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Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

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Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version  Speech Editing Principle
Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

May 15 of this year, I woke up with May 15 of this year, I woke up

a happy heart. I thought to myself, with good spirits and a blissful heart.
“when I reach 50 years old, 60 or Today was a memorable day. My Edit for clarity and continuity
beyond, I will look back to this head was spinning from various
day and smile.” Then, I paid attention things but one thing stood out to me.
to my college graduation picture, I suddenly thought to myself,
framed on a 4x6 decorative wood “when I reach 50 years old, 60 or
edging emblazoned with beautiful beyond, I will look back to this day
memories. I reached for it, and held it and smile.” I got out from my bed
closely, and uttered, “10 years, and I and walked to my closet but I came
think you did a pretty good job!” I across a picture frame that I recently
slowly put it back to the side table, placed on the top of my drawer. I
off to my working station across my paid attention to my college
sliding window to fulfill one in my graduation picture, framed on a
daily routine: journal writing. 4x6decorative wood edging
Then, I started: Dear journal, emblazoned with beautiful memories.
“In my 10 years as a member of the I reminisced about the times I had
noblest profession in the universe, I made friends and faced hardships or
have encountered several influential, troubles. But in the end, they were all
inspiring and fabulous people. So, worth it. I looked at the picture
today, as a tribute, I’m going to write fondly, reached for it, and held it
about them, starting off with my top closely, and uttered, “It has been 10
three favorites”. years, and I think you did a pretty
good job!” I slowly put it back to the
To begin with, I did not like my first side table. I refreshed myself by
pick. She was someone who would doing my daily rituals and went to my
always, always disagree with my ideas working station across to fulfill one in
and decisions. I remember one time my daily routine: journal writing.
while I asked her to sign my college
admission papers, she was infuriated It was few years ago when I found
because of my choice because I ticked the beauty in narrating significant
Mass Communications as my priority. It events that occurred in my life. I
was a very long battle of verbal opened up my journal, using my
argument. As expected, I did notwin. favorite pen and started writing:
Another, I came home from school Dear journal, “In my 10 years as a
sharing I would want to extract the tooth member of the noblest profession in
of my lab partner with out an anesthesia the universe, I have encountered
because he’s irresponsible and several influential and inspiring
ridiculous. Instead of letting me vent and people. They were my mentors in life
giving me a back rub, she defended the and they taugh tme things I would Edit for continuity and clarity
behavior of my lab partner saying, “He never forget. So, today, as a tribute,
must have a bad day.You have to I’m going to write about them,
understand.” Precisely, she’s a devil’s starting off with my top three
advocate favorites.

To start off, I did not always like

my first pick. She was someone who
would always, always disagree with
my ideas and decisions. I remember
one time while I asked her to sign my
college admission papers, she was Edit for continuity
infuriated of my choice because I
ticked Mass Communications as my
first priority. It was a very long battle
of verbal argument. And as
expected, I did not
Speech Title: May Fifteen Edited/Revised Version Speech Editing Principle

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