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Tata Motors Financials-1

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184 75 th Integrated Annual Report 2019-20

Balance Sheet
( in crores)
As at As at
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
(a) Property, plant and equipment 3 18,870.67 18,316.61
(b) Capital work-in-progress 1,755.51 2,146.96
( c) Right of use assets 4 (a) 669.58 -
(d) Goodwill 99.09 99.09
(e) Other intangible assets 5 (a) 5,568.64 3,871.13
(f) Intangible assets under development 5 (b) 2,739.29 4,139.63
(g) Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates 7 15,182.29 14,770.81
(h) Financial assets
(i) Investments 9 548.57 663.38
(ii) Loans and advances 11 138.46 143.13
(iii) Other financial assets 13 1,512.96 994.39
(i) Non-current tax assets (net) 727.97 715.30
(j) Other non-current assets 15 1,208.08 1,819.90
49,021.11 47,680.33
(a) Inventories 17 3,831.92 4,662.00
(b) Investments in subsidiaries and associate (held for sale) 8 - 257.81
( c) Financial assets
(i) Investments 10 885.31 1,175.37
(ii) Trade receivables 18 1,978.06 3,250.64
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 20 2,145.30 487.40
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above 21 1,386.89 819.21
(v) Loans and advances 12 232.14 200.08
(vi) Other financial assets 14 1,546.56 1,279.68
(d) Assets classified as held for sale 50 (iv) 191.07 162.24
(e) Other current assets 16 1,371.51 934.87
13,568.76 13,229.30
TOTAL ASSETS 62,589.87 60,909.63
(a) Equity share capital 22 719.54 679.22
(b) Other equity 17,668.11 21,483.30
18,387.65 22,162.52
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 24 14,776.51 13,914.74
(ii) Lease liabilities 522.24 5.07
(iii) Other financial liabilities 26 854.74 180.80
(b) Provisions 28 1,769.74 1,281.59
( c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 198.59 205.86
(d) Other non-current liabilities 31 269.58 218.24
18,391.40 15,806.30
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 25 6,121.36 3,617.72
(ii) Lease liabilities 83.30 3.64
(iii) Trade payables
(a) Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises 101.56 134.12
(b) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and small enterprises 8,000.69 10,274.71
(iv) Acceptances 2,741.69 3,093.28
(v) Other financial liabilities 27 5,976.35 2,234.34
(b) Provisions 29 1,406.75 1,148.69
( c) Current tax liabilities (net) 31.49 78.30
(d) Other current liabilities 32 1,347.63 2,356.01
25,810.82 22,940.81
See accompanying notes to financial statements

In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board

For B S R & Co. LLP
Chartered Accountants N CHANDRASEKARAN [DIN: 00121863] GUENTER BUTSCHEK [DIN: 07427375]
Firm’s Registration No: 101248W/W-100022 Chairman CEO and Managing Director
Place- Mumbai Place- Austria
Partner Director Group Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 049265 Place- Mumbai Place- Mumbai
UDIN: 20049265AAAAAP9940
Place- Mumbai H K SETHNA [FCS: 3507]
Company Secretary
Date: June 15, 2020 Date: June 15, 2020 Place- Mumbai
Integrated Report Statutory Reports | Financial Statements > Standalone 185

