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Module IV

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Introduction :
(1) The Factorial : Factorial notation: Let n be a positive integer. Then, the continued
product of first n natural numbers is called factorial n, to be denoted by n ! or n .
Also, we define 0 ! = 1.
when n is negative or a fraction, n ! is not defined.
Thus, n ! = n (n – 1) (n – 2) ......3.2.1.
(2) Exponent of Prime p in n ! : Let p be a prime number and n be a positive integer.
Then the last integer amongst 1, 2, 3, .......(n – 1), n which is divisible by p is   p ,
 p
n n
where   denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to .
 p p
Definition of permutation
The ways of arranging or selecting a smaller or an equal number of persons or
objects at a time from a given group of persons or objects with due regard being paid
to the order of arrangement or selection are called the (different) permutations.
For example : Three different things a, b and c are given, then different arrangements
which can be made by taking two things from three given things are ab, ac, bc, ba,
ca, cb.
Therefore the number of permutations will be 6.
Number of permutations without repetition
(1) Arranging n objects, taken r at a time equivalent to filling r places from n
r - places :
1 2 3 4 r

Number of choices : n (n – 1) (n – 2) (n – 3) n – (r – 1)
The number of ways of arranging = The number of ways of filling r places.
= n(n  1) (n  2).......( n  r  1)
n(n  1) (n  2).....(n  r  1)((n  r )!) n!
=   n Pr
(n  r )! (n  r )!

(2) The number of arrangements of n different objects taken all at a time = n Pn  n !

P0   1; n Pr  n .n 1 Pr 1
(ii) 0!  1;  0 or (r )!   (r  N )
( r )!

Number of permutations with repetition

(1) The number of permutations (arrangements) of n different objects, taken r at
a time, when each object may occur once, twice, thrice,........upto r times in
any arrangement = The number of ways of filling r places where each place
can be filled by any one of n objects.

r – places : 1 2 3 4 r
Number of choices : n n n n n

The number of permutations = The number of ways of filling r places = (n)r .

(2) The number of arrangements that can be formed using n objects out of which
p are identical (and of one kind) q are identical (and of another kind), r are
identical (and of another kind) and the rest are distinct is p !q !r ! .

Conditional permutations
(1) Number of permutations of n dissimilar things taken r at a time when p
particular things always occur = 4 P3 .
(2) Number of permutations of n dissimilar things taken r at a time when p
n p
particular things never occur = Cr r ! .
(3) The total number of permutations of n different things taken not more than r
n(n r  1)
at a time, when each thing may be repeated any number of times, is .
n 1
(4) Number of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m
specified things always come together is m ! ( n  m  1)! .
(5) Number of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m
specified things never come together is n ! m !  (n  m  1)! .
(6) Let there be n objects, of which m objects are alike of one kind, and the remaining
(n  m) objects are alike of another kind. Then, the total number of mutually
distinguishable permutations that can be formed from these objects is
(m !)  (n  m)! .
The above theorem can be extended further i.e., if there are n objects, of which p1
are alike of one kind; p2 are alike of another kind; p3 are alike of 3rd kind;......; pr
are alike of rth kind such that p1  p2  ......  pr  n ; then the number of permutations
of these n objects is ( p !)  ( p !)  ......  ( p !) .
1 2 r

Circular permutations
In circular permutations, what really matters is the position of an object relative to
the others.
Thus, in circular permutations, we fix the position of the one of the objects and then
arrange the other objects in all possible ways.
There are two types of circular permutations :
(i) The circular permutations in which clockwise and the anticlockwise
arrangements give rise to different permutations, e.g. Seating arrangements
of persons round a table.
(ii) The circular permutations in which clockwise and the anticlockwise
arrangements give rise to same permutations, e.g. arranging some beads to
form a necklace.

Difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise arrangement : If anti-clockwise

and clockwise order of arrangement are not distinct e.g., arrangement of beads in a
necklace, arrangement of flowers in garland etc. then the number of circular
(n  1)!
permutations of n distinct items is .
(i) Number of circular permutations of n different things, taken r at a time, when
clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as different is .
(ii) Number of circular permutations of n different things, taken r at a time, when
clockwise and anticlockwise orders are not different is .
Theorems on circular permutations
Theorem (i) : The number of circular permutations of n different objects is (n  1)! .
Theorem (ii) : The number of ways in which n persons can be seated round a
table is (n  1)! .
Theorem (iii) : The number of ways in which n different beads can be arranged
to form a necklace, is (n  1)! .


Each of the different groups or selections which can be formed by taking some or all
of a number of objects, irrespective of their arrangements, is called a combination.
Notation :
The number of all combinations of n things, taken r at a time is denoted by C (n, r ) or

n  n
Cr or   .
Cr is always a natural number.
Difference between a permutation and combination :
(i) In a combination only selection is made whereas in a permutation not only a
selection is made but also an arrangement in a definite order is considered.
(ii) Each combination corresponds to many permutations. For example, the six
permutations ABC, ACB, BCA, BAC, CBA and CAB correspond to the same
combination ABC.
Number of combinations without repetition
The number of combinations (selections or groups) that can be formed from n different
objects taken r (0  r  n) at a time is
Cr 
r !(n  r )! . Also Cr  Cn  r .
n n


Let the total number of selections (or groups) = x. Each group contains r objects,
which can be arranged in r ! ways. Hence the number of arrangements of r objects =
x  (r !) . But the number of arrangements = n Pr .
Pr n!
 x(r !)  Pr  x 
x  n Cr .
r! r !(n  r )!

Number of combinations with repetition and all possible selections

(1) The number of combinations of n distinct objects taken r at a time when any
object may be repeated any number of times.
= Coefficient of x r in (1  x  x 2  .......  x r ) n
= Coefficient of x r in (1  x)  n  n  r 1Cr
(2) The total number of ways in which it is possible to form groups by taking
some or all of n things at a time is n C1  nC2  ........  n Cn  2 n  1 .
(3) The total number of ways in which it is possible to make groups by taking
some or all out of n  (n1  n2  ....) things, when n1 are alike of one kind, n2 are
a like of second kind, and so on is {(n1  1) (n2  1)......}  1 .
(4) The number of selections of r objects out of n identical objects is 1.
(5) Total number of selections of zero or more objects from n identical objects is
n  1.
(6) The number of selections taking at least one out of a1  a2  a3  ......  an + k
objects, where a1 are alike (of one kind), a2 are alike (of second kind) and so
on...... an are alike (of nth kind) and k are distinct
= [(a1  1) ( a2  1) (a3  1).......(an  1)]2k  1 .
Conditional combinations
(1) The number of ways in which r objects can be selected from n different objects
if k particular objects are
n k n k
(i) Always included = Cr  k (ii) Never included = Cr
(2) The number of combinations of n objects, of which p are identical, taken r at a
time is
n p
Cr  n  p Cr 1  n  pCr  2  .......  n p C0 , if r  p and
n p
Cr  n  pCr 1  n  p Cr  2  .......  n  p Cr  p , if r  p .

Division into groups

Case I :
(1) The number of ways in which n different things can be arranged into r different
n  r 1 n 1
groups is Pn or n ! Cr 1 according as blank group are or are not admissible.
(2) The number of ways in which n different things can be distributed into r
different group is
r n  r C1 ( r  1) n  r C2 ( r  2) n  .........  ( 1)n 1 nCr 1 or Coefficient of x n is n ! (e x  1)r .
Here blank groups are not allowed.

(3) Number of ways in which m × n different objects can be distributed equally

among n persons (or numbered groups) = (number of ways of dividing into
(mn)!n ! (mn)!
groups) × (number of groups) ! = (m !) n n !  (m !) n .

Case II :
(1) The number of ways in which (m  n) different things can be divided into two
mn (m  n)!
groups which contain m and n things respectively is, Cm .n Cn  ,m  n .
m !n !

Corollary: If m  n , then the groups are equal size. Division of these groups can be given
by two types.
Type I : If order of group is not important : The number of ways in which 2n
different things can be divided equally into two groups is .
2!(n !) 2
Type II : If order of group is important : The number of ways in which 2n different
(2n)! 2n !
things can be divided equally into two distinct groups is 2
 2!  .
2!(n !) (n !) 2
(2) The number of ways in which (m + n + p) different things can be divided into
three groups which contain m, n and p things respectively is
mn p (m  n  p)!
Cm .n p Cn . p C p  ,m  n  p.
m !n ! p !

Corollary : If m  n  p , then the groups are equal size. Division of these groups can be
given by two types.
Type I : If order of group is not important : The number of ways in which 3p
(3 p )!
different things can be divided equally into three groups is .
3!( p !)3
Type II : If order of group is important : The number of ways in which 3p different
(3 p )! (3 p )!
things can be divided equally into three distinct groups is 3
3!  .
3!( p !) ( p !)3
(i) If order of group is not important : The number of ways in which mn
mn !
different things can be divided equally into m groups is .
(n !)m m !
(ii) If order of group is important: The number of ways in which mn different
(mn)! (mn)!
things can be divided equally into m distinct groups is m
 m!  .
(n !) m ! (n !) m
Any change in the given order of the things is called a derangement.


If n things form an arrangement in a row, the number of ways in which they can be
deranged so that no one of them occupies its original place is
 1 1 1 1
n !1     ......  (1) n .  .
 1! 2! 3! n! 

Some important results for geometrical problems

(1) Number of total different straight lines formed by joining the n points on a
plane of which m (< n) are collinear is n C2  m C2  1 .
(2) Number of total triangles formed by joining the n points on a plane of which
m (< n) are collinear is n C3  mC3 .

(3) Number of diagonals in a polygon of n sides is n C2  n .

(4) If m parallel lines in a plane are intersected by a family of other n parallel
lines. Then total number of parallelograms so formed is
mn(m  1)(n  1)
C2 nC2 i.e., .
(5) Given n points on the circumference of a circle, then
(i) Number of straight lines = n C2
(ii) Number of triangles = n C3
(iii) Number of quadrilaterals = n C4 .
(6) If n straight lines are drawn in the plane such that no two lines are parallel
and no three lines are concurrent. Then the number of part into which these
lines divide the plane is = 1  n .

(7) Number of rectangles of any size in a square of n  n is r

r 1
and number of

squares of any size is r

r 1

(8) In a rectangle of n  p ( n  p ) number of rectangles of any size is (n  1) ( p  1)

and number of squares of any size is  (n  1  r ) ( p  1  r ) .

r 1

Multinomial theorem

Let x1 , x2 ,......., xm be integers. Then number of solutions to the equation

x1  x2  ......  xm  n .....(i)
Subject to the condition

a1  x1  b1 , a2  x2  b2 ,......., am  xm  bm .....(ii)

is equal to the coefficient of x n in

( x a1  x a1 1  ......  x b1 ) ( x a2  x a2 1  .....  x b2 )......( x am  x am1  .....  x bm ) .....(iii)


This is because the number of ways, in which sum of m integers in (i) equals n, is
the same as the number of times x n comes in (iii).
(1) Use of solution of linear equation and coefficient of a power in expansions to
find the number of ways of distribution : (i) The number of integral solutions
of x1  x2  x3  ......  xr  n where x1  0, x2  0,......xr  0 is the same as the number
of ways to distribute n identical things among r persons.
This is also equal to the coefficient of x n in the expansion of
( x 0  x1  x 2  x 3  ......)r
 1 
= coefficient of x in  n

 1 x 
= coefficient of x n in (1  x)  r

 r (r  1) 2 r ( r  1) (r  2)....(r  n  1) n
= coefficient of x n in 1  rx  2! x  ....  n!
x  ......

r (r  1) (r  2)....(r  n  1) (r  n  1)! n  r 1
   Cr 1 .
n! n !(r  1)!

(2) The number of integral solutions of x1  x2  x3  .....  xr  n where

x1  1, x2  1,.......xr  1 is same as the number of ways to distribute n identical
things among r persons each getting at least 1. This also equal to the coefficient
of x n in the expansion of ( x1  x 2  x 3  ......) r .
 x 
= coefficient of x in  n

 1 x 
= coefficient of x n in x r (1  x)  r
= coefficient of x n in

 r (r  1) 2 r ( r  1) (r  2)...( r  n  1) n 
x r 1  rx  x  ...  x  ..
 2! n! 
= coefficient of x n  r in

 r (r  1) 2 r (r  1)(r  2)....( r  n  1) n 
1  rx  x  ...  x  .....
 2! n! 
r (r  1) (r  2)......( r  n  r  1) r (r  1) (r  2).....(n  1) (n  1)!
= = =  n 1Cr 1 .
(n  r )! (n  r )! (n  r )!(r  1)!
Number of divisors

Let N  p11 . p2 2 . p33 ...... pk k , where p1 , p2 , p3 ,...... pk are different primes and 1 ,  2 ,  3 ,......,  k
are natural numbers then :
(1) The total number of divisors of N including 1 and N is =
(1  1) ( 2  1) ( 3  1)....( k  1) .


(2) The total number of divisors of N excluding 1 and N is =

(1  1) ( 2  1) ( 3  1).....( k  1)  2 .
(3) The total number of divisors of N excluding 1 or N is =
(1  1) ( 2  1) ( 3  1).....( k  1)  1 .
(4) The sum of these divisors is
 ( p10  p11  p12  ......  p11 ) ( p20  p12  p22  ...  p2 2 ).....
( pk0  p1k  pk2  ....  pk k )
(5) The number of ways in which N can be resolved as a product of two factors is

 2 (1  1) ( 2  1)....( k  1), If N is not a perfect square

 1 [(  1) (  1).....(  1)  1], If N is a perfect square
 2 1 2 k

(6) The number of ways in which a composite number N can be resolved into two
factors which are relatively prime (or co-prime) to each other is equal to 2n1
where n is the number of different factors in N.



1. 0 is always taken as a) 6! b) 8!
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2(6)! d) 2(7)!
c)  d) none of these 10. On the occasion of Deepawali festival,
each student of a class sends greeting
8! cards to the others. If there are 20
2. 
2(6!) students in the class, then the total
number of greeting cards exchanged by
a) 28 b) 56
the students is
c) 42 d) 38
a) 20
C2 b) 2.20C2
1 1 x c) 2. 20
P2 d) None of these
3. If   , then x is equal to
8! 9! 10! 11. The value of C
a) 90 b) 100 a) 4950 b) 4590
c) 170 d) 50 c) 3950 d) 3590
4. A man has 3 ball pens and 5 ink pens. 12. In how many ways can a committee of
In how many different ways can he 6 men and 2 women be formed out of
select either a ball pen or an ink pen ? 10 men and 5 women ?
a) 8 b) 15 a) 10
C 5× 6C 2 b) 10
C 2× 6C 5
c) 2 d) 7 c) 10
C 5 × 5C 6 d) 10C6 × 5C2
5. There are 10 true-false questions. The 13. A person has 15 friends of whom 10
number of ways in which they can be are relatives. In how many ways can
answered is he invite 12 guests such that 8 of them
are relative ?
a) 10! b) 10
a) 225 b) 150
c) 210 d) 102
c) 175 d) 250
6. P2 =
n2 – n 2
14. If C = n – nC ,then n =
a) 1540 b) 2450 2 10
a) 12 b) 4 only
c) 2750 d) 1850
c) – 3 only d) 4 or – 3
7. A coin is tossed n times, the number
of all the possible outcomes is 15. If (n + 2)! = 210 (n – 1)!, then the value
of n is
a) 2n b) nC2
a) 5 b) 6
c) 2n d) nP2
c) 7 d) 4
8. If nP5 = 20. nP3, then n =
16. 2 . 6. 10. 14 ...... .upto 50 factors is
a) 4 b) 8 equal to
c) 6 d) 7 a) 50! b) 100!
9. How many words can be formed from
the letters of the word COURTESY, 100!
c) d) 100
whose first letter is C and the last letter 50!
is Y ?


