Teacher's Book Big Show 3
Teacher's Book Big Show 3
Teacher's Book Big Show 3
Big Show 3 Teacher’s Guide
Tapanga Koe
email: info@compasspub.com
ISBN: 978-1-64015-132-1
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
21 20 19 18
Photo Credits
All photos © Shutterstock, Inc.
Printed in Korea
Intro 8
Review 1 50
Review 2 92
Review 3 134
Unit Grammar Focus Sentence Patterns Functions
• Simple present tense • What do you do after school? • Asking and answering about
7 • Prepositions of time - I play the guitar. regular free-time activities (1)
• Regular past tense • What did you do yesterday? • Asking and answering about
12 (-ed, -d) - I fixed my toy. past activities
Vocabulary Phonics CLIL
Lesson 2
Activity Time Materials
Roll Call 2 min.
Lesson 3
Activity Time Materials
Roll Call 2 min.
SB Student Book WB Workbook CD Student Book CD
FC Flashcard Dictation WS Dictation Worksheet
Unscramble WS Unscramble Worksheet
Lesson 4
Activity Time Materials
Roll Call 2 min.
Mime Game: Vocabulary, Vocabulary+,
and Grammar Structure Review
5-10 min. FC
Lesson 5
Activity Time Materials
Roll Call 2 min.
Presentation 5 min.
• Tell students to look at the seasons in part C on
page 7. Ask students what season it is now.
• Tell students to circle the current season.
• Call out the numbers again, starting with 20.
Explain to the students that each number has
two forms: a written form, with letters, and a
numerical form, with numbers.
• Tell the students to listen and number the
numerical forms in the order they hear them on
the audio. Play track 03.
• Tell the students to trace the letters.
• FC Tell students to look at the completed comic
in part F on page 9. Explain to students that
they will act out the story. Use the flashcards to
assign character roles: Anna, Rachel, and Jeff.
Give the flashcard to each student who is
playing a role in the story so they remember
which character they are. Tell them “You will be
<Jeff>, and you be <Anna>” etc.
• Practice the lines of the story a few times with
the students, according to their role. Have more
than one group role-play the story,
depending on the number of students in your
• Role-play the story.
1 How’s the
Weather Today?
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about weather conditions
• Ask information questions with how
• Use singular nouns to identify clothing
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name different weather
• recognize and name different clothing
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / as needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word
colored pencils or tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Listen and circle. 5-10 min.
Review 5 min.
• SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar page 12. Direct their attention to the four
structure by singing the song from the previous vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
and the students’ preference, role-play the story 1. Point to the scarf and ask: “What is it?” Elicit
from the previous lesson to review the the response: “It’s a scarf.”
vocabulary and structure. 2. Point to the umbrella and ask: “What is it?”
Elicit the response: “It’s an umbrella.”
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. • Play track 08 and ask the students to circle the
• FC Show students the flashcards for the correct word after each word they hear. Pause
vocabulary items that are on page 12. the audio after each word in order to give the
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the students enough time to circle.
word on each flashcard. Show students the
picture first and then the word on each Script Listen and circle.
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you 1. scarf 2. umbrella
have shown all of them. 08
3. fan 4. sweater
• Show the students the pictures on the flashcards
one by one again and ask them to tell you the
word for each picture on the flashcards. Help
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 12. Read the
question in the illustration together: “How is the
weather?” Read the response together: “It is hot.
Don’t forget your fan.”
• Explain to students that they need certain items
depending on the weather. For example, when
it is hot, you need your fan; when it is cold, you
need your scarf. (Use your native language as
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different items in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of one of the items
in the illustration, for example the fan, and ask the
students to point at this item in the illustration
in their book. Then ask them: “How is the weather?
It is hot. Don’t forget your _____.” Elicit the
response: “fan.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the word sweater.
Tell the student to say the beginning of the
phrase: “Don’t forget your ______.” Elicit the
response from the other students: “sweater.”
Repeat this a few more times with other students
and with different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two or
four students, Student(s) A and Student(s) B.
Have A ask the beginning of the phrase and
• After the students have finished circling all four point at the items in the illustration on page 12.
of the new vocabulary items, call on individual Have B answer. Then have them switch.
students and ask them how to spell each
vocabulary word. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
• (Optional) Level Tip:
Higher level: FC Put the flashcards for the 3-5 min.
words fan, sweater, scarf, and umbrella in • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
random order on the board. Ask students how 8 in the workbook. Explain how to complete the
to spell the words. Have them come to the Read and circle activity in part D and the
front of the class and write the word on the Unscramble and write activity in part E.
board under the corresponding flashcard. • Complete one example of each for parts D and
Allow them to bring their student book with E so that the students understand how to
them for reference if necessary. complete the page independently.
Lower level: Ask students to read the spelling • Tell them when they need to complete the
of each word from their book. workbook exercises and have them write it in
Point to the fan and ask: “How do you spell their workbook on page 8.
‘fan’?” Elicit the response: “f-a-n.”
Point to the sweater and ask: “How do you (If needed) Bonus Activity. Unscramble
spell ‘sweater’?” Elicit the response: “s-w-e-a-
t-e-r.” Worksheet: Reading, Speaking, and
Point to the scarf and ask: “How do you spell Writing Practice 5-10 min.
‘scarf’?” Elicit the response: “s-c-a-r-f.” • Unscramble WS Put students in pairs.
Point to the umbrella and ask: “How do you Distribute the unscramble worksheet and ask
spell ‘umbrella’?” Elicit the response: “u-m-b- students to write their name at the top.
• Explain how to complete the unscramble Writing: Look and write. 10 min.
worksheet. Read the question, talk about what
the answer is, and write the answer. • SB Have students open their book to page 13.
• After completing a few examples together as • Point to items in the pictures and ask students:
a class, allow the students to finish the “Don’t forget your ____,” or “How is the weather?”
worksheet on their own in class. Elicit the appropriate responses: Picture 1:
• Collect the unscramble worksheet for Monday “scarf.” Picture 2: Tuesday “It is cold.”
assessment and correction. Picture 3: Wednesday “sweater.” Picture 4:
Thursday “It is dry.” Picture 5: Friday “fan.”
• After the students have properly identified
all of the pictures, read each sentence aloud
Lesson 4 together as a class. Point to sentence 1 and ask
the students if they can read the sentence.
• Sentence 1: “How is the weather on Tuesday?”
Lesson Objectives “It is cold.”
• Tell students to read each of the questions and
Students will: write the answers, according to the pictures,
• encounter some of the target vocabulary shown above. After they have completed the
and grammar while learning about an written exercise, ask the students which
engaging topic picture matches with which sentence. Have
• practice using visual clues to assist with the students raise their hands and volunteer to
writing answer the question. Sentence 1 matches with
• develop reading and writing skills Picture 2: Tuesday / cold.
• focus on phonics sounds -ame, -ake, and • Repeat this for the remaining sentences until
-ate the activity is complete.
• (Optional) Level Tip:
Materials Higher level: Call on individual students to
read the sentences independently in front of
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD the class and support them as needed while
with A/V equipment (if available) they read.
• Workbook (optional) Lower level: Do choral reading. Read each
sentence aloud and ask students to repeat
after you. Point at the words as you read
Mime Game: Vocabulary, Vocabulary+, and them and ask students to do the same.
Grammar Structure Review 5-10 min.
Writing Tip: Contractions 5 min.
• FC Explain to the students that they will play
a game. Mix the flashcards for the vocabulary • SB Ask the students to look at the “Tip” cloud
and vocabulary+ from unit 1 together. on the right side of the page. Read the
• Pick one of the flashcards randomly. Look at it, contents of the box together: don’t = do not.
but do not show the students. Explain that you • Focus the students’ attention on the apostrophe.
will act out the weather or item on the flashcard, Explain to them that this is a special symbol that
but you will not speak or write anything on the can sometimes make two words become one
board. For example, if the flashcard you word, and that it makes some letters
selected randomly is for the word “cold,” rub “disappear.” Ask the students to practice
your arms as if you are cold and shiver. Ask the writing don't a few times under the “Tip” box.
students: “How’s the weather?” Elicit the • Point out to the students that they have already
response: “It is cold.” learned this in the grammar structure for this
• After you have demonstrated how the game is unit: “Don’t forget your _______.”
played, call students up to the front of the
classroom to mime the different vocabulary Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write.
words on the flashcards. Finish the activity after (-ame, -ake, and -ate) 10 min.
every student has had a chance, or after you
have covered all ten of the vocabulary words. • SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the
bottom of the page. Direct their attention to
the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they
recognize any of the pictures or actions
happening in the pictures. Point at each one. this first in order. For example, first show the
Elicit the responses: “It’s a game.” “He takes.” flashcard for the word “game.” Ask the students
and “It’s a gate.” “What sound do the letters '-ame' make?” Elicit
• Focus the students’ attention on the red letters the appropriate response: /eɪm/. Turn the
of each word. Ask the students: “What sound do flashcard around and show the picture to the
the letters '-ame' make?” Elicit the appropriate students. Ask them: “What is it?” Elicit the
response: /eɪm/ or, if they don’t know the response: “It’s a game.” Repeat this for the rest
correct sound, tell the students to repeat after of the flashcards.
you and say: “-ame makes the sound /eɪm/.” Take: Ask students “What does he do?” Elicit the
Repeat this for letters -ake and -ate. response “He takes the cookie.”
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track Gate: Ask students “What is it?” Elicit the
09. response “It’s a gate.”
• Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
Script that is in random order.
Listen, repeat, and write.
/eɪ/, /m/, /eɪm/
(Optional) Assign and explain homework.
/g/, /eɪm/, game, game 3-5 min.
/eɪ/, /k/, /eɪk/ • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
/t/, /eɪk/, take, take top of page 9 in the workbook. Explain how to
/eɪ/, /t/, /eɪt/ complete the Circle and write activity in
/g/, /eɪt/, gate, gate part F.
• Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
when they need to complete the workbook
exercise, and have them copy it in their
• After listening to the audio, ask the students workbook on the top of page 9.
again: “What sound do the letters '-ame'
make?” Elicit the appropriate response: /eɪm/.
Repeat this for letters -ake and -ate. Then point
at one of the pictures randomly and ask them
if they can read the word. For example, point at
the picture for the word “gate.” Ask the students
to read it. If they cannot, ask them to repeat
after you and say: “Gate, /g/, /eɪt/, gate.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentence independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “this” as sight words, rather
than phonics words.)
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class and talk about what season is their
favorite and some reasons why they like it.
they will listen to the song (and watch a music
video if your classroom is equipped with a TV).
You may also want to ask students to see page
94 to view the complete song lyrics, especially if
your classroom does not have a TV to view the
music video.
• If teacher or students are equipped with smart
devices, scan the QR code on the page to view
the music video. Students may need assistance
to learn how to do this. If no smart device is
available, use Class Booster or the URL available
from our homepage at www.compasspub.com/
• Play the song that goes along with track 12. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to learn the song lyrics.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / as needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word
colored pencils or tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Listen and circle. 5-10 min.
Review 5 min.
• SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar page 18. Direct their attention to the four
structure by singing the song from the previous vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
and the students’ preference, role-play the story 1. Point to the young girl and ask: “What does
from the previous lesson to review the she look like?” Elicit the response: “She is young.”
vocabulary and structure. 2. Point to the thin boy and ask: “What does he
look like?” Elicit the response: “He is thin.”
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. • Play track 14 and ask the students to circle the
• FC Show students the flashcards for the correct word after each word they hear. Pause
vocabulary items that are on page 18. the audio after each word in order to give the
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the students enough time to circle.
word on each flashcard. Show students the
picture first and then the word on each Script Listen and circle.
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you 1. young 2. thin
have shown all of them. 14
3. sporty 4. cute
• Show the students the pictures on the flashcards
one by one again and ask them to tell you the
word for each picture on the flashcards. Help
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 18. Read the
question in the illustration together: “What does
he look like?” Read the response together: “He
is thin.” and “What does she look like?” Read the
response together: “She is young.”
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different people in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of one of the
people in the illustration, for example young,
and ask the students to point at the young child
in the illustration in their book. Then ask them:
“What does he look like?” Elicit the response: “He
is young.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the word thin. Tell
the student to ask their classmates the question:
“What does he look like?” Elicit the response: “He
is thin.” Repeat this a few more times with other
students and with different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two or
four students, Student(s) A and Student(s) B.
Have A ask the questions and point at the
people in the illustration on page 18. Have B
answer. Then have them switch.
• After listening to the audio, ask the students (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ave’ make?” 3-5 min.
Elicit the appropriate response: /eɪv/. Repeat
this for letters -ane. Then point at one of the • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
pictures randomly, and ask them if they can top of page 13 in the workbook. Explain how to
read the word. For example, point at the picture complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
for the word “plane.” Ask the students to read it. • Complete one example of part F.
If they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
say: “Plane, /pl/, /eɪn/, plane.” when they need to complete the workbook
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the exercise and have them copy it in their
page together as a class. Then call on individual workbook on the top of page 13.
students to read the sentence independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “to” as sight words, rather than
phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. along and point at the words as they hear them.
Play track 16.
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit 2
• After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
and ask them who they can think of who fits the
the students to repeat after you. Ask the
different descriptions. Give them a few options
students to point at each word as they read it.
to think about: their mother, their father, their
Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
brother, sister, friend, or themselves. Elicit the
are doing this.
appropriate responses, which will vary.
• After doing choral reading, read the text one
• Ask students if they know what a continent is, if
more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
they have ever been to a different continent, and
students take turns reading one line from the
if they know what continent they live on. (Use
story. After they read one line, they call on
your native language as necessary).
another classmate to read the next line.)
• Establish enough background knowledge that
• Read the lines of the story until each student has
students will be able to engage in the CLIL
had a chance to read and the students have
reading with an understanding of what a
become familiar with the words in the story.
continent is.
Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
CLIL Reading: Science: Describing
5 min.
people 10-15 min.
• SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 21.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page • Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
20. Focus students’ attention on the background Review the answer choices. Ask students to look
picture. Discuss it. at the text and think for a moment about what
• Explain to the students that they will listen and the correct answer is. Ask students to volunteer
read the story on the page. Ask students to follow to give the correct answer.
• Complete the activity as a class.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about the zoo.
• Watch the animation together and discuss
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the where they live and
what the people in their country look like. _______________________________________
• Ask students to talk with their friends about _______________________________________
what the people that they know look like. Have
them give 2-3 examples of people they know _______________________________________
who look different and how they look different. _______________________________________
Explain that it is OK if they think of a description
that isn’t from unit 2 as long as it’s a description _______________________________________
fitting that person. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help _______________________________________
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words,
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able to
explain what the people look like in English.) _______________________________________
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the people. _______________________________________
Presentation 5 min. _______________________________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________________________
class and talk about a person they know and _______________________ ________________
how they look.
3 Who Is Taller?
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Use comparative adjectives to talk about
differences between people
• Ask information questions with who and
• Ask and answer questions about
differences between people
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name differences between
• ask about differences between people
section at the bottom of the page. Explain that
they will listen to the song (and watch a music
video if your classroom is equipped with a TV).
You may also want to ask students to see page
94-95 to view the complete song lyrics,
especially if your classroom does not have a TV
to view the music video.
• If teacher or students are equipped with smart
devices, scan the QR code on the page to view
the music video. Students may need assistance
to learn how to do this. If no smart device is
available, use Class Booster or the URL available
from our homepage at www.compasspub.com/
• Play the song that goes along with track 18. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to learn the song lyrics.
Listening I. Comic Strip 5-10 min. • (Optional) Level Tip:
Higher level: Ask students to write the number
• SB / CD Ask students to open their books to and the words in the blank speech bubbles of
page 23. Focus students’ attention on the comic the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write 1.
strip in the Listening section on page 23. Tell Who is taller? In Frame 2 they should write 2.
students to look at the images in the text and Jeff is older than me.
give them about one minute to do so. Lower level: Ask students to draw a small
• As students look at the pictures, ask them what picture of two people, one of whom is taller,
they can see. Encourage different students to next to number 1 in part A and two people,
provide as many words as they can from one of whom is older, next to number 2 in
vocabulary set 1 (introduced in lesson 1). part A. Ask them to write the number and the
• Next, ask students questions about the plot, small picture into the comic strip. In Frame 1
setting, characters in the story, and what they they should write 1. and draw a picture of two
think is happening: e.g. The children are in gym people, one who is taller. In Frame 2 write 2.
class. They are playing basketball. The coach is and draw a picture of two people, one who is
watching them play. Use your native older.
language as necessary and provide support to • Play track 19 and have students listen and write
the students when needed. Ask cue questions, to complete the comic strip. Review the correct
such as “Where are the children?” Elicit the answers as a class.
appropriate response, “They are in gym class.”
Ask “Who is taller?” “He is taller than her.” etc. Listening III. Popcorn Reading 5 min.
(These responses will vary.)
• Finally, explain to the students that they will now • SB Have students take turns reading one line
listen to the story, and that they should read from the story. After they read one line, they call
along and point at the words with their finger on another classmate to read the next line.
while they listen. • Read the lines of the story until each student has
had a chance to read and the students have
become familiar with the words in the story.
Script Listen and write.
19 Frame 1. Listening IIII. Role-Play 10-15 min.
Gym teacher: Who is taller? • FC Explain to students that they will act out the
Anna: Rachel is taller than me. story. Use the flashcards to assign character
Frame 2. roles.
Gym teacher: Who is older? • Role-play the story.
Louie: Jeff is older than me.
Frame 3. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
Jeff: Who is stronger? 3-5 min.
Rachel: You are! I am weaker than
you. • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
15 in the workbook. Explain how to complete
the Number the pictures in order. Then choose
and write activity. Explain that it is very similar
Listening II. Writing 5 min. to what they did in the student book on page
• SB / CD Have students look at part A on page 23.
23. • Tell them when they need to complete the
Review the sentences with the students. Number workbook exercise and have them write it in
1: Who is taller? Number 2: Jeff is older than their workbook on page 15.
me. Ask the students to say “Number one, who is
taller?” “Number two, Jeff is older than me.”
• Direct the students’ attention back to the comic
strip in part B. Focus on the blank speech bubbles
in Frame 1 and Frame 2. Ask them how many
blanks there are. Then explain that the sentences
in part A need to be added to part B. Explain to
the students that they need to complete this
section by listening and writing the number.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / as needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word
colored pencils or tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure
Review 5 min. Listen and trace. 5-10 min.
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar • SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
structure by singing the song from the previous page 24. Direct their attention to the four
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
and the students’ preference, role-play the story the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
from the previous lesson to review the 1. Point to picture 1 and ask: “Is it harder or is it
vocabulary and structure. softer?” Elicit the response: “It’s softer.”
2. Point to picture 2 and ask: “Is it better or is it
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. worse?” Elicit the response: “It’s worse.”
• Play track 20 and ask the students to circle the
• FC Show students the flashcards for the correct word after each word they hear. Pause
vocabulary items that are on page 24. the audio after each word in order to give the
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the students enough time to circle.
word on each flashcard. Show students the
picture first and then the word on each Script Listen and circle.
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you 1. softer 2. worse
have shown all of them. 3. harder 4. better
• Show the students the pictures on the flashcards
one by one again and ask them to tell you the
word for each picture on the flashcards. Help • After the students have finished circling all four
of the new vocabulary items, call on individual
students and ask them how to spell each
vocabulary word.
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different objects in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of two of the
objects in the illustration, for example the rock
and the pillow, and ask the students to point
these objects in the illustration in their book.
Then ask them: “Which is harder, the rock?” hold
the flash card with the rock high. “Or the pillow?”
hold the flash card with the pillow high. Elicit the
response: “The rock is harder.”
• Explain to students what makes an item better
or worse. For example, a broken toy is worse
than a new toy. Fresh fruit is better than rotten
fruit. (Use your native language as necessary).
• Invite two students to the front of the classroom.
Give one student the flashcard for the word
better, give the other student the flashcard for
worse. Tell the student with the better flashcard
to ask their classmate the question: “Which is
worse?” Elicit the response from the second
student: “Mine is worse than yours.” Repeat this
a few more times with other students and with
different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two or
four students, Student(s) A, and Student(s) B.
Have A point to one object in the illustration on
page 24 and B point to another object in the
illustration. Have A ask the question and have B
answer. Then have them switch.
• (Optional) Level Tip:
Higher level: FC Put the flashcards for the (Optional) Assign and explain
words worse, better, harder, and softer in homework. 3-5 min.
random order on the board. Ask students how • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on page
to spell the words. Have them come to the 16 in the workbook. Explain how to
front of the class and write the word on the complete the Read and circle activity in part D
board under the corresponding flashcard. and the Unscramble and write activity in part E.
Allow them to bring their student book with • Complete one example of each for parts D and
them for reference if necessary. E so that the students understand how to
Lower level: Ask students to read the spelling complete the page independently.
of each word from their book. • Tell them when they need to complete the
Point to the worse and ask: “How do you spell workbook exercise and have them write it in
‘worse’?” Elicit the response: “w-o-r-s-e.” their workbook on page 16.
Point to the better and ask: “How do you spell
‘better’?” Elicit the response: “b-e-t-t-e-r.” (If needed) Bonus Activity. Unscramble
Point to the harder and ask: “How do you spell Worksheet: Reading, Speaking, and
‘harder’?” Elicit the response: “h-a-r-d-e-r.”
Point to the softer and ask: “How do you spell Writing Practice 5-10 min.
‘softer’?” Elicit the response: “s-o-f-t-e-r.” • Unscramble WS Put students in pairs.
Distribute the unscramble worksheet and ask
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min. students to write their name at the top.
• After completing a few examples together as a
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the class, allow the students to finish the worksheet
illustration at the bottom of page 24. Read the on their own in class.
question in the illustration together: “Which is • Collect the unscramble worksheet for assessment
better?” Read the response together: “Yours is and correction.
better than mine.”
Lesson 4 Picture a “Laura is older than Sally.” Picture b
“The feather is softer than the toy.” Picture c
“She is taller than him.” Picture d “Yours is
Lesson Objectives better than mine.”
