Terebinthiniae Oleum: Other Names: Made From
Terebinthiniae Oleum: Other Names: Made From
Terebinthiniae Oleum: Other Names: Made From
Made From
Oleum terebinthinæ. Oil of Turpentine. C10 H16. The oil distilled from the oleo-resin
(turpentine) obtained from various species of Pinus, purified by repeated rectification
with water. Solution in rectified spirit. Ozonised Oil of Turpentine (prepared by
exposure of the common oil to sun and air in a half-filled bottle and shaking from time
to time).
This viscous resin is used in the manufacture of paints. In the past it was used as a
treatment for gonorrhea in traditional Western medicine.
Resin tapped from the trunks of the Larix decidua ‘Mill’ species of larch, which is
native to Europe.
The resin is macerated in alcohol, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.
Terebinthum is best suited to people who are tired, delirious, and unable to
concentrate. Classic symptoms associated with the remedy include burning pain and
bleeding of the mucous membranes, with dark, fetid-smelling blood. The remedy has
an affinity with inflammation of the urinary tract or kidneys, accompanied by
hemorrhaging, water retention, and edema in the hands and feet. These ailments are
often associated with smoky-colored urine that has a strange smell of violets.
Clinical Symptoms
Albuminuria. Amblyopia potatorum. Asthma. Backache. Bladder, irritable. Brachial
neuralgia. Bronchitis. Chordee. Chorea. Ciliary neuralgia. Cystitis. Dentition. Dropsy.
Dysentery. Dysmenorrhœa. Enteric fever. Epilepsy. Erysipelas bullosa. Erythema.
Fibroma. Gall-stone colic. Glands, inguinal; swelling of. Gleet. Gonorrhœa. Hæmaturia.
Hæmorrhoids. Hernia; strangulated. Herpes labialis pudendi. Hydrophobia.
Hypochondriasis. Insanity. Intestines, ulceration of. Iritis. Jaundice. Kidneys,
congestion of; neuralgia of. Lumbago. Neuralgia; supraorbital. Ovaries, pains in;
dropsy of. Pityriasis. Purpura hæmorrhagica. Scabies. Scarlatina. Sciatica.
Spermatorrhœa. Strangury. Stricture. Tetanus. Tympanites. Uræmia. Urine,
suppression of; retention of. Worms.
Author:William BOERICKE, M.D.
Dull pain like from a band around the head (Carb ac). Vertigo, with
vanishing of vision. Disturbed sense of equilibrium. Tired and difficult
concentration of thoughts. Cold in head with sore nostrils with
disposition to bleed.
Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. Intense pain in eye and side of head.
Amblyopia from alcohol.
Tongue dry, red sore, shining; burning in tip, with prominent papillæ
(Arg n; Bell; Kali b; Nux m). Breath cold, foul. Choking sensation in
throat. Stomatitis. Dentition.
Nausea and vomiting; heat in epigastric region.
Acne. Erythema; itching pustular, vesicular eruption; urticaria. Purpura,
ecchymosis, dropsies. Scarlatina. Chilblains; with excessive itching
and pulsative pains. Aching soreness of the muscles.
Heat, with violent thirst, dry tongue, profuse cold, clammy sweat.
Typhoid with tympanites, hæmorrhages, stupor, delirium. Prostration.
Antidote: Phos.
Terebinthinae oleum
• Purpura haemorrhagica.
• Dampness.
• Cold.
• Night.
• Lying.
• Pressure.
• Motion.
• Stooping.
• Difficult concentration.
• Coma.
• Own voice sounds unnatural.
• Aversion to meat.
• Bruised soreness.
• Flatulence.
• Tympanites.
- ascites.
• Bloody stools.
• Worms.
- Cystitis.
• Bleeding bladder.
• Metritis.
• Haemoptysis.
• Bloody expectoration.
• Dyspnoea.
• Cramps in knees.
• Locomotor ataxia.
• Tremors.
• Muscular atrophy.
Author:John W. Hutchison, M. D.
1. Nephritis with burning, drawing pains in region of kidneys;
heaviness and pressure; strangury; scanty, bloody urine.
Author:Eugene Beauharis Nash
Mouth and Throat:
Urinary Organs:
Oleum terebinthinæ. Oil of Turpentine. C10 H16. The oil distilled from the oleo-resin
(turpentine) obtained from various species of Pinus, purified by repeated rectification
with water. Solution in rectified spirit. Ozonised Oil of Turpentine (prepared by
exposure of the common oil to sun and air in a half-filled bottle and shaking from
time to time).
