warangal Rural Duggondi Duggondi 20/08/2017 212.2

1 Warangal Urban Hanamkonda Hanamkonda 15/08/2020 223.2

2 Warangal Urban Kamalapur Kamalapur 19/07/2013 198.4
3 Warangal Urban Hasanparthy Hasanparthy 30/07/2010 195.4
4 Warangal Urban Dharmasagar Dharmasagar 23/09/2016 181.4
Warangal Urban Bheemadevarapalle Bheemadevarapalle 19/09/2006 170

1 Mulugu Wazeed Wazeed 19/07/2013 517.5

2 Mulugu Venkatapuram Venkatapuram 18/09/2006 354
3 Mulugu Venkatapuram Venkatapuram 30/07/2010 330.8
4 Mulugu Eturunagaram Eturunagaram 19/07/2013 299.6

1 Jayashankar Mutharam_Mahadevpur 19/07/2013 362.8
2 Jayashankar Ghanpur (Mulug) Chelpur 12/08/2018 252.8
3 Jayashankar Chityal Chityal 30/07/2010 252.6
4 Jayashankar Mutharam_Mahadevpur 05/08/2006 228
Daily Rainfall for Warangal Rural Daily Rainfall for Warangal Urban
170.7 180 165.2
Acutual Normal
160 Acutual Normal
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

120 93.7
99.2 99
100 74.7 78
73.4 80 70.7
80 60.6 63.5
60 44.2 42.4
60 45.7
18.3 17.4 6.8 12.4
21.9 20 15.7
20 9.5
11.5 5.7 4.6 7 2.6 3.8 7.4 5.6
7.6 7 6 3.9 5 7.4 7.7 0
13/Aug 14/Aug 15/Aug 16/Aug 17/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 21/Aug

Daily Rainfall for Mulugu Daily Rainfall for Jayashankar

160 145.4 146.2 140
Acutual Normal Acutual Normal
140 120
109.9 96.2
120 104.6 100 90.5
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

100 84.6 75
80 63.7 68
60 44.6
60 34.7
40 29
33.2 23.9
27.3 20 21
20 11.4 14.7 13
13.8 15.9 15.4 8.9 8.7 5.4 7.9 7.7
12.1 7.5 11.6 9 0
0 5
13/Aug 14/Aug 15/Aug 16/Aug 17/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 21/Aug
13/Aug 14/Aug 15/Aug 16/Aug 17/Aug 18/Aug 19/Aug 20/Aug 21/Aug

Fig.20b Daily Rainfall along with Normal from 13th to 21st August, 2020 over Warangal Rural, Warangal
Urban, Mulugu and Jayashankar districts.

The daily Rainfall along with normal from 13th to 21st August, 2020 over Warangal Rural, Warangal
Urban, Mulugu and Jayashankar districts given in Fig.20b and State rainfall along the normal rainfall
from 10th to 17th August is given in Fig.20c. It shows that during this event, there is an Extremely Heavy
rainfall on 15th ,16th , 17th August over Warangal Rural, Warangal Urban districts and on 14th , 15th,
16th and 17th August over Mulugu and Jayashankar districts. With the continuous rainfall from 13th
to 21st over Warangal Rural, Warangal Urban districts which triggered local loods over Warangal city
during the period.

Daily Rainfall (mm) over the Telangana state average from 10th to 17th Aug 2020
Actual Normal 47.7
Rainfall (mm)

20 16

10 5.4

10 Aug

11 Aug

12 Aug

13 Aug

14 Aug

15 Aug

16 Aug

17 Aug
Fig.20c State daily rainfall along the normal rainfall from 10th to 17th August

Case-II: 13th to 14th October 2020 (GHMC Event)

The observed and TSDPS 24 hours ahead Weather Model Forecast maps on 14th October, 2020 are
given in Fig. 20d. In this case the forecast model shows extreme heavy rainfall event over GHMC area
surrounding districts 24 hours ahead of the event. Daily Rainfall along with normal from 9th to 16th
October, 2020 over Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Sangareddy and Rangareddy
districts and State daily rainfall given in Fig. 20e and hourly Rainfall in 24 hours from 13th to 14th
October, 2020 based on AWS data given in Fig. 20f. During this event, there is an Extremely Heavy
rainfall in association of Depression on 14th in Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri,
Sangareddy and Rangareddy districts which triggered lash loods over GHMC area, mainly over Medchal
Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Rangareddy districts of the city on 13th to 14th October. The top 20 highest
Rainfall (mm) received in 24 hrs during the event are given in Table 11.3, highest historical Rainfall
recorded in 24 hours over Hyderabad and neighborhood is given in Table 11.4. It shows, during the
passage of depression along the state extreme rainfall 324.8 mm occurred over Ghatkesar and 300
mm over Hayathnagar. From Fig.20f shows, with the passage of Depression along Jangaon, Medchal-
Malkajgiri and Sangareddy districts the rainfall triggered over GHMC area 02:00 pm of 13th and ended
by 01:00 am of 14th October with high intensity rainfall with peak from 04:00 pm to 12:00 hrs mid night
over Hayathnagar, Saroornagar and Uppal.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig.20d Observed and TSDPS 24 hr ahead Weather Model Forecast maps on 14th October, 2020.
Daily Rainfall for Medchal-Malkajgiri district Daily Rainfall for Hyderabad district
200 176.6
Actual Normal
178.4 180
180 Actual Normal
Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

120 120
100 100
80 80 59.4
60 35.8 60 34
40 40 23
2.3 6.9 10.4
20 0.1 0.6 0 20 0 0.2 2.1 0
0 3 5.7 1.9 3.6 1.5 4.5 2.1 1.5 0 3.6 3.9 1.2 3.8 1.5 4.2 3.6 1.2
09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct
Date Date

Daily Rainfall for Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district Daily Rainfall for Sangareddy district
180 158.8 140 128.8
Actual Normal
140 Actual Normal
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)

100 80
80 60
60 35.3
27.1 40
40 20.1
20 1.4 2.8 1.3 2 1.3 20 5.8
0.2 0 0.1 0.3 0
0 5.4 6.8 2.6 6.6 1.8 3.2 1.3 2.1 6.5
0 2.7 2.5 2.6 0.6 2.8 2.5 1.7
09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct 09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct
Date Date

Daily Rainfall for Rangareddy district Daily Rainfall (mm) over the Telangana state from
120 113.5 9th Oct to 16th Oct, 2020
Actual Normal 70 60.6
Actual Normal
100 60
Rainfall (mm)

80 50
Rainfall (mm)

30 23.1
40 26.7
19.3 20 13.5
20 10.3 12.5 11.9 5.3 4.9
10 0.8 0.9
0 0.2
4.8 7.2 3 3.3 3.3 1.7
0 1.6 0.7 0








09/Oct 10/Oct 11/Oct 12/Oct 13/Oct 14/Oct 15/Oct 16/Oct


Fig.20e Daily Rainfall along with Normal from 9th to 16th October, 2020. over Medchal-Malkajgiri, Hyderabad, Yadadri
Bhuvanagiri, Sangareddy and Rangareddy districts and State daily rainfall during the period.

GHMC Area Hourly Rainfall(mm) for Top 5 stations on 14.Oct.2020

70 Hayathnagar(Hayathnagar)298.8mm

South Hasthinapuram
Rainfall (mm)

Bavani Nagar
40 (Saroornagar)275.3mm
Osmania University
30 (Musheerabad)258.3mm

20 Rajiv Nagar (Uppal)257mm



Fig.20f Hourly Rainfall in 24 hrs from 13th to 14th October, 2020 based on AWS data.

Table 11.3: Top 20 Highest Rainfall (mm) received in 24 hrs during the event

S.No District Mandal Location Date Rainfall (mm)

1 Medchal-Malkajgiri Ghatkesar Singapur Township 14/10/2020 324.8

2 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Hayathnagar 14/10/2020 300.0

Pedda Amberpet Hanuman

3 Rangareddy Abdullapurmet 14/10/2020 298.8

4 Rangareddy Saroornagar Bavani Nagar Comm Hall 14/10/2020 275.3

5 Rangareddy Abdullapurmet Abdullapurmet 14/10/2020 266.0

6 Medchal-Malkajgiri Keesara Keesara 14/10/2020 265.4

7 Medchal-Malkajgiri Keesara Keesara 14/10/2020 265.0

8 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri Valigonda Verkat Palle 14/10/2020 261.0

Osmania University
9 Hyderabad Musheerabad 14/10/2020 258.3
Registrar Of ice

10 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Mangalpalle 14/10/2020 258.3

11 Medchal-Malkajgiri Uppal Rajiv Nagar Community Hall 14/10/2020 257.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

12 Medchal-Malkajgiri Ghatkesar Ghatkesar 14/10/2020 254.4

13 Hyderabad Saidabad Saidabad 14/10/2020 252.4

14 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri Pochampalle Pochampalle 14/10/2020 252.4

15 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Dandumailaram 14/10/2020 250.5

16 Hyderabad Bandlaguda Bandlaguda 14/10/2020 248.6

17 Rangareddy Saroornagar Lingojiguda Ward Of ice 14/10/2020 247.0

18 Hyderabad Amberpet Amberpet 14/10/2020 246.4

19 Medchal-Malkajgiri Uppal Uppal 14/10/2020 245.6

Peerzadiguda Muncipal
20 Medchal-Malkajgiri Medipally 14/10/2020 242.3
Council Building

Table 11.4: Highest Historical Rainfall recorded in 24 hrs Hyderabad and neighborhood.

S.No District Mandal Location Date Rainfall (mm)

1 Hyderabad Hyderabad Nizam observatory* 26th to 28th Sept. 1908 431.8

2 Hyderabad Begumpet Begumpet 24/08/2000 241.5

3 Ranga Reddy Qutubullapur Saroornagar 21/07/2012 226.8

4 Ranga Reddy Hayathnagar Hayathnagar 14/10/2020 300.0

5 Medchal-Malkajgiri Qutubullapur Qutubullapur 21/09/2016 230.2

* As per information available in the web

11.0 Temperature and Humidity


The Telangana state is highly vulnerable to Heat waves. The heat wave season starts from the month of
March and goes on till end of May and sometimes extends upto irst week of June, if there is any delay in
onset of monsoon. The extreme maximum temperature in summer reached around 48°C in some years
over Mancherial, Adilabad, Jagtial, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Khammam, Nalgonda, Suryapet. District wise
mean and highest maximum during the summer and lowest minimum temperatures winter seasons are
given in Table-12 & 13.

Table-12 District wise Mean and Highest Maximum Temperature during Summer Season
Sl. Mean Max. Sl. Max
District District Mandal Max Date
No. Temperature No. Temp
1 Adilabad 33.9 1 Adilabad Adilabad Urban 17/04/2016 48.2
2 Kumuram Bheem 34 2 Sirpur_T 02/06/2014 48.5
3 Mancherial 34.6 3 Mancherial Dandepalle 21/05/2015 48.9
4 Nirmal 34.2 4 Nirmal Pembi 23/05/2015 48.8
5 Nizamabad 34 5 Nizamabad Mendora 28/05/2015 47.8
6 Jagtial 34.6 6 Jagtial Dharmapuri 21/05/2015 48.9
7 Peddapalli 34.7 7 Peddapalli Peddapalle 22/05/2015 48.6
8 Jayashankar 34.8 8 Jayashankar Ghanapur_Mulug 30/05/2015 48.9
Bhadradri Bhadradri
9 34.9 9 Tekulapalle 21/05/2015 48
Kothagudem Kothagudem
10 Mahabubabad 34.8 10 Mahabubabad Garla 22/05/2015 48.5
11 Warangal Rural 34.3 11 Warangal (R) Parvathagiri 23/05/2015 48.7
12 Warangal Urban 34.3 12 Warangal (U) Kamalapur 22/05/2015 47.6
13 Karimnagar 34.3 13 Karimnagar Jammikunta 30/05/2015 48.8
14 Rajanna Sircilla 34.2 14 Rajanna Sircilla Yellareddypeta 22/04/2016 47.8
15 Kamareddy 33.6 15 Kamareddy Nizamsagar 17/04/2016 48.1
16 Sangareddy 33.1 16 Sangareddy Sangareddy 27/04/2016 46.4
17 Medak 33.4 17 Medak Kowdipalle 15/05/2016 46.5
18 Siddipet 33.2 18 Siddipet Thoguta 22/05/2015 47.7
19 Jangaon 33.8 19 Jangaon Zaffergadh 22/05/2015 48.2
Yadadri Yadadri
20 33.8 20 Atmakur_M 22/05/2015 48.7
Bhuvanagiri Bhuvanagiri
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 33.5 21 Ghatkesar 22/05/2015 48.4
22 Hyderabad 33.6 22 Hyderabad Musheerabad 22/05/2015 47.6
23 Rangareddy 33 23 Rangareddy Abdullapurmet 22/05/2015 47.2
24 Vikarabad 33.2 24 Vikarabad Doma 29/05/2019 46.2
25 Mahabubnagar 33.6 25 Mahabubnagar Balanagar 22/05/2015 46.7
Jogulamba Gad-
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 34.4 26 Aiza 15/04/2016 47.2

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

27 Wanaparthy 34.3 27 Wanaparthy Madanapur 26/04/2016 47

28 Nagarkurnool 33.5 28 Nagarkurnool Kodair 24/04/2016 47.4
29 Nalgonda 34.6 29 Nalgonda Madugulapally 23/05/2015 48.9
30 Suryapet 34.8 30 Suryapet Chinthala Palem 23/05/2015 48.9
31 Khammam 35 31 Khammam Mudigonda 28/05/2015 48.7
32 Mulugu 34.7 32 Mulugu Mulug 22/05/2015 48.5
33 Narayanpet 34 33 Narayanpet Marikal 21/05/2015 47.7
State 34.1

Table-13 District wise Mean and Lowest Minimum Temperature during Winter Season
Mean Mini-
Sl. Sl. Min.
District mum Tem- District Mandal Min Date
No. No. Temp
1 Adilabad 23.4 1 Adilabad Bheempoor 31/12/2018 2.7
2 Kumuram Bheem 23.6 2 Lingapur 10/01/2015 2.4
3 Mancherial 24.3 3 Mancherial Jannaram 31/12/2018 4.6
4 Nirmal 24.1 4 Nirmal Pembi 30/01/2019 4.8
5 Nizamabad 24.3 5 Nizamabad Bodhan 18/12/2014 4.4
6 Jagtial 24.2 6 Jagtial Raikal 18/12/2014 5.2
7 Peddapalli 24.7 7 Peddapalli Peddapalle 18/12/2014 6
8 24.7 8 Jayashankar Chityal 11/01/2015 6.9
Bhadradri Kothag- Bhadradri
9 25.5 9 Dammapeta 11/01/2015 7.4
udem Kothagudem
10 Mahabubabad 25.3 10 Mahabubabad Ganagavaram 20/12/2017 7.2
11 Warangal Rural 24.8 11 Warangal (R) Atmakur 11/01/2015 5.9
12 Warangal Urban 24.9 12 Warangal (U) 11/01/2015 5.6
13 Karimnagar 24.5 13 Karimnagar Thimmapur 26/12/2015 5.6
14 Rajanna Sircilla 24 14 Rajanna Sircilla Mustabad 26/12/2015 5

15 Kamareddy 23.9 15 Kamareddy Madnur 18/12/2014 2.5
16 Sangareddy 23.7 16 Sangareddy Kohir 10/01/2015 2
17 Medak 24.1 17 Medak Tekmal 26/12/2015 4.1
18 Siddipet 23.7 18 Siddipet Dubbak 26/12/2015 3
19 Jangaon 24.4 19 Jangaon Chilpur 31/12/2018 7.7
Yadadri Yadadri
20 24.2 20 Bhongiri 12/01/2015 7.4
Bhuvanagiri Bhuvanagiri
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 24.5 21 Ghatkesar 01/01/2019 5.6
22 Hyderabad 25.5 22 Hyderabad Maredpally 12/01/2015 6.7
23 Rangareddy 23.8 23 Rangareddy Moinabad 12/01/2015 2.7
24 Vikarabad 24.2 24 Vikarabad Mominpet 11/01/2015 3.2
25 Mahabubnagar 24.5 25 Mahabubnagar Balanagar 10/01/2015 4.4
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 25.4 26 Maldakal 12/01/2015 7.4
27 Wanaparthy 25.5 27 Wanaparthy Srirangapur 11/01/2015 5.4
28 Nagarkurnool 24.5 28 Nagarkurnool Lingal 11/01/2015 4.9
29 Nalgonda 25.1 29 Nalgonda Munugode 11/01/2015 6.9
30 Suryapet 25.6 30 Suryapet Noothankal 11/01/2015 7.9
31 Khammam 25.8 31 Khammam Thirumalayapalem 11/01/2015 7.6
32 Mulugu 25 32 Mulugu Mulug 11/01/2015 5.7
33 Narayanpet 25 33 Narayanpet Kosgi 09/12/2013 7.1
State 24.5

In Fig.21 the summer (March-May) and winter (January-February) season mean maximum and
minimum temperatures map are given. It shows mean maximum summer temperature based on 2013
to 2020 data shows maximum over north, eastern and extreme southern districts Jogulamba Gadwal,
Wanaparthy and minimum over Rangareddy and mean minimum winter temperatures shows, highest
over Nalgonda, Suryapet, Khammam, Hyderabad and lowest over Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Nirmal,
Kamareddy, Rajanna Sircilla and Sangareddy. Fig.22 Box plot representing the month wise mean,
maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) data are given. It shows, gradual rise of maximum and
minimum temperature from February with peak in May and fall after onset of monsoon in June followed

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

by July-August with heavy cloudiness and slight rise in September-October due to partly cloudy and
increasing solar insulation than followed by fall from November to January during the winter season.

Year wise variation of annual (June-May) mean and May maximum temperature from 2013 to 2020
are given in Fig.23(a & b). It shows, during the last 7 years, the annual mean and May month maximum
temperatures are shown slight increasing trend with highest mean temperature in 2015-16 and highest
maximum temperature in May 2018.

Telangana state experiences mild winter from November to January. The extreme minimum temperature
in winter reached below 5.0°C in some years over Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Kamareddy, Nirmal,
Nizamabad, Mancherial, Jagtial, Medak, Rangareddy and Sangareddy districts. In addition to low
temperatures, strong northerly cold winds from central India also make more uncomfortable with wind-
chill over the region. The wind chill is de ined as: simply the feels-like temperature. It is based on how
much heat is lost from the exposed skin, which is caused by cold temperatures and windy conditions.
Wind chill numbers are always lower than that of air temperature values. Sometimes the wind chill
factor also extends to central districts of state when there is an advection of cold northerly wind to
central districts.

The diurnal variation of maximum temperature during summer shows the day temperature gradual rise
from 11:30 a.m. to 03:30 p.m. and after 04:30 p.m., the temperature shows a sudden fall of 6° to 8°C in
2 hours from 04:30 to 06:30 p.m. (Fig.24a). The same trend was observed in case of winter minimum
temperature also. During the night, it shows a gradual fall from 12:30 mid night to 05:30 a.m. morning
and after 06:30 a.m., temperature shows a sudden rise of 5° to 8°C in one hour from 06:30 to 07:30 a.m.
(Fig.24b). This sudden fall /rise of temperature after sun set/rise is because of semi-arid nature of soil.

11.1 Maximum temperature

Based on averages temperatures data from 2013 to 2020, Box plot representing the season wise and
annual mean, maximum, minimum and extreme maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) are given in
Fig. 25 to 29. The mean annual temperature of the state is 34.1°C. A peak occurs during summer season
(39.0°C) and the lower mean temperature is observed during Northeast monsoon season (32.9°C). The
average temperatures during Southwest monsoon season is 33.0°C. The spatial distribution of annual
mean temperature shows a range of 31.5 to 34.6°C across various locations of state. Highest temperatures
of 35.0° at Khammam followed by 34.9°C Bhadradri Kothagudem district and 34.8°C Suryapet and
Bhadradri Kothagudem district.

On an annual basis, monthly highest mean maximum temperature (40.9°C) is observed during in the
month of May and lowest (30.5°C) during December. April and May months are the warmest months
of the state. On a district basis Peddapalli and Mancherial districts are the warmest district (42.3°C)
followed by Jagtial district (42.2°C) and Rangareddy (33.0°C) and Sangareddy and Vikarabad (33.2°C)
districts are somewhat cooler.

Suryapet district experiences a warm climate during Southwest monsoon season (34.6°C) followed by
Khammam district (34.4°C), whereas Vikarabad (31.5°C), Sangareddy (31.7°C) and Rangareddy (31.8°C)
districts experiences cool weather during the monsoon season.

Temperatures during Northeast monsoon season, the highest in Khammam district (32.9°C) followed
by Bhadradri Kothagudem and Mahabubabad (32.8°C) and lowest in Rangareddy (30.7°C) followed by
Siddipet (30.9°C).

District average temperatures during summer are highest in Jayashankar (39.8°C) followed by Mancherial
(39.7°C) districts and are least in Hyderabad and Rangareddy (37.9°C) district.

During the winter season temperatures are highest in Bhadradri Kothagudem (33.2°C) district followed
by Khammam and Wanaparthy (33.0°C) districts. Least temperatures (31.2°C) are recorded in Siddipet
and Rangareddy (31.4°C) districts during the season.

11.2 Minimum temperature

The state as a whole experiences a minimum temperature of 21.8°C on an annual basis. However, there
are differences in districts. The annual higher temperatures of 25.8°C over Khammam, 25.6°C Suryapet,
25.5°C Wanaparthy, Hyderabad, Bhadradri Kothagudem and cooler temperature is of 23.4°C Adilabad,
23.7°C Siddipet, Sangareddy, 23.8°C Rangareddy.

During the Southwest monsoon season, high minimum temperatures of 25.9°C recorded in Suryapet and
lower temperatures of 22.8 in Vikarabad and 23.1°C Sangareddy district. The mean seasonal temperatures
for Northeast monsoon season lowest 16.6°C Adilabad, 16.9°C over Kamareddy and Sangareddy. During
the winter high minimum temperatures of 19.1°C Medchal Malkajgiri and lower temperatures of 15.0°C
in Adilabad and 15.4°C Kumuram Bheem. During the summer season high temperatures of 25.8°C over
Hyderabad and lower temperatures of 23.6 in Sangareddy and 23.7 over Medak and Siddipet.

Fig. 21 The Summer (March-May) and Winter (January-February) season Mean Maximum and
Minimum Temperature (0C) based on 2013-2020 data

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Monthly Temperature (˚C)

(based on 2013 - 2020)



36 36.4

32 32.2 32.3
32.1 32.0

30.8 30.8
30 30.5
Temperature (˚C)

28 28.3
27.8 27.9
25.7 25.6
24 24.6
23.0 23.1




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Fig. 22 Box plot representing the month wise mean, maximum and Minimum temperature (°C)
based on 2013 - 2020 data

State mean Annual Temperature (June 2013 - May 2020) State mean Summer Maximum Temperatures in May (2013 - 2020)
30 42.5
y = 0.141x + 27.37 y = 0.182x + 40.17
R² = 0.233 R² = 0.351
29 28.95
Temperature 0C
Temperature 0C

28 28.15 41.2
27.7 27.65 41 41 41

27 40.6
Average Linear (Average) Max_temp Linear (Max_temp)
26 40
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Year Year

Fig. 23a Year wise variation of annual Fig. 23b Year wise variation of May month
(June-May) Mean temperature (°C) from 2013 maximum temperature (°C) along the
to 2020 trend line from 2013 to 2020

Hourly Maximum Temperature of Navipet(M) on 29.04.2019

Temperature (OC)

45.1 45.6
42 44
40.5 41 40.5
37 37.2

08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:30

Hourly Maximum Temperature of Kolvai(M) on 28.05.2019


46 47.9
47.1 47 47.3
Temperature (OC)

42 44.4

41.5 41.7 41.6

40.7 40.3


08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:30

Fig. 24a
Figure 24aHourly
HourlyMaximum Temperatures
Maximum temperatures (0C)
29 29 April 2019 and 28th May 2019
th 2019 and 28 May 2019

Hourly Minimum Temperatures recorded as on 27.11.2018

20 18.5

18 17.2 17 17 18.4

17.5 17.3
Temperature (OC)

16.2 13.8 13.8 16.2

14 12.8 12.8 13.1
12.7 Ginnedari
14 Tiryani
12 13.4
12.9 Rebbena
12.2 12.3
11.7 11.5 11.8
10 11.3
10.9 10.6
10.3 10.3
8 9 8.8
7.9 7.8
20:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 01:30 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:30 06:30 07:30

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Hourly Minimum Temperatures recorded on 01.01.2019

16 14.7
12 12.1 12.1
12 11
12 10.5 10.3
10 9
Temperature (OC)

8.3 8.1 10.3

9.6 7 Kohir
8 6.8 6.5
8.4 6.2 Digwal
7.5 7.8 5.3 5.3 Malchelma
6 4.9
5.7 5.4 4.1
3.8 2.9

20:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 01:30 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:30 06:30 07:30


Fig. 24b24b
Figure Hourly Minimum
Hourly Temperatures
Minimum (°C)
temperatures onon
(0C) 2727

Fig. 25: Box plot representing the Southwest Monsoon Mean, Maximum, Minimum and extreme
maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) based on averages 2013-2020 data.

Fig.26 Box plot representing the Northeast Monsoon Mean, Maximum, Minimum and
extreme maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) based on averages 2013-2020 data.

Fig.27 Box plot representing the Winter Season Mean, Maximum, Minimum and extreme
maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) based on 2013-2020 data.

Temperature °C

Adilabad 2.7 21.0 27.5 33.9 48.2

Bhadradri Kothagudem 7.4 22.8 28.8 34.9 48.0

Hyderabad 6.7 22.8 28.2 33.6 47.6

JagƟal 5.2 21.5 28.0 34.6 48.9

Jangaon 7.7 21.7 27.8 33.8 48.2

Jayashankar 6.9 22.1 28.5 34.8 48.9

Jogulamba Gadwal 7.4 22.5 28.5 34.4 47.2

Kamareddy 2.5 20.7 27.2 33.6 48.1

Karimnagar 5.6 22.0 28.1 34.3 48.8

Khammam 7.6 23.1 29.1 35.0 48.7

Komaram Bheem 2.4 21.5 27.8 34.0 48.5

Mahabubabad 7.2 22.5 28.7 34.8 48.5

Mahabubnagar 4.4 21.1 27.4 33.6 46.7

Mancherial 4.6 22.2 28.4 34.6 48.9

Medak 4.1 20.7 27.1 33.4 46.5

Medchal-Malkajgiri 5.6 21.6 27.5 33.5 48.4

Mulug 5.7 22.4 28.5 34.7 48.5

Nagarkurnool 4.9 21.5 27.5 33.5 47.4

Nalgonda 6.9 22.7 28.6 34.6 48.9

(based on 2013 - 2020)

Narayanpet 7.1 21.6 27.8 34.0 47.7

Nirmal 4.8 21.4 27.8 34.2 48.8

District wise Mean Temperature - Annual

Nizamabad 4.4 21.4 27.7 34.0 47.8

Peddapalli 6.0 22.1 28.4 34.7 48.6

Rajanna Siricilla 5.0 21.0 27.6 34.2 47.8

Rangareddy 2.7 20.8 26.9 33.0 47.2

Sangareddy 2.0 20.4 26.8 33.1 46.4

Siddipet 3.0 20.9 27.0 33.2 47.7

maximum and minimum temperature (°C) based on 2013-2020 data.

State 5.3 21.8 27.9 34.1 48.0

Suryapet 7.9 23.3 29.0 34.8 48.9

Vikarabad 3.2 20.5 26.9 33.2 46.2

Wanaparthy 5.4 22.3 28.3 34.3 47.0

extreme maximum and minimum temperatures (°C) based on 2013-2020 data.

Warangal Rural 5.9 22.1 28.2 34.3 48.7

Warangal Urban 5.6 22.3 28.3 34.3 47.6

Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 7.4 21.7 27.7 33.8 48.7

Fig.29 Box plot representing the Annual Mean, Maximum, Minimum and extreme
Fig.28 Box plot representing the Summer Season Mean, Maximum, Minimum and
Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Fig. 30 Box plot representing the month wise Mean, Maximum, Minimum Relative humidity (%)
based on 2013-2020 data

11.3 Relative Humidity (%) over the state

Based on average humidity data from 2013 to 2020 AWS data, Box plot representing the month wise
Mean, Maximum, Minimum Relative humidity (%) is given in Fig.30. Relative humidity (RH) is recorded
highest during the morning hours and lowest during evening hours.

On an annual basis the state experiences average of 62% with highest of 89% over Khammam, 88%
Bhadradri Kothagudem, 86% Jayashankar districts and low of 39% over Narayanpet, 40% Adilabad,
Sangareddy and Rajanna Sircilla districts.

During the Southwest monsoon season the mean morning RH of the state average is 82% with high of
89% over Khammam, 88% Bhadradri Kothagudem, 86% Mulugu and Jayashankar.

During the Northeast monsoon season, the average is 88% with high of 92% over Jayashankar, 91%
Khammam, Mulugu, Bhadradri Kothagudem and Jagtial.

During the winter season, the average is 82% with high of 92% over Khammam, 90% Bhadradri
Kothagudem, 89% Suryapet and 88% Mulugu.

During the summer season, the average is 59% with high of 85% over Khammam, 84% Bhadradri
Kothagudem, 81% Suryapet and lowest 56% over Adilabad.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

12. Conclusions
Using 30 years (1989-2018) rainfall data, we investigated the rainfall pattern and variability for
Telangana state. The monsoon months - June, July, August and September, Southwest and Northeast
monsoon season, winter, summer and annual time scales are considered to analyse mean, standard
deviation and coef icient of variation (CV%) for each mandal and district. The Mandal rainfall data is
considered to study district and mandal spatial patterns and hourly AWS station data is considered to
study temperature, humidity and rainfall intensity. This study brought out many signi icant features of
the rainfall pattern which can be utilized for the water resources and agricultural management. Some of
the important indings are summarized below:
v The mean annual rainfall of Telangana is 898.8 ± 228 mm is arrived at by considering the IMD
criteria adopted for obtaining climatological mean. The coef icient of variation of 26% is observed
for the annual rainfall in the state. Highest contribution to the Southwest monsoon rainfall is
coming from the month of July (25%) followed by August (22.7%), September (18.2 %) and June
(14.2%) respectively. Telangana state receives 80.2% of the annual rainfall merely from Southwest
monsoon season while the Northeast monsoon contributes 12.3% of the annual rainfall.
v The annual rainfall is highly variable in Nagarkurnool (CV 38%) district followed by Jogulamba-
Gadwal (34%). Least variability in annual rainfall has been noticed in Bhadradri-Kothagudem
and Mahabubabad (20%) districts. The variability in the rainfall during Southwest Monsoon, was
found to be highest in Jogulamba Gadwal (35%) followed by Nagarkurnool (32%) and the least in
Khammam (22%). The mean variability during the Northeast monsoon period (68%) is high in
comparison to Southwest monsoon (26%).
v The state decadal variation of monsoon rainfall as a whole is showing an increasing trend in recent
decade compared to earlier 2 decades. There was more number of normal/excess Southwest
monsoon years with 2 excess, 7 normal (90%) and 1 de icit (10%) during the last decade 2011-
2020 compared to earlier two decades 1991-2010 with 1 excess, 10 normal (55%) and 9 de icit
(45%) years.
v There is a large variability in annual rainfall across the districts with Mulugu receives highest
rainfall (1300 mm) followed by Bhadradri Kothagudem (1171 mm) and Kumuram Bheem (1164
mm). Lowest rainfall was noticed in Jogulamba Gadwal (560 mm) followed by Narayanpet district
(588 mm).
v Rainfall during Southwest monsoon season is highest in Mulugu (1113.4 mm) followed by
Kumuram Bheem (1007 mm). Rainfall during Northeast monsoon season is highest in Khammam
(142 mm) followed by Nalgonda (137 mm). Winter rains are negligible in the State; however,
sizeable summer rains are received in the region. Districts from Northern and Eastern region of
the Telangana receives highest amount of rainfall as compare to southern part of state in June, July,
August, September and Southwest monsoon season.
v The mandal wise annual rainfall shows, Venkatapuram mandal, Mulugu district receives highest
rainfall (1542.1 mm) followed by Wazeed mandal, Mulugu (1451.2) and Cherla, Bhadradri
Kothagudem district (1382.7 mm). Lowest rainfall was noticed in Ghattu mandal, Jogulamba
Gadwal district (455.5 mm) followed by Kaloor Timmanadoddi, Jogulamba Gadwal district (500.6

mm) and Chinna Chintha Kunta, Mahabubnagar district (503.5 mm).
v The state monthly rainfall for the months of June, July and August show no signi icant trend while
September show slight upward trend 3.8 mm/yr. Both Southwest monsoon season and Annual
(June to May) rainfall shows slight increasing trend of 9.0 mm/yr and 8.0 mm/yr respectively.
Similarly Northeast monsoon season has not shown any signi icant trend.
v Most of the District rainfall during the Southwest monsoon season has not shown any signi icant
trend. However, few districts namely Karimnagar, Rajanna Sircilla, Siddipet, Warangal Urban,
Jayashankar, Mulugu, Suryapet, Wanaparthy and Narayanpet showing slight increasing rainfall
trends in last 16 years.
v District rainfall variation based on last 30 years shows, signi icant decreasing trend in Annual
rainfall was observed for districts Nirmal. Mancherial, Kamareddy, Rajanna Sircilla and Suryapet.
Similarly signi icant increasing trend was observed over Hyderabad, Warangal Urban, Bhadradri
Kothagudem, Jogulamba Gadwal and Wanaparthy. The same trend was observed during Southwest
monsoon season.
v Extreme northern and east districts of the state (Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Nirmal, Mancherial,
Mulugu) records more number of Annual rainy days as compare extreme southern (Mahabubnagar,
Wanaparthy, Jogulamba Gadwal, Nagarkurnool, Nalgonda) across all timescale. The highest Annual
Rainy days are observed from extreme eastern districts with highest over Bhadradri Kothagudem
(80 days) and Mulugu (74 days) followed by Kumuram Bheem (72 days) and lowest over southern
districts Jogulamba Gadwal (47 days) followed by Wanaparthy (49 days) and Hyderabad (51 days).
Mandal wise highest over Venkatapuram and Wazeed, Mulugu (66 days) and minimum Nampalle,
Nalgonda (30 days).
v During the Southwest monsoon season, similar trend of Annual was observed with highest over
Bhadradri Kothagudem (62 days) followed by Mulugu (60 days), Kumuram Bheem (58 days) and
lowest over Jogulamba Gadwal (35 days) followed by Wanaparthy (37 days) and Hyderabad (38
days). Mandal wise highest over Wazeed (54 days), Mulugu followed by Chintalamanepally (53),
Kumuram Bheem and minimum Nampalle (20 days) and Marriguda (21 days), Nalgonda district.
v The northern and eastern districts shown less number of dry days compare to southern districts
of the state. The Annual average dry days for northern (southern) region of the Telangana is in the
range of 232 to 250 (260 to 279) days and for Southwest monsoon season from 30 to 42 (49 to 59)
v The Annual highest dry days are observed from extreme southwestern districts with highest
over Jogulamba Gadwal and Hyderabad (278 days) followed by Wanaparthy (275) and lowest
over districts Bhadradri Kothagudem (233), Vikarabad (244 days) and Khammam (246). Similar
trend was observed Southwest monsoon season with highest over Jogulamba Gadwal (59 days)
followed by Wanaparthy (57 days), Medchal-Malkajgiri (56 days) and lowest over Bhadradri
Kothagudem(30), Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Mancherial (35) and Khammam 37 days.
v Year wise average number of dry spells during the southwest monsoon season from years 2004
to 2020 shows there is a gradual decreasing trend in dry spells from 2004 to 2020 with lowest
(0) in year 2020. The highest number of dry spells of 16 is observed in Adilabad followed by 15

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

in Nalgonda districts followed by 14 in Mancherial, Nirmal, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Suryapet. The

lowest of 4 dry spells in Wanaparthy, 5 in Peddapalli, Jagtial districts in last 17 years.
v Year wise average number of wet spells during the southwest monsoon season from 2004 to 2020
shows there is a slight increasing trend in wet spells during 2004 to 2020 with highest of 28 wet
spells in Mulugu, followed by 22 in Bhadradri Kothagudem and 21 in Adilabad district. Lowest of 5
wet spells were recorded in Suryapet, Jogulamba Gadwal and Narayanpet followed by 6 in Yadadri
Bhuvanagiri, Rangareddy, Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda in last 17 years.
v Year wise from 2004 to 2020, number of stations recording Heavy, Very Heavy rainfall per day
during the Southwest monsoon season shown an increasing trend in number of heavy, very
heavy rainfall days. Higher number of heavy rainfall events occurred more over northern districts
(Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Nirmal, Kamareddy, Jagtial and Mancherial) of the state as compared
to districts from the southern part (Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy, Narayanpet, Jogulamba Gadwal,
Nagarkurnool). Also heavy rainfall events are observed over eastern districts (Mulugu, Jayashankar,
Bhadradri Kothagudem, Khammam and Warangal Rural) of the state during the season in last 17
v The mean Annual temperature of the state is recorded 34.1°C. A peak occurs during summer
season (39.0°C), lowest is recorded during Northeast monsoon season (32.9°C) and 33.0°C during
Southwest Monsoon season.
v On a monthly basis, highest mean maximum temperature (40.9°C) is observed during the month
of May and lowest (30.5°C) during December. April and May months are the warmest months of
the state. On a district wise Peddapalli and Mancherial districts are the warmest district (42.3°C)
followed by Jagtial district (42.2°C). On an annual basis, Rangareddy (33.0°C) and Sangareddy and
Vikarabad (33.2°C) districts are somewhat cooler.
v The state as a whole experiences a mean minimum temperature of 21.8°C on an annual basis.
However, there are differences in districts. The annual mean higher temperatures of 25.8°C
Khammam, 25.6°C Suryapet, 25.5°C Wanaparthy, Hyderabad, Bhadradri Kothagudem and cooler
temperature is of 23.4°C Adilabad, 23.7°C Siddipet, Sangareddy, 23.8°C Rangareddy.
v The day-to-day Summer maximum temperatures reaches up to 48°C over Adilabad, Peddapalli ,
Mancherial, Nalgonda and Khammam districts during the month of May and in winter minimum
temperatures reaches lowest to 5°C over Adilabad, Kumuram Bheem, Peddapalli , Mancherial
districts in December.

v The diurnal variation of temperature during the afternoon/morning shows a sudden fall /rise of
5° to 8°C in 2-3 hour after sun set/rise. This sudden fall /rise of temperature is due to semi-arid
nature of soil.
v Relative humidity on annual basis state experiences average of 62% with highest of 89% over
Khammam, 88% Bhadradri Kothagudem, 86% Jayashankar districts and low of 39% over
Narayanpet, 40% Adilabad, Sangareddy and Rajanna Sircilla districts.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

13. State and District wise

Climate at a Glance

Climate of Districts
S.No District Page No
1 Adilabad 65
2 Kumuram Bheem 67
3 Mancherial 69
4 Nirmal 71
5 Nizamabad 73
6 Jagtial 75
7 Peddapalli 77
8 Jayashankar 79
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 81
10 Mahabubabad 83
11 Warangal Rural 85
12 Warangal Urban 87
13 Karimnagar 89
14 Rajanna Sircilla 91
15 Kamareddy 93
16 Sangareddy 95
17 Medak 97
18 Siddipet 99
19 Jangaon 101
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 103
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 105
22 Hyderabad 107
23 Rangareddy 109
24 Vikarabad 111
25 Mahabubnagar 113
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 115
27 Wanaparthy 117
28 Nagarkurnool 119
29 Nalgonda 121
30 Suryapet 123
31 Khammam 125
32 Mulugu 127
33 Narayanpet 129

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Telangana State Climate at a Glance

Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 21-05-2015 at
Max 34.3 43.7in May 91 90 85 75
Dandepalle (M), Mancherial (D)
2.0 on 10-01-2015 at
Min 21.5 9.2 in January 45 33 31 25
Kohir (M), Sangareddy (D)
50 44.7 46.3 48.8 48.9 48.5 45.6 250
41.2 42.3
39.8 40.1 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.9
40 36.8 36.1 200
34.1 33.3
32.4 31.8 32.5 32.3
Temperature (oC)

31.1 30.8

Rainfall (mm)
30 27 25.6 150
24.6 24.4 23.9 23.4
21.3 21.5
17.7 17.9
20 15.1 15.6 100
13.2 12.3 13.7 13.1
10.6 10.7 11.0
10 7.0 50
2.0 2.5
4.9 13.4 14.8 26.3 123.3 223.2 208.5 152 84.5 20 4.3
0 6.4 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 898.8 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 61, Dry days are 258
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 224.9 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.7 mm,
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 517.5 mm in Wazeed(M), Mulugu(D) on 19-07-2013
v SW Monsoon average is 720.4 mm and Rainy days are 47. Dry days are 44.
v NE Monsoon average is 111.0 mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter is average 11.4mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 56.0mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 83 84
88 90 89
86 84
78 79
Relative Humidity (%)

80 73
v Annual Values of RH are about 65% to 91% in the 70
59 62 61

Morning, 25% to 64% in the afternoon. 60

50 46
39 37
40 34
29 28
30 24 25

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 10
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.). 0







A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less

than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.). Month

a Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for Annual
1300 Annual y = 8.0207x + 681.43
Linear (Annual) R² = 0.1809
Rainfall (mm)




Rainfall Variation from 1990 to 2020 for Southwest Monsoon

b 1200
SWM y = 9.0806x + 512.52
Linear (SWM) R² = 0.2751
Rainfall (mm)


Decadal Rainfall variation in Southwest Monsoon from 1991 to 2020

y = 79.385x + 499.19
700 R² = 0.9985

Rainfall (mm)






1991-2000 2001-10 2011-20

South West Monsoon Linear (South West Monsoon)

Time series of mean rainfall (mm) for (a) Annual (b)Southwest monsoon (c)Decadal variation of
Southwest monsoon rainfall (mm)based on last 30 years from 1990 to 2020 (right).

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Max/Min Temp.
48.2 on 17-04-2016 at
Max 33.9 41.9 in May 87 88 82 69
Adilabad Urban (M)
2.7 on 31-12-2018 at
Min 20.9 13.2 in January 63 41 31 25
Bheempoor (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1151.8 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 69, Dry days are 250.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 319.4 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 312 mm in Narnoor (M) on 05-08-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 988.4 mm and Rainy days are 57. Dry days are 35.
v NE Monsoon average is 96.2mm and Rainy days are 5.
v Winter average is 16.9mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 50.3 mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 84 87 88 86 83 81
76 76
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 49%
Relative Humidity (%)

67 63 66
70 62 60
to 88% in the morning 18 % to 66% in the after- 60 51 49 46
noon. 50
40 30
36 34
30 25 25
18 19
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).








A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

Adilabad District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004- 2020) Adilabad District Rainfall variation in Annual
1600 2000
y = 10.67x + 869.7 y = 15.51x + 971.1
1400 R² = 0.052 1800
R² = 0.074
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)
600 800
400 600

Year SWM
Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) ADILABAD District


S. No









1 Bheempoor 184.7 293.6 283.9 138.9 901.1 85.0 11.2 4.4 100.6 8.5 4.3 12.8 14.5 10.8 16.9 42.2 1056.7
2 Jainad 206.7 349.5 323.1 163.6 1042.9 71.7 8.6 4.1 84.4 14.7 4.7 19.4 15.8 14.6 20.6 51.0 1197.7
3 Bela 192.5 341.1 327.8 160.5 1021.9 82.0 10.0 4.5 96.5 13.8 4.9 18.7 18.8 12.1 22.8 53.7 1190.8
4 Gadiguda 191.8 324.6 310.3 162.8 989.5 69.4 9.2 4.8 83.4 9.2 6.3 15.5 14.5 9.7 15.3 39.5 1127.9
5 Narnoor 192.4 328.6 302.4 165.0 988.4 69.3 9.4 4.7 83.4 9.2 6.3 15.5 14.5 9.5 16.9 40.9 1128.2
6 Inderavelly 223.9 362.3 345.7 173.6 1105.5 81.3 10.0 2.7 94.0 9.4 4.5 13.9 15.8 9.9 18.7 44.4 1257.8
7 Gudihathnur 199.0 285.1 285.3 148.3 917.7 75.2 12.3 4.6 92.1 13.6 4.9 18.5 15.9 10.5 22.1 48.5 1076.8
8 210.2 316.3 315.9 157.3 999.7 80.0 12.6 5.0 97.6 12.4 4.6 17.0 22.5 17.1 26.9 66.5 1180.8
9 209.2 317.9 314.3 159.1 1000.5 79.2 12.1 4.6 95.9 12.4 5.1 17.5 22.6 17.6 26.9 67.1 1181.0
10 Mavala 208.6 317.2 312.4 159.5 997.7 79.5 12.3 4.7 96.5 12.6 5.0 17.6 22.5 17.6 27.3 67.4 1179.2
11 Tamsi 193.0 298.9 285.9 140.4 918.2 86.0 11.3 4.9 102.2 8.5 4.4 12.9 14.8 11.2 16.7 42.7 1076.0
12 Talamadugu 205.7 311.4 279.9 144.2 941.2 78.8 18.4 2.2 99.4 9.8 3.9 13.7 17.6 10.7 16.5 44.8 1099.1
13 217.0 297.6 309.0 167.5 991.1 81.5 15.1 4.1 100.7 10.7 3.6 14.3 21.5 9.0 20.1 50.6 1156.7
14 Boath 196.8 303.1 278.7 162.4 941.0 83.8 13.8 5.0 102.6 13.0 6.6 19.6 18.4 10.5 25.5 54.4 1117.6
15 Neradigonda 195.0 309.1 283.0 154.9 942.0 85.6 12.4 6.4 104.4 14.0 6.5 20.5 13.6 12.1 20.5 46.2 1113.1
16 Ichoda 205.3 304.2 303.4 167.2 980.1 84.7 13.2 5.4 103.3 14.1 5.9 20.0 17.1 10.5 19.6 47.2 1150.6
17 Sirikonda 216.3 333.9 322.5 173.3 1046.0 84.7 13.0 4.6 102.3 12.0 4.8 16.8 16.5 11.0 19.6 47.1 1212.2
18 Utnur 211.6 354.6 326.0 176.1 1068.3 82.9 8.2 3.0 94.1 11.6 9.4 21.0 15.6 12.0 22.9 50.5 1233.9
District 203.2 319.4 306.1 159.7 988.4 80.4 11.7 4.1 96.2 11.5 5.4 16.9 17.2 12.1 21.0 50.3 1151.8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Max/Min Temp.
48.5 on 02-06-2014 at
Max 34 41.9 in May 84 85 78 62
Sirpur_T (M),
2.4 on 10-01-2015 at
Min 21.3 13.2 in January 63 42 31 24
Lingapur (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1163.6 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 72, Dry days 252
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 334.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 5.4 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 503.6 mm in Dahegaon (M) on 23-07-2013
v SW Monsoon average is 1007 mm and Rainy days are 58, Dry day are 35
v NE Monsoon average is 88.8 mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 19.5 mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 48.3 mm and Rainy days are 6.
87 89 87
Relative Humidity (RH%) 90 81
74 75
84 85 83
Relative Humidity (%)

70 63 65 62
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 60
55% to 89% in the morning 22% to 65% 50 45
39 37
40 33
in the afternoon. 30
29 28
23 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).




A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Kumuram Bheem District Rainfall variation in Kumuram Bheem District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) Annual
1700 2000 y = 14.94x + 1019.
y = 10.59x + 914.6
R² = 0.037 1800 R² = 0.044

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

1300 1400
1100 1200
700 600

SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Kumuram Bheem District


S. No









1 Jainoor 216.9 356.4 323.5 174.6 1071.4 85.5 10.6 3.4 99.5 9.3 9.5 18.8 21.3 15.2 22.6 59.1 1248.8

2 Sirpur_U 186.1 332.2 335.7 177.6 1031.6 89.9 9.9 3.1 102.9 11.1 7.1 18.2 18.6 15.1 27.6 61.3 1214.0

3 Lingapur 175.3 308.1 314.3 162.4 960.1 82.2 9.6 3.6 95.4 11.6 8.7 20.3 18.2 13.2 21.7 53.1 1128.9

4 Tiryani 167.4 283.3 291.4 150.9 893.0 76.8 8.4 6.7 91.9 12.1 11.1 23.2 18.3 14.3 18.9 51.5 1059.6

5 Rebbana 147.5 302.4 261.1 158.3 869.3 72.2 7.1 7.0 86.3 12.2 6.2 18.4 14.0 12.5 15.4 41.9 1015.9

6 Asifabad 170.2 319.6 280.8 177.9 948.5 76.4 6.3 6.4 89.1 9.8 9.4 19.2 15.5 16.9 17.0 49.4 1106.2

7 Kerameri 169.1 289.1 268.5 145.7 872.4 73.3 10.9 4.1 88.3 7.2 8.2 15.4 17.3 16.9 19.0 53.2 1029.3

8 Wankdi 188.0 297.0 304.0 165.0 954.0 71.6 8.2 5.6 85.4 9.7 6.3 16.0 18.6 21.1 23.3 63.0 1118.4

9 Kagaznagar 163.2 330.8 301.2 174.3 969.5 69.0 8.2 6.4 83.6 9.7 8.9 18.6 15.5 19.0 16.4 50.9 1122.6

10 Sirpur_T 185.3 368.4 343.9 190.0 1087.6 74.5 6.4 6.1 87.0 10.5 8.5 19.0 17.8 13.2 14.3 45.3 1238.9

11 Kouthala 198.0 384.3 311.5 176.2 1070.0 61.7 8.4 5.6 75.7 15.2 5.7 20.9 15.8 9.2 15.5 40.5 1207.1

12 200.6 367.6 340.6 184.6 1093.4 70.4 6.8 4.9 82.1 13.2 7.1 20.3 15.1 11.7 14.4 41.2 1237.0

13 Bejjur 214.1 357.8 374.4 187.7 1134.0 74.5 5.4 3.3 83.2 14.6 7.5 22.1 12.3 11.8 15.9 40.0 1279.3

14 Penchikalpet 191.3 351.9 338.8 179.6 1061.6 72.2 8.0 5.9 86.1 12.8 8.1 20.9 12.9 13.1 14.5 40.5 1209.1

15 Dahegaon 198.5 363.5 344.7 178.4 1085.1 73.6 9.7 5.4 88.7 13.2 7.6 20.8 11.1 10.1 13.1 34.3 1228.9

District 184.8 334.1 315.9 172.2 1007.0 75.0 8.4 5.4 88.8 11.5 8.0 19.5 16.1 14.1 18.1 48.3 1163.6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 21-05-2015 at
Max 34.9 42.6 in May 86 88 82 68
4.6 on 31-12-2018 at
Min 22.0 14.2 in January 64 43 33 27
Jannaram (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1078.1 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 67, Dry days 254.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 310.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 6.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 303.8 mm in Dandepalle (M) on 12-08-2018
v SW Monsoon average is 929.9 mm and Rainy days are 55. Dry days are 35.
v NE Monsoon average is 92.5mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 17.7mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 38.7mm and Rainy days are 4.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

84 86 89 90 90 87 86
79 75 79
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 61% 80 67

61 63 66 62
to 90% in the morning 24% to 66% in the after- 60 47
noon. 40 34 31 31
39 37
26 24

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).








A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

Mancherial District Rainfall variation in Mancherial District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1300 1500
1200 y = 15.50x + 751.4 y = 16.13x + 886.4
1100 R² = 0.119 1300 R² = 0.081

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

800 900
600 700

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM)
Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Mancherial District


S. No









1 Jannaram 195.4 345.1 319.1 173.8 1033.4 87.7 12.0 5.7 105.4 11.9 6.0 17.9 11.6 7.2 18.9 37.7 1194.4
2 Dandepalle 162.9 292.7 279.5 166.5 901.6 76.3 8.9 4.0 89.2 8.3 8.8 17.1 10.7 4.6 12.6 27.9 1035.8
3 Luxettipet 169.8 297.4 268.4 168.0 903.6 89.0 13.1 7.4 109.5 11.6 7.0 18.6 12.6 9.6 15.5 37.7 1069.4
4 Hajipur 167.7 307.5 279.2 171.6 926.0 85.0 15.2 11.2 111.4 10.2 9.7 19.9 14.0 11.0 16.4 41.4 1098.7
5 Kasipet 160.1 296.9 269.2 141.9 868.1 83.1 10.5 8.9 102.5 13.4 13.1 26.5 16.3 6.5 21.6 44.4 1041.5
6 Tandur 142.5 280.5 253.3 157.1 833.4 82.4 8.0 5.9 96.3 10.0 8.2 18.2 13.8 12.2 14.9 40.9 988.8
7 Bheemini 181.9 316.6 321.4 152.2 972.1 63.8 9.7 4.1 77.6 8.2 6.8 15.0 14.6 10.5 21.0 46.1 1110.8
8 Kannepalli 178.5 331.1 315.5 161.9 987.0 65.6 10.5 4.1 80.2 9.9 6.8 16.7 11.8 9.7 14.1 35.6 1119.5
9 Vemanpalle 164.0 332.9 296.6 155.5 949.0 59.0 9.9 4.2 73.1 8.8 5.8 14.6 8.8 8.9 8.0 25.7 1062.4
10 Nennal 152.2 317.7 297.6 146.9 914.4 63.1 9.1 4.4 76.6 9.3 6.0 15.3 10.6 13.1 11.6 35.3 1041.6
11 Bellampalle 162.7 257.3 273.9 158.5 852.4 70.3 10.2 4.1 84.6 6.8 6.9 13.7 16.8 12.2 19.7 48.7 999.4
12 Mandamarri 156.6 304.2 274.9 143.1 878.8 75.2 10.1 8.7 94.0 10.3 10.1 20.4 14.5 5.4 18.9 38.8 1032.0
13 Mancherial 165.9 306.7 280.3 174.2 927.1 84.6 15.5 10.5 110.6 10.7 9.7 20.4 14.2 10.9 17.0 42.1 1100.2
14 Naspur 164.0 307.4 280.2 172.8 924.4 85.9 15.5 10.4 111.8 10.1 9.7 19.8 14.1 10.8 16.4 41.3 1097.3
15 Jaipur 183.9 319.3 303.5 157.2 963.9 81.7 10.4 4.8 96.9 9.6 6.3 15.9 15.1 12.1 18.2 45.4 1122.1
16 Bhimaram 181.0 313.5 299.0 155.2 948.7 80.4 10.3 4.6 95.3 10.1 6.3 16.4 15.0 11.8 17.4 44.2 1104.6
17 Chennur 162.2 340.3 303.3 170.5 976.3 63.6 14.8 4.1 82.5 10.2 4.9 15.1 12.9 10.4 16.6 39.9 1113.8
18 Kotapalle 145.4 323.5 321.7 162.6 953.2 52.4 12.9 4.1 69.4 8.3 5.1 13.4 7.6 8.2 13.1 28.9 1064.9
District 166.8 310.7 291.1 160.6 929.2 75.1 11.3 6.1 92.5 10.1 7.6 17.7 12.9 9.7 16.1 38.7 1078.1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.8 on 23-05-2015 at
Max 34.5 42.2 in May 86 84 76 60
4.8 on 30-01-2019 at
Min 21.0 13.8 in January 62 38 28 22
Pembi (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1050.8 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 63, Dry days 260.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 291.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.9 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 280.3 mm in Kuntala (M) on 20-08-2017
v SW Monsoon average is 901.1 mm and Rainy days are 53. Dry days are 39.
v NE Monsoon average is95.7mm and Rainy days are 5.
v Winter average is 18.2mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 35.2mm and Rainy days are 3.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

85 89
91 89
84 81
90 79 78
Relative Humidity (%)

80 73
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 54% 70
58 54 61 65 60
to 91% in the morning 20% to 65% in the after- 60
50 45 46
35 33
noon. 40
26 26
20 20
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm




or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Nirmal District Rainfall variation in
Nirmal District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon 2004-2020 1500
1400 y = 4.330x + 938
1200 y = 2.529x + 824.1 R² = 0.006
R² = 0.003 1300

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

1000 1100
900 1000
600 600
















SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Nirmal District


S. No









1 Kubeer 175.4 281.0 248.9 164.6 869.9 86.8 14.3 3.3 104.4 14.2 5.7 19.9 12.9 6.8 18.7 38.4 1032.6
2 Tanur 170.8 269.4 245.2 164.1 849.5 74.3 10.3 3.0 87.6 10.6 6.2 16.8 9.0 5.6 7.8 22.4 976.3
3 Basar 178.0 267.1 238.5 166.3 849.9 76.1 7.4 3.6 87.1 10.2 7.2 17.4 13.9 7.8 11.1 32.8 987.2
4 Mudhole 179.2 268.0 236.0 166.5 849.7 74.8 7.4 3.8 86.0 10.2 8.3 18.5 13.7 7.9 11.9 33.5 987.7
5 Bhainsa 188.1 259.4 256.1 170.4 874.0 75.0 8.0 3.6 86.6 12.6 6.7 19.3 12.2 9.6 19.7 41.5 1021.4
6 Kuntala 176.2 296.5 279.8 182.8 935.3 88.9 13.0 4.4 106.3 11.6 8.1 19.7 11.1 10.2 20.9 42.2 1103.5
7 Narsapur_G 177.5 299.3 267.5 179.3 923.6 86.4 13.1 5.2 104.7 11.8 6.9 18.7 11.3 8.7 18.2 38.2 1085.2
8 Lokeswaram 161.4 274.7 251.1 161.7 848.9 76.2 11.9 4.3 92.4 10.7 8.8 19.5 8.7 7.7 11.1 27.5 988.3
9 Dilawarpur 182.1 305.6 270.2 177.1 935.0 80.4 13.0 5.2 98.6 11.9 6.6 18.5 11.1 7.4 13.7 32.2 1084.3
10 Sarangapur 191.4 292.7 252.6 179.6 916.3 88.7 12.7 3.8 105.2 9.8 7.1 16.9 14.2 7.2 17.0 38.4 1076.8
11 Nirmal 186.6 310.8 258.6 189.7 945.7 87.2 14.0 6.1 107.3 11.8 7.5 19.3 13.0 7.7 16.9 37.6 1109.9
12 187.3 302.0 252.1 182.9 924.3 88.5 13.4 5.5 107.4 10.9 7.3 18.2 14.4 7.6 16.5 38.5 1088.4
13 Soan 182.5 307.2 257.3 178.1 925.1 84.6 13.3 5.2 103.1 11.9 7.1 19.0 11.8 7.7 13.8 33.3 1080.5
14 172.4 288.2 248.6 164.4 873.6 72.6 13.0 4.0 89.6 11.9 6.8 18.7 9.6 7.4 10.5 27.5 1009.4
15 Mamda 155.5 278.3 235.2 145.4 814.4 68.0 14.1 5.5 87.6 9.8 9.4 19.2 12.2 6.7 17.5 36.4 957.6
16 Pembi 191.1 308.5 299.0 168.2 966.8 79.6 16.1 6.7 102.4 12.0 8.2 20.2 14.4 7.7 17.0 39.1 1128.5
17 Khanpur 190.1 310.6 298.6 164.5 963.8 80.7 15.9 6.4 103.0 12.3 8.1 20.4 14.5 7.2 16.9 38.6 1125.8
18 176.7 311.7 271.7 171.2 931.3 64.4 10.2 6.6 81.2 9.7 6.3 16.0 12.3 6.6 19.5 38.4 1066.9
19 Dastuarabad 173.7 312.3 269.1 167.7 922.8 64.1 10.4 6.5 81.0 9.7 6.0 15.7 12.3 6.5 20.2 39.0 1058.5
District 178.7 291.6 259.9 170.9 901.1 78.8 12.0 4.9 95.7 11.1 7.1 18.2 12.5 7.7 15.6 35.8 1050.8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.8 on 28-05-2015 at
Max 34.4 41.8 in May 85 86 78 62
4.4 on 18-12-2014 at
Min 21.3 14.9 in January 61 38 29 22
Bodhan (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 990.4 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 64, Dry days are 254.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 269.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 395.4 mm in Armur (M) on 24-09-2016
v SW Monsoon average is 833.4 mm and Rainy days are 52.
v Dry days are 38.
v NE Monsoon average is 98.2mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 16.5mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 42.3mm and Rainy days are 4.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 81 85 89
90 88
85 83
Relative Humidity (%)

74 70 78
60 64 60
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 55% 70
45 46
to 90% in the morning 20% to 64% in the after- 50
40 31 27 34 33
noon. 30 20 20





Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Nizamabad District Rainfall variation in
Nizamabad District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1400
y = 6.278x + 908.7
1200 R² = 0.014
y = 6.380x + 774.1 1200
R² = 0.021

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)




SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Nizamabad District


S. No









1 Navipet 155.5 289.2 267.0 164.8 876.5 79.4 14.0 4.7 98.1 8.4 7.2 15.6 9.7 8.5 19.0 37.2 1027.4
2 Nandipet 143.6 225.3 229.5 141.1 739.5 73.4 13.4 4.1 90.9 11.1 6.3 17.4 12.3 7.9 19.7 39.9 887.7
3 Armur 165.9 265.7 255.5 149.2 836.3 86.9 19.3 4.9 111.1 10.9 6.9 17.8 14.8 14.8 20.2 49.8 1015.0
4 Balkonda 157.4 256.1 233.1 138.6 785.2 71.2 18.5 3.8 93.5 8.4 6.6 15.0 12.1 8.0 16.2 36.3 930.0
5 Mupkal 158.1 254.1 229.8 136.7 778.7 72.2 18.8 3.1 94.1 8.5 6.7 15.2 12.3 8.0 16.2 36.5 924.5
6 Mendora 163.7 254.7 231.4 138.2 788.0 71.2 18.4 3.9 93.5 8.6 7.0 15.6 12.2 8.2 16.1 36.5 933.6
7 Yergatla 154.4 255.7 232.7 132.5 775.3 76.1 14.6 3.6 94.3 10.8 8.5 19.3 12.7 10.8 25.9 49.4 938.3
8 Kammarpalle 155.1 239.3 225.1 141.9 761.4 69.4 14.0 3.6 87.0 11.9 7.7 19.6 10.4 10.3 19.2 39.9 907.9
9 Mortad 157.8 256.4 235.0 133.7 782.9 77.2 14.8 4.0 96.0 10.9 8.6 19.5 12.6 11.0 26.2 49.8 948.2
10 Vailpur 168.3 238.7 241.4 141.8 790.2 76.2 14.9 3.0 94.1 11.2 8.1 19.3 13.1 11.8 16.1 41.0 944.6
11 Jakranpalle 154.5 239.0 220.4 140.7 754.6 74.6 14.3 5.3 94.2 10.1 5.3 15.4 11.4 7.5 13.9 32.8 897.0
12 Makloor 152.1 275.6 258.7 145.5 831.9 69.8 17.5 4.0 91.3 8.0 6.6 14.6 12.6 11.3 17.5 41.4 979.2
13 159.8 306.7 290.1 174.7 931.3 75.9 20.8 3.9 100.6 10.8 7.4 18.2 14.7 12.1 21.5 48.3 1098.4
14 Yeda_Palle 143.8 268.4 257.7 161.8 831.7 71.6 18.8 3.6 94.0 10.7 7.7 18.4 12.2 10.4 17.6 40.2 984.3
15 Ranjal 162.0 277.0 237.7 150.3 827.0 71.3 12.8 4.2 88.3 9.6 5.4 15.0 10.6 6.1 17.4 34.1 964.4
16 Bodhan 151.4 273.6 259.1 144.8 828.9 74.1 18.3 4.2 96.6 14.2 5.4 19.6 11.5 7.1 16.5 35.1 980.2
17 Kotgiri 169.3 277.8 265.4 156.2 868.7 87.0 15.6 6.2 108.8 9.6 4.4 14.0 16.0 12.6 21.9 50.5 1042.0
18 Rudrur 161.9 282.5 276.3 155.4 876.1 84.9 16.3 5.6 106.8 9.2 4.2 13.4 15.2 10.8 21.7 47.7 1044.0
19 Varni 156.9 290.2 287.0 153.8 887.9 82.7 16.5 5.2 104.4 8.7 4.6 13.3 13.7 9.8 20.9 44.4 1050.0
20 157.7 304.0 289.7 173.4 924.8 75.5 21.6 4.0 101.1 10.8 7.7 18.5 14.8 12.1 21.4 48.3 1092.7
21 161.1 307.4 295.2 175.1 938.8 74.6 20.8 4.0 99.4 10.8 7.4 18.2 14.7 12.1 22.3 49.1 1105.5
22 Mugpal 161.1 303.9 287.3 174.9 927.2 75.0 20.8 4.2 100.0 10.8 7.4 18.2 14.4 12.1 19.7 46.2 1091.6
23 Dichpalle 145.1 257.8 262.9 161.9 827.7 86.5 12.8 3.5 102.8 10.1 7.4 17.5 13.0 17.1 16.2 46.3 994.3
24 Indalwai 152.9 255.6 246.9 159.0 814.4 90.0 16.3 3.9 110.2 11.0 6.6 17.6 11.4 14.2 16.1 41.7 983.9
25 Dharpalle 157.5 254.3 230.1 155.3 797.2 83.8 19.4 4.0 107.2 11.8 5.6 17.4 9.9 12.0 16.8 38.7 960.5
26 Bheemgal 169.8 265.6 246.5 154.0 835.9 75.7 14.5 4.1 94.3 9.9 7.6 17.5 11.8 7.8 18.0 37.6 985.3
27 Sirkonda 156.2 266.4 227.6 133.0 783.2 70.1 14.6 3.8 88.5 10.1 6.7 16.8 10.3 10.5 14.8 35.6 924.1
28 Mosra 156.9 290.2 287.0 153.8 887.9 82.7 16.5 5.2 104.4 8.7 4.6 13.3 13.7 9.8 20.9 44.4 1050.0
29 Chandur 156.9 290.2 287.0 153.8 887.9 82.7 16.5 5.2 104.4 8.7 4.6 13.3 13.7 9.8 20.9 44.4 1050.0
District 157.3 269.6 254.9 151.6 833.4 77.2 16.9 4.1 98.2 9.9 6.6 16.5 12.8 10.4 19.1 42.3 990.4

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 21-05-2015 at
Max 34.9 42.6 in May 87 89 82 66
5.2 on 18-12-2014 at
Min 21.3 14.2 in January 64 40 30 25

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 997.0 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 63, Dry days are 260.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 269.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 286.3 mm in Dharmapuri (M) on 12-08-2018
v SW Monsoon average is 829.8 mm and Rainy days are 50. Dry days are 42.
v NE Monsoon average is 96.8mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 21.7mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 48.7mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

85 87 91 92 92 89 87
90 79 79
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 59% 80
59 63 67
to 92% in the morning 21% to67% in the after- 60
46 49
noon. 40 32 29 30
30 21
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm








or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Jagtial District Rainfall variation in
Jagtial District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1200 1500
y = 7.471x + 906.8
1100 y = 7.576x + 753.1 1400
R² = 0.020
1000 R² = 0.042 1300
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)
900 1200
600 800
500 700
400 600

Year SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Jagtial District


S. No









1 169.1 270.9 249.5 143.6 833.1 73.8 11.4 5.0 90.2 10.7 8.5 19.2 14.8 11.9 19.7 46.4 988.9
2 Mallapur 139.8 262.6 234.2 142.0 778.6 69.0 10.2 4.3 83.5 12.0 8.6 20.6 13.1 9.2 16.8 39.1 921.8
3 Raikal 149.2 281.3 237.5 161.2 829.2 75.4 11.5 3.4 90.3 11.9 12.2 24.1 14.0 12.4 15.6 42.0 985.6
4 Beerpur 155.3 268.1 256.7 171.5 851.6 77.9 13.1 5.7 96.7 15.2 10.4 25.6 16.7 11.2 13.9 41.8 1015.7
5 Sarangapur 157.8 270.0 252.5 170.1 850.4 80.7 13.4 4.9 99.0 15.6 9.6 25.2 15.4 11.2 16.0 42.6 1017.2
6 Dharmapuri 148.8 273.6 265.3 169.2 856.9 72.7 16.4 5.7 94.8 12.9 9.7 22.6 13.9 12.8 23.4 50.1 1024.4
7 Buggaram 156.6 271.4 250.2 174.7 852.9 77.0 18.1 5.7 100.8 13.1 9.0 22.1 14.9 13.3 23.5 51.7 1027.5
8 175.0 286.5 258.4 177.3 897.2 80.8 18.2 5.7 104.7 13.4 8.5 21.9 17.3 15.6 25.5 58.4 1082.2
9 Jagtial 178.2 285.6 258.7 180.2 902.7 82.1 18.3 6.0 106.4 13.7 8.7 22.4 17.5 16.0 25.9 59.4 1090.9
10 Medipalle 147.8 257.9 246.2 140.8 792.7 78.1 13.3 4.4 95.8 13.5 7.9 21.4 13.4 10.6 21.4 45.4 955.3
11 Koratla 156.6 261.8 250.7 141.6 810.7 81.3 14.9 4.3 100.5 13.1 7.4 20.5 15.1 12.1 18.2 45.4 977.1
12 Metpalle 178.8 300.0 284.2 171.1 934.1 87.3 13.9 5.2 106.4 12.3 7.2 19.5 19.4 15.7 16.5 51.6 1111.6
13 Kathlapur 165.0 281.1 258.4 172.5 877.0 81.0 15.1 5.2 101.3 11.9 9.4 21.3 15.0 12.3 19.9 47.2 1046.8
14 Kodimial 131.9 216.5 187.7 121.3 657.4 76.6 15.4 3.0 95.0 7.9 8.3 16.2 23.1 15.8 22.4 61.3 829.9
15 Malial 150.4 234.7 211.6 151.8 748.5 82.8 15.5 3.1 101.4 12.7 10.0 22.7 20.1 14.4 19.9 54.4 927.0
16 Pegadapalle 153.6 273.8 203.2 153.6 784.2 69.3 12.9 5.0 87.2 11.3 7.2 18.5 14.9 9.6 15.5 40.0 929.9
17 Gollapalle 162.4 268.5 228.3 180.1 839.3 76.2 19.2 5.4 100.8 12.5 8.5 21.0 15.6 13.0 22.3 50.9 1012.0
18 Velgatoor 161.5 285.9 230.1 159.4 836.9 76.5 11.1 4.0 91.6 15.3 8.7 24.0 15.8 14.9 19.0 49.7 1002.2
District 157.6 269.6 242.6 160.0 829.8 77.7 14.4 4.7 96.8 12.7 9.0 21.7 16.1 13.0 19.6 48.7 997.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.6 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 42.7 in May 88 89 85 73
Peddapalli (M)
6.0 on 18-12-2014 at
Min 21.8 14.9 in January 64 43 35 29
Peddapalli (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1016.6 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 62, Dry days are 262.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 269.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.7 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 364.2 mm in Manthani (M) on 30-07-2010
v SW Monsoon average is 855.4 mm and Rainy days are 49, Dry days are 42.
v NE Monsoon average is 99.6mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 17.1mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 44.5mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 91 93 92 89

87 84 88 87
90 80 81
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 64% 80

64 63 66 64
to 93% in the morning 25% to 66% in the after- 60 48
50 40
noon. 40
36 33 34
28 25
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).