• After the students have properly identified all of
Students will: the pictures, read the sentences aloud together
• encounter some of the target vocabulary as a class. Point to sentence 1 and ask the
and grammar while learning about an students if they can read the sentences.
engaging topic • Number 1: “Who is taller?” “She is taller than
• practice using visual clues to assist with him.”
writing • Tell students to read each of the questions and
• develop reading and writing skills answers, write the correct letter in the box, and
• focus on phonics sounds starting with write the correct adjective in the blank,
-ape and -ase according to the pictures below. After they
have completed the exercise, ask the students
which picture matches with which sentences.
Materials Have the students raise their hands and
volunteer to answer the question. Number 1
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD matches with Picture C.
with A/V equipment (if available) • Repeat this for the remaining sentences until
• Workbook (optional) the activity is complete.
• (Optional) Level Tip:
Higher level: Call on individual students to
Mime Game: Vocabulary, Vocabulary+, read the sentences independently in front of
and Grammar Structure Review the class and support them as needed while
5-10 min. they read.
Lower level: Do choral reading. Read each
• FC Explain to the students that they will play sentence aloud and ask students to repeat
a game. Mix the flashcards for the vocabulary after you. Point at the words as you read
and vocabulary+ from unit 3 together. them and ask students to do the same.
• Pick one of the flashcards randomly. Look at
it, but do not show the students. Explain that
you will act out the adjective on the flashcard, Writing Tip: Comparative Adjectives
but you will not speak or write anything on the 5 min.
board. For example, if the flashcard you • SB Ask the students to look at the “Tip” cloud
selected randomly is for the word “worse,” on the right side of the page. Read the
pretend you have two apples in your hands. contents of the box together: tall taller,
Bite one and smile and nod, bite the other and soft softer, good better, bad worse
spit and make a face as if it is rotten. Move your • Focus the students’ attention on the -er
hand holding the rotten apple up and down suffixes. Explain to them that sometimes,
horizontally. Ask the students: “Is it better or is it adding -er to an adjective can change a word
worse?” Elicit the response: “It is worse.” from a regular adjective (used to describe
• After you have demonstrated how the game is something or someone) to a comparative
played, call students up to the front of the adjective (to show the difference between two
classroom to mime the different vocabulary people or things).
words on the flashcards. Finish the activity after • Focus the students’ attention on good
every student has had a chance, or after you better and bad worse. Explain that not all
have covered all ten of the vocabulary words. comparative adjectives (words used to
compare two people or things) can be created
Writing: Match and write. 10 min. simply by adding -er. Sometimes, the entire
• SB Have students open their book to page 25. word must be changed. Ask the students to
• Point to the pictures and ask students: Picture a practice writing “tall taller, soft softer,
“Who is older?” Picture b “Which is softer?” good better, bad worse” on page 25.
Picture c “Who is taller?” Picture d “Which is
better?” Elicit the appropriate responses:
Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write. (-ape -ase, -ave, -ane, -ame, -ake, and -ate in
and –ase) 10 min. random order.
• Use the flashcards for the letters -ape and -ase
• SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the in the order they appear in the SB first. Ask the
bottom of the page. Direct their attention to students if they remember what sound each
the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they letter set makes. Elicit the correct sound for
recognize any of the pictures. Point at each one. each letter set, and ask students to tell you the
Elicit the responses: “It’s a grape.” “It’s a shape.” word for each picture on the flashcard. Do this
“It’s a case.” and “It’s a vase.” first in order. For example, first show the
• Focus the students’ attention on the red letters flashcard for the word “grape”. Ask the students
of each word. Ask the students: “What sound do “What sound do the letters ‘-ape’ make?” Elicit
the letters ‘-ape’ make?” Elicit the appropriate the appropriate response: /eɪp/. Turn the
response: /eɪp/ or, if they don’t know the flashcard around and show the picture to the
correct sound, tell the students to repeat after students. Say to the students: “What is it?” Elicit
you and say: “-ape makes the sound /eɪp/.” the response: “It’s a grape.” Repeat this for the
Repeat this for the letters -ase. rest of the flashcards.
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track Shape: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
21. response “It’s a shape.”
Case: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
Script Listen, repeat, and write. response “It’s a case.”
Vase: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
21 /eɪ/, /p/, /eɪp/ response “It’s a vase.”
/gr/, /eɪp/, grape, grape • Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
/sh/, /eɪp/, shape, shape that is in random order.
/eɪ/, /s/, /eɪs/
/k/, /eɪs/, case, case (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
/v/, /eɪs/, vase, vase 3-5 min.
Purple grapes and a vase next to a
case. Look at all the shapes! • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
top of page 17 in the workbook. Explain how to
complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
• After listening to the audio, ask the students • Complete one example of part F.
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ape’ make?” • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
Elicit the appropriate response: /eɪp/. Repeat when they need to complete the workbook
this for letters -ase. Then point at one of the exercise and have them copy it in their
pictures randomly, and ask them if they can workbook on the top of page 17.
read the word. For example, point at the picture
for the word “grape.” Ask the students to read it.
If they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and
say: “Grape, /gr/, /eɪp/, grape.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page, together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “all” as sight words, rather than
phonics words.)
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
• Explain to the students that they will listen and
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. read the story on the page. Ask students to follow
along and point at the words as they hear them.
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit 3 Play track 22.
and ask them what differences they can see, • After playing the track, do choral reading, and
either between the people or the items, ask the students to repeat after you. Ask the
depending on the flashcard. Give them a few students to point at each word as they read it.
options to think about: Is he stronger or weaker? Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
Is it better or worse? Who is older, and who is are doing this.
younger? Elicit the appropriate responses • After doing choral reading, read the text one
depending on the flashcard. more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
• Talk about your own family, or make one up. Talk students take turns reading one line from the
about the differences between you and your story. After they read one line, they call on
mother, father, brothers, and sisters. another classmate to read the next line.)
• Establish enough background knowledge that • Read the lines of the story until each students
students will be able to engage in the CLIL has had a chance to read and the students have
reading with an understanding of what a family become familiar with the words in the story.
Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying 5 min.
the differences between people.
• SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 27.
10-15 min. • Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page Review the answer choices. Ask students to look
26. Focus students’ attention on the background at the text and think for a moment about what
picture. Discuss it.
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class and talk about which family member is
their favorite and some reasons why they like
4 What Is Your
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about and identify different types of
• Ask information questions with what
• Use short phrases to ask and answer
questions about hobbies
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name different hobbies
• ask what someone’s hobby is
video if your classroom is equipped with a TV).
You may also want to ask students to see page
95 to view the complete song lyrics, especially if
your classroom does not have a TV to view the
music video.
• If teacher or students are equipped with smart
devices, scan the QR code on the page to view
the music video. Students may need assistance
to learn how to do this. If no smart device is
available, use Class Booster or the URL available
from our homepage at www.compasspub.com/
• Play the song that goes along with track 24. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to learn the song lyrics.
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional) word for each picture on the flashcards. Help
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / as needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word
colored pencils or tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Listen and circle. 5-10 min.
Review 5 min. • SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar page 30. Direct their attention to the four
structure by singing the song from the previous vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
and the students’ preference, role-play the story 1. Point to make jewelry and ask: “What is your
from the previous lesson to review the hobby?” Elicit the response: “I like to make jewelry.”
vocabulary and structure. 2. Point to talk on the phone and ask: “What is
your hobby?” Elicit the response: “I like to talk on
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. the phone.”
• Play track 26 and ask the students to circle the
• FC Show students the flashcards for the correct word after each word they hear. Pause
vocabulary items that are on page 30. the audio after each word in order to give the
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the students enough time to circle.
word on each flashcard, and show students the
picture first and then the word on each Script Listen and circle.
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you
have shown all of them 26
1. make jewelry
• Show the students the pictures on the flashcards 2. talk on the phone
one by one again and ask them to tell you the 3. play the trumpet
4. play computer games
do you spell ‘computer’?” Elicit the response:
• After completing a few examples together as Writing: Circle and write. 10 min.
a class, allow the students to finish the
worksheet on their own in class. • SB Have students open their book to page 31.
• Collect the unscramble worksheet for • Point to items in the pictures and ask students:
assessment and correction. “What is your hobby?” Elicit the appropriate
responses: Picture 1: “I like to talk on the
phone.” Picture 2: “I like to play the trumpet.”
Picture 3: “I like to make jewelry.” Picture 4: “I
Lesson 4 like to go camping.”
• After you have demonstrated how the game
is played, call students up to the front of the
Lesson Objectives classroom to mime the different vocabulary
words on the flashcards. Finish the activity after
Students will: every student has had a chance, or after you
have covered all ten of the vocabulary words.
• encounter some of the target vocabulary • Number 1: “What is your hobby?” “I like to talk
and grammar while learning about an on the phone.”
engaging topic • Tell students to read each of the questions and
• practice using visual clues to assist with write the answers according to the pictures
writing shown. After they have completed the written
• develop reading and writing skills exercise, ask the students which hobby matches
• focus on phonics sounds -ine and -ike with which sentences. Have the students raise
their hands and volunteer to answer the
question. Number 1 matches with talk on the
Materials phone.
• Repeat this for the remaining sentences until
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD the activity is complete.
with A/V equipment (if available)
• (Optional) Level Tip:
• Workbook (optional)
Higher level: Call on individual students to
read the sentences independently in front of
the class and support them as needed while
Mime Game: Vocabulary, Vocabulary+, and they read.
Grammar Structure Review 5-10 min. Lower level: Do choral reading. Read each
• FC Explain to the students that they will play sentence aloud and ask students to repeat
a game. Mix the flashcards for the vocabulary after you. Point at the words as you read
and vocabulary+ from unit 4 together. them and ask students to do the same.
• Pick one of the flashcards randomly. Look at it,
but do not show the students. Explain that you Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write. (-ine
will act out the hobby on the flashcard, but you and –ike) 10 min.
will not speak or write anything on the board.
For example, if the flashcard you selected • SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the
randomly is “go see movies,” sit down and act bottom of the page. Direct their attention to
as if you are holding popcorn and eating from the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they
the bag, smile, nod, or laugh as you look off recognize any of the pictures. Point at each
into the distance at the “movie screen.” Ask the one. Elicit the responses: “It’s a line.” “It’s
students: “What is your hobby?” Elicit the sunshine.” and “It’s a bike.” and “She likes the
response: “I like to go see movies.” toy.”
• After you have demonstrated how the game is • Focus the students’ attention on the red letters
played, call students up to the front of the class- of each word. Ask the students: “What sound
room to mime the different vocabulary words do the letters ‘-ine’ make?” Elicit the
on the flashcards. Finish the activity after every appropriate response: /aɪn/ or, if they don’t
student has had a chance, or after you have know the correct sound, tell the students to
covered all ten of the vocabulary words. repeat after you and say: “-ine makes the
sound /aɪn/.” Repeat this for letters -ike.
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track
Script Listen, repeat, and write. Sunshine: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
response “It’s sunshine.”
27 /aɪ/, /n/, /aɪn/ Bike: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/l/, /aɪn/, line, line response “It’s a bike.”
/ ʃ /, /aɪn/, shine, shine, sunshine, Like: Ask the students “Does she like it?” Elicit
sunshine the response “Yes, she likes it.”
• Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
/aɪ/, /k/, /aɪk/
that is in random order.
