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Encl Cyber Warfare

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Encyclopedia of Cyber Warfare

Encyclopedia of Cyber Warfare


Copyright © 2017 by ABC-CLIO, LLC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Springer, Paul J., editor.
Title: Encyclopedia of cyber warfare / Paul J. Springer, editor.
Description: ABC-CLIO, LLC : Santa Barbara, CA, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016058373 (print) | LCCN 2017002115 (ebook) | ISBN 9781440844249 (hardcopy : alk. paper) | ISBN
9781440844256 (eBook)
Subjects: LCSH: Cyberspace operations (Military science)—United States— Encyclopedias. | Cyberterrorism—Encyclopedias.
Classification: LCC U163 .E45 2017 (print) | LCC U163 (ebook) | DDC 355.4/1—dc23
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ISBN: 978-1-4408-4424-9
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List of Entries
Guide to Related Topics
List of Documents

A–Z Entries
Primary Documents
List of Entries

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)

Air Gapping
Alexander, Keith B.
Alperovitch, Dmitri
Al Qaeda
Antivirus Software
Apple Inc.
Aramco Attack
Arquilla, John
Assange, Julian

Black Hat
Brenner, Joel F.
Bush, George W.

Carpenter, Shawn
Cebrowski, Arthur K.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Clarke, Richard A.
Closed Network
Cloud Computing
Code Red Worm
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI)
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Conficker Worm
Cray, Seymour
Cyber Attack
Cyber Crime
Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA)
Cyber Defense
Cyber-Defense Exercise
Cyber Deterrence
Cyber-Equivalence Doctrine
Cyber Escalation
Cyber Espionage
Cyber Ethics
Cyber Sabotage
Cyber Security
Cyberspace Policy Review (2009)
Cyber Terrorism
Cyber War
Cyber Warriors
Cyber Weapon

Dark Web
Deep Web
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Department of Defense (DoD)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack
Domain Name System (DNS)

EINSTEIN (Cyber System)
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Escalation Dominance
Estonian Cyber Attack (2007)
Evron, Gadi

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Flame Worm
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Gates, Bill
Gates, Robert M.
Gauss Worm
Georgian Cyber Attack (2008)

Hayden, Michael V.

Identity Theft
Information Warfare Weapons Treaty
Intel Corporation
Intellectual Property
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Internet Governance
Internet Protocol (IP) Address
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Iran Cyber Capabilities
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Israel Cyber Capabilities

JPMorgan Hack
Just War
JWICS Network

Kaspersky Lab
Kaspersky, Yevgeniy “Eugene” Valentinovich

Laws of Armed Conflict

Libicki, Martin C.
Live Free or Die Hard
Logic Bomb
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC)

Mandia, Kevin
Mandiant Corporation
Manning, Bradley
Matrix, The
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Windows
Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN)
Mitnick, Kevin
Moonlight Maze
Moore’s Law
MS Blaster Worm
MyDoom Virus

National Cyber Security Strategy

National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Security Agency (NSA)
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE)
Net-centric Warfare (NCW)
Net Neutrality
Nimda Worm
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea Cyber Capabilities

Obama, Barack
Office of Personnel Management Data Breach
Operation Ababil
Operation Aurora
Operation Babylon
Operation Buckshot Yankee
Operation Cartel
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Night Dragon
Operation Orchard
Operation Payback
Operation Shady RAT
Operation Titan Rain

Panetta, Leon E.
Patriotic Hacking
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398
People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (1998)
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP)
PRISM Program
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Putin, Vladimir

Quadrennial Defense Review

RAND Corporation
Red Team
Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
Riga Summit
Rogers, Michael S.
Rumsfeld, Donald H.
Russia Cyber Capabilities
Russian Business Network (RBN)
Rustock Botnet

Second Army/Army Cyber Command

Second Life
Shamoon Virus
Silk Road
Snowden, Edward J.
Social Engineering
Solar Sunrise
Solid-State Drive (SSD)
Sony Hack
Spear Phishing
SQL Injection
SQL Slammer Worm
Sun Microsystems
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Symantec Corporation
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)

Tallinn Manual
Target Corporation Hack
Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”
Terminator, The
The Onion Router (TOR)
Tier 1 Internet Service Provider
TJX Corporation Hack
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Trojan Horse
24th Air Force

United States Cyber Capabilities

Unrestricted Warfare
U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER)
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
U.S. Tenth Fleet

Weapons of Mass Disruption
White Hat

Zero-Day Vulnerability
Guide to Related Topics

Alexander, Keith B.
Alperovitch, Dmitri
Arquilla, John
Assange, Julian
Brenner, Joel F.
Bush, George W.
Carpenter, Shawn
Cebrowski, Arthur K.
Clarke, Richard A.
Cray, Seymour
Evron, Gadi
Gates, Bill
Gates, Robert M.
Hayden, Michael V.
Kaspersky, Yevgeniy “Eugene” Valentinovich
Libicki, Martin C.
Mandia, Kevin
Manning, Bradley
Mitnick, Kevin
Obama, Barack
Panetta, Leon E.
Putin, Vladimir
Rogers, Michael S.
Rumsfeld, Donald H.
Snowden, Edward J.
Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Department of Defense (DoD)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Security Agency (NSA)
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP)
Second Army/Army Cyber Command
24th Air Force
U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER)
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
U.S. Tenth Fleet

Apple Inc.
Intel Corporation
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Kaspersky Lab
Mandiant Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
RAND Corporation
Russian Business Network (RBN)
Second Life
Sun Microsystems
Symantec Corporation


Iran Cyber Capabilities
Israel Cyber Capabilities
North Korea Cyber Capabilities
People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities
Russia Cyber Capabilities
United States Cyber Capabilities

Live Free or Die Hard
Matrix, The
Terminator, The

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
Air Gapping
Antivirus Software
Black Hat
Closed Network
Cloud Computing
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Cyber Attack
Cyber Crime
Cyber Defense
Cyber Deterrence
Cyber Escalation
Cyber Espionage
Cyber Ethics
Cyber Sabotage
Cyber Security
Cyber Terrorism
Cyber War
Cyber Warriors
Cyber Weapon
Dark Web
Deep Web
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack
Domain Name System (DNS)
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Escalation Dominance
Identity Theft
Intellectual Property
Internet Governance
Internet Protocol (IP) Address
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
JWICS Network
Logic Bomb
Microsoft Windows
Moore’s Law
Net Neutrality
Patriotic Hacking
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Red Team
Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
Social Engineering
Solid-State Drive (SSD)
Spear Phishing
SQL Injection
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
The Onion Router (TOR)
Tier 1 Internet Service Provider
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Trojan Horse
Weapons of Mass Disruption
White Hat
Zero-Day Vulnerability


Aramco Attack
Code Red Worm
Conficker Worm
EINSTEIN (Cyber System)
Estonian Cyber Attack (2007)
Flame Worm
Gauss Worm
Georgian Cyber Attack (2008)
JPMorgan Hack
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC)
Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN)
Moonlight Maze
MS Blaster Worm
MyDoom Virus
Nimda Worm
Office of Personnel Management Data Breach
Operation Ababil
Operation Aurora
Operation Babylon
Operation Buckshot Yankee
Operation Cartel
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Night Dragon
Operation Orchard
Operation Payback
Operation Shady RAT
Operation Titan Rain
PRISM Program
Rustock Botnet
Shamoon Virus
Solar Sunrise
Sony Hack
SQL Slammer Worm
Target Corporation Hack
TJX Corporation Hack

Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI)
Cyber-Defense Exercise
Cyber-Equivalence Doctrine
Cyberspace Policy Review (2009)
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
Information Warfare Weapons Treaty
Just War
Laws of Armed Conflict
National Cyber Security Strategy
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
Net-centric Warfare (NCW)
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (1998)
Quadrennial Defense Review
Tallinn Manual
Unrestricted Warfare


Al Qaeda
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Silk Road
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)

Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA)
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398
Riga Summit
List of Documents

1. Remarks of President Barack Obama on Securing the Nation’s Cyber Infrastructure, Washington,
D.C., May 29, 2009
2. Excerpts of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom, Washington, D.C., January 21,

3. Excerpts from the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, NATO
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2010
4. Excerpts of “International Strategy for Cyberspace,” May 2011
5. Excerpts of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on Cyber Security, October 11, 2012
6. Excerpts from U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Science Board, Task Force Report: “Resilient
Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat,” January 2013
7. Statement of General Keith B. Alexander, Commander, United States Cyber Command, before the
Senate Committee on Armed Services, March 12, 2013
8. Excerpts from U.S. Department of Defense, The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, April

In the 21st century, nations, nonstate actors, and individuals have a new avenue to engage in conflict.
The development of the Internet has had many unforeseen effects on human society, enabling massive
changes in communications, commerce, and conflict. So far, the Internet has not fundamentally
changed human nature; it has only allowed for a new means of engaging in normal human behavior,
including some of the worst human activities. Thus, it is unsurprising that humans have chosen to
continue their criminal, espionage, sabotage, and warfare activities in the new cyber domain.
Cyber space is definitely not the same as the physical realm, and using it as a means of conflict
does not always follow the same approaches used in the physical world. In some ways, warfare in the
cyber domain is less terrifying than conflict on land, at sea, or in the air, in part because, to date, no
humans have been killed by a cyber attack. Currently, cyber activities tend to be an enabling
mechanism supporting conflict in other domains, rather than being an entirely separate vector for
violence. However, as more devices are connected and societies become more dependent upon cyber
networks, the possibilities for causing harm grow in proportion. Further, because the Internet is by
definition an international network that does not halt at national borders, it blurs the line between
domestic and global activities, pushing past the assumed limitations of domestic and international
law. Because a nation may choose to respond to a cyber attack by retaliating in the physical domain,
cyber warfare offers a certain potential for crossover effects. Ultimately, whether an attack is
perceived as an irritant or an act of war will largely depend on the preferences, motivations, and
capabilities of the victim more than the intentions of the actor.
The cyber domain has special characteristics that make it a unique arena for human conflict.
Unlike the physical domains (land, sea, air, and space), the cyber domain is entirely artificial—and it
remains an evolving platform. Although certain behaviors in cyber space are governed by the limits
of what can be performed within a computer network, it is unclear whether other forms of government
truly apply to the Internet. Certainly, the establishment of computer networks has challenged many
assumptions regarding the limits of legal and ethical behavior. Because the Internet has outgrown all
projections for both its utility and its dangers, it is impossible to predict how it will develop in even
the near future, much less over the remainder of the 21st century.
This volume seeks to provide some clarity about the history and current capabilities of the cyber
domain. Its authors have largely, though not exclusively, focused on the Western experience,
particularly that of the United States. In part, this is due to the availability of open-source,
unclassified data. Not only are the sources readily available, but they tend to be more applicable to
the target audience for this work. The authors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, with a
substantial number of them serving in the military or other governmental institutions. As such, it needs
to be stated that the ideas and arguments presented in this volume are the opinions of the individual
authors, based on their expertise, and do not represent the position of any government, military entity,
or institution.
There have been an almost limitless number of key contributors to the production of this work,
beginning with Padraic (Pat) Carlin and Steve Catalano, the editors at ABC-CLIO, who conceived of
it and pushed it through to fruition. In the production process, Subaramya Durairaj and Magendra
Varma of Lumina Datamatics provided enormous assistance. Thanks also to Pete Feely, production
manager at Amnet Systems, and copyeditor Lisa Crowder. Of course, a work of this magnitude is only
as strong as the contributions of its creators, without whom it would still be a collection of blank
pages. Thus, it is gratefully dedicated to the 59 authors who contributed their time, their expertise,
and their efforts to produce first-rate entries that will help the reader grapple with the unique
challenges of cyber warfare.

The use of information as a means to conduct warfare is a concept that has existed for centuries.
However, the rise of massive cyber networks and increasingly powerful computers has led many
military strategists to conclude that the cyber realm should be considered a new domain of warfare,
akin to the land, sea, air, and space domains previously developed and utilized in warfare. Over the
past two decades, humans have become increasingly reliant on information networks, which in turn
have become a part of the very fabric of society, influencing virtually every person on the planet.
Even those who have never used a computer are affected by these networks, both in positive and
negative ways. Just as conflict has touched every nation on earth and has had at least some effect on
almost every life, so too has human conflict spread into the machine realm. As such, the cyber domain
is being used in new and creative fashions to shape the conflicts of the physical world and, at times,
to carry out attacks with effects every bit as tangible as those using conventional weaponry.
Because the cyber domain is entirely manmade, it is not governed by the same properties as the
physical world. In fact, there are no rules within the cyber domain that cannot be changed, either by
altering the hardware that creates the environment or changing the programming that controls it. Given
this changing nature of the cyber environment, developing a national cyber strategy to secure a country
from cyber attacks is a continual problem. The only sure way to become immune to cyber attack is to
sever all connections to the cyber domain—but such a drastic decision would also essentially remove
a nation from the modern world. Thus, nations are forced to engage in the cyber domain, regardless of
preferences, priorities, or national capabilities.
Cyber assets are typically associated with communications, economic activities, and maintaining
vast amounts of information, and cyber attacks are thus most commonly assumed to be new forms of
espionage or crime. However, cyber networks are increasingly able to influence the physical world
through the control of infrastructure assets such as electrical grids, meaning that a cyber attack can
potentially inflict harm on not only computer hardware but also the people living in the cyber-
enhanced environment. Whereas earlier cyber attacks might be considered a problem best addressed
by intelligence agencies or law enforcement, these more advanced cyber attacks might cross the
threshold into warfare, particularly if they directly or indirectly cause the loss of human life. Already,
cyber attacks are being used as an enhancement mechanism to enable or improve kinetic attacks in the
physical world, but soon, they may be utilized in place of conventional violence, achieving the same
ends without incurring the same risks to the attacker.
Although the cyber domain is largely a positive innovation, for most of its users, the Internet is a
vast, poorly understood environment. Most computer owners do not realize the inherent dangers that it
represents or how their interaction with sites on the Internet might enhance the ability of malevolent
actors to carry out acts of crime, espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and warfare. While this should not
scare citizens into departing the cyber domain entirely, in some ways, the subjects discussed in this
work should remind users that there are often far greater consequences to seemingly innocent
activities in the cyber domain. They should be aware of the types of organizations using the Internet
for their own purposes, ranging from hostile nation-states seeking avenues of attack and new means of
information theft to terrorist organizations attempting to recruit new members and spread their
propaganda. Cyber criminals, too, have found the Internet to be a vast new trove of potential targets,
many of whom unknowingly volunteer their information without regard for the dangers involved.
This encyclopedia serves as a reference guide to the reader seeking to gain a better understanding
of the nature of the cyber domain and the threats that it presents to the citizens of the world. It seeks to
offer an overview of the key individuals, organizations, and actions that have shaped the modern
cyber networks and how state and nonstate actors have come to rely on the Internet as a means of
interaction with other states. After examining the entries in this work, readers are encouraged to
consult the further readings offered with each entry and those listed in the bibliography to enhance
their knowledge of subjects of interest.


The term advanced persistent threat (APT) refers to highly sophisticated actors conducting stealthy
offensive operations in computer networks, usually through the Internet. The goal of such operations
includes any combination of espionage, financial gain, sabotage, or reconnaissance. Such actors are
often shown to work on behalf of nation-states, typically under the control of the military or
intelligence services. They may also be private entities contracted by nation-states or, more rarely,
operating purely for personal profit (i.e., sophisticated criminals). In some cases, the distinction
between criminal and agent of a nation-state may be hard to draw, with the same individuals or
groups exhibiting both characteristics at different times.
The term APT appears to have been in use since 2006, first appearing in documents authored by
U.S. Air Force personnel, and became mainstream with the 2013 APT1 report by Mandiant. APTs
share a number of attributes that differentiate them from other malicious actors:

• Mission Focus: APTs often have narrowly defined missions and goals, which may require that
they gain access to specific networks or organizations. Such targets may be more difficult to
successfully compromise than the average network or individual computer. This is in contrast to
criminal actors, who generally exhibit a more opportunistic behavior, which may, for example,
manifest as massive (and therefore noisy) spear-phishing campaigns. However, the strategic
goals for an APT may be defined quite broadly (e.g., obtaining information pertaining to a
technical area or technology from any available source), and the tactics used when targeting a
large organization may come to resemble those of a less sophisticated actor; sometimes this is a
deliberate choice by the APT to avoid drawing attention to the attack itself or to sow confusion
as to the identity of the attacker.
• Sophistication: APTs often have custom tools that have been developed over a long period of
time, the expertise and resources to develop new capabilities as needed, and the training and
discipline to use such tools to conduct large-scale operations while minimizing cross-
contamination across operations. The majority of publicly disclosed APT campaigns point to
the extensive use of spear-phishing attacks as the preferred method of initial compromise, but
APTs have been known to use a variety of other attack tactics, including watering hole,
malicious advertising, credential theft, social engineering, SQL injection, and software
• Resources: APTs generally have access to sufficient resources to pursue a number of different
attack strategies over a long period of time against a chosen target, including potentially
developing or procuring previously unknown vulnerabilities for which no known fix exists and
no forewarning is possible. In addition, APTs may devote significant resources and time in
developing the necessary attack infrastructure and tools needed to conduct operations.
However, APTs will not always use sophisticated tools and tactics; rather, the mission
characteristics, including risk profile, urgency, and the sophistication (or “hardness”) of the
target, will dictate the conduct of operations.
• Persistence: Criminal actors on the Internet are typically interested in activities that result in
short-term financial payoff, which may also be inherently very noisy, such as stealing financial
information or installing ransomware (e.g., CryptoLocker). In contrast, APT missions generally
require prolonged presence on a target network, such as for continuous collection of sensitive
information. As a result, APTs need to operate in a stealthy manner so as to minimize the time to
detection and to establish backdoors for regaining access should they be discovered.
While the primary concern of an APT is completion of the mission, secondary objectives include
remaining undetected so as to avoid exposure of tools, techniques, and infrastructure; evading the
association of a detected operation with the specific APT; and avoiding associating the APT with the
correct country. The relative priority of these concerns depends on the specific APT and may change
over time and across missions.
Proactive defenses such as firewalls, deep packet inspection, and attachment detonation chambers
can play a role in hardening an organization’s security posture, therefore requiring more effort to gain
an initial foothold. However, the scale and complexity of modern enterprises and the individual
systems within them suggest that resourceful and patient adversaries will generally manage to gain a
foothold. The problem becomes even more complex when considering dependencies on external
partners, resources, and services that may in turn be targeted by an APT to assist in gaining access to
its target. As enterprise security has traditionally focused on perimeter defense, APTs have generally
found it easy to expand their initial access and achieve their goals through a combination of lateral
movement, privilege escalation, and the introduction of backdoors.
Much effort has been expended in developing tools and techniques for detection of such threats
beyond the initial stages of compromise and for the forensic analysis of their activities. Such
techniques have primarily focused on the analysis of massive volumes of logging information to
identify potentially anomalous events; on identifying anomalous or “known bad” communication
patterns, both within an enterprise network and at its external boundaries (e.g., at the firewall); and on
the generation, sharing, and action upon indicators of compromise (IOC), which represent externally
observable and, at least in theory, invariant elements of the APT tools or infrastructure. Such IOCs
include, but are not limited to, file hashes, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, network protocol
signatures, and Windows Registry values. To the extent that an APT reuses tools and infrastructure
(and therefore IOCs) across different operations, threat information sharing has the potential to
significantly reduce the mean time to next detection (MTTND) and to increase the ability of defenders
to attribute an attack.

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Cyber Defense; Cyber Espionage; Mandiant Corporation;
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Social
Engineering; Spear Phishing

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.
Lindsay, Jon R., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron, eds. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the
Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Mandiant Corporation. APT1: Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units. Alexandria, VA: Mandiant Corporation, 2013.

The term air gapping is commonly used to describe a security measure taken to protect a computer
system from intrusion. To air gap a computer system, it must be isolated from any local area network
or public wireless network. The military, intelligence agencies, financial entities, and even some
advocacy groups air gap certain systems because of the sensitive information contained within.
Though primarily a security measure, air gapping can also refer to a procedure that transfers data
from one classified system to another. It is commonly used to take material from the low side
(unclassified machines) to the high side (classified machines). Data is cut to a CD-ROM on the low
side and inserted on the high side. Even isolating the system from a network may not totally protect it.
Recent exploits have shown why air gapping is essential for critical systems. A hacker recently
claimed he infiltrated a flight control system through the plane’s media network. More famously, the
Stuxnet virus that attacked centrifuges in Iran was introduced through a USB drive connected to the
machine. Even if the system’s external connections prevent the system from being subject to
electromagnetic or other electrical exploits, they still cannot prevent the system from insider mistakes
or threats. Under the National Security Administration’s (NSA) TEMPEST program
(Telecommunications Electronics Material Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions), the
U.S. government developed standards to help air gap computer systems. The standards recommend
minimum safe distances for the system as well as enclosing the system in a Faraday cage to prevent

Melvin G. Deaile

See also: Cyber Security; Hardware; Internet

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

General Keith B. Alexander (1951–) served as director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and
chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) starting in August 2005 and concurrently as commander of
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) from 2010 until his retirement in 2014. Alexander was born
December 2, 1951, in Syracuse, New York, and was commissioned as an army second lieutenant at
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1974. During his military career, he earned several master
of science degrees from Boston University (business administration), the Naval Postgraduate School
(systems technology and physics), and the National Defense University (security strategy). Alexander
also graduated from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the National War
Through USCYBERCOM, Alexander was responsible for planning, coordinating, and conducting
operations in defense of Department of Defense (DoD) computer networks under the authority of U.S.
Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). He also held overlapping responsibilities, in his capacity at
the NSA and CSS, for select DoD national foreign intelligence and combat support missions and the
protection of U.S. national security information systems. As a career military intelligence officer,
Alexander served in several significant intelligence posts prior to assuming the directorship at the
NSA, including U.S. Army deputy chief of staff, G-2; commanding general of U.S. Army Intelligence
and Security Command; director of intelligence at U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM); and as
deputy director for requirements, capabilities, assessments, and doctrine (J-2) for the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (JCS).
Alexander succeeded General Michael Hayden to the NSA directorship when the latter was
promoted to his fourth star and appointed to serve as deputy to Ambassador John Negroponte,
President George W. Bush’s appointee to the newly created position of director of national
intelligence (DNI). Alexander’s tenure at the NSA was marred by controversies over the legality and
efficacy of the NSA’s data collection activities. The first of them erupted in December 2005 when the
New York Times reported that the NSA had been conducting warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens’
phone conversations and e-mail since 2001. The second and most personally damaging of these
scandals came when Edward Snowden, then a contracted employee of the NSA, leaked thousands of
classified documents to journalists in June 2013. The trove of stolen files revealed the extent of the
NSA’s access to private communication through penetration of the information infrastructure and
secret agreements with telecommunications and Internet service providers.
The Snowden revelations unleashed a storm of criticism against the NSA. Alexander offered to
resign from the NSA after the extent of the leaks became known, but President Barack Obama
declined his offer, defending both the NSA’s programs and the agency’s embattled director. Alexander
retired from military service the following year.

Robert Y. Mihara

See also: Hayden, Michael V.; National Security Agency (NSA); Obama, Barack; Snowden, Edward
J.; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Harris, Shane. The Watchers: The Rise of America’s Surveillance State. New York: Penguin Press, 2010.
Hayden, Michael V. Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.

In 2011, Dmitri Alperovitch cofounded and became the chief technology officer of CrowdStrike, a
security technology company focused on helping enterprises and governments protect their intellectual
property and secrets against cyber espionage and cyber crime. Alperovitch holds an MS in
information security and a BS in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Alperovitch worked at a number of computer security start-ups in the late 1990s and early 2000s,
including the e-mail security start-up CipherTrust, which invented the TrustedSource reputation
system. When CipherTrust was acquired by Secure Computing in 2006, he led the research team that
launched the software as a service business. Alperovitch became vice president of threat research at
McAfee when it acquired Secure Computing in 2008. In January 2010, he led the investigation, named
Operation Aurora, into the Chinese intrusions of Google and two dozen other companies. He also led
the investigation of the Night Dragon espionage operation of Western multinational oil and gas
companies and traced them to a Chinese national living in Heze City, Shandong Province, People’s
Republic of China. Also in 2011, Alperovitch was awarded the prestigious Federal 100 Award for
his contributions to U.S. federal information security. In 2013 and 2015, Alperovitch was recognized
as one of Washingtonian’s “Tech Titans” for his accomplishments in the field of cyber security. He
was also selected as one of MIT Technology Review’s “Top 35 Innovators under 35” in 2013. In
addition to his position at CrowdStrike, Alperovitch is currently a nonresident senior fellow of the
Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council. Alperovitch has conducted extensive research on
reputation systems, spam detection, Web security, public-key and identity-based cryptography, and
malware and intrusion detection and prevention.

Lisa Beckenbaugh

See also: Cryptography; Encryption; McAfee

Further Reading
“Atlantic Council Programs Report: July 2015.” Atlantic Council, August 3, 2015. http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/for-members/atlantic-
“Dmitri Alperovitch.” CrowdStrike. http://www.crowdstrike.com/dmitri-alperovitch.
“Innovators under 35: Dmitri Alperovitch, CTO, CrowdStrike.” MIT Technology Review, October 10, 2013.

Al Qaeda is a Sunni jihadist group that was founded by Osama bin Laden and others around 1988. Al
Qaeda translates to “the base,” which aptly characterizes how the organization has provided a base of
training and knowledge to subsidiaries around the world. The group is considered a terrorist
organization by many states, including the United States, which launched its War on Terror against Al
Qaeda after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Despite U.S. efforts to target much of its central
leadership, many analysts argue that Al Qaeda remains a strong and diversified organization through
its many “franchises,” which exist in more than 30 countries.
Al Qaeda emerged from Afghan resistance to Soviet occupation, but it found its primary
motivation in opposing all things Western, particularly those representing the United States. This
includes Western ideas such as democracy. Strategically, Al Qaeda sought to lure the United States
into attacking and invading a Muslim country, which would subsequently provoke insurgents to resist
occupation forces. It then planned to expand the conflict throughout the region, further drawing the
United States into a long and costly war. At the same time, it would launch terrorist attacks against
U.S. allies. Finally, by 2020, it hoped the U.S. economy would collapse, and with it the world
economy. Al Qaeda would then initiate a global jihad and institute a global caliphate.
Since 9/11, Al Qaeda has increasingly sought to use cyber terrorism against the United States in
the belief that cyber targets are just as open as airports were prior to 9/11. Al Qaeda draws its
recruits from disaffected but often well-educated circles, thus it has access to those conversant in
Still, it has spent far more time threatening to carry out cyber attacks than successfully making
them. In 2007, for example, members of Al Qaeda attempted to attack numerous Western Web sites
with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks but failed. In January 2015, Al Qaeda Electronic
(AQE) emerged, the first cyber franchise connected to the organization, although its exact relationship
to Al Qaeda is unknown. So far, AQE has mostly engaged in Web site defacement, which is one of the
easier forms of hacking. It has yet to target a high-profile Web site. Its Twitter site currently only has a
few hundred followers and lists its physical location as Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Unlike the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which has adroitly managed its online presence,
Al Qaeda has been more hesitant to embrace technology because leaders have been fearful that
technology will reveal their locations and thus subject them to U.S. airstrikes. Technology has been
focused within to maintain communication rather than on the external world in seeking to recruit or
connect to followers.
With the death of Osama bin Laden and other leaders, there is debate over whether Al Qaeda is
more of a working philosophy or an organization. Some believe that Al Qaeda actively directs its
many national variants, serving as the strategic vision and guiding the parameters of its attacks. Others
argue that Al Qaeda serves as an umbrella, with its loosely affiliated spin-offs waging their own
independent campaigns that consist of both a local focus on corrupt Muslim regimes as well as a
broader goal of attacking anything with Western ties.
In its system of beliefs, Al Qaeda is similar to ISIS in that it follows Salafi ways of thought,
which seek to purify Islam from Shiites and others seen as failing to adhere to Islam as it existed in
the days of Muhammad. In opposition to ISIS, however, bin Laden had warned against establishing a
state too quickly because of the speed at which the United States overthrew previous attempts.
Although ISIS has seemed to eclipse Al Qaeda as of 2016, if Osama bin Laden is correct, that is a
temporary aberration because Al Qaeda’s approach is more enduring.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cyber Terrorism; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria (ISIS)

Further Reading
Chen, M. Thomas. Cyberterrorism after Stuxnet. Strategic Studies Institute and United States Army War College Press, June 2014.
Ibrahim, Raymond, ed. The Al Qaeda Reader: The Essential Texts of Osama Bin Laden’s Terrorist Organization. New York:
Broadway Books, 2007.
Liu, Eric. “Al Qaeda Electronic: A Sleeping Dog?” A report by the Critical Threats Project of the American Enterprise Institute,
December 2015. http://www.criticalthreats.org/al-qaeda/liu-al-qaeda-electronic-december-2-2015.
Mendelsohn, Barack. The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2016.
Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Tower. New York: Vintage, 2007.

Anonymous is the name used by a collective of hackers, hacktivists, human rights advocates, and
online pranksters scattered across the globe. The organization itself is amorphous and hard to define
by goals, members, or activities. The group claims to be leaderless, and members are often even
unknown to each other as the only concept that bands this collective together is respect for anonymity.
Digitally, Anonymous is known by their logo of a suited man whose head has been replaced by a
question mark surrounded by branches symbolizing peace. It is supposedly based on a surrealist
painting by artist Rene Magritte. Additionally, individuals claiming to be members of Anonymous
often upload videos in which they disguise their voices and wear Guy Fawkes masks made famous by
the movie V for Vendetta. Their tagline is

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
The group can trace its roots to an Internet message board known as 4chan. On this message board,
users can post on various topics without having to create a username. Rather, they can create posts
under the user identification of “Anonymous.” From this forum, the group Anonymous adopted its
name. The group first began coordinating Internet trolling activities in 2003, the most famous being an
online raid of the chatting site and virtual teenage hangout Habo Hotel. The group infiltrated the Web
site by joining with the same character, a black man in a gray suit with an Afro. They flooded the Web
site and then organized to form various figures, such as a swastika.
Originally intending to troll purely for the entertainment value, or “lulz,” the group slowly began
to coordinate efforts against groups that they believed stifled freedom of speech. One of the first
politically charged coordinated attacks occurred in 2008 against the Church of Scientology. The
church attempted to censor a leaked video of Tom Cruise speaking about Scientology. In the first
wide-scale coordinated effort, the “hive,” as they were called at the time, called on hackers to join
together against Scientology through a 4chan message board under the name “Project Chanology.”
Followers launched a series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on the Church of
Scientology’s Web site in an attempt to crash it, prank called the Scientology hotline, and sent faxes
that printed nothing but large black blocks to waste ink. This was followed by the uploading of a
video in which an unknown speaker in a robotic voice warned that they would expel and
systematically dismantle the Church of Scientology. Ten days later, this was followed by a mass
protest in which Anons, or members of Anonymous, gathered together in real life throughout various
cities to protest Scientology. The largest protest occurred in Los Angeles, where a thousand
protestors, many wearing Guy Fawkes masks, marched outside the Church of Scientology building.
Later that same year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began to take the threat of Anonymous
Soon after the success of the Scientology protests, the group suffered infighting over whether it
should continue to engage in such politically motivated activities. Participation in the group soon
waned, but by late 2010, Anons had reemerged to launch Operation Payback against the Recording
Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America. These organizations
had attempted to bring down file-sharing sites such as The Pirate Bay. Their attacks expanded to
include organizations that they felt had attempted to silence Julian Assange or WikiLeaks, such as
Amazon.com, PayPal, and Visa. This attack led to the subsequent arrest of 14 hackers by the FBI.
Anons also participated in support of the Arab Spring movements, releasing software to protect Web
browsers from government surveillance and organizing DDoS on various government sites.
Anonymous or its offshoot LulzSec is also said to have been responsible for attacks on the computer
security firm HBGary Federal, the government of Uganda, the Westboro Baptist Church, and Sony.
Anons participated in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement and have targeted various child
pornography and revenge pornography sites.
Currently, the hacker collective Anonymous continues to claim responsibility for a variety of
actions in real life and cyber space. The group organized a protest known as the Million Mask march
and has become involved in protests in Ferguson, Missouri. Anonymous has also targeted the Web
sites of Islamic extremist groups and the Ku Klux Klan. The group hosts a YouTube channel that
allows individuals to keep up-to-date with its current operations.

Barbara Salera

See also: Assange, Julian; 4chan; Hacktivist; LulzSec

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Back Bay Books, 2012.

Antivirus software is a program or collection of programs designed to protect computers from
malware. This is done by scanning a computer’s memory and any programs that are running in search
of indications that malware is present. A computer virus is a program that attaches itself to a file and
then seeks to replicate itself inside of the system, infecting other files. The term virus came into use in
relation to computer viruses because they are similar to biological viruses: a digital virus cannot live
on its own and survives by multiplying until it takes over a host. Viruses can carry payloads with them
when they infect a computer. Therefore, a virus programmer can add various attacks on behalf of the
one seeking to infiltrate a computer or network. Viruses seek to hide themselves from detection by
users and antivirus software. Such malware can be dangerous because it can be programmed for
anything, from general advertising spam, to stealing personal and business information, to destroying
Computer viruses take on three main forms: file infectors, boot-sector viruses, and macro viruses.
The first viruses discovered were file infectors that need to be attached to a program that is installed
on a computer. Boot-sector infections run in the computer memory upon start-up and then infiltrate the
hard disk or any removable disks that are used with the computer. Macro viruses can be hidden in the
scripts of programs that are embedded in data files rather than programs. This makes them more
common and enables such infections to spread rapidly, as users are more likely to share smaller files.
The rise of Internet usage has enhanced the devastation of macro viruses because of the increased
ease with which people can transfer data files.
The technologically driven modern world has increased the importance of needing to ensure that
computer systems and networks are protected. Antivirus software provides protection against the
harmful effects of an infected computer. A virus tries to hide from detection by concealing itself in a
file or program. Then, it attempts to run unobserved in the background and to carry out its designed
task. Initially, contamination was largely seen by inclusion of viruses on disks with programs
intended to be installed on a computer. Once the program was introduced, so too was the virus. With
the increased usage and reliance on the Internet in the 21st century, threats to cyber security have
grown exponentially.
Programs designed to detect and remove viruses operate by searching for patterns that give away
the presence of an infection. Because malware is designed to not leave a trace, it is not easy for an
individual user to detect it. Software is engineered to look for signs of concealment, which prove to
be clues that something is hidden from plain view. Makers record code of known viruses and install
these markers into their software so that the engine can recognize and remove the virus code if it
detects the presence. However, it is more difficult to uncover viruses that companies are not aware
of. This is why antivirus software is programed to look for suspicious activity from files and other
programs that appear to be attempting to conceal something more sinister under the surface.
Antivirus software was expanded to detect and capture other forms of malware, including worms,
spyware, adware, and phishing scams. This change caused an increased importance on ensuring that
antivirus programs are up-to-date and operating properly. These threats not only include the potential
of personal attacks, but businesses and even governments can also be vulnerable if proper steps are
not taken. Some of the main concerns for an individual or corporation include the loss of such
sensitive data as financial information and personal documents. Also, in some cases, national security
has been threatened when nations have experienced cyber attacks seeking to uncover hidden
information or shut down operations.
The list of companies producing antivirus software is vast, but a few of the more well-known
corporations are Kaspersky Lab, McAfee, Bitdefender, Symantec Corporation (Norton), and
Webroot. Various providers offer unique services, but they all strive to succeed in uncovering,
blocking, and removing any malware that may attempt to infect a computer system. Some of the
providers offer free software for use in fighting viruses, while others are paid protective services.
Ultimately, it is important for users to make sure that they have up-to-date antivirus software
installed. Such programs are critical in the attempt to prevent leaking of sensitive information and the
shutdown of computer systems.

Jason R. Kluk

See also: Cyber Crime; Hacker; Kaspersky Lab; Malware; McAfee; Phishing; Software; Spear
Phishing; Symantec Corporation
Further Reading
Barile, Ian. Protecting Your PC. Boston: Charles River Media, 2006.
Schneier, Bruce. Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Digital World. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.
Solomon, Alan. PC Viruses: Detection, Analysis, and Crime. London: Springer-Verlag, 1991.

Apple Inc. is a technology giant that makes hardware and software for mobile devices and desktop
computers. Apple is known for driving innovation by popularizing the graphic user interface (GUI),
the mouse, apps, and the “post–PC world” as well as customer loyalty, innovation in design and
marketing, and the mystique of secrecy the company maintains. Apple is headquartered in Cupertino,
California; employs over 115,000 workers worldwide; and operates over 300 Apple Stores.
Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs (1955–2011) and Steve Wozniak (1950–). The
company created workstations throughout the next two decades, including the immensely popular
Macintosh, the first mass-market workstation with such intuitive elements as a GUI and a mouse.
After declining in the 1990s, the company was revitalized by Jobs and Jonathan Ive, who took it into
the post–PC world with the release of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad alongside traditional desktops and
laptops running Apple’s OS X operating system and digital offerings such as iOS and iTunes. At the
time of Jobs’s death in 2011, Apple was one of the largest and most important tech companies in the
Apple’s unique approach, the “magic of Apple,” sets it apart from its competition in several
ways. Apple products are largely purpose-built, allowing little customization or differentiation from
the base model. Its customers tend to be extremely brand loyal, especially to its desktop and laptop
products and software. As a result, Apple customers often consider themselves to be a part of the
Apple “family” and remain fiercely loyal to its products.
Apple has largely played a peripheral role in cyber crime and cyber warfare. During the heyday
of the Apple workstation in the 1980s, many early cyber attacks were directed at Apple products,
including Elk Cloner and the first large-scale virus, Festering Hate/CyberAIDS, in 1987. As the
popularity and market share of Apple products declined, so did interest in attacking them. This caused
many Apple users to believe that Apple computers and devices were “unhackable,” a belief
encouraged by the company that remains to the present. However, the shift to mobile products has
prompted an upsurge in attacks on Apple products. The 2010s saw a major increase in viruses and
other attacks directed at Apple users, including malware such as WireLurker, XcodeGhost, and
MacDefender. In 2016, the first ransomware attack on Apple computers, called KeRanger, occurred.
Apple is often slow to respond to vulnerabilities: 2008’s FinFisher/FinSpy exploit in iTunes took
months to close, as opposed to shorter times for competing companies. Many security companies now
rate Apple as the most vulnerable large tech company because of these two factors.
Apple has an increasing role in cyber warfare. The San Bernardino terror attacks of December
2015 involved an iPhone 5C owned by one of the attackers; the FBI requested that Apple unlock its
encryption, but Apple refused on principle and was backed by its fellow tech companies. However,
tech companies have a longstanding policy of cooperating with the U.S. government, including Apple.
The company signed on to the NSA PRISM program in 2012, the last-known major tech company to
do so. Much of this cooperation fed into the NSA metadata program, as revealed by the Edward
Snowden leaks. The San Bernardino case was resolved by a third party, but it indicates the increased
role of Apple in cyber-security issues.

Jonathan Abel

See also: Cloud Computing; Cyber Security; Encryption; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI);
Google; Malware; Microsoft Corporation; National Security Agency (NSA); PRISM Program;
Snowden, Edward J.

Further Reading
Dormehl, Luke. The Apple Revolution: The Real Story of How Steve Jobs and the Crazy Ones Took Over the World. New York:
Virgin Books, 2013.
Harris, Shane. @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.
Lashinsky, Adam. Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired—and Secretive—Company Works. New York: Business Plus, 2012.

A cyber attack on Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company) occurred on August 15, 2012, using
the Shamoon virus. Aramco is Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company, the world’s largest producer,
which supplies more than 10 percent of the global oil demand. Aramco’s headquarters is located in
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. At its peak production, Aramco produced approximately 12 million barrels
per day of crude oil, but it averaged 10.2 million barrels per day in 2015.
The attack on Aramco was one of the most destructive virus attacks since Stuxnet, according to
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta. The attack was started by an insider, a disgruntled Saudi
Aramco employee, who infected a computer system within Aramco’s internal network. The employee
was alleged to be working for the Iranian government. Sometime after the attack occurred, the Cutting
Sword of Justice, a previously unknown hacker group, claimed responsibility for Shamoon. As proof
of their involvement, the hacker group posted thousands of Aramco computer IP addresses. The
Shamoon virus infected nearly 30,000 Aramco computers, which were rendered completely unusable
after the attack. It took Saudi Aramco over a week to restore services after isolating their system.
Armaco’s main internal network service was restored by August 26, 2012. The Shamoon virus did
not reach the drilling or refining operations control system computers, but much of the drilling and
production data were lost because of data corruption by the virus. This critical data had not been
backed up that day, allegedly due to Ramadan. Normally, data was supposed to be manually backed
up twice per day. The attack also affected the company’s public-facing Web site, which still
experienced significant downtime, even after the announced recovery. The Shamoon attack appears to
have been a form of cyber sabotage.
The Shamoon virus is a self-replicating modular computer virus that affects Microsoft Windows–
based machines. The virus was primarily targeted for oil and energy companies. The virus is spread
from one infected computer to other computers within the network. According to Symantec, the virus
contains three components: a dropper, a wiper, and a reporter. The dropper is the primary component
that initiates the copying and execution of itself as well as embedding the other components into the
system. The wiper is the destructive component that deletes files and overwrites files with corrupted
JPEG images. The reporter transmits the virus information back to the attacker. The virus basically
renders the computer systems unusable. The Aramco cyber attack demonstrates the dangers of
neglecting network security and directly connecting critical systems to the Internet.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Shamoon Virus

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Mackenzie, H. “Shamoon Malware and SCADA Security—What Are the Impacts?” Tofino Security, October 25, 2012.
Sandle, T. “Shamoon Virus Attacks Saudi Oil Company.” Digital Journal, August 18, 2012.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or ARPANET, was a computer network that
preceded the Internet and served as its original central network. It was established and initially
operated by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a Department of Defense organization
later renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the 1960s, ARPA
contracted with universities to conduct computer science research and sought a way to consolidate
data and share resources among the various geographically separated laboratories. The solution was
to establish a network to forward data from a computer host by breaking messages into small,
manageable “packets” and routing them via redundant links (“switching”) to the recipient host. The
problem of incompatibility between the hosts was overcome by the establishment of a “subnet” of
smaller computers, known as Interface Message Processors (IMPs), which would communicate with
each other through a standardized set of commands, known as a Network Control Protocol (NCP).
Host computers sent data to their local IMP, which then broke up the message and routed it through the
other IMPs to its destination, where the IMP at that location reassembled the message and forwarded
it to its host computer. The original four nodes of ARPANET—at the Stanford Research Institute
(SRI), University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California (UC) Santa Barbara,
and the University of Utah—were operational by December 1969.
ARPANET’s development benefited from the fact that many of its users were also its designers.
An informal Network Working Group (NWG) formed to discuss improvements and standards for
usage, documenting their findings in modestly titled Requests for Comments (RFCs). The advent of
electronic mail (e-mail) in 1972 as part of ARPANET’s File Transfer Protocol (FTP) soon
supplanted resource sharing as the network’s key feature. As early as 1973, e-mail messages
comprised three-fourths of all network traffic. Online communities arose as a result of this new form
of interaction.
As other computer networks developed throughout the United States and the world, designers
began to consider ways to connect them together into a single “Internet.” A team led by ARPA
developed a concept that would allow messages to pass from one network to another through a
“gateway” computer. This concept required new protocols, the first being the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) as a common language for network messaging and the second being the Internet
Protocol (IP) for sending messages through gateways. In 1983, ARPANET officially transitioned from
NCP to TCP/IP and became the main hub of the Internet.
Network demand soon began to outpace ARPANET’s capacity. The development of personal
computers (PCs) and local area networks (LANs) caused usage to climb exponentially in this period.
Another government agency, the National Science Foundation, had established its own network
(NSFNET) for any university willing to pay for a subscription. It had a “backbone” of five
supercomputers and thus a much higher capacity than ARPANET. By the end of the 1980s, DARPA
had decided to terminate ARPANET operations, transferring the host connections to NSFNET.
ARPANET was officially decommissioned on February 28, 1990.

Christopher G. Marquis

See also: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Domain Name System (DNS); E-
commerce; Ethernet; Internet; Sun Microsystems; Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
Hafner, Katie, and Matthew Lyon. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Moschovitis, Christos J. P., Hilary Poole, Tami Schuyler, and Theresa M. Senft. History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the
Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1999.

John Arquilla, an American academic specializing in international relations and cyber warfare, was
born in 1954. Arquilla completed his BA at Rosary College in 1975. After working from 1975 to
1987 as a surety bond executive, he received his MA and PhD in international relations from Stanford
in 1989 and 1991, respectively. During that time, he worked as an analyst for RAND Corporation
before becoming an assistant professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School
(NPS) in Monterey, California, in 1993. Since 2005, he has held the title of professor of defense
analysis at NPS. He continues to work at RAND as a senior consultant. Notable publications include
Afghan Endgames: Strategy and Policy Choices for America’s Longest War (2012); Insurgents,
Raiders, and Bandits (2011); Worst Enemy: The Reluctant Transformation of the American
Military (2008); Information Strategy and Warfare (2007); The Reagan Imprint: Ideas in American
Foreign Policy from the Collapse of Communism to the War on Terror (2006); Networks and
Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy (2001); and In Athena’s Camp: Preparing for
Conflict in the Information Age (1997).
Arquilla played a prominent role in shaping U.S. military policy in the age of emerging cyber
technology. He worked as a consultant to General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. during Operation
Desert Storm and advised American secretaries of defense John Hamre and Donald Rumsfeld.
Netwar, or cyber “swarm-tactics,” ranks as his most notable contribution to military affairs. Rejecting
the hierarchical structure of modern militaries, Arquilla has advised the adoption of network
structures by modern states to defeat dispersed and decentralized terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.
He has also argued that cyber warfare represents a new means of conducting information warfare but
that the concept of information dominance has been a part of warfare for centuries.
Jordan R. Hayworth

See also: Cyber War; Net-centric Warfare (NCW); Rumsfeld, Donald H.