17. There are four bus routes between A a) 6 b) 15

and B and three bus routes between B
c) 10 d) 12
and C. In how many ways can a man
travel by bus from A to C vai B? 25. Four dice are rolled once. The number
of possible outcomes in which at least
a) 12 b) 7
one dice shows 3 is
c) 9 d) 16
a) 1296 b) 625
18. Three different prizes are to be
distributed in a class of 20 boys. In how c) 671 d) none of these
many ways can this be done, if a boy is 26. In how many ways can five
eligible to get any number of prizes. examination papers be arranged so
a) 6840 b) 8000 that Physics and Chemistry papers
never come together ?
c) 7220 d) 6480
a) 31 b) 48
19. The letters of the word ‘SOCIETY’ are
arranged in such a manner that the c) 60 d) 72
vowels and consonants occur 27. If 56Pr + 6: 54Pr + 3 = 30800 : 1, then r =
alternately. The number of different
a) 41 b) 51
words so obtained is
c) 31 d) 61
a) 4! × 3! b) 7!
28. If 12Pr= 11P6 + 6 × 11P5, then r is equal to
c) 2 × 4! × 3! d) none of these
a) 5 b) 6
20. The number of 3 digit odd numbers,
that can be formed by using the digits c) 7 d) 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when the repetition is 29. In a 12 storey building 3 persons enter
allowed, is a lift cabin. It is known that they will
a) 60 b) 108 leave the lift at different storeys. In
how many ways can they do so, if the
c) 36 d) 30
lift does not stop at the second storey
21. If 8P5 = 7P5 + k 7P4, then k = ?
a) 11 b) 9 a) 720 b) 240
c) 5 d) 7 c) 120 d) 36
22. There are 6 persons of whom 3 are 30. How many words can be made from the
Asians, 2 Europeans and 1 American. letters of the word DELHI, if L comes
They have to stand in a line for a in the middle in every word
photograph so that the three Asians are
together and the two Europeans are a) 12 b) 24
together. In how many ways can this c) 60 d) 6
be done?
31. If 14C5 + 14C6 + 15C7 + 16C8 = 17Cr , then r =
a) 3! × 2! × 1! b) 3! × 3! × 2! × 1!
a) 17 b) 16
c) 3! × 3! × l! d) 3! × 2! × 2! × l!
c) 8 d) 10
23. The number of all four digit numbers
with distinct digits is 32. In how many ways can a committee of
4 boys and 2 girls be formed out of 16
a) 9999 b) 9 × 9P3 boys and 10 girls?
c) P4
d) P4
a) 16C × 4C b) 16C × 10C
10 2 2 4
24. If P5 = 60 ×
P3, then n is
c) 16
C4 × 10
C2 d) 16
C2 × 10

33. In a group of 15 boys there are 6 c) 333 d) 633

scouts. In how many ways can 8 boys
39. In how many ways can 5 prizes be
be selected so as to include at least 3
distributed among four students when
every student can take one or more
a) 4590 b) 4950 prizes
c) 4900 d) 4500 a) 1024 b) 625
34. It is required to seat 7 men and 3 c) 120 d) 600
women in a row so that women occupy
the even places. How many such 40. Numbers greater than 1000 but not
arrangements are possible ? greater than 4000 which can be formed
with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (repetition
a) 302400
of digits is allowed), are
b) 10C5 × 5!
a) 350 b) 375
c) 5C3 × 10!
c) 450 d) 576
d) 5C3 × 3!
41. In a train five seats are vacant, then
35. The number of ways in which 52 cards how many ways can three passengers
can be distributed among four players, sit
each receiving 13 cards, is
a) 20 b) 30
52! 52!
a) b) c) 10 d) 60
(13!) 4  4 (13!)4
42. The number of arrangements of the
52! letters of the word CALCUTTA is
c) d) 52!
(13!) 2 4! a) 2520 b) 5040
c) 10,080 d) 40,320
15! 15!
36. The value of   43. How many numbers greater than
5!10! 4!11!
hundred and divisible by 5 can be made
14! 16! from the digits 3, 4, 5, 6, if no digit is
a) 5! 9! b) 5!11! repeated
a) 6 b) 12
18! 15! c) 24 d) 30
c) 3! 7! d) 6!10!
44. The number of arrangements of the
37. A mountaineering team consists of 15 letters of the word BANANA in which
members of whom 3 are teachers. In two N's do not appear adjacently is
how many ways can a team of 11 a) 40 b) 60
members be selected so as to include
only one teacher. c) 80 d) 100

a) 144 b) 198 45. If the letters of the word SACHIN

arranged in all possible ways and these
c) 210 d) 165 words are written out as in dictionary,
38. The number of ways in which thirty then the word SACHIN appears at serial
five apples can be distributed among 3 number
boys so that each can have any number a) 603 b) 602
of apples, is
c) 601 d) 600
a) 1332 b) 666


46. In how many ways 7 men and 7 women 53. n C  n C 

r r 1
can be seated around a round table such
that no two women can sit together nr n  r 1
a) b)
a) (7!)2 b) 7! × 6! r r

c) (6!)2 d) 7! n  r 1 n  r 1
c) d)
47. All the letters of the word ‘EAMCET’ r r
are arranged in all possible ways. The 54. In a conference of 8 persons, if each
number of such arrangements in which person shakes hand with the other one
two vowels are not adjacent to each only, then the total number of shake
other is hands shall be
a) 360 b) 114 a) 64 b) 56
c) 72 d) 54 c) 49 d) 28
48. How many words can be made from the 55. In a football championship, there were
letters of the word BHARAT in which played 153 matches. Every team played
B and H.never come together one match with each other. The
a) 360 b) 300 number of teams participating in the
championship is
c) 240 d) 120
a) 17 b) 18
49. The number of ways in which 7
distinct objects can be distributed c) 9 d) 13
among 4 children is 56. If nC3 + nC4> n+1C3, then
a) P (7, 4) b) 7 ! a) n > 6 b) n > 7
c) 4 ! d) None of these c) n < 6 d) n < 7
50. The number of ways in which the
 n   n 
letters of the word TRIANGLE can be 57.  
 n  r   r  1 whenever 0  r  n – 1 is
arranged such that two vowels do not
occur together is equal to
a) 1200 b) 2400 n
a) 
n 
b)  
c) 14400 d) None of these r  1 r
51. The letters of the word COCHIN are
permuted and all the permutations are  n   n  1
c)   d)  
arranged in an alphabetical order as in  r  1   r 1
an English dictionary. The number of
58. Six ‘+’ and four ‘–’ signs are to be placed
words that appear before the word
in a straight line so that no two ‘–’
signs come together, then the total
a) 360 b) 192 number of ways are
c) 96 d) 48 a) 15 b) 18
52. How many 5 digit telephone numbers c) 35 d) 42
can be constructed using the digits 0
to 9, if each number starts with 67 and 59. If C r denotes the number of

no digit appears more than once? combinations of n things taken r at a

time, then the expression nCr+1 + nCr–1 +
a) 335 b) 336 2 × nCr equals
c) 338 d) 337 a) n + 2C b) n + 2C
r r+1

c) n+1
Cr d) n + 1Cr + 1

60. 15C8 + C9 –
19 15
C6 – 15
C7 = a) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
true; statement-2 is not a correct
a) 1 b) 2
explanation for statement-1.
c) 0 d) None of these
b) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
61. In a mathematics paper there are three false.
sections containing 4, 5 and 6
c) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is
questions respectively. From each
section 3 questions are to be answered.
In how many ways can the selection d) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is
of questions be made ? true; statement-2 is a correct explanation
for statement-1.
a) 34 b) 800
67. Let Tn denote the number of triangles
c) 1600 d) 9600
which can be formed using the vertices
62. The product of r consecutive integers of a regular polygon of n sides. If Tn + 1 –
is divisible by Tn = 21, then n is equal to
a) r ! b) (r – 1)! a) 5 b) 7
c) (r + 1)! d) None of these c) 6 d) 4
63. n–2Cr + 2. n–2
Cr–1 + Cr–2 =
n–2 68. If n+1Cr+1 : nCr : n–1Cr–1 = 11 : 6 : 3, then nr
a) nCr b) nCr + 1
a) 50 b) 70
c) n–1
Cr d) n + 1Cr
c) 35 d) 85
64. If n+2
C8 : P4 =
, then n is equal to 69. The number of ways of distributing 8
16 identical balls in 3 distinct boxes so
a) 5 b) 20 that none of the boxes is empty is
c) 21 d) 19 a) 3s b) 21
65. There are two urns. Urn A has 3 c) 5 d) 8C 3
distinct red balls and urn B has 9
distinct blue balls. From each urn two
balls are taken out at random and then
transferred to the other. The number
of ways in which this can be done is
a) 66 b) 108
c) 3 d) 36
66. In a shop there are five types of ice-
creams available. A child buys six ice-
creams. Consider
Statement-1. The number of different
ways the child can buv six ice-creams
is 10C
Statement-2. The number of different
ways the child can buy the six ice-
creams is equal to the number of
different ways of arranging 6 A’s and 4
B’s in a row. Which of the following is



1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)

6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B)

11. (A) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (A)

16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (B)

21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (C)

26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (B)

31. (C) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (B)

36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (A) 40. (B)

41. (D) 42. (B) 43. (B) 44. (A) 45. (C)

46. (B) 47. (C) 48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (C)

51. (C) 52. (B) 53. (C) 54. (D) 55. (B)

56. (A) 57. (D) 58. (C) 59. (B) 60. (C)

61. (B) 62. (A) 63. (A) 64. (D) 65. (B)

66. (C) 67. (B) 68. (A) 69. (B)



1. In how many ways can 10 true-false (a) n ! (n  2)! (b) (n  1)!(n  2)

questions be replied
(a) 20 (b) 100 (c) n ! 2( n  1) (d) (n  2) n !
(c) 512 (d) 1024 10. The number of numbers that can be
formed with the help of the digits 1,
2. The value of n Pr is equal to
2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 so that odd digits always
(a) n 1
Pr  r n 1 Pr 1 (b) n. n 1 Pr  n1 Pr 1 occupy odd places, is
(a) 24 (b) 18
(c) n(n 1 Pr  n1 Pr 1 ) (d) n 1
Pr 1  n1 Pr (c) 12 (d) 30
3. There are 4 parcels and 5 post-offices. 11. How many words can be formed from
In how many different ways the the letters of the word COURTESY,
registration of parcel can be made whose first letter is C and the last letter
(a) 20 (b) 45 is Y
(c) 54 (d) 54  45 (a) 6 ! (b) 8 !

4. The product of any r consecutive (c) 2(6) ! (d) 2(7) !

natural numbers is always divisible by 12. In how many ways 3 letters can be
(a) r ! (b) r 2 posted in 4 letter-boxes, if all the
letters are not posted in the same
(c) r n (d) None of these letter-box
5. The figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are written in (a) 63 (b) 60
every possible order. The number of (c) 77 (d) 81
numbers greater than 56000 is 13. The number of arrangements of the
(a) 72 (b) 96 letters of the word CALCUTTA
(c) 90 (d) 98 (a) 2520 (b) 5040
6. There are 5 roads leading to a town (c) 10,080 (d) 40,320
from a village. The number of different 14. How many words can be made from
ways in which a villager can go to the the letters of the word COMMITTEE
town and return back, is
9! 9!
(a) 25 (b) 20 (a) (2 !)2 (b) (2 !)3
(c) 10 (d) 5
7. The number of 3 digit odd numbers, 9!
that can be formed by using the digits (c) 2 ! (d) 9 !
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when the repetition is
allowed, is 15. If a denotes the number of
(a) 60 (b) 108 permutations of x  2 things taken all
(c) 36 (d) 30 at a time, b the number of
8. Assuming that no two consecutive permutations of x things taken 11 at
digits are same, the number of n digit a time and c the number of
numbers, is permutations of x  11 things taken all
(a) n! (b) 9 ! at a time such that a  182 bc , then the
(c) 9 n (d) n9 value of x is
9. In how many ways n books can be (a) 15 (b) 12
arranged in a row so that two specified (c) 10 (d) 18
books are not together

16. All the letters of the word ‘EAMCET’ 23. If eleven members of a committee sit
are arranged in all possible ways. The at a round table so that the President
number of such arrangements in which and Secretary always sit together, then
two vowels are not adjacent to each the number of arrangements is
other is (a) 10 !  2 (b) 10!
(a) 360 (b) 114
(c) 72 (d) 54 (c) 9!  2 (d) None of these

17. The number of words which can be 24. In how many ways can 12 gentlemen
made out of the letters of the word sit around a round table so that three
MOBILE when consonants always specified gentlemen are always
occupy odd places is together
(a) 20 (b) 36 (a) 9 ! (b) 10 !
(c) 30 (d) 720 (c) 3 ! 10 ! (d) 3 ! 9 !
18. The number of 7 digit numbers which 25. 20 persons are invited for a party. In
can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, how many different ways can they and
2, 3, 3, 4 is the host be seated at a circular table,
(a) 420 (b) 840 if the two particular persons are to be
(c) 2520 (d) 5040 seated on either side of the host
(a) 20 ! (b) 2 .18 !
19. Total number of four digit odd
numbers that can be formed using 0, (c) 18 ! (d) None of these
1, 2, 3, 5, 7 are
26. The number of ways in which 5 male
(a) 216 (b) 375
and 2 female members of a committee
(c) 400 (d) 720
can be seated around a round table so
20. Eleven books consisting of 5 that the two female are not seated
Mathematics, 4 Physics and 2 together is
Chemistry are placed on a shelf. The (a) 480 (b) 600
number of possible ways of arranging (c) 720 (d) 840
them on the assumption that the
27. The number of ways that 8 beads of
books of the same subject are all
different colours be string as a
together is
necklace is
(a) 4! 2! (b) 11!
(a) 2520 (b) 2880
(c) 5! 4! 3! 2! (d) None of these
(c) 5040 (d) 4320
21. If a man and his wife enter in a bus, in
which five seats are vacant, then the 28. If n is even and the value of Cr is

number of different ways in which maximum, then r 

they can be seated is
(a) 2 (b) 5 n n 1
(a) (b)
(c) 20 (d) 40 2 2
22. 4 Note of Rs. 100 and 5 note in which n 1
first of Rs. 1, second of Rs. 2, Third of (c) (d) None of these
Rs. 5, fourth of Rs. 20 and fifth one of
29. In how many ways can a girl and a boy
Rs. 50 distributed in 3 children such
be selected from a group of 15 boys
that each child receive at least one
and 8 girls
note of Rs. 100. The total number of
ways of distribution (a) 15  8 (b) 15  8
(a) 3  53 (b) 5  35 (c) 23 P2 (d) 23 C2
(c) 36 (d) None of these


38. If n 1 C3  2 nC2 , then n =

30. nCr n Cr 1 
(a) 3 (b) 4
nr n  r 1 (c) 5 (d) 6
(a) (b) 39. There are 15 persons in a party and
r r
each person shake hand with another,
n  r 1 n  r 1 then total number of hand shakes is
(c) (d)
r r (a) 15
P2 (b) 15

31. If n2  n
C2  n
C10 , then n  (c) 15! (d) 2 (15!)
(a) 12 40. How many numbers of 6 digits can be
(b) 4 only
(c) 3 only formed from the digits of the number
(d) 4 or 3
32. In a conference of 8 persons, if each (a) 30 (b) 60
person shake hand with the other one (c) 90 (d) 120
only, then the total number of shake
hands shall be 41. In how many ways can 21 English and
(a) 64 (b) 56 19 Hindi books be placed in a row so
(c) 49 (d) 28 that no two Hindi books are together
(a) 1540 (b) 1450
33. If 20 Cn  2  n C16 , then the value of n is (c) 1504 (d) 1405
(a) 7 (b) 10 42. In how many ways a team of 11 players
(c) 13 (d) No value can be formed out of 25 players, if 6
out of them are always to be included
34. The solution set of 10 C x 1  2 . 10Cx is
and 5 are always to be exclude
(a) {1, 2, 3} (b) {4, 5, 6} (a) 2020 (b) 2002
(c) {8, 9, 10} (d) {9, 10, 11} (c) 2008 (d) 8002
35. In an examination there are three 43. The numbers of permutations of n
multiple choice questions and each things taken r at a time, when
question has 4 choices. Number of p things are always included, is
ways in which a student can fail to
get all answers correct, is (a) n Cr p ! (b) n p Cr r !
(a) 11 (b) 12 (c) n  p Cr  p r ! (d) None of these
(c) 27 (d) 63
44. Out of 6 books, in how many ways can
36. In a city no two persons have identical
a set of one or more books be chosen
set of teeth and there is no person
(a) 64 (b) 63
without a tooth. Also no person has
(c) 62 (d) 65
more than 32 teeth. If we disregard
the shape and size of tooth and 45. How many words of 4 consonants and
consider only the positioning of the 3 vowels can be formed from 6
teeth, then the maximum population consonants and 5 vowels
of the city is (a) 75000 (b) 756000
(a) 232 (b) (32)2  1 (c) 75600 (d) None of these