/b/, /aɪk/, bike, bike
/l/, /aɪk/, like, like
(Optional) Assign and explain homework.
He likes to ride his bike down the
line in the sunshine. 3-5 min.
• WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
• After listening to the audio, ask the students top of page 21 in the workbook. Explain how to
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ine’ make?” complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
Elicit the appropriate response: /aɪn/. Repeat • Complete one example of part F.
this for letters -ike. Then point at one of the • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
pictures randomly and ask them if they can when they need to complete the workbook
read the word. For example, point at the picture exercise and have them copy it in their
for the word “bike.” Ask the students to read it. If workbook on the top of page 21.
they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and
say: “Bike, /b/, /aɪk/, bike.”
• Finally, read the sentence at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentence independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “down” as sight words, rather
than phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. along and point at the words as they hear them.
Play track 28.
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit 4 • After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
and ask them where and when they can do these the students to repeat after you. Ask the
kinds of hobbies. Give them a few options to think students to point at each word as they read it.
about: inside or outside, in winter (on cold days), Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
in spring (rainy days), in summer (on sunny, hot are doing this.
days), or in fall (cool days). Elicit the appropriate • After doing choral reading, read the text one
responses, depending on the flashcard. more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
• Ask students if they have any hobbies, which students take turns reading one line from the
hobbies they like to do best, and which they story. After they read one line, they call on
would like to try. (Use your native language as another classmate to read the next line.)
necessary). • Read the lines of the story until each student has
• Establish enough background knowledge that had a chance to read and the students have
students will be able to engage in the CLIL become familiar with the words in the story.
reading with an understanding of what a sunny
day and a rainy day are. Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying 5 min.
kinds of hobbies. 10-15 min. • SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 33.
• Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page Review the answer choices. Ask students to look
32. Focus students’ attention on the background at the text and think for a moment about what
picture. Discuss it. the correct answer is. Ask students to volunteer
• Explain to the students that they will listen and to give the correct answer.
read the story on the page. Ask students to follow • Complete the activity as a class.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about sports.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the different hobbies
and what type of weather the hobby goes with, _______________________________________
rainy or sunny. Make a list of hobbies in each _______________________________________
weather category.
• Ask students to talk with their friends about _______________________________________
which hobby is their favorite, which hobby they _______________________________________
have never tried, and which one they would
like to try. Explain that it is OK if they think of a _______________________________________
hobby that isn’t from unit 4. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words, _______________________________________
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able to
explain what hobby they like and why in English. _______________________________________
• Ask them to draw a small picture of one of the _______________________________________
hobbies they like best.
Presentation 5 min. _______________________________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________ ________________
class and talk about what hobby is their favorite
and some reasons why they like it. _______________________________________
1 Units 1- 4
• Student A asks B “Student A, ask your partner
‘What is your hobby?’ Student B, answer the
question. Then change.” Student B responds.
• Tell students to switch.
• Monitor and provide assistance if necessary.
• Give students 2 to 3 minutes to complete the
5 Let’s Go to the
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about and identify types of
restaurants and different foods
• Ask information questions with what
• Use adjectives to describe types of
• Use plural nouns to answer questions
about foods
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name different restaurants
and foods
• ask and answer about what and where
they want to eat
of restaurant is it?” “It’s a Japanese restaurant.”
Continue until you have covered all six
vocabulary items using the target pattern
sentence structure.
in order from left to right as they appear in the complete the page independently.
song lyrics from beginning to end: 1. Italian, 2. • Tell them when they need to complete the
German, 3. Japanese, 4. Italian, 5. Mexican, workbook exercises and have them write it in
and 6. Chinese. their workbook on page 22.
• Ask the students to recite some of the lyrics
they heard, while directing their attention to the (If needed) Bonus Activity 5-10 min.
flashcards on the board as a visual aid. For
example, point at the flashcard for Italian and • Dictation WS Use your native language if
say: “What do you want to eat?” “What do you necessary and ask the students what their
want to eat?” “Let’s go to the Italian restaurant.” favorite kind of restaurant is from today’s lesson.
“OK! OK! I want to eat pizza.” Follow the rhythm Call on a few students and ask them to say the
and general tempo of the song. Help them as type of the restaurant they like the most.
necessary. Continue with each flashcard. • Ask the students to draw or color the flag for their
• Play the song on track 31 again and sing along favorite type of restaurant, and write the
with the students. Ask them to stand, clap, and/ adjective on the back of the dictation worksheet.
or dance to make this a TPR activity. • Collect the dictation worksheet for assessment
• Play the song that goes along with track 31. Ask and correction.
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen, or in the back of the
book) to sing the song.
Lesson 2
Song III. Writing 5-10 min.
• SB / CD / Dictation WS Ask the students to Lesson Objectives
close their student book. Distribute the dictation Students will:
worksheet for unit 5. Ask students to write their
name at the top of the worksheet. (Available for • become more familiar with target
download at www.compasspub.com/BigShow.) vocabulary and grammar through a story
• Explain to the students that you will play the • encounter and explore a story linked to
song a third time, but this time they cannot see the theme of the unit
the words of the song, either on the TV or in their • be able to recognize and name
books. This time they must write the lyrics key vocabulary items in the context of a
themselves. (**Note that if this is too challenging story
for lower-level students, they may view the lyrics in • practice using visual clues to assist in
the back of the book or on the TV screen to help comprehension
them write the words on the dictation worksheet.) • be able to ask and answer information
• Play the song on track 31 again and ask the questions with what
students to write the words from the song on the • prepare for and participate in a
dictation worksheet. communicative activity with other students
• Review the answers for the dictation worksheet
one by one. Ask students to check their work and Materials
correct any mistakes.
• Collect the dictation worksheet for assessment • Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and
and correction (unless you plan to complete the CD with A/V equipment (if available)
bonus activity below). • Workbook (optional)
Listening I. Comic Strip 5-10 min. Ask the students to say: “Number one, let’s go to
the Mexican restaurant!” “Number two, let’s go
• SB / CD Ask students to open their books to to the
page 39. Focus students’ attention on the comic Chinese restaurant.”
strip in the Listening section on page 39. Tell • Direct the students’ attention back to the comic
students to look at the images in the text and strip in part B. Focus on the blank speech bubbles
give them about one minute to do so. in Frame 1 and Frame 3. Ask them how many
• As students look at the pictures, ask them what blanks there are. Then explain that the sentences
they can see. Encourage different students to in part A need to be added to part B. Explain to
provide as many words as they can from the students that they need to complete this
vocabulary set 1 (introduced in lesson 1). section by listening and writing the number.
• Next, ask students questions about the plot, • (Optional) Level Tip:
setting, characters in the story, and what they Higher level: Ask students to write the number
think is happening: e.g. The children hungry. The and the words in the blank speech bubbles of
chef is helping them choose a restaurant. There the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write 2.
are many different kinds of food to choose from. Let’s go to the Chinese restaurant. In Frame
Use your native language as necessary, and 2 they should write 1. Let’s go to the Mexican
provide support to the students when needed. restaurant!
Ask cue questions, such as “What do they see?” Lower level: Ask students to draw a small
Elicit the appropriate responses, “They see picture of tacos next to number 1 in part A
restaurants.” “What kinds of restaurants do they and a picture of dumplings next to number
see?” “They see a German restaurant.” etc. 2 in part A. Ask them to write the number
(Responses will vary.) and the small picture into the comic strip. In
• Finally, explain to the students that they will now Frame 1 they should write 2. and draw
listen to the story, and that they should read dumplings. In Frame 3 they should write 1.
along and point at the words with their finger and draw tacos.
while they listen. • Play track 32 and have students listen and write
to complete the comic strip. Review the correct
Script answers as a class.
Listen and write.
32 Frame 1. Listening III. Popcorn Reading 5 min.
Chef: Let’s go to the Chinese • SB Have students take turns reading one line
restaurant!. from the story. After they read one line, they call
Anna: OK. on another classmate to read the next line.
Chef: What do you want to eat? • Read the lines of the story until each student has
Anna: I want to eat dumplings. had a chance to read and the students have
Frame 2. become familiar with the words in the story.
Chef: Let’s go to the Indian
restaurant. Listening IIII. Role-Play 10-15 min.
Jeff: OK.
Chef: What do you want to eat? • FC Explain to students that they will act out the
Jeff: I want to eat curry. story. Use the flashcards to assign character
Frame 3. • Role-play the story.
Jeff: I’m hungry!
Anna: Let’s go to the Mexican
restaurant. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
Jeff: OK. What do you want to eat? 3-5 min.
Anna: I want to eat tacos! • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
23 in the workbook. Explain how to
complete the Number the pictures in order.
Listening II. Writing 5 min. Then choose and write activity. Explain that it is
• SB / CD Have students look at part A on page very similar to what they did in the student book
39. Review the sentences with the students. on page 39.
Number 1: Let’s go to the Mexican restaurant! • Tell them when they need to complete the
Number 2: Let’s go to the Chinese restaurant. workbook exercise and have them write it in their
workbook on page 23.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / tell them what letter the word starts with if
colored pencils needed).
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
different foods and their nationalities 5 min.
10-15 min. • SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 43.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page • Read question 1 aloud together as a class. Re-
42. Focus students’ attention on the background view the answer choices. Ask students to look at
picture. Discuss it. the text and think for a moment about what the
• Explain to the students that they will listen and correct answer is. Ask students to volunteer to
give the correct answer.
• Complete the activity as a class.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about people in other countries.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the different foods,
and the different restaurants which serve these _______________________________________
foods. Make a list of foods that go with each _______________________________________
type of restaurant.
• Ask students to talk with their friends about _______________________________________
which type of restaurant and food is their _______________________________________
favorite and give 2-3 reasons why. Explain that it
is OK if they think of a food or type of restaurant
that isn’t from unit 5 as long as that type of food _______________________________________
is served in that type of restaurant. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words, _______________________________________
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to explain what food and restaurant they like _______________________________________
and why in English.)
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the food _______________________________________
and/or restaurant. _______________________________________
_______________________ ________________
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class and talk about what food is their favorite _______________________________________
and what restaurant it is served in.
6 What Do You
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about and identify different types of
• Ask choice questions with do
• Use singular nouns to identify foods
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name different foods
• Use singular nouns to ask and answer
questions about food
they will listen to the song (and watch a music
video if your classroom is equipped with a TV).
You may also want to ask students to see page
96-97 to view the complete song lyrics,
especially if your classroom does not have a TV
to view the music video.
• If teacher or students are equipped with smart
devices, scan the QR code on the page to view
the music video. Students may need assistance
to learn how to do this. If no smart device is
available, use Class Booster or the URL available
from our homepage at www.compasspub.com/
• Play the song that goes along with track 37. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to learn the song lyrics.
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet • Show the students the pictures on the flashcards
• Workbook (optional) one by one again, and ask them to tell you the
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / word for each picture on the flashcards. Help
colored pencils as needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word
or tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure
Review 5 min. Listen and circle. 5-10 min.
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar • SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
structure by singing the song from the previous page 46. Direct their attention to the four
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
and the students’ preference, role-play the story the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
from the previous lesson to review the 1. Point to the ice cream and ask: “What is it?”
vocabulary and structure. Elicit the response: “It’s ice cream.”