Further Reading
Arquilla, John. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001.
Arquilla, John, and Douglas A. Borer, eds. Information Strategy and Warfare: A Guide to Theory and Practice. New York:
Routledge, 2007.

Julian Assange is the Australian-born founder and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks. He is currently
wanted for rape charges in Sweden, but he has been granted asylum and is currently living in the
Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden and eventually the United States.
Assange first started hacking as a teenager in Australia. Under the hacker name Mendax, Assange,
along with a few others, formed the group International Subversives. The group successfully hacked
into many U.S. military and corporate networks, such as the Pentagon, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Naval
Intelligence, NASA, and Lockheed Martin, just to name a few. Eventually, he was arrested and
convicted of 25 counts of hacking and related crimes charges. He was ordered to pay restitution and
released on good behavior
In 2005, Assange first developed the idea for WikiLeaks. He wanted to create a Web site where
anyone could post information anonymously about anything. In 2006, with the help of John Young,
WikiLeaks secured a Web address, and Assange worked tirelessly, traveling around the world, to get
the Web site off the ground. The Web site’s first impact came in the release of documents that outlined
a plan to assassinate members of the Somali government.
In 2010, Assange and WikiLeaks became a household name when the WikiLeaks founder released
a video titled “Collateral Murder” that showed the American military opening fire on what appeared
to be unarmed civilians and children. Soon after, through his contact Private First Class Bradley
Manning, WikiLeaks published thousands of U.S. government documents online. A year later, the
Swedish government issued a warrant for Assange’s arrest on sexual assault charges. He fought
extradition, fearing the Swedish government would hand him over to the United States. The United
States has not filed charges against Assange, though he is currently still in hiding.

Barbara Salera

See also: Anonymous; Hacktivist; Manning, Bradley; Snowden, Edward J.; WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Fowler, Andrew. The Most Dangerous Man in the World: The Explosive True Story of Julian Assange and the Lies, Cover-ups
and Conspiracies He Exposed. New York: Skyhorse, 2011.
Greenberg, Andy. This Machine Kills Secrets: Julian Assange, the Cypherpunks, and Their Fight to Empower Whistleblowers.
New York: Plume, 2013.

Attribution is the ability to determine those responsible for disruption, intrusion, or a cyber attack;
convincing a would-be attacker that you have the ability to identify them and determine their
culpability is one premise of deterrence in cyber space. Four levels of attribution have been proposed
by researchers Don Cohen and K. Narayanaswamy:

1. Identification of the specific hosts (machines) involved in the attack

2. Identification of the controlling host (machine)
3. Identification of the actual human actor(s)
4. Identification of the higher organization with a specific purpose to the attack
The level of attribution required depends on the type and severity of the cyber attacks; however, these
attacks are intrinsically difficult to deter because of the network architecture, variable levels of
security, and the ability for attacks to be launched via unknowing third parties or over international
Once attacked, attribution in cyber space can be difficult because, unlike traditional circuit
switching networks such as analog telephones, the Internet is a packet-switching network that does not
establish a path prior to transferring information between addresses. While it is the case that both the
telephone network and the Internet are a patchwork of privately owned, independent networks with
architecture supporting different technology platforms across jurisdictions that have evolved their
own laws, attribution on the Internet is more difficult because it does not require dedicated paths for
message transfer. Instead, Internet messages are broken up and transmitted along many different paths,
information is subdivided into packets, and each packet is routed through a different path to its
intended destination. Packets can be combined or fragmented, as required, and at the final address,
the process is reversed and the data reassembled into its original form.
One analogy is that a packet-switched network resembles the postal system. Packets are sent
without the nework knowing the entire route beforehand. As a packet arrives at a post office (router),
the next post office is then determined by the system’s protocols; this is repeated many times until the
packet reaches its final address. There is a further complication: as dedicated paths are not required,
a packet-switched network allows multiple users simultaneous use of a shared network to a far
greater degree than is the case for a circuit-switched network; the Internet, therefore, can be more
dense in terms of traffic and information.
Attribution is possible. Identification of the IP address of a machine (level 1 attribution) can be
accomplished by each router maintaining a record of all packets that move through it; this record can
be queried to identify the next router an attack passed through and, ultimately, the point of origin. To
mitigate the resulting data-storage issue and maintain privacy, only the header information—the
source and destination of the packet, known as metadata—needs to be stored. A further technique is
referred to as a hack back. Rather than just following the attack chain through the routers, it is
possible for a victim of an attack to penetrate a series of host machines by inserting a host-monitoring
capability, thereby exploiting the same vulnerabilities to identify infected machines until the attack
origin is determined (level 2 attribution); should personal data be held on this machine, level 3
attribution might be achievable.
Unfortunately, there are problems with implementing these approaches. To be effective, every
country and ISP would have to agree to record and store data on packet traffic, and this would
generate an inordinate amount of mixed-format data that would be expensive to analyze; moreover,
even if the origin of the attacks could be identified, they may be from public-access areas such as
cyber cafés or public libraries. As far as a hack back, infecting and monitoring intermediate machines
in an attack chain may constitute a potential violation of privacy laws for individuals who are already
unwitting victims. Notwithstanding the legal impediments, more sophisticated attackers can eliminate
the vulnerabilities that might otherwise have facilitated a defender hack back, or due to the nature of
the attack, hack backs may have to be accomplished while the attack is underway. Overall, attackers
enjoy an asymmetric advantage over defenders because of architectural and technical limitations such
as static network configurations and fixed IP addresses as well as regulatory hurdles.
Recently, research has led to experimentation that has successfully used surplus IP address
capacity in networks. Elements of the network (the subnet gateways and network controllers) can be
used to create short-lived random IP addresses at variable rates. Whereas the defending network
administrators are still able to monitor their own unchanged hosts and gateways, potential attackers
are confronted by constantly changing pseudo IP addresses that shroud the actual network behind a fog
of moving data; they cannot fix their target. By creating an ever-changing attack surface, the target
appears more unpredictable to attackers and is thus harder to exploit and more resilient to attacks;
attackers will potentially perceive their advantages to have been reduced, along with their likelihood
of success.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Deterrence; Hacker; Internet; Internet Protocol (IP) Address

Further Reading
Cohen, Don, and K. Narayanaswamy. Survey/Analysis of Levels I, II, and III Attack Attribution Techniques. Research Project
Sponored by Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA), Los Angeles: CS3 Inc., 2004.
Libicki, Martin C. Cyber Deterrence and Cyber War. Monograph, Arlington: RAND Corporation, 2009.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, or verifying the
source and integrity of data. Authentication is necessary because creating an online identity leads to
the registration of credentials that can be used to access systems, applications, or data; authentication
is a transaction to test those credentials.
Credentials are typically classified in three categories:

• Something you know (username, password, PIN)

• Something you have (device, cryptographic key)
• Something you are (biometric feature)
Depending on the consequences arising from a compromise, authentication may be single-factor, two-
factor, or multifactor, with credentials being constructed from any combination of the three categories.
Additionally, authentications can consist of a single step or several steps, with the user presenting an
alphanumeric string of characters that is validated against a stored record or generated as part of the
authentication transaction. In practice, this will be a username or password or, alternatively, a one-
time pass code or biometric measurement. Authentication processes can be driven by rules that reflect
evaluation of risk, such as a user providing single-factor authentication when attempting to log in from
a known computer and address but otherwise being required to provide two-factor authentication.
Alternatively, authentication requirements can be driven by the nature or value of a transaction; a
retailer may ask for a photographic ID or utility bill with proof of address in addition to a means of
payment that includes entering a PIN.
Static authentication methods are essentially a binary decision process consisting of three
subprocesses: enrollment, presentation, and evaluation. During enrollment, information is collected
about the individual and stored to be used as a template for authentication. During presentation, an
individual requests to use the system, and when prompted, the individual presents his or her identity
and an authentication factor. The evaluation is then triggered, which consists of comparing the
presented credentials against the stored profile, resulting in either a match or nonmatch. While it is
common to validate a user with a one-time authentication process at the beginning of an online
session, this does leave the system vulnerable thereafter, as static authentication does not continuously
verify the identity of the user once he or she has logged in.
Continuous authentication consists of reauthenticating the user repeatedly throughout the lifetime
of the session by repeatedly checking the authentication credentials of the user while the session is
still in progress. One of the key measures of the strength of the authentication mechanism is how often
the credential changes; referred to as entropy, this increases the uncertainty that an attacker faces if
credentials are falsely presented. Continuous authentication works by continuously monitoring user
behavior and uses this as basis to reauthenticate periodically throughout a log-in session. As an
alternative to password-based user authentication, continuous authentication can use biometrics: the
identification of humans by their physical characteristics, such as the user’s face, fingerprint, iris, or
behavioral traits, such as gait, keystroke pattern, or typing rate.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; Encryption

Further Reading
Bryen, Stephen D. Technology Security and National Power: Winners and Losers. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers,
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012.

Baidu is the most prominent and frequently used search engine in the People’s Republic of China
(PRC). Baidu was founded on January 18, 2000, by Robin Yanhong Li and Eric Xu Yong with the
purpose of providing Internet users with an efficient method for finding information and services
online. As of 2016, the current chief executive officer of Baidu is Robin Yanhong Li, and the company
headquarters is located in Beijing, China.
Baidu services are offered in Mandarin Chinese and allow users to search for Web sites, audio
recordings, and images. Additionally, Baidu provides other services, such as searching news, Web
directories, social networks, dictionaries, government information, maps, an encyclopedia, online
shopping, finance, statistics, entertainment, music, travel booking, e-readers, cloud storage,
international postal codes, international legal cases, translations, missing persons, games, and
international patents.
Baidu has generated a lot of controversy for its extensive online censoring of topics and Web sites
deemed provocative or inappropriate by the PRC government. These actions have raised concerns
about the objectivity of search results provided to users. In the case Zhang et al. v. Baidu.com Inc.,
activists in the United States alleged Baidu violated the U.S. Constitution by suppressing and
censoring political and prodemocracy speech. Judge Jesse Furman dismissed the lawsuit and stated
Baidu could use its own editorial judgment and has the legal right to censor and block search results
for their product.

Roger J. Chin

See also: Google; Peoples’ Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Fuchs, Christian. “Baidu, Weibo and Renren: The Global Political Economy of Social Media in China.” Asian Journal of
Communication 26 (2016): 14–41.
Jiang, Min. “The Business and Politics of Search Engines: A Comparative Study of Baidu and Google’s Search Results of Internet
Events in China.” New Media & Society 16 (2014): 212–233.

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It is a peer-to-peer digital currency with no
centralized banking distribution authority. It is also sometimes called a cryptocurrency because it
uses cryptographic principles, such as hashing and encryption algorithms, as the basis of its function.
Bitcoin was invented by a person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and began circulating as
open-source software in 2009. Bitcoins come into circulation through miners. Miners are individuals
or groups of individuals who compete to earn payment in bitcoins as a reward for using their
computing power to provide the record keeping for all Bitcoin transactions on the Bitcoin network.
Transactions are recorded in blocks, and blocks are sequenced together in chronological order
into a blockchain, which serves as the public ledger for accounting. The blockchain is considered the
main technological innovation of Bitcoin. Bitcoin came into public consciousness most famously by
its use in the online black market site Silk Road, which was shut down by the FBI in 2013. It is
reported that over 9 million bitcoins were used to make purchases on the site. Digital currencies are
also appealing for international financial transactions, as they are independently issued and not
backed against any other currency or controlled by any government.

Deonna D. Neal

See also: Cyber Crime; Dark Web; Silk Road

Further Reading
Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott. Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and
the World. New York: Penguin, 2016.
Vigna, Paul, and Michael J. Casey. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Are Challenging the Global
Economic Order. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2015.

A black hat is a hacker who gains unauthorized access to a computer or network out of malice or for
personal gain. The term refers to villains in early Western films who often wore black hats to signify
their evil to viewers.
For many years, black hat hackers only operated individually or in small groups to attack
individual Web sites. In 2004, black hat hacker Jeremy Hammond argued that black hats should
collectivize and use their power and skills to enact political change. The spread of such ideas helped
give rise to hacker collectives such as Anonymous and its offshoot, LulzSec, which can initiate global
cyber insurgencies against large corporations and government entities. Attacks by these black hat
collectives can possibly jeopardize national security or cost companies millions of dollars.
The term has two other related uses. In 1997, cyber-security expert Jeff Moss held the first Black
Hat Briefings, a conference that brought together professionals in the burgeoning field of information
security. Initially held annually in Las Vegas, Black Hat Briefings have since expanded to multiple
continents. Also, director Michael Mann adapted the term for his 2015 cyber-espionage film
Blackhat about a hacker released from prison to identify the culprit of a series of devastating cyber

Ryan Wadle

See also: Anonymous; Hacker; Hacktivist; LulzSec; White Hat

Further Reading
Reitman, Janet. “The Rise and Fall of Jeremy Hammond: Enemy of the State.” Rolling Stone, December 7, 2012.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.

A blacklist is a grouping of identifiers that represent malicious entities or content. It is typically used
to block communication with such entities, to prevent blacklisted content from entering a system or
network, or to detect the presence of such communications or content. A variety of blacklists have
been introduced over the years, and some are widely used. There are blacklists that contain file
hashes (e.g., of known malware); Uniform Resource Locators (URLs); Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses (of hosts that have exhibited behavior such as denial of service, scanning, or sending
spam); domain names (hosting malicious services); and e-mail addresses (typically identifying spam
senders). Some blacklists are maintained by individual private or commercial entities, while
individuals or organizations maintain others in a collaborative fashion and make them accessible on
the Internet.
New identifiers are inserted in the list once the maliciousness of the corresponding entity is
established. The technical means for establishing maliciousness depends on the type of identifiers and
the purpose of the blacklist. For example, a blacklist of spamming mail servers may require a certain
number of e-mail messages from that server to be flagged as spam over a given period of time. The
criteria for such insertion are the most important characteristics of a blacklist. For collaboratively
maintained blacklists, one additional concern is the presence of possibly malicious participants, who
may be trying to either prevent their insertion to the list or degrade its effectiveness. Blacklists also
often have defined criteria for the removal of entities that may have been misclassified, especially
when the insertion criteria are subject to misinterpretation or false positives.

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Cyber Defense; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Firewall; Internet; Whitelist

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

A botnet is a group of compromised Internet-connected computers that have been forced to operate on
the commands of an unauthorized remote user, usually without the knowledge of the computer’s
owner. This term, which combines bot from robot and net from network, usually has a negative or
malicious connotation. The core components of a botnet are the infected computers and command and
control. Home-based computers connected to the Internet that have not been effectively protected with
a firewall and other safeguards are most susceptible to being compromised by a hacker, computer
virus, or Trojan horse and turned into a bot or zombie (under remote direction). Although computer
owners may be unaware that their system has been compromised, there are a number of possible
signs. A computer that is infected could slow down, display mysterious messages, and may even
The number of computers comprising a botnet can range in size from a dozen to hundreds of
thousands. The network of infected computers is usually limited to a few hundred or a couple
thousand, however, to prevent detection. There are a number of countermeasures to protect a
computer from becoming a bot. Installing top-rated security software, configuring software settings to
update automatically, increasing browser security settings, limiting user rights when online, and
ensuring a system is patched with the most recent updates are good ways to help protect an Internet-
connected computer. It is also advisable to never click on attachments unless the source can be
Botnet controllers go by a variety of names, including bot-herders or botmasters. The controller
can send a single command to activate a zombie army attack. Two of the major forms of command and
control used by botmasters are client-server and peer-to-peer (P2P). In the client-server model, a
single host or a small collection of hosts are used to manage the bots comprising the botnet. The
major disadvantage of this model is that if the central control entity is removed, the network is
destroyed, as the bots cannot connect to a nonexistent server. In the P2P type, the command and
control aspect is decentralized, making shutting them down more difficult. Member bots participate
equally in passing on traffic. This helps to provide anonymity to the controller because their system
appears to be just another bot. Among the first P2P botnets was Sinit, released in September 2003.
Since that time, millions of computers have been co-opted into botnets.
The typical bot life cycle starts with infection through various methods, including a hacker
exploiting software vulnerabilities or an owner unintentionally installing a Trojan camouflaged as a
helpful software application that was initiated by a spam e-mail, social media, or a game application.
Once infected, the computer attempts to contact command and control in a process called rallying.
When this process is successful, the computer goes into a waiting state until given a command by the
Botmasters can program bots to perform a number of tasks or attacks. One basic attack is
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS). A DDoS is a targeted attack against one Web site or network.
In a coordinated effort, bots target a specific victim at a certain date and time and are instructed to
request information from the targeted site, overloading its ability to answer or process the requests
and causing the site to become overloaded and crash. Botnets can also spread viruses, generate e-
mail spam, and commit other types of crime and fraud, including click fraud and Bitcoin mining. Click
fraud is when bots are used to boost Web advertising billings by automatically clicking on Internet
ads. Spyware can also be loaded onto the computers to steal personal and private information,
including credit card numbers, bank credentials, and other sensitive personal information. The goal
for many of these attacks is financial, but other motivations include a thrill for the bot-herder,
crippling competitors, or as part of a larger military operation.
An example of a botnet used as part of a military operation is the Patriot botnet. A group of Israeli
hackers created the botnet to initiate distributed denial-of-service attacks against anti-Israel Web
sites. Unlike the normal procedure of gathering computers into the botnet surreptitiously, the creators
invited people to voluntarily infect their computers to join the botnet. It was created, in part, to
combat the cyber attacks launched by anti-Israeli groups following Israel’s attack and invasion of the
Gaza Strip, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009.
An ongoing concern is that botnets can be used as cyber weapons to attack governmental entities
and infrastructure. They can be used to collect information and to disable computers and Web sites.
There are already some examples of this type of attack against the Republic of Georgia (Georbot).
Botnets are not limited to individuals or nonstate actors. They can also be used by nation-states for
DDoS attacks and other cyber-warfare operations.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Weapon; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Georbot;
Hacker; Operation Cast Lead

Further Reading
Dunham, Ken, and Jim Melnick. Malicious Bots: An Inside Look into the Cyber-criminal Underground of the Internet. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press, 2009.
Johnson, Thomas A., ed. Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Infrastructures from Cyber Attack and Cyber Warfare. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 2015.
Lee, Wenke, Cliff Wang, and David Dagon. Botnet Detection: Countering the Largest Security Threat. New York: Springer, 2008.

Joel F. Brenner is a cyber-security expert. He also has a law practice at Joel Brenner LLC in
Washington D.C., is a senior adviser for the Chertoff Group, and is a Robert Wilhelm Fellow at the
MIT Center for International Studies. His expertise includes cyber and physical security, classified
information and facilities, sensitive foreign transactions, intelligence law, privacy, and internal
investigations. Brenner received his BA from University of Wisconsin–Madison in history (1969); his
PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1972); and his JD at Harvard Law
School (1975).
Brenner has had a long and distinguished career in cyber and physical security, information
privacy and securities, and intelligence law. With his standing on the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States (CFIUS), he regulated sensitive transactions concerning foreign
acquisitions and overseas operations, export controls, and liabilities of foreign governments. He also
has many years of experience both inside and outside the government in homeland security.
Brenner began as a trial lawyer for the Department of Justice and moved on to private practice. In
April 2002, he became the National Security Agency’s inspector general, overseeing internal audits
and investigations with functions of intelligence oversight. By 2006, he was chair of the National
Counterintelligence Policy Board, which is responsible for integrating counterintelligence activities
for 17 departments, including the FBI, CIA, DoD, Homeland Security, and others. He implemented
strategy, policy, and compliance of the various departments. Brenner then became the senior counsel
of the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2009, advising on public and private Internet security and
industrial espionage. In March of 2013, he opened his private practice. He has published several
books and dozens of articles about cyber threats to the United States.

Raymond D. Limbach
See also: Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; National Security Agency (NSA)

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel F. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Brenner, Joel F. Glass Houses: Privacy, Secrecy, and Cyber Insecurity in a Transparent World. New York: Penguin, 2013.

George W. Bush served as the 43rd president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. Building upon
the policies of his predecessors, President George W. Bush identified cyber security as a top priority.
He signed the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace in February 2003. The strategy identified the
protection of critical infrastructure as the primary national security goal for the United States in cyber
space. During this time period, it was identified that many critical industries relied on cyber space for
either commerce or command and control of devices in the physical world. The use of Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems raised a serious concern that the U.S. and world
economies could be significantly affected from widespread cyber disruptions. SCADA systems
replaced manual control systems and allowed greater efficiency through remote access, but many of
these systems were developed without a robust plan for protecting the controllers from cyber threats.
Widespread cyber espionage also arose during Bush’s presidency. His administration considered
private-public partnerships the foundation of the strategy, but there was also considerable effort spent
reforming U.S. government organizations to protect against cyber threats. Cyber security in the Bush
presidency focused almost entirely on securing American networks inundated with intrusions. It
established the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF) to coordinate operations
against significant cyber threats.
Although nation-state cyber threats certainly preceded the Bush presidency, collective
understanding about these threats had reached an unprecedented level. During Operation Buckshot
Yankee, the penetration of classified networks by a foreign intelligence service led to the creation of
U.S. Cyber Command. President Bush believed that U.S. dependence on cyber space required a
coordinated effort by the federal government to encourage better security practices, and his strategy
for cyber space reflected this belief.

Zachary M. Smith

See also: Cyber Defense; Operation Buckshot Yankee; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA); United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Bush, George W. Decision Points. New York: Crown Publishers, 2010.
The White House. The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, February 2003.

Cyber-security expert Shawn Carpenter is best known as the whistle-blower who exposed a Chinese
cyber-espionage program code-named Titan Rain by the FBI. Carpenter graduated in computer
science from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 1990 and joined the U.S. Navy. After completing
the Naval Nuclear Power School in 1993, he worked as a nuclear propulsion plant operator and
chemist until 1997. Upon leaving the U.S. Navy, Carpenter joined Sandia National Laboratories, a
nuclear lab and a subsidiary of the Lockheed Martin Corporation, as a senior network intrusion
detection analyst.
In 2003, Carpenter investigated a series of security breaches at Sandia, which also affected
Lockheed Martin, Redstone Arsenal, NASA, and U.S. military instillations. He traced the attacks
back to Chinese IP addresses. Carpenter requested permission from Sandia to hack back the cyber
attacks but was denied. He was told his only concern should be Sandia and not to share information
of the attacks with other affected organizations or the FBI. Carpenter then launched an independent
investigation and shared the results with the Army Counterintelligence Group and the FBI. In 2005,
Sandia fired Carpenter after discovering his work with the FBI. Carpenter then sued Sandia for
wrongful termination and defamation. In February 2007, a New Mexico jury ruled in Carpenter’s
favor and awarded him almost $4.7 million in damages. After Sandia appealed the verdict, the two
parties reached a private settlement in October 2007.
Since 2005, Carpenter has worked for a number of organizations, including the U.S. Department
of State and NetWitness Corporation, and he is currently the senior vice president of cyber at

Mary Elizabeth Walters

See also: Cyber Security; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Operation Titan Rain; Peoples’
Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Steinnon, Richard. Surviving Cyberwar. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

Arthur K. Cebrowski (1942–2005) was a U.S. Navy vice admiral who pioneered the concept of
network-centric warfare and helped spearhead the transformation of the U.S. military in the 1990s
and 2000s. While serving at the Naval War College from 1998 until 2001 and as the civilian head of
the Office of Force Transformation from 2001 to 2005, Cebrowski developed the concept of net-
centric warfare (NCW), which postulated that information and speed would trump mass and
firepower in future wars. To accommodate this vision, Cebrowski argued for a fundamental
restructuring of the Department of Defense to place it on par with innovative civilian technology
companies. He also advocated weapons systems that fulfilled his vision, including smaller aircraft
carriers and—in concert with analyst Wayne Hughes—a cheap, stripped-down “streetfighter”
warship that later served as the basis for the navy’s Littoral Combat Ship program.
Born August 13, 1942, in Passaic, New Jersey, Cebrowski received a BA in mathematics from
Villanova in 1964. He served two tours as a naval aviator in the Vietnam War. In 1973, he received
an MA in computer systems management from the Naval Postgraduate School. He later commanded
the USS Guam, the USS Midway during Operation Desert Storm, and the USS America battle group.
He died on November 12, 2005, after a battle with cancer.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Net-centric Warfare (NCW)

Further Reading
Blaker, James K. Transforming Military Force: The Legacy of Arthur Cebrowski and Network Centric Warfare. Westport, CT:
Praeger Security International, 2007.


With the fall of the Cold War and the rise in a focus on terrorism after September 11, 2001, the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dramatically changed from an organization focused on collecting
intelligence about foreign threats to one charged with undertaking secret paramilitary wars against
terrorist groups. These secret wars have entailed problematic tactics. Many have criticized the CIA’s
questionable moral standards, particularly in regard to the use of brutal interrogation techniques, such
as one suspect who was waterboarded 83 times. They have also challenged whether torture produced
the kind of intelligence the CIA claimed it did. It also operated a series of secret prisons in a number
of foreign countries. The drone attacks particularly favored by the Obama administration have also
been heavily criticized. Some argue these attacks create more terrorists than they eliminate. The
Obama administration announced in early 2016 that it would release records regarding these attacks
with the hope that transparency would bring more support for its operations.
Director John Brennan was appointed in 2013. He recently reorganized the CIA by creating 10
centers based on regions of the world or specific missions, such as counterterrorism. These centers
integrate analysts and operatives, who had long been divided. Brennan hopes the centers will lead to
a greater sharing of information and a sense of community. This change seeks to repeat the successes
of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center by integrating two subcommunities to identify, locate, and,
ultimately kill terrorists. Brennan, who had served as an analyst within the agency, is mistrusted by
many operatives because they believe he is undermining key espionage operations. They also charge
that the CIA’s reorganization is adding more bureaucracy, which will only make it more lethargic.
Now, the CIA is seeking to reinvent itself again as it transforms into an agency concerned with
cyber espionage, putting the digital domain at the forefront of its operational focus. Although it is
unclear exactly what role it played, the CIA worked with the National Security Agency (NSA) and the
Israeli government to create the malware used in the Stuxnet cyber attacks launched against an Iranian
nuclear reactor. This 2010 operation represented the first time an industrial-type hacking account had
been carried out successfully.
In 2015, the CIA launched its Directorate for Digital Innovation (DDI), the first new directorate
created in 50 years. The CIA has four other directorates: the Directorate for Science and
Technology’s responsibilities include the invention of gadgets, the Directorate of Support oversees
logistics and administration, the Directorate of Intelligence has been renamed the Directorate of
Analysis, and the National Clandestine Service returned to its traditional name of the Directorate of
DDI’s creation was a response to a series of embarrassing cyber attacks against the United States,
including North Korea’s attacks on Sony Pictures in 2014, which included the theft and destruction of
data, and an Iranian cyber attack against a Las Vegas casino. Whereas cyber previously had been
compartmentalized within the agency, it is now organized to infuse it.
The CIA will maintain its focus on human intelligence gathering as opposed to the NSA’s signal
intelligence. Or, in other words, the NSA watches espionage from afar, while the CIA concentrates on
acting against it on the ground in numerous ways. For example, a spy could infiltrate a group or a
foreign military facility to implant malware. It could also seek to identify the “digital dust” of persons
of interest. For example, it will track a potential target’s cell phone as he or she travels. The CIA also
plans to use cyber data to better identify potential foreign recruits.
Still, the CIA is challenged by its legacy IT equipment, which badly needs updating. The CIA has
not kept pace with technological change to the extent that the NSA has. Although not directly related
to its cyber equipment, the CIA’s director was embarrassed when a teenager hacked into his personal
AOL e-mail account in the fall of 2015.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cyber Espionage; Israel Cyber Capabilities; National Security Agency (NSA); Stuxnet;
United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Greenberg, Andy. “Cyberespionage Is a Top Priority for CIA’s New Directorate.” Wired, March 9, 2015.
Hosenball, Mark. “CIA to Make Sweeping Changes, Focus More on Cyber Ops: Agency Chief.” Reuters, March 6, 2015.
Morrell, Michael. The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight against Terrorism—From al Qa’ida to ISIS. New York: Twelve, 2015.

Certificates are signed digital identity documents. The signatures usually originate with a third party.
Certificates contain an identity and the public portion of an asymmetric key pair. They provide
evidence that the entity named in a document is the sole holder of the private portion of the key pair.
The mathematical relationship between the two halves of the key pair allows the owner of the
certificate to prove he or she holds the private half of the key pair without revealing it. The signatures
likewise involve asymmetric cryptography, which makes the certificate easy to verify but difficult to
Anyone can sign certificates. Certificates rely on trust as well as verification. If the person
verifying the certificate does not trust the signatory, he or she will not trust the certificate. As a result,
there are lists of trusted certificate authorities. The listed authorities have widespread acceptance as
trustworthy signatories. Most Internet browsers employ one of these lists. These lists are subject to
change. If new certificate authorities form, they may be added to the list. If certificate authorities
suffer a breach, they may no longer be considered trustworthy and therefore be removed. This
fragility of trust is a weakness of the system. There are a number of external mechanisms, such as
certificate cross-signing and certificate pinning, that partially mitigate this problem.
Certificate authorities can delegate the authority to sign certificates to other entities. In such cases,
the delegating authority issues a certificate to that effect. These delegating certificates may be limited
in scope, allowing the subsidiary to only issue certificates for subdomains of a single Web site, or
they can be broader, allowing the subsidiary authority to further delegate. A certificate signed by a
subsidiary authority is only valid in conjunction with all the delegating certificates. These certificates
construct a chain of trust that leads back to the original trusted certificate authority. The construction
of the chains means that if any signatory in the chain realizes it has been compromised, it can
invalidate the signatures of all the certificates down the chain.
Certificates have limited durations. This limits the period during which damage can occur if the
signatory’s key is compromised. In all cases, the signatures on certificates rely on the signatory’s
private key remaining secure to prevent forgeries. If a signatory’s private key is compromised, they
can add the public portion of the key to a revocation list that alerts the public to not trust that
particular key in future. This also invalidates all previously issued certificates, meaning that the
compromised signatory must reissue all prior certificates under a new key.

Jonathan Hoyland

See also: Authentication; Cyber Security; Encryption

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel F. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

Richard A. Clarke is a former U.S. government advisor on cyber security and was the
counterterrorism czar during the 9/11 attacks. He was born on October 27, 1950, in Dorchester,
Massachusetts. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1972, and in
1973, he began working as an analyst of European security issues in the U.S. Department of Defense.
In 1978, he earned a master’s degree in management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 1985, Clarke became the deputy assistant secretary of state for intelligence, and he later
became the assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs under the George H. W. Bush
administration. During Bill Clinton’s presidency, Clarke became the counterterrorism coordinator for
the National Security Council (NSC), until George W. Bush made him the special advisor to the
president on cyber security. Before the 9/11 attacks, Clarke advised that the U.S. should arm groups in
Afghanistan and increase drone surveillance of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden.
After 9/11, Clarke focused on issues of cyberterrorism in the public and private sectors. Since
resigning in 2003, he has been outspoken against the Bush administration’s counterterrorism efforts
and the invasion of Iraq. Clarke has written several books and has been an advocate of increasing
cyber security nationwide.

Michael Hankins

See also: Cyber Terrorism; National Cyber Security Strategy

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Summers, Anthony, and Robbyn Swan. The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden. New York: Ballantine
Books, 2011.

A closed network is any electronic system that tries to limit usage to anything but full public access.
Militaries and businesses can close their networks by using cryptography or sophisticated frequency-
hopping schemes. One of the most widespread commercial closed networks is cable television,
which requires a subscription to access signals over a coaxial cable or fiber optic cable, while
broadcast networks allow any viewer with an appropriate tuner to access RF television signals.
Wi-Fi networks can be closed, allowing only a predetermined list of users, or users who know
network-specific access credentials, to access a network. Some Wi-Fi networks limit access by not
broadcasting network-specific Service Set Identifier (SSID) data (which is one way that users can
locate and join a network). This may seem to increase network security, as the closed network is
difficult to find and more difficult to join, but it usually only serves to limit casual usage.
Sophisticated intruders can still use specialized passive electronic means to identify the closed-
network SSID and intrude on the network. In addition to providing little extra security, closed Wi-Fi
networks that require verbatim SSID entries and associated credentials incur higher user error rates
during access.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Hardware; JWICS Network; NIPRNet; SIPRNet; Wi-Fi

Further Reading
Bayuk, Jennifer L. Cyber Security Policy Guidebook. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012.

Conventional computers require software programs to be installed directly on the computer’s hard
drive for the software to operate. As more programs are required, the hard drive requires more
capacity. As corporate networks become larger and software increases in sophistication, software
installation and maintenance costs and hard drive memory costs increase as well.
Very rarely will any user in a network run every software program on their computer at once, so
at the corporate level, there is significant excess software and memory capacity at any instant. With
the advent of high bandwidth networking, it became possible to run software from across a corporate
network rather than resident at each workstation, requiring less software maintenance and less local
memory (and therefore cheaper computers). The software can now be centrally installed, run, and
maintained, and the data are produced by running the centrally stored software. Such a network is
said to run its services “in the cloud” because, to users, the software and data do not appear in a
physical location (for example, resident in the computer on their desks).
Although the original impetus was to decrease overall costs, cloud service business models can
be more expensive than conventional computing because more programs may be accessed (on a pay-
as-you-go model, for example) by more users than might have been the case when software
installation and maintenance limited a user base.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Hardware; Software

Further Reading
Mahmood, Zaigham, ed. Continued Rise of the Cloud: Advances and Trends in Cloud Computing. London: Springer, 2014.


The Code Red worm is a computer virus released on July 12, 2001, by unknown parties at Foshan
University in China. One of the fastest-spreading computer viruses ever recorded, it infected 350,000
computers within a week. The worm was discovered by Marc Maiffret and Ryan Permeh of eEye
Digital Security. They named it “Code Red” after the type of Mountain Dew they were drinking when
they found it.
The worm used a buffer overflow loophole in Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS)
software to allow the virus to run on the target machine. If the infection occurred before the 19th of
the month, the worm used the machine to infect other systems running IIS by generating a random
Internet Protocol (IP) address and attempting to send the worm to that machine. After the 19th of the
month, the worm began a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on the White House Web site,
crashing the page by overloading it with information. It also defaced Web pages hosted on the
infected IIS software so that the page informed visitors it had been hacked by the Chinese.
Although Microsoft promptly issued a patch to close the loophole exploited by the Code Red
worm, numerous computers were infected before users fully adopted the patch. It is estimated that of
the 6 million computers running vulnerable IIS software, one in eight were infected by the worm
before the vulnerability in the software was finally fixed on August 10, 2001.
Benjamin M. Schneider

See also: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Malware; People’s Republic of China
Cyber Capabilities; Worm

Further Reading
Kizza, Joseph Migga. Guide to Computer Network Security. London: Springer, 2015.
Wang, Jie, and Zachary A. Kissel. Introduction to Network Security: Theory and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015.


The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) was enacted by President George W.
Bush in National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 23
(NSPD-54/HSPD-23) in January 2008. This CNCI consisted of 12 initiatives that would secure the
United States in cyber space and multiple government agencies. It is still largely classified.
Since the 1990s, the U.S. government has balanced cyber-defense efforts into two priorities:
securing government systems and protecting the American people and the economy. CNCI was to
tackle the protection of government systems. It focused entirely on cyber security to help stop the loss
of terabytes of sensitive information on military networks. It received a budget of $40 billion over a
five-year period, funneled into the military and intelligence community.
In February 2009, President Barack Obama directed a 60-day interagency cyber-security review,
which led to the declassification of limited material regarding CNCI. He implemented
recommendations to the Cyberspace Policy Review that the CNCI activities should evolve and
become key elements of an updated cyber-security strategy. Major goals were to establish a front line
of defense against today’s immediate threats, defend against the full spectrum of threats, and
strengthen the future cyber-security environment. President Obama ordered the summary of the CNCI
released to support transparency efforts.
The CNCI has 12 initiatives:

1. Manage the federal enterprise network as a single network enterprise with Trusted Internet
2. Deploy an intrusion detection system of sensors across the federal enterprise;
3. Pursue deployment of intrusion prevention systems across the federal enterprise;
4. Coordinate and redirect research and development (R&D) efforts;
5. Connect current cyber operations centers to enhance situational awareness;
6. Develop and implement a government-wide cyber counterintelligence (CI) plan;
7. Increase the security of classified networks;
8. Expand cyber education;
9. Define and develop enduring “leap-ahead” technology, strategies, and programs;
10. Define and develop enduring deterrence strategies and programs;
11. Develop a multipronged approach for global supply chain risk management;
12. Define the federal role for extending cyber security into critical infrastructure domains.
Obama claimed that the developers of the CNCI consulted with privacy experts to protect citizens’
privacy and civil liberties. While securing cyber space is important to the nation’s defense, it cannot
come through trampling on constitutional rights. On January 6, 2011, the National Security Agency
(NSA) built the first of a series of data centers, the Community Comprehensive National
Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center at Camp Williams, Utah, also called the Utah Data Center, which
some critics have claimed is being used to build extensive electronic profiles of U.S. citizens. One of
the major criticisms of the CNCI has been the charge of a lack of transparency. Certain detailed
aspects must remain classified; claims have been made that they hinder accountability to Congress
and the public. Also, current classifications make it difficult for certain agencies and the private
sector to interact and contribute to successful CNCI projects.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Cyber Defense; National Cyber Security Strategy; National Security Agency (NSA);
PRISM Program

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Obama, Barack. The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative. Washington, D.C.: White House, 2009.


Computer emergency response teams (CERT) are groups of cyber-security teams located around the
world that provide expertise on cyber-related security issues. Formed to combat the increasingly
complex threats of the cyber age, CERTs provide fast and reliable feedback on cyber- and
information-security issues for governments, whose bureaucratic structures typically lack adequate
expertise in cyber security. In common usage, CERTs are often misidentified as computer emergency
readiness teams and are also often called computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs).
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University first utilized the term CERT in the late 20th century.
Specifically, CMU operationalized the first CERT after the Morris worm, an early version of a
computer worm, attacked the Internet on November 3, 1988, and led to much panic. The U.S.
government supported CMU’s efforts to develop professional systems to counter the new threats to
the country’s cyber infrastructure. After 2000, the term was adopted by other agencies and
institutions. In addition to their emergency response functions, CERTs assist in the dissemination of
security information to governments and corporations. CERTs often collaborate between public and
private entities to promote cyber security. As the threats from cyber space have increased in the form
of malware, so too have the number and types of CERTs. Emerging as local or national entities, such
as US-CERT, CERTs have now been created for some transnational organizations. To protect
vulnerable and high-target systems such as water treatment plants and the power grid, some CERTs
have been developed for the industrial sector.
As of 2016, there were approximately 250 organizations worldwide that utilized the name CERT.
One such organization, US-CERT, was created by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)
cyber-security division in 2003. It was charged with coordinating America’s cyber-defense
operations as part of the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC). In
2014, DHS defined cyber security as its fourth priority mission. US-CERT is the 24-hour operational
arm of DHS and NCCIC and is the leading organization involved in maintaining the country’s cyber-
security posture. It coordinates the sharing of cyber information and assesses and responds to
potential cyber-security risks. US-CERT is also charged with protecting the constitutional rights of
American citizens.
From 2012 to 2016, DHS spent $706 million annually on cyber-security programs, a large portion
of which went to CERT. Despite US-CERT’s efforts, malware has continued to achieve some success
against America’s cyber-security apparatus. In 2013, hackers broke into the network of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers to access information on 85,000 dams. That same year, the Federal
Communications Commission’s Emergency Broadcast System broadcasted an alert of an ongoing
zombie attack to residents in Michigan, Montana, and North Dakota after a hacking incident. Most
seriously, in 2015, Chinese and Russian hackers breached the U.S. Office of Personnel Management
and the White House’s unclassified network, gaining access to information on federal employees with
security clearances. These are just a few of the examples of threats dealt with by CERTS on a regular

Jordan R. Hayworth

See also: Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Office of Personnel Management Data Breach

Further Reading
Andress, Jason. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. Waltham, MA: Syngress, 2014.
Coburn, Tom. A Review of the Department of Homeland Security’s Missions and Performance. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Senate
Report, January 2015.
Singer, Paul W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.

Conficker is a highly sophisticated, stealthy, self-propagating computer worm, first detected in
November 2008, that targets Microsoft Windows operating systems. Conficker’s other known aliases
are Downup, Downadup, and Kido. Conficker exploits an October 2008 Microsoft Windows Server
Service Remote Procedure Call. This vulnerability allows the attacker to run arbitrary code on
Windows operating systems without authentication. The main impact of Conficker was its ability to
disable, reconfigure, or terminate an infected computer’s operating system and other security
services. Conficker disables the Windows security measures as well as third-party firewalls and
antivirus products, which leaves the system vulnerable. The virus also blocks access to the third-
party security sites for infection removal tools. Conficker uses several advanced malware techniques
to make it hard to contain and control the virus.
Once installed on a machine, Conficker copies itself into the system directory with a random
name, registers itself as a service, and adds itself to the registry. The worm then uses specific sites to
find the infected machine’s IP address, check the speed of the current Internet location, and obtain the
current date and time. Once the IP address is known, Conficker downloads a small HTTP server that
scans other machines for vulnerabilities. When a target is found, Conficker packages itself as a
payload for infection, continuing the cycle. At Conficker’s peak, it was one of the fastest and largest
botnet worm infections. There were an estimated 6.5 million machines infected with Conficker in
In 2009, a task force was created to combat the Conficker pandemic. The group was called the
Conficker Working Group or Conficker Cabal. The group included representatives from AOL, F-
Secure, Facebook, Georgia Tech, ICANN, McAfee, Kaspersky Lab, IBM-ISS, Cisco, Sophos,
Symantec Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, SRI International, Trend Micro, SecureWorks and
others. Microsoft has offered a $250,000 reward leading to the capture and conviction of the worm’s
creators. The authors of this virus are unknown, but Conficker allegedly originated from the Ukraine,
based on digital cues within the code.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Botnet; Malware, Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft Windows; Worm

Further Reading
Andress, Jason, and Steve Winterfield. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. Waltham, MA:
Syngress, 2011.
Bowden, Mark. Worm: The First Digital World War. New York: Grove Press, 2011.
Kirk, J. “Cleaning Up Botnets Takes Years to Complete.” Computerworld, August 3, 2015.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

Seymour Cray (1925–1996), an American electrical engineer, helped found a number of computer
corporations dedicated to producing the world’s fastest computers during his long and distinguished
career. Cray was born in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, on September 28, 1925, and he died in
Colorado Springs, Colorado, on October 5, 1996, as a result of injuries from a car accident.
Cray joined Engineering Research Associates (ERA), a firm known for developing early drum
memory systems and codebreaking machines for the U.S. Navy, in 1951. After ERA was acquired by
a succession of other computer firms, Cray, like many members of the firm, eventually joined the new
Control Data Corporation (CDC) and specialized in developing fast high-end scientific computers
that were termed supercomputers. In succession, Cray designed the ERA 1103 (1953), CDC 1604
(1958), and CDC 6600 (1965), the first commercial supercomputer. Cray’s designs did not rely on the
brute force speed of the processors to achieve their computational power. Instead, he emphasized
other elements, including cooling systems and input-output bandwidth management, to ensure
instructions and data arrived on time to optimize processing.
Cray ultimately left CDC in 1972 to found Cray Research in his hometown. He developed a series
of Cray computers that advanced the state of the art in supercomputing until he founded another
company, Cray Computer Corporation (CCC), in 1989 in Colorado Springs. CCC went bankrupt in
1995, and he founded his final company, SRC Computers, to leverage massive parallel processing to
advance supercomputing until his untimely death.
John G. Terino

See also: Hardware

Further Reading
Ceruzzi, Paul E. Computing: A Concise History. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2012.
Murray, Charles J. The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards behind the Supercomputer. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Cryptography is the practice of concealing the true meaning of language within a code that is
unreadable to all except the intended recipient. Encryption is achieved by replacing the plaintext, or
the original language, with a cipher. Cipher is the name given to code used to convert the original text.
Initially, codes were simple for people to remember and the process easy enough to allow for quick
retrieval of messages. However, with the advent of computers, ciphers became increasingly complex,
and security grew exponentially.
Cryptography may appear to be a young science, but it is a practice that dates back thousands of
years. The first documented use of concealment can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and
Greeks. They disguised messages by using nontraditional written languages or physically concealing
information so it could not be found without knowledge of how to retrieve it. This was considered a
necessity due to the long period of time it took to deliver messages over great distances. In U.S.
history, George Washington (1731–1799) was noted to have used various methods of encryption to
protect the vulnerability of messages during the American Revolution.
Cryptography slowly gained the attention of a larger portion of the world population. This was
aided by the increased reference to secret codes in literary works and other publications. Edgar Allan
Poe is a chief example of a 19th-century writer who employed the usage of ciphers and hidden
meaning inside of his stories to great effect. History is full of narratives about the usage of
cryptography as well.
Cryptanalysis is the theory of devising methods of uncovering ciphers in the hope of intercepting
secret information. Some of the most notable uses of cryptanalysis occurred during times of war.
Military operations were undertaken with high levels of secrecy involving the movements of troops,
the intention of battle plans, and other sensitive data that would prove problematic if opposing forces
were to intercept such missives. World War I proved to be successful for the United States by
implementing a code that was able to withstand attempts to break it while succeeding in cracking the
German naval code. Subsequent naval battles were influenced by the information gleaned from the
intercepted transmissions.
Another example in the 20th century of successful decryption occurred during World War II, when
the Allied Forces were able to crack a code that the Germans were using to communicate. With this
information, the Allies gained an advantage in knowing enemy plans and how best to react. The
intelligence learned from the unmasked German correspondence was referred to as “Ultra.” This was
the name associated with intelligence the Allies learned from infiltrating the German channels. This
triumph was in addition to the work done in London at Bletchley Park. Together, the British and
Americans were able to defeat the Enigma Code, the encryption system employed by the Germans.
Within the modern business world, there are concerns about cyber security that force businesses
to allocate part of their budgets to ensure they do not suffer from any information leaks or attacks
seeking to steal materials. Antivirus software and other computer-security programs run various
forms of cryptography to weave a protective layer around a personal computer or server. On the other
side, there are individuals employing cryptanalysis in an effort to circumvent the security measures.
There is a constant struggle between both factions. The biggest struggle for individuals to study this
field is that they are tasked with attempting to predict ongoing methods of cryptography in the present
in addition to any advancements. The secretive nature of cryptography means that outsiders are unsure
of what progress has been made in the field until time has passed and secrets are revealed and can be
Cryptography evolved to become a part of everyday life, as evidenced by the development of the
public-key method of cryptography. This system of encryption works by assigning individuals both
public and private codes. Therefore, if a person needed to send a message by a secure method to
another, he or she would not need to worry about prearranging a set cipher system beforehand, such
as in the past. Instead, one simply needs to encrypt with the other person’s readily available public
code, thereby ensuring that only the intended recipient will be able to read the message with his or
her unique private code.
There is constant debate surrounding the idea of privacy. The public and private sector argue over
the balance between liberty and security. For a state or agency to provide adequate protection to the
people it serves, there must be an understanding from the citizens that some of their freedoms may be
infringed on in pursuit of providing such defense. Opposite this point of view, there are individuals
who feel that they have the right to privacy and who deplore the idea of giving others access to
important personal information.
A current example of this in the United States was the contest between the electronics company
Apple and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2016. During this dispute, the government
agency felt that Apple had a duty to give the FBI access to a suspect’s personal information contained
on his cell phone. However, the company refused, citing that they felt it was wrong to help the
government infringe on the public’s interest of self-security. Ultimately, the FBI was able to break the
phone’s encryption without the company’s assistance. However, this debate will continue with no
clear resolution, as the best option is to find a balance between safety and private security.
Overall, cryptology has advanced a long way since its inception. What began as a literal system
of hiding information from view has transformed into an extremely complex system designed to
disguise language in plain sight. In the 21st century, cryptography is not only employed by
governments but is also valuable for business and personal use. The constant struggle between code
makers and those trying to break codes will continue to push the discipline further. Such
developments no doubt will also enhance the reliance on ciphers and the element of privacy that they

Jason R. Kluk

See also: Encryption; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); National Security Agency (NSA)

Further Reading
Kippenhan, Rudolf. Code Breaking: A History and Exploration. New York: The Overlook Press, 1999.
Konheim, Alan G. Cryptography: A Primer. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
Rosenheim, Shawn James. The Cryptographic Imagination: Secret Writings from Edgar Poe to the Internet. Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. New York:
Doubleday, 1999.
Weber, Ralph, E. United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775–1983. Chicago: Precedent Publishing, 1979.
Winterbotham, F. W. The Ultra Secret. New York: Harper & Row, 1974.