A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Peddapalli District Rainfall variation in
Peddapalli District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004- 2020) 1600
1300 y = 16.82x + 850.8
y = 19.16x + 683.4 1400 R² = 0.077
1100 R² = 0.150

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

900 1000


SWM Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Peddapalli District


S. No









1 Dharmaram 151.3 281.9 225.4 153.8 812.4 71.9 15.4 4.5 91.8 12.8 7.7 20.5 15.7 15.9 17.0 48.6 973.3

2 Palakurthy 153.4 299.1 247.5 160.5 860.5 79.5 15.7 5.3 100.5 11.9 8.5 20.4 15.5 12.5 18.8 46.8 1028.2

3 Antargoan 154.8 311.5 261.3 168.8 896.4 85.6 22.6 5.6 113.8 12.5 8.9 21.4 16.2 11.2 19.6 47.0 1078.6

4 157.5 313.5 262.9 171.2 905.1 85.6 22.6 5.2 113.4 11.5 8.9 20.4 16.1 11.1 19.5 46.7 1085.6

5 Ramagiri 160.8 301.9 249.2 157.4 869.3 80.6 14.6 6.5 101.7 9.5 7.9 17.4 13.7 12.6 18.6 44.9 1033.3

6 Kamanpur 161.6 304.6 251.7 157.9 875.8 82.9 13.9 6.8 103.6 11.2 8.2 19.4 13.8 12.4 19.4 45.6 1044.4

7 Peddapalle 177.1 283.9 229.8 163.0 853.8 85.9 15.4 4.1 105.4 12.2 9.5 21.7 16.2 15.6 15.1 46.9 1027.8

8 Julapalle 143.1 276.0 217.3 158.0 794.4 69.0 15.5 3.9 88.4 8.9 8.6 17.5 13.7 10.0 13.6 37.3 937.6

9 Elgaid 163.5 284.4 221.9 164.0 833.8 76.3 19.5 2.8 98.6 6.6 6.4 13.0 17.0 14.6 15.2 46.8 992.2

10 Sultanabad 171.5 289.4 218.4 164.0 843.3 80.5 19.3 3.1 102.9 8.6 6.5 15.1 18.5 13.5 16.0 48.0 1009.3

11 Odela 137.8 262.9 225.6 171.7 798.0 71.8 16.2 5.2 93.2 5.3 1.5 6.8 9.0 12.3 13.0 34.3 932.3

12 Srirampur 158.1 300.2 224.5 166.9 849.7 77.0 16.7 4.6 98.3 9.3 2.1 11.4 11.5 10.3 16.0 37.8 997.2

13 140.8 284.3 221.5 169.2 815.8 68.0 14.8 3.4 86.2 8.7 4.2 12.9 8.6 13.7 22.3 44.6 959.5

14 Manthani 169.1 334.5 272.5 185.9 962.0 74.1 13.9 7.7 95.7 13.5 5.0 18.5 10.6 13.5 23.0 47.1 1123.3

District 157.3 294.9 237.9 165.3 855.4 78.0 16.8 4.8 99.6 10.4 6.7 17.1 14.0 12.8 17.7 44.5 1016.6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 30-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 42.3 in May 87 90 86 72
6.9 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 21.9 14.7 in January 64 45 34 28

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1060.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 66, Dry days are 259.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 294.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.8 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 362.8 mm in
Mutharam_Mahadevpur (M) on 19-07-2013
v SW Monsoon average is 907.6 mm and Rainy days are 55.
v Dry days are 40.
v NE Monsoon average is 92.4mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 12.1mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 48.8mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 88 88 89 91 91 90 88

90 83 79 80
Relative Humidity (%)

80 72
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 66% 70
66 64 65 63
to 91% in the morning 26% to 65% in the after- 60
43 40
noon. 40 32 31 27 26
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm







or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Jayashankar District Rainfall variation in
Jayashankar District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1700 1700
y = 29.76x + 806.5
1500 y = 31.34x + 651.2 1500
R² = 0.210
R² = 0.315

Rainfall (mm)
1300 1300
Rainfall (mm)

1100 1100

900 900

700 700

500 500

Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Jayashankar District


S. No









1 Mahadevpur 186.1 374.3 357.2 175.7 1093.3 72.5 12.8 4.5 89.8 10.2 6.8 17.0 12.4 18.0 24.1 54.5 1254.6

2 Palmela 190.8 374.4 355.0 174.8 1095.0 73.1 12.8 4.6 90.5 9.9 6.7 16.6 12.3 17.6 21.1 51.0 1253.1

3 170.7 352.2 301.2 152.2 976.3 73.3 8.7 4.8 86.8 8.4 6.6 15.0 12.3 12.9 20.2 45.4 1123.5

4 Kataram 142.8 306.2 283.7 148.4 881.1 64.3 7.9 4.7 76.9 10.5 5.7 16.2 7.8 11.9 19.9 39.6 1013.8

5 Malharrao 137.4 305.1 243.5 143.7 829.7 57.7 12.1 3.8 73.6 10.8 3.6 14.4 7.8 11.2 16.0 35.0 952.7

6 Chityal 153.3 297.5 238.9 158.7 848.4 76.6 19.5 4.5 100.6 5.4 1.5 6.9 11.4 12.2 25.0 48.6 1004.5

7 Tekumatla 148.9 296.8 235.9 167.7 849.3 78.3 20.8 4.6 103.7 5.2 1.9 7.1 12.4 11.8 23.7 47.9 1008.0

8 Mogullapalle 141.7 298.5 235.4 170.3 845.9 80.3 21.5 4.7 106.5 5.2 2.5 7.7 13.0 11.7 22.4 47.1 1007.2

9 Regonda 146.5 298.9 266.2 153.5 865.1 62.6 20.1 5.0 87.7 2.3 6.7 9.0 13.2 9.0 27.1 49.3 1011.1

10 139.8 217.4 189.3 162.2 708.7 81.3 24.5 4.6 110.4 7.2 4.4 11.6 23.8 12.9 28.4 65.1 895.8

11 Bhupalpalle 167.9 351.4 301.8 176.6 997.7 71.4 18.7 4.2 94.3 6.9 3.4 10.3 11.9 15.7 29.0 56.6 1158.9

District 156.8 315.8 273.1 161.9 907.6 72.0 16.2 4.2 92.4 7.5 4.6 12.1 12.4 13.0 23.4 48.8 1060.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.0 on 21-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 41.3 in May 87 89 88 81
Tekulapalle (M)
7.4 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22.7 16.1 in January 63 47 36 32
Dammapeta (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1171.0 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 80, Dry days are 233.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 298.4 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 6.4 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 410 mm in Mulakalapalle (M) on 20-09-2005
v SW Monsoon average is 939.1 mm and Rainy days are 62. dry days are 30.
v NE Monsoon average is 121.0mm and Rainy days are 11.
v Winter average is 15.4mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 95.5mm and Rainy days are 7.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

89 87 84 82 82
87 89 90 90 89 88
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 77% 70 63 65 62
60 52
to 90% in the morning and 31% to 65% in the 50
45 43

afternoon. 40
34 33 31 33

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm









or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Bhadradri Kothagudem District Rainfall variation in Bhadradri Kothagudem District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon 2004-2020 1600
y = -5.355x + 1252.
y = 10.98x + 909.0 1500 R² = 0.012
1400 R² = 0.049 1400

Rainfall (mm)
1200 1300
Rainfall (mm)

1000 1100
600 800

SWM Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Bhadradri Kothagudem District


S. No









1 187.7 333.1 302.7 195.3 1018.8 70.9 26.2 4.8 101.9 7.8 6.5 14.3 8.2 22.5 46.6 77.3 1212.3
2 Pinapaka 190.1 334.9 308.2 197.4 1030.6 71.1 26.2 4.9 102.2 7.6 6.5 14.1 8.2 22.9 48.7 79.8 1226.7
3 Cherla 184.5 422.3 366.2 202.8 1175.8 78.7 17.5 5.3 101.5 12.0 6.8 18.8 8.0 26.6 52.0 86.6 1382.7
4 201.4 353.4 320.3 204.9 1080.0 91.2 27.4 4.4 123.0 8.4 7.4 15.8 16.8 26.5 62.6 105.9 1324.7
5 Aswapuram 188.9 317.2 277.2 187.2 970.5 80.1 24.4 4.1 108.6 11.0 8.6 19.6 11.6 26.2 59.5 97.3 1196.0
6 Manuguru 183.8 356.9 317.1 197.3 1055.1 81.1 22.7 4.4 108.2 8.8 9.3 18.1 13.5 25.9 59.4 98.8 1280.2
7 Allapalli 161.8 275.5 226.3 180.4 844.0 71.2 21.0 2.9 95.1 8.8 6.4 15.2 18.8 23.7 48.8 91.3 1045.6
8 Gundala 165.5 276.5 226.2 181.4 849.6 72.2 20.9 3.5 96.6 9.3 6.4 15.7 18.9 25.1 51.3 95.3 1057.2
9 Yellandu 140.8 297.1 283.4 190.2 911.5 91.0 23.9 5.8 120.7 9.9 9.4 19.3 17.4 20.3 48.8 86.5 1138.0
10 Tekulapalle 149.3 265.4 261.5 174.2 850.4 87.3 26.4 6.8 120.5 11.5 4.2 15.7 15.0 17.2 49.3 81.5 1068.1
11 Julurpad 152.7 251.6 270.9 179.3 854.5 97.8 31.1 8.6 137.5 10.0 7.7 17.7 16.3 27.6 62.9 106.8 1116.5
12 141.1 261.1 285.4 165.5 853.1 94.0 24.2 6.8 125.0 7.5 8.2 15.7 11.7 15.3 53.6 80.6 1074.4
13 151.9 263.5 286.8 165.4 867.6 94.1 23.9 6.7 124.7 7.2 8.2 15.4 11.9 16.6 53.5 82.0 1089.7
14 162.1 275.8 265.1 175.5 878.5 83.6 29.7 8.1 121.4 8.8 5.8 14.6 18.1 22.0 58.0 98.1 1112.6
15 160.2 273.4 265.3 176.9 875.8 83.2 29.7 7.7 120.6 8.9 5.8 14.7 18.0 22.1 58.7 98.8 1109.9
16 Kothagudem 162.8 275.5 267.1 176.6 882.0 82.8 29.7 7.7 120.2 8.6 5.8 14.4 17.8 21.8 57.4 97.0 1113.6
17 155.5 272.2 264.9 176.5 869.1 82.2 29.7 5.5 117.4 8.7 5.8 14.5 17.5 21.6 56.4 95.5 1096.5
18 Palawancha 171.7 294.0 297.1 196.6 959.4 85.6 27.7 9.9 123.2 8.6 5.2 13.8 16.8 23.4 55.1 95.3 1191.7
19 Burgampadu 188.8 312.2 289.4 204.9 995.3 86.6 34.9 7.2 128.7 5.5 11.7 17.2 17.6 23.3 65.7 106.6 1247.8
20 187.2 305.4 293.3 196.6 982.5 83.6 26.4 6.3 116.3 4.4 10.3 14.7 14.2 27.9 58.8 100.9 1214.4
21 186.5 297.9 303.7 192.9 981.0 105.2 29.2 6.4 140.8 3.2 7.5 10.7 12.8 25.7 67.3 105.8 1238.3
22 Dammapeta 155.1 279.5 311.1 193.1 938.8 117.4 44.9 7.9 170.2 8.3 6.9 15.2 13.2 23.9 77.5 114.6 1238.8
23 Aswaraopeta 146.7 272.6 291.5 166.0 876.8 114.8 37.3 8.5 160.6 8.3 4.5 12.8 12.5 19.1 73.9 105.5 1155.7
District 168.7 298.4 286.1 185.9 939.1 86.9 27.7 6.4 121.0 8.1 7.3 15.4 14.6 23.2 57.7 95.5 1171.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.5 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 41.6 in May 85 88 87 78
Garla (M)
7.2 on 20-12-2017 at
Min 22.3 15.9 in January 60 44 35 29
Gangavaram (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 992.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 69, Dry days are 254.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 246.5 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 5.0 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 322 mm in Bayyaram (M) on 20-09-2005
v SW Monsoon average is 794.7 mm and Rainy days are 53. dry days are 41.
v NE Monsoon average is 115.3mm and Rainy days are 10.
v Winter average is 12.1mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 70.8mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

88 86
83 79 84 87
89 90 88 87
Relative Humidity (%)

80 71
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 71% 70 58 61 61
to 90% in the morning and 28% to 61% in the 60
47 51
42 40
37 33
afternoon. 40 31 28 28
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).




A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Mahabubabad District Rainfall variation in
Mahabubabad District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1500 1300

y = 9.727x + 737.0 1200

R² = 0.052 1100

Rainfall (mm)
1100 1000
Rainfall (mm)

700 700 y = -1.440x + 991.3
600 R² = 0.001

SWM Annual Rainfall
Year Year
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Mahabubabad District


S. No









1 Kothaguda 172.7 320.8 295.7 184.2 973.4 84.2 25.6 6.9 116.7 4.1 2.8 6.9 17.0 12.4 26.5 55.9 1152.9
2 170.2 316.5 293.6 187.3 967.6 85.3 25.6 7.6 118.5 3.9 2.5 6.4 16.9 12.9 26.5 56.3 1148.8
3 Bayyaram 149.0 297.0 294.5 212.6 953.1 106.1 18.0 6.7 130.8 10.5 7.3 17.8 21.3 20.3 48.6 90.2 1191.9
4 Garla 138.7 248.2 255.2 174.6 816.7 109.4 19.2 5.8 134.4 9.7 10.9 20.6 12.0 12.1 49.9 74.0 1045.7
5 Dornakal 131.7 227.0 229.5 150.9 739.1 97.8 16.2 5.1 119.1 5.4 10.1 15.5 13.2 13.9 37.7 64.8 938.5
6 Kuravi 134.7 261.7 260.5 191.4 848.3 90.2 17.1 6.3 113.6 4.5 10.4 14.9 17.9 15.2 40.4 73.5 1050.3
7 143.0 283.5 264.6 191.5 882.6 97.1 22.2 5.6 124.9 4.9 8.6 13.5 21.2 20.3 45.5 87.0 1108.0
8 Gudur 179.6 299.6 301.6 176.6 957.4 82.7 24.9 6.8 114.4 6.7 3.3 10.0 21.6 17.9 39.6 79.1 1160.9
9 144.1 251.6 247.8 165.0 808.5 86.5 15.2 5.0 106.7 7.3 10.2 17.5 15.6 13.8 36.3 65.7 998.4
10 Nellikudur 127.6 258.1 235.2 160.2 781.1 89.5 20.0 3.5 113.0 6.9 6.7 13.6 19.5 18.7 35.5 73.7 981.4
11 111.5 185.1 167.0 156.6 620.2 67.0 28.5 4.6 100.1 3.2 4.0 7.2 12.4 18.1 37.4 67.9 795.4
12 Chinnagudur 133.4 179.5 182.1 150.6 645.6 84.1 22.3 3.5 109.9 3.3 5.1 8.4 10.9 17.4 43.2 71.5 835.4
13 Maripeda 133.4 180.9 178.4 152.4 645.1 86.6 22.3 3.9 112.8 3.9 5.1 9.0 10.9 17.5 43.7 72.1 839.0
14 121.4 222.0 200.6 159.6 703.6 78.0 24.5 4.7 107.2 5.3 5.5 10.8 16.4 18.4 36.4 71.2 892.8
15 Thorrur 130.0 217.3 203.2 178.0 728.5 83.7 22.3 3.3 109.3 5.9 5.2 11.1 11.5 13.8 43.7 69.0 917.9
16 112.8 197.9 178.4 158.0 647.1 85.2 22.4 3.4 111.0 5.8 5.3 11.1 11.6 17.4 35.2 64.2 833.4
District 139.7 246.5 236.7 171.8 794.7 88.5 21.8 5.0 115.3 5.7 6.4 12.1 15.4 16.4 39.0 70.8 992.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.7 on 23-05-2015 at
Max 34.6 41.3 in May 85 88 86 76
5.9 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 21.9 15.4 in January 61 44 35 28

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1027.4 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 67, Dry Days are 259.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 281.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 4.5 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 276.6 mm in Nekkonda (M) on 05-08-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 850.2 mm and Rainy days are 53. Dry days are 42.
v NE Monsoon average is 101.8mm and Rainy days are 8.
v Winter average is 9.0mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 66.4mm and Rainy days are 4.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 87 85 82 85 87 89 89 88 86

Relative Humidity (%)

78 79
80 70
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 70% 60 62 61
to 89% in the morning 27% to 62% in the after- 60
37 32
47 42 40
noon. 40 31 27 27

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm





or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Warangal RuralŝƐƚƌŝĐƚZĂŝŶĨĂůů variation in
Warangal Rural District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
y = 16.80x + 744.5 y = 5.620x + 975.0
1400 R² = 0.103 R² = 0.012

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

1000 1000

800 800

600 600

Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)
Linear (SWM)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Warangal Rural District


S. No









1 Parkal 153.8 320.6 255.9 166.8 897.1 74.8 20.5 4.9 100.2 5.0 6.1 11.1 11.6 10.7 33.8 56.1 1064.5

2 Shayampet 168.9 315.8 267.8 188.9 941.4 78.1 22.1 4.4 104.6 3.6 5.5 9.1 16.7 13.9 33.5 64.1 1119.2

3 Damera 156.7 296.5 254.1 183.6 890.9 73.1 22.9 4.4 100.4 4.1 3.6 7.7 17.2 17.7 30.9 65.8 1064.8

4 Geesugonda 153.3 271.1 237.2 162.0 823.6 85.2 20.2 3.9 109.3 7.8 5.3 13.1 19.8 19.4 37.1 76.3 1022.3

5 Atmakur 157.0 298.4 255.5 185.7 896.6 72.3 23.0 4.7 100.0 4.1 3.6 7.7 17.2 16.9 31.2 65.3 1069.6

6 Duggondi 137.8 260.0 238.1 153.8 789.7 64.0 22.8 5.6 92.4 3.1 4.8 7.9 16.0 18.4 27.5 61.9 951.9

7 Nallabelly 158.1 299.1 263.4 184.4 905.0 65.6 20.7 6.9 93.2 2.0 4.5 6.5 13.4 21.3 30.1 64.8 1069.5

8 Narsampet 174.3 292.4 263.1 176.1 905.9 65.3 24.4 8.4 98.1 6.7 5.8 12.5 19.3 19.2 29.0 67.5 1084.0

9 Khanapur 174.4 312.0 288.2 184.3 958.9 69.4 21.1 8.7 99.2 5.7 3.1 8.8 18.3 14.8 31.9 65.0 1131.9

10 166.8 288.8 271.5 175.3 902.4 71.6 24.2 8.1 103.9 4.8 5.2 10.0 21.4 17.1 30.6 69.1 1085.4

11 Sangem 158.4 268.9 217.7 173.8 818.8 86.4 22.2 6.4 115.0 8.6 3.7 12.3 19.3 16.9 37.3 73.5 1019.6

12 126.2 213.6 169.3 140.6 649.7 67.2 17.7 4.3 89.2 3.1 1.7 4.8 15.0 13.8 23.6 52.4 796.1

13 Raiparthy 130.7 229.1 188.3 146.8 694.9 73.7 18.1 4.4 96.2 3.0 3.7 6.7 16.9 19.1 25.5 61.5 859.3

14 Parvathagiri 142.6 237.8 209.9 149.3 739.6 81.3 18.6 5.4 105.3 4.1 5.2 9.3 18.9 13.6 34.8 67.3 921.5

15 Nekkonda 166.3 281.5 259.7 172.7 880.2 84.9 26.2 7.5 118.6 4.4 6.0 10.4 20.8 24.7 38.2 83.7 1092.9

16 Nadikuda 155.6 308.9 255.6 175.4 895.5 74.1 21.9 4.8 100.8 4.7 4.9 9.6 14.7 14.3 33.0 62.0 1067.9

District 155.4 281.1 243.7 170.0 850.2 74.2 21.7 5.9 101.8 4.5 4.5 9.0 17.3 17.3 31.8 66.4 1027.4

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.6 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 34.5 41.3 in May 87 89 86 75
5.6 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22.0 15.7 in January 63 43 34 27

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum
Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 912.3 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 57, Dry days are 270.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 245.8 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 5.0 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 201.6 mm in Hanamkonda (M) on 15-08-2020
v SW Monsoon average is 730.0 mm and Rainy days are 46. Dry days are 51.
v NE Monsoon average is 111.2mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 13.0mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 58.1mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

88 84 86 89 93 92 89 87
80 77 80
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 68% 70
61 64 64
to 93% in the morning 25% to 64% in the after- 60
47 51
40 39
noon. 40 32 30
27 25
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).





A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Warangal Urban District Rainfall variation in
Warangal Urban District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1400
y = 14.31x + 833.0
1400 R² = 0.079
y = 23.82x + 587.7 1200

Rainfall (mm)
R² = 0.194
Rainfall (mm)


1000 1000


Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Warangal Urban District


S. No









1 110.1 219.1 176.6 161.0 666.8 71.3 20.0 3.6 94.9 8.8 8.3 17.1 14.8 15.5 32.4 62.7 841.5

2 Velair 111.3 216.3 168.8 152.0 648.4 77.4 24.7 4.4 106.5 8.5 5.1 13.6 16.2 15.9 30.8 62.9 831.4

3 Elkathurthi 145.0 239.0 200.8 166.6 751.4 84.2 18.2 4.8 107.2 6.3 5.9 12.2 11.3 12.0 20.7 44.0 914.8

4 Kamalapur 123.0 251.9 199.4 150.0 724.3 81.6 23.9 3.8 109.3 8.2 5.5 13.7 12.6 13.9 24.9 51.4 898.7

5 Hasanparthy 143.9 278.1 206.6 163.5 792.1 82.0 24.0 3.7 109.7 5.4 3.7 9.1 13.8 13.8 23.6 51.2 962.1

6 Dharmasagar 121.6 211.9 159.5 146.5 639.5 85.5 29.1 5.2 119.8 7.8 1.8 9.6 17.6 12.5 25.3 55.4 824.3

7 Khazipet 137.5 244.4 184.6 157.8 724.3 87.6 27.4 6.6 121.6 9.2 4.3 13.5 16.6 16.9 26.3 59.8 919.2

8 Hanamkonda 151.8 274.0 204.2 166.3 796.3 86.3 25.6 7.2 119.1 9.9 6.5 16.4 15.2 20.7 27.9 63.8 995.6

9 Warangal 149.0 272.2 215.3 159.2 795.7 84.0 21.9 6.7 112.6 9.4 6.5 15.9 16.4 18.3 27.4 62.1 986.3

10 151.3 269.9 217.0 164.3 802.5 87.7 22.5 6.8 117.0 9.0 5.7 14.7 18.1 18.8 32.2 69.1 1003.3

11 Inole 132.1 226.4 182.8 148.8 690.1 81.2 21.0 4.9 107.1 6.2 4.7 10.9 15.8 15.3 27.1 58.2 866.3

District 134.1 245.8 192.1 158.0 730.0 82.7 23.5 5.0 111.2 7.9 5.1 13.0 15.4 15.8 26.9 58.1 912.3

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.8 on 30-05-2015 at
Max 34.7 42.2 in May 86 87 84 71
Jammikunta (M)
5.6 on 26-12-2015 at
Min 21.7 15.2 in January 63 42 34 27

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 871.2 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 60, Dry days are 264
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 236.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 3.9 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 440.6 mm in Chigurumamidi (M) on 19-09-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 702.3 mm and Rainy days are 46.
v Dry days are 47.
v NE Monsoon average is 101.5mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 15.7mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 51.7mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 88 89

93 92
84 86 87
90 80 80
Annual Values of relative humidity are about 68%
Relative Humidity (%)

v 68
64 64
70 61
to 93% in the morning and 25% to 64% in the 60
afternoon. 40
32 30 27
40 39

30 25
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).









A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month

than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

Karimnagar District Rainfall variation in
Karimnagar District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1300 y = 11.32x + 770.2
y = 17.45x + 576.7 R² = 0.050
R² = 0.155

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


SWM Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Karimnagar District


S. No









1 Gangadhara 125.7 222.7 182.5 140.2 671.1 71.3 17.6 3.7 92.6 8.7 6.6 15.3 11.7 10.6 18.1 40.4 819.4
2 Ramadugu 108.8 203.4 170.8 118.5 601.5 66.9 15.8 2.8 85.5 5.4 5.1 10.5 8.0 13.8 16.5 38.3 735.8
3 130.2 261.0 198.9 158.2 748.3 66.7 24.7 2.2 93.6 8.4 10.1 18.5 16.7 11.8 21.2 49.7 910.1
4 130.4 248.7 201.1 174.2 754.4 82.9 23.9 4.2 111.0 12.6 6.6 19.2 23.5 18.2 22.1 63.8 948.4
5 Kothapalle 131.6 247.9 200.3 173.8 753.6 82.8 24.1 4.2 111.1 12.0 6.5 18.5 23.2 19.0 21.2 63.4 946.6
6 108.7 205.2 179.2 163.1 656.2 69.7 21.8 7.1 98.6 11.5 6.5 18.0 17.6 13.1 26.9 57.6 830.4
7 Karimnagar 130.8 248.8 201.3 174.3 755.2 83.0 23.9 4.3 111.2 12.5 6.6 19.1 23.2 18.3 21.7 63.2 948.7
8 Manakondur 114.7 244.8 179.3 147.8 686.6 81.4 25.5 4.5 111.4 11.8 6.6 18.4 15.2 13.2 23.5 51.9 868.3
9 Thimmapur 125.0 253.7 197.1 165.9 741.7 80.1 27.1 5.3 112.5 10.0 6.0 16.0 18.3 12.5 20.7 51.5 921.7
10 90.5 190.7 165.9 140.8 587.9 65.5 22.0 4.1 91.6 5.7 6.4 12.1 16.1 15.0 16.5 47.6 739.2
11 V_Saidapur 100.7 198.4 171.4 146.7 617.2 68.1 22.8 1.3 92.2 4.7 6.7 11.4 11.9 13.4 24.3 49.6 770.4
12 113.5 243.9 188.6 160.9 706.9 74.6 23.3 4.1 102.0 5.9 7.9 13.8 13.6 15.5 22.4 51.5 874.2
13 Veenavanka 120.2 241.9 195.0 143.6 700.7 66.8 22.7 2.2 91.7 9.3 3.8 13.1 14.0 11.1 19.7 44.8 850.3
14 Huzurabad 128.2 249.1 206.3 174.9 758.5 86.8 23.4 3.2 113.4 9.6 7.1 16.7 15.2 16.5 20.5 52.2 940.8
15 Jammikunta 124.3 259.2 208.6 154.6 746.7 75.7 22.7 4.0 102.4 9.9 4.4 14.3 14.6 14.1 19.5 48.2 911.6
16 124.2 256.9 210.1 155.4 746.6 75.3 22.7 3.7 101.7 9.6 4.4 14.0 14.7 13.9 19.4 48.0 910.3
District 119.0 236.1 191.2 156.0 702.3 74.8 22.8 3.9 101.5 9.2 6.5 15.7 16.2 14.4 21.1 51.7 871.2

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.8 on 22-05-2016 at
Max 34.6 41.8 in May 84 87 80 64
5.0 on 26-12-2015 at
Min 20.7 13.7 in January 61 38 28 22

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 855.1mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 58, Dry days are 268.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 214.2 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 3.9 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 340 mm in Konaraopeta (M) on 20-09-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 683.4 mm and Rainy days are 44. Dry days are 50.
v NE Monsoon average is 101.0mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 15.1mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 55.6mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 83 84 87 90 89 86 85
77 77
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 58% 70 64
58 59 62 60
to 90% in the morning and 20% to 62% in the 60
44 47
afternoon. 40 31
35 33
26 26
30 21 20
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).








A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Rajanna Sircilla District Rainfall variation in
Rajanna Sircilla District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1600
y = 16.51x + 550.1
y = 10.78x + 731.8
R² = 0.134 1400
1100 R² = 0.050

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

700 800

500 600


Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Rajanna Sircilla District


S. No









1 Rudrangi 144.7 252.2 226.2 143.1 766.2 70.1 15.0 4.1 89.2 13.2 8.6 21.8 11.8 12.0 21.2 45.0 922.2
2 Chandurthi 152.7 242.6 215.6 149.9 760.8 80.3 23.4 4.5 108.2 10.3 8.1 18.4 14.7 19.1 23.5 57.3 944.7
3 146.7 242.2 217.6 154.9 761.4 93.1 20.7 4.7 118.5 8.4 8.8 17.2 19.6 20.2 20.2 60.0 957.1
4 Boinpalle 118.4 195.4 193.8 132.3 639.9 70.8 17.0 3.3 91.1 9.1 6.0 15.1 15.7 14.7 15.7 46.1 792.2
5 Vemulawada 146.5 239.7 216.4 154.4 757.0 93.2 20.7 4.6 118.5 8.8 8.7 17.5 19.5 20.5 19.4 59.4 952.4
6 Sirsilla 134.6 222.6 197.8 162.7 717.7 81.6 22.6 3.9 108.1 8.2 5.3 13.5 19.6 22.5 20.8 62.9 902.2
7 Konaraopeta 121.8 206.2 190.1 127.6 645.7 81.3 16.7 3.5 101.5 10.0 6.5 16.5 17.9 18.8 23.2 59.9 823.6
8 Veernapalle 122.6 211.6 202.9 150.8 687.9 74.3 20.6 2.9 97.8 7.0 4.1 11.1 16.8 21.5 15.8 54.1 850.9
9 120.5 208.8 197.7 149.6 676.6 75.5 20.6 3.0 99.1 8.0 4.3 12.3 16.8 21.5 17.6 55.9 843.9
10 119.7 193.6 201.0 122.1 636.4 67.8 23.0 4.0 94.8 10.5 5.0 15.5 15.3 23.2 17.5 56.0 802.7
11 Mustabad 102.7 170.9 164.7 133.6 571.9 64.1 18.4 2.5 85.0 8.5 4.4 12.9 14.6 21.4 21.0 57.0 726.8
12 133.7 223.5 196.7 161.2 715.1 82.4 22.6 3.9 108.9 9.0 5.1 14.1 19.6 22.9 19.6 62.1 900.2
13 96.0 175.6 150.1 128.6 550.3 66.1 24.1 3.4 93.6 8.4 3.9 12.3 11.3 17.8 19.4 48.5 704.7
District 127.6 214.2 197.9 143.7 683.4 76.9 20.3 3.8 101.0 9.0 6.1 15.1 16.2 19.7 19.7 55.6 855.1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.1 on 17-04-2016 at
Max 33.8 41.1 in May 87 86 77 62
2.5 on 18-12-2014 at
Min 20.6 14.2 in January 63 38 28 23

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 971.0 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 66, Dry days are 252.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 259.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.2 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 401 mm in Machareddy (M) on 05-08-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 796.6 mm and Rainy days are 52. Dry days are 38.
v NE Monsoon average is 109.5mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 12.6mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 52.3mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

80 80
86 90 92 90 85 83
Relative Humidity (%)

80 73 69
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 56% 61
61 65 62
to 92% in the morning and 21% to 65% in the 46 47
35 33
afternoon 40 31
26 26
21 21

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm




or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Kamareddy District Rainfall variation in
Kamareddy District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1300
y = 8.405x + 713.2 y = 5.072x + 889.5
R² = 0.044 R² = 0.011

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)
Linear (SWM)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Kamareddy District


S. No









1 Madnur 146.4 221.5 228.0 147.7 743.6 99.5 12.7 5.4 117.6 7.4 7.0 14.4 17.3 11.8 20.1 49.2 924.8
2 Jukkal 149.0 213.4 225.2 146.4 734.0 80.6 15.0 4.8 100.4 5.7 4.6 10.3 15.2 11.3 18.8 45.3 890.0
Pedda Kod-
3 145.1 239.6 232.7 149.1 766.5 81.5 17.2 4.7 103.4 6.2 3.5 9.7 14.8 12.1 17.6 44.5 924.1
4 Bichkunda 132.2 246.6 217.2 149.7 745.7 72.7 14.8 4.5 92.0 6.6 3.6 10.2 15.6 8.9 16.3 40.8 888.7
5 Birkoor 139.0 249.4 265.1 161.3 814.8 85.4 16.1 3.0 104.5 6.8 5.3 12.1 14.5 9.7 18.4 42.6 974.0
6 136.1 252.5 273.7 161.8 824.1 89.2 16.1 3.0 108.3 6.8 5.2 12.0 14.5 9.4 18.3 42.2 986.6
7 Banswada 171.3 282.0 301.7 155.3 910.3 95.7 14.4 4.5 114.6 9.4 3.9 13.3 16.5 18.3 17.3 52.1 1090.3
8 Pitlam 151.1 262.3 257.9 146.2 817.5 95.4 22.0 4.0 121.4 6.0 2.9 8.9 13.7 16.0 19.5 49.2 997.0
9 Nizamsagar 144.2 253.7 277.5 147.3 822.7 93.0 17.9 3.2 114.1 5.4 3.1 8.5 13.2 14.2 22.8 50.2 995.5
10 140.2 263.9 293.4 169.9 867.4 79.8 17.3 5.4 102.5 5.8 7.1 12.9 17.7 11.2 18.2 47.1 1029.9
11 Yellareddy 159.1 291.9 301.3 164.9 917.2 84.8 19.0 3.6 107.4 6.6 5.1 11.7 17.2 13.6 15.7 46.5 1082.8
12 Lingampet 140.5 267.7 289.0 178.1 875.3 82.7 17.5 6.2 106.4 7.0 4.3 11.3 15.1 19.5 15.7 50.3 1043.3
13 Gandhari 160.7 292.4 322.3 165.7 941.1 85.5 16.5 4.7 106.7 6.7 4.2 10.9 19.5 12.5 19.4 51.4 1110.1
14 136.3 233.5 246.4 135.5 751.7 97.5 18.6 3.0 119.1 7.9 4.6 12.5 21.9 15.8 22.5 60.2 943.5
15 Tadwai 136.0 244.9 258.4 141.3 780.6 91.1 18.0 4.5 113.6 8.3 3.7 12.0 16.9 13.6 15.7 46.2 952.4
16 Rajampet 129.4 241.2 252.4 135.0 758.0 83.6 19.4 5.4 108.4 10.1 4.7 14.8 19.2 16.9 18.3 54.4 935.6
17 Bhiknur 128.7 234.7 251.1 134.4 748.9 75.2 19.9 5.8 100.9 11.8 5.7 17.5 21.4 19.8 20.6 61.8 929.1
18 Kamareddy 130.9 254.2 265.9 149.9 800.9 103.6 18.8 4.9 127.3 8.6 5.3 13.9 25.4 20.3 19.2 64.9 1007.0
19 Ramareddy 127.0 231.4 251.3 135.3 745.0 96.6 20.5 3.3 120.4 8.4 5.4 13.8 20.0 17.1 20.0 57.1 936.3
20 Machareddy 117.6 226.5 248.5 135.6 728.2 94.2 22.0 3.5 119.7 7.6 6.2 13.8 17.7 19.0 15.4 52.1 913.8
21 Domakonda 125.7 228.6 221.2 138.5 714.0 78.2 21.5 4.5 104.2 10.4 6.7 17.1 22.3 23.6 22.3 68.2 903.5
22 Bibipet 124.8 223.8 216.6 139.4 704.6 74.4 21.5 4.6 100.5 10.1 6.7 16.8 22.5 23.3 22.7 68.5 890.4
District 139.8 247.9 259.1 149.8 796.6 87.4 17.9 4.2 109.5 7.5 5.1 12.6 17.9 15.5 18.9 52.3 971.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
46.4 on 27-04-2016 at
Max 33.4 40.2 in May 87 86 75 60
Sangareddy (M)
2.0 on 10-01-2015 at
Min 20.3 14.0 in January 61 39 27 22

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 844.5 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 62, Dry days are 250.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 197.5 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.2 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 230.5 mm in Jharasangam (M) on 14-10-2020.
v SW Monsoon average is 659.5 mm and Rainy days are 48.
v Dry days are 40.
v NE Monsoon average is 113.1mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 10.1mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 61.8mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

86 89 91 89 85
90 80 81 84
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 58% 80

58 58 60 63 62
to 91% in the morning and 20% to 63% in the 60
46 47
afternoon. 40 29
36 34
30 24 23 20 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).









A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Sangareddy District Rainfall variation in
Sangareddy District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1000 1200
y = -0.429x + 797.7
900 y = 4.207x + 603.9 R² = 0.000
R² = 0.016 1000

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

700 800


400 400

SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Sangareddy District


S. No









1 Kangti 133.2 207.9 195.6 137.1 673.8 83.8 19.9 5.7 109.4 2.1 1.8 3.9 20.4 15.0 22.7 58.1 845.2
2 Sirgapoor 121.7 209.1 192.6 135.8 659.2 89.0 19.3 5.3 113.6 3.8 2.8 6.6 14.1 17.4 19.4 50.9 830.3
3 Kalher 119.3 200.2 190.3 120.7 630.5 74.1 18.1 4.1 96.3 4.5 3.1 7.6 8.9 14.0 19.4 42.3 776.7
4 Narayankhed 120.3 222.3 194.7 152.9 690.2 103.9 21.3 5.9 131.1 4.8 3.7 8.5 13.6 23.9 17.3 54.8 884.6
5 Nagalgidda 105.1 196.5 201.9 124.9 628.4 85.7 20.3 4.4 110.4 4.4 1.8 6.2 16.0 16.5 16.4 48.9 793.9
6 Manoor 107.3 197.4 202.3 125.0 632.0 82.4 20.1 4.6 107.1 4.4 1.9 6.3 16.0 15.4 16.7 48.1 793.5
7 Raikode 111.2 175.1 170.3 172.0 628.6 84.9 24.6 2.0 111.5 4.3 4.5 8.8 15.7 19.1 21.9 56.7 805.6
8 Naykal 116.4 183.9 179.4 168.6 648.3 88.8 27.2 1.7 117.7 3.8 5.3 9.1 16.8 23.5 16.9 57.2 832.3
9 Zahirabad 130.6 202.3 210.3 182.8 726.0 101.6 20.9 5.7 128.2 7.5 5.2 12.7 19.0 26.6 30.3 75.9 942.8
10 Mogdampalle 132.6 201.3 211.9 183.6 729.4 102.0 20.6 5.9 128.5 7.6 5.2 12.8 19.0 25.8 29.7 74.5 945.2
11 Kohir 107.5 173.0 192.2 158.8 631.5 95.3 16.0 4.1 115.4 4.6 5.5 10.1 16.3 22.3 19.3 57.9 814.9
12 Jharasangam 114.0 177.4 176.8 158.1 626.3 87.0 20.3 1.7 109.0 6.8 5.0 11.8 19.9 22.5 25.9 68.3 815.4
13 Munipalli 113.6 190.6 174.0 172.3 650.5 97.3 22.3 4.6 124.2 6.2 7.4 13.6 14.2 24.4 27.7 66.3 854.6
14 Watpalle 121.2 227.6 189.6 146.1 684.5 83.6 20.1 4.0 107.7 6.1 7.5 13.6 17.7 18.7 21.9 58.3 864.1
15 Andhole 130.4 241.3 219.9 152.4 744.0 91.0 21.6 4.7 117.3 6.3 10.6 16.9 18.2 20.9 28.4 67.5 945.7
16 Pulkal 115.1 208.3 190.9 157.0 671.3 85.7 21.1 4.5 111.3 4.0 11.8 15.8 14.5 25.6 26.0 66.1 864.5
17 Chowtakur 115.1 208.3 190.9 157.0 671.3 85.7 21.1 4.5 111.3 4.0 11.8 15.8 14.5 25.6 26.0 66.1 864.5
18 Sadasivpet 112.0 181.3 184.4 156.1 633.8 82.9 23.1 4.9 110.9 6.5 5.8 12.3 18.1 21.8 21.4 61.3 818.3
19 Kondapur 88.8 154.2 153.7 139.2 535.9 75.2 24.8 3.0 103.0 6.4 4.7 11.1 18.8 20.8 22.7 62.3 712.3
20 Sangareddy 107.2 193.0 184.4 149.2 633.8 92.3 22.1 5.0 119.4 7.0 5.5 12.5 21.0 24.2 23.4 68.6 834.3
21 Hathanoora 141.2 221.5 199.1 145.6 707.4 76.5 12.5 2.5 91.5 6.6 6.3 12.9 20.0 17.6 22.5 60.1 871.9
22 159.5 212.5 202.0 125.1 699.1 86.8 14.4 4.3 105.5 4.6 5.2 9.8 15.6 22.8 27.2 65.6 880.0
23 Jinnaram 154.0 210.6 202.7 124.1 691.4 87.4 14.3 4.5 106.2 4.7 5.0 9.7 15.4 21.3 28.8 65.5 872.8
24 Kandi 105.8 191.5 184.5 148.0 629.8 89.0 22.1 4.8 115.9 7.3 5.5 12.8 21.0 23.4 24.3 68.7 827.2
25 Patancheruvu 114.6 184.5 210.6 152.1 661.8 95.8 18.6 4.6 119.0 3.7 4.4 8.1 18.4 27.8 22.9 69.1 858.0
26 Ameenapur 111.9 187.9 209.6 151.4 660.8 97.6 18.6 4.0 120.2 4.0 4.4 8.4 18.4 27.4 22.3 68.1 857.5
27 100.2 179.2 202.7 146.6 628.7 91.4 21.2 3.5 116.1 3.5 5.7 9.2 15.2 23.1 29.3 67.6 821.6
District 119.1 197.5 193.5 149.4 659.5 88.7 20.2 4.2 113.1 5.1 5.0 10.1 16.8 21.7 23.3 61.8 844.5

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
46.5 on 15-05-2016 at
Max 33.7 40.7 in May 88 89 79 65
Kowdipalle (M)
4.1 on 26-12-2015 at
Min 20.4 14.4 in January 64 39 27 22
Tekmal (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 841.3 mm
v Average annual Rainy days 59 and Dry days are 254.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 214.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.2 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 240.6 mm in Shankarampet_R (M) on 25-09-2016.
v SW Monsoon average is 677.5 mm and Rainy days are 46. Dry days are 40.
v NE Monsoon average is 101.2mm and Rainy days are 6.
v Winter average is 10.5mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 52.1mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 82 82
91 93 92
88 86
80 75
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 60% 70 64
60 62 65 64

to 93% in the morning and 20% to 65% in the 60

47 48

afternoon. 40 30
35 33
30 25 24 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).








A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Medak District Rainfall variation in
Medak District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004- 2020)
1100 1200
y = 14.66x + 525.5 y = 9.184x + 699.4
1000 1100
R² = 0.151 R² = 0.048
900 1000

Rainfall (mm)
800 900
Rainfall (mm)

700 800
600 700

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Medak District


S. No









1 109.8 221.6 196.3 131.2 658.9 89.3 19.2 4.1 112.6 4.8 6.8 11.6 13.5 14.0 18.6 46.1 829.2
2 Regode 123.3 229.7 189.6 140.0 682.6 84.1 20.3 4.7 109.1 2.8 8.1 10.9 15.4 19.5 20.5 55.4 858.0
3 Alladurg 122.5 228.2 193.8 147.5 692.0 83.6 19.2 3.5 106.3 9.3 7.1 16.4 20.1 18.1 22.9 61.1 875.8
4 Tekmal 108.9 197.1 182.4 116.2 604.6 66.8 19.7 3.4 89.9 3.6 5.4 9.0 17.0 12.0 19.5 48.5 752.0
5 Papannapet 105.0 212.0 204.1 136.4 657.5 77.9 18.8 2.7 99.4 4.5 6.8 11.3 13.5 9.6 17.3 40.4 808.6
6 123.3 242.9 253.4 145.1 764.7 78.9 20.0 5.3 104.2 6.8 4.8 11.6 17.6 15.5 32.9 66.0 946.5
7 Ramayampet 113.3 202.3 191.5 138.2 645.3 75.8 23.7 3.4 102.9 8.4 4.7 13.1 17.7 12.9 23.9 54.5 815.8
8 Nizampet 110.3 202.5 192.3 138.6 643.7 74.9 23.7 3.3 101.9 8.0 4.6 12.6 17.7 12.5 23.9 54.1 812.3
9 Chegunta 104.3 216.9 238.6 144.8 704.6 85.5 20.6 3.3 109.4 4.7 4.5 9.2 13.5 14.3 18.9 46.7 869.9
10 Narsingi 111.5 218.6 241.5 147.4 719.0 83.8 19.5 4.3 107.6 5.1 4.2 9.3 15.6 12.3 21.1 49.0 884.9
11 117.1 217.0 237.8 142.9 714.8 81.3 17.3 5.5 104.1 6.2 4.2 10.4 17.3 11.2 22.9 51.4 880.7
12 Medak 126.8 243.3 257.6 146.1 773.8 79.0 20.0 5.4 104.4 7.4 4.8 12.2 17.6 15.6 32.6 65.8 956.2
13 Kulcharam 101.7 201.2 196.8 110.2 609.9 64.4 16.3 3.5 84.2 5.0 2.6 7.6 14.5 12.4 16.3 43.2 744.9
14 Chilipched 159.3 223.1 197.9 128.7 709.0 81.0 16.7 5.7 103.4 3.7 3.4 7.1 18.8 12.4 21.4 52.6 872.1
15 Kowdipalle 157.4 222.4 199.8 127.7 707.3 82.7 16.7 5.4 104.8 4.0 3.4 7.4 18.8 12.6 22.4 53.8 873.3
16 Narsapur 147.9 232.3 221.5 148.1 749.8 91.1 13.9 4.8 109.8 3.0 6.3 9.3 19.1 19.9 28.8 67.8 936.7
17 Shivampet 139.7 191.0 169.5 135.6 635.8 71.2 10.6 3.9 85.7 3.2 4.6 7.8 13.0 11.0 22.1 46.1 775.4
18 Yeldurthy 105.7 203.4 192.8 126.5 628.4 73.5 17.3 4.8 95.6 3.6 6.3 9.9 10.2 9.8 18.5 38.5 772.4
19 Tupran 97.7 195.5 183.0 140.8 617.0 75.6 14.6 3.8 94.0 5.7 7.4 13.1 12.8 16.1 15.2 44.1 768.2
20 Masaipet 105.7 203.4 192.8 126.5 628.4 73.5 17.3 4.8 95.6 3.6 6.3 9.9 10.2 9.8 18.5 38.5 772.4
21 Manoharabad 120.3 193.0 174.9 139.9 628.1 73.2 13.0 4.0 90.2 4.2 6.1 10.3 12.8 14.5 19.3 46.6 775.2
District 120.4 214.7 205.8 136.6 677.5 78.8 18.2 4.2 101.2 5.1 5.4 10.5 15.9 14.0 22.2 52.1 841.3

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.7 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 33.5 40.5 in May 87 88 82 69
Thoguta (M)
3.0 on 26-12-2015 at
Min 20.6 14.4 in January 63 41 31 25
Dubbak (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 742.7 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 56, Dry days are 260.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 180.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 251.5 mm in Kondapak (M) on 23-09-2016
v SW Monsoon average is 575.9 mm and Rainy days are 42. Dry days are 46.
v NE Monsoon average is 101.3mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 11.1mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 54.4mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

85 86
90 92 91
87 86
90 81
Annual Values of relative humidity are about 64%
Relative Humidity (%)

v 70 64 62 65 64
to 92% in the morning and 23% to 65% in the 60
47 50
afternoon. 40 33
38 37
29 27
30 23 24
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).









A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Siddipet District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) Siddipet District Rainfall variation in Annual
1300 1100
y = 21.04x + 412.5 y = 13.42x + 606.3
R² = 0.234 1000
1100 R² = 0.109

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

900 800
500 500

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Siddipet District


S. No









1 Dubbak 106.4 199.4 189.6 123.1 618.5 80.3 23.2 5.5 109.0 8.8 4.3 13.1 14.6 14.5 21.9 51.0 791.6
2 Siddipet_Rural 92.7 155.6 145.6 121.1 515.0 66.4 23.0 4.1 93.5 10.0 3.9 13.9 16.4 13.7 19.9 50.0 672.4
3 Chinnakodur 90.2 146.6 140.6 113.8 491.2 54.7 23.9 3.2 81.8 9.0 3.8 12.8 14.6 11.2 14.8 40.6 626.4
4 Bejjanki 114.5 206.9 176.9 164.5 662.8 70.7 21.8 7.0 99.5 10.9 6.3 17.2 17.6 13.9 26.6 58.1 837.6
5 Koheda 103.5 189.0 173.7 135.8 602.0 71.4 21.8 4.2 97.4 7.3 6.1 13.4 14.8 20.1 22.0 56.9 769.7
6 Husnabad 119.3 229.2 196.8 173.4 718.7 81.1 26.3 6.5 113.9 7.5 5.0 12.5 20.1 20.9 24.9 65.9 911.0
7 Anthakkapeta 115.3 222.6 184.9 163.5 686.3 74.5 23.4 5.6 103.5 7.6 7.0 14.6 17.6 17.8 29.2 64.6 869.0
8 Nanganur 99.6 181.9 147.6 135.0 564.1 65.5 20.5 3.0 89.0 8.0 2.8 10.8 17.7 12.4 29.6 59.7 723.6
9 Siddipet_Urban 91.7 161.2 147.5 128.6 529.0 80.4 21.7 5.3 107.4 11.0 3.7 14.7 18.6 17.8 25.7 62.1 713.2
10 Thoguta 82.0 152.5 128.8 112.5 475.8 62.4 15.3 3.4 81.1 3.8 3.5 7.3 13.1 7.6 17.5 38.2 602.4
11 Mirdoddi 112.2 194.5 181.8 126.4 614.9 76.7 21.0 3.1 100.8 8.9 4.4 13.3 15.0 16.6 23.2 54.8 783.8
12 Doultabad 92.0 176.2 170.7 124.5 563.4 73.8 18.6 2.6 95.0 3.9 3.9 7.8 16.7 13.9 20.5 51.1 717.3
13 Rayapole 91.4 175.9 172.3 125.6 565.2 74.7 17.7 2.9 95.3 3.9 3.9 7.8 16.8 13.7 20.1 50.6 718.9
14 Wargal 83.9 173.0 158.6 121.9 537.4 80.9 21.5 2.7 105.1 4.0 5.3 9.3 14.2 17.2 17.4 48.8 700.6
15 Mulug 91.2 185.8 169.8 120.7 567.5 90.3 22.6 4.1 117.0 4.6 5.3 9.9 10.6 20.8 23.3 54.7 749.1
16 Markook 87.7 171.3 158.9 123.0 540.9 85.3 24.2 2.8 112.3 5.7 4.9 10.6 12.9 18.7 20.2 51.8 715.6
17 Jagadevpur 94.9 157.4 147.6 129.7 529.6 86.5 27.6 2.2 116.3 7.0 4.3 11.3 13.6 16.9 22.1 52.6 709.8
18 Gajwel 98.7 193.3 183.3 140.7 616.0 89.1 26.4 3.2 118.7 4.1 5.7 9.8 17.8 19.0 18.4 55.2 799.7
19 Kondapak 83.4 163.1 140.5 128.4 515.4 72.0 18.2 3.3 93.5 4.0 4.1 8.1 14.5 10.2 18.7 43.4 660.4
20 Komaravelly 103.0 191.7 166.4 133.6 594.7 70.9 28.4 5.3 104.6 4.6 4.8 9.4 19.1 15.1 25.7 59.9 768.6
21 Cheriyal 102.1 192.4 166.0 136.0 596.5 71.0 28.3 5.2 104.5 4.5 4.8 9.3 19.1 14.9 25.7 59.7 770.0
22 Maddur 114.3 182.6 164.8 165.1 626.8 70.6 28.2 4.2 103.0 5.9 2.4 8.3 22.3 16.5 37.0 75.8 813.9
23 Dhoolmitta 114.3 182.6 164.8 165.1 626.8 70.6 28.2 4.2 103.0 5.9 2.4 8.3 22.3 16.5 37.0 75.8 813.9
24 Narayanraopet 92.7 155.6 145.6 121.1 515.0 66.4 23.0 4.1 93.5 10.0 3.9 13.9 16.4 13.7 19.9 50.0 672.4
District 98.1 180.7 163.8 133.3 575.9 74.5 22.7 4.1 101.3 6.7 4.4 11.1 16.2 15.5 22.7 54.4 742.7

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.2 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 34.0 40.9 in May 82 83 82 72
Zaffergadh (M)
7.7 on 31-12-2018 at
Min 21.4 15.3 in January 58 41 33 27
Chilpur (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 861.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 63, Dry days are 257.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 212.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.5 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 350.9 mm in Raghunathpalle (M) on 21-09-2005
v SW Monsoon average is 674.8 mm and Rainy days are 48.
v Dry days are 45.
v NE Monsoon average is 110.6mm and Rainy days are 8.
v Winter average is 11.8mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 64.7mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 83 81 81 84 86 85 82 82
77 76
Relative Humidity (%)

80 74
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 66% 70
56 58 59
to 86% in the morning and 26% to 59% in the 50
46 48
38 38
afternoon. 40
31 29 26 26
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm






or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Jangaon District Rainfall variation in
Jangaon District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1300 1300
y = 0.964x + 844.5
y = 9.493x + 614.6 1200 R² = 0.000
1100 R² = 0.059 1100

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


500 600

Year SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Jangaon District


S. No









1 Tharigoppula 121.1 181.0 167.2 152.6 621.9 75.1 28.9 4.7 108.7 8.3 2.6 10.9 21.9 13.2 28.4 63.5 805.0

2 Chilpur 144.1 300.2 238.6 168.1 851.0 68.7 19.6 4.5 92.8 6.2 6.9 13.1 19.6 18.3 30.4 68.3 1025.2

3 Zaffergadh 117.5 192.0 171.6 145.3 626.4 86.9 18.5 3.4 108.8 4.9 5.0 9.9 17.0 11.9 28.4 57.3 802.4

4 Ganpur_Stn 164.3 362.2 276.3 183.5 986.3 65.6 16.9 4.1 86.6 2.1 7.4 9.5 13.1 20.5 27.0 60.6 1143.0

5 126.5 194.7 156.4 182.3 659.9 90.5 24.8 4.1 119.4 8.2 6.2 14.4 18.6 16.9 33.0 68.5 862.2

6 Narmetta 121.2 180.3 167.3 152.8 621.6 75.2 28.4 3.9 107.5 8.4 2.6 11.0 22.1 14.0 29.0 65.1 805.2

7 Bachannapeta 108.4 207.1 177.8 148.5 641.8 83.3 22.1 5.3 110.7 4.9 6.2 11.1 15.8 19.1 28.2 63.1 826.7

8 Jangaon 110.0 194.8 149.2 170.5 624.5 91.3 27.1 6.4 124.8 8.5 6.7 15.2 18.6 20.1 28.7 67.4 831.9

9 108.6 180.0 150.7 156.4 595.7 98.6 23.9 4.4 126.9 6.0 6.5 12.5 17.8 18.8 26.6 63.2 798.3

11 Devaruppala 103.0 161.1 142.2 172.1 578.4 77.0 22.8 4.3 104.1 5.7 3.5 9.2 11.4 12.9 33.4 57.7 749.4

12 Palakurthi 132.4 208.1 186.4 161.6 688.5 97.2 26.2 4.6 128.0 4.3 8.3 12.6 19.8 23.3 29.9 73.0 902.1

13 Kodakandla 108.2 180.7 159.0 142.3 590.2 83.0 21.4 3.8 108.2 5.6 5.5 11.1 12.3 22.7 29.2 64.2 773.7

District 122.3 212.1 178.9 161.5 674.8 83.0 23.1 4.5 110.6 6.1 5.7 11.8 17.5 17.7 29.5 64.7 861.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.7 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 34.2 40.7 in May 82 83 82 72
Atmakur_M (M)
7.4 on 12-01-2015 at
Min 21.4 15.1 in January 57 41 33 27
Bhuvanagiri (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 716.1 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 56, dry days are 263.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in September is 146.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 3.3 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 320.0 mm in Choutuppal (M) on 29-10-2005
v SW Monsoon average is 528.1 mm and Rainy days are 40. Dry days are 52.
v NE Monsoon average is 126.5mm and Rainy days are 9.
v Winter average is 7.6mm and Rainy days are 2.
v Summer average is 53.9mm and Rainy days are 5.
Relative Humidity (RH%) 90 83 83
87 86
82 82
80 77 80
80 74 76
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 66 70 66

57 59
% to 87% in the morning and 25% to 59% in the 60
50 45 48

afternoon. 40 36
30 29
39 38

30 25 26
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).









A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District Rainfall variation in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) Annual
800 1100
y = -4.692x + 734.1
y = 5.681x + 471.5 1000
R² = 0.012
700 R² = 0.038 900

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Year Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District


S. No









1 Turkapalle_M 72.6 137.1 133.7 122.5 465.9 85.4 26.4 1.3 113.1 2.3 2.1 4.4 12.0 11.0 22.3 45.3 628.7
2 Rajapet 84.6 143.9 132.9 116.1 477.5 90.9 20.8 2.4 114.1 4.7 2.7 7.4 13.6 14.7 19.6 47.9 646.9
3 Alair 98.1 159.8 143.6 150.8 552.3 92.0 26.7 2.2 120.9 6.5 1.3 7.8 14.0 14.2 28.3 56.5 737.5
4 Mootakondur 97.0 150.4 147.8 150.4 545.6 93.0 25.2 3.1 121.3 4.2 3.1 7.3 13.3 14.7 25.0 53.0 727.2
5 Yadagirigutta 99.8 148.4 147.2 145.0 540.4 92.9 26.3 1.2 120.4 6.3 3.5 9.8 16.0 21.9 28.9 66.8 737.4
6 Bhongiri 114.8 158.8 138.9 165.5 578.0 110.2 27.6 2.7 140.5 5.9 4.8 10.7 17.0 24.2 32.4 73.6 802.8
7 75.9 137.6 139.0 119.6 472.1 84.8 24.3 2.8 111.9 4.6 4.0 8.6 16.1 11.5 13.0 40.6 633.2
8 Bibinagar 100.9 155.9 147.8 143.7 548.3 101.6 27.4 2.7 131.7 4.4 4.7 9.1 13.9 22.3 20.7 56.9 746.0
9 Pochampalle 93.6 144.6 141.1 154.4 533.7 108.3 30.4 3.5 142.2 5.4 5.5 10.9 17.9 26.5 30.9 75.3 762.1
10 Choutuppal 91.4 125.7 113.6 155.3 486.0 97.2 33.2 4.1 134.5 6.5 2.6 9.1 14.3 18.1 23.4 55.8 685.4
11 Narayanapur 72.7 93.8 88.5 108.3 363.3 81.4 28.6 2.4 112.4 1.7 2.7 4.4 9.6 14.6 24.0 48.2 528.3
12 Ramannapeta 104.6 135.3 119.9 138.7 498.5 109.3 26.4 3.8 139.5 4.8 2.2 7.0 14.2 16.7 23.0 53.9 698.9
13 Valigonda 97.1 157.8 135.9 186.1 576.9 109.9 29.3 3.9 143.1 3.2 2.5 5.7 11.2 16.4 33.6 61.2 786.9
14 Atmakur_M 97.1 138.0 126.9 129.0 491.0 77.1 23.6 3.9 104.6 2.3 4.1 6.4 7.7 10.7 21.3 39.7 641.7
15 Mothkur 115.2 172.9 167.1 169.4 624.6 111.0 23.9 4.4 139.3 4.0 3.5 7.5 15.1 13.6 19.4 48.1 819.5
16 Addagudur 109.1 172.8 170.0 170.0 621.9 108.8 23.9 4.4 137.1 4.3 3.5 7.8 15.2 14.0 18.9 48.1 814.9
17 Gundala 109.2 160.6 160.6 168.8 599.2 95.9 23.2 5.0 124.1 2.6 3.6 6.2 13.3 11.0 23.6 47.9 777.4
District 96.0 146.6 138.8 146.7 528.1 97.0 26.2 3.3 126.5 4.3 3.3 7.6 13.9 16.1 23.9 53.9 716.1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.4 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 34.0 40.5 in May 85 84 78 68
Ghatkesar (M)
5.6 on 01-01-2019 at
Min 21.1 15.3 in January 60 40 30 24
Ghatkesar (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 774.7 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 55, Dry days are 270.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 177.4 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 3.8 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 324.8 mm in Ghatkesar (M) on 14-10-2020
v SW Monsoon average is 583.1 mm and Rainy days are 40. Dry days are 56.
v NE Monsoon average is 122.9mm and Rainy days are 9.
v Winter average is 10.0mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 58.7mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 83 86
90 87
82 82
81 80
Relative Humidity (%)

80 71
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 63% 70
58 60 60
to 90% in the morning and 23% to 60% in the 60
47 47

afternoon. 40 33
28 26 25
37 36
30 23
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).




A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Medchal-Malkajgiri District Rainfall variation in Medchal-Malkajgiri District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) Annual
1000 1200
y = 6.397x + 559.3 y = 1.961x + 773.1
900 1100
R² = 0.033 R² = 0.002

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

700 800
600 700

Annual Rainfall
Year SWM Year
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Medchal-Malkajgiri District


S. No









1 Medchel 109.4 181.5 180.9 118.8 590.6 91.7 22.1 2.5 116.3 5.3 5.0 10.3 13.9 18.6 17.0 49.5 766.7

2 112.9 187.2 186.4 135.1 621.6 96.8 23.4 3.2 123.4 5.6 3.7 9.3 17.9 18.9 23.6 60.4 814.7

3 Bachpalle 110.4 187.4 186.0 132.5 616.3 98.4 23.4 4.8 126.6 5.8 3.7 9.5 17.9 19.7 23.7 61.3 813.7

4 Quthbullapur 111.5 186.1 186.5 134.7 618.8 96.5 23.4 4.2 124.1 6.7 3.7 10.4 17.9 20.2 24.3 62.4 815.7

5 Kukatpally 103.2 191.0 190.4 138.0 622.6 96.6 28.4 4.1 129.1 6.7 5.6 12.3 14.7 19.7 30.0 64.4 828.4

6 Balanagar 107.6 190.7 189.4 138.1 625.8 95.3 28.4 3.9 127.6 6.6 5.6 12.2 14.7 21.3 30.8 66.8 832.4

7 Alwal 112.3 189.2 195.8 128.6 625.9 92.0 24.2 5.3 121.5 5.3 4.0 9.3 11.3 22.4 29.3 63.0 819.7

8 Malkajgiri 114.1 190.0 193.3 130.4 627.8 95.1 24.1 5.1 124.3 5.6 4.0 9.6 11.3 21.8 27.8 60.9 822.6

9 Uppal 105.5 158.6 181.3 130.3 575.7 91.3 27.1 3.9 122.3 5.1 4.3 9.4 12.2 20.7 26.4 59.3 766.7

10 Medipally 112.4 162.1 193.4 144.1 612.0 105.9 33.1 3.3 142.3 6.7 3.1 9.8 13.1 21.7 30.8 65.6 829.7

11 Kapra 90.0 142.1 158.6 137.8 528.5 88.4 28.2 3.8 120.4 5.8 3.7 9.5 13.6 16.1 25.6 55.3 713.7

12 Shamirpet 73.8 111.5 122.2 108.5 416.0 67.3 23.5 3.7 94.5 5.7 4.3 10.0 14.0 13.7 17.8 45.5 566.0

13 Keesara 99.4 153.8 161.1 152.3 566.6 91.9 28.0 4.7 124.6 5.6 3.6 9.2 13.7 17.4 25.3 56.4 756.8

14 Ghatkesar 106.3 161.6 189.9 144.7 602.5 107.5 33.1 3.6 144.2 6.8 3.1 9.9 13.1 19.2 30.2 62.5 819.1

15 86.9 133.4 142.4 131.3 494.0 79.7 26.3 4.2 110.2 5.6 3.8 9.4 13.9 15.7 21.8 51.4 665.0

District 103.5 168.3 177.4 133.9 583.1 92.9 26.2 3.8 122.9 6.0 4.0 10.0 14.0 19.0 25.7 58.7 774.7

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.6 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 33.8 40.2 in May 84 81 74 64
Musheerabad (M)
6.7 on 12-01-2015 at
Min 22.6 17.7 in January 58 41 30 25
Maredpally (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 810.5 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 51, Dry days are 278.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 184.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 4.0 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 258.3 mm in Musheerabad(M) on 14-10-2020.
v SW Monsoon average is 602.9 mm and Rainy days are 38. Dry days are 59.
v NE Monsoon average is132.0mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 9.3mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 66.3mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

86 88 85
90 79 83 79
77 78
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 62% 80
67 64 62
57 59 58
to 88% in the morning and 23% to 59% in the 60
47 48
38 37
afternoon 40 33
27 26 23 26
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm








or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Hyderabad District Rainfall variation in Hyderabad District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1300
y = 1.194x + 644.0 y = 2.274x + 820.5
R² = 0.001 R² = 0.002

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

700 900

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Hyderabad District


S. No









1 Shaikpet 99.6 174.3 172.9 137.4 584.2 100.9 27.0 5.9 133.8 4.1 5.9 10.0 16.4 18.6 27.5 62.5 790.5

2 Ameerpet 101.9 186.3 198.2 147.6 634.0 99.9 29.6 6.2 135.7 4.4 5.5 9.9 16.2 24.4 30.7 71.3 850.9

3 Secunderabad 104.6 179.1 189.6 141.8 615.1 96.9 28.2 5.2 130.3 4.2 5.5 9.7 16.2 23.6 30.0 69.8 824.9

4 Tirumalgiri 102.4 178.5 190.6 141.6 613.1 94.3 30.0 6.3 130.6 3.8 6.2 10.0 15.9 23.1 29.4 68.4 822.1

5 Maredpally 100.2 177.1 189.9 139.4 606.6 94.0 28.7 6.2 128.9 4.0 6.0 10.0 15.5 22.5 26.7 64.7 810.2

6 Musheerabad 104.5 176.3 184.4 156.6 621.8 102.5 25.9 5.4 133.8 4.3 4.9 9.2 16.0 24.1 30.0 70.1 834.9

7 Amberpet 101.4 173.8 189.9 152.8 617.9 100.8 24.7 5.6 131.1 4.5 3.9 8.4 15.8 22.7 29.6 68.1 825.5

8 Himayatnagar 99.3 174.3 186.9 145.5 606.0 100.6 27.8 6.0 134.4 4.5 4.3 8.8 15.1 22.8 32.2 70.1 819.3

9 Nampally 103.4 172.5 179.6 139.6 595.1 97.7 26.1 5.4 129.2 3.4 6.0 9.4 15.3 18.7 31.8 65.8 799.5

10 Khairatabad 101.8 179.8 192.4 147.1 621.1 102.5 27.8 5.9 136.2 4.6 7.8 12.4 17.0 24.3 30.4 71.7 841.4

11 Asifnagar 100.8 173.2 178.6 136.9 589.5 98.9 25.9 5.5 130.3 3.8 5.8 9.6 16.1 19.0 27.9 63.0 792.4

12 Golkonda 102.6 174.5 180.3 140.5 597.9 101.9 26.9 4.9 133.7 4.3 5.9 10.2 17.0 18.0 27.9 62.9 804.7

13 Bahadurpura 97.7 168.9 176.0 131.8 574.4 98.6 24.8 5.2 128.6 3.9 4.6 8.5 15.6 16.7 27.4 59.7 771.2

14 Bandlaguda 97.8 165.8 176.2 132.6 572.4 99.6 24.1 5.5 129.2 3.8 4.1 7.9 14.7 16.4 29.7 60.8 770.3

15 Charminar 100.4 168.1 188.5 136.4 593.4 101.1 26.5 5.4 133.0 3.9 4.5 8.4 16.4 18.2 28.5 63.1 797.9

16 Saidabad 101.4 169.4 175.6 141.5 587.9 99.8 25.1 5.0 129.9 3.5 3.6 7.1 15.6 20.2 29.7 65.5 790.4

District 101.6 174.7 184.6 142.0 602.9 99.3 27.1 5.6 132.0 4.0 5.3 9.3 15.8 21.1 29.4 66.3 810.5

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.2 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 33.5 39.8 in May 85 86 78 67
Abdullapurmet (M)
2.7 on 12-01-2015 at
Min 20.2 14.1 in January 60 41 29 24
Moinabad (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 702.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 61, Dry days are 248.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 142.9 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 2.6 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 300.0 mm in Hayatnagar(M) on 14-10-2020
v SW Monsoon average is 512.4 mm and Rainy days are 43. Dry days are 43.
v NE Monsoon average is 122.3mm and Rainy days are 10.
v Winter average is 7.0mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 61.2mm and Rainy days are 8.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

90 82 83
87 90 89
85 84
Relative Humidity (%)

v Values of relative humidity are about 65% to 90% 70
69 66 65
58 61 61
in the morning and 22% to 61% in the afternoon. 60
47 49
39 36
40 32
26 24 25
30 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 10
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.). 0








A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less

than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.). Month

Rangareddy District Rainfall variation in
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) Rangareddy District Rainfall variation in Annual
900 1200
1100 y = -4.100x + 744.9
800 y = 4.790x + 494.8 R² = 0.009
R² = 0.028 1000

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

700 900

600 800
400 500

Year SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Rangareddy District


S. No









1 Shankarpalle 118.0 170.8 180.8 163.9 633.5 91.3 21.8 5.1 118.2 4.5 3.0 7.5 21.0 34.7 37.8 93.5 852.7
2 Serilingampally 101.2 181.3 176.8 122.0 581.3 80.4 21.6 2.8 104.8 5.1 7.5 12.6 14.0 19.6 29.0 62.6 761.3
3 Gandipet 103.7 174.6 166.8 144.0 589.1 90.3 30.0 3.7 124.0 4.5 5.2 9.7 15.9 21.7 33.0 70.6 793.4
4 Rajendranagar 102.3 174.7 167.7 143.8 588.5 92.0 30.0 3.2 125.2 3.9 5.3 9.2 16.0 22.0 34.4 72.4 795.3
5 Balapur 101.3 144.2 180.7 150.1 576.3 97.8 29.2 2.1 129.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 13.4 22.9 25.6 61.9 773.4
6 Saroornagar 100.4 144.1 179.9 150.4 574.8 100.5 29.2 2.1 131.8 3.4 3.1 6.5 13.4 23.5 24.8 61.7 774.8
7 Hayathnagar 96.6 146.0 169.8 146.0 558.4 101.9 28.6 3.6 134.1 4.1 4.4 8.5 11.4 20.7 29.0 61.1 762.1
8 Abdullapurmet 95.7 146.1 169.8 142.7 554.3 100.5 28.6 3.7 132.8 4.1 4.4 8.5 11.3 18.3 28.3 57.9 753.5
9 Ibrahimpatnam 90.3 126.2 127.2 142.9 486.6 89.1 26.8 5.4 121.3 2.9 4.6 7.5 10.9 26.1 29.4 66.4 681.8
10 Manchal 85.3 119.6 118.3 125.2 448.4 96.9 28.4 5.2 130.5 2.7 6.1 8.8 13.0 20.0 24.4 57.4 645.1
11 Yacharam 89.3 116.3 117.2 144.6 467.4 103.1 33.9 5.5 142.5 3.8 5.6 9.4 11.1 26.3 41.5 78.9 698.2
12 Madgul 81.2 99.4 100.2 124.9 405.7 105.3 28.8 4.7 138.8 2.0 3.4 5.4 8.6 15.0 24.0 47.6 597.5
13 Amangal 75.8 114.3 108.3 130.3 428.7 111.3 30.4 4.9 146.6 1.8 4.3 6.1 10.6 22.0 31.5 64.1 645.5
14 Talakondapalle 59.5 122.5 111.7 120.9 414.6 94.5 20.5 3.8 118.8 1.1 2.5 3.6 7.0 16.6 28.3 51.9 588.9
15 Keshampeta 77.2 131.6 122.4 127.6 458.8 82.9 9.1 3.3 95.3 1.4 4.8 6.2 9.0 15.6 17.3 41.9 602.2
16 Kadthal 67.2 116.6 109.7 127.7 421.2 102.7 25.7 4.2 132.6 1.6 3.5 5.1 9.0 18.8 31.0 58.8 617.7
17 Kandukur 82.3 136.2 129.4 137.8 485.7 82.9 29.1 1.1 113.1 1.6 4.7 6.3 7.1 17.9 29.3 54.3 659.4
18 Maheshwaram 91.0 151.3 155.9 143.5 541.7 98.0 27.1 5.1 130.2 2.3 6.1 8.4 7.1 25.9 37.8 70.8 751.1
19 Shamshabad 110.5 183.7 163.2 141.3 598.7 106.9 22.7 3.4 133.0 1.9 5.7 7.6 15.1 25.2 32.0 72.3 811.6
20 Moinabad 95.3 146.9 145.0 129.6 516.8 91.9 21.7 3.9 117.5 4.4 4.3 8.7 12.5 20.3 29.2 62.0 705.0
21 Chevella 119.0 157.0 163.1 149.4 588.5 88.4 22.0 4.2 114.6 2.7 6.9 9.6 12.3 28.5 35.7 76.5 789.2
22 Shabad 86.1 144.4 132.4 131.3 494.2 87.8 15.0 1.7 104.5 1.8 3.5 5.3 10.9 18.0 28.6 57.5 661.5
23 Kothur 86.3 133.4 116.4 107.4 443.5 84.9 14.6 4.1 103.6 1.0 3.3 4.3 7.8 11.7 25.3 44.8 596.2
24 Nandigam 87.6 133.6 116.4 109.2 446.8 89.0 14.6 5.9 109.5 1.2 3.3 4.5 7.9 12.8 24.5 45.2 606.0
25 Farooqnagar 95.3 151.6 141.0 134.8 522.7 97.2 23.7 3.7 124.6 1.0 2.9 3.9 11.3 12.4 33.8 57.5 708.7
26 Kondurg 97.8 133.5 139.7 128.7 499.7 95.8 17.1 2.9 115.8 0.3 3.3 3.6 9.5 15.4 25.3 50.2 669.3
27 95.8 131.1 141.3 127.3 495.5 95.2 17.3 2.9 115.4 0.2 3.3 3.5 9.5 13.3 24.5 47.3 661.7
District 92.1 141.9 142.9 135.5 512.4 94.6 24.0 3.7 122.3 2.6 4.4 7.0 11.2 20.4 29.6 61.2 702.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
46.2 on 29-05-2019 at
Max 33.6 39.9 in May 88 86 75 62
Doma (M)
3.2 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 20.2 14.4 in January 61 39 26 22
Mominpet (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 815.0 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 66, Dry days are 244.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 182.3 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in February is 2.6 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 218.0 mm in Peddemul (M) on 31-08-2016
v SW Monsoon average is 634.2 mm and Rainy days are 50. Dry days are 38.
v NE Monsoon average is 106.1mm and Rainy days are 8.
v Winter average is 5.4mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 69.3mm and Rainy days are 8.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

86 90 92 90
90 80 83 83
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 60% 70
64 60 63 59 62 62
to 92% in the morning and 21% to 62% in the 60
48 48
afternoon. 40 29
23 23 24
30 21
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).





A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Vikarabad District Rainfall variation in
Vikarabad District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1200 y = -7.104x + 870.2
y = 2.703x + 624.3 1100 R² = 0.026
R² = 0.005

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

600 700
500 600

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual …

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Vikarabad District


S. No









1 Marpalle 113.3 165.2 173.3 145.8 597.6 91.5 20.0 2.2 113.7 3.2 7.5 10.7 18.0 22.2 36.0 76.2 798.2

2 Mominpet 127.5 179.5 203.8 179.3 690.1 97.9 21.2 1.6 120.7 4.0 4.1 8.1 20.3 29.0 34.8 84.1 903.0

3 Nawabpet 123.5 167.4 188.4 162.4 641.7 94.0 24.6 3.0 121.6 4.9 1.7 6.6 17.0 27.6 40.8 85.4 855.3

4 Vikarabad 140.9 215.2 210.3 174.8 741.2 97.7 20.2 6.6 124.5 4.1 5.1 9.2 16.7 32.9 40.9 90.5 965.4

5 Pudur 115.5 194.1 194.0 188.6 692.2 95.2 18.7 2.6 116.5 3.6 1.4 5.0 12.2 23.9 35.0 71.1 884.8

6 Pargi 109.1 217.3 208.8 162.3 697.5 95.8 19.2 2.6 117.6 5.1 2.6 7.7 15.8 23.2 40.1 79.1 901.9

7 Kulkacharla 98.8 170.2 169.4 157.7 596.1 86.1 14.7 2.1 102.9 3.1 1.2 4.3 13.1 11.3 25.7 50.1 753.4

8 Doma 93.5 171.5 162.2 132.4 559.6 75.7 16.0 2.3 94.0 2.4 1.5 3.9 11.6 11.0 24.2 46.8 704.3

9 Bomraspeta 71.6 147.7 124.9 97.7 441.9 58.8 11.3 1.6 71.7 1.1 1.7 2.8 10.0 10.6 17.5 38.1 554.5

10 Dharur 116.9 185.6 193.6 167.9 664.0 84.1 16.9 4.7 105.7 1.9 3.1 5.0 15.5 19.0 46.9 81.4 856.1

11 Kotepally 118.7 182.6 195.2 168.0 664.5 80.1 17.3 2.5 99.9 3.1 3.7 6.8 14.8 23.2 36.2 74.2 845.4

12 Bantwaram 122.3 173.2 198.2 165.0 658.7 75.8 16.7 2.2 94.7 3.3 4.5 7.8 16.7 24.5 38.9 80.1 841.3

13 Peddemul 115.9 193.5 195.6 173.0 678.0 85.3 16.8 3.5 105.6 2.6 2.7 5.3 12.7 18.5 33.4 64.6 853.5

14 Tandur 122.3 202.3 207.2 172.0 703.8 98.1 16.8 4.0 118.9 2.8 3.0 5.8 15.4 21.5 40.0 76.9 905.4

15 Basheerabad 111.4 172.6 161.5 175.8 621.3 88.7 11.5 4.4 104.6 1.1 1.5 2.6 10.5 21.8 29.4 61.7 790.2

16 Yelal 109.0 187.3 184.6 161.2 642.1 92.1 15.7 2.4 110.2 2.7 2.7 5.4 15.5 17.2 30.3 63.0 820.7

17 Kodangal 104.5 167.2 160.6 142.4 574.7 73.7 19.4 3.3 96.4 2.5 2.0 4.5 18.3 18.0 26.5 62.8 738.4

18 Doulatabad 100.8 173.5 151.4 123.2 548.9 63.7 18.8 4.3 86.8 1.5 0.5 2.0 13.2 15.3 22.7 51.2 688.9

District 111.9 181.5 182.3 158.5 634.2 85.4 17.8 2.9 106.1 2.8 2.6 5.4 15.1 20.7 33.5 69.3 815.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
46.7 on 22-05-2019 at
Max 34.0 40.1in May 86 84 75 64
Balanagar (M)
4.4 on 10-01-2015 at
Min 20.9 15.0 in January 60 39 27 22

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 632.7 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 55, Dry days are 259.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 139.2 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 1.7 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 182 mm in Devarkadara (M) on 02-10-2009
v SW Monsoon average is 476.3 mm and Rainy days are 42. Dry days are 46.
v NE Monsoon average is104.3mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 4.0mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 48.1mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 88 91 88

79 80 84 83 80
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 62% 80 66 62 64
57 60 61
to 91% in the morning and 21% to 61% in the 60 47 48
37 34
afternoon. 40 30
23 22 21 24

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm





or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Mahabubnagar District Rainfall variation in
Mahabubnagar District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1000
1000 y = 12.91x + 396.7 y = 4.425x + 612.9
R² = 0.158 R² = 0.015
900 800

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

800 700

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Mahabubnagar District


S. No









1 63.6 121.4 90.0 105.6 380.6 61.0 13.5 2.5 77.0 0.7 1.6 2.3 9.9 9.3 24.4 43.6 503.5

2 Koilkonda 82.4 133.6 126.3 107.2 449.5 79.8 12.0 4.2 96.0 1.0 1.3 2.3 7.2 10.1 23.2 40.5 588.3

3 Gandeed 80.5 154.0 132.0 115.7 482.2 79.1 12.4 1.7 93.2 2.8 1.2 4.0 9.2 12.7 22.2 44.1 623.5

4 Hanwada 95.4 149.2 140.5 127.1 512.2 81.1 13.8 1.7 96.6 1.8 2.9 4.7 5.5 13.3 27.3 46.1 659.6

5 87.8 150.5 140.3 125.1 503.7 85.7 16.6 3.4 105.7 1.4 2.7 4.1 8.1 12.4 29.2 49.7 663.2

6 Devarkadara 81.3 148.8 131.0 114.9 476.0 103.1 15.3 3.3 121.7 2.4 1.2 3.6 12.1 9.7 33.9 55.7 657.0

7 Addakal 82.2 146.8 137.4 120.0 486.4 87.0 19.0 4.6 110.6 3.7 4.4 8.1 8.1 9.9 27.4 45.4 650.5

8 Musapet 79.9 141.1 125.6 118.1 464.7 77.9 18.1 3.6 99.6 2.1 3.1 5.2 7.6 8.6 23.5 39.7 609.2

9 Bhoothpur 87.1 134.4 123.8 129.2 474.5 78.2 21.3 2.1 101.6 0.8 1.0 1.8 10.2 13.6 22.5 46.3 624.2

10 101.3 163.8 178.5 150.0 593.6 91.7 17.0 4.1 112.8 2.4 4.6 7.0 9.5 14.7 39.0 63.2 776.6

11 Nawabpet 88.0 155.6 139.0 110.9 493.5 84.1 14.6 3.2 101.9 1.7 2.2 3.9 7.6 15.2 25.5 48.3 647.6

12 Balanagar 76.3 118.8 120.0 135.5 450.6 86.0 18.6 2.9 107.5 1.5 2.5 4.0 10.7 12.9 28.3 51.9 614.0

13 Rajapur 72.5 118.4 119.8 133.3 444.0 86.8 18.6 2.8 108.2 1.1 2.5 3.6 10.8 12.1 28.5 51.4 607.2

14 Jadcherla 90.3 135.4 132.2 129.9 487.8 93.7 21.5 3.5 118.7 1.6 2.7 4.3 12.9 14.7 28.8 56.4 667.2

15 Midjil 77.3 119.3 117.9 130.2 444.7 89.5 27.3 4.2 121.0 0.8 2.4 3.2 7.5 12.0 23.5 43.0 611.9

District 83.2 139.2 130.2 123.7 476.3 83.9 17.3 3.1 104.3 1.7 2.3 4.0 9.1 11.9 27.1 48.1 632.7

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.2 on 15-04-2016 at
Max 34.6 40.5 in May 82 84 74 62
Azia (M)
7.4 on 12-01-2015 at
Min 22.3 16.7 in January 55 43 29 23

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 560.6 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 47, Dry days are 278.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 119.6 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in February is 1.6 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 317 mm in Alampur (M) on 23-06-2007
v SW Monsoon average is 409.7 mm and Rainy days are 35. Dry days are 59.
v NE Monsoon average is 105.4mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 3.7mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 41.8mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

84 88 86 84 82
90 78 77 80
Relative Humidity (%)

80 69
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 59% 70 64
59 62 59
51 54
to 88% in the morning and 21% to 59% in the 60
50 42
41 38
afternoon. 40
25 23 21 24
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm





or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Jogulamba Gadwal District Rainfall variation in Jogulamba Gadwal District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon 1000
y = 6.772x + 397.7 y = -7.984x + 652.4
R² = 0.037 R² = 0.039
800 800

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

600 600
400 400

Year SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Jogulamba Gadwal District


S. No









1 63.5 103.3 101.4 99.2 367.4 71.6 15.3 2.1 89.0 2.5 2.0 4.5 10.9 8.6 20.2 39.7 500.6

2 Dharur 72.5 108.8 108.5 97.5 387.3 77.3 18.8 2.7 98.8 3.2 2.1 5.3 13.6 9.3 18.3 41.2 532.6

3 Gadwal 89.4 127.9 124.6 137.1 479.0 97.1 21.4 3.5 122.0 4.1 2.1 6.2 14.6 12.9 22.8 50.3 657.5

4 Itikyal 84.1 115.8 120.7 120.2 440.8 88.6 23.5 2.2 114.3 1.6 0.7 2.3 6.0 4.8 22.4 33.2 590.6

5 Maldakal 75.1 116.4 116.9 106.5 414.9 83.4 20.3 3.2 106.9 2.7 1.8 4.5 9.2 8.2 30.5 47.9 574.2

6 Ghattu 55.7 100.2 90.6 93.6 340.1 62.6 11.1 1.1 74.8 1.6 1.7 3.3 7.8 7.1 22.4 37.3 455.5

7 Aiza 68.3 100.4 110.6 110.6 389.9 80.4 20.5 1.8 102.7 2.7 2.4 5.1 7.5 6.4 21.9 35.8 533.5

8 Rajoli 61.9 92.6 131.3 109.3 395.1 88.9 22.1 3.6 114.6 1.3 1.4 2.7 7.4 10.4 23.2 41.0 553.4

9 Waddepalle 66.8 93.2 132.1 110.3 402.4 91.1 21.9 3.2 116.2 1.5 1.4 2.9 7.4 10.5 25.1 43.0 564.5

10 Manopad 73.2 100.2 138.6 103.4 415.4 84.8 19.0 1.4 105.2 1.0 1.7 2.7 10.5 7.9 18.5 36.9 560.2

11 Undavelli 76.3 112.7 134.6 110.0 433.6 86.6 19.5 1.9 108.0 1.4 1.3 2.7 10.3 7.5 26.3 44.1 588.4

12 Alampur 81.2 125.9 127.9 115.7 450.7 89.3 19.8 2.4 111.5 2.4 0.6 3.0 10.2 7.3 31.8 49.3 614.5

District 72.3 108.3 119.6 109.5 409.7 83.5 19.5 2.4 105.4 2.1 1.6 3.7 9.7 8.5 23.6 41.8 560.6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.0 on 26-04-2016 at
Max 34.3 40.3 in May 84 83 75 64
Madanapur (M)
5.4 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22 16.5 in January 57 41 28 24
Srirangapur (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 603.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 49, Dry days are 275.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 133.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 1.7 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 231 mm in Atmakur (M) on 01-10-2009
v SW Monsoon average is 452.2 mm and Rainy days are 37. Dry days are 57.
v NE Monsoon average is 104.8mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 3.9mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 43.0mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

86 89 87
90 79 79 82 81
Relative Humidity (%)

80 72
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 61% 70
61 64
57 60
to 89% in the morning and 22% to 60% in the 60
50 45 48
afternoon. 40 32
25 23 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm







or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Wanaparthy District Rainfall variation in Wanaparthy District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020) 1100
1000 1000 y = -1.166x + 638.9
y = 14.57x + 376.9 R² = 0.000
R² = 0.141 900

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

800 800
600 600
400 400

SWM Annual Rainfall
Year Year
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Wanaparthy District


S. No









1 Amarchinta 76.1 138.3 124.0 127.2 465.6 83.5 16.1 3.8 103.4 1.6 3.7 5.3 12.1 8.1 30.9 51.1 625.4

2 Madanapur 70.9 137.7 113.6 118.8 441.0 77.7 17.5 3.1 98.3 1.5 2.8 4.3 10.8 9.4 30.1 50.3 593.9

3 69.6 135.6 119.2 103.5 427.9 76.2 13.2 1.0 90.4 1.4 2.7 4.1 7.9 13.0 21.1 42.0 564.4

4 Ghanpur 80.3 132.4 115.9 117.0 445.6 73.9 17.2 2.3 93.4 2.5 1.8 4.3 7.2 8.5 22.0 37.7 581.0

5 Gopalpeta 68.9 129.3 119.3 112.0 429.5 85.4 20.7 3.7 109.8 2.1 1.0 3.1 6.2 9.5 24.3 40.0 582.4

6 Revelly 68.2 129.2 119.0 111.0 427.4 83.5 20.3 3.7 107.5 1.6 1.0 2.6 6.2 9.6 23.0 38.8 576.3

7 Pangal 70.1 118.5 114.1 107.7 410.4 75.7 14.0 1.9 91.6 1.1 3.6 4.7 8.6 8.4 18.8 35.8 542.5

8 Wanaparthy 78.8 143.5 137.8 143.3 503.4 102.2 21.2 3.9 127.3 2.9 2.6 5.5 10.3 15.4 29.2 54.9 691.1

9 Kothakota 65.0 131.5 121.2 117.3 435.0 80.4 21.9 4.3 106.6 1.3 3.2 4.5 10.1 10.3 30.8 51.2 597.3

10 Atmakur 86.5 157.7 129.9 139.7 513.8 94.5 17.0 2.5 114.0 1.9 3.4 5.3 12.8 8.3 36.8 57.9 691.0

11 Pebbair 74.3 127.5 139.7 119.7 461.2 92.9 15.6 1.8 110.3 1.7 0.6 2.3 8.3 7.4 19.1 34.8 608.6

12 Srirangapur 74.8 126.5 138.3 117.4 457.0 93.4 15.9 1.8 111.1 1.7 0.6 2.3 8.3 7.2 19.0 34.5 604.9

13 Veepangandla 74.2 126.2 139.8 108.0 448.2 83.2 15.8 2.3 101.3 1.9 2.2 4.1 8.3 9.3 17.1 34.7 588.3

14 Chinnambavi 75.4 127.4 144.3 108.4 455.5 82.0 15.7 2.4 100.1 2.4 2.2 4.6 8.3 9.4 17.1 34.8 595.0

District 74.1 133.1 126.8 118.2 452.2 84.7 17.4 2.7 104.8 1.7 2.2 3.9 9.1 9.6 24.3 43.0 603.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.4 on 24-04-2016 at
Max 33.9 39.9 in May 85 86 80 67
Kodair (M)
4.9 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 21.1 15.2 in January 59 43 29 24
Lingal (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 633.2 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 52, Dry days are 258.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in September is 132.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in February is 1.5 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 320 mm in Uppunuthala (M) on 01-10-2009
v SW Monsoon average is 451.7 mm and Rainy days are 39. Dry days are 49.
v NE Monsoon average is 129.6mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 3.3mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 48.6mm and Rainy days are 6.