(c) 232  1 (d) 2321 46. The number of groups that can be
made from 5 different green balls, 4
37. If n
Cr  84, Cr 1  36 and
n n
Cr 1  126 , different blue balls and 3 different red
then n equals balls, if at least 1 green and 1 blue ball
(a) 8 (b) 9 is to be included
(c) 10 (d) 5 (a) 3700 (b) 3720
(c) 4340 (d) None of these

47. In an election there are 5 candidates (c) 10! 1 (d) 210  1

and three vacancies. A voter can vote
maximum to three candidates, then in 54. A student is allowed to select at most
how many ways can he vote n books from a collection of (2n  1)
(a) 125 (b) 60 books. If the total number of ways
(c) 10 (d) 25 in which he can select one book is
63, then the value of is
48. The number of ways in which 10
(a) 2 (b) 3
persons can go in two boats so that
(c) 4 (d) None of these
there may be 5 on each boat,
supposing that two particular persons 55. Out of 5 apples, 10 mangoes and 15
will not go in the same boat is oranges, any 15 fruits distributed
1 10 among two persons. The total number
(a) ( C5 ) (b) 2(8 C4 ) of ways of distribution
1 8 (a) 66 (b) 36
(c) ( C5 ) (d) None of these
2 (c) 60 (d) None of these
49. The number of ways in which any four 56. A student is to answer 10 out of 13
letters can be selected from the word questions in an examination such that
‘CORGOO’ is he must choose at least 4 from the first
(a) 15 (b) 11 five questions. The number of choices
(c) 7 (d) None of these available to him is
(a) 140 (b) 196
50. The total number of ways of selecting (c) 280 (d) 346
six coins out of 20 one rupee coins, (e) 265
10 fifty paise coins and 7 twenty five
paise coins is 57. The number of triangles that can be
(a) 28 (b) 56 formed by 5 points in a line and 3
points on a parallel line is
(c) 37 C6 (d) None of these
(a) 8 C3 (b) 8C3 5C3
51. In how many ways can 5 red and 4
white balls be drawn from a bag (c) 8C3 5C3  1 (d) None of these
containing 10 red and 8 white balls 58. How many triangles can be formed by
(a) 8 C5 10C4 (b) 10
C5 8C4 joining four points on a circle
18 (a) 4 (b) 6
(c) C9 (d) None of these
(c) 8 (d) 10
52. 10 different letters of English alphabet 59. The number of straight lines joining 8
are given. Out of these letters, words points on a circle is
of 5 letters are formed. How many (a) 8 (b) 16
words are formed when at least one (c) 24 (d) 28
letter is repeated
(a) 99748 (b) 98748 60. There are 16 points in a plane out of
(c) 96747 (d) 97147 which 6 are collinear, then how many
lines can be drawn by joining these
53. A man has 10 friends. In how many points
ways he can invite one or more of them (a) 106 (b) 105
to a party (c) 60 (d) 55
(a) 10! (b) 210


61. Six points in a plane be joined in all

69. If n P4  30 n C5 , then n 
possible ways by indefinite straight
lines, and if no two of them be (a) 6 (b) 7
coincident or parallel, and no three (c) 8 (d) 9
pass through the same point (with the 70. A n n-digit number is a positive number
exception of the original 6 points). The with exactly n digits. Nine hundred
number of distinct points of distinct n-digit numbers are to be
intersection is equal to formed using only the three digits 2,
(a) 105 (b) 45 5 and 7. The smallest value of for
(c) 51 (d) None of these which this is possible is
62. A parallelogram is cut by two sets of (a) 6 (b) 7
m lines parallel to its sides. The number (c) 8 (d) 9
of parallelograms thus formed is
71. If n Pr = 720. n Cr , then r is equal to
(b)  m 1 C2 
(a) (m C2 ) 2 (a) 6 (b) 5
(c) 4 (d) 7
(c)  m  2 C2 
(d) None of these
72. The number of way to sit 3 men and 2
63. Out of 18 points in a plane, no three women in a bus such that total number
are in the same straight line except five of sitted men and women on each side
points which are collinear. The number is 3
of (i) straight lines, (ii) triangles which (a) 5! (b) 6 C5  5!
can be formed by joining them is
(i) (a) 140 (b) 142 (c) 144 (d) 146 (c) 6!6 P5 (d) 5! 6 C5
(ii) (a) 816 (b) 806 (c) 800 (d) 750 73. The value of 2n {1.3.5.....(2n  3) (2n  1)}
64. Out of 10 points in a plane 6 are in a is
straight line. The number of triangles (2n)! (2n)!
formed by joining these points are (a) n ! (b)
(a) 100 (b) 150 2n
(c) 120 (d) None of these n!
(c) (d) None of these
65. A polygon has 35 diagonals, then the (2n)!
number of its sides is
(a) 8 (b) 9 74. The number of ways in which the
(c) 10 (d) 11 letters of the word TRIANGLE can be
arranged such that two vowels do not
66. If Cr  Cr 1 and Pr  Pr 1 , then the
n n n n occur together is
value of n is (a) 1200 (b) 2400
(c) 14400 (d) None of these
(a) 3 (b) 4
75. Ten different letters of an alphabet are
(c) 2 (d) 5 given. Words with five letters are
formed from these given letters. Then
67. If n Pr  840, nCr  35, then n is equal to the number of words which have at
least one letter repeated is
(a) 1 (b) 3 (a) 69760 (b) 30240
(c) 5 (d) 7 (c) 99748 (b) None of these
68. A set contains (2n  1) elements. The 76. black A box contains two white balls, three
balls and four red balls. In how
number of sub-sets of the set which many ways can three balls be drawn
contain at most n elements is from the box if at least one black ball
is to be included in the draw
(a) 2n (b) 2n1 (a) 64 (b) 45
(c) 2n1 (d) 22 n (c) 46s (d) None of these


77. In a certain test there are n questions. (a  2b  3c  d ) !

In the test 2n i students gave wrong (c) (d) None of these
a !b !c !
answers to at least i questions, where
i  1, 2, ......n . If the total number of 83. round
12 persons are to be arranged to a
table. If two particular persons
wrong answers given is 2047, then n among them are not to be side by side,
is equal to the total number of arrangements is
(a) 10 (b) 11 (a) 9(10 !) (b) 2(10 !)
(c) 12 (d) 13
(c) 45(8 !) (d) 10 !
78. The number of ways in which an
examiner can assign 30 marks to 8 84. The number of ways in which an
questions, awarding not less than 2 arrangement of 4 letters of the word
marks to any question is ‘PROPORTION’ can be made is
(a) C7 30
(b) C16 (a) 700 (b) 750
(c) 758 (d) 800
(c) 21 C16 (d) None of these
n  n   n 
79. In how many ways can a committee 85. For 2  r  n,    2     is
be formed of 5 members from 6 men  r   r  1  r  2 
and 4 women if the committee has at
least one woman equal to
(a) 186
(b) 246  n  1  n  1
(c) 252 (a)   (b) 2  
(d) None of these  r 1  r 1
80. The number of times the digit 5 will
be written when listing the integers  n  2  n  2
from 1 to 1000 is (c) 2   (d)  
(a) 271 (b) 272  r   r 
(c) 300 (d) None of these
86. A dictionary is printed consisting of 7
81. A person goes in for an examination lettered words only that can be made
in which there are four papers with a with a letter of the word CRICKET. If
the words are printed at the
maximum of m marks from each paper. alphabetical order, as in an ordinary
The number of ways in which one can dictionary, then the number of word
get 2m marks is before the word CRICKET is
(a) 530 (b) 480
(a) 2 m 3 C3 (c) 531 (d) 481
(b) (m  1)(2m 2  4m  1)
(c) (m  1)(2m 2  4m  3)
(d) None of these
82. A library has a copies of one book, b
copies of each of two books, c copies
of each of three books and single copies
of d books. The total number of ways
in which these books can be
distributed is

(a  b  c  d ) ! (a  2b  3c  d ) !
(a) a !b !c ! (b) a ! (b !) 2 (c !)3



1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C)

6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B)

11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (B)

16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (C)

21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (B)

26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (C)

31. (D) 32. (D) 33. (D) 34. (C) 35. (D)

36. (C) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (B) 40. (C)

41. (A) 42. (B) 43. (C) 44. (B) 45. (B)

46. (B) 47. (D) 48. (B) 49. (C) 50. (A)

51. (B) 52. (A) 53. (D) 54. (B) 55. (A)

56. (A) 57. (C) 58. (A) 59. (D) 60. (A)

61. (C) 62. (C) 63. (C), (D) 64. (A) 65. (C)

66. (A) 67. (D) 68. (D) 69. (C) 70. (B)

71. (A) 72. (B) 73. (A) 74. (C) 75. (A)

76. (A) 77. (B) 78. (A) 79. (B) 80. (C)

81. (C) 82. (B) 83. (A) 84. (C) 85. (D)

86. (A)



Introduction :
Numerical study of chances of occurrence of events is dealt in probability theory.
The theory of probability is applied in many diverse fields and the flexibility of the
theory provides approximate tools for so great a variety of needs.

Definitions of various terms

(1) Sample space : The set of all possible outcomes of a trial (random experiment) is
called its sample space. It is generally denoted by S and each outcome of the trial is said
to be a sample point.
(2) Event : An event is a subset of a sample space.
(i) Simple event : An event containing only a single sample point is called an
elementary or simple event.
(ii) Compound events : Events obtained by combining together two or more
elementary events are known as the compound events or decomposable events.
(iii) Equally likely events : Events are equally likely if there is no reason for
an event to occur in preference to any other event.
(iv) Mutually exclusive or disjoint events : Events are said to be mutually
exclusive or disjoint or incompatible if the occurrence of any one of them prevents
the occurrence of all the others.
(v) Mutually non-exclusive events : The events which are not mutually
exclusive are known as compatible events or mutually non exclusive events.
(vi) Independent events : Events are said to be independent if the happening
(or non-happening) of one event is not affected by the happening (or non-
happening) of others.
(vii) Dependent events : Two or more events are said to be dependent if the
happening of one event affects (partially or totally) other event.
(3) Exhaustive number of cases : The total number of possible outcomes of a random
experiment in a trial is known as the exhaustive number of cases.
(4) Favourable number of cases : The number of cases favourable to an event in a
trial is the total number of elementary events such that the occurrence of any one of
them ensures the happening of the event.
(5) Mutually exclusive and exhaustive system of events : Let S be the sample space
associated with a random experiment. Let A1, A2, …..An be subsets of S such that
(i) Ai  Aj   for i ¹ j and (ii) A1  A2  ....  An  S
Then the collection of events A1 , A2 ,....., An is said to form a mutually exclusive and
exhaustive system of events.
If E1 , E2 ,....., En are elementary events associated with a random experiment, then
(i) Ei  E j   for i  j and (ii) E1  E2  ....  En  S


So, the collection of elementary events associated with a random experiment always
form a system of mutually exclusive and exhaustive system of events.
In this system, P( A1  A2 .......  An )
 P( A1 )  P( A2 )  .....  P( An )  1 .

Classical definition of probability

If a random experiment results in n mutually exclusive, equally likely and exhaustive
outcomes, out of which m are favourable to the occurrence of an event A, then the
probability of occurrence of A is given by

m Number of outcomes favourable to A

P ( A)  
n Number of total outcomes
It is obvious that 0  m  n. If an event A is certain to happen, then m = n, thus
P(A) = 1.
If A is impossible to happen, then m = 0 and so P(A) = 0. Hence we conclude that
0  P(A)  1.
Further, if A denotes negative of A i.e. event that A doesn’t happen, then for above
cases m, n; we shall have
nm m
P ( A)   1   1  P( A) ,  P( A)  P( A)  1 .
n n
Notations : For two events A and B,
(i) A’ or A or AC stands for the non-occurrence or negation of A.
(ii) A  B stands for the occurrence of at least one of A and B.
(iii) A  B stands for the simultaneous occurrence of A and B.
(iv) A’  B’ stands for the non-occurrence of both A and B.
(v) A  B stands for “the occurrence of A implies occurrence of B”.

Problems based on combination and permutation

(1) Problems based on combination or selection : To solve such kind of problems,
we use Cr 
r !(n  r )!
(2) Problems based on permutation or arrangement : To solve such kind of problems,
we use Pr 
(n  r )!
Odds in favour and odds against an event
As a result of an experiment if “a” of the outcomes are favourable to an event E and
“b” of the outcomes are against it, then we say that odds are a to b in favour of E or
odds are b to a against E.
Thus odds in favour of an event E
Number of favourable cases a a / ( a  b) P ( E )
    .
Number of unfavourable cases b b / (a  b) P( E )
Similarly, odds against an event E


Number of unfavourable cases b P( E )

   .
Number of favourable cases a P( E )

Addition theorems on probability

Notations : (i) P ( A  B ) or P ( A  B ) = Probability of happening of A or B
= Probability of happening of the events A or B or both
= Probability of occurrence of at least one event A or B
(ii) P(AB) or P(AB) = Probability of happening of events A and B together.
(1) When events are not mutually exclusive : If A and B are two events which are
not mutually exclusive, then
P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A  B )

or P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( AB )
For any three events A, B, C
P ( A  B  C )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P (C )  P ( A  B )  P ( B  C )  P (C  A)  P ( A  B  C )

or P ( A  B  C )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P (C )  P ( AB )  P ( BC )  P (CA)  P ( ABC )
(2) When events are mutually exclusive : If A and B are mutually exclusive events,
then n( A  B )  0  P ( A  B )  0

 P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B ) .
For any three events A, B, C which are mutually exclusive,
P ( A  B )  P ( B  C )  P (C  A)  P ( A  B  C ) = 0
 P ( A  B  C )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P (C ) .
The probability of happening of any one of several mutually exclusive events is
equal to the sum of their probabilities, i.e. if A1 , A2 ..... An are mutually exclusive events,
P( A1  A2  ...  An )  P( A1 )  P( A2 )  .....  P( An )
i.e. P( Ai )   P( Ai ) .

(3) When events are independent : If A and B are independent events, then
P ( A  B )  P ( A).P ( B )
 P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A).P ( B ) .
(4) Some other theorems
(i) Let A and B be two events associated with a random experiment, then
(a) P( A  B)  P( B)  P( A  B)
(b) P( A  B )  P( A)  P( A  B)
If B  A, then
(a) P( A  B )  P( A)  P( B) (b) P ( B )  P ( A)
Similarly if A  B, then
(a) ( A  B )  P ( B )  P ( A) (b) P ( A)  P ( B )
· Probability of occurrence of neither A nor B is

P( A  B )  P( A  B)  1  P( A  B)
(ii) Generalization of the addition theorem : If A1 , A2 ,....., An are n events associated

 n  n n n
P   Ai    P ( Ai )   P ( Ai  Aj )   P( Ai  Aj  Ak ) 
with a random experiment, then  i 1  i 1 i , j 1 i , j , k 1
i j i j k

...  ( 1) n 1 P( A1  A2  .....  An ) .

 n  n
If all the events Ai (i  1, 2..., n) are mutually exclusive, then   Ai    P( Ai )
 i 1  i 1
i.e. P( A1  A2  ....  An )  P( A1 )  P( A2 )  ....  P( An ) .