The term cyber attack has not always been applied discriminately, and as a consequence, it is often
taken to refer to a much broader set of circumstances than are prescribed by laws, treaties, and
conventions. One common definition of a cyber attack is an attack initiated from a computer against a
Web site, network, or individual computer that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of that system or stored information.
There are an increasing number of methods applied to carry out a cyber attack, including
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), malware, phishing, and social engineering leading to data theft.
DDoS attacks are intended to isolate targets from the network by flooding them with packets of very
large amounts of data, thus saturating all the capacity of the network. As a consequence, legitimate
requests are lost or the service becomes too slow to function. Although DDoS is not technically
challenging when compared to other methods, its effectiveness can be considerable and protracted,
and for this reason, the systems targeted by this kind of attack tend to be symbols of important
infrastructure or organizations, rather than the infrastructure or organizations themselves.
The adoption of a variety of operating systems by an increasingly broad consumer base has
incentivized the development of cross-platform malware that is effective against more than just PC-
based Windows systems. Additionally, metamorphic and polymorphic malware is designed to change
its coding such that each successive version differs from its predecessor; in this way, it evades
detection by conventional antivirus programs, even those that are routinely updated. More so than
methods such as DDoS, creating polymorphic code presents a technical challenge to the belligerent as
well as the intended target because of the need to employ multiple transforming techniques such as
registry renaming, code permutation, expansion, and shrinking. Some culpability may lie with the
intended victims because cross-platform malware is facilitated by the attacks being able to migrate
seamlessly across different devices and operating systems that have been chosen exactly because they
are common, free downloads with software that is open source; and yet, despite the inherent
vulnerabilities, many of these Web applications manage key business assets, such as company social
media feeds.
The concept of phishing centers on the ability to use e-mail to allow anyone to contact any other
person, regardless of whether they are a stranger, an existing contact, or in one’s group of social or
business contacts. In particular, the e-mail system is an open door, and when reaching out to groups of
individuals directly or as cc’s (carbon copies) and bcc’s (blind carbon copies), it is not unusual for a
filter to not be applied to such communications. This facet of nonexclusivity is further exacerbated by
Simple Mail Transfer Protocols (SMTP) being readily exploited because SMTP requires no
authentication of the address associated with incoming e-mails.
Beyond phishing, social engineering entails more direct targeting interaction. Contrasting with
malware, social engineering is nontechnical intrusion that relies on social interaction whereby targets
are tricked into disclosing information that will directly or indirectly facilitate access to a network
and its data. The human vulnerability being exploited is the reasonable predisposition of most
individuals toward courtesy and helpfulness, rendering them vulnerable to giving away valuable
information out of a desire to be courteous.
More sophisticated and systematic efforts by coordinated adversaries can attempt to infiltrate a
sensitive system, remain undetected for as long as possible, and leave unnoticed. Referred to as
advanced persistent threats (APTs), a significant fraction of cyber, corporate, and intelligence
espionage is attributed to nation-states and their actors, who actively pursue classified and sensitive
information from Western nations. Bolstering conventional cyber defenses does not offer sufficient
protection against APT, and multiple layers of physical, organizational, and cyber defenses;
knowledge of the threat; and advanced skills to detect and react to ongoing and successful attacks are
required; this is referred to as continuous persistent monitoring (CPM). Examples of CPM
techniques include secure browsing applications, hardware, and transaction-signing devices to
monitor users. CPM techniques also include analyses of the relationships between internal and
external users to detect misuse or collusive behaviors; as such, forensics systems and tools are
installed onto networks to continuously monitor and record all traffic and activity. In the event that a
network has been infiltrated and the intruder subsequently attempts to eradicate evidence of his or her
presence, separate network traffic recorders can provide information on how, when, and where the
infiltration occurred and what information may have been compromised.
As distinct from all other activities on networks, in conflict and warfare, the use of the term
attack has to be applied with discrimination, as various bodies of international rules and standards
regulate conduct where the law of armed conflict (jus in bello) applies. The Geneva Conventions of
1949 define an attack as an act of violence; whether undertaken as part of an offensive or defensive
action, its strict application or interpretation is important in predicating or prohibiting the behaviors
of all the actors in a conflict. In conflicts, attacks (cyber or physical) must be predicated on four
cumulative conditions for them to be lawful. The target of any attack has to be a military objective,
and the means or method used by the attacker must be lawful. The attacker must take specified
precautions, and, finally, the attacker must ensure that the attack does not cause damage to civilian
objects, or civilians, disproportionate to the gains being sought.
Any attack that does not meet these cumulative criteria is considered unlawful; therefore, the
question of what constitutes that threshold of attack in cyber space is critical to ensuring that acts of
espionage are not mistaken for a prelude to a wider attack. This allows nations to control whether,
and how, the emerging situation escalates with a lawful proportionate response. Unfortunately,
uncertainty in applying international law arises because few of the technical or operational methods
employed in cyber space existed at the time the Geneva Conventions were agreed on when the
measure of what is termed “consequential harm” was determined by damage, destruction, injury, and
death as a result of conventional violent kinetic force.
Following a DDoS attack that caused widespread disruption to electronic commerce in Estonia in
2007, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) instituted the Tallinn process to ascertain the
applicability of international humanitarian law and the doctrines of jus ad bellum (criteria that are
met before engaging in war that is lawfully permissible and considered just) to cyber conflicts. The
resulting guidance (set out in the Tallinn Manual) considered cyber operations conducted against
cyber infrastructure and cyber activities conducted against physical objects that rely on computer
systems and data and concluded that a cyber attack was a cyber operation, whether offensive or
defensive, that is reasonably expected to cause injury or death to persons or damage or destruction to
The Tallinn process confirmed that earlier references to “acts of violence” in the 1949
amendments to the Geneva Conventions were not limited in scope to activities that release kinetic
force, such as conventional munitions. Additionally, it ruled that as cyber operations have cyber
consequences, it followed that there could be consequential harm. Should that consequential harm
exceed de minimis damage, leading to destruction, injury, or death that could be reasonably
foreseeable, it would exceed the threshold of consequential harm and constitute an attack. As a
consequence of the rulings set out in the Tallinn process, it is unlikely that cyber operations against
online infrastructure, such as Web sites as opposed to network infrastructure, would constitute an
attack; therefore, the cyber operations targeting Estonia could not be considered an attack. As with
subsequent cyber operations in Georgia, where Web sites were rendered unusable by defacement or
DDoS, the purpose of the operations was to confuse, stymie, and control news and a narrative.
Media, financial institutions, and government departments have also been disrupted by cyber
operations attributed to the Russian Federation and had the effect of capping public support for target
governments and led to local loss of market confidence—all as part of a hybrid warfare campaign.
Contentions remain about whether using cyber operations to interfere with the normal operation of
a physical device or system can be termed an attack. It has been argued that if the functionality of a
system or device requires subsequent replacement of physical components, this damage exceeds the
threshold of consequential harm, but this does not apply in the cases where operating system software
is the required remedy. As opinions given in the Tallinn process were divided, no definitive ruling
has yet been offered in this specific case
Means also exist to affect cyber operations that are intended to deliver only partial or temporary
interference against physical devices and systems; damage is partial and not permanent. In 2007, the
Israeli Defense Force launched Operation Orchard to strike against a suspected strategic target inside
Syrian borders. The air attack was successful and was achieved without losses, despite the target
being protected by advanced integrated air defense systems (IADS). There has been speculation that
the attack incorporated a variation of a cyber tool developed by the United Kingdom’s BAE Systems
that facilitates penetration of communications links to IADS. Known as the Suter airborne network
attack system, rather than jamming radar signals, it instead hacks into the IADS to control the
functionality of time-critical operations by locating emitters precisely and then directing data streams
into them that can include false targets and message algorithms. In examining whether the use of a
Suter-type weapon constitutes an attack, or disruption with damage, it would be necessary to consider
whether any consequential damage, destruction, injury, or death at either the target or within the IADS
could have been reasonably foreseeable and whether mitigating actions were taken by the belligerent.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Espionage; Cyber War; Cyber Weapon; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
Attack; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); Just War; Malware; Operation
Orchard; Phishing; Social Engineering; Spear Phishing; Tallinn Manual
Further Reading
Graham, David. “Cyber Threats and the Law of War.” Journal of National Security Law & Policy. Vol. 4:87, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2012.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012.
Schmitt, Michael. “Classification of Cyber Conflict.” Journal or Conflict & Security Law. Vol 12(2), 2012.
Schmitt, Michael N., ed. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2013.

Criminals have more possibilities in the new age of cyber space. Cyber crime offers the criminal
more security in contrast to classical forms of crime, such as a bank robbery. For cyber crime, a
computer is the only essential requirement. In fact, the computer can be both the tool of the crime and
its object. Cyber criminals can use computers to commit crimes such as fraud or theft. What started as
the activities of a small group of hackers in the early years of the Internet has become an enormous
security issue in recent years; groups of organized cyber criminals have begun using malware to carry
out a new form of criminal opportunity created by an ever-growing Internet. There are four factors
that enable cyber crime: there are no borders for cyber criminals; the equipment is rather inexpensive
compared to traditional criminal tool sets; the criminal is not forced to meet the victim; and the
Internet grants anonymity. For those reasons, the future will face an increasing number of cyber
crimes. This form of crime could consequently become a more dangerous threat than terrorism,
although cyber terrorists might also use cyber crime as a method to secure resources.
Cyber crime is immense and cost the global economy almost $400 billion in 2012. The national-
security strategy of numerous Western nation-states already considers cyber crime as a major threat,
comparable to terrorism or military crises between nation-states. This is not an overemphasis of the
problem. The 2012 Norton Cybercrime Report named a yearly number of 556 million victims of
cyber crime worldwide. Most of these crimes seem to be solely the consequence of ignorance or
laziness by the human Internet user, but the methods of the criminals also get more and more
sophisticated. For only $150, one can purchase a hack for a Gmail account, and for $350, a Trojan
horse can be bought that would allow one to screen someone else’s computer activity.
Especially in regions where countries are preoccupied with basic health issues or political
instability, such as Africa, the increase of cyber crimes is tremendous. While governments deal with
traditional crimes in these regions, inexpensive equipment allows groups of organized cyber
criminals to establish their operational bases in these regions. The lack of legal measures and
insufficient IT knowledge on the official side of the law make it hard to counter the establishment of
such organized groups that can act from a relatively safe harbor to commit crimes all around the
globe. South African leadership has started measures to introduce more cyber space–oriented
legislation, but many other African countries will need years to be ready to deal with such issues. But
the increase of cyber crime is not solely a problem of the developing world; it is also stimulated by
the Western world and its lack of interest and shortsightedness.
In the United States, it is the government more than the private user that seems to be interested in
issues of cyber security. While a virus is seen as an interruption of the workday for many desktop
users, it is seen as a possible major threat by public officials and cyber specialists. Vulnerabilities
were already obvious in 2000, when commercial Internet sites such as Yahoo and eBay were victims
of cyber attacks. Consequently, computer crime entered a more official debate. The U.S. Congress
elicited several bills that should particularly focus on computer crime. However, when such laws are
discussed in public, there is always the general argument for Internet users’ privacy as well. How
much control is wanted by those who are using the Internet anonymously but might also be victims of
a cyber attack? Is the privacy of the Internet worth the possible cost? New technology allows hackers
to invade Internet users’ privacy, such as by stealing credit card information related to online billing
accounts. Unfortunately, the criminal is granted the same privacy when committing a crime, as it is
easy to work with fake IP addresses or over several foreign servers.
Robert Mueller, the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), warned that
cyber threats might be the most dangerous ones in the future. In 2001, EUROPOL police chief Jürgen
Storbeck warned Internet users to be aware of the threat. He referred to previous hacks, during which
cyber criminals were easily able to hack the credit card information of more than 1,000 guests of the
World Economic Summit. For Storbeck, cyber crimes represented the first step toward cyber
terrorism, something that could be referred to by observing the conflict in the Near East. Organized
crime already used the anonymity of the Internet to transfer millions of U.S. dollars every year, so
terrorists might be willing to use the same tactics for their financial transfers in the future.
Another danger was identified by the use of cyber-crime tactics by states or actors working on
behalf of a state’s interests. In the struggle between China and the United States, cyber crimes play an
active and aggressive role, meaning that the cyber crimes could easily be transformed into measures
of a full-scale cyber war. However, cyber crimes in China also seem to be a genuine problem, as 70
percent of all maliciously registered domains were used by Chinese cyber criminals to attack Chinese
targets, in large part because the majority of Chinese computer users have pirated copies of Microsoft
Windows, which are blocked from receiving security updates.
Official agencies that want to defend themselves and their citizens against such cyber crimes, no
matter whether they are committed by individuals, organized crime groups, or foreign governments,
are in an ambivalent position. On the one hand, there is a need to be prepared for the possibilities the
Internet and the cyber space provide to the criminals, but on the other hand, the public is resistant to a
government that is too involved in cyber security. There will be a further discussion about a possible
loss of privacy to gain more security, but whatever the outcome might be, it is sure that further
measures are needed to secure the Internet for the common user against cyber criminals, organized
crime groups, and foreign state intervention.

Frank Jacob

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Security; JPMorgan Hack; Office of Personnel Management Data
Breach; Russian Business Network (RBN); Sony Hack; Target Corporation Hack; TJX Corporation
Hack; Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Bucci, Steven. “Joining Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism: A Likely Scenario.” In Cyberspace and National Security: Threats,
Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Edited by Derek S. Reveron. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press,
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Hardy, Marianna, ed. The Target Store Data Breaches: Examination and Insight. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2014.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.


The Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA) is the focal point for the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization’s (NATO) political and technical application of cyber defense in protection of Alliance
Communications and Information Systems (CIS) and provides support to NATO member defense
capabilities when requested. The cyber-coordination body went operational in April 2008 in direct
response to unprecedented cyber attacks against Estonia in 2007.
The CDMA establishment marks a significant shift in policy from infrastructure protection of
NATO systems by adding member state defense capabilities and Alliance augmentation as a core
function. This effort provides operational defense with real-time monitoring focused on threat
mitigation under the umbrella of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) and was formally ratified by
NATO heads of state during the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, Romania.
Cyber attacks have become a political concern for Alliance members. During the 2002 NATO
Prague Summit, cyber defense emerged for the first time as a key political agenda issue. This issue
was reiterated by Alliance leadership in 2006 through a stated need to protect information systems.
The Estonian attacks in 2007 solidified NATO’s position and served as the catalyst for the CDMA.
Additionally, it resulted in an increased level of commitment formally approved in NATO’s Policy on
Cyber Defense and the NATO Defense Planning Process.
Furthermore, since 2007, there has been a shift in NATO members’ commitment to prevent cyber
attacks and the use of Article 5, Collective Defense, versus Article 4, Consultation and Coordination.
In 2009, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly officially decreed, “Cyber defense poses a special
problem for NATO policymakers, who are seeking to maximize the deterrent effect of the Alliance. . .
.The decision to announce an expansion of Article 5 to encompass cyber attacks may cause potential
aggressors to think twice.” As a result, the CDMA will play an increasing role in NATO’s security
capability for the foreseeable future.
Fundamentally, the strength of the CDMA rests in the integration of capabilities and collaboration
with broader NATO and European organizations such as the NATO Smart Defense Initiative, national
computer emergency response teams (CERTs), and strategic initiatives of the Cooperative Cyber
Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). Through this cooperative effort, capabilities and expertise
will continue to grow in support of NATO Alliance members.

Jose Alberto Rivas Jr.

See also: Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); NATO
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE); North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO); Patriotic Hacking

Further Reading
Duyvesteyn, Isabelle. “Between Doomsday and Dismissal: Cyber War, the Parameters of War, and Collective Defense.” Atlantisch
Perspectief 38(7), 2014.
Hughes, Rex B. “NATO and Cyber Defence, Mission Accomplished?” Atlantisch Perspectief 33(1), 2009.
McGee, Joshua. “NATO and Cyber Defense: A Brief Overview and Recent Events.” Center for Strategic & International Studies, July
8, 2011.
NATO Parliamentary Assembly. “NATO and Cyber Defence.” 2009 Annual Session. Brussels, 2009.
Schmitt, Michael N., ed. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2013.

Cyber defense is necessary but not a sufficient part of cyber resilience—a holistic approach to
countering cyber threats. For the U.S. government, a holistic approach to countering threats of all
types consists of five steps:

1. Prevent attacks
2. Protect from attacks when they do occur
3. Mitigate the impact of attacks
4. Respond to the attacks
5. Recover from attacks
These five different preparedness mission areas are addressed in the National Planning Frameworks,
which in turn are part of the National Preparedness System. Specific cyber actions are discussed in
the Cyber Incident Annex to the National Response Plan. The Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) is responsible for this planning and preparedness system under the aegis of the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Cyber operations happen in the information environment, which consists of the physical,
informational, and cognitive dimensions. The physical dimension is the hardware, and the
informational dimension is the software. The cognitive dimension is sometimes called wetware and
consists of the thoughts of human beings.
Everyone needs to perform cyber defense. At the individual level, this typically consists of
following proper cyber hygiene. This includes purchasing, installing, and updating a competent
antivirus program; using a firewall; running periodic security scans; selecting and maintaining
passwords that are difficult to break; backing up data; and securing personal data. It also includes
commonsense actions, such as not opening suspicious communications, not clicking on unknown links,
and managing connections on social media as well as controlling access to a home Wi-Fi router.
Organizations have to be more careful. They have entire information technology systems to
protect, a large workforce, and information or assets that other organizations, criminals, or even
states would like to access. The most important issue for organizations is that their leadership
understands the importance of cyber security, stresses organizational cyber-security performance, and
budgets enough for cyber security. Additionally, organizations need to train their personnel on
security awareness, safeguard large amounts of data, and hire skilled personnel to manage their
cyber-security systems.
States are responsible for all the activities of these organizations. They must develop and
maintain cyber-security legislation, policies, and organizations. They must coordinate with the
education system to ensure that it is producing enough cyber-security professionals. They also must
integrate cyber security into national security, safeguarding national secrets as well as maintaining
national command and control.
Cyber defense is built into the first three steps of the National Planning Framework. The last two
steps are manifestations of resilience, or the ability to bounce back from an attack, which is part of
preparedness but not of defense. Cyber defense is designed to defend a system or systems against
cyber attack. There are two types of cyber attacks: semantic and syntactic. Semantic attacks use
language to shape cognition. Syntactic attacks use the computer codes themselves. As an example, the
first phase of a phishing attack is a semantic attack, where the attacker convinces the target to click on
the link. As soon as the link is clicked, the phishing attack goes into the second, or syntactic, phase of
the attack, unleashing the malware into the target system.
There are two types of effects that a cyber attack can achieve: manipulation and denial.
Manipulation describes any change. It can mean shaping cognition, where the thoughts of the target are
manipulated, or the manipulation of coding via a syntactic attack. There are three forms of denial:
degradation, disruption, and destruction. Degradation means denying access to, or operation of, a
target to a level represented as a percentage of capacity. Disruption mean completely but temporarily
denying access to, or operation of, a target for a period of time. Destruction of a target means to
permanently, completely, and irreparably deny access to, or operation of, a target.
Cyber defense is designed to be part of the system to prevent attackers from conducting semantic
or syntactic attacks to manipulate data and thought or to deny access to a system. There is no such
thing as a perfect cyber defense. If a person can write a code or design a system, another person can
find a vulnerability in the code or in the system. As such, a holistic approach to defense accepts the
inevitability of successful attacks. The holistic system combines defense with resilience, or the ability
to bounce back from a successful attack.
Cyber defense takes cyber attacks into account and seeks to prevent them from succeeding. A
cyber attack follows a pattern called the cyber kill chain. The steps to the cyber kill chain are the

• Reconnaissance of the target system identifies targets.

• Weaponization is the preparation and staging phase of an attack.
• Delivery of the malware to the target launches the operation.
• Exploitation of a software, hardware, or human vulnerability occurs.
• Installation of a persistent backdoor maintains access.
• Command and control of the malware opens a command channel to enable the adversary to
remotely manipulate the victim.
• Actions on the objective accomplishes the goal of the mission.
The Department of Defense (DoD) refers to Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO), which are
passive and active cyber-space operations intended to preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyber-
space capabilities and protect data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems.
Another part of DoD’s defense repertoire is defensive cyber-space operation response action (DCO-
RA). These are deliberate, authorized defensive measures or activities taken outside of the defended
network to protect and defend Department of Defense cyber-space capabilities or other designated
systems. This could be seen as a type of counterattack. Although many organizations and some
individuals would like to perform cyber counterattacks as part of deterrence after intrusions, private-
sector response actions would in most cases violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA),
especially Title 18 United States Code (USC) 1030 (a) (3) and (5).
A truly holistic large-scale defense system is appropriate for larger organizations and states. It
has six major goals:

1. Redirect directs adversaries’ activities away from defender-chosen targets so that attackers’
efforts cease or become mistargeted or misinformed.
2. Obviate renders attackers’ efforts ineffective by making sure that their efforts or resources
cannot be applied or are wasted.
3. Impede makes attackers work harder or longer to achieve intended effects. This recognizes
that sometimes you cannot prevent attackers from achieving their intended effects, but it causes
them to invest more resources or undertake additional activities.
4. Detect identifies attackers’ activities or their effects, which makes their activities susceptible
to defensive responses
5. Limit attackers’ effectiveness by restricting the consequences of adversarial efforts.
6. Expose attackers by developing and sharing threat intelligence, which takes away attackers’
advantages and allows defenders to get better prepared.
Redirecting includes deterring, diverting, and deceiving the attacker. Deterring discourages the
adversary from undertaking further activities by instilling fear or doubt that those activities will
achieve the intended effects, with a goal that the attacker stops activities. Diverting leads the attacker
away from defender-chosen targets so that the attacker refocuses activities on different targets and
wastes his or her efforts. Deceiving leads the attacker to believe false information about defended
systems, missions, or organizations or about defender capabilities so that his or her efforts are
Obviating includes preventing and preempting. Preventing makes the attacker’s activity
ineffective, while preempting ensures that the attacker cannot apply resources or perform activities
because resources are destroyed or made inaccessible.
Impeding includes degrading and delay. Degrading decreases the effectiveness of the attacker’s
activities so that the attacker achieves some but not all of the intended effects or achieves all intended
effects but only after taking additional actions. Delaying increases the amount of time needed for an
attacker’s activity to achieve its intended effects, which may expose the attacker to greater risk of
detection and analysis.
Limiting is a type of mitigation that includes containing, curtailing, recovery, and expunging. The
defender seeks to contain by restricting the effects of an attacker’s activity to a limited set of
resources, reducing the value of the activity to the attacker. Curtailing limits the duration of an
attacker’s activity, limiting the attacker’s ability to perform all of his or her missions. Recovery is
part of resilience and rolls back the attacker’s gains, causing the attacker to fail to retain mission
impairment due to recovery of the capability to perform key mission operations. It minimizes the
denial effect of a cyber attack. Expunging removes attacker-directed malware and repairs corrupted
data, which seeks to prevent further advantages from the latter stages of the cyber kill chain:
exploitation, installation of a persistent backdoor to maintain access, command and control, and
actions on the objective.
Exposing includes analyzing and publicizing. Analysis allows the target to understand the attacker
better, based on analysis of adversarial activities, types of malware used in attacks, and their effects,
so that the attacker loses the advantages of uncertainty, confusion, and doubt and the defender can
recognize the attacker’s tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
Publicize means to increase awareness of an attacker’s characteristics and behavior across the
stakeholder community through organizations such as Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations
(ISAOs) or Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISACs). The attacker loses the
advantage of surprise and deniability and the ability to compromise one organization’s systems to
attack another organization.
In 2016, the most popular types of cyber defense included the following:

• Network-based antivirus software

• Advanced malware analysis and sandboxing
• Secure e-mail gateway (SEG)
• Secure Web gateway (SWG)
• Web application firewall (WAF)
• Data loss and leak prevention (DLP)
• Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) prevention
• Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS)
• Security information and event management (SIEM)
• Security analytics and full-packet capture and analysis
• Network behavior analysis (NBA) and NetFlow analysis
• User behavior analytics and activity monitoring
• Next-generation firewall (NGFW)
• Threat intelligence service
It is not critical that individuals understand the details of cyber defense—they simply need to
understand that cyber defense is important. Attackers are constantly attempting to exploit any
vulnerability in personal or organizational systems to manipulate or deny access. Human error allows
for the inevitability of attackers achieving one or both of these goals, even if individuals and
organizations subscribe to best practices.
Humans are the most vulnerable component of any cyber system. The best approach to defending
against both semantic and syntactic attacks is the holistic one. It is especially important to subscribe
to the best practices, use software known to be safe and stable, and cooperate within one’s company
and sector to mitigate the risk of cyber attacks. Above all else, individuals must maintain constant
vigilance for effective cyber defense.

G. Alexander Crowther

See also: Antivirus Software; Cyber Attack; Cyber Security; Cyber Weapon; Department of
Homeland Security (DHS); Malware

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

Cyber-defense exercises are live simulations of cyber-attack and cyber-defense scenarios. Typically,
two or more teams of cyber specialists are pitted against each other to compete for control over
individual computers or networks of computers. The exercises are held to train and evaluate the cyber
unit’s readiness, technical aptitude, and effectiveness at offensive and defensive strategy in the cyber
domain. Participants in defense exercises are logically divided into red teams and blue teams, whose
responsibility is to attempt attacks in real time and to defend against ongoing attacks, respectively.
Red teams assume the role of cyber intruders seeking to gain a foothold on the target network. A
red team performs computer network exploitation activity and furthers its access by systematically
searching for and progressively compromising assets on the target network. Achieving access
typically involves the construction or sourcing of exploits for security vulnerabilities present in the
target infrastructure. Red teams then seek to exfiltrate sensitive information and attempt to maintain a
covert but persistent presence on compromised systems by planting backdoors.
Blue teams are tasked with defending the computer network and individual nodes against
malicious influence exerted by the attacker, such as denial-of-service or arbitrary code execution. The
team must typically defend unpatched, out-of-date, or misconfigured network services against any and
all exploitation attempts. In the event of a security compromise, the blue team aims to swiftly
counteract and recover from the attack by monitoring the network traffic for signs of malicious
command and control communications, discovering the attacker’s presence on systems, disabling
implanted malware, and reconfiguring default settings to deny future attack vectors.
The spectrum of skills and the expertise level required from participants vary according to a
number of factors, including the realism and complexity of deployed network- and system-level
security measures, the scale and diversity of equipment that forms part of the target infrastructure, and
the extent of knowledge given to attackers a priori about the topology of the target network. A fine
balance between cyber offense and defense ideally results in a competitive but constructive
coevolution of attack methodology and security technology.
Military organizations, penetration testing companies, and computer security conferences, and
many others, run annual cyber-defense exercises and competitions. A popular instantiation of cyber-
defense exercises is the attack and defense model employed by capture-the-flag competitions. These
competitions, hosted worldwide in both online and face-to-face form, aim to distill the present-day
wide-spectrum computer-security work, involving cryptanalysis, exploit synthesis, and vulnerability
discovery, into short and objectively measurable exercises.

Dusan Repel

See also: Cyber Security; National Security Agency (NSA); Red Team; White Hat
Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Reveron, Derek S., ed. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Washington,
D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2012.

Cyber deterrence refers to a state of affairs where a potential adversary does not launch a cyber
attack because of the risks inherent in or responses elicited by such an action. Potential responses
include cyber “counterattack,” which may involve hack back confined to the specific attack and
related infrastructure; more generalized cyber attacks against the attacker, whether proportionate or
not; or the capture, neutralization, or exposure of the infrastructure, tools, and techniques used by the
attacker. However, responses may not be confined to the cyber domain and may involve the use of
military (also referred to as kinetic), diplomatic, economic, legal, or any other means that would have
an undesirable impact to the attacker.
Cyber deterrence is a matter of both perception and fact, as it relies on an assessment by the
putative attacker of the defender’s technical capabilities (both defensive and offensive) and
likelihood of response. From a game-theoretic perspective, deterrence assumes a multiround game
with rational players, who may, however, have incompatible worldviews or risk profiles. In general,
it is very difficult for a defender to estimate the degree of deterrence that is projected, except perhaps
at a very abstract level, as that would require intimate and continuous knowledge of the potential
attacker’s planning and strategy.
The primary technical elements in cyber deterrence relate to the relative quality of the defense
and offense, the ability of the defender to attribute the attack to the right entity, and the ability of the
defender to effectively counterattack, as modulated by the ability of the attacker to defend against it.

The Effect of Defense Quality

One of the risk-related considerations for attackers is the impact of being detected. In addition to loss
of access to the target network, alerting the defender about the attacker’s interests and objectives, and
potentially not achieving the mission, a key concern is the exposure of techniques, tools, and
infrastructure (TTI). As these may take significant time and resources to develop, their exposure can
significantly hamper the ability to conduct future operations. Furthermore, to the extent that the same
or similar TTIs are used across multiple operations, their exposure may imperil any such concurrent
activities. This has become a significant risk, as various systems for the rapid sharing of indicators of
compromise (IOCs) have been widely adopted across both the private and public sectors. As an
illustration of the trade-off space, one may consider the two extreme ends of relative power between
offense and defense: in the probably unattainable (and thus largely theoretical) case of “perfect”
defenses, an attacker would be deterred from any offensive action due to the certainty of failure or
detection; in the equally unlikely case of perfect offense (i.e., guaranteed to succeed and remain
undetected), an attacker would have no risk-related reasons to refrain from undertaking any operation
(i.e., attacking any target of interest).
As a follow-on to detection and as a prerequisite to most responses to a cyber attack, whether such
responses are conducted through the cyber domain or otherwise, the defender must be able to attribute
the attack to an entity. Such entities may be individuals, organizations or units thereof, or nation-
states. The granularity of attribution may be dictated by the technical capabilities or limitations of the
defender; the needs of the possible response options (e.g., economics sanctions on individuals vs.
nation-states); the necessary proof detail that must be obtained and provided to third parties (e.g., in a
“name and shame” vs. a legal indictment); and other nontechnical considerations (e.g., diplomatic
sensitivities). Note that attribution may be based on both intrinsic and extrinsic evidence to the
specific cyber attack (e.g., captured malware sample and foreign intelligence collection,
respectively). The primary challenges with attribution relate to acquiring sufficient and convincing
evidence linking an attack to a specific entity and being able to reveal such evidence to the public
(e.g., in a court of law) without revealing information about defensive capabilities. A significant
complicating factor is deception or “false flag” operations conducted by the attacker to misdirect the
defender’s attribution efforts.

Retribution Capability and Attacker Sensitivity

For deterrence to be effective, there must exist a set of outcomes driven by defender action that would
result in the attacker being worse off overall than if the cyber action had not been undertaken. These
outcomes may be drawn from any number of domains, including economic and financial (e.g., the gain
from stealing financial or intellectual property information is offset by the impact of economic
sanctions or loss of personal liberty due to imprisonment), public perception, diplomatic, political,
and even existential (e.g., kinetic operations against terrorist-supporting hackers). As stated earlier,
most such outcomes require good attribution, which in turn usually requires good cyber defenses. The
sensitivity of different attackers to the same response options will vary, as will their susceptibility to
any given response. For example, “name and shame” (i.e., bad publicity) has negligible effect on
terrorist actors (and in fact may be beneficial to their goals), whereas it is generally acceptable to
respond with military action against such actors but not (so far) against nation-states. The calculus for
what constitutes an appropriate and proportional response is complex; some of the relevant
parameters to be taken into consideration include the quality of the proof, the severity of the initial
attack, and the collateral damage from any response.
It should be obvious from the above that cyber deterrence is significantly more complex than
deterrence in other domains. The often-invoked analogy to nuclear détente (also known as the
mutually assured destruction, or MAD, doctrine) may be an oversimplification of the problem space.
The main complexities arise from the clandestine nature of cyber operations, the difficulty of
attribution, the mutability of digital artifacts, and the relationship of cyber activities to intelligence

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Attribution; Cyber Attack; Cyber Defense; Cyber Escalation; Escalation Dominance
Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

The cyber-equivalence doctrine is the notion, first propagated in 2011, that the United States will
regard cyber attacks as one among a spectrum of potential attacks and will respond using any
available means that it deems appropriate. As such, this concept essentially moved future cyber
attacks into the category of acts of war, should the U.S. government wish to treat them as such. It also
points out that the United States does not feel bound to limit its responses to cyber attacks to the cyber
domain, effectively stating that the American response to a cyber attack might come in the physical
domain. This decision parallels earlier U.S. declarations that any attack upon American military
forces using a biological or chemical weapon would be encompassed by the broader term weapon of
mass destruction, a category of attacks that includes nuclear weapons. Because the United States
chooses not to maintain significant stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons, it is incapable of
responding in kind to such an attack, and hence claims it will use nuclear weapons in their place.
This type of declaration serves many different functions. The first is that it potentially creates a
major deterrent effect—nations cannot probe U.S. cyber defenses, or launch cyber attacks upon
American infrastructure, without potentially triggering a retaliatory attack. Even if an enemy has a
greater cyber capability than that possessed by the United States, it cannot guarantee that a cyber
conflict will remain confined to the cyber realm; hence, cyber attacks carry a greater risk to the nation
that initiates them.
The cyber-equivalence doctrine opens the door to significant escalation in response to a cyber
attack. Most theorists consider a kinetic attack to be an act of war, while a cyber attack might not
reach that threshold. A cyber attack on the United States, if it is not met with an equal response in the
same domain, might trigger a cycle of escalation that leads to catastrophic damage. Of course, cyber
attacks tend to be accompanied by an attribution problem. It is difficult to launch a major physical
attack without revealing the identity of the attackers. Most cyber attackers deliberately hide their
identities and might even try to shift blame to an uninvolved actor. If successful, this might also shift
the U.S. retaliation onto an innocent nation, and if the American response is overt and physical, it
could create a chain of cascading attacks that leave the initiator unharmed.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Attribution; Cyber Attack; Cyber War; National Security Agency (NSA); Obama, Barack;
Panetta, Leon E.; United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2013.
Obama, Barack. International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World. May 2011.
Cyber escalation refers to the potential for a cyber attack to increase negative effects or damage to the
cyber capability of an enemy or result in actual, violent kinetic activity separate from or in
consonance with an actual cyber war. This increased volatility initiated in the cyber realm parallels
Herman Kahn’s concept of the “escalation ladder” created in conjunction with deterrence and
escalation theories regarding nuclear weapons. Specifically, cyber escalation is driven by a
belligerent’s cyber operations or capacity for them and the resulting perception of intent and effect
held by affected parties; perceptions are often hazy in cyber space.
Cyber escalation becomes likely when confronted with a cyber crisis. Such a crisis may result
from increased tension due to an actual cyber attack, concern that an attack has occurred, or simply
the fear that one is imminent. Potential third-party activity in cyber space exacerbates the possibility
of misperceptions and erroneous responses. Given that cyber crises are often ambiguous, cyber
escalation is largely speculative, and the ability to calculate its potential unintended consequences is
difficult at best.
Regarding cyber deterrence, consideration must be given to the potential for an attacker to
escalate into kinetic violence, including the use of nuclear weapons when such capability exists. With
this in mind, a state may choose to warn off a potential aggressor by declaring its intent to respond to
any cyber attack with any weapon available, including special weapons. However, attacks may
continue to escalate if the attackers believe retaliation in the cyber realm is unwarranted; if they are
facing political pressure to respond in an aggressive, costly manner; or if they believe they will lose
any cyber conflict but can dominate a foe in another operating domain, such as conventional military
Explanations of escalation are fraught, and use of the term when discussing cyber war is all the
more perplexing given the complexity and vagueness of the cyber domain. Arguably, concerns about
cyber escalation may be mitigated if a nation’s war goals are limited in nature and military activities
toward those ends follow suit. Managing or limiting cyber escalation in a wartime environment is
especially difficult when trying to link intentions, effects, and perceptions.

Ronald N. Dains

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber War; Escalation Dominance

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Kramer, Franklin D., Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz. Cyberpower and National Security. Dulles, VA: NDU Press and Potomac
Books, Inc., 2009.
Libicki, Martin C. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Libicki, Martin C. Cyberdeterrence and Cyber War. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009.

The term cyber espionage encompasses invasions by state and nonstate actors onto government and
private computer systems and networks that are designed to steal delicate information that may be
used for military, political, or economic gain. Cyber espionage is similar to traditional clandestine
intelligence-gathering operations that seek to gain protected information; they only differ in platform.
As part of a state’s cyber strategy, cyber espionage can include the theft of intellectual property and is
a key component of major state actors, including but not limited to China, Iran, North Korea, Russia,
and the United States.
One of the earliest cases of cyber espionage occurred during the Cold War, before cyber security
had grown into an item of national security. In 1986, Cliff Stoll, a systems administrator at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, noticed accounting discrepancies within the computer systems. Later,
after working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to set a trap known as a honeypot, they
discovered a German hacker named Markus Hess had been recruited by the KGB, the Soviet
intelligence service, to infiltrate and steal military information for the Soviet Union. It was
discovered that army and air force bases were additional targets. Cyber espionage has transformed
much since the 1980s, and the era of the lone wolf–style hacker has ceased to exist, as hacking has
changed from mere hobby to an element of warfare.
Modern hackers now face an advanced and well-trained adversary in security specialists that
have a plethora of defensive mechanisms at their disposal. As a result of the changing environment of
cyber warfare, hackers’ methods of attack typically fall into three categories. The opportunistic
approach targets millions of potentially vulnerable systems, seeking the handful that are unprotected
for the purpose of either monetary gain or to use the computing power of the compromised systems. In
some cases, malicious software like the Code Red worm scans millions of systems in search of
specific vulnerabilities. This phishing method is also associated with the semitargeted attacks that are
aimed at specific organizations and public institutions. These two methods of approach of cyber
espionage are typically focused on the private sector, as they cast a wider net. The most threatening of
approaches focuses on government and military systems and is known as the advanced persistent
threat (APT).
APTs have numerous motivations but are commonly placed into four main categories: activism,
cyber crime, corporate espionage, and those with a political or military agenda. APTs use advanced
technologies and remain focused on specific targets for months and even years. APTs have this ability
because they have almost unlimited resources at their disposal. They are most commonly military
units, government-funded entities, or groups funded by an outside corporation conducting corporate
espionage—in an attempt to steal trade secrets and intellectual property. APTs that have military or
political agendas are usually state-sponsored and use cyber espionage as one element of a cyber
strategy against a nation’s adversaries. Many governments are known or suspected of supporting
It is a widely supported belief that the Chinese government supports a group of APTs known as
“APT1,” and they are suspected of being connected with a group called “Unit 61398” of the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army. In 2014, one of the more well-known cyber-espionage acts occurred when
the National Security Agency (NSA) reported that the Chinese military had stolen terabytes of
information that included data from the United States’ top-secret F-35 fighter program. These losses
affect the long-term balance of airpower superiority, as it has been suggested that certain elements of
the F-35 have appeared in the Chinese next-generation fighter, the J-31. The data taken from the
program also has had both a national and economic impact. Billions of dollars spent on the research
and development phase of the program to ensure the cutting edge on the battlefield have been lost via
cyber espionage. The Chinese are not alone in their cyber-espionage activities, as discovered by
WikiLeaks in 2010 and Edward J. Snowden in 2013. Both released military and diplomatic secret
documents to the press.
Combating such cyber espionage in the Unites States is the U.S. Cyber Command
(USCYBERCOM) created in 2010. Located at Fort Meade, Maryland, USCYBERCOM was
commanded by General Keith B. Alexander, who also headed the NSA until his retirement in 2014,
when he was replaced by Admiral Michael Rogers. USCYBERCOM’s goal is to plan, coordinate,
and conduct operations and the defense of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) information networks.
USCYBERCOM is a unified organization that is composed of each military service branch,
representing the 24th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber), Second Army (Army Cyber Command), U.S.
Tenth Fleet (Fleet Cyber Command), and the Marine Corps Cyberspace Command. Each of these
commands is responsible for operations within their own branch of service. USCYBERCOM has five
core objectives: to view cyber space as an “operational domain,” to implement new security
measures, to build international partnerships for improved and collective security, to develop cyber
warriors, and to innovate new methods concerning how the military can fight in cyber space.

John J. Mortimer

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Alexander, Keith B.; Code Red Worm; Cyber Warriors;
Department of Defense (DoD); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Moonlight Maze; National
Security Agency (NSA); Operation Night Dragon; Operation Shady RAT; Operation Titan Rain;
Phishing; Rogers, Michael S.; Second Army/Army Cyber Command; Snowden, Edward J.; Solar
Sunrise; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Chapple, Mike, and David Seidl. Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett
Learning, 2015.
Heickerö, Roland. The Dark Sides of the Internet: On Cyber Threats and Informational Warfare. Translated by Martin Peterson.
New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2013.
Schmidt, Michael N., ed. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2013.
Shakarian, Paulo, Jana Shakarian, and Andrew Ruef. Introduction to Cyber-warfare: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Waltham, MA:
Syngress, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.

