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Social Studies lp3

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Lesson Plan Template

Complete each section using the template below. Consult the

USC Aiken Lesson Plan Guide for specific instructions for each
component. You will be assessed using the Lesson Plan Rubric.
Go to: https://www.usca.edu/education/current-students/forms-
Candidate Name: Shauna Chassereau
Date of Lesson: N/A
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Number of Students: 20
Subject Area(s): Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 3rd Grade
Lesson Title: World Hemispheres
You will be assessed on the following components:
1. Standard & Indicator Standard 1: Use maps and globes to categorize places and regions by
their human and physical conditions.

3.1.2.AG Locate the world’s four hemispheres (i.e., northern,

southern, eastern, and western) by using the major components of
latitude and longitude (i.e., the Equator, the Prime Meridian, lines of
latitude (i.e., parallels), lines of longitude (i.e., meridians), and the
International Date Line)
2. Learning Objective Students will identify the four hemispheres of the world with 50%
accuracy, given the location of the equator and prime meridian, and
utilizing a compass rose.
3. Assessments Pre Assessments Formative Summative
Assessments Assessments
Do a think-pair-
share with the Have students close This summative
following questions: their eyes, and raise assessment will be
- What is a their hand if the given at the end of
compass? answer is yes to the the unit.
- What is the following questions:
equator? - Do you know It will be a project in
- What is the where the which students will
prime equator is? have to create a
meridian? - Do you know poster board of the
where the world map, on their
Purpose: prime maps they will be
This will identify if meridian is? expected to:
students have past - Are there 3 - Label the 7
knowledge on this hemispheres? continents
topic. Based on their - Are there 4 and 5 oceans
answers, student’s hemispheres? - Include a
USC Aiken Lesson Plan Template, updated 9-1-2020 Page 1 of 4
objectives may be - Would you drawing of a
altered. like additional compass rose.
help with - Create an
this? alphanumeric
- Or… Do you grid.
feel like you - Utilize
understand alphanumeric
how to find grid to choose
the at least 5
hemispheres? coordinates
and name
Purpose: what
This is a quick, quiet, continent/
and anonymous way ocean is in
to see if each student that space.
feels comfortable - Identify
with this topic. This where the
will allow me to equator and
know if I need to prime
offer more review meridian are
before closing the located,
unit. utilizing their
- Label the 4
4. Pedagogical Strategies - Analyzing maps
- Guided practice
- Direct Instruction
- Think-pair-share
- Game
5. Diversity for Student Differentiation Accommodations Modifications
This activity Lower achieving CT Lower achieving CT
addresses visual, specified students are specified students
auditory, and tactile located at the front of will be expected to
learners. the classroom to complete the activity
- Visual and receive extra support with 25% accuracy.
Auditory when needed.
learners Higher achieving CT
benefit from Students that have a specified students
the direct hard time seeing from will be expected to
instruction the back of the room complete the activity
and will be offered a with 75% accuracy.
examples place to sit on the
that will be rug, or be allowed to
given during move closer to the
this portion board at an available
of the lesson. desk.
- Tactile
learners will
USC Aiken Lesson Plan Template, updated 9-1-2020 Page 2 of 4
benefit from
the student
online game.
6. Grouping Students Grouping is not allowed due to Covid precautions.
7. Lesson Structure (Step- - Launch (5 minutes): Have the students do the Pre-
by-Step Procedures) Assessment (Knowledge and Comprehension Questions)
think-pair-share and have a discussion about their answers.

- Direct Teaching (10-15 minutes): Utilizing the following

image, discuss the location of the equator and the prime

Make a point to mention that the equator and prime meridian

connect at (C,3).

Draw over the equator and prime meridian lines, in two

different colors, to make them bolder. Circle the compass
rose. Point to the section on top of the equator line, ask
students what direction that is. Do this for all sections. Tell
students that these imaginary lines represent the division of
the Earth into 4 hemispheres. Label them. Utilize the
Application and Analysis Questions.

- Student Exploration and Practice (15 minutes): Students

will use their chromebooks to play the following online

- Closure (5 minutes): Have a discussion utilizing the

Evaluation and Creation questions. Complete the Formative
Assessment activity.

USC Aiken Lesson Plan Template, updated 9-1-2020 Page 3 of 4

8. Follow Up Remediation Enrichment
Give students their own world maps and
have them physically draw the equator and Students can play
prime meridian. With this they can utilize “Which hemisphere
their compass rose to help them name and am I in?” game
label the hemispheres. utilizing their past
knowledge of
alphanumeric grids.
For example, “I am
in D2”. Students
would have to find
that coordinate, and
correctly name which
hemisphere “I” am
located in.
9. Questioning Knowledge and Application and Evaluation and
comprehension analysis creation

- What is a - Where is the - What

compass? equator? imaginary
- What is the - Where is the lines split the
equator? prime Earth into
- What is the meridian? hemispheres?
prime - Show me the - What are the
meridian? _______ hemispheres?
Hemishphere. - Explain what
map tools
help you
identify the
10. Materials/Resources and Students will need their chromebooks on their desk prior to
References beginning the lesson.
11. Educational Technology SmartBoard to view the examples.
12. Safety Considerations Covid precautions are in place.
13. Linking Theory to Piaget’s theory of Constructivism is evident in the think-pair-share
Practice and discussion aspects of this lesson.

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