Statement of Profit and Loss

( in crores)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Revenue from operations
Revenue 43,485.76 68,764.88
Other operating revenue 442.41 437.88
I. Total revenue from operations 33 43,928.17 69,202.76
II. Other Income 34 1,383.05 2,554.66
III. Total Income (I+II) 45,311.22 71,757.42
IV. Expenses
(a) Cost of materials consumed 26,171.85 43,748.77
(b) Purchases of products for sale 5,679.98 6,722.32
(c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and products for sale 722.68 144.69
(d) Employee benefits expense 35 4,384.31 4,273.10
(e) Finance costs 36 1,973.00 1,793.57
(f) Foreign exchange loss (net) 239.00 215.22
(g) Depreciation and amortisation expense 3,375.29 3,098.64
(h) Product development/Engineering expenses 830.24 571.76
(i) Other expenses 37 7,720.75 9,680.46
(j) Amount transferred to capital and other accounts 38 (1,169.46) (1,093.11)
Total Expenses (IV) 49,927.64 69,155.42
V. Profit/(loss) before exceptional items and tax (III-IV) (4,616.42) 2,602.00
VI. Exceptional items
(a) Employee separation cost 2.69 4.23
(b) Write off/(reversal) of provision/ impairment of capital work-in-progress and intangibles
39 (a) (73.03) 180.66
under development (net)
(c) Provision for loan given to/investment in subsidiary companies/joint venture 385.62 241.86
(d) Profit on sale of investment in a subsidiary company 39 (b) - (332.95)
(e) Provision for impairment of Passenger Vehicle Business 6 (a) 1,418.64 -
(f) Provision for Onerous Contracts 6 (b) 777.00 -
(g) Others 39 (c) - 109.27
VII. Profit/(loss) before tax (V-VI) (7,127.34) 2,398.93
VIII. Tax expense (net) 30
(a) Current tax 33.05 294.66
(b) Deferred tax 129.24 83.67
Total tax expense 162.29 378.33
IX. Profit/(loss) for the year from continuing operations (VII-VIII) (7,289.63) 2,020.60
X. Other comprehensive income/(loss):
(A) (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
(a) Remeasurement losses on defined benefit obligations (net) (105.32) (67.14)
(b) Equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (115.72) 55.44
(ii) Income tax credit relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 33.71 18.07
(B) (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss - losses in cash flow hedges (294.19) (45.72)
(ii) Income tax credit relating to items that will be reclassified to profit or loss 102.80 15.92
Total other comprehensive loss, net of taxes (378.72) (23.43)
XI. Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year (IX+X) (7,668.35) 1,997.17
XII. Earnings per equity share (EPS) 41
(A) Ordinary shares (face value of 2 each) :
(i) Basic (21.06) 5.94
(ii) Diluted (21.06) 5.94
(B) ‘A’ Ordinary shares (face value of 2 each) :
(i) Basic (21.06) 6.04
(ii) Diluted (21.06) 6.04
See accompanying notes to financial statements

In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board

For B S R & Co. LLP
Chartered Accountants N CHANDRASEKARAN [DIN: 00121863] GUENTER BUTSCHEK [DIN: 07427375]
Firm’s Registration No: 101248W/W-100022 Chairman CEO and Managing Director
Place- Mumbai Place- Austria
Partner Director Group Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 049265 Place- Mumbai Place- Mumbai
UDIN: 20049265AAAAAP9940
Place- Mumbai H K SETHNA [FCS: 3507]
Company Secretary
Date: June 15, 2020 Date: June 15, 2020 Place- Mumbai
186 75 th Integrated Annual Report 2019-20

Cash Flow Statement

( in crores)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit/(loss) for the year (7,289.63) 2,020.60
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation expense 3,375.29 3,098.64
Allowances for trade and other receivables 65.35 170.90
Inventory write down (net) 84.50 42.13
Provision for loan given to/investment in subsidiary companies/joint venture 385.62 241.86
Exceptional item- others - 109.27
Provision for impairment of Passenger Vehicle Business 1,418.64 -
Provision for Onerous Contracts 777.00 -
Share-based payments 4.70 8.44
Marked-to-market loss/(gain) on investments measured at Fair value through profit or loss 0.43 (1.90)
Write off/(reversal) of provision for impairment of capital work-in-progress and intangibles under (73.03) 180.66
development (net)
Loss on sale of assets (net) (including assets scrapped/written off) 168.04 223.94
Profit on sale of investment in a subsidiary company - (332.95)
Profit on sale of investments at FVTPL (net) (70.16) (69.27)
Gain on fair value of below market interest loans - (13.37)
Tax expense (net) 162.29 378.33
Finance costs 1,973.00 1,793.57
Interest income (483.72) (335.87)
Dividend income (241.22) (1,526.25)
Foreign exchange loss (net) 182.32 178.26
7,729.05 4,146.39
Cash flows from operating activities before changes in following assets and liabilities 439.42 6,166.99