2. Point to the soda and ask: “What is it?” Elicit
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. the response: “It’s soda.”
• FC Show students the flashcards for the • Play track 39 and ask the students to circle the
vocabulary items that are on page 46. correct word after each word they hear. Pause
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the the audio after each word in order to give the
word on each flashcard. Show students the students enough time to circle.
picture first and then the word on each
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you Script Listen and circle.
have shown all of them. 1. ice cream 2. soda
3. candy 4. chocolate
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 46. Read
the question in the illustration together: “Do
you want soda, or do you want ice cream?”
Read the response together: “I want ice cream,
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different foods in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of one of the foods
in the illustration, for example the candy, and
ask the students to point at this food in the
illustration in their book. Then ask them: “Do you
want candy or do you want soda?” Elicit the
response: “I want candy, please.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the word soda.
Choose a different flashcard to hold yourself,
for example ice cream. Tell the student to ask
their classmates the question: “Do you want
soda or do you want ice cream?” Elicit the
response: “I want soda, please.” Repeat this a
few more times with other students and with
different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two or
four students, Student(s) A, and Student(s) B.
Have A ask the questions and point at two foods
in the illustration on page 46. Have B answer.
Then have them switch.
• After the students have finished circling all four
of the new vocabulary items, call on individual (Optional) Assign and explain
students and ask them how to spell each
vocabulary word. homework. 3-5 min.
• (Optional) Level Tip: • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on page
Higher level: FC Put the flashcards for the 28 in the workbook. Explain how to
words soda, ice cream, chocolate, and candy complete the Look, read, and match activity
in random order on the board. Ask students in part D and the Unscramble and write
how to spell the words. Have them come to activity in part E.
the front of the class and write the word on • Complete one example of each for parts D and
the board under the corresponding flashcard. E so that the students understand how to
Allow them to bring their student book with complete the page independently.
them for reference if necessary. • Tell them when they need to complete the
Lower level: Ask students to read the spelling workbook exercises, and have them write it in
of each word from their book. their workbook on page 28.
Point to the soda and ask: “How do you spell
‘soda’?” Elicit the response: “s-o-d-a.” (If needed) Bonus Activity. Unscramble
Point to the ice cream and ask: “How do you
spell ‘ice cream’?” Elicit the response: “i-c-e- Worksheet: Reading, Speaking, and
(space)-c-r-e-a-m.” Writing Practice 5-10 min.
Point to the chocolate and ask: “How do you • Unscramble WS Put students in pairs.
spell ‘chocolate’?” Elicit the response: “c-h-o- Distribute the unscramble worksheet and ask
c-o-l-a-t-e.” students to write their name at the top.
Point to the candy and ask: “How do you spell • Explain how to complete the unscramble
‘candy’?” Elicit the response: “c-a-n-d-y.” worksheet. Read the question, talk about what
the answer is, and write the answer.
• After completing a few examples together as responses: Picture a “I want cheesecake,
a class, allow the students to finish the please.” Picture b “I want soda, please.”
worksheet on their own in class. Picture c “I want pasta, please.” Picture d
• Collect the unscramble worksheet for “I want chocolate, please.”
assessment and correction. • After the students have properly identified
all of the pictures, read each sentence aloud
together as a class. Point to number 1 and ask
the students if they can read the sentences.
Lesson 4 • Number 1: “Do you want candy, or do you want
pasta?” “I want pasta, please.”
• Tell students to read each of the questions and
Lesson Objectives write the answers, according to the pictures,
Students will: shown below. After they have completed the
written exercise, ask the students which picture
• encounter some of the target vocabulary matches with what sentence. Have the
and grammar while learning about an students raise their hands and volunteer to
engaging topic answer the question. Number 1 matches with
• practice using visual clues to assist with picture C.
writing • Repeat this for the remaining sentences until
• develop reading and writing skills the activity is complete.
• focus on phonics sounds -ive and -ime • (Optional) Level Tip:
Higher level: Call on individual students to
read the sentences independently in front of
Materials the class and support them as needed while
they read.
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD Lower level: Do choral reading. Read each
with A/V equipment (if available) sentence aloud and ask students to repeat
• Workbook (optional) after you. Point at the words as you read
them and ask students to do the same.
Ask and Answer Game: Vocabulary, Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write. (-ive
Vocabulary+, and Grammar Structure
Review 5-10 min. and –ime) 10 min.
• SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the
• FC Explain to the students that they will play
bottom of the page. Direct their attention to
a game. Mix the flashcards for the vocabulary
the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they
and vocabulary+ from unit 6 together.
recognize any of the pictures or actions
• Pick one of the flashcards randomly. Look at it
happening in the pictures. Point at each one.
and show the students. Ask the students a
Elicit the responses: “He dives.” “It’s a five.” “It’s
question using the wrong word. For example, if
the flashcard is chocolate, ask the students: “Do
a lime.” and “He looks at the time.”
• Focus the students’ attention on the red letters
you want soda?” Elicit the response: “No, I want
of each word. Ask the students: “What sound
chocolate, please.”
• After you have demonstrated how the game is
do the letters ‘-ive’ make?” Elicit the
appropriate response: /aɪv/ or, if they don’t
played, call students up to the front of the
know the correct sound, tell the students to
classroom to show the different vocabulary
repeat after you and say: “-ive makes the
words on the flashcards. Finish the activity after
every student has had a chance, or after you
sound /aɪv/.” Repeat this for letters -ime.
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track
have covered all ten of the vocabulary words.
Writing: Match and write. 10 min.
• SB Have students open their book to page 47.
• Point to items in the pictures and ask students:
“What do you want to eat?” Elicit the appropriate
Script Five: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
Listen, repeat, and write.
response “It’s a five.”
40 /aɪ/, /c/, /aɪv/ Lime: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/d/, /aɪv/, dive, dive response “It’s a lime.”
/f/, /aɪv/, five, five Time: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/aɪ/, /m/, /aɪm/ response “It’s the time.”
• Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
/l/, /aɪm/, lime, lime that is in random order.
/t/, /aɪm/, time, time
Look at him dive with a lime. Look (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
at the time. The number five.
3-5 min.
• After listening to the audio, ask the students • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ive’ make?” top of page 29 in the workbook. Explain how to
Elicit the appropriate response: /aɪv/. Repeat complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
this for letters -ime. Then point at one of the • Complete one example of part F.
pictures randomly and ask them if they can • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
read the word. For example, point at the picture when they need to complete the workbook
for the word “time.” Ask the students to read it. If exercise and have them copy it in their
they cannot, ask them to repeat after you, and workbook on the top of page 29.
say: “Time, /t/, /aɪm/, time.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some of
the words like “with” as sight words, rather than
phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. read the story on the page. Ask students to follow
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit 6 along and point at the words as they hear them.
and ask them which foods they think are healthy Play track 41.
and which are unhealthy. Give them a few • After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
options to think about: Is it sweet? Is it a the students to repeat after you. Ask the
vegetable? Elicit the appropriate response, students to point at each word as they read it.
which will depend on the flashcard. Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
• Ask students if they know what the difference are doing this.
between healthy and unhealthy is. Talk about • After doing choral reading, read the text one
what makes a food healthy. (Use your native more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
language as necessary). students take turns reading one line from the
• Establish enough background knowledge that story. After they read one line, they call on
students will be able to engage in the CLIL another classmate to read the next line.)
reading with an understanding of what it means • Read the lines of the story until each student has
to eat healthy, what a “treat” is, and what a had a chance to read and the students have
“holiday” is. become familiar with the words in the story.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the difference between
healthy food and unhealthy food. Make a list of _______________________________________
foods in each category. _______________________________________
• Ask students to talk with their friends about
which food is their favorite, whether it is healthy _______________________________________
or unhealthy, and to give 2-3 reasons why they _______________________________________
like it. Explain that it is OK if they think of a food
that isn’t from unit 6.
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help _______________________________________
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words, _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to explain what food they like and why in
English.) _______________________________________
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the food. _______________________________________
Presentation 5 min. _______________________________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________________________
class and talk about what food is their favorite _______________________ ________________
and some reasons why they like it. _______________________________________
7 What Do You Do
After School?
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about activities
• Ask information questions with what
• Use short phrases to ask and answer
about activities
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• recognize and name different activities
• ask what someone does after school
• Ask the students to recite some of the lyrics they (If needed) Bonus Activity 5-10 min.
heard, while directing their attention to the
flashcards on the board as a visual aid. For • Dictation WS Use your native language if
example, point at the flashcard for paint pictures necessary and ask the students what their
and say: “What do you do after school?” “What favorite activity is from today’s lesson. Call on a
do you do after school?” “I paint pictures.” “I few students and ask them to say the name of
paint pictures.” “It is fun!” “It is fun!” Follow the the activity they like the most.
rhythm and general tempo of the song. Help them • Ask the students to draw, color, and write the
as necessary. Continue with each flashcard. name of the activity on the back of the dictation
• Play the song on track 43 again and sing along worksheet.
with the students. Ask them to stand, clap, and/ • Collect the dictation worksheet for assessment
or dance to make this a TPR activity. and correction.
• Play the song that goes along with track 43. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to sing the song. Lesson 2
Song III. Writing 5-10 min. Lesson Objectives
• SB / CD / Dictation WS Ask the students to
close their student book. Distribute the dictation Students will:
worksheet for unit 7. Ask students to write their • become more familiar with target
name at the top of the worksheet. (Available for vocabulary and grammar through a story
download at www.compasspub.com/BigShow.) • encounter and explore a story linked to
• Explain to the students that you will play the the theme of the unit
song a third time, but this time they cannot see • be able to recognize and name
the words of the song, either on the TV or in their key vocabulary items in the context of a
books. This time they must write the lyrics story
themselves. (**Note that if this is too challenging • practice using visual clues to assist in
for lower-level students, they may view the lyrics in comprehension
the back of the book or on the TV screen to help • be able to ask and answer information
them write the words on the dictation worksheet.) questions with what
• Play the song on track 43 again and ask the • prepare for and participate in a
students to write the words from the song on the communicative activity with other students
dictation worksheet.
• Review the answers for the dictation worksheet Materials
one by one. Ask students to check their work and
correct any mistakes. • Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and
• Collect the dictation worksheet for assessment CD with A/V equipment (if available)
and correction (unless you plan to complete the • Workbook (optional)
bonus activity below).
strip in the Listening section on page 51. Tell complete this section by listening and writing
students to look at the images in the text and the number.
give them about one minute to do so. • (Optional) Level Tip:
• As students look at the pictures, ask them what Higher level: Ask students to write the number
they can see. Encourage different students to and the words in the blank speech bubbles of
provide as many words as they can from the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write 1.
vocabulary set 1 (introduced in lesson 1). What do you do after school? In Frame 3 they
• Next, ask students questions about the plot, should write 2. I play the guitar.
setting, characters in the story, and what they Lower level: Ask students to draw a question
think is happening: e.g. The children are finished mark next to number 1 in part A and a guitar
school. They are crossing the street. The crossing next to number 2 in part A. Ask them to write
guard is helping them. Use your native language the number and the small picture into the
as necessary, and provide support to the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write 1.?
students when needed. Ask cue questions, such In Frame 3 they should write 2. and draw a
as “Where are the children?” Elicit the picture of a guitar.
appropriate responses, “They are outside their • Play track 44 and have students listen and write
school.” “What does Anna do?” “She plays the to complete the comic strip. Review the correct
guitar.” “What does Jeff have?” “He has books.” answers as a class.
etc. (Responses will vary.)