(iii) Booley’s inequality : If A1 , A2 ,.... An are n events associated with a random

experiment, then
 n  n  n  n
(a)   i  
P A  P ( Ai )  ( n  1) (b)   Ai    P( Ai )
 i 1  i 1  i 1  i 1
These results can be easily established by using the Principle of mathematical
Conditional probability
Let A and B be two events associated with a random experiment. Then, the probability
of occurrence of A under the condition that B has already occurred and P(B)  0, is
called the conditional probability and it is denoted by P(A/B).
Thus, P(A/B) = Probability of occurrence of A, given that B has already happened.

P ( A  B ) n( A  B )
  .
P( B) n( B )
Similarly, P(B/A) = Probability of occurrence of B, given that A has already happened.

P ( A  B ) n( A  B )
  .
P( A) n( A)
Sometimes, P(A/B) is also used to denote the probability of occurrence of A when B
occurs. Similarly, P(B/A) is used to denote the probability of occurrence of B when
A occurs.
(1) Multiplication theorems on probability
(i) If A and B are two events associated with a random experiment,
then P ( A  B )  P ( A). P ( B / A) , if P(A)  0 or P ( A  B )  P ( B ). P ( A / B ) , if P(B)  0.
(ii) Extension of multiplication theorem : If A1 , A2 ,...., An are n events related
to a random experiment, then
P( A1  A2  A3  ....  An )  P( A1 ) P( A2 / A1 ) P( A3 / A1  A2 )
....P ( An / A1  A2  ...  An 1 ) ,
where P( Ai / A1  A2  ...  Ai 1 ) represents the conditional probability of the event
Ai , given that the events A1 , A2 ,....., Ai 1 have already happened.

(iii) Multiplication theorems for independent events : If A and B are

independent events associated with a random experiment, then
P ( A  B )  P ( A). P ( B ) i.e., the probability of simultaneous occurrence of two
independent events is equal to the product of their probabilities. By
multiplication theorem, we have P ( A  B )  P ( A). P ( B / A) . Since A and B are
independent events, therefore P ( B / A)  P ( B ) . Hence, P ( A  B )  P ( A). P ( B ) .
(iv) Extension of multiplication theorem for independent events : If
A1 , A2 ,...., An are independent events associated with a random experiment, then

P( A1  A2  A3  ...  An )  P( A1 ) P( A2 )...P ( An ) .
By multiplication theorem, we have

P( A1  A2  A3  ...  An )  P( A1 ) P( A2 / A1 ) P( A3 / A1  A2 )
...P ( An / A1  A2  ...  An 1 )

Since A1 , A2 ,...., An 1 , An are independent events, therefore

P( A2 / A1 )  P( A2 ), P ( A3 / A1  A2 )  P ( A3 ),...., P( An / A1  A2  ...  An 1 )  P( An )
Hence, P( A1  A2  ...  An )  P( A1 ) P( A2 )....P( An ) .

(2) Probability of at least one of the n independent events : If p1 , p2 , p3 ,........, pn be

the probabilities of happening of n independent events A1 , A2 , A3 ,........, An respectively,
(i) Probability of happening none of them
 P( A1  A2  A3 ......  An )  P( A1 ).P ( A2 ).P( A3 ).....P( An )  (1  p1 )(1  p2 )(1  p3 )....(1  pn ) .
 (1  p1 )(1  p2 )(1  p3 )....(1  pn )
(ii) Probability of happening at least one of them
 P( A1  A2  A3 ....  An )  1  P( A1 ) P ( A2 ) P( A3 )....P( An )  1  (1  p1 )(1  p2 )(1  p3 )...(1  pn ) .
 1  (1  p1 )(1  p2 )(1  p3 )...(1  pn )
(iii) Probability of happening of first event and not happening of the remaining
 P( A1 ) P( A2 ) P( A3 ).....P( An )
 p1 (1  p2 )(1  p3 ).......(1  pn )
Total probability and Baye’s rule

(1) The law of total probability : Let S be the sample space and let E1 , E2 ,.....En be n
mutually exclusive and exhaustive events associated with a random experiment. If A
is any event which occurs with E1 or E2 or …or En, then
P( A)  P( E1 ) P( A / E1 )  P( E2 ) P( A / E2 )  ...  P( En ) P( A / En ) .
(2) Baye’s rule : Let S be a sample space and E1 , E2 ,.....En be n mutually exclusive

events such that E i  S and P ( Ei )  0 for i = 1, 2, ……, n. We can think of (E ’s as

i 1

the causes that lead to the outcome of an experiment. The probabilities P(Ei), i = 1,

2, ….., n are called prior probabilities. Suppose the experiment results in an outcome
of event A, where P(A) > 0. We have to find the probability that the observed event A
was due to cause Ei, that is, we seek the conditional probability P( Ei / A) . These
probabilities are called posterior probabilities, given by Baye’s rule as
P( Ei ).P( A / Ei )
P( Ei / A)  n

 P( E ) P( A / E ) .
k 1
k k

Binomial distribution :
(1) Geometrical method for probability : When the number of points in the sample
space is infinite, it becomes difficult to apply classical definition of probability. For
instance, if we are interested to find the probability that a point selected at random
from the interval [1, 6] lies either in the interval [1, 2] or [5, 6], we cannot apply the
classical definition of probability. In this case we define the probability as follows:
Measure of region A
P{x  A} 
Measure of the sample space S
where measure stands for length, area or volume depending upon whether S is a
one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional region.
(2) Probability distribution : Let S be a sample space. A random variable X is a
function from the set S to R, the set of real numbers.
For example, the sample space for a throw of a pair of dice is
{11, 12,  , 16
21, 22,  , 26
   
61, 62,  , 66}

Let X be the sum of numbers on the dice. Then X (12)  3, X (43)  7 , etc. Also, {X = 7} is
the event {61, 52, 43, 34, 25, 16}. In general, if X is a random variable defined on the
sample space S and r is a real number, then {X = r} is an event.
If the random variable X takes n distinct values x1 , x2 ,...., xn , then { X  x1} ,
{ X  x2 },....,{ X  xn } are mutually exclusive and exhaustive events.

X = x1 X = x3
X = x2

X = x4
X = xn

Now, since ( X  xi ) is an event, we can talk of P( X  xi ) . If P( X  xi )  Pi (1  i  n) , then

the system of numbers.
 x1 x2  xn 
 
 p1 p2  pn  is said to be the probability distribution of the random variable X.

The expectation (mean) of the random variable X is defined as E ( X )   pi xi and the

i 1

variance of X is defined as

n n
var( X )   pi ( xi  E ( X ))   pi xi2  ( E ( X )) 2 .

i 1 i 1

(3) Binomial probability distribution : A random variable X which takes values 0,

1, 2, …, n is said to follow binomial distribution if its probability distribution function
is given by P ( X  r )  n Cr p r q n  r , r  0,1, 2,....., n
where p, q > 0 such that p + q = 1.
The notation X ~ B(n, p) is generally used to denote that the random variable X
follows binomial distribution with parameters n and p.
We have P ( X  0)  P ( X  1)  ...  P ( X  n) .

 nC0 p 0 q n 0  nC1 p1q n 1  ...  nCn p n q n  n  (q  p)n  1n  1

Now probability of
(a) Occurrence of the event exactly r times
P ( X  r )  n Cr q n  r p r .
(b) Occurrence of the event at least r times
P ( X  r )  Cr q n n r
p  ...  p   n C X p X q n  X .
r n

X r

(c) Occurrence of the event at the most r times

P (0  X  r )  q n  n C1q n 1 p  ...  n Cr q n r p r   p X q n  X .
X 0

If the probability of happening of an event in one trial be p, then the probability of

successive happening of that event in r trials is p r .
If n trials constitute an experiment and the experiment is repeated N times, then
the frequencies of 0, 1, 2, …, n successes are given by
N .P ( X  0), N .P ( X  1), N .P( X  2),...., N .P ( X  n) .
(i) Mean and variance of the binomial distribution
The binomial probability distribution is
X 0 1 2 ..... n
P( X ) n C0 q n p 0 n
C1q n 1 p nC2 q n  2 p 2 .....n Cn q 0 p n
The mean of this distribution is
n n

 X i pi   X . nCX q n X p X  np ,
i 1 X 1

The variance of the Binomial distribution is  2  npq and the standard deviation
is   (npq ) .
(ii) Use of multinomial expansion : If a die has m faces marked with the
numbers 1, 2, 3, ….m and if such n dice are thrown, then the probability that
the sum of the numbers exhibited on the upper faces equal to p is given by
( x  x 2  x3  ....  x m ) n
the coefficient of x in the expansion of
p .
(4) The poisson distribution : Let X be a discrete random variable which can take
on the values 0, 1, 2,... such that the probability function of X is given by

 x e 
f ( x)  P( X  x)  , x  0,1, 2,....
where  is a given positive constant. This distribution is called the Poisson distribution
and a random variable having this distribution is said to be Poisson distributed.



1. 4 coins are tossed. The probability that

they are all heads is 1 1
a) b)
66 65
1 2
a) b) 1
16 9 c) d) 6 6
3 4 7. If E1, E2 E3, E4 are mutually exclusive
c) d)
10 15 and exhaustive events with respective
probabilities p1, p2, p3 and p4, then which
2. There are n letters and n addressed
of the following is possible ?
envelopes. The probability that all the
letters are not kept in the right envelope, a) p1 = 0.1, p2 = 0.2, p3 = 0.3, p4 = 0.4
b) p1 = 0.25, p2 = 0.35, p3 = 0.10, p4 = 0.05
1 1 c) p1 = 0.4, p2 = – 0.2, p3 = 0.5, p4 = 0.3
a) b) 1 
n! n!
d) P1 = 0.6, p2 = 0.3, p3 = 0.1, p4 = 0.1
1 1 1 ( 1) n
8. If A and B are two independent events,
c) 1  d)   ..... 
n 2! 3! n! then A and B are
3. Three mangoes and three apples are in a a) Not independent
box. If two fruits are chosen at random,
then find the probability that one is a b) Also independent
mango and other is an apple c) Mutually exclusive

2 3 d) None of these
a) b)
3 5 9. A man and a woman appear in an
interview for two vacancies in the same
1 2 post. The probability of man’s selection
c) d)
3 15 1
is and that of the woman’s selection
4. From 10,000 lottery tickets numbered 2
from 1 to 10,000, one ticket is drawn at 1
random. What is the probability that the is . What is the probability that none
number marked on the drawn ticket is
divisible by 20 of them will be selected

1 1 1 1
a) b) a) b)
100 50 3 12

1 1 1 2
c) d) c) d)
20 10 4 3

5. The probability of an impossible event is 10. The probability that at least one of A or
B occurs is 0.6. If A and B occur
a) 1 b) 2 simultaneously with probability 0.3, then
P (A') + P (B') is
c) d) 0 a) 0.9 b) 1.15
c) 1.1 d) 1.2
6. Six dice are thrown simultaneously. The
probability that all of them show the 11. If P(A  B) = 0.15, P(B’) = 0.10, then P(A/
same face, is B) is


1 1 5 72
a) b) c) d)
4 2 1456 182
1 3 17. A drawer contains 5 black socks and 4
c) d) blue socks well mixed. A person pulls out
8 4
2 socks at random from drawer. The
12. If P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = x, P(A  B) = 0.7 and probability that they match is
the events A and B are mutually
exclusive, then x = 5 4
a) b)
3 1 8 9
a) b)
10 2
5 41
2 1 c) d)
9 81
c) d)
5 5
18. A group of 4 boys and 3 girls are arranged
13. A and B are two events such that P(A) = at ran dom, one after the other.
0.8, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A  B)= 0.5, then Probability that girls and boys occupy,
the value of P(A/B) is alternate seats is,

5 5 1 1
a) b) a) b)
6 8 34 35
9 6
c) d) 31 25
10 5 c) d)
36 36
14. If A and B are two events such that P(A) 19. Two dice are thrown. The number of
A sample points in the sample space when
 0 and P(B)  1, then P    six does not appear on either dice is
a) 11 b) 30
A A c) 18 d) 25
a) 1  P   b) 1  P  
 B  B 20. Two coins are tossed. What is the
probability of getting 2 heads or 2 tails?
1  P(A  B) P(A)
c) d)
P(B) P(B) 1 1
a) b)
2 3
15. If the odds against an event be 2 : 3,
then the probability of its occurrence is 1 3
c) d)
1 2 4 4
a) b)
5 5 21. Three numbers are chosen from 1 to 30.
The probability that they are not
3 consecutive, is
c) d) 1
142 144
16. A cricket club has 16 members out of a) b)
145 145
which 6 can bowl. If a team of 11
members is selected. Find the probability 143 1
that the team will contain exactly four c) d)
145 145
22. Probability of getting a number between
5 7 and 100, which is divisible by 1 and itst
a) b)
146 1456 only, is


1 25 1 3
a) b) c) d)
4 99 18 28
28. A speaks truth in 60% of the cases and
c) d) None of these B in 90%. Percentage of cases in which
98 they are likely to contradict each other,
23. Six dice are thrown. The probability tha while stating the same fact, is
different numbers will turn up is equal a) 36 b) 48
c) 42 d) 30
5 5 29. The probability that an event A happens
a) b)
36 324 in a trial is 0.4. Three independent trials
are made. The probability that A happens
3 1 at least once is
c) d)
324 324 a) 0.216 b) 0.784
24. The letters of the word FATHER are writt c) 0.64 d) 0.936
on separate cards, two cards are drawn
random. Probability that both are vowels 30. If A and B are two events such that
2 1 P(A  B) + P(A  B) = and P(A) = 2P(B),
a) b) 8
15 25 then P(A) =
3 1 7 7
c) d) a) b)
15 15 12 24
25. An urn contains 5 blue and an unknow
number x of red balls. Two balls are drawn 5 17
c) d)
i random from this urn. If probability of 12 24
5 31. If A and B are two independent events,
both of them being blue is , then x = ?
a) 1 b) 2 then P   
c) 3 d) 4
a) 0 b) 1
26. Three different numbers are selected at
random from the set A = (1, 2, ..., 10}. c) P(A) d) P(B)
The probability that the product of two 3
of the numbers is equal to third is 32. If A and B are two events and P(A) = ,
3 1 1
a) b) P(B) = , P(A  B) = i , then P(A'  B') =
4 40 2

1 39 3 3
c) d) a) b)
8 40 8 4

27. Three identical dice are rolled. The 1 5

c) d)
probability that the same number will 4 8
appear on each of them is
33. Out of 80 students in a class, 30 passed
1 1 in Mathematics, 20 in Electronics and 10
a) b) in both. If one student is selected at
6 36
random. The probability that he has
passed in none of the subject is


3 1 1 1 1
a) b)  , P(B)  and P(A  B) = , then
5 4 3 4 5

3 1 B
P 
c) d) A
2 2
34. The probability that a leap year will have 37 37
53 Fridays or 53 Saturdays, is a) b)
40 45
2 3
a) b) 23 1
7 7 c) d)
40 3
4 1 39. A purse contains 4 copper coins and 3
c) d)
7 7 silver coins, the second purse contains
6 copper coins and 2 silver coins. A coin
1 is taken out from any purse, the
35. If A and B are two events with P(A) = ,
4 probability that it is a copper coin is
1 1
P(A/B) = and P(B/A) = then 4 37
4 2 a) b)
7 56
a) A and B are mutually exclusive
b) A and B are independent. 3 1
c) d)
7 3
c) A is sub-event of B
40. One and only one of the two events must
d) B is sub-event of A
36. The probability that a man will live 10 2 occur. If the chance of one is of the
1 other, then odds in favour of the other
more years is and the probability that
4 are
1 a) 1 : 3 b) 3 : 1
his wife will live 10 more years is .
c) 2 : 3 d) 3 : 2
Then the probability that neither will be
alive in 10 years is 41. In a horse race the odds in favour of three
horses are 1 : 2, 1 : 3 and 1 : 4. The
5 1 probability that one of the horse will win
a) b)
12 2 the race is