Ethics is one of five branches of philosophy that deals with the study of moral principles that govern a
person’s or group’s behavior. Metaethics is concerned about the nature of ethics and moral reasoning.
Normative ethics is interested in determining the content of moral behavior, exemplified by the
question, what ought I to do? Applied ethics deals with specific domains of human action, such as
medicine, law, or war, and seeks to craft criteria for how to act in those domains. Cyber ethics falls
within the domain of applied ethics. The word cyber is most commonly used as an adjective that
characterizes the culture of computers, information technology, computer networks, and virtual reality.
Thus, cyber ethics is the study of moral principles appropriate to the use of computers, information
technology, and virtual reality.
Computer ethics, now considered part of cyber ethics, was founded by MIT professor Norbert
Weiner during World War II, while helping to develop an antiaircraft cannon capable of shooting
down fast warplanes. This technology required an understanding of feedback systems, which Weiner
coined “cybernetics.” In 1950, Weiner wrote what is now considered the seminal text in computer
ethics, The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society.
Cyber ethics, which includes information ethics and computer ethics, often groups into the
following categories: (1) privacy, to include data collection and protection; (2) property, to include
intellectual property rights and digital rights management; (3) accessibility, to include freedom of
information and the digital divide; (4) censorship, to include net neutrality, sexuality, pornography,
and gambling; and (5) ethical codes of conduct for information technology professionals.
The usage of computers and other information technologies does not occur in its own hermetically
sealed domain; computers permeate multiple domains of human activity. As such, it is difficult to
discuss cyber ethics abstracted from other normative principles that govern other human activities.
For example, the ethical use of information technology in medicine needs to take place within the
wider discussion of the normative principles that govern medical practice. Consequently, the use of
information technology in medicine may yield different ethical requirements than might be appropriate
for the use of information technology by the Department of Defense. It is the particular challenge of
cyber ethics to identify, delineate, and delimit how the vast array of applications of computers and
information technology, which interpenetrate other domains of human activity and have their own
normative values, can and should be used justly.
There is also considerable debate in cyber ethics about whether computers and information
technologies introduce a whole new class, sui generis, of ethical concerns, or whether they just bring
existing ethical principles into sharper relief. For example, are online communities moral
communities, that is, communities in which there are certain duties and obligations among individuals
that should be expected and enforced, or are online communities nonmoral communities? If they are
moral communities, should these communities abide by the same moral principles followed by off-
online communities, or are there new moral principles that need to be invented to adequately capture
the moral dimensions of online communities? If online communities are not moral communities, then
what moral principles, if any, should govern human interactions online? Should members of online
communities expect privacy, autonomy, and freedom of speech to the same degree individuals possess
these rights off-line? Why or why not? In short, does the online world require a whole new set of
rules that cannot (or should not) be analogously applied from the off-line world? It is the task of cyber
ethicists to ask, investigate, and provide answers to these questions.
With respect to cyber warfare, cyber ethics deserves special mention. The term cyber is now
deployed as a noun and labeled and treated as the fifth operational military domain, in addition to the
four “air, land, sea, and space” domains. As such, the use of computers and information technology by
the Department of Defense to wage war or operations other than war (OOTW) has become an
important area of study. With respect to its use by the military, cyber ethics is most often discussed
with respect to cyber warfare and the ethics of war. Similar to the discussion above, there is
considerable debate about whether the just war tradition, that is, the normative framework for moral
deliberation about when it is justified to go to war (jus ad bellum) and proper conduct in war (jus in
bello), is robust enough to contemplate the new kinds of uses and effects computers and information
technology introduce as tools for warfighting and espionage. For example, is targeting programmable
logic controllers, which allow the automation of electromechanical processes used to control
machinery, and in turn disabling those machines (the method used by Stuxnet) the ethical equivalent of
destroying those machines by a conventional weapon? Questions about what may be classified as a
cyber weapon and how it should be regulated are still unclear. The seminal debate that took place on
whether the just war tradition is sufficient to the task of classifying and regulating the uses of cyber
technologies in war can be found in the Journal of Military Ethics, Volume 9.4 (2010), between
Randall Dipert and James Cook.

Deonna D. Neal

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Cyber War; Cyber Weapon; Intellectual Property; Just War; Net
Neutrality; Stuxnet

Further Reading
Alfreda, Dudley, and James Braman. Investigating Cyber Law and Cyber Ethics: Issues Impacts and Practices. Hershey, PA: IGI
Global, 2011.
Lucas, George. Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2016.
Spinello, Richard A. Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2011.
Taddeo, Mariarosaria. The Ethics of Cyber Conflicts: An Introduction. London: Taylor and Francis Group, 2016.

Attacks against the critical infrastructure have long been a key aspect of warfare. In particular,
intelligence organizations have sought to conduct acts of sabotage behind the lines of modern wars,
undermining critical war production, an enemy’s ability to move forces and resources, or the
communications of an opponent. Modern electrical grids, transportation networks, and communication
systems rely on computers to function. Computers are used to track inventory and determine shipments
that need to be made from regional distribution centers to point-of-sale terminals. They are also used
to regulate traffic on the nation’s rail and road networks and to shift electrical power drains from one
station to another to prevent regional blackouts. These innovations make for more efficient systems,
so long as they function, but they can also trigger serious cascade effects when they fail. Thus, while
they are extremely useful, they can also make a small problem into a catastrophe under the right
There has been a disturbing trend of evidence pointing to the emplacement of backdoors and logic
bombs in the U.S. infrastructure controlling the electrical grid, suggesting that one or more potential
enemies have taken steps to facilitate cyber sabotage should a war erupt. Such attacks, planned in
advance, could theoretically be executed without warning as part of a first-strike approach to
warfare, or they might be triggered to disrupt efforts by the United States to project power around the
globe. The failure of U.S. government agencies and infrastructure companies to properly secure their
communications networks has all but guaranteed that hostile nations will attempt some form of
infrastructure sabotage via the cyber domain in the event of a conflict with the United States, and
doing so will have significant indirect effects upon the civilian population.

Paul J. Springer
See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Security; Cyber War; Infrastructure; Logic Bomb; National
Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC); National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP); Stuxnet;
Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Siroli, Gian Pietro. “Strategic Information Warfare: An Introduction.” In Cyberwar, Netwar, and the Revolution in Military Affairs.
Edited by Edward Halpin, Philippa Trevorrow, David Webb, and Steve Wright. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Cyber security is a concept that evolved in government strategy and organization, private industry
systems design, and as a subject of study. Cyber security exists as a government and private reaction
to a complex world full of threats in cyber space. Therefore, cyber security is more effectively
considered a strategy. Cyber security, which is threat-based, is distinctly different from cyber-space
communications, which is connectivity-based. Where communications describes the purpose for
which cyber space was built, cyber security describes the necessary addition of security to protect
networks from threats that seek to exploit flaws in the system. Cyber security evolved in policy as
threat activity increased and nations grew dependent on cyber space for governance and commerce.
Soon, nation-states began to operate through computer networks to accomplish state tasks such as
espionage and warfare. Cyber-security strategy evolved through numerous administrations and is
often used to describe an end state that the United States is trying to achieve through policy actions,
though cyber security as an end state is problematic due to the complexity of the cyber-space
environment and the threat landscape. Nevertheless, the U.S. government has made a substantial
investment in building cyber security as a strategy under the umbrella of national security.
The creation of computer networking and cyber space did not include the creation of cyber
security. In late 1969, only months after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, scientists created the
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). As scientists tested ways to create
reliable communications, there was little concern about the security of the creation. The scientists
involved inherently trusted each other; it was possible to easily verify the identity of all users and
endpoints on an almost entirely closed system. The true power of the Turing machines, or computers,
used in the construct was the versatility of the system. New ways to move data, such as e-mail, were
created to add functionality to the system, which was built to maximize flexibility. As this system
grew and more users were added, it became increasingly apparent that there were ways to exploit the
lack of security. At the point the scientific community came to that realization, the foundation was
already laid and could not be dug up and restarted. The world of cyber space moved on without
security built in, but the experiment of computer networking started to provide functionality that was
never conceived by the original scientists. As more commerce and governance became networked, it
became clear that there was risk in the system that was never planned for.
When Ronald Reagan assumed the presidency, the world was at the height of its concern over the
growth of communism; at the same time, there was a rapidly growing culture, as a subset of the
computer science community, that focused on finding flaws in the system. The community called
themselves hackers. Hackers that exploited flaws in the telephone system were called phreakers.
Some within this community used their talents to further criminal activity and were hunted by the
federal government. Kevin Mitnick is a notable example of this type of hacker. Although hacking rose
in notoriety as a crime, the movie WarGames may have provided the catalyst to the federal
government to treat cyber security more seriously. In the film, Matthew Broderick’s character hacks
the U.S. Air Force computer at the North American Aerospace Defense Command responsible for
nuclear weapons launch. President Reagan reportedly watched the film and was so bothered by the
implications that he tasked the National Security Council to investigate the feasibility of the movie’s
premise. These government studies led to National Security Decision Directive 145. Although the
term cyber security was not yet prevalent, this document was the first White House policy on the
subject of security for computers and information systems.
The White House gave the National Security Agency (NSA) authority to assess the vulnerability
of government networks, but it also made the NSA responsible for approval of standards and
equipment used in telecommunications and automated systems security. In 1987, Congress passed the
Computer Security Act that appointed the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) to
maintain telecommunication and cyber-security standards instead of the NSA. Under Reagan, the
hacking community had definitively intersected with national security, and hacking was now a threat
that was going to be taken seriously by the government.
During the 1990s, the threat from hacking continued to grow, with significant incidents directly
linked to national security. As tensions grew between the United States and Iraq, the Department of
Defense detected a series of computer intrusions at such locations as Andrews Air Force Base that
were based on a vulnerability in the Sun Solaris operating system. A computer task force was
assembled to track these incidents; it was called Solar Sunrise. The Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations were able to determine the incident was
actually not linked to the Iraqi government but was the work of a small group of young Israelis. A
cyber wargame called Eligible Receiver, combined with Solar Sunrise, demonstrated to the
government how serious a threat hacking posed in the hands of a sophisticated government adversary
instead of bored Israeli teenagers.
Moonlight Maze was one of the earliest publicly known cyber incidents believed to be linked to
such an adversary. This breach was actually a series of incidents lasting at least two years and
believed to be attributed to Russia. Compromised victims included the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Energy. Although attribution was never
positively linked, the implications were that the state of security in cyber space was not adequate to
defend networks critical to national security.
As the United States entered the 21st century, national security faced numerous challenges, and the
state of cyber security in the United States continued to appear inadequate. President George W. Bush
began his administration with the most significant terrorist attacks in U.S. history, and it was feared
cyber space could provide a new avenue for terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure. Building on
the incidents of the previous decade, the United States assessed how vulnerable these critical systems
were to terrorist attack. At the same time, a chain of cyber intrusions called Titan Rain spread across
the Department of Defense. Titan Rain was the first publicly known incident of organized Chinese
cyber-espionage activity against the Department of Defense. At that point, in the Bush White House,
the national-security staff faced significant terrorist threats throughout the world, national cyber
infrastructure with security added as an afterthought, and several nations building robust cyber
capabilities in their militaries and espionage services. It appeared that the nation was unprepared to
defend against the range of threats it would face in this new domain. The result was President Bush’s
plan to secure cyber space.
President Bush’s new strategy was built around the concept he referred to as cyber-space
security. The two documents authored by the White House included National Security Presidential
Directive 38 and a released version called the 2003 National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. The
Bush White House dissected the concept of cyber security and set priorities for the federal
government and industry to meet. The term cyber security became widely used in both the public and
private sector, and significant government spending was associated with modernizing the U.S. cyber
infrastructure. According to the White House, the linkage between the public and private sector was
key to cyber security. As a government strategy, cyber security in the Bush administration was
critically dependent on the private sector increasing its level of security, as the private sector
managed the bulk of cyber space and critical infrastructure. Market pressures and government action
led software developers, antivirus vendors, hardware manufacturers, and network engineers to focus
more resources on security during design phases or attempts to update aging systems. Furthermore,
industries that had grown dependent were encouraged to focus on ensuring their networks met a
baseline standard for security.
During the Bush presidency, cyber-security focus and funding grew substantially. In National
Security Presidential Directive 54, the White House implemented the Comprehensive National
Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) to manage the growing funding streams for cyber security–focused
organizations and improving the defensive posture of government networks. Despite the government
focus, it is questionable whether the United States moved any closer to achieving cyber security as an
end state. Although national strategy may have provided a framework and plan, cyber space continued
to grow at an unprecedented rate, and security needs struggled to keep pace with the expansion of the
There was now a rapidly growing culture of cyber security within the U.S. government and the
private sector, but significant cyber incidents were still on the rise. In a rare declassification of cyber
intrusions, the Department of Defense acknowledged that one of its most significant cyber incidents
occurred in 2008. Called Buckshot Yankee, official statements claimed a thumb drive plugged into
computers in the Middle East contained a virus that was able to infect classified networks. Based on
multiple sources, the Russian government was believed to be responsible for the penetration. This
incident shocked the military and put into question whether U.S. military cyber security was prepared
for conflict in the 21st century. With the cumulative weight of previous major cyber incidents,
Buckshot Yankee served as a catalyst to form the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) to
centralize the defense of military cyber space, with the director of the National Security Agency as its
During the Obama administration, the cyber-security industry continued to grow significantly, as
nearly every major corporation and government agency grew cyber-security departments, but this
boom in cyber security failed to keep pace with the rate of growth of cyber space. During the time
between 2005 and 2015, social media exploded into the homes and mobile devices of nearly every
American family. Commerce also moved significantly into cyber space as more companies grew
considerably more dependent on online capabilities. During this time, the Internet integrated into
every major corporation, and enough cyber-security professionals simply did not exist to meet the
needs of government and the private sector. Instead of building better cyber security and growing
networks out from that foundation, many corporations assimilated older networks and continued
expansion into cyber space at even faster rates because of competition. Cyber security was often
considered a constraint on the expansion and integration of networks into commerce and
collaboration. As more valuable data moved online, the cyber-security industry struggled to keep up.
The Obama administration heavily focused on cyber-security policy as a wide range of threats
focused on exploiting flaws in cyber-security practices. As the Global War on Terror came to a close
and terrorism funding lines were reorganized, cyber-security funding continued to increase to
approximately $13 billion per year. During the Obama administration, nations focused heavily on
developing cyber-weapons programs, and the growth of commerce online provided potent targets for
criminal threats to exploit. There was a wide range of notable incidents that demonstrated how
vulnerable world networks were to increasingly advanced cyber attacks. Unattributed malware called
Stuxnet penetrated control systems for nuclear centrifuges in Iran, effectively destroying them. The
North Korean government stole data and destroyed the functionality of computers belonging to Sony
Entertainment. In addition, there was a wave of high-profile cyber-espionage incidents that occurred
during the same time period. The cyber-security section of the National Security Council became the
driving force behind a series of cyber-security policies. The most noteworthy policies include
Executive Order 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Presidential Policy
Directive 20 (PPD-20), and the President’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan. The U.S. government
now treats cyber security as a critical department of national security, a position unlikely to change
with a new administration.
Despite significant amounts of attention from multiple administrations, most experts still consider
U.S. cyber security far from adequate to meet the threat landscape. Cyber security is now intertwined
with global communications, but it was not originally part of the design of computers or networks.
Unlike the early stages of cyber-space development, cyber security is now implemented at various
stages of software, hardware, and network development. Cyber insurance is also a growing industry
to provide some financial protection from network compromises. Today, cyber security is a
multibillion-dollar industry and a significant policy area for the U.S. government. Cyber security
served as a reaction to threats and has grown in importance since the Reagan administration. Each
president since has added additional policies and focus to cyber-security efforts as globalized
communications continued to invade every part of governance, commerce, and even daily life. Cyber
security is now a critical part of the global communications industry and the government and will
remain so for the foreseeable future.

Zachary M. Smith

See also: Cyber Deterrence; Cyber War; Moonlight Maze; National Cyber Security Strategy;
Operation Buckshot Yankee; Operation Titan Rain; Solar Sunrise; Sony Hack

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.


The 2009 Cyberspace Policy Review (CPR) is a document initiated by President Barack Obama to
review U.S. policies and bureaucratic structures for cyber security. The document revealed
significant gaps in the nation’s security infrastructure pertaining to cyber space and called for
increased government attention. In early 2009, President Obama called for a 60-day comprehensive
review of U.S. cyber security. A team of cyber-security experts conducted the review, engaging with
leaders in industry, academia, privacy advocacy groups, state governments, international
organizations, and the federal government. Completed in May 2009, the Cyberspace Policy Review
summarized the team’s conclusions while providing a road map for increasing America’s cyber
The review concluded that the United States faced a crossroads between continuing to expand
access to cyber space to promote efficiency and innovation while simultaneously ensuring security
and privacy rights. According to the review, the United State could no longer accept the status quo
and a national dialogue on cyber security was needed. The review determined that the United States
should embrace internationalism as a cyber-security strategy, arguing that cyber isolationism will no
longer work. In addition, it called for greater private and public sector engagement. As the federal
government must protect and defend the country, the review supposed that its powers and
responsibilities in cyber security were clear and essential. While calling for an overall government
approach to create a new cyber-security infrastructure, the review recommended that the White House
assume the primary leadership role.
A near-term action plan called for a variety of steps to implement specific recommendations.
These included appointing a cyber-security official to coordinate American cyber-security policies
and activities alongside a strong National Security Council (NSC) directorate; preparing an updated
national cyber-security strategy; designating cyber security as a key management priority of the
POTUS; appointing a privacy and civil liberties official to the NSC directorate; formulating and
clarifying legal roles for various cyber-security agencies across the federal government; increasing
public awareness of cyber security through expanded educational initiatives; increasing the number of
government positions devoted to cyber security; preparing a response plan in the event of a cyber-
security incident; supporting research for the development of new technologies to gain an edge in
cyber-security strategy; and protecting privacy and civil liberties while securing the nation’s cyber
infrastructure. While continued cyberattacks against America’s information systems demonstrate the
persistent ability of enemy states and organizations to damage the United States, the Cyberspace
Policy Review initiated a major government effort and raised public attention to this emerging threat
and reality.

Jordan R. Hayworth
See also: Cyber Security; National Cyber Security Strategy; Obama, Barack

Further Reading
Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure. Washington, D.C.:
Office of the President of the United States, May, 2009.

The Internet is something that changed the world, and not solely in a good way. Today, almost all
terrorist organizations use the Internet as a recruiting tool. However, the Internet provides a more
dangerous field of action, namely, cyber terrorism. The Internet is used to spread propaganda videos
on social media Web sites, to exchange money using bitcoins or other Internet currencies, to train or
recruit new members of a terror organization, and even to launch attacks by using a dangerous new
Internet virus. As a consequence of the low-intensity conflicts, methods of asymmetric warfare,
including those that incorporate the Internet, are intensively spreading.
Terrorism itself is not a modern phenomenon, but an old weapon to threaten the existent order by
the unexpected use of violence, mostly in a shocking way (e.g., against innocent civilians). Today,
terrorism in its classical and new cyber forms is posing a dangerous threat for international peace as
well as the transnational standards that are based on law and order. Yonah Alexander called the aim
of terrorism a “pervasive fear for the purpose of achieving political goals.” To achieve it, the Internet
and the use of the cyber space as a new battleground seem to have flourished in the last decade.
There are terrorist groups in more than 60 countries that are using information and communication
technology (ICT) to achieve their aims. Especially after the strengthening of counterterrorist activities
in the aftermath of 9/11, terrorists have tried to gain a stronger grip on the possibilities the World
Wide Web provides. The globalization that has been a by-product of this development allows single
groups to coordinate a worldwide agenda and keep their own national or regional focus at the same
time. With regard to communication and the connection of terrorist individuals or smaller groups, the
Internet and its new communication technologies provide a large pool for possible actions.
In contrast to cyber crimes, cyber terrorism always utilizes fear to achieve a political aim. It
wants to weaken or put pressure on a particular political system that is considered to be the
ideological or religious enemy of the terrorist group and its members. There are two types of cyber
terrorism, state or nonstate, which generally are performed by an individual or a group. The goal is
usually to put political pressure on an enemy or to create as much chaos as possible. As there has
been a general growth of terrorist acts since the 1990s and the collapse of the Soviet Union, more and
more cases draw attention to the newer communication and information technologies that are involved
to commit such terrorist acts. The easier availability of communication systems, technology, and
international travel stimulated the growth of global terrorism in the last two and a half decades.
Initially, mainly states or rich individuals, such as Osama bin Laden, sponsored terrorist activities,
but today, the cheap cost of cyber terrorism makes it even more dangerous.
Despite these dangers, people are seldom aware of what cyber terrorism really implies, often
confusing it with cyber crime or other forms of cyber attack. It is the motivation and the attacker that
defines it as a terrorist act. Michael Vatis specifically defined it as “computer-to-computer attacks
intended to cause significant damage in order to coerce or intimidate a government or civilian
population.” The Internet therefore becomes the connecting part in the terrorist network that brings
target and terrorist into contact. A cyber terrorist consequently acts like a hacker, but not with the
same intention. In addition, cyber terrorists might be used by foreign governments as a form of cyber-
guerrilla tactic in a low-intensity conflict.
Financially, cyber terrorism is also much cheaper than conventional attacks. A person with
Internet access is usually not a threat, but a participant in a global and fast communication exchange
network. However, almost everyone has access to this network, and a person that has rather
dangerous aims can easily pose a threat against stock markets and government Web sites. Only an
individual’s technological skill limits the possibilities for the individual or a terrorist group. For
sure, the sophistication of the government to protect probable targets from a cyber terrorist and an
attack is important. That is why some state agencies are recruiting hackers for their security systems,
as these people already know the tools that could be used in terrorist scenarios. Also, not only
hackers but also states such as Iran and China, jihadi terrorist groups, and other malevolent
organizations are already screening cyber space for possible leaks or weak spots to attack. For all of
them, the cheap costs are attractive, as one only needs a computer, Internet access and sufficient skills
to launch an attack. In addition, these attacks of cyber terrorism could be launched from everywhere
around the globe. That also makes it almost impossible to predict an attack before it begins. The only
way to counter it is to be prepared for the possibility that it could happen. In particular, the
difficulties in tracking an attack are what make it so attractive for terrorists. After the attack, they can
send their messages to the world without being located and punished for their actions.
Once malicious code is planted, it does not have to cause an immediate action, meaning that cyber
terrorists could plan their action beforehand and wait for it to be untraceable before the launch of
their attack. Potential targets are numerous, ranging from power plants, to airports, to hospitals.
Considering horror scenarios about how electricity or communication might be interrupted by hackers
already causes fear, and not only in the Pentagon. Every agency that is concerned about national
security has to train specialists to counter such scenarios in a fast and adequate way. Steady
preparation of defense systems, the analysis of changes, and sufficient communication capabilities on
the side of the defending agencies are needed to be prepared for possible attacks in the future. Swift
countermeasures and transnational cooperation by global security networks are also needed to limit
the utility of cyber space for terrorist activities in the future.
That cyber attacks could have been used already is known. Since the U.S. invasion of
Afghanistan, terrorist organizations have explored the possibilities provided by the Internet. It might
be true that online training is not really useful, when one compares it to personal education; however,
the methods for terrorist attacks could be easily deployed after having been trained in person. The
Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention has failed to gather sufficient support for transnational
cyber-crime regulations that would grant easier access to and measures against terrorists; however,
the discussion is not over yet. Cooperation, especially in the legal sector, is needed to be able to
follow leads on international terrorist groups who use the advantage of anonymity in the World Wide
Web to cover their traces.
In addition, national security has to be equally protected against hackers who might solely act as
individuals or small groups in the interests of their government. Intrusions into U.S. government
systems and the available evidence strengthen the idea that such attacks might have been directed by
foreign governments, such as China or Russia, to politically weaken the United States, and the acts
might be classified as cyber terrorism rather than cyber war. Furthermore, the acceptance of such
hacker networks stimulates black-market sales of malware and technology that could cause much
greater damage in the future, especially in cases in which the malware causes a process of destruction
that cannot be stopped by the attackers themselves.

Frank Jacob

See also: Al Qaeda; Anonymous; Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Hacker; Iran Cyber Capabilities;
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS); Malware; Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)

Further Reading
Alexander, Yonah. International Terrorism: National, Regional and Global Perspectives. New York: Praeger, 1976.
Awan, Imran, and Brian Blakemore. Policing Cyber Hate, Cyber Threats, and Cyber Terrorism. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011.
Demchak, Chris C. Wars of Disruption and Resilience: Cybered Conflict, Power, and National Security. Athens, GA: University of
Georgia Press, 2011.
Vatis, Michael: “The Next Battlefield: The Reality of Virtual Threats.” Harvard International Review 28(3) (2006): 56–61.
Weiman, Gabriel. Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges. Washington, D.C.: USIP, 2006.
Westby, Jody R. “Countering Terrorism with Cyber Security.” Jurimetrics 47(3) (2007): 297–313.

A war is usually a form of collective violence between two or more states that is ordered and
performed by professionals to achieve an economic, political, or religious aim that could or would be
prevented by the antagonist group. A war in cyber space does not follow such a definition, as a single
person with a laptop and an Internet connection could start a war in this environment by attacking a
foreign government using methods well-known from diverse cyber crimes. While superpowers such
as the United States seem to be well prepared to fight a war in the material world (land, sea, air,
space), actions that are performed in cyber space are something that could threaten national security.
Cyber war was not even a possibility some decades before, when the first computers were built, but
today, it seems to offer a cheap alternative to classical battlefields, not only to terrorists but to state
actors as well. Former CIA director Leon E. Panetta claimed in 2012 that the United States’ next
Pearl Harbor could be a cyber attack, suggesting that this form of assault might presage the next major
In contrast to acts of war, most cyber attacks, regardless of whether they are state-sponsored, try
to gain something by espionage, sabotage, or subversion. That these activities might lead to a more
powerful use of the cyber space as a battleground seems to be clear. Those who deal with such
possibilities claim that the war is inevitable, and there would not be something surprising, such as an
attack out of nowhere. Not only private companies but whole governments prepare themselves to
counter the initial attacks of a future cyber war. In addition, laboratories try to develop new
technologies that will not only help with such a defense strategy but also support an initial attack.
That cyber space is already a sphere of warfare is obvious. In 2007 and 2008, Estonian and Georgian
Web sites were attacked, presumably by Russian hackers, and these attacks showed that cyber attacks
can damage foreign governments.
The possible scenarios are broad and include attacks against airports, hospitals, and banks. In
2010, the Stuxnet virus was used to significantly damage the Iranian nuclear program and was
probably developed by Israel or the United States explicitly for this reason. Those who studied the
Stuxnet worm described it as the first “cyber super weapon” that could be used in more destructive
cases. It is still debated whether the use of this virus was an act of war, as it was not violent and no
humans suffered physical harm from it. However, it destroyed or at least sabotaged the Iranian atomic
program and therefore must be seen as a violent act of someone to destroy the progress of the Iranian
government. Such an act is hostile, but one cannot claim it to be an act of war because we do not
know exactly how far governments were involved in its creation, use, and target selection or even
which governments ordered its use.
Information warfare (IW) is not limited by borders and allows militaries to act in multiple ways,
such as attacking facilities, creating disorder in the enemy’s territory, or using cyber space as a
platform for propaganda that is intended to weaken the morale of the enemy’s supporters. As modern
societies have based their lives on the use of technology, attacks against or though this technology
seems to be more likely in a future war in the age of information. Numerous scenarios especially deal
with such a war in East Asia, where tactics of cyber warfare seem to have become a key component
of war preparations, especially in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Analysts agree that the war
of the future will not follow classical terms of warfare; at the very least, it will incorporate the
possibilities cyber space is offering.
More driving are the questions of national security related to the issues of cyber attacks, cyber
terrorism, and cyber war. The fact that cyber attacks are so inexpensive make them extremely
dangerous, especially because such states as the PRC, which would not be able to compete with the
United States on a military level, assume that a war based on such cyber attacks might not only be
winnable but affordable for its military. State and nonstate actors can use this affordability to recruit
skilled hackers into the ranks of terrorist organizations or war parties alike. Paramilitary cyber
groups, often called patriotic hackers, are already being incorporated into cyber armies It is likely
that future cyber wars will be asymmetric conflicts from the start, and these low-intensity conflicts
might be more dependent on the skills of the cyber warriors than the supply of war material.
Next to destroying infrastructure in enemy territory, accompanying cyber attacks could be
launched during an act of war to gather information, steal state secrets, or to sabotage the foreign
government in several ways, including attacks on communication facilities. Conventional attacks
could simply be combined with cyber attacks, something the United States already did during the Iraq
War. Systems that were used to command or control Iraqi troops were blocked, creating an advantage
for the U.S. troops that were invading on the ground.
However, the United States is not the only nation-state that has already adopted the new
technology for its military doctrine. Cyber warfare, at least on the doctrinal level, has already been
developed by several national armies whose aim is to limit costs while achieving a high potential to
threaten such superpowers as the United States. The most well-known examples for this trend are
China and Russia, where hackers seem to be actively recruited into the ranks of the military.
However, Beijing and Moscow are not the only state actors that show an increased interest in the use
of modern technology in war. France, India, Iran, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan are also interested
and well aware of the damage that could be produced by cyber attacks in a future war. Most experts
assume that more than 100 states are currently in possession of technology that could be specifically
used for measures and acts in a possible cyber war.
The idea of a total war in the future is occupying the minds of Chinese military leaders. They
believe in a future war that will decide the Chinese fate. Due to related fears, the military planners in
Beijing are strongly focusing on cyber warfare, which would be an essential part of a war without
limits. PRC colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui made this clear in their seminal work
Unrestricted Warfare. Like a guerrilla war, a cyber conflict would be unlikely to follow the
conventional laws of war, which is why China needs to be prepared to fight on all fronts. Data
networks need to be secured while the soldiers for such a new war are trained. Consequently,
military education in China involves more and more technology- and information-based components.
Beijing’s military leaders seem to be well aware of the fact that they would be unable to defeat the
United States in a direct confrontation, which is why all means are mobilized to change this
inferiority. Cyber warfare, therefore, becomes a modern equivalent to Mao’s teaching of guerrilla
warfare. The new guerrilla is the hacker, who is able to attack the imperialist enemy without a
physical or timely limitation.
In the cyber realm, there is the possibility to attack without being identified as an aggressor.
Cyber attacks are usually launched with an attempt to conceal the attacker’s identity. The use of such
attacks might consequently happen without a clear identification of which nation-state launched it.
Cyber war could consequently lead to a conflict without a conventional engagement, such as a
campaign of cyber terrorism by state-backed hackers. Such attacks might also have different
meanings. It could fulfill the sole purpose of letting the enemy know that a so-far unknown technology
is available. Causing a threat to force the enemy to change its position from aggressive to defensive is
therefore an option for such an attack. It can, however, also be the aim of the attacker to weaken the
enemy without letting anyone accuse the originating nation of aggression. A third party could always
be made to look responsible. As long as there is no definitive proof, attacks might be easy,
untraceable, and therefore extremely attractive.
In cyber conflicts, data networks are usually the targets of cyber attacks, with viruses or physical
mechanisms of transmission, such as flash drives, used as the means to initially place the hacker
malware into the target system. With some degree of success, the attack will cause the data networks
to be paralyzed and create as much trouble as possible. This is achieved when electrical networks or
other key elements of infrastructure are attacked. An attack against the enemy’s mass media would
also lead to turmoil and panic. The options are endless, something that has to be taken into
consideration when discussing the dangers of a possible cyber war in the future. The PRC military, in
particular, is focusing its activities on such networks and their possible weaknesses for a cyber
attack. Furthermore, attacks against the communication systems of the enemy are trained for as well.
However, the most likely scenario is not a war solely confined to cyber space, but the combination of
cyber attacks and physical attacks that take place in the real world. That the first strikes have to be
well prepared for, on the attacking as well as the defending sides, is important to be understood.
Everyone can get access to cyber space as long as a computer or laptop and a connection to the
Internet is available. Everyone can therefore act like a hacker with sufficient technical know-how. In
contrast to the military, the possible pool of willing “combatants” might be larger, as this kind of war
is not related to the danger of getting physically wounded or killed by the enemy. Military planners
understand this potential, and they created a simulation center for information warfare in the 1990s.
The idea of a psychological war, which would rely on the use of computer-based attacks to influence
the mind-set of enemies, became increasingly attractive. Wei Jincheng, a leading PRC strategist,
declared that information warfare needs to be seen as a “new form of People’s War.” Human
intelligence would be combined with technological capabilities to secure Chinese interests against an
enemy that could not easily be defeated without the mobilization of competing cyber capabilities to
augment conventional forces. Information warfare has consequently been actively chosen as a weapon
that could change the asymmetric situation between the United States and China in a possible war. A
relative inferiority with regard to military hardware is made even by the use of “military software”
and hacking skills.
The Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) expresses these ideas as cyber combat or espionage
and are named as major military tools. Software engineers and hackers have been recruited to
prepare the Chinese military for the possible event of a major war in the future. This policy directly
counters the concept of a free Internet. This might be dangerous for the regime, but it is also a major
tool of self-defense. Therefore, only those who agree on China’s policy seem to gain all access to the
dangerous options the Internet could create in cyber space. To put it simply, nationalist hackers are
promoted, and liberal ones are punished. Computer warfare units have been established in
Guangzhou, Jinan, and Nanjing, with hundreds of cyber troops at each location.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense has already mentioned the danger of possible attacks, probably
fearing such from China or North Korea, in a White Paper on Defense in 2011. While cyber terrorists
or hackers are a phenomenon that is well-known, the real dangers of cyber attacks in a war scenario
are rather unknown to the wider public. However, the danger is still increasing, especially as more
and more technology is used in our daily lives. As more Internet connections are established, the
scenario of a cyber war becomes more dangerous. Thus, the most Internet-dependent nations trade the
convenience of advanced networks for the danger that they might be exploited.
While the public is not yet aware, the U.S. military has reacted to counter the increasing menace.
The Pentagon initiated its “Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace” in 2011. This strategy, however,
was solely defensive and not an aggressive one. The idea was not to militarize the Internet, but to be
prepared for future cyber attacks that would decrease the American ability to counter foreign war
efforts. Regardless of this statement, the idea of offensive operations is gaining traction, and the
industries for cyber security and cyber weapons are booming. Computer scientists are also animated
to specialize in cyber vulnerabilities to develop methods for attack that could be used in information
warfare. While the industry is scouting skilled personnel for their valuable computing skills, the
government is competing for the same pool of people to enhance national security. One potential
successful application of cyber warfare was reported by David Sanger, who covered the Stuxnet
virus and stated that Israel and the Pentagon had developed the cyber worm. Sanger named the attack
“America’s first sustained use of cyber weapons” and thereby claimed that the American strategy
might be more than solely defensive.
Following the Stuxnet attack, the discussion about cyber warfare left the theoretical sphere to
become a more real discourse that also involved public opinion. As a cyber attack had realistically
shown what was possible, more vivid scenarios were envisioned. Physical destruction by a cyber
attack was demonstrably possible, so a new dimension of threat was visible for everyone, whether
the attack had been launched by the United States or not. Those who wanted to believe that there had
been U.S. involvement claimed that the American military was in possession of offensive technology
already; those who doubted it demanded the development of such a technology. In addition to the
classical four domains of warfare (air, ground, space, water), cyber space was declared to be the
fifth domain. The budget for the cyber arsenal was increased, and the air force, moving to assume
primacy in the domain, requested a budget of $4 billion to pursue cyber superiority.
The 21st century is likely to see another arms race, but this time it may not be airpower or space
programs that are important so much as cyber space and its possibilities for the use of the computer
networks in war. Those nation-states that are able to defend their own communication and data
networks while being able to attack the enemy’s might become the superpowers of the digital age.
This fact will cause trends and changes in military training, civil education, and the business world.
The hard work by governments, companies, and skilled operators will be needed to keep a superior
position in this struggle that is not only waged by nation-states but hacker networks and terrorists

Frank Jacob

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Weapon; Iran Cyber Capabilities; Israel Cyber Capabilities; National
Security Agency (NSA); North Korea Cyber Capabilities; People’s Republic of China Cyber
Capabilities; Russia Cyber Capabilities; United States Cyber Capabilities; U.S. Cyber Command

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Liang, Qiao and Wang Xiangsui. Unrestricted Warfare. Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, 1999.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman, Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber War: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

Cyber warriors are individuals engaged in offensive and defensive cyber operations. The goal of
cyber warriors is to ensure a stable cyber domain, including the security of weapon systems,
command and control systems, and national industrial assets. Although technology is important in the
cyber-space domain, the U.S. Army concluded that cyber warriors will determine the success of
operations. These men and women typically require extensive training beyond what is normally
expected of civilian and military workers in the same field to defend networks and use complex
computer systems. As of 2013, there was great demand for cyber warriors by the U.S. government
and military. One of the biggest issues with the cyber-warrior workforce is a lack of common
definitions for the various roles across all departments and offices.
The defensive aspect of cyber warriors was defined by the Department of Defense (DoD) as
countermeasures designed to detect, identify, intercept, and destroy or negate cyber activity that is
deemed a threat or that is attempting to penetrate or attack government or military networks. The U.S.
Marine Corps (USMC) has embraced the offensive aspect of cyber warfare by training their cyber
warriors for offensive as well as defensive operations. The USMC Combat Development Command
has even considered training cyber warriors to go into the field with marine expeditionary forces. In
2011, 78 percent of the cyber workforce engaged in defensive operations were civilians; however, in
following years, the military took a slightly larger role in cyber warfare. U.S. Cyber Command
(USCYBERCOM) was focused on recruiting several thousand cyber warriors by 2015.
By 2012, all of the military branches had created professional roles for both offices and enlisted
personnel in the field of cyber warfare. The unique aspect that the military provides for the cyber
workforce is that of being cyber warriors. The military embraced their role as warriors in the new
cyber age and focused on this aspect to separate their role from that of the civilian cyber workers.
Furthermore, the army outlined four values that define cyber warriors: professionalism, elite teams
trained in cyber warfare; trust; discipline, to trust a person in cyber space as you would on the
battlefield; and precision, because collateral damage can be as harmful in cyber space as on any other
Some cyber warriors are recruited with the necessary skills needed to join the cyber workforce,
but many more positions offer increased training opportunities. Training, such as the Joint Cyber
Analysis Course, which is a six-month course provided at the Center for Information Dominance at
the navy’s Corey Station base in Pensacola, Florida. This course teaches students to handle a wide
range of cyber missions. The navy, marine corps, and army offer service-specific training courses in
cyber operations at their respective technical schools and centers. On-the-job training through
developmental assignments gives soldiers additional experience in the workplace. In addition to
training as cyber warriors, most of these military men and women receive all of the traditional
training that their branch requires.

Christopher Menking

See also: Cyber War; United States Cyber Capabilities; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Li, Jennifer J., and Lindsay Daugherty. Training Cyber Warriors: What Can Be Learned from Defense Language Training? Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, 2015.
Libicki, Martin. Conquest in Cyberspace. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Cyber weapon is a term used to describe programs, equipment, tactics, techniques, and procedures
used for offensive cyber operations. Cyber power is the ability to use cyber space to create
advantages and influence events in the other operational environments and across the instruments of
power. As a domain, cyber is an operating environment. This does not do justice to all that cyber is,
however. Cyber is also a platform that enables leaders to achieve effects in the electromagnetic
spectrum and the information environment. It is even possible to achieve physical effects via cyber
power. Because of this, cyber power facilitates all other operations that use the elements of national
power (diplomacy, information, military, and economic) as well as more purely military activities
such as command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
There are two types of cyber attacks: semantic and syntactic. Semantic attacks use language to
shape cognition. Syntactic attacks use the computer codes themselves. As an example, the first phase
of a phishing attack is a semantic attack, where the attacker convinces the target to click on the link.
As soon as the link is clicked, the phishing attack goes into the second, or syntactic, phase of the
attack, unleashing the malware into the target system.
There are two types of effects that a cyber attack can achieve: manipulation and denial.
Manipulation describes any change. It can mean shaping cognition, where the thoughts of the target are
manipulated, or the manipulation of coding via a syntactic attack. There are three forms of denial:
degradation, disruption, and destruction. Degradation means to deny access to, or operation of, a
target to a level represented as a percentage of capacity. Disruption is to completely but temporarily
deny access to, or operation of, a target for a period of time. Destruction of a target means to
permanently, completely, and irreparably deny access to, or operation of, a target.
A cyber attack follows a pattern called the cyber kill chain. The steps to the cyber kill chain are
the following:

• Reconnaissance of the target system identifies targets.

• Weaponization is the preparation and staging phase of an attack.
• Delivery of the malware to the target launches the operation.
• Exploitation of a software, hardware, or human vulnerability occurs.
• Installation of a persistent backdoor maintains access.
• Command and control of the malware opens a command channel to enable the adversary to
remotely manipulate the victim.
• Actions on the objective accomplishes the goal of the mission.
The most popular types of attacks in 2016 included the following:

• Watering hole attacks

• Zero-day attacks
• Web application attacks
• Advanced persistent threats (APTs)/targeted attacks
• Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
• SSL-encrypted threats
• Phishing attacks
• Drive-by downloads
A watering hole attack can happen if an attacker figures out what Web pages people from the target
organization visit and then infects one or more of those Web pages with malware, which then infects
the visitors who take it back to their system.
Zero-day attacks exploit vulnerabilities in software that are not publicly known (and therefore not
defended against). Prominent examples include Stuxtnet and Shamoon.
Web application attacks use characteristics of coding to manipulate the code to achieve a certain
effect. They include remote code execution, SQL injections, format string vulnerabilities, cross-site
scripting (XSS), username enumeration, and buffer overflows. They all allow attackers to take
advantage of vulnerabilities or underlying characteristics of software. Remote code execution allows
an attacker to run arbitrary, system-level code on the vulnerable server and retrieve any desired
information contained therein. Format string vulnerability and SQL injection allow an attacker to
access crucial information from a Web server’s database. XSS requires the victim to execute a
malicious URL, which may be crafted in such a manner to appear to be legitimate at first look, a
popular approach in phishing attacks. Username enumeration is where the backend validation script
tells the attacker whether the supplied username is correct or not, allowing the attacker to determine
usernames by experimenting. A username is often sufficient to supply access to a system. A buffer
overflow is when data written to a buffer is bigger than the buffer can handle, possibly causing errors
and crashes and sometimes allowing attackers to write data into areas near the buffer.
An APT is group, such as a government, with both the capability and the intent to target,
persistently and effectively, a specific entity. This phrase gained popularity with the Mandiant Report,
which identified Unit 61398 from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) as APT1, which had
systematically conducted cyber espionage over years, penetrating 141 companies spanning 20 major
industries and maintaining access to victim networks for an average of 356 days, with the longest
exploitation being 1,764 days.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks actually deny service, usually by overwhelming the
target network. A DDoS attack comes from a number of computers that are all attacking the same
target. This technique was used by Russia against Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in 2008.
SSL-encrypted threats refers to threats that use cryptographic Internet Protocols to move malware
past security controls because many traditional network-security products are not designed to inspect
SSL traffic.
Phishing attacks involve a semantic attack to get the target to click on a link, at which point
malware takes over and makes a syntactic attack on the target’s system. Spear-phishing is a phishing
attack designed for a certain person in an organization, and a whaling attack is a phishing attack
against a high-value target, such as an executive. Clone-phishing is a type of phishing attack where the
attacker takes the content and recipient addresses from a legitimate e-mail that contains an attachment
or link and uses it to create an almost identical, or cloned, e-mail.
Drive-by downloads happen when visiting a legitimate Web page. The user clicks on a link
provided by a pop-up, which then downloads the malware onto the victim’s computer.
Each of these types of attacks uses a syntactic weapon, while many include a semantic weapon as

G. Alexander Crowther

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Cyber Attack; Cyber Warriors; Distributed Denial-of-
Service (DDoS) Attack; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); Malware;
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; Phishing; Shamoon Virus; SQL Injection; Stuxnet; Zero-Day

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

The dark web, a tiny grouping of Web sites with hidden Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, is a small
portion of the deep web that enables users to anonymously access hidden Web sites using specialized
tools and technical knowledge. For example, whistle-blowers pass data to the press, legal authorities,
or government agencies about corruption in an organization via the dark web. Drug dealers, hackers,
hit men for hire, and others also use the dark web to offer services. Available data says dark web
content is “balanced,” but its users are mostly and preferably unknown.
The dark web’s original design and current use provide some detail about this portion of the
Internet. In 2002, the Naval Research Lab fielded a concept of anonymous Web activity that enabled
U.S. government intelligence activities via downloadable software called The Onion Router (TOR).
TOR’s expanding global network includes at least 6,000 nodes designed to ensure their users surf the
Web or host data without revealing anything. This hidden activity champions privacy, freedom of
speech, security, and human rights but also hosts child pornography, illegal drug marketplaces,
terrorist chat rooms, and other illegal or illicit data, interestingly, at about the same rate according to
a TOR content study from 2013. Increasing illicit activity masks “legitimate” dark web activity.
Therefore, some anonymous surfing or data hosting is harmless, while other illegal or illicit activities
lead to radicalization, jail, or self-destruction.
The dark web uses anonymizing software (AS) and encryption to protect all who use it. TOR is
the most common AS, but other options include virtual private networks (VPNs), peer-to-peer (P2P),
or the Invisible Internet Project (I2P). TOR protects Web traffic by encrypting it in layers and
bouncing those layers randomly across its global nodes three times, stripping off a layer at each hop.
Hopping is a common AS practice because it hides user and data host IP addresses. It also protects
identity and makes identification of origin very difficult.
Why users connect is hard to say. Privacy zealots, dissidents, journalists, law enforcement, spies,
hackers, drug dealers, terrorists, and pedophiles are common. Of the 3.3 billion Internet users
globally, most estimates claim dark web users only account for 0.03 percent of Web activity.

Jeremy Cole

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Terrorism; Deep Web; Encryption; Internet; Silk Road; The Onion
Router (TOR)

Further Reading
Bartlett, Jamie. The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld. New York: Melville House, 2015.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012.

