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Association Between Obesity and Iron Deficiency (Review) : Abstract. Obesity Is A Risk Factor For Several Comorbidities

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Association between obesity and iron deficiency (Review)


School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus,
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 21300, Malaysia; 2Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences,
University of Oxford, Radcliffe Primary Care Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK;
Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Medical Campus, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 20400;
School of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,
Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 21300, Malaysia

Received April 28, 2021; Accepted July 22, 2021

DOI: 10.3892/etm.2021.10703

Abstract. Obesity is a risk factor for several comorbidities 6. Effect of weight loss on iron status
and complications, including iron deficiency anemia. Iron 7. Future research and clinical implications
deficiency anemia is a serious global public health problem, 8. Conclusions
with a worldwide prevalence. The high prevalence of obesity
in combination with iron deficiency incidence observed
in different age and sex categories suggests an association 1. Introduction
between obesity and iron status. Obesity may disrupt iron
homeostasis, resulting in iron deficiency anemia. The asso‑ Obesity and iron deficiency are global health problems
ciation between obesity and iron deficiency may be due to affecting billions of people worldwide  (1,2). While over‑
increased hepcidin levels mediated by chronic inflammation. weight and obesity are the key risk factors for many chronic
Hepcidin is a small peptide hormone that functions as a nega‑ diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and
tive regulator of intestinal iron absorption. Significant body certain cancers (3), iron deficiency or hypoferremia is the
weight loss in overweight and obese individuals decreases most prevalent single micronutrient deficiency globally (4).
chronic inflammation and serum hepcidin levels, resulting Untreated iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia,
in improved iron status due to increased iron absorption. a severe health problem that appears in the form of tired‑
However, further randomized controlled trials are required to ness, reduced life productivity, and poor maternal health,
confirm this effect. especially among pregnant women (5‑8). Growing evidence
supports the existence of an association between obesity and
iron deficiency (9). This link was observed among children,
Contents adolescents, and adults (10‑12). An observational study of 619
women aged 20‑49 years has reported that iron deficiency
1. Introduction was identified in 23.5, 41.9, and 45.6% of women with normal
2. Iron metabolism weight, overweight and obesity, respectively  (13). Another
3. Hepcidin and iron homeostasis study revealed that iron deficiency (serum iron <60 µg/dl) was
4. Obesity and low‑grade chronic inflammation detected in 13.5, 13.6, 23.5, and 21.7% of male adolescents
5. Association between overweight and obesity, and iron (n=772) with underweight, normal weight, overweight and
status obesity, respectively (14). Egwurugwu et al (2018) reported
that mean serum iron was 72.6, 64.2, 59.1, and 54.7 µg/dl in
adult men with normal weight, overweight, grade 1 obesity
and grade 2 obesity, respectively. In contrast, it was 61.2, 52.9,
44.8, and 39.6 µg/dl in the adult women (15). It is believed
Correspondence to: Dr Hamid Ali Nagi Al‑Jamal, School of
that hepcidin level and low‑grade chronic inflammation play
Biomedicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal
Abidin, 2nd Floor, Maimunah Block, Gong Badak Campus, 174 Jalan
a central role in the relationship between obesity and hypofer‑
Sultan Mahmud, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 21300, Malaysia remia (16). Although obesity is recognized as an emerging risk
E‑mail: aljamalhamid@unisza.edu.my factor for iron deficiency, mechanisms of the relationship are
still debatable (17). This review discusses the current evidence
Key words: anemia, chronic inflammation, hepcidin, iron deficiency, on the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency,
obesity, weight loss focusing on factors that influence iron homeostasis, such as
hepcidin and low‑grade chronic inflammation. Evidence from
relevant published experimental articles on iron deficiency and