7 11 37 47
c) d) a) b)
12 12 60 60

37. The probability that in a throw of two 1 3

dice we get, an even sum or sum less c) d)
4 4
than 5 is
42. An event has odds in favour 4 : 5, then
1 1 the probability that event occurs, is
a) b)
2 6
1 4
a) b)
2 5 5 5
c) d)
3 9
4 5
38. If A and B are two events such that P(A) c) d)
9 9


43. If two balanced dice are tossed once, the 14 15

probability of the event, that the sum of c) d)
the integers coming on the upper sides 16 16
of the two dice is 9, is 49. Two dice are thrown simultaneously.
The probability of obtaining a total score
7 5 of 5 is
a) b)
18 36
1 1
1 1 a) b)
c) d) 9 18
9 6
44. If a coin is tossed n times, then 1 1
c) d)
probability that the head comes odd 36 12
times is 50. If 3 coins were tossed, then the
probability of getting 2 heads is
1 1
a) b)
2 2n 3 2
a) b)
8 8
c) d) None of these
2n 1 1
c) d) none of these
45. Seven white balls and three black balls 8
are randomly placed in a row. The 51. Two dice, one black and one white are
probability that no two black balls are rolled. The probability that sum of two
placed adjacently equals no. is 7 and no. of black greater than the
no. of white is
1 7
a) b)
2 15 1 1
a) b)
12 6
2 1
c) d) 1 1
15 3 c) d)
4 2
46. Three dice are thrown simultaneously.
What is the probability of obtaining a 52. There are 5 red balls and x black balls. If
total of 17 or 18 two balls are draw n at random,
probability that the balls drawn are red
1 1 5
a) b) is , find the value of x ?
9 72 14
a) 9 b) 12
c) d) None of these c) 3 d) 6
47. From the word 'POSSESSIVE', a letter is 53. The probability that A speaks truth is
chosen at random. The probability of it 4 3
to be S is , while this probability for B is . The
5 4
probability that they contradict each
3 4
a) b) other when asked to speak on a fact
10 10
4 1
3 4 a) b)
c) d) 5 5
6 6
48. A coin is tossed 4 times. The probability 7 3
c) d)
that at least one head turns up is 20 20

1 2
a) b)
16 16

54. A man and his wife appear for an fails in the examination is
interview for two posts. The probability
a) 0.5 b) 0.44
of the husband’s selection is and that
7 c) 0.6 d) None of these
1 59. P(A  B) = P(A  B) if and only if the
of the wife’s selection is . What is the relation between P(A) and P(B) is
probability that only one of them will be
selected a) P(A)  P(A)

1 2 b) P(A  B) = P(A'  B')

a) b)
7 7 c) P(A) = P(B)
d) None of these
c) d) None of these
7 60. If P(A) = 0.25_, P(B)= 0.50 and

55. For any two independent events E and P(A  B) = 0.14, then P(A  B ) is equal
E2. to

P{(E1  E 2 )  (E1  E 2 )} is a) 0.61 b) 0.39

c) 0.48 d) 0.11
1 1
a)  b)  61. If 4 P(A) = 6 P(B) = 10 P(A  B) = 1, then
4 4
P  
1 A
c)  d) None of these
2 3
56. The probability that at least one of the a) b)
events A and B occurs is 3/5. If A and B 5 5
occur simultaneously with probability 1/
5, then 7 19
c) d)
P(A') + P(B') is 10 60
62. If P(S) = 0.3, P(T) = 0.4, S and T are
2 4 independent events, then P(S/T) =
a) b)
5 5
a) 0.2 b) 0.3
6 7 c) 0.12 d) 0.4
c) d)
5 5
63. It is given that the events A and B are
57. The probability of happening of an event
1 1
A is 0,5 and that of B is 0.3. If A and B such that P(A) = , P(A/B) = and P(B/
are mutually exclusive events, then the 4 2
probability of happening of neither A nor 2
B is A) = . Then, P(B) is
a) 0.6
2 1
b) 0.2 a) b)
3 2
c) 0.21
1 1
d) None of these c) d)
6 3
58. If the probability of X to fail in the
examination is 0.3 and that for Y is 0.2,
then the probability that either X or Y


64. Two aeroplanes I and II bomb a target in 31 24

succession. The probabilities of I and II a) b)
56 56
scoring a hit correctly are 0.3 and 0.2
respectively. The second plane will bomb 25
only if the first misses the target. The c) d) None of these
probability that the target is hit by
second plane is 69. A bag X contains 2 white and 3 black
balls and another bag Y contains 4 white
a) 0.2 and 2 black balls. One bag is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. Then,
b) 0.7
the probability for the chosen ball to be
c) 0.06 white is
d) 0.14 2 7
a) b)
65. ‘X’ speaks truth in 60 % and ‘Y’ in 50 % 15 15
of the cases. The probability that they
contradict each other while narrating 8 14
c) d)
the same incident, is 15 15
70. Three numbers are chosen from 1 to 30.
1 1 The probability that they are not
a) b)
4 3 consecutive is

1 2 142 144
c) d) a) b)
2 3 145 145

66. Ram is visiting a friend. Ram knows that 143 1

his friend has 2 children and 1 of them c) d)
145 145
is a boy. Assuming that a child is equally
likely to be a boy or a girl, then the 71. Four cards are drawn from a pack of 52
probability that the other child is a girl, cards, The probability of drawing exactly
is one pair is
a) 0.4 b) 0.5
1 1
a) b) c) 0.8 d) none of these
2 3
72. Let A, B and C be three events such that
2 7 P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.8,
c) d)
3 10
P(A  B) = 0.08, P(A  C) = 0.28,
67. Odds 8 to 5 against a person who is 40
P(A  B  C) = 0.09. If P(A  B  C) 
years old living till he is 70 and 4 to 3
against another person now 50 till he will
be living 80. Probability that one of them then P(B  C) satisfies
will be alive next 30 years
a) P(B  C)  0.23
59 44 b) P(B  C)  0.48
a) b)
91 91
c) 0.23  P(B  C)  0.48

51 32 d) 0.23  P(B  C )  0.48

c) d)
91 91 73. Which of the following distribution of
probabilities of a random variable is the
68. If odds against solving a question by
probability distribution?
three students are 2 : 1, 5 : 2 and 5 : 3
respectively, then probability that the
question is solved only by one student is

a) X : 3 2 1 0 –1 77. A random variable X has the folio

probability distribution:
P(X) : 0.3 9.2 0.4 0.1 0.05
X: –2 –1 0 1 2 3
b) X : 0 12
P(X) : 0.1 k 0.2 2k 0.3 k
P(X) : 0.6 0.0.2
Then the expected value is
c) X : 0 1 2 3 4
a) 0.6 b) 0.5
P(X) : 0.10.1
c) 0.7 d) 0.8
d) X : 2 1 0 –1 –2
78. The random variable X has following
P(X) : 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 probability distribution
74. The following table represen ts a
probability distribution for a random x 1 2 3 4
variable X.
P(X  x) 0.2 0.1 0.3 k

x 0 1 2 3 4
Then the variance of X =
P(X  x) k 2k 3k 2k k
a) 1.29 b) 1.31
Then the value of k is c) 1.27 d) 1.23
79. For a random variable X, V (X) = 4 and
1 1 E (X2) = 13, the value of E (X) is
a) b)
2 6
a) 3 b) 4
1 1 c) 5 d) 6
c) d)
3 9 80. If a c.r.v X has the density function
75. The probability distribution of a random f(x) = C (9 – x 2); 0 < x < 3
variable X is
=0 ; otherwise
X: –1.5 –0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
Then the value of C is
P(X): 0.05 0.2 0.15 0.25 0.35
Then the c.d.f of X is 1 1
a) b)
16 15
a) X : – 1.5 – 0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
F(X) : 0.05 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 2 1
c) d)
b) X : –1.5 –0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 18 18

F(X) : 0.05 0.2 0.25 0.35 0.95 81. A function is defined as

c) X : – 1.5 – 0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
 0 for x2
F(X) : 0.05 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.75 
 2x  3
d) X : – 1.5 – 0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5  for 2x 4
f(x) =  18
F(X) : 0.05 0.25 0.4 0.65 1  0 for x4

76. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. If
X denotes the number of sixes, then the Then P (2 < X < 3) is
expected value of X is
5 4
a) b)
1 2 9 9
a) E(X) = b) E(X) =
3 3
7 2
c) d)
1 5 9 9
c) E(X) = d) E(X) =
6 6


82. Which of the following distribution of d) X : 0 1 2 3 4

probabilities of a random variable is the
probability distribution? F(X) : 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

a) X : 0 1 2 3 85. If a coin is tossed twice and X is number

of tails, then E (X) =
P(X) : 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.1
a) 0 b) 1
b) X : 0 1 2
c) 2 d) none of these
P(X) : 0.1 0.70.4
86. The probability distribution of the
c) X : 1 2 3 4 random variable X is given by
P(X) : 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3
d) X : 2 3 4 5 x 1 2 3 4

P(X) : 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 1 1 1 1

P(X  x)
8 2 8 4
83. Let X be a random variable which
assumes values x1, x 2, x3, x4 such that Then the value of V (X) is equal to
2P(X = x 1) = 3P(X = X2) = P(X = x3) = 5P(X
= x4). a) 0 b) 1
Then the probability distribution of x is 1 2
c) d)
a) X : x 1, x 2, x 3, x 4 2 3

15 10 30 6 87. The random variable X has the following

P(X) : probability distribution.
61 61 61 61
x: –3 –1 0 1 3
b) X : x 1, x 2, x 3, x 4
P (X = x) : 0.05 0.45 0.20 0.25
5 4 2 6 0.05
P(X) :
16 16 16 16 then its mean is
c) X : x 1, x 2, x 3, x 4 a) – 0.2 b) 0.2

3 4 7 1 c) – 0.4 d) 0.4
P(X) :
14 14 14 14 88. A random variable X has the following
probability distribution.
d) X : x 1, x 2, x 3, x 4

10 15 5 2 X( x1 ) 2 1 0 1
P(X) :
31 31 31 31 1 a 1  2a 1  2a 1 a
P(X  x1 )
84. Following is the probability distribution: 4 4 4 4

X: 0 1 2 3 4 a) a can have any real value

P(X) : 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.15 0.25
1 1
Then the cumulative distribution b) <a<
4 3
function is
a) X : 0 1 2 3 4 1 1
c) – <a<
F(X) : 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.75 1 2 2

b) X : 0 1 2 3 4 d) –1 < a < 1
F(X) : 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.15 0.25 89. If p.d.f of a c.r.v X is
c) X : 0 1 2 3 4 f(x) = ae–ax ; x > 0, a > 0
F(X) : 0.1 0.3 0.75 0.9 0.95 =0 ; otherwise
If P (0 < X < K) = 0.5, then K =

1 1
a) log a b) log 2
2 a

1 1
c) log 2 d) log a
2 a
90. A function is defined as

 kx 0  x 1

k 1 x  2
f(x) = 

 k(3  x) 2x3

Then the value of k and P(X < 1.5)

respectively are

1 1 1 1
a) , b) ,
3 2 3 3

1 1 1 1
c) , d) ,
2 2 2 3
91. The following table represen ts a
probability distribution for a random
variable X:

X 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(X  x) 0.1 2k k 0.2 3k 0.1

Then, the value of k is

a) 0.1
b) 0.2
c) 0.3
d) 0.4
92. The probability distribution of a random
variable X is given below:

X  x1 1 2 3
1 1 5
P(X  x1 )
4 8 8

Then its mean is

19 5
a) b)
8 4

c) 1 d)



1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (D)

6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (C)

11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (C)

16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (A)

21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (C)

26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (A)

31. (C) 32. (B) 33. (D) 34. (B) 35. (B)

36. (B) 37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (B) 40. (D)

41. (B) 42. (C) 43. (C) 44. (A) 45. (B)

46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (D) 49. (A) 50. (A)

51. (A) 52. (C) 53. (C) 54. (B) 55. (A)

56. (C) 57. (B) 58. (B) 59. (C) 60. (D)

61. (A) 62. (B) 63. (D) 64. (D) 65. (C)

66. (A) 67. (B) 68. (C) 69. (C) 70. (B)

71. (D) 72. (C) 73. (C) 74. (D) 75. (D)

76. (A) 77. (D) 78. (A) 79. (A) 80. (D)

81. (B) 82. (A) 83. (A) 84. (A) 85. (B)

86. (B) 87. (A) 88. (C) 89. (B) 90. (C)

91. (A) 92. (A)



1. Two coins are tossed. Let A be the 6. A single letter is selected at random
event that the first coin shows head from the word “PROBABILITY”. The
and B be the event that the second probability that the selected letter is a
coin shows a tail. Two events A and B vowel is
2 3
(a) Mutually exclusive (a) (b)
11 11
(b) Dependent
(c) Independent and mutually exclusive 4
(c) (d) 0
(d) None of these
7. There are two childrens in a family.
2. A card is drawn from a pack of 52
The probability that both of them are
cards. If A = card is of diamond, B =
boys is
card is an ace and A  B = card is ace of
diamond, then events A and B are 1 1
(a) (b)
(a) Independent 2 3
(b) Mutually exclusive 1
(c) (d) None of these
(c) Dependent 4
(d) Equally likely 8. A coin is tossed and a dice is rolled.
The probability that the coin shows
3. P(A  B) = 5 / 6 If P(A) = 2 / 3 , P(B) = 1 / 2
the head and the dice shows 6 is
and P(A  B) = 5 / 6 then events A and
B are 1 1
(a) (b)
(a) Mutually exclusive 8 12

(b) Independent as well as mutually 1

exhaustive (c) (d) 1
(c) Independent 9. Two dice are thrown simultaneously.
(d) Dependent only on A The probability of getting the sum 2
or 8 or 12 is
4. Two card are drawn successively with
replacement from a pack of 52 cards. 5 7
The probability of drawing two aces is (a) (b)
18 36
1 1
(a) (b) 7 5
169 221 (c) (d)
18 36
1 4 10. One card is drawn from each of two
(c) (d)
2652 663 ordinary packs of 52 cards. The
probability that at least one of them
5. A and B toss a coin alternatively, the
is an ace of heart, is
first to show a head being the winner.
If A starts the game, the chance of his 103 1
winning is (a) (b)
2704 2704
(a) 5/8 (b) 1/2
2 2601
(c) 1/3 (d) 2/3 (c) (d)
52 2704

11. Three letters are to be sent to different 3 3

(a) (b)
persons and addresses on the three 52 13
envelopes are also written. Without
looking at the addresses, the 4
(c) (d) None of these
probability that the letters go into the 13
right envelope is equal to 17. The probability of getting a number
1 1 greater than 2 in throwing a die is
(a) (b)
27 9 1 2
(a) (b)
4 1 3 3
(c) (d)
27 6 1 1
(c) (d)
12. The probability of a sure event is 2 6
(a) 0 (b) 1 18. A man and a woman appear in an
interview for two vacancies in the
1 same post. The probability of man’s
(c) 2 (d)
2 selection is 1/4 and that of the
13. From 10,000 lottery tickets numbered woman’s selection is 1/3. What is the
from 1 to 10,000, one ticket is drawn probability that none of them will be
at random. What is the probability that selected
the number marked on the drawn 1 1
ticket is divisible by 20 (a) (b)
2 12
1 1
(a) (b) 1
100 50 (c) (d) None of these
1 1 19. A card is drawn at random from a pack
(c) (d)
20 10 of cards. What is the probability that
14. The probability of getting number 5 the drawn card is neither a heart nor a
in throwing a dice is king

1 4 9
(a) 1 (b) (a) (b)
3 13 13

1 5 1 13
(c) (d) (c) (d)
6 6 4 26

15. In a throw of a die, what is the 20. A box contains 10 good articles and 6
probability of getting a number less with defects. One article is chosen at
than 7 random. What is the probability that
it is either good or has a defect
(a) 0 (b) 1
24 40
1 (a) (b)
(c) (d) None of these 64 64
16. A card is drawn at random from a pack 49 64
(c) (d)
of 52 cards. The probability that the 64 64
drawn card is a court card i.e. a jack, a 21. Two dice are tossed. The probability
queen or a king, is that the total score is a prime number