Antidoted by: Phos. Antidote to: Phos., Merc. Followed well by: Merc.
cor. Compare: Botan., Thu., and other Coniferæ. Hæmorrhage in
typhus, Alum. Melæna, Arn. Albuminuria, Ars. Smoky urine, dropsy
after scarlatina, dry, glossy tongue, Lach. (Ter. has more tympanites).
Capillary bronchitis, drowsiness, lungs clogged up, urine scanty,
almost dark from blood, Ipec. Dropsy from kidney congestion, Hell.
Renal congestion, smoky urine, Colch. Urticaria after eating shell-fish,
Aps., Urt. ur. Glazed tongue, K. bi., Lach., Pyrog. Hæmaturia, Pul.
Burning tip of tongue, Mur. ac. Burning in anus and rectum, fainting
and exhaustion after stool, Ars. Worms, with foul breath, choking, Cin.,
Spi. Purpura, fresh ecchymoses in great numbers from day to day, Sul.
ac. Burning and drawing in kidneys, bladder, and urethra, Berb., Can.
s., Canth. Passive hæmorrhages, strangury, Camph. Metritis,
peritonitis, bearing down, burning in hypogastrium, cloudy, dark,
muddy urine, tongue dry, red, Bell. Catarrh in children, Pix. Umbilicus
retracted, Pb. Kidney-ache, Santal. Warmth at heart, Kalm., Rhod.,
Lachn. Pains = frequent micturition (Thuj., urging to urinate
accompanies the symptoms). Rheumatism, Sul. ter.
Alcohol. Falls. Strains. Tooth extraction. Damp cellars.
1. Mind
2. Head
3. Eyes
4. Ears
Voice sounds unnatural, < r. ear.─Sensation in ears as of striking of a
clock.─R. ear hot, l. cold.─Otitis.─Otalgia.─(Earache in children < in l.;
and at night.─R. T. C.).─The internal use of Ter. prevents otitis after
syringing Eustachian tube (Eugene Weber).─Deafness after measles
with high vascularity of meatus and membranes (R. T. C.).─Eczema in
front of ear.─Sudden stitch in r. mastoid process.─Tinkling in
ears.─Cannot tell direction of sounds.─Loud talking is very painful.
5. Nose
6. Face
7. Teeth
8. Mouth
10. Appetite
11. Stomach
12. Abdomen
Spasmodic and incisive drawings in the testes (esp. l.) and spermatic
cords.─Tearing in mons veneris.─Feels as if symphysis pubis were
suddenly forced asunder.─Spermatorrhœa in man, 25, no bad habits;
urine turbid, and had a yellowish mucous sediment.─Gonorrhœa;
chordee; gleet.
18. Chest
19. Heart
21. Limbs
25. Skin
26. Sleep
27. Fever
Oil of Turpentine (A Volatile Oil.)
The urine has the odor or violets. Tongue: smooth, glossy, red, as if
deprived of papillae, or as if glazed (Pyr.); elevated papillae; coating
peels off in patches leaving bright red spots, or entire coating cleans
off suddenly (in exanthemata); dry and red; burning in tip (compare,
Mur. ac.). Abdomen: extremely sensitive to touch; distention,
flatulence, excessive tympanitis; meteorism (Colch.). Diarrhoea: stool,
watery, greenish, mucous; frequent, profuse, fetid, bloody; burning in
anus and rectum, fainting and exhaustion, after (Ars.). Worms: with
foul breath, choking (Cina, Spig.); dry, hacking cough; tickling at anus;
ascarides, lumbrici, tapeworm segments passed. Haematuria: blood
thoroughly mixed with the urine; sediment, like coffee-grounds; cloudy,
smoky, albuminous; profuse, dark or black, painless. Congestion and
inflammation of viscera; kidneys, bladder, lungs, intestines, uterus;
with haemorrhage, and malignant tendency. Purpurea haemorrhagica;
fresh ecchymosis in great numbers from day to day (Sulph. ac.).
Ascites with anasarca, in organic lesions of kidneys; dropsy after
scarlatina (Apis, Hell., Lach.). Haemorrhages; from bowels, with
ulceration; passive, dark, with ulceration or epithelial degeneration.
Violent burning and drawing pains in kidney, bladder and urethra (Berb.,
Can., Canth.). Violent burning and cutting in bladder; tenesmus;
sensitive hypogastrium; cystitis and retention from atony of fundus.
Albuminuria; acute, in early stages, when blood and albumin abound
more than casts and epithelium; after diphtheria, scarlatina, typhoid.
Urine rich in albumin and blood, but few if any casts; < from living in
damp dwellings. Strangury; spasmodic retention of urine.
. - Compare: Alumen, Arn., Ars., Canth., Lach., Nit. ac. Is recommended
as a prophylactic in malarial and African fevers.