The deep web is a portion of the Internet that requires users to input specific data to gain access to a
specific resource. For example, if a six-year-old wants to watch a Disney movie on Netflix, his or her
parents must have set up a Netflix account and paid the monthly fee. With just a username and
password, deep web access is granted and the movie starts. This is not the evil child porn or terrorist
chat room commonly and incorrectly associated with the deep web. The deep web is where most data
on the Internet resides. Sundry users input data to get into its vast stores. While less than 1 percent
hosts illicit Web content, most is legitimate.
Size, data, and security elements define this commonly known iceberg-like entity. The seminal
estimate of 2001 said the unindexed deep web contains 7,500 terabytes of information, equal to a 4-
minute MP3 that could play continuously for 14,000 years. Today’s deep web data is what most
Internet users look for; it encompasses e-mail, Amazon, Netflix, or a database that one works with
daily. For example, the 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) databases that
compromised the personal information of 22 million U.S. government personnel penetrated a deep
web resource. Such a sizeable and valuable database illustrates the need to secure deep web
databases. The deep web is incomprehensibly enormous and contains the data users want or work
with daily; it must be protected.
Access controls are the primary means to connect users to deep web data. For example, users
normally establish accounts and passwords to access specific resources, such as e-mail, Facebook,
Twitter, online banking sites, and paid subscription sites. Because these sit behind a unique username
and password and are not accessible to indexing search engines, they are part of the deep web.
Organizational intranets and research and development databases also require specific access that is
often controlled by username and password or digital chip technology. To get into the deep web,
authorized users must present authorized credentials.
There are many deep web user types. Standard users check e-mail, transfer funds, pay bills, scour
indexes for deceased relatives, or rely on a plethora of other deep web resources. Entrepreneurs like
Amazon and Facebook advertise or sell products. The mysterious dark web, whose users account for
only 0.0625 percent of deep web activity and content, comprises only a tiny portion of normal Web
activity. These users require specialized software and technical knowledge. Despite user diversity,
the overwhelming majority use the deep web for innocuous, mundane activity.

Jeremy Cole

See also: Dark Web; Internet; Office of Personnel Management Data Breach

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a Department of Defense (DoD)
research and development organization established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in February
1958. It was created in response to the October 1957 launch of the first man-made satellite by the
Soviet Union, Sputnik. This launch demonstrated that the Soviets had a viable intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) capability with their R-7 rocket. Although the United States had advanced
rocket designs ready for production, such as the Atlas, the public perception was that the United
States had lost its technological edge; the Eisenhower administration had to show firm action to
assuage the public.
The creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in February 1958 was one
component of their response. ARPA was originally chartered to boost capabilities in rocketry and
space, solve issues related to reentry vehicles, develop methods of nuclear test detection (Project
Vela), and advance missile defense technology (Project Defender). It also sponsored work on Transit,
a predecessor of GPS championed by the navy. With the creation of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), by 1960 most of the space-related research efforts were removed
from ARPA’s portfolio. ARPA initiated Project Agile, a study of methods to improve
counterinsurgency techniques, technologies, and communications to assist in the conflict in Southeast
Asia, shortly after President Kennedy took office in 1961. Research in these areas also advanced
technical developments in sensors, surveillance, and directed energy in the 1960s and later in the
Beginning with the Kennedy administration, ARPA was revectored to a role that it has largely
maintained to the present. It serves as a technology booster for projects and areas that are too risky,
too new, too urgent, are of uncertain feasibility, or obviously not within the purview of any single
military service to support and pursue. ARPA could fund basic research that, in many ways, could be
equated with military security. ARPA had the advantage of minimizing bureaucratic red tape and
developed a methodology that often focused on creating a few centers of excellence to ensure long-
term potential in key areas while also supporting technology demonstrators that might result in
revolutionary technological change. At the same time, ARPA attempted to lessen the chance of
technological surprise in an effort to help maintain America’s technological edge as a nimble
organization devoted to excellence.
From the 1960s onward, ARPA supported significant research in materials science and computer
science that had tremendous implications for the direction of research, the development of academic
organizations, the future of military technology, and the creation and growth of industries associated
with the high-technology sectors related to computers and communications in the late 20th century.
Project Pontus was an ARPA-sponsored initiative to boost the research base, number of PhDs, and
overall capabilities in material science and engineering by establishing a handful of interdisciplinary
laboratories (IDLs) on select college campuses throughout the United States. Improvements in this
area had significant ramifications in improving structural and power-conversion materials essential
for advancing technologies associated with advanced propulsion, solid-state electronics, and high-
strength materials associated with space and other military applications. By the early 1970s, when the
program was turned over to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for administration on a
permanent basis, the IDLs had provided a home for material science and engineering that firmly
established the field as an interdisciplinary growth center, and the number of PhDs produced had
skyrocketed at least fourfold in many instances along with a concatenate increase in applicable
research by universities and industry.
In the emerging field of computer science, ARPA played a major role in developing time-sharing
techniques, networking protocols, human factors engineering, and the advancement of the concept of
artificial intelligence (AI) that made computers both more useful and provided a goal for future
research in the field. Starting in 1963, the agency also established the foundations of the Internet by
initiating the first time-shared computer systems. ARPANET (the first wide-area packet-switching
network) became a four-node network in 1970 and grew to 23 hosts in a year as the major issues
associated with physically connecting the computer nodes, economically using the expensive
communication lines that connected the sites, and dealing with differences in hardware and software
among the time-sharing systems were solved. Expanded use of the system and burgeoning
capabilities, such as electronic mail (e-mail), helped grow the network and laid the foundation for its
development beyond scientific and academic uses and for the commercial success that propels the
World Wide Web, or the Internet, today.
After 1972, the organization was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) and narrowed in scope to sponsoring only defense-related projects. This led to a mass
migration of computer science expertise to the private sector and a flowering of private industry in
that economic sector as the agency reduced its sponsorship. Advances in semiconductors, very-large-
scale integration (VLSI), and other promising areas of computer science led to speculation that major
leaps in computing power could lead to improved machine intelligence. By the early 1980s, DARPA
had seized on this speculation and attempted to boost AI with its Strategic Computing Initiative. The
effort largely failed to achieve anything close to what was promised regarding AI, which might be
fitting for an organization dedicated to high risk, high reward efforts. In the end, DARPA achieved
more modest advances in AI, such as expert systems, speech recognition, high-performance
computing, and logistics loading, that have shown up in commercial and military applications.
Advances in automatic target recognition, space-based sensors, propulsion, and materials sponsored
by DARPA were employed to enhance missile defense and the National Aerospace Plane (NASP)
research efforts in the 1980s as well.
Recently, DARPA has sponsored projects in robotics, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), powered
exoskeletons, and cancer research.

John G. Terino

See also: ARPANET; Department of Defense (DoD); Internet

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999.
Campbell-Kelly, Martin, William Aspray, Nathan Ensmenger, and Jeffrey R. Yost. Computer: A History of the Information Machine.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2013.
Edwards, Paul N. The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press, 1996.
Hafner, Katie. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Hughes, Thomas P. Rescuing Prometheus. New York: Pantheon Books, 1998.
Roland, Alex, and Philip Shiman. Strategic Computing: DARPA and the Quest for Machine Intelligence, 1983–1993. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press, 2002.
The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is part of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It
was founded in 1960 and was known as the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) until 1991,
when it was given its current responsibilities and new title. The agency conducts the day-to-day
management of the DoD’s communication networks, computer-based information systems, and the
Global Information Grid (GIG). DISA is under the portfolio of the assistant secretary of defense,
network information, and integration. DISA also assists and advises the secretary of defense on
computer network policies, such as security and procurement, information technology (IT), network
operations, and information assurance. They are also responsible for providing strategic-level
guidance and oversight for computer network operations (CNO) of the DoD. This includes network
operation and information assurance for the various branches of the DoD, including the Joint Chiefs
of Staff (JCS). Providing high-level advice to the DoD is an important function of DISA. Constantly
changing conditions involving IT require up-to-date research into new technologies and trends, and
they possess the education and resources to be able to do this for the DoD. DISA offers an important
service to the DoD, as they offer advice and support to military leaders who may not have any
background in IT or Internet-security issues.
Response to the various threats from both state and nonstate actors to the DoD’s CNO at bases
and installations all over the world, including the GIG, falls to DISA. Tracking these threats has
become more difficult, as both state and nonstate actors have attempted to hack DoD network systems,
including the CNO. It is simply no longer enough for the DoD to worry about other nations when it
comes to cyber threats. Nonstate actors now have the ability to hack DoD network systems and have
caused major disruptions to military communications and technology. The motivations of these
nonstate actors can range from social concerns, terrorism, and patriotic intentions in times of conflict.
Covert support from other groups or governments may be the motivation for these cyber attacks.
Stopping these attacks is very difficult, especially if they come from another nation. The DoD can
rarely track hackers outside the United States. DISA must support efforts to put in place measures to
stop attacks before they happen and advise the entire DoD of the need for security for its CNO.
The U.S. military has increasingly become dependent on information technology (IT) to run its
communications and military hardware; therefore, cyber security has become a very important
element of military defense. This technology must be protected from hacking attempts. Hackers can
use software to gain control of the IT in military weapons and shut them down or destroy them. This
challenge is very difficult for DISA, as new cyber threats appear every day. Prevention is the only
effective method of stopping attacks. As DISA provides support for the entire DoD, all manner of
threats must be investigated. Defensive measures against them need to set up to protect the large
number of weapons and communications systems relying on IT and related hardware. The DoD, with
advice from DISA, has purchased commercial off-the-shelf technology. This leaves them vulnerable
to attacks from hackers, who can learn the technology more easily than proprietary equipment made
especially for the DoD. The need to keep expenditures down is the reason for these purchases, but
they open up American military forces to more cyber-based threats.
The DoD has many intelligence subdepartments, and IT is an important part of each. Today’s
intelligence agencies rely on IT to gather information on threats to the United States and its troops and
bases aboard. DISA provides advice and technology for these intelligence activities and is therefore
crucial to protecting the DoD and its activities.
Brad St. Croix

See also: Attribution; Cyber Defense; Department of Defense (DoD); Patriotic Hacking

Further Reading
Bryen, Stephen D. Technology Security and National Power: Winners and Losers. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers,
Carr, Jeffery. Inside Cyber Warfare. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2012.


The Department of Defense (DoD) is one of the three major cyber actors in the U.S. government. The
others are the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Justice (DOJ). The DoD’s
mission is to secure the nation’s freedom of action in cyber space and help mitigate risks to national
security resulting from America’s growing dependence on cyber space. Specific mission sets include
directing, securing, and defending the DoD Information Network (DODIN) operations (including the
dot.mil domain); maintaining freedom of maneuver in cyber space; executing full-spectrum military
cyber-space operations; providing shared situational awareness of cyber-space operations, including
indications and warning; and providing support to civil authorities and international partners. DoD
articulates its cyber policy through The DoD Cyber Strategy, from April 2015, and Joint Publication
3-12, Cyberspace Operations, from February 2013. DoD’s operations are designed to achieve and
maintain cyber-space superiority, defined as “the degree of dominance in cyberspace by one force
that permits the secure, reliable conduct of operations by that force, and its related land, air, maritime,
and space forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by an adversary.”
DoD organizations are allowed to perform defensive cyber operations; however, full-spectrum
cyber operations (including offensive cyber operations) must be approved by the president and
directed by the secretary of defense. Combatant commands provide operation instructions and
command and control to the armed forces and have a significant impact on how they are organized,
trained, and resourced—areas over which Congress has constitutional authority. Combatant
commands share cyber information, largely through U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and
their own joint cyber centers, but various personnel also meet periodically to share information in
collaboration sessions.
The National Security Agency (NSA) is the nation’s cryptologic organization that coordinates,
directs, and performs highly specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and to produce
foreign signals intelligence information. It supports military customers, national policy makers, and
the counterterrorism and counterintelligence communities as well as key international allies. The
NSA also shares information about software vulnerabilities with vendors and users in any
commercial product or system (not just software) used by the United States and its allies, with an
emphasis on risk mitigation and defense.
The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) provides, operates, and assures command and
control, information-sharing capabilities, and a globally accessible enterprise information
infrastructure in direct support to joint warfighters, national-level leaders, and other mission and
coalition partners across the full spectrum of operations. They are overall responsible for DODIN.
Each service also has its own equivalent to DISA that operates its part of DODIN. The DoD Cyber
Crime Center (DC3) delivers superior digital forensics and multimedia laboratory services, cyber
technical training, research, development, testing and evaluation, and cyber-analysis capabilities
supporting cyber counterintelligence and counterterrorism, criminal investigations, intrusion
forensics, law enforcement, the Intelligence Community, critical infrastructure partners, and
information operations for the DoD.
USCYBERCOM was formed in 2010 by consolidating two U.S. Strategic Command
(USSTRATCOM) subordinate organizations: the Joint Functional Component Command–Network
Warfare and Joint Task Force–Global Network Operations. It is a subunified command under
USSTRATCOM. USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts
activities to direct the operations and defense of specified DODIN. It also prepares, when directed,
to conduct full-spectrum military cyber-space operations to enable actions in all domains, ensure U.S.
and allied freedom of action in cyber space, and deny the same to adversaries.
USCYBERCOM’s main instrument of power consists of the Cyber National Mission Force,
which conducts cyber-space operations to disrupt and deny adversary attacks against national critical
infrastructure. It is the U.S. military’s first joint tactical command with a dedicated mission focused
on cyber-space operations. It plans to create 133 cyber mission teams by the end of fiscal year 2018.
The plan is for these 133 teams to consist of 13 national mission teams to defend the United States
and its interests against cyber attacks of significant consequence by performing full-spectrum cyber
operations; 68 cyber protection teams to defend priority DoD networks and systems against priority
threats; 25 support teams to provide analytic and planning support to the national and combat mission
teams; and 27 combat mission teams to provide support to combatant commands by generating
integrated cyber-space effects in support of operational plans and contingency operations. They are
similar to the national mission teams, but rather than serving at the national level, they conduct cyber-
space operations to achieve combatant commanders’ objectives and are geographically and
functionally aligned under one of four Joint Force Headquarters–Cyber (JFHQ-C) in direct support of
geographic and functional combatant commands:

• JFHQ-C Washington supports U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Pacific Command, and
U.S. Southern Command.
• JFHQ-C Georgia supports U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, and U.S. Northern
• JFHQ-C Texas supports U.S. European Command, USSTRATCOM, and U.S. Transportation
• JFHQ-DODIN defends DoD information networks at USCYBERCOM.
The services provide component commands under CYBERCOM that also function as the cyber
organization for each service. Under their Title 10 U.S. Code role as force providers to the combatant
commanders, the services recruit, train, educate, and retain the military cyber force. These are
Second Army/Army Cyber Command; Tenth Fleet; 24th Air Force; and U.S. Marine Corps Forces
Cyber Command.
DoD conducts operations through the combatant commands. The services provide forces for the
combatant commands. Each combatant command has component commands representing each service,
for example, Central Command has Army Central Command (ARCENT) and Air Forces Central
Command (AFCENT). Cyber operations are planned either at the national level or in a combatant
command. The Cyber National Mission Force conducts national-level operations, while combatant
commands and their subordinate units plan and conduct operations at the regional and local levels.
Combatant commands have joint cyber centers that are responsible for planning cyber operations, and
the forces in their respective JFHQ-Cs execute the plans. Although there are stand-alone cyber
operations, most cyber operations are designed to be a part of an integrated holistic plan designed to
achieve a certain effect.

G. Alexander Crowther

Portions of this entry have been previously published as G. Alexander Crowther and Shaheen
Ghori, “Detangling the Web: A Screenshot of U.S. Government Cyber Activity.” Joint Force
Quarterly 78, July 1, 2015.

See also: Cyber Defense; National Cyber Security Strategy; National Security Agency (NSA);
Second Army/Army Cyber Command; 24th Air Force; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); U.S.
Tenth Fleet

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Kramer, Franklin D., Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz, ed. Cyberpower and National Security. Washington, D.C.: National
Defense University Press, 2009.
Reveron, Derek S., ed. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Washington,
D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2012.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2014.


The Department of Energy (DOE) was founded on August 4, 1977, bringing together the nuclear
weapons program of the U.S. military with federal energy programs. The DOE is responsible for the
energy infrastructure of the United States, including the nuclear energy program as well as coal, solar,
and other forms of energy production. They are also responsible for protecting the nuclear arsenal of
the U.S. military and the material needed to ensure its continued operation. The DOE is also tasked
with the security of nuclear materials at civilian, naval, and nuclear weapons complex facilities. The
DOE must also support policy makers in all national security agencies in regard to nuclear security,
providing information and expertise on energy-related issues. They provide important information on
threats to the power grid, both physical and cyber, and to the nuclear weapons with other intelligence
agencies to coordinate resources.
The security of these programs is an important part of the DOE’s day-to-day activities. DOE’s
intelligence branches are required to handle both the cyber and physical security of the U.S. energy
infrastructure. As the centers of energy production have become increasingly reliant on information
technology for daily operations, cyber security must be continually monitored. The power grid can be
shut down for days because of a cyber attack, and important equipment can take months to fix or
replace. Preventing attacks before they begin is critical, as any downtime of the power grid could
have large political, economic, and military effects on the United States.
The DOE has its own intelligence and counterintelligence branch. The Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence collects and analyzes information in the fields of nuclear terrorism,
counterintelligence, cyber threats, nuclear proliferation, strategic surprise, and energy and
environmental security. It specializes in longer term, strategic perspectives on energy issues and their
security. The need for an intelligence agency to monitor American energy concerns began with the
Manhattan Project during World War II. It continued by tracking the Soviet atomic weapons program
and evolved to track other nations and groups in their attempts to build nuclear weapons or obtain the
materials needed to make nuclear weapons. Exports of nuclear material is tightly controlled by the
DOE, along with other federal departments, to prevent the material from going to potentially
dangerous state and nonstate actors. They also track foreign threats to the economic and military
elements of the power grid, such as e-commerce.

Brad St. Croix

See also: Cyber Defense; Cyber Terrorism; Infrastructure

Further Reading
Kerschischnig, Georg. Cyberthreats and International Law. The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 2012.
Kraft, Michael B., and Edward Marks. U.S. Government Counterterrorism: A Guide to Who Does What. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2012.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established on November 25, 2002, by the
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296). Composed of all or part of 22 different
federal agencies, DHS became operational on March 1, 2003, under the leadership of former
Pennsylvania governor and homeland security adviser Tom Ridge. Its headquarters are at the
Nebraska Avenue Complex in Washington, D.C.
DHS has the lead for the federal government in securing civilian government computer systems,
and it works with industry and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to secure critical
infrastructure and information systems. DHS works to analyze and reduce cyber threats and
vulnerabilities, distribute threat warnings, and coordinate the response to cyber incidents to ensure
that our computers, networks, and cyber systems remain safe.
The following DHS operational and support components perform key cyber missions: National
Protection and Programs (NPPD) Directorate; Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate; U.S.
Coast Guard (USCG); U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); U.S. Secret Service
(USSS); U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP); the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA); and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
NPPD leads DHS’s efforts to protect and enhance the resilience of the nation’s physical and cyber
infrastructure and is headed by the under secretary for the National Protection and Programs
Directorate. Cyber components of NPPD include the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
(CS&C) and the Office of Cyber & Infrastructure Analysis (OCIA).
DHS’s S&T Directorate formally established the Cyber Security Division (CSD) within S&T’s
Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) in 2011. CSD’s mission is to
enhance the security and resilience of the nation’s critical information infrastructure and the Internet
by (1) developing and delivering new technologies, tools, and techniques to enable DHS and the
United States to defend, mitigate, and secure current and future systems, networks, and infrastructure
against cyber attacks; (2) conduct and support technology transition; and (3) lead and coordinate
research and development (R&D) among the R&D community, which includes department customers,
government agencies, the private sector, and international partners.
The USCG protects maritime critical infrastructure from online threats through the Coast Guard
Cyber Command (CGCYBER). To operate effectively within the cyber domain and to counter and
protect against maritime cyber threats over the next decade, the Coast Guard’s 2015 Cyber Strategy
emphasizes three strategic priorities: defending cyber space, enabling operations, and protecting
ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center (C3) delivers computer-based technical services to support domestic
and international investigations into cross border crime. C3 is made up of the Cyber Crimes Unit, the
Child Exploitation Investigations Unit, and the Computer Forensics Unit. This state-of-the-art center
offers cyber-crime support and training to federal, state, local, and international law enforcement
agencies. C3 also operates a fully equipped computer forensics laboratory, which specializes in
digital evidence recovery, and offers training in computer investigative and forensic skills.
The USSS maintains Electronic Crimes Task Forces (ECTFs), which focus on identifying and
locating international cyber criminals connected to cyber intrusions, bank fraud, data breaches, and
other computer-related crimes. The ECTFs also bring together not only federal, state, and local law
enforcement but also prosecutors, private industry, and academia. The Secret Service’s Cyber
Intelligence Section has directly contributed to the arrest of transnational cyber criminals responsible
for the theft of hundreds of millions of credit card numbers. The Secret Service also runs the National
Computer Forensic Institute, which provides law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges with
cyber training and information to combat cyber crime.
CBP’s cyber mission is to protect U.S. businesses from intellectual property theft, while FEMA’s
cyber mission is to maintain the Ready.gov Web site, which provides tips about cyber and all hazards
preparedness. FEMA also facilitates National Level Exercises (NLEs), some of which have cyber
components, to test emergency readiness. TSA’s cyber mission is to assess and update cyber-security
protocols and programs to ensure the protection of both public and private data sources.

Jim Dolbow

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Terrorism; National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP); U.S. Coast
Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER)

Further Reading
Reveron, Derek S., ed. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Washington,
D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2012.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Blueprint for a Secure Cyber Future: The Cybersecurity Strategy for the Homeland
Security Enterprise. Washington, D.C., 2011.
U.S. Coast Guard. United States Coast Guard Strategy. Washington, D.C., 2015.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is one of the three major cyber actors in the U.S. government. They
investigate, attribute, disrupt, and prosecute cyber crimes; lead domestic national security operations;
conduct domestic collection, analysis, and dissemination of cyber threat intelligence; support the
national protection, prevention, mitigation of, and recovery from cyber incidents; and coordinate
cyber-threat investigations.
The department’s goals are articulated in the 2014–2018 strategy. The number one goal is to
“prevent terrorism and promote the nation’s security consistent with the rule of law,” which contains
the department’s cyber efforts. They combat cyber-based threats and attacks through the use of all
available tools, strong public-private partnerships, and the investigation and prosecution of cyber-
threat actors.
The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) leads the national effort to investigate high-tech
crimes, including cyber-based terrorism, espionage, computer intrusions, and major cyber fraud by
gathering and sharing information and intelligence with public- and private-sector partners
worldwide. Its Cyber Division brings together various FBI cyber initiatives and missions and has
placed cyber task forces in all 56 field offices.
The Cyber Action Team (CAT) is the investigative rapid response team that can be on scene
anywhere in the world within 48 hours, bringing in-depth cyber-intrusion expertise and specialized
investigative skills to bear. The CAT provides support to local field offices. The FBI is also the
executive agent for the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), the focal point for
government agencies to coordinate, integrate, and share information related to domestic cyber-threat
investigations. Partners include the National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), Secret Service, DHS, and U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Its mission areas include
coordinating whole-of-government campaigns against known cyber threats, exploiting valuable cyber
data, analyzing and reporting on that data, applying traditional financial investigative approaches to
the cyber domain, and maintaining an around-the-clock cyber incident management watch.
The Justice Department’s National Security Division and Criminal Division each concentrate on
their own cyber issues. The division deals with cyber-based threats to national security. It created the
National Security Cyber Specialist network that is a new tool in the government’s cyber toolkit and a
critical part of the department’s efforts to better address cyber intrusions and attacks carried out by
nation-states or terrorist organizations.
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) implements Justice’s national
cyber strategy. CCIPS prevents, investigates, and prosecutes computer crimes by working with other
government agencies, the private sector, academic institutions, and foreign counterparts. CCIPS
attorneys regularly run complex investigations; resolve unique legal and investigative issues raised by
emerging computer and telecommunications technologies; litigate cases; provide litigation support to
other prosecutors; train federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel; comment on and propose
legislation; and initiate and participate in international efforts to combat computer and intellectual
property crime.
The Offices of the U.S. Attorneys is the last major part of Justice that works cyber issues. One of
their ten priority areas is cyber crime. Their four areas of concentration are Internet stalking,
computer hacking, intellectual property rights, and forensics. They also assist the National Computer
Forensics Institute.
G. Alexander Crowther

Portions of this entry have been previously published as G. Alexander Crowther and Shaheen
Ghori, “Detangling the Web: A Screenshot of U.S. Government Cyber Activity.” Joint Force
Quarterly 78, July 1, 2015.

See also: Cyber Crime; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.
U.S. Department of Justice. Department of Justice Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2014–2018. www.justice.gov/about/strategic-plan-


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are an attack against system or resource availability.
They can be thought of as a form of intentional “flash crowd,” whereby a large number of entities
simultaneously seek access to a limited resource, thereby causing it to become temporarily
unavailable for everyone. The most common version, a network DDoS, seeks to saturate a target’s
network links such that there is insufficient bandwidth for legitimate communications. The attackers
take advantage of the fact that modern packet-switched networks (such as the Internet) rely on
statistical multiplexing and best-effort communications, which means that there are no guarantees
provided on the timely or eventual delivery of data.
Many communication protocols, including the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), have
mechanisms to detect congestion in the network and take measures to alleviate it (typically by
reducing the data transmission rate), under the implicit assumption that congestion is a naturally
occurring event. Such mechanisms make it significantly easier for a DDoS attack to achieve the
desired effect.
The difference between a flash crowd and a DDoS attack primarily lies in that the latter is
coordinated by a single malicious entity, whereas a flash crowd is the manifestation of uncoordinated,
and usually benign, actors acting independently toward the same (but not shared) objective, such as
accessing a popular piece of content (news article, song, etc.). Although it is possible to coordinate
large numbers of human users toward launching a denial-of-service attack, the most common form of
such attacks involves the use of botnets.
The precise resource that is exhausted depends on the specifics of the underlying network
infrastructure and the attack itself and may involve link capacity, router buffers, router processing and
forwarding capacity or memory, or end host processing or memory resources. In all cases, exhaustion
of that resource causes service degradation (e.g., through dropped packets) for all clients. The
simplest version of a DDoS attack involves a large number of end hosts sending packets as fast as
they can toward the target, exhausting one or more of the previously mentioned resources. One
challenge with defending against DDoS attacks is that the exhausted resource may lie outside the
target’s network (e.g., in the upstream Internet service provider’s infrastructure), which requires
coordination between the entity affected (target) and the entity that can potentially mitigate the attack
DDoS attacks are perhaps the easiest type of attack to launch; they often do not even require that
the target be contacted, as the exhausted resource may be outside its network or firewall perimeter.
The main difficulty in launching such attacks lies in acquiring a large number of hosts that can be
induced to send packets to the target. However, the emergence of DDoS-as-a-service in recent years
has reduced the barrier to entry, at least for the most common attacks. DDoS services are a form of
malicious cloud computing, whereby the service providers are responsible for acquiring and
managing a large number of compromised computers, which are then rented out to their customers for
the purpose of launching DDoS attacks.
DDoS attacks often make use of source address spoofing so that simple packet filtering becomes
infeasible. Even when spoofing is not used, the use of a large number of attack hosts means that it is
difficult to easily distinguish and filter malicious traffic from legitimate traffic. Given a large enough
botnet, it may in fact be impossible to differentiate between attack and legitimate traffic, as all remote
hosts may appear to faithfully adhere to network protocol behavior (including backing off due to
congestion). For attacks involving fewer hosts that are transmitting more aggressively, it may be
possible to filter out attack traffic using behavioral heuristics.
Mirroring the emergence of DDoS-as-a-service, there exist DDoS-protection-as-a-service
providers that act as intermediaries between legitimate sites and their users (including potential
attackers). Such providers use a number of mitigation techniques, including network address
reputation management, Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans
Apart (CAPTCHA), and various heuristics, to determine which network connections are legitimate
(or at least are tightly coupled with a human user) and to drop or rate limit all others. These providers
have a number of distributed data centers with very good connectivity to make DDoS attacks against
them impractical. Other defenses against DDoS attacks include the use of TCP cookies and content
delivery networks (CDNs).

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Anonymous; Botnet; Cyber Attack; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georgian Cyber Attack
(2008); Malware; Spoofing

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.


The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed collection of servers containing databases of host
and user identifications and their corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS enables users
to perform such actions as finding Web sites or sending e-mail messages using domain names (such as
[name].com) rather than a string of numerals representing an IP address (such as
The idea for DNS developed in the early 1980s, when the development of Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) enabled computer networks to communicate with one another.
The rapid growth of the Internet complicated the ability of host computers to locate other hosts. For
instance, hosts on two different networks may have had the same name, so it would be difficult to
determine which IP address was the correct one. Now that the networks were connected, there needed
to be a way to differentiate such hosts.
In August 1982, Zaw-Sing Su of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Jon Postel of the
Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California (USC) published Request
for Comments (RFC) 819, in which they proposed an Internet naming convention to establish an
administrative hierarchy for Internet names. Instead of simply identifying a destination host computer,
data would be sent to addresses based on a domain, which would include different layers of
information indicating the precise location of the recipient.
In November 1983, Paul Mockapetris of ISI developed this idea further. In RFC 882, he laid out
the concept of a distributed database of name servers and a consistent naming structure. He
elaborated on the concept in RFC 883, proposing the development of programs called resolvers.
These resolvers would respond to user queries by searching various name servers until they located
the appropriate address. The name servers would update their databases periodically, based on
locally stored master files, and store search information in caches to assist in future queries.
An informal committee of network designers discussed and debated what the top-level domains
should be. Seven were eventually selected: com (commercial organization); edu (educational
institution); int (international agency); gov (U.S. government agency); mil (U.S. military agency); net
(network organization); and org (other organization). In 1986, with the endorsement of the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), whose network (ARPANET) was the original central
hub of the Internet, DNS became the locating system for the major computer networks.
Today, DNS typically operates in a seamless manner. When a user searches for a Web site by
typing in a domain name in the universal resource locator (URL) of a Web browser, the resolver
sends out a query to the local name server, which may either access the site or forward the query on
to another name server until the site is located. Occasionally, an IP address is changed before the
DNS cache has been updated, resulting in an error message.

Christopher G. Marquis

See also: ARPANET; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Hardware; Internet;
Server; Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
Hafner, Katie, and Matthew Lyon. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

E-commerce is a loosely defined term that denotes the conduct of business by electronic means,
chiefly via the Internet. E-commerce is a recent invention that has rapidly become one of the most
important sectors of the modern economy, restructuring financial and business infrastructure. Billions
of dollars are exchanged every day around the globe in purely electronic transactions, both legal and
E-commerce proper dates to the 1980s. When networks became available to the public via phone
lines, businesses quickly began to move into the digital realm to sell products and services, both to
each other and to customers. However, the major advance in the field took place in the following
decade, as online banking profited from the development of the SSL protocol that enabled online
transactions to be encrypted. This caused an explosion in e-commerce as millions of customers began
to purchase goods and services online rather than in person, including from electronic versions of
physical stores.
During the 1990s and 2000s, most significant e-commerce companies appeared, representing
different forms of the medium. Amazon and Alibaba are traditional one-stop stores that sell physical
and electronic products. EBay is an online auction house for conducting business directly between
buyer and seller. Apple’s iTunes Store sells digital music via its iTunes app and is now the world’s
largest music retailer. E-commerce also provides the possibility of entirely new forms of commerce,
particularly on-demand services. Netflix, which launched in 1998, is the best example of such a
business. The company functioned much like a traditional video-rental service until 2008, when it
opened a streaming video service. Similarly, streaming radio and music services such as Pandora and
Spotify developed to allow users to stream music partially or wholly on demand. All of these
companies offer subscriptions to pay licensing and infrastructure costs, but many also offer free ad-
based streaming as well, mimicking both the cable-subscription and broadcast-revenue models.
The transition to electronic commerce has naturally produced a shift away from traditional
payment methods. Smartphones equipped with electronic wallets began to replace debit and credit
cards after 2010. Online banking has eliminated much of the need to visit the physical location; for
example, checks can be deposited via app rather than physically being deposited in the bank.
Electronic currencies have also appeared, with varying degrees of success. The most famous is
Bitcoin, a digital currency system developed around 2008.
The rise of e-commerce has also taken place outside traditional and legal channels. As e-
commerce exploded in the 1990s, so did illegal and quasi-legal forms. One of the first that the general
American public became aware of was the peer-to-peer network called Napster, which launched in
1999. It allowed its users to digitally share files. This often took the form of music files, which
violated copyright laws and led to Napster’s closure.
The Napster issue launched an international debate about piracy, ownership, and commerce in the
digital era. Music piracy was merely one element of the new illegal e-commerce. The ability to
conceal or falsify identities drew many criminals to e-commerce for every variety of crime. Entire
portions of the Internet, called the deep web and the dark web, are unavailable to traditional users
because they do not appear in search indexing. While law enforcement authorities have become more
savvy to e-commerce methods, like shutting down the many versions of Silk Road, the proliferation of
the field has led to a sharp increase in such crimes.
The proliferation of e-commerce has influenced cyber warfare in indirect but important ways. E-
commerce has connected billions of people and businesses to each other, providing trillions of
opportunities for theft, espionage, and other forms of mayhem. For example, the TJX Corporation
attack of 2006–2007 compromised millions of T.J. Maxx customers’ financial and identity
information. Defense against cyber attacks remains difficult at best, considering that the defensive
force must act against all possible threats, while the offensive only needs a single vulnerability. E-
commerce provides such vulnerabilities: identity theft, espionage, direct influences on kinetic
operations, and others. The most important is likely the sale and exchange of illegal weapons and
technology via e-commerce. Domestic terrorists in America could buy automatic weapons or
biological or chemical agents via dark web retailers. Perhaps more threateningly, terrorist groups
such as the Islamic State could do the same. They could also use such methods, traditional and
nontraditional, to conduct legal business, steal money, gather espionage, and dozens of other
activities. Cyber criminals can easily become cyber terrorists or cyber mercenaries. As a result,
nonstate actors and even individuals now have power once reserved to states to wreak havoc,
digitally and physically.

Jonathan Abel

See also: Bitcoin; Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Cyber Security; Dark Web; Deep Web; Google;
Hacker; Identity Theft; Silk Road; The Onion Router (TOR); TJX Corporation Hack

Further Reading
Bartlett, Jamie. The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld. New York: Melville House, 2015.
Brenner, Susan W. Cyberthreats and the Decline of the Nation-state. New York: Routledge, 2014.
Laudon, Kenneth, and Carol Traver. E-commerce 2016: Business, Technology, Society. New York: Pearson College Division, 2016.


EINSTEIN is a conglomeration of cyber-security systems managed by the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS). Its purpose is to protect federal executive branch information systems. EINSTEIN
has developed incrementally, first to observe network traffic and assist in investigating hacks, later
adding traffic-blocking functionality, and recently layering commercial-security measures on top of
existing infrastructure. It is not meant to mitigate all possible attacks, but rather provide an effective
baseline perimeter defense.
EINSTEIN was created under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security’s computer
emergency response team (US-CERT) in 2003 to fulfil obligations imposed by the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002. FISMA sought to create a minimum level of
information-security controls and provide a mechanism for oversight into the protection of federal
information and information-security programs. Its baseline configuration in 2003 was as a
confederation of intrusion detection systems (IDS—EINSTEIN 1) to scan and log traffic. When
malicious traffic was detected, the US-CERT coordinated the investigation with responsible
government agencies. Since its creation in 2003, EINSTEIN has undergone two major changes:
federating the enterprise (EINSTEIN 2) and then adding both signature-based blocking as well as
commercially sourced malware blocking (EINSTEIN 3). In 2008, President Bush launched the
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) through National Security Policy Directive
(NSPD) 54/Homeland Security Policy Directive (HSPD) 23. This directive sought to unify the
disparate federal network system into one enterprise managed by DHS. Additionally, it directed
implementation of traffic blocking by signature. Essentially, signature-based intrusion prevention
systems (IPS) use the data gathered by the IDS to fingerprint the malware, gathering indicators of its
use and subsequently blocking all traffic that appears malignant.
In 2014, changes to FISMA and the EINSTEIN concept led to the implementation of the
EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated (E3A) architecture. As part of a new National Cybersecurity Protection
System (NCPS), E3A adds commercial malicious traffic blocking to existing government-managed
architecture and is thought to afford flexibility in capabilities, as the contracts are renegotiated
periodically. Generally, the system is deployed in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) backbone of
the Internet between autonomous systems. This position allows the sensors that comprise EINSTEIN
to observe “over 90 percent of all federal civilian Internet traffic.” Despite this statistic, DHS
secretary Jeh Johnson pointed out that implementation remains a challenge, as DHS may not mandate
its use by other agencies or departments. According to Johnson, before the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) hack in January 2015, only 20 percent of the federal executive enterprise was
covered by E3A. In 2016, this number is still only approximately 50 percent.
In 2014, an amendment to FISMA reinforced the roles of both the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) as well as DHS in setting policy and ensuring federal information security. This
amendment also established the role of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in assisting all
parties in auditing cyber-security practices. In 2015, operating under its responsibilities delineated in
the amended FISMA, GAO conducted an assessment of the NCPS and the EINSTEIN system.
Ultimately, it determined that the system was not meeting its stated objectives. GAO identified
several key concerns with its technical efficacy, including its ability to detect known exploits and
prevent intrusions into federal computer systems. GAO also highlighted that DHS had not
implemented a bulk of its stated information-sharing mechanisms, leaving gaps in confederated
The recommendations of the GAO report focused on expanding the efficacy of EINSTEIN. As
noted in the GAO report, EINSTEIN does not have any contextual understanding of appropriate
network behavior, nor does it have visibility of other key technologies such as industrial control
systems (ICS) or Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). GAO also recommended that EINSTEIN focus
on rapid collaboration with industry and customer federal agencies to effectively share threat
intelligence and understand risks posed. Addressing the first point will most likely be challenging in
the near term, as behavioral malware detection is not mature. The second point, though, is being
addressed by DHS via its System Engineering and Development Institute (SEDI). SEDI is working
with the broader community of interest to create a robust framework of mechanisms and standards to
address this foundational issue. Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX), Trusted Automated
eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII), and Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX) are the three
DHS projects aimed at increasing technical efficacy of information sharing in response to the
challenges facing EINSTEIN.
As part of its mandate to secure the nation, DHS, via US-CERT, has begun providing resources
for state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments to assist with local cyber security. As part
of this effort, DHS has offered EINSTEIN as a template for other governmental cyber-security efforts
under the auspices of the Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community Voluntary Program (C3VP). DHS,
partnered with the Center for Internet Security (CIS), has established managed security services
(MSS) as a service to SLTT governments. This has led to the establishment of the Multi-State
Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) and the locally focused “Albert System.”

Spencer Calder

See also: Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI); Computer Emergency Response
Team (CERT); Cyber Defense; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); National Cyber Security
Strategy; Office of Personnel Management Data Breach

Further Reading
Hayden, Michael V. Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. London: Penguin Press, 2016.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber-war. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2016.
Savage, Charles, et al. “Hunting for Hackers, N.S.A. Secretly Expands Internet Spying at U.S. Border.” New York Times, June 4, 2015.


The term electromagnetic pulse is wide-ranging in its definition and scope. Generally, the term refers
to a short burst of electromagnetic energy. This energy can be generated by nature or through man-
made means. When it comes to man-made EMP effects, they can be generated by nuclear and
nonnuclear means. EMP can further be broken down into the types of energy generated: electric,
magnetic, electromagnetic radiation, and electric conduction. With each of these, there is an
associated effect on electrical devices that can range from short dwell distributions to widespread
outages of electrical systems. Common natural occurrences of EMP range from low-level static
discharges up to lightning strikes. While lightning strikes generate high-current pulses that can damage
electric equipment, low-level static discharges can also be devastating, such as when a discharge
from a cell phone ignites gasoline vapors.
In 1962, the United States had its only direct experience with a man-made EMP derived from a
nuclear weapon. A nuclear detonation in the Pacific Ocean generated electrical outages in Hawaii,
which at the time had antiquated electronics. In today’s world, with the prevalence of the Internet, cell
phones, and tablets, a nuclear-generated EMP would have more devastating effects. The worst and
most far-reaching effects would come from a high-altitude EMP (HEMP) with effects that can
attenuate throughout the atmosphere. EMP effects can also come from the gamma rays released in a
nuclear explosion, which can strip electrons from atoms, leaving those atoms free to attach to electric
devices, rendering the devices useless. Protecting important equipment from an EMP can involve
heavy shielding, such as the use of a Faraday cage, or mechanisms to ground electrical currents
before they cause damage.

Melvin G. Deaile

See also: Infrastructure; Weapons of Mass Disruption

Further Reading
Glasstone, Samuel, and Philip J. Dolan. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, 1977.

Encryption is the transformation of information into a form that is only readable by those it is intended
for to prevent interception, loss, or theft. Encryption predates electronic computing, but with the
advent of increasing information transfer over computer networks, encryption increasingly features in
public debate on individual privacy and civil liberties. There are numerous types of encryption.
Symmetric encryption takes plaintext and transforms it so that it is unreadable and then decrypts it
back into a readable form. As with all techniques, a key (password, special file, or device) facilitates
an algorithm to achieve encryption and decryption. In symmetric encryption, both the encrypter and
the decrypter require access to the same key. A fundamental drawback of symmetric encryption is the
need to store a key and make it available only to the software that needs it; if the key is transmitted
unprotected over a network and intercepted, the encryption is compromised. Symmetric encryption is
commonly utilized in cloud backup services that transfer the decryption key to the end user.
In asymmetric encryption, a different key is used for each end. Encrypters use a public key
(literally available to the public; accordingly, this technique is referred to as public key encryption)
to encrypt the data, with a matching private key on the other end to decrypt the data into readable
form. Similar to symmetric encryption, the private key must be protected, but the advantage is that
only one party ever needs access to the private key; thus, the encryption is less prone to interception,
loss, or theft. A further feature of asymmetric encryption is the ability to cryptographically sign data;
that is, the private key is used to create a signature, and the public key is used to verify it, thus
confirming its authenticity. Asymmetric encryption is used to establish secure connections between
browser and Web site, to secure log-in sessions to remote servers, and to verify software updates are
from a trusted party. One drawback of using asymmetric encryption is the necessity of trusting the
public key and avoiding a man-in-the-middle attack. In a man-in-the-middle attack, a user unwittingly
accepts a key from a third party who then supplies the other end user with a further false key, in the
pretense that it is the victim who has supplied that key. In this attack, the man in the middle can
decrypt protected data, reencrypt it with the real public key, and then use a similar process in the
other direction to gain access to unprotected plaintext data. As a consequence, public keys should
only be accepted when distributed as part of trusted software or by having authenticated third parties
sign or certify new keys. For example, HTTPS sites send signed public keys to browsers that they can
then trust to secure the connection.
Hashing is not strictly a form of encryption; instead, it takes data and creates a string of data out of
it (a hash) that includes three properties: the same data always produces the same hash, the hash
cannot revert back to its original form, and it is impossible to create another string of data capable of
repeating the same hash (provided the user only has knowledge of the original hash). Hashing is the
process referred to when a password is encrypted; it is commonly used to protect passwords and to
check passwords that are entered into a system by hashing them and comparing them. Another use of
hashing is to authenticate plaintext using a shared key. The hash is generated from the plaintext data
and the key. Once sent, only the data and the hash are visible; the key is not transmitted, and it thus
becomes difficult to modify either the data or the hash without its being detected.
Notwithstanding the above, it is possible, with access to the hashes and the brute force of
resources, to find data that hashes identically to the password; this is known as a collision in
cryptography. Therefore, it is important to select the best possible password-hashing algorithm that
raises the costs (in terms of time and effort) of attempting to overcome encryption.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; Internet; Spoofing; Spyware; Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Bryen, Stephen D. Technology Security and National Power: Winners and Losers. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers,
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2012.

Escalation dominance in the cyber realm refers to the ability to control what occurs as a result of a
cyber attack or cyber crisis and is derived from theories on escalation dominance in the physical
realm vis-á-vis state-on-state military attacks. Given that cyber escalation refers to the possibility that
a cyber attacker (or belligerent) may increase their efforts to include more damaging cyber attacks,
kinetic violence, or nuclear war—the escalation ladder—the attacked (or status quo entity) must
assess its capabilities with these levels of violence in mind. Thus, to maintain escalation dominance,
a status quo entity must be willing to maintain the capacity to thwart a belligerent’s actions at every
level of the escalation ladder to include nuclear war at the extreme.
Escalation dominance as a deterrent to potential aggression also requires a status quo entity to
maintain the will and ability to escalate rather than simply respond to a belligerent’s actions.
Escalation in the cyber domain may move from hacking to glean information to spoofing so as to
masquerade one’s efforts and make it appear that another entity is the culprit (whether either is
escalatory is based on perceptions of intent and effect). Escalation may also take a form similar to
spreading a computer virus, with the end result being physical damage such as that seen with Stuxnet.
For an entity to undertake such activity, it must be confident in its ability to dominate across the
spectrum and potentially into the physical or kinetic realm.
For example, entities X and Y are involved in a cyber war, and X has escalated by amassing
infantry troops on Y’s borders. Entity Y responds by moving artillery batteries to its border region,
challenging X’s action, which provokes an all-out attack by X’s infantry troops that overwhelm and
destroy Y’s artillery defenses. Arguably, X had accurately assessed its will and possessed the ability
to dominate up the escalation ladder. This rudimentary scenario does not adequately address the
myriad nuances of escalation dominance such as the potential for third-party intervention or the
deterrent effect of escalation on the same.
Calculating the effects of escalation and considerations of escalation dominance are particularly
difficult in cyber space. In theory, an entity carrying out a cyber attack on legitimate targets during a
conflict is not necessarily escalating. It is conceivable that such attacks may indeed be limited to the
cyber realm as a means to convey intent and the fact that an entity is confident in its ability to
dominate up the escalation ladder. However, it is important to remember that an entity’s actions are
often judged as escalatory based on what was done or intended rather than how the actions were
carried out. For example, targeting a civilian facility with the intent to make people pressure their
government to sue for peace may be seen as escalatory even if perpetrated at the low end of cyber
operations. Notwithstanding debate over means versus ends, consideration must be given to the
potential that laws of armed conflict may be violated, an issue especially problematic as there are
few if any protocols expressly addressing cyber operations or cyber war.

