Contract Review Report 01062021
Contract Review Report 01062021
Contract Review Report 01062021
Contract Review
[Goods and Services procurement templates - Contract review report]
Contract Title:
[Insert the Contract Title]
Contract Number:
[Insert the Contract Number]
State Agency:
[Insert name of State Agency]
Prepared By:
[Name of Officer]
Date of Report:
[Day Month Year]
Approved by:
.................................................................................... ….../……/202..........
[Insert name of State Agency’s Authorised Officer]
Contract Review Report
1. Purpose
The purpose of this review is to determine the achievement of the contract
requirements/outcomes/deliverables, whether value for money is being obtained, gauge
the performance of the contractor(s) and identify whether there is still an ongoing need
for the contract.
The findings from this review will be used to decide whether to:
exercise the extension option available; or
decline to exercise the available extension option if the contract is no longer
required, or
decline to exercise the available extension option and establish a new contract
that will better satisfy State Agency requirements; or
retender the contract as there are no further extension options available yet there
is an ongoing need for the Goods and Services.
2. Contract Summary
Contract Manager:
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Variation Mechanism:
Business Name
Contact Person
Contact Number
3. Contract Deliverables
1.6 Strengths
The strengths of the current contract are (detail any strengths of the contract e.g.
established good supplier relationship, excellent performance delivery, excellent
customer service).
1.7 Weaknesses
The weaknesses of the current contract are (detail any weaknesses of the contract e.g.
insufficient policy compliance, high transaction costs, poor contract management /
administration, lack of feedback from supplier, delivery issues). Detail any strategies
that have been implemented to manage these weaknesses. These should be clearly
outlined so that future contracts can be improved upon.
1.9 Efficiencies
The following efficiencies/improvement opportunities have been identified during the
current contract term and should be considered during any future planning and
redevelopment of the contract:
Detail any efficiencies/improvements that have been identified, noting whether or not
the current contract has been varied to incorporate them.
1.10 Reporting
Provide a summary of the reporting requirements and results. Include a statement
about any feedback/issues.
Include file reference #/attachments where necessary.
1.11 Meetings
Provide a summary of any meeting requirements and results (e.g. minutes). Include a
statement about any site visits, feedback/issues.
Include file reference #/attachments where necessary.
5. Risks
6. Recommendation Summary
Based on the comprehensive review of contract [insert contract title] the following
course of action is recommended.
Choose a recommendation, modify as required and include a reason/s.
Option 1:
Exercise the first/second/third etc [number]-month/year extension option, extending the
contract until [Day Month Year].
This recommendation is based on (detail reason/s).
Option 2:
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Contract Review Report
Appendix A
The Procurement Plan/Business Case/contract planning process/Contract Management Plan (EDRMS #) outlined a number of risks
and the strategies which would be used to minimise these risks. The risks are shown in the below table. The final column ‘Current
Status of Risk’ has been added to show the updated status of the risk at the time this contract review report was written.