Relative Humidity (RH%)

100 91 89
87 86 85
90 83 80 83
Relative Humidity (%)

80 70
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 65% 70 65 65
56 59 62
to 91% in the morning and 22% to 62% in the 50
47 49
41 38
afternoon. 40
25 23 22
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm




or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Nagarkurnool District Rainfall variation in
Nagarkurnool District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
y = 4.873x + 421.9 1100 y = -8.659x + 692.2
800 R² = 0.020 R² = 0.028

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

400 500

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Nagarkurnool District


S. No









1 Thimmajipeta 76.5 142.2 132.3 139.3 490.3 89.4 21.5 3.8 114.7 1.7 2.2 3.9 8.9 17.0 23.6 49.5 658.4
2 Bijinapalle 73.6 128.6 121.3 127.3 450.8 94.7 19.7 2.9 117.3 1.4 1.6 3.0 9.0 11.1 30.4 50.5 621.6
3 Nagar_Kurnool 72.3 114.9 115.9 141.9 445.0 99.0 22.4 3.8 125.2 1.1 1.4 2.5 4.8 16.3 33.6 54.7 627.4
4 Tadoor 62.0 102.2 98.9 128.4 391.5 75.2 20.8 3.7 99.7 1.5 1.4 2.9 4.9 12.6 30.2 47.7 541.8
5 Urkonda 76.0 118.1 118.8 130.5 443.4 89.4 27.3 4.2 120.9 1.1 2.4 3.5 7.2 12.0 23.6 42.8 610.6
6 Veldanda 88.2 103.5 113.8 127.9 433.4 110.7 28.8 3.6 143.1 2.0 3.1 5.1 14.9 16.4 27.3 58.6 640.2
7 Charakonda 72.8 98.3 101.2 115.0 387.3 101.5 29.8 4.3 135.6 1.0 1.8 2.8 9.8 13.3 24.7 47.8 573.5
8 Vangoor 63.8 88.5 88.7 103.3 344.3 94.8 30.4 4.5 129.7 1.7 0.4 2.1 5.4 9.2 21.1 35.7 511.8
9 Kalwakurthy 83.4 125.9 131.2 150.5 491.0 106.1 31.4 4.8 142.3 1.6 1.5 3.1 15.0 18.7 28.0 61.7 698.1
10 Telkapalle 66.6 115.4 104.8 145.0 431.8 89.3 22.2 3.4 114.9 2.0 1.4 3.4 3.6 10.0 29.4 43.0 593.1
11 Uppunuthala 61.1 130.8 117.9 146.4 456.2 100.9 26.1 3.3 130.3 1.1 1.7 2.8 3.4 14.6 26.0 44.0 633.3
12 Achampet 78.8 141.9 120.3 160.7 501.7 114.4 26.1 3.9 144.4 0.8 1.1 1.9 7.8 18.2 26.2 52.2 700.2
13 Amrabad 74.2 123.8 128.4 150.9 477.3 124.3 42.8 4.8 171.9 3.7 1.1 4.8 7.8 20.2 37.7 65.7 719.7
14 Padra 72.6 123.1 124.9 151.8 472.4 124.1 42.9 4.7 171.7 4.1 1.1 5.2 8.1 15.4 36.8 60.3 709.6
15 Balmoor 65.7 133.2 112.6 135.1 446.6 95.7 25.7 3.5 124.9 1.6 1.4 3.0 2.4 16.4 24.4 43.2 617.7
16 Lingal 76.2 139.2 127.8 108.7 451.9 95.5 19.0 1.9 116.4 0.5 1.3 1.8 4.6 11.4 26.3 42.3 612.4
17 68.3 137.0 130.8 128.7 464.8 97.7 24.0 1.1 122.8 0.6 0.8 1.4 4.4 11.4 21.7 37.5 626.5
18 Kodair 69.2 147.7 118.7 106.3 441.9 98.3 20.0 2.3 120.6 1.3 1.5 2.8 3.2 12.1 21.4 36.7 602.0
19 Kollapur 98.0 156.2 137.0 134.0 525.2 100.9 20.3 2.8 124.0 1.1 1.4 2.5 5.3 15.6 24.1 45.0 696.7
20 Pentlavelli 84.4 138.9 139.0 119.1 481.4 95.3 18.0 2.7 116.0 1.9 2.0 3.9 6.8 12.5 20.4 39.7 641.0
District 74.2 125.4 119.4 132.7 451.7 99.8 26.3 3.5 129.6 1.8 1.5 3.3 7.1 14.4 27.1 48.6 633.2

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 23-05-2016 at
Max 35.1 41.5 in May 81 86 85 75
Madugulapally (M)
6.9 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22.4 16.5 in January 55 46 37 29
Munugode (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 692.6 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 55, Dry days are 255.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in September is 153.1 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 4.1 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 320 mm in Chityala (M) on 29-10-2005
v SW Monsoon average is 497.3 mm and Rainy days are 40. Dry days are 47.
v NE Monsoon average is 137.4mm and Rainy days are 9.
v Winter average is 9.4mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 48.5mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

86 88 87
90 84 83 85 85
81 78
76 76
Annual Values of relative humidity are about 69% 80
Relative Humidity (%)

v 69
to 88% in the morning and 27% to 58% in the 55 58
60 52 51
44 44
50 42
40 35 33
28 27
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).




A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Nalgonda District Rainfall variation in
Nalgonda District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
y = 7.580x + 420.9 y = -2.169x + 697.3
700 R² = 0.082 1100 R² = 0.002

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

600 900

500 700

Year SWM Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Nalgonda District


S. No









1 Chityala 94.6 123.8 123.5 136.0 477.9 115.2 28.2 3.3 146.7 7.8 2.4 10.2 8.1 14.8 23.5 46.4 681.2
2 Narketpalle 86.2 132.6 139.3 143.7 501.8 111.8 35.8 2.2 149.8 8.6 5.0 13.6 13.7 14.5 26.8 55.0 720.2
3 Kattangoor 84.5 158.6 147.6 151.8 542.5 105.6 33.8 3.2 142.6 9.3 4.3 13.6 7.0 13.3 37.8 58.1 756.8
4 Saligouraram 97.3 162.0 151.4 168.2 578.9 113.8 25.6 3.3 142.7 9.5 3.3 12.8 8.7 9.0 33.1 50.8 785.2
5 Nakrekal 98.9 166.9 177.5 177.1 620.4 107.2 27.5 3.1 137.8 11.5 4.1 15.6 8.9 14.1 36.9 59.9 833.7
6 Kethepalle 89.5 172.1 173.0 169.2 603.8 100.4 25.7 4.1 130.2 8.9 6.1 15.0 9.6 14.4 41.6 65.6 814.6
7 Thipparthi 75.0 127.4 150.7 151.6 504.7 103.3 29.4 2.4 135.1 5.9 3.9 9.8 6.0 10.3 27.4 43.7 693.3
8 Nalgonda 94.5 156.2 159.7 187.1 597.5 114.6 31.1 4.5 150.2 6.7 3.7 10.4 9.8 14.4 36.0 60.2 818.3
9 Kangal 72.1 123.3 117.8 161.7 474.9 98.7 30.1 2.6 131.4 4.5 2.5 7.0 7.9 12.8 28.0 48.7 662.0
10 Munugode 96.8 137.6 153.0 153.6 541.0 108.0 33.1 3.6 144.7 4.5 4.1 8.6 8.3 17.0 29.3 54.6 748.9
11 Chandur 93.0 141.5 132.9 164.4 531.8 109.8 31.9 3.4 145.1 4.5 5.5 10.0 9.7 19.0 30.3 59.0 745.9
12 Marriguda 73.8 88.4 103.7 121.1 387.0 99.2 30.0 2.1 131.3 1.6 2.9 4.5 6.0 12.3 24.6 42.9 565.7
13 Chinthapalle 78.6 97.0 106.5 120.6 402.7 95.4 33.5 3.0 131.9 2.9 3.0 5.9 9.1 5.9 19.6 34.6 575.1
14 Nampalle 76.7 92.4 115.5 136.3 420.9 90.5 30.1 2.5 123.1 3.5 5.9 9.4 4.8 8.1 14.1 27.0 580.4
15 Gurrampode 69.0 92.8 96.1 133.5 391.4 84.7 26.5 2.5 113.7 4.9 2.4 7.3 5.6 10.0 13.4 29.0 541.4
16 Anumula_Haliya 79.7 121.0 121.2 156.4 478.3 104.9 33.4 5.1 143.4 5.3 5.5 10.8 13.0 12.7 32.5 58.2 690.7
17 Nidamanur 82.6 128.1 144.1 194.0 548.8 107.0 31.4 4.8 143.2 5.1 6.2 11.3 11.5 8.9 31.7 52.1 755.4
18 Thripuraram 75.0 150.5 158.4 162.6 546.5 93.1 32.5 7.7 133.3 8.6 4.7 13.3 7.6 9.9 23.8 41.3 734.4
19 Madugulapally 76.8 139.4 161.1 165.4 542.7 101.4 29.6 5.1 136.1 7.2 5.1 12.3 8.2 9.8 29.6 47.6 738.7
20 Vemulapalle 76.9 148.2 185.1 146.8 557.0 102.4 25.9 3.8 132.1 7.2 5.6 12.8 6.8 7.9 38.8 53.5 755.4
21 Miryalaguda 82.3 160.4 169.9 153.4 566.0 110.5 27.3 4.5 142.3 7.9 4.2 12.1 8.6 8.4 38.5 55.5 775.9
22 Damaracherla 80.8 141.7 160.6 159.6 542.7 114.9 33.8 5.0 153.7 4.6 4.9 9.5 8.4 8.9 30.4 47.7 753.6
23 Adavi Devula Palli 79.4 138.6 158.6 158.6 535.2 111.1 33.9 4.9 149.9 3.2 4.9 8.1 8.4 7.9 30.1 46.4 739.6
24 Tirumalagiri_Sagar 77.6 116.0 128.4 163.7 485.7 101.2 33.7 4.4 139.3 4.4 5.8 10.2 11.9 10.9 25.8 48.6 683.8
25 Peddavura 68.0 106.3 122.4 143.3 440.0 88.0 35.7 3.5 127.2 4.4 6.1 10.5 11.8 9.6 15.1 36.5 614.2
26 68.0 84.7 103.7 128.3 384.7 85.8 34.5 5.7 126.0 3.3 4.1 7.4 8.4 12.1 22.7 43.2 561.3
27 Neredugommu 76.1 89.7 96.0 133.6 395.4 96.2 34.2 5.6 136.0 2.7 3.2 5.9 7.7 12.6 25.1 45.4 582.7
28 Kondamallapally 85.4 98.5 114.9 153.9 452.7 92.8 32.2 5.2 130.2 2.4 3.2 5.6 8.8 14.6 27.2 50.6 639.1
29 Devarakonda 89.5 99.4 115.1 155.8 459.8 93.4 32.2 5.2 130.8 3.0 3.2 6.2 9.5 15.4 27.2 52.1 648.9
30 Gundlapalle 82.5 124.2 137.4 161.6 505.7 104.3 38.1 5.9 148.3 2.7 2.9 5.6 12.0 12.2 26.1 50.3 709.9
31 Chandampet 79.2 94.0 92.1 134.7 400.0 105.5 33.5 5.4 144.4 1.7 2.3 4.0 6.3 13.5 23.1 42.9 591.3
District 82.0 125.9 136.3 153.1 497.3 102.1 31.2 4.1 137.4 5.3 4.1 9.4 8.9 11.8 27.8 48.5 692.6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.9 on 23-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 41.6 in May 83 87 87 79
Chinthala Palem ( M)
7.9 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 23.0 17.5 in January 57 46 39 31
Noothankal (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 776.6 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 55, Dry days are 262.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 175.7 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in December is 3.5 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 286.8 mm in Mellachervu (M) on 25-10-2013
v SW Monsoon average is 597.1 mm and Rainy days are 41. Dry days are 48.
v NE Monsoon average is 119.3mm and Rainy days are 9.
v Winter average is 10.6mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 49.6mm and Rainy days are 4.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 89 89

87 87 85 85 86 86
90 81 81
Annual Values of relative humidity are about 73%
Relative Humidity (%)

80 73
70 58 60
to 89% in the morning and 28% to 60% in the 60
54 52
50 41 42
afternoon. 40
37 35
29 28
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm 0
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).









A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Suryapet ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚZĂŝŶĨĂůůvariation in Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
Suryapet District Rainfall variation in Annual
900 1100
y = 12.03x + 453.4 y = 4.898x + 671.9
800 1000
R² = 0.150 R² = 0.019
700 900
Rainfall (mm)

Rainfall (mm)
600 800
500 700
400 600
300 500
200 400

Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Year
Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Suryapet District


S. No









1 Nagaram 113.1 199.8 175.7 163.9 652.5 92.6 26.0 2.6 121.2 4.4 3.6 8.0 10.0 11.9 31.1 53.0 834.7
2 Thirumalagiri 112.9 216.5 176.0 193.0 698.4 95.6 27.1 2.9 125.6 4.4 3.0 7.4 9.7 11.4 30.0 51.1 882.5
3 119.2 193.3 174.2 160.0 646.7 88.5 25.8 2.4 116.7 5.1 2.4 7.5 9.9 10.8 32.3 53.0 823.9
4 Maddirala 104.7 186.9 173.8 155.1 620.5 90.0 26.3 3.4 119.7 5.5 3.5 9.0 10.1 9.8 32.5 52.4 801.6
5 Noothankal 93.5 179.8 173.8 148.2 595.3 91.1 26.6 3.1 120.8 5.5 4.3 9.8 9.9 10.0 33.2 53.1 779.0
6 112.3 190.1 180.9 141.7 625.0 95.9 25.8 3.1 124.8 3.8 5.2 9.0 12.1 12.1 29.6 53.8 812.6
7 Suryapet 111.4 183.0 187.1 164.3 645.8 103.5 23.4 4.4 131.3 5.9 6.4 12.3 6.1 16.5 40.3 62.9 852.3
8 Atmakur_S 89.2 159.0 164.5 134.0 546.7 84.4 25.3 4.0 113.7 4.5 3.1 7.6 9.4 10.4 30.8 50.6 718.6
9 Mothey 75.3 135.5 133.1 116.8 460.7 77.9 20.6 3.6 102.1 6.9 3.2 10.1 3.5 7.9 34.1 45.5 618.4
10 Chivvemla 95.1 165.6 166.9 133.8 561.4 87.7 21.5 2.1 111.3 7.1 4.9 12.0 4.6 11.7 35.4 51.7 736.4
11 Penpahad 95.8 161.6 176.3 148.1 581.8 95.0 20.3 3.5 118.8 7.7 4.1 11.8 4.4 7.2 31.1 42.7 755.1
12 Munagala 100.8 176.6 191.6 166.5 635.5 102.0 21.8 3.5 127.3 5.9 5.7 11.6 8.4 6.1 31.7 46.2 820.6
13 Nadigudem 94.7 174.8 174.7 150.1 594.3 98.1 18.5 2.9 119.5 6.0 5.0 11.0 7.0 4.7 31.2 42.9 767.7
14 Ananthagiri 96.0 179.9 182.8 154.7 613.4 98.6 19.7 4.2 122.5 7.0 6.0 13.0 9.2 6.4 35.6 51.2 800.1
15 Kodad 95.8 185.7 200.1 162.7 644.3 98.8 20.7 5.1 124.6 8.0 6.9 14.9 11.8 8.4 39.3 59.5 843.3
16 Chilkur 89.2 176.5 184.6 159.2 609.5 88.1 20.2 4.7 113.0 8.0 4.6 12.6 10.5 5.2 34.8 50.5 785.6
17 Garidepalle 89.8 159.8 176.7 140.0 566.3 82.6 16.9 2.9 102.4 6.1 3.6 9.7 5.4 5.3 26.8 37.5 715.9
18 Neredcherla 90.2 176.3 176.8 150.0 593.3 101.1 16.8 3.3 121.2 5.8 4.2 10.0 4.7 6.0 29.5 40.2 764.7
19 Palakeedu 89.8 178.7 179.2 149.8 597.5 102.5 16.9 3.4 122.8 7.0 4.2 11.2 4.7 6.6 28.7 40.0 771.5
20 Mattampalle 68.1 131.5 147.5 115.4 462.5 73.5 15.9 3.6 93.0 4.4 6.9 11.3 6.0 8.2 25.4 39.6 606.4
21 Huzur Nagar 88.1 188.2 174.2 149.8 600.3 102.6 18.2 4.4 125.2 6.2 5.5 11.7 6.0 7.6 33.1 46.7 783.9
22 Mellachervu 85.3 169.0 185.3 152.7 592.3 112.4 20.6 3.6 136.6 7.3 5.2 12.5 11.2 9.5 33.9 54.6 796.0
23 82.9 168.3 182.7 151.1 585.0 107.2 20.4 3.4 131.0 6.3 5.2 11.5 11.2 8.8 33.5 53.5 781.0
District 95.5 175.7 175.6 150.3 597.1 94.4 21.4 3.5 119.3 6.0 4.6 10.6 8.1 9.1 32.4 49.6 776.6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.7 on 28-05-2015 at
Max 35.4 41.6 in May 87 90 90 84
Mudigonda (M)
7.6 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22.8 17.0 in January 61 47 38 33
Thirumalayapalem (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1031.9 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 69, dry days are 246.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in August is 247.4 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in February is 6.0 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 396.2 mm in Singareni (M) on 04-08-2006
v SW Monsoon average is 793.3 mm and Rainy days are 53. Dry days are 37.
v NE Monsoon average is 142.4mm and Rainy days are 10.
v Winter average is 13.5mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 82.7mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100 90 90 88

85 86 89
92 91 89 88
90 78 82
Relative Humidity (%)

v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 78% 70 59 62 62
to 92% in the morning and 31% to 62% in the 60
50 40 36
49 45 42
afternoon. 40 35 31 32
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm
or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).







A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Khammam District Rainfall variation in
Khammam District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1300 1600
y = -2.438x + 829.5 y = -17.32x + 1165.
R² = 0.004 1400 R² = 0.136

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


Year SWM
Year Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Khammam District


S. No









1 Singareni 134.3 288.7 279.0 180.4 882.4 91.9 17.5 5.4 114.8 11.2 8.4 19.6 19.6 19.1 51.4 90.1 1106.9
2 Kamepalle 131.5 266.0 276.3 180.0 853.8 92.9 23.8 5.2 121.9 10.9 7.6 18.5 14.5 18.1 59.2 91.8 1086.0
3 123.9 231.5 241.2 179.9 776.5 109.9 26.2 6.5 142.6 8.7 7.2 15.9 10.1 12.8 51.3 74.2 1009.2
4 118.8 224.2 236.7 172.5 752.2 108.4 25.9 6.5 140.8 6.6 7.3 13.9 9.7 10.6 51.1 71.4 978.3
5 110.1 225.7 236.1 171.9 743.8 110.1 26.0 5.3 141.4 4.9 5.1 10.0 9.7 17.6 43.4 70.7 965.9
6 Kusumanchi 107.2 229.9 216.0 161.1 714.2 119.5 28.1 7.6 155.2 7.8 5.9 13.7 7.6 12.6 44.9 65.1 948.2
7 103.1 233.4 216.0 180.5 733.0 112.1 27.8 6.1 146.0 6.4 6.6 13.0 9.5 9.6 52.9 72.0 964.0
8 Mudigonda 108.7 236.1 222.9 178.2 745.9 110.1 29.9 4.8 144.8 7.7 6.1 13.8 7.6 10.8 45.8 64.2 968.7
9 Chinthakani 116.2 244.5 226.4 169.2 756.3 104.0 27.9 4.5 136.4 5.3 4.8 10.1 10.4 11.3 56.0 77.7 980.5
10 125.4 238.8 250.7 179.6 794.5 112.2 26.7 6.4 145.3 8.9 7.0 15.9 10.0 13.6 52.7 76.3 1032.0
11 Konijerla 123.7 239.8 228.4 173.1 765.0 102.1 24.5 5.9 132.5 7.3 4.4 11.7 9.2 17.6 59.8 86.6 995.8
12 Enkuru 151.7 279.2 295.5 188.8 915.2 110.0 27.8 7.3 145.1 8.1 8.9 17.0 11.9 24.3 72.1 108.3 1185.6
13 Kalluru 144.6 251.2 256.0 197.7 849.5 96.6 31.0 6.8 134.4 7.3 8.2 15.5 6.7 16.0 49.7 72.4 1071.8
14 Penuballi 138.7 258.6 276.0 180.3 853.6 102.0 26.7 6.9 135.6 8.9 5.3 14.2 11.3 20.8 62.5 94.6 1098.0
15 Sathupalle 157.9 280.9 295.3 184.2 918.3 127.0 38.8 8.4 174.2 4.5 5.0 9.5 12.6 23.0 71.1 106.7 1208.7
16 Vemsoor 123.8 256.9 261.7 161.3 803.7 106.7 27.5 8.3 142.5 6.0 4.5 10.5 11.3 17.8 66.2 95.3 1052.0
17 Thallada 129.2 240.6 250.2 189.7 809.7 97.5 30.2 8.2 135.9 6.4 4.7 11.1 9.3 15.3 66.4 91.0 1047.7
18 Wyra 125.6 246.1 248.1 186.4 806.2 104.2 28.9 5.5 138.6 8.3 2.7 11.0 8.0 14.9 68.6 91.5 1047.3
19 Bonakal 110.3 210.7 228.8 174.1 723.9 109.1 34.2 6.4 149.7 7.1 7.1 14.2 13.2 14.4 60.9 88.5 976.3
20 Madhira 114.0 219.6 227.0 161.8 722.4 120.6 32.6 6.8 160.0 8.0 7.5 15.5 11.6 10.2 44.9 66.7 964.6
21 Yerrupalem 123.3 227.8 230.2 166.8 748.1 111.2 31.4 7.7 150.3 7.5 4.7 12.2 7.8 17.9 59.2 84.9 995.5
District 124.8 244.2 247.4 176.9 793.3 107.7 28.4 6.3 142.4 7.5 6.0 13.5 10.6 15.6 56.5 82.7 1031.9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
48.5 on 22-05-2015 at
Max 35.1 41.9 in May 87 90 87 75
Mulug (M)
5.7 on 11-01-2015 at
Min 22.1 14.7 in January 65 46 34 28
Mulug (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 1300.1mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 74, Dry days are 252.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 379.4 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in February is 5.0 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 517.5 mm in Wazeed (M) on 19-07-2013
v SW Monsoon average is 1113.4 mm and Rainy days are 60. Dry days are 38.
v NE Monsoon average is 106.5mm and Rainy days are 8.
v Winter average is 10.6mm and Rainy days are 1.
v Summer average is 69.6mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

89 85
88 89 91 90 90 90
Relative Humidity (%)

80 75
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 70% 70 65 67 64
60 51
to 91% in the morning and 27% to 67% in the 50 37
43 41
afternoon. 40
32 30
27 28
Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm




or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Mulugu District Rainfall variation in
Mulugu District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1900 1900
y = 22.78x + 979.1 y = 12.63x + 1220.
1700 1700
R² = 0.131 R² = 0.039

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)

1500 1500

Year SWM Annual Rainfall
Linear (SWM)
Year Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Mulugu District


S. No









1 Venkatapur 165.5 366.0 307.6 186.7 1025.8 76.6 14.2 7.0 97.8 4.4 6.8 11.2 16.4 23.1 26.3 65.8 1200.6

2 Mulug 182.7 373.9 292.9 189.3 1038.8 66.9 18.1 6.2 91.2 3.4 7.1 10.5 21.7 19.8 26.0 67.5 1208.0

3 176.6 356.0 302.9 182.9 1018.4 75.0 14.2 7.0 96.2 3.5 5.8 9.3 13.3 27.7 26.2 67.2 1191.1

4 Tadvai 178.8 351.8 321.0 205.5 1057.1 75.5 17.6 6.6 99.7 4.5 2.2 6.7 15.3 17.9 27.3 60.5 1224.0

5 Eturunagaram 188.9 357.7 351.3 218.5 1116.4 94.2 23.9 6.0 124.1 4.3 1.9 6.2 16.1 23.4 35.2 74.7 1321.4

6 Kannaigudem 190.7 359.4 347.5 216.0 1113.6 91.7 23.9 6.0 121.6 4.1 1.9 6.0 16.1 21.8 34.2 72.1 1313.3

7 Wazeed 184.8 429.1 405.6 232.4 1251.9 85.9 18.4 6.2 110.5 12.5 9.4 21.9 13.5 18.9 34.5 66.9 1451.2

8 Venkatapuram 198.4 464.6 427.9 241.5 1332.4 88.9 16.8 6.8 112.5 7.6 4.5 12.1 14.8 24.3 46.0 85.1 1542.1

9 Mangapet 183.1 359.7 339.6 188.9 1071.3 79.4 17.8 7.5 104.7 6.3 3.2 9.5 17.6 19.0 31.0 67.6 1253.1

District 183.2 379.4 343.9 206.9 1113.4 81.5 18.5 6.5 106.5 5.6 5.0 10.6 15.8 21.8 32.0 69.6 1300.1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana


Temperature (°C) Average Relative Humidity (RH%)
Avg. Annual Mean Hottest / Ever Recorded Max/Min
SWM NEM Winter Summer
Temp. Coldest Month Temp.
47.7 on 21-05-2015 at
Max 34.3 40.5 in May 85 83 73 61
Marikal (M)
7.1 on 09-12-2013 at
Min 21.4 15.6 in January 58 39 27 22
Kosgi (M)

Month wise average Rainfall; Temperature - Extreme Maximum, Avg Max, Avg Min, Extreme Minimum

Rainfall (mm):
v Average annual Rainfall is 588.2 mm
v Average annual Rainy days are 52, Dry days are 267.
v Mean monthly highest rainfall observed in July is 132.5 mm
v Mean monthly lowest rainfall observed in January is 1.6 mm
v Ever recorded Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours is 181.3mm in Utkoor(M) on 16-09-2020
v SW Monsoon average is 447.0 mm and Rainy days are 40. Dry days are 51.
v NE Monsoon average is 94.7mm and Rainy days are 7.
v Winter average is 4.7mm and Rainy days are 0.
v Summer average is 41.8mm and Rainy days are 5.

Relative Humidity (RH%) 100

80 83
87 90 87 83
Relative Humidity (%)

80 68
v Annual Values of relative humidity are about 58% 63
55 58
to 90% in the morning and 20% to 61% in the 45 47
37 34
afternoon. 40 30
23 23 20 23

Note: A rainy day has been de ined as a day with rainfall of 2.5mm






or more recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).

A Dry day has been de ined as a day with rainfall less Month
than 0.2mm recorded in 24 hours (08:30 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.).
Narayanpet District Rainfall variation in
Narayanpet District Rainfall variation in Annual
Southwest Monsoon (2004-2020)
1000 y = 8.338x + 552.1
y = 18.47x + 339.9 R² = 0.059
R² = 0.285 800

Rainfall (mm)
Rainfall (mm)


400 400

Year Annual Rainfall
Year SWM
Linear (SWM) Linear (Annual Rainfall)

Mandal wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm) Narayanpet District


S. No









1 Damaragidda 77.1 126.2 129.3 101.4 434.0 55.0 17.1 4.6 76.7 1.1 1.7 2.8 10.0 12.4 20.2 42.6 556.1

2 Narayanpet 81.4 128.6 124.1 119.2 453.3 88.1 22.0 5.8 115.9 1.7 3.2 4.9 10.5 14.2 22.3 47.0 621.1

3 Utkoor 78.1 138.1 132.2 114.5 462.9 91.0 17.4 1.9 110.3 0.4 2.2 2.6 7.6 13.7 11.9 33.2 609.0

4 Maganoor 79.4 136.6 115.0 122.0 453.0 71.0 11.7 2.0 84.7 1.2 3.3 4.5 7.8 8.1 13.8 29.7 571.9

5 Krishna 73.0 136.4 113.5 118.4 441.3 70.0 11.7 2.0 83.7 1.4 3.3 4.7 7.8 8.9 13.3 30.0 559.7

6 Makthal 67.0 118.7 124.7 121.9 432.3 67.1 17.6 3.0 87.7 2.9 4.7 7.6 12.3 14.1 18.0 44.4 572.0

7 Narva 72.8 119.0 122.8 118.5 433.1 74.5 13.7 4.6 92.8 1.4 3.9 5.3 11.5 7.5 25.0 44.0 575.2

9 Marikal 82.5 130.7 124.0 116.9 454.1 85.8 12.6 3.7 102.1 3.1 3.6 6.7 10.3 10.9 28.9 50.1 613.0

10 Dhanwada 88.3 138.4 125.7 113.6 466.0 91.1 10.2 2.5 103.8 3.5 3.1 6.6 9.3 14.4 30.8 54.5 630.9

12 Maddur 70.6 124.2 111.5 89.1 395.4 68.0 14.4 7.9 90.3 0.5 2.9 3.4 7.5 10.2 22.4 40.1 529.2

13 Kosgi 89.3 158.7 133.3 113.4 494.7 69.8 16.0 4.7 90.5 1.9 1.9 3.8 10.8 12.5 21.8 45.1 634.1

District 77.9 132.5 123.0 113.6 447.0 75.9 15.1 3.7 94.7 1.6 3.1 4.7 9.7 11.4 20.7 41.8 588.2

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –I
India Meteorological Department

Methodology used for computation of Rainfall Normal for the period 1951 – 2000
A. Preparation of ϐixed network:

A network of 2412 stations are selected based on the availability of rainfall data of at least 30 years during the period 1951-2000 and
also maintaining the uniform density for representing 641 districts of India.

B. Station Daily Normal :

Daily Rainfall normals for all the 365 days of each station are calculated. It is a simple average for each date in the period 1951 – 2000
i.e. addition of all available daily values and dividing by the number of values during this period for the date for that station.

C. District Daily Normal :

It is a simple average of Daily Rainfall normals of all the stations in the concerned district for each of date.

D. Subdivision/State Daily Area weighted Normal :

It is daily area weighted normal computed by using district daily normal and its area in the sub – division/state.

E. Four Homogeneous Regions and India as a whole

It is daily area weighted normal computed by using subdivision daily normal and its area in the region.

Finally Daily Accumulated Rainfall normals are calculated from the daily normals season–wise for each station, district, state, sub-di-
vision, homogeneous region, all India. From the daily rainfall normal, monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall normals are obtained by
adding daily normal values.

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –II
District wise and Month wise Rainfall (mm)
Normals based on the 30 years data
(1989-90 to 2018-19)

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –II
District wise and Month wise Normals based on the last 30 years data (1989-90 to 2018-19) Rainfall (mm)
Septem- Novem- Decem- Janu- Feb- Hot
Dcode District June July August SWM October NEM Winter March April May Annual
ber ber ber ary ruary Period
1 Adilabad 203.2 319.4 306.1 159.7 988.4 80.4 11.7 4.1 96.2 11.5 5.4 16.9 17.2 12.1 21 50.3 1151.8
2 Kumuram Bheem 184.8 334.1 315.9 172.2 1007 75 8.4 5.4 88.8 11.5 8 19.5 16.1 14.1 18.1 48.3 1163.6
3 Mancherial 166.8 310.7 291.1 160.6 929.2 75.1 11.3 6.1 92.5 10.1 7.6 17.7 12.9 9.7 16.1 38.7 1078.1
4 Nirmal 178.7 291.6 259.9 170.9 901.1 78.8 12 4.9 95.7 11.1 7.1 18.2 12.5 7.7 15.6 35.8 1050.8
5 Nizamabad 157.3 269.6 254.9 151.6 833.4 77.2 16.9 4.1 98.2 9.9 6.6 16.5 12.8 10.4 19.1 42.3 990.4
6 Jagtial 157.6 269.6 242.6 160 829.8 77.7 14.4 4.7 96.8 12.7 9 21.7 16.1 13 19.6 48.7 997
7 Peddapalli 157.3 294.9 237.9 165.3 855.4 78 16.8 4.8 99.6 10.4 6.7 17.1 14 12.8 17.7 44.5 1016.6
8 Jayashankar 156.8 315.8 273.1 161.9 907.6 72 16.2 4.2 92.4 7.5 4.6 12.1 12.4 13 23.4 48.8 1060.9
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 168.7 298.4 286.1 185.9 939.1 86.9 27.7 6.4 121 8.1 7.3 15.4 14.6 23.2 57.7 95.5 1171
10 Mahabubabad 139.7 246.5 236.7 171.8 794.7 88.5 21.8 5 115.3 5.7 6.4 12.1 15.4 16.4 39 70.8 992.9
11 Warangal Rural 155.4 281.1 243.7 170 850.2 74.2 21.7 5.9 101.8 4.5 4.5 9 17.3 17.3 31.8 66.4 1027.4
12 Warangal Urban 134.1 245.8 192.1 158 730 82.7 23.5 5 111.2 7.9 5.1 13 15.4 15.8 26.9 58.1 912.3
13 Karimnagar 119 236.1 191.2 156 702.3 74.8 22.8 3.9 101.5 9.2 6.5 15.7 16.2 14.4 21.1 51.7 871.2
14 Rajanna Siricilla 127.6 214.2 197.9 143.7 683.4 76.9 20.3 3.8 101 9 6.1 15.1 16.2 19.7 19.7 55.6 855.1
15 Kamareddy 139.8 247.9 259.1 149.8 796.6 87.4 17.9 4.2 109.5 7.5 5.1 12.6 17.9 15.5 18.9 52.3 971
16 Sangareddy 119.1 197.5 193.5 149.4 659.5 88.7 20.2 4.2 113.1 5.1 5 10.1 16.8 21.7 23.3 61.8 844.5
17 Medak 120.4 214.7 205.8 136.6 677.5 78.8 18.2 4.2 101.2 5.1 5.4 10.5 15.9 14 22.2 52.1 841.3
18 Siddipet 98.1 180.7 163.8 133.3 575.9 74.5 22.7 4.1 101.3 6.7 4.4 11.1 16.2 15.5 22.7 54.4 742.7
19 Jangaon 122.3 212.1 178.9 161.5 674.8 83 23.1 4.5 110.6 6.1 5.7 11.8 17.5 17.7 29.5 64.7 861.9
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 96 146.6 138.8 146.7 528.1 97 26.2 3.3 126.5 4.3 3.3 7.6 13.9 16.1 23.9 53.9 716.1
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 103.5 168.3 177.4 133.9 583.1 92.9 26.2 3.8 122.9 6 4 10 14 19 25.7 58.7 774.7
22 Hyderabad 101.6 174.7 184.6 142 602.9 99.3 27.1 5.6 132 4 5.3 9.3 15.8 21.1 29.4 66.3 810.5
23 Rangareddy 92.1 141.9 142.9 135.5 512.4 94.6 24 3.7 122.3 2.6 4.4 7 11.2 20.4 29.6 61.2 702.9
24 Vikarabad 111.9 181.5 182.3 158.5 634.2 85.4 17.8 2.9 106.1 2.8 2.6 5.4 15.1 20.7 33.5 69.3 815
25 Mahabubnagar 83.2 139.2 130.2 123.7 476.3 83.9 17.3 3.1 104.3 1.7 2.3 4 9.1 11.9 27.1 48.1 632.7
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 72.3 108.3 119.6 109.5 409.7 83.5 19.5 2.4 105.4 2.1 1.6 3.7 9.7 8.5 23.6 41.8 560.6
27 Wanaparthy 74.1 133.1 126.8 118.2 452.2 84.7 17.4 2.7 104.8 1.7 2.2 3.9 9.1 9.6 24.3 43 603.9
28 Nagarkurnool 74.2 125.4 119.4 132.7 451.7 99.8 26.3 3.5 129.6 1.8 1.5 3.3 7.1 14.4 27.1 48.6 633.2
29 Nalgonda 82 125.9 136.3 153.1 497.3 102.1 31.2 4.1 137.4 5.3 4.1 9.4 8.9 11.8 27.8 48.5 692.6
30 Suryapet 95.5 175.7 175.6 150.3 597.1 94.4 21.4 3.5 119.3 6 4.6 10.6 8.1 9.1 32.4 49.6 776.6
31 Khammam 124.8 244.2 247.4 176.9 793.3 107.7 28.4 6.3 142.4 7.5 6 13.5 10.6 15.6 56.5 82.7 1031.9
32 Mulugu 183.2 379.4 343.9 206.9 1113.4 81.5 18.5 6.5 106.5 5.6 5 10.6 15.8 21.8 32 69.6 1300.1
33 Narayanpet 77.9 132.5 123 113.6 447 75.9 15.1 3.7 94.7 1.6 3.1 4.7 9.7 11.4 20.7 41.8 588.2
State 128.2 224.9 203.9 163.4 720.4 85.9 20.4 4.7 111 6.1 5.3 11.4 13.2 15 27.8 56 898.8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –III
State -Year wise -Monthly Rainfall (mm)
from 1st June 1951 to 31st December 2020

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

State -Year wise -Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – III
Southwest Mon- Northeast
Year/ June July August September October November December
soon Monsoon
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 111.3 146.0 -24.0 290.4 225.1 29.0 132.1 179.3 -26.0 122.5 172.1 -29.0 656.3 722.5 -9.0 147.5 60.0 146.0 2.0 21.6 -91.0 0.4 5.4 -93.0 149.9 87.0 72.0
1952-53 63.1 146.0 -57.0 165.9 225.1 -26.0 135.6 179.3 -24.0 122.9 172.1 -29.0 487.5 722.5 -33.0 98.5 60.0 64.0 0.0 21.6 -100.0 9.3 5.4 72.0 107.8 87.0 24.0
1953-54 181.9 146.0 25.0 188.3 225.1 -16.0 252.3 179.3 41.0 254.3 172.1 48.0 876.8 722.5 21.0 191.9 60.0 220.0 0. 21.6 -100.0 0.0 5.4 -100.0 191.9 87.0 121.0
1954-55 96.0 145.7 -34.0 293.6 226.6 30.0 192.0 179.1 7.0 248.4 170.1 46.0 830.0 721.5 15.0 50.8 61.1 -17.0 0.0 21.9 -100.0 2.8 5.3 -47.0 53.6 88.3 -39.0
1955-56 189.0 145.7 30.0 220.1 226.6 -3.0 355.7 179.1 99.0 217.4 170.1 28.0 982.2 721.5 36.0 101.6 61.1 66.0 11.1 21.9 -49.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 112.7 88.3 28.0
1956-57 200.4 145.7 38.0 423.3 226.6 87.0 132.7 179.1 -26.0 172.1 170.1 1.0 928.5 721.5 29.0 101.7 61.1 66.0 48.0 21.9 119.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 149.7 88.3 70.0
1957-58 166.3 145.7 14.0 191.9 226.6 -15.0 290.7 179.1 62.0 101.7 170.1 -40.0 750.6 721.5 4.0 73.3 61.1 20.0 2.8 21.9 -87.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 76.1 88.3 -14.0
1958-59 76.4 145.7 -48.0 339.1 226.6 50.0 301.6 179.1 68.0 146.9 170.1 -14.0 864.0 721.5 20.0 67.2 61.1 10.0 23.9 21.9 9.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 91.1 88.3 3.0
1959-60 173.7 145.7 19.0 342.0 226.6 51.0 350.9 179.1 96.0 221.2 170.1 30.0 1087.8 721.5 51.0 69.7 61.1 14.0 2.7 21.9 -88.0 1.7 5.3 -68.0 74.1 88.3 -16.0
1960-61 190.3 145.7 31.0 171.4 226.6 -24.0 67.9 179.1 -62.0 226.3 170.1 33.0 655.9 721.5 -9.0 48.2 61.1 -21.0 11.6 21.9 -47.0 2.0 5.3 -62.0 61.8 88.3 -30.0
1961-62 151.9 145.7 4.0 343.3 226.6 52.0 179.7 179.2 0.0 126.6 170.1 -26.0 801.5 721.6 11.0 185.7 61.1 204.0 20.4 21.7 -6.0 0.6 5.3 -89.0 206.7 88.1 135.0
1962-63 81.3 130.7 -38.0 230.1 223.7 3.0 257.1 177.7 45.0 296.0 183.3 61.0 864.5 715.4 21.0 73.0 67.1 9.0 44.7 25.1 78.0 48.6 4.2 1057.0 166.3 96.4 73.0
1963-64 192.1 130.7 47.0 195.9 223.7 -12.0 354.0 177.7 99.0 101.7 183.3 -45.0 843.7 715.4 18.0 134.0 67.1 100.0 0.0 25.1 -100.0 0.0 4.2 -100.0 134.0 96.4 39.0
1964-65 115.0 130.7 -12.0 164.1 223.7 -27.0 190.4 177.7 7.0 347.2 183.3 89.0 816.7 715.4 14.0 57.2 67.1 -15.0 6.3 25.1 -75.0 0.1 4.2 -98.0 63.6 96.4 -34.0
1965-66 100.0 130.7 -23.0 314.2 223.7 40.0 137.4 177.7 -23.0 170.1 183.3 -7.0 721.7 715.4 1.0 0.9 67.1 -99.0 0.2 25.1 -99.0 1.4 4.2 -67.0 2.5 96.4 -97.0
1966-67 56.4 130.7 -57.0 268.3 223.7 20.0 184.2 177.7 4.0 238.2 183.3 30.0 747.1 715.4 4.0 37.3 67.1 -44.0 20.0 25.1 -20.0 24.2 4.2 476.0 81.5 96.4 -15.0
1967-68 153.8 130.7 18.0 328.6 223.7 47.0 164.4 177.7 -7.0 151.6 183.3 -17.0 798.4 715.4 12.0 7.2 67.1 -89.0 0.7 25.1 -97.0 26.2 4.2 524.0 34.1 96.4 -65.0
1968-69 79.3 130.7 -39.0 197.3 223.7 -12.0 42.7 177.7 -76.0 232.7 183.3 27.0 552.0 715.4 -23.0 89.1 67.1 33.0 14.1 25.1 -44.0 0.0 4.2 -100.0 103.2 96.4 7.0
1969-70 89.7 130.7 -31.0 243.2 223.7 9.0 153.6 177.7 -14.0 235.2 183.3 28.0 721.7 715.4 1.0 51.9 67.1 -23.0 71.0 25.1 183.0 20.9 4.2 398.0 143.8 96.4 49.0
1970-71 217.1 131.3 65.0 134.3 230.9 -42.0 365.0 195.2 87.0 171.4 184.9 -7.0 887.8 742.3 20.0 33.3 68.6 -51.0 0.0 20.2 -100.0 0.0 4.7 -100.0 33.3 93.5 -64.0
1971-72 125.0 131.3 -5.0 88.1 230.9 -62.0 152.0 195.2 -22.0 104.4 184.9 -44.0 469.5 742.3 -37.0 134.0 68.6 95.0 0.0 20.2 -100.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 134.0 94.1 42.0
1972-73 129.9 131.3 -1.0 142.2 230.9 -38.0 83.2 195.2 -57.0 76.0 184.9 -59.0 431.3 742.3 -42.0 56.2 68.6 -18.0 58.1 20.2 188.0 3.2 5.3 -40.0 117.5 94.1 25.0
1973-74 118.7 131.3 -10.0 191.6 230.9 -17.0 315.1 195.2 61.0 84.9 184.9 -54.0 710.3 742.3 -4.0 243.4 68.6 255.0 11.1 20.2 -45.0 0.1 5.3 -98.0 254.6 94.1 171.0
1974-75 107.2 131.3 -18.0 112.4 230.9 -51.0 192.8 195.2 -1.0 144.6 184.9 -22.0 557.0 742.3 -25.0 250.6 68.6 265.0 7.1 20.2 -65.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 257.7 94.1 174.0
1975-76 116.3 131.3 -11.0 251.0 230.9 9.0 187.1 195.2 -4.0 340.9 184.9 84.0 895.3 742.3 21.0 204.9 68.6 199.0 7.4 20.2 -63.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 212.3 94.1 126.0
1976-77 91.0 131.3 -31.0 399.7 230.9 73.0 274.7 195.2 41.0 102.7 184.9 -44.0 868.1 742.3 17.0 7.3 68.6 -89.0 50.1 20.2 148.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 57.4 94.1 -39.0
1977-78 95.8 131.3 -27.0 220.6 230.9 -4.0 216.1 195.2 11.0 62.7 184.9 -66.0 595.2 742.3 -20.0 70.4 68.6 3.0 56.6 20.2 180.0 4.1 5.3 -23.0 131.1 94.1 39.0
1978-79 242.9 131.3 85.0 332.4 230.9 44.0 348.7 195.2 79.0 137.8 184.9 -25.0 1061.8 742.3 43.0 54.7 68.6 -20.0 29.1 20.2 44.0 0.3 5.3 -94.0 84.1 94.1 -11.0
1979-80 113.5 128.9 -12.0 132.1 224.0 -41.0 114.0 189.3 -40.0 231.4 183.8 26.0 591.0 726.0 -19.0 19.4 68.9 -72.0 46.0 21.2 117.0 4.9 5.3 -8.0 70.3 95.4 -26.0
1980-81 202.9 128.9 57.0 164.0 224.0 -27.0 228.4 189.3 21.0 127.9 183.8 -30.0 723.2 726.0 0.0 9.7 68.9 -86.0 4.1 21.2 -81.0 8.0 5.3 51.0 21.8 95.4 -77.0
1981-82 176.0 128.9 37.0 207.3 224.0 -7.0 251.7 189.3 33.0 268.8 183.8 46.0 903.8 726.0 24.0 66.6 68.9 -3.0 3.0 21.2 -86.0 1.1 5.3 -79.0 70.7 95.4 -26.0

State -Year wise -Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – III
Year/ January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Month Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 0.0 5.0 -100.0 12.1 16.1 -25.0 12.1 21.1 -43.0 9.9 10.6 -7.0 9.9 23.4 -58.0 63.6 28.0 127.0 83.4 62.0 35.0 901.7 892.6 1.0
1952-53 2.0 5.0 -60.0 0.0 16.1 -100.0 2.0 21.1 -91.0 0.0 10.6 -100.0 25.0 23.4 7.0 1.6 28.0 -94.0 26.6 62.0 -57.0 623.9 892.6 -30.0
1953-54 0.0 5.0 -100.0 0.0 16.1 -100.0 0.0 21.1 -100.0 26.5 10.6 150.0 5.0 23.4 -79.0 11.5 28.0 -59.0 43.0 62.0 -31.0 1111.7 892.6 25.0
1954-55 2.8 4.9 -43.0 0.0 15.8 -100.0 2.8 20.7 -86.0 2.8 10.7 -74.0 8.3 23.4 -65.0 33.8 29.2 16.0 44.9 63.3 -29.0 931.3 893.8 4.0
1955-56 0.0 4.9 -100.0 2.8 15.8 -82.0 2.8 20.7 -86.0 5.7 10.7 -47.0 64.9 23.4 177.0 59.2 29.2 103.0 129.8 63.3 105.0 1227.5 893.8 37.0
1956-57 0.0 4.9 -100.0 2.8 15.8 -82.0 2.8 20.7 -86.0 16.8 10.7 57.0 30.8 23.4 32.0 59.2 29.2 103.0 106.8 63.3 69.0 1187.8 893.8 33.0
1957-58 5.6 4.9 14.0 5.6 15.8 -65.0 11.2 20.7 -46.0 11.1 10.7 4.0 33.7 23.4 44.0 13.9 29.2 -52.0 58.7 63.3 -7.0 896.6 893.8 0.0
1958-59 3.3 4.9 -33.0 0.4 15.8 -97.0 3.7 20.7 -82.0 0.0 10.7 -100.0 7.1 23.4 -70.0 17.9 29.2 -39.0 25.0 63.3 -61.0 983.8 893.8 10.0
1959-60 0.0 4.9 -100.0 0.0 15.8 -100.0 0.0 20.7 -100.0 19.7 10.6 86.0 9.6 23.4 -59.0 22.9 29.2 -22.0 52.2 63.2 -17.0 1214.1 893.7 36.0
1960-61 1.2 4.9 -76.0 5.7 15.8 -64.0 6.9 20.7 -67.0 2.6 10.7 -76.0 9.7 23.3 -58.0 46.0 29.4 56.0 58.3 63.4 -8.0 782.9 893.9 -12.0
1961-62 0.0 4.9 -100.0 17.2 15.8 9.0 17.2 20.7 -17.0 2.3 10.5 -78.0 48.0 23.3 106.0 24.3 29.4 -17.0 74.6 63.2 18.0 1100.0 893.6 23.0
1962-63 0.0 4.6 -100.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 0.0 18.7 -100.0 6.0 11.6 -48.0 45.6 23.2 97.0 15.1 25.2 -40.0 66.7 60.0 11.0 1097.5 890.5 23.0
1963-64 0.1 4.6 -98.0 1.6 14.1 -89.0 1.7 18.7 -91.0 3.3 11.6 -72.0 4.9 23.2 -79.0 2.4 25.2 -90.0 10.6 60.0 -82.0 990.0 890.5 11.0
1964-65 5.2 4.6 13.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 5.2 18.7 -72.0 3.3 11.6 -72.0 17.2 23.2 -26.0 5.3 25.2 -79.0 25.8 60.0 -57.0 911.3 890.5 2.0
1965-66 36.0 4.6 683.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 36.0 18.7 93.0 1.2 11.6 -90.0 6.6 23.2 -72.0 1.7 25.2 -93.0 9.5 60.0 -84.0 769.7 890.5 -14.0
1966-67 4.0 4.6 -13.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 4.0 18.7 -79.0 53.0 11.6 357.0 12.0 23.2 -48.0 4.7 25.2 -81.0 69.7 60.0 16.0 902.3 890.5 1.0
1967-68 13.4 4.6 191.0 14.2 14.1 1.0 27.6 18.7 48.0 21.1 11.6 82.0 15.1 23.2 -35.0 9.4 25.2 -63.0 45.6 60.0 -24.0 905.7 890.5 2.0
1968-69 2.4 4.6 -48.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 2.4 18.7 -87.0 1.1 11.6 -91.0 7.6 23.2 -67.0 79.6 25.2 216.0 88.3 60.0 47.0 745.9 890.5 -16.0
1969-70 4.9 4.6 7.0 2.0 14.1 -86.0 6.9 18.7 -63.0 7.9 11.6 -32.0 21.2 23.2 -9.0 46.1 25.2 83.0 75.2 60.0 25.0 947.6 890.5 6.0
1970-71 4.4 4.1 7.0 10.9 10.0 9.0 15.3 14.1 9.0 8.8 10.6 -17.0 11.0 20.4 -46.0 47.1 24.7 91.0 66.9 55.7 20.0 1003.3 905.6 11.0
1971-72 0.0 4.1 -100.0 7.4 10.0 -26.0 7.4 14.1 -48.0 0.0 10.6 -100.0 16.0 20.4 -22.0 8.8 24.7 -64.0 24.8 55.7 -55.0 635.7 906.2 -30.0
1972-73 0.0 4.1 -100.0 0.0 10.0 -100.0 0.0 14.1 -100.0 0.9 10.6 -92.0 3.0 20.4 -85.0 6.6 24.7 -73.0 10.5 55.7 -81.0 559.3 906.2 -38.0
1973-74 0.0 4.1 -100.0 0.1 10.0 -99.0 0.1 14.1 -99.0 1.2 10.6 -89.0 13.6 20.4 -33.0 40.6 24.7 64.0 55.4 55.7 -1.0 1020.4 906.2 13.0
1974-75 17.7 4.1 332.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 27.7 14.1 96.0 15.1 10.6 42.0 4.6 20.4 -77.0 24.7 24.7 0.0 44.4 55.7 -20.0 886.8 906.2 -2.0
1975-76 0.1 4.1 -98.0 0.3 10.0 -97.0 0.4 14.1 -97.0 0.8 10.6 -92.0 21.6 20.4 6.0 16.3 24.7 -34.0 38.7 55.7 -31.0 1146.7 906.2 27.0
1976-77 0.0 4.1 -100.0 0.6 10.0 -94.0 0.6 14.1 -96.0 2.7 10.6 -75.0 17.7 20.4 -13.0 45.9 24.7 86.0 66.3 55.7 19.0 992.4 906.2 10.0
1977-78 23.3 4.1 468.0 17.6 10.0 76.0 40.9 14.1 190.0 4.3 10.6 -59.0 17.8 20.4 -13.0 30.3 24.7 23.0 52.4 55.7 -6.0 819.6 906.2 -10.0
1978-79 7.0 4.1 71.0 34.8 10.0 248.0 41.8 14.1 196.0 1.0 9.4 -89.0 13.4 20.4 -34.0 69.7 24.7 182.0 84.1 54.5 54.0 1271.8 905.0 41.0
1979-80 1.2 4.4 -73.0 0.0 10.2 -100.0 1.2 14.6 -92.0 5.9 10.8 -45.0 18.9 20.9 -10.0 9.4 25.1 -63.0 34.2 56.8 -40.0 696.7 892.8 -22.0
1980-81 13.8 4.4 214.0 0.0 10.2 -100.0 13.8 14.6 -5.0 39.5 10.8 266.0 16.3 20.9 -22.0 30.1 25.1 20.0 85.9 56.8 51.0 844.7 892.8 -5.0
1981-82 2.0 4.4 -55.0 0.0 10.2 -100.0 2.0 14.6 -86.0 1.6 10.8 -85.0 21.1 20.9 1.0 43.3 25.1 73.0 66.0 56.8 16.0 1042.5 892.8 17.0
Weather and Climatology of Telangana

State -Year wise -Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – III
Southwest Mon- Northeast Mon-
Year/ June July August September October November December
soon soon
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 127.8 128.9 -1.0 239.3 224.0 7.0 165.4 189.3 -13.0 166.9 183.8 -9.0 699.4 726.0 -4.0 101.8 68.9 48.0 21.2 21.2 0.0 0.0 5.3 -100.0 123.0 95.4 29.0
1983-84 121.7 128.9 -6.0 272.3 224.0 22.0 415.6 189.3 120.0 304.2 183.8 66.0 1113.8 726.0 53.0 194.8 68.9 183.0 3.0 21.2 -86.0 9.1 5.3 72.0 206.9 95.4 117.0
1984-85 99.1 128.9 -23.0 243.9 224.0 9.0 110.8 189.3 -41.0 116.0 183.8 -37.0 569.8 726.0 -22.0 93.3 68.9 35.0 5.6 21.2 -74.0 0.1 5.3 -98.0 99.0 95.4 4.0
1985-86 171.3 128.9 33.0 215.6 224.0 -4.0 137.1 189.3 -28.0 61.4 183.8 -67.0 585.4 726.0 -19.0 111.1 68.9 61.0 0.6 21.2 -97.0 5.2 5.3 -2.0 116.9 95.4 23.0
1986-87 112.7 128.9 -13.0 187.5 224.0 -16.0 326.7 189.3 73.0 76.8 183.8 -58.0 703.7 726.0 -3.0 20.4 68.9 -70.0 24.9 21.2 17.0 17.0 5.3 221.0 62.3 95.4 -35.0
1987-88 107.7 128.9 -16.0 225.7 224.0 1.0 200.5 189.3 6.0 59.8 183.8 -67.0 593.7 726.0 -18.0 114.6 68.9 66.0 148.7 21.2 601.0 2.0 5.3 -62.0 265.3 95.4 178.0
1988-89 113.9 129.0 -12.0 544.1 238.2 128.0 298.3 206.2 45.0 285.7 191.1 50.0 1242.0 764.5 62.0 30.7 73.0 -58.0 1.1 17.9 -94.0 8.7 6.8 28.0 40.5 97.7 -59.0
1989-90 220.1 129.0 71.0 449.7 238.2 89.0 240.6 206.2 17.0 178.6 191.1 -7.0 1089.0 764.5 42.0 29.5 73.0 -60.0 3.5 17.9 -80.0 10.1 6.8 49.0 43.1 97.7 -56.0
1990-91 158.1 128.2 23.3 117.1 238.6 -50.9 289.2 219.1 32.0 88.6 129.3 -31.5 653.1 715.1 -8.7 131.8 98.5 33.8 8.5 25.2 -66.3 0.2 5.5 -96.4 140.5 129.2 8.7
1991-92 162.5 128.2 26.8 189.4 238.6 -20.6 105.9 219.1 -51.7 120.4 129.3 -6.9 578.1 715.1 -19.2 22.9 98.5 -76.8 27.5 25.2 9.1 0.1 5.5 -98.2 50.5 129.2 -60.9
1992-93 104.6 128.2 -18.4 120.3 238.6 -49.6 193.1 219.1 -11.9 71.6 129.3 -44.6 489.6 715.1 -31.5 45.2 98.5 -54.1 37.3 25.2 48.0 0.0 5.5 100.0 82.5 129.2 -36.1
1993-94 58.7 128.2 -54.2 197.4 238.6 -17.3 108.9 219.1 -50.3 115.2 129.3 -10.9 480.3 715.1 -32.8 94.2 98.5 -4.4 0.2 25.2 -99.2 12.1 5.5 120.0 106.5 129.2 -17.6
1994-95 63.9 128.2 -50.2 179.6 238.6 -24.7 160.7 219.1 -26.7 31.9 129.3 -75.3 436.1 715.1 -39.0 142.9 98.5 45.1 23.3 25.2 -7.5 0.0 5.5 100.0 166.1 129.2 28.6
1995-96 94.8 128.2 -26.1 180.1 238.6 -24.5 138.0 219.1 -37.0 99.7 129.3 -22.9 512.6 715.1 -28.3 235.4 98.5 139.0 4.8 25.2 -81.0 0.0 5.5 100.0 240.3 129.2 86.0
1996-97 89.2 128.2 -30.4 177.9 238.6 -25.4 237.3 219.1 8.3 139.2 129.3 7.7 643.5 715.1 -10.0 79.1 98.5 -19.7 15.5 25.2 -38.5 0.7 5.5 -87.3 95.4 129.2 -26.2
1997-98 57.1 128.2 -55.5 156.4 238.6 -34.5 113.6 219.1 -48.2 154.1 129.3 19.2 481.3 715.1 -32.7 67.2 98.5 -31.8 37.7 25.2 49.6 21.6 5.5 292.7 126.5 129.2 -2.1
1998-99 129.4 128.2 0.9 208.0 238.6 -12.8 234.4 219.1 7.0 173.2 129.3 34.0 745.1 715.1 4.2 75.2 98.5 -23.7 3.2 25.2 -87.3 0.0 5.5 100.0 78.4 129.2 -39.3
1999-2K 94.4 128.2 -26.4 176.5 238.6 -26.0 161.6 219.1 -26.2 141.8 129.3 9.7 574.3 715.1 -19.7 36.8 98.5 -62.6 0.8 25.2 -96.8 0.0 5.5 100.0 37.6 129.2 -70.9
2000-01 217.9 128.2 70.0 180.4 238.6 -24.4 369.7 219.1 68.7 59.1 129.3 -54.3 827.1 715.1 15.7 19.3 98.5 -80.4 0.8 25.2 -96.8 3.0 5.5 -45.5 23.1 129.2 -82.1
2001-02 140.3 128.2 9.4 102.6 238.6 -57.0 204.5 219.1 -6.7 135.0 129.3 4.4 582.3 715.1 -18.6 128.7 98.5 30.7 6.2 25.2 -75.4 0.0 5.5 100.0 134.8 129.2 4.3
2002-03 109.9 128.2 -14.3 74.1 238.6 -68.9 250.0 219.1 14.1 54.3 129.3 -58.0 488.3 715.1 -31.7 85.2 98.5 -13.5 0.8 25.2 -96.8 0.0 5.5 100.0 86.0 129.2 -33.4
2003-04 97.0 128.2 -24.3 246.2 238.6 3.2 230.1 219.1 5.0 99.4 129.3 -23.1 672.6 715.1 -5.9 95.1 98.5 -3.5 0.4 25.2 -98.4 7.5 5.5 36.4 103.0 129.2 -20.3
2004-05 55.7 128.2 -56.6 205.0 238.6 -14.1 103.8 219.1 -52.6 91.4 129.3 -29.3 455.8 715.1 -36.3 71.1 98.5 -27.8 5.3 25.2 -79.0 0.0 5.5 100.0 76.4 129.2 -40.9
2005-06 89.6 128.2 -30.1 326.2 238.6 36.7 118.6 219.1 -45.9 273.8 129.3 111.8 808.2 715.1 13.0 163.5 98.5 66.0 3.1 25.2 -87.7 5.6 5.5 1.8 172.3 129.2 33.4
2006-07 95.9 128.2 -25.2 125.8 238.6 -47.3 255.5 219.1 16.6 251.6 129.3 94.6 728.9 715.1 1.9 27.6 98.5 -72.0 37.9 25.2 50.4 0.0 5.5 100.0 65.4 129.2 -49.4
2007-08 170.7 128.2 33.2 116.9 238.6 -51.0 192.3 219.1 -12.2 254.7 129.3 97.0 734.6 715.1 2.7 47.1 98.5 -52.2 14.5 25.2 -42.5 0.0 5.5 100.0 61.6 129.2 -52.3
2008-09 101.8 128.2 -20.6 161.3 238.6 -32.4 349.5 219.1 59.5 142.5 129.3 10.2 755.2 715.1 5.6 23.4 98.5 -76.2 14.9 25.2 -40.9 0.4 5.5 -92.7 38.6 129.2 -70.1
2009-10 73.0 128.2 -43.1 93.8 238.6 -60.7 172.5 219.1 -21.3 155.6 129.3 20.3 494.9 715.1 -30.8 88.1 98.5 -10.6 32.5 25.2 29.0 1.4 5.5 -74.5 122.0 129.2 -5.6
2010-11 97.1 128.2 -24.3 334.5 238.6 40.2 257.8 219.1 17.7 205.1 129.3 58.6 894.4 715.1 25.1 93.8 98.5 -4.8 42.7 25.2 69.4 16.1 5.5 192.7 152.6 129.2 18.1
2011-12 68.9 128.2 -46.3 249.9 238.6 4.7 206.7 219.1 -5.7 75.5 129.3 -41.6 601.1 715.1 -15.9 21.2 98.5 -78.5 2.8 25.2 -88.9 0.0 5.5 100.0 24.0 129.2 -81.4
2012-13 106.3 128.2 -17.1 237.3 238.6 -0.5 194.4 219.1 -11.3 169.2 129.3 30.9 707.2 715.1 -1.1 84.2 98.5 -14.5 57.6 25.2 128.6 0.0 5.5 100.0 141.8 129.2 9.8
2013-14 165.2 128.2 28.9 345.6 238.6 44.8 184.9 219.1 -15.6 155.8 129.3 20.5 851.5 715.1 19.1 225.4 98.5 128.8 16.3 25.2 -35.3 1.4 5.5 -74.5 243.2 129.2 88.2
2014-15 54.2 127.6 -58.0 138.6 238.0 -42.0 181.1 218.7 -17.0 120.8 129.2 -7.0 494.7 713.5 -30.7 39.6 98.7 -60.0 13.2 25.3 -48.0 1.6 5.5 -71.0 54.4 129.5 -58.0
2015-16 220.3 127.6 73.0 80.3 238.0 -66.0 151.2 218.7 -31.0 159.4 129.2 23.0 611.2 713.5 -14.3 24.5 98.7 -75.0 2.1 25.3 -92.0 0.9 5.5 -84.0 27.5 129.5 -78.8
2016-17 190.9 127.4 49.6 231.6 238.9 -2.7 128.0 216.4 -40.8 361.6 130.2 177.7 912.1 712.9 27.8 69.6 97.2 -28.3 0.8 24.5 -96.7 0.5 5.4 -90.7 70.9 127.1 -44.2
2017-18 189.7 129.9 46.0 146.3 242.7 -40.0 192.4 218.7 -12.0 118.8 128.0 -7.0 647.2 719.3 -10.0 126.9 96.5 32.0 2.6 24.1 -89.0 0.0 5.5 -100.0 129.5 126.1 3.0
2018-19 148.9 129.9 14.6 170.1 242.7 -29.9 259.0 218.7 18.4 83.0 128.0 -35.2 661.0 719.3 -8.1 16.3 96.5 -83.1 1.3 24.1 -94.6 19.8 5.5 260.0 37.4 126.1 -70.3
2019-20 87.1 129.2 -33.0 215.2 244.2 -12.0 243.5 219.2 11.0 245.5 127.8 92.0 791.4 720.4 10.0 162.0 95.5 70.0 7.6 23.9 -68.0 3.3 5.5 -39.0 173.0 124.9 38.0
2020-21 172.8 129.2 34.0 267.0 244.2 9.0 390.7 219.2 78.0 247.7 127.8 93.8 1078.3 720.4 50.0 170.9 95.5 79.0 8.5 23.9 -64 0 5.5 -100 179.4 124.9 44
State -Year wise -Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – III
Year/ January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Month Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 0.0 4.4 -100.0 2.5 10.2 -75.0 2.5 14.6 -83.0 2.1 10.8 -81.0 4.0 20.9 -81.0 30.9 25.1 23.0 37.0 56.8 -35.0 861.9 892.8 -3.0
1983-84 3.7 4.4 -16.0 5.6 10.2 -45.0 9.3 14.6 -36.0 4.8 10.8 -56.0 14.0 20.9 -33.0 2.3 25.1 -91.0 21.1 56.8 -63.0 1351.1 892.8 51.0
1984-85 6.9 4.4 57.0 0.0 10.2 -100.0 6.9 14.6 -53.0 12.5 10.8 16.0 14.2 20.9 -32.0 12.7 25.1 -49.0 39.4 56.8 -31.0 715.1 892.8 -20.0
1985-86 31.4 4.4 614.0 39.1 10.2 283.0 70.5 14.6 383.0 1.1 10.8 -90.0 24.8 20.9 19.0 10.5 25.1 -58.0 36.4 56.8 -36.0 809.2 892.8 -9.0
1986-87 11.5 4.4 161.0 1.0 10.2 -90.0 12.5 14.6 -14.0 18.9 10.8 75.0 8.4 20.9 -60.0 26.4 25.1 5.0 53.7 56.8 -5.0 832.2 892.8 -7.0
1987-88 0.1 4.4 -98.0 12.5 10.2 23.0 12.6 14.6 -14.0 1.4 10.8 -87.0 30.2 20.9 44.0 6.8 25.1 -73.0 38.4 56.8 -32.0 910.0 892.8 2.0
1988-89 0.0 3.9 -100.0 0.0 6.3 -100.0 0.0 10.2 -100.0 45.3 11.6 291.0 3.0 19.0 -84.0 7.3 25.8 -72.0 55.6 56.4 -1.0 1338.1 928.8 44.0
1989-90 9.3 3.9 138.0 4.8 6.3 -24.0 14.1 10.2 38.0 18.2 11.6 57.0 5.1 19.0 -73.0 174.7 25.8 577.0 198.0 56.4 251.0 1344.2 928.8 45.0
1990-91 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.0 4.6 100.0 6.9 11.5 -40.0 1.1 8.4 -86.9 11.2 12.5 -10.4 18.8 29.8 -36.9 31.1 50.8 -38.8 831.6 906.6 -8.3
1991-92 1.0 6.9 -85.5 0.2 4.6 -95.7 1.2 11.5 -89.6 0.0 8.4 100.0 2.4 12.5 -80.8 12.5 29.8 -58.1 14.9 50.8 -70.7 644.7 906.6 -28.9
1992-93 0.0 6.9 100.0 0.0 4.6 100.0 0.0 11.5 -100.0 7.1 8.4 -15.5 8.7 12.5 -30.4 27.6 29.8 -7.4 43.3 50.8 -14.8 615.4 906.6 -32.1
1993-94 1.9 6.9 -72.5 5.3 4.6 15.2 7.2 11.5 -37.4 0.0 8.4 100.0 8.0 12.5 -36.0 8.7 29.8 -70.8 16.7 50.8 -67.1 610.7 906.6 -32.6
1994-95 39.3 6.9 469.6 0.2 4.6 -95.7 39.5 11.5 243.5 11.0 8.4 31.0 7.9 12.5 -36.8 30.7 29.8 3.0 49.7 50.8 -2.2 691.4 906.6 -23.7
1995-96 0.0 6.9 100.0 1.3 4.6 -71.7 1.3 11.5 -88.7 0.3 8.4 -96.4 17.3 12.5 38.4 4.2 29.8 -85.9 21.9 50.8 -56.9 776.1 906.6 -14.4
1996-97 13.4 6.9 94.2 0.1 4.6 -97.8 13.4 11.5 16.5 12.6 8.4 50.0 31.9 12.5 155.2 7.6 29.8 -74.5 52.1 50.8 2.6 804.5 906.6 -11.3
1997-98 0.8 6.9 -88.4 11.5 4.6 150.0 12.3 11.5 7.0 2.6 8.4 -69.0 7.9 12.5 -36.8 16.1 29.8 -46.0 26.6 50.8 -47.6 646.7 906.6 -28.7
1998-99 0.0 6.9 100.0 4.7 4.6 2.2 4.7 11.5 -59.1 0.5 8.4 -94.0 0.5 12.5 -96.0 45.5 29.8 52.7 46.5 50.8 -8.5 874.7 906.6 -3.5
1999-2K 0.0 6.9 100.0 6.7 4.6 45.7 6.7 11.5 -41.7 0.2 8.4 -97.6 4.2 12.5 -66.4 29.0 29.8 -2.7 33.4 50.8 -34.3 652.0 906.6 -28.1
2000-01 3.3 6.9 -52.2 0.0 4.6 100.0 3.3 11.5 -71.3 6.7 8.4 -20.2 25.5 12.5 104.0 5.2 29.8 -82.6 37.4 50.8 -26.4 891.0 906.6 -1.7
2001-02 18.3 6.9 165.2 0.7 4.6 -84.8 19.0 11.5 65.2 1.5 8.4 -82.1 3.9 12.5 -68.8 27.3 29.8 -8.4 32.6 50.8 -35.8 768.8 906.6 -15.2
2002-03 0.0 6.9 100.0 2.7 4.6 -41.3 2.7 11.5 -76.5 16.2 8.4 92.9 7.6 12.5 -39.2 0.1 29.8 -99.7 23.9 50.8 -53.0 600.9 906.6 -33.7
2003-04 22.9 6.9 231.9 6.7 4.6 45.7 29.7 11.5 158.3 3.9 8.4 -53.6 18.2 12.5 45.6 28.4 29.8 -4.7 50.4 50.8 -0.8 855.8 906.6 -5.6
2004-05 28.2 6.9 308.7 9.2 4.6 100.0 37.4 11.5 225.2 12.6 8.4 50.0 15.0 12.5 20.0 16.8 29.8 -43.6 44.4 50.8 -12.6 614.0 906.6 -32.3
2005-06 0.0 6.9 100.0 0.0 4.6 100.0 0.0 11.5 -100.0 48.2 8.4 473.8 41.4 12.5 231.2 47.5 29.8 59.4 137.1 50.8 169.9 1117.6 906.6 23.3
2006-07 0.0 6.9 100.0 0.6 4.6 -87.0 0.6 11.5 -94.8 0.1 8.4 -98.8 2.5 12.5 -80.0 6.8 29.8 -77.2 9.4 50.8 -81.5 804.2 906.6 -11.3
2007-08 0.1 6.9 -98.6 19.5 4.6 323.9 19.6 11.5 70.4 107.4 8.4 1178.6 12.7 12.5 1.6 4.1 29.8 -86.2 124.2 50.8 144.5 940.0 906.6 3.7
2008-09 0.0 6.9 100.0 0.0 4.6 100.0 0.0 11.5 -100.0 3.1 8.4 -63.1 3.8 12.5 -69.6 20.2 29.8 -32.2 27.1 50.8 -46.7 820.9 906.6 -9.5
2009-10 11.8 6.9 71.0 6.9 4.6 50.0 18.8 11.5 63.5 1.9 8.4 -77.4 7.3 12.5 -41.6 36.8 29.8 23.5 46.1 50.8 -9.3 681.7 906.6 -24.8
2010-11 0.0 6.9 100.0 10.1 4.6 119.6 10.1 11.5 -12.2 2.0 8.4 -76.2 27.1 12.5 116.8 14.6 29.8 -51.0 43.7 50.8 -14.0 1100.8 906.6 21.4
2011-12 8.0 6.9 15.9 0.0 4.6 100.0 8.0 11.5 -30.4 0.3 8.4 -96.4 16.2 12.5 29.6 11.0 29.8 -63.1 27.5 50.8 -45.9 660.6 906.6 -27.1
2012-13 2.8 6.9 -59.4 31.6 4.6 587.0 34.5 11.5 200.0 0.5 8.4 -94.0 22.3 12.5 78.4 10.4 29.8 -65.1 33.3 50.8 -34.4 916.8 906.6 1.1
2013-14 0.0 6.9 -100.0 1.3 4.6 -71.7 1.3 11.5 -88.7 43.5 8.4 418.0 8.3 12.5 -34.0 64.4 29.8 116.0 116.2 50.8 128.7 1212.2 906.6 33.7
2014-15 13.0 7.0 86.0 0.0 4.5 -100.0 13.0 11.5 13.0 31.7 8.4 277.0 68.2 12.6 441.0 20.1 29.8 -33.0 120.0 50.8 136.2 682.1 905.3 -24.7
2015-16 1.2 7.0 -83.0 0.3 4.5 -93.0 1.5 11.5 -87.0 11.8 8.4 40.0 5.7 12.6 -55.0 59.4 29.8 -99.0 76.9 50.8 136.2 717.1 905.3 -20.8
2016-17 0.0 6.9 -100.0 0.0 4.5 -100.0 0.0 11.4 -100.0 8.4 7.9 6.3 4.1 12.4 -66.9 23.1 29.5 -21.7 35.6 49.8 -28.5 1018.6 901.2 13.0
2017-18 0.0 7.1 -100.0 2.4 4.7 -48.0 2.4 11.8 -79.7 5.5 8.3 -34.0 21.1 12.1 74.0 34.9 28.4 23.0 61.4 48.8 25.0 840.5 906.0 -7.2
2018-19 22.1 7.1 211.3 1.6 4.7 -66.0 23.7 11.8 100.8 1.6 8.3 -80.7 13.7 12.1 13.2 11.0 28.4 -61.3 26.3 48.8 -46.1 748.4 906.0 -17.4
2019-20 6.2 6.9 -10.0 9.2 4.6 98.0 15.4 11.5 34.0 13.8 8.2 68.0 17.2 12.1 42.0 21.8 28.3 -23.0 52.8 48.6 9.0 1032.6 905.4 14.0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –IV
Districts (erstwhile 10) - Year wise Monthly Rainfall(mm)
from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Mahabubnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1951-52 132 108 22 178 162 10 91 139 -35 150 159 -6 551 568 -3 99 64 55 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1952-53 23 108 -79 137 162 -15 104 139 -25 104 159 -35 368 568 -35 140 64 119 0 23 -100 25 4 525
1953-54 109 108 1 203 162 25 127 139 -9 328 159 106 767 568 35 198 64 209 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1954-55 76 108 -30 305 162 88 178 139 28 178 159 12 737 568 30 51 64 -20 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1955-56 152 108 41 178 162 10 356 139 156 178 159 12 864 568 52 76 64 19 25 23 9 0 4 -100
1956-57 127 108 18 483 162 198 127 139 -9 178 159 12 915 568 61 127 64 98 25 23 9 0 4 -100
1957-58 127 108 18 178 162 10 152 139 9 127 159 -20 584 568 3 25 64 -61 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1958-59 51 108 -53 174 162 7 206 139 48 102 159 -36 533 568 -6 39 64 -39 28 23 22 0 4 -100
1959-60 111 108 3 192 162 19 303 139 118 514 159 223 1120 568 97 72 64 13 4 23 -83 0 4 -100
1960-61 73 108 -32 132 162 -19 36 139 -74 269 159 69 510 568 -10 27 64 -58 5 23 -78 0 4 -100
1961-62 153 108 42 311 162 92 150 139.4 8 65 159 -59 679 568.4 19 190 63.8 198 0 22.5 -100 0 3.8 -100
1962-63 94 93 1 148 138 7 208 127 64 149 160 -7 599 518 16 75 68 10 32 25 28 79 2 3850
1963-64 129 93 39 153 138 11 384 127 202 35 160 -78 701 518 35 130 68 91 0 25 -100 0 2 -100
1964-65 180 93 94 207 138 50 122 127 -4 436 160 173 945 518 82 76 68 12 7 25 -72 0 2 -100
1965-66 130 93 40 205 138 49 82 127 -35 167 160 4 584 518 13 0 68 -100 0 25 -100 3 2 50
1966-67 32 93 -66 180 138 30 141 127 11 97 160 -39 450 518 -13 21 68 -69 48 25 92 0 2 -100
1967-68 112 93 20 231 138 67 131 127 3 220 160 38 694 518 34 5 68 -93 0 25 -100 0 2 -100
1968-69 65 93 -30 210 138 52 7 127 -94 191 160 19 473 518 -9 70 68 3 8 25 -68 0 2 -100
1969-70 103 93 11 131 138 -5 112 127 -12 90 160 -44 436 518 -16 39 68 -43 33 25 32 0 2 -100
1970-71 95 92 3 120 161 -25 243 154 58 108 163 -34 566 570 -1 43 64 -33 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1971-72 53 92 -42 64 161 -60 153 154 -1 42 163 -74 312 570 -45 135 64 111 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1972-73 114 92 24 93 161 -42 19 154 -88 99 163 -39 325 570 -43 18 64 -72 38 15 153 1 5 -80
1973-74 97 92 5 116 161 -28 228 154 48 94 163 -42 535 570 -6 123 64 92 11 15 -27 0 5 -100
1974-75 47 92 -49 42 161 -74 237 154 54 148 163 -9 474 570 -17 208 64 225 2 15 -87 0 5 -100
1975-76 64 92 -30 185 161 15 171 154 11 221 163 36 641 570 12 325 64 408 9 15 -40 0 5 -100
1976-77 73 92 -21 197 161 22 214 154 39 102 163 -37 586 570 3 12 64 -81 68 15 353 0 5 -100
1977-78 113 92 23 106 161 -34 213 154 38 40 163 -75 472 570 -17 154 64 141 41 15 173 0 5 -100
1978-79 77 92 -16 186 161 16 282 154 83 218 163 34 763 570 34 69 64 8 16 15 7 3 5 -40
1979-80 95 92 3 105 161 -35 46 154 -70 208 163 28 454 570 -20 44 64 -31 64 15 327 0 5 -100
1980-81 101 92 10 114 161 -29 191 154 24 139 163 -15 545 570 -4 8 64 -88 12 15 -20 2 5 -60
1981-82 90 92 -2 134 161 -17 152 154 -1 238 163 46 614 570 8 65 64 2 3 15 -80 0 5 -100

Mahabubnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 99 91 9 0 3 -100 3 11 -73 3 14 -79 5 6 -17 5 17 -71 241 27 793 251 50 402 904 723 25
1952-53 165 91 81 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 20 17 18 0 27 -100 20 50 -60 553 723 -24
1953-54 198 91 118 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 3 17 -82 10 27 -63 13 50 -74 978 723 35
1954-55 51 91 -44 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 0 17 -100 51 27 89 51 50 2 839 723 16
1955-56 101 91 11 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 0 17 -100 76 27 181 76 50 52 1041 723 44
1956-57 152 91 67 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 25 17 47 76 27 181 101 50 102 1168 723 62
1957-58 25 91 -73 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 25 17 47 0 27 -100 25 50 -50 634 723 -12
1958-59 67 91 -26 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 0 6 -100 9 17 -47 26 27 -4 35 50 -30 635 723 -12
1959-60 76 91 -16 0 3 -100 0 11 -100 0 14 -100 10 6 67 4 17 -76 21 27 -22 35 50 -30 1231 723 70
1960-61 32 91 -65 0 3 -100 1 11 -91 1 14 -93 0 6 -100 6 16.6 -64 57 26.9 112 63 49.5 27 606 722.5 -16
1961-62 190 90.1 111 0 3.4 -100 22 10.7 106 22 14.1 56 3 6 -50 31 16.6 87 32 26.9 19 66 49.5 33 957 722.1 33
1962-63 186 95 96 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 4 6 -33 20 16 25 14 26 -46 38 48 -21 823 672 22
1963-64 130 95 37 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 6 -100 11 16 -31 1 26 -96 12 48 -75 843 672 25
1964-65 83 95 -13 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 6 -100 2 16 -88 0 26 -100 2 48 -96 1030 672 53
1965-66 3 95 -97 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 6 -100 0 16 -100 0 26 -100 0 48 -100 587 672 -13
1966-67 69 95 -27 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 6 -100 7 16 -56 25 26 -4 32 48 -33 551 672 -18
1967-68 5 95 -95 9 4 125 5 7 -29 14 11 27 13 6 117 22 16 38 9 26 -65 44 48 -8 757 672 13
1968-69 78 95 -18 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 6 -100 1 16 -94 39 26 50 40 48 -17 591 672 -12
1969-70 72 95 -24 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 2 6 -67 32 16 100 31 26 19 65 48 35 573 672 -15
1970-71 43 84 -49 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 16 4 300 16 15 7 42 27 56 74 46 61 683 705 -3
1971-72 135 84 61 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 0 4 -100 5 15 -67 13 27 -52 18 46 -61 465 705 -34
1972-73 57 84 -32 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 0 4 -100 0 15 -100 10 27 -63 10 46 -78 392 705 -44
1973-74 134 84 60 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 3 4 -25 6 15 -60 93 27 244 102 46 122 771 705 9
1974-75 210 84 150 5 1 400 7 4 75 12 5 140 11 4 175 9 15 -40 16 27 -41 36 46 -22 732 705 4
1975-76 334 84 298 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 1 4 -75 17 15 13 18 27 -33 36 46 -22 1011 705 43
1976-77 80 84 -5 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 3 4 -25 24 15 60 46 27 70 73 46 59 739 705 5
1977-78 195 84 132 0 1 -100 8 4 100 8 5 60 2 4 -50 30 15 100 53 27 96 85 46 85 760 705 8
1978-79 88 84 5 3 1 200 37 4 825 40 5 700 1 4 -75 2 15 -87 228 27 744 231 46 402 1122 705 59
1979-80 108 84 29 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 2 4 -50 15 15 0 6 27 -78 23 46 -50 585 705 -17
1980-81 22 84 -74 5 1 400 0 4 -100 5 5 0 41 4 925 34 15 127 35 27 30 110 46 139 682 705 -3
1981-82 68 84 -19 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 0 4 -100 45 15 200 37 27 37 82 46 78 764 705 8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Mahabubnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 108 92 17 156 161 -3 96 154 -38 141 163 -13 501 570 -12 94 64 47 38 15 153 0 5 -100
1983-84 80 92 -13 169 161 5 306 154 99 266 163 63 821 570 44 71 64 11 4 15 -73 4 5 -20
1984-85 58 92 -37 214 161 33 58 154 -62 89 163 -45 419 570 -26 65 64 2 2 15 -87 1 5 -80
1985-86 61 92 -34 163 161 1 45 154 -71 80 163 -51 349 570 -39 116 64 81 0 15 -100 5 5 0
1986-87 76 92 -17 89 161 -45 93 154 -40 90 163 -45 348 570 -39 31 64 -52 23 15 53 10 5 100
1987-88 56 92 -39 104 161 -35 155 154 1 74 163 -55 389 570 -32 155 64 142 178 15 1087 5 5 0
1988-89 73 92 -21 241 178 35 207 162 28 254 179 42 775 611 27 6 72 -92 0 14 -100 6 6 0
1989-90 104 92 13 341 178 92 73 162 -55 161 179 -10 679 611 11 13 72 -82 6 14 -57 7 6 17
1990-91 101 92 10 103 178 -42 197 162 22 127 179 -29 528 611 -14 99 72 38 12 14 -14 0 6 -100
1991-92 233 92 153 92 178 -48 128 162 -21 142 179 -21 595 611 -3 22 72 -69 23 14 64 0 6 -100
1992-93 37 92 -60 113 178 -37 184 162 14 77 179 -57 411 611 -33 61 72 -15 54 14 286 0 6 -100
1993-94 15 92 -84 125 178 -30 100 162 -38 140 179 -22 380 611 -38 168 72 133 1 14 -93 26 6 333
1994-95 34 92 -63 103 178 -42 92 162 -43 16 179 -91 245 611 -60 222 72 208 8 14 -43 0 6 -100
1995-96 78 92 -15 167 178 -6 188 162 16 125 179 -30 558 611 -9 167 72 132 2 14 -86 0 6 -100
1996-97 119 92 29 108 178 -39 177 162 9 141 179 -21 545 611 -11 129 72 79 13 14 -7 0 6 -100
1997-98 34 92 -63 90 178 -49 78 162 -52 159 179 -11 361 611 -41 54 72 -25 32 14 129 16 6 167
1998-99 87 92 -5 112 178 -37 142 162 -12 216 179 21 557 611 -9 219 72 204 14 14 0 0 6 -100
1999-2K 64 92 -30 134 178 -25 98 162 -40 74 179 -59 370 611 -39 32 72 -56 0 14 -100 0 6 -100
2000-01 201 71 183 86 147 -41 220 121 82 77 108 -29 584 447 31 63 90 -30 2 26 -92 0 5 -100
2001-02 67 71 -6 34 147 -77 108 121 -11 241 108 123 450 447 1 184 90 104 3 26 -88 0 5 -100
2002-03 77 71 8 71 147 -52 149 121 23 62 108 -43 359 447 -20 128 90 42 5 26 -81 0 5 -100
2003-04 74 71 4 137 147 -7 184 121 52 95 108 -12 490 447 10 66 90 -27 0 26 -100 0 5 -100


Mahabubnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 132 84 57 0 1 -100 0 4 -100 0 5 -100 0 4 -100 2 15 -87 36 27 33 38 46 -17 671 705 -5
1983-84 79 84 -6 0 1 -100 2 4 -50 2 5 -60 7 4 75 35 15 133 4 27 -85 46 46 0 948 705 34
1984-85 68 84 -19 2 1 100 0 4 -100 2 5 -60 9 4 125 20 15 33 13 27 -52 42 46 -9 531 705 -25
1985-86 121 84 44 25 1 2400 23 4 475 48 5 860 0 4 -100 14 15 -7 8 27 -70 22 46 -52 540 705 -23
1986-87 64 84 -24 9 1 800 0 4 -100 9 5 80 0 4 -100 3 15 -80 29 27 7 32 46 -30 453 705 -36
1987-88 338 84 302 1 1 0 0 4 -100 1 5 -80 0 4 -100 14 15 -7 14 27 -48 28 46 -39 756 705 7
1988-89 12 92 -87 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 50 4 1150 1 15 -93 5 28 -82 56 47 19 843 754 12
1989-90 26 92 -72 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 6 4 50 12 15 -20 116 28 314 134 47 185 839 754 11
1990-91 111 92 21 3 1 200 0 3 -100 3 4 -25 0 4 -100 18 15 20 14 28 -50 32 47 -32 674 754 -11
1991-92 45 92 -51 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 0 4 -100 1 15 -93 62 28 121 63 47 34 703 754 -7
1992-93 115 92 25 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 2 4 -50 14 15 -7 35 28 25 51 47 9 577 754 -23
1993-94 195 92 112 1 1 0 11 3 267 12 4 200 0 4 -100 16 15 7 13 28 -54 29 47 -38 616 754 -18
1994-95 230 92 150 7 1 600 0 3 -100 7 4 75 3 4 -25 2 15 -87 28 28 0 33 47 -30 515 754 -32
1995-96 169 92 84 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 0 4 -100 28 15 87 7 28 -75 35 47 -26 762 754 1
1996-97 142 92 54 10 1 900 0 3 -100 10 4 150 8 4 100 24 15 60 17 28 -39 49 47 4 746 754 -1
1997-98 102 92 11 0 1 -100 0 3 -100 0 4 -100 0 4 -100 21 15 40 15 28 -46 36 47 -23 499 754 -34
1998-99 233 92 153 0 1 -100 5 3 67 5 4 25 1 4 -75 0 15 -100 49 28 75 50 47 6 845 754 12
1999-2K 32 92 -65 0 1 -100 6 3 100 6 4 50 0 4 -100 2 15 -87 43 28 54 45 47 -4 453 754 -40
2000-01 65 121 -46 2 1 100 0 2 -100 2 3 -33 0 4 -100 12 6 100 5 23 -78 17 33 -48 668 604 11
2001-02 187 121 55 3 1 200 0 2 -100 3 3 0 1 4 -75 7 6 17 40 23 74 48 33 45 688 604 14
2002-03 133 121 10 0 1 -100 0 2 -100 0 3 -100 34 4 750 10 6 67 0 23 -100 44 33 33 536 604 -11
2003-04 66 121 -45 4 1 300 1 2 -50 5 3 67 0 4 -100 24 6 300 39 23 70 63 33 91 624 604 3

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Rangareddy District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1979 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1979-80 81 112 -28 125 173 -28 87 152 -43 315 199 58 608 636 -4 22 62 -65 51 23 122 0 4 -100
1980-81 220 112 96 154 173 -11 176 152 16 143 199 -28 693 636 9 5 62 -92 4 23 -83 1 4 -75
1981-82 231 112 106 161 173 -7 182 152 20 399 199 101 973 636 53 97 62 56 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1982-83 105 112 -6 222 173 28 58 152 -62 202 199 2 587 636 -8 89 62 44 17 23 -26 0 4 -100
1983-84 99 112 -12 245 173 42 342 152 125 380 199 91 1066 636 68 178 62 187 3 23 -87 9 4 125
1984-85 77 112 -31 219 173 27 161 152 6 101 199 -49 558 636 -12 101 62 63 7 23 -70 0 4 -100
1985-86 186 112 66 216 173 25 44 152 -71 83 199 -58 529 636 -17 120 62 94 0 23 -100 6 4 50
1986-87 119 112 6 138 173 -20 242 152 59 72 199 -64 571 636 -10 10 62 -84 23 23 0 20 4 400
1987-88 143 112 28 208 173 20 177 152 16 99 199 -50 627 636 -1 96 62 55 171 23 643 8 4 100
1988-89 94 110 -15 320 182 76 276 160 73 226 195 16 916 647 42 17 70 -76 0 18 -100 21 5 320
1989-90 105 110 -5 323 182 77 97 160 -39 158 195 -19 683 647 6 21 70 -70 0 18 -100 2 5 -60
1990-91 121 110 10 136 182 -25 329 160 106 137 195 -30 723 647 12 183 70 161 23 18 28 0 5 -100
1991-92 240 110 118 212 182 16 126 160 -21 125 195 -36 703 647 9 54 70 -23 6 18 -67 0 5 -100
1992-93 145 110 32 127 182 -30 222 160 39 73 195 -63 567 647 -12 71 70 1 105 18 483 0 5 -100
1993-94 39 110 -65 151 182 -17 145 160 -9 167 195 -14 502 647 -22 145 70 107 0 18 -100 24 5 380
1994-95 76 110 -31 106 182 -42 144 160 -10 55 195 -72 381 647 -41 229 70 227 15 18 -17 0 5 -100
1995-96 103 110 -6 219 182 20 152 160 -5 144 195 -26 618 647 -4 246 70 251 26 18 44 0 5 -100
1996-97 88 110 -20 146 182 -20 256 160 60 170 195 -13 660 647 2 98 70 40 28 18 56 0 5 -100
1997-98 45 110 -59 129 182 -29 106 160 -34 154 195 -21 434 647 -33 74 70 6 35 18 94 39 5 680
1998-99 69 110 -37 220 182 21 286 160 79 225 195 15 800 647 24 226 70 223 18 18 0 0 5 -100
1999-2K 73 110 -34 191 182 5 136 160 -15 105 195 -46 505 647 -22 38 70 -46 0 18 -100 0 5 -100
2000-01 223 104 114 133 183 -27 332 172 93 92 128 -28 780 587 33 33 98 -66 2 30 -93 1 5 -80
2001-02 139 104 34 50 183 -73 157 172 -9 192 128 50 538 587 -8 187 98 91 2 30 -93 0 5 -100
2002-03 97 104 -7 73 183 -60 182 172 6 75 128 -41 427 587 -27 124 98 27 0 30 -100 0 5 -100
2003-04 80 104 -23 217 183 19 275 173 59 107 128 -16 679 588 15 83 98 -15 0 30 -100 0 5 -100

Note: Data not available for the years 1951 to 1978


Rangareddy District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1979 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1979-80 73 89 -18 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 5 11 -55 18 26 -31 12 32 -63 35 69 -49 716 804 -11
1980-81 10 89 -89 6 3 100 0 7 -100 6 10 -40 32 11 191 21 26 -19 24 32 -25 77 69 12 786 804 -2
1981-82 97 89 9 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 42 26 62 49 32 53 91 69 32 1161 804 44
1982-83 106 89 19 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 5 11 -55 1 26 -96 61 32 91 67 69 -3 760 804 -5
1983-84 190 89 113 3 3 0 10 7 43 13 10 30 10 11 -9 14 26 -46 1 32 -97 25 69 -64 1294 804 61
1984-85 108 89 21 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 26 11 136 13 26 -50 6 32 -81 45 69 -35 711 804 -12
1985-86 126 89 42 42 3 1300 35 7 400 77 10 670 0 11 -100 40 26 54 18 32 -44 58 69 -16 790 804 -2
1986-87 53 89 -40 8 3 167 0 7 -100 8 10 -20 10 11 -9 10 26 -62 23 32 -28 43 69 -38 675 804 -16
1987-88 275 89 209 0 3 -100 16 7 129 16 10 60 0 11 -100 47 26 81 10 32 -69 57 69 -17 975 804 21
1988-89 38 93 -59 0 2 -100 0 5 -100 0 7 -100 38 13 192 4 23 -83 17 29 -41 59 65 -9 1013 812 25
1989-90 23 93 -75 4 2 100 0 5 -100 4 7 -43 0 13 -100 6 23 -74 117 29 303 123 65 89 833 812 3
1990-91 206 93 122 2 2 0 0 5 -100 2 7 -71 2 13 -85 19 23 -17 25 29 -14 46 65 -29 977 812 20
1991-92 60 93 -35 0 2 -100 0 5 -100 0 7 -100 0 13 -100 3 23 -87 38 29 31 41 65 -37 804 812 -1
1992-93 176 93 89 0 2 -100 0 5 -100 0 7 -100 1 13 -92 27 23 17 49 29 69 77 65 18 820 812 1
1993-94 169 93 82 4 2 100 7 5 40 11 7 57 0 13 -100 18 23 -22 17 29 -41 35 65 -46 717 812 -12
1994-95 244 93 162 29 2 1350 0 5 -100 29 7 314 25 13 92 11 23 -52 33 29 14 69 65 6 723 812 -11
1995-96 272 93 192 0 2 -100 0 5 -100 0 7 -100 0 13 -100 27 23 17 5 29 -83 32 65 -51 922 812 14
1996-97 126 93 35 24 2 1100 0 5 -100 24 7 243 12 13 -8 39 23 70 17 29 -41 68 65 5 878 812 8
1997-98 148 93 59 0 2 -100 0 5 -100 0 7 -100 1 13 -92 7 23 -70 16 29 -45 24 65 -63 606 812 -25
1998-99 244 93 162 0 2 -100 3 5 -40 3 7 -57 4 13 -69 2 23 -91 80 29 176 86 65 32 1133 812 40
1999-2K 38 93 -59 0 2 -100 20 5 300 20 7 186 0 13 -100 3 23 -87 67 29 131 70 65 8 633 812 -22
2000-01 36 133 -73 8 5 60 0 3 -100 8 8 0 12 7 71 35 15 133 5 31 -84 52 53 -2 876 781 12
2001-02 189 133 42 11 5 120 1 3 -67 12 8 50 3 7 -57 3 15 -80 40 31 29 46 53 -13 785 781 1
2002-03 124 133 -7 0 5 -100 2 3 -33 2 8 -75 26 7 271 13 15 -13 0 31 -100 39 53 -26 592 781 -24
2003-04 83 133 -38 23 5 360 2 3 -33 25 8 213 13 7 86 34 15 127 53 31 71 100 53 89 887 782 13

Note: Data not available for the years 1951 to 1978

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Hyderabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 84 142 -41 257 222 16 104 160 -35 107 194 -45 552 718 -23 102 57 79 0 20 -100 0 6 -100
1952-53 56 142 -61 119 222 -46 132 160 -18 112 194 -42 419 718 -42 112 57 96 0 20 -100 3 6 -50
1953-54 84 142 -41 145 222 -35 107 160 -33 216 194 11 552 718 -23 292 57 412 0 20 -100 0 6 -100
1954-55 51 142 -64 127 222 -43 152 160 -5 229 194 18 559 718 -22 102 57 79 0 20 -100 0 6 -100
1955-56 203 142 43 203 222 -9 305 160 91 254 194 31 965 718 34 76 57 33 0 20 -100 0 6 -100
1956-57 102 142 -28 432 222 95 127 160 -21 203 194 5 864 718 20 51 57 -11 51 20 155 0 6 -100
1957-58 152 142 7 152 222 -32 279 160 74 127 194 -35 710 718 -1 51 57 -11 0 20 -100 0 6 -100
1958-59 66 142 -54 211 222 -5 277 160 73 118 194 -39 672 718 -6 80 57 40 23 20 15 0 6 -100
1959-60 123 142 -13 241 222 9 287 160 79 150 194 -23 801 718 12 72 57 26 6 20 -70 0 6 -100
1960-61 146 142 3 100 222 -55 30 160 -81 289 194 49 565 718 -21 36 57 -37 17 20 -15 6 6 0
1961-62 115 142 -19 306 222 38 154 160.4 -4 82 194 -58 657 718.4 -9 132 57.2 131 5 20.2 -75 0 5.5 -100
1962-63 78 116 -33 163 164 -1 255 141 81 434 187 132 930 608 53 107 58 84 32 26 23 74 5 1380
1963-64 180 116 55 187 164 14 286 141 103 148 187 -21 801 608 32 87 58 50 0 26 -100 0 5 -100
1964-65 103 116 -11 186 164 13 133 141 -6 493 187 164 915 608 50 53 58 -9 10 26 -62 1 5 -80
1965-66 106 116 -9 304 164 85 119 141 -16 222 187 19 751 608 24 0 58 -100 0 26 -100 0 5 -100
1966-67 43 116 -63 157 164 -4 114 141 -19 251 187 34 565 608 -7 45 58 -22 29 26 12 29 5 480
1967-68 138 116 19 390 164 138 105 141 -26 224 187 20 857 608 41 6 58 -90 0 26 -100 3 5 -40
1968-69 62 116 -47 146 164 -11 21 141 -85 253 187 35 482 608 -21 76 58 31 2 26 -92 0 5 -100
1969-70 75 116 -35 184 164 12 86 141 -39 195 187 4 540 608 -11 37 58 -36 46 26 77 4 5 -20
1970-71 188 112 68 110 172 -36 372 151 146 210 196 7 880 631 39 50 63 -21 0 24 -100 0 4 -100
1971-72 100 112 -11 52 172 -70 142 151 -6 121 196 -38 415 631 -34 157 63 149 0 24 -100 0 4 -100
1972-73 119 112 6 114 172 -34 27 151 -82 83 196 -58 343 631 -46 67 63 6 7 24 -71 1 4 -75
1973-74 95 112 -15 105 172 -39 299 151 98 67 196 -66 566 631 -10 290 63 360 13 24 -46 1 4 -75
1974-75 106 112 -5 88 172 -49 147 151 -3 211 196 8 552 631 -13 262 63 316 3 24 -88 0 4 -100
1975-76 93 112 -17 257 172 49 203 151 34 452 196 131 1005 631 59 354 63 462 14 24 -42 0 4 -100
1976-77 160 112 43 325 172 89 267 151 77 92 196 -53 844 631 34 10 63 -84 65 24 171 0 4 -100
1977-78 125 112 12 146 172 -15 204 151 35 28 196 -86 503 631 -20 56 63 -11 30 24 25 0 4 -100
1978-79 157 112 40 217 172 26 432 151 186 178 196 -9 984 631 56 98 63 56 28 24 17 0 4 -100
1979-80 88 107 -18 92 161 -43 96 135 -29 266 171 56 542 574 -6 19 73 -74 30 32 -6 0 6 -100
1980-81 122 107 14 109 161 -32 131 135 -3 87 171 -49 449 574 -22 11 73 -85 3 32 -91 4 6 -33
1981-82 205 107 92 169 161 5 198 135 47 262 171 53 834 574 45 114 73 56 7 32 -78 0 6 -100


Hyderabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 102 83 23 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 10 13 -23 10 36 -72 84 41 105 104 90 16 758 906 -16
1952-53 115 83 39 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 33 36 -8 0 41 -100 33 90 -63 567 906 -37
1953-54 292 83 252 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 23 13 77 3 36 -92 8 41 -80 34 90 -62 878 906 -3
1954-55 102 83 23 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 0 36 -100 25 41 -39 25 90 -72 686 906 -24
1955-56 76 83 -8 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 25 36 -31 76 41 85 101 90 12 1142 906 26
1956-57 102 83 23 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 25 36 -31 76 41 85 101 90 12 1067 906 18
1957-58 51 83 -39 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 25 13 92 51 36 42 25 41 -39 101 90 12 862 906 -5
1958-59 103 83 24 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 8 36 -78 14 41 -66 22 90 -76 797 906 -12
1959-60 78 83 -6 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 15 -100 19 13 46 9 36 -75 22 41 -46 50 90 -44 929 906 3
1960-61 59 83 -29 0 6 -100 2 9 -78 2 15 -87 9 13 -31 10 35.5 -72 103 40.7 153 122 89.2 37 748 905.2 -17
1961-62 137 82.9 65 0 6.4 -100 32 9.3 244 32 15.7 104 6 12.9 -53 35 35.5 -1 36 40.7 -12 77 89.1 -14 903 906.1 0
1962-63 213 89 139 0 5 -100 0 9 -100 0 14 -100 4 13 -69 53 27 96 13 30 -57 70 70 0 1213 781 55
1963-64 87 89 -2 0 5 -100 1 9 -89 1 14 -93 0 13 -100 3 27 -89 8 30 -73 11 70 -84 900 781 15
1964-65 64 89 -28 0 5 -100 0 9 -100 0 14 -100 10 13 -23 16 27 -41 19 30 -37 45 70 -36 1024 781 31
1965-66 0 89 -100 17 5 240 0 9 -100 17 14 21 0 13 -100 21 27 -22 2 30 -93 23 70 -67 791 781 1
1966-67 103 89 16 0 5 -100 0 9 -100 0 14 -100 37 13 185 6 27 -78 0 30 -100 43 70 -39 711 781 -9
1967-68 9 89 -90 9 5 80 9 9 0 18 14 29 9 13 -31 14 27 -48 7 30 -77 30 70 -57 914 781 17
1968-69 78 89 -12 8 5 60 0 9 -100 8 14 -43 0 13 -100 29 27 7 43 30 43 72 70 3 640 781 -18
1969-70 87 89 -2 1 5 -80 0 9 -100 1 14 -93 3 13 -77 36 27 33 41 30 37 80 70 14 708 781 -9
1970-71 50 91 -45 4 4 0 0 7 -100 4 11 -64 0 11 -100 8 26 -69 69 32 116 77 69 12 1011 802 26
1971-72 157 91 73 0 4 -100 2 7 -71 2 11 -82 0 11 -100 6 26 -77 7 32 -78 13 69 -81 587 802 -27
1972-73 75 91 -18 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 11 -100 6 26 -77 13 32 -59 19 69 -72 437 802 -46
1973-74 304 91 234 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 7 11 -36 20 26 -23 57 32 78 84 69 22 954 802 19
1974-75 265 91 191 24 4 500 6 7 -14 30 11 173 15 11 36 4 26 -85 12 32 -63 31 69 -55 878 802 9
1975-76 368 91 304 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 11 -100 58 26 123 16 32 -50 74 69 7 1447 802 80
1976-77 75 91 -18 0 4 -100 0 7 -100 0 11 -100 0 11 -100 9 26 -65 46 32 44 55 69 -20 974 802 21
1977-78 86 91 -5 11 4 175 20 7 186 31 11 182 0 11 -100 32 26 23 50 32 56 82 69 19 702 802 -12
1978-79 126 91 38 0 4 -100 27 7 286 27 11 145 0 11 -100 15 26 -42 72 32 125 87 69 26 1224 802 53
1979-80 49 111 -56 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 20 -100 0 13 -100 35 26 35 7 29 -76 42 68 -38 633 773 -18
1980-81 18 111 -84 42 8 425 0 12 -100 42 20 110 29 13 123 7 26 -73 3 29 -90 39 68 -43 548 773 -29
1981-82 121 111 9 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 20 -100 0 13 -100 41 26 58 59 29 103 100 68 47 1055 773 36

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Hyderabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 160 107 50 183 161 14 69 135 -49 178 171 4 590 574 3 17 73 -77 12 32 -63 0 6 -100
1983-84 74 107 -31 194 161 20 258 135 91 171 171 0 697 574 21 183 73 151 1 32 -97 12 6 100
1984-85 152 107 42 195 161 21 125 135 -7 124 171 -27 596 574 4 148 73 103 5 32 -84 0 6 -100
1985-86 119 107 11 167 161 4 43 135 -68 24 171 -86 353 574 -39 98 73 34 0 32 -100 5 6 -17
1986-87 162 107 51 108 161 -33 219 135 62 65 171 -62 554 574 -3 13 73 -82 28 32 -13 16 6 167
1987-88 83 107 -22 165 161 2 175 135 30 64 171 -63 487 574 -15 130 73 78 239 32 647 3 6 -50
1988-89 81 109 -26 282 186 52 196 168 17 199 195 2 758 658 15 31 79 -61 0 21 -100 13 7 86
1989-90 120 109 10 439 186 136 152 168 -10 167 195 -14 878 658 33 102 79 29 6 21 -71 13 7 86
1990-91 134 109 23 107 186 -42 238 168 42 101 195 -48 580 658 -12 95 79 20 21 21 0 0 7 -100
1991-92 164 109 50 127 186 -32 205 168 22 151 195 -23 647 658 -2 44 79 -44 19 21 -10 0 7 -100
1992-93 107 109 -2 92 186 -51 268 168 60 94 195 -52 561 658 -15 35 79 -56 114 21 443 0 7 -100
1993-94 80 109 -27 147 186 -21 178 168 6 136 195 -30 541 658 -18 146 79 85 0 21 -100 33 7 371
1994-95 79 109 -28 108 186 -42 186 168 11 43 195 -78 416 658 -37 234 79 196 29 21 38 0 7 -100
1995-96 161 109 48 209 186 12 148 168 -12 131 195 -33 649 658 -1 327 79 314 34 21 62 0 7 -100
1996-97 74 109 -32 182 186 -2 313 168 86 143 195 -27 712 658 8 91 79 15 46 21 119 0 7 -100
1997-98 44 109 -60 160 186 -14 133 168 -21 72 195 -63 409 658 -38 94 79 19 62 21 195 39 7 457
1998-99 55 109 -50 210 186 13 252 168 50 149 195 -24 666 658 1 259 79 228 8 21 -62 0 7 -100
1999-2K 42 109 -61 154 186 -17 131 168 -22 95 195 -51 422 658 -36 27 79 -66 0 21 -100 0 7 -100
2000-01 216 100 116 127 177 -28 469 181 159 51 104 -51 863 562 54 22 109 -80 2 36 -94 1 7 -86
2001-02 224 100 124 43 177 -76 230 181 27 91 104 -13 588 562 5 140 109 28 2 36 -94 0 7 -100
2002-03 165 100 65 65 177 -63 197 181 9 44 104 -58 471 562 -16 96 109 -12 0 36 -100 0 7 -100
2003-04 66 100 -34 265 177 50 144 181 -20 55 104 -47 530 562 -6 169 109 55 0 36 -100 0 7 -100


Hyderabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 29 111 -74 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 20 -100 9 13 -31 1 26 -96 17 29 -41 27 68 -60 646 773 -16
1983-84 196 111 77 0 8 -100 6 12 -50 6 20 -70 16 13 23 8 26 -69 1 29 -97 25 68 -63 924 773 20
1984-85 153 111 38 1 8 -88 0 12 -100 1 20 -95 44 13 238 3 26 -88 1 29 -97 48 68 -29 798 773 3
1985-86 103 111 -7 36 8 350 17 12 42 53 20 165 0 13 -100 52 26 100 0 29 -100 52 68 -24 561 773 -27
1986-87 57 111 -49 8 8 0 0 12 -100 8 20 -60 62 13 377 8 26 -69 27 29 -7 97 68 43 716 773 -7
1987-88 372 111 235 0 8 -100 68 12 467 68 20 240 2 13 -85 46 26 77 0 29 -100 48 68 -29 975 773 26
1988-89 44 107 -59 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 56 15 273 1 22 -95 0 31 -100 57 68 -16 859 845 2
1989-90 121 107 13 53 4 1225 0 8 -100 53 12 342 29 15 93 1 22 -95 181 31 484 211 68 210 1263 845 49
1990-91 116 107 8 1 4 -75 0 8 -100 1 12 -92 0 15 -100 15 22 -32 19 31 -39 34 68 -50 731 845 -13
1991-92 63 107 -41 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 15 -100 1 22 -95 29 31 -6 30 68 -56 740 845 -12
1992-93 149 107 39 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 15 -100 2 22 -91 2 31 -94 4 68 -94 714 845 -16
1993-94 179 107 67 14 4 250 7 8 -13 21 12 75 0 15 -100 25 22 14 5 31 -84 30 68 -56 771 845 -9
1994-95 263 107 146 39 4 875 0 8 -100 39 12 225 50 15 233 15 22 -32 67 31 116 132 68 94 850 845 1
1995-96 361 107 237 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 15 -100 44 22 100 2 31 -94 46 68 -32 1056 845 25
1996-97 137 107 28 44 4 1000 0 8 -100 44 12 267 13 15 -13 53 22 141 13 31 -58 79 68 16 972 845 15
1997-98 195 107 82 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 15 -100 3 22 -86 3 31 -90 6 68 -91 610 845 -28
1998-99 267 107 150 0 4 -100 1 8 -88 1 12 -92 0 15 -100 4 22 -82 47 31 52 51 68 -25 985 845 17
1999-2K 27 107 -75 0 4 -100 67 8 738 67 12 458 0 15 -100 10 22 -55 50 31 61 60 68 -12 576 845 -32
2000-01 25 152 -84 11 5 120 0 3 -100 11 8 38 57 14 307 14 16 -13 0 27 -100 71 57 25 970 779 25
2001-02 142 152 -7 11 5 120 0 3 -100 11 8 38 16 14 14 2 16 -88 64 27 137 82 57 44 823 779 6
2002-03 96 152 -37 0 5 -100 7 3 133 7 8 -13 12 14 -14 27 16 69 0 27 -100 39 57 -32 613 779 -21
2003-04 169 152 11 29 5 480 1 3 -67 30 8 275 32 14 129 59 16 269 39 27 44 130 57 128 859 779 10

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Medak District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 102 145 -30 297 209 42 135 175 -23 168 174 -3 702 703 0 86 48 79 3 20 -85 0 8 -100
1952-53 38 145 -74 251 209 20 173 175 -1 94 174 -46 556 703 -21 71 48 48 0 20 -100 5 8 -38
1953-54 201 145 39 221 209 6 193 175 10 264 174 52 879 703 25 188 48 292 0 20 -100 0 8 -100
1954-55 127 145 -12 254 209 22 203 175 16 330 174 90 914 703 30 51 48 6 0 20 -100 0 8 -100
1955-56 203 145 40 305 209 46 381 175 118 203 174 17 1092 703 55 76 48 58 0 20 -100 0 8 -100
1956-57 152 145 5 533 209 155 152 175 -13 203 174 17 1040 703 48 76 48 58 76 20 280 0 8 -100
1957-58 152 145 5 178 209 -15 330 175 89 102 174 -41 762 703 8 152 48 217 0 20 -100 0 8 -100
1958-59 102 145 -30 376 209 80 350 175 100 116 174 -33 944 703 34 65 48 35 22 20 10 0 8 -100
1959-60 180 145 24 314 209 50 365 175 109 135 174 -22 994 703 41 66 48 38 5 20 -75 0 8 -100
1960-61 164 145 13 121 209 -42 37 175 -79 212 174 22 534 703 -24 58 48 21 18 20 -10 1 8 -88
1961-62 131 145 -10 336 209 61 146 175.1 -17 112 174 -36 725 703.1 3 189 48.2 292 8 19.7 -59 0 8.3 -100
1962-63 85 145 -41 209 227 -8 290 199 46 462 208 122 1046 779 34 69 58 19 20 21 -5 41 6 583
1963-64 190 145 31 177 227 -22 315 199 58 141 208 -32 823 779 6 155 58 167 0 21 -100 0 6 -100
1964-65 110 145 -24 195 227 -14 177 199 -11 341 208 64 823 779 6 43 58 -26 8 21 -62 0 6 -100
1965-66 61 145 -58 415 227 83 134 199 -33 220 208 6 830 779 7 0 58 -100 0 21 -100 0 6 -100
1966-67 71 145 -51 267 227 18 142 199 -29 226 208 9 706 779 -9 80 58 38 11 21 -48 13 6 117
1967-68 174 145 20 483 227 113 153 199 -23 144 208 -31 954 779 22 7 58 -88 0 21 -100 0 6 -100
1968-69 68 145 -53 164 227 -28 38 199 -81 288 208 38 558 779 -28 101 58 74 1 21 -95 0 6 -100
1969-70 69 145 -52 215 227 -5 113 199 -43 251 208 21 648 779 -17 48 58 -17 80 21 281 1 6 -83
1970-71 200 134 49 151 213 -29 468 192 144 212 201 5 1031 740 39 37 62 -40 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1971-72 119 134 -11 59 213 -72 223 192 16 124 201 -38 525 740 -29 109 62 76 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1972-73 177 134 32 119 213 -44 70 192 -64 50 201 -75 416 740 -44 20 62 -68 28 15 87 0 5 -100
1973-74 145 134 8 240 213 13 339 192 77 56 201 -72 780 740 5 293 62 373 4 15 -73 0 5 -100
1974-75 144 134 7 103 213 -52 242 192 26 150 201 -25 639 740 -14 201 62 224 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1975-76 77 134 -43 225 213 6 163 192 -15 325 201 62 790 740 7 186 62 200 1 15 -93 0 5 -100
1976-77 103 134 -23 328 213 54 222 192 16 100 201 -50 753 740 2 2 62 -97 33 15 120 0 5 -100
1977-78 92 134 -31 194 213 -9 209 192 9 65 201 -68 560 740 -24 56 62 -10 27 15 80 8 5 60
1978-79 232 134 73 339 213 59 364 192 90 134 201 -33 1069 740 44 51 62 -18 37 15 147 0 5 -100
1979-80 91 134 -32 152 213 -29 107 192 -44 258 201 28 608 740 -18 10 62 -84 49 15 227 1 5 -80
1980-81 183 134 37 132 213 -38 293 192 53 143 201 -29 751 740 1 1 62 -98 4 15 -73 2 5 -60
1981-82 216 134 61 162 213 -24 224 192 17 325 201 62 927 740 25 83 62 34 3 15 -80 0 5 -100


Medak District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 89 76 17 0 5 -100 8 16 -50 8 21 -62 0 12 -100 0 27 -100 61 22 177 61 61 0 860 861 0
1952-53 76 76 0 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 0 12 -100 20 27 -26 0 22 -100 20 61 -67 652 861 -24
1953-54 188 76 147 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 8 12 -33 10 27 -63 3 22 -86 21 61 -66 1088 861 26
1954-55 51 76 -33 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 0 12 -100 0 27 -100 25 22 14 25 61 -59 990 861 15
1955-56 76 76 0 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 0 12 -100 0 27 -100 76 22 245 76 61 25 1244 861 44
1956-57 152 76 100 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 25 12 108 25 27 -7 76 22 245 126 61 107 1318 861 53
1957-58 152 76 100 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 25 12 108 25 27 -7 25 22 14 75 61 23 989 861 15
1958-59 87 76 14 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 0 12 -100 5 27 -81 8 22 -64 13 61 -79 1044 861 21
1959-60 71 76 -7 0 5 -100 0 16 -100 0 21 -100 59 12 392 14 27 -48 24 22 9 97 61 59 1162 861 35
1960-61 77 76 1 0 5 -100 3 16 -81 3 21 -86 2 12 -83 17 26.9 -37 58 22.2 161 77 61.1 26 691 861.1 -20
1961-62 197 76.2 159 0 4.6 -100 11 16.1 -32 11 20.7 -47 12 11.7 3 56 26.9 108 35 22.2 58 103 60.8 69 1036 860.8 20
1962-63 130 85 53 0 3 -100 0 12 -100 0 15 -100 7 13 -46 54 28 93 37 23 61 98 64 53 1274 943 35
1963-64 155 85 82 1 3 -67 5 12 -58 6 15 -60 0 13 -100 1 28 -96 0 23 -100 1 64 -98 985 943 4
1964-65 51 85 -40 4 3 33 0 12 -100 4 15 -73 1 13 -92 17 28 -39 7 23 -70 25 64 -61 903 943 -4
1965-66 0 85 -100 52 3 1633 0 12 -100 52 15 247 0 13 -100 14 28 -50 5 23 -78 19 64 -70 901 943 -4
1966-67 104 85 22 4 3 33 0 12 -100 4 15 -73 46 13 254 3 28 -89 0 23 -100 49 64 -23 863 943 -8
1967-68 7 85 -92 0 3 -100 11 12 -8 11 15 -27 5 13 -62 2 28 -93 4 23 -83 11 64 -83 983 943 4
1968-69 102 85 20 1 3 -67 0 12 -100 1 15 -93 0 13 -100 11 28 -61 19 23 -17 30 64 -53 691 943 -27
1969-70 129 85 52 1 3 -67 0 12 -100 1 15 -93 0 13 -100 0 28 -100 8 23 -65 8 64 -88 786 943 -17
1970-71 37 82 -55 8 3 167 0 7 -100 8 10 -20 17 11 55 11 22 -50 52 21 148 80 54 48 1156 886 30
1971-72 109 82 33 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 46 22 109 11 21 -48 57 54 6 691 886 -22
1972-73 48 82 -41 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 5 22 -77 1 21 -95 6 54 -89 470 886 -47
1973-74 297 82 262 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 34 22 55 57 21 171 91 54 69 1168 886 32
1974-75 201 82 145 25 3 733 3 7 -57 28 10 180 30 11 173 8 22 -64 30 21 43 68 54 26 936 886 6
1975-76 187 82 128 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 1 11 -91 30 22 36 16 21 -24 47 54 -13 1024 886 16
1976-77 35 82 -57 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 2 11 -82 24 22 9 47 21 124 73 54 35 861 886 -3
1977-78 91 82 11 27 3 800 34 7 386 61 10 510 3 11 -73 28 22 27 23 21 10 54 54 0 766 886 -14
1978-79 88 82 7 0 3 -100 31 7 343 31 10 210 4 11 -64 5 22 -77 87 21 314 96 54 78 1284 886 45
1979-80 60 82 -27 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 8 11 -27 26 22 18 2 21 -90 36 54 -33 704 886 -21
1980-81 7 82 -91 17 3 467 0 7 -100 17 10 70 52 11 373 11 22 -50 32 21 52 95 54 76 870 886 -2
1981-82 86 82 5 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 7 22 -68 46 21 119 53 54 -2 1066 886 20

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Medak District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 152 134 13 218 213 2 130 192 -32 214 201 6 714 740 -4 106 62 71 13 15 -13 0 5 -100
1983-84 91 134 -32 297 213 39 386 192 101 376 201 87 1150 740 55 152 62 145 6 15 -60 9 5 80
1984-85 74 134 -45 223 213 5 186 192 -3 120 201 -40 603 740 -19 89 62 44 0 15 -100 0 5 -100
1985-86 158 134 18 238 213 12 75 192 -61 83 201 -59 554 740 -25 113 62 82 0 15 -100 5 5 0
1986-87 148 134 10 106 213 -50 306 192 59 51 201 -75 611 740 -17 4 62 -94 7 15 -53 12 5 140
1987-88 120 134 -10 218 213 2 152 192 -21 42 201 -79 532 740 -28 115 62 85 152 15 913 2 5 -60
1988-89 82 139 -41 601 247 143 411 213 93 285 213 34 1379 812 70 10 71 -86 0 14 -100 10 4 150
1989-90 233 139 68 593 247 140 232 213 9 176 213 -17 1234 812 52 25 71 -65 0 14 -100 19 4 375
1990-91 198 139 42 134 247 -46 379 213 78 90 213 -58 801 812 -1 159 71 124 13 14 -7 0 4 -100
1991-92 194 139 40 198 247 -20 163 213 -23 62 213 -71 617 812 -24 19 71 -73 19 14 36 0 4 -100
1992-93 140 139 1 93 247 -62 315 213 48 101 213 -53 649 812 -20 31 71 -56 76 14 443 0 4 -100
1993-94 90 139 -35 224 247 -9 182 213 -15 81 213 -62 577 812 -29 116 71 63 0 14 -100 21 4 425
1994-95 87 139 -37 180 247 -27 197 213 -8 31 213 -85 495 812 -39 197 71 177 15 14 7 0 4 -100
1995-96 136 139 -2 249 247 1 153 213 -28 93 213 -56 631 812 -22 317 71 346 12 14 -14 0 4 -100
1996-97 45 139 -68 184 247 -26 334 213 57 183 213 -14 746 812 -8 130 71 83 34 14 143 0 4 -100
1997-98 40 139 -71 168 247 -32 123 213 -42 109 213 -49 440 812 -46 100 71 41 60 14 329 31 4 675
1998-99 103 139 -26 154 247 -38 270 213 27 231 213 8 758 812 -7 129 71 82 14 14 0 0 4 -100
1999-2K 69 139 -50 172 247 -30 177 213 -17 156 213 -27 574 812 -29 20 71 -72 0 14 -100 0 4 -100
2000-01 180 126 43 184 220 -16 336 215 56 63 119 -47 763 680 12 17 100 -83 0 27 -100 0 6 -100
2001-02 163 126 29 70 220 -68 153 215 -29 110 119 -8 496 680 -27 154 100 54 1 27 -96 0 6 -100
2002-03 89 126 -29 61 220 -72 203 215 -6 78 119 -34 431 680 -37 88 100 -12 0 27 -100 0 6 -100
2003-04 91 126 -28 213 220 -3 249 215 16 112 119 -6 665 680 -2 73 100 -27 0 27 -100 0 6 -100


Medak District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 119 82 45 0 3 -100 0 7 -100 0 10 -100 0 11 -100 2 22 -91 28 21 33 30 54 -44 863 886 -3
1983-84 167 82 104 2 3 -33 2 7 -71 4 10 -60 0 11 -100 17 22 -23 0 21 -100 17 54 -69 1338 886 51
1984-85 89 82 9 3 3 0 0 7 -100 3 10 -70 3 11 -73 27 22 23 7 21 -67 37 54 -31 732 886 -17
1985-86 118 82 44 35 3 1067 40 7 471 75 10 650 1 11 -91 14 22 -36 0 21 -100 15 54 -72 762 886 -14
1986-87 23 82 -72 1 3 -67 2 7 -71 3 10 -70 5 11 -55 4 22 -82 41 21 95 50 54 -7 687 886 -22
1987-88 269 82 228 0 3 -100 6 7 -14 6 10 -40 1 11 -91 68 22 209 1 21 -95 70 54 30 877 886 -1
1988-89 20 89 -78 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 32 11 191 4 20 -80 7 21 -67 43 52 -17 1442 961 50
1989-90 44 89 -51 4 3 33 0 5 -100 4 8 -50 1 11 -91 0 20 -100 163 21 676 164 52 215 1446 961 50
1990-91 172 89 93 1 3 -67 0 5 -100 1 8 -88 10 11 -9 12 20 -40 19 21 -10 41 52 -21 1015 961 6
1991-92 38 89 -57 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 0 11 -100 12 20 -40 20 21 -5 32 52 -38 687 961 -29
1992-93 107 89 20 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 5 11 -55 7 20 -65 19 21 -10 31 52 -40 787 961 -18
1993-94 137 89 54 3 3 0 1 5 -80 4 8 -50 0 11 -100 15 20 -25 1 21 -95 16 52 -69 734 961 -24
1994-95 212 89 138 70 3 2233 0 5 -100 70 8 775 26 11 136 26 20 30 32 21 52 84 52 62 861 961 -10
1995-96 329 89 270 0 3 -100 1 5 -80 1 8 -88 0 11 -100 32 20 60 3 21 -86 35 52 -33 996 961 4
1996-97 164 89 84 8 3 167 0 5 -100 8 8 0 30 11 173 41 20 105 23 21 10 94 52 81 1012 961 5
1997-98 191 89 115 0 3 -100 7 5 40 7 8 -13 1 11 -91 5 20 -75 14 21 -33 20 52 -62 658 961 -32
1998-99 143 89 61 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 4 11 -64 0 20 -100 59 21 181 63 52 21 964 961 0
1999-2K 20 89 -78 0 3 -100 15 5 200 15 8 88 0 11 -100 3 20 -85 70 21 233 73 52 40 682 961 -29
2000-01 17 133 -87 7 6 17 0 4 -100 7 10 -30 5 8 -38 24 15 60 5 28 -82 34 51 -33 821 874 -6
2001-02 155 133 17 16 6 167 0 4 -100 16 10 60 1 8 -88 7 15 -53 16 28 -43 24 51 -53 691 874 -21
2002-03 88 133 -34 0 6 -100 2 4 -50 2 10 -80 12 8 50 7 15 -53 0 28 -100 19 51 -63 540 874 -38
2003-04 73 133 -45 18 6 200 3 4 -25 21 10 110 11 8 38 24 15 60 25 28 -11 60 51 18 819 874 -6

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nizamabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 117 157 -25 417 259 61 168 236 -29 119 182 -35 821 834 -2 660 52 1169 5 18 -72 0 3 -100
1952-53 81 157 -48 211 259 -19 178 236 -25 112 182 -38 582 834 -30 84 52 62 0 18 -100 3 3 0
1953-54 279 157 78 244 259 -6 318 236 35 358 182 97 1199 834 44 196 52 277 0 18 -100 0 3 -100
1954-55 152 157 -3 356 259 37 178 236 -25 279 182 53 965 834 16 25 52 -52 0 18 -100 0 3 -100
1955-56 254 157 62 356 259 37 533 236 126 229 182 26 1372 834 65 51 52 -2 0 18 -100 0 3 -100
1956-57 229 157 46 508 259 96 178 236 -25 279 182 53 1194 834 43 76 52 46 51 18 183 0 3 -100
1957-58 152 157 -3 152 259 -41 406 236 72 76 182 -58 786 834 -6 102 52 96 0 18 -100 0 3 -100
1958-59 70 157 -55 488 259 88 433 236 83 173 182 -5 1164 834 40 33 52 -37 12 18 -33 0 3 -100
1959-60 253 157 61 482 259 86 474 236 101 228 182 25 1437 834 72 71 52 37 7 18 -61 8 3 167
1960-61 266 157 69 245 259 -5 101 236 -57 230 182 26 842 834 1 58 52 12 21 18 17 2 3 -33
1961-62 155 157 -1 358 259 38 176 235.7 -25 155 182 -15 844 833.7 1 116 52.3 122 4 17.5 -77 5 3 67
1962-63 66 143 -54 322 286 13 342 229 49 310 217 43 1040 875 19 21 52 -60 64 17 276 42 3 1300
1963-64 269 143 88 259 286 -9 484 229 111 109 217 -50 1121 875 28 162 52 212 0 17 -100 0 3 -100
1964-65 83 143 -42 222 286 -22 230 229 0 293 217 35 828 875 -5 35 52 -33 3 17 -82 0 3 -100
1965-66 125 143 -13 406 286 42 159 229 -31 158 217 -27 848 875 -3 0 52 -100 0 17 -100 0 3 -100
1966-67 30 143 -79 340 286 19 183 229 -20 252 217 16 805 875 -8 11 52 -79 5 17 -71 43 3 1333
1967-68 162 143 13 384 286 34 182 229 -21 120 217 -45 848 875 -3 5 52 -90 0 17 -100 9 3 200
1968-69 113 143 -21 227 286 -21 53 229 -77 215 217 -1 608 875 -31 57 52 10 37 17 118 0 3 -100
1969-70 54 143 -62 312 286 9 178 229 -22 368 217 70 912 875 4 17 52 -67 45 17 165 0 3 -100
1970-71 239 147 63 183 288 -36 578 233 148 157 219 -28 1157 887 30 13 54 -76 0 17 -100 0 3 -100
1971-72 113 147 -23 51 288 -82 140 233 -40 100 219 -54 404 887 -54 106 54 96 0 17 -100 0 3 -100
1972-73 163 147 11 154 288 -47 140 233 -40 75 219 -66 532 887 -40 20 54 -63 85 17 400 0 3 -100
1973-74 109 147 -26 226 288 -22 477 233 105 91 219 -58 903 887 2 302 54 459 5 17 -71 0 3 -100
1974-75 167 147 14 101 288 -65 280 233 20 165 219 -25 713 887 -20 226 54 319 0 17 -100 0 3 -100
1975-76 92 147 -37 340 288 18 267 233 15 406 219 85 1105 887 25 102 54 89 1 17 -94 0 3 -100
1976-77 50 147 -66 492 288 71 377 233 62 90 219 -59 1009 887 14 2 54 -96 10 17 -41 0 3 -100
1977-78 128 147 -13 266 288 -8 275 233 18 97 219 -56 766 887 -14 57 54 6 40 17 135 0 3 -100
1978-79 324 147 120 393 288 36 277 233 19 67 219 -69 1061 887 20 42 54 -22 6 17 -65 0 3 -100
1979-80 115 147 -22 178 288 -38 187 233 -20 224 219 2 704 887 -21 4 54 -93 21 17 24 3 3 0
1980-81 294 147 100 167 288 -42 298 233 28 179 219 -18 938 887 6 0 54 -100 1 17 -94 5 3 67
1981-82 183 147 24 258 288 -10 317 233 36 279 219 27 1037 887 17 43 54 -20 0 17 -100 0 3 -100


Nizamabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 665 73 811 0 4 -100 30 19 58 30 23 30 5 11 -55 5 18 -72 18 15 20 28 44 -36 1544 974 59
1952-53 87 73 19 0 4 -100 0 19 -100 0 23 -100 0 11 -100 18 18 0 0 15 -100 18 44 -59 687 974 -29
1953-54 196 73 168 0 4 -100 0 19 -100 0 23 -100 3 11 -73 10 18 -44 10 15 -33 23 44 -48 1418 974 46
1954-55 25 73 -66 25 4 525 0 19 -100 25 23 9 0 11 -100 0 18 -100 25 15 67 25 44 -43 1040 974 7
1955-56 51 73 -30 0 4 -100 0 19 -100 0 23 -100 0 11 -100 51 18 183 25 15 67 76 44 73 1499 974 54
1956-57 127 73 74 0 4 -100 25 19 32 25 23 9 25 11 127 51 18 183 25 15 67 101 44 130 1447 974 49
1957-58 102 73 40 0 4 -100 0 19 -100 0 23 -100 0 11 -100 25 18 39 0 15 -100 25 44 -43 913 974 -6
1958-59 45 73 -38 3 4 -25 0 19 -100 3 23 -87 0 11 -100 8 18 -56 14 15 -7 22 44 -50 1234 974 27
1959-60 86 73 18 0 4 -100 0 19 -100 0 23 -100 40 11 264 25 18 39 25 15 67 90 44 105 1613 974 66
1960-61 81 73 11 0 4 -100 2 19 -89 2 23 -91 2 11 -82 12 17.5 -31 38 15.3 148 52 43.8 19 977 973.8 0
1961-62 125 72.8 72 0 4 -100 5 19.2 -74 5 23.2 -78 0 11.4 -100 75 17.5 329 25 15.3 63 100 44.2 126 1074 973.9 10
1962-63 127 72 76 0 6 -100 0 19 -100 0 25 -100 13 13 0 36 16 125 17 12 42 66 41 61 1233 1013 22
1963-64 162 72 125 0 6 -100 1 19 -95 1 25 -96 6 13 -54 0 16 -100 0 12 -100 6 41 -85 1290 1013 27
1964-65 38 72 -47 15 6 150 0 19 -100 15 25 -40 0 13 -100 9 16 -44 2 12 -83 11 41 -73 892 1013 -12
1965-66 0 72 -100 34 6 467 0 19 -100 34 25 36 1 13 -92 9 16 -44 3 12 -75 13 41 -68 895 1013 -12
1966-67 59 72 -18 15 6 150 0 19 -100 15 25 -40 41 13 215 2 16 -88 3 12 -75 46 41 12 925 1013 -9
1967-68 14 72 -81 10 6 67 17 19 -11 27 25 8 29 13 123 4 16 -75 2 12 -83 35 41 -15 924 1013 -9
1968-69 94 72 31 0 6 -100 0 19 -100 0 25 -100 0 13 -100 4 16 -75 9 12 -25 13 41 -68 715 1013 -29
1969-70 62 72 -14 6 6 0 2 19 -89 8 25 -68 3 13 -77 7 16 -56 28 12 133 38 41 -7 1020 1013 1
1970-71 13 74 -82 0 6 -100 1 18 -94 1 24 -96 4 12 -67 3 16 -81 35 12 192 42 40 5 1213 1025 18
1971-72 106 74 43 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 0 12 -100 4 16 -75 7 12 -42 11 40 -73 521 1025 -49
1972-73 105 74 42 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 0 12 -100 1 16 -94 0 12 -100 1 40 -98 638 1025 -38
1973-74 307 74 315 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 0 12 -100 21 16 31 19 12 58 40 40 0 1250 1025 22
1974-75 226 74 205 29 6 383 6 18 -67 35 24 46 52 12 333 2 16 -88 24 12 100 78 40 95 1052 1025 3
1975-76 103 74 39 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 0 12 -100 12 16 -25 4 12 -67 16 40 -60 1224 1025 19
1976-77 12 74 -84 0 6 -100 1 18 -94 1 24 -96 3 12 -75 11 16 -31 13 12 8 27 40 -33 1049 1025 2
1977-78 97 74 31 26 6 333 7 18 -61 33 24 38 1 12 -92 3 16 -81 17 12 42 21 40 -48 917 1025 -11
1978-79 48 74 -35 18 6 200 26 18 44 44 24 83 1 12 -92 1 16 -94 97 12 708 99 40 148 1252 1025 22
1979-80 28 74 -62 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 10 12 -17 20 16 25 5 12 -58 35 40 -13 767 1025 -25
1980-81 6 74 -92 16 6 167 0 18 -100 16 24 -33 22 12 83 8 16 -50 17 12 42 47 40 18 1007 1025 -2
1981-82 43 74 -42 7 6 17 0 18 -100 7 24 -71 1 12 -92 12 16 -25 12 12 0 25 40 -38 1112 1025 8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nizamabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 102 147 -31 366 288 27 178 233 -24 199 219 -9 845 887 -5 163 54 202 8 17 -53 0 3 -100
1983-84 107 147 -27 413 288 43 749 233 221 373 219 70 1642 887 85 262 54 385 3 17 -82 10 3 233
1984-85 104 147 -29 357 288 24 130 233 -44 118 219 -46 709 887 -20 70 54 30 1 17 -94 0 3 -100
1985-86 288 147 96 263 288 -9 148 233 -36 42 219 -81 741 887 -16 76 54 41 0 17 -100 6 3 100
1986-87 112 147 -24 259 288 -10 398 233 71 59 219 -73 828 887 -7 3 54 -94 4 17 -76 27 3 800
1987-88 160 147 9 263 288 -9 319 233 37 26 219 -88 768 887 -13 129 54 139 151 17 788 0 3 -100
1988-89 190 152 25 682 315 117 455 277 64 605 205 195 1932 949 104 24 61 -61 0 14 -100 14 4 250
1989-90 372 152 145 607 315 93 380 277 37 179 205 -13 1538 949 62 22 61 -64 5 14 -64 24 4 500
1990-91 402 152 164 216 315 -31 785 277 183 99 205 -52 1502 949 58 208 61 241 6 14 -57 0 4 -100
1991-92 171 152 13 429 315 36 125 277 -55 75 205 -63 800 949 -16 3 61 -95 42 14 200 0 4 -100
1992-93 199 152 31 112 315 -64 283 277 2 85 205 -59 679 949 -28 45 61 -26 38 14 171 0 4 -100
1993-94 107 152 -30 297 315 -6 233 277 -16 109 205 -47 746 949 -21 124 61 103 0 14 -100 23 4 475
1994-95 116 152 -24 260 315 -17 247 277 -11 35 205 -83 658 949 -31 160 61 162 17 14 21 0 4 -100
1995-96 197 152 30 289 315 -8 167 277 -40 148 205 -28 801 949 -16 480 61 687 5 14 -64 0 4 -100
1996-97 32 152 -79 226 315 -28 269 277 -3 176 205 -14 703 949 -26 173 61 184 1 14 -93 0 4 -100
1997-98 92 152 -39 247 315 -22 120 277 -57 107 205 -48 566 949 -40 103 61 69 81 14 479 27 4 575
1998-99 192 152 26 232 315 -26 335 277 21 179 205 -13 938 949 -1 162 61 166 14 14 0 0 4 -100
1999-2K 111 152 -27 220 315 -30 303 277 9 232 205 13 866 949 -9 59 61 -3 0 14 -100 0 4 -100
2000-01 209 169 24 247 272 -9 500 280 79 37 128 -71 993 849 17 6 105 -94 0 23 -100 0 7 -100
2001-02 205 169 21 125 272 -54 315 280 13 48 128 -63 693 849 -18 116 105 10 1 23 -96 0 7 -100
2002-03 133 169 -21 67 272 -75 263 280 -6 101 128 -21 564 849 -34 52 105 -50 0 23 -100 0 7 -100
2003-04 107 169 -37 279 272 3 284 280 1 81 128 -37 751 849 -12 42 105 -60 2 23 -91 0 7 -100


Nizamabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 171 74 131 0 6 -100 1 18 -94 1 24 -96 0 12 -100 4 16 -75 29 12 142 33 40 -18 1050 1025 2
1983-84 275 74 272 0 6 -100 9 18 -50 9 24 -63 0 12 -100 1 16 -94 0 12 -100 1 40 -98 1927 1025 88
1984-85 71 74 -4 15 6 150 0 18 -100 15 24 -38 12 12 0 15 16 -6 12 12 0 39 40 -3 834 1025 -19
1985-86 82 74 11 31 6 417 47 18 161 78 24 225 0 12 -100 16 16 0 16 12 33 32 40 -20 933 1025 -9
1986-87 34 74 -54 8 6 33 3 18 -83 11 24 -54 2 12 -83 2 16 -88 20 12 67 24 40 -40 897 1025 -12
1987-88 280 74 278 0 6 -100 7 18 -61 7 24 -71 1 12 -92 16 16 0 3 12 -75 20 40 -50 1075 1025 5
1988-89 38 79 -52 0 4 -100 0 9 -100 0 13 -100 71 11 545 0 15 -100 3 15 -80 74 41 80 2044 1082 89
1989-90 51 79 -35 3 4 -25 0 9 -100 3 13 -77 3 11 -73 0 15 -100 191 15 1173 194 41 373 1786 1082 65
1990-91 214 79 171 2 4 -50 0 9 -100 2 13 -85 1 11 -91 14 15 -7 3 15 -80 18 41 -56 1736 1082 60
1991-92 45 79 -43 0 4 -100 0 9 -100 0 13 -100 0 11 -100 2 15 -87 10 15 -33 12 41 -71 857 1082 -21
1992-93 83 79 5 0 4 -100 1 9 -89 1 13 -92 6 11 -45 6 15 -60 5 15 -67 17 41 -59 780 1082 -28
1993-94 147 79 86 1 4 -75 0 9 -100 1 13 -92 0 11 -100 10 15 -33 1 15 -93 11 41 -73 905 1082 -16
1994-95 177 79 124 116 4 2800 1 9 -89 117 13 800 19 11 73 14 15 -7 30 15 100 63 41 54 1015 1082 -6
1995-96 485 79 514 0 4 -100 0 9 -100 0 13 -100 0 11 -100 17 15 13 1 15 -93 18 41 -56 1304 1082 21
1996-97 174 79 120 15 4 275 0 9 -100 15 13 15 5 11 -55 25 15 67 8 15 -47 38 41 -7 930 1082 -14
1997-98 211 79 167 1 4 -75 9 9 0 10 13 -23 2 11 -82 9 15 -40 20 15 33 31 41 -24 818 1082 -24
1998-99 176 79 123 0 4 -100 0 9 -100 0 13 -100 1 11 -91 0 15 -100 37 15 147 38 41 -7 1152 1082 6
1999-2K 59 79 -25 0 4 -100 4 9 -56 4 13 -69 0 11 -100 1 15 -93 39 15 160 40 41 -2 969 1082 -10
2000-01 6 135 -96 1 10 -90 0 5 -100 1 15 -93 12 6 100 43 8 438 4 23 -83 59 37 59 1059 1036 2
2001-02 117 135 -13 31 10 210 4 5 -20 35 15 133 0 6 -100 6 8 -25 27 23 17 33 37 -11 878 1036 -15
2002-03 52 135 -61 0 10 -100 6 5 20 6 15 -60 21 6 250 10 8 25 0 23 -100 31 37 -16 653 1036 -37
2003-04 44 135 -67 13 10 30 7 5 40 20 15 33 6 6 0 13 8 63 39 23 70 58 37 57 873 1036 -16

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Adilabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 112 198 -43 343 310 11 157 213 -26 91 175 -48 703 896 -22 48 50 -4 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1952-53 86 198 -57 211 310 -32 145 213 -32 180 175 3 622 896 -31 81 50 62 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1953-54 218 198 10 287 310 -7 503 213 136 249 175 42 1257 896 40 114 50 128 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1954-55 127 198 -36 406 310 31 229 213 8 229 175 31 991 896 11 25 50 -50 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1955-56 330 198 67 279 310 -10 381 213 79 305 175 74 1295 896 45 152 50 204 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1956-57 305 198 54 381 310 23 152 213 -29 178 175 2 1016 896 13 127 50 154 51 19 168 0 5 -100
1957-58 178 198 -10 356 310 15 356 213 67 102 175 -42 992 896 11 51 50 2 0 19 -100 0 5 -100
1958-59 64 198 -68 386 310 25 528 213 148 105 175 -40 1083 896 21 36 50 -28 20 19 5 0 5 -100
1959-60 154 198 -22 368 310 19 228 213 7 289 175 65 1039 896 16 84 50 68 1 19 -95 0 5 -100
1960-61 232 198 17 257 310 -17 73 213 -66 133 175 -24 695 896 -22 71 50 42 5 19 -74 0 5 -100
1961-62 147 198 -26 417 310 35 293 212.9 38 100 175 -43 957 895.9 7 118 50 136 1 18.7 -95 0 5.3 -100
1962-63 82 156 -47 282 270 4 231 211 9 258 175 47 853 812 5 24 52 -54 54 20 170 46 4 1050
1963-64 252 156 62 247 270 -9 603 211 186 99 175 -43 1201 812 48 85 52 63 0 20 -100 0 4 -100
1964-65 122 156 -22 221 270 -18 288 211 36 250 175 43 881 812 8 63 52 21 2 20 -90 0 4 -100
1965-66 110 156 -29 271 270 0 182 211 -14 163 175 -7 726 812 -11 0 52 -100 0 20 -100 0 4 -100
1966-67 84 156 -46 299 270 11 209 211 -1 326 175 86 918 812 13 2 52 -96 10 20 -50 34 4 750
1967-68 197 156 26 299 270 11 217 211 3 104 175 -41 817 812 1 1 52 -98 0 20 -100 56 4 1300
1968-69 134 156 -14 189 270 -30 110 211 -48 215 175 23 648 812 -20 31 52 -40 10 20 -50 0 4 -100
1969-70 82 156 -47 253 270 -6 209 211 -1 296 175 69 840 812 3 2 52 -96 59 20 195 0 4 -100
1970-71 217 158 37 126 307 -59 452 270 67 157 185 -15 952 920 3 6 52 -88 0 14 -100 0 7 -100
1971-72 149 158 -6 104 307 -66 137 270 -49 74 185 -60 464 920 -50 98 52 88 0 14 -100 0 7 -100
1972-73 175 158 11 195 307 -36 114 270 -58 37 185 -80 521 920 -43 23 52 -56 64 14 357 0 7 -100
1973-74 111 158 -30 247 307 -20 403 270 49 88 185 -52 849 920 -8 272 52 423 0 14 -100 0 7 -100
1974-75 119 158 -25 122 307 -60 178 270 -34 128 185 -31 547 920 -41 255 52 390 10 14 -29 0 7 -100
1975-76 189 158 20 275 307 -10 219 270 -19 280 185 51 963 920 5 124 52 138 1 14 -93 0 7 -100
1976-77 78 158 -51 502 307 64 298 270 10 173 185 -6 1051 920 14 3 52 -94 18 14 29 0 7 -100
1977-78 94 158 -41 353 307 15 356 270 32 101 185 -45 904 920 -2 31 52 -40 39 14 179 2 7 -71
1978-79 270 158 71 504 307 64 340 270 26 102 185 -45 1216 920 32 29 52 -44 29 14 107 0 7 -100
1979-80 238 158 51 186 307 -39 175 270 -35 149 185 -19 748 920 -19 6 52 -88 27 14 93 13 7 86
1980-81 213 158 35 251 307 -18 342 270 27 140 185 -24 946 920 3 2 52 -96 1 14 -93 27 7 286
1981-82 166 158 5 272 307 -11 389 270 44 260 185 41 1087 920 18 30 52 -42 1 14 -93 5 7 -29


Adilabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 48 74 -35 0 9 -100 28 19 47 28 28 0 0 13 -100 0 19 -100 3 21 -86 3 53 -94 782 1051 -26
1952-53 81 74 9 5 9 -44 0 19 -100 5 28 -82 0 13 -100 20 19 5 0 21 -100 20 53 -62 728 1051 -31
1953-54 114 74 54 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 0 13 -100 5 19 -74 5 21 -76 10 53 -81 1381 1051 31
1954-55 25 74 -66 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 0 13 -100 0 19 -100 25 21 19 25 53 -53 1041 1051 -1
1955-56 152 74 105 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 0 13 -100 25 19 32 51 21 143 76 53 43 1523 1051 45
1956-57 178 74 141 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 51 13 292 25 19 32 51 21 143 127 53 140 1321 1051 26
1957-58 51 74 -31 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 0 13 -100 25 19 32 0 21 -100 25 53 -53 1068 1051 2
1958-59 56 74 -24 3 9 -67 2 19 -89 5 28 -82 0 13 -100 7 19 -63 12 21 -43 19 53 -64 1163 1051 11
1959-60 85 74 15 0 9 -100 0 19 -100 0 28 -100 5 13 -62 19 19 0 14 21 -33 38 53 -28 1162 1051 11
1960-61 76 74 3 0 9 -100 8 19 -58 8 28 -71 0 13 -100 10 18.6 -46 17 21.4 -21 27 53 -49 806 1051 -23
1961-62 119 74 61 0 8.7 -100 2 19 -89 2 27.7 -93 0 12.5 -100 38 18.6 104 24 21.4 12 62 52.5 18 1140 1050.1 9
1962-63 124 76 63 0 7 -100 0 19 -100 0 26 -100 4 13 -69 23 18 28 29 14 107 56 45 24 1033 959 8
1963-64 85 76 12 0 7 -100 0 19 -100 0 26 -100 23 13 77 5 18 -72 0 14 -100 28 45 -38 1314 959 37
1964-65 65 76 -14 13 7 86 0 19 -100 13 26 -50 0 13 -100 15 18 -17 0 14 -100 15 45 -67 974 959 2
1965-66 0 76 -100 6 7 -14 0 19 -100 6 26 -77 0 13 -100 0 18 -100 2 14 -86 2 45 -96 734 959 -23
1966-67 46 76 -39 0 7 -100 0 19 -100 0 26 -100 71 13 446 6 18 -67 2 14 -86 79 45 76 1043 959 9
1967-68 57 76 -25 30 7 329 24 19 26 54 26 108 105 13 708 8 18 -56 8 14 -43 121 45 169 1049 959 9
1968-69 41 76 -46 1 7 -86 0 19 -100 1 26 -96 0 13 -100 11 18 -39 22 14 57 33 45 -27 723 959 -25
1969-70 61 76 -20 3 7 -57 0 19 -100 3 26 -88 5 13 -62 25 18 39 22 14 57 52 45 16 956 959 0
1970-71 6 73 -92 3 5 -40 1 12 -92 4 17 -76 3 15 -80 0 14 -100 6 12 -50 9 41 -78 971 1051 -8
1971-72 98 73 34 0 5 -100 0 12 -100 0 17 -100 0 15 -100 6 14 -57 11 12 -8 17 41 -59 579 1051 -45
1972-73 87 73 19 0 5 -100 0 12 -100 0 17 -100 0 15 -100 2 14 -86 2 12 -83 4 41 -90 612 1051 -42
1973-74 272 73 273 0 5 -100 0 12 -100 0 17 -100 0 15 -100 2 14 -86 25 12 108 27 41 -34 1148 1051 9
1974-75 265 73 263 12 5 140 27 12 125 39 17 129 9 15 -40 1 14 -93 19 12 58 29 41 -29 880 1051 -16
1975-76 125 73 71 1 5 -80 0 12 -100 1 17 -94 3 15 -80 21 14 50 4 12 -67 28 41 -32 1117 1051 6
1976-77 21 73 -71 0 5 -100 4 12 -67 4 17 -76 3 15 -80 7 14 -50 32 12 167 42 41 2 1118 1051 6
1977-78 72 73 -1 28 5 460 14 12 17 42 17 147 8 15 -47 36 14 157 24 12 100 68 41 66 1086 1051 3
1978-79 58 73 -21 19 5 280 45 12 275 64 17 276 3 15 -80 8 14 -43 34 12 183 45 41 10 1383 1051 32
1979-80 46 73 -37 0 5 -100 0 12 -100 0 17 -100 3 15 -80 18 14 29 5 12 -58 26 41 -37 820 1051 -22
1980-81 30 73 -59 21 5 320 0 12 -100 21 17 24 19 15 27 8 14 -43 51 12 325 78 41 90 1075 1051 2
1981-82 36 73 -51 10 5 100 0 12 -100 10 17 -41 1 15 -93 10 14 -29 20 12 67 31 41 -24 1164 1051 11

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Adilabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 140 158 -11 319 307 4 246 270 -9 188 185 2 893 920 -3 96 52 85 5 14 -64 0 7 -100
1983-84 190 158 20 362 307 18 535 270 98 373 185 102 1460 920 59 119 52 129 0 14 -100 10 7 43
1984-85 115 158 -27 305 307 -1 89 270 -67 89 185 -52 598 920 -35 69 52 33 1 14 -93 0 7 -100
1985-86 255 158 61 263 307 -14 230 270 -15 68 185 -63 816 920 -11 152 52 192 0 14 -100 4 7 -43
1986-87 115 158 -27 421 307 37 512 270 90 73 185 -61 1121 920 22 23 52 -56 6 14 -57 22 7 214
1987-88 148 158 -6 232 307 -24 271 270 0 19 185 -90 670 920 -27 85 52 63 70 14 400 1 7 -86
1988-89 193 153 26 956 301 218 368 268 37 359 195 84 1876 917 105 81 53 53 3 15 -80 5 8 -38
1989-90 294 153 92 398 301 32 446 268 66 181 195 -7 1319 917 44 21 53 -60 0 15 -100 26 8 225
1990-91 439 153 187 213 301 -29 730 268 172 60 195 -69 1442 917 57 162 53 206 2 15 -87 1 8 -88
1991-92 185 153 21 376 301 25 122 268 -54 66 195 -66 749 917 -18 19 53 -64 52 15 247 0 8 -100
1992-93 225 153 47 209 301 -31 352 268 31 131 195 -33 917 917 0 50 53 -6 23 15 53 0 8 -100
1993-94 128 153 -16 348 301 16 187 268 -30 178 195 -9 841 917 -8 65 53 23 0 15 -100 9 8 13
1994-95 165 153 8 467 301 55 294 268 10 58 195 -70 984 917 7 101 53 91 12 15 -20 0 8 -100
1995-96 178 153 16 356 301 18 241 268 -10 143 195 -27 918 917 0 438 53 726 2 15 -87 0 8 -100
1996-97 78 153 -49 260 301 -14 269 268 0 159 195 -18 766 917 -16 74 53 40 4 15 -73 0 8 -100
1997-98 94 153 -39 180 301 -40 221 268 -18 173 195 -11 668 917 -27 112 53 111 23 15 53 47 8 488
1998-99 216 153 41 283 301 -6 301 268 12 214 195 10 1014 917 11 93 53 75 35 15 133 0 8 -100
1999-2K 242 153 58 197 301 -35 222 268 -17 232 195 19 893 917 -3 80 53 51 0 15 -100 0 8 -100
2000-01 281 200 41 254 329 -23 448 314 43 60 141 -57 1043 984 6 8 98 -92 0 12 -100 0 7 -100
2001-02 250 200 25 148 329 -55 379 314 21 59 141 -58 836 984 -15 116 98 18 15 12 25 0 7 -100
2002-03 237 200 19 109 329 -67 399 314 27 59 141 -58 804 984 -18 32 98 -67 1 12 -92 0 7 -100
2003-04 152 200 -24 400 329 22 316 314 1 104 141 -26 972 984 -1 71 98 -28 1 12 -92 0 7 -100


Adilabad District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 101 73 38 0 5 -100 2 12 -83 2 17 -88 3 15 -80 1 14 -93 25 12 108 29 41 -29 1025 1051 -2
1983-84 129 73 77 5 5 0 14 12 17 19 17 12 0 15 -100 11 14 -21 0 12 -100 11 41 -73 1619 1051 54
1984-85 70 73 -4 17 5 240 0 12 -100 17 17 0 8 15 -47 16 14 14 13 12 8 37 41 -10 722 1051 -31
1985-86 156 73 114 34 5 580 52 12 333 86 17 406 8 15 -47 18 14 29 20 12 67 46 41 12 1104 1051 5
1986-87 51 73 -30 21 5 320 2 12 -83 23 17 35 18 15 20 5 14 -64 19 12 58 42 41 2 1237 1051 18
1987-88 156 73 114 0 5 -100 13 12 8 13 17 -24 5 15 -67 22 14 57 1 12 -92 28 41 -32 867 1051 -18
1988-89 89 76 17 0 5 -100 0 6 -100 0 11 -100 37 16 131 3 12 -75 0 13 -100 40 41 -2 2005 1045 92
1989-90 47 76 -38 1 5 -80 14 6 133 15 11 36 0 16 -100 2 12 -83 144 13 1008 146 41 256 1527 1045 46
1990-91 165 76 117 2 5 -60 0 6 -100 2 11 -82 0 16 -100 7 12 -42 6 13 -54 13 41 -68 1622 1045 55
1991-92 71 76 -7 0 5 -100 0 6 -100 0 11 -100 0 16 -100 7 12 -42 14 13 8 21 41 -49 841 1045 -20
1992-93 73 76 -4 0 5 -100 0 6 -100 0 11 -100 22 16 38 4 12 -67 10 13 -23 36 41 -12 1026 1045 -2
1993-94 74 76 -3 6 5 20 4 6 -33 10 11 -9 0 16 -100 11 12 -8 5 13 -62 16 41 -61 941 1045 -10
1994-95 113 76 49 102 5 1940 0 6 -100 102 11 827 29 16 81 11 12 -8 27 13 108 67 41 63 1266 1045 21
1995-96 440 76 479 0 5 -100 0 6 -100 0 11 -100 5 16 -69 24 12 100 2 13 -85 31 41 -24 1389 1045 33
1996-97 78 76 3 6 5 20 0 6 -100 6 11 -45 6 16 -63 21 12 75 6 13 -54 33 41 -20 883 1045 -16
1997-98 182 76 139 2 5 -60 2 6 -67 4 11 -64 2 16 -88 2 12 -83 57 13 338 61 41 49 915 1045 -12
1998-99 128 76 68 0 5 -100 18 6 200 18 11 64 1 16 -94 0 12 -100 47 13 262 48 41 17 1208 1045 16
1999-2K 80 76 5 0 5 -100 11 6 83 11 11 0 0 16 -100 2 12 -83 62 13 377 64 41 56 1048 1045 0
2000-01 8 117 -93 9 11 -18 0 6 -100 9 17 -47 14 9 56 36 10 260 5 21 -76 55 40 38 1115 1158 -4
2001-02 131 117 12 19 11 73 3 6 -50 22 17 29 1 9 -89 4 10 -60 20 21 -5 25 40 -38 1014 1158 -12
2002-03 33 117 -72 0 11 -100 10 6 67 10 17 -41 15 9 67 14 10 40 0 21 -100 29 40 -28 876 1158 -24
2003-04 72 117 -38 23 11 109 8 6 33 31 17 82 3 9 -67 15 10 50 27 21 29 45 40 13 1120 1158 -3

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Karimnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 89 146 -39 277 230 20 107 169 -37 137 164 -16 610 709 -14 56 64 -13 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1952-53 99 146 -32 124 230 -46 130 169 -23 150 164 -9 503 709 -29 84 64 31 0 23 -100 10 4 150
1953-54 246 146 68 168 230 -27 366 169 117 185 164 13 965 709 36 163 64 155 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1954-55 51 146 -65 330 230 43 203 169 20 229 164 40 813 709 15 25 64 -61 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1955-56 229 146 57 203 230 -12 305 169 80 305 164 86 1042 709 47 102 64 59 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1956-57 279 146 91 330 230 43 152 169 -10 127 164 -23 888 709 25 102 64 59 51 23 122 0 4 -100
1957-58 178 146 22 254 230 10 254 169 50 76 164 -54 762 709 7 102 64 59 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1958-59 53 146 -64 310 230 35 269 169 59 143 164 -13 775 709 9 37 64 -42 17 23 -26 0 4 -100
1959-60 175 146 20 395 230 72 366 169 117 185 164 13 1121 709 58 26 64 -59 1 23 -96 0 4 -100
1960-61 141 146 -3 154 230 -33 64 169 -62 214 164 30 573 709 -19 40 64 -38 3 23 -87 0 4 -100
1961-62 143 146 -2 331 230 44 182 169.2 8 167 164 2 823 709.2 16 181 63.8 184 25 23.1 8 0 4.4 -100
1962-63 60 138 -57 165 252 -35 252 179 41 159 174 -9 636 743 -14 111 65 71 67 21 219 83 3 2667
1963-64 182 138 32 129 252 -49 233 179 30 50 174 -71 594 743 -20 183 65 182 0 21 -100 0 3 -100
1964-65 44 138 -68 129 252 -49 186 179 4 272 174 56 631 743 -15 41 65 -37 5 21 -76 0 3 -100
1965-66 110 138 -20 292 252 16 150 179 -16 185 174 6 737 743 -1 1 65 -98 0 21 -100 0 3 -100
1966-67 36 138 -74 238 252 -6 227 179 27 344 174 98 845 743 14 37 65 -43 21 21 0 24 3 700
1967-68 177 138 28 263 252 4 158 179 -12 157 174 -10 755 743 2 9 65 -86 0 21 -100 74 3 2367
1968-69 77 138 -44 200 252 -21 32 179 -82 175 174 1 484 743 -35 52 65 -20 17 21 -19 0 3 -100
1969-70 122 138 -12 253 252 0 233 179 30 305 174 75 913 743 23 22 65 -66 134 21 538 6 3 100
1970-71 303 154 97 98 261 -62 317 221 43 182 177 3 900 813 11 17 71 -76 0 17 -100 0 5 -100
1971-72 138 154 -10 129 261 -51 163 221 -26 94 177 -47 524 813 -36 133 71 87 0 17 -100 0 5 -100
1972-73 136 154 -12 191 261 -27 129 221 -42 102 177 -42 558 813 -31 51 71 -28 75 17 341 2 5 -60
1973-74 139 154 -10 206 261 -21 312 221 41 92 177 -48 749 813 -8 345 71 386 11 17 -35 0 5 -100
1974-75 95 154 -38 137 261 -48 135 221 -39 121 177 -32 488 813 -40 254 71 258 15 17 -12 0 5 -100
1975-76 117 154 -24 250 261 -4 120 221 -46 358 177 102 845 813 4 131 71 85 0 17 -100 0 5 -100
1976-77 80 154 -48 483 261 85 266 221 20 89 177 -50 918 813 13 6 71 -92 14 17 -18 0 5 -100
1977-78 89 154 -42 278 261 7 195 221 -12 99 177 -44 661 813 -19 19 71 -73 34 17 100 1 5 -80
1978-79 300 154 95 393 261 51 359 221 62 97 177 -45 1149 813 41 34 71 -52 29 17 71 0 5 -100
1979-80 148 154 -4 108 261 -59 196 221 -11 234 177 32 686 813 -16 8 71 -89 36 17 112 7 5 40
1980-81 223 154 45 159 261 -39 234 221 6 119 177 -33 735 813 -10 3 71 -96 4 17 -76 21 5 320
1981-82 195 154 27 216 261 -17 320 221 45 251 177 42 982 813 21 22 71 -69 0 17 -100 1 5 -80


Karimnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 56 91 -38 0 5 -100 15 23 -35 15 28 -46 18 12 50 18 21 -14 36 26 38 72 59 22 753 887 -15
1952-53 94 91 3 3 5 -40 0 23 -100 3 28 -89 0 12 -100 23 21 10 0 26 -100 23 59 -61 623 887 -30
1953-54 163 91 79 0 5 -100 0 23 -100 0 28 -100 3 12 -75 3 21 -86 3 26 -88 9 59 -85 1137 887 28
1954-55 25 91 -73 0 5 -100 0 23 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 0 21 -100 0 26 -100 0 59 -100 838 887 -6
1955-56 102 91 12 0 5 -100 25 23 9 25 28 -11 51 12 325 127 21 505 51 26 96 229 59 288 1398 887 58
1956-57 153 91 68 0 5 -100 0 23 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 51 21 143 51 26 96 102 59 73 1143 887 29
1957-58 102 91 12 0 5 -100 25 23 9 25 28 -11 25 12 108 25 21 19 0 26 -100 50 59 -15 939 887 6
1958-59 54 91 -41 0 5 -100 0 23 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 1 21 -95 6 26 -77 7 59 -88 836 887 -6
1959-60 27 91 -70 0 5 -100 0 23 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 2 21 -90 17 26 -35 19 59 -68 1167 887 32
1960-61 43 91 -53 0 5 -100 17 23 -26 17 28 -39 1 12 -92 15 21.1 -29 19 26.2 -27 35 59.3 -41 668 887.3 -25
1961-62 206 91.3 126 0 5.1 -100 6 22.6 -73 6 27.7 -78 0 11.9 -100 45 21.1 113 13 26.2 -50 58 59.2 -2 1093 887.4 23
1962-63 261 89 193 0 5 -100 0 22 -100 0 27 -100 8 12 -33 48 23 109 15 22 -32 71 57 25 968 916 6
1963-64 183 89 106 0 5 -100 7 22 -68 7 27 -74 1 12 -92 2 23 -91 0 22 -100 3 57 -95 787 916 -14
1964-65 46 89 -48 12 5 140 0 22 -100 12 27 -56 1 12 -92 13 23 -43 4 22 -82 18 57 -68 707 916 -23
1965-66 1 89 -99 111 5 2120 0 22 -100 111 27 311 8 12 -33 2 23 -91 0 22 -100 10 57 -82 859 916 -6
1966-67 82 89 -8 11 5 120 0 22 -100 11 27 -59 69 12 475 17 23 -26 0 22 -100 86 57 51 1024 916 12
1967-68 83 89 -7 26 5 420 33 22 50 59 27 119 12 12 0 24 23 4 10 22 -55 46 57 -19 943 916 3
1968-69 69 89 -22 10 5 100 0 22 -100 10 27 -63 3 12 -75 2 23 -91 15 22 -32 20 57 -65 583 916 -36
1969-70 162 89 82 17 5 240 0 22 -100 17 27 -37 13 12 8 21 23 -9 77 22 250 111 57 95 1203 916 31
1970-71 17 93 -82 7 7 0 16 15 7 23 22 5 25 11 127 11 19 -42 28 19 47 64 49 31 1004 977 3
1971-72 133 93 43 0 7 -100 5 15 -67 5 22 -77 0 11 -100 20 19 5 0 19 -100 20 49 -59 682 977 -30
1972-73 128 93 38 0 7 -100 0 15 -100 0 22 -100 0 11 -100 3 19 -84 1 19 -95 4 49 -92 690 977 -29
1973-74 356 93 283 0 7 -100 1 15 -93 1 22 -95 0 11 -100 23 19 21 49 19 158 72 49 47 1178 977 21
1974-75 269 93 189 37 7 429 20 15 33 57 22 159 8 11 -27 14 19 -26 11 19 -42 33 49 -33 847 977 -13
1975-76 131 93 41 0 7 -100 0 15 -100 0 22 -100 0 11 -100 34 19 79 14 19 -26 48 49 -2 1024 977 5
1976-77 20 93 -78 0 7 -100 0 15 -100 0 22 -100 2 11 -82 11 19 -42 59 19 211 72 49 47 1010 977 3
1977-78 54 93 -42 24 7 243 8 15 -47 32 22 45 10 11 -9 9 19 -53 22 19 16 41 49 -16 788 977 -19
1978-79 63 93 -32 23 7 229 39 15 160 62 22 182 0 11 -100 16 19 -16 32 19 68 48 49 -2 1322 977 35
1979-80 51 93 -45 2 7 -71 0 15 -100 2 22 -91 12 11 9 27 19 42 0 19 -100 39 49 -20 778 977 -20
1980-81 28 93 -70 24 7 243 0 15 -100 24 22 9 42 11 282 1 19 -95 28 19 47 71 49 45 858 977 -12
1981-82 23 93 -75 3 7 -57 0 15 -100 3 22 -86 6 11 -45 9 19 -53 25 19 32 40 49 -18 1048 977 7

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Karimnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 91 154 -41 278 261 7 230 221 4 184 177 4 783 813 -4 140 71 97 30 17 76 0 5 -100
1983-84 197 154 28 285 261 9 574 221 160 275 177 55 1331 813 64 143 71 101 4 17 -76 15 5 200
1984-85 104 154 -32 306 261 17 59 221 -73 122 177 -31 591 813 -27 50 71 -30 6 17 -65 0 5 -100
1985-86 182 154 18 191 261 -27 131 221 -41 54 177 -69 558 813 -31 97 71 37 0 17 -100 5 5 0
1986-87 109 154 -29 329 261 26 448 221 103 85 177 -52 971 813 19 30 71 -58 29 17 71 34 5 580
1987-88 110 154 -29 263 261 1 210 221 -5 48 177 -73 631 813 -22 96 71 35 99 17 482 0 5 -100
1988-89 124 143 -13 655 244 168 301 221 36 244 186 31 1324 794 67 41 67 -39 0 17 -100 0 9 -100
1989-90 298 143 108 462 244 89 279 221 26 156 186 -16 1195 794 51 31 67 -54 6 17 -65 6 9 -33
1990-91 298 143 108 149 244 -39 508 221 130 87 186 -53 1042 794 31 151 67 125 8 17 -53 0 9 -100
1991-92 173 143 21 267 244 9 126 221 -43 127 186 -32 693 794 -13 14 67 -79 16 17 -6 2 9 -78
1992-93 206 143 44 208 244 -15 267 221 21 68 186 -63 749 794 -6 68 67 1 54 17 218 0 9 -100
1993-94 72 143 -50 344 244 41 123 221 -44 141 186 -24 680 794 -14 80 67 19 0 17 -100 5 9 -44
1994-95 91 143 -36 304 244 25 191 221 -14 31 186 -83 617 794 -22 118 67 76 21 17 24 0 9 -100
1995-96 121 143 -15 238 244 -2 174 221 -21 123 186 -34 656 794 -17 258 67 285 1 17 -94 0 9 -100
1996-97 79 143 -45 241 244 -1 293 221 33 138 186 -26 751 794 -5 85 67 27 1 17 -94 0 9 -100
1997-98 55 143 -62 194 244 -20 77 221 -65 148 186 -20 474 794 -40 101 67 51 47 17 176 40 9 344
1998-99 225 143 57 246 244 1 212 221 -4 233 186 25 916 794 15 93 67 39 14 17 -18 0 9 -100
1999-2K 140 143 -2 222 244 -9 194 221 -12 156 186 -16 712 794 -10 30 67 -55 0 17 -100 0 9 -100
2000-01 228 152 50 169 285 -41 458 237 93 67 119 -44 922 793 16 5 89 -94 0 18 -100 0 6 -100
2001-02 134 152 -12 164 285 -42 215 237 -9 72 119 -39 585 793 -26 104 89 17 2 18 -89 0 6 -100
2002-03 104 153 -32 60 286 -79 342 237 44 42 119 -65 548 795 -31 45 89 -49 0 18 -100 0 6 -100
2003-04 100 153 -35 221 286 -23 205 237 -14 65 119 -45 591 795 -26 108 89 21 0 18 -100 1 6 -83


Karimnagar District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 170 93 83 0 7 -100 6 15 -60 6 22 -73 0 11 -100 2 19 -89 37 19 95 39 49 -20 998 977 2
1983-84 162 93 74 9 7 29 8 15 -47 17 22 -23 0 11 -100 4 19 -79 7 19 -63 11 49 -78 1521 977 56
1984-85 56 93 -40 8 7 14 0 15 -100 8 22 -64 4 11 -64 9 19 -53 9 19 -53 22 49 -55 677 977 -31
1985-86 102 93 10 44 7 529 63 15 320 107 22 386 2 11 -82 15 19 -21 5 19 -74 22 49 -55 789 977 -19
1986-87 93 93 0 20 7 186 2 15 -87 22 22 0 28 11 155 1 19 -95 12 19 -37 41 49 -16 1127 977 15
1987-88 195 93 110 0 7 -100 5 15 -67 5 22 -77 0 11 -100 27 19 42 2 19 -89 29 49 -41 860 977 -12
1988-89 41 93 -56 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 41 13 215 1 17 -94 1 21 -95 43 51 -16 1408 953 48
1989-90 43 93 -54 3 7 -57 1 8 -88 4 15 -73 8 13 -38 4 17 -76 139 21 562 151 51 196 1393 953 46
1990-91 159 93 71 13 7 86 0 8 -100 13 15 -13 7 13 -46 45 17 165 20 21 -5 72 51 41 1286 953 35
1991-92 32 93 -66 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 0 13 -100 3 17 -82 4 21 -81 7 51 -86 732 953 -23
1992-93 122 93 31 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 16 13 23 19 17 12 18 21 -14 53 51 4 924 953 -3
1993-94 85 93 -9 4 7 -43 4 8 -50 8 15 -47 0 13 -100 15 17 -12 2 21 -90 17 51 -67 790 953 -17
1994-95 139 93 49 97 7 1286 1 8 -88 98 15 553 23 13 77 3 17 -82 40 21 90 66 51 29 920 953 -3
1995-96 259 93 178 0 7 -100 2 8 -75 2 15 -87 0 13 -100 15 17 -12 0 21 -100 15 51 -71 932 953 -2
1996-97 86 93 -8 12 7 71 0 8 -100 12 15 -20 11 13 -15 41 17 141 8 21 -62 60 51 18 909 953 -5
1997-98 188 93 102 0 7 -100 7 8 -13 7 15 -53 6 13 -54 5 17 -71 25 21 19 36 51 -29 705 953 -26
1998-99 107 93 15 0 7 -100 5 8 -38 5 15 -67 0 13 -100 0 17 -100 38 21 81 38 51 -25 1066 953 12
1999-2K 30 93 -68 0 7 -100 9 8 13 9 15 -40 0 13 -100 3 17 -82 35 21 67 38 51 -25 789 953 -17
2000-01 5 113 -96 5 10 -50 0 7 -100 5 17 -71 13 9 44 29 14 107 6 21 -71 48 44 9 980 967 1
2001-02 106 113 -6 37 10 270 1 7 -86 38 17 124 3 9 -67 3 14 -79 25 21 19 31 44 -30 760 967 -21
2002-03 45 113 -60 0 10 -100 3 7 -57 3 17 -82 11 9 22 10 14 -29 0 21 -100 21 44 -52 617 969 -36
2003-04 109 113 -4 48 10 380 16 7 129 64 17 276 3 9 -67 24 14 71 18 21 -14 45 44 2 809 969 -17

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Warangal District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 165 173 -5 363 288 26 191 222 -14 104 179 -42 823 862 -5 48 62 -23 8 19 -58 3 6 -50
1952-53 81 173 -53 180 288 -38 137 222 -38 114 179 -36 512 862 -41 86 62 39 0 19 -100 15 6 150
1953-54 206 173 19 152 288 -47 292 222 32 236 179 32 886 862 3 168 62 171 0 19 -100 0 6 -100
1954-55 102 173 -41 330 288 15 229 222 3 279 179 56 940 862 9 51 62 -18 0 19 -100 0 6 -100
1955-56 127 173 -27 203 288 -30 305 222 37 178 179 -1 813 862 -6 127 62 105 25 19 32 0 6 -100
1956-57 229 173 32 406 288 41 102 222 -54 152 179 -15 889 862 3 102 62 65 25 19 32 0 6 -100
1957-58 152 173 -12 127 288 -56 356 222 60 102 179 -43 737 862 -15 127 62 105 0 19 -100 0 6 -100
1958-59 104 173 -40 478 288 66 254 222 14 182 179 2 1018 862 18 86 62 39 13 19 -32 0 6 -100
1959-60 245 173 42 512 288 78 418 222 88 236 179 32 1411 862 64 60 62 -3 0 19 -100 0 6 -100
1960-61 354 173 105 259 288 -10 99 222 -55 216 179 21 928 862 8 42 62 -32 20 19 5 1 6 -83
1961-62 170 173 -2 335 288 16 164 222 -26 186 179 4 855 862 -1 300 61.8 385 75 18.9 297 0 5.8 -100
1962-63 58 157 -63 338 277 22 286 202 42 320 189 69 1002 825 21 68 68 0 34 23 48 18 4 350
1963-64 146 157 -7 244 277 -12 277 202 37 111 189 -41 778 825 -6 99 68 46 0 23 -100 0 4 -100
1964-65 106 157 -32 160 277 -42 248 202 23 343 189 81 857 825 4 65 68 -4 9 23 -61 0 4 -100
1965-66 140 157 -11 427 277 54 165 202 -18 121 189 -36 853 825 3 0 68 -100 0 23 -100 5 4 25
1966-67 86 157 -45 387 277 40 280 202 39 239 189 26 992 825 20 38 68 -44 21 23 -9 18 4 350
1967-68 184 157 17 332 277 20 205 202 1 82 189 -57 803 825 -3 8 68 -88 1 23 -96 56 4 1300
1968-69 75 157 -52 213 277 -23 39 202 -81 224 189 19 551 825 -33 149 68 119 14 23 -39 0 4 -100
1969-70 113 157 -28 292 277 5 178 202 -12 253 189 34 836 825 1 69 68 1 99 23 330 67 4 1575
1970-71 251 151 66 126 264 -52 270 205 32 175 187 -6 822 807 2 26 72 -64 0 23 -100 0 7 -100
1971-72 156 151 3 152 264 -42 137 205 -33 122 187 -35 567 807 -30 204 72 183 0 23 -100 0 7 -100
1972-73 88 151 -42 155 264 -41 105 205 -49 60 187 -68 408 807 -49 91 72 26 75 23 226 18 7 157
1973-74 110 151 -27 231 264 -13 302 205 47 86 187 -54 729 807 -10 176 72 144 0 23 -100 0 7 -100
1974-75 115 151 -24 153 264 -42 208 205 1 103 187 -45 579 807 -28 262 72 264 3 23 -87 0 7 -100
1975-76 127 151 -16 259 264 -2 149 205 -27 413 187 121 948 807 17 161 72 124 12 23 -48 0 7 -100
1976-77 60 151 -60 551 264 109 278 205 36 107 187 -43 996 807 23 8 72 -89 44 23 91 0 7 -100
1977-78 94 151 -38 218 264 -17 127 205 -38 54 187 -71 493 807 -39 85 72 18 49 23 113 21 7 200
1978-79 330 151 119 364 264 38 381 205 86 81 187 -57 1156 807 43 39 72 -46 47 23 104 0 7 -100
1979-80 122 151 -19 161 264 -39 123 205 -40 206 187 10 612 807 -24 25 72 -65 56 22 155 14 6 133
1980-81 233 151 54 191 264 -28 286 205 40 135 187 -28 845 807 5 8 72 -89 4 22 -82 15 6 150
1981-82 220 151 46 201 264 -24 273 205 33 229 187 22 923 807 14 46 72 -36 4 22 -82 4 6 -33


Warangal District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 59 87 -32 0 4 -100 8 24 -67 8 28 -71 18 12 50 18 26 -31 18 42 -57 54 80 -33 944 1057 -11
1952-53 101 87 16 5 4 25 0 24 -100 5 28 -82 0 12 -100 43 26 65 10 42 -76 53 80 -34 671 1057 -37
1953-54 168 87 93 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 152 12 1167 3 26 -88 38 42 -10 193 80 141 1247 1057 18
1954-55 51 87 -41 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 25 26 -4 51 42 21 76 80 -5 1067 1057 1
1955-56 152 87 75 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 127 26 388 51 42 21 178 80 123 1143 1057 8
1956-57 127 87 46 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 25 12 108 25 26 -4 51 42 21 101 80 26 1117 1057 6
1957-58 127 87 46 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 51 26 96 25 42 -40 76 80 -5 940 1057 -11
1958-59 99 87 14 4 4 0 0 24 -100 4 28 -86 0 12 -100 0 26 -100 31 42 -26 31 80 -61 1152 1057 9
1959-60 60 87 -31 0 4 -100 0 24 -100 0 28 -100 0 12 -100 6 26 -77 30 42 -29 36 80 -55 1507 1057 43
1960-61 63 87 -28 1 4 -75 10 24 -58 11 28 -61 2 12 -83 10 26.3 -62 41 42.4 -3 53 80.7 -34 1055 1057.7 0
1961-62 375 86.5 334 0 4 -100 41 23.5 74 41 27.5 49 0 12 -100 63 26.3 140 16 42.4 -62 79 80.7 -2 1350 1056.7 28
1962-63 120 95 26 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 6 11 -45 49 26 88 1 35 -97 56 72 -22 1178 1016 16
1963-64 99 95 4 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 0 11 -100 0 26 -100 0 35 -100 0 72 -100 877 1016 -14
1964-65 74 95 -22 2 6 -67 0 18 -100 2 24 -92 8 11 -27 45 26 73 1 35 -97 54 72 -25 987 1016 -3
1965-66 5 95 -95 60 6 900 0 18 -100 60 24 150 2 11 -82 0 26 -100 1 35 -97 3 72 -96 921 1016 -9
1966-67 77 95 -19 4 6 -33 0 18 -100 4 24 -83 74 11 573 15 26 -42 0 35 -100 89 72 24 1162 1016 14
1967-68 65 95 -32 13 6 117 7 18 -61 20 24 -17 1 11 -91 5 26 -81 16 35 -54 22 72 -69 910 1016 -10
1968-69 163 95 72 0 6 -100 0 18 -100 0 24 -100 2 11 -82 5 26 -81 142 35 306 149 72 107 863 1016 -15
1969-70 235 95 147 7 6 17 4 18 -78 11 24 -54 3 11 -73 25 26 -4 47 35 34 75 72 4 1157 1016 14
1970-71 26 102 -75 14 6 133 38 12 217 52 18 189 2 10 -80 0 23 -100 52 30 73 54 63 -14 954 990 -4
1971-72 204 102 100 0 6 -100 46 12 283 46 18 156 0 10 -100 19 23 -17 12 30 -60 31 63 -51 848 990 -14
1972-73 184 102 80 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 1 10 -90 5 23 -78 2 30 -93 8 63 -87 600 990 -39
1973-74 176 102 73 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 0 10 -100 1 23 -96 23 30 -23 24 63 -62 929 990 -6
1974-75 265 102 160 11 6 83 6 12 -50 17 18 -6 1 10 -90 3 23 -87 29 30 -3 33 63 -48 894 990 -10
1975-76 173 102 70 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 1 10 -90 6 23 -74 19 30 -37 26 63 -59 1147 990 16
1976-77 52 102 -49 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 5 10 -50 14 23 -39 65 30 117 84 63 33 1132 990 14
1977-78 155 102 52 63 6 950 32 12 167 95 18 428 10 10 0 6 23 -74 19 30 -37 35 63 -44 778 990 -21
1978-79 86 102 -16 0 6 -100 21 12 75 21 18 17 1 10 -90 19 23 -17 25 30 -17 45 63 -29 1308 990 32
1979-80 95 100 -5 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 13 10 30 18 22 -18 10 30 -67 41 62 -34 748 987 -24
1980-81 27 100 -73 2 6 -67 0 12 -100 2 18 -89 43 10 330 10 22 -55 28 30 -7 81 62 31 955 987 -3
1981-82 54 100 -46 0 6 -100 0 12 -100 0 18 -100 7 10 -30 17 22 -23 72 30 140 96 62 55 1073 987 9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Warangal District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 132 151 -13 244 264 -8 226 205 10 122 187 -35 724 807 -10 108 72 50 23 22 5 0 6 -100
1983-84 142 151 -6 291 264 10 358 205 75 327 187 75 1118 807 39 267 72 271 3 22 -86 10 6 67
1984-85 110 151 -27 223 264 -16 89 205 -57 159 187 -15 581 807 -28 120 72 67 5 22 -77 0 6 -100
1985-86 170 151 13 228 264 -14 203 205 -1 49 187 -74 650 807 -19 94 72 31 0 22 -100 1 6 -83
1986-87 99 151 -34 169 264 -36 465 205 127 64 187 -66 797 807 -1 26 72 -64 63 22 186 16 6 167
1987-88 124 151 -18 401 264 52 225 205 10 81 187 -57 831 807 3 107 72 49 94 22 327 0 6 -100
1988-89 123 150 -18 728 295 147 324 228 42 221 193 15 1396 866 61 28 76 -63 7 23 -70 0 10 -100
1989-90 338 150 125 483 295 64 234 228 3 162 193 -16 1217 866 41 11 76 -86 1 23 -96 0 10 -100
1990-91 121 150 -19 170 295 -42 318 228 39 139 193 -28 748 866 -14 186 76 145 5 23 -78 0 10 -100
1991-92 222 150 48 255 295 -14 131 228 -43 95 193 -51 703 866 -19 26 76 -66 38 23 65 0 10 -100
1992-93 131 150 -13 209 295 -29 232 228 2 97 193 -50 669 866 -23 51 76 -33 44 23 91 0 10 -100
1993-94 73 150 -51 342 295 16 109 228 -52 206 193 7 730 866 -16 93 76 22 0 23 -100 3 10 -70
1994-95 85 150 -43 345 295 17 298 228 31 50 193 -74 778 866 -10 131 76 72 64 23 178 0 10 -100
1995-96 116 150 -23 252 295 -15 240 228 5 94 193 -51 702 866 -19 274 76 261 0 23 -100 0 10 -100
1996-97 176 150 17 333 295 13 333 228 46 150 193 -22 992 866 15 57 76 -25 16 23 -30 2 10 -80
1997-98 93 150 -38 147 295 -50 122 228 -46 200 193 4 562 866 -35 88 76 16 54 23 135 64 10 540
1998-99 140 150 -7 274 295 -7 292 228 28 241 193 25 947 866 9 127 76 67 16 23 -30 0 10 -100
1999-2K 103 150 -31 233 295 -21 205 228 -10 179 193 -7 720 866 -17 43 76 -43 0 23 -100 0 10 -100
2000-01 256 137 87 256 288 -11 472 238 98 62 136 -54 1046 799 31 8 86 -91 2 27 -93 2 6 -67
2001-02 139 137 1 137 288 -52 235 238 -1 137 136 1 648 799 -19 111 86 29 7 27 -74 0 6 -100
2002-03 84 137 -39 88 288 -69 332 238 39 21 136 -85 525 799 -34 88 86 2 0 27 -100 0 6 -100
2003-04 100 137 -27 299 288 4 222 238 -7 108 136 -21 729 799 -9 154 86 79 0 27 -100 7 6 17


Warangal District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 131 100 31 0 6 -100 7 12 -42 7 18 -61 0 10 -100 11 22 -50 26 30 -13 37 62 -40 899 987 -9
1983-84 280 100 180 10 6 67 0 12 -100 10 18 -44 5 10 -50 19 22 -14 1 30 -97 25 62 -60 1433 987 45
1984-85 125 100 25 3 6 -50 0 12 -100 3 18 -83 6 10 -40 24 22 9 20 30 -33 50 62 -19 759 987 -23
1985-86 95 100 -5 27 6 350 69 12 475 96 18 433 0 10 -100 22 22 0 2 30 -93 24 62 -61 865 987 -12
1986-87 105 100 5 12 6 100 0 12 -100 12 18 -33 37 10 270 12 22 -45 33 30 10 82 62 32 996 987 1
1987-88 201 100 101 0 6 -100 1 12 -92 1 18 -94 0 10 -100 22 22 0 5 30 -83 27 62 -56 1060 987 7
1988-89 35 109 -68 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 55 12 358 6 20 -70 12 27 -56 73 59 24 1504 1049 43
1989-90 12 109 -89 10 7 43 7 8 -13 17 15 13 66 12 450 0 20 -100 178 27 559 244 59 314 1490 1049 42
1990-91 191 109 75 33 7 371 0 8 -100 33 15 120 0 12 -100 4 20 -80 34 27 26 38 59 -36 1010 1049 -4
1991-92 64 109 -41 5 7 -29 2 8 -75 7 15 -53 0 12 -100 6 20 -70 12 27 -56 18 59 -69 792 1049 -24
1992-93 95 109 -13 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 4 12 -67 6 20 -70 25 27 -7 35 59 -41 799 1049 -24
1993-94 96 109 -12 1 7 -86 7 8 -13 8 15 -47 0 12 -100 16 20 -20 20 27 -26 36 59 -39 870 1049 -17
1994-95 195 109 79 104 7 1386 0 8 -100 104 15 593 5 12 -58 6 20 -70 43 27 59 54 59 -8 1131 1049 8
1995-96 274 109 151 0 7 -100 9 8 13 9 15 -40 1 12 -92 54 20 170 12 27 -56 67 59 14 1052 1049 0
1996-97 75 109 -31 22 7 214 0 8 -100 22 15 47 29 12 142 47 20 135 8 27 -70 84 59 42 1173 1049 12
1997-98 206 109 89 1 7 -86 31 8 288 32 15 113 7 12 -42 13 20 -35 14 27 -48 34 59 -42 834 1049 -20
1998-99 143 109 31 0 7 -100 0 8 -100 0 15 -100 0 12 -100 1 20 -95 91 27 237 92 59 56 1182 1049 13
1999-2K 43 109 -61 0 7 -100 17 8 113 17 15 13 0 12 -100 21 20 5 37 27 37 58 59 -2 838 1049 -20
2000-01 12 119 -90 0 5 -100 0 6 -100 0 11 -100 8 13 -38 33 15 120 1 36 -97 42 64 -34 1100 993 11
2001-02 118 119 -1 15 5 200 0 6 -100 15 11 36 1 13 -92 1 15 -93 32 36 -11 34 64 -47 815 993 -18
2002-03 88 119 -26 0 5 -100 1 6 -83 1 11 -91 10 13 -23 1 15 -93 1 36 -97 12 64 -81 626 993 -37
2003-04 161 119 35 45 5 800 12 6 100 57 11 418 1 13 -92 20 15 33 21 36 -42 42 64 -34 989 993 0

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Khammam District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1954 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1954-55 102 143 -29 356 238 50 229 178 29 229 154 49 916 713 28 51 70 -27 0 24 -100 25 5 400
1955-56 127 143 -11 152 238 -36 356 178 100 178 154 16 813 713 14 102 70 46 25 24 4 0 5 -100
1956-57 178 143 24 432 238 82 102 178 -43 127 154 -18 839 713 18 152 70 117 51 24 113 0 5 -100
1957-58 254 143 78 178 238 -25 305 178 71 127 154 -18 864 713 21 25 70 -64 0 24 -100 0 5 -100
1958-59 116 143 -19 391 238 64 181 178 2 224 154 45 912 713 28 117 70 67 30 24 25 0 5 -100
1959-60 219 143 53 365 238 53 461 178 159 159 154 3 1204 713 69 66 70 -6 0 24 -100 7 5 40
1960-61 186 143 30 171 238 -28 119 178 -33 182 154 18 658 713 -8 57 70 -19 3 24 -88 4 5 -20
1961-62 190 143 33 435 238 83 209 178.3 17 182 154 18 1016 713.3 42 173 69.6 149 33 23.9 38 0 5 -100
1962-63 122 135 -10 354 270 31 255 196 30 294 184 60 1025 785 31 72 95 -24 63 42 50 14 5 180
1963-64 211 135 56 245 270 -9 422 196 115 131 184 -29 1009 785 29 168 95 77 0 42 -100 0 5 -100
1964-65 146 135 8 93 270 -66 247 196 26 324 184 76 810 785 3 49 95 -48 3 42 -93 0 5 -100
1965-66 72 135 -47 335 270 24 118 196 -40 148 184 -20 673 785 -14 7 95 -93 2 42 -95 5 5 0
1966-67 88 135 -35 422 270 56 209 196 7 237 184 29 956 785 22 43 95 -55 6 42 -86 5 5 0
1967-68 174 135 29 308 270 14 222 196 13 168 184 -9 872 785 11 12 95 -87 1 42 -98 10 5 100
1968-69 47 135 -65 277 270 3 67 196 -66 224 184 22 615 785 -22 162 95 71 19 42 -55 0 5 -100
1969-70 140 135 4 428 270 59 165 196 -16 213 184 16 946 785 21 166 95 75 71 42 69 51 5 920
1970-71 269 139 94 242 275 -12 383 208 84 209 177 18 1103 799 38 45 89 -49 0 32 -100 0 5 -100
1971-72 164 139 18 133 275 -52 136 208 -35 148 177 -16 581 799 -27 161 89 81 0 32 -100 0 5 -100
1972-73 117 139 -16 193 275 -30 100 208 -52 126 177 -29 536 799 -33 94 89 6 69 32 116 1 5 -80
1973-74 151 139 9 277 275 1 277 208 33 62 177 -65 767 799 -4 169 89 90 18 32 -44 0 5 -100
1974-75 130 139 -6 188 275 -32 181 208 -13 155 177 -12 654 799 -18 277 89 211 24 32 -25 0 5 -100
1975-76 172 139 24 271 275 -1 215 208 3 307 177 73 965 799 21 195 89 119 14 32 -56 0 5 -100
1976-77 98 139 -29 461 275 68 322 208 55 110 177 -38 991 799 24 15 89 -83 100 32 213 0 5 -100
1977-78 75 139 -46 265 275 -4 185 208 -11 51 177 -71 576 799 -28 81 89 -9 149 32 366 5 5 0
1978-79 321 139 131 370 275 35 413 208 99 138 177 -22 1242 799 55 74 89 -17 20 32 -38 0 5 -100
1979-80 99 139 -29 132 275 -52 74 208 -64 200 177 13 505 799 -37 23 89 -74 64 32 100 3 5 -40
1980-81 275 139 98 262 275 -5 214 208 3 147 177 -17 898 799 12 49 89 -45 1 32 -97 1 5 -80
1981-82 138 139 -1 353 275 28 320 208 54 245 177 38 1056 799 32 77 89 -13 12 32 -63 1 5 -80


Khammam District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1954 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1954-55 76 99 -23 0 4 -100 0 13 -100 0 17 -100 0 11 -100 25 24 4 51 39 31 76 74 3 1068 903 18
1955-56 127 99 28 0 4 -100 0 13 -100 0 17 -100 0 11 -100 0 24 -100 76 39 95 76 74 3 1016 903 13
1956-57 203 99 105 0 4 -100 0 13 -100 0 17 -100 0 11 -100 25 24 4 76 39 95 101 74 36 1143 903 27
1957-58 25 99 -75 25 4 525 25 13 92 50 17 194 0 11 -100 51 24 113 25 39 -36 76 74 3 1015 903 12
1958-59 147 99 48 19 4 375 2 13 -85 21 17 24 0 11 -100 17 24 -29 29 39 -26 46 74 -38 1126 903 25
1959-60 73 99 -26 0 4 -100 0 13 -100 0 17 -100 5 11 -55 7 24 -71 18 39 -54 30 74 -59 1307 903 45
1960-61 64 99 -35 0 4 -100 8 13 -38 8 17 -53 5 11 -55 7 24.2 -71 42 38.9 8 54 74.1 -27 784 903.1 -13
1961-62 206 98.5 109 0 3.7 -100 15 13.3 13 15 17 -12 0 11 -100 63 24.2 160 27 38.9 -31 90 74.1 21 1327 902.9 47
1962-63 149 142 5 0 3 -100 0 13 -100 0 16 -100 8 13 -38 83 32 159 6 39 -85 97 84 15 1271 1027 24
1963-64 168 142 18 0 3 -100 0 13 -100 0 16 -100 0 13 -100 14 32 -56 8 39 -79 22 84 -74 1199 1027 17
1964-65 52 142 -63 1 3 -67 0 13 -100 1 16 -94 6 13 -54 37 32 16 12 39 -69 55 84 -35 918 1027 -11
1965-66 14 142 -90 23 3 667 0 13 -100 23 16 44 0 13 -100 5 32 -84 0 39 -100 5 84 -94 715 1027 -30
1966-67 54 142 -62 2 3 -33 0 13 -100 2 16 -88 120 13 823 34 32 6 8 39 -79 162 84 93 1174 1027 14
1967-68 23 142 -84 14 3 367 9 13 -31 23 16 44 7 13 -46 37 32 16 21 39 -46 65 84 -23 983 1027 -4
1968-69 181 142 27 2 3 -33 0 13 -100 2 16 -88 3 13 -77 1 32 -97 348 39 792 352 84 319 1150 1027 12
1969-70 288 142 103 7 3 133 8 13 -38 15 16 -6 16 13 23 14 32 -56 98 39 151 128 84 52 1377 1027 34
1970-71 45 126 -64 4 3 33 31 9 244 35 12 192 8 12 -33 35 29 21 74 40 85 117 81 44 1300 1018 28
1971-72 161 126 28 0 3 -100 14 9 56 14 12 17 0 12 -100 26 29 -10 18 40 -55 44 81 -46 800 1018 -21
1972-73 164 126 30 0 3 -100 0 9 -100 0 12 -100 7 12 -42 0 29 -100 18 40 -55 25 81 -69 725 1018 -29
1973-74 187 126 48 0 3 -100 0 9 -100 0 12 -100 0 12 -100 12 29 -59 23 40 -43 35 81 -57 989 1018 -3
1974-75 301 126 139 0 3 -100 4 9 -56 4 12 -67 2 12 -83 0 29 -100 41 40 3 43 81 -47 1002 1018 -2
1975-76 209 126 66 0 3 -100 3 9 -67 3 12 -75 0 12 -100 8 29 -72 39 40 -3 47 81 -42 1224 1018 20
1976-77 115 126 -9 0 3 -100 0 9 -100 0 12 -100 3 12 -75 38 29 31 66 40 65 107 81 32 1213 1018 19
1977-78 235 126 87 3 3 0 19 9 111 22 12 83 1 12 -92 15 29 -48 18 40 -55 34 81 -58 867 1018 -15
1978-79 94 126 -25 0 3 -100 33 9 267 33 12 175 0 12 -100 35 29 21 22 40 -45 57 81 -30 1426 1018 40
1979-80 90 126 -29 3 3 0 0 9 -100 3 12 -75 6 12 -50 8 29 -72 35 40 -13 49 81 -40 647 1018 -36
1980-81 51 126 -60 4 3 33 0 9 -100 4 12 -67 52 12 333 18 29 -38 40 40 0 110 81 36 1063 1018 4
1981-82 90 126 -29 0 3 -100 0 9 -100 0 12 -100 1 12 -92 21 29 -28 58 40 45 80 81 -1 1226 1018 20

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Khammam District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1954 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 155 139 12 284 275 3 315 208 51 108 177 -39 862 799 8 92 89 3 12 32 -63 0 5 -100
1983-84 151 139 9 272 275 -1 446 208 114 286 177 62 1155 799 45 342 89 284 3 32 -91 9 5 80
1984-85 119 139 -14 245 275 -11 122 208 -41 144 177 -19 630 799 -21 115 89 29 8 32 -75 0 5 -100
1985-86 141 139 1 232 275 -16 326 208 57 71 177 -60 770 799 -4 167 89 88 1 32 -97 8 5 60
1986-87 110 139 -21 172 275 -37 420 208 102 138 177 -22 840 799 5 47 89 -47 29 32 -9 2 5 -60
1987-88 61 139 -56 279 275 1 212 208 2 123 177 -31 675 799 -16 90 89 1 99 32 209 0 5 -100
1988-89 123 141 -13 652 288 126 246 228 8 253 180 41 1274 837 52 46 92 -50 0 22 -100 5 5 0
1989-90 210 141 49 493 288 71 404 228 77 255 180 42 1362 837 63 29 92 -68 8 22 -64 2 5 -60
1990-91 157 141 11 213 288 -26 324 228 42 214 180 19 908 837 8 251 92 173 12 22 -45 0 5 -100
1991-92 235 141 67 293 288 2 199 228 -13 215 180 19 942 837 13 95 92 3 65 22 195 0 5 -100
1992-93 138 141 -2 256 288 -11 287 228 26 148 180 -18 829 837 -1 97 92 5 14 22 -36 0 5 -100
1993-94 93 141 -34 320 288 11 104 228 -54 195 180 8 712 837 -15 105 92 14 0 22 -100 4 5 -20
1994-95 60 141 -57 358 288 24 355 228 56 81 180 -55 854 837 2 191 92 108 51 22 132 0 5 -100
1995-96 129 141 -9 241 288 -16 216 228 -5 144 180 -20 730 837 -13 254 92 176 3 22 -86 0 5 -100
1996-97 250 141 77 284 288 -1 310 228 36 146 180 -19 990 837 18 73 92 -21 41 22 86 2 5 -60
1997-98 76 141 -46 232 288 -19 194 228 -15 193 180 7 695 837 -17 46 92 -50 31 22 41 19 5 280
1998-99 119 141 -16 321 288 11 256 228 12 240 180 33 936 837 12 173 92 88 21 22 -5 0 5 -100
1999-2K 112 141 -21 342 288 19 282 228 24 190 180 6 926 837 11 76 92 -17 7 22 -68 0 5 -100
2000-01 255 132 93 314 314 0 510 280 82 72 164 -56 1151 890 29 25 106 -76 6 21 -71 25 3 733
2001-02 161 132 22 188 314 -40 255 280 -9 132 164 -20 736 890 -17 111 106 5 6 21 -71 0 3 -100
2002-03 121 132 -8 118 314 -62 342 280 22 54 164 -67 635 890 -29 114 106 8 0 21 -100 0 3 -100
2003-04 147 132 11 371 315 18 327 280 17 132 165 -20 977 892 10 136 106 28 1 21 -95 64 3 2033


Khammam District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1954 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 104 126 -17 0 3 -100 3 9 -67 3 12 -75 0 12 -100 4 29 -86 31 40 -23 35 81 -57 1004 1018 -1
1983-84 354 126 181 8 3 167 5 9 -44 13 12 8 8 12 -33 9 29 -69 8 40 -80 25 81 -69 1547 1018 52
1984-85 123 126 -2 19 3 533 0 9 -100 19 12 58 1 12 -92 12 29 -59 34 40 -15 47 81 -42 819 1018 -20
1985-86 176 126 40 17 3 467 31 9 244 48 12 300 0 12 -100 44 29 52 34 40 -15 78 81 -4 1072 1018 5
1986-87 78 126 -38 18 3 500 1 9 -89 19 12 58 21 12 75 34 29 17 42 40 5 97 81 20 1034 1018 2
1987-88 189 126 50 0 3 -100 2 9 -78 2 12 -83 5 12 -58 27 29 -7 31 40 -23 63 81 -22 929 1018 -9
1988-89 51 119 -57 0 3 -100 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 37 11 236 2 26 -92 23 43 -47 62 80 -23 1387 1045 33
1989-90 39 119 -67 5 3 67 24 6 300 29 9 222 56 11 409 4 26 -85 341 43 693 401 80 401 1831 1045 75
1990-91 263 119 121 12 3 300 0 6 -100 12 9 33 0 11 -100 14 26 -46 20 43 -53 34 80 -58 1217 1045 16
1991-92 160 119 34 7 3 133 1 6 -83 8 9 -11 0 11 -100 0 26 -100 46 43 7 46 80 -43 1156 1045 11
1992-93 111 119 -7 0 3 -100 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 17 11 55 7 26 -73 50 43 16 74 80 -8 1014 1045 -3
1993-94 109 119 -8 2 3 -33 8 6 33 10 9 11 0 11 -100 23 26 -12 40 43 -7 63 80 -21 894 1045 -14
1994-95 242 119 103 44 3 1367 0 6 -100 44 9 389 0 11 -100 4 26 -85 71 43 65 75 80 -6 1215 1045 16
1995-96 257 119 116 0 3 -100 0 6 -100 0 9 -100 0 11 -100 21 26 -19 25 43 -42 46 80 -43 1033 1045 -1
1996-97 116 119 -3 30 3 900 0 6 -100 30 9 233 14 11 27 60 26 131 3 43 -93 77 80 -4 1213 1045 16
1997-98 96 119 -19 1 3 -67 44 6 633 45 9 400 3 11 -73 37 26 42 22 43 -49 62 80 -23 898 1045 -14
1998-99 194 119 63 0 3 -100 5 6 -17 5 9 -44 0 11 -100 3 26 -88 105 43 144 108 80 35 1243 1045 19
1999-2K 83 119 -30 0 3 -100 23 6 283 23 9 156 0 11 -100 7 26 -73 47 43 9 54 80 -33 1086 1045 4
2000-01 56 130 -57 0 9 -100 0 8 -100 0 17 -100 3 8 -63 35 18 94 17 61 -72 55 87 -37 1262 1124 12
2001-02 117 130 -10 37 9 311 0 8 -100 37 17 118 2 8 -75 6 18 -67 31 61 -49 39 87 -55 929 1124 -17
2002-03 114 130 -12 0 9 -100 3 8 -63 3 17 -82 7 8 -13 6 18 -67 0 61 -100 13 87 -85 765 1124 -32
2003-04 201 130 55 17 9 89 8 8 0 25 17 47 1 8 -88 16 18 -11 34 61 -44 51 87 -41 1254 1126 11

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nalgonda District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 89 99 -10 191 121 58 104 120 -13 104 150 -31 488 490 0 81 83 -2 0 31 -100 0 7 -100
1952-53 41 99 -59 94 121 -22 86 120 -28 117 150 -22 338 490 -31 130 83 57 0 31 -100 13 7 86
1953-54 112 99 13 86 121 -29 112 120 -7 198 150 32 508 490 4 216 83 160 0 31 -100 0 7 -100
1954-55 76 99 -23 178 121 47 127 120 6 254 150 69 635 490 30 76 83 -8 0 31 -100 0 7 -100
1955-56 76 99 -23 102 121 -16 279 120 133 127 150 -15 584 490 19 152 83 83 25 31 -19 0 7 -100
1956-57 203 99 105 305 121 152 102 120 -15 102 150 -32 712 490 45 102 83 23 51 31 65 0 7 -100
1957-58 152 99 54 152 121 26 178 120 48 76 150 -49 558 490 14 25 83 -70 25 31 -19 0 7 -100
1958-59 62 99 -37 238 121 97 216 120 80 159 150 6 675 490 38 112 83 35 50 31 61 0 7 -100
1959-60 103 99 4 209 121 73 256 120 113 95 150 -37 663 490 35 110 83 33 0 31 -100 0 7 -100
1960-61 151 99 53 104 121 -14 52 120 -57 292 150 95 599 490 22 45 83 -46 12 31 -61 4 7 -43
1961-62 163 99 65 261 121 116 143 119.5 20 90 150 -40 657 489.5 34 272 83 228 33 31.2 6 0 7 -100
1962-63 87 93 -6 90 129 -30 195 115 70 278 156 78 650 493 32 110 88 25 36 31 16 40 6 567
1963-64 170 93 83 122 129 -5 182 115 58 91 156 -42 565 493 15 137 88 56 0 31 -100 0 6 -100
1964-65 141 93 52 64 129 -50 83 115 -28 373 156 139 661 493 34 90 88 2 10 31 -68 0 6 -100
1965-66 46 93 -51 173 129 34 128 115 11 147 156 -6 494 493 0 0 88 -100 0 31 -100 0 6 -100
1966-67 38 93 -59 125 129 -3 153 115 33 172 156 10 488 493 -1 59 88 -33 29 31 -6 52 6 767
1967-68 66 93 -29 267 129 107 107 115 -7 145 156 -7 585 493 19 12 88 -86 4 31 -87 28 6 367
1968-69 73 93 -22 150 129 16 17 115 -85 309 156 98 549 493 11 104 88 18 19 31 -39 0 6 -100
1969-70 49 93 -47 121 129 -6 108 115 -6 146 156 -6 424 493 -14 67 88 -24 72 31 132 59 6 883
1970-71 192 95 102 53 137 -61 202 123 64 133 159 -16 580 514 13 63 90 -30 0 25 -100 0 7 -100
1971-72 133 95 40 49 137 -64 137 123 11 115 159 -28 434 514 -16 103 90 14 0 25 -100 0 7 -100
1972-73 80 95 -16 66 137 -52 45 123 -63 52 159 -67 243 514 -53 122 90 36 82 25 228 6 7 -14
1973-74 111 95 17 76 137 -45 199 123 62 128 159 -19 514 514 0 221 90 146 38 25 52 0 7 -100
1974-75 42 95 -56 78 137 -43 127 123 3 120 159 -25 367 514 -29 310 90 244 7 25 -72 0 7 -100
1975-76 116 95 22 197 137 44 177 123 44 306 159 92 796 514 55 266 90 196 15 25 -40 0 7 -100
1976-77 117 95 23 258 137 88 228 123 85 61 159 -62 664 514 29 8 90 -91 99 25 296 0 7 -100
1977-78 52 95 -45 159 137 16 181 123 47 29 159 -82 421 514 -18 95 90 6 100 25 300 0 7 -100
1978-79 175 95 84 226 137 65 290 123 136 225 159 42 916 514 78 56 90 -38 50 25 100 0 7 -100
1979-80 58 95 -39 82 137 -40 49 123 -60 254 159 60 443 514 -14 33 90 -63 62 25 148 8 7 14
1980-81 165 95 74 101 137 -26 119 123 -3 47 159 -70 432 514 -16 10 90 -89 7 25 -72 2 7 -71
1981-82 116 95 22 147 137 7 142 123 15 200 159 26 605 514 18 89 90 -1 0 25 -100 0 7 -100


Nalgonda District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1951-52 81 121 -33 0 4 -100 5 8 -38 5 12 -58 23 6 283 23 23 0 48 30 60 94 59 59 668 682 -2
1952-53 143 121 18 3 4 -25 0 8 -100 3 12 -75 0 6 -100 23 23 0 3 30 -90 26 59 -56 510 682 -25
1953-54 216 121 79 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 23 6 283 3 23 -87 15 30 -50 41 59 -31 765 682 12
1954-55 76 121 -37 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 25 6 317 25 23 9 51 30 70 101 59 71 812 682 19
1955-56 177 121 46 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 0 6 -100 229 23 896 51 30 70 280 59 375 1041 682 53
1956-57 153 121 26 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 25 6 317 25 23 9 51 30 70 101 59 71 966 682 42
1957-58 50 121 -59 25 4 525 0 8 -100 25 12 108 25 6 317 25 23 9 25 30 -17 75 59 27 708 682 4
1958-59 162 121 34 1 4 -75 0 8 -100 1 12 -92 0 6 -100 9 23 -61 21 30 -30 30 59 -49 868 682 27
1959-60 110 121 -9 0 4 -100 0 8 -100 0 12 -100 39 5.5 609 0 23 -100 35 30 17 74 58.5 26 847 681.5 24
1960-61 61 121 -50 10 4 150 0 8 -100 10 12 -17 2 6 -67 0 22.9 -100 39 30.4 28 41 59.3 -31 711 682.3 4
1961-62 305 121.2 152 0 4.1 -100 21 8.2 156 21 12.3 71 0 5.5 -100 26 22.9 14 11 30.4 -64 37 58.8 -37 1020 681.8 50
1962-63 186 125 49 0 2 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 0 10 -100 44 23 91 4 26 -85 48 59 -19 884 687 29
1963-64 137 125 10 0 2 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 0 10 -100 8 23 -65 5 26 -81 13 59 -78 715 687 4
1964-65 100 125 -20 0 2 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 4 10 -60 1 23 -96 3 26 -88 8 59 -86 769 687 12
1965-66 0 125 -100 21 2 950 0 8 -100 21 10 110 0 10 -100 8 23 -65 2 26 -92 10 59 -83 525 687 -24
1966-67 140 125 12 0 2 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 19 10 90 18 23 -22 4 26 -85 41 59 -31 669 687 -3
1967-68 44 125 -65 10 2 400 13 8 63 23 10 130 9 10 -10 20 23 -13 8 26 -69 37 59 -37 689 687 0
1968-69 123 125 -2 0 2 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 2 10 -80 4 23 -83 79 26 204 85 59 44 757 687 10
1969-70 198 125 58 2 2 0 4 8 -50 6 10 -40 26 10 160 31 23 35 63 26 142 120 59 103 748 687 9
1970-71 63 122 -48 0 2 -100 11 6 83 11 8 38 4 9 -56 15 20 -25 66 29 128 85 58 47 739 702 5
1971-72 103 122 -16 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 0 9 -100 12 20 -40 0 29 -100 12 58 -79 549 702 -22
1972-73 210 122 72 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 0 9 -100 5 20 -75 12 29 -59 17 58 -71 470 702 -33
1973-74 259 122 112 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 1 9 -89 3 20 -85 19 29 -34 23 58 -60 796 702 13
1974-75 317 122 160 16 2 700 11 6 83 27 8 238 8 9 -11 0 20 -100 40 29 38 48 58 -17 759 702 8
1975-76 281 122 130 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 1 9 -89 8 20 -60 17 29 -41 26 58 -55 1103 702 57
1976-77 107 122 -12 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 3 9 -67 21 20 5 39 29 34 63 58 9 834 702 19
1977-78 195 122 60 28 2 1300 16 6 167 44 8 450 4 9 -56 1 20 -95 47 29 62 52 58 -10 712 702 1
1978-79 106 122 -13 0 2 -100 54 6 800 54 8 575 0 9 -100 20 20 0 30 29 3 50 58 -14 1126 702 60
1979-80 103 122 -16 7 2 250 0 6 -100 7 8 -13 0 9 -100 4 20 -80 12 29 -59 16 58 -72 569 702 -19
1980-81 19 122 -84 1 2 -50 0 6 -100 1 8 -88 63 9 600 45 20 125 43 29 48 151 58 160 603 702 -14
1981-82 89 122 -27 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 0 9 -100 7 20 -65 55 29 90 62 58 7 756 702 8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nalgonda District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
June July August September SWM October November December
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 133 95 40 123 137 -10 106 123 -14 133 159 -16 495 514 -4 113 90 26 54 25 116 0 7 -100
1983-84 86 95 -9 195 137 42 202 123 64 215 159 35 698 514 36 231 90 157 3 25 -88 3 7 -57
1984-85 78 95 -18 152 137 11 89 123 -28 94 159 -41 413 514 -20 106 90 18 21 25 -16 0 7 -100
1985-86 153 95 61 195 137 42 126 123 2 60 159 -62 534 514 4 78 90 -13 5 25 -80 7 7 0
1986-87 77 95 -19 84 137 -39 164 123 33 71 159 -55 396 514 -23 17 90 -81 37 25 48 11 7 57
1987-88 72 95 -24 124 137 -9 109 123 -11 22 159 -86 327 514 -36 143 90 59 234 25 836 1 7 -86
1988-89 56 101 -45 324 146 122 199 137 45 211 170 24 790 554 43 23 89 -74 1 21 -95 13 10 30
1989-90 127 101 26 358 146 145 109 137 -20 191 170 12 785 554 42 20 89 -78 3 21 -86 2 10 -80
1990-91 119 101 18 54 146 -63 157 137 15 90 170 -47 420 554 -24 186 89 109 23 21 10 0 10 -100
1991-92 181 101 79 166 146 14 117 137 -15 329 170 94 793 554 43 24 89 -73 36 21 71 1 10 -90
1992-93 45 101 -55 65 146 -55 140 137 2 84 170 -51 334 554 -40 56 89 -37 47 21 124 0 10 -100
1993-94 67 101 -34 154 146 5 82 137 -40 104 170 -39 407 554 -27 117 89 31 0 21 -100 17 10 70
1994-95 49 101 -51 102 146 -30 163 137 19 29 170 -83 343 554 -38 246 89 176 72 21 243 0 10 -100
1995-96 79 101 -22 143 146 -2 108 137 -21 112 170 -34 442 554 -20 268 89 201 1 21 -95 0 10 -100
1996-97 106 101 5 135 146 -8 217 137 58 115 170 -32 573 554 3 106 89 19 30 21 43 0 10 -100
1997-98 35 101 -65 117 146 -20 79 137 -42 223 170 31 454 554 -18 76 89 -15 34 21 62 39 10 290
1998-99 57 101 -44 196 146 34 200 137 46 194 170 14 647 554 17 178 89 100 18 21 -14 0 10 -100
1999-2K 46 101 -54 142 146 -3 90 137 -34 140 170 -18 418 554 -25 34 89 -62 0 21 -100 0 10 -100
2000-01 206 91 126 101 171 -41 265 154 72 35 146 -76 607 562 8 10 102 -90 2 34 -94 2 3 -33
2001-02 95 91 4 56 171 -67 140 154 -9 225 146 54 516 562 -8 122 102 20 19 34 -44 0 3 -100
2002-03 91 91 0 51 171 -70 138 154 -10 37 146 -75 317 562 -44 116 102 14 0 34 -100 0 3 -100
2003-04 70 91 -23 204 171 19 149 154 -3 125 146 -14 548 562 -2 133 102 30 0 34 -100 2 3 -33


Nalgonda District -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 1951 to 31st May 2004 Annexure – IV
NEM January February Winter March April May Summer Annual
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
1982-83 167 122 37 0 2 -100 6 6 0 6 8 -25 4 9 -56 12 20 -40 19 29 -34 35 58 -40 703 702 0
1983-84 237 122 94 0 2 -100 0 6 -100 0 8 -100 2 9 -78 22 20 10 1 29 -97 25 58 -57 960 702 37
1984-85 127 122 4 1 2 -50 0 6 -100 1 8 -88 12 9 33 3 20 -85 12 29 -59 27 58 -53 568 702 -19
1985-86 90 122 -26 23 2 1050 14 6 133 37 8 363 0 9 -100 13 20 -35 2 29 -93 15 58 -74 676 702 -4
1986-87 65 122 -47 10 2 400 0 6 -100 10 8 25 6 9 -33 5 20 -75 18 29 -38 29 58 -50 500 702 -29
1987-88 378 122 210 0 2 -100 7 6 17 7 8 -13 0 9 -100 13 20 -35 1 29 -97 14 58 -76 726 702 3
1988-89 37 120 -69 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 36 10 260 8 20 -60 5 30 -83 49 60 -18 876 742 18
1989-90 25 120 -79 10 3 233 2 5 -60 12 8 50 13 10 30 22 20 10 177 30 490 212 60 253 1034 742 39
1990-91 209 120 74 7 3 133 0 5 -100 7 8 -13 0 10 -100 9 20 -55 43 30 43 52 60 -13 688 742 -7
1991-92 61 120 -49 1 3 -67 0 5 -100 1 8 -88 0 10 -100 0 20 -100 15 30 -50 15 60 -75 870 742 17
1992-93 103 120 -14 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 4 10 -60 23 20 15 41 30 37 68 60 13 505 742 -32
1993-94 134 120 12 3 3 0 11 5 120 14 8 75 0 10 -100 17 20 -15 19 30 -37 36 60 -40 591 742 -20
1994-95 318 120 165 24 3 700 0 5 -100 24 8 200 0 10 -100 3 20 -85 79 30 163 82 60 37 767 742 3
1995-96 269 120 124 0 3 -100 1 5 -80 1 8 -88 0 10 -100 15 20 -25 1 30 -97 16 60 -73 728 742 -2
1996-97 136 120 13 21 3 600 0 5 -100 21 8 163 17 10 70 41 20 105 4 30 -87 62 60 3 792 742 7
1997-98 149 120 24 0 3 -100 0 5 -100 0 8 -100 0 10 -100 11 20 -45 13 30 -57 24 60 -60 627 742 -15
1998-99 196 120 63 0 3 -100 8 5 60 8 8 0 0 10 -100 0 20 -100 24 30 -20 24 60 -60 875 742 18
1999-2K 34 120 -72 0 3 -100 7 5 40 7 8 -13 0 10 -100 14 20 -30 31 30 3 45 60 -25 504 742 -32
2000-01 14 139 -90 0 5 -100 0 2 -100 0 7 -100 0 6 -100 10 8 25 3 29 -90 13 43 -70 634 751 -16
2001-02 141 139 1 9 5 80 0 2 -100 9 7 29 2 6 -67 1 8 -88 24 29 -17 27 43 -37 693 751 -8
2002-03 116 139 -17 0 5 -100 0 2 -100 0 7 -100 13 6 117 1 8 -88 0 29 -100 14 43 -67 447 751 -40
2003-04 135 139 -3 21 5 320 7 2 250 28 7 300 3 6 -50 13 8 63 29 29 0 45 43 5 756 751 1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Annexure –V
Districts (new 33) -Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm)
from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Adilabad District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 100.6 209.9 -52 232.6 340.3 -32 188.1 318.3 -41 94.5 136.4 -31 615.8 1004.9 -39 18.2 109.3 -83 0.6 11.2 -95 0.0 7.3 -100 139.3 127.8 9
2005-06 144.1 209.9 -31 490.8 340.3 44 183.4 318.3 -42 167.2 136.4 23 985.5 1004.9 -2 81.6 109.3 -25 0.0 11.2 -100 3.6 7.3 -51 205.7 127.8 61
2006-07 164.1 209.9 -22 259.6 340.3 -24 412.3 318.3 30 243.0 136.4 78 1079.0 1004.9 7 47.6 109.3 -56 6.8 11.2 -39 0.0 7.3 -100 174.9 127.8 37
2007-08 220.3 209.9 5 207.7 340.3 -39 233.9 318.3 -27 250.2 136.4 83 912.1 1004.9 -9 22.4 109.3 -80 5.6 11.2 -50 0.0 7.3 -100 148.5 127.8 16
2008-09 120.5 209.9 -43 209.8 340.3 -38 419.9 318.3 32 158.7 136.4 16 908.9 1004.9 -10 20.4 109.3 -81 0.7 11.2 -94 0.0 7.3 -100 141.6 127.8 11
2009-10 141.5 209.9 -33 148.0 340.3 -57 162.8 318.3 -49 112.7 136.4 -17 565.0 1004.9 -44 23.0 109.3 -79 58.7 11.2 424 0.7 7.3 -90 202.9 127.8 59
2010-11 120.5 209.9 -43 407.8 340.3 20 406.9 318.3 28 204.5 136.4 50 1139.7 1004.9 13 108.8 109.3 0 65.5 11.2 485 0.0 7.3 -100 294.8 127.8 131
2011-12 128.5 209.9 -39 264.2 340.3 -22 400.6 318.3 26 119.9 136.4 -12 913.2 1004.9 -9 13.7 109.3 -87 0.0 11.2 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 134.2 127.8 5
2012-13 128.5 209.9 -39 393.2 340.3 16 332.4 318.3 4 255.1 136.4 87 1109.2 1004.9 10 69.0 109.3 -37 25.5 11.2 128 0.0 7.3 -100 215.0 127.8 68
2013-14 423.5 209.9 102 618.7 340.3 82 333.5 318.3 5 148.3 136.4 9 1524.0 1004.9 52 176.6 109.3 62 1.2 11.2 -89 0.0 7.3 -100 298.3 127.8 133
2014-15 88.1 209.9 -58 130.9 340.3 -62 274.6 318.3 -14 249.8 136.4 83 743.4 1004.9 -26 36.8 109.3 -66 7.1 11.2 -37 0.2 7.3 -97 164.6 127.8 29
2015-16 352.1 209.9 68 124.5 340.3 -63 143.7 318.3 -55 198.9 136.4 46 819.2 1004.9 -18 9.5 109.3 -91 0.0 11.2 -100 1.5 7.3 -79 131.5 127.8 3
2016-17 276.8 209.9 32 460.5 340.3 35 120.9 318.3 -62 269.2 136.4 97 1127.4 1004.9 12 75.2 109.3 -31 0.0 11.2 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 195.7 127.8 53
2017-18 290.6 209.9 38 149.6 340.3 -56 269.5 318.3 -15 139.7 136.4 2 849.4 1004.9 -15 51.5 109.3 -53 9.0 11.2 -20 0.0 7.3 -100 181.0 127.8 42
2018-19 248.8 209.9 19 377.5 340.3 11 521.6 318.3 64 131.7 136.4 -3 1279.6 1004.9 27 0.7 109.3 -99 0.2 11.2 -98 10.6 7.3 45 132.0 127.8 3
2019-20 137.4 209.9 -35 360.2 340.3 6 255.2 318.3 -20 185.1 136.4 36 937.9 1004.9 -7 85.2 109.3 -22 4.5 11.2 -60 0.7 7.3 -90 210.9 127.8 65
2020-21 144.2 209.9 -31 350.6 340.3 3 256.9 318.3 -19 157.0 136.4 15 908.7 1004.9 -10 63.5 109.3 -42 4.6 11.2 -59 0.0 7.3 -100 68.1 127.7 -47
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 119.7 12.0 898 2.7 5.1 -47 122.4 17.1 616 11.7 13.0 -10 19.5 11.6 68 1.9 24.5 -92 33.1 49.1 -33 789.9 1198.9 -34
2005-06 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 35.9 13.0 176 22.9 11.6 97 46.7 24.5 91 105.5 49.1 115 1176.1 1198.9 -2
2006-07 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 0.0 13.0 -100 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 24.5 -100 0.0 49.1 -100 1133.4 1198.9 -5
2007-08 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 58.7 13.0 352 7.4 11.6 -36 0.0 24.5 -100 66.1 49.1 35 1006.2 1198.9 -16
2008-09 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 0.1 13.0 -99 0.0 11.6 -100 0.4 24.5 -98 0.5 49.1 -99 930.5 1198.9 -22
2009-10 13.4 12.0 12 5.0 5.1 -2 18.4 17.1 8 2.8 13.0 -78 7.7 11.6 -34 0.3 24.5 -99 10.8 49.1 -78 676.6 1198.9 -44
2010-11 0.0 12.0 -100 9.5 5.1 86 9.5 17.1 -44 0.5 13.0 -96 16.0 11.6 38 11.1 24.5 -55 27.6 49.1 -44 1351.0 1198.9 13
2011-12 0.2 12.0 -98 0.0 5.1 -100 0.2 17.1 -99 0.0 13.0 -100 2.3 11.6 -80 0.0 24.5 -100 2.3 49.1 -95 929.4 1198.9 -22
2012-13 0.0 12.0 -100 31.6 5.1 520 31.6 17.1 85 3.2 13.0 -75 12.4 11.6 7 3.1 24.5 -87 18.7 49.1 -62 1254.1 1198.9 5
2013-14 0.0 12.0 -100 5.9 5.1 16 5.9 17.1 -65 88.2 13.0 578 4.6 11.6 -60 27.0 24.5 10 119.8 49.1 144 1827.6 1198.9 52
2014-15 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 54.1 13.0 316 55.3 11.6 377 43.4 24.5 77 152.8 49.1 211 968.1 1198.9 -19
2015-16 0.8 12.0 -93 6.2 5.1 22 7.0 17.1 -59 35.2 13.0 171 14.9 11.6 28 39.4 24.5 61 89.5 49.1 82 926.7 1198.9 -23
2016-17 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 17.1 -100 23.0 13.0 77 0.3 11.6 -97 41.0 24.5 67 64.3 49.1 31 1266.9 1198.9 6
2017-18 0.0 12.0 -100 17.6 5.1 245 17.6 17.1 3 6.6 13.0 -49 14.0 11.6 21 37.7 24.5 54 58.3 49.1 19 985.7 1198.9 -18
2018-19 2.9 12.0 -76 0.4 5.1 -92 3.3 17.1 -81 2.2 13.0 -83 5.7 11.6 -51 1.1 24.5 -96 9.0 49.1 -82 1303.4 1198.9 9
2019-20 25.0 12.0 108 3.9 5.1 -24 28.9 17.1 69 33.4 13.0 157 16.8 11.6 45 15.2 24.5 -38 65.4 49.1 33 1122.6 1198.9 -6