• Finally, explain to the students that they will now Listening III. Popcorn Reading 5 min.
listen to the story, and that they should read • SB Have students take turns reading one line
along and point at the words with their finger from the story. After they read one line, they call
while they listen. on another classmate to read the next line.
• Read the lines of the story until each student has
Script Listen and write. had a chance to read and the students have
become familiar with the words in the story.
44 Frame 1.
Crossing guard: What do you do Listening IIII. Role-Play 10-15 min.
after school?
Rachel: I practice the piano. • FC Explain to students that they will act out the
Crossing guard: That sounds fun! story. Use the flashcards to assign character
Frame 2. • Role-play the story.
Crossing guard: What do you do
after school?
Jeff: I go to the library. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
Crossing guard: That sounds fun! 3-5 min.
Frame 3. • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
Jeff: What do you do after school? 31 in the workbook. Explain how to complete the
Anna: I play the guitar. Number the pictures in order. Then choose
Jeff: That sounds fun! and write activity. Explain that it is very similar to
what they did in the student book on page 51.
• Tell them when they need to complete the
Listening II. Writing 5 min. workbook exercise and have them write it in their
workbook on page 31.
• SB / CD Have students look at part A on page
51. Review the sentences with the students.
Number 1: What do you do after school?
Number 2: I play the guitar. Ask the students to
say “Number one, what do you do after school?”
“Number two, I play the guitar.”
• Direct the students’ attention back to the comic
strip in part B. Focus on the blank speech
bubbles in Frame 1 and Frame 3. Ask them how
many blanks there are. Then explain that the
sentences in part A need to be added to part B.
Explain to the students that they need to
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word or
colored pencils tell them what letter the word starts with if
Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Listen and circle. 5-10 min.
Review 5 min. • SB / CD Ask students to open their book to
• SB / CD Review the vocabulary and grammar page 52. Direct their attention to the four
structure by singing the song from the previous vocabulary+ items on the page. Before you play
lesson. Alternatively, depending on your own the audio, do a vocabulary spot check.
and the students’ preference, role-play the story 1. Point to write in my diary and ask: “What do
from the previous lesson to review the you do after school?” Elicit the response: “I write
vocabulary and structure. in my diary.”
2. Point to play basketball and ask: “What do
Vocabulary+ Introduction 5 min. you do after school?” Elicit the response: “I play
• FC Show students the flashcards for the basketball.”
vocabulary items that are on page 52. • Play track 45 and ask the students to circle the
• Ask students to repeat after you as you say the correct word after each word they hear. Pause
word on each flashcard. Show students the the audio after each word in order to give the
picture first and then the word on each students enough time to circle.
flashcard. Show each card one by one until you
have shown all of them. Script Listen and circle.
• Show the students the pictures on the flashcards 1. draw pictures
one by one again and ask them to tell you the 2. play basketball
word for each picture on the flashcards. Help as 3. write in my diary
4. play baseball
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 52. Read the
question in the illustration together: “What do
you do after school?” Read the response
together: “I draw pictures.”
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different activities in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of one of the
activities in the illustration, for example, play
baseball, and ask the students to point at this
activity in the illustration in their book. Then ask
them: “What do you do after school?” Elicit the
response: “I play baseball.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the words draw
pictures. Tell the student to ask their classmates
the question: “What do I do after school?” Elicit
the response: “I draw pictures.” Repeat this a few
more times with other students and with different
• Break the students into small groups of two
or four students, Student(s) A and Student(s)
B. Have A ask the questions and point at the
activities in the illustration on page 52. Have B
answer. Then have them switch.
Script Wipe: Ask the students “What does she do?”
Listen, repeat, and write.
Elicit the response “She wipes her glasses.”
46 aɪ/, /p/, /aɪp/ Hole: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/p/, /aɪp/, pipe, pipe response “It’s a hole.”
/w/, /aɪp/, wipe, wipe Pole: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/əʊ/, /l/, /əʊl/ response “It’s a pole.”
• Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
/h/, /əʊl/, hole, hole that is in random order.
/p/, /əʊl/, pole, pole
Please wipe your glasses. Look,
(Optional) Assign and explain homework.
a hole. There is a tall pole and a
pipe. 3-5 min.
• WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
• After listening to the audio, ask the students top of page 33 in the workbook. Explain how to
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ipe’ make?” complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
Elicit the appropriate response: /aɪp/. Repeat • Complete one example of part F.
this for letters -ole. Then point at one of the • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
pictures randomly and ask them if they can when they need to complete the workbook
read the word. For example, point at the picture exercise and have them copy it in their
for the word “wipe.” Ask the students to read it. workbook on the top of page 33.
If they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and
say: “Wipe, /w/, /aɪp/, wipe.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “please” as sight words, rather
than phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about hobbies.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about different instruments.
Talk about how guitars and pianos are similar _______________________________________
(for example, they are both played with your _______________________________________
hands, rather than by blowing air through them);
and how they are different (guitars have strings _______________________________________
pianos have keys). Make a list of activities in _______________________________________
each category (similarities and differences). _______________________________________
• Ask students to talk with their friends about
which instrument is their favorite and to give 2-3 _______________________________________
reasons why. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words, _______________________________________
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to explain which activity they like best and why _______________________________________
in English.)
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the food.
Presentation 5 min. _______________________ ________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________________________
class about which instrument is their favorite
and some reasons why they like it. _______________________________________
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
• name the days of the week
• ask and answer about what activity
someone does on a day of the week
song again, and this time they should try to sing Look and underline activity in part A and the
along. Look and write activity in part B.
• FC Before you play the song again, put the • Complete one example of each for parts A and
flashcards on the board in the front of the class, B so that the students understand how to
in order from left to right as they appear in the complete the page independently.
song lyrics from beginning to end: 1. Sunday, 2. • Tell them when they need to complete the
Monday, 3. Tuesday, 4. Wednesday, 5. workbook exercises and have them write it in
Thursday, and 6. Friday. their workbook on page 34.
• Ask the students to recite some of the lyrics they
heard, while directing their attention to the (If needed) Bonus Activity 5-10 min.
flashcards on the board as a visual aid. For
example, point at the flashcard for Sunday and • Dictation WS Use your native language if
say: “What do you do on Sunday?” “I play necessary and ask the students what their
basketball on Sunday.” “What does she do on favorite day of the week is that they learned
Sunday?” “She plays basketball on Sunday.” about in today’s lesson. Call on a few students
Follow the rhythm and general tempo of the and ask them to say the name of the day they
song. Help them as necessary. Continue with like the most.
each flashcard. • Ask the students to draw or color an activity
• Play the song on track 49 again and sing along from the lesson and write the name of their
with the students. Ask them to stand, clap, and/ favorite day of the week on the back of the
or dance to make this a TPR activity. dictation worksheet.
• Play the song that goes along with track 49. Ask • Collect the dictation worksheet for assessment
the students to focus on the words of the song and correction.
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to sing the song.
Song: Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Review the sentences with the students.
Review 5 min. Number 1: What do you do on Tuesday? Number
2: I have picnics on Friday. Ask the students to
• CD Review the vocabulary and grammar say: Number one, what do you do on Tuesday?
structure by singing the song from the previous Number two, I have picnics on Friday.
lesson. • Direct the students’ attention back to the comic
strip in part B. Focus on the blank speech
Listening I. Comic Strip 5-10 min. bubbles in Frame 1 and Frame 3. Ask them how
• SB / CD Ask students to open their books to many blanks there are. Then explain that the
page 57. Focus students’ attention on the comic sentences in part A need to be added to part B.
strip in the Listening section on page 57. Tell Explain to the students that they need to
students to look at the images in the text and complete this section by listening and writing
give them about one minute to do so. the number.
• As students look at the pictures, ask them what • (Optional) Level Tip:
they can see. Encourage different students to Higher level: Ask students to write the number
provide as many words as they can from and the words in the blank speech bubbles of
vocabulary set 1 (introduced in lesson 1). the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write 1.
• Next, ask students questions about the plot, What do you do on Tuesday? In Frame 3 they
setting, characters in the story, and what they should write 2. I have picnics on Friday.
think is happening: e.g. The children are at Lower level: Ask students to draw a question
school. They are looking at flashcards. The mark next to number 1 in part A and a picture
teacher is asking them what they do on of a picnic basket next to number 2 in part A.
different days of the week. Use your native Ask them to write the number and the small
language as necessary, and provide support to picture into the comic strip. In Frame 1 they
the students when needed. Ask cue questions, should write 1.? In Frame 3 they should write 2.
such as “Where are the children?” Elicit the and draw a picnic basket.
appropriate response, “They are at school.” Ask • Play track 50 and have students listen and write
“What do you see?” “I see a basketball.” etc. to complete the comic strip. Review the correct
(Responses will vary.) answers as a class.
• Finally, explain to the students that they will now
listen to the story, and that they should read Listening III. Popcorn Reading 5 min.
along and point at the words with their finger • SB Have students take turns reading one line
while they listen. from the story. After they read one line, they call
on another classmate to read the next line.
• Read the lines of the story until each student has
Script had a chance to read and the students have
Listen and write.
become familiar with the words in the story.
50 Frame 1.
Teacher: What do you do on Listening IIII. Role-Play 10-15 min.
Anna: I ride my bike on Tuesday. • FC Explain to students that they will act out the
Teacher: That’s great! story. Use the flashcards to assign character
Frame 2. roles.
Teacher: What do you do on • Role-play the story.
Anna: I go sailing on Wednesday. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
Teacher: What fun!
3-5 min.
Frame 3.
Anna: What do you do on Friday? • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
Rachel: I have picnics on Friday. 35 in the workbook. Explain how to complete
Anna: I like picnics. the Number the pictures in order. Then choose
and write activity. Explain that it is very similar to
what they did in the student book on page 57.
Listening II. Writing 5 min. • Tell them when they need to complete the
workbook exercise and have them write it in their
• SB / CD Have students look at part A on page workbook on page 35.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional)
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / flashcards. Help as needed (e.g. say the first
colored pencils syllable of the word or tell them what letter the
word starts with if needed).
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in
their native language, but they should be able
to explain what day they like and why in
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the reason
they like that day best.
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class about what their favorite day is and some
reasons why they like it.
2 Units 5 - 8
served there. Ask them to tell their partner
about their chosen restaurant and food.
• Student A asks B “Student A, ask your partner
‘Where do you want to eat?’ Student B, answer
the question with their favorite restaurant.
Student A, ‘What do you want to eat?’ Student B,
answer the question with their favorite dish. Then
change.” Student B responds.
• Tell students to switch.
• Monitor and provide assistance if necessary.
• Give students 2 to 3 minutes to complete the
9 What Do Your
Parents Do?
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
• Talk about and identify different types of
• Ask information questions with what
• Use singular nouns to answer questions
identifying professions
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
Song I. Listening 5 min.