Ronald N. Dains

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Escalation; Cyber War; Hacker; Spoofing; Stuxnet

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Kramer, Franklin D., Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz. Cyberpower and National Security. Dulles, VA: NDU Press and Potomac
Books, Inc., 2009.
Libicki, Martin C. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Libicki, Martin C. Cyberdeterrence and Cyber War. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009.


Sandwiched between heightened cyber-attack threats to U.S. government networks in December 2006
(NASA) and June 2007 (Pentagon), on April 27, 2007, the Baltic state of Estonia suffered a
widespread distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyber attack that lasted three weeks. At the time, it
was the largest DDoS attack ever to take place and employed hundreds of thousands of computers
against Estonian government and commercial Web sites, slowing down some of the functions and
services of these Web sites and shutting down others. Primary targets included communications and
banking networks. As multiple servers collapsed under the burden of request for access hits, online
government services were unreachable in many instances, and basic consumer goods such as bank
cards and mobile phones became unusable. Estonian officials and citizens reeled as the realization of
the DDoS attack’s massive scale grew. Then they changed their focus to a host of questions, followed
by accusations.
At the forefront of the Estonian outcry were the escalating tensions with Russia that had peaked in
the spring of 2007, ostensibly over a World War II monument. That February, the parliament in Tallinn
had passed legislation prohibiting the display of structures on Estonian soil related to the 49-year
(1940–1989) Soviet occupation of Estonia. Especially at issue was a statue known as the Bronze
Soldier of Tallinn, a six-and-a-half-foot bronze sculpture of a Red Army regular standing in front of a
section of stone wall vaguely resembling a mausoleum. The work was completed in 1947 in honor of
the Soviet “liberators of Tallinn” from the Nazis.
Originally located in a park in central Tallinn, the monument sat atop the buried remains of
several Soviet World War II soldiers. Local sentiment led to a call not to destroy it, but to relocate the
monument away from the city center. Elements from the ethnic Russian population in Estonia
(estimated at 26 percent of the country’s inhabitants) generated an outcry of protest, matched by
similar protests in Moscow, setting the stage for a standoff. Probably seeking to de-escalate the
tensions, Estonian president Toomas Ilves vetoed the legislation but failed to undermine the standoff,
which peaked on April 27, also known as “Bronze Night.”
On Bronze Night, protestors on both sides rioted, prompting police intervention. Concurrent with
the rioting, the DDoS attack began to strike Estonian servers and quickly assumed a character well
beyond previous DDoS attacks, which had typically taken aim at one or two Web sites. Tallinn called
for help from international partners, who sent over experts to assist with network rehabilitation. As
the attack began to take down government and banking sites over the next several days, Tallinn
leveled accusations at Russia and also appealed to NATO allies, attempting to evoke a ruling from
NATO that the DDoS merited an Article V response—the stipulation that an attack on a NATO
member is a matter of common defense requiring an Alliance counterattack. Direct Alliance
involvement would have widened, and perhaps complicated, the effects of the attack.
Moscow denied any involvement in the DDoS attack, but they also refused to assist the Estonians
in investigating the source of the attack. As Estonian authorities worked to restore servers and
services, they also began to shift away from further antagonism of Russia and from urging a full-
blown NATO condemnation of Russia. Russian public statements also began to change, admitting the
possibility of the involvement of private Russian patriots acting on their own initiative. The Estonians
repeated their demands for investigative assistance, pointing to a bilateral agreement on legal matters
(MLAT, or Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty), which the Russians had persisted in ignoring, leading
some observers to declare this as proof of direct Russian government responsibility for the DDoS.
This line of reasoning is incomplete, however, as it relies on Western preferences in the practice of
geopolitics and warfare, which tends to miss crucial elements of Russian strategic thinking.
An underlying factor was Estonia’s high degree of vulnerability to this sort of attack in 2007. The
country’s limited cyber byways out of Estonia increased the threat and magnified the potential for
extended shutdowns. Estonian network architecture facilitated, rather than blocked, the spread of
damage from a DDoS. These factors made such an attack more likely as well as increasing the range
of possibilities as to the likely suspects behind the attack. Better protection means more sophisticated
attackers, which would have narrowed the field considerably on who was responsible. In the context
provided by the shaky reality of Estonian network security at the time, one must add the lack of utility
in a costly pursuit of the party directly responsible for the attack.
Whereas it costs the Russians nothing to deny responsibility for something almost impossible to
prove, given the inherent challenges in the success rate of cyber forensics from the inception of the
Internet to the present day, the victim is theoretically pinned between high potential costs. It is costly
to be attacked and appear impotent in one’s ability to prevent attacks and prosecute attackers, and it is
similarly costly to expend resources in a lengthy and ultimately fruitless (barring a complete and
unadulterated admission of guilt) search for bona fide state-level perpetrators who generally do not
want to be caught. Combined with the tenuous state of fixing direct blame in the cyber universe is the
historical Russian preference for ambiguity.
Russian consciousness includes a vital, defining topographic feature, namely, the sense of the
vastness of the land, blurring any sense of lines between its own territory and that of neighbors, and
over the centuries, this feature has informed tsarist strategic thinking of the past as well as the modern
Kremlin’s strategic thinking. For example, Russia and Estonia have yet to finalize agreements over a
precise border between their territories. Russia participates in developing treaties to resolve the
remaining disputes, but they have resisted ratifying them. This type of policy suggests a view of
borders at extreme odds with Western conceptions, namely, that such borders only exist when they
threaten to move inward.
In the same sense with which Russia appears to be content to allow its border with Estonia to
remain unresolved as long as it gives nothing away, and, turning to another example, to allow the
Transdniestrian crisis to molder Moldovan and Ukrainian sovereignty and international credibility,
the inherent ambiguities of the cyber domain would seem to be well aligned with Russian
international behavior patterns. This resonance between the gray of cyber and the gray of Russia’s
foreign policy calculus would explain the apparently contradictory Russian behavior of denying
responsibility for the DDoS and yet refusing to cooperate in the investigation. The same resonance
would help account for several of the other frustrating outcomes of the 2007 DDoS against Estonia.
After the rioting and the restoration of Internet sites and services, Tallinn moved the statue later in
2007 to a military cemetery, resisting ethnic Russian demands that it stay as well as Estonian voices
calling for its defacement or destruction. The Bronze Soldier persists in its new location as a symbol
of Tallinn’s struggle to improve its domestic unity across its resident ethnic groups. Combined with
other policies, such as its approach to citizenship questions, Russia’s pattern of stalling and avoiding
definitions cripples neighbors from effectively integrating their ethnic Russian populations. Any
Russian admissions on the cyber attack have similarly muddied the waters as opposed to providing
clarification and improved bilateral relations.
Soon after the attack, investigators traced a link in the attack back to a computer within President
Vladimir Putin’s administrative bureaucracy, which the Kremlin simply never acknowledged. In
2008, Estonian authorities prosecuted one ethnic Russian living in Estonia for involvement in the
DDoS. In the months following the attack, Russian officials suggested that criminal elements may
have been involved, including some possibly operating from within Russia. Later, a Russian
nationalist youth group claimed responsibility, citing its motivation as Estonian bigotry against Russia
and its ethnic Russians. More recently, Russian member of parliament Sergei Markov claimed that an
aide of his may have done it operating on his own and from outside of Russia. These contradictory
and deniable allegations and suspicions can become part of the problem, particularly when parties
choose to emphasize them at the expense of developing more effective statecraft in dealing with the
cyber domain. More progress by Estonia has been made in recovering from the attack in the area of
cyber defenses.
In addition to receiving significant international assistance, Tallinn has made solid progress in
inoculating Estonian cyber pathways through use of increased numbers of routers, hosting sites on
well-protected outside networks, and the redesign of its networks by private high-tech companies.
Other countries tended to follow suit, learning from Estonia’s victimization to bolster their own
defenses. In the end, Estonia’s days of suffering a massive DDoS resulted in the loss of 97 percent of
its banking transactions during that time, the threat of loss of Estonian power and water grids, the
defacement or temporary shutdown of government and political party Web sites and e-mail servers,
and, finally, in the realization that the Estonia of 2007 was extraordinarily vulnerable to this kind of
attack. The biggest remaining question regarding the DDoS attack on Estonia is whether Internet-
reliant countries have learned all of the lessons it offers.

Daniel Connelly

See also: Botnet; Cyber Attack; Cyber War; Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); NATO Cooperative
Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO);
Patriotic Hacking; Putin, Vladimir; Russia Cyber Capabilities; Russian Business Network (RBN);
Rustock Botnet; Tallinn Manual

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin C. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Myers, Stephen Lee. The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015.

The Ethernet is a family of technologies in computer networking, particularly among local area
networks (LANs). Based on a physical cable, Ethernet enormously expanded bandwidth compared to
earlier experimental systems. The radio transmission method used in Alohanet, part of the Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) studies, transmitted thousands of bits of information
per second. Coaxial-based Ethernet transmitted in the millions of bits, and refinements in Ethernet to
fiber-optic materials allowed further increases, into rates exceeding 100 gigabits per second.
Developed in the early 1980s, Ethernet created practical networking options for the owners of
personal computers, and both the timing of its introduction and its continual refinements in capability
led to its establishment as a standard method for local area networking. The niche of local area
networking emerged in the mid-1970s when early ARPANET users employed interface message
processors (IMPs), intended to link distant computers via telephone lines, to instead also exchange
information among computers already sharing an IMP. In the 1980s, purpose-build LANs using
Ethernet succeeded these arrangements.
Ethernet systems rely heavily on hosts, and to facilitate communication between hosts and enable
the creation of the Internet, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) were created in
the early 1980s. Ethernet, whose standards are maintained by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, remains crucial in supporting Internet communication.

Nicholas Michael Sambaluk

See also: ARPANET; Internet; Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2008.
von Burg, Urs. The Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Battle for the LAN Standard. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University, 2001.

Gadi Evron is CEO and founder of Cymmetria, a cyber-deception start-up focused on changing cyber
security by switching the traditional security routine so that hackers are vulnerable. Cymmetria does
this by creating decoys embedded in networks to draw hackers to them. This makes it quicker and
easier for a business to detect and mitigate a security breach. Cymmetria’s focus is advanced
persistent threats (APTs) in which attackers aim to enter a network and lie in wait undetected to steal
large amounts of data. Evron was previously vice president of Cybersecurity Strategy for Kaspersky
Lab and led Pricewaterhouse Cooper’s (PwC) Cyber Security Center of Excellence, located in Israel.
Prior to that, Gadi was chief information security officer (CISO) for the Israeli government’s Internet
operation and founder of the Israeli government computer emergency response team (CERT). He is a
research fellow at the Yuval Ne`eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security at Tel Aviv
University. He is recognized for his work in Internet-security operations and global incident response
and is considered the first botnet expert. Evron coauthored Botnets: The Killer Web Applications and
Open Source Fuzzing Tools and authored Battling Botnets and Online Mobs: Estonia’s Defense
Efforts during the Internet War as well as a host of pertinent cyber-security items.

Lisa Beckenbaugh

See also: Botnet; Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); Cyber Defense; Cyber Security;
Israel Cyber Capabilities; Kaspersky Lab

Further Reading
Lifeboat Foundation. “Gadi Evron.” http://lifeboat.com/ex/bios.gadi.evron.
Lomas, Natasha. “YC-Backed Cymmetria Uses Virtual Machines to Decoy and Detect Hackers.” TechCrunch, June 27, 2015.


The FBI began as a force of special agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte
during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, with a force of 34 agents as a permanent part of the
Department of Justice (DOJ). Attorney General George Wickersham, Bonaparte’s successor, named
the force the Bureau of Investigation on March 16, 1909. In turn, the Bureau of Investigation was
renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation on July 1, 1932. When the Department of Justice
experimented with a Division of Investigation and its Bureau of Prohibition, public confusion
between Bureau of Investigation special agents and Prohibition agents led to a permanent name
change for the Department of Justice’s investigators to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935.
Initially, there were few federal crimes. The agency primarily investigated violations of laws
involving national banking, bankruptcy, naturalization, antitrust, peonage, and land fraud. The first
major expansion in its jurisdiction came in June 1910 when the Mann Act was passed, making it a
federal crime to transport women over state lines for immoral purposes. It also provided a tool for
the federal government to investigate criminals who evaded state laws but had no other federal
violations. Contributing to its forensic expertise, the Bureau established a Technical Laboratory in
1932. Initially, the small laboratory operated strictly as a research facility. However, with the
expansion of federal funding, specialized equipment and reference collections enhanced their
capabilities. Additionally, its highly skilled and inventive staff cooperated with engineers, scientists,
and cryptographers in other agencies to enable the United States to penetrate and sometimes control
the flow of information from belligerents. Consequently, the investigation of fascist and communist
groups came in 1936 with President Roosevelt’s authorization through Secretary of State Cordell
Hull. A 1939 Presidential Directive further strengthened the FBI’s authority to investigate subversives
in the United States, and Congress reinforced it by passing the Smith Act in 1940, outlawing advocacy
of violent overthrow of the government.
With the outbreak of war, the responsibilities of the Bureau escalated even more. Subversion,
sabotage, and espionage became major concerns, and it participated in intelligence collection. The
FBI’s role in fighting crime expanded in the postwar period through its assistance to state and local
law enforcement and increased jurisdictional responsibility. Continuing advances in forensic science
and technical development enabled the FBI to devote a significant proportion of its resources to
assisting state and local law enforcement agencies. In 1982, following an explosion of terrorist
incidents worldwide, counterterrorism became a fourth national priority.
As computers and access to the Internet became commonplace in homes across the United States,
the FBI initiated measures to address crime in cyber space. It created the Computer Investigations and
Infrastructure Threat Assessment Center (CITAC) to address physical and cyber attacks against U.S.
infrastructure. The Bureau has also played a crucial role in the investigation and prevention of
computer crimes. In 1991, the FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Teams (CART) began to
provide investigators with the technical expertise necessary to obtain evidence from suspect’s
computers. Seven years later, the Bureau’s National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) was
created to monitor the dissemination of computer viruses, worms, and other malicious programs as
well as to warn government and business computer users of these dangers.
When the September 11 terrorist attacks hit New York and Washington, D.C., Director Robert S.
Mueller led the FBI’s investigative efforts in partnership with all U.S. law enforcement, the federal
government, and allies overseas. On October 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the
USA PATRIOT Act, which granted new provisions to address the threat of terrorism. Seven months
later, the attorney general issued revised investigative guidelines to assist the Bureau’s
counterterrorism efforts. To support the Bureau’s change in mission and to meet newly articulated
strategic priorities, Director Mueller reengineered FBI structure and operations to focus on the
prevention of terrorist attacks, countering foreign intelligence operations against the United States,
and addressing cyber-crime attacks as well as other high-technology crimes. A Cyber Division was
formed in 2002, with the responsibility to investigate and prosecute Internet crimes, including cyber-
based terrorism, espionage, computer intrusions, and major cyber fraud.
As the second decade of the new millennium unfolds, the FBI stands dedicated to its core values
and ethical standards. Commitment to these ensures the FBI effectively carries out its mission: protect
and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats; uphold and enforce the
criminal laws of the United States; and provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal,
state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.

Roy Franklin Houchin II

See also: Bush, George W.; Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); Cyber Crime; Cyber
Espionage; Infrastructure; National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP); USA PATRIOT Act

Further Reading
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice. FBI: A Centennial History 1908–2008. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2008.
Jeffery-Jones, Rhodri. The FBI: A History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.
Kessler, Ronald. The Secrets of the FBI. New York: Crown Forum, 2011.
Weiner, Tim. Enemies: A History of the FBI. New York: Random House, 2012.

FireEye is a public network-security company that provides protection against malware and other
cyber threats, provides threat forensics and risk analysis, and conducts investigations of prior cyber
attacks. Combining their data with crowdsourced information, FireEye maintains a database that
provides a real-time picture of current cyber-crime threats that is distributed globally. Based in
Milpitas, California, the company was founded in 2004 by Ashar Aziz, formerly of Sun
Microsystems. FireEye’s key investors include Sequoia Capital and In-Q-Tel, which is associated
with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In 2012, Dave DeWalt, the former CEO and
president of McAfee, became FireEye’s chairman and later its CEO. In 2013, FireEye purchased
Mandiant Corporation, and its president, Kevin Mandia, became the CEO of FireEye in 2016.
FireEye has over 4,400 customers in 67 countries, including the U.S. federal government,
universities such as Harvard and Berkeley, and large global corporations such as Yahoo, eBay, and
Adobe Systems. FireEye has partnered with Microsoft, the U.S. government, and the University of
Washington, which included efforts to take down botnets such as Mega-D (also known as Ozdok) and
Rustock, which was responsible for over 47 percent of global spam e-mail. FireEye investigated
cyber attacks against high-profile targets such as Target, JPMorgan Chase, and Sony Pictures. In
2015, FireEye became the first cyber-security company to be certified under the SAFETY Act by the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Michael Hankins

See also: Botnet; Cyber Crime; Cyber Security; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); JPMorgan
Hack; Mandia, Kevin; Mandiant Corporation; Rustock Botnet; Sony Hack; Target Corporation Hack

Further Reading
Steer, Jason. “The Gaping Hole in Our Security Defenses.” Computer Fraud and Security, January 2014: 17–20.
Stewart, Christopher S. “FireEye: Botnet Busters.” Bloomberg Businessweek, June 16, 2011.

Passenger vehicles with combustion engines are manufactured with a protective barrier between the
engine and passenger compartment called a firewall. This concept has been adopted in network
security, where a software barrier is constructed to prevent anything harmful from outside of a
network from entering into the network.
These software barriers function through various devices. For example, some firewalls are packet
filters that prevent communications streams from entering the network unless the data identifying the
stream matches certain criteria (such as coming from a specific IP address or adhering to specific
data standards). These work at the most basic layer of Internet functionality and are said to be
network layer firewalls. Other firewalls work on the software application layer and screen incoming
traffic for certain suspect file types, subject lines, or other previously encountered warning signs.
Because spam and all types of malicious software (malware) are constantly evolving, effective
firewalls require frequent updates. Firms that specialize in firewall software are constantly surveying
the Internet for new methods of introducing new types of spam and malicious software and often
notify their software user base (sometimes for a premium fee) when the list of offending sources, file
types, or content changes. The firewall filters are then remotely updated and are effective until a new
generation of offending spam or malware is detected. This ongoing competition between attackers and
filters is worldwide in scope and impact, and it is experienced by even the most infrequent Internet

Jeffrey R. Cares
See also: Cyber Security; Malware; Software

Further Reading
Graham, James, Richard Howard, and Ryan Olson. Cyber Security Essentials. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications, 2011.

The Flame worm is a piece of highly advanced malware for targeted cyber espionage. It is also
known as Da Flame, Flamer, and Skywiper. Cyber-security experts consider Flame one of the most
complex examples of malware ever discovered. Flame was identified in May 2012 by a cooperative
of cyber-security institutions led by Kaspersky Lab while investigating a virus infecting Iranian Oil
Ministry computers. In 2012, it was primarily detected in countries in the Near and Middle East, with
the majority of targets in Iran.
Flame can spread to other systems via a local network or a USB stick. It can copy data and record
audio, video, Skype calls, screenshots, keyboard activity, and network traffic. Flame can turn
computers into beacons that attempt to download information from nearby Bluetooth devices. Flame
sends data to one of several servers scattered around the world where it can be downloaded, then it
awaits further instructions from those servers. Flame also possesses a “kill” command that wipes all
traces of itself from infected computers.
Flame shares code with the Stuxnet worm that targeted Iranian nuclear centrifuges in 2010, and
both exploit the same zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft operating systems. Flame is 20 megabytes
in size—40 times larger than Stuxnet. Experts believe Flame is the work of nation-states, with some
indications pointing to a United States–Israeli cyber-espionage cooperative.

Steven B. Davis

See also: Cyber Espionage; Cyber Weapon; Kaspersky Lab; Malware; Stuxnet; Worm

Further Reading
Kushner, David. “The Real Story of Stuxnet.” IEEE Spectrum 50, 2013: 48–53.
Zettner, Kim. Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon. New York: Broadway Books,


The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is a law enacted by President Jimmy Carter in
1978 to provide a legal framework for the use of electronic surveillance in the context of gathering
foreign intelligence. In 1972, the Supreme Court case United States v. U.S. District Court, which is
more commonly referred to as the Keith case, held that the Fourth Amendment forbids warrantless
surveillance against domestic threats to national security. As a result of civil liberty violations, FISA
was signed into law following congressional hearings conducted by the Church Committee, named for
Senator Frank Church (D-ID), who chaired the U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental
Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. This committee investigated the National Security
Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for
legality of operations. With the backdrop of the Watergate Scandal, antiwar protests, and Martin
Luther King Jr. being targeted by President Richard Nixon’s Counter Intelligence Program
(COINTELPRO), the committee determined that these intelligence agencies had committed civil
liberty violations, which were the direct result of the uncertain nature of law regarding the subject.
The subsequent legislation was an attempt to find a delicate balance between national security
interests and civil liberties.
In providing a framework for government agencies to collect intelligence, FISA established that
electronic surveillance in the United States was only permitted for the collection of foreign
intelligence and counterintelligence against agents of foreign powers. Two important court rulings,
United States v. Troung Dinh Hung and United States v. Pelton, ruled that in domestic criminal
cases, government agencies were able to use FISA only if the “primary purpose” of the investigation
was foreign intelligence gathering. Additionally, FISA also established a standard of needs to be met
before probable cause could be demonstrated. To ensure that these laws were upheld, FISA created
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to ensure that the legality of surveillance
operations was upheld. Since the enactment of FISA, several subsequent pieces of legislature have
expanded federal laws dealing with but not limited to physical searches, wiretapping, pen registers,
trap and trace devices, and access to private business records.
Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Congress rushed to pass legislation to
improve national security measures. On October 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law
the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act). Many of the provisions within this law either changed
or amended FISA. For instance, the USA PATRIOT Act expanded the number of district court judges
on FISC. FISA language was also amended, which changed the required certification deemed
necessary of federal officers when applying for electronic surveillance and physical search
documentation. The changes to FISA were an effort to enable more efficient information sharing
between law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community.
Not all changes to FISA were well received by the general population, as opposition to the
PATRIOT Act focused on elements within the law that facilitated indefinite detentions of noncitizens,
increased search and seizures by law enforcement agents without consent, and the expanded use of
National Security Letters, which allowed the FBI to search telephone, financial, and business records
without a court order. Since the inception of the law, several legal challenges occurred rendering
some portions of the law unconstitutional. With the growing emphasis on the Global War on Terror
(GWOT), Congress has continued to place more emphasis on the need for expanded surveillance
capabilities, and as a result, further modifications to FISA occurred in the Homeland Security Act of
2002, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2005, the USA PATRIOT Act
Additional Reauthorizing Amendments of 2006, the Protect America Act of 2007, and the FISA
Amendments Act of 2008. The changing enemy of the 21st century has required a balancing act of
civil liberties and national security by Congress to ensure the military and federal intelligence
agencies remain one step ahead.

John J. Mortimer

See also: Bush, George W.; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); National Security Agency (NSA); USA PATRIOT Act

Further Reading
Bazan, Elizabeth B. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Overview and Modifications. New York: Nova Science Publishers,
Musch, Donald J. Civil Liberties and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Vol. 14, Second Series. Terrorism: Documents of
International and Local Control. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 2003.
Wills, Brett J., ed. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Its Ramifications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010.

4chan is a popular English-language image board Web site. It was created by Google employee
Christopher “Moot” Poole in 2003, while he was still in high school. Poole got the idea from the
Japanese image board Web site Futaba Channel, or 2chan, and decided to create an English-language
counterpart. It was originally conceived of as a place where English-language speakers could discuss
and trade images of Japanese manga and anime. 4chan started with just two boards, anime-original
(/a/) and anime-random (/b/). Later, the /b/ board dropped the anime moniker and just became a
board where users could post about anything.
4chan currently has over 60 boards on which users can post about anything from anime to
cooking. Each board has its own specific guidelines as to what is allowed to be posted. Volunteer
moderators patrol the boards to ensure postings do not violate guidelines. A unique characteristic of
4chan is that users are not required to register to post on the Web site. Users may create an alias or
can simply post under the title “anonymous.” Boards are limited to 14 pages, and old posts beyond
that are not stored on 4chan Web servers; they simply “evaporate” as new posts are added. While
4chan encourages anonymity, 4chan administrators do have access to user Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses if they are not hidden.
The most highly trafficked board is the random, or /b/, board, where most anything is allowed as
long as it does not violate U.S. law. The /b/ board is infamous, as it is home to a variety of Internet
memes, including “Rickrolling” and viral videos such as “Chocolate Rain.” In general, the /b/ board
is meant to shock and disturb, and users are encouraged to post anonymously. However, child
pornography, animal abuse, and other violations of U.S. law are banned, and the IP addresses of
violators are generally reported to the local authorities. This has led to a few arrests of individuals
who have either posted or downloaded child pornography or have made school-shooting threats on
4chan is perhaps most famous for its association with the hacktivist group Anonymous. The group
took its name directly from 4chan and planned one of its first Internet pranks, or “tricks,” by
communicating through the /b/ board. Anonymous planned and coordinated the Habo Hotel prank on
4chan’s /b/ board. Anonymous continues to use 4chan’s /b/ board to recruit participants and publicize
upcoming activities.
4chan users have also been linked to variety of denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against AT&T;
as a result, AT&T temporarily blocked access to the site. 4chan users have also used the site to
coordinate attacks or pranks against Republican politician Sarah Palin, celebrity Justin Bieber, and
Mountain Dew. It continues to function as a popular discussion-based board and records millions of
users each day. In 2015, Poole sold the infamous Web site to the founder of 2chan, Hiroyuki

Barbara Salera

See also: Anonymous; Hacktivist; LulzSec

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Back Bay Books, 2012.

William Henry “Bill” Gates III (1955–) is a technology entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft and
wrote much of the early software that became the foundation for the company’s success. Gates is
known for his immense fortune; he has consistently been ranked in the top-five richest people in the
world since the late 1980s. He is also arguably the single individual most responsible for the ubiquity
of computers, largely by making them affordable and accessible to individuals and businesses rather
than simply to the wealthy, hobbyists, and businesspeople.
Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, near childhood friend Paul Allen. The two
developed an interest in computers, and when Gates attended Harvard in the early 1970s, Allen
convinced him to drop out to pursue a career. In 1975, Gates and Allen cofounded Microsoft. By
1980, the company had partnered with IBM to write MS-DOS, which became the basic operating
system (OS) for Microsoft computers. Over the next five years, Gates and Microsoft followed the
lead of Apple to create a graphic user interface (GUI) for their OS, which became Windows.
Microsoft and IBM split in 1985, allowing Microsoft to begin to create its own workstations to
compete in the “Workstation Wars” of the 1980s. During the 1990s, Microsoft emerged as the premier
computer company in the world.
Gates played a pivotal role in the ascendancy of Microsoft, serving as its CEO until 2000. Until at
least the early 1990s, he personally reviewed the source code of the company’s products, often
making his own changes to it. MS-DOS remained the basis for most computer workstations until the
late 1990s. His vision also drove the company’s corporate strategy: unlike Apple, which concentrated
on higher-end products, Gates’s company focused on powerful but low-cost software that would
prove highly adaptable to many different hardware and software formats. While it gained a reputation
for stodginess and vulnerability to cyber attacks as a result, Microsoft grew to dominate the market,
particularly in businesses, with low-cost, powerful products such as Windows and Office.
Gates maintains a highly public presence, particularly in the tech and philanthropic communities.
He has funded the tech think tank bgC3 and the networking site ResearchGate and has a stake in the
nuclear power company TerraPower. After 2010, he became a futurist. Gates has addressed much of
his punditry to the future of robotics, noting that robotic intelligence will become ubiquitous over the
next few decades. In 2009, he compared the contemporary state of robotics to that of the computer in
1980, poised to take great leaps. He has also expressed concern about the concept of
superintelligence. Like Elon Musk and others, Gates worries that superintelligence may one day
overtake human capabilities and rebel against its creators, an event often called the singularity. This
would create a new form of cyber warfare, not against enemy individuals and states, but rather
against the tools of cyber warfare themselves.
Jonathan Abel

See also: Apple Inc.; Cyber Attack; Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft Windows

Further Reading
Becraft, Michael. Bill Gates: A Biography. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014.
Gates, Bill. The Road Ahead. New York: Viking, 1995.

Robert M. Gates was born on September 25, 1943, in Wichita, Kansas. He attended the College of
William and Mary, where he received a BA in history in 1965. He subsequently received an MA in
history from Indiana University in 1966 and a PhD in Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown
University in 1974. Prior to serving as the secretary of defense, Gates spent 27 years at the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), where he became the only officer to begin at an entry-level position and
rise to oversee the entire agency. He also served briefly as a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer.
While serving as secretary of defense, from December 2006 to July 2011, Gates instituted
centralizing organizational changes to help prepare the United States to wage cyber war. He also
declared cyber warfare to be the fifth domain of warfare, in addition to land, sea, air, and space. In
June 2009, Gates announced the formation of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), which
integrated the individual cyber arms of the air force, army, navy, and marine corps. In that same year,
the Department of Defense (DoD) also published its first cyber strategy.
Gates unsuccessfully attempted to forge an agreement between DoD and the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) in 2010 to break down communication and information barriers between
the National Security Agency (NSA) and DHS. Gates hoped to share NSA’s resources with DHS to
prevent cyber attacks. As such a merger had the possibility of violating civil liberties, Gates
attempted to limit the risk by using a legal team for oversight.
In 2011, Gates announced that the United States would consider responding to cyber attacks as
acts of war. Since resigning from DoD in 2011, Gates has continued to speak out about cyber-war
threats. He argues that the United States does not have the luxury of agonizing about civil liberties to
the extent that some would like given the serious threats faced by the country.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Department of Defense (DoD); Department of Homeland Security (DHS); National Security
Agency (NSA); Obama, Barack; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Gates, Robert M. Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War. New York: Vintage, 2015.
Gates, Robert M. “Establishment of a Subordinate Unified US Cyber Command under US Strategic Command for Military Cyberspace
Operations.” Memorandum for Secretaries of the Military Departments. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Secretary of Defense,
The Gauss worm is a special variant of malware worm that collects users’ credentials (i.e.,
authentication information) for a handful of specific banking systems, social networks, and e-mail
accounts via the Windows operating systems. Kaspersky Labs first detected the worm in June 2012,
but they were unable to determine its origin. However, its code base, architecture, and
communications to its command and control server share similarities with the Flame worm. Once
installed, the worm creates some files to store information, while other modular files perform
specific functions. These modules collect system information, browsing history, passwords, text, and
cookies from a handful of targeted banks, credit companies, and social media sites. The information
is then encrypted, saved to a temporary file, and sent to command and control servers.
The worm creators named the modular files after famous mathematicians, such as Gauss,
Lagrange, Gödel, and Taylor. The Gauss module collects the user’s credentials, hence the worm’s
name. Two unique features, supplied by the Gödel and Lagrange modules, install a custom Palida
Narrow font and decrypt the worm only on target systems. Investigators have not found the worm’s
self-replication functionality, so the worm’s intended targets remain an open question. Nonetheless,
roughly 2,500 infections have been detected, which have occurred mainly in Israel, Lebanon, and the
Palestinian Territory.

Paul Clemans

See also: Authentication; Cyber Crime; Malware; Worm

Further Reading
Bencsáth, Boldizsár, Gábor Pék, Levente Buttyán, and Márk Félegyházi. “The Cousins of Stuxnet: Duqu, Flame and Gauss.” Future
Internet, November 6, 2012. http://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/4/4/971/htm.
GReAT. “Gauss: Abnormal Distribution.” SecureList, August 6, 2012. https://securelist.com/analysis/publications/36620/gauss-abnormal-

Georbot is both the name of a Trojan designed to steal data from infected computers and a fast-
growing botnet made up of computer systems infected with the Georbot Trojan. The Georbot Trojan
targeted Georgian nationals and stole information from their systems. It could steal documents and
certificates, create audio and video recordings, and browse the local network for information. The
botnet targeted Georgian financial and governmental Web sites in 2008 by launching a series of
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The number of computers comprising the zombie army
numbered around 400 systems.
Speculation attributed the attacks to the Russian government because they preceded Russian
military actions against the Georgian government. Georgia’s computer emergency response team
(CERT) determined that one of the sites used to control infected systems belonged to the Russian
Business Network (RBN), and another domain linked to that network was directly written into the
malware itself. In addition, a domain registered using the address of Russia’s Secret Service (FSB)
was used to send e-mails spreading Georbot.
CERT identified the hacker who created the botnet by using his own malware against him. CERT
set a trap by creating a zip file named “Georgian-NATO Agreement” that was another version of
Georbot. When the hacker downloaded the document, he infected his system, allowing CERT access
to his system. Once inside the system, CERT was able to take a picture of the hacker, and researchers
could access the control panel to learn the extent and intent of the operation. They determined that
Georbot targeted specific keyword strings and document types related to nongovernmental
organizations’ (NGO) activities and government offices.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Botnet; Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); Cyber Crime; Cyber War; Georgian
Cyber Attack (2008); Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.


One year after the 2007 cyber attack on Estonia, allegedly conducted and supported, or at least
approved, by Russia, the Georgian military opened fire from artillery positions on Russian and pro-
Russian Ossetian forces in the South Ossetian town of Tskhinvali, initiating the more organized,
wider-scale kinetic combat phase of the Russian-Georgian War of 2008. The August 7 attack spurred
counterattacks from Russian and Ossetian troops, whose combat edge in weapons and numbers
helped decisively end the open combat phase five days later, with Georgian forces breaking off the
ground maneuver and departing Ossetian territory. The primary physical clash between forces
occurred over control of Tskhinvali, and although it lasted less than a week, it produced a months-
long refugee crisis, further destabilized the Georgian government, and, despite a cease-fire, provided
a debilitating brake against normalized bilateral relations. Moreover, the scope of the conflict extends
over far more than the battle for Tskhinvali. It reflects years of high tensions and multiple skirmishes
and encompasses a sophisticated cyber component.
Despite the establishment of NATO’s first cyber-defense center in Tallinn, Estonia, earlier in
2008, cyber attacks rocked Georgia on multiple fronts weeks before the war opened in Ossetia. These
attacks followed years of tension that reached back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Repeating
its push for independence from Russia in 1918, during the civil war that erupted after the October
Revolution of 1917, Georgia again declared its independence from Russia in 1991. In response, the
Kremlin underwrote two pro-Russian secessions from Georgia accompanied by combat violence and
the forced expulsion of many ethnic Georgians—South Ossetia in 1992 and Abkhazia in 1993. Since
then, despite the lack of formal recognition internationally, both regions have operated as de facto
self-governing regimes.
In addition to the destabilizing effects of the status of these two regions, Russian-Georgian
relations plummeted further in the spring of 2008 when NATO issued a promise (without a timeline)
of eventual Alliance membership to the Georgian government in Tbilisi. Following several violent
skirmishes between Georgian military and Ossetian militia forces that July, unknown parties,
presumably either South Ossetians opposed to Tbilisi or Russians, conducted small-scale missile
attacks against Georgian villages near the Ossetian territory. Georgian forces then responded with
artillery and ground assaults into Ossetia, starting on August 7. However, the significant factor that set
apart this instance of Russian aggression along its borderlands is the unprecedented succession and
scope of cyber attacks that accompanied the more traditional forms of military violence in physical
The cyber-space assault against Georgia appears to have begun as early as mid-July, timed to
coincide with the provocative missile attacks against Georgian villages, and included a variety of
techniques that mainly produced two effects: distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and Web
site defacement. Attacks began with a DDoS against the Georgian presidential Web site that was
similar in nature to previous attacks, presumably involving the infection of a large number of host
computers that, co-opted as “zombies,” worked as botnets run by a smaller number of controlling
computers to flood the target site with so many requests for access that bona fide Web users could not
open the site. However, the nature of the attacks did not remain at that level for long.
Simultaneously with the Russian ground assault to repel Georgian forces from South Ossetia,
cyber attacks expanded to include multiple government Web sites, including the parliament and
several ministries, as well as commercial finance and communications Web sites, particularly media
Web sites—some 54 Internet sites in all. Of special note, specific attacks targeted the Web sites of
known Georgian hackers, presumably to eliminate them as an effective cyber counterforce during the
hostilities. During this phase, more sophisticated DDoS methods such as SQL injections and cross-
site scripting (XSS) blocked legitimate access to some of these sites. These methods can be more
effective in some cases because they bypass the need for wielding large numbers of computers as
botnets and directly assault the target servers. They also require more intelligence information on
those servers and more planning, which is why they tend to indicate state-level complicity and
The defacement attacks were also significant in their scope and extent as well as in their timing,
running simultaneous with the Russian ground maneuvers and the DDoS attacks. The thrust of the
defacement attacks was often to discredit the actions and motivations of Tbilisi while bolstering pro-
Russian sentiment, such as the provocative attempts to compare President Mikheil Saakashvili with
Adolf Hitler. At the same time as these attacks were taking place, other reporting suggested that
attackers had achieved some measure of control over the Internet byways across the border that
Georgian networks depended on, such as connections to Armenia and Turkey. The threat to cross
border Internet connections, combined with the timing of these attacks, occurring simultaneously with
the Russian ground assault, indicate a deep level of coordination between the military and the hacker
community as well as a concerted attempt to completely control the flow of electronic information in
and out of Georgia.
This coordination had severely degrading effects on Georgian sovereignty. Despite a limited
attempt by pro-Georgian hackers to combat Russian cyber attacks, ultimately unsuccessful due to the
massive scope of the enemy cyber attacks, credit card transactions, mobile phone use, and
government processes relying on the Internet were driven to a standstill for days. Perhaps more
important strategically, Russia effectively denied Georgia a voice in the international community to
publicize its story and version of events during the critical moments of the war. In sum, cyber forces
seem to have been effectively employed as virtual shock troops to unseat Georgian government,
financial, and media organs, rendering them ineffective and unable to translate the crisis to
international partners. In addition to Georgia’s crippling loss of Internet service and gagging of its
ability to strategically communicate, Georgian interests were haunted by ease of deniability.
Proof of actual Russian complicity, that perennial complication of cyber warfare, centered around
three circumstances of the conflict. First, some cyber forensic evidence has implicated the
underworld group known as the Russian Business Network. Many have alleged the organization at
times performs services for Moscow. Second, the seeming synchronization of the cyber attacks with
the Russian aerial and ground assaults appears to many observers to be inconceivable as coincidence
and the product of sympathy. Much of this reporting has focused on the Russian assault against the
Georgian town of Gori, which received an onslaught of cyber attacks on its government and media
sites directly preceding the military kinetic attacks. Third, noting the attackers’ attempts to eliminate
known Georgian hackers likely to be sympathetic to Tbilisi before the simultaneous cyber and
military assaults on Georgia, others see state-level and military thinking behind this kind of threat-
reducing approach. Given this possibility of government-hacker collusion and the combination of
cyber and military kinetic attacks, the following implications of the 2008 cyber attack on Georgia are
important to consider.
The use of cyber space to create confusion and blunt recovery and an effective government
response by specifically targeting the location of an impending military attack can have devastating
consequences, and it can also provide crucial information on the intentions of involved parties.
Second, closely linked to these elements of cyber warfare is the role and vulnerability of hackers
sympathetic to the victim. What role will hacker-on-hacker combat play in future conflicts? Third, to
what extent was the attack on Georgia, with its unique combination of cyber and military kinetic
force, “practice”? What does this portend for the future of Russian behavior as well as other actors,
or did it portend the Crimean annexation and other events of the 2014–2016 crisis in Ukraine? Fourth,
there would appear to be from the evidence and outcomes of this attack a profusion of potential tip-
offs, some playing the part of cyber tip-offs of military activity and others the part of pre-cyber
attacks as preemptive maneuvers before cyber activity. Finally, observers can closely consider the
strategic effects of, in this case, what at first glance looks like a five-day hot war. In addition to
analyzing the extended benefits for Russia in continuing the ambiguity of many of its bilateral
relationships, what has been the connection between this expensive stalemate, in which South Ossetia
simply retained its secessionist status, and the relative multinational interests in the energy sector in
the region?
Part of the effects of cyber warfare is that the attacker can provide a cyber “show of force,”
demonstrating what it is capable of without actually following through. For example, the 2008 crisis
revealed Georgian vulnerabilities on multiple fronts. Understandably, economic partners in the energy
sector tend to require a certain amount of stability as a sine qua non of future transactions. Russia
appears to have sought in the conflict at least the following: a firmer grip on the breakaway South
Ossetia and Abkhazia; more distance from its wounded past including the 1991 breakup of the Soviet
Union; and more stature in the regional energy sector.
Feints and ploys are just as possible in cyber warfare and hybrid conflicts, including messaging to
parties not even involved in the conflict of the moment. Perhaps the most significant lesson from the
2008 cyber attack on Georgia is the requirement to fold the objectives and nature of the attack into a
larger tapestry, to determine the relevance of the behavior to the higher strategic purposes that may be
behind it.
Daniel Connelly

See also: Botnet; Cyber Attack; Cyber War; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Estonian
Cyber Attack (2007); Georbot; Patriotic Hacking; Russia Cyber Capabilities; Russian Business
Network (RBN); SQL Injection

Further Reading
Berdyaev, Nicolas. The Russian Idea. New York: Macmillan, 1948.
Clarke, Richard, and Robert Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Kalb, Marvin. Imperial Gamble: Putin, Ukraine, and the New Cold War. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2015.
Libicki, Martin. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Mankoff, Jeffrey. Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009.
Myers, Stephen Lee. The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015.

GhostNet is the name given by researchers to one of the most well-known examples of an advanced
persistent threat (APT), or a cyber attack by which an unauthorized user acquires access to a network
and maintains access for a significant period of time to steal information. The term ghost net refers to
the tendency of fishermen to leave or lose their nets in the ocean, where they appear to be almost
invisible in dim light. In this case, the casting of virtually invisible nets through cyber networks
resulted in the infection of more than 1,200 high-profile computers, including those of many prominent
diplomats, in 103 countries.
GhostNet sought to extract sensitive information from the Tibetan government-in-exile, the Office
of the Dalai Lama, and Tibetan nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), many of which are located in
Dharamsala, India. The Dalai Lama fled the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1959, and he and
other organizations have increasingly turned to the Internet as a means of communication as well as a
way to gain support for Tibetan causes, which has often embarrassed the PRC.
Much of what is known about GhostNet comes from a Canadian-based organization known as
Information Warfare Monitor (IWM), which released its findings in 2009 in a report titled Tracking
GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network. IWM wanted to focus on this particular
incident because of the unique level of access the Tibetan organizations willingly provided. IWM
subsequently followed up this investigation with a report titled Shadows in the Cloud: Investigating
Cyber Espionage 2.0, with its title highlighting how cyber espionage increasingly relies on the cloud
as well as social networking for command and control. The report shows how the cloud provides
attackers with the ability to hide while offering more redundancy and reliability. The report further
voiced concerns with a trend toward cyber privateering, or the process by which a government
approves of individuals engaging in cyber attacks. IWM also worried that the line between cyber
crime and cyber espionage was becoming increasingly blurred.
GhostNet functions very similarly to other APTs. Attackers become familiar with the target’s
background to craft an e-mail most likely to seem perfectly normal because it comes from a known
recipient about an expected topic of conversation. This type of social engineering is often referred to
as the “information acquisition phase,” or a spear-phishing e-mail. Then the recipient clicks on a
Word, PDF, or other type of file. Again, the attachment is made to appear extremely relevant. Upon
opening the file, malware becomes embedded in the system. As recipients continue to use the
unknowingly infected computer, they spread the virus within the network as well as to other users
from different networks. Simultaneously, the malware establishes connections with the attacker’s
servers, which communicate and allow for the transmission of information back to the attacker. Once
established, this malware often remains in the computer for as long as a year, as antivirus software
generally fails to detect it. The Office of the Dalai Lama, for example, only became alert to the
possibility that its information had been compromised when it contacted diplomats to schedule
interviews and subsequently learned that the Chinese government had recently pressured those same
diplomats not to meet with it.
To gain access to Tibetan files, attackers had trailed the online discussions of Tibetan monks,
which helped them discover their e-mail addresses. They then sent seemingly legitimate e-mails using
the names of other monks and included attachments with names like “Translation of Freedom
Movement ID Book for Tibetans in Exile.doc.” They were also able to steal e-mail as it was being
sent and replace the original attachments with malware. Having obtained an initial foothold, they then
proceeded to target higher-ranking staff members. Once they had access to the system, the malware
spread via e-mail to the contacts in their e-mail accounts, thus leading to the infection of over 1,200
computers in organizations around the world.
Not only did GhostNet enable its attackers to gain access to information, but it allowed them to
control the victims’ computers, including activating microphones and cameras to surveil them. This
resulted from the type of Trojan placed on the system, known as a RAT, or remote access tool.
Researchers have traced the origin of this tool to Hainan Island, People’s Republic of China. With
this information, the Chinese government could acquire information to imprison Tibetans or to stop
them from reentering the country. One Tibetan woman, for example, returned to the country claiming
to have been away at school. Challenging her claim, interrogators showed her copies of her online
Despite detailed research, IWM has not established a definitive link between the Chinese
government and the compromise of Tibetan computers. In fact, it is insistent that it would be
erroneous to claim the government is involved. It particularly urges a careful consideration of the
issue in light of the difficulty of attributing attacks. For example, another nation could be using a
“false flag scenario” by which another entity could be making China appear to be the culprit.
Similarly, although many of the domain names used in GhostNet have been registered to the same
person, they could have been stolen. Scholars point to the existence of a strong and large constituency
of patriotic hackers in China as well as criminal operators who could also be behind this. IWM’s
measured conclusions are in contrast to a more vocal but similar report made by Mandiant
Corporation in regard to PRC’s Unit 61398.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Attribution; Cloud Computing; Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Malware; Mandiant
Corporation; People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities;
Social Engineering; Spear Fishing; Spyware; Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Adair, Steven, Ron Deibert, Rafal Rohozinski, Nate Villeneuve, and Greg Walton. Shadows in the Cloud: Investigating Cyber
Espionage 2.0. Toronto: A Joint Report of the Information Warfare Monitor and Shadowserver Foundation, 2010.
Deibert, Ron, and Rafal Rohozinski. Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network. Toronto: Centre for International
Studies, University of Toronto, 2009.
Lin, Xue, and Rocci Luppicini. “Socio-technical Influences of Cyber Espionage: A Case Study of the GhostNet System.” In Moral,
Ethical, and Social Dilemmas in the Age of Technology: Theories and Practice. Edited by Rocci Luppicini. Hershey, PA:
Information Science Reference, 2013: 112–124.
Nagaraja, Shishir, and Ross Anderson. The Snooping Dragon: Social-malware Surveillance of the Tibetan Movement. Cambridge:
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2009.
Poindexter, Dennis F. The Chinese Information War: Espionage, Cyberwar, Communications Control and Related Threats to
United States Interests. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.