Kumuram Bheem District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 106.9 197.2 -46 190.2 324.8 -41 156.6 348.7 -55 217.2 149.9 45 670.9 1020.6 -34 28.0 98.2 -71 12.9 9.4 37 0.0 5.8 -100 148.5 113.4 31
2005-06 153.2 197.2 -22 654.9 324.8 102 157.5 348.7 -55 134.6 149.9 -10 1100.2 1020.6 8 101.4 98.2 3 0.0 9.4 -100 10.1 5.8 74 219.1 113.4 93
2006-07 98.9 197.2 -50 274.7 324.8 -15 393.4 348.7 13 318.1 149.9 112 1085.1 1020.6 6 30.8 98.2 -69 23.8 9.4 153 0.0 5.8 -100 162.2 113.4 43
2007-08 212.6 197.2 8 211.1 324.8 -35 231.2 348.7 -34 234.6 149.9 57 889.5 1020.6 -13 46.1 98.2 -53 0.3 9.4 -97 0.0 5.8 -100 154.0 113.4 36
2008-09 120.7 197.2 -39 254.1 324.8 -22 428.0 348.7 23 122.3 149.9 -18 925.1 1020.6 -9 10.2 98.2 -90 3.4 9.4 -64 0.0 5.8 -100 121.2 113.4 7
2009-10 83.6 197.2 -58 184.1 324.8 -43 230.2 348.7 -34 117.0 149.9 -22 614.9 1020.6 -40 33.9 98.2 -65 9.9 9.4 5 0.5 5.8 -91 151.9 113.4 34
2010-11 117.8 197.2 -40 462.0 324.8 42 447.3 348.7 28 235.7 149.9 57 1262.8 1020.6 24 73.3 98.2 -25 33.5 9.4 256 6.4 5.8 10 220.8 113.4 95
2011-12 193.4 197.2 -2 288.0 324.8 -11 280.4 348.7 -20 159.2 149.9 6 921.0 1020.6 -10 6.2 98.2 -94 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 5.8 -100 113.8 113.4 0
2012-13 96.2 197.2 -51 436.5 324.8 34 361.6 348.7 4 268.4 149.9 79 1162.7 1020.6 14 57.5 98.2 -41 9.1 9.4 -3 0.0 5.8 -100 174.2 113.4 54
2013-14 403.4 197.2 105 809.3 324.8 149 369.3 348.7 6 152.0 149.9 1 1734.0 1020.6 70 169.7 98.2 73 0.3 9.4 -97 0.0 5.8 -100 277.6 113.4 145
2014-15 71.3 197.2 -64 170.8 324.8 -47 222.4 348.7 -36 289.7 149.9 93 754.2 1020.6 -26 37.4 98.2 -62 4.7 9.4 -50 0.0 5.8 -100 149.7 113.4 32
2015-16 320.2 197.2 62 169.7 324.8 -48 183.3 348.7 -47 215.9 149.9 44 889.1 1020.6 -13 7.1 98.2 -93 0.0 9.4 -100 5.5 5.8 -5 120.2 113.4 6
2016-17 217.3 197.2 10 506.4 324.8 56 132.8 348.7 -62 241.7 149.9 61 1098.2 1020.6 8 103.0 98.2 5 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 5.8 -100 210.6 113.4 86
2017-18 165.2 197.2 -16 194.2 324.8 -40 203.0 348.7 -42 93.0 149.9 -38 655.4 1020.6 -36 59.3 98.2 -40 2.6 9.4 -72 0.0 5.8 -100 169.5 113.4 49
2018-19 220.3 197.2 12 345.9 324.8 6 442.2 348.7 27 117.9 149.9 -21 1126.3 1020.6 10 4.5 98.2 -95 0.7 9.4 -93 39.9 5.8 588 152.7 113.4 35
2019-20 132.4 197.2 -33 432.6 324.8 33 411.5 348.7 18 262.2 149.9 75 1238.7 1020.6 21 89.6 98.2 -9 11.3 9.4 20 2.0 5.8 -66 210.5 113.4 86
2020-21 160.4 197.2 -19 306.8 324.8 -6 400.8 348.7 15 173.5 149.9 16 1041.5 1020.6 2 99.2 98.2 1 2.1 9.4 -78 0.0 5.8 -100 101.2 113.4 -11
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 69.0 11.6 495 20.3 7.0 190 89.3 18.6 380 18.0 7.1 154 0.0 14.1 -100 19.4 21.8 -11 37.4 43.0 -13 838.5 1195.6 -30
2005-06 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 18.6 -100 36.2 7.1 410 41.0 14.1 191 14.9 21.8 -32 92.1 43.0 114 1303.8 1195.6 9
2006-07 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 18.6 -100 0.0 7.1 -100 0.0 14.1 -100 0.0 21.8 -100 0.0 43.0 -100 1139.7 1195.6 -5
2007-08 0.0 11.6 -100 5.9 7.0 -16 5.9 18.6 -68 67.3 7.1 848 0.3 14.1 -98 0.0 21.8 -100 67.6 43.0 57 1003.4 1195.6 -16
2008-09 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 18.6 -100 0.4 7.1 -94 0.0 14.1 -100 3.1 21.8 -86 3.5 43.0 -92 942.1 1195.6 -21
2009-10 34.8 11.6 200 1.4 7.0 -80 36.2 18.6 95 0.3 7.1 -96 8.7 14.1 -38 4.7 21.8 -78 13.7 43.0 -68 708.9 1195.6 -41
2010-11 0.0 11.6 -100 24.6 7.0 251 24.6 18.6 32 0.0 7.1 -100 45.0 14.1 219 10.9 21.8 -50 55.9 43.0 30 1456.6 1195.6 22
2011-12 3.1 11.6 -73 0.0 7.0 -100 3.1 18.6 -83 0.0 7.1 -100 7.9 14.1 -44 0.3 21.8 -99 8.2 43.0 -81 938.4 1195.6 -22
2012-13 0.0 11.6 -100 60.6 7.0 766 60.6 18.6 226 1.0 7.1 -86 9.9 14.1 -30 2.2 21.8 -90 13.1 43.0 -70 1303.1 1195.6 9
2013-14 0.0 11.6 -100 4.7 7.0 -33 4.7 18.6 -75 114.5 7.1 1513 21.2 14.1 50 30.5 21.8 40 166.2 43.0 287 2074.9 1195.6 74
2014-15 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 18.6 -100 70.3 7.1 890 32.3 14.1 129 22.3 21.8 2 124.9 43.0 190 961.1 1195.6 -20
2015-16 1.1 11.6 -91 0.0 7.0 -100 1.1 18.6 -94 38.5 7.1 442 6.6 14.1 -53 26.4 21.8 21 71.5 43.0 66 974.3 1195.6 -19
2016-17 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 18.6 -100 22.0 7.1 210 5.7 14.1 -60 22.6 21.8 4 50.3 43.0 17 1251.4 1195.6 5
2017-18 0.0 11.6 -100 9.3 7.0 33 9.3 18.6 -50 8.1 7.1 14 20.8 14.1 48 45.4 21.8 108 74.3 43.0 73 800.8 1195.6 -33
2018-19 16.9 11.6 46 4.3 7.0 -39 21.2 18.6 14 2.7 7.1 -62 10.5 14.1 -26 3.8 21.8 -83 17.0 43.0 -60 1209.5 1195.6 1
2019-20 14.6 11.6 26 9.9 7.0 41 24.5 18.6 32 42.0 7.1 492 34.6 14.1 145 24.6 21.8 13 101.2 43.0 135 1467.3 1195.6 23

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Mancherial District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 52.4 195.2 -73 185.2 338.5 -45 107.9 323.1 -67 68.9 130.0 -47 414.4 986.8 -58 50.2 87.2 -42 12.6 12.0 5 0.0 8.8 -100 162.0 108.0 50
2005-06 152.5 195.2 -22 476.8 338.5 41 178.4 323.1 -45 184.8 130.0 42 992.5 986.8 1 109.9 87.2 26 0.0 12.0 -100 17.0 8.8 93 226.1 108.0 109
2006-07 62.1 195.2 -68 211.2 338.5 -38 357.9 323.1 11 390.0 130.0 200 1021.2 986.8 3 23.1 87.2 -74 65.8 12.0 448 0.0 8.8 -100 188.1 108.0 74
2007-08 148.8 195.2 -24 148.9 338.5 -56 251.5 323.1 -22 265.7 130.0 104 814.9 986.8 -17 38.6 87.2 -56 0.9 12.0 -93 0.0 8.8 -100 138.7 108.0 28
2008-09 131.1 195.2 -33 225.9 338.5 -33 363.3 323.1 12 118.8 130.0 -9 839.1 986.8 -15 3.3 87.2 -96 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 8.8 -100 102.5 108.0 -5
2009-10 89.7 195.2 -54 161.0 338.5 -52 176.6 323.1 -45 88.8 130.0 -32 516.1 986.8 -48 81.6 87.2 -6 17.9 12.0 49 0.0 8.8 -100 198.7 108.0 84
2010-11 44.9 195.2 -77 384.4 338.5 14 413.2 323.1 28 284.4 130.0 119 1126.9 986.8 14 93.1 87.2 7 34.2 12.0 185 7.8 8.8 -11 234.3 108.0 117
2011-12 80.1 195.2 -59 277.0 338.5 -18 244.5 323.1 -24 190.6 130.0 47 792.2 986.8 -20 3.8 87.2 -96 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 8.8 -100 103.0 108.0 -5
2012-13 83.5 195.2 -57 341.9 338.5 1 293.0 323.1 -9 205.0 130.0 58 923.4 986.8 -6 57.7 87.2 -34 12.7 12.0 6 0.0 8.8 -100 169.6 108.0 57
2013-14 275.9 195.2 41 545.3 338.5 61 294.4 323.1 -9 140.5 130.0 8 1256.1 986.8 27 196.0 87.2 125 0.1 12.0 -99 1.2 8.8 -86 296.5 108.0 175
2014-15 68.3 195.2 -65 199.4 338.5 -41 182.2 323.1 -44 281.6 130.0 117 731.5 986.8 -26 22.7 87.2 -74 1.6 12.0 -87 0.8 8.8 -91 124.3 108.0 15
2015-16 290.3 195.2 49 196.0 338.5 -42 198.0 323.1 -39 181.4 130.0 40 865.7 986.8 -12 10.0 87.2 -89 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 8.8 -100 109.2 108.0 1
2016-17 207.6 195.2 6 465.0 338.5 37 184.7 323.1 -43 272.5 130.0 110 1129.8 986.8 14 149.4 87.2 71 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 8.8 -100 248.6 108.0 130
2017-18 177.0 195.2 -9 151.0 338.5 -55 212.6 323.1 -34 89.0 130.0 -32 629.6 986.8 -36 97.9 87.2 12 12.2 12.0 2 0.0 8.8 -100 209.3 108.0 94
2018-19 199.9 195.2 2 269.8 338.5 -20 421.9 323.1 31 102.3 130.0 -21 993.9 986.8 1 0.0 87.2 -100 0.0 12.0 -100 24.9 8.8 183 124.1 108.0 15
2019-20 82.9 195.2 -58 272.5 338.5 -19 378.2 323.1 17 271.4 130.0 109 1005.0 986.8 2 143.3 87.2 64 15.5 12.0 29 1.4 8.8 -84 259.4 108.0 140
2020-21 209.0 195.2 7 289.7 338.5 -14 379.8 323.1 18 216.6 130.0 67 1095.1 986.8 11 80.7 87.2 -7 0.2 12.0 -98 0.0 8.8 -100 80.9 108.0 -25
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 69.7 9.4 641 21.5 6.3 241 91.2 15.7 481 4.2 7.6 -45 2.1 9.3 -77 19.3 17.9 8 25.6 34.8 -26 593.9 1145.3 -48
2005-06 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 15.7 -100 38.9 7.6 412 41.3 9.3 344 20.4 17.9 14 100.6 34.8 189 1219.9 1145.3 7
2006-07 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 15.7 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 0.0 9.3 -100 0.0 17.9 -100 0.0 34.8 -100 1110.0 1145.3 -3
2007-08 0.0 9.4 -100 13.3 6.3 111 13.3 15.7 -15 68.2 7.6 797 4.2 9.3 -55 0.0 17.9 -100 72.4 34.8 108 926.8 1145.3 -19
2008-09 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 15.7 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 0.0 9.3 -100 19.4 17.9 8 19.4 34.8 -44 861.7 1145.3 -25
2009-10 6.9 9.4 -27 0.0 6.3 -100 6.9 15.7 -56 0.0 7.6 -100 1.9 9.3 -80 8.5 17.9 -53 10.4 34.8 -70 632.8 1145.3 -45
2010-11 0.0 9.4 -100 53.0 6.3 741 53.0 15.7 238 0.0 7.6 -100 11.6 9.3 25 6.7 17.9 -63 18.3 34.8 -47 1333.3 1145.3 16
2011-12 5.9 9.4 -37 0.0 6.3 -100 5.9 15.7 -62 0.0 7.6 -100 2.1 9.3 -77 0.0 17.9 -100 2.1 34.8 -94 804.0 1145.3 -30
2012-13 0.0 9.4 -100 34.5 6.3 448 34.5 15.7 120 0.0 7.6 -100 10.4 9.3 12 7.9 17.9 -56 18.3 34.8 -47 1046.6 1145.3 -9
2013-14 0.0 9.4 -100 0.7 6.3 -89 0.7 15.7 -96 69.8 7.6 818 12.8 9.3 38 31.8 17.9 78 114.4 34.8 229 1568.5 1145.3 37
2014-15 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 15.7 -100 28.4 7.6 274 41.1 9.3 342 13.0 17.9 -27 82.5 34.8 137 885.2 1145.3 -23
2015-16 4.1 9.4 -56 0.0 6.3 -100 4.1 15.7 -74 29.6 7.6 289 2.0 9.3 -78 31.5 17.9 76 63.1 34.8 81 942.9 1145.3 -18
2016-17 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 15.7 -100 23.0 7.6 203 0.2 9.3 -98 17.8 17.9 -1 41.0 34.8 18 1320.2 1145.3 15
2017-18 0.0 9.4 -100 5.2 6.3 -17 5.2 15.7 -67 12.0 7.6 58 11.1 9.3 19 36.5 17.9 104 59.6 34.8 71 804.3 1145.3 -30
2018-19 21.3 9.4 127 1.2 6.3 -81 22.5 15.7 43 12.2 7.6 61 6.0 9.3 -35 2.8 17.9 -84 21.0 34.8 -40 1062.2 1145.3 -7
2019-20 8.2 9.4 -13 21.7 6.3 244 29.9 15.7 90 7.8 7.6 3 13.9 9.3 49 48.3 17.9 170 70.0 34.8 101 1265.1 1145.3 10

Nirmal District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 74.6 203.6 -63 272.2 320.3 -15 114.2 278.0 -59 134.0 151.6 -12 595.0 953.5 -38 22.8 101.1 -77 11.0 13.8 -20 0.0 6.3 -100 148.7 121.2 23
2005-06 111.3 203.6 -45 493.6 320.3 54 160.2 278.0 -42 210.2 151.6 39 975.3 953.5 2 98.5 101.1 -3 0.0 13.8 -100 21.2 6.3 237 234.6 121.2 94
2006-07 153.0 203.6 -25 258.7 320.3 -19 339.3 278.0 22 279.1 151.6 84 1030.1 953.5 8 32.3 101.1 -68 0.0 13.8 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 147.2 121.2 21
2007-08 144.9 203.6 -29 111.2 320.3 -65 186.4 278.0 -33 226.2 151.6 49 668.7 953.5 -30 14.4 101.1 -86 15.7 13.8 14 0.0 6.3 -100 145.0 121.2 20
2008-09 134.3 203.6 -34 200.3 320.3 -37 320.2 278.0 15 176.8 151.6 17 831.6 953.5 -13 14.1 101.1 -86 0.4 13.8 -97 0.0 6.3 -100 129.4 121.2 7
2009-10 83.2 203.6 -59 181.3 320.3 -43 192.6 278.0 -31 167.6 151.6 11 624.7 953.5 -34 33.3 101.1 -67 23.7 13.8 72 2.5 6.3 -60 174.4 121.2 44
2010-11 97.1 203.6 -52 360.9 320.3 13 374.2 278.0 35 351.6 151.6 132 1183.8 953.5 24 140.7 101.1 39 69.7 13.8 405 0.0 6.3 -100 325.3 121.2 168
2011-12 63.7 203.6 -69 283.3 320.3 -12 328.1 278.0 18 124.7 151.6 -18 799.8 953.5 -16 4.0 101.1 -96 0.0 13.8 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 118.9 121.2 -2
2012-13 90.3 203.6 -56 282.4 320.3 -12 232.5 278.0 -16 202.2 151.6 33 807.4 953.5 -15 87.7 101.1 -13 9.6 13.8 -30 0.0 6.3 -100 212.2 121.2 75
2013-14 306.6 203.6 51 470.6 320.3 47 195.4 278.0 -30 158.4 151.6 4 1131.0 953.5 19 163.5 101.1 62 2.9 13.8 -79 5.8 6.3 -8 287.1 121.2 137
2014-15 62.1 203.6 -69 140.5 320.3 -56 231.6 278.0 -17 181.6 151.6 20 615.8 953.5 -35 17.6 101.1 -83 5.3 13.8 -62 0.0 6.3 -100 137.8 121.2 14
2015-16 237.8 203.6 17 128.3 320.3 -60 185.2 278.0 -33 103.9 151.6 -31 655.2 953.5 -31 6.1 101.1 -94 0.0 13.8 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 121.0 121.2 0
2016-17 334.7 203.6 64 417.7 320.3 30 135.1 278.0 -51 359.5 151.6 137 1247.0 953.5 31 96.3 101.1 -5 0.0 13.8 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 211.2 121.2 74
2017-18 214.0 203.6 5 119.5 320.3 -63 276.0 278.0 -1 82.5 151.6 -46 692.0 953.5 -27 110.8 101.1 10 12.8 13.8 -7 0.0 6.3 -100 238.5 121.2 97
2018-19 200.7 203.6 -1 227.0 320.3 -29 348.6 278.0 25 87.3 151.6 -42 863.6 953.5 -9 0.2 101.1 -100 0.0 13.8 -100 15.0 6.3 138 130.1 121.2 7
2019-20 117.2 203.6 -42 281.6 320.3 -12 243.3 278.0 -12 211.8 151.6 40 853.9 953.5 -10 139.6 101.1 38 3.6 13.8 -74 0.7 6.3 -89 258.8 121.2 114
2020-21 140.4 203.6 -31 226.4 320.3 -29 279.3 278.0 0 175.9 151.6 16 822.0 953.5 -14 86.4 101.1 -15 0.0 13.8 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 86.4 121.1 -29
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 122.0 11.4 970 7.6 6.1 25 129.6 17.5 641 22.0 8.9 147 0.0 6.5 -100 1.2 20.1 -94 23.2 35.5 -35 781.6 1127.7 -31
2005-06 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 55.6 8.9 525 14.2 6.5 118 27.4 20.1 36 97.2 35.5 174 1192.4 1127.7 6
2006-07 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 6.5 -100 0.0 20.1 -100 0.0 35.5 -100 1062.5 1127.7 -6
2007-08 0.0 11.4 -100 2.7 6.1 -56 2.7 17.5 -85 32.4 8.9 264 4.4 6.5 -32 0.0 20.1 -100 36.8 35.5 4 735.6 1127.7 -35
2008-09 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 6.5 -100 0.0 20.1 -100 0.0 35.5 -100 846.1 1127.7 -25
2009-10 12.7 11.4 11 22.9 6.1 275 35.6 17.5 103 1.6 8.9 -82 2.0 6.5 -69 1.5 20.1 -93 5.1 35.5 -86 725.0 1127.7 -36
2010-11 0.0 11.4 -100 16.8 6.1 175 16.8 17.5 -4 0.0 8.9 -100 12.5 6.5 92 6.9 20.1 -66 19.4 35.5 -45 1430.4 1127.7 27
2011-12 0.2 11.4 -98 0.0 6.1 -100 0.2 17.5 -99 0.0 8.9 -100 1.8 6.5 -72 0.0 20.1 -100 1.8 35.5 -95 805.7 1127.7 -29
2012-13 7.5 11.4 -34 39.2 6.1 543 46.7 17.5 167 0.0 8.9 -100 12.6 6.5 94 2.9 20.1 -86 15.5 35.5 -56 966.8 1127.7 -14
2013-14 0.0 11.4 -100 3.5 6.1 -43 3.5 17.5 -80 60.2 8.9 576 4.4 6.5 -32 30.4 20.1 51 95.0 35.5 168 1401.6 1127.7 24
2014-15 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 37.3 8.9 319 58.9 6.5 806 16.5 20.1 -18 112.7 35.5 217 766.0 1127.7 -32
2015-16 0.9 11.4 -92 1.1 6.1 -82 2.0 17.5 -89 3.7 8.9 -58 5.8 6.5 -11 29.5 20.1 47 39.0 35.5 10 702.4 1127.7 -38
2016-17 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 3.3 8.9 -63 0.0 6.5 -100 14.3 20.1 -29 17.6 35.5 -50 1361.0 1127.7 21
2017-18 0.0 11.4 -100 29.9 6.1 390 29.9 17.5 71 8.5 8.9 -4 4.2 6.5 -35 31.0 20.1 54 43.7 35.5 23 889.1 1127.7 -21
2018-19 2.3 11.4 -80 0.7 6.1 -89 3.0 17.5 -83 5.3 8.9 -40 5.6 6.5 -14 0.6 20.1 -97 11.5 35.5 -68 893.5 1127.7 -21
2019-20 11.3 11.4 -1 4.0 6.1 -34 15.3 17.5 -13 5.9 8.9 -34 8.7 6.5 34 9.6 20.1 -52 24.2 35.5 -32 1037.3 1127.7 -8

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nizamabad District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 52.4 177.6 -70 296.9 284.7 4 143.1 266.5 -46 119.5 131.1 -9 611.9 859.9 -29 19.3 99.0 -81 4.7 22.4 -79 0.0 6.3 -100 145.4 127.7 14
2005-06 131.1 177.6 -26 419.0 284.7 47 171.0 266.5 -36 258.2 131.1 97 979.3 859.9 14 77.2 99.0 -22 0.0 22.4 -100 6.4 6.3 2 205.0 127.7 61
2006-07 98.1 177.6 -45 207.6 284.7 -27 362.2 266.5 36 197.4 131.1 51 865.3 859.9 1 49.4 99.0 -50 8.1 22.4 -64 0.0 6.3 -100 178.9 127.7 40
2007-08 149.1 177.6 -16 139.5 284.7 -51 215.9 266.5 -19 316.7 131.1 142 821.2 859.9 -5 24.7 99.0 -75 20.7 22.4 -8 0.0 6.3 -100 166.8 127.7 31
2008-09 113.1 177.6 -36 227.2 284.7 -20 320.1 266.5 20 167.8 131.1 28 828.2 859.9 -4 9.6 99.0 -90 2.6 22.4 -88 0.0 6.3 -100 133.6 127.7 5
2009-10 75.5 177.6 -57 215.8 284.7 -24 213.8 266.5 -20 132.9 131.1 1 638.0 859.9 -26 52.6 99.0 -47 22.5 22.4 0 3.1 6.3 -51 199.6 127.7 56
2010-11 114.8 177.6 -35 310.8 284.7 9 299.4 266.5 12 248.5 131.1 90 973.5 859.9 13 138.8 99.0 40 43.5 22.4 94 0.3 6.3 -95 304.0 127.7 138
2011-12 63.8 177.6 -64 398.1 284.7 40 383.3 266.5 44 106.4 131.1 -19 951.6 859.9 11 23.5 99.0 -76 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 144.9 127.7 13
2012-13 117.4 177.6 -34 227.7 284.7 -20 222.9 266.5 -16 161.9 131.1 23 729.9 859.9 -15 89.0 99.0 -10 25.3 22.4 13 0.0 6.3 -100 235.7 127.7 85
2013-14 254.0 177.6 43 510.5 284.7 79 157.5 266.5 -41 93.5 131.1 -29 1015.5 859.9 18 128.5 99.0 30 13.9 22.4 -38 4.4 6.3 -30 268.2 127.7 110
2014-15 74.3 177.6 -58 137.9 284.7 -52 199.6 266.5 -25 92.3 131.1 -30 504.1 859.9 -41 13.4 99.0 -86 15.1 22.4 -33 2.2 6.3 -65 152.1 127.7 19
2015-16 166.5 177.6 -6 54.8 284.7 -81 166.5 266.5 -38 53.8 131.1 -59 441.6 859.9 -49 12.5 99.0 -87 0.0 22.4 -100 0.9 6.3 -86 134.8 127.7 6
2016-17 236.0 177.6 33 354.6 284.7 25 188.9 266.5 -29 493.5 131.1 276 1273.0 859.9 48 92.1 99.0 -7 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 213.5 127.7 67
2017-18 176.0 177.6 -1 142.1 284.7 -50 234.8 266.5 -12 76.6 131.1 -42 629.5 859.9 -27 95.2 99.0 -4 3.0 22.4 -87 0.0 6.3 -100 219.6 127.7 72
2018-19 235.8 177.6 33 175.0 284.7 -39 370.4 266.5 39 59.7 131.1 -54 840.9 859.9 -2 3.5 99.0 -96 0.0 22.4 -100 11.0 6.3 75 135.9 127.7 6
2019-20 101.1 177.6 -43 306.1 284.7 8 331.9 266.5 25 383.3 131.1 192 1122.4 859.9 31 156.7 99.0 58 14.9 22.4 -33 0.5 6.3 -92 293.5 127.7 130
2020-21 164.2 177.6 -8 188.6 284.7 -34 353.2 266.5 33 204.8 131.1 56 910.8 859.9 6 71.4 99.0 -28 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 71.4 127.8 -44
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 85.7 12.0 614 7.3 7.0 4 93.0 19.0 389 35.5 5.9 502 10.0 6.6 52 1.0 23.2 -96 46.5 35.7 30 775.2 1042.3 -26
2005-06 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 19.0 -100 43.4 5.9 636 21.4 6.6 224 32.4 23.2 40 97.2 35.7 172 1160.2 1042.3 11
2006-07 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 19.0 -100 3.2 5.9 -46 7.9 6.6 20 3.1 23.2 -87 14.2 35.7 -60 936.9 1042.3 -10
2007-08 0.0 12.0 -100 8.5 7.0 21 8.5 19.0 -55 67.7 5.9 1047 13.3 6.6 102 0.4 23.2 -98 81.4 35.7 128 948.1 1042.3 -9
2008-09 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 19.0 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 9.5 6.6 44 19.9 23.2 -14 29.4 35.7 -18 869.9 1042.3 -17
2009-10 11.1 12.0 -8 18.5 7.0 164 29.6 19.0 56 1.3 5.9 -78 2.8 6.6 -58 2.7 23.2 -88 6.8 35.7 -81 752.7 1042.3 -28
2010-11 0.0 12.0 -100 4.1 7.0 -41 4.1 19.0 -78 7.6 5.9 29 9.1 6.6 38 3.1 23.2 -87 19.8 35.7 -45 1179.9 1042.3 13
2011-12 0.4 12.0 -97 0.0 7.0 -100 0.4 19.0 -98 0.0 5.9 -100 2.3 6.6 -65 2.8 23.2 -88 5.1 35.7 -86 980.7 1042.3 -6
2012-13 6.4 12.0 -47 33.2 7.0 374 39.6 19.0 108 1.0 5.9 -83 38.4 6.6 482 3.5 23.2 -85 42.9 35.7 20 926.7 1042.3 -11
2013-14 0.0 12.0 -100 6.9 7.0 -1 6.9 19.0 -64 84.0 5.9 1324 7.6 6.6 15 45.4 23.2 96 137.0 35.7 284 1306.2 1042.3 25
2014-15 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 19.0 -100 33.3 5.9 464 72.5 6.6 998 22.0 23.2 -5 127.8 35.7 258 676.8 1042.3 -35
2015-16 1.5 12.0 -88 1.0 7.0 -86 2.5 19.0 -87 7.8 5.9 32 13.0 6.6 97 36.1 23.2 56 56.9 35.7 59 514.5 1042.3 -51
2016-17 0.0 12.0 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 19.0 -100 5.4 5.9 -8 0.0 6.6 -100 12.8 23.2 -45 18.2 35.7 -49 1383.4 1042.3 33
2017-18 0.0 12.0 -100 6.8 7.0 -3 6.8 19.0 -64 7.4 5.9 25 3.3 6.6 -50 28.4 23.2 22 39.1 35.7 10 773.6 1042.3 -26
2018-19 1.3 12.0 -89 2.2 7.0 -69 3.5 19.0 -82 0.1 5.9 -98 1.8 6.6 -73 2.6 23.2 -89 4.5 35.7 -87 863.4 1042.3 -17
2019-20 18.2 12.0 52 0.8 7.0 -89 19.0 19.0 0 10.7 5.9 81 9.0 6.6 36 12.0 23.2 -48 31.7 35.7 -11 1345.1 1042.3 29

Jagtial District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 49.3 177.3 -72 232.8 294.9 -21 99.2 259.8 -62 80.3 122.7 -35 461.6 854.7 -46 40.0 91.1 -56 0.8 15.1 -95 0.0 7.0 -100 147.0 113.2 30
2005-06 185.0 177.3 4 373.9 294.9 27 119.8 259.8 -54 259.2 122.7 111 937.9 854.7 10 105.6 91.1 16 0.0 15.1 -100 4.2 7.0 -40 216.0 113.2 91
2006-07 113.2 177.3 -36 132.3 294.9 -55 298.9 259.8 15 369.6 122.7 201 914.0 854.7 7 24.1 91.1 -74 54.6 15.1 262 0.0 7.0 -100 184.9 113.2 63
2007-08 165.9 177.3 -6 107.2 294.9 -64 185.1 259.8 -29 303.8 122.7 148 762.0 854.7 -11 66.2 91.1 -27 20.4 15.1 35 0.0 7.0 -100 192.8 113.2 70
2008-09 135.8 177.3 -23 200.7 294.9 -32 256.3 259.8 -1 145.4 122.7 19 738.2 854.7 -14 10.1 91.1 -89 4.5 15.1 -70 0.0 7.0 -100 120.8 113.2 7
2009-10 93.7 177.3 -47 165.1 294.9 -44 238.6 259.8 -8 197.7 122.7 61 695.1 854.7 -19 51.0 91.1 -44 26.1 15.1 73 4.2 7.0 -40 187.5 113.2 66
2010-11 65.6 177.3 -63 382.9 294.9 30 397.5 259.8 53 308.5 122.7 151 1154.5 854.7 35 141.1 91.1 55 54.0 15.1 258 2.1 7.0 -70 303.4 113.2 168
2011-12 71.8 177.3 -60 311.3 294.9 6 249.3 259.8 -4 112.7 122.7 -8 745.1 854.7 -13 14.3 91.1 -84 0.0 15.1 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 120.5 113.2 6
2012-13 77.8 177.3 -56 354.8 294.9 20 239.7 259.8 -8 219.6 122.7 79 891.9 854.7 4 67.3 91.1 -26 25.5 15.1 69 0.0 7.0 -100 199.0 113.2 76
2013-14 298.5 177.3 68 426.6 294.9 45 154.3 259.8 -41 141.0 122.7 15 1020.4 854.7 19 223.6 91.1 145 7.3 15.1 -52 0.9 7.0 -87 338.0 113.2 199
2014-15 109.6 177.3 -38 170.6 294.9 -42 238.2 259.8 -8 150.0 122.7 22 668.4 854.7 -22 12.8 91.1 -86 1.6 15.1 -89 0.4 7.0 -94 121.0 113.2 7
2015-16 172.6 177.3 -3 106.7 294.9 -64 133.2 259.8 -49 199.3 122.7 62 611.8 854.7 -28 5.7 91.1 -94 0.0 15.1 -100 0.4 7.0 -94 112.3 113.2 -1
2016-17 170.5 177.3 -4 298.1 294.9 1 184.5 259.8 -29 307.7 122.7 151 960.8 854.7 12 99.9 91.1 10 0.0 15.1 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 206.1 113.2 82
2017-18 179.3 177.3 1 122.6 294.9 -58 205.3 259.8 -21 34.1 122.7 -72 541.3 854.7 -37 97.0 91.1 6 8.9 15.1 -41 0.0 7.0 -100 212.1 113.2 87
2018-19 178.5 177.3 1 272.8 294.9 -7 372.9 259.8 44 133.7 122.7 9 957.9 854.7 12 0.5 91.1 -99 0.0 15.1 -100 22.5 7.0 221 129.2 113.2 14
2019-20 144.5 177.3 -18 260.6 294.9 -12 308.4 259.8 19 253.4 122.7 107 966.9 854.7 13 142.9 91.1 57 2.6 15.1 -83 0.6 7.0 -91 252.3 113.2 123
2020-21 143.4 177.3 -19 264.5 294.9 -10 302.5 259.8 16 224.3 122.7 83 934.7 854.7 9 111.3 91.1 22 0.1 15.1 -99 0.0 7.0 -100 111.4 113.3 -2
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 80.1 14.0 472 12.0 8.4 43 92.1 22.4 311 7.5 9.8 -23 14.0 13.1 7 8.1 21.3 -62 29.6 44.2 -33 624.1 1034.5 -40
2005-06 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 77.3 9.8 689 26.4 13.1 102 22.1 21.3 4 125.8 44.2 185 1173.6 1034.5 13
2006-07 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 0.0 13.1 -100 0.0 21.3 -100 0.0 44.2 -100 992.7 1034.5 -4
2007-08 0.0 14.0 -100 0.4 8.4 -95 0.4 22.4 -98 56.7 9.8 479 1.8 13.1 -86 0.2 21.3 -99 58.7 44.2 33 907.3 1034.5 -12
2008-09 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 3.5 9.8 -64 0.1 13.1 -99 12.2 21.3 -43 15.8 44.2 -64 768.5 1034.5 -26
2009-10 7.4 14.0 -47 13.8 8.4 64 21.2 22.4 -5 0.2 9.8 -98 1.0 13.1 -92 2.8 21.3 -87 4.0 44.2 -91 801.6 1034.5 -23
2010-11 0.0 14.0 -100 37.1 8.4 342 37.1 22.4 66 0.8 9.8 -92 19.5 13.1 49 5.2 21.3 -76 25.5 44.2 -42 1414.3 1034.5 37
2011-12 3.3 14.0 -76 0.0 8.4 -100 3.3 22.4 -85 0.0 9.8 -100 10.5 13.1 -20 0.7 21.3 -97 11.2 44.2 -75 774.0 1034.5 -25
2012-13 4.7 14.0 -66 55.7 8.4 563 60.4 22.4 170 0.0 9.8 -100 10.0 13.1 -24 7.7 21.3 -64 17.7 44.2 -60 1062.8 1034.5 3
2013-14 0.0 14.0 -100 5.6 8.4 -33 5.6 22.4 -75 78.7 9.8 703 1.9 13.1 -85 100.9 21.3 374 181.5 44.2 311 1439.2 1034.5 39
2014-15 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 61.6 9.8 529 75.8 13.1 479 12.6 21.3 -41 150.0 44.2 239 879.4 1034.5 -15
2015-16 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 22.7 9.8 132 12.1 13.1 -8 47.4 21.3 123 82.2 44.2 86 700.1 1034.5 -32
2016-17 0.0 14.0 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 22.4 -100 7.6 9.8 -22 0.2 13.1 -98 2.8 21.3 -87 10.6 44.2 -76 1071.2 1034.5 4
2017-18 0.0 14.0 -100 1.6 8.4 -81 1.6 22.4 -93 9.6 9.8 -2 6.1 13.1 -53 42.5 21.3 100 58.2 44.2 32 707.0 1034.5 -32
2018-19 25.9 14.0 85 5.9 8.4 -30 31.8 22.4 42 5.8 9.8 -41 4.5 13.1 -66 2.0 21.3 -91 12.3 44.2 -72 1024.9 1034.5 -1
2019-20 10.7 14.0 -24 13.9 8.4 65 24.6 22.4 10 7.3 9.8 -26 6.5 13.1 -50 33.1 21.3 55 46.9 44.2 6 1184.6 1034.5 15

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Peddapalli District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 47.4 169.6 -72 189.4 331.5 -43 78.6 258.0 -70 63.9 129.9 -51 379.3 889.0 -57 52.1 85.8 -39 4.5 16.8 -73 0.0 6.5 -100 159.2 109.1 46
2005-06 182.8 169.6 8 311.5 331.5 -6 97.6 258.0 -62 287.7 129.9 121 879.6 889.0 -1 131.8 85.8 54 0.0 16.8 -100 11.2 6.5 72 245.6 109.1 125
2006-07 69.8 169.6 -59 155.8 331.5 -53 348.8 258.0 35 413.2 129.9 218 987.6 889.0 11 8.0 85.8 -91 87.0 16.8 418 0.0 6.5 -100 197.6 109.1 81
2007-08 158.6 169.6 -6 101.7 331.5 -69 203.8 258.0 -21 268.3 129.9 107 732.4 889.0 -18 22.9 85.8 -73 6.3 16.8 -63 0.0 6.5 -100 131.8 109.1 21
2008-09 145.3 169.6 -14 229.1 331.5 -31 274.4 258.0 6 201.0 129.9 55 849.8 889.0 -4 5.7 85.8 -93 3.5 16.8 -79 0.0 6.5 -100 111.8 109.1 2
2009-10 99.1 169.6 -42 140.3 331.5 -58 163.0 258.0 -37 175.9 129.9 35 578.3 889.0 -35 86.9 85.8 1 66.5 16.8 296 0.0 6.5 -100 256.0 109.1 135
2010-11 58.8 169.6 -65 470.5 331.5 42 378.9 258.0 47 309.8 129.9 138 1218.0 889.0 37 110.0 85.8 28 31.0 16.8 85 11.8 6.5 82 255.4 109.1 134
2011-12 88.1 169.6 -48 256.5 331.5 -23 150.3 258.0 -42 102.4 129.9 -21 597.3 889.0 -33 6.9 85.8 -92 0.0 16.8 -100 0.0 6.5 -100 109.5 109.1 0
2012-13 80.2 169.6 -53 375.4 331.5 13 350.9 258.0 36 193.2 129.9 49 999.7 889.0 12 94.1 85.8 10 27.7 16.8 65 0.0 6.5 -100 224.4 109.1 106
2013-14 230.1 169.6 36 492.0 331.5 48 198.4 258.0 -23 164.9 129.9 27 1085.4 889.0 22 270.9 85.8 216 3.6 16.8 -79 10.1 6.5 55 387.2 109.1 255
2014-15 84.4 169.6 -50 197.8 331.5 -40 207.1 258.0 -20 175.1 129.9 35 664.4 889.0 -25 9.3 85.8 -89 5.7 16.8 -66 0.8 6.5 -88 118.4 109.1 9
2015-16 282.6 169.6 67 133.0 331.5 -60 104.2 258.0 -60 188.4 129.9 45 708.2 889.0 -20 6.0 85.8 -93 0.0 16.8 -100 0.0 6.5 -100 108.6 109.1 0
2016-17 194.4 169.6 15 346.9 331.5 5 120.1 258.0 -53 283.3 129.9 118 944.7 889.0 6 107.4 85.8 25 0.0 16.8 -100 0.0 6.5 -100 210.0 109.1 92
2017-18 210.9 169.6 24 141.1 331.5 -57 140.1 258.0 -46 58.5 129.9 -55 550.6 889.0 -38 133.7 85.8 56 11.8 16.8 -30 0.0 6.5 -100 248.1 109.1 127
2018-19 237.2 169.6 40 330.1 331.5 0 445.6 258.0 73 119.8 129.9 -8 1132.7 889.0 27 0.0 85.8 -100 0.0 16.8 -100 12.8 6.5 97 115.4 109.1 6
2019-20 109.6 169.6 -35 275.6 331.5 -17 318.5 258.0 23 347.5 129.9 168 1051.2 889.0 18 173.5 85.8 102 5.2 16.8 -69 3.4 6.5 -48 284.7 109.1 161
2020-21 261.3 169.6 54 240.9 331.5 -27 476.0 258.0 84 214.6 129.9 65 1192.8 889.0 34 99.8 85.8 16 1.4 16.8 -92 0.0 6.5 -100 101.2 109.1 -7
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 34.8 10.8 222 10.0 8.0 25 44.8 18.8 138 1.4 8.4 -83 9.0 11.8 -24 9.3 18.3 -49 19.7 38.5 -49 500.4 1055.4 -53
2005-06 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 63.3 8.4 654 30.2 11.8 156 25.9 18.3 42 119.4 38.5 210 1142.0 1055.4 8
2006-07 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 11.8 -100 0.0 18.3 -100 0.0 38.5 -100 1082.6 1055.4 3
2007-08 0.8 10.8 -93 0.3 8.0 -96 1.1 18.8 -94 86.3 8.4 927 5.2 11.8 -56 1.7 18.3 -91 93.2 38.5 142 854.8 1055.4 -19
2008-09 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 8.1 8.4 -4 2.7 11.8 -77 35.3 18.3 93 46.1 38.5 20 905.0 1055.4 -14
2009-10 6.6 10.8 -39 2.3 8.0 -71 8.9 18.8 -53 0.0 8.4 -100 2.8 11.8 -76 14.0 18.3 -23 16.8 38.5 -56 757.3 1055.4 -28
2010-11 0.0 10.8 -100 23.9 8.0 199 23.9 18.8 27 6.9 8.4 -18 15.3 11.8 30 11.3 18.3 -38 33.5 38.5 -13 1428.2 1055.4 35
2011-12 4.0 10.8 -63 0.0 8.0 -100 4.0 18.8 -79 0.0 8.4 -100 7.3 11.8 -38 0.0 18.3 -100 7.3 38.5 -81 615.5 1055.4 -42
2012-13 0.0 10.8 -100 32.7 8.0 309 32.7 18.8 74 0.0 8.4 -100 20.5 11.8 74 10.3 18.3 -44 30.8 38.5 -20 1185.0 1055.4 12
2013-14 0.0 10.8 -100 0.9 8.0 -89 0.9 18.8 -95 43.1 8.4 413 20.7 11.8 75 55.1 18.3 201 118.9 38.5 209 1489.8 1055.4 41
2014-15 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 14.4 8.4 71 46.4 11.8 293 14.2 18.3 -22 75.0 38.5 95 803.3 1055.4 -24
2015-16 2.1 10.8 -81 0.0 8.0 -100 2.1 18.8 -89 39.8 8.4 374 10.0 11.8 -15 29.1 18.3 59 78.9 38.5 105 795.1 1055.4 -25
2016-17 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 24.2 8.4 188 0.0 11.8 -100 10.4 18.3 -43 34.6 38.5 -10 1086.7 1055.4 3
2017-18 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 8.0 -100 0.0 18.8 -100 5.3 8.4 -37 20.9 11.8 77 34.4 18.3 88 60.6 38.5 57 756.6 1055.4 -28
2018-19 44.4 10.8 311 5.7 8.0 -29 50.1 18.8 166 0.7 8.4 -92 9.5 11.8 -19 1.7 18.3 -91 11.9 38.5 -69 1207.5 1055.4 14
2019-20 7.6 10.8 -30 14.1 8.0 76 21.7 18.8 15 12.4 8.4 48 6.2 11.8 -47 18.2 18.3 -1 36.8 38.5 -4 1291.9 1055.4 22

Jayashankar District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 45.9 158.4 -71 177.8 347.1 -49 134.3 300.9 -55 44.6 125.0 -64 402.6 931.4 -57 40.4 76.0 -47 1.9 19.0 -90 0.0 5.8 -100 137.3 100.8 36
2005-06 120.0 158.4 -24 353.6 347.1 2 91.1 300.9 -70 290.6 125.0 132 855.3 931.4 -8 113.9 76.0 50 0.0 19.0 -100 1.5 5.8 -74 210.4 100.8 109
2006-07 87.4 158.4 -45 150.6 347.1 -57 398.2 300.9 32 337.2 125.0 170 973.4 931.4 5 11.8 76.0 -84 36.9 19.0 94 0.0 5.8 -100 143.7 100.8 43
2007-08 152.5 158.4 -4 116.9 347.1 -66 233.1 300.9 -23 230.5 125.0 84 733.0 931.4 -21 88.4 76.0 16 6.6 19.0 -65 0.0 5.8 -100 190.0 100.8 88
2008-09 141.8 158.4 -10 267.4 347.1 -23 339.8 300.9 13 133.6 125.0 7 882.6 931.4 -5 0.6 76.0 -99 0.2 19.0 -99 0.0 5.8 -100 95.8 100.8 -5
2009-10 64.7 158.4 -59 170.9 347.1 -51 109.7 300.9 -64 179.4 125.0 44 524.7 931.4 -44 44.3 76.0 -42 52.9 19.0 178 0.0 5.8 -100 192.2 100.8 91
2010-11 100.6 158.4 -36 565.7 347.1 63 337.7 300.9 12 280.8 125.0 125 1284.8 931.4 38 109.1 76.0 44 39.4 19.0 107 15.2 5.8 162 258.7 100.8 157
2011-12 95.8 158.4 -40 298.4 347.1 -14 165.5 300.9 -45 124.0 125.0 -1 683.7 931.4 -27 4.7 76.0 -94 0.1 19.0 -99 0.0 5.8 -100 99.8 100.8 -1
2012-13 112.8 158.4 -29 342.0 347.1 -1 296.0 300.9 -2 271.8 125.0 117 1022.6 931.4 10 99.1 76.0 30 42.2 19.0 122 0.0 5.8 -100 236.3 100.8 134
2013-14 268.8 158.4 70 536.7 347.1 55 336.0 300.9 12 150.5 125.0 20 1292.0 931.4 39 273.1 76.0 259 3.0 19.0 -84 4.8 5.8 -17 375.9 100.8 273
2014-15 62.0 158.4 -61 265.8 347.1 -23 223.9 300.9 -26 229.7 125.0 84 781.4 931.4 -16 16.5 76.0 -78 6.2 19.0 -67 0.0 5.8 -100 117.7 100.8 17
2015-16 455.6 158.4 188 139.0 347.1 -60 153.7 300.9 -49 157.8 125.0 26 906.1 931.4 -3 10.8 76.0 -86 0.0 19.0 -100 0.8 5.8 -86 106.6 100.8 6
2016-17 212.1 158.4 34 350.2 347.1 1 177.8 300.9 -41 361.5 125.0 189 1101.6 931.4 18 84.2 76.0 11 0.0 19.0 -100 0.0 5.8 -100 179.2 100.8 78
2017-18 186.7 158.4 18 206.8 347.1 -40 239.6 300.9 -20 104.5 125.0 -16 737.6 931.4 -21 116.0 76.0 53 7.7 19.0 -59 0.0 5.8 -100 218.7 100.8 117
2018-19 222.2 158.4 40 318.7 347.1 -8 456.2 300.9 52 91.3 125.0 -27 1088.4 931.4 17 0.4 76.0 -99 0.0 19.0 -100 23.6 5.8 307 119.0 100.8 18
2019-20 87.0 158.4 -45 340.5 347.1 -2 411.6 300.9 37 273.6 125.0 119 1112.7 931.4 19 219.3 76.0 189 10.9 19.0 -43 11.2 5.8 93 336.4 100.8 234
2020-21 221.9 158.4 40 301.5 347.1 -13 794.2 300.9 164 166.7 125.0 33 1484.3 931.4 59 118.6 76.0 56 2.1 19.0 -89 0.0 5.8 -100 120.8 100.8 20
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 28.5 6.2 360 5.5 5.3 4 34.0 11.5 196 3.3 7.0 -53 15.0 13.4 12 5.1 24.0 -79 23.4 44.4 -47 502.3 1088.1 -54
2005-06 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 40.1 7.0 473 40.6 13.4 203 17.2 24.0 -28 97.9 44.4 120 1068.5 1088.1 -2
2006-07 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 0.0 7.0 -100 0.0 13.4 -100 0.0 24.0 -100 0.0 44.4 -100 1022.0 1088.1 -6
2007-08 0.0 6.2 -100 7.9 5.3 49 7.9 11.5 -31 98.6 7.0 1309 5.7 13.4 -57 1.8 24.0 -93 106.1 44.4 139 934.3 1088.1 -14
2008-09 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 7.1 7.0 1 4.2 13.4 -69 33.9 24.0 41 45.2 44.4 2 928.7 1088.1 -15
2009-10 1.9 6.2 -69 1.3 5.3 -75 3.2 11.5 -72 0.9 7.0 -87 7.3 13.4 -46 33.3 24.0 39 41.5 44.4 -7 666.6 1088.1 -39
2010-11 0.0 6.2 -100 4.8 5.3 -9 4.8 11.5 -58 11.1 7.0 59 26.4 13.4 97 1.2 24.0 -95 38.7 44.4 -13 1491.9 1088.1 37
2011-12 9.2 6.2 48 0.0 5.3 -100 9.2 11.5 -20 1.3 7.0 -81 6.7 13.4 -50 18.2 24.0 -24 26.2 44.4 -41 723.9 1088.1 -33
2012-13 0.2 6.2 -97 30.2 5.3 470 30.4 11.5 164 0.0 7.0 -100 20.4 13.4 52 9.7 24.0 -60 30.1 44.4 -32 1224.4 1088.1 13
2013-14 0.0 6.2 -100 0.2 5.3 -96 0.2 11.5 -98 31.4 7.0 349 1.7 13.4 -87 65.2 24.0 172 98.3 44.4 121 1671.4 1088.1 54
2014-15 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 21.0 7.0 200 43.9 13.4 228 26.5 24.0 10 91.4 44.4 106 919.2 1088.1 -16
2015-16 8.2 6.2 32 0.0 5.3 -100 8.2 11.5 -29 43.8 7.0 526 0.0 13.4 -100 25.3 24.0 5 69.1 44.4 56 994.9 1088.1 -9
2016-17 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 18.3 7.0 161 0.0 13.4 -100 20.4 24.0 -15 38.7 44.4 -13 1224.5 1088.1 13
2017-18 0.0 6.2 -100 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 11.5 -100 1.7 7.0 -76 12.2 13.4 -9 74.0 24.0 208 87.9 44.4 98 949.1 1088.1 -13
2018-19 56.5 6.2 811 2.4 5.3 -55 58.9 11.5 412 0.0 7.0 -100 5.3 13.4 -60 4.0 24.0 -83 9.3 44.4 -79 1180.6 1088.1 9
2019-20 1.9 6.2 -69 34.2 5.3 545 36.1 11.5 214 11.7 7.0 67 10.4 13.4 -22 37.1 24.0 55 59.2 44.4 33 1449.3 1088.1 33

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Bhadradri Kothagudem District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 135.5 142.2 -5 311.4 321.3 -3 358.5 281.6 27 112.1 158.9 -29 917.5 904.0 1 108.6 93.7 16 31.9 19.8 61 0.0 2.7 -100 254.0 116.2 119
2005-06 122.3 142.2 -14 385.6 321.3 20 175.6 281.6 -38 547.3 158.9 244 1230.8 904.0 36 110.4 93.7 18 17.1 19.8 -14 16.7 2.7 519 257.7 116.2 122
2006-07 121.1 142.2 -15 147.5 321.3 -54 392.8 281.6 39 265.5 158.9 67 926.9 904.0 3 10.5 93.7 -89 46.7 19.8 136 0.0 2.7 -100 170.7 116.2 47
2007-08 166.6 142.2 17 198.0 321.3 -38 296.1 281.6 5 283.7 158.9 79 944.4 904.0 4 100.7 93.7 7 4.4 19.8 -78 0.0 2.7 -100 218.6 116.2 88
2008-09 199.7 142.2 40 300.6 321.3 -6 546.1 281.6 94 199.2 158.9 25 1245.6 904.0 38 39.0 93.7 -58 28.3 19.8 43 0.6 2.7 -78 181.4 116.2 56
2009-10 51.8 142.2 -64 149.8 321.3 -53 154.2 281.6 -45 85.5 158.9 -46 441.3 904.0 -51 79.7 93.7 -15 43.0 19.8 117 0.0 2.7 -100 236.2 116.2 103
2010-11 193.8 142.2 36 488.4 321.3 52 315.0 281.6 12 227.2 158.9 43 1224.4 904.0 35 129.4 93.7 38 66.3 19.8 235 60.1 2.7 2126 369.3 116.2 218
2011-12 91.7 142.2 -36 286.0 321.3 -11 279.8 281.6 -1 102.2 158.9 -36 759.7 904.0 -16 32.2 93.7 -66 0.2 19.8 -99 0.0 2.7 -100 145.9 116.2 26
2012-13 152.8 142.2 7 356.1 321.3 11 312.2 281.6 11 237.5 158.9 49 1058.6 904.0 17 123.3 93.7 32 254.3 19.8 1184 0.0 2.7 -100 491.1 116.2 323
2013-14 202.1 142.2 42 330.2 321.3 3 204.5 281.6 -27 203.8 158.9 28 940.6 904.0 4 188.5 93.7 101 3.6 19.8 -82 0.4 2.7 -85 306.0 116.2 163
2014-15 23.6 142.2 -83 262.4 321.3 -18 212.5 281.6 -25 198.7 158.9 25 697.2 904.0 -23 89.8 93.7 -4 16.3 19.8 -18 0.2 2.7 -93 219.8 116.2 89
2015-16 533.7 142.2 275 128.8 321.3 -60 231.9 281.6 -18 259.8 158.9 63 1154.2 904.0 28 13.5 93.7 -86 9.8 19.8 -51 0.3 2.7 -89 137.1 116.2 18
2016-17 431.5 142.2 203 225.3 321.3 -30 164.4 281.6 -42 323.8 158.9 104 1145.0 904.0 27 105.9 93.7 13 0.4 19.8 -98 0.0 2.7 -100 219.8 116.2 89
2017-18 303.6 142.2 114 242.0 321.3 -25 267.0 281.6 -5 97.2 158.9 -39 909.8 904.0 1 60.6 93.7 -35 0.3 19.8 -98 0.0 2.7 -100 174.4 116.2 50
2018-19 190.8 142.2 34 323.7 321.3 1 446.9 281.6 59 49.9 158.9 -69 1011.3 904.0 12 17.9 93.7 -81 4.2 19.8 -79 67.7 2.7 2407 203.3 116.2 75
2019-20 62.7 142.2 -56 250.7 321.3 -22 404.9 281.6 44 259.1 158.9 63 977.4 904.0 8 148.5 93.7 58 18.5 19.8 -7 2.8 2.7 4 283.3 116.2 144
2020-21 183.8 142.2 29 379.4 321.3 18 715.1 281.6 154 271.8 158.9 71 1550.1 904.0 71 192.2 93.7 105 19.9 19.8 1 0.0 2.7 -100 212.1 116.2 83
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.8 10.7 -93 20.4 9.6 113 21.2 20.3 4 0.0 10.8 -100 23.4 21.2 10 43.7 60.1 -27 67.1 92.1 -27 1146.2 1132.6 1
2005-06 0.0 10.7 -100 0.0 9.6 -100 0.0 20.3 -100 38.2 10.8 254 51.7 21.2 144 93.9 60.1 56 183.8 92.1 100 1558.9 1132.6 38
2006-07 0.0 10.7 -100 0.0 9.6 -100 0.0 20.3 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 21.2 -100 0.5 60.1 -99 0.5 92.1 -99 984.7 1132.6 -13
2007-08 0.2 10.7 -98 21.0 9.6 119 21.2 20.3 4 174.4 10.8 1515 10.2 21.2 -52 11.3 60.1 -81 195.9 92.1 113 1245.4 1132.6 10
2008-09 0.0 10.7 -100 0.0 9.6 -100 0.0 20.3 -100 7.8 10.8 -28 2.9 21.2 -86 64.7 60.1 8 75.4 92.1 -18 1388.8 1132.6 23
2009-10 54.0 10.7 405 2.4 9.6 -75 56.4 20.3 178 3.2 10.8 -70 19.8 21.2 -7 177.7 60.1 196 200.7 92.1 118 821.3 1132.6 -27
2010-11 0.0 10.7 -100 2.7 9.6 -72 2.7 20.3 -87 4.2 10.8 -61 54.7 21.2 158 26.0 60.1 -57 84.9 92.1 -8 1567.8 1132.6 38
2011-12 19.7 10.7 84 0.0 9.6 -100 19.7 20.3 -3 0.1 10.8 -99 33.0 21.2 56 50.5 60.1 -16 83.6 92.1 -9 895.4 1132.6 -21
2012-13 0.2 10.7 -98 16.2 9.6 69 16.4 20.3 -19 0.0 10.8 -100 38.8 21.2 83 12.3 60.1 -80 51.1 92.1 -45 1503.8 1132.6 33
2013-14 0.0 10.7 -100 2.0 9.6 -79 2.0 20.3 -90 5.9 10.8 -45 8.9 21.2 -58 142.8 60.1 138 157.6 92.1 71 1292.6 1132.6 14
2014-15 0.0 10.7 -100 0.0 9.6 -100 0.0 20.3 -100 8.2 10.8 -24 78.7 21.2 271 39.7 60.1 -34 126.6 92.1 37 931.2 1132.6 -18
2015-16 0.3 10.7 -97 0.0 9.6 -100 0.3 20.3 -99 15.7 10.8 45 4.1 21.2 -81 42.5 60.1 -29 62.3 92.1 -32 1240.5 1132.6 10
2016-17 0.0 10.7 -100 0.0 9.6 -100 0.0 20.3 -100 22.8 10.8 111 1.4 21.2 -93 60.9 60.1 1 85.1 92.1 -8 1336.4 1132.6 18
2017-18 0.0 10.7 -100 0.3 9.6 -97 0.3 20.3 -99 6.5 10.8 -40 24.9 21.2 17 30.6 60.1 -49 62.0 92.1 -33 1032.9 1132.6 -9
2018-19 12.5 10.7 17 0.2 9.6 -98 12.7 20.3 -37 5.1 10.8 -53 10.1 21.2 -52 25.5 60.1 -58 40.7 92.1 -56 1154.6 1132.6 2
2019-20 2.9 10.7 -73 1.3 9.6 -86 4.2 20.3 -79 14.4 10.8 33 28.0 21.2 32 17.0 60.1 -72 59.4 92.1 -36 1210.9 1132.6 7

Mahabubabad District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 60.4 130.8 -54 289.8 269.9 7 157.7 236.2 -33 105.0 156.5 -33 612.9 793.4 -23 78.7 99.7 -21 11.4 24.3 -53 0.0 4.5 -100 214.1 128.5 67
2005-06 99.3 130.8 -24 329.1 269.9 22 133.4 236.2 -44 403.2 156.5 158 965.0 793.4 22 165.5 99.7 66 1.3 24.3 -95 12.0 4.5 167 302.8 128.5 136
2006-07 112.3 130.8 -14 122.2 269.9 -55 326.7 236.2 38 343.7 156.5 120 904.9 793.4 14 22.1 99.7 -78 33.4 24.3 37 0.0 4.5 -100 179.5 128.5 40
2007-08 179.3 130.8 37 175.5 269.9 -35 174.7 236.2 -26 243.5 156.5 56 773.0 793.4 -3 77.6 99.7 -22 10.1 24.3 -58 0.0 4.5 -100 211.7 128.5 65
2008-09 168.1 130.8 29 217.9 269.9 -19 564.4 236.2 139 123.5 156.5 -21 1073.9 793.4 35 32.8 99.7 -67 15.3 24.3 -37 1.4 4.5 -69 173.5 128.5 35
2009-10 43.4 130.8 -67 73.7 269.9 -73 156.9 236.2 -34 99.9 156.5 -36 373.9 793.4 -53 85.6 99.7 -14 28.4 24.3 17 2.1 4.5 -53 240.1 128.5 87
2010-11 89.9 130.8 -31 458.8 269.9 70 165.9 236.2 -30 190.5 156.5 22 905.1 793.4 14 111.7 99.7 12 47.6 24.3 96 23.8 4.5 429 307.1 128.5 139
2011-12 75.7 130.8 -42 305.7 269.9 13 204.8 236.2 -13 77.3 156.5 -51 663.5 793.4 -16 25.9 99.7 -74 5.7 24.3 -77 0.0 4.5 -100 155.6 128.5 21
2012-13 131.9 130.8 1 244.2 269.9 -10 216.6 236.2 -8 252.2 156.5 61 844.9 793.4 6 97.7 99.7 -2 77.0 24.3 217 0.0 4.5 -100 298.7 128.5 132
2013-14 133.1 130.8 2 294.7 269.9 9 274.2 236.2 16 134.4 156.5 -14 836.4 793.4 5 178.4 99.7 79 26.4 24.3 9 6.9 4.5 53 335.7 128.5 161
2014-15 48.8 130.8 -63 161.8 269.9 -40 240.3 236.2 2 94.2 156.5 -40 545.1 793.4 -31 42.1 99.7 -58 12.8 24.3 -47 0.0 4.5 -100 178.9 128.5 39
2015-16 440.5 130.8 237 91.6 269.9 -66 254.4 236.2 8 181.1 156.5 16 967.6 793.4 22 26.8 99.7 -73 6.6 24.3 -73 0.1 4.5 -98 157.5 128.5 23
2016-17 251.4 130.8 92 214.6 269.9 -20 131.1 236.2 -44 356.8 156.5 128 953.9 793.4 20 101.3 99.7 2 2.2 24.3 -91 0.0 4.5 -100 227.5 128.5 77
2017-18 201.8 130.8 54 209.7 269.9 -22 255.0 236.2 8 140.1 156.5 -10 806.6 793.4 2 66.6 99.7 -33 0.2 24.3 -99 0.0 4.5 -100 190.8 128.5 48
2018-19 189.7 130.8 45 160.5 269.9 -41 301.3 236.2 28 60.6 156.5 -61 712.1 793.4 -10 40.2 99.7 -60 1.3 24.3 -95 38.8 4.5 762 204.3 128.5 59
2019-20 64.1 130.8 -51 191.0 269.9 -29 263.8 236.2 12 256.7 156.5 64 775.6 793.4 -2 183.0 99.7 84 11.6 24.3 -52 4.8 4.5 7 323.4 128.5 152
2020-21 192.4 130.8 47 296.9 269.9 10 587.8 236.2 149 227.0 156.5 45 1304.1 793.4 64 199.3 99.7 100 14.0 24.3 -42 0.0 4.5 -100 213.4 128.4 66
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 4.8 7.2 -33 12.7 7.9 61 17.5 15.1 16 6.8 12.4 -45 3.1 14.4 -78 37.7 44.0 -14 47.6 70.8 -33 768.0 1007.8 -24
2005-06 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 35.5 12.4 186 47.0 14.4 226 36.7 44.0 -17 119.2 70.8 68 1263.0 1007.8 25
2006-07 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 0.0 14.4 -100 0.0 44.0 -100 0.0 70.8 -100 960.4 1007.8 -5
2007-08 0.6 7.2 -92 23.2 7.9 194 23.8 15.1 58 187.0 12.4 1408 28.3 14.4 97 2.6 44.0 -94 217.9 70.8 208 1078.5 1007.8 7
2008-09 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 0.3 14.4 -98 34.2 44.0 -22 34.5 70.8 -51 1157.9 1007.8 15
2009-10 12.9 7.2 79 0.6 7.9 -92 13.5 15.1 -11 0.1 12.4 -99 7.3 14.4 -49 69.6 44.0 58 77.0 70.8 9 580.5 1007.8 -42
2010-11 -0.1 7.2 -101 5.4 7.9 -32 5.3 15.1 -65 -0.1 12.4 -101 38.5 14.4 167 4.4 44.0 -90 42.8 70.8 -40 1136.4 1007.8 13
2011-12 14.1 7.2 96 0.0 7.9 -100 14.1 15.1 -7 0.0 12.4 -100 8.2 14.4 -43 22.7 44.0 -48 30.9 70.8 -56 740.1 1007.8 -27
2012-13 0.2 7.2 -97 28.0 7.9 254 28.2 15.1 87 0.0 12.4 -100 16.1 14.4 12 2.8 44.0 -94 18.9 70.8 -73 1066.8 1007.8 6
2013-14 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 8.9 12.4 -28 0.1 14.4 -99 146.0 44.0 232 155.0 70.8 119 1202.9 1007.8 19
2014-15 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 28.2 12.4 127 82.3 14.4 472 18.7 44.0 -58 129.2 70.8 82 736.2 1007.8 -27
2015-16 2.0 7.2 -72 0.0 7.9 -100 2.0 15.1 -87 20.5 12.4 65 0.1 14.4 -99 41.1 44.0 -7 61.7 70.8 -13 1064.8 1007.8 6
2016-17 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 0.7 12.4 -94 2.4 14.4 -83 41.2 44.0 -6 44.3 70.8 -37 1101.8 1007.8 9
2017-18 0.0 7.2 -100 0.0 7.9 -100 0.0 15.1 -100 12.5 12.4 1 26.0 14.4 81 28.9 44.0 -34 67.4 70.8 -5 940.9 1007.8 -7
2018-19 19.6 7.2 172 2.6 7.9 -67 22.2 15.1 47 1.4 12.4 -89 7.7 14.4 -47 20.9 44.0 -53 30.0 70.8 -58 844.6 1007.8 -16
2019-20 0.8 7.2 -89 10.2 7.9 29 11.0 15.1 -27 2.5 12.4 -80 11.4 14.4 -21 22.4 44.0 -49 36.3 70.8 -49 1022.1 1007.8 1

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Warangal Rural District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 52.7 144.5 -64 216.2 306.9 -30 123.2 255.0 -52 93.6 137.9 -32 485.7 844.3 -42 77.0 83.2 -7 11.6 27.9 -58 0.0 8.1 -100 199.7 119.2 68
2005-06 169.5 144.5 17 351.7 306.9 15 90.3 255.0 -65 318.0 137.9 131 929.5 844.3 10 103.1 83.2 24 0.0 27.9 -100 10.8 8.1 33 225.0 119.2 89
2006-07 98.2 144.5 -32 162.7 306.9 -47 370.3 255.0 45 310.7 137.9 125 941.9 844.3 12 33.2 83.2 -60 44.5 27.9 59 0.0 8.1 -100 188.8 119.2 58
2007-08 186.5 144.5 29 137.6 306.9 -55 215.9 255.0 -15 356.8 137.9 159 896.8 844.3 6 66.1 83.2 -21 12.1 27.9 -57 0.0 8.1 -100 189.3 119.2 59
2008-09 223.8 144.5 55 207.2 306.9 -32 487.6 255.0 91 93.9 137.9 -32 1012.5 844.3 20 30.0 83.2 -64 4.5 27.9 -84 0.0 8.1 -100 145.6 119.2 22
2009-10 55.6 144.5 -62 108.7 306.9 -65 149.6 255.0 -41 166.7 137.9 21 480.6 844.3 -43 73.1 83.2 -12 24.7 27.9 -11 0.7 8.1 -91 209.6 119.2 76
2010-11 180.4 144.5 25 498.4 306.9 62 278.6 255.0 9 243.5 137.9 77 1200.9 844.3 42 87.0 83.2 5 42.4 27.9 52 12.6 8.1 56 253.1 119.2 112
2011-12 75.0 144.5 -48 350.4 306.9 14 178.7 255.0 -30 87.0 137.9 -37 691.1 844.3 -18 7.1 83.2 -91 2.7 27.9 -90 0.0 8.1 -100 120.9 119.2 1
2012-13 157.7 144.5 9 361.1 306.9 18 267.8 255.0 5 269.8 137.9 96 1056.4 844.3 25 86.3 83.2 4 47.8 27.9 71 0.0 8.1 -100 245.2 119.2 106
2013-14 160.1 144.5 11 452.3 306.9 47 275.8 255.0 8 126.3 137.9 -8 1014.5 844.3 20 215.7 83.2 159 8.9 27.9 -68 1.1 8.1 -86 336.8 119.2 183
2014-15 64.0 144.5 -56 188.0 306.9 -39 226.1 255.0 -11 112.6 137.9 -18 590.7 844.3 -30 31.8 83.2 -62 10.1 27.9 -64 0.0 8.1 -100 153.0 119.2 28
2015-16 459.0 144.5 218 111.1 306.9 -64 160.0 255.0 -37 190.2 137.9 38 920.3 844.3 9 18.4 83.2 -78 5.9 27.9 -79 0.0 8.1 -100 135.4 119.2 14
2016-17 219.0 144.5 52 280.5 306.9 -9 130.1 255.0 -49 449.9 137.9 226 1079.5 844.3 28 71.8 83.2 -14 0.4 27.9 -99 0.0 8.1 -100 183.3 119.2 54
2017-18 238.8 144.5 65 189.2 306.9 -38 235.1 255.0 -8 168.1 137.9 22 831.2 844.3 -2 70.6 83.2 -15 2.5 27.9 -91 0.0 8.1 -100 184.2 119.2 55
2018-19 142.2 144.5 -2 206.8 306.9 -33 288.2 255.0 13 45.4 137.9 -67 682.6 844.3 -19 5.4 83.2 -94 5.0 27.9 -82 23.5 8.1 190 145.0 119.2 22
2019-20 83.6 144.5 -42 243.1 306.9 -21 313.7 255.0 23 239.8 137.9 74 880.2 844.3 4 232.2 83.2 179 15.6 27.9 -44 7.9 8.1 -2 366.8 119.2 208
2020-21 178.3 144.5 23 277.8 306.9 -9 851.1 255.0 234 228.1 137.9 65 1535.3 844.3 82 180.0 83.2 116 15.2 27.9 -46 0.0 8.1 -100 195.2 119.2 64
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 7.7 5.2 48 7.0 4.6 52 14.7 9.8 50 7.1 15.4 -54 5.3 17.4 -70 36.8 33.5 10 49.2 66.3 -26 638.2 1039.6 -39
2005-06 0.0 5.2 -100 0.0 4.6 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 40.1 15.4 160 23.9 17.4 37 68.6 33.5 105 132.6 66.3 100 1176.0 1039.6 13
2006-07 0.0 5.2 -100 0.0 4.6 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 0.0 15.4 -100 0.0 17.4 -100 0.0 33.5 -100 0.0 66.3 -100 1019.6 1039.6 -2
2007-08 0.8 5.2 -85 24.5 4.6 433 25.3 9.8 158 154.7 15.4 905 25.0 17.4 44 4.9 33.5 -85 184.6 66.3 178 1159.6 1039.6 12
2008-09 0.0 5.2 -100 0.0 4.6 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 0.0 15.4 -100 0.2 17.4 -99 6.1 33.5 -82 6.3 66.3 -90 1053.4 1039.6 1
2009-10 5.7 5.2 10 5.1 4.6 11 10.8 9.8 10 0.0 15.4 -100 6.0 17.4 -66 49.2 33.5 47 55.2 66.3 -17 645.0 1039.6 -38
2010-11 -0.2 5.2 -104 0.0 4.6 -100 -0.2 9.8 -102 11.1 15.4 -28 32.9 17.4 89 4.5 33.5 -87 48.5 66.3 -27 1391.1 1039.6 34
2011-12 17.9 5.2 244 0.0 4.6 -100 17.9 9.8 83 0.0 15.4 -100 9.4 17.4 -46 14.1 33.5 -58 23.5 66.3 -65 742.3 1039.6 -29
2012-13 1.1 5.2 -79 23.9 4.6 420 25.0 9.8 155 0.0 15.4 -100 20.8 17.4 20 4.8 33.5 -86 25.6 66.3 -61 1241.3 1039.6 19
2013-14 0.0 5.2 -100 0.2 4.6 -96 0.2 9.8 -98 28.6 15.4 86 0.9 17.4 -95 88.7 33.5 165 118.2 66.3 78 1358.6 1039.6 31
2014-15 0.0 5.2 -100 0.0 4.6 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 44.0 15.4 186 85.6 17.4 392 26.0 33.5 -22 155.6 66.3 135 793.9 1039.6 -24
2015-16 2.8 5.2 -46 0.0 4.6 -100 2.8 9.8 -71 17.4 15.4 13 0.0 17.4 -100 48.7 33.5 45 66.1 66.3 0 1013.4 1039.6 -3
2016-17 0.0 5.2 -100 0.0 4.6 -100 0.0 9.8 -100 3.4 15.4 -78 0.4 17.4 -98 19.4 33.5 -42 23.2 66.3 -65 1174.9 1039.6 13
2017-18 0.0 5.2 -100 0.1 4.6 -98 0.1 9.8 -99 1.7 15.4 -89 17.0 17.4 -2 61.9 33.5 85 80.6 66.3 22 985.0 1039.6 -5
2018-19 18.2 5.2 250 3.7 4.6 -20 21.9 9.8 123 0.0 15.4 -100 17.8 17.4 2 10.8 33.5 -68 28.6 66.3 -57 766.9 1039.6 -26
2019-20 0.3 5.2 -94 10.0 4.6 117 10.3 9.8 5 10.6 15.4 -31 18.6 17.4 7 30.7 33.5 -8 59.9 66.3 -10 1206.0 1039.6 16

