NASA Facts Benefits From Apollo Giant Leaps in Technology
NASA Facts Benefits From Apollo Giant Leaps in Technology
NASA Facts Benefits From Apollo Giant Leaps in Technology
Metallic mania
Insulation barrier made of aluminum foil laid over a core of
mylar protected astronauts and their spacecraft’s delicate
instruments from radiation as they ventured to the Moon So you need a sow
nearly four decades ago. Today, the metallic material has
In swine farming, 15 to 25 percent of piglets die before
found its way into numerous commercial products on Earth.
weaning, posing a serious economic problem for hog
Its reflective properties offer insulation and protection for
producers. Sometimes a sow will accidentally crush her
cars, trucks, homes and
piglets or she will reject or abuse a piglet. Frequently a
even food. Woven into a
litter is oversized and the sow cannot accommodate all
metallic blanket, a
her piglets for nursing or is just unable to lactate due to
shimmery shield now
physical disorders. Farmatic Inc’s Robotic Sow releases
protects all walks of life
a prescribed amount of formula from a refrigerated
from outdoor adventurers
compartment into a warming chamber, where milk is
exposed to extreme
heated to the desired temperature. At feeding time a heat
weather conditions to
lamp simulating a sow’s body warmth is automatically
emergency medical
turned on and the machine emits rhythmic grunts like a
patients who experience
mother pig summoning her piglets. As piglets scamper to
sudden body-temperature
their mechanical mother, a panel across the front opens to
drops. The same barriers
expose the row of nipples. The automated sow incorporates
that block heat and cold
NASA technology derived from miniature electronic heat
have also been used to
pumps and heating/cooling systems originally designed
muffle engine and exhaust
for Apollo spacecraft. The mechanical mother comes in
noise. Spinoff 1995
two models: 8 or 16 artificial nipples. Spinoff 1987