Aad No Seeded: Rirsierad6
Aad No Seeded: Rirsierad6
Aad No Seeded: Rirsierad6
Bangalore University,
20270s76299 CHANDANA S H College, Channapatna- Bacheior of
Bangalo re(ld: u-021s)
c-27042]) Commerce SECOND 9663239518
Govt. Gra
VENKATESH R Bangalore University,
175 2021.0576520 GOWDA
College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
B re(ld: Id: C-2 Commerce THIRD 95917637s1
Bangalore University,
L76 2c21.0597203 chaithra k m
Col lege, Bachelor of
Bangalore(td; U-0215 )
Commerce SECOND 9019345018
Govt. First Gradel
Bangalore University,
College, Channapatng, Bachelor of
20210630680 KUMARA K Ba d: 571501.(ld: C-ZtOq1) Commerce SECOND 973977s389
Govt. First craaE-
Bangalore University, College, Channapay{a- Bachelor of
1,78 20210632633 S NAVYA SHREE Bangalore(td: U-02 1s) 571501.(ld: C-2j.042) Science FIRST 7795259424
Bangalore University, College, Cha
1,79 20210649094 Bhavana Ba ld; U-0215 571501.(ld: C- 27042) Bachelor of Arts SECOND 86L8445375
Bangalore University, College, Qhannapalna- Bachelor of
180 20210665446 Shilpa K R Ban lore( ld: U-0215) 571501.(ld: C-2LU42) Science SECOND 91.48477091
Govt. First crade-
Bangalore University, College, Channa paInar'/-
181 202L0672602 SHOBI]A I Bangalore(ld: U-0215 ) 571s01.(ld: C-21-042) Bachelor of Arts THIRD 7795921242
Bangalore University,
Channapatna, Bachelor of
182 2021.0680730 ANUSHA B K lore(ld: U-0215 571501.(ld: C2IO42{ Commerce THIRD 9880903 12 6
Govt. Grade
Bangalore University,
Cha n na patn a-
183 20210681916 HANUMANTHA KS Jore(ld: U-0215) 571501.(rd Bachelor of Arts THIRD 9845408645
Govt. First Grade
Bangaiore University, -
College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
--_-- -'a/ / K V YASHASHWINI re(ld:U-0215) 571501.(ld: C 21042f Commerce SECOND 974L9603s8
Ft rst ra
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
2A2707 40677 ANUSHA G B Bangalore(td ) 71501.(ld: C-21.042T' ience SECOND 9663089588
First Gra
Bangalore University,
186 2021.0741,87s
College, Channapatna- _Bachelor of
TR re(ld; U-0215) ld: C-27O42) Commerce SECOND 8088390995
Bangalore University, College, ihannapatna- Bachelor of
1,87 242rc7423s3 MANJU B Bangalo rd: ld: C,2 Commerce THIRD 8970982834
Govt. Grade
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna-
188 2021.0769000 KIRAN S Ba d: u-021s) td: C-27O42)- Bachelor of Arts SECOND 99L6477592
Govt. First Grade-
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
189 2021.0796798 VARSHA Bangalore(ld: u-021s) 571501. ( Id : C-21.O421 /- ence SECOND 9741204833
Govt. First Grade
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
190 20210796428 CHAITHRA M S Bangalore(td: U-02 1s) s71501.(ld: C-2L04Z)
-. Science SECOND 762501,6049
Govt. First Grade
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
1"9L 20210796442 VIJAYA B Ban ld: U-0215) 571501.(ld: C-2L042)- Science SECOND 8792298812
ovt. First
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna-
792 2021081.9575 JAGADISH C Ba ld: U-0215) c-21.042) Bachelor of Arts SECOND -7)1.)
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
193 2021.0821s79 SHREE M K Bangalore(ld: U-02 1s) 1501.(ld: C-2L042Y Commerce THIRD 901929s341
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna Bachelor of
1"94 20210859050 GANASHREE A G Ban ld: U-0215) Science SECOND 9663174852
Govt. First GradE-
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna-
195 PAVITHRA G Ban lore( ld: U-0215) s71501.(ld: C-27042Y Bachelor of Arts SECOND 8197773998
Govt, rsi Grade
Bangalore University,
Coliege, Channapatna-
::2 10879633 NIRANJAN N G
iore(ld: U-0215 ) s71501.(ld: C-z1.o4z) f Bachelor of Arts SECOND 8971"400693
First G e
Bangalore University,
College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
-r7 20210899445 Nil-cs Bangalo d: U-0215) 571501.(ld: C-21O42) Commerce SECOND 8867404004
Bangalore University,
198 20210909804 MONIKA H N
College, Cha nna patna-/- Bachelor of
Ba re(ld: U-0215) 71s01.(ld: C-2Lo42) Science THIRD 8088374252
Govt. First
Bangalore University, College, Channapatna- Bachelor of
199 20210910098 VAISHNAVIR Bangalore(td: U-0215) 571501.(ld: C-27O42)/ Scien ce THIRD 961 1641968
Govt. First GradE-
Bangalore University, College, Channa patna t- Bachelor of
200 2021091322 VIDYA Ban lore(ld: U-0215) 571501.(rd: C-27O421 Commerce SECQND 8191 465954
Govt. First Grade
Bangalore University,
201_ 2021.0927826 Appu H
College, Channapatna- _ Bachelor of
na pa tnaj
/' Bachelor of
2122004884s KAVYA T Bangalo re(ld: U-0215
a n
( c
p*nc ipat
Governmcnt Flnt Grado Collcoe
Ghannrpatnr ,562tfi0.
Aadhar Name Not Matched
Course 036to5QFo$
Sl No. Student ld Student Name University Name College Name Course Name
iear d>yozL,el
bovr. rlrsl braoe Loilege/
Bangaiore University, Channapatna-571501.(ld: C-
1 207L0700987 ASWINIA K Bangalore(ld: U-0215) 21042) Bachelor of Arts SECON D 99803 5402 9
Govt. l-irst Grade Lollege,
Bangalore UniversitV, Channapatna-571501.(ld: C
81 202 10550045 Cha nada na Bangalore(ld: U-0215) 2060s ) Bachelor of Commerce SECOND 897L426968
Govt. First Grade College,
Bangalore University, Kanakapura-562 117(ld: C-
85 202107749L7 Sundarkumar S R Bangalore(ld: U-0215) 2060s) Bachelor of Commerce THIRD 6362113481
$4Eq't cip*l . .rs,r.i -
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