• SB / CD Focus students’ attention on the song
section at the bottom of the page. Explain that
they will listen to the song (and watch a music
video if your classroom is equipped with a TV).
You may also want to ask students to see page
98 to view the complete song lyrics, especially if
your classroom does not have a TV to view the
music video.
• If teacher or students are equipped with smart
devices, scan the QR code on the page to view
the music video. Students may need assistance
to learn how to do this. If no smart device is
available, use Class Booster, or the URL available
from our homepage at www.compasspub.com/
• Play the song that goes along with track 56. Ask
the students to focus on the words of the song
(either on the TV screen or in the back of the
book) to learn the song lyrics.
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional) word for each picture on the flashcards. Help as
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word or
colored pencils tell them what letter the word starts with if
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 68. Read
the questions and responses in the illustration
together: “What does your father do?” “He’s a
professor.” and “What does your mother do?”
“She’s a florist.”
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different rooms in the
picture. Hold up a flashcard of one of the jobs
represented by one of the rooms in the
illustration, for example the professor, and ask
the students to point at the room that represents
the job in the illustration in their book. Then ask
them: “What does your father do?” Elicit the
response: “He’s a professor.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the word pilot. Tell
the student to ask their classmates the question:
“What does your father do?” Elicit the response:
“He’s a pilot.” Repeat this a few more times with
other students and with different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two
or four students, Student(s) A and Student(s)
B. Have A ask the questions and point at the
rooms in the illustration on page 68. Have B
answer. Then have them switch.
appropriate response: /əʊp/ or, if they don’t “What sound do the letters ‘-ope’ make?” Elicit
know the correct sound, tell the students to the appropriate response: /əʊp/. Turn the
repeat after you and say: “-ope makes the flashcard around and show the picture to the
sound /əʊp/.” Repeat this for letters -ote. students. Say to the students: “What does he
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track do?” Elicit the response: “He hopes for a toy.”
59. Repeat this for the rest of the flashcards.
Rope: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
Script response: “It’s a rope.”
Listen, repeat, and write.
Note: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
59 /əʊ/, /p/, /əʊp/ response: “It’s a note.”
/h/, /əʊp/, hope, hope Vote: Ask the students “What does she do?” Elicit
/r/, /əʊp/, rope, rope the response: “She votes.”
/əʊ/, /t/, /əʊt/ • Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
that is in random order.
/n/, /əʊt/, note, note
/v/, /əʊt/, vote, vote
(Optional) Assign and explain homework.
We hope that the rope is long
enough. She left a note. It’s 3-5 min.
important to vote. • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
top of page 41 in the workbook. Explain how to
• After listening to the audio, ask the students complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ope’ make?” • Complete one example of part F.
Elicit the appropriate response: /əʊp/. Repeat • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
this for letters -ote. Then point at one of the when they need to complete the workbook
pictures randomly, and ask them if they can exercise and have them copy it in their
read the word. For example, point at the picture workbook on the top of page 41.
for the word “note.” Ask the students to read it. If
they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and
say: “Note, /n/, /əʊt/, note.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “that” as sight words, rather
than phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. • After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
the students to repeat after you. Ask the
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit students to point at each word as they read it.
9 and ask them what they might like to do when Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
they grow up. Give them a few options to think are doing this.
about: a clerk can work in any type of store, a • After doing choral reading, read the text one
farmer grows many things, teachers work in more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
different types of schools (such as pre-schools students take turns reading one line from the
or elementary schools), barbers cut hair, etc. story. After they read one line, they call on
Elicit the appropriate responses, which will vary. another classmate to read the next line.)
(Use your native language as necessary.) • Read the lines of the story until each student has
• Establish enough background knowledge that had a chance to read and the students have
students will be able to engage in the CLIL become familiar with the words in the story.
reading with an understanding of what different
duties these kinds of jobs entail. Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
5 min.
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying
• SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 71.
different types of jobs. 10-15 min. • Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page Review the answer choices and ask students to
70. Focus students’ attention on the background look at the text and think for a moment about
picture. Discuss it. what the correct answer is. Ask students to
• Explain to the students that they will listen and volunteer to give the correct answer.
read the story on the page. Ask students to follow • Complete the activity as a class.
along and point at the words as they hear them.
Play track 60.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about going to the doctor.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the different jobs they
learned about in unit 9. Take a poll: ask the _______________________________________
students to raise their hands if they would like to: _______________________________________
be a doctor, a farmer, a clerk, a pilot, a teacher,
or a reporter.
• Ask students to talk with their friends about _______________________________________
which job sounds like the most fun and to give _______________________________________
2-3 reasons why. Explain that it is OK if they
think of a job that isn’t from unit 9. as long as _______________________________________
it’s a real job and they can talk about it in _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help _______________________________________
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words, _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to explain what job sounds fun, and why, in _______________________________________
• Ask them to draw a small picture of themselves _______________________________________
doing their chosen job. _______________________________________
Presentation 5 min. _______________________________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________________________
class about what job sounds fun and some
reasons why they like it.
10 Where Do You
Lesson 1
Unit Objectives
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
“Number one, where do you work?” “I work at
a shop.” “Number two, where do you work?” “I
work at an airport.” Continue until you have
covered all six vocabulary items using the target
pattern sentence structure.
Vocabulary Review 5 min. Listening II. Writing 5 min.
• FC Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary. • SB / CD Have students look at part A on page
Song: Vocabulary and Grammar Structure Review the sentences with the students. Number 1:
I work at a school. Number 2: I work in an office.
Review 5 min. Ask the students to say: “Number one, I work at a
• CD Review the vocabulary and structure by school.” “Number two, I work in an office.”
singing the song from the previous lesson. • Direct the students’ attention back to the comic
strip in part B. Focus on the blank speech
Listening I. Comic Strip 5-10 min. bubbles in Frame 1 and Frame 3. Ask them how
• SB / CD Ask students to open their books to many blanks there are. Then explain that the
page 73. Focus students’ attention on the comic sentences in part A need to be added to part B.
strip in the Listening section on page 73. Tell Explain to the students that they need to
students to look at the images in the text and complete this section by listening and writing
give them about one minute to do so. the number.
• As students look at the pictures, ask them what • (Optional) Level Tip:
they can see. Encourage different students to Higher level: Ask students to write the number
provide as many words as they can from and the words in the blank speech bubbles of
vocabulary set 1 (introduced in lesson 1). the comic strip. In Frame 1 they should write
• Next, ask students questions about the plot, 2. I work in an office. In Frame 3 they should
setting, characters in the story, and what they write 1. I work at a school.
think is happening: e.g. The children are at a bus • Play track 63 and have students listen and write
stop. They are waiting for the bus. They talk to to complete the comic strip. Review the correct
a business man. They are dressed for different answers as a class.
jobs. Use your native language as necessary,
and provide support to the students when Listening III. Popcorn Reading 5 min.
needed. Ask cue questions, such as “Where are • SB Have students take turns reading one line
the children?” Elicit the appropriate response, from the story. After they read one line, they call
“They are at a bus stop.” Ask “What is Jeff on another classmate to read the next line.
dressed up as?” “He is a teacher.” etc. • Read the lines of the story until each student has
• Finally, explain to the students that they will now had a chance to read and the students have
listen to the story, and that they should read become familiar with the words in the story.
along and point at the words with their finger
while they listen. Role-play the story. 10-15 min.
• FC Explain to students that they will act out the
Script story. Use the flashcards to assign character
Listen and write. roles.
Frame 1. • Role-play the story.
Business man: Where do you work?
Rachel: I work in an office. (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
Business man: What do you do? 3-5 min.
Rachel: I am a web designer.
Frame 2. • WB Tell students to look at the picture on page
Business man: Where do you work? 43 in the workbook. Explain how to complete the
Louie: I work in a hospital. Number the pictures in order. Then choose and
Business man: What do you do? write activity. Explain that it is very similar to what
Louie: I am a doctor. they did in the student book on page 73.
• Tell them when they need to complete the
Frame 3.
Rachel: What do you do? workbook exercise and have them write it in their
Jeff: I am a teacher. workbook on page 43.
Rachel: Where do you work?
Jeff: I work at a school.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional) needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word or
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / tell them what letter the word starts with if
colored pencils needed).
• After listening to the audio, ask the students (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ome’ 3-5 min.
make?” Elicit the appropriate response: /əʊm/.
Repeat this for letters -une. Then point at one of • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
the pictures randomly and ask them if they can top of page 45 in the workbook. Explain how to
read the word. For example, point at the picture complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
for the word “dune.” Ask the students to read it. • Complete one example of part F.
If they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
say: “Dune, /d/, /juːn/, dune.” when they need to complete the workbook
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the exercises and have them copy it in their
page together as a class. Then call on individual workbook on the top of page 45.
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed.
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. • Explain to the students that they will listen and
read the story on the page. Ask students to follow
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit along and point at the words as they hear them.
10 and ask them where they would like to work Play track 66.
and what they would like to do. Give them a few • After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
options to think about: farmers work on a farm, the students to repeat after you. Ask the
clerks work in shopping malls, doctors work students to point at each word as they read it.
in hospitals. Elicit the appropriate responses, Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
which will vary. are doing this.
• Ask students if they know what a city is, if they • After doing choral reading, read the text one
have ever been to a city, or if you are currently more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
in a city, what the name of their city is. Ask them students take turns reading one line from the
what kinds of workplaces can be found in the story. After they read one line, they call on
city, and which are found in the country. (Use another classmate to read the next line.)
your native language as necessary). • Read the lines of the story until each student has
• Establish enough background knowledge that had a chance to read and the students have
students will be able to engage in the CLIL become familiar with the words in the story.
reading with an understanding of what a college
and university are. Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
5 min.
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying
• SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 77.
different workplaces. 10-15 min. • Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page Review the answer choices and ask students to
76. Focus students’ attention on the background look at the text and think for a moment about
picture. Discuss it.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about being careful in different
places of the city.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
what the correct answer is. Ask students to
volunteer to give the correct answer. _______________________________________
• Complete the activity as a class. _______________________________________
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min.
• Talk with students about the difference between
the city and the country. Make a list of _______________________________________
workplaces in each category. _______________________________________
• Ask students to talk with their friends about
different jobs, and have them each think of at _______________________________________
least 4-5. Explain that it is OK if they think of a _______________________________________
job that isn’t from unit 10 as long as they can
say it in English. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help _______________________________________
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words,
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to list the jobs they thought of in English.)
• Ask them to draw a small picture of a city. _______________________________________
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class and list the jobs they thought of.
Lesson 3
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional) word for each picture on the flashcards. Help as
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word or
colored pencils tell them what letter the word starts with if
Speaking: Ask and answer. 10-15 min.
• SB / FC Direct the students’ attention to the
illustration at the bottom of page 80. Read the
question in the illustration together: “Where are
you going?” Read the response together: “I’m
going to the library.”
• Explain to students that they will complete the
answer by pointing at different pictures in the
illustration or in the exercise above. Hold up
a flashcard of one of the words, for example
museum, and ask the students to point at this
illustration in their book. Then ask them: “Where
are you going?” Elicit the response: “I’m going to
the museum.”
• Invite a student to the front of the classroom.