Google is a software giant known for revolutionizing Internet navigation and applications, including
its eponymous search engine, innovative advertising technology, cloud computing, and e-mail.
Google’s main focus has been the development of cross-platform organizational applications for
personal and corporate users. The conglomerate’s key competitors include Apple and Microsoft. With
its unofficial motto, “Don’t be evil,” Google’s business philosophy champions open access to
information while working to safeguard its consumers—and proprietary technology—from cyber
In 1997, while doctoral students at Stanford University Larry Page and Sergey Brin used a
research project as the basis for a search engine whose unique algorithm utilized a Web site’s links to
other sites. The next year, the duo registered google.com, and the company Google was formally
established in Menlo Park, California, in 1998. Later that year, the search engine was an indomitable
force on the Web, largely because of consumer word of mouth. From 2000 until 2004, Google was
Yahoo’s client search engine, a further boost to the company’s growth and profile. Eric Schmidt, CEO
of software firm Novell Inc., became Google’s first CEO and chair in 2001. Google went public in
2004, and it reorganized in 2015, establishing Alphabet as an umbrella company with Google as a
subsidiary. Page became Alphabet’s CEO and Brin its president.
Much of Google’s revenue is produced through advertising generated by consumer searches. This
abundant revenue source permitted it to prioritize research and development (and experimentation).
To this end, Google turned to developing groundbreaking Web-based applications. Google Earth, a
sophisticated mapping service that provides interactive satellite imagery and localized statistics, was
released in 2005. Google Apps debuted in 2006 and included a free calendar and word-processing
programs, albeit with advertisements. After enhanced security features were incorporated, Google
Apps increased its popularity with corporate consumers. Launched publicly in 2007, Gmail, Google’s
free cloud-based e-mail application, offered an unprecedented 1 gigabyte of free storage. The Web
browser Chrome launched in 2008. Google moved into mobile operating systems when it acquired
Android Inc., the creator of wireless device operating systems, in 2005, leading to innovation in
cloud services, smartphones, and tablet development. After the disappointing performance of Google
Video, the company purchased its biggest video-streaming market competitor, YouTube, in 2006.
Google+, a social network rival for Facebook, went live in 2011. As of 2016, the conglomerate’s
driverless car was being readied for market.
Google has had a number of issues due to a perceived lack of sensitivity regarding personal data
privacy. Google’s use of targeted advertising has produced an effective revenue stream, yet the
methodology has drawn criticism. Targeted advertising involves mining user data via tracking
searches and scanning e-mail. Consumer watchdogs see this as a privacy violation and contend its
accepted use as a corporate tool has bled into Google’s product development, whereby innovation
comes before privacy and obtaining permission. This has resulted in investigations and legal action
over application data mining and privacy encroachment; for example, Google’s Street View’s
potentially intrusive photographic mapping project drew international ire, and amassing data on
millions of students through Google Apps for Education resulted in a lawsuit filed by University of
California, Berkeley, students and Harvard alumni. In 2011, Google Health, a medical record
application permitting company servers access to sensitive private information, was canceled.
Despite Google’s shaky history stretching user privacy boundaries, it has been a fierce advocate
for cyber security. The company guards its code closely, with particular concern over software
vulnerabilities, going so far as to financially reward hackers who revealed flaws. In July 2014,
Google established Project Zero, a unit of security researchers assembled to find possible
weaknesses in open-source applications, which present opportunities to criminals, state-sponsored
hackers, and government intelligence organizations. These countersurveillance initiatives increased
after Edward J. Snowden’s revelations showed National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance had
captured Google user information.
In response to its own hacking incidents, Google has taken up a position of corporate social
responsibility, moving to protect human rights activists and combat repressive forces threatening
cyber space. This has brought it into direct conflict with authoritarian states. To access the vast
Chinese market, Google agreed to follow government-censorship protocols. In January 2010, Google
announced that Chinese hackers were spying on users who had searched for information on Chinese
dissident organizations. These hackers also explicitly targeted human rights activists, foreign
journalists, and the Dalai Lama, and they passed Google’s intellectual property to its Chinese-based
competitors. Hackers had broken into Google’s source code and network servers. As a result of
Operation Aurora, Google announced it would not abide censorship policies and directed Chinese
searches to its Hong Kong servers, where they would be unfiltered. This precipitated a withdrawal
from the mainland Chinese market, though Google’s (censored) Chinese services gradually came back
online. As of 2016, Google was preparing to reenter China, working with authorities to establish an
Android store offering only government-approved applications.
Google’s experience in China led to a tentative cyber-security alliance with U.S. government
intelligence agencies, which, as the Snowden leaks disclosed, has been tenuous. Google participated
in talks with President Barack Obama’s Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, a series
of public-private sector conferences to develop recommendations for improving the American
position on cyber security. In June 2016, Google joined executives from other tech firms, such as
IBM, in pushing a commission agenda based on consumer data privacy, threat sharing between
government agencies and industry, and transparency. Google has argued that the relationship between
the government and tech firms has been badly damaged by agency secrecy, especially the use of
national security letter (NSL) gag orders, documents to secretly compel customer information
disclosure. Indeed, Google has been an industry leader in public advocacy over government data
collection, publishing NSL transparency reports and data demands since 2010.

Anna Zuschlag
See also: Apple Inc.; Baidu; Microsoft Corporation; National Security Agency (NSA); Obama,
Barack; Operation Aurora; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Snowden, Edward J.

Further Reading
DeVos, Stephanie A. “The Google-NSA Alliance: Developing Cybersecurity Policy at Internet Speed.” Fordham Intellectual Property,
Media, and Entertainment Law Journal 21:1 (2011): 174–227.
Hughes, Christopher R. “Google and the Great Firewall.” Survival 52(2), April–May 2010: 19–26.
Stross, Randall E. Planet Google: One Company’s Audacious Plans to Organize Everything We Know. New York: Free Press, 2008.
Tan, Justin, and Anna E. Tan. “Business under Threat, Technology under Attack, Ethics under Fire: The Experience of Google in China.”
Journal of Business Ethics 110(4), November 2012: 469–479.

The earliest use of hacker referred to an unorthodox problem solver and master programmer. Many of
these original hackers made the machines and programs that are vital to modern society. There is no
one universal meaning for the term hacker due to the many terms that have been created to define the
different types of hackers, such as computer cracker and black hat to describe criminal hackers. The
widespread, popular belief is that hackers are bad people who do bad things, but this oversimplifies
the concept.
The original hackers typically did not hack with the intention of doing harm to others but because
they lacked the necessary resources on their own. These hackers who received recognition for their
contributions disputed the criminalization of the word hacker. The origin of the term hacker comes
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where students engaged in elaborate pranks
dubbed hacks. When students first applied hacker to computer hackers, there was a serious amount of
respect implied because the feat involved innovation, style, and technical virtuosity. As a result,
hacking was most closely associated with overcoming the limitations of early computers with
creative, unorthodox problem solving. Due to the limited number of computers available, hackers
took special care not to harm them while hacking the programs.
The concept of hacking persisted into the 1960s as computers shifted from university to military
applications. This angered many programmers, despite the significant funding of their work by the
military and the federal government. At the center of this backlash was the belief that information
should be free to all to understand how things work and can be improved. It was at this time that a
hacker ethic developed and formed the core of hacker culture. This ethic included the following
tenets: access to computers; free access to information; a mistrust of authority; the idea that hackers
should be judged on their hacking, not formal degrees; that one can create art and beauty on a
computer; and that computers can change one’s life for the better.
Breaking computer laws between the 1950s and 1970s never concerned hackers because there
were no laws to break. Criminal hacking emerged and generated a significant impact on society in the
1980s and 1990s with the increased use and prominence of the Internet and IBM’s new stand-alone
personal computer. By the start of the year 2000, most computers were interconnected through the
Internet, including the ability to find government and other sensitive data. Due to the access of so
much information on the Internet, hackers’ actions began to become more malicious in nature.
Hackers use terms to draw distinctions between themselves, and understanding these different
types allows insight into the hacker community. A first differentiation is between hackers and cyber
criminals. A “pure” hacker is harder to prosecute because the laws are designed around financial
damages. Most of hacker online activity is perfectly legal; however, the hacker subculture does
accept some actions that violate laws. It is when the actions of hackers overlap with computer crime
that criminal hacking occurs. Cyber criminals, on the other hand, engage in acts more often associated
with criminality, such as fraud, scamming, and embezzlement.
There are numerous terms for different types of hackers in the larger subculture. Crackers are
malicious hackers, though there is no final authority who determines when a hacker crosses this line.
Script kiddies are mischievous hackers often primarily concerned with bragging and attacking each
other or anyone who draws their wrath. They tend to have limited programming skills, instead relying
on downloaded attack programs. White hat hackers are often termed “ethical” hackers because they
have reformed and entered the computer-security field. One example of white hat hackers is “tiger
teams” who test organizations’ cyber defenses by attacking their own employer’s site. Gray hat
hackers generally behave in an ethical manner, but they sometimes violate accepted ethics. Their
intrusions are typically recreational, and they do not profit or cause harm as a result of their actions.
At times, they even inform the system administrators of security flaws.
Black hat hackers are essentially a cracker or malicious hacker, although this term does not apply
to all computer criminals. Only when hackers’ actions violate or conflict with hacker ethics are they
considered black hat hackers. These hackers tend to have a great deal more skill than script kiddies
and, in contrast with popular perceptions, are quite open about their beliefs and actions. There are
even black hat conferences where hackers gather to share ideas, concepts, and even train with new
methodologies and tactics.
Finally, hacktivists are hackers who have come together to challenge the treatment of their peers
by the government. These hacktivists often focus on political ends rather than the standard goals of the
hacker subculture. Due to the fact that most hacktivist activities are legal, they are one of the most
accessible of hacker types.
The hacker subculture appears to provide some justification for behavior, information, and skills
to engage in hacking as well as beliefs about the nature of their actions. There are several subcultural
norms that hackers use to shape the understanding of their actions. First, the relationship between
technology and hackers represents a deep connection that structures hackers’ interests and activities.
Second, hackers pursue knowledge; they have a devotion to learning about and understanding
technology. Third, they possess a level of commitment to their belief system; true hackers that move
beyond script kiddies have devoted time and effort in progressing their skills to an advanced level.
Fourth, hackers categorize their actions; commitment, knowledge, and technology clearly affect how
hackers construct their meaning and definition of hacker. Finally, hackers are aware of the law; they
regularly discuss the legality of hacking and information sharing in both the cyber and real worlds.
Hackers are acutely aware of the legal codes because they want to know whether their activities are
legal. It is important to understand the hacker subculture because the hackers themselves are acutely
aware of their own history and subcultural hierarchy. Understanding these aspects allows society to
better adapt to their increased presence in society.

Christopher Menking

See also: Anonymous; Black Hat; Hacktivist; LulzSec; Mitnick, Kevin; Patriotic Hacking;
Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”; White Hat
Further Reading
Haerens, Margaret, and Lynn M. Zott, eds. Hacking and Hackers. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2014.
Holt, Thomas J., and Bernadette H. Schell. Hackers and Hacking: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013.
Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Beijing: O’Reilly, 2010.
Taylor, Robert W., Eric J. Fritsch, and John Liederbach. Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson,

A hacktivist refers to an individual who practices a form of digital civil disobedience known as
hacktivism. Hacktivism is the practice of using computer hacking as a form of political activism
(hacking + activist = hacktivist). Hacktivism can be perpetrated by an individual or a group. Notable
hacktivists include Julian Assange (1971–) and Aaron Schwartz (1986–2013). Notable hacktivist
groups include Anonymous, LulzSec, Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc), and Hacktivismo. All these
individuals and groups have used their hacking skills for explicitly political purposes. The term
hacktivism itself is credited to cDc member Omega, who first used the term in an e-mail. The first
known instance of hacktivism, that is, computer hacking with an explicitly political aim, dates to
1989, when hackers unleashed a computer worm on computers at NASA to protest nuclear weapons.
Hacktivist activities are rooted in hacktivists’ culture of “tricksterdom,” or conducting online
pranks; yet, they also share a common purpose with other forms of civil disobedience. Hacktivism is
a direct action meant to bring attention to a political cause or issue. Commonly used tactics include
using malware, defacing Web sites, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, constructing mirror
sites, or diverting Web traffic. The cDc computer-hacking group is widely recognized as the first with
a specific political cause, namely, supporting human rights, in particular free speech. The group cDc
partnered with the Hong Kong Blondes to hack into Chinese networks for the purpose of overriding
censorship filters. From there, other groups, such as the Electronic Disturbance Theater and the
Legions of the Underground (LoU) began to use computer-hacking skills to attack government Web
sites and networks as a form of protest.
Like other forms of civil disobedience, it is not without controversy. Critics equate hacktivism
with cyber terrorism, or the use of targeted computer attacks to cause harm or violence to
unsuspecting individuals for political purposes. Governments argue that hacktivist tactics can be
easily co-opted by terrorist groups to cause widespread harm or violence to populations. However,
governments, such as the United States and Canada, have been known to draft hacktivists, specifically
to attack Chinese and Iranian Internet censorship.
There are also disagreements among hacktivists as to what can be considered acceptable forms of
digital disobedience. Members of the cDc argue that groups like Anonymous, who engage in DDoS
attacks or who shut down access to Web sites, are not practicing hacktivism, as they are themselves
violating norms of free speech. In a DDoS attack, Web sites that hackers find distasteful are
essentially shut down. Oxblood Ruffin, a cDc hacktivist, likens attacks such as these to the digital
equivalent of “shouting someone down at a town hall meeting.” For these hacktivists, there are
definite limits as to what actions qualify as hacktivism. According to many hacktivists, any activity
meant solely to silence a message that one may find distasteful does not qualify as hacktivism.

Barbara Salera
See also: Anonymous; Assange, Julian; 4chan; LulzSec

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Back Bay Books, 2012.
Stryker, Cole. Hacking the Future: Privacy, Identity, and Anonymity on the Web. New York: Overlook Duckworth, 2012.

Hardware is a general term for the physical parts of a computer, but the specific instances of
hardware differ between handheld, laptop, desktop, mainframe, or supercomputers. In fact, even a
computing chip contained in digital watch or automobile computer has elements similar to the
hardware components found in a laptop or desktop computer. The main distinction is not between
different types of hardware, but between the software that provides operating instructions to
hardware and the hardware itself.
The basic hardware components of a desktop personal computer are a case, a monitor, a
motherboard (integrated circuitry that connects most of the components together), a central processing
unit (CPU), random-access memory (RAM), a power supply, an optical disc drive, a hard disk drive,
a keyboard, and a mouse. Laptops are quite similarly constructed and usually have all the hardware
components contained in the same case, unlike a desktop, which connects many of the components,
such as the keyboard, monitor, mouse, and (often) an optical disc drive, by a variety of cables through
ports on the outside of the case.
Data is stored by a computer using a variety of media hardware, both hardwired and removable.
Peripherals are input and output devices typically housed externally to the main computer case; they
can include a mouse, keyboard, touchpad, Web cam, microphone, joystick, image scanner, printer,
monitor, or speakers.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Software

Further Reading
Graham, James, Richard Howard, and Ryan Olson. Cyber Security Essentials. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications, 2011.

Michael V. Hayden (1945–), a retired four-star U.S. Air Force general, is a controversial figure in
U.S. intelligence for his views on civil liberties in pursuing counterterrorism and interrogation. He is
the only person to have led both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA).
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Hayden attended Duquesne University, where he earned a BA in
history in 1967. After receiving a commission as a U.S. Air Force officer, he then received his MA in
modern American history in 1969. Subsequently, he spent over 41 years in the air force as a career
intelligence officer.
Hayden served as director of the NSA from 1999 to 2005 and revitalized the agency, replacing its
Cold War mentality with a focus on counterterrorism. He sought to increase the NSA’s openness, even
inviting journalists to dine with him at his home. However, he also battled vocally with them,
including in one notable exchange where he claimed that the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment makes
no mention of probable cause.
He also markedly expanded the collection of data, often controversially. Initially very concerned
with the protection of civil liberties, he changed his mind after the attacks on 9/11. In light of that
terrorist attack, he instituted a domestic-surveillance program that listened to conversations between
American citizens and terrorists abroad without warrants. Similarly, he began a program of massive
metadata collection, largely revealed by Edward J. Snowden’s leak of classified sources. The
program, known as PRISM, allowed the government to obtain personal information from key
communication companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook.
As director of the CIA from 2006 to 2009, Hayden helped further the transition of the agency from
one of intelligence gathering to carrying out covert military operations, in large part through drone
strikes. Hayden also called for the loosening of targeting restrictions on these drone operations.
While the practice of “enhanced interrogation techniques” was already entrenched before his arrival,
he continued to support the practice. Many argue that these techniques did not produce any real
Hayden retired from the air force in 2008, and he now teaches as a distinguished visiting
professor at George Mason University. He is also employed by the Chertoff Group, where he
provides subject matter expertise on intelligence, especially cyber issues. In the wake of the data
breach at the Office of Personnel Management, Hayden proclaimed that if the NSA had been able to
break into a similar Chinese office, it would have gladly taken analogous data, characterizing this as
the typical behavior of powerful nations. He has also warned that the U.S. government is ill-prepared
to handle cyber attacks and that U.S. technological corporations must pioneer the means of protecting
the nation. In regard to Stuxnet, Hayden worried that the use of a cyber attack to cause physical
destruction may have established a dangerous precedent.
In 2016, Hayden profiled his experiences with the NSA and CIA in Playing to the Edge. The title
expresses his philosophy of pushing his intelligence operations as far as possible without actually
breaking the law.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); National Security Agency (NSA); Office of Personnel
Management Data Breach; Snowden, Edward J.

Further Reading
Hayden, Michael V. Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.

A honeypot is an isolated early warning security device or system used to gather information on
outside intruders attacking a network system while safely protecting the more critical information on
the network. The system or device acts like an additional layer of protection over the current Internet
security systems in place. The honeypot is a decoy system to entice outside malicious attackers or
spammers with false critical information that can be easily compromised while on a separate but
similar safe network. Once the intruder enters the system, the system will detect, monitor, and record
information on the intrusion. The system can be taken off-line to analyze and research the system’s
vulnerabilities. The old school of thought is that once the intruders have compromised the system they
will return for more visits, which will allow the system to gather more information about each of the
intrusions. The purpose of the honeypots allows one to gain a better insight into the attacker’s
methodologies of probing and gaining access into the system while better protecting and securing the
real critical systems within a network.
The origin of honeypots can be linked back to the 1980s. One of the first recorded uses was by the
military around 1986. They used fake military records as bait to entice intruders into the system. A
more recent example came from the collective effort to battle the Conficker worm, when network
defenders managed to divert the particularly dangerous malware into a honeypot, both as a preventive
measure and to study its design.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Conficker Worm; Cyber Security

Further Reading
Andress, Jason, and Steve Winterfield. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. Waltham, MA:
Syngress, 2011.
Bowden, Mark. Worm: The First Digital World War. New York: Grove Press, 2011.
Graham, James, Ryan Olson, and Richard Howard. Cyber Security Essentials. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2010.

Identity theft is the practice of stealing and assuming a person’s identity to use it for nefarious
purposes, including financial gain, espionage, and disruption. Identity thieves target private
information, such as Social Security numbers, passwords, log-in credentials, and credit card
numbers. Identity theft is likely as old as humanity, but the advent of the cyber age transformed it. The
invention of charge cards in the 1950s opened up new avenues for mayhem, and the combination of
charge-card and check fraud created the modern definition of identity theft, which was coined in
1964. The networking of computer systems and the proliferation of e-commerce over the next several
decades provided the opportunity for identity theft to take place partially or wholly by digital means,
and identity theft now costs companies and financial institutions billions of dollars per year.
Methods of identity theft generally fall into three categories: physical, electronic, and hybrid.
Physical methods involve the material theft of identifying credentials, such as stealing trash marked
with them or forging documents. Electronic methods include the use of keylogging software on a
target computer and phishing and pharming schemes. Hybrid methods involve a combination of the
two methods, such as physically manipulating a radio-frequency identification (RFID) or Wi-Fi
system to gain access to electronic information. Ghosting is the assumption of a dead person’s
identity, often for financial gain.
Phishing is one of the more popular forms of online identity theft, involving the sending of
seemingly trustworthy messages designed to trick a target into revealing identifying information.
Several specific forms of phishing exist, including spear phishing, where the target is a known
quantity, and whaling, where the target is a high-level or wealthy person. Pharming is an evolution of
the phishing techniques that redirects a target to a different Web site than intended to obtain
identifying information. The above attacks and others are often used in conjunction with each other to
accomplish the goal of identity theft. Taken together, they are referred to as social engineering.
In the realm of cyber warfare, identity theft plays a significant role. The same methods of social
engineering and theft for financial gain are also used for espionage and warfighting. Identity theft can
grant access to military databases, for example. Often, such intrusions will be combined with other
intrusion methods, such as leaving a backdoor in the network to return. Identity thieves can also
conceal themselves with remarkable ability in the modern cyber age by routing a network intrusion
through multiple locations or proxies to conceal the original location of the intruder, as in the case of
the 2014 Sony Pictures attack.
Kinetic operations can also be influenced by identity theft. The 2007 Israeli incursion into Syria,
dubbed Operation Orchard; the likely Russian-based attacks Georgia in 2008; and NATO operations
in the Balkans in the late 1990s all used identity theft to redirect enemy efforts on the battlefield. In
each, attackers infiltrated enemy networks and misdirected antiaircraft and other defensive
capabilities of the target states, allowing kinetic operations to proceed with little to no resistance in
each case. Identity theft and concealment proved vital to each—although the United States avowed its
role in the Balkans operations, neither the Operation Orchard nor Georgian attacks have been claimed
by Israel or Russia.

Jonathan Abel

See also: Attribution; Authentication; Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Cyber Security; E-commerce;
Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); Hacker; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Operation
Orchard; Phishing; Social Engineering; Spear Phishing; Spoofing

Further Reading
Biegelman, Martin. Identity Theft Handbook: Detection, Prevention, and Security. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber Warfare. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Warren, Peter, and Michael Streeter. Cyber Crime and Warfare. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2013.

While often called a virus, ILOVEYOU was technically a worm transmitted through Microsoft
Outlook e-mail. E-mail was a popular method of electronic communication used by businesses to
pass information and, for many, to stay in touch with others prior to the invention of many of today’s
popular social media sites. On May 4, 2000, two Filipino men took advantage of the need for
information and social interconnectivity when they launched the worm via e-mail with the subject line
“ILOVEYOU”. When a recipient clicked on the “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs” e-mail
attachment, it activated the Visual Basic script. The script sent copies of the virus to all Outlook
addresses and damaged the host computer by overwriting random files. Ultimately, over 45 million
people worldwide were affected, as the virus infected over 1 million computers per day, resulting in
an estimated $5.5 billion in damage. At the time, the ILOVEYOU virus was the biggest malware
event to date. All charges against the men responsible, Onel de Guzman and Reomel Ramones, were
dropped by prosecutors, as there were no laws in the Philippines against malware writing at the time.

Brandee J. Harral

See also: Cyber Security; Malware; Worm

Further Reading
Bowden, Mark. Worm. New York: Grove Press, 2011.
Seltzer, Larry. “‘I Love You Virus’ Turns Ten: What Have We Learned?” PCMag.com, April 28, 2010.


An international debate over the necessity, feasibility, form, and desirability of an information
warfare weapons treaty is ongoing between nations. There are several subjects for possible
agreements and forms that a treaty could take. The subjects include treaties that would suppress
private misconduct and treaties to restrict state action. The forms of such agreements could include
multilateral conventions, bilateral agreements, UN General Assembly Resolutions, or a codification
of existing customary international law.
Among the most basic issues complicating the ability to create such a treaty is in the definition of
terms. There is a lack of consistent terminology and clear understanding of the possible types of
weapons. For example, the term information weapons is used by some participants in the debate;
others use cyber weapons. Are the terms interchangeable? What kinds of technologies qualify as
weapons? Are any or all of these technologies dual use? The very nature of the technology under
discussion makes creating a treaty problematic.
Perhaps the largest hurdle to the creation of a treaty regulating information warfare weapons is the
ideological differences between the nations involved in the discussions. The United States and some
European countries have articulated the desire to improve international cooperation in the
investigation and prosecution of computer crimes and terrorism. Russia and a few other countries
would like a treaty to focus on protecting international information security with multilateral arms
control treaties.
It is also not clear to what extent a treaty is even needed. Some scholars contend that portions of
the law of armed conflict apply, and others have suggested that the 1967 Outer Space Treaty may
contain relevant principles. Scholars agree that it may be premature for the development of
overarching principles concerning information warfare weapons.
There has been some successful international cooperation, however, in battling cyber crime and
cyber terrorism. Researchers contend that it is less likely that an international agreement broadly
prohibiting or regulating state action involving information warfare techniques will be created
because the issues involved are not clearly understood by any of those involved. Nations do not know
what is in their best interests. Even if such a treaty was supported and ratified by nation-states,
regulating it would require a massive undertaking, if it could be achieved at all. Much of the
discussion lacks the specificity needed for legal regulation. Instead of a treaty, it is more likely that
international law will develop slowly, based on the actions and statements of nations in response to
events as they happen.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Cyber Weapon; Informatization; Laws of Armed Conflict

Further Reading
Arimatsu, Louise. “A Treaty for Governing Cyber-weapons: Potential Benefits and Practical Limitations.” In 2012 4th International
Conference on Cyber Conflict. Edited by Christian Czosseck, Rain Ottis, and Katharina Ziolkowski. Talinn, Estonia: NATO CCD
COE Publications, 2012.
Johnson, Phillip A. “Is It Time for a Treaty on Information Warfare?” In Computer Network Attack and International Law. Edited by
Michael N. Schmitt and Brian T. O’Donnell. Newport, RI: Naval War College, 2002.
Johnson, Thomas A., ed. Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Infrastructures from Cyber Attack and Cyber Warfare. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 2015.
Kaplan, Fred M. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2016.
Informatization is a total integration concept that refers to the application of informatics to a function,
such as economics or national security. The informatization of society is a global movement. Some
countries, such as Finland and the Republic of Korea, lead the way with almost universal Internet
penetration. The United States as a society has been partially informatized. Google and Amazon have
a presence in almost every home in the country and are aggregating and analyzing huge amounts of
data. Approximately 64 percent of Americans have a smartphone in 2016, and 60 percent have
personal computers. Other countries are following rapidly.
Informatization has huge implications for personal and national security. As billions of sensors
provide metadata to the cloud, everyone gains the ability to personalize services and related
purchases. As an example, people can now monitor and control certain aspects of their home security,
such as cameras and locks, from their smartphones. However, this potentially allows hackers to use
these same systems to determine that the house is empty and to unlock the door at will.
These opportunities and challenges also concern organizations and states. The United States has
enjoyed a tremendous advantage in cyber operations, information warfare, logistics, and intelligence.
This advantage is eroding as others seek to harness information for their own advantage. The Chinese
and the Russians have both integrated informatization into their military concepts, particularly
manifested in China’s Military Strategy from May 2015 and the Military Doctrine of the Russian
Federation from June 2015. There are two reasons for this. First, they have noted U.S. tactical
battlefield prowess in modern conventional combat and have derived lessons from it. Second, they
both fear their populations and seek to control all information that their people have access to. They
both feel that the United States has fomented the “color revolutions” and are determined that they will
not succumb to their own version.
Russia uses information as part of what they call “political warfare,” which George Kennan
described as “the employment of all the means at a nation’s command, short of war, to achieve its
national objectives.” Others at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency call it Russia’s “new
generation warfare,” which has five component elements: political subversion, proxy sanctuary,
intervention, coercive deterrence and negotiated manipulation. Indeed, one set of authors uses all the
terms—political warfare, hybrid-war, asymmetric warfare, and new-generation warfare—to describe
the modern Russian approach. This is often referred to as the Gerasimov Doctrine, after Russian chief
of the general staff Valery Gerasimov, who argues that nonmilitary means of achieving military
strategic goals have grown. Others say there is no model, but that Moscow has instead shaped its
operations upon careful analysis of the operational environment. The Russians themselves say that the
characteristics of current military conflicts are the integrated employment of military force and the
other elements of national power (e.g., political, economic, informational, or other nonmilitary
measures). Regardless of the label, Russian efforts in Estonia in 2007, Georgia in 2008, and Ukraine
in 2014–2015 are all manifestations of this Russian approach to warfare and were greatly enhanced
by Russian cyber efforts.
Russia combines deniable operations with robust information capabilities that simultaneously
legitimize their operations while delegitimizing those of their opponents. Their cyber efforts gather
intelligence and perform operational preparation of the environment in case they want to develop
cyber attacks in the future or disseminate propaganda on a global level. One tool that the Russians use
are proxies. Proxies allow some sort of anonymity or deniability when performing offensive cyber
operations. Analysts at the Center for Naval Analysis comment that powers will use proxies to
achieve political and military effects in a deceptive and confusing manner to obscure the belligerent’s
direct participation. This all reflects their concept of informatization and their use of information
The Chinese seek to leverage information in support of their economy, as has the United States.
The Alibaba Group was the world’s largest retailer as of April 2016 and has functions similar to both
Amazon and eBay. The Chinese military sees information as a domain, as does the U.S. military.
Where the two differ is that China sees the network, electromagnetic, psychological, and intelligence
domains as part of the information domain. Others include space, command and control, and physical
operations (which would be similar to the Western concept of kinetic operations). China has even
activated a new Strategic Support Force that commands all People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cyber
and space forces. This command reports directly to the Central Military Committee, which allows the
government in Beijing to use these forces as national assets in the quest for information dominance.
This may well increase the capability of the Chinese to achieve this goal.
The United States does not have a concept like informatization. The Department of Defense
(DoD) stovepipes each of those communities within special groups. The commander is responsible
for the integration of all effects in an operation, including information effects. Cyber operations are
done by U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); information operations and psychological
operations both operate as part of information operations. The electronic warfare community is
separate, as is the signals intelligence community. The U.S. Navy is the only DoD organization that
has conceptualized information as something similar to the Chinese perspective by creating the
Information Warfare Community (formerly the Information Dominance Corps), which contains
intelligence, cyber, networks, space, oceanography, meteorology, and electronic warfare. They have
also expanded the position of the chief of naval intelligence to encompass the role of the vice chief of
naval operations for information warfare.

G. Alexander Crowther

See also: Cyber War; Patriotic Hacking; People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of
China Cyber Capabilities; Russia Cyber Capabilities; Unrestricted Warfare

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber War: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

The term infrastructure has multiple meanings in regard to cyber space. At a simplistic level,
infrastructure in cyber space describes the connection between the physical world and the virtual
world, but which specific part of that connection varies widely in each definition. The use of the term
in cyber security stems from the more traditional use of the word to describe the critical systems,
roads, and industries that society relies on to conduct the core of governance and commerce. Each of
the following three terms has significant meaning in U.S. cyber-security policy and the U.S. cyber-
security industry: critical infrastructure, cyber infrastructure, and hacking infrastructure.
In U.S. policy, critical infrastructure describes the core sectors required for governance and
commerce. If disrupted, these industries could have a significant effect on the national security or
economic security of the United States. Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21 established 16 critical
infrastructure sectors: chemical, commercial facilities, communications, critical manufacturing, dams,
defense industrial base, emergency services, energy, financial services, food and agriculture,
government facilities, health care and public health, informational technology, nuclear, transportation,
and water and waste. By identifying critical infrastructure, the U.S. government prioritizes efforts to
protect these sectors through operational and cyber-security efforts. Each sector has a lead
government agency responsible for ensuring its defense, and this extends to cyber space as well. The
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for the whole of the critical infrastructure
protection program under PPD-21.
The focus of government effort to protect critical infrastructure stems from the vulnerability of
how reliant much of that infrastructure is on cyber space. Networks and connectivity comprise a great
deal of critical infrastructure management, especially in regard to public utilities. In 2003, President
Bush focused his cyber-security strategy on this interdependency of critical infrastructure and cyber
space and critical infrastructure’s perceived vulnerability to sophisticated cyber threats.
Cyber infrastructure is a term used to describe routers, switches, servers, and cables that exist
somewhere in the physical world. Usually this infrastructure of cyber space refers to the Internet
backbone, but it may be used to apply to similar physical devices in corporations and governments.
The backbone of the Internet is owned by a small handful of very large corporations, usually referred
to as tier 1 Internet service providers (ISPs). Depending on the source, sometimes infrastructure is
used to describe the physical devices and cables below the tier 1 ISP level, but cyber infrastructure
almost always refers to physical devices that connect to cyber space. Tier 1 cyber infrastructure is
considered a part of critical communications infrastructure.
Hacking infrastructure is used by cyber-security experts to describe the pathways adversaries
use or create to conduct hacking activity. The purpose of building hacking infrastructure is to
obfuscate the point of origin of the hacker and to enable hacking activity. Most cyber-security tactics
are heavily dependent on defensive perimeters and host-based antivirus programs. To circumvent
these defensive practices, a hacker uses computers throughout the world that will obfuscate the
location of the hacker and frustrate attribution efforts. In some cases, hacking infrastructure can
include thousands of computers available to a single threat actor.
Hacking infrastructure comprises the necessary components threats must build to support their
hacking activity. Hacking infrastructure consists of three categories: infrastructure owned by the
threat, infrastructure compromised by the threat, and infrastructure leased by the threat. Hackers need
infrastructure to conduct successful penetrations because network defenders will block inbound
addresses that are perceived to be hostile. Blocking actions by defenders can include large sections
of Internet real estate, even entire countries. Hacking infrastructure is put together by hackers to
circumvent these blocks to create successful network penetrations. Each piece of hacking
infrastructure serves a different purpose for the hacker, and all these parts have cyber-security slang
to describe them, such as hop points, malware repositories, and so on. When combined, hacking
infrastructure forms the critical links in the way that hackers execute their activities.
To obfuscate their point of origin, hackers build or purchase hacking infrastructure to put distance
between themselves and their targets. The source of the infrastructure is the computer or network that
is usually owned by the hacker. Very rarely do sophisticated threats directly access victims from their
source computers, and usually only by mistake. Most form an intermediary group of computers in
between that are commonly referred to as hop points that relay commands between the source
infrastructure and the target. Hop points are sometimes called bots or zombies as well. Depending on
the threat, these hop points can completely frustrate network defenses. According to Mandiant
Corporation, the APT1 espionage threat operated nearly 1,000 distinct and different hop points.
Each piece of hacking infrastructure is used for a specific purpose for hacking activity. Some
function as simple relays that do nothing more than relay commands from one piece of infrastructure
to another. Basic hacking infrastructure functions support command and control, relays, spear
phishing, exfiltration, beaconing, Web hosting, and more. Each of these pieces of infrastructure are
critical links to how a hacker exploits a target, but they are often disposable if they are blocked by the
The primary purpose of infrastructure is to defeat the victim’s attempts to easily identify hostile
activity, but it will also complicate foreign policy and domestic laws. The location of hacking
infrastructure throughout the world will greatly affect the legal and policy structures used to pursue or
combat cyber threats. Greater foreign policy concerns will always supersede cyber-space operational
considerations in attempting to pursue cyber threats through hacking infrastructure. Additionally,
surveillance of domestic hacking infrastructure used by foreign adversaries compounds privacy
concerns for governments. Countries that lack cyber-security cooperation are safe havens for hackers
to build infrastructure and avoid pursuit. Additionally, governments often struggle to pursue cyber
threats when hackers build infrastructure in cooperating nations, causing a delay while governments
coordinate pursuit operations. Adversaries often cause geographic operational problems by rapidly
moving through numerous countries to attack targets. Hacking infrastructure allows an adversary to
exploit this complicated policy and legal structure.

Zachary M. Smith

See also: Cyber Defense; Hacking; Hardware; National Cyber Security Strategy; National
Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC); National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

Intel Corporation is an American manufacturer of semiconductor circuits for computers that is based
in California. Intel was founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce (1927–1990) and Gordon Moore (1929–).
Initially, the company was named Integrated Electronics, before it was shortened to the more
commonly recognized moniker, Intel. Other noted contributors to the success of the business are
Arthur Rock (1926–) and Andy Grove (1936–2016). Intel is also known for producing random-
access memory (RAM) chips, microprocessors, and integrated circuits.
Noyce, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a doctorate of physics
in 1953, and Moore, holding a PhD in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 1954,
left Fairchild Semiconductor to begin Intel. Fairchild was noted for being a leader in the creation of
integrated circuits and transistors. Both Noyce and Moore used lessons learned from their days at
Fairchild Semiconductor to build their new company. Gordon Moore is also famous for coining what
became known as “Moore’s Law,” the belief that the number of transistors that could fit on integrated
circuits would double approximately every 18 months. In other words, Moore recognized a pattern in
past development and the advancement of technology, and he predicted that such growth would
Rock is the founder of the term venture capitalism and is a noted investor who helped secure the
$2.5 million that was used to start Intel. Grove joined the corporation and is credited with elevating
the company to the status of world leader in microprocessors. Grove was another initial member of
the Intel Corporation who received a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California,
Berkley, in 1963. Grove began as head of research and development with the firm and was tasked
with finding ways for the newly formed enterprise to continually move forward. Eventually, Grove
became president and also served as chief executive officer.
Intel is recognized for developing the first commercially available microprocessors and
microcomputers. A microprocessor condenses the tasks on an integrated circuit board, thereby
streamlining the internal processes of the computer. The company next developed dynamic random-
access memory chips during the 1980s, an upgrade from static-memory chips. Eventually, Intel was
able to establish their brand identity behind the revolutionary technology in Pentium processors,
released in 1993.
The Pentium line of processors continued to elevate the status of Intel as a household name in
computing. Ultimately, Intel became synonymous with producing high-quality computing products. In
2006, there was an announcement that the Pentium line of products would be discontinued. However,
instead of fading away, Pentium processors endured and were improved as dual-core processors,
meaning the chip contained two independent cores, or processing units, which sped up processing
Overall, Intel Corporation is known for pushing the industry as a whole forward. Fast and
reliable computing has become an essential component in the modern age of technology. Business is
expected to be conducted with the aid of computers and the Internet. It has become a necessity to keep
up with the leading edge of evolving technology so as not be caught behind the competition.

Jason R. Kluk

See also: Hardware; Moore’s Law

Further Reading
Colwell, Robert P. The Pentium Chronicles: The People, Passion, and Politics behind Intel’s Landmark Chips. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-
Interscience, 2006.
Jackson, Tim. Inside Intel: Andy Grove and the Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Chip Company. Oakland, CA: University of
California Press, 1998.
Malone, Michael S. The Intel Trinity: How Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove Built the World’s Most Important
Company. New York: HarperBusiness, 2014.

Intellectual property (IP) is the expression used to denote a series of legal principles and domains
that create exclusive rights in intangible “properties of mind.” These properties of mind are
designated “intangible” because they emerge as aspects of human creativity that defy simple physical
description or substance. The law of intellectual property is thought to provide an incentive to authors
and inventors to produce works for the benefit of the public. In turn, intellectual property law
regulates the public’s use of such works to ensure that authors and inventors are fairly compensated
for their efforts. The various aspects of intellectual property are usually classified into the following
six categories: (1) copyright; (2) patents; (3) trade secrets; (4) trademarks; (5) unfair competition; and
(6) right of publicity. Federal statutes establish and regulate copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Trade secrets, rights of publicity, and aspects of unfair competition fall under the jurisdiction of
Copyright laws protect works of authorship, such as books, magazine articles, computer
programs, drawings, movies, and the like. Copyright does not protect the ideas and information
themselves, but only the form in which those ideas are conveyed (e.g., art, writing, music). The
author’s rights are usually protected for the duration of the author’s life plus 70 years. Patents, issued
by governments only protect creations for 20 years, but they also protect ideas and inventions that are
not covered by copyright. Trade secrets are defined as a secret that (1) gives its owner an actual or
potential advantage in business and (2) the owner exercises reasonable measures to maintain. Trade
secret laws protect commercially valuable ideas, such as the formula for Coca-Cola or particular
research processes used by a company to develop products.
Trade secret laws are particularly relevant in the software development world, especially when
software designers move to competitors’ companies. This issue of trade secret misappropriation and
noncompete clauses was most famously taken up in the IBM v. Papermaster case, after Mark
Papermaster moved from IBM to Apple in 2008. Celebrity rights, sometimes also called rights of
publicity, generally protect the commercial persona of well-known athletes, singers, and actors.
Trademarks are not used to protect ideas, creations, or persons, but rather to protect brands that
indicate where a product comes from, for example, Apple’s apple logo. Finally, the laws of unfair
competition largely parallel trademark law but have a broader scope. For example, they are often
used to protect information that has been costly to gather or produce from misappropriation by
Intellectual property issues have taken on a whole new character since the development of the
Internet and World Wide Web. Not only is it difficult to control information, but manipulating
information and “pointing” to information can also be done with ease and a lack of accountability.
Additionally, compression, streaming, and MP3 technologies now make the packaging and
distribution of music and video much easier. For example, the 1999 landmark case of the Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA) v. Napster, an online peer-to-peer file-sharing service that
allowed millions of computer users to get free access to copyrighted music, highlights the challenges
of dealing with intellectual property issues in the digital age.
With respect to intellectual property and the military, the landscape is becoming increasingly
complex. For example, weapons technologies are usually developed by both the government and
private sector. Delineating who owns what is often the subject of complex contract and licensing
agreements. Additionally, some countries are often reluctant to export weapons systems to allied
countries who have weak intellectual property laws. Finally, as the technical sophistication of
military weapons systems has increased, and these systems derive an increasing proportion of their
value from intellectual property, it is not unlikely that in the future there will be an increase in cyber
attacks on states, companies, and the law firms that protect patents.