obesity published from January 2015 to January 2021 were In people with overweight and obesity, serum hepcidin and
retrieved by using Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar and serum interleukin‑6 are significantly higher than those with
reviewed. Indeed, few reviews have been carried out to explore normal weight (12,34). Hepcidin which is synthesized in the
the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency. However, liver is stimulated by pro‑inflammatory cytokines such as
the previous works have not described the role of hepcidin and interleukin‑6 (35) (Fig. 2). A recent study reported that over‑
low‑grade chronic inflammation in iron homeostasis. weight and obese women with central adiposity demonstrated
higher serum hepcidin, higher inflammation level, lower iron
2. Iron metabolism status, and lower iron absorption when fed with supplemental
iron (36).
Iron is an essential trace element found in many foods, espe‑ In response to infection and inflammation, the acute phase
cially red meats. It is a crucial nutrient for optimal physical restricts the iron availability to pathogens by sequestering
and cognitive development of the human body  (18). The iron within macrophages resulting in iron deficiency  (37).
adult human body contains two to four grams of iron, about A vital component of the immune system called toll‑like
two‑thirds of which is usually stored in hemoglobin, and the receptors (TLR) can identify pathogen‑associated molecular
remaining (30‑40%) can be found in the iron‑binding proteins, patterns (PAMP). Activation of TLR causes iron deficiency
such as ferritin and transferrin (19). Iron is mainly utilized in the primarily through increasing the hepatic hepcidin (38). This
bone marrow to synthesize the heme part of the hemoglobin to situation induces ineffective erythropoiesis, which leads to
produce red blood cells in a process called erythropoiesis (20). anemia of inflammation, a kind of anemia linked to infectious
The principal source of iron in this process comes from the diseases, cancer, and chronic kidney disease  (39). Several
recycling of heme iron from ageing red blood cells, which studies have proven that hypoferremia activates transcription
is mediated by macrophage. This process provides about of the osteocyte‑secreted protein fibroblast growth factor 23
90% of the body iron requirement (21). The remaining 10% (FGF23) (40). FGF23, a phosphate and vitamin D homeostasis
should be acquired from the daily diet to replace usual body regulator produced from bone (41), is secreted as pro‑inflam‑
iron losses (22). The absorption of dietary iron mainly occurs matory cytokines in response to the activation of TLR4,
in the intestinal enterocytes in the duodenum and proximal followed by up‑regulation of hepcidin and down‑regulation
jejunum (23). Ferroportin is the only known iron transporter of erythropoietin expression in addition to reduced serum
found in human intestinal enterocytes (24). It transports iron iron and transferrin saturation (42). Contrarily, inhibition of
across the basolateral membrane of intestinal enterocytes FGF23 signalling alleviates hypoferremia and attenuates
into the bloodstream, where iron is carried by transferrin dysregulation of erythropoiesis in acute inflammation (43).
and circulated throughout the body (22). Iron‑requiring body The link between FGF23 and inflammation is bound to two
cells, including red blood cells, express transferrin receptor mechanisms; i) indirect pathway through elevated hepcidin
on their surface to obtain the iron they need. When iron is production, resulting in iron sequestration in macrophages and
required, cellular transferrin receptor transcription is elevated subsequent functional iron deficiency; ii) direct pathway by
to increase iron uptake and vice versa (25). In healthy indi‑ stimulating HIF1α transcription leading to increased HIF1α,
viduals, the body stores excess iron in ferritin in the liver that which together with HIF1β will bind to HIF response element
can be released into circulation when needed (21). on the FGF23 promoter inducing its transcription (40). Overall,
inflammation, iron status, and erythropoietin are known to
3. Hepcidin and iron homeostasis regulate FGF23 reciprocally (42,43).

Hepcidin is a small peptide hormone that is considered a key 5. Association between overweight and obesity, and iron
regulator for body iron homeostasis (26). Hepcidin is synthe‑ status
sized mainly in the liver and produced at low levels in other
organs like adipose tissue (27). Hepcidin regulates plasma iron The first report of a potential connection between people
level by binding to ferroportin leading to internalization and with obesity and iron status appeared in the early 1960s (44).
degradation of ferroportin through blockage of cellular iron Four decades later, a cross‑sectional study conducted in 2003
transport (28). Consequently, dietary iron absorption from the described a higher prevalence of iron deficiency in over‑
small intestine is downregulated, and thus, serum iron concen‑ weight and obese children and adolescents (10). Using data
tration is dropped (29). In addition, hepcidin slows down the from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
release of recycled iron by macrophages to peripheral and iron (NHANES III), a study confirmed that American children
mobilization from iron stores in the liver or spleen (30) (Fig. 1). with overweight were twice as likely to be iron deficient
than children with normal weight (11). Similar findings were
4. Obesity and low‑grade chronic inflammation also reported among adults. Lecube et al (2006) found that
postmenopausal women with obesity had higher soluble trans‑
Obesity is associated with low‑grade chronic inflamma‑ ferrin receptor than non‑obese postmenopausal women (45).
tion (31). Several pro‑inflammatory cytokines are secreted by Similarly, Yanoff et al  (2007) reported an increase in the
adipose tissues, including interleukin‑6 and tumor necrosis prevalence of iron deficiency in obese adults with signifi‑
factor alpha. Indeed, about one‑third of interleukin‑6 in the cantly lower serum iron level and higher soluble transferrin
circulation is released from adipose tissue (32). The principal receptor level than non‑obese adults (12). In another study,
mechanism that links obesity and iron deficiency is low‑grade Menzie et al (2008) found a significantly lower level of serum
systemic inflammation, observed in people with obesity (33). iron and transferrin saturation in adults with obesity when

Figure 1. Role of hepcidin in Fe homeostasis. Hepcidin regulates plasma Fe levels by binding to ferroportin, which internalizes and degrades ferroportin by
blocking cellular Fe transport.