1 5 27. If the probabilities of boy and girl to

(a) (b) be born are same, then in a 4 children
6 12
family the probability of being at least
1 one girl, is
(c) (d) None of these
14 15
22. The probability that an event will fail (a) (b)
16 16
to happen is 0.05. The probability that
the event will take place on 4 1 3
consecutive occasions is (c) (d)
8 8
(a) 0.00000625 (b) 0.18543125 28. A locker can be opened by dialing a
(c) 0.00001875 (d) 0.81450625 fixed three digit code (between 000
and 999). A stranger who does not
23. Three identical dice are rolled. The
know the code tries to open the locker
probability that same number will
by dialing three digits at random. The
appear on each of them will be
probability that the stranger succeeds
1 1 at the k th trial is
(a) (b)
6 36
k k
(a) (b)
1 3 999 1000
(c) (d)
18 28
k 1
24. The probability of getting head and (c) (d) None of these
tail alternately in three throws of a
coin (or a throw of three coins), is 29. A man and his wife appear for an
interview for two posts. The
1 1 probability of the husband’s selection
(a) (b)
8 4 1
is and that of the wife’s selection is
1 3
(c) (d) 1
3 8
. What is the probability that only
25. A number is chosen at random from
first ten natural numbers. The one of them will be selected
probability that number is odd and 1 2
perfect square is (a) (b)
7 7
2 2
(a) (b) 3
9 5 (c) (d) None of these
3 1 30. In a single throw of two dice, the
(c) (d)
7 5 probability of obtaining a total of 7 or
26. A card is drawn randomly from a pack 9, is
of playing cards. Then the probability 5 1
that it is neither ace nor king, is (a) (b)
18 6
11 8
(a) (b) 1
13 13 (c) (d) None of these
10 12 31. A determinant is chosen at random.
(c) (d)
13 13 The set of all determinants of order 2


with elements 0 or 1 only. The

1 1
probability that value of the (a) (b)
determinant chosen is positive, is 1260 7560
(a) 3/16 (b) 3/8
(c) 1/4 (d) None of these (c) (d) None of these
32. The probability of obtaining sum ‘8’ 37. The probability that a teacher will give
in a single throw of two dice an unannounced test during any class
1 5 meeting is 1/5. If a student is absent
(a) (b) twice, then the probability that the
36 36
student will miss at least one test is
4 6
(c) (d) 4 2
36 36 (a) (b)
5 5
33. The probability of India winning a test
1 7 9
match against West Indies is . (c) (d)
2 5 25
Assuming independence from match 38. The chance of India winning toss is
to match, the probability that in a 5 3/4. If it wins the toss, then its chance
match series India’s second win occurs of victory is 4/5 otherwise it is only
at the third test, is 1/2. Then chance of India’s victory is
2 1 1 3
(a) (b) (a) (b)
3 2 5 5
1 1 3 29
(c) (d) (c) (d)
4 8 40 40
34. If P(A) = 0.65, P(B) = 0.15, then 39. The probabilities of a student getting
I, II and III division in an examination
P(A) + P(B) =
1 3 1
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.2 are respectively , and . The
10 5 4
(c) 0.8 (d) None of these probability that the student fails in the
35. In order to get at least once a head with examination is
probability  0.9, the number of times 197 27
a coin needs to be tossed is (a) (b)
200 100
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) None of these (c) (d) None of these
36. A box contains 2 black, 4 white and 3
red balls. One ball is drawn at random 40. A bag contains 30 balls numbered
from the box and kept aside. From the from 1 to 30, one ball is drawn
remaining balls in the box, another ball randomly. The probability that
is drawn at random and kept aside the number on the ball is multiple of 5 or
first. This process is repeated till all 7 is
the balls are drawn from the box. The 1 1
probability that the balls drawn are in (a) (b)
2 3
the sequence of 2 black, 4 white and
3 red is 2 1
(c) (d)
3 4

41. A coin is tossed 3 times by 2 persons. 4 18

What is the probability that both get (a) (b)
625 625
equal number of heads
3 1 (c) (d) None of these
(a) (b) 625
8 9
47. Find the probability that the two digit
5 number formed by digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(c) (d) None of these is divisible by 4 (while repetition of
digit is allowed)
42. An integer is chosen at random and
squared. The probability that the last 1 1
digit of the square is 1 or 5 is (a) (b)
30 20
2 3 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
10 10 40
4 9 48. The chance of getting a doublet with
(c) (d) 2 dice is
10 25
43. A coin is tossed 4 times. The 2 1
probability that at least one head turns (a) (b)
3 6
up is
5 5
1 2 (c) (d)
(a) (b) 6 36
16 16
49. A bag contains 3 red and 7 black balls,
14 15 two balls are taken out at random,
(c) (d) without replacement. If the first ball
16 16
taken out is red, then what is the
44. What is the probability that when one probability that the second taken out
die is thrown, the number appearing ball is also red
on top is even
1 1
1 1 (a) (b)
(a) (b) 10 15
6 3
3 2
1 (c) (d)
(c) (d) None of these 10 21
50. A bag x contains 3 white balls and 2
45. A pair of a dice thrown, if 5 appears black balls and another bag y contains
on at least one of the dice, then the 2 white balls and 4 black balls. A bag
probability that the sum is 10 or and a ball out of it are picked at
greater is random. The probability that the ball
is white, is
11 2
(a) (b) (a) 3/5 (b) 7/15
36 9
(c) 1/2 (d) None of these
3 1
(c) (d) 51. The probability that a marksman will
11 12
hit a target is given as 1/5. Then his
46. If any four numbers are selected and probability of at least one hit in 10
they are multiplied, then the shots, is
probability that the last digit will be
1, 3, 5 or 7 is

1 9
(a) 1    (b) (c) (d) None of these
510 19
57. A box contains 25 tickets numbered
1 1, 2, ....... 25. If two tickets are drawn
(c) 1  10 (d) None of these
5 at random then the probability that the
product of their numbers is even, is
52. ‘X’ speaks truth in 60% and ‘Y’ in 50%
of the cases. The probability that they 11 13
contradict each other narrating the (a) (b)
50 50
same incident is
1 1 (c) (d) None of these
(a) (b) 50
4 3
58. Twenty tickets are marked the
1 2 numbers 1, 2, ..... 20. If three tickets
(c) (d)
2 3 be drawn at random, then what is the
probability that those marked 7 and
53. The probability of choosing at random
11 are among them
a number that is divisible by 6 or 8
from among 1 to 90 is equal to 3 1
(a) (b)
1 1 190 19
(a) (b)
6 30 1
(c) (d) None of these
11 23 190
(c) (d)
80 90 59. A bag contains 4 white, 5 red and 6
black balls. If two balls are drawn at
54. In a throw of a dice the probability of
random, then the probability that one
getting one in even number of throw
of them is white is
44 11
5 5 (a) (b)
(a) (b) 105 105
36 11
6 1 (c) (d) None of these
(c) (d) 21
11 6
60. The letter of the word ‘ASSASSIN’ are
55. Two cards are drawn at random from
written down at random in a row. The
a pack of 52 cards. The probability that
probability that no two S occur
both are the cards of spade is
together is
1 1
(a) (b) 1 1
26 4 (a) (b)
35 14
(c) (d) None of these 1
17 (c) (d) None of these
56. If out of 20 consecutive whole
61. A bag contains 8 black and 7 white
numbers two are chosen at random,
balls. Two balls are drawn at random.
then the probability that their sum is
Then for which the probability is more
odd, is
(a) Both balls are white
5 10
(a) (b) (b) One ball is white and one is black
19 19
(c) Both balls are black

(d) All of the above are equals 7 11

(a) (b)
62. From a pack of playing cards three 13 15
cards are drawn simultaneously. The
probability that these are one king, one 12
(c) (d) None of these
queen and one jack is 13

64 16 67. A mapping is selected at random from

(a) (b) the set of all the mappings of the set
5525 5525
A = 1, 2, ...,n into itself. The
128 64 probability that the mapping selected
(c) (d)
5525 625 is an injection is
63. An ordinary cube has four blank faces,
1 1
one face marked 2 another marked 3. (a) (b) n !
Then the probability of obtaining a nn
total of exactly 12 in 5 throws, is
(n  1)! n!
5 5 (c) (d)
n n 1 n n 1
(a) (b)
1296 1944
68. Out of 13 applicants for a job, there
5 are 5 women and 8 men. It is desired
(c) (d) None of these to select 2 persons for the job. The
probability that at least one of the
64. A bag contains tickets numbered from selected persons will be a woman is
1 to 20. Two tickets are drawn. The 25 14
probability that both the numbers are (a) (b)
39 39
prime, is
14 7 5 10
(a) (b) (c) (d)
95 95 13 13

1 69. Dialing a telephone number an old

(c) (d) None of these man forgets the last two digits
remembering only that these are
65. Three of the six vertices of a regular different dialled at random. The
hexagon are chosen at random. The probability that the number is dialled
probability that the triangle with these correctly, is
three vertices is equilateral, is equal
to 1 1
(a) (b)
45 90
1 1
(a) (b) 1
2 5
(c) (d) None of these
1 1
(c) (d) 70. From a group of 7 men and 4 ladies a
10 20
committee of 6 persons is formed,
66. A cricket team has 15 members, of then the probability that the
whom only 5 can bowl. If the names committee contains 2 ladies is
of the 15 members are put into a hat
and 11 drawn at random, then the 5 5
(a) (b)
chance of obtaining an eleven 13 11
containing at least 3 bowlers is
4 3
(c) (d)
11 11

71. Out of 40 consecutive natural probability that minimum of the two

numbers, two are chosen at random. numbers is less than 4 is
Probability that the sum of the
numbers is odd, is 1 14
(a) (b)
15 15
14 20
(a) (b) 1 4
29 39 (c) (d)
5 5
(c) (d) None of these 77. A box contains 10 red balls and 15
2 green balls. If two balls are drawn in
72. Two numbers are selected at random succession then the probability that
from 1, 2, 3 ......100 and are multiplied, one is red and other is green, is
then the probability correct to two
places of decimals that the product 1 1
(a) (b)
thus obtained is divisible by 3, is 3 2
(a) 0.55 (b) 0.44
(c) 0.22 (d) 0.33 (c) (d) None of these
73. If four vertices of a regular octagon are
78. A fair coin is tossed 100 times. The
chosen at random, then the probability
probability of getting tails an odd
that the quadrilateral formed by them
number of times is
is a rectangle is
1 1
1 2 (a) (b)
(a) (b) 2 8
8 21
1 1 (c) (d) None of these
(c) (d) 8
32 35
79. A drawer contains 5 brown socks and
74. Four boys and three girls stand in a
4 blue socks well mixed. A man reaches
queue for an interview, probability
the drawer and pulls out 2 socks at
that they will in alternate position is
random. What is the probability that
1 1 they match
(a) (b)
34 35 4 5
(a) (b)
1 1 9 8
(c) (d)
17 68 5 7
(c) (d)
75. A bag contains 5 black balls, 4 white 9 12
balls and 3 red balls. If a ball is selected
80. From eighty cards numbered 1 to 80,
randomwise, the probability that it is
two cards are selected randomly. The
a black or red ball is
probability that both the cards have
1 1 the numbers divisible by 4 is given by
(a) (b)
3 4 21 19
(a) (b)
316 316
5 2
(c) (d)
12 3 1
(c) (d) None of these
76. Two numbers are selected randomly 4
from the set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} without 81. Suppose n  3 persons are sitting in
replacement one by one. The a row. Two of them are selected at

random. The probability that they are 87. If the probability of X to fail in the
not together is examination is 0.3 and that for Y is
2 2 0.2, then the probability that either X
(a) 1  (b) or Y fail in the examination is
n n 1
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.44
1 (c) 0.6 (d) None of these
(c) 1  (d) None of these
88. If P (A) = 0.4, P (B) = x, P (A  B) = 0.7 and
82. If the odds against an event be 2 : 3, the events A and B are mutually
then the probability of its occurrence exclusive, then x =
3 1
1 2 (a) (b)
(a) (b) 10 2
5 5
2 1
3 (c) (d)
(c) (d) 1 5 5
89. If A and B are two mutually exclusive
83. An event has odds in favour 4 : 5, then events, then P (A + B) =
the probability that event occurs, is
(a) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( AB )
1 4
(a) (b)
5 5 (b) P ( A)  P ( B )

4 5 (c) P ( A)  P ( B )
(c) (d)
9 9 (d) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( AB )
84. The odds against a certain event is 5 :
2 and the odds in favour of another 1 5 3
90. If P (A) = , P (B) = and P (A  B) = ,
event is 6 : 5. If both the events are 4 8 4
independent, then the probability that then P (A  B) =
at least one of the events will happen
is 1
(a) (b) 0
50 52
(a) (b)
77 77 3
(c) (d) 1
25 63
(c) (d) 91. If an integer is chosen at random from
88 88
first 100 positive integers, then the
85. A party of 23 persons take their seats probability that the chosen number is
at a round table. The odds against two a multiple of 4 or 6, is
persons sitting together are
(a) 10 : 1 (b) 1 : 11 41 33
(a) (b)
100 100
(c) 9 : 10 (d) None of these
86. If A and B are two events such that 1
(c) (d) None of these
P(A) = 0.4 , P (A + B) = 0.7 and P (AB) = 0.2, 10
then P (B) = 92. If A and B are two events such that
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.3 7
P (A  B) + P (A  B) = and P (A) = 2 P (B),
(c) 0.5 (d) None of these 8
then P (A) =

7 7 (b) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A  B )
(a) (b)
12 24
(c) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A  B )
5 17
(c) (d) (d) P ( A) . P ( B )
12 24
93. If A and B are two independent 98. A, B, C are any three events. If P (S)
denotes the probability of S happening
events such that P (A  B') = and then P (A  (B  C)) =
8 (a) P ( A)  P ( B )  P (C )  P ( A  B )  P ( A  C )
P (A'  B) = , then P(A) =
25 (b) P ( A)  P ( B )  P (C )  P ( B ) P (C )
1 3 (c) P ( A  B )  P ( A  C )  P ( A  B  C )
(a) (b)
5 8
(d) None of these
2 4 99. The probabilities of occurrence of two
(c) (d)
5 5 events are respectively 0.21 and 0.49.
The probability that both occurs
94. P(A  B) = P(A  B) if and only if the simultaneously is 0.16. Then the
relation between P(A) and P(B) is probability that none of the two occurs
(a) P(A) = P(A)
(a) 0.30 (b) 0.46
(b) P ( A  B )  P ( A ' B ') (c) 0.14 (d) None of these
(c) P ( A)  P ( B ) 100. Let A and B are two independent
events. The probability that both A
(d) None of these and B occur together is 1/6 and the
95. Three athlete A, B and C participate in a probability that neither of them
race competetion. The probability of occurs is 1/3. The probability of
winning A and B is twice of winning C. occurrence of A is
Then the probability that the race win
by A or B, is 1 1
(a) 0 or 1 (b) or
2 3
2 1
(a) (b) 1 1 1 1
3 2 (c) or (d) or
2 4 3 4
4 1
(c) (d) 101. If A and B are any two events, then
5 3
P(A  B) =
96. The probability that at least one of A
and B occurs is 0.6. If A and B occur (a) P( A) P( B ) (b) 1  P( A)  P( B)
simultaneously with probability 0.3,
then P(A) + P(B) = (c) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A  B )

(a) 0.9 (b) 1.15 (d) P ( B )  P ( A  B )

(c) 1.1 (d) 1.2 102. If A and B are arbitrary events, then
97. If A and B are any two events, then (a) P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B )
P(A  B) =
(b) P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B )
(a) P ( A)  P ( B )


