Contract of Lease: DELIA S. APILA, Married, of Legal Age, Filipino and A Resident of Phase 1 BLK 16 Lot 13
Contract of Lease: DELIA S. APILA, Married, of Legal Age, Filipino and A Resident of Phase 1 BLK 16 Lot 13
Contract of Lease: DELIA S. APILA, Married, of Legal Age, Filipino and A Resident of Phase 1 BLK 16 Lot 13
DELIA S. APILA, married, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Phase 1 Blk 16 Lot 13,
Southville3 Poblacion Muntinlupa city and hereafter known as the LESSOR.
MONROE T. JACINTO, married, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of 525 Cattleya St.
Lakeview Homes Putatan Muntinlupa City, hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE:
Whereas, the LESSOR is the owner of a commercial space of 9 square meter at, who is
desirous of leasing the same to the LESSEE and the latter has signified its willingness to lease
the said commercial space under the following terms and conditions:
1. The subject premises shall be used exclusive for commercial purposes with monthly
rental of EIGHT THOUSAND PESOS (Php 8,000.00), exclusive of water and
electricity, payable every 1st week of the month.
2. The LESSEE shall pay the sum of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND PESOS (Php
48,000.00) to the LESSOR as Three (3) months deposit and Three (3) months
advance rental which shall be payable upon the signing of this contract.
3. All furnishings, equipments, and vault which may be removed without defacing the
premises belongs to the LESSEE.
4. This contract shall be for a period of One (1) year commencing from October 15, 2020
to October 15, 2021, subject to extension of the option of the LESSOR. The LESSEE
may pre-terminate the lease upon giving 30 days notice.
5. The LESSEE shall not sub-lease in while or any option of the premises, nor sell or
assign the rights thereto. Violation of this condition shall warrant the termination of this
6. Should the property be sold to a third party during the existence of the agreement, the
new owner should respect the same.
7. That the LESSEE shall pay all charges for electricity, water, internet or other public
services during the duration of the lease.
8. That, If whole or any part of the leased premises shall be destroyed or damaged by
fire, flood, lightning, typhoon, earthquake, storm, riot or any other unforeseen disabling
cause of acts of God, as to render the leased premises during the term substantially
unfit for use and occupation of the LESSEE, then this lease contract may be
terminated without compensation by the LESSOR or by the LESSEE by notice in
writing to the other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto signed this ______ day of ____________ here at
_____________________ _____________________
__________________________ ) s.s.
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
agreement and acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and deed as well as of the
principals they represent.
This refers to any agency agreement consisting of two (2) pages including this page,
where upon acknowledged is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental, witnesses on
each and every page hereof.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, at the place and on the date first indicated above.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20__
This contract of Lease, made entered into by and between:
DELIA SALONDRO APILA, married, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Phase 1 Blk 16 Lot
13, Southville3 Poblacion Muntinlupa city and hereafter known as the LESSOR.
RICO CUYAS PENTENIO, married, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of H-10 Doña
Segundina Townhomes Putatan Muntinlupa City, hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE:
Whereas, the LESSOR is the owner of a commercial space of 9 square meter at, who is
desirous of leasing the same to the LESSEE and the latter has signified its willingness to lease
the said commercial space under the following terms and conditions:
1. The subject premises shall be used exclusive for commercial purposes with monthly
rental of TEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php 10,000.00), exclusive of water and electricity,
payable every 19th of the month.
2. The LESSEE shall pay the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 60,000.00) to the
LESSOR as Three (3) months deposit and Three (3) months advance rental which
shall be payable upon the signing of this contract.
3. All furnishings, equipments, and vault which may be removed without defacing the
premises belongs to the LESSEE.
4. This contract shall be for a period of One (1) year commencing from August 19, 2020
to August 19, 2021, subject to extension of the option of the LESSOR. The LESSEE
may pre-terminate the lease upon giving 30 days notice.
5. The LESSEE shall not sub-lease in while or any option of the premises, nor sell or
assign the rights thereto. Violation of this condition shall warrant the termination of this
6. Should the property be sold to a third party during the existence of the agreement, the
new owner should respect the same.
7. That the LESSEE shall pay all charges for electricity, water, internet or other public
services during the duration of the lease.
8. That, If whole or any part of the leased premises shall be destroyed or damaged by
fire, flood, lightning, typhoon, earthquake, storm, riot or any other unforeseen disabling
cause of acts of God, as to render the leased premises during the term substantially
unfit for use and occupation of the LESSEE, then this lease contract may be
terminated without compensation by the LESSOR or by the LESSEE by notice in
writing to the other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto signed this ______ day of ____________ here at
_____________________ _____________________
__________________________ ) s.s.
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
agreement and acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and deed as well as of the
principals they represent.
This refers to any agency agreement consisting of two (2) pages including this page,
where upon acknowledged is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental, witnesses on
each and every page hereof.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, at the place and on the date first indicated above.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20__