compared to non‑obese adults. In addition, fat mass was found measure inflammatory markers and serum hepcidin in addition
as a significant negative predictor of serum iron concentra‑ to various iron status markers (54). Zimmermann et al (2008)
tion (46). studied the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency
Most studies that explore the relationship between obesity among healthy premenopausal women from transition coun‑
and iron deficiency assessed mainly specific hematological tries using iron isotope labelled test meals and hypothesized
and biochemical markers, such as serum iron, hemoglobin, that the mechanism might be mediated by inflammation. In
hematocrit, and ferritin, to evaluate iron status. On the other their study, 22% of the women were considered overweight, and
hand, inflammatory markers and serum hepcidin, which have 20% were iron deficient. They measured the iron status indica‑
an essential role in iron homeostasis, are less commonly tors (hemoglobin and serum ferritin) and C‑reactive protein
investigated  (47). Paknahad et al (2008) found that serum (CRP) at pre‑meal and two‑week post‑meal. It was observed
hemoglobin and hematocrit increased significantly across that fractional iron absorption was negatively correlated with
body mass index (BMI) quartiles in adult Iranian women (48). CRP and BMI (55). Alam et al (2015) reported that serum iron
However, no significant difference in BMI was reported among and transferrin saturation were significantly lower in individ‑
lactating Kenyan women with different levels of iron deple‑ uals with obesity than those with normal body weight, whilst
tion (as defined by ferritin), despite hemoglobin was shown to BMI was positively correlated with serum CRP (56). Similarly,
increase with increasing BMI (49). In another report, hema‑ Kaner et al (2016) investigated the relationship between iron
tocrit increased with increasing BMI and waist‑hip ratio in deficiency and obesity in Turkish women with overweight
Nigerian women (50). Aderibigbe et al (2011) showed that waist and obesity and reported that the iron deficiency risk could
circumference and waist‑hip ratio increased with increasing be more likely to occur in obesity due to elevated inflamma‑
ferritin concentration in South African women, while serum tion level (13). Another study reported a positive association
iron decreased with increasing BMI in women (51). In another between obesity and inflammation and mild changes in iron
study, a lower odds ratio of anemia was reported in women markers (57). Additionally, Tussing‑Humphreys et al (2010)
with overweight and obesity than women with normal weight measured serum hepcidin in obese and non‑obese premeno‑
from Egypt and Peru but not from Mexico (52). Surprisingly, pausal adult women and observed a higher hepcidin level
Kordas et al (2013) investigated the association between iron among women with obesity  (58). Another study evaluated
deficiency, anemia, and weight status among nonpregnant serum hepcidin level and iron status and their association
Colombian women and reported that women with overweight with BMI in a sample of children with obesity from Egypt
and obesity had a lower likelihood of anemia (53). and reported lower hemoglobin and ferritin levels and higher
A better understanding of the relationship between obesity hepcidin level among obese children (59). Conversely, a study
and iron deficiency has been gained when researchers started to that investigated iron, hepcidin, and inflammation levels in

Figure 2. Role of low‑grade chronic inflammation in Fe homeostasis. Increased inflammatory cytokines associated with obesity stimulate hepcidin synthesis
in the liver, which blocks cellular Fe transport via ferroportin degradation.

young women with overweight and obesity concluded that iron They observed a significant decrease in hepcidin and leptin
deficiency was not linked to inflammation or hepcidin (60). levels and a significant increase in iron absorption (65).
Most of these reports suggested that obesity may negatively Similarly, Gong et al (2014) reported an improvement of
affect the iron status and cause iron deficiency due to iron status with unchanged serum ferritin concentrations and
increased serum levels of low‑grade chronic inflammation an increase in transferrin saturation after the intervention,
and/or hepcidin. along with an improvement of inflammatory markers (66).
Coimbra et al (2017) studied the effect of an eight‑month
6. Effect of weight loss on iron status physical exercise programme on hepcidin, inflammation, and
iron status in overweight and obese children and adolescents.
The traditional way to treat iron deficiency is by providing The results showed a decrease in BMI z‑score, body fat mass,
an iron supplement. However, several studies found that the CRP, interleukin‑6, ferritin, hepcidin, and soluble transferrin
efficacy of iron supplementation was significantly lower receptor, in addition to an increase in serum iron concentra‑
when used among individuals with overweight and obesity tion (67). Cepeda‑Lopez et al (2016) evaluated the effects
compared to those with normal body weight (55,61). This of fat loss after bariatric surgery on inflammation, serum
could be caused by a reduction in iron absorption associated hepcidin, and iron absorption. After six months of follow‑up,
with elevated serum hepcidin levels observed in people with they reported that the total body fat, interleukin‑6, and
overweight and obesity  (36). Weight loss that is induced hepcidin were significantly lower, whereas the iron absorp‑
by an energy‑restricted diet and/or exercise may improve tion increased by 28% in iron‑deficient subjects (68). Another
obesity‑related hypoferremia and help to restore iron homeo‑ study conducted six‑ and twelve‑month weight loss programs
stasis in individuals with overweight and obesity  (62). In (high protein diet or low protein diet: 5600 kJ/day) among
addition, a reduction in adipose tissue is associated with young women (18‑25 years) and revealed that an initial body
alterations in the levels of pro‑inflammatory cytokines, which weight loss of more than 10% could be associated with an
may lead to diminished hepcidin release and improved iron improved iron status regardless of the diet type and hepcidin
status in people with overweight and obesity (63,64) (Fig. 3). levels (69). Recently, Kaner et al (2019) reported changes in
A few studies investigated the effect of weight loss on body weight and iron parameters of premenopausal Turkish
iron status, low‑grade chronic inflammation, and/or hepcidin women with overweight and obesity who participated in a
release in individuals with overweight and obesity  (62). weight loss program. They found a statistically significant
Amato et al (2010) examined the effect of BMI reduction relationship between body weight loss and CRP levels and
on serum hepcidin levels and iron status in obese children. concluded that weight loss helps to improve blood iron