(c) P ( A  B )  P ( A)  P ( B ) 108. If the events A and B are mutually

(d) None of these A
exclusive, then P   =
103. If P(A) = P(B) = x and B
1 (a) 0 (b) 1
P(A  B) = P(A  B) = , then x =
P (A  B) P (A  B)
(c) P (A) (d) P (B)
1 1
(a) (b)
2 3 109. If E and F are independent events
1 1 such that 0 < P(E) < 1 and 0 < P (F) < 1,
(c) (d) then
4 6
104. A card is drawn from a pack of cards. (a) E and F c (the complement of the
Find the probability that the card will event F) are independent
be a queen or a heart
(b) E c and F c are independent
4 16
(a) (b) E  Ec 
3 3 P  P  c  1
(c)  F 
  F 
4 5
(c) (d) (d) All of the above
13 3
105. Let A and B are two events and 110. A pair has two children. If one of them
is boy, then the probability that other
P(A) = 0.3 , P(B) = 0.4, P(A  B) = 0.5 , is also a boy, is
then P(A  B) is
1 1
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.8 (a) (b)
2 4
(c) 1 (d) 0.1
106. Two dice are thrown. What is the (c) (d) None of these
probability that the sum of the 3
numbers appearing on the two dice is 111. For two events A and B, if
11, if 5 appears on the first
A 1 B 1
P(A) = P   = and P   = , then
1 1 B 4 A 2
(a) (b)
36 6
(a) A and B are independent
(c) (d) None of these  A  3
6 (b) P   
B 4
107. In a single throw of two dice what is
the probability of obtaining a number  B  1
greater than 7, if 4 appears on the first (c) P    
A  2
(d) All of the above
1 1
(a) (b) 112. A letter is known to have come either
3 2 from LONDON or CLIFTON; on the
postmark only the two consecutive
(c) (d) None of these letters ON are legible. The probability
12 that it came from LONDON is


5 12 1 2
(a) (b) (a) (b)
17 17 19 19

17 3 3
(c) (d) (c) (d) None of these
30 5 19
113. In a certain town, 40% of the people 117. A bag X contains 2 white and 3 black
have brown hair, 25% have brown eyes balls and another bag Y contains 4
and 15% have both brown hair and white and 2 black balls. One bag is
brown eyes. If a person selected at selected at random and a ball is drawn
random from the town, has brown from it. Then the probability for the
hair, the probability that he also has ball chosen be white is
brown eyes, is 2 7
(a) (b)
1 3 15 15
(a) (b)
5 8 8 14
(c) (d)
1 2 15 15
(c) (d)
3 3 118. 8 coins are tossed simultaneously.
114. A coin is tossed three times in The probability of getting at least 6
succession. If E is the event that there heads is
are at least two heads and F is the event 57 229
in which first throw is a head, then (a) (b)
64 256
P  = 7 37
F (c) (d)
64 256
3 3 119. In a box of 10 electric bulbs, two are
(a) (b)
4 8 defective. Two bulbs are selected at
random one after the other from the
1 1 box. The first bulb after selection being
(c) (d)
2 8 put back in the box before making the
115. For two events A and B, if second selection. The probability that
both the bulbs are without defect is
A 1 B 1
P(A) = P   = and P   = , then
B 4 A 2 9 16
(a) (b)
25 25
(a) A and B are independent
4 8
 A  3 (c) (d)
(b) P    5 25
B 4
120. If a dice is thrown 7 times, then the
 B  1 probability of obtaining 5 exactly 4
(c) P     times is
A  2
4 3 3 4
(d) All of these 71 5 71 5
(a) C4     (b) C4    
116. One ticket is selected at random 6 6 6 6
from 100 tickets numbered 00, 01,
02, ...... 98, 99. If X and Y denote the 1 5
4 3
1 5
3 4

sum and the product of the digits on (c)     (d)    

6 6 6 6
the tickets, then P (X = 9 / Y = 0) equals


121. If a dice is thrown 5 times, then the 126. A fair coin is tossed a fixed number
probability of getting 6 exact three of times. If the probability of getting
times, is 7 heads is equal to that of getting 9
heads, then the probability of getting
125 125 3 heads is
(a) (b)
388 3888
35 35
625 250 (a) 12 (b)
2 214
(c) (d)
23328 2332
122. If the mean and variance of a binomial (c) 12 (d) None of these
variate X are 2 and 1 respectively, then
the probability that X takes a value 127. A die is tossed thrice. A success is
greater than 1, is getting 1 or 6 on a toss. The mean and
the variance of number of successes
2 4
(a) (b) (a)   1,  2  2 / 3 (b)   2 / 3,  2  1
3 5

7 15 (c)   2,  2  2 / 3 (d) None of these

(c) (d)
8 16 128. In a bag there are three tickets
123. The probability of a bomb hitting a numbered 1, 2, 3. A ticket is drawn at
random and put back and this is done
bridge is and two direct hits are four times. The probability that the
2 sum of the numbers is even, is
needed to destroy it. The least number
of bombs required so that the 41 39
probability of the bridge beeing (a) (b)
81 81
destroyed is greater then 0.9, is
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) (d) None of these
(c) 6 (d) 9
129. A dice is thrown 5 times, then the
124. A die is tossed twice. Getting a probability that an even number will
number greater than 4 is considered a come up exactly 3 times is
success. Then the variance of the
probability distribution of the number 5 1
of successes is (a) (b)
16 2
2 4 3 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
9 9 16 2
1 130. The probability that a student is not
(c) (d) None of these a swimmer is 1/5. What is the
probability that out of 5 students, 4
125. A coin is tossed successively three are swimmers
times. The probability of getting
exactly one head or 2 heads, is 4 4
54 1 4 1
(a) C4   (b)  
1 1 5 5 5 5
(a) (b)
4 2
1 4 5
(c) C1    C4
3 (d) None of these
(c) (d) None of these 5 5


131. Five coins whose faces are marked 2,

128 37
3 are tossed. The chance of obtaining (c) (d)
a total of 12 is 256 256
137. A sample of 4 items is drawn at a
1 1 random without replacement from a
(a) (b)
32 16 lot of 10 items. Containing 3 defective.
If X denotes the number of defective
3 5
(c) (d) items in the sample then P(0 < x < 3) is
16 16
equal to
132. The mean and variance of a binomial
distribution are 4 and 3 respectively, 3 4
(a) (b)
then the probability of getting exactly 10 5
six successes in this distribution is
1 1
1 3
6 6
1 3
(c) (d)
(a) C6    
(b) C6     2 6
4 4 4 4
138. If E and F are events with P (E)  P (F)
1 3
6 6
1 3
and P (E  F) > 0, then
(c) C6     (d) C6     (a) Occurrence of E  Occurrence of F
4 4 4 4
(b) Occurrence of F  Occurrence of E
133. In a binomial distribution the
probability of getting a success is 1/4 (c) Non-occurrence of Non-occurrence
and standard deviation is 3, then its of F
mean is (d) None of the above implications holds
(a) 6 (b) 8 139. A bag contains a white and b black
(c) 12 (d) 10 balls. Two players A and B alternately
draw a ball from the bag replacing the
134. The mean and variance of a random
ball each time after the draw till one of
variable X having a binomial
them draws a white ball and wins the
distribution are 4 and 2 respectively,
game. A begins the game. If the
then P(X = 1) is probability of A winning the game is
(a) 1/32 (b) 1/16 three times that of B, then the ratio a :
b is
(c) 1/8 (d) 1/4
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
135. One coin is thrown 100 times. The
probability of coming tail in odd (c) 2 : 1 (d) None of these
number 140. An unbiased coin is tossed. If the
1 1
result is a head, a pair of unbiased dice
(a) 2 (b) 8 is rolled and the number obtained by
adding the numbers on the two faces
(c) 8 (d) None of these is noted. If the result is a tail, a card
from a well shuffled pack of eleven
136. The mean and the variance of a cards numbered 2, 3, 4,.......,12 is
binomial distribution are 4 and 2 picked and the number on the card is
respectively. Then the probability of noted. The probability that the noted
2 successes is number is either 7 or 8, is
(a) 0.24 (b) 0.244
28 219
(a) (b) (c) 0.024 (d) None of these
256 256


141. A rifle man is firing at a distant target 146. For any two events A and B in a
and has only 10% chance of hitting it. sample space
The minimum number of rounds he
must fire in order to have 50% chance  A  P ( A)  P( B)  1
(a) P   , P( B)  0 is
of hitting it at least once is B P( B)
(a) 7 (b) 8 always true
(c) 9 (d) 6 (b) P ( A  B )  P( A)  P( A  B) does not
142. Two persons A and B take turns in hold
throwing a pair of dice. The first
person to through 9 from both dice (c) P ( A  B)  1  P( A) P( B ), if A and B are
will be avoided the prize. If A throws disjoint
first then the probability that B wins (d) None of these
the game is
147. The probability that a leap year
9 8 selected at random contains either 53
(a) (b) Sundays or 53 Mondays, is
17 17

8 1 2 4
(c) (d) (a) (b)
9 9 7 7

143. Six boys and six girls sit in a row. 3 1

What is the probability that the boys (c) (d)
7 7
and girls sit alternatively
148. Two numbers are selected at random
1 1 from the numbers 1, 2, ...... n. The
(a) (b) probability that the difference between
462 924
the first and second is not less than m
1 (where 0<m<n), is
(c) (d) None of these
(n  m) (n  m  1) (n  m) (n  m  1)
144. If three dice are thrown (a) (b)
(n  1) 2n
simultaneously, then the probability
of getting a score of 7 is (n  m) (n  m  1) (n  m) (n  m  1)
(c) 2n (n  1) (d) 2n (n  1)
5 1
(a) (b)
216 6 149. A purse contains 4 copper coins and
3 silver coins, the second purse
(c) (d) None of these contains 6 copper coins and 2 silver
72 coins. If a coin is drawn out of any
145. If A and B are two events such that purse, then the probability that it is a
copper coin is
P (A  B) = P (A  B), then the true
relation is (a) 4/7 (b) 3/4
(a) P ( A)  P ( B )  0 (c) 37/56 (d) None of these
150. In binomial probability
B distribution, mean is 3 and standard
(b) P ( A)  P ( B )  P ( A) P  
 A
deviation is . Then the probability
B 2
(c) P ( A)  P ( B )  2 P ( A) P   distribution is
 A
(d) None of these

12 12
3 1 1 3
(a)    (b)   
4 4 4 4

9 9
1 3 3 1
(c)    (d)   
4 4 4 4
151. The chance of an event happening is
the square of the chance of a second
event but the odds against the first are
the cube of the odds against the
second. The chances of the events are

1 1 1 1
(a) , (b) ,
9 3 16 4

1 1
(c) , (d) None of these
4 2



1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (D)

6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (A)
11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (B)
16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20. (D)
21. (B) 22. (D) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (D)
26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (A)
31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (B)
36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (D) 39. (D) 40. (B)
41. (C) 42. (B) 43. (D) 44. (C) 45. (D)
46. (C) 47. (D) 48. (B) 49. (B) 50. (B)
51. (A) 52. (C) 53. (D) 54. (B) 55. (C)
56. (B) 57. (C) 58. (A) 59. (A) 60. (B)
61. (B) 62. (B) 63. (C) 64. (A) 65. (C)
66. (C) 67. (C) 68. (A) 69. (B) 70. (B)
71. (B) 72. (A) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (D)
76. (D) 77. (B) 78. (A) 79. (A) 80. (B)
81. (A) 82. (C) 83. (C) 84. (B) 85. (A)
86. (C) 87. (B) 88. (A) 89. (C) 90. (A)
91. (B) 92. (A) 93. (A) 94. (C) 95. (C)
96. (C) 97. (C) 98. (C) 99. (B) 100. (B)
101. (D) 102. (B) 103. (A) 104. (C) 105. (B)
106. (B) 107. (B) 108. (A) 109. (D) 110. (C)
111. (D) 112. (B) 113. (B) 114. (A) 115. (D)
116. (B) 117. (C) 118. (D) 119. (B) 120. (A)
121. (B) 122. (D) 123. (A) 124. (B) 125. (C)
126. (A) 127. (A) 128. (A) 129. (A) 130. (A)
131. (D) 132. (B) 133. (C) 134. (A) 135. (A)
136. (A) 137. (B) 138. (D) 139. (C) 140. (B)
141. (A) 142. (B) 143. (A) 144. (C) 145. (C)
146. (A) 147. (C) 148. (D) 149. (C) 150. (A)
151. (A)



Introduction :
An average or a central value of a statistical series is the value of the variable which
describes the characteristics of the entire distribution.
The following are the five measures of central tendency
(1) Arithmetic mean (2) Geometric mean
(3) Harmonic mean (4) Median (5) Mode

Arithmetic mean :
Arithmetic mean is the most important among the mathematical mean. According
to Horace Secrist,
“The arithmetic mean is the amount secured by dividing the sum of values of the items
in a series by their number.”
(1) Simple arithmetic mean in individual series
(Ungrouped data)

(i) Direct method: If the series in this case be x1 , x2 , x3 ,......, xn ; then the arithmetic
mean x is given by

Sum of the series

Number of terms

x1  x2  x3  ....  xn 1 n
i.e., x   xi
n n i 1
(ii) Short cut method

Arithmetic mean ( x )  A  ,
where, A = assumed mean, d = deviation from assumed mean = x – A, where x
is the individual item,
d = sum of deviations and n = number of items.
(2) Simple arithmetic mean in continuous series
(Grouped data)

(i) Direct method : If the terms of the given series be x1 , x2 ,...., xn and the
corresponding frequencies be f1 , f 2 ,.... f n , then the arithmetic mean x is given

f x  f x  ....  f n xn fx i i
x 1 1 2 2  i 1

f1  f 2  ....  f n n
i 1


(ii) Short cut method

 f ( x  A)
Arithmetic mean ( x )  A  ,
where A = assumed mean, f = frequency and x – A = deviation of each item
from the assumed mean.
(3) Properties of arithmetic mean
(i) Algebraic sum of the deviations of a set of values from their arithmetic
mean is zero. If xi / f i , i = 1, 2, …, n is the frequency distribution, then

 f (x  x )  0 ,
i 1
i i x being the mean of the distribution.

(ii) The sum of the squares of the deviations of a set of values is minimum
when taken about mean
(iii) Mean of the composite series : If xi , (i  1, 2....., k ) are the means of k-
component series of sizes ni , (i  1, 2,...., k ) respectively, then the mean x of the
composite series obtained on combining the component series is given by the

n x i i
n1 x1  n2 x2  ....  nk xk  i 1
formula x  n  n  ....  n n
1 2 k n
i 1

Geometric mean

If x1 , x2 , x3 ,......, xn are n values of a variate x, none of them being zero, then geometric
mean (G.M.) is given by

G.M.  ( x1.x2 .x3 ......xn )1/ n

Þ log(G.M.)  (log x1  log x2  .....  log xn ) .

In case of frequency distribution, G.M. of n values x1 , x2 ,.....xn of a variate x occurring

with frequency f1 , f 2 ,....., f n is given by G.M.  ( x1f1 .x2f2 .....xnf n )1/ N , where N  f1  f 2  .....  f n .
Harmonic mean

H.M. 
1 1 1
The harmonic mean of n items x1 , x2 ,......, xn is defined as   .....  .
x1 x2 xn

If the frequency distribution is f1 , f 2 , f 3 ,......, f n respectively, then

f1  f 2  f3  .....  f n
H.M. 
 f1 f 2 fn 
   .....   .
 x1 x2 xn 


The median is the central value of the set of observations provided all the observations
are arranged in the ascending or descending orders. It is generally used, when
effect of extreme items is to be kept out.
(1) Calculation of median
(i) Individual series: If the data is raw, arrange in ascending or descending order.
Let n be the number of observations.
 n 1
If n is odd, Median = value of   item.
 2 

1 
th th
n n 
If n is even, Median = 2  value of   item  value of   1 item 
 2 2  

(ii) Discrete series : In this case, we first find the cumulative frequencies of the
variables arranged in ascending or descending order and the median is given by
 n 1
Median =   observation, where n is the cumulative frequency.
 2 
(iii) For grouped or continuous distributions : In this case, following formula can
be used.

