Group 7 Esp - Assessing Needs
Group 7 Esp - Assessing Needs
Group 7 Esp - Assessing Needs
ESP has developed rapidly in every human activity, ESP is not a coherent and planned
movement but rather a phenomenon that develops from some general trends because English
has become an international language where almost all aspects of science use it. ESP aims to
help learners with the type of language needed in a particular field, major, or occupation.
With the spread of globalization, there has been an increase in the use of English as
the language of international communication. More and more people will use English and it
will continue to increase, students begin to learn and then master general English at an early
age and then move on to ESP as adults. In this ESP paper, we present material about
“Assessing Needs”.
We as the authors of this paper are well aware that this paper is far from perfect, and
finally we hope that this paper can provide benefits to its readers in the future.
Group 7
Foreword .............................................................................................................................
Table of contents.................................................................................................................
References ..........................................................................................................................
HANDAYANI (1888203031)
Based on this, students are given lessons on English for Specific Purposes
(ESP). ESP aims to motivate students so that they know the importance of English
according to their field of study.
To maximize the learning process so that it can get the results as expected, it is
necessary to plan learning in advance. Meanwhile, before making lesson plans, we
first need to analyze the needs of students. This needs to be done so that later the
material/lessons received by students are really something that is needed. Because of
the importance of this needs analysis, here we will discuss the steps of needs analysis
or what is often called a need assessment.
1. How to analyze the need for English according to the student's situation?
2. What instruments can be used in the analysis process.
Glasgow describes needs assessment in the form of activities starting from the
stage of gathering information to formulating problems. Meanwhile, Morrison
describes a need assessment in the form of activities starting from planning to making
a final report.
The form of the need assessment steps according to Glasgow are as follows:
1. Information gathering stages; at this stage a designer must be able to understand
and collect information from students the scope of information collection can vary
such as student characteristics, personal abilities, and problematic in learning.
2. Gap identification stages; According to Kaufman, identifying gaps is by using
the Organizational Element Model method, which in this method explains the
existence of five interrelated elements. Starting from input-process-product-
3. Performance Analysis; This stage is carried out after the designer understands
the various information and identifies the gaps that exist. In this case, when
finding a gap, it is identified which gaps can be solved through lesson planning
and which require other solutions.
4. Identify Barriers and Sources; In this stage the implementation of a program
various obstacles can arise so that it can affect the smooth running of a program.
Various obstacles can include time, facilities, materials, and so on. The sources
can also be from organization, facilities, and funding.
5. Identify Student Characteristics; this stage is the process of identifying student
problems. Because the main goal in learning design is to solve various problems
faced by students.
6. Destination identification; Identifying goals is one of the important stages in
need assessment, because identifying goals is a process of determining needs that
are considered urgent to be solved according to conditions, because not all needs
become goals.
7. Determining the problem; this stage is the final stage in the analysis process,
namely writing a statement as a guide in the preparation of the instructional design
Meanwhile, according to Morrison, the steps for need assessment are as follows:
1. Planning: what needs to be done; classifying students, who will be involved in the
activities and how to collect them.
2. Data collection : need to consider the size of the sample in its distribution
3. Data analysis : after the data is collected then the data is analyzed with
considerations: economy, ranking, frequency and needs
4. Make final report: in a needs analysis report includes four parts; analysis of
objectives, analysis of processes, analysis of results with tables and brief
explanations, recommendations related to data.
In addition, there are also several frameworks that can be used to analyze student
1. Why is the language needed?, namely why the language is needed by students.
For example; for study, work, training, promotion and status.
2. How will the language be used?, i.e. how the language will be used, like ; write,
read, speak, establish relationships with others, write academic writings, and
communicate both by telephone and in person (face to face).
3. What will the content areas be?, that is, what the language coverage area will
be studied. Whether for the fields of health, engineering, sports, and business.
4. Who will the learner use the language with?, i.e. with whom the language will
be used. Whether with native speakers, students, teachers, and schoolmates.
5. Where will the language be used?,i.e. where the language will be used. For
example; offices, libraries, meetings, and hotels.
6. When will the language be used?, i.e. when the language will be the language
will be used.
7. Why are the learners taking the course?, which is the reason why students
want to study the language. Is it because of the demands of work or just a desire.
8. How do the learners learn?, namely how students learn the language.
9. What resources are available?, namely any sources that can be used by
10. Who are the learners?, namely who the student is.
11. Where will the ESP course take place?, which is where the ESP lessons will be
12. When will the ESP course take place?, namely when the ESP lesson will be
In college students are given direction or motivation to learn ESP by providing the
objectives of the learning they receive that can increase their desire to learn. A needs
analysis is needed to help students to be more focused in studying ESP.
There are six types of instruments that are often used in gathering information on
needs analysis proposed by Brown (1995: 46), namely through:
1) Observation
2) Interview
3) Questionnaire (list of questions)
4) Existing information
5) Test
6) Meeting
There is also a data collection method to analyze the needs proposed by Jordan
(1997). Namely:
Existing data
In-class research
Questionnaire (list of questions)
Previous research
Student diary
Rating in discussion
There are two models of needs analysis instruments proposed by the following experts:
From the explanation that has been put forward, it can be concluded that
before starting teaching and learning activities knowledge is needed about the
objectives or benefits of learning that is followed by students, so that it motivates
students more and can streamline time in learning. Because it is necessary to instill
awareness in students to learn by knowing the reasons for the learning they take,
students not only gain knowledge but also apply the knowledge they receive in the
world of work and in their social life.
Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes: A learning-centered
approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gatehouse, K. (2001) Key issues in English for Specific Purposes: (ESP) Curriculum
development. TESL Journal Vol. VII, No.10, October
2001,, Retrieved December 14,
2011 at 17:48 pm