Figure 3. Effect of body weight loss on iron status. A significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals can notably reduce the release of inflammatory
cytokines and hepcidin, which increases iron absorption.

parameters due to its positive effect on low‑grade chronic connections between iron, hepcidin, and other comorbid
inflammation (70). conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and
metabolic syndrome. The function of body fat amount and
7. Future research and clinical implications distribution (android vs. gynoid fat), especially concerning
gender differences, should be investigated further. Finally,
The high prevalence of obesity in combination with iron defi‑ the link between obesity and iron deficiency is an emerging
ciency incidence observed in different age and gender groups research field and one of the current limitation in the studies
suggesting a connection between obesity and iron status. reviewed is the lack of formula between iron markers and
However, few studies investigate the cause‑effect relation‑ obesity to predict iron deficiency.
ship between them. This review highlights the importance According to the findings of this review, there is emerging
of well‑controlled randomized clinical trials to confirm the evidence to support the link between obesity and iron
causality relationship between obesity and iron deficiency. In deficiency. Increased hepcidin levels mediated by chronic
spite of recent evidence showing iron disturbances with obesity, inflammation are thought to be the cause of this link. The
outcomes from the routine iron marker, such as hemoglobin findings emphasize the significance of closely monitoring
and serum ferritin, appear to be not enough to understand the and treating iron deficiency in people with overweight and
causal relationship between obesity and iron status. Analysis obesity. In those patients, routine iron status markers such
of additional biochemical markers, including hepcidin and as hemoglobin, serum ferritin, and serum iron appear to be a
pro‑inflammatory cytokines such as CRP and interleukin‑6, sound indicator of iron status. In patients with class 2 obesity
should be considered. Designing energy‑restricted diets that and above (BMI ≥35), caution is advised when using ferritin
deliver sufficient iron to meet recommended intakes for because inflammatory‑related iron disturbances may be more
subjects is essential in weight loss trials. Therefore, it would noticeable. Thus, examining additional biochemical markers
be crucial in the clinical setting to conduct a continuous such as soluble transferrin receptor and hepcidin should be
assessment for dietary iron intake in subjects who received considered to evaluate iron status accurately. Furthermore,
medical nutrition therapy for weight management. Moreover, while attempting to determine iron status in individuals
physical activity levels during the weight loss trial need to with overweight and obesity, potential confounding from
be monitors and controlled. Successful weight loss of at least higher inflammation should be considered. This could
5‑10% of initial weight may be needed to positively impact involve measuring acute phase proteins like CRP, or, at least,
iron, inflammation and hepcidin levels and ensure the effect avoiding iron testing during periods of apparent infection.
of diet‑induced weight loss on these markers. A strict selec‑ Initial assessment for iron status in patients with overweight
tion criterion applied at the recruitment stage is also essential and obesity seeking medical nutrition therapy for weight
to minimize confounding effects on the weight and iron loss might be advantageous in the clinical setting. This is
outcomes. To avoid results bias, certain groups of the target especially important for women who have a higher iron
population should be excluded, such as patients with certain requirement, such as those with a history of iron insufficiency,
medical conditions, pregnant and lactating mothers, vegetar‑ heavy or protracted menses, or low iron intake. It is critical
ians, smokers, and those who have recently supplemented to design energy‑restricted diets that supply sufficient iron
iron. Further research is needed to examine the possible to meet the dietary needs of overweight and obese patients.

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