Warangal Urban District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 55.3 128.5 -57 207.3 271.0 -24 118.6 198.3 -40 74.5 111.3 -33 455.7 709.1 -36 84.4 83.6 1 7.0 25.3 -72 0.0 4.9 -100 200.3 113.8 76
2005-06 132.4 128.5 3 323.8 271.0 19 50.5 198.3 -75 255.5 111.3 130 762.2 709.1 7 149.1 83.6 78 0.0 25.3 -100 35.5 4.9 624 293.5 113.8 158
2006-07 80.5 128.5 -37 80.5 271.0 -70 271.8 198.3 37 357.7 111.3 221 790.5 709.1 11 17.7 83.6 -79 100.7 25.3 298 0.0 4.9 -100 227.3 113.8 100
2007-08 160.9 128.5 25 137.6 271.0 -49 225.1 198.3 14 332.0 111.3 198 855.6 709.1 21 37.3 83.6 -55 16.4 25.3 -35 0.0 4.9 -100 162.6 113.8 43
2008-09 163.3 128.5 27 161.4 271.0 -40 353.2 198.3 78 122.2 111.3 10 800.1 709.1 13 42.2 83.6 -50 1.2 25.3 -95 0.0 4.9 -100 152.3 113.8 34
2009-10 77.1 128.5 -40 82.2 271.0 -70 112.1 198.3 -43 214.1 111.3 92 485.5 709.1 -32 112.9 83.6 35 51.0 25.3 102 0.7 4.9 -86 273.5 113.8 140
2010-11 127.7 128.5 -1 434.5 271.0 60 231.1 198.3 17 198.5 111.3 78 991.8 709.1 40 88.7 83.6 6 30.7 25.3 21 21.4 4.9 337 249.7 113.8 119
2011-12 46.4 128.5 -64 243.6 271.0 -10 140.9 198.3 -29 138.3 111.3 24 569.2 709.1 -20 4.3 83.6 -95 29.8 25.3 18 0.0 4.9 -100 143.0 113.8 26
2012-13 77.7 128.5 -40 292.7 271.0 8 161.2 198.3 -19 207.7 111.3 87 739.3 709.1 4 117.6 83.6 41 55.4 25.3 119 0.0 4.9 -100 281.9 113.8 148
2013-14 130.0 128.5 1 431.7 271.0 59 196.8 198.3 -1 164.5 111.3 48 923.0 709.1 30 293.2 83.6 251 8.3 25.3 -67 0.0 4.9 -100 410.4 113.8 261
2014-15 72.7 128.5 -43 111.3 271.0 -59 191.9 198.3 -3 85.6 111.3 -23 461.5 709.1 -35 26.8 83.6 -68 14.1 25.3 -44 0.0 4.9 -100 149.8 113.8 32
2015-16 336.3 128.5 162 95.5 271.0 -65 152.3 198.3 -23 204.6 111.3 84 788.7 709.1 11 18.4 83.6 -78 0.0 25.3 -100 0.0 4.9 -100 127.3 113.8 12
2016-17 253.4 128.5 97 390.0 271.0 44 147.8 198.3 -25 488.0 111.3 338 1279.2 709.1 80 55.9 83.6 -33 0.2 25.3 -99 0.0 4.9 -100 165.0 113.8 45
2017-18 193.1 128.5 50 140.9 271.0 -48 180.3 198.3 -9 160.7 111.3 44 675.0 709.1 -5 165.2 83.6 98 0.4 25.3 -98 0.0 4.9 -100 274.5 113.8 141
2018-19 192.8 128.5 50 174.8 271.0 -35 258.6 198.3 30 58.9 111.3 -47 685.1 709.1 -3 8.0 83.6 -90 1.0 25.3 -96 24.1 4.9 392 142.0 113.8 25
2019-20 90.6 128.5 -29 267.7 271.0 -1 293.4 198.3 48 231.5 111.3 108 883.2 709.1 25 279.7 83.6 235 26.0 25.3 3 0.8 4.9 -84 415.4 113.8 265
2020-21 211.5 128.5 65 275.0 271.0 1 770.6 198.3 289 234.8 111.3 111 1491.9 709.1 110 186.7 83.6 123 5.7 25.3 -77 0.0 4.9 -100 192.4 113.8 69
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 30.4 9.4 223 6.1 6.7 -9 36.5 16.1 127 13.2 9.2 43 16.5 11.6 42 14.6 29.7 -51 44.3 50.5 -12 627.8 889.5 -29
2005-06 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 55.0 9.2 498 15.7 11.6 35 42.0 29.7 41 112.7 50.5 123 1059.4 889.5 19
2006-07 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 11.6 -100 0.0 29.7 -100 0.0 50.5 -100 908.9 889.5 2
2007-08 0.0 9.4 -100 10.7 6.7 60 10.7 16.1 -34 131.4 9.2 1328 47.6 11.6 310 1.7 29.7 -94 180.7 50.5 258 1090.1 889.5 23
2008-09 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 0.0 9.2 -100 0.3 11.6 -97 8.9 29.7 -70 9.2 50.5 -82 852.8 889.5 -4
2009-10 3.5 9.4 -63 4.6 6.7 -31 8.1 16.1 -50 4.9 9.2 -47 1.2 11.6 -90 22.5 29.7 -24 28.6 50.5 -43 687.0 889.5 -23
2010-11 0.0 9.4 -100 0.9 6.7 -87 0.9 16.1 -94 2.1 9.2 -77 29.1 11.6 151 4.2 29.7 -86 35.4 50.5 -30 1169.0 889.5 31
2011-12 25.0 9.4 166 0.0 6.7 -100 25.0 16.1 55 0.4 9.2 -96 5.8 11.6 -50 3.9 29.7 -87 10.1 50.5 -80 638.5 889.5 -28
2012-13 0.9 9.4 -90 29.8 6.7 345 30.7 16.1 91 0.0 9.2 -100 27.7 11.6 139 14.3 29.7 -52 42.0 50.5 -17 984.9 889.5 11
2013-14 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 55.3 9.2 501 0.0 11.6 -100 66.9 29.7 125 122.2 50.5 142 1346.8 889.5 51
2014-15 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 46.4 9.2 404 94.6 11.6 716 21.7 29.7 -27 162.7 50.5 222 676.7 889.5 -24
2015-16 1.4 9.4 -85 0.0 6.7 -100 1.4 16.1 -91 16.4 9.2 78 0.7 11.6 -94 86.5 29.7 191 103.6 50.5 105 912.1 889.5 3
2016-17 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 0.2 9.2 -98 1.4 11.6 -88 4.1 29.7 -86 5.7 50.5 -89 1341.2 889.5 51
2017-18 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 0.0 16.1 -100 3.3 9.2 -64 23.5 11.6 103 63.9 29.7 115 90.7 50.5 80 931.4 889.5 5
2018-19 26.0 9.4 177 1.2 6.7 -82 27.2 16.1 69 0.1 9.2 -99 28.8 11.6 148 6.9 29.7 -77 35.8 50.5 -29 781.0 889.5 -12
2019-20 0.2 9.4 -98 17.4 6.7 160 17.6 16.1 9 25.7 9.2 179 21.0 11.6 81 14.2 29.7 -52 60.9 50.5 21 1268.1 889.5 43

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Karimnagar District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 35.6 125.9 -72 156.2 265.7 -41 81.4 202.9 -60 74.8 122.4 -39 348.0 716.9 -51 60.7 89.3 -32 6.9 22.2 -69 0.0 4.8 -100 179.1 116.3 54
2005-06 128.5 125.9 2 269.0 265.7 1 90.0 202.9 -56 274.8 122.4 125 762.3 716.9 6 76.2 89.3 -15 0.0 22.2 -100 0.0 4.8 -100 187.7 116.3 61
2006-07 88.6 125.9 -30 118.6 265.7 -55 330.0 202.9 63 433.6 122.4 254 970.8 716.9 35 13.5 89.3 -85 168.1 22.2 657 0.0 4.8 -100 293.1 116.3 152
2007-08 120.4 125.9 -4 90.0 265.7 -66 202.0 202.9 0 346.6 122.4 183 759.0 716.9 6 20.6 89.3 -77 6.5 22.2 -71 0.0 4.8 -100 138.6 116.3 19
2008-09 94.3 125.9 -25 151.1 265.7 -43 296.7 202.9 46 134.2 122.4 10 676.3 716.9 -6 4.9 89.3 -95 1.4 22.2 -94 0.0 4.8 -100 117.8 116.3 1
2009-10 89.3 125.9 -29 94.9 265.7 -64 97.9 202.9 -52 172.1 122.4 41 454.2 716.9 -37 69.3 89.3 -22 52.1 22.2 135 0.8 4.8 -83 233.7 116.3 101
2010-11 71.6 125.9 -43 304.4 265.7 15 280.0 202.9 38 227.6 122.4 86 883.6 716.9 23 85.0 89.3 -5 56.0 22.2 152 14.8 4.8 208 267.3 116.3 130
2011-12 64.2 125.9 -49 260.9 265.7 -2 152.2 202.9 -25 61.2 122.4 -50 538.5 716.9 -25 2.3 89.3 -97 0.0 22.2 -100 0.0 4.8 -100 113.8 116.3 -2
2012-13 85.6 125.9 -32 238.8 265.7 -10 188.1 202.9 -7 178.6 122.4 46 691.1 716.9 -4 87.0 89.3 -3 38.3 22.2 73 0.0 4.8 -100 236.8 116.3 104
2013-14 147.1 125.9 17 505.8 265.7 90 111.6 202.9 -45 112.9 122.4 -8 877.4 716.9 22 235.4 89.3 164 5.9 22.2 -73 5.5 4.8 15 358.3 116.3 208
2014-15 79.8 125.9 -37 129.8 265.7 -51 148.4 202.9 -27 89.6 122.4 -27 447.6 716.9 -38 14.2 89.3 -84 7.1 22.2 -68 0.9 4.8 -81 133.7 116.3 15
2015-16 215.8 125.9 71 91.6 265.7 -66 151.6 202.9 -25 203.2 122.4 66 662.2 716.9 -8 10.0 89.3 -89 0.0 22.2 -100 0.5 4.8 -90 122.0 116.3 5
2016-17 126.5 125.9 0 307.9 265.7 16 111.6 202.9 -45 341.6 122.4 179 887.6 716.9 24 76.8 89.3 -14 0.0 22.2 -100 0.0 4.8 -100 188.3 116.3 62
2017-18 214.1 125.9 70 146.5 265.7 -45 136.2 202.9 -33 90.0 122.4 -26 586.8 716.9 -18 144.5 89.3 62 0.9 22.2 -96 0.0 4.8 -100 256.9 116.3 121
2018-19 126.5 125.9 0 225.1 265.7 -15 308.4 202.9 52 97.5 122.4 -20 757.5 716.9 6 3.0 89.3 -97 0.0 22.2 -100 17.7 4.8 269 132.2 116.3 14
2019-20 85.8 125.9 -32 297.8 265.7 12 243.1 202.9 20 301.5 122.4 146 928.2 716.9 29 248.8 89.3 179 13.2 22.2 -41 2.0 4.8 -58 375.5 116.3 223
2020-21 195.8 125.9 56 265.7 265.7 0 535.7 202.9 164 246.5 122.4 101 1243.7 716.9 73 144.2 89.3 61 1.4 22.2 -94 0.0 4.8 -100 145.5 116.3 25
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 39.4 9.2 328 22.8 5.6 307 62.2 14.8 320 8.4 11.4 -26 15.0 14.2 6 5.1 24.5 -79 28.5 50.1 -43 506.4 898.1 -44
2005-06 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 14.8 -100 105.6 11.4 826 26.6 14.2 87 10.9 24.5 -56 143.1 50.1 186 981.5 898.1 9
2006-07 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 14.8 -100 0.0 11.4 -100 0.0 14.2 -100 0.0 24.5 -100 0.0 50.1 -100 1152.5 898.1 28
2007-08 0.0 9.2 -100 2.1 5.6 -63 2.1 14.8 -86 86.4 11.4 658 7.1 14.2 -50 2.9 24.5 -88 96.4 50.1 92 882.4 898.1 -2
2008-09 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 14.8 -100 0.9 11.4 -92 1.0 14.2 -93 19.2 24.5 -22 21.1 50.1 -58 703.7 898.1 -22
2009-10 10.5 9.2 14 7.9 5.6 41 18.4 14.8 24 1.0 11.4 -91 0.0 14.2 -100 15.2 24.5 -38 16.2 50.1 -68 610.9 898.1 -32
2010-11 0.0 9.2 -100 9.0 5.6 61 9.0 14.8 -39 5.6 11.4 -51 19.5 14.2 37 12.2 24.5 -50 37.3 50.1 -26 1085.6 898.1 21
2011-12 8.2 9.2 -11 0.0 5.6 -100 8.2 14.8 -45 0.0 11.4 -100 5.9 14.2 -58 0.0 24.5 -100 5.9 50.1 -88 555.0 898.1 -38
2012-13 0.9 9.2 -90 57.1 5.6 920 58.0 14.8 292 0.0 11.4 -100 12.7 14.2 -11 8.0 24.5 -67 20.7 50.1 -59 895.0 898.1 0
2013-14 0.0 9.2 -100 0.4 5.6 -93 0.4 14.8 -97 36.2 11.4 218 14.1 14.2 -1 63.5 24.5 159 113.8 50.1 127 1238.4 898.1 38
2014-15 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 14.8 -100 29.7 11.4 161 62.5 14.2 340 9.2 24.5 -62 101.4 50.1 102 599.6 898.1 -33
2015-16 0.5 9.2 -95 0.0 5.6 -100 0.5 14.8 -97 24.4 11.4 114 16.8 14.2 18 55.8 24.5 128 97.0 50.1 94 770.2 898.1 -14
2016-17 0.0 9.2 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 14.8 -100 4.5 11.4 -61 1.6 14.2 -89 17.0 24.5 -31 23.1 50.1 -54 987.5 898.1 10
2017-18 0.0 9.2 -100 0.1 5.6 -98 0.1 14.8 -99 3.6 11.4 -68 19.8 14.2 39 30.0 24.5 22 53.4 50.1 7 785.7 898.1 -13
2018-19 47.2 9.2 413 2.7 5.6 -52 49.9 14.8 237 2.3 11.4 -80 9.1 14.2 -36 7.4 24.5 -70 18.8 50.1 -62 846.8 898.1 -6
2019-20 5.1 9.2 -45 15.9 5.6 184 21.0 14.8 42 21.0 11.4 84 11.8 14.2 -17 15.9 24.5 -35 48.7 50.1 -3 1261.9 898.1 41

Rajanna Siricilla District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 68.7 153.3 -55 193.4 235.8 -18 81.5 219.2 -63 75.0 110.0 -32 418.6 718.3 -42 25.9 104.9 -75 2.9 22.4 -87 0.0 6.0 -100 156.1 133.3 17
2005-06 118.7 153.3 -23 209.0 235.8 -11 115.6 219.2 -47 239.0 110.0 117 682.3 718.3 -5 69.2 104.9 -34 0.0 22.4 -100 1.3 6.0 -78 197.8 133.3 48
2006-07 87.6 153.3 -43 123.0 235.8 -48 316.9 219.2 45 389.8 110.0 254 917.3 718.3 28 10.3 104.9 -90 72.3 22.4 223 0.0 6.0 -100 209.9 133.3 57
2007-08 155.2 153.3 1 131.3 235.8 -44 150.0 219.2 -32 353.1 110.0 221 789.6 718.3 10 23.8 104.9 -77 10.2 22.4 -54 0.0 6.0 -100 161.3 133.3 21
2008-09 78.4 153.3 -49 156.6 235.8 -34 316.7 219.2 44 115.0 110.0 5 666.7 718.3 -7 12.4 104.9 -88 8.9 22.4 -60 0.0 6.0 -100 148.6 133.3 11
2009-10 58.1 153.3 -62 69.9 235.8 -70 131.9 219.2 -40 154.8 110.0 41 414.7 718.3 -42 46.1 104.9 -56 58.3 22.4 160 1.3 6.0 -78 233.0 133.3 75
2010-11 46.0 153.3 -70 254.9 235.8 8 247.7 219.2 13 201.5 110.0 83 750.1 718.3 4 101.6 104.9 -3 48.7 22.4 117 1.6 6.0 -73 279.2 133.3 109
2011-12 24.4 153.3 -84 232.7 235.8 -1 154.9 219.2 -29 69.7 110.0 -37 481.7 718.3 -33 3.4 104.9 -97 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.0 -100 130.7 133.3 -2
2012-13 100.6 153.3 -34 230.3 235.8 -2 170.8 219.2 -22 103.4 110.0 -6 605.1 718.3 -16 68.4 104.9 -35 49.1 22.4 119 0.0 6.0 -100 244.8 133.3 84
2013-14 140.3 153.3 -8 475.0 235.8 101 74.6 219.2 -66 126.2 110.0 15 816.1 718.3 14 165.7 104.9 58 9.8 22.4 -56 1.5 6.0 -75 304.3 133.3 128
2014-15 44.1 153.3 -71 142.0 235.8 -40 195.5 219.2 -11 44.0 110.0 -60 425.6 718.3 -41 18.6 104.9 -82 6.8 22.4 -70 1.2 6.0 -80 153.9 133.3 15
2015-16 167.2 153.3 9 73.1 235.8 -69 159.7 219.2 -27 163.4 110.0 49 563.4 718.3 -22 16.4 104.9 -84 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.0 -100 143.7 133.3 8
2016-17 152.0 153.3 -1 266.1 235.8 13 150.0 219.2 -32 454.2 110.0 313 1022.3 718.3 42 70.0 104.9 -33 0.0 22.4 -100 0.0 6.0 -100 197.3 133.3 48
2017-18 196.8 153.3 28 123.5 235.8 -48 124.0 219.2 -43 82.9 110.0 -25 527.2 718.3 -27 98.8 104.9 -6 2.7 22.4 -88 0.0 6.0 -100 228.8 133.3 72
2018-19 92.1 153.3 -40 206.7 235.8 -12 252.6 219.2 15 92.9 110.0 -16 644.3 718.3 -10 2.2 104.9 -98 0.0 22.4 -100 10.8 6.0 80 140.3 133.3 5
2019-20 91.9 153.3 -40 297.9 235.8 26 243.9 219.2 11 338.2 110.0 207 971.9 718.3 35 208.3 104.9 99 9.8 22.4 -56 0.0 6.0 -100 345.4 133.3 159
2020-21 203.3 153.3 33 274.4 235.8 16 400.9 219.2 83 303.1 110.0 176 1181.7 718.3 65 115.8 104.9 10 0.3 22.4 -99 0.0 6.0 -100 116.1 133.3 -13
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 53.1 9.0 490 9.9 5.7 74 63.0 14.7 329 14.1 8.4 68 21.5 20.6 4 16.0 20.2 -21 51.6 49.2 5 562.1 915.5 -39
2005-06 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 86.6 8.4 931 39.5 20.6 92 18.2 20.2 -10 144.3 49.2 193 897.0 915.5 -2
2006-07 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 1.0 8.4 -88 0.2 20.6 -99 0.9 20.2 -96 2.1 49.2 -96 1002.1 915.5 9
2007-08 0.0 9.0 -100 0.4 5.7 -93 0.4 14.7 -97 113.3 8.4 1249 1.0 20.6 -95 4.8 20.2 -76 119.1 49.2 142 942.7 915.5 3
2008-09 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 5.9 8.4 -30 5.3 20.6 -74 30.4 20.2 50 41.6 49.2 -15 729.5 915.5 -20
2009-10 3.2 9.0 -64 20.3 5.7 256 23.5 14.7 60 0.5 8.4 -94 14.0 20.6 -32 3.1 20.2 -85 17.6 49.2 -64 561.4 915.5 -39
2010-11 0.0 9.0 -100 3.6 5.7 -37 3.6 14.7 -76 8.8 8.4 5 20.4 20.6 -1 8.4 20.2 -58 37.6 49.2 -24 943.2 915.5 3
2011-12 1.5 9.0 -83 0.0 5.7 -100 1.5 14.7 -90 0.0 8.4 -100 14.4 20.6 -30 7.2 20.2 -64 21.6 49.2 -56 508.2 915.5 -44
2012-13 9.0 9.0 0 47.8 5.7 739 56.8 14.7 286 0.0 8.4 -100 31.2 20.6 51 25.0 20.2 24 56.2 49.2 14 835.5 915.5 -9
2013-14 0.0 9.0 -100 2.2 5.7 -61 2.2 14.7 -85 66.1 8.4 687 6.6 20.6 -68 25.0 20.2 24 97.7 49.2 99 1092.9 915.5 19
2014-15 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 30.6 8.4 264 71.6 20.6 248 17.3 20.2 -14 119.5 49.2 143 600.2 915.5 -34
2015-16 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 25.9 8.4 208 13.8 20.6 -33 75.2 20.2 272 114.9 49.2 134 694.6 915.5 -24
2016-17 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.7 -100 6.2 8.4 -26 6.9 20.6 -67 10.8 20.2 -47 23.9 49.2 -51 1116.3 915.5 22
2017-18 0.0 9.0 -100 0.3 5.7 -95 0.3 14.7 -98 2.7 8.4 -68 21.6 20.6 5 36.2 20.2 79 60.5 49.2 23 689.6 915.5 -25
2018-19 40.4 9.0 349 6.4 5.7 12 46.8 14.7 218 1.1 8.4 -87 7.1 20.6 -66 4.1 20.2 -80 12.3 49.2 -75 716.3 915.5 -22
2019-20 9.3 9.0 3 19.0 5.7 233 28.3 14.7 93 30.0 8.4 257 16.3 20.6 -21 19.4 20.2 -4 65.7 49.2 34 1284.0 915.5 40

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Kamareddy District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 62.0 155.8 -60 310.3 260.0 19 94.2 294.9 -68 78.4 123.3 -36 544.9 834.0 -35 38.7 111.5 -65 11.8 24.1 -51 0.0 7.3 -100 186.1 142.9 30
2005-06 68.9 155.8 -56 400.0 260.0 54 167.5 294.9 -43 307.5 123.3 149 943.9 834.0 13 101.4 111.5 -9 0.0 24.1 -100 1.4 7.3 -81 238.4 142.9 67
2006-07 96.8 155.8 -38 168.1 260.0 -35 416.0 294.9 41 231.0 123.3 87 911.9 834.0 9 42.6 111.5 -62 26.4 24.1 10 0.0 7.3 -100 204.6 142.9 43
2007-08 153.4 155.8 -2 144.1 260.0 -45 204.4 294.9 -31 318.5 123.3 158 820.4 834.0 -2 15.0 111.5 -87 8.8 24.1 -63 0.0 7.3 -100 159.4 142.9 12
2008-09 98.6 155.8 -37 169.8 260.0 -35 359.9 294.9 22 142.2 123.3 15 770.5 834.0 -8 7.0 111.5 -94 6.6 24.1 -73 0.9 7.3 -88 150.1 142.9 5
2009-10 81.4 155.8 -48 124.9 260.0 -52 168.8 294.9 -43 155.5 123.3 26 530.6 834.0 -36 29.0 111.5 -74 19.8 24.1 -18 2.1 7.3 -71 186.5 142.9 31
2010-11 102.8 155.8 -34 241.1 260.0 -7 244.1 294.9 -17 201.1 123.3 63 789.1 834.0 -5 113.2 111.5 2 29.4 24.1 22 0.5 7.3 -93 278.7 142.9 95
2011-12 90.9 155.8 -42 434.7 260.0 67 279.0 294.9 -5 73.0 123.3 -41 877.6 834.0 5 27.9 111.5 -75 0.0 24.1 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 163.5 142.9 14
2012-13 150.2 155.8 -4 237.1 260.0 -9 211.1 294.9 -28 157.1 123.3 27 755.5 834.0 -9 125.5 111.5 13 41.3 24.1 71 0.0 7.3 -100 302.4 142.9 112
2013-14 176.9 155.8 14 522.4 260.0 101 134.7 294.9 -54 113.2 123.3 -8 947.2 834.0 14 135.8 111.5 22 18.2 24.1 -24 0.3 7.3 -96 289.9 142.9 103
2014-15 51.2 155.8 -67 126.6 260.0 -51 193.1 294.9 -35 42.6 123.3 -65 413.5 834.0 -50 18.1 111.5 -84 10.5 24.1 -56 6.1 7.3 -16 170.3 142.9 19
2015-16 132.2 155.8 -15 74.8 260.0 -71 153.4 294.9 -48 127.5 123.3 3 487.9 834.0 -41 38.9 111.5 -65 0.1 24.1 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 174.6 142.9 22
2016-17 188.9 155.8 21 264.8 260.0 2 118.8 294.9 -60 530.5 123.3 330 1103.0 834.0 32 109.9 111.5 -1 0.0 24.1 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 245.5 142.9 72
2017-18 220.3 155.8 41 185.1 260.0 -29 290.7 294.9 -1 62.7 123.3 -49 758.8 834.0 -9 121.1 111.5 9 0.4 24.1 -98 0.0 7.3 -100 257.1 142.9 80
2018-19 175.4 155.8 13 134.7 260.0 -48 305.4 294.9 4 92.0 123.3 -25 707.5 834.0 -15 19.4 111.5 -83 0.4 24.1 -98 6.9 7.3 -5 162.3 142.9 14
2019-20 126.9 155.8 -19 264.0 260.0 2 255.4 294.9 -13 330.2 123.3 168 976.5 834.0 17 199.1 111.5 79 13.7 24.1 -43 0.0 7.3 -100 348.4 142.9 144
2020-21 173.0 155.8 11 277.4 260.0 7 316.6 294.9 7 304.8 123.3 147 1071.8 834.0 29 117.3 111.5 5 0.2 24.1 -99 0.0 7.3 -100 117.5 142.8 -18
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 60.9 8.9 584 5.9 2.3 157 66.8 11.2 496 39.0 7.5 420 10.5 10.3 2 0.3 23.2 -99 49.8 41.0 21 712.0 1029.1 -31
2005-06 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 2.3 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 69.4 7.5 825 31.8 10.3 209 48.9 23.2 111 150.1 41.0 266 1196.7 1029.1 16
2006-07 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 2.3 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 0.0 7.5 -100 4.3 10.3 -58 2.0 23.2 -91 6.3 41.0 -85 987.2 1029.1 -4
2007-08 0.0 8.9 -100 20.5 2.3 791 20.5 11.2 83 142.7 7.5 1803 19.5 10.3 89 0.0 23.2 -100 162.2 41.0 296 1006.5 1029.1 -2
2008-09 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 2.3 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 0.2 7.5 -97 0.5 10.3 -95 20.9 23.2 -10 21.6 41.0 -47 806.6 1029.1 -22
2009-10 4.4 8.9 -51 34.1 2.3 1383 38.5 11.2 244 2.8 7.5 -63 17.1 10.3 66 5.9 23.2 -75 25.8 41.0 -37 645.7 1029.1 -37
2010-11 0.0 8.9 -100 5.7 2.3 148 5.7 11.2 -49 1.8 7.5 -76 19.4 10.3 88 9.5 23.2 -59 30.7 41.0 -25 968.6 1029.1 -6
2011-12 0.1 8.9 -99 0.0 2.3 -100 0.1 11.2 -99 0.0 7.5 -100 11.5 10.3 12 0.4 23.2 -98 11.9 41.0 -71 917.5 1029.1 -11
2012-13 7.0 8.9 -21 36.4 2.3 1483 43.4 11.2 288 3.0 7.5 -60 44.7 10.3 334 5.4 23.2 -77 53.1 41.0 30 1018.8 1029.1 -1
2013-14 0.0 8.9 -100 5.4 2.3 135 5.4 11.2 -52 97.1 7.5 1195 15.8 10.3 53 24.2 23.2 4 137.1 41.0 234 1244.0 1029.1 21
2014-15 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 2.3 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 50.0 7.5 567 97.2 10.3 844 27.0 23.2 16 174.2 41.0 325 638.8 1029.1 -38
2015-16 0.2 8.9 -98 0.0 2.3 -100 0.2 11.2 -98 19.2 7.5 156 8.5 10.3 -17 42.4 23.2 83 70.1 41.0 71 597.2 1029.1 -42
2016-17 0.0 8.9 -100 0.0 2.3 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 12.7 7.5 69 0.1 10.3 -99 7.8 23.2 -66 20.6 41.0 -50 1233.6 1029.1 20
2017-18 0.0 8.9 -100 2.2 2.3 -4 2.2 11.2 -80 2.4 7.5 -68 17.8 10.3 73 12.2 23.2 -47 32.4 41.0 -21 914.8 1029.1 -11
2018-19 4.4 8.9 -51 2.4 2.3 4 6.8 11.2 -39 0.4 7.5 -95 2.6 10.3 -75 6.0 23.2 -74 9.0 41.0 -78 750.0 1029.1 -27
2019-20 12.6 8.9 42 11.0 2.3 378 23.6 11.2 111 30.2 7.5 303 19.0 10.3 84 22.1 23.2 -5 71.3 41.0 74 1284.1 1029.1 25

Sangareddy District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 39.1 131.0 -70 259.9 209.2 24 46.7 216.8 -78 80.0 135.2 -41 425.7 692.2 -39 79.3 106.2 -25 0.5 27.4 -98 0.0 6.3 -100 213.4 139.9 53
2005-06 52.7 131.0 -60 342.5 209.2 64 82.1 216.8 -62 241.9 135.2 79 719.2 692.2 4 139.2 106.2 31 0.0 27.4 -100 0.1 6.3 -98 272.9 139.9 95
2006-07 92.9 131.0 -29 136.4 209.2 -35 221.5 216.8 2 197.9 135.2 46 648.7 692.2 -6 35.1 106.2 -67 11.7 27.4 -57 0.0 6.3 -100 180.4 139.9 29
2007-08 182.4 131.0 39 111.8 209.2 -47 132.3 216.8 -39 198.8 135.2 47 625.3 692.2 -10 10.0 106.2 -91 16.4 27.4 -40 0.0 6.3 -100 160.0 139.9 14
2008-09 96.6 131.0 -26 113.4 209.2 -46 338.0 216.8 56 186.4 135.2 38 734.4 692.2 6 10.2 106.2 -90 5.2 27.4 -81 0.0 6.3 -100 149.0 139.9 7
2009-10 79.5 131.0 -39 46.4 209.2 -78 244.6 216.8 13 204.8 135.2 51 575.3 692.2 -17 61.6 106.2 -42 18.6 27.4 -32 3.9 6.3 -38 217.7 139.9 56
2010-11 75.6 131.0 -42 316.6 209.2 51 298.4 216.8 38 125.4 135.2 -7 816.0 692.2 18 116.0 106.2 9 13.6 27.4 -50 1.1 6.3 -83 264.3 139.9 89
2011-12 53.3 131.0 -59 261.4 209.2 25 181.7 216.8 -16 60.2 135.2 -55 556.6 692.2 -20 19.6 106.2 -82 5.5 27.4 -80 0.0 6.3 -100 158.7 139.9 13
2012-13 180.0 131.0 37 210.7 209.2 1 119.3 216.8 -45 85.0 135.2 -37 595.0 692.2 -14 81.2 106.2 -24 39.9 27.4 46 0.0 6.3 -100 254.7 139.9 82
2013-14 135.6 131.0 4 325.1 209.2 55 147.9 216.8 -32 222.7 135.2 65 831.3 692.2 20 151.8 106.2 43 58.5 27.4 114 1.7 6.3 -73 345.6 139.9 147
2014-15 45.1 131.0 -66 133.2 209.2 -36 169.5 216.8 -22 81.2 135.2 -40 429.0 692.2 -38 20.8 106.2 -80 19.5 27.4 -29 4.0 6.3 -37 177.9 139.9 27
2015-16 109.3 131.0 -17 55.2 209.2 -74 124.2 216.8 -43 130.8 135.2 -3 419.5 692.2 -39 33.0 106.2 -69 0.0 27.4 -100 1.1 6.3 -83 167.7 139.9 20
2016-17 162.2 131.0 24 245.7 209.2 17 93.1 216.8 -57 441.0 135.2 226 942.0 692.2 36 127.2 106.2 20 0.0 27.4 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 260.8 139.9 86
2017-18 174.5 131.0 33 136.2 209.2 -35 217.9 216.8 1 133.7 135.2 -1 662.3 692.2 -4 157.0 106.2 48 1.3 27.4 -95 0.0 6.3 -100 291.9 139.9 109
2018-19 125.1 131.0 -5 83.6 209.2 -60 130.9 216.8 -40 64.4 135.2 -52 404.0 692.2 -42 28.9 106.2 -73 0.7 27.4 -97 17.3 6.3 175 180.5 139.9 29
2019-20 104.7 131.0 -20 112.7 209.2 -46 219.6 216.8 1 204.5 135.2 51 641.5 692.2 -7 109.3 106.2 3 10.8 27.4 -61 1.1 6.3 -83 254.8 139.9 82
2020-21 173.4 131.0 32 229.9 209.2 10 207.1 216.8 -4 275.3 135.2 104 885.7 692.2 28 254.8 106.2 140 1.2 27.4 -96 0.0 6.3 -100 256.0 139.9 83
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 9.7 6.1 59 9.7 3.3 194 19.4 9.4 106 26.7 7.8 242 17.7 17.5 1 7.2 28.8 -75 51.6 54.1 -5 576.5 895.6 -36
2005-06 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 58.4 7.8 649 63.8 17.5 265 43.6 28.8 51 165.8 54.1 206 1024.2 895.6 14
2006-07 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 7.8 -100 0.0 17.5 -100 0.0 28.8 -100 0.0 54.1 -100 695.6 895.6 -22
2007-08 0.0 6.1 -100 51.4 3.3 1458 51.4 9.4 447 187.0 7.8 2297 26.9 17.5 54 4.6 28.8 -84 218.5 54.1 304 870.2 895.6 -3
2008-09 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 3.5 7.8 -55 8.4 17.5 -52 9.6 28.8 -67 21.5 54.1 -60 771.3 895.6 -14
2009-10 25.4 6.1 316 19.4 3.3 488 44.8 9.4 377 0.1 7.8 -99 3.8 17.5 -78 11.2 28.8 -61 15.1 54.1 -72 719.3 895.6 -20
2010-11 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 0.0 7.8 -100 28.5 17.5 63 5.0 28.8 -83 33.5 54.1 -38 980.2 895.6 9
2011-12 0.1 6.1 -98 0.0 3.3 -100 0.1 9.4 -99 0.0 7.8 -100 22.0 17.5 26 7.1 28.8 -75 29.1 54.1 -46 610.9 895.6 -32
2012-13 1.6 6.1 -74 21.4 3.3 548 23.0 9.4 145 1.2 7.8 -85 31.6 17.5 81 9.7 28.8 -66 42.5 54.1 -21 781.4 895.6 -13
2013-14 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 79.4 7.8 918 14.2 17.5 -19 36.5 28.8 27 130.1 54.1 140 1173.2 895.6 31
2014-15 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 69.9 7.8 796 98.2 17.5 461 12.8 28.8 -56 180.9 54.1 234 668.7 895.6 -25
2015-16 0.0 6.1 -100 1.5 3.3 -55 1.5 9.4 -84 6.9 7.8 -12 17.1 17.5 -2 78.9 28.8 174 102.9 54.1 90 558.0 895.6 -38
2016-17 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 9.4 -100 8.4 7.8 8 1.7 17.5 -90 6.8 28.8 -76 16.9 54.1 -69 1086.0 895.6 21
2017-18 0.0 6.1 -100 0.3 3.3 -91 0.3 9.4 -97 1.4 7.8 -82 39.0 17.5 123 14.7 28.8 -49 55.1 54.1 2 876.0 895.6 -2
2018-19 11.7 6.1 92 0.1 3.3 -97 11.8 9.4 26 0.0 7.8 -100 10.0 17.5 -43 12.3 28.8 -57 22.3 54.1 -59 485.0 895.6 -46
2019-20 1.2 6.1 -80 1.5 3.3 -55 2.7 9.4 -71 7.4 7.8 -5 27.3 17.5 56 28.7 28.8 0 63.4 54.1 17 829.0 895.6 -7

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Medak District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 23.6 140.8 -83 228.7 243.4 -6 51.1 238.7 -79 47.9 109.4 -56 351.3 732.3 -52 36.1 98.2 -63 0.3 24.5 -99 0.0 6.9 -100 159.1 129.6 23
2005-06 55.0 140.8 -61 286.0 243.4 18 89.0 238.7 -63 235.3 109.4 115 665.3 732.3 -9 98.4 98.2 0 0.0 24.5 -100 4.3 6.9 -38 225.4 129.6 74
2006-07 83.8 140.8 -40 106.2 243.4 -56 251.5 238.7 5 254.9 109.4 133 696.4 732.3 -5 20.8 98.2 -79 17.4 24.5 -29 0.0 6.9 -100 160.9 129.6 24
2007-08 145.3 140.8 3 107.5 243.4 -56 153.7 238.7 -36 182.4 109.4 67 588.9 732.3 -20 9.2 98.2 -91 17.0 24.5 -31 0.0 6.9 -100 148.9 129.6 15
2008-09 53.6 140.8 -62 123.7 243.4 -49 337.6 238.7 41 135.2 109.4 24 650.1 732.3 -11 12.3 98.2 -87 5.6 24.5 -77 0.9 6.9 -87 141.5 129.6 9
2009-10 60.3 140.8 -57 85.2 243.4 -65 193.6 238.7 -19 154.2 109.4 41 493.3 732.3 -33 57.4 98.2 -42 16.1 24.5 -34 4.4 6.9 -36 200.6 129.6 55
2010-11 82.0 140.8 -42 306.9 243.4 26 194.0 238.7 -19 178.9 109.4 64 761.8 732.3 4 82.6 98.2 -16 24.2 24.5 -1 0.5 6.9 -93 230.0 129.6 77
2011-12 74.4 140.8 -47 301.1 243.4 24 239.1 238.7 0 64.6 109.4 -41 679.2 732.3 -7 32.1 98.2 -67 0.3 24.5 -99 0.0 6.9 -100 155.1 129.6 20
2012-13 152.4 140.8 8 210.6 243.4 -13 182.4 238.7 -24 128.3 109.4 17 673.7 732.3 -8 111.5 98.2 14 56.7 24.5 131 0.0 6.9 -100 290.9 129.6 124
2013-14 170.1 140.8 21 396.6 243.4 63 111.6 238.7 -53 132.7 109.4 21 811.0 732.3 11 184.4 98.2 88 13.3 24.5 -46 0.8 6.9 -88 321.2 129.6 148
2014-15 49.0 140.8 -65 110.5 243.4 -55 211.0 238.7 -12 61.3 109.4 -44 431.8 732.3 -41 25.2 98.2 -74 18.2 24.5 -26 0.7 6.9 -90 166.8 129.6 29
2015-16 121.8 140.8 -13 66.7 243.4 -73 154.8 238.7 -35 121.5 109.4 11 464.8 732.3 -37 29.0 98.2 -70 0.0 24.5 -100 0.1 6.9 -99 151.8 129.6 17
2016-17 135.0 140.8 -4 220.4 243.4 -9 51.7 238.7 -78 597.9 109.4 447 1005.0 732.3 37 74.1 98.2 -25 0.0 24.5 -100 0.0 6.9 -100 196.8 129.6 52
2017-18 148.4 140.8 5 145.8 243.4 -40 188.7 238.7 -21 81.9 109.4 -25 564.8 732.3 -23 99.4 98.2 1 0.2 24.5 -99 0.0 6.9 -100 222.3 129.6 72
2018-19 137.7 140.8 -2 93.9 243.4 -61 182.2 238.7 -24 77.6 109.4 -29 491.4 732.3 -33 10.6 98.2 -89 0.0 24.5 -100 9.1 6.9 32 142.4 129.6 10
2019-20 113.4 140.8 -19 188.5 243.4 -23 229.8 238.7 -4 272.6 109.4 149 804.3 732.3 10 127.5 98.2 30 3.3 24.5 -87 0.8 6.9 -88 254.3 129.6 96
2020-21 178.5 140.8 27 300.6 243.4 24 273.5 238.7 15 293.2 109.4 168 1045.8 732.3 43 195.0 98.2 99 1.1 24.4 -95 0.0 6.9 -100 196.2 129.5 51
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 24.7 5.9 319 10.8 4.0 170 35.5 9.9 259 18.2 6.8 168 21.8 11.3 93 2.6 27.2 -90 42.6 45.3 -6 465.8 917.1 -49
2005-06 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 60.8 6.8 794 24.3 11.3 115 51.9 27.2 91 137.0 45.3 202 905.1 917.1 -1
2006-07 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 11.3 -100 0.0 27.2 -100 0.0 45.3 -100 734.5 917.1 -20
2007-08 0.0 5.9 -100 36.5 4.0 813 36.5 9.9 269 155.7 6.8 2190 9.9 11.3 -12 7.0 27.2 -74 172.6 45.3 281 787.6 917.1 -14
2008-09 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 4.2 6.8 -38 4.8 11.3 -58 16.0 27.2 -41 25.0 45.3 -45 693.9 917.1 -24
2009-10 4.3 5.9 -27 18.8 4.0 370 23.1 9.9 133 3.8 6.8 -44 5.6 11.3 -50 10.6 27.2 -61 20.0 45.3 -56 614.3 917.1 -33
2010-11 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 17.0 11.3 50 7.3 27.2 -73 24.3 45.3 -46 893.2 917.1 -3
2011-12 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 11.5 11.3 2 3.8 27.2 -86 15.3 45.3 -66 727.0 917.1 -21
2012-13 1.3 5.9 -78 28.0 4.0 600 29.3 9.9 196 4.4 6.8 -35 22.5 11.3 99 8.5 27.2 -69 35.4 45.3 -22 906.7 917.1 -1
2013-14 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 88.8 6.8 1206 1.4 11.3 -88 28.6 27.2 5 118.8 45.3 162 1128.4 917.1 23
2014-15 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 50.4 6.8 641 82.0 11.3 626 21.3 27.2 -22 153.7 45.3 239 652.2 917.1 -29
2015-16 0.0 5.9 -100 1.1 4.0 -73 1.1 9.9 -89 5.1 6.8 -25 5.4 11.3 -52 60.1 27.2 121 70.6 45.3 56 565.6 917.1 -38
2016-17 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 13.5 6.8 99 1.0 11.3 -91 8.0 27.2 -71 22.5 45.3 -50 1101.6 917.1 20
2017-18 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 9.9 -100 1.8 6.8 -74 27.0 11.3 139 6.9 27.2 -75 35.7 45.3 -21 700.0 917.1 -24
2018-19 11.8 5.9 100 0.9 4.0 -78 12.7 9.9 28 0.5 6.8 -93 4.8 11.3 -58 11.6 27.2 -57 16.9 45.3 -63 540.6 917.1 -41
2019-20 1.1 5.9 -81 8.9 4.0 123 10.0 9.9 1 21.3 6.8 213 33.0 11.3 192 23.1 27.2 -15 77.4 45.3 71 1023.2 917.1 12

Siddipet District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 49.5 105.8 -53 137.7 211.8 -35 53.8 184.1 -71 76.4 98.4 -22 317.4 600.1 -47 43.6 89.0 -51 3.6 28.4 -87 0.0 5.2 -100 164.6 122.6 34
2005-06 49.2 105.8 -53 222.8 211.8 5 56.6 184.1 -69 215.8 98.4 119 544.4 600.1 -9 101.1 89.0 14 0.0 28.4 -100 2.7 5.2 -48 221.2 122.6 80
2006-07 85.4 105.8 -19 69.9 211.8 -67 227.3 184.1 23 285.2 98.4 190 667.8 600.1 11 17.8 89.0 -80 65.3 28.4 130 0.0 5.2 -100 200.5 122.6 64
2007-08 116.9 105.8 10 74.0 211.8 -65 160.3 184.1 -13 243.4 98.4 147 594.6 600.1 -1 15.3 89.0 -83 7.2 28.4 -75 0.0 5.2 -100 139.9 122.6 14
2008-09 27.3 105.8 -74 125.9 211.8 -41 320.9 184.1 74 124.1 98.4 26 598.2 600.1 0 13.6 89.0 -85 2.3 28.4 -92 0.0 5.2 -100 133.3 122.6 9
2009-10 68.0 105.8 -36 67.9 211.8 -68 122.9 184.1 -33 125.7 98.4 28 384.5 600.1 -36 69.1 89.0 -22 27.4 28.4 -4 2.8 5.2 -46 216.7 122.6 77
2010-11 93.0 105.8 -12 211.2 211.8 0 214.1 184.1 16 203.0 98.4 106 721.3 600.1 20 79.5 89.0 -11 40.2 28.4 42 9.2 5.2 77 246.3 122.6 101
2011-12 41.5 105.8 -61 191.9 211.8 -9 139.3 184.1 -24 53.6 98.4 -46 426.3 600.1 -29 12.1 89.0 -86 17.1 28.4 -40 0.0 5.2 -100 146.6 122.6 20
2012-13 54.8 105.8 -48 192.5 211.8 -9 103.4 184.1 -44 134.0 98.4 36 484.7 600.1 -19 77.2 89.0 -13 50.0 28.4 76 0.0 5.2 -100 244.6 122.6 100
2013-14 112.3 105.8 6 361.7 211.8 71 84.2 184.1 -54 118.3 98.4 20 676.5 600.1 13 244.4 89.0 175 18.2 28.4 -36 2.8 5.2 -46 382.8 122.6 212
2014-15 48.3 105.8 -54 102.2 211.8 -52 183.5 184.1 0 61.8 98.4 -37 395.8 600.1 -34 16.0 89.0 -82 22.1 28.4 -22 0.1 5.2 -98 155.6 122.6 27
2015-16 177.8 105.8 68 52.0 211.8 -75 91.8 184.1 -50 182.3 98.4 85 503.9 600.1 -16 8.2 89.0 -91 0.0 28.4 -100 0.3 5.2 -94 125.9 122.6 3
2016-17 104.6 105.8 -1 187.6 211.8 -11 87.9 184.1 -52 506.1 98.4 414 886.2 600.1 48 51.9 89.0 -42 0.0 28.4 -100 0.0 5.2 -100 169.3 122.6 38
2017-18 235.8 105.8 123 143.1 211.8 -32 102.7 184.1 -44 110.7 98.4 13 592.3 600.1 -1 138.6 89.0 56 0.9 28.4 -97 0.0 5.2 -100 256.9 122.6 110
2018-19 94.2 105.8 -11 97.7 211.8 -54 187.3 184.1 2 79.7 98.4 -19 458.9 600.1 -24 7.8 89.0 -91 1.9 28.4 -93 21.8 5.2 319 148.9 122.6 21
2019-20 92.3 105.8 -13 204.6 211.8 -3 189.1 184.1 3 261.9 98.4 166 747.9 600.1 25 233.4 89.0 162 2.4 28.4 -92 1.5 5.2 -71 354.7 122.6 189
2020-21 210.9 105.8 99 295.3 211.8 39 427.1 184.1 132 298.8 98.4 204 1232.1 600.1 105 217.5 89.0 144 1.9 28.4 -93 0.0 5.2 -100 219.4 122.5 79
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 37.7 6.3 498 15.8 4.5 251 53.5 10.8 395 13.6 10.5 30 14.7 13.6 8 12.0 27.6 -57 40.3 51.7 -22 458.4 785.2 -42
2005-06 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 50.3 10.5 379 27.4 13.6 101 30.3 27.6 10 108.0 51.7 109 756.0 785.2 -4
2006-07 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 0.0 10.5 -100 0.0 13.6 -100 0.0 27.6 -100 0.0 51.7 -100 751.1 785.2 -4
2007-08 0.2 6.3 -97 5.6 4.5 24 5.8 10.8 -46 148.2 10.5 1311 17.0 13.6 25 0.3 27.6 -99 165.5 51.7 220 782.7 785.2 0
2008-09 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 2.0 10.5 -81 2.9 13.6 -79 23.2 27.6 -16 28.1 51.7 -46 642.1 785.2 -18
2009-10 1.5 6.3 -76 13.0 4.5 189 14.5 10.8 34 1.0 10.5 -90 4.3 13.6 -68 7.5 27.6 -73 12.8 51.7 -75 511.0 785.2 -35
2010-11 0.0 6.3 -100 0.7 4.5 -84 0.7 10.8 -94 0.1 10.5 -99 18.8 13.6 38 5.4 27.6 -80 24.3 51.7 -53 875.1 785.2 11
2011-12 2.3 6.3 -63 0.0 4.5 -100 2.3 10.8 -79 0.0 10.5 -100 24.1 13.6 77 5.7 27.6 -79 29.8 51.7 -42 487.6 785.2 -38
2012-13 5.2 6.3 -17 29.5 4.5 556 34.7 10.8 221 0.0 10.5 -100 24.7 13.6 82 12.0 27.6 -57 36.7 51.7 -29 683.3 785.2 -13
2013-14 0.0 6.3 -100 0.1 4.5 -98 0.1 10.8 -99 64.8 10.5 517 1.8 13.6 -87 40.0 27.6 45 106.6 51.7 106 1048.6 785.2 34
2014-15 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 39.2 10.5 273 69.5 13.6 411 18.1 27.6 -34 126.8 51.7 145 577.4 785.2 -26
2015-16 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 2.2 10.5 -79 4.3 13.6 -68 62.9 27.6 128 69.4 51.7 34 581.8 785.2 -26
2016-17 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 7.3 10.5 -30 8.7 13.6 -36 14.1 27.6 -49 30.1 51.7 -42 968.2 785.2 23
2017-18 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 10.8 -100 3.3 10.5 -69 19.6 13.6 44 28.0 27.6 1 50.9 51.7 -2 782.7 785.2 0
2018-19 38.6 6.3 513 0.7 4.5 -84 39.3 10.8 264 1.3 10.5 -88 20.2 13.6 49 6.4 27.6 -77 27.9 51.7 -46 557.5 785.2 -29
2019-20 1.2 6.3 -81 8.8 4.5 96 10.0 10.8 -7 29.0 10.5 176 14.2 13.6 4 24.4 27.6 -12 67.6 51.7 31 1062.7 785.2 35

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Jangaon District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 42.2 124.8 -66 229.8 236.3 -3 85.4 188.8 -55 83.5 127.9 -35 440.9 677.8 -35 78.1 86.0 -9 2.2 31.5 -93 0.0 5.0 -100 197.8 122.5 61
2005-06 81.8 124.8 -34 346.5 236.3 47 71.7 188.8 -62 378.6 127.9 196 878.6 677.8 30 160.9 86.0 87 0.0 31.5 -100 15.6 5.0 212 294.0 122.5 140
2006-07 79.2 124.8 -37 64.8 236.3 -73 246.9 188.8 31 265.6 127.9 108 656.5 677.8 -3 31.4 86.0 -63 43.4 31.5 38 0.0 5.0 -100 192.3 122.5 57
2007-08 154.3 124.8 24 118.8 236.3 -50 218.7 188.8 16 301.4 127.9 136 793.2 677.8 17 51.8 86.0 -40 6.8 31.5 -78 0.0 5.0 -100 176.1 122.5 44
2008-09 75.2 124.8 -40 141.5 236.3 -40 417.0 188.8 121 198.3 127.9 55 832.0 677.8 23 9.8 86.0 -89 0.9 31.5 -97 0.0 5.0 -100 128.2 122.5 5
2009-10 87.2 124.8 -30 49.5 236.3 -79 121.6 188.8 -36 137.0 127.9 7 395.3 677.8 -42 75.0 86.0 -13 30.4 31.5 -3 1.5 5.0 -70 224.4 122.5 83
2010-11 146.2 124.8 17 306.5 236.3 30 162.9 188.8 -14 179.5 127.9 40 795.1 677.8 17 89.0 86.0 3 38.1 31.5 21 14.3 5.0 186 258.9 122.5 111
2011-12 84.8 124.8 -32 287.3 236.3 22 150.0 188.8 -21 72.4 127.9 -43 594.5 677.8 -12 13.0 86.0 -85 5.7 31.5 -82 0.0 5.0 -100 136.2 122.5 11
2012-13 77.6 124.8 -38 221.0 236.3 -6 127.4 188.8 -33 169.4 127.9 32 595.4 677.8 -12 123.9 86.0 44 54.4 31.5 73 0.0 5.0 -100 295.8 122.5 141
2013-14 94.0 124.8 -25 356.6 236.3 51 166.1 188.8 -12 134.3 127.9 5 751.0 677.8 11 328.4 86.0 282 25.8 31.5 -18 0.5 5.0 -90 472.2 122.5 285
2014-15 54.0 124.8 -57 146.9 236.3 -38 185.0 188.8 -2 88.5 127.9 -31 474.4 677.8 -30 39.6 86.0 -54 8.6 31.5 -73 0.0 5.0 -100 165.7 122.5 35
2015-16 273.4 124.8 119 56.6 236.3 -76 155.7 188.8 -18 242.1 127.9 89 727.8 677.8 7 3.6 86.0 -96 0.3 31.5 -99 0.0 5.0 -100 121.4 122.5 -1
2016-17 201.6 124.8 62 234.9 236.3 -1 92.5 188.8 -51 431.2 127.9 237 960.2 677.8 42 33.1 86.0 -62 0.0 31.5 -100 0.0 5.0 -100 150.6 122.5 23
2017-18 182.6 124.8 46 146.9 236.3 -38 142.7 188.8 -24 145.2 127.9 14 617.4 677.8 -9 122.6 86.0 43 0.0 31.5 -100 0.0 5.0 -100 240.1 122.5 96
2018-19 155.3 124.8 24 102.1 236.3 -57 180.6 188.8 -4 93.2 127.9 -27 531.2 677.8 -22 25.3 86.0 -71 5.6 31.5 -82 23.5 5.0 370 171.9 122.5 40
2019-20 92.7 124.8 -26 172.1 236.3 -27 225.1 188.8 19 212.4 127.9 66 702.3 677.8 4 218.8 86.0 154 5.4 31.5 -83 5.6 5.0 12 347.3 122.5 184
2020-21 187.5 124.8 50 334.8 236.3 42 418.8 188.8 122 213.9 127.9 67 1155.0 677.8 70 205.3 86.0 139 8.7 31.5 -72 0.0 5.0 -100 214.0 122.5 75
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 22.0 5.6 293 2.4 6.8 -65 24.4 12.4 97 10.1 11.1 -9 19.0 13.6 40 22.4 36.9 -39 51.5 61.6 -16 597.0 874.3 -32
2005-06 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 64.5 11.1 481 31.6 13.6 132 39.5 36.9 7 135.6 61.6 120 1190.8 874.3 36
2006-07 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 0.0 11.1 -100 0.0 13.6 -100 0.0 36.9 -100 0.0 61.6 -100 731.4 874.3 -16
2007-08 0.0 5.6 -100 27.8 6.8 309 27.8 12.4 124 197.8 11.1 1682 16.0 13.6 18 0.4 36.9 -99 214.2 61.6 248 1066.0 874.3 22
2008-09 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 4.9 11.1 -56 5.8 13.6 -57 14.7 36.9 -60 25.4 61.6 -59 868.1 874.3 -1
2009-10 5.9 5.6 5 8.2 6.8 21 14.1 12.4 14 5.3 11.1 -52 1.4 13.6 -90 21.2 36.9 -43 27.9 61.6 -55 544.2 874.3 -38
2010-11 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 1.2 11.1 -89 43.8 13.6 222 10.0 36.9 -73 55.0 61.6 -11 991.5 874.3 13
2011-12 14.2 5.6 154 0.0 6.8 -100 14.2 12.4 15 2.5 11.1 -77 8.1 13.6 -40 14.6 36.9 -60 25.2 61.6 -59 652.7 874.3 -25
2012-13 6.7 5.6 20 22.3 6.8 228 29.0 12.4 134 0.0 11.1 -100 25.4 13.6 87 5.1 36.9 -86 30.5 61.6 -50 833.3 874.3 -5
2013-14 0.0 5.6 -100 0.7 6.8 -90 0.7 12.4 -94 36.5 11.1 229 6.6 13.6 -51 63.7 36.9 73 106.8 61.6 73 1213.3 874.3 39
2014-15 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 33.7 11.1 204 69.1 13.6 408 23.0 36.9 -38 125.8 61.6 104 661.2 874.3 -24
2015-16 2.4 5.6 -57 0.0 6.8 -100 2.4 12.4 -81 7.3 11.1 -34 0.2 13.6 -99 49.6 36.9 34 57.1 61.6 -7 791.0 874.3 -10
2016-17 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 6.8 -100 0.0 12.4 -100 1.8 11.1 -84 5.8 13.6 -57 9.3 36.9 -75 16.9 61.6 -73 1010.1 874.3 16
2017-18 0.0 5.6 -100 0.1 6.8 -99 0.1 12.4 -99 10.1 11.1 -9 41.0 13.6 201 35.3 36.9 -4 86.4 61.6 40 826.4 874.3 -5
2018-19 32.0 5.6 471 1.9 6.8 -72 33.9 12.4 173 0.0 11.1 -100 46.5 13.6 242 11.2 36.9 -70 57.7 61.6 -6 677.2 874.3 -23
2019-20 0.0 5.6 -100 13.4 6.8 97 13.4 12.4 8 12.0 11.1 8 14.7 13.6 8 18.1 36.9 -51 44.8 61.6 -27 990.3 874.3 13

Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 59.9 97.6 -39 200.6 172.2 16 39.2 141.1 -72 62.6 141.2 -56 362.3 552.1 -34 82.9 106.0 -22 4.8 34.9 -86 0.0 3.8 -100 228.6 144.7 58
2005-06 59.0 97.6 -40 264.7 172.2 54 68.7 141.1 -51 190.7 141.2 35 583.1 552.1 6 294.7 106.0 178 0.0 34.9 -100 9.3 3.8 145 444.9 144.7 207
2006-07 94.0 97.6 -4 48.4 172.2 -72 151.1 141.1 7 211.0 141.2 49 504.5 552.1 -9 36.6 106.0 -65 40.3 34.9 15 0.0 3.8 -100 217.8 144.7 51
2007-08 131.1 97.6 34 67.0 172.2 -61 190.5 141.1 35 214.4 141.2 52 603.0 552.1 9 54.9 106.0 -48 8.0 34.9 -77 0.0 3.8 -100 203.8 144.7 41
2008-09 48.3 97.6 -51 112.7 172.2 -35 373.5 141.1 165 132.3 141.2 -6 666.8 552.1 21 30.8 106.0 -71 10.0 34.9 -71 0.0 3.8 -100 181.7 144.7 26
2009-10 49.7 97.6 -49 35.3 172.2 -80 136.8 141.1 -3 128.2 141.2 -9 350.0 552.1 -37 78.2 106.0 -26 32.5 34.9 -7 0.0 3.8 -100 251.6 144.7 74
2010-11 94.3 97.6 -3 218.3 172.2 27 206.7 141.1 46 166.3 141.2 18 685.6 552.1 24 75.9 106.0 -28 41.1 34.9 18 15.1 3.8 297 273.0 144.7 89
2011-12 50.6 97.6 -48 144.1 172.2 -16 137.2 141.1 -3 17.8 141.2 -87 349.7 552.1 -37 13.0 106.0 -88 7.8 34.9 -78 0.0 3.8 -100 161.7 144.7 12
2012-13 74.9 97.6 -23 108.3 172.2 -37 89.0 141.1 -37 138.7 141.2 -2 410.9 552.1 -26 70.7 106.0 -33 68.6 34.9 97 0.0 3.8 -100 280.2 144.7 94
2013-14 83.0 97.6 -15 214.3 172.2 24 76.1 141.1 -46 170.1 141.2 20 543.5 552.1 -2 333.7 106.0 215 23.4 34.9 -33 0.0 3.8 -100 498.0 144.7 244
2014-15 52.5 97.6 -46 84.5 172.2 -51 134.9 141.1 -4 38.8 141.2 -73 310.7 552.1 -44 43.2 106.0 -59 21.9 34.9 -37 0.0 3.8 -100 206.0 144.7 42
2015-16 161.3 97.6 65 57.0 172.2 -67 98.9 141.1 -30 201.0 141.2 42 518.2 552.1 -6 18.2 106.0 -83 0.4 34.9 -99 0.0 3.8 -100 159.5 144.7 10
2016-17 164.9 97.6 69 126.8 172.2 -26 113.5 141.1 -20 342.9 141.2 143 748.1 552.1 36 31.8 106.0 -70 0.9 34.9 -97 0.2 3.8 -95 173.8 144.7 20
2017-18 173.5 97.6 78 86.3 172.2 -50 119.1 141.1 -16 165.0 141.2 17 543.9 552.1 -1 144.4 106.0 36 0.1 34.9 -100 0.0 3.8 -100 285.4 144.7 97
2018-19 117.9 97.6 21 47.4 172.2 -72 102.4 141.1 -27 101.3 141.2 -28 369.0 552.1 -33 11.4 106.0 -89 0.1 34.9 -100 8.6 3.8 126 161.0 144.7 11
2019-20 56.5 97.6 -42 123.3 172.2 -28 125.7 141.1 -11 251.9 141.2 78 557.4 552.1 1 175.6 106.0 66 0.6 34.9 -98 6.6 3.8 74 323.7 144.7 124
2020-21 168.2 97.6 72 151.7 172.2 -12 240.4 141.1 70 218.6 141.2 55 778.9 552.1 41 250.6 106.0 136 10.9 34.9 -69 0.0 3.8 -100 261.4 144.8 81
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 12.6 4.8 163 0.9 1.9 -53 13.5 6.7 101 14.9 9.1 64 21.9 10.6 107 26.8 20.4 31 63.6 40.1 59 527.2 743.6 -29
2005-06 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 37.5 9.1 312 61.4 10.6 479 50.4 20.4 147 149.3 40.1 272 1036.3 743.6 39
2006-07 0.0 4.8 -100 3.7 1.9 95 3.7 6.7 -45 0.0 9.1 -100 23.0 10.6 117 45.0 20.4 121 68.0 40.1 70 653.0 743.6 -12
2007-08 0.0 4.8 -100 40.3 1.9 2021 40.3 6.7 501 190.1 9.1 1989 9.5 10.6 -10 6.2 20.4 -70 205.8 40.1 413 871.6 743.6 17
2008-09 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 4.0 9.1 -56 6.5 10.6 -39 14.3 20.4 -30 24.8 40.1 -38 732.3 743.6 -2
2009-10 13.1 4.8 173 2.0 1.9 5 15.1 6.7 125 10.1 9.1 11 3.5 10.6 -67 30.5 20.4 50 44.1 40.1 10 519.8 743.6 -30
2010-11 0.0 4.8 -100 7.0 1.9 268 7.0 6.7 4 0.0 9.1 -100 15.3 10.6 44 9.4 20.4 -54 24.7 40.1 -38 849.2 743.6 14
2011-12 5.2 4.8 8 0.0 1.9 -100 5.2 6.7 -22 0.0 9.1 -100 8.7 10.6 -18 3.7 20.4 -82 12.4 40.1 -69 388.1 743.6 -48
2012-13 6.8 4.8 42 13.7 1.9 621 20.5 6.7 206 0.0 9.1 -100 11.1 10.6 5 8.5 20.4 -58 19.6 40.1 -51 590.2 743.6 -21
2013-14 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 21.9 9.1 141 18.1 10.6 71 78.5 20.4 285 118.5 40.1 196 1019.1 743.6 37
2014-15 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 18.8 9.1 107 80.7 10.6 661 9.8 20.4 -52 109.3 40.1 173 489.2 743.6 -34
2015-16 3.5 4.8 -27 0.0 1.9 -100 3.5 6.7 -48 1.9 9.1 -79 4.6 10.6 -57 64.2 20.4 215 70.7 40.1 76 611.1 743.6 -18
2016-17 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 4.5 9.1 -51 12.4 10.6 17 18.2 20.4 -11 35.1 40.1 -12 816.2 743.6 10
2017-18 0.0 4.8 -100 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 6.7 -100 8.8 9.1 -3 31.3 10.6 195 38.8 20.4 90 78.9 40.1 97 767.3 743.6 3
2018-19 9.4 4.8 96 1.3 1.9 -32 10.7 6.7 60 0.3 9.1 -97 19.0 10.6 79 7.3 20.4 -64 26.6 40.1 -34 426.4 743.6 -43
2019-20 0.6 4.8 -88 7.3 1.9 284 7.9 6.7 18 26.0 9.1 186 18.9 10.6 78 18.9 20.4 -7 63.8 40.1 59 811.8 743.6 9

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Medchal-Malkajgiri District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 71.9 105.2 -32 239.7 182.4 31 61.0 179.6 -66 69.8 98.1 -29 442.4 565.3 -22 70.6 99.6 -29 0.0 33.6 -100 0.0 4.1 -100 203.8 137.3 48
2005-06 77.5 105.2 -26 325.0 182.4 78 91.8 179.6 -49 194.4 98.1 98 688.7 565.3 22 207.3 99.6 108 0.0 33.6 -100 0.0 4.1 -100 340.5 137.3 148
2006-07 80.5 105.2 -23 127.5 182.4 -30 184.5 179.6 3 149.3 98.1 52 541.8 565.3 -4 33.2 99.6 -67 30.5 33.6 -9 0.0 4.1 -100 196.9 137.3 43
2007-08 135.7 105.2 29 66.7 182.4 -63 218.7 179.6 22 205.0 98.1 109 626.1 565.3 11 28.4 99.6 -71 27.0 33.6 -20 0.0 4.1 -100 188.6 137.3 37
2008-09 58.4 105.2 -44 91.4 182.4 -50 425.9 179.6 137 157.8 98.1 61 733.5 565.3 30 44.2 99.6 -56 18.0 33.6 -46 0.0 4.1 -100 195.4 137.3 42
2009-10 62.7 105.2 -40 72.6 182.4 -60 269.8 179.6 50 167.7 98.1 71 572.8 565.3 1 96.9 99.6 -3 44.5 33.6 32 1.9 4.1 -54 276.5 137.3 101
2010-11 106.5 105.2 1 245.9 182.4 35 341.6 179.6 90 172.5 98.1 76 866.5 565.3 53 107.4 99.6 8 67.9 33.6 102 8.5 4.1 107 317.0 137.3 131
2011-12 58.0 105.2 -45 163.5 182.4 -10 162.5 179.6 -10 43.7 98.1 -55 427.7 565.3 -24 25.5 99.6 -74 14.4 33.6 -57 0.0 4.1 -100 173.1 137.3 26
2012-13 132.2 105.2 26 234.4 182.4 29 106.3 179.6 -41 100.7 98.1 3 573.6 565.3 1 97.3 99.6 -2 44.3 33.6 32 0.0 4.1 -100 274.8 137.3 100
2013-14 113.1 105.2 8 213.6 182.4 17 100.3 179.6 -44 154.4 98.1 57 581.4 565.3 3 204.1 99.6 105 16.6 33.6 -51 0.0 4.1 -100 353.9 137.3 158
2014-15 32.3 105.2 -69 104.8 182.4 -43 149.4 179.6 -17 66.3 98.1 -32 352.8 565.3 -38 30.9 99.6 -69 20.6 33.6 -39 0.6 4.1 -85 185.3 137.3 35
2015-16 154.1 105.2 46 45.2 182.4 -75 60.1 179.6 -67 154.3 98.1 57 413.7 565.3 -27 31.7 99.6 -68 0.0 33.6 -100 0.0 4.1 -100 164.9 137.3 20
2016-17 118.7 105.2 13 148.1 182.4 -19 108.7 179.6 -39 563.2 98.1 474 938.7 565.3 66 51.9 99.6 -48 0.0 33.6 -100 0.3 4.1 -93 185.4 137.3 35
2017-18 206.9 105.2 97 151.6 182.4 -17 215.8 179.6 20 234.8 98.1 139 809.1 565.3 43 242.3 99.6 143 0.0 33.6 -100 0.0 4.1 -100 375.5 137.3 173
2018-19 122.8 105.2 17 87.1 182.4 -52 123.0 179.6 -32 104.1 98.1 6 437.0 565.3 -23 18.7 99.6 -81 0.1 33.6 -100 42.6 4.1 939 194.6 137.3 42
2019-20 83.8 105.2 -20 121.4 182.4 -33 152.9 179.6 -15 280.3 98.1 186 638.4 565.3 13 162.8 99.6 63 0.3 33.6 -99 3.7 4.1 -10 300.0 137.3 118
2020-21 166.0 105.2 58 154.4 182.4 -15 240.5 179.6 34 282.3 98.1 188 843.2 565.3 49 335.0 99.6 236 6.8 33.6 -80 0.0 4.1 -100 341.8 137.3 149
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 13.2 8.4 57 14.0 2.8 400 27.2 11.2 143 14.0 9.0 56 22.9 14.9 54 18.8 25.5 -26 55.7 49.4 13 595.8 763.2 -22
2005-06 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 35.0 9.0 289 52.1 14.9 250 54.8 25.5 115 141.9 49.4 187 1037.9 763.2 36
2006-07 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 0.0 9.0 -100 0.0 14.9 -100 9.6 25.5 -62 9.6 49.4 -81 615.1 763.2 -19
2007-08 0.0 8.4 -100 25.0 2.8 793 25.0 11.2 123 183.3 9.0 1937 10.7 14.9 -28 9.4 25.5 -63 203.4 49.4 312 884.8 763.2 16
2008-09 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 0.9 9.0 -90 13.8 14.9 -7 11.8 25.5 -54 26.5 49.4 -46 822.3 763.2 8
2009-10 13.1 8.4 56 5.2 2.8 86 18.3 11.2 63 0.1 9.0 -99 4.8 14.9 -68 23.5 25.5 -8 28.4 49.4 -43 762.9 763.2 0
2010-11 0.0 8.4 -100 13.1 2.8 368 13.1 11.2 17 0.0 9.0 -100 3.1 14.9 -79 14.1 25.5 -45 17.2 49.4 -65 1080.4 763.2 42
2011-12 0.2 8.4 -98 0.0 2.8 -100 0.2 11.2 -98 0.0 9.0 -100 28.0 14.9 88 3.6 25.5 -86 31.6 49.4 -36 499.5 763.2 -35
2012-13 7.0 8.4 -17 21.0 2.8 650 28.0 11.2 150 0.0 9.0 -100 33.1 14.9 122 11.3 25.5 -56 44.4 49.4 -10 787.7 763.2 3
2013-14 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 37.7 9.0 319 5.8 14.9 -61 27.9 25.5 9 71.4 49.4 45 873.4 763.2 14
2014-15 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 32.3 9.0 259 93.4 14.9 527 21.8 25.5 -15 147.5 49.4 199 552.5 763.2 -28
2015-16 0.8 8.4 -90 0.0 2.8 -100 0.8 11.2 -93 0.7 9.0 -92 9.6 14.9 -36 93.1 25.5 265 103.4 49.4 109 549.7 763.2 -28
2016-17 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 10.2 9.0 13 11.5 14.9 -23 26.2 25.5 3 47.9 49.4 -3 1038.8 763.2 36
2017-18 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 2.8 -100 0.0 11.2 -100 0.5 9.0 -94 32.2 14.9 116 39.3 25.5 54 72.0 49.4 46 1123.5 763.2 47
2018-19 13.9 8.4 65 0.8 2.8 -71 14.7 11.2 31 0.1 9.0 -99 26.5 14.9 78 19.5 25.5 -24 46.1 49.4 -7 559.2 763.2 -27
2019-20 8.5 8.4 1 4.6 2.8 64 13.1 11.2 17 10.0 9.0 11 11.9 14.9 -20 13.7 25.5 -46 35.6 49.4 -28 853.9 763.2 12

Hyderabad District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 29.5 99.6 -70 221.3 176.9 25 77.5 181.2 -57 114.0 104.4 9 442.3 562.1 -21 72.5 109.2 -34 0.0 35.5 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 217.2 152.0 43
2005-06 88.9 99.6 -11 370.1 176.9 109 115.4 181.2 -36 220.6 104.4 111 795.0 562.1 41 221.7 109.2 103 0.0 35.5 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 366.4 152.0 141
2006-07 78.2 99.6 -21 169.6 176.9 -4 199.4 181.2 10 180.2 104.4 73 627.4 562.1 12 20.1 109.2 -82 29.0 35.5 -18 0.0 7.3 -100 193.8 152.0 28
2007-08 165.8 99.6 66 74.6 176.9 -58 217.9 181.2 20 236.4 104.4 126 694.7 562.1 24 17.1 109.2 -84 24.9 35.5 -30 0.0 7.3 -100 186.7 152.0 23
2008-09 69.4 99.6 -30 91.2 176.9 -48 487.3 181.2 169 215.9 104.4 107 863.8 562.1 54 34.9 109.2 -68 44.3 35.5 25 0.0 7.3 -100 223.9 152.0 47
2009-10 57.3 99.6 -42 49.2 176.9 -72 278.7 181.2 54 158.5 104.4 52 543.7 562.1 -3 82.0 109.2 -25 22.7 35.5 -36 4.0 7.3 -45 253.4 152.0 67
2010-11 134.0 99.6 35 319.4 176.9 81 259.2 181.2 43 168.3 104.4 61 880.9 562.1 57 53.1 109.2 -51 32.5 35.5 -8 15.6 7.3 114 245.9 152.0 62
2011-12 26.2 99.6 -74 185.8 176.9 5 231.2 181.2 28 55.9 104.4 -46 499.1 562.1 -11 58.0 109.2 -47 6.6 35.5 -81 0.0 7.3 -100 209.3 152.0 38
2012-13 152.7 99.6 53 262.9 176.9 49 110.9 181.2 -39 130.1 104.4 25 656.6 562.1 17 85.3 109.2 -22 53.6 35.5 51 0.0 7.3 -100 283.6 152.0 87
2013-14 146.7 99.6 47 222.5 176.9 26 132.4 181.2 -27 170.4 104.4 63 672.0 562.1 20 241.5 109.2 121 16.0 35.5 -55 0.0 7.3 -100 402.2 152.0 165
2014-15 54.1 99.6 -46 130.9 176.9 -26 127.6 181.2 -30 69.4 104.4 -34 382.0 562.1 -32 33.1 109.2 -70 32.9 35.5 -7 0.5 7.3 -93 211.2 152.0 39
2015-16 144.8 99.6 45 40.8 176.9 -77 95.3 181.2 -47 218.3 104.4 109 499.2 562.1 -11 78.3 109.2 -28 1.2 35.5 -97 0.0 7.3 -100 224.2 152.0 48
2016-17 108.6 99.6 9 187.2 176.9 6 104.0 181.2 -43 485.8 104.4 365 885.6 562.1 58 47.0 109.2 -57 4.6 35.5 -87 2.8 7.3 -62 199.1 152.0 31
2017-18 201.5 99.6 102 172.1 176.9 -3 243.7 181.2 34 158.3 104.4 52 775.6 562.1 38 250.4 109.2 129 0.0 35.5 -100 0.0 7.3 -100 395.1 152.0 160
2018-19 84.3 99.6 -15 81.5 176.9 -54 132.1 181.2 -27 103.8 104.4 -1 401.7 562.1 -29 46.4 109.2 -58 0.2 35.5 -99 24.0 7.3 229 215.3 152.0 42
2019-20 91.2 99.6 -8 91.4 176.9 -48 162.1 181.2 -11 337.3 104.4 223 682.0 562.1 21 141.7 109.2 30 1.6 35.5 -95 5.6 7.3 -23 293.6 152.0 93
2020-21 180.9 99.6 82 157.6 176.9 -11 252.7 181.2 39 238.5 104.4 128 829.7 562.1 48 419.6 109.2 284 8.5 35.5 -76 0.0 7.3 -100 428.1 152.0 182
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 14.1 -100 0.0 15.8 -100 0.0 26.9 -100 0.0 56.8 -100 514.8 779.3 -34
2005-06 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 30.8 14.1 118 53.1 15.8 236 75.7 26.9 181 159.6 56.8 181 1176.3 779.3 51
2006-07 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.0 14.1 -100 0.0 15.8 -100 0.0 26.9 -100 0.0 56.8 -100 676.5 779.3 -13
2007-08 0.0 5.1 -100 56.7 3.3 1618 56.7 8.4 575 191.4 14.1 1257 15.3 15.8 -3 9.5 26.9 -65 216.2 56.8 281 952.9 779.3 22
2008-09 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 0.3 14.1 -98 15.1 15.8 -4 13.9 26.9 -48 29.3 56.8 -48 972.3 779.3 25
2009-10 7.0 5.1 37 4.0 3.3 21 11.0 8.4 31 6.0 14.1 -57 0.7 15.8 -96 18.8 26.9 -30 25.5 56.8 -55 688.7 779.3 -12
2010-11 0.0 5.1 -100 26.3 3.3 697 26.3 8.4 213 1.7 14.1 -88 4.8 15.8 -70 1.8 26.9 -93 8.3 56.8 -85 1016.7 779.3 30
2011-12 0.1 5.1 -98 0.0 3.3 -100 0.1 8.4 -99 0.0 14.1 -100 19.4 15.8 23 0.3 26.9 -99 19.7 56.8 -65 583.6 779.3 -25
2012-13 1.8 5.1 -65 19.2 3.3 482 21.0 8.4 150 0.0 14.1 -100 55.7 15.8 253 14.9 26.9 -45 70.6 56.8 24 886.9 779.3 14
2013-14 0.0 5.1 -100 0.1 3.3 -97 0.1 8.4 -99 60.8 14.1 331 3.8 15.8 -76 47.0 26.9 75 111.6 56.8 96 1040.9 779.3 34
2014-15 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 28.2 14.1 100 105.6 15.8 568 5.9 26.9 -78 139.7 56.8 146 587.9 779.3 -25
2015-16 0.8 5.1 -84 0.0 3.3 -100 0.8 8.4 -90 0.0 14.1 -100 7.3 15.8 -54 149.2 26.9 455 156.5 56.8 176 736.0 779.3 -6
2016-17 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 1.0 14.1 -93 11.0 15.8 -30 60.2 26.9 124 72.2 56.8 27 1012.1 779.3 30
2017-18 0.0 5.1 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 8.4 -100 1.6 14.1 -89 39.2 15.8 148 59.7 26.9 122 100.5 56.8 77 1126.3 779.3 45
2018-19 31.2 5.1 512 1.0 3.3 -70 32.2 8.4 283 0.0 14.1 -100 52.1 15.8 230 12.6 26.9 -53 64.7 56.8 14 569.1 779.3 -27
2019-20 14.3 5.1 180 4.0 3.3 21 18.3 8.4 118 12.6 14.1 -11 13.0 15.8 -18 22.9 26.9 -15 48.5 56.8 -15 897.6 779.3 15

