Super Cram Sheet - PDF Version 1
Super Cram Sheet - PDF Version 1
Super Cram Sheet - PDF Version 1
3B. Rapid Focused P. E. and History 3C. Detailed physical 4. Baseline Vitals
a. Body (MEDICAL) Signs
Substance (TRAUMA) a. Rapid focused physical exam examination a. Pulse
Isolation a. Rapid focused physical exam (using DCAPBLS-TIC-PMS) a. Head b. Ventilations
b. Is my scene safe (using DCAPBLS-TIC-PMS) (1) Head b. Face c. Blood pressure
c. Mechanism of injury (1) Head (2) Neck c. Ears d. Skin color and
Nature of illness (2) Neck (3) Chest d. Eyes temperature
d. # of patients (3) Chest (4) Pelvis e. Nose e. Level of
e. Call for help (4) Pelvis (5) Abdomen (TRDG) f. Mouth consciousness
f. Begin Triage (5) Abdomen (TRDG) (6) Extremities g. Neck (AVPU)/LOC Level
2. Initial Assessment Tenderness Rigidity Distension Guarding (7) Back h. Chest 1. Person
(6) Extremities (8) Baseline vitals i. Abdomen 2. Place
Use a General Impression (7) Back Evaluate chief complaint (OPQRST) j. Pelvis 3. Time
to Assess the patients (8) Baseline vitals (1) Onset k. Extremities 4. Event
Position/Signs/Activity Signs of Trauma (DCAPBLS-TIC-PMS) (2) Provocation l. Back f. Pupil Reaction
“Hey, Hey are you okay” (1) Deformities (3) Quality m. Reassessment of g. SAMPLE History
(1) Alert (2) Contusions (4) Radiation Baseline vitals (Reassess vitals
(2) Verbal stimulus (3) Abrasions (5) Severity every 5 minutes for
(3) Painful Stimulus (4) Punctures/Penetrations/Paradoxial Mvmnt (6) Time Trauma every 15
(4) Unresponsive (5) Burns b. Rapid focused history (SAMPLE) minutes for other)
TAKE CSPINE (6) Lacerations (1) Signs
(ABCDEF) (8) Swelling (2) Allergies
a. Airway assessment (9) Tenderness (3) Medications
b. Breathing assessment (10) Instability (4) Pertinent medical history
Look/Listen/Feel (11) Crepitus (5) Last oral intake ABBREVIATIONS/MEANINGS
c. Circulation assessment (12) Pulses (6) Event AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction
d. Determine Patient Priority (13) Motor response ASHD Ateriosclerotic Heart Disease
(14) Sensory ROOT WORDS/MEANINGS BP Blood Pressure
e. Expose the patient
f. Focused exam CARDI Heart C Centigrade
b. Rapid focused history (SAMPLE) OSTE Bone CA Cancer
(1) Signs GASTR Stomach CCU Cardiac Care Unit
(2) Allergies NEPHR Kidney CHF Congestive Heart Failure
PCR Pre-hospital Care 4
(3) Medications PHLEB Vein COPD Chronic obstructive Pulminary Disease
Report CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
(4) Pertinent medical history TRACHE Trachea
PPE CVA Cerebrovascular Accident
(5) Last oral intake THORAC Chest
Personal Protective DX Diagnosis
(6) Events leading to
ON-GOING injury/Illness
Equipment ECG Electrocardiogram
LOC Level of Further evalinitial
1. Repeat chiefexam
complaint (OPQRST) AMBI Both, Both Sides
F Fahrenheit
2. Vital signs PRE Before, In Front
Consciousness FX Fracture
3. Recheck what was found during focused exam HYPO Under, below
PTSD Post Traumatic GI Gastrointestinal
Stress Disorder 4. Recheck interventions EPI Upon
GM Gram
OSHA Occupational Safety INTER Between ICU Intensive Care Unit
and Health Secure the Airway POST After, Behind IV Intravenous
DABDA Denial Anger Barganing Heat Conservation in the Body -ECTOMY Exicion RN REGISTERED NURSE
Depression Acceptance Oxygenation of RBCs -IT IS Inflammation RX Treatment
CISD Critical Incident Stress Core perfusion improved by elevation of legs CENTESIS Surgical Puncture P- Pulse
Debriefing Keep the field time short -METER Instrument to Measure R- Respiration
PEARL Pupils Equal And React -SCOPY Visual Exam
to Light -PARESIS Partial Paralysis