Trade receivables 1,168.02 164.50

Loans and advances and other financial assets 53.29 (276.11)
Other current and non-current assets 22.78 204.77
Inventories 730.01 966.00
Trade payables and acceptances (2,688.95) (725.29)
Other current and non-current liabilities (1,165.05) 323.95
Other financial liabilities 201.38 (892.00)
Provisions (122.95) 542.04
Cash generated from/(used in) operations (1,362.05) 6,474.85
Income taxes paid (net) (92.54) (182.22)
Net cash from/(used in) operating activities (1,454.59) 6,292.63
Cash flows from investing activities:
Payments for property, plant and equipments (2,748.60) (2,790.45)
Payments for other intangible assets (1,919.98) (1,993.03)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipments 155.16 30.25
Redemption of investments in Mutual Fund (net) 358.87 413.74
Investments in subsidiary companies (467.00) (837.98)
(Purchase)/sale of business from/to subsidiary company 25.82 (0.10)
Loan given to joint ventures - (3.75)
Loan given to subsidiary companies (7.79) (0.50)
Sale of Investment in a subsidiary company - 532.96
Sale of Investment in other companies - 5.18
Increase in short term inter corporate deposit (net) (10.07) (2.00)
Deposits with financial institution (1,000.00) (500.00)
Realisation of deposits with financial institution 750.00 -
Integrated Report Statutory Reports | Financial Statements > Standalone 187

Cash Flow Statement

( in crores)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Deposits/restricted deposits with banks (3,419.37) (827.72)
Realisation of deposits/restricted deposits with banks 2,851.53 257.08
Interest received 471.35 327.16
Dividend received 241.22 1,568.61
Net cash used in investing activities (4,718.86) (3,820.55)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares and warrants (net of issue expenses) 3,888.79 -
Proceeds from long-term borrowings (net of issue expenses) 4,781.55 3,119.71
Repayment of long-term borrowings (1,131.68) (3,823.69)
Proceeds from Option settlement of long-term borrowings 190.90 -
Proceeds from short-term borrowings 9,178.61 6,274.19
Repayment of short-term borrowings (8,003.51) (5,153.61)
Net change in other short-term borrowings (with maturity up to three months) 1,311.36 (588.97)
Repayment of lease liabilities (including interest) (193.63) -
Dividend paid (3.52) (2.63)
Interest paid [including discounting charges paid, 371.57 crores (March 31, 2019 449.04 crores)] (2,269.66) (2,354.70)
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities 7,749.21 (2,529.70)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,575.76 (57.62)
Cash and cash equivalents as at April 1, (opening balance) 487.40 546.82
Exchange fluctuation on foreign currency bank balances 82.14 (1.80)
Cash and cash equivalents as at March 31, (closing balance) 2,145.30 487.40

Non-cash transactions:
Liability towards property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets purchased on credit/ 403.02 438.19
deferred credit

Increase in liabilities arising from financing activities on account of non-cash transactions :

Exchange differences 660.75 341.51
Amortisation / EIR adjustments of prepaid borrowings 10.02 3.21

In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board

For B S R & Co. LLP
Chartered Accountants N CHANDRASEKARAN [DIN: 00121863] GUENTER BUTSCHEK [DIN: 07427375]
Firm’s Registration No: 101248W/W-100022 Chairman CEO and Managing Director
Place- Mumbai Place- Austria
Partner Director Group Chief Financial Officer
Membership No. 049265 Place- Mumbai Place- Mumbai
UDIN: 20049265AAAAAP9940
Place- Mumbai H K SETHNA [FCS: 3507]
Company Secretary
Date: June 15, 2020 Date: June 15, 2020 Place- Mumbai

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