N 
 C
(a) For series in ascending order, Median = l   2  i

Where l = Lower limit of the median class

f = Frequency of the median class
N = The sum of all frequencies
i = The width of the median class
C = The cumulative frequency of the class preceding to median class.
(b) For series in descending order

N 
 2 C  n
u    i , where u = upper limit of the median class, N   f i .
Median =
 f  i 1
 

As median divides a distribution into two equal parts, similarly the quartiles,
quantiles, deciles and percentiles divide the distribution respectively into 4, 5, 10

 N 
 j 4 C 
Q  l   i ; j  1, 2, 3 . Q is the
and 100 equal parts. The jth quartile is given by j f
  1
 
lower quartile, Q2 is the median and Q3 is called the upper quartile.


(2) Lower quartile

 n 1 
(i) Discrete series : Q1  size of   item
 4 

N 
 C
(ii) Continuous series : Q1  l   4  i

(3) Upper quartile

 3(n  1) 
(i) Discrete series : Q3  size of  item
 4 

 3N 
 C 
(ii) Continuous series : Q3  l   4  i

(4) Decile : Decile divide total frequencies N into ten equal parts.

N j
D j  l  10 i , [where j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

If j = 5, then D5  l  2  i . Hence D5 is also known as median.

(5) Percentile :

N k
Percentile divide total frequencies N into hundred equal parts and Pk  l  100 i ,

where k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.......,99.
Mode : The mode or model value of a distribution is that value of the variable for
which the frequency is maximum. For continuous series, mode is calculated as,

 f1  f 0 
Mode  l1   i
 2 f1  f 0  f 2 

Where, l1 = The lower limit of the model class

f1 = The frequency of the model class

f 0 = The frequency of the class preceding the model class

f 2 = The frequency of the class succeeding the model class


i = The size of the model class.

Symmetric distribution : A distribution is a symmetric distribution if the values of
mean, mode and median coincide. In a symmetric distribution frequencies are
symmetrically distributed on both sides of the centre point of the frequency curve.

Mean = Median = Mode

Mean Mean
Median Mode Mode Median
A distribution which is not symmetric is called a skewed-distribution. In a moderately
asymmetric distribution, the interval between the mean and the median is approximately
one-third of the interval between the mean and the mode i.e., we have the following
empirical relation between them,
Mean – Mode = 3(Mean – Median)  Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean. It is known as
Empirical relation.
Pie chart (Pie diagram)
In this diagram each item has a sector whose area has the same percentage of the
total area of the circle as this item has of the total of such items. For example, if N be
the total and n1 is one of the components of the figure corresponding to a particular

 n1 
item, then the angle of the sector for this item     360 , as the total number of
degree in the angle subtended by the whole circular arc at its centre is 360°.
Measure of dispersion
The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value is called
the dispersion of the data. The four measure of dispersion are
(1) Range (2) Mean deviation
(3) Standard deviation (4) Square deviation
(1) Range : It is the difference between the values of extreme items in a series.
Range = Xmax – Xmin

xmax  xmin
The coefficient of range (scatter)  x  x .
max min

Range is not the measure of central tendency. Range is widely used in statistical
series relating to quality control in production.
Range is commonly used measures of dispersion in case of changes in interest
rates, exchange rate, share prices and like statistical information. It helps us to
determine changes in the qualities of the goods produced in factories.
(i) Inter-quartile range : We know that quartiles are the magnitudes of the
items which divide the distribution into four equal parts. The inter-quartile
range is found by taking the difference between third and first quartiles and
is given by the following formula,
Inter-quartile range  Q3  Q1 ,
where Q1 = First quartile or lower quartile and Q3 = Third quartile or upper
(ii) Percentile range : This is measured by the following formula,


Percentile range  P90  P10 ,

where P90 = 90th percentile and P10 = 10th percentile.
Percentile range is considered better than range as well as inter-quartile range.
(iii) Quartile deviation or semi inter-quartile range : It is one-half of the
Q3  Q1
difference between the third quartile and first quartile i.e., Q.D.  and
Q3  Q1
coefficient of quartile deviation  Q  Q , where Q3 is the third or upper quartile
3 1
and Q1 is the lowest or first quartile.
(2) Mean deviation: The arithmetic average of the deviations (all taking positive)
from the mean, median or mode is known as mean deviation.
Mean deviation is used for calculating dispersion of the series relating to economic
and social inequalities. Dispersion in the distribution of income and wealth is
measured in term of mean deviation.
(i) Mean deviation from ungrouped data (or individual series)
| xM |
Mean deviation  ,
where |x – M| means the modulus of the deviation of the variate from the
mean (mean, median or mode) and n is the number of terms.
(ii) Mean deviation from continuous series : Here first of all we find the
mean from which deviation is to be taken. Then we find the deviation
dM  | x  M | of each variate from the mean M so obtained.
Next we multiply these deviations by the corresponding frequency and find
the product f.dM and then the sum  f dM of these products.

 f | xM |  f dM
Lastly we use the formula, mean deviation   , where
n n
n = f.
(3) Standard deviation : Standard deviation (or S.D.) is the square root of the
arithmetic mean of the square of deviations of various values from their arithmetic
mean and is generally denoted by  read as sigma. It is used in statistical analysis.
(i) Coefficient of standard deviation : To compare the dispersion of two
frequency distributions the relative measure of standard deviation is computed
which is known as coefficient of standard deviation and is given by

Coefficient of S.D.  , where x is the A.M.
(ii) Standard deviation from individual series

( x  x ) 2
where, x = The arithmetic mean of series
N = The total frequency.
(iii) Standard deviation from continuous series

 f i ( xi  x ) 2
where, x = Arithmetic mean of series
xi = Mid value of the class

f i = Frequency of the corresponding xi

N = f = The total frequency
Short cut method :

2 2
 fd 2   fd  d2  d 
(i)     (ii)    
N  N  N  N 
where, d = x – A = Deviation from the assumed mean A
f = Frequency of the item
N = Sf = Sum of frequencies
(4) Square deviation
(i) Root mean square deviation

 f ( x  A)
i 1
i i

where A is any arbitrary number and S is called mean square deviation.

(ii) Relation between S.D. and root mean square deviation :
If  be the standard deviation and S be the root mean square deviation.
Then, S 2   2  d 2 .

Obviously, S 2 will be least when d = 0 i.e., x  A

Hence, mean square deviation and consequently root mean square deviation
is least, if the deviations are taken from the mean.
The square of standard deviation is called the variance.
Coefficient of standard deviation and variance : The coefficient of standard deviation

is the ratio of the S.D. to A.M. i.e., .

Coefficient of variance = coefficient of S.D. 100  100 .

Variance of the combined series : If n1 , n2 are the sizes, x1 , x2 the means and  1 ,  2
the standard deviation of two series, then   n  n [n1 ( 1  d1 )  n2 ( 2  d 2 )] ,
2 2 2 2 2

1 2

n1 x1  n2 x2
where d1  x1  x , d 2  x2  x and x  n1  n2 .

( xi   )3
“Skewness” measures the lack of symmetry. It is measured by  1  and
{( xi   2 )}3/ 2
is denoted by  1 .
The distribution is skewed if,
(i) Mean  Median  Mode
(ii) Quartiles are not equidistant from the median
(iii) The frequency curve is stretched more to one side than to the other.
(1) Distribution : There are three types of distributions.

(i) Normal distribution : When  1  0 , the distribution is said to be normal. In this

case, Mean = Median = Mode

(ii) Positively skewed distribution : When  1  0 , the distribution is said to be positively

skewed. In this case,
Mean > Median > Mode
(iii) Negative skewed distribution : When  1  0 , the distribution is said to be negatively
skewed. In this case,
Mean < Median < Mode
(2) Measures of skewness
(i) Absolute measures of skewness : Various measures of skewness are

(a) S K  M  M d (b) S K  M  M o (c) Sk  Q3  Q1  2 M d

where, M d = median, M o = mode, M = mean.

Absolute measures of skewness are not useful to compare two series, therefore
relative measure of dispersion are used, as they are pure numbers.
(3) Relative measures of skewness
(i) Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness

M  Mo (M  M d )
Sk  3 , 3  S k  3
 
where  is standard deviation.
(ii) Bowley’s coefficient of skewness :

Q3  Q1  2M d
Sk 
Q3  Q1

Bowley’s coefficient of skewness lies between –1 and 1.

(iii) Kelly’s coefficient of skewness

P10  P90  2 M d D1  D9  2M d
SK   .
P90  P10 D9  D1


1. If the mean of 3, 4, x, 7, 10 is 6, then (a) 60% (b) 65%
the value of x is (c) 80% (d) 90%
(a) 4 (b) 5 7. An automobile driver travels from
(c) 6 (d) 7 plane to a hill station 120 km distant
at an average speed of 30 km per hour.
2. d i is the deviation of a class mark y i He then makes the return trip at an
from ‘a’ the assumed mean and fi is average speed of 25 km per hour. He
covers another 120 km distance on
1 plane at an average speed of 50 km per
the frequency, if M g = x +  f (  fi d i ) ,
i hour. His average speed over the
then x is entire distance of 360 km will be
(a) Lower limit (b) Assumed mean 30  25  50 1
(a) km/hr (b) (30, 25,50) 3
(c) Number of observations 3
(d) Class size
3. Consider the frequency distribution of (c) 1 1 1 km/hr (d) None of these
the given numbers  
30 25 50
Value : 1 2 3 4 8. The A.M. of n observations is M. If
Frequency : 5 4 6 f the sum of n - 4 observations is a, then
the mean of remaining 4 observations
If the mean is known to be 3, then the is
value of f is
nM a nM a
(a) 3 (b) 7 (a) (b)
4 2
(c) 10 (d) 14
4. The reciprocal of the mean of the nM  A
(c) (d) n M + a
reciprocals of n observations is their 2
(a) A.M. (b) G.M. 9. If the mean of the set of numbers
(c) H.M. (d) None of these x1 , x 2 , x 3 , ....., x n is x , then the mean of
5. The weighted mean of first n natural the numbers xi + 2i , 1  i  n is
numbers whose weights are equal to
the squares of corresponding numbers (a) x  2n (b) x  n  1
(c) x  2 (d) x  n
n 1 3n(n  1)
10. A school has four sections of
(a) (b)
2 2(2n  1) chemistry in class XII having 40, 35,
45 and 42 students. The mean marks
(n  1)(2n  1) n(n  1) obtained in chemistry test are 50, 60,
(c) (d)
6 2 55 and 45 respectively for the four
sections, the over all average of marks
6. A student obtain 75%, 80% and 85%
per students is
in three subjects. If the marks of
another subject are added, then his (a) 53 (b) 45
average cannot be less than (c) 55.3 (d) 52. 25


11. The class marks of a distribution are (c) Mode (d) Range
6,10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30 then the class
size is 19. The following data was collected from
the newspaper : (percentage
(a) 4 (b) 2 distribution)
(c) 5 (d) 8
Country Agriculture Industry Services Others
12. Which one of the following measures
India 45 19 28 8
of marks is the most suitable one of
central location for computing U.K. 3 40 44 13
intelligence of students Japan 6 48 43 3
(a) Mode (b) Arithmetic mean U.S.A. 3 35 61 1
(c) Geometric mean(d) Median
It is an example of
13. Which of the following, in case of a
(a) Data given in text form
discrete data, is not equal to the
median (b) Data given in diagrammatic form
(a) 50th percentile (b) 5th decile (c) Primary data
(c) 2nd quartile (d) Lower quartile (d) Secondary data

14. For a symmetrical distribution Q1 = 25 20. The total expenditure incurred by an

industry under different heads is best
and Q 3 = 45 , the median is presented as a
(a) 20 (b) 25 (a) Bar diagram (b) Pie diagram
(c) 35 (d) None of these (c) Histogram
15. The median of a set of 9 distinct (d) Frequency polygon
observations is 20.5. If each of the 21. If in a frequency distribution, the
largest 4 observation of the set is mean and median are 21 and 22
increased by 2, then the median of the respectively, then its mode is
new set approximately
(a) Is increased by 2 (a) 25.5 (b) 24.0
(b) Is decreased by 2 (c) 22.0 (d) 20.5
(c) Is two times the original median 22. The measure of dispersion is
(d) Remains the same as that of the (a) Mean deviation (b) S.D.
original set (c) Quartile deviation
16. The mode of the following items is 0, (d) All of these
1, 6, 7, 2, 3, 7, 6, 6, 2, 6, 0, 5, 6, 0
(a) 0 (b) 5 23. The variance of the data 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
(c) 6 (d) 2
(a) 6 (b) 7
17. If mean = (3 median – mode) k, then
the value of k is (c) 8 (d) None of these
(a) 1 (b) 2 24. For a normal distribution if the mean
(c) 1/2 (d) 3/2 is M, mode is M 0 and median is M d ,
18. Which of the following is not a
measure of central tendency (a) M  M d  M 0 (b) M  M d  M 0
(a) Mean (b) Median


(c) M  M d M 0 (d) M  M d  M 0 21
(c) 40  (d) None of these
25. The variance of the first n natural 25
numbers is 31. The sum of squares of deviations for
10 observations taken from mean 50
n2  1 n2  1 is 250. The co-efficient of variation is
(a) (b)
12 6
(a) 50% (b) 10%
n2  1 n2  1 (c) 40% (d) None of these
(c) (d)
6 12 32. For (2n+1) observations x1 ,- x1 ,
26. For a frequency distribution, standard x 2 , - x 2 , .....xn , - xn and 0 where x’s are all
deviation is computed by
distinct. Let S.D. and M.D. denote the
 f (x  x ) standard deviation and median
 f ( x  x )2
(a)   (b)   respectively. Then which of the
f f following is always true
(a) S.D. < M.D.
 f ( x  x )2  f (x  x )
(c)   (d)   (b) S.D. > M.D.
f f
(c) S.D. = M.D.
27. The range of following set of
observations 2, 3, 5, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 7, 4, (d) Nothing can be said in general about
3 is the relationship of S.D. and M.D.

(a) 11 (b) 7 33. A batsman scores runs in 10 innings

38, 70, 48, 34, 42, 55, 63, 46, 54, 44,
(c) 5.5 (d) 6 then the mean deviation is
28. For a given distribution of marks (a) 8.6 (b) 6.4
mean is 35.16 and its standard
deviation is 19.76. The co-efficient of (c) 10.6 (d) 9.6
variation is 34. The quartile deviation of daily wages
(in Rs.) of 7 persons given below 12,
35.16 19.76 7, 15, 10, 17, 19, 25 is
(a) (b)
19.76 35.16
(a) 14.5 (b) 5
35.16 19.76 (c) 9 (d) 4.5
(c)  100 (d)  100
19.76 35.16 35. The mean of n items is x . If the first
29. If the variance of observations term is increased by 1, second by 2
x1 , x 2 , ......xn is σ 2 , then the variance of and so on, then new mean is

ax1 ,ax 2 ......., axn , a ¹ 0 is n

(a) x  n (b) x 
(a)  2 (b) a  2
n 1
(c) x  (d) None of these
 2
(c) a  2 2 (d) 2
a 36. The average of n numbers
30. The standard deviation of 25 numbers x1 , x 2 , x 3 , ......, x n is M. If xn is replaced by
is 40. If each of the numbers is
x , then new average is
increased by 5, then the new standard
deviation will be
(a) 40 (b) 45

nM  xn  x
(a) M - x n + x  (b)

(n  1) M  x M  xn  x
(c) (d)
n n
37. The mean and S.D. of the marks of 200
candidates were found to be 40 and
15 respectively. Later, it was
discovered that a score of 40 was
wrongly read as 50. The correct mean
and S.D. respectively are
(a) 14.98, 39.95 (b) 39.95, 14.98
(c) 39.95, 224.5 (d) None of these
38. The S.D. of a variate x is s. The S.D. of
ax + b
the variate where a, b, c are
constant, is

a a
(a)    (b) 
c c

 a2 
(c)  2   (d) None of these
c 



1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B)

6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (D)

11. (A) 12. (D) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (D)

16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (B)

21. (B) 22. (D) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (A)

26. (C) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (C) 30. (A)

31. (B) 32. (B) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (C)

36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (B)


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