Give them the flashcard for the word bank. Tell
the student to ask their classmates the question:
“Where are you going?” Elicit the response: “I’m
going to the bank.” Repeat this a few more times
with other students and with different flashcards.
• Break the students into small groups of two
or four students, Student(s) A and Student(s)
B. Have A ask the questions and point at the
places in the illustration or exercise above it, on
page 80. Have B answer. Then have them switch.
Lesson 4 going to the post office.” Picture 3 “I’m
going to read a book.” Picture 4 “I’m going to
the museum.”
Lesson Objectives • After the students have properly identified all
of the pictures, read each sentence aloud
Students will: together as a class. Point to picture 1 and ask
the students if they can read the sentences.
• encounter some of the target vocabulary • Picture 1: “What are you going to do?” “I’m
and grammar while learning about an going to buy a shirt.”
engaging topic • Tell students to read each of the questions and
• practice using visual clues to assist with write the answers, according to the pictures,
writing shown beside it. After they have completed the
• develop reading and writing skills written exercise, ask the students which phrase
• focus on phonics sounds -ule and -ube matches with which sentence. Have the
students raise their hands and volunteer to
answer the question. Picture 1 matches with
Materials buy a shirt.
• Repeat this for the remaining sentences until
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD the activity is complete.
with A/V equipment (if available) • (Optional) Level Tip:
• Workbook (optional) Higher level: Call on individual students to
read the sentences independently in front of
Ask and Answer Game: Vocabulary, the class and support them as needed while
they read.
Vocabulary+, and Grammar Structure Lower level: Do choral reading. Read each
Review 5-10 min. sentence aloud and ask students to repeat
• FC Explain to the students that they will play a after you. Point at the words as you read them
game. Keep the flashcards for unit 11 and ask students to do the same.
vocabulary and vocabulary+ separate, but mix
each pile into a random order. Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write. (-ule
• Pick one of the flashcards from the vocabulary and –ube) 10 min.
set randomly. Don’t show the students. Ask the
students a question. For example, if the • SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the
flashcard is buy butter, ask the students: “You bottom of the page. Direct their attention to
are going to the shop. What are you going to the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they
do?” Elicit the response: “I’m going to buy recognize any of the pictures. Point at each
butter.” Or if the flashcard is library, ask the one. Elicit the responses: “It’s a mule.” “It’s a
students: “You are going to read a book. Where rule.” “It’s a cube.” and “It’s a tube.”
are you going?” Elicit the response: “I am going • Focus the students’ attention on the red letters
to the library.” of each word. Ask the students: “What sound
• After you have demonstrated how the game is do the letters ‘-ule’ make?” Elicit the
played, call students up to the front of the class- appropriate response: /juːl/ or, if they don’t
room to show the different vocabulary words know the correct sound, tell the students to
on the flashcards. Finish the activity after every repeat after you and say: “-ule makes the
student has had a chance, or after you have sound /juːl/.” Repeat this for letters -ube.
covered all ten of the vocabulary words. • Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track
Writing: Circle and write. 10 min.
• SB Have students open their book to page 81.
• Point to items in the pictures and ask students:
For pictures 1 and 3: “What are you going to
do?” For pictures 2 and 4: “Where are you
going?” Elicit the appropriate responses:
Picture 1 “I’m going to buy a shirt.” Picture 2 “I’m
Script Rule: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
Listen, repeat, and write. response: “It’s a rule.”
71 /juː/, /l/, /juːl/ Cube: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/m/, /juːl/, mule, mule response: “It’s a cube.”
Tube: Ask the students “What is it?” Elicit the
/r/, /uːl/, rule, rule
response: “It’s a tube.”
/juː/, /b/, /juːb/ • Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
/k/, /juːb/, cube, cube that is in random order.
/t/, /uːb/, tube, tube
The animal is a mule. Read each (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
rule. Here is a cube. This shape is a
3-5 min.
• WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
• After listening to the audio, ask the students top of page 49 in the workbook. Explain how to
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ule’ make?” complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
Elicit the appropriate response: /juːl/. Repeat • Complete one example of part F.
this for letters -ube. Then point at one of the • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
pictures randomly, and ask them if they can when they need to complete the workbook
read the word. For example, point at the picture exercises and have them copy it in their
for the word “cube.” Ask the students to read workbook on the top of page 49.
it. If they cannot, ask them to repeat after you,
and say: “Cube, /c/, /juːb/, cube.”
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “here” as sight words, rather
than phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Pre-reading Discussion 5 min. along and point at the words as they hear them.
Play track 72.
• FC Show the students the flashcards from unit • After playing the track, do choral reading and ask
11 and ask them which places they’ve visited and the students to repeat after you. Ask the
what activities they’ve done before. Give them students to point at each word as they read it.
a few options to think about: Have you been to Walk around the classroom to ensure the students
the bank? Do you save money? Have you been are doing this.
to a post office? Have you mailed a letter? Elicit • After doing choral reading, read the text one
the appropriate responses, which will vary. (Use more time by doing popcorn reading. (Have
your native language as necessary). students take turns reading one line from the
• Ask students if they recall the days of the week, story. After they read one line, they call on
have them recite them in order if possible. Say another classmate to read the next line.)
them once, and then recite them together as a • Read the lines of the story until each student has
class: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, had a chance to read and the students have
Thursday, Friday, Saturday. become familiar with the words in the story.
CLIL Reading: Social Studies: Identifying Read and circle: Reading Comprehension
places and activities. 10-15 min. 5 min.
• SB / CD Tell students to look at part A on page • SB Tell students to look at activity B on page 83.
82. Focus students’ attention on the background • Read question 1 aloud together as a class.
picture. Discuss it. Review the answer choices. Ask students to look
• Explain to the students that they will listen and at the text and think for a moment about what
read the story on the page. Ask students to follow the correct answer is. Ask students to volunteer
to give the correct answer.
• Complete the activity as a class.
Additional Reading 5-10 min.
• Scan the QR code on the page to view the
animation. If no smart device is available, use
Teacher’s Guide DVD.
• Explain to students that they will read another
story for fun about the supermarket.
• Watch the animation together and discuss it
afterwards as a class.
Teacher’s Note
Talk with your friend: Discussion 10 min. _______________________________________
• Talk with students about the different places
they’ve been recently and the activities that they
did at those places. _______________________________________
• Ask students to talk with their friends about _______________________________________
which is their favorite place to go and what
activity they do when they go there. Explain that _______________________________________
it is OK if they think of a place that isn’t from _______________________________________
unit 11 as long as they did one of the activities
that they learned. _______________________________________
• Walk around the classroom to monitor, help _______________________________________
facilitate conversation, explain unknown words,
etc. _______________________________________
• (**Note: You may allow students to discuss this in _______________________________________
their native language, but they should be able _______________________________________
to explain what activity they did, and where, in
English.) _______________________________________
• Ask them to draw a small picture of the activity _______________________________________
or place.
Presentation 5 min. _______________________________________
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the _______________________________________
class and talk about where they would like to go
today, and what they would do there. _______________________________________
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
using the target pattern sentence structure.
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, CD with
A/V equipment (if available), and
unscramble worksheet
• Workbook (optional) needed (e.g. say the first syllable of the word or
• Bonus activity (if needed): crayons / tell them what letter the word starts with if
colored pencils needed).
Phonics: Listen, repeat, and write. (-ute Phonics Review: Multiple letter sounds
and -use) 10 min. -ute, -use, -ule, -ube -ope, -ote -one,
• SB / CD / FC Ask the students to look at the and –ose. 5-10 min.
bottom of the page. Direct their attention to • SB / FC There are two phonics flashcards per
the pictures in the box. Ask the students if they letter. Divide them into two piles, one with the
recognize any of the pictures or actions letters -ute and -use in the order they appear in
happening in the pictures. Point at each one. the SB, and another with the letters -ute, -use,
Elicit the responses: “She’s cute.” “The TV is on -ule, -ube -ope, -ote -one, and -ose in
mute.” “He uses the knife.” and “It’s fused.” random order.
• Focus the students’ attention on the red letters • Use the flashcards for the letters -ute and -use
of each word. Ask the students: “What sound do in the order they appear in the SB first. Ask the
the letters ‘-ute’ make?” Elicit the appropriate students if they remember what sound each
response: /juːt/ or, if they don’t know the correct letter set makes. Elicit the correct sound for
sound, tell the students to repeat after you and each letter set, and ask students to tell you the
say: “-ute makes the sound /juːt/.” Repeat this word for each picture on the flashcard. Do this
for letters -use. first in order. For example, first show the
• Tell the students to listen and repeat. Play track flashcard for the word “cute.” Ask the students
77. “What sound do the letters ‘-ute’ make?” Elicit
the appropriate response: /juːt/. Turn the
Script Listen, repeat, and write. flashcard around and show the picture to the
students. Say to the students: “What does she
77 /juː/, /t/, /juːt/ look like?” Elicit the response: “She’s cute.”
/k/, /juːt/, cute, cute Repeat this for the rest of the flashcards.
/m/, /juːt/, mute, mute Mute: Ask the students “The TV is on _____?”
/juː/, /z/, /juːz/ Elicit the response: “mute.”
/juː/, /z/, use, use Use: Ask the students “What does he do?” Elicit
/f/, /juːz/, fuse, fuse the response: “He uses the knife.”
Fuse: Ask the students “What do they do?” Elicit
The baby is cute. Put the television the response: “They fuse.”
on mute, please. Let’s use this. • Repeat this with the second pile of flashcards
Watch it fuse. that is in random order.
• After listening to the audio, ask the students (Optional) Assign and explain homework.
again: “What sound do the letters ‘-ute’ make?”
Elicit the appropriate response: /juːt/ Repeat this 3-5 min.
for letter -use. Then point at one of the • WB Tell students to look at the pictures on the
pictures randomly and ask them if they can read top of page 53 in the workbook. Explain how to
the word. For example, point at the picture for complete the Circle and write activity in part F.
the word “mute.” Ask the students to read it. If • Tell them to circle the correct word. Tell them
they cannot, ask them to repeat after you and when they need to complete the workbook
say: “Mute, /m/, /juːt/, mute.” exercises and have them copy it in their
• Finally, read the sentences at the bottom of the workbook on the top of page 53.
page together as a class. Then call on individual
students to read the sentences independently.
Ask them to point at each word as they read,
and assist as needed. (**Note: Introduce some
of the words like “let” as sight words, rather than
phonics words.)
Lesson 5
Lesson Objectives
Students will:
• encounter and explore a “real-world”
home economics text linked to the theme
of the unit
• develop reading and listening skills
through an engaging text
• prepare for and participate in a
communicative speaking activity with
other students to explain their own ideas
• be able to recognize and name the key
vocabulary items
• be able to ask and answer information
questions with what and where
• encounter and explore a fun story linked
to the theme of the unit
• Big Show Student Book, Flashcards, and CD
with A/V equipment (if available)
• Workbook (optional)
Presentation 5 min.
• Ask students to speak in English in front of the
class about what activity they did yesterday,
and who they did it with.
3 Units 9 - 12
• Student A asks B:“Student A, ask your partner
‘What did you do yesterday?’ Student B, answer
the question. Then change.” Student B responds.
• Tell students to switch.
• Monitor and provide assistance if necessary.
• Give students 2 to 3 minutes to complete the