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Rangareddy District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 24.7 91.7 -73 193.4 153.0 26 30.5 140.9 -78 97.5 121.0 -19 346.1 506.6 -32 101.8 94.8 7 1.3 33.5 -96 0.0 5.5 -100 231.4 133.8 73
2005-06 48.0 91.7 -48 304.0 153.0 99 96.9 140.9 -31 234.5 121.0 94 683.4 506.6 35 283.6 94.8 199 3.9 33.5 -88 0.0 5.5 -100 415.8 133.8 211
2006-07 75.6 91.7 -18 90.6 153.0 -41 107.4 140.9 -24 160.9 121.0 33 434.5 506.6 -14 18.9 94.8 -80 24.0 33.5 -28 0.0 5.5 -100 171.2 133.8 28
2007-08 185.2 91.7 102 50.4 153.0 -67 162.2 140.9 15 201.0 121.0 66 598.8 506.6 18 42.9 94.8 -55 21.4 33.5 -36 0.0 5.5 -100 192.6 133.8 44
2008-09 55.8 91.7 -39 86.2 153.0 -44 306.5 140.9 118 133.2 121.0 10 581.7 506.6 15 31.5 94.8 -67 32.8 33.5 -2 0.0 5.5 -100 192.6 133.8 44
2009-10 88.9 91.7 -3 54.0 153.0 -65 240.1 140.9 70 157.9 121.0 30 540.9 506.6 7 96.6 94.8 2 28.0 33.5 -16 1.7 5.5 -69 254.6 133.8 90
2010-11 116.7 91.7 27 228.4 153.0 49 190.0 140.9 35 193.0 121.0 60 728.1 506.6 44 90.0 94.8 -5 28.6 33.5 -15 9.9 5.5 80 256.8 133.8 92
2011-12 25.8 91.7 -72 152.7 153.0 0 133.2 140.9 -5 52.3 121.0 -57 364.0 506.6 -28 24.4 94.8 -74 3.7 33.5 -89 0.0 5.5 -100 156.4 133.8 17
2012-13 122.7 91.7 34 183.1 153.0 20 97.1 140.9 -31 122.1 121.0 1 525.0 506.6 4 60.0 94.8 -37 42.6 33.5 27 0.0 5.5 -100 230.9 133.8 73
2013-14 109.1 91.7 19 156.4 153.0 2 154.0 140.9 9 179.0 121.0 48 598.5 506.6 18 283.1 94.8 199 17.0 33.5 -49 0.0 5.5 -100 428.4 133.8 220
2014-15 36.9 91.7 -60 81.1 153.0 -47 129.8 140.9 -8 63.8 121.0 -47 311.6 506.6 -38 47.6 94.8 -50 8.3 33.5 -75 0.9 5.5 -84 185.1 133.8 38
2015-16 128.3 91.7 40 39.5 153.0 -74 134.6 140.9 -4 140.0 121.0 16 442.4 506.6 -13 39.9 94.8 -58 0.2 33.5 -99 0.6 5.5 -89 169.0 133.8 26
2016-17 92.5 91.7 1 114.7 153.0 -25 118.5 140.9 -16 308.6 121.0 155 634.3 506.6 25 33.9 94.8 -64 0.0 33.5 -100 0.3 5.5 -95 162.5 133.8 21
2017-18 195.6 91.7 113 128.6 153.0 -16 134.4 140.9 -5 120.8 121.0 0 579.4 506.6 14 227.4 94.8 140 0.1 33.5 -100 0.0 5.5 -100 355.8 133.8 166
2018-19 86.4 91.7 -6 96.8 153.0 -37 129.6 140.9 -8 70.6 121.0 -42 383.4 506.6 -24 35.8 94.8 -62 0.7 33.5 -98 12.4 5.5 125 177.2 133.8 32
2019-20 91.3 91.7 0 96.2 153.0 -37 144.1 140.9 2 214.9 121.0 78 546.5 506.6 8 128.1 94.8 35 1.7 33.5 -95 5.4 5.5 -2 263.5 133.8 97
2020-21 155.0 91.7 69 171.2 153.0 12 248.2 140.9 76 271.7 121.0 125 846.1 506.6 67 288.3 94.8 204 9.5 33.5 -72 0.0 5.5 -100 297.8 133.8 123
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 3.6 3.2 13 8.3 2.9 186 11.9 6.1 95 22.8 5.7 300 34.0 14.0 143 10.5 28.4 -63 67.3 48.1 40 528.4 694.6 -24
2005-06 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 44.1 5.7 674 65.8 14.0 370 46.4 28.4 63 156.3 48.1 225 1127.1 694.6 62
2006-07 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 14.0 -100 19.6 28.4 -31 19.6 48.1 -59 497.0 694.6 -28
2007-08 0.0 3.2 -100 39.9 2.9 1276 39.9 6.1 554 158.6 5.7 2682 17.4 14.0 24 8.3 28.4 -71 184.3 48.1 283 847.3 694.6 22
2008-09 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 1.9 5.7 -67 4.4 14.0 -69 15.1 28.4 -47 21.4 48.1 -56 667.4 694.6 -4
2009-10 1.0 3.2 -69 0.0 2.9 -100 1.0 6.1 -84 1.1 5.7 -81 2.8 14.0 -80 32.1 28.4 13 36.0 48.1 -25 704.1 694.6 1
2010-11 0.0 3.2 -100 8.9 2.9 207 8.9 6.1 46 0.0 5.7 -100 22.3 14.0 59 12.5 28.4 -56 34.8 48.1 -28 900.4 694.6 30
2011-12 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.8 5.7 -86 33.2 14.0 137 5.8 28.4 -80 39.8 48.1 -17 431.9 694.6 -38
2012-13 2.4 3.2 -25 28.8 2.9 893 31.2 6.1 411 0.4 5.7 -93 26.9 14.0 92 20.6 28.4 -27 47.9 48.1 0 706.8 694.6 2
2013-14 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 22.5 5.7 295 16.8 14.0 20 71.8 28.4 153 111.1 48.1 131 1009.7 694.6 45
2014-15 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 28.1 5.7 393 80.2 14.0 473 20.8 28.4 -27 129.1 48.1 168 499.3 694.6 -28
2015-16 0.3 3.2 -91 0.0 2.9 -100 0.3 6.1 -95 0.2 5.7 -96 10.3 14.0 -26 107.3 28.4 278 117.8 48.1 145 601.1 694.6 -13
2016-17 0.0 3.2 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 6.1 -100 0.6 5.7 -89 12.9 14.0 -8 34.1 28.4 20 47.6 48.1 -1 716.1 694.6 3
2017-18 0.0 3.2 -100 0.1 2.9 -97 0.1 6.1 -98 9.1 5.7 60 37.7 14.0 169 36.5 28.4 29 83.3 48.1 73 890.3 694.6 28
2018-19 15.6 3.2 388 0.2 2.9 -93 15.8 6.1 159 0.2 5.7 -96 26.8 14.0 91 13.0 28.4 -54 40.0 48.1 -17 488.0 694.6 -30
2019-20 3.2 3.2 0 1.5 2.9 -48 4.7 6.1 -23 7.4 5.7 30 22.8 14.0 63 29.0 28.4 2 59.2 48.1 23 745.7 694.6 7

Vikarabad District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 43.2 108.3 -60 146.5 203.4 -28 62.7 180.6 -65 129.0 141.2 -9 381.4 633.5 -40 89.2 97.1 -8 0.0 21.3 -100 0.0 4.4 -100 207.6 122.8 69
2005-06 62.5 108.3 -42 272.9 203.4 34 151.8 180.6 -16 266.8 141.2 89 754.0 633.5 19 154.5 97.1 59 0.2 21.3 -99 2.3 4.4 -48 275.4 122.8 124
2006-07 120.2 108.3 11 100.8 203.4 -50 133.6 180.6 -26 164.7 141.2 17 519.3 633.5 -18 14.5 97.1 -85 26.0 21.3 22 0.0 4.4 -100 158.9 122.8 29
2007-08 206.4 108.3 91 87.1 203.4 -57 176.0 180.6 -3 255.2 141.2 81 724.7 633.5 14 21.4 97.1 -78 40.8 21.3 92 0.0 4.4 -100 180.6 122.8 47
2008-09 108.7 108.3 0 118.2 203.4 -42 295.7 180.6 64 162.0 141.2 15 684.6 633.5 8 32.0 97.1 -67 8.1 21.3 -62 4.5 4.4 2 163.0 122.8 33
2009-10 109.5 108.3 1 85.9 203.4 -58 293.6 180.6 63 211.5 141.2 50 700.5 633.5 11 103.3 97.1 6 18.9 21.3 -11 4.0 4.4 -9 244.6 122.8 99
2010-11 134.9 108.3 25 324.0 203.4 59 280.3 180.6 55 251.6 141.2 78 990.8 633.5 56 102.7 97.1 6 11.6 21.3 -46 1.1 4.4 -75 233.8 122.8 90
2011-12 57.1 108.3 -47 244.8 203.4 20 210.8 180.6 17 71.4 141.2 -49 584.1 633.5 -8 30.3 97.1 -69 0.4 21.3 -98 0.0 4.4 -100 149.1 122.8 21
2012-13 161.6 108.3 49 187.7 203.4 -8 175.0 180.6 -3 116.8 141.2 -17 641.1 633.5 1 94.8 97.1 -2 32.0 21.3 50 0.0 4.4 -100 245.2 122.8 100
2013-14 97.2 108.3 -10 224.7 203.4 10 128.0 180.6 -29 194.2 141.2 38 644.1 633.5 2 169.5 97.1 75 45.5 21.3 114 0.5 4.4 -89 333.9 122.8 172
2014-15 56.0 108.3 -48 113.7 203.4 -44 302.7 180.6 68 117.6 141.2 -17 590.0 633.5 -7 36.9 97.1 -62 17.1 21.3 -20 1.2 4.4 -73 173.6 122.8 41
2015-16 84.3 108.3 -22 58.3 203.4 -71 132.8 180.6 -26 114.4 141.2 -19 389.8 633.5 -38 11.7 97.1 -88 0.0 21.3 -100 2.2 4.4 -50 132.3 122.8 8
2016-17 202.6 108.3 87 220.1 203.4 8 136.7 180.6 -24 381.8 141.2 170 941.2 633.5 49 47.0 97.1 -52 0.4 21.3 -98 0.1 4.4 -98 165.9 122.8 35
2017-18 171.4 108.3 58 98.7 203.4 -51 129.8 180.6 -28 122.7 141.2 -13 522.6 633.5 -18 169.0 97.1 74 0.0 21.3 -100 0.0 4.4 -100 287.4 122.8 134
2018-19 120.3 108.3 11 106.0 203.4 -48 150.3 180.6 -17 70.3 141.2 -50 446.9 633.5 -29 21.1 97.1 -78 0.4 21.3 -98 8.2 4.4 86 148.1 122.8 21
2019-20 94.2 108.3 -13 96.3 203.4 -53 209.4 180.6 16 172.4 141.2 22 572.3 633.5 -10 128.5 97.1 32 9.1 21.3 -57 1.4 4.4 -68 257.4 122.8 110
2020-21 161.3 108.3 49 312.6 203.4 54 219.4 180.6 21 246.5 141.2 75 939.8 633.5 48 203.1 97.1 109 3.6 21.3 -83 0.0 4.4 -100 206.7 122.7 68
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 8.8 3.4 159 15.9 2.5 536 24.7 5.9 319 15.5 5.7 172 32.2 12.9 150 12.3 33.7 -64 60.0 52.3 15 555.3 814.5 -32
2005-06 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 41.0 5.7 619 58.5 12.9 353 87.3 33.7 159 186.8 52.3 257 1097.8 814.5 35
2006-07 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 12.9 -100 38.6 33.7 15 38.6 52.3 -26 598.4 814.5 -27
2007-08 0.0 3.4 -100 9.6 2.5 284 9.6 5.9 63 180.6 5.7 3068 22.4 12.9 74 8.4 33.7 -75 211.4 52.3 304 998.4 814.5 23
2008-09 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 5.6 5.7 -2 11.5 12.9 -11 26.4 33.7 -22 43.5 52.3 -17 772.7 814.5 -5
2009-10 9.0 3.4 165 4.8 2.5 92 13.8 5.9 134 0.0 5.7 -100 12.0 12.9 -7 15.0 33.7 -55 27.0 52.3 -48 867.5 814.5 7
2010-11 0.0 3.4 -100 8.7 2.5 248 8.7 5.9 47 1.3 5.7 -77 31.7 12.9 146 22.2 33.7 -34 55.2 52.3 6 1170.1 814.5 44
2011-12 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 38.5 12.9 198 13.8 33.7 -59 52.3 52.3 0 666.9 814.5 -18
2012-13 0.0 3.4 -100 5.9 2.5 136 5.9 5.9 0 0.0 5.7 -100 39.3 12.9 205 18.8 33.7 -44 58.1 52.3 11 831.8 814.5 2
2013-14 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 40.9 5.7 618 18.7 12.9 45 68.2 33.7 102 127.8 52.3 144 987.5 814.5 21
2014-15 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 75.4 5.7 1223 90.6 12.9 602 28.8 33.7 -15 194.8 52.3 272 855.0 814.5 5
2015-16 0.1 3.4 -97 0.0 2.5 -100 0.1 5.9 -98 4.2 5.7 -26 2.8 12.9 -78 84.2 33.7 150 91.2 52.3 74 494.9 814.5 -39
2016-17 0.0 3.4 -100 0.0 2.5 -100 0.0 5.9 -100 2.6 5.7 -54 4.1 12.9 -68 27.4 33.7 -19 34.1 52.3 -35 1022.8 814.5 26
2017-18 0.0 3.4 -100 0.2 2.5 -92 0.2 5.9 -97 0.7 5.7 -88 46.9 12.9 264 18.7 33.7 -45 66.3 52.3 27 758.2 814.5 -7
2018-19 2.3 3.4 -32 0.0 2.5 -100 2.3 5.9 -61 0.1 5.7 -98 10.3 12.9 -20 17.8 33.7 -47 28.2 52.3 -46 507.1 814.5 -38
2019-20 1.6 3.4 -53 0.1 2.5 -96 1.7 5.9 -71 1.5 5.7 -74 26.0 12.9 102 32.1 33.7 -5 59.6 52.3 14 772.7 814.5 -5

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Mahabubnagar District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 21.3 81.9 -74 113.7 152.1 -25 32.5 125.9 -74 81.2 115.8 -30 248.7 475.7 -48 87.4 86.2 1 0.7 21.8 -97 0.0 5.6 -100 196.1 113.6 73
2005-06 55.4 81.9 -32 193.3 152.1 27 139.7 125.9 11 189.1 115.8 63 577.5 475.7 21 193.2 86.2 124 5.7 21.8 -74 0.0 5.6 -100 306.9 113.6 170
2006-07 111.8 81.9 37 50.0 152.1 -67 46.0 125.9 -63 173.9 115.8 50 381.7 475.7 -20 20.5 86.2 -76 30.0 21.8 38 0.0 5.6 -100 158.5 113.6 40
2007-08 163.5 81.9 100 72.4 152.1 -52 120.8 125.9 -4 168.8 115.8 46 525.5 475.7 10 33.3 86.2 -61 29.8 21.8 37 0.0 5.6 -100 171.1 113.6 51
2008-09 52.6 81.9 -36 112.9 152.1 -26 232.9 125.9 85 89.9 115.8 -22 488.3 475.7 3 23.7 86.2 -73 8.1 21.8 -63 0.6 5.6 -89 140.4 113.6 24
2009-10 105.3 81.9 29 52.2 152.1 -66 170.3 125.9 35 217.3 115.8 88 545.1 475.7 15 148.7 86.2 73 34.2 21.8 57 0.0 5.6 -100 290.9 113.6 156
2010-11 59.0 81.9 -28 245.7 152.1 62 147.6 125.9 17 175.9 115.8 52 628.2 475.7 32 67.6 86.2 -22 11.4 21.8 -48 0.9 5.6 -84 187.9 113.6 65
2011-12 43.4 81.9 -47 219.7 152.1 44 200.8 125.9 59 46.6 115.8 -60 510.5 475.7 7 49.0 86.2 -43 0.0 21.8 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 157.0 113.6 38
2012-13 55.4 81.9 -32 151.0 152.1 -1 163.5 125.9 30 78.4 115.8 -32 448.3 475.7 -6 80.0 86.2 -7 39.4 21.8 81 0.0 5.6 -100 227.4 113.6 100
2013-14 103.9 81.9 27 161.9 152.1 6 165.8 125.9 32 175.6 115.8 52 607.2 475.7 28 153.2 86.2 78 4.8 21.8 -78 0.0 5.6 -100 266.0 113.6 134
2014-15 61.5 81.9 -25 134.7 152.1 -11 127.5 125.9 1 60.8 115.8 -47 384.5 475.7 -19 20.8 86.2 -76 12.0 21.8 -45 3.9 5.6 -30 144.7 113.6 27
2015-16 84.7 81.9 3 21.3 152.1 -86 118.6 125.9 -6 101.3 115.8 -13 325.9 475.7 -31 54.6 86.2 -37 0.0 21.8 -100 0.8 5.6 -86 163.4 113.6 44
2016-17 138.6 81.9 69 129.4 152.1 -15 100.3 125.9 -20 208.0 115.8 80 576.3 475.7 21 19.1 86.2 -78 10.0 21.8 -54 1.4 5.6 -75 138.5 113.6 22
2017-18 105.9 81.9 29 124.2 152.1 -18 129.8 125.9 3 141.0 115.8 22 500.9 475.7 5 240.2 86.2 179 0.1 21.8 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 348.3 113.6 207
2018-19 98.7 81.9 21 116.2 152.1 -24 121.3 125.9 -4 59.0 115.8 -49 395.2 475.7 -17 42.9 86.2 -50 1.1 21.8 -95 0.2 5.6 -96 152.2 113.6 34
2019-20 82.9 81.9 1 136.0 152.1 -11 136.4 125.9 8 223.0 115.8 93 578.3 475.7 22 157.0 86.2 82 4.9 21.8 -78 6.9 5.6 23 276.8 113.6 144
2020-21 138.4 81.9 69 303.3 152.1 99 253.8 125.9 102 303.5 115.8 162 999.0 475.7 110 136.7 86.2 59 7.2 21.8 -67 0.0 5.6 -100 143.9 113.6 27
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.6 1.6 -63 2.0 1.7 18 2.6 3.3 -21 12.9 4.5 187 16.8 5.2 223 20.5 24.7 -17 50.2 34.4 46 389.6 627.0 -38
2005-06 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 23.1 4.5 413 53.9 5.2 937 80.5 24.7 226 157.5 34.4 358 934.1 627.0 49
2006-07 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 5.2 -100 1.2 24.7 -95 1.2 34.4 -97 433.6 627.0 -31
2007-08 0.0 1.6 -100 12.4 1.7 629 12.4 3.3 276 121.0 4.5 2589 20.3 5.2 290 7.3 24.7 -70 148.6 34.4 332 737.2 627.0 18
2008-09 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 1.7 4.5 -62 0.0 5.2 -100 13.2 24.7 -47 14.9 34.4 -57 535.7 627.0 -15
2009-10 0.3 1.6 -81 0.0 1.7 -100 0.3 3.3 -91 0.0 4.5 -100 7.9 5.2 52 6.7 24.7 -73 14.6 34.4 -58 742.8 627.0 18
2010-11 0.0 1.6 -100 0.5 1.7 -71 0.5 3.3 -85 0.0 4.5 -100 17.9 5.2 244 41.5 24.7 68 59.4 34.4 73 767.9 627.0 22
2011-12 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 34.8 5.2 569 5.1 24.7 -79 39.9 34.4 16 599.3 627.0 -4
2012-13 0.0 1.6 -100 31.8 1.7 1771 31.8 3.3 864 0.0 4.5 -100 9.6 5.2 85 15.2 24.7 -38 24.8 34.4 -28 624.3 627.0 0
2013-14 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 15.0 4.5 233 21.2 5.2 308 66.2 24.7 168 102.4 34.4 198 867.6 627.0 38
2014-15 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 14.1 4.5 213 66.4 5.2 1177 16.9 24.7 -32 97.4 34.4 183 518.8 627.0 -17
2015-16 1.6 1.6 0 0.0 1.7 -100 1.6 3.3 -52 0.0 4.5 -100 0.4 5.2 -92 86.5 24.7 250 86.9 34.4 153 469.7 627.0 -25
2016-17 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 18.4 4.5 309 10.2 5.2 96 27.9 24.7 13 56.5 34.4 64 663.4 627.0 6
2017-18 0.0 1.6 -100 0.0 1.7 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 7.8 4.5 73 17.6 5.2 238 35.8 24.7 45 61.2 34.4 78 802.4 627.0 28
2018-19 23.9 1.6 1394 0.0 1.7 -100 23.9 3.3 624 0.0 4.5 -100 7.3 5.2 40 15.9 24.7 -36 23.2 34.4 -33 486.4 627.0 -22
2019-20 11.3 1.6 606 0.9 1.7 -47 12.2 3.3 270 3.5 4.5 -22 42.7 5.2 721 30.4 24.7 23 76.6 34.4 123 835.9 627.0 33

Jogulamba Gadwal District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 19.4 55.5 -65 96.1 116.2 -17 24.3 122.9 -80 97.9 90.7 8 237.7 385.3 -38 75.7 87.4 -13 1.8 23.8 -92 0.0 3.7 -100 188.7 114.9 64
2005-06 44.7 55.5 -19 215.0 116.2 85 141.4 122.9 15 163.4 90.7 80 564.5 385.3 47 202.0 87.4 131 8.0 23.8 -66 0.0 3.7 -100 321.2 114.9 180
2006-07 114.7 55.5 107 65.7 116.2 -43 16.1 122.9 -87 158.5 90.7 75 355.0 385.3 -8 26.8 87.4 -69 50.1 23.8 111 0.0 3.7 -100 188.1 114.9 64
2007-08 392.8 55.5 608 90.8 116.2 -22 157.8 122.9 28 179.6 90.7 98 821.0 385.3 113 26.0 87.4 -70 4.3 23.8 -82 0.0 3.7 -100 141.5 114.9 23
2008-09 23.1 55.5 -58 92.8 116.2 -20 146.3 122.9 19 74.1 90.7 -18 336.3 385.3 -13 60.4 87.4 -31 21.3 23.8 -11 0.0 3.7 -100 192.9 114.9 68
2009-10 100.8 55.5 82 10.4 116.2 -91 88.0 122.9 -28 202.6 90.7 123 401.8 385.3 4 282.5 87.4 223 59.1 23.8 148 0.4 3.7 -89 453.2 114.9 294
2010-11 63.7 55.5 15 205.5 116.2 77 187.1 122.9 52 93.1 90.7 3 549.4 385.3 43 39.2 87.4 -55 29.9 23.8 26 5.0 3.7 35 185.3 114.9 61
2011-12 48.5 55.5 -13 90.0 116.2 -23 111.7 122.9 -9 33.2 90.7 -63 283.4 385.3 -26 40.3 87.4 -54 0.2 23.8 -99 0.0 3.7 -100 151.7 114.9 32
2012-13 38.3 55.5 -31 90.6 116.2 -22 128.3 122.9 4 120.2 90.7 33 377.4 385.3 -2 30.7 87.4 -65 28.5 23.8 20 0.0 3.7 -100 170.4 114.9 48
2013-14 35.5 55.5 -36 123.2 116.2 6 98.3 122.9 -20 209.3 90.7 131 466.3 385.3 21 99.0 87.4 13 0.8 23.8 -97 0.0 3.7 -100 211.0 114.9 84
2014-15 46.0 55.5 -17 90.8 116.2 -22 180.7 122.9 47 106.1 90.7 17 423.6 385.3 10 60.4 87.4 -31 8.2 23.8 -66 6.6 3.7 78 186.4 114.9 62
2015-16 48.2 55.5 -13 67.0 116.2 -42 122.2 122.9 -1 92.7 90.7 2 330.1 385.3 -14 39.3 87.4 -55 2.9 23.8 -88 1.7 3.7 -54 155.1 114.9 35
2016-17 149.1 55.5 169 112.2 116.2 -3 84.2 122.9 -31 191.3 90.7 111 536.8 385.3 39 13.7 87.4 -84 1.1 23.8 -95 0.0 3.7 -100 126.0 114.9 10
2017-18 140.2 55.5 153 71.6 116.2 -38 180.8 122.9 47 133.6 90.7 47 526.2 385.3 37 166.5 87.4 91 1.4 23.8 -94 0.0 3.7 -100 279.1 114.9 143
2018-19 70.3 55.5 27 77.9 116.2 -33 83.0 122.9 -32 65.0 90.7 -28 296.2 385.3 -23 27.4 87.4 -69 3.7 23.8 -84 1.6 3.7 -57 143.9 114.9 25
2019-20 51.1 55.5 -8 88.1 116.2 -24 79.3 122.9 -35 196.0 90.7 116 414.5 385.3 8 102.2 87.4 17 0.1 23.8 -100 2.1 3.7 -43 215.6 114.9 88
2020-21 126.7 55.5 128 320.8 116.2 176 172.0 122.9 40 258.4 90.7 185 877.9 385.3 128 158.5 87.4 81 26.5 23.8 11 0.0 3.7 -100 185.0 114.9 61
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.0 1.9 -100 0.7 1.4 -50 0.7 3.3 -79 0.4 4.5 -91 30.1 5.7 428 38.1 19.3 97 68.6 29.5 133 384.4 533.0 -28
2005-06 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 42.9 4.5 853 13.1 5.7 130 75.1 19.3 289 131.1 29.5 344 905.5 533.0 70
2006-07 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 19.3 -100 0.0 29.5 -100 431.8 533.0 -19
2007-08 0.0 1.9 -100 14.4 1.4 929 14.4 3.3 336 116.5 4.5 2489 0.0 5.7 -100 10.2 19.3 -47 126.7 29.5 329 978.1 533.0 84
2008-09 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 6.1 4.5 36 0.0 5.7 -100 12.1 19.3 -37 18.2 29.5 -38 436.2 533.0 -18
2009-10 6.6 1.9 247 0.0 1.4 -100 6.6 3.3 100 0.0 4.5 -100 9.9 5.7 74 22.0 19.3 14 31.9 29.5 8 782.1 533.0 47
2010-11 0.0 1.9 -100 0.6 1.4 -57 0.6 3.3 -82 0.0 4.5 -100 26.7 5.7 368 38.1 19.3 97 64.8 29.5 120 689.0 533.0 29
2011-12 1.8 1.9 -5 0.0 1.4 -100 1.8 3.3 -45 0.0 4.5 -100 14.2 5.7 149 12.0 19.3 -38 26.2 29.5 -11 352.0 533.0 -34
2012-13 0.0 1.9 -100 10.3 1.4 636 10.3 3.3 212 0.0 4.5 -100 4.4 5.7 -23 8.5 19.3 -56 12.9 29.5 -56 459.7 533.0 -14
2013-14 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 31.6 4.5 602 4.8 5.7 -16 68.3 19.3 254 104.7 29.5 255 670.6 533.0 26
2014-15 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 17.0 4.5 278 35.5 5.7 523 14.5 19.3 -25 67.0 29.5 127 565.9 533.0 6
2015-16 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 0.0 4.5 -100 8.7 5.7 53 57.0 19.3 195 65.7 29.5 123 439.5 533.0 -18
2016-17 0.0 1.9 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 3.3 -100 18.3 4.5 307 7.9 5.7 39 10.5 19.3 -46 36.7 29.5 24 588.3 533.0 10
2017-18 0.0 1.9 -100 0.4 1.4 -71 0.4 3.3 -88 0.1 4.5 -98 4.3 5.7 -25 27.2 19.3 41 31.6 29.5 7 726.0 533.0 36
2018-19 26.2 1.9 1279 0.0 1.4 -100 26.2 3.3 694 0.3 4.5 -93 4.6 5.7 -19 22.1 19.3 15 27.0 29.5 -8 382.1 533.0 -28
2019-20 0.2 1.9 -89 0.1 1.4 -93 0.3 3.3 -91 2.5 4.5 -44 8.5 5.7 49 31.1 19.3 61 42.1 29.5 43 561.2 533.0 5

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Wanaparthy District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 33.6 63.1 -47 86.1 150.8 -43 38.2 123.0 -69 87.1 97.1 -10 245.0 434.0 -44 89.3 84.4 6 0.2 21.8 -99 0.0 3.9 -100 195.7 110.1 78
2005-06 52.8 63.1 -16 205.3 150.8 36 129.9 123.0 6 186.1 97.1 92 574.1 434.0 32 213.1 84.4 152 9.5 21.8 -56 0.0 3.9 -100 328.8 110.1 199
2006-07 167.1 63.1 165 52.2 150.8 -65 32.5 123.0 -74 160.5 97.1 65 412.3 434.0 -5 17.9 84.4 -79 39.9 21.8 83 0.0 3.9 -100 164.0 110.1 49
2007-08 232.8 63.1 269 68.4 150.8 -55 177.3 123.0 44 202.2 97.1 108 680.7 434.0 57 23.1 84.4 -73 8.7 21.8 -60 0.0 3.9 -100 138.0 110.1 25
2008-09 37.0 63.1 -41 46.9 150.8 -69 171.8 123.0 40 73.1 97.1 -25 328.8 434.0 -24 21.7 84.4 -74 10.6 21.8 -51 1.8 3.9 -54 140.3 110.1 27
2009-10 63.8 63.1 1 16.7 150.8 -89 84.3 123.0 -31 197.5 97.1 103 362.3 434.0 -17 277.6 84.4 229 19.4 21.8 -11 0.0 3.9 -100 403.2 110.1 266
2010-11 56.6 63.1 -10 271.4 150.8 80 170.4 123.0 39 104.1 97.1 7 602.5 434.0 39 34.9 84.4 -59 30.5 21.8 40 4.4 3.9 13 176.0 110.1 60
2011-12 33.4 63.1 -47 177.9 150.8 18 165.8 123.0 35 26.1 97.1 -73 403.2 434.0 -7 63.2 84.4 -25 0.8 21.8 -96 0.0 3.9 -100 170.2 110.1 55
2012-13 71.1 63.1 13 154.4 150.8 2 132.1 123.0 7 135.9 97.1 40 493.5 434.0 14 39.3 84.4 -53 24.8 21.8 14 0.0 3.9 -100 170.3 110.1 55
2013-14 64.8 63.1 3 139.5 150.8 -7 239.3 123.0 95 230.3 97.1 137 673.9 434.0 55 198.2 84.4 135 4.8 21.8 -78 0.0 3.9 -100 309.2 110.1 181
2014-15 49.7 63.1 -21 147.5 150.8 -2 171.2 123.0 39 131.1 97.1 35 499.5 434.0 15 67.4 84.4 -20 20.7 21.8 -5 9.6 3.9 146 203.9 110.1 85
2015-16 66.3 63.1 5 42.0 150.8 -72 111.6 123.0 -9 141.6 97.1 46 361.5 434.0 -17 46.2 84.4 -45 2.9 21.8 -87 3.7 3.9 -5 159.0 110.1 44
2016-17 156.5 63.1 148 107.5 150.8 -29 79.7 123.0 -35 226.6 97.1 133 570.3 434.0 31 3.3 84.4 -96 8.6 21.8 -61 0.1 3.9 -97 118.2 110.1 7
2017-18 105.8 63.1 68 128.4 150.8 -15 159.0 123.0 29 111.7 97.1 15 504.9 434.0 16 130.0 84.4 54 2.7 21.8 -88 0.0 3.9 -100 238.9 110.1 117
2018-19 74.4 63.1 18 79.5 150.8 -47 98.6 123.0 -20 62.3 97.1 -36 314.8 434.0 -27 46.4 84.4 -45 2.4 21.8 -89 0.3 3.9 -92 155.3 110.1 41
2019-20 53.9 63.1 -15 145.9 150.8 -3 125.1 123.0 2 199.7 97.1 106 524.6 434.0 21 130.9 84.4 55 5.4 21.8 -75 1.1 3.9 -72 243.6 110.1 121
2020-21 156.4 63.1 148 305.3 150.8 102 281.7 123.0 129 342.5 97.1 253 1085.9 434.0 150 168.8 84.4 100 15.1 21.8 -31 0.0 3.9 -100 183.9 110.1 67
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.2 0.7 -71 0.0 2.4 -100 0.2 3.1 -94 0.8 4.7 -83 36.2 6.4 466 19.6 21.5 -9 56.6 32.6 74 391.4 579.8 -32
2005-06 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 30.2 4.7 543 26.2 6.4 309 79.7 21.5 271 136.1 32.6 317 932.6 579.8 61
2006-07 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 6.4 -100 0.0 21.5 -100 0.0 32.6 -100 470.1 579.8 -19
2007-08 0.0 0.7 -100 16.8 2.4 600 16.8 3.1 442 124.6 4.7 2551 7.9 6.4 23 5.6 21.5 -74 138.1 32.6 324 850.6 579.8 47
2008-09 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 3.4 4.7 -28 0.0 6.4 -100 18.2 21.5 -15 21.6 32.6 -34 384.6 579.8 -34
2009-10 10.9 0.7 1457 0.0 2.4 -100 10.9 3.1 252 0.0 4.7 -100 3.3 6.4 -48 16.0 21.5 -26 19.3 32.6 -41 689.5 579.8 19
2010-11 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 35.4 6.4 453 33.4 21.5 55 68.8 32.6 111 741.0 579.8 28
2011-12 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 2.9 4.7 -38 20.1 6.4 214 14.2 21.5 -34 37.2 32.6 14 504.3 579.8 -13
2012-13 0.0 0.7 -100 13.3 2.4 454 13.3 3.1 329 0.0 4.7 -100 9.7 6.4 52 12.3 21.5 -43 22.0 32.6 -33 592.9 579.8 2
2013-14 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 25.9 4.7 451 9.4 6.4 47 86.8 21.5 304 122.1 32.6 275 998.9 579.8 72
2014-15 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 6.9 4.7 47 26.9 6.4 320 24.6 21.5 14 58.4 32.6 79 655.5 579.8 13
2015-16 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 6.4 -100 30.5 21.5 42 30.5 32.6 -6 444.7 579.8 -23
2016-17 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 16.4 4.7 249 3.7 6.4 -42 11.8 21.5 -45 31.9 32.6 -2 614.1 579.8 6
2017-18 0.0 0.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 3.1 -100 0.2 4.7 -96 5.9 6.4 -8 32.6 21.5 52 38.7 32.6 19 676.3 579.8 17
2018-19 32.0 0.7 4471 0.0 2.4 -100 32.0 3.1 932 0.0 4.7 -100 4.5 6.4 -30 13.0 21.5 -40 17.5 32.6 -46 413.5 579.8 -29
2019-20 1.0 0.7 43 1.6 2.4 -33 2.6 3.1 -16 4.1 4.7 -13 20.7 6.4 223 15.7 21.5 -27 40.5 32.6 24 704.9 579.8 22

Nagarkurnool District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 27.2 69.7 -61 95.7 151.6 -37 27.5 117.9 -77 99.4 121.8 -18 249.8 461.0 -46 82.0 102.9 -20 0.0 34.2 -100 0.0 5.2 -100 219.1 142.3 54
2005-06 35.5 69.7 -49 223.2 151.6 47 150.5 117.9 28 298.8 121.8 145 708.0 461.0 54 287.5 102.9 179 0.5 34.2 -99 0.0 5.2 -100 425.1 142.3 199
2006-07 102.5 69.7 47 40.4 151.6 -73 39.1 117.9 -67 144.1 121.8 18 326.1 461.0 -29 10.9 102.9 -89 28.9 34.2 -15 0.0 5.2 -100 176.9 142.3 24
2007-08 233.7 69.7 235 50.4 151.6 -67 176.3 117.9 50 234.4 121.8 92 694.8 461.0 51 59.5 102.9 -42 41.7 34.2 22 0.0 5.2 -100 238.3 142.3 67
2008-09 30.8 69.7 -56 57.0 151.6 -62 164.0 117.9 39 86.6 121.8 -29 338.4 461.0 -27 32.1 102.9 -69 37.5 34.2 10 0.8 5.2 -85 207.5 142.3 46
2009-10 41.8 69.7 -40 32.4 151.6 -79 110.2 117.9 -7 219.7 121.8 80 404.1 461.0 -12 216.2 102.9 110 36.9 34.2 8 0.7 5.2 -87 390.9 142.3 175
2010-11 50.9 69.7 -27 275.8 151.6 82 205.7 117.9 74 118.3 121.8 -3 650.7 461.0 41 46.8 102.9 -55 32.4 34.2 -5 14.6 5.2 181 230.9 142.3 62
2011-12 33.3 69.7 -52 99.5 151.6 -34 132.8 117.9 13 26.9 121.8 -78 292.5 461.0 -37 28.0 102.9 -73 1.6 34.2 -95 0.0 5.2 -100 166.7 142.3 17
2012-13 32.1 69.7 -54 125.3 151.6 -17 102.9 117.9 -13 103.9 121.8 -15 364.2 461.0 -21 71.3 102.9 -31 51.2 34.2 50 0.0 5.2 -100 259.6 142.3 82
2013-14 109.0 69.7 56 124.5 151.6 -18 148.2 117.9 26 168.6 121.8 38 550.3 461.0 19 363.4 102.9 253 7.0 34.2 -80 0.0 5.2 -100 507.5 142.3 257
2014-15 83.0 69.7 19 96.5 151.6 -36 139.1 117.9 18 124.7 121.8 2 443.3 461.0 -4 53.6 102.9 -48 18.1 34.2 -47 5.0 5.2 -4 213.8 142.3 50
2015-16 72.7 69.7 4 44.4 151.6 -71 86.2 117.9 -27 103.5 121.8 -15 306.8 461.0 -33 41.8 102.9 -59 1.6 34.2 -95 0.2 5.2 -96 180.7 142.3 27
2016-17 129.8 69.7 86 54.3 151.6 -64 111.4 117.9 -6 241.9 121.8 99 537.4 461.0 17 13.9 102.9 -86 1.2 34.2 -96 2.7 5.2 -48 154.9 142.3 9
2017-18 105.0 69.7 51 83.3 151.6 -45 112.1 117.9 -5 123.3 121.8 1 423.7 461.0 -8 109.4 102.9 6 0.4 34.2 -99 0.0 5.2 -100 246.9 142.3 74
2018-19 90.9 69.7 30 87.2 151.6 -42 100.0 117.9 -15 53.7 121.8 -56 331.8 461.0 -28 32.3 102.9 -69 1.1 34.2 -97 0.6 5.2 -88 171.1 142.3 20
2019-20 83.8 69.7 20 123.9 151.6 -18 97.8 117.9 -17 146.4 121.8 20 451.9 461.0 -2 106.0 102.9 3 5.1 34.2 -85 1.2 5.2 -77 249.4 142.3 75
2020-21 113.8 69.7 63 186.8 151.6 23 242.6 117.9 106 301.0 121.8 147 844.2 461.0 83 148.7 102.9 45 23.0 34.2 -33 0.0 5.2 -100 171.8 142.3 21
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 0.2 1.2 -83 0.0 1.4 -100 0.2 2.6 -92 11.3 4.0 183 22.9 6.4 258 14.6 26.0 -44 48.8 36.4 34 380.7 642.3 -41
2005-06 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 25.0 4.0 525 79.2 6.4 1138 46.3 26.0 78 150.5 36.4 313 1146.5 642.3 78
2006-07 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 0.0 4.0 -100 0.0 6.4 -100 0.0 26.0 -100 0.0 36.4 -100 365.8 642.3 -43
2007-08 0.0 1.2 -100 1.4 1.4 0 1.4 2.6 -46 72.5 4.0 1713 6.0 6.4 -6 0.9 26.0 -97 79.4 36.4 118 875.4 642.3 36
2008-09 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 0.3 4.0 -93 0.0 6.4 -100 20.2 26.0 -22 20.5 36.4 -44 429.2 642.3 -33
2009-10 3.8 1.2 217 0.0 1.4 -100 3.8 2.6 46 0.0 4.0 -100 14.4 6.4 125 27.4 26.0 5 41.8 36.4 15 703.6 642.3 10
2010-11 0.0 1.2 -100 3.5 1.4 150 3.5 2.6 35 0.0 4.0 -100 55.2 6.4 763 27.6 26.0 6 82.8 36.4 127 830.7 642.3 29
2011-12 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 2.3 4.0 -43 25.3 6.4 295 8.3 26.0 -68 35.9 36.4 -1 358.1 642.3 -44
2012-13 1.4 1.2 17 17.5 1.4 1150 18.9 2.6 627 0.0 4.0 -100 13.0 6.4 103 28.7 26.0 10 41.7 36.4 15 547.3 642.3 -15
2013-14 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 14.4 4.0 260 10.8 6.4 69 84.0 26.0 223 109.2 36.4 200 1029.9 642.3 60
2014-15 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 7.3 4.0 83 57.5 6.4 798 21.6 26.0 -17 86.4 36.4 137 606.4 642.3 -6
2015-16 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 0.1 4.0 -98 2.3 6.4 -64 49.4 26.0 90 51.8 36.4 42 402.3 642.3 -37
2016-17 0.0 1.2 -100 0.0 1.4 -100 0.0 2.6 -100 1.6 4.0 -60 13.8 6.4 116 31.9 26.0 23 47.3 36.4 30 602.3 642.3 -6
2017-18 0.0 1.2 -100 0.1 1.4 -93 0.1 2.6 -96 10.3 4.0 158 15.8 6.4 147 28.4 26.0 9 54.5 36.4 50 588.0 642.3 -8
2018-19 22.8 1.2 1800 0.0 1.4 -100 22.8 2.6 777 0.0 4.0 -100 14.0 6.4 119 20.0 26.0 -23 34.0 36.4 -7 422.5 642.3 -34
2019-20 3.6 1.2 200 1.7 1.4 21 5.3 2.6 104 1.4 4.0 -65 23.5 6.4 267 14.6 26.0 -44 39.5 36.4 9 609.0 642.3 -5

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Nalgonda District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 39.6 85.2 -54 158.2 145.2 9 21.3 137.3 -84 86.1 145.7 -41 305.2 513.4 -41 162.4 96.8 68 4.3 40.4 -89 0.0 4.2 -100 303.9 141.4 115
2005-06 22.1 85.2 -74 218.0 145.2 50 66.8 137.3 -51 265.3 145.7 82 572.2 513.4 11 326.7 96.8 238 4.3 40.4 -89 5.9 4.2 40 474.1 141.4 235
2006-07 58.4 85.2 -31 44.4 145.2 -69 89.0 137.3 -35 168.3 145.7 16 360.1 513.4 -30 44.5 96.8 -54 32.0 40.4 -21 0.0 4.2 -100 213.7 141.4 51
2007-08 150.5 85.2 77 70.0 145.2 -52 134.4 137.3 -2 253.8 145.7 74 608.7 513.4 19 70.1 96.8 -28 23.4 40.4 -42 0.0 4.2 -100 230.7 141.4 63
2008-09 48.7 85.2 -43 83.3 145.2 -43 239.1 137.3 74 121.8 145.7 -16 492.9 513.4 -4 21.9 96.8 -77 44.9 40.4 11 0.0 4.2 -100 204.0 141.4 44
2009-10 47.9 85.2 -44 17.8 145.2 -88 133.4 137.3 -3 175.9 145.7 21 375.0 513.4 -27 96.6 96.8 0 32.2 40.4 -20 0.0 4.2 -100 266.0 141.4 88
2010-11 59.7 85.2 -30 192.7 145.2 33 151.5 137.3 10 142.5 145.7 -2 546.4 513.4 6 78.2 96.8 -19 73.0 40.4 81 40.4 4.2 862 328.8 141.4 133
2011-12 33.2 85.2 -61 158.5 145.2 9 132.9 137.3 -3 35.9 145.7 -75 360.5 513.4 -30 12.4 96.8 -87 1.7 40.4 -96 0.0 4.2 -100 151.3 141.4 7
2012-13 56.5 85.2 -34 127.0 145.2 -13 96.9 137.3 -29 131.6 145.7 -10 412.0 513.4 -20 81.2 96.8 -16 60.9 40.4 51 0.0 4.2 -100 279.3 141.4 98
2013-14 110.0 85.2 29 140.3 145.2 -3 236.7 137.3 72 137.0 145.7 -6 624.0 513.4 22 446.7 96.8 361 30.7 40.4 -24 0.0 4.2 -100 614.6 141.4 335
2014-15 36.6 85.2 -57 70.5 145.2 -51 87.4 137.3 -36 135.3 145.7 -7 329.8 513.4 -36 68.0 96.8 -30 18.1 40.4 -55 0.4 4.2 -90 223.7 141.4 58
2015-16 150.2 85.2 76 46.8 145.2 -68 201.3 137.3 47 137.9 145.7 -5 536.2 513.4 4 39.6 96.8 -59 6.4 40.4 -84 0.1 4.2 -98 183.3 141.4 30
2016-17 136.9 85.2 61 91.5 145.2 -37 174.9 137.3 27 382.4 145.7 162 785.7 513.4 53 46.1 96.8 -52 0.0 40.4 -100 2.0 4.2 -52 185.3 141.4 31
2017-18 128.0 85.2 50 105.4 145.2 -27 144.5 137.3 5 156.6 145.7 7 534.5 513.4 4 113.4 96.8 17 0.2 40.4 -100 0.0 4.2 -100 250.8 141.4 77
2018-19 99.9 85.2 17 79.5 145.2 -45 107.9 137.3 -21 76.9 145.7 -47 364.2 513.4 -29 5.8 96.8 -94 0.7 40.4 -98 5.5 4.2 31 149.2 141.4 6
2019-20 41.8 85.2 -51 96.1 145.2 -34 142.7 137.3 4 192.7 145.7 32 473.3 513.4 -8 113.1 96.8 17 0.0 40.4 -100 8.9 4.2 112 259.2 141.4 83
2020-21 106.4 85.2 25 157.1 145.2 8 173.2 137.3 26 199.3 145.7 37 636.0 513.4 24 199.6 96.8 106 27.2 40.4 -33 0.0 4.2 -100 226.8 141.3 60
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 2.5 5.4 -54 5.0 2.0 150 7.5 7.4 1 16.4 6.1 169 3.8 7.1 -46 17.3 28.9 -40 37.5 42.1 -11 516.8 704.3 -27
2005-06 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 45.8 6.1 651 49.8 7.1 601 48.7 28.9 69 144.3 42.1 243 1053.5 704.3 50
2006-07 0.0 5.4 -100 4.3 2.0 115 4.3 7.4 -42 0.0 6.1 -100 17.2 7.1 142 35.6 28.9 23 52.8 42.1 25 493.7 704.3 -30
2007-08 0.0 5.4 -100 12.4 2.0 520 12.4 7.4 68 80.9 6.1 1226 15.9 7.1 124 1.2 28.9 -96 98.0 42.1 133 800.2 704.3 14
2008-09 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 9.7 6.1 59 0.2 7.1 -97 7.3 28.9 -75 17.2 42.1 -59 577.0 704.3 -18
2009-10 21.4 5.4 296 0.0 2.0 -100 21.4 7.4 189 8.4 6.1 38 4.7 7.1 -34 43.3 28.9 50 56.4 42.1 34 581.5 704.3 -17
2010-11 0.0 5.4 -100 10.6 2.0 430 10.6 7.4 43 0.0 6.1 -100 28.5 7.1 301 22.7 28.9 -21 51.2 42.1 22 799.8 704.3 14
2011-12 7.5 5.4 39 0.0 2.0 -100 7.5 7.4 1 0.9 6.1 -85 13.7 7.1 93 6.9 28.9 -76 21.5 42.1 -49 403.6 704.3 -43
2012-13 11.6 5.4 115 62.6 2.0 3030 74.2 7.4 903 0.0 6.1 -100 17.2 7.1 142 14.8 28.9 -49 32.0 42.1 -24 660.3 704.3 -6
2013-14 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 5.6 6.1 -8 0.3 7.1 -96 64.9 28.9 125 70.8 42.1 68 1172.2 704.3 66
2014-15 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 3.8 6.1 -38 45.2 7.1 537 11.6 28.9 -60 60.6 42.1 44 476.9 704.3 -32
2015-16 1.0 5.4 -81 0.0 2.0 -100 1.0 7.4 -86 1.2 6.1 -80 0.7 7.1 -90 66.0 28.9 128 67.9 42.1 61 651.2 704.3 -8
2016-17 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 1.2 6.1 -80 6.0 7.1 -15 20.8 28.9 -28 28.0 42.1 -33 861.8 704.3 22
2017-18 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.0 -100 0.0 7.4 -100 8.2 6.1 34 20.6 7.1 190 38.4 28.9 33 67.2 42.1 60 715.5 704.3 2
2018-19 35.8 5.4 563 0.6 2.0 -70 36.4 7.4 392 0.0 6.1 -100 19.6 7.1 176 5.6 28.9 -81 25.2 42.1 -40 437.7 704.3 -38
2019-20 6.6 5.4 22 11.7 2.0 485 18.3 7.4 147 17.1 6.1 180 15.5 7.1 118 14.9 28.9 -48 47.5 42.1 13 661.2 704.3 -6

Suryapet District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 90.4 93.7 -4 136.9 209.5 -35 48.1 190.7 -75 58.9 152.3 -61 334.3 646.2 -48 82.4 108.4 -24 8.6 23.7 -64 0.2 2.4 -92 223.3 134.5 66
2005-06 28.3 93.7 -70 272.2 209.5 30 59.2 190.7 -69 238.2 152.3 56 597.9 646.2 -7 183.8 108.4 70 4.7 23.7 -80 5.0 2.4 108 325.6 134.5 142
2006-07 47.1 93.7 -50 57.0 209.5 -73 129.1 190.7 -32 171.2 152.3 12 404.4 646.2 -37 39.7 108.4 -63 13.8 23.7 -42 0.0 2.4 -100 185.6 134.5 38
2007-08 130.4 93.7 39 73.2 209.5 -65 161.9 190.7 -15 275.2 152.3 81 640.7 646.2 -1 71.6 108.4 -34 6.2 23.7 -74 0.0 2.4 -100 209.9 134.5 56
2008-09 79.1 93.7 -16 130.7 209.5 -38 397.8 190.7 109 109.6 152.3 -28 717.2 646.2 11 33.5 108.4 -69 26.3 23.7 11 0.0 2.4 -100 191.9 134.5 43
2009-10 27.3 93.7 -71 44.0 209.5 -79 84.8 190.7 -56 85.1 152.3 -44 241.2 646.2 -63 93.4 108.4 -14 39.5 23.7 67 0.0 2.4 -100 265.0 134.5 97
2010-11 54.2 93.7 -42 275.9 209.5 32 116.6 190.7 -39 154.3 152.3 1 601.0 646.2 -7 65.2 108.4 -40 62.3 23.7 163 43.8 2.4 1725 303.4 134.5 126
2011-12 78.3 93.7 -16 263.6 209.5 26 193.0 190.7 1 40.5 152.3 -73 575.4 646.2 -11 25.3 108.4 -77 0.2 23.7 -99 0.0 2.4 -100 157.6 134.5 17
2012-13 84.8 93.7 -9 142.6 209.5 -32 171.8 190.7 -10 173.9 152.3 14 573.1 646.2 -11 85.3 108.4 -21 59.7 23.7 152 0.0 2.4 -100 277.1 134.5 106
2013-14 92.5 93.7 -1 196.9 209.5 -6 212.4 190.7 11 130.8 152.3 -14 632.6 646.2 -2 260.1 108.4 140 43.8 23.7 85 0.5 2.4 -79 436.5 134.5 225
2014-15 26.6 93.7 -72 76.2 209.5 -64 102.8 190.7 -46 123.1 152.3 -19 328.7 646.2 -49 84.4 108.4 -22 10.4 23.7 -56 0.0 2.4 -100 226.9 134.5 69
2015-16 259.7 93.7 177 79.4 209.5 -62 145.9 190.7 -23 161.4 152.3 6 646.4 646.2 0 16.3 108.4 -85 8.5 23.7 -64 0.0 2.4 -100 156.9 134.5 17
2016-17 189.3 93.7 102 109.0 209.5 -48 168.2 190.7 -12 310.1 152.3 104 776.6 646.2 20 51.2 108.4 -53 0.1 23.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 183.4 134.5 36
2017-18 149.6 93.7 60 160.5 209.5 -23 184.2 190.7 -3 108.4 152.3 -29 602.7 646.2 -7 84.0 108.4 -23 0.8 23.7 -97 0.0 2.4 -100 216.9 134.5 61
2018-19 115.4 93.7 23 101.7 209.5 -51 230.7 190.7 21 86.8 152.3 -43 534.6 646.2 -17 22.7 108.4 -79 2.4 23.7 -90 15.8 2.4 558 173.0 134.5 29
2019-20 46.4 93.7 -50 143.6 209.5 -31 164.8 190.7 -14 176.3 152.3 16 531.1 646.2 -18 135.4 108.4 25 1.4 23.7 -94 7.8 2.4 225 276.7 134.5 106
2020-21 134.0 93.7 43 224.3 209.5 7 222.9 190.7 17 230.5 152.3 51 811.7 646.2 26 136.0 108.4 25 14.8 23.7 -38 0.0 2.4 -100 150.8 134.6 12
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 6.8 5.4 26 10.6 2.2 382 17.4 7.6 129 6.2 4.7 32 0.8 6.7 -88 21.4 37.0 -42 28.4 48.4 -41 471.3 836.7 -44
2005-06 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 63.6 4.7 1253 30.7 6.7 358 29.9 37.0 -19 124.2 48.4 157 915.6 836.7 9
2006-07 0.0 5.4 -100 4.2 2.2 91 4.2 7.6 -45 0.0 4.7 -100 9.7 6.7 45 13.0 37.0 -65 22.7 48.4 -53 484.8 836.7 -42
2007-08 0.0 5.4 -100 17.4 2.2 691 17.4 7.6 129 98.5 4.7 1996 5.0 6.7 -25 2.2 37.0 -94 105.7 48.4 118 824.2 836.7 -1
2008-09 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 3.0 4.7 -36 0.0 6.7 -100 21.2 37.0 -43 24.2 48.4 -50 801.3 836.7 -4
2009-10 14.3 5.4 165 0.0 2.2 -100 14.3 7.6 88 3.6 4.7 -23 4.5 6.7 -33 62.7 37.0 69 70.8 48.4 46 459.1 836.7 -45
2010-11 0.0 5.4 -100 19.5 2.2 786 19.5 7.6 157 0.0 4.7 -100 30.8 6.7 360 21.7 37.0 -41 52.5 48.4 8 844.3 836.7 1
2011-12 41.3 5.4 665 0.0 2.2 -100 41.3 7.6 443 0.0 4.7 -100 7.0 6.7 4 16.5 37.0 -55 23.5 48.4 -51 665.6 836.7 -20
2012-13 1.8 5.4 -67 52.6 2.2 2291 54.4 7.6 616 0.0 4.7 -100 3.2 6.7 -52 2.5 37.0 -93 5.7 48.4 -88 778.2 836.7 -7
2013-14 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 0.5 4.7 -89 0.8 6.7 -88 72.1 37.0 95 73.4 48.4 52 1010.5 836.7 21
2014-15 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 5.2 4.7 11 36.8 6.7 449 14.6 37.0 -61 56.6 48.4 17 481.6 836.7 -42
2015-16 2.2 5.4 -59 0.0 2.2 -100 2.2 7.6 -71 0.3 4.7 -94 0.0 6.7 -100 66.7 37.0 80 67.0 48.4 38 740.3 836.7 -12
2016-17 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 0.6 4.7 -87 0.7 6.7 -90 18.3 37.0 -51 19.6 48.4 -60 847.3 836.7 1
2017-18 0.0 5.4 -100 0.0 2.2 -100 0.0 7.6 -100 6.3 4.7 34 21.8 6.7 225 37.1 37.0 0 65.2 48.4 35 752.7 836.7 -10
2018-19 28.6 5.4 430 0.0 2.2 -100 28.6 7.6 276 0.5 4.7 -89 9.3 6.7 39 10.3 37.0 -72 20.1 48.4 -58 624.2 836.7 -25
2019-20 3.4 5.4 -37 11.8 2.2 436 15.2 7.6 100 14.0 4.7 198 3.6 6.7 -46 7.3 37.0 -80 24.9 48.4 -49 715.8 836.7 -14

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Khammam District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 105.0 105.2 0 308.0 272.0 13 211.5 253.2 -16 106.2 160.7 -34 730.7 791.1 -8 95.4 120.4 -21 7.7 25.7 -70 0.0 3.9 -100 249.2 150.0 66
2005-06 90.6 105.2 -14 284.3 272.0 5 135.6 253.2 -46 558.5 160.7 248 1069.0 791.1 35 231.5 120.4 92 7.5 25.7 -71 4.7 3.9 21 389.8 150.0 160
2006-07 99.9 105.2 -5 115.0 272.0 -58 283.3 253.2 12 274.4 160.7 71 772.6 791.1 -2 44.4 120.4 -63 29.2 25.7 14 0.0 3.9 -100 219.7 150.0 46
2007-08 193.7 105.2 84 186.9 272.0 -31 241.5 253.2 -5 264.8 160.7 65 886.9 791.1 12 121.2 120.4 1 9.5 25.7 -63 0.0 3.9 -100 276.8 150.0 85
2008-09 134.0 105.2 27 267.5 272.0 -2 526.3 253.2 108 174.6 160.7 9 1102.4 791.1 39 60.8 120.4 -50 42.9 25.7 67 0.3 3.9 -92 250.1 150.0 67
2009-10 56.9 105.2 -46 92.7 272.0 -66 162.7 253.2 -36 125.9 160.7 -22 438.2 791.1 -45 84.1 120.4 -30 47.3 25.7 84 0.0 3.9 -100 277.5 150.0 85
2010-11 113.2 105.2 8 426.6 272.0 57 277.2 253.2 9 164.6 160.7 2 981.6 791.1 24 135.4 120.4 12 69.9 25.7 172 64.4 3.9 1551 415.8 150.0 177
2011-12 102.5 105.2 -3 308.3 272.0 13 197.4 253.2 -22 62.7 160.7 -61 670.9 791.1 -15 25.2 120.4 -79 2.1 25.7 -92 0.0 3.9 -100 173.4 150.0 16
2012-13 101.2 105.2 -4 209.6 272.0 -23 296.4 253.2 17 274.2 160.7 71 881.4 791.1 11 116.3 120.4 -3 191.4 25.7 645 0.0 3.9 -100 453.8 150.0 203
2013-14 134.7 105.2 28 261.0 272.0 -4 173.1 253.2 -32 143.0 160.7 -11 711.8 791.1 -10 208.7 120.4 73 20.6 25.7 -20 0.6 3.9 -85 376.0 150.0 151
2014-15 38.1 105.2 -64 173.9 272.0 -36 163.6 253.2 -35 131.0 160.7 -18 506.6 791.1 -36 102.6 120.4 -15 12.9 25.7 -50 0.0 3.9 -100 261.6 150.0 74
2015-16 342.6 105.2 226 86.0 272.0 -68 177.4 253.2 -30 178.4 160.7 11 784.4 791.1 -1 16.5 120.4 -86 12.4 25.7 -52 0.0 3.9 -100 175.0 150.0 17
2016-17 266.6 105.2 153 125.5 272.0 -54 132.7 253.2 -48 252.7 160.7 57 777.5 791.1 -2 91.4 120.4 -24 0.6 25.7 -98 0.4 3.9 -90 238.5 150.0 59
2017-18 219.9 105.2 109 200.2 272.0 -26 243.5 253.2 -4 127.3 160.7 -21 790.9 791.1 0 65.6 120.4 -46 0.6 25.7 -98 0.0 3.9 -100 212.3 150.0 42
2018-19 166.6 105.2 58 200.6 272.0 -26 403.8 253.2 59 60.7 160.7 -62 831.7 791.1 5 20.9 120.4 -83 5.4 25.7 -79 61.9 3.9 1487 234.3 150.0 56
2019-20 43.6 105.2 -59 190.2 272.0 -30 253.8 253.2 0 227.9 160.7 42 715.5 791.1 -10 125.8 120.4 4 8.9 25.7 -65 4.6 3.9 18 285.4 150.0 90
2020-21 175.8 105.2 67 315.6 272.0 16 348.4 253.2 38 237.8 160.7 48 1077.6 791.1 36 195.7 120.4 63 24.6 25.7 -4 0.0 3.9 -100 220.3 150.0 47
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 2.1 7.5 -72 20.2 5.7 254 22.3 13.2 69 0.0 6.3 -100 3.5 14.9 -77 48.9 60.3 -19 52.4 81.5 -36 908.4 1035.8 -12
2005-06 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 63.8 6.3 913 52.4 14.9 252 71.2 60.3 18 187.4 81.5 130 1500.2 1035.8 45
2006-07 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 0.0 6.3 -100 0.0 14.9 -100 0.0 60.3 -100 0.0 81.5 -100 846.3 1035.8 -18
2007-08 0.0 7.5 -100 24.4 5.7 328 24.4 13.2 85 135.4 6.3 2049 10.7 14.9 -28 4.5 60.3 -93 150.6 81.5 85 1168.1 1035.8 13
2008-09 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 3.2 6.3 -49 1.0 14.9 -93 41.9 60.3 -31 46.1 81.5 -43 1252.5 1035.8 21
2009-10 21.5 7.5 187 0.3 5.7 -95 21.8 13.2 65 1.0 6.3 -84 22.2 14.9 49 209.3 60.3 247 232.5 81.5 185 823.8 1035.8 -20
2010-11 0.0 7.5 -100 16.1 5.7 182 16.1 13.2 22 0.0 6.3 -100 50.6 14.9 240 28.6 60.3 -53 79.2 81.5 -3 1346.7 1035.8 30
2011-12 47.5 7.5 533 0.0 5.7 -100 47.5 13.2 260 0.0 6.3 -100 13.6 14.9 -9 61.7 60.3 2 75.3 81.5 -8 821.1 1035.8 -21
2012-13 0.0 7.5 -100 32.3 5.7 467 32.3 13.2 145 0.0 6.3 -100 23.1 14.9 55 11.8 60.3 -80 34.9 81.5 -57 1256.3 1035.8 21
2013-14 0.0 7.5 -100 0.5 5.7 -91 0.5 13.2 -96 0.0 6.3 -100 0.9 14.9 -94 95.5 60.3 58 96.4 81.5 18 1038.7 1035.8 0
2014-15 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 10.8 6.3 71 41.2 14.9 177 27.0 60.3 -55 79.0 81.5 -3 703.5 1035.8 -32
2015-16 1.6 7.5 -79 0.0 5.7 -100 1.6 13.2 -88 7.8 6.3 24 0.0 14.9 -100 54.3 60.3 -10 62.1 81.5 -24 876.9 1035.8 -15
2016-17 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 3.2 6.3 -49 0.4 14.9 -97 71.1 60.3 18 74.7 81.5 -8 944.7 1035.8 -9
2017-18 0.0 7.5 -100 0.0 5.7 -100 0.0 13.2 -100 9.9 6.3 57 7.0 14.9 -53 27.8 60.3 -54 44.7 81.5 -45 901.8 1035.8 -13
2018-19 34.7 7.5 363 0.1 5.7 -98 34.8 13.2 164 7.5 6.3 19 12.7 14.9 -15 37.5 60.3 -38 57.7 81.5 -29 1012.5 1035.8 -2
2019-20 2.5 7.5 -67 5.6 5.7 -2 8.1 13.2 -39 9.6 6.3 52 3.9 14.9 -74 10.7 60.3 -82 24.2 81.5 -70 887.1 1035.8 -14

Mulugu District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 81.0 167.4 -52 263.8 415.6 -37 330.6 349.4 -5 95.6 167.4 -43 771.0 1099.8 -30 92.5 85.5 8 5.1 18.8 -73 0.0 7.7 -100 201.9 112.0 80
2005-06 154.6 167.4 -8 462.0 415.6 11 176.3 349.4 -50 331.9 167.4 98 1124.8 1099.8 2 123.3 85.5 44 0.0 18.8 -100 0.0 7.7 -100 227.6 112.0 103
2006-07 87.2 167.4 -48 260.5 415.6 -37 498.8 349.4 43 565.7 167.4 238 1412.2 1099.8 28 28.3 85.5 -67 44.2 18.8 135 0.0 7.7 -100 176.8 112.0 58
2007-08 221.2 167.4 32 237.2 415.6 -43 295.6 349.4 -15 330.7 167.4 98 1084.7 1099.8 -1 65.8 85.5 -23 13.2 18.8 -30 0.0 7.7 -100 183.3 112.0 64
2008-09 236.1 167.4 41 305.3 415.6 -27 489.8 349.4 40 232.2 167.4 39 1263.4 1099.8 15 56.1 85.5 -34 3.0 18.8 -84 0.0 7.7 -100 163.4 112.0 46
2009-10 58.3 167.4 -65 197.4 415.6 -53 199.1 349.4 -43 142.2 167.4 -15 597.0 1099.8 -46 55.9 85.5 -35 21.4 18.8 14 0.0 7.7 -100 181.6 112.0 62
2010-11 142.8 167.4 -15 565.2 415.6 36 319.1 349.4 -9 412.8 167.4 147 1439.9 1099.8 31 93.7 85.5 10 52.1 18.8 177 26.7 7.7 247 276.8 112.0 147
2011-12 159.2 167.4 -5 337.0 415.6 -19 289.7 349.4 -17 123.0 167.4 -27 908.9 1099.8 -17 3.4 85.5 -96 0.0 18.8 -100 0.0 7.7 -100 107.7 112.0 -4
2012-13 220.4 167.4 32 379.4 415.6 -9 359.1 349.4 3 319.7 167.4 91 1278.6 1099.8 16 74.4 85.5 -13 112.0 18.8 496 0.0 7.7 -100 290.7 112.0 160
2013-14 243.3 167.4 45 704.2 415.6 69 485.6 349.4 39 175.4 167.4 5 1608.5 1099.8 46 242.8 85.5 184 0.2 18.8 -99 1.1 7.7 -86 348.4 112.0 211
2014-15 30.2 167.4 -82 331.2 415.6 -20 266.0 349.4 -24 304.3 167.4 82 931.7 1099.8 -15 44.4 85.5 -48 6.3 18.8 -66 0.0 7.7 -100 155.0 112.0 38
2015-16 536.1 167.4 220 194.5 415.6 -53 309.7 349.4 -11 196.3 167.4 17 1236.6 1099.8 12 33.3 85.5 -61 2.1 18.8 -89 0.0 7.7 -100 139.7 112.0 25
2016-17 344.0 167.4 105 370.2 415.6 -11 208.5 349.4 -40 268.6 167.4 60 1191.3 1099.8 8 98.6 85.5 15 2.2 18.8 -88 0.0 7.7 -100 205.1 112.0 83
2017-18 254.6 167.4 52 231.2 415.6 -44 319.1 349.4 -9 108.1 167.4 -35 913.0 1099.8 -17 145.2 85.5 70 2.4 18.8 -87 0.0 7.7 -100 251.9 112.0 125
2018-19 213.4 167.4 27 318.6 415.6 -23 531.0 349.4 52 87.2 167.4 -48 1150.2 1099.8 5 5.4 85.5 -94 0.6 18.8 -97 51.4 7.7 568 161.7 112.0 44
2019-20 70.7 167.4 -58 460.5 415.6 11 586.6 349.4 68 185.8 167.4 11 1303.6 1099.8 19 256.2 85.5 200 12.8 18.8 -32 1.8 7.7 -77 375.1 112.0 235
2020-21 258.2 167.4 54 363.3 415.6 -13 1038.8 349.4 197 255.8 167.4 53 1916.1 1099.8 74 124.1 85.5 45 14.1 18.8 -25 0.0 7.7 -100 138.2 112.1 23
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 24.4 5.3 360 5.7 5.6 2 30.1 10.9 176 0.2 11.3 -98 16.0 20.0 -20 7.3 38.7 -81 23.5 70.0 -66 922.1 1292.7 -29
2005-06 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 55.4 11.3 390 42.4 20.0 112 23.8 38.7 -39 121.6 70.0 74 1369.7 1292.7 6
2006-07 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 0.0 11.3 -100 0.0 20.0 -100 2.7 38.7 -93 2.7 70.0 -96 1487.4 1292.7 15
2007-08 0.0 5.3 -100 29.8 5.6 432 29.8 10.9 173 112.9 11.3 899 12.7 20.0 -37 16.7 38.7 -57 142.3 70.0 103 1306.0 1292.7 1
2008-09 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 4.2 11.3 -63 18.5 20.0 -8 31.0 38.7 -20 53.7 70.0 -23 1376.2 1292.7 6
2009-10 18.6 5.3 251 3.1 5.6 -45 21.7 10.9 99 0.0 11.3 -100 8.2 20.0 -59 83.1 38.7 115 91.3 70.0 30 787.3 1292.7 -39
2010-11 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 18.4 11.3 63 41.4 20.0 107 7.4 38.7 -81 67.2 70.0 -4 1679.6 1292.7 30
2011-12 10.4 5.3 96 0.0 5.6 -100 10.4 10.9 -5 0.0 11.3 -100 15.9 20.0 -21 37.2 38.7 -4 53.1 70.0 -24 975.8 1292.7 -25
2012-13 3.2 5.3 -40 13.8 5.6 146 17.0 10.9 56 0.0 11.3 -100 35.3 20.0 77 4.8 38.7 -88 40.1 70.0 -43 1522.0 1292.7 18
2013-14 0.0 5.3 -100 0.7 5.6 -88 0.7 10.9 -94 53.7 11.3 375 2.2 20.0 -89 60.5 38.7 56 116.4 70.0 66 1969.5 1292.7 52
2014-15 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 24.6 11.3 118 124.8 20.0 524 4.7 38.7 -88 154.1 70.0 120 1139.5 1292.7 -12
2015-16 7.4 5.3 40 0.0 5.6 -100 7.4 10.9 -32 47.8 11.3 323 0.0 20.0 -100 23.2 38.7 -40 71.0 70.0 1 1350.3 1292.7 4
2016-17 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 22.6 11.3 100 0.0 20.0 -100 14.6 38.7 -62 37.2 70.0 -47 1329.2 1292.7 3
2017-18 0.0 5.3 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 10.9 -100 0.3 11.3 -97 15.6 20.0 -22 40.4 38.7 4 56.3 70.0 -20 1117.0 1292.7 -14
2018-19 20.8 5.3 292 0.7 5.6 -88 21.5 10.9 97 0.1 11.3 -99 17.1 20.0 -15 13.9 38.7 -64 31.1 70.0 -56 1260.2 1292.7 -3
2019-20 4.6 5.3 -13 31.3 5.6 459 35.9 10.9 229 5.7 11.3 -50 15.7 20.0 -22 15.9 38.7 -59 37.3 70.0 -47 1647.6 1292.7 27

Weather and Climatology of Telangana

Narayanpet District Year wise Monthly Rainfall (mm) from 1st June 2004 to 31st December 2020 Annexure – V
June July August September SWM October November December NEM
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 13.6 68.0 -80 99.5 143.6 -31 31.4 121.2 -74 104.4 91.8 14 248.9 424.6 -41 88.4 81.1 9 0.0 21.6 -100 0.0 5.4 -100 191.1 108.1 77
2005-06 44.6 68.0 -34 200.0 143.6 39 120.0 121.2 -1 170.5 91.8 86 535.1 424.6 26 127.6 81.1 57 20.0 21.6 -7 0.0 5.4 -100 250.3 108.1 132
2006-07 90.8 68.0 34 45.6 143.6 -68 48.2 121.2 -60 139.3 91.8 52 323.9 424.6 -24 16.2 81.1 -80 17.4 21.6 -19 0.0 5.4 -100 136.3 108.1 26
2007-08 151.6 68.0 123 114.0 143.6 -21 106.8 121.2 -12 190.0 91.8 107 562.4 424.6 32 22.3 81.1 -73 11.0 21.6 -49 0.0 5.4 -100 136.0 108.1 26
2008-09 60.8 68.0 -11 82.0 143.6 -43 123.2 121.2 2 101.8 91.8 11 367.8 424.6 -13 23.9 81.1 -71 4.0 21.6 -81 0.0 5.4 -100 130.6 108.1 21
2009-10 112.8 68.0 66 20.2 143.6 -86 174.5 121.2 44 133.2 91.8 45 440.7 424.6 4 212.6 81.1 162 24.4 21.6 13 0.4 5.4 -93 340.1 108.1 215
2010-11 59.7 68.0 -12 295.4 143.6 106 195.1 121.2 61 140.8 91.8 53 691.0 424.6 63 68.8 81.1 -15 7.3 21.6 -66 2.1 5.4 -61 180.9 108.1 67
2011-12 68.8 68.0 1 176.6 143.6 23 162.2 121.2 34 48.0 91.8 -48 455.6 424.6 7 40.6 81.1 -50 0.0 21.6 -100 0.0 5.4 -100 143.3 108.1 33
2012-13 67.2 68.0 -1 136.9 143.6 -5 129.6 121.2 7 92.9 91.8 1 426.6 424.6 0 73.6 81.1 -9 14.5 21.6 -33 0.0 5.4 -100 190.8 108.1 77
2013-14 55.2 68.0 -19 134.7 143.6 -6 137.1 121.2 13 208.7 91.8 127 535.7 424.6 26 65.2 81.1 -20 3.8 21.6 -82 0.0 5.4 -100 171.7 108.1 59
2014-15 25.0 68.0 -63 137.5 143.6 -4 144.6 121.2 19 70.3 91.8 -23 377.4 424.6 -11 43.3 81.1 -47 15.5 21.6 -28 10.3 5.4 91 171.8 108.1 59
2015-16 77.5 68.0 14 36.6 143.6 -75 149.8 121.2 24 146.3 91.8 59 410.2 424.6 -3 37.3 81.1 -54 0.0 21.6 -100 18.4 5.4 241 158.4 108.1 47
2016-17 158.7 68.0 133 161.3 143.6 12 54.5 121.2 -55 198.8 91.8 117 573.3 424.6 35 16.5 81.1 -80 0.9 21.6 -96 0.4 5.4 -93 120.5 108.1 11
2017-18 203.9 68.0 200 73.4 143.6 -49 171.8 121.2 42 216.9 91.8 136 666.0 424.6 57 183.3 81.1 126 0.0 21.6 -100 0.0 5.4 -100 286.0 108.1 165
2018-19 133.4 68.0 96 101.2 143.6 -30 130.7 121.2 8 65.2 91.8 -29 430.5 424.6 1 29.1 81.1 -64 2.1 21.6 -90 0.1 5.4 -98 134.0 108.1 24
2019-20 62.4 68.0 -8 169.4 143.6 18 116.9 121.2 -4 201.6 91.8 120 550.3 424.6 30 145.1 81.1 79 1.7 21.6 -92 5.6 5.4 4 255.1 108.1 136
2020-21 129.6 68.0 91 310.2 143.6 116 212.4 121.2 75 358.1 91.8 290 1010.3 424.6 138 135.8 81.1 67 9.2 21.6 -57 0.0 5.4 -100 145.0 108.2 34
January February Winter March April May Summer Annual Rainfall
Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev Act Nor Dev
2004-05 1.3 1.8 -28 7.6 2.9 162 8.9 4.7 89 4.2 2.4 75 34.8 5.6 521 25.6 16.4 56 64.6 24.4 165 410.7 561.8 -27
2005-06 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 26.1 2.4 988 34.6 5.6 518 64.0 16.4 290 124.7 24.4 411 807.5 561.8 44
2006-07 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 0.0 5.6 -100 0.0 16.4 -100 0.0 24.4 -100 357.4 561.8 -36
2007-08 0.0 1.8 -100 11.8 2.9 307 11.8 4.7 151 173.4 2.4 7125 0.5 5.6 -91 7.7 16.4 -53 181.6 24.4 644 777.5 561.8 38
2008-09 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 1.2 5.6 -79 19.7 16.4 20 20.9 24.4 -14 416.5 561.8 -26
2009-10 5.0 1.8 178 0.0 2.9 -100 5.0 4.7 6 0.0 2.4 -100 1.5 5.6 -73 17.6 16.4 7 19.1 24.4 -22 702.3 561.8 25
2010-11 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 14.6 5.6 161 29.9 16.4 82 44.5 24.4 82 813.7 561.8 45
2011-12 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 0.0 2.4 -100 46.9 5.6 738 1.7 16.4 -90 48.6 24.4 99 544.8 561.8 -3
2012-13 0.0 1.8 -100 29.3 2.9 910 29.3 4.7 523 0.0 2.4 -100 7.6 5.6 36 12.2 16.4 -26 19.8 24.4 -19 563.8 561.8 0
2013-14 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 17.8 2.4 642 18.1 5.6 223 38.0 16.4 132 73.9 24.4 203 678.6 561.8 21
2014-15 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 23.0 2.4 858 69.5 5.6 1141 22.0 16.4 34 114.5 24.4 369 567.5 561.8 1
2015-16 0.1 1.8 -94 0.0 2.9 -100 0.1 4.7 -98 1.7 2.4 -29 0.9 5.6 -84 74.5 16.4 354 77.1 24.4 216 543.1 561.8 -3
2016-17 0.0 1.8 -100 0.0 2.9 -100 0.0 4.7 -100 13.2 2.4 450 5.2 5.6 -7 14.7 16.4 -10 33.1 24.4 36 624.3 561.8 11
2017-18 0.0 1.8 -100 0.1 2.9 -97 0.1 4.7 -98 2.8 2.4 17 18.4 5.6 229 33.3 16.4 103 54.5 24.4 123 903.9 561.8 61
2018-19 10.9 1.8 506 0.0 2.9 -100 10.9 4.7 132 0.0 2.4 -100 4.7 5.6 -16 12.3 16.4 -25 17.0 24.4 -30 489.8 561.8 -13
2019-20 11.7 1.8 550 0.0 2.9 -100 11.7 4.7 149 5.5 2.4 129 18.7 5.6 234 28.0 16.4 71 52.2 24.4 114 766.8 561.8 36


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