6th Grade Plan
6th Grade Plan
6th Grade Plan
1. What method do we used to learn English as a beginner with more efficiency?
2. Why is it so valuable to develop English skills and learn to interact with other people?
English a seventh day Adventist teacher is already a great and essential opportunity to transmit our faith in behalf of our believes.
At the first hour of every class morning devotional is a most and it will not be taken lightly, its space will be fully embrace to enable student to
comprehend a fraction of the love of God and see the need of a life decision, likewise the development of the classes will be under a healthy and
respectful environment in which moral values may be a visible highlight.
Bible. Each student every week has to carry a bible verse related to the class that will currently be in development.
Read the bible verse, socialize why they choose it and give the context of the same. The exercise will be done at the entrance of every new topic.
At the end of the period each student will have their list of verse next to each theme.
RESOURCES: English viewpoint text book