Deonna D. Neal

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Cyber Ethics

Further Reading
Hunter, Dan. The Oxford Introduction to U.S. Law: Intellectual Property. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
McJohn, Stephen M. Examples & Explanations: Intellectual Property. 5th ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law and Business, 2015.
Menell, Peter S., and Mark A. Lemley. Intellectual Property in the new Technological Age. 6th ed. New York: Aspen Publishers,

The Internet is a worldwide community of linked computer networks operating through a common
protocol. Originally, there was a distinction between the capitalized “Internet,” which referred to the
system built on the U.S. government’s network “backbone,” and the lowercase “internet,” which
referred to the generic linkage of two or more networks. Today, both versions of the word are used
The idea of a network of computers became feasible soon after the advent of computer science in
the post–World War II era. The concept of packet-switching envisioned a system of blocks of data
(packets) being sent over links in a network through various nodes, which could change the route
(switching) of the packets, allowing them to reach their destination by multiple paths. Telephone
systems were too rigid for this type of network, so a digital network of computers became the
preferred method.
The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
organization dedicated to scientific research, established a large-scale computer network based on
the packet-switching concept in 1969. ARPANET connected computer laboratories across the country
and enabled the laboratories to share capabilities and information. Host computers at each location
were connected to large interface message processors (IMPs) that were programmed to communicate
with other IMPs on the network. This “subnet” allowed hosts with otherwise incompatible hardware
and operating systems to send data to one another. These IMPs would also serve as packet-switches,
allowing for messages to be routed and rerouted through various lines to their destinations.
Soon after ARPANET became operational, an informal group of designers (who were also users)
met regularly to discuss ways to improve and expand the network. Group members captured their
ideas in modestly titled “Requests for Comments” (RFC). One of their first tasks was to establish a
common method for the IMPs to communicate with one another, which they completed in 1970 and
named the Network Control Protocol (NCP.)
ARPANET’s public debut came in October 1972, at the First International Conference on
Computer Communications (ICCC) in the Washington, D.C., Hilton. It was there that attendees from
the computer and communications industries were introduced to the packet-switching network and
were allowed to experiment with it on one of 40 terminals. Visitors could play chess games, read
news, converse with a simulated psychiatrist program, and access other programs and information.
The exhibit not only convinced the communications technology community that packet-switching
networks were feasible, but it also brought about the establishment of the International Network
Working Group (INWG), which sought to spread and combine network technology beyond the United
Although it was officially a DoD network designed for the performance of government contracts,
users soon utilized ARPANET for other unofficial purposes. The introduction of electronic mail (e-
mail) in July 1972 as part of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) dramatically changed the manner and
frequency of usage. By 1973, three-fourths of all traffic on ARPANET was through e-mail. This set
the stage for the arrival of the first virtual community, Message Services Group (MsgGroup), where
users could conduct conversations, and even arguments, on a variety of issues, purportedly to
establish standards for network usage but often ranging on a wide-variety of topics. The concept of
flaming, or sending a hostile message over e-mail, arose during this time—as did the introduction of
emoticons. One of the more popular unofficial lists was SF-LOVERS, for the well-represented
cohort of science-fiction enthusiasts on the network. In 1975, operational responsibility for
ARPANET was transferred to the Defense Communications Agency (DCA), which established a
more rigid administration and prohibited several of these frivolous customs.
In the years after the ICCC, other networks arose independent of ARPANET, and computer
scientists began to consider ways to enable communications between them. This led to the design of
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), which established a standard set of
rules to send data between networks through “gateway” computers. The concept was successfully
tested in 1977, and in 1983, ARPANET adopted TCP/IP. This action is considered to be the official
establishment of the Internet.
During the 1980s, Internet usage grew exponentially with the increased availability of local area
networks (LANs) and personal computers (PCs). This demand strained ARPANET’s resources.
Another government agency, the National Science Foundation (NSF), had established its own
network, NSFNET, with a backbone of five supercomputers. ARPANET’s connections were
transferred to the more capable NSFNET, and the older network was decommissioned in 1990.
Who invented the Internet? It may seem like a rhetorical question, but there are some notable
contributors. Paul Baran of the RAND Corporation compared technological development to the
construction of a cathedral, built over many years by many hands, none of whom could claim full
credit. What follows is a brief and incomplete summary of some of the architects and builders, in
rough chronological order of their contributions:

• J.C.R. Licklider served as the director of ARPA’s Command and Control Division and
Behavioral Science Division in the early 1960s. He established research contracts with
geographically distributed computer centers, which he named the “Intergalactic Computer
Network,” and wrote at length about the possibility of a network of computers communicating
through a standardized set of conventions (later called protocols).
• Polish-born engineer Paul Baran and English scientist Donald Davies each developed the
concept of packet-switching independently of one another. Baran, working for the RAND
Corporation, called his idea “distributed communications,” and he focused on redundant links
between nodes as a way of establishing survivable communications in case of a major (possibly
nuclear) attack. Davies, working for the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, United
Kingdom, coined the term packet-switching, the purpose of which was to utilize resource
sharing as a way of making data communications more affordable.
• Robert Taylor served as the director of ARPA’s Information Processing Technique Office
(IPTO). In February 1966, he proposed to ARPA director Charles Herzfeld the establishment of
a network-linking computer laboratories to enable resource sharing. Herzfeld agreed to fund the
• Lawrence Roberts of Lincoln Labs came to ARPA and served as program director for the
establishment of ARPANET. In 1968, he wrote the solicitation and awarded the subnet contract
to Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
• Frank Heart, and his team at BBN, built and monitored the subnet of IMPs for ARPANET.
• Ray Tomlinson, a BBN employee, designed e-mail for ARPANET in 1972. He also selected the
“@” symbol for e-mail addresses.
• Robert Metcalfe of Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) invented a random-access
broadcast system, which enabled the establishment of LANs, in 1972. He called his invention
“Ethernet,” after a theoretical substance through which light travels.
• Vinton Cerf of Stanford University and Robert Kahn of the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA—the former ARPA) published a paper, in 1974, describing a concept
for a new protocol to allow connections between networks. Their idea eventually became
• Louis Pouzin and Hubert Zimmerman were architects of the French network Cyclades, which
was specifically designed to facilitate internetworking and thus heavily influenced Cerf and
Kahn’s work.
• Paul Mockapetris of the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern
California (USC) researched the problem of locating host computers across the Internet. In
1983, he published a paper proposing a distributed database of name servers that would
identify host computers by name rather than by IP address. This idea became known as the
Domain Name System (DNS).
• Tim Berners-Lee, an English physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research
(CERN), drafted an idea in 1989 for an application that would use hypertext links to locate files
over computer networks. That idea would become the World Wide Web. He was assisted by his
CERN colleague, Belgian electrical engineer Robert Cailliau.
• Marc Andreesson, an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, worked
with his colleague Eric Bina at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
to develop the X Mosaic 0.5 browser with a graphical user interface (GUI). In January 1993, he
introduced the browser, before earning his bachelor’s degree and later cofounding Netscape.
As the “official” Internet (those networks connected through TCP/IP) grew in parallel with a
proliferation of private networks and internets, NSF officials determined it appropriate and necessary
to terminate government operation and open it to the private sector. Their plan was to allow
competitive Internet service providers (ISPs) to assume operational responsibilities and connect to
one another through exchanges. This went into effect in 1995, when the NSF backbone was
dismantled, and commercial ISPs were allowed access to the TCP/IP connections.
In the meantime, an application designed to simplify the sharing of data across networks emerged
from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). This application, known as the World
Wide Web (WWW—the name was almost rejected because the pronunciation of the abbreviation was
longer than the pronunciation of the full name), utilized a uniform resource locator (URL) built on the
Domain Name System (DNS) and browsers utilizing Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to locate
servers with documents printed in a common format, known as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
The first Web browser was designed in 1991 and allowed anyone with Internet access the ability to
search the WWW. However, overall Web usage was still a barely discernible trickle by the end of
In 1993, a browser named Mosaic included a feature that allowed users to load images to the
Web. Web pages now resembled print media. The ease of use and viewing caused Web usage to
surge. In the last quarter of the year, Web traffic more than doubled and Web servers increased
Global Internet usage has expanded drastically in the last two decades. According to a UN
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) report in 2015, 3.2 billion people throughout the world
use the Internet. This equates to a sevenfold increase in 15 years. People use the Internet for all types
of activities, both for legitimate reasons such as research, financial planning, socializing, shopping,
and news, as well as for controversial or even illegal activities. Regardless, the Internet’s impact on
the lives of its users is immeasurable, just as it is inconceivable for many to live without it.

Christopher G. Marquis

See also: ARPANET; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Department of
Defense (DoD); Domain Name System (DNS); Ethernet; Internet Service Provider (ISP);
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
Gillies, James, and Robert Cailliau. How the Web Was Born. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Hafner, Katie, and Matthew Lyon. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Moschovitis, Christos J. P., Hilary Poole, Tami Schuyler, and Theresa M. Senft. History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the
Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1999.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a private international
nonprofit corporation that manages the governance of the Internet by administering the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions. These functions include management of protocol
parameters, Internet number resources, and domain names. This includes the codes and numbers used
in Internet Protocols (IPs); the global coordination of the Internet Protocol addressing systems, or IP
addresses; the allocation of blocks of autonomous system numbers to regional Internet registries; and
the management of the root zone through the assignment of top-level domains such as .uk and .com.
In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
began developing packet-switching technology and communications networks that evolved into a
network of networks. When this happened, DARPA developed the IANA functions as a list of
technical parameters for protocol developers of the emerging Internet. In the early 1990s, the National
Science Foundation (NSF) began to manage the nonmilitary portion of the Internet infrastructure and
facilitated the first commercial activity on the Internet. However, as the Internet grew, the management
of the IANA functions became too much for either DARPA or the NSF to coordinate effectively. In
1997, President Bill Clinton directed the secretary of commerce to privatize the management of the
growing Internet to increase competition and facilitate international participation in its management.
Although ICANN is a private corporation, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National
Telecommunications and Information Administration retained oversight of ICANN’s operations.
To effectively manage the IANA functions and the ever-increasing Internet infrastructure, ICANN
is made up of a number of supporting organizations and advisory committees. These include the
Address Supporting Organization (ASO); the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC); the Country
Code Domain Name Supporting Organization (CCNSO); the Generic Names Supporting Organization
(GNSO); the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC); the Root Server System Advisory
Committee (RSSAC); and the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC). ICANN is
governed by a board of directors made up of 15 voting members that includes the president and CEO,
who is also a voting member. Seven board members are nominated by ICANN’s supporting
organizations and committees. The remaining eight members, to include the CEO and president, are
selected by the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom). NomCom is supposed to be independent
of ICANN so that it can select volunteer board members in the best interests of the Internet, although
there have been allegations that because the majority of the NomCom board members are from the
domain name industry, ICANN is not at all independent.
ICANN manages the IANA functions mentioned above in addition to sponsoring technology
research; developing architecture to ensure system security, stability, and resiliency; improving
information system function and innovation; and coordinating the efforts of the Global Domains
Division technical team. ICANN also influences Internet policy through the recommendations of the
supporting organizations and committees and a wide variety of volunteer working groups. In this way,
ICANN is responsive to grassroots suggestions and stakeholder comments through a consensus-driven

Michael A. Bonura

See also: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Internet; Internet Protocol (IP)
Address; Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
DeNardis, Laura. The Global War for Internet Governance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014.

Internet governance is the idea that the cyber domain requires some degree of established norms and
expectations for it to continue to function and serve a wide variety of stakeholders. Despite its
singular origin in the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) ARPANET in
1973, the Internet grew up as a confederation of systems. The National Science Foundation (NSF),
building upon DARPA’s work, set out in the mid-1980s to create an “inter-net,” or network of
networks, to connect research sites. Establishment of connections between the research centers at
Cornell, Princeton, the University of Colorado, and the University of California, San Diego, set the
tone for decades to come. This network was, however, largely devoid of deliberate governance. The
confederation was still posed with challenges that required some form of collaboration. This problem
of confederated collaboration was what spurred Sir Tim Berners Lee, then working at the European
Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), to sketch out a proposed method of collaboration in
1989—the “World Wide Web.” Berners Lee’s sketched what would become the Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML).
It is in these protocols that the first methods of Internet governance dawned. As Professor
Lawrence Lessig said in his treatise on law in cyber space, “Code [became] law.” By virtue of
creating foundational protocols, Berners Lee set in motion the methods of governing the Internet, and
he and others had begun framing the constitution of the Internet, as Lessig said, “an architecture—not
just a legal text but a way of life—that structures and constrains social and legal power, to the end of
protecting fundamental values.” Despite that lack of explicit sovereign borders in this new social
space, these early pioneers established systems that advanced their core values.
Berners Lee went on to found the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Vint Cerf and Robert
Kahn, two of the original programmers of the ARPANET, founded the Internet Society in the 1990s.
Both of these organizations are critical to establishing standards on the Internet. Cerf and Kahn’s
Internet Society is the organization that charters the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This
organization provides the foundational systems design and venue for eventual acceptance of core
Internet technologies. The mission of IETF is to produce high-quality, relevant technical and
engineering documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet in such a
way as to make the Internet work better. These documents include protocol standards, best current
practices, and informational documents of various kinds.
It is through such institutions as IETF, which created the Border Gateway Protocol—core to
Internet routing—and W3C and the use of HTML that the Internet began to self-regulate. In
conjunction with these entities, several others have been influential in shaping Internet technologies as
well. Internet Protocol version four (IPv4) is ubiquitous to the Internet; for more than 30 years it has
been the foundation of Internet technology. To resolve IPv4 addressing, however, the Internet needed
to assign numbers to networks and to translate those numbers to human language.
By virtue of its heavy use in U.S. academia, the U.S. Department of Commerce funded a central
authority to do both. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) was funded by the U.S.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and run by the University of
Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute. This organization established the addressing
allocations of IP addresses worldwide. After this initial allocation, the IANA handed regional
allocation responsibilities to five regional Internet registries (RIRs): the American Registry for
Internet Numbers (ARIN); the Regional Internet Registry for Europe (RIPE); the Asia Pacific
Network Information Center (APNIC); the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry
(LACNIC); and the African Network Information Center (AFRINIC).
Since its creation, IANA has been the steward of registered numbers and domain name resolution.
In 1998, a public nonprofit international organization was chartered to transition the IANA
functionality further away from the U.S. government—seeking “a bottom-up, transparent process
involving all necessary constituencies and stakeholders in the Internet Community.” The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was awarded the contract from the NTIA to
execute this function in February of 2000 and continues that function.
Even with execution of the IANA function performed in this neutral forum, however, several key
stakeholders asserted that ownership of the process should be more neutral. Indeed, despite Cerf’s
recommendation in 1990 that this function continue with the U.S. government, in 2013, Cerf’s Internet
Society joined with others in calling for a shift out of U.S. government control. Largely, this was a
response to the joint United Nations/International Telecommunications Union, World Conference on
International Telecommunications (WCIT). During this landmark conference, delegates and
sympathizers expressed deep antipathy to the way ICANN was administering the IANA function for
the U.S. government. Currently, to address both these concerns and the equities of the United States,
the NTIA is working with ICANN to relinquish ownership of the IANA process to the nonprofit. It is
unclear whether this will address international concerns, but what is clear is that these standards-
based institutions and their creations are the law of the Internet.

Spencer Calder

See also: Internet; Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Further Reading
DeNardis, Laura. The Global War for Internet Governance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014.
Knake, Robert K. Internet Governance in an Age of Cyber Insecurity. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2010.
Mueller, Milton. Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.


An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a specific set of numbers or characters assigned to every device
connected to a computer network. The address is based on a set of established Internet Protocol
standards that allow computers to communicate with one another. The first three versions of the
Internet Protocol were used briefly in the late 1970s during the early, experimental years of the
Internet. In 1978, engineers working on ARPANET first outlined Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
that would use 32-bit characters; they eventually implemented this standard in 1983. IPv4 remained in
use as of 2016, but the 32-bit characters naturally limited IPv4 to only 4.3 billion Web addresses, the
last of which was released in 2011.
In the early 1990s, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) had recognized that the exponential
growth of the Internet would eventually exhaust the supply of IPv4 addresses. To remedy this
situation, the IETF developed a new standard by 1996 known as IPv6 (IPv5 was an experimental
system never in wide use) based on 128-bit characters. IPv6 can accommodate up to 3.4 × 1038
unique addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6 remained in use as of 2016, with no clear plan in place to
phase out the older standard.

Ryan Wadle

See also: ARPANET; Internet; Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN);
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.


Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRCP) is a communication standard that allows person-to-group text
communications. The group is typically called a chat room, and individual users enter the chat room
to post text messages that appear in the sequence in which they arrive at the Internet Relay Chat
server. Some IRC networks allow users to include attachments, such as pictures or audio files, and
some allow person-to-person private chats (often mutually arranged in the chat room).
One of the peculiarities of Internet Relay Chat in chat rooms is that many people in the group can
have simultaneous two- or multiperson chats in the room at the same time, even participating in many
discussions simultaneously. This can make it quite difficult to track a particular conversation, discern
who is talking with whom, and understand the context in which chats are occurring. In addition, the
same people who are having a multiperson chat may also be involved in person-to-person chats
without the rest of the group’s knowledge. Finally, a user might have a “chat” with no one at all and
simply be ranting about a topic or carrying on an electronic soliloquy. Many Internet Relay Chat
platforms attempt to clarify these multithreaded conversations with color-coding or photographic or
cartoonish avatars in addition to the usual username identifications.
Chat rooms and IRC platforms exist for a vast array of different communities of interest, as
diverse as there are human interests. Many IRC platforms exist for a single category (such as pet
owners) or, like America Online (AOL), as a common area for users with specific interests to start
their own chat rooms. In recent years, military and first-responder command centers have employed
IRC platforms to augment other forms of command and control communications. IRC chat rooms,
users, and servers are subject to the same spam and malware threats that other Internet users are
vulnerable to, including social engineering and phishing.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Anonymous; Dark Web; 4chan; Internet; LulzSec

Further Reading
Isaacson, Walter. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 2014.


An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company or organization that provides Internet access to
customers or users. An ISP can make Internet access available using many technologies, including
dial-up service from a touch-tone telephone over conventional telephone lines; a digital subscriber
line (DSL, a technology to make conventional telephone lines transmit data faster); cable modem
(with coaxial or fiber-optic cabling); wireless broadcast; or dedicated high-capacity cabling.
Typically, ISPs also provide their customers with the ability to communicate with one another through
electronic mail (e-mail) accounts, and other services, such as telephone and television services, may
be bundled with the data service as well.
There are many types of ISPs, including access providers that provide basic Internet access;
mailbox providers that provide only e-mail services and mail storage (such as Yahoo Mail or Gmail);
hosting ISPs that provide e-mail, Web-hosting, or online storage services; transit ISPs that serve as
ISPs to ISPs; virtual ISPs (VISPs) that purchase services from another ISP (sometimes called a
wholesale ISP) to allow the VISP’s customers to access the Internet using services and infrastructure
owned and operated by the wholesale ISP; free ISPs that provide service free of charge; and wireless

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Google; Internet; Wi-Fi

Further Reading
Graham, James, Richard Howard, and Ryan Olson. Cyber Security Essentials. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications, 2011.

The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) is an international and intergovernmental
policing body. The idea was conceived at the First International Criminal Police Congress in 1914.
However, Interpol was not established until 1923, as the International Criminal Police Commission.
By 1956, the ICPO was officially recognized by the common name of Interpol. Additionally, at this
time, the organization became autonomous from control of individual nations. Interpol is the largest
such organization with 190 member nations. Currently based in Lyon, France, it strives to provide 24-
hour service across the globe every day of the year. Its mission statement declares its goal:
“Preventing and fighting crime through enhanced cooperation and innovation on police and security
Interpol was created with the idea of allowing police departments around the world to work
together within a seamless system of information and resource sharing. Furthermore, Interpol attempts
to provide high-level training, expert investigative techniques, and secure communication and
information pools. A key aspect of Interpol is the concept of neutrality. The organization does this by
collecting dues from each of its member nations and remaining free from influence by a particular
governing body or country. Moreover, Interpol conducts investigations so as not to overstep a
particular nation’s existing laws.
Interpol works with partners in both the public and private sectors. Additionally, Interpol is
recognized by both the United Nations and the European Union. Although there is an office in the
United States, located in Washington, D.C., Interpol Washington had been limited by legislation
passed under the administration of President Ronald Reagan. In 2009, however, President Barack
Obama signed Executive Order 13524, which grants Interpol privileges, exemptions, and immunities
while operating within the United States.
The concept of international crime was one that developed following the creation of Interpol.
Previously, nations focused internally and did not do much in the way of international cooperation.
Yet, with the creation of this intergovernmental organization, new questions arose on defining what
was taking place in a changing world.
Interpol is constantly evolving to keep up with a developing world. An example of this mode of
thinking is that every three years a new strategic framework is advanced to help guide its direction.
The priorities that Interpol has chosen to work on in this current plan include developing a global
police information system, continuing to provide 24-hour support to law enforcement, and assisting to
identify crimes and criminals.
Since its inception in 1923, some individuals and organizations have questioned the validity and
overall success of Interpol. There are arguments made that claim Interpol is not as effective as
originally designed. Despite such claims, the international policing body has contributed to bringing
international criminals to justice. This is done by compiling and sharing information with local or
national police forces who then can carry out arrests.

Jason R. Kluk

See also: Cyber Crime; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Internet Governance

Further Reading
Fooner, Michael. Interpol: Issues in World Crime and International Justice. New York: Plenum Press, 1989.
Sandler, Todd, Daniel G. Ace, and Walter Enders. “An Evaluation of Interpol’s Cooperative-based Counterterrorism Linkages.” The
Journal of Law & Economics 54(1), February 2011: 79–110.


Although relatively late in developing significant cyber capabilities, Iran has created a respectable
presence in the cyber domain. Iran’s cyber army is used to censor social media Web sites and
suppress regime opponents. Since 2002, various councils under the command of the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is the country’s primary military unit responsible for the
regime’s overall survival, have been created to operate in cyber space. These cyber warriors have
been known to commit cyber attacks domestically and internationally. A cyber attack is a computer-
generated attack on other computer systems intended to obstruct data, disrupt services, steal
information, or disable the targeted systems. Iranian cyber attacks range from blacklisting Web sites
in Iran to damaging systems abroad.
After the 2010 Stuxnet virus, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei strengthened the
country’s cyber division. Originally known as “Olympic Games” from President George W. Bush’s
administration, the 2010 cyber attack targeted Iran’s nuclear facility in Natanz in an effort to slow
down uranium enrichment. President Barack Obama continued the operation, which experts later
renamed “Stuxnet.” A computer worm believed to be developed by joint cooperation between the
United States and Israel, Stuxnet successfully penetrated the nuclear facility and was operational for
17 months. The virus interrupted the operations of 1,000 of the 5,000 centrifuges by deceiving Iranian
operators into believing the systems were working properly.
The Ashiyande Digital Security Team, created in 2002, and the Sun Army, which was
commissioned in 2010, are hacking groups affiliated with the IRGC. Though these groups’ primary
objective is to monitor social media Web sites, their most notable cyber attack against the United
States occurred in February 2012 against the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). This attack, among others committed by these groups, was a defacement in which the
attackers changed the appearance of the NASA Web page.
On August 15, 2012, a group known as the Cutting Sword of Justice executed a cyber attack
against Saudi Arabia’s national oil and gas firm, Aramco. The virus was identified as Shamoon, and
it infected at least 30,000 computers with the intent to delete or overwrite data from hard drives
while simultaneously sending information to the attacker. A display of a burning American flag
appeared upon completion. Shamoon not only affected the daily tasks and processes of the company
but proved to be a costly repair.
Also in August and September 2012, a number of U.S. financial institutions were the victims of
Iranian hackers, known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters. U.S. officials believed the group
was operating under the command of the Iranian government and were likely retaliating for either the
Stuxnet virus or these banks’ fulfillment of international sanctions against Iran. Known as Operation
Ababil, the hacker group used distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) against 46 U.S. institutions, many
of which were financial institutions, between late 2011 and mid-2013. A DDoS attack attempts to
make Web sites inaccessible. Customers of the financial institutions could not use their online
accounts or other online services. Therefore, the cyber attack served as a disruption rather than an
effort to steal confidential information or money.
Between August 28, 2013, and September 18, 2013, the Iranian hacker Hamid Firoozi covertly
penetrated the Bowman Avenue Dam in Rye Brook, New York, and gained access to its operational
controls. Though he did not take over the dam, the cost of the cyber intrusion was over $30,000. In
September 2013, Iranian hackers even managed to gain access to the U.S. Navy’s unclassified
administrative network, the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI), for nearly four months before being
discovered. Vital information was not compromised, and no data was stolen. But the disruption cost
roughly $10 million to repair. Much like the New York dam interruption, the NMCI attack was an
indication from Iranian hackers that they were capable of infiltrating U.S. networks.
Months later, in February 2014, the Sands Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, was targeted by Iranian
hackers by effectively obstructing many of their daily logistical functions. This included wiping a
significant number of their hard drives and stealing confidential information, posting some of it
online. The cyber attack was specifically aimed at the owner of the casino, Sheldon Adelson, for his
2013 remarks on attacking Iran with nuclear weapons.
It is difficult to determine the exact amount Iran spends on cyber-related programs in the country.
However, the budget for the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology for fiscal year
(FY) 2014–2015 was about $1.36 billion, up 95 percent from the previous FY. The Norse
Intelligence Network has provided data that reveals the number of cyber attacks emanating from Iran
have grown and become more sophisticated between January 2014 and March 2015.
There are strong links between the Iranian government; their information technology (IT) schools,
such as Shariff University and the Imam Hussein University (IHU); and the IRGC. In 2010, the IRGC
established another cyber-warfare division that develops advanced computer software, such as
wireless data communications jammers, viruses and malware, data collection tools, and stealthy
cyber-network tools for spying. Iran encourages enrollment by improving university curriculum and
computer systems to better equip current and prospective hackers. Iran’s cyber army ultimately seeks
to impose an economic, political, or psychological strain on victims.

Alma Keshavarz

See also: Air Gapping; Aramco Attack; Cyber War; Cyber Warriors; Distributed Denial-of-Service
(DDoS) Attack; Malware; Operation Ababil; Shamoon Virus; Stuxnet

Further Reading
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2010.
Collins, Sean, and Stephen McCombie. “Stuxnet: The Emergence of a New Cyber Weapon and Its Implications.” Journal of Policing,
Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, March 21, 2012: 80–91.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Lindsay, Jon R. “Stuxnet and the Limits of Cyber Warfare.” Security Studies, August 1, 2013: 365–404.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,


In June of 2014, a little-known organization of Sunni jihadists shocked the world as it moved swiftly
across Iraq, wresting control of such key cities as Mosul. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
quickly became a household name. ISIS goes by alternative names and acronyms, including ISIL and
IGIL (the use of Daish or Daesh signifies that the Arabic rather than the English acronym is being
used). In harkening back to the earliest days of Islam, ISIS seeks to purify Islam and institute a
legitimate government in the form of a Muslim caliphate. Millenarianism, or a preparation for the end
of the world, also infuses its actions.
ISIS traces its beginnings to Al Qaeda and, more closely, to Al Qaeda in Iraq. Its founder is
considered to be the Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Unlike much of Al Qaeda’s senior leadership,
al-Zarqawi had humble roots. Yet, he demonstrated his strategic brilliance by inciting a civil war
between Sunnis and Shiites after attacking a Shiite shrine. Killed in July 2006 by an American
airstrike, his followers declared the Islamic State of Iraq in October 2006 but struggled to gain a
territorial foothold in Iraq. Still, support grew as fervent Sunnis interacted with former Ba’ath Party
members in Iraqi prisons during the U.S. occupation.
Unlike Al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden, who never dreamed of governing his own caliphate, ISIS
made the formation of a caliphate an essential goal, which requires it to control physical territory. As
borders around Syria have tightened and U.S. airstrikes have intensified in 2014 and 2015, ISIS has
sought to expand into new power vacuums, such as Libya. It is impossible to know how many fighters
have flocked to ISIS from around the world, but it is estimated that it has about 35,000 fighters. The
caliphate itself controls between 3 million and 8 million Muslims.
ISIS emerged out of a sect known as Salafism, which seeks to emulate Muhammad and his earliest
followers. Its followers are far more radical than their well-known rival Al Qaeda because they
believe that any Muslim who does not adhere to their vision of Islam should be killed. This includes
Shiites, who practice an alternate form of Islam, and any Muslim leaders who do not govern
according to sharia, or Islamic, law. As Islam began in the seventh century, ISIS holds to an early
medieval worldview. This includes punishments many find barbaric, such as punitive amputations
and crucifixions.
However, this does not mean that ISIS’s followers are not thoroughly modern when it comes to
exploiting the cyber world and social media. The growth of cyber warfare as a threat is coming not
only from the world’s strongest nations but from nonstate actors as well, including terrorist groups.
ISIS is no exception. Even the notorious executioner Jihadi John–who gained prominence through his
grisly online videos—had received a degree in computer science from an English university.
ISIS has demonstrated an increasing ability to launch cyber attacks. In January 2015, ISIS
humiliated U.S. Central Command after it temporarily gained control of its YouTube and Twitter
accounts. It launched a similar attack against Newsweek’s Twitter account the following month. It
even temporarily knocked a French TV station off the air.
ISIS’s online presence helps to distinguish it from Al Qaeda. Where Al Qaeda depended heavily
on physical training camps to indoctrinate and train its recruits, ISIS seeks in part to recruit
independent operators who do not require training or oversight. After inspiring terrorist acts, ISIS
simply claims responsibility for them.
To support these increasing cyber activities, ISIS is turning to Eastern Europe’s so-called dark
Web market, which provides a vast array of necessary tools for waging cyber warfare, such as
encrypted cell phones and malware. The United States has recently admitted launching cyber attacks
against ISIS to include denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and attacks designed to confuse and break
down ISIS communication networks.
Even as nation-states such as France and the United States consider ways to wage kinetic
operations against ISIS, other nonstate actors are waging their own cyber wars against the group.
Most notably, the organization Anonymous has launched attacks around the world at targets ranging
from governments to credit card companies. After ISIS claimed responsibility for the November 2015
attack in Paris, Anonymous declared war on ISIS. It is believed that Anonymous’ strategic focus will
be shutting down ISIS’s online recruiting efforts. Others suggest that Anonymous’ attacks might be
counterproductive and unnecessary. Twitter, for example, has employees who are fluent in Arabic
who are responsible for shutting down ISIS accounts.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Anonymous; Cyber Attack; Cyber Terrorism; Dark Web; United States Cyber Capabilities;
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
Further Reading
Freedberg, Sydney J. “Cyber War against ISIL Hones Weapons vs. Russia, China.” Breaking Defense, February 29, 2016.
Gerges, Fawaz A. ISIS: A History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016.
Weiss, Michael, and Hassan Hassan. ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror. New York: Regan Arts, 2015.
Wood, Graeme. “What ISIS Really Wants.” The Atlantic, March 2015. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-


The rapid technological changes that have occurred in recent years have affected the priorities of
decision makers in Israel in various ways. These changes have far-reaching consequences in almost
all areas of life, including the military and defense spheres. Many changes have occurred in the nature
of warfare and the design of military forces, owing, among other things, to developments in strategic
thinking and the formulation of military doctrines that are tailored to a changing reality.
Israel has been extremely efficient in intensifying its cyber activities. While this activity
constitutes a source of strength for the nation, it also exposes its weak points; this is because the
infrastructures essential for the functioning of each country have become dependent on computers.
Discovering the optimal way of handling the threat posed by the technological development of cyber
warfare has been a key challenge that has troubled Israel in recent years.
Israel’s national interest focuses on maintaining its security against those seeking to harm it and
undermine its very existence. This interest, along with Israel’s geopolitical location, necessitates
superiority in cyber space as an integral part of its ability to defend itself against conventional and
cyber attacks, and it is an integral part of its deterrent attack capability in the Middle East theater and
Israel is considered a global leader in handling cyber attacks. A comprehensive report revealed
that out of 23 countries in the cyber-war sphere, Israel holds the highest rating. The report also
indicates that at any given moment, Israel is subject to about 1,000 cyber attacks. This shows the
strength of Israel’s defense system and demonstrates that Israel is well prepared to deal with a cyber
attack against it under almost any situation.
The development of Israel’s operational capabilities in the field of cyber warfare is a key element
in maintaining its national strength. Its economy, industry, security, education, and preservation as a
democratic, open, and established society mainly depend on its ability to protect its essential
computer networks against an attack liable to disrupt its way of life. The increasing reliance on
computer systems in Israel and throughout the world has brought new challenges with it that demand
immediate solutions at the national level.
In strengthening its cyber capabilities, Israel has developed unique methods by formulating a
regular strategy for handling the threat posed by the development of cyber technology. Israel is
constantly using its homegrown capabilities to combat the threat posed by cyber-warfare technology.
This is known as “start-up nation” to young people living in Israel. Israel has been able to identify the
diverse features of the cyber threat and subsequently applied corresponding changes. The armed
forces of Israel have been reframed, and a National Information Security Authority has been
established to deal with protecting Israeli infrastructures. The Cyber Bureau of Israel Defence Force
(IDF) was set up in Unit 8200, and the C4I Corps has begun to develop a special cyber-training
program. The most important among these was the establishment of the National Cyber Bureau, whose
objective is to integrate cyber defense into both the various defense agencies and the civilian sector.
In addition, a Law, Information, and Technology Authority has been set up to take responsibility for
maintaining Internet privacy and the security of personal information. These have been created in
accordance with current cyber-security practices to make Israel’s cyber capabilities state of the art.

Manas Dutta

See also: Evron, Gadi; Operation Orchard; Stuxnet; Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”

Further Reading
Green, James A., ed. Cyber Warfare: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. New York: Routledge, 2015.
Richards, Julian. Cyber-war: The Anatomy of the Global Security Threat. London: Palgrave, 2014.
Springer, J. Paul. Cyber Warfare. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015
Tabansky, Lior, and Isaac Ben Israel. Cybersecurity in Israel. New York: Springer, 2015.

One of the largest cyber attacks ever carried out against an American corporation, the JPMorgan
hack, constituted a major data breach of JPMorgan Chase that affected approximately 83 million
accounts. Specifically, the breach exposed some 76 million household and 7 million small business
accounts to hackers. Around two-thirds of American households were possibly impacted. Disclosure
of the attack came in September 2014, after JPMorgan Chase’s security teams realized that a data
breach had occurred that July. Hacks continued from July to August 2014. Although the hackers did
not apparently gain access to Social Security numbers or passwords, JPMorgan Chase reported that
information such as names, telephone numbers, and addresses were compromised. The attack
extended beyond JPMorgan Chase, hitting at least nine other financial institutions, such as Citigroup,
HSBC Holdings, Regions Financial Corporation, and E Trade, but only managed to breach the
systems of JPMorgan Chase and Fidelity Investments.
The 2014 hack was not the first example of cyber crime directed against JPMorgan Chase. Cyber
attacks against economic targets have been a growing concern because it is feared that the economic
impact of such attacks could ultimately prove as damaging in terms of financial impact and fear as a
physical attack. In 2012, a group called the Izz ad-Din al-Qassm Cyber Fighters executed a series of
attacks that sought to deny service to customers of American banks, such as Bank of America, PNC
Financial Service Group, SunTrust, and JPMorgan Chase. The online services for these institutions
were off-line for several minutes or even hours in some cases. Thus, JPMorgan Chase was already
cognizant of the reality of the cyber threat. It remains unclear exactly who carried out the 2014
attacks, yet a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report indicated the possibility of Russian
involvement. Ultimately, in November 2015, the FBI indicted four men: Gery Shalon, Joshua Samuel
Aaron, Zic Orenstein, and an unidentified hacker. Shalon and Orenstein, both Israelis, were extradited
in May 2016, following a request by the U.S. government.
The JPMorgan hack occurred during a period of dramatic increase in cyber attacks, with the
American public increasingly alert to the threat of hackers. In addition to the attack on JPMorgan
Chase, 2014 saw several prominent American companies fall victim to cyber crime. These included
retail companies such as Target and Home Depot and entertainment corporations such as Sony.
Hackers quickly put stolen data for sale on the black market. The attacks focused public attention on
the vulnerability of information systems and their private information, most of which was held by at
least one corporation or another.
The U.S. government responded not only by prosecuting the hackers involved in the attack but by
calling for greater vigilance on the part of the American public to practice safer methods to ensure
online security. In addition, U.S. companies were called on to invest in their security protocols and to
work with the public sector to enhance U.S. cyber security, including working closely with law
enforcement agencies. Yet, the U.S. government did not mobilize a major national effort specifically
in response to the JPMorgan hack beyond initiating criminal investigations. The first time the United
States led such an effort was in response to the North Korean attack on Sony, which occurred shortly
after the JPMorgan hack, in response to the American film The Interview. Nonetheless, the incident
revealed continuing gaps in America’s cyber security, particularly in the private sector and pertaining
to the personal information of American citizens.

Jordan R. Hayworth

See also: Cyber Crime; Sony Corporation Hack; Target Corporation Hack; TJX Corporation Hack

Further Reading
Ablon, Lillian, and Martin Libicki. “Hackers’ Bazaar: The Markets for Cybercrime Tools and Stolen Data.” Defense Counsel Journal
82(2), April 2015: 143–152.
Bossler, Adam M., and Thomas J. Holt. Cybercrime in Progress: Theory and Prevention of Technology-enabled Offenses.
Basingstoke: Routledge, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

The term just war refers to the body of ethics that governs the conduct of war. The just war tradition
can trace its lineage to the writings of various ancient philosophers, such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas
Aquinas, and Hugo Grotius. The purpose of the just war tradition is to provide criteria on the use of
war as a morally justifiable action. The concept of just war refers to two different but related
concepts, jus ad bellum, the right to go to war, and jus in bello, the right conduct in war. Lately, some
scholars have advocated introducing the concept of jus post bellum, or the conduct of nations after
war has ceased.
Though different theorists may have different exact criteria, most require that the country pursuing
war have a just cause, such as self-defense or to prevent an even greater atrocity. In addition, the
action of war must be thought of as the last resort, conducted only after all other options to stop
aggression have been attempted. There must be some reasonable idea that the war will be successful
in achieving its goal, as stated by the just cause. War must be waged by the “proper political
authority,” leaving a debate as to whether this only refers to recognized governments. The entity going
to war must also have the intention to right a wrong and not to punish the enemy or for economic gain.
In addition, the anticipated good outcome of war must outweigh the expected evil done by war.
Once war has begun, the conduct of war is governed by the criteria of jus in bello. The criteria
include guidelines on how combatants should act and must be treated. First, there is the recognition of
the distinction between combatants, those actively engaged in fighting war, and noncombatants or
civilians. Acts of war, in general, should be directed toward combatants as opposed to
noncombatants. Next, the nation conducting the war should use the minimum required level of force to
achieve success. Measures should be taken to avoid excessive harm to civilians and noncombatants.
All attacks should be deemed militarily necessary to defeat the enemy only. Prisoners of war should
not be tortured or subject to acts of revenge. Certain weapons or acts are so heinous as to be banned.
These include genocide, rape, and the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Finally, all sides
to the conflict must adhere to already established international obligations, treaties, and laws.
Scholars argue that the rise of new technology and new ways of fighting have always challenged
the proper application of just war principles. This is of particular concern in the area of cyber war.
Questions raised include what constitutes a proper act of cyber war, what criteria is used to
determine whether harm has been caused by the cyber attack, and how the attacker can be legally and
definitively identified. Without answers to these basic questions, it becomes difficult to apply the
concept of just war within the realm of cyber warfare.

Barbara Salera

See also: Cyber Ethics; Cyber War; Laws of Armed Conflict

Further Reading
Dunlap, Charles. J., Jr. “Some Reflections on the Intersection of Law and Ethics in Cyber War.” Air & Space Power Journal.27(1),
2013: 22–43.
Farrell, Michael. Modern Just War Theory: A Guide to Research. Scarecrow Press: Toronto, 2013.
Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust War: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books, 1977.

The Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), is the Top Secret/Sensitive
Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) network operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It
is administered by the Defense Information Services Agency (DISA) and is also used by the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Department of State
(DOS) to transmit extremely sensitive, highly classified information. JWICS was created to replace
DSNET2 and DSNET3, earlier classified networks that had relied on decades-old ARPANET
Because of the highly sensitive nature of information transmitted on JWICS, access to the network
is extremely limited. The most frequent users of JWICS are members of the intelligence community
and the Federal Bureau of Information (FBI), both of whom have need for extremely secure
communications in everyday activities. The bulk of defense communications are carried out using
SIPRNet and NIPRNet.
JWICS can utilize satellite network connections, and the traffic moving across the network can be
sent in prioritized premarked packets, meaning that the most important and sensitive information can
be sent on the fastest and most secure routes. JWICS is capable of supporting video teleconferencing
and voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) audio.
Information taken from JWICS was allegedly part of the classified material leaked by Private
Bradley Manning, who in 2010 orchestrated one of the largest such leaks in history, demonstrating the
vulnerability of even the most classified networks to human agents.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: ARPANET; Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA); Department of Defense (DoD);
Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Manning, Bradley; National Security Agency (NSA);

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

Kaspersky Lab is an international software-security group operating in nearly 200 countries. It was
founded in 1997 by cyber-security specialist Eugene Kasperky and is headquartered in Moscow,
Russia. It is the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection. It employs over 3,000
software professionals and protects over 400 million users and 270,000 corporations worldwide.
Kaspersky Lab’s security products include antivirus, antimalware, and firewall applications as well
as security systems designed for small businesses, corporations, and large enterprises. Kaspersky Lab
ranks among the top antivirus vendors globally and competes with such companies as Symantec
Corporation (Norton) and McAfee.
Kaspersky Lab is a global leader in identifying and understanding recent sophisticated cyber-
espionage attacks. The company is credited with discovering the Flame worm in 2012, first detected
on Iranian Oil Ministry computers. In 2015, Kaspersky Lab announced the discovery of the Equation
Group—a highly advanced computer-espionage and cyber-attack group responsible for over 500
malware infections in at least 42 countries since 2001. It is linked to Flame and the Stuxnet worm that
targeted Iranian nuclear centrifuges in 2010. Kaspersky Lab attributes to the Equation Group the first
known ability to reprogram hard disk drive firmware via Trojan horse that cannot be removed with
disk reformatting or wiping.

Steven B. Davis

See also: Flame Worm; Kaspersky, Yevgeniy “Eugene” Valentinovich; McAfee; Stuxnet; Symantec

Further Reading
Bradley, Tony. “In Their Own Words: Kaspersky Lab Cofounder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky.” Forbes, September 23, 2013.
Zettner, Kim. Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon. New York: Broadway Books,


Yeveniy “Eugene” Valentinovich Kaspersky (1965–) is a Russian specialist in information security
and cofounder and chairman of the global cyber-security company Kaspersky Lab. Born October 4,
1965, in Novorossiysk, Soviet Union, Kaspersky developed an early interest in mathematics and
spent his final two years in high school taking advanced courses for gifted students at Moscow State
University. In 1987, he graduated from the technical faculty of the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the
Committee for State Security (KGB).
Kaspersky began developing disinfection utilities for computer viruses in 1989 after discovering
a virus on his personal computer. This collection of utilities became the foundation of the Kaspersky
Anti-Virus database. He joined the KAMI Information Center in 1991 and worked with colleagues to
develop the AVP antivirus project, which gained international recognition in 1994 after winning a
contest on computer virus neutralization programs conducted by Hamburg University.
In 1997, Kaspersky and his colleagues founded Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab is the world’s
largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection, employing over 3,000 professionals and
protecting over 400 million users worldwide. Kaspersky has written articles on computer virology
and speaks regularly at security conferences. He has earned a number of international awards,
including an honorary doctorate of science from Plymouth University. He was named one of Foreign
Policy magazine’s 2012 Top Global Thinkers for his contributions to information technology (IT)
security awareness.

Steven B. Davis

See also: Kaspersky Lab

Further Reading
Fischer, Paul. “100 Top Global Thinkers: Eugene Kaspersky, #40.” Foreign Policy 197, 2012: 78–80.
Schachtman, Noah. “Eugene Kaspersky: Virus Hunter.” Wired 20, August 2012: 86.


The United Nations Charter specifically forbids member states from engaging in warfare against other
members, except in a defensive fashion, and theoretically requires all members to come to the
assistance of an aggrieved party. This has probably prevented or at least mitigated some disputes
from growing into armed conflicts, but it has also served to push some wars into less traditional
forms of conflict. These irregular wars often involve an unconventional aspect and include
insurgencies and civil wars. The cyber warfare of the future is far more likely to resemble the small
wars of irregular conflict than the major engagements of open warfare.
International law has developed over centuries to establish who can legally carry out acts of
warfare and who must remain apart from engaging in conflict. To be considered a lawful combatant, a
belligerent must bear arms openly, wear a uniform or recognizable device, belong to an organization
with a clear hierarchy of leaders responsible for the actions of subordinates, and obey all of the laws
of armed conflict (LOAC). To fail on any of these points is to relinquish legal standing as a lawful
combatant and, by extension, to lose any of the protections extended by the LOAC.
The LOAC also include a prohibition on inflicting unnecessary suffering and a requirement that an
offer of surrender be accepted. These laws also require participants in a conflict to avoid
deliberately targeting noncombatants, to engage in the minimum amount of violence to achieve ends of
military necessity, and to keep the use of violence proportionate to the objectives at hand. Cyber
attacks might allow a nation to achieve its objectives with substantially less violence, death, and
destruction than conventional attacks and, at least in some cases, the damage they inflict might be
completely reversible. In this regard, cyber attacks might easily be covered by the LOAC and even
encouraged over other forms of engagement. However, cyber attacks are capable of causing massive
indirect, and possibly unintended, effects by targeting key elements of a nation’s infrastructure.
Shutting down the electrical grid in the city, for example, might cause a massive increase in traffic
accidents, a rise in violent crime, and the collapse of the city’s medical systems, all in relatively short
Civilians, at least in theory, are largely protected from the direct violence of conflict. In exchange
for that protection, they are expected to refrain from direct engagement in combat and to consent to
peaceful occupation should their uniformed defenders vacate their area. Thus, civilians are not
allowed to launch guerrilla attacks and then return to their everyday lives. They must remain aloof
from combat at all times. Those working in direct support of a war effort are in a bit of a legal gray
area—for example, civilians working at a factory producing military equipment may be considered a
legitimate target and placed in danger of enemy attacks.
In the cyber domain, it is difficult to distinguish between the uniformed representatives of a nation
and other participants acting on their own motives. As such, there is at the very least a gap in the
LOAC that requires modifications if they are to cover the entire range of potential cyber conflicts.
Cyber attacks might not discern between legitimate warfare targets, such as government and military
entities, and illegitimate targets, such as civilians not directly related to the war effort, due to the
uncontrolled nature of some cyber attacks.
The question of whether a state of warfare can exist without a physical component is largely a red
herring. Cyber capabilities are a powerful tool in the hands of national actors and certain subnational
organizations, and they are a part of conflict in the world of the 21st century. Just as military
commanders of the Cold War could not imagine engaging in a major ground offensive without at least
some modicum of air support, modern military leaders cannot ignore the role of cyber attacks in
modern conflicts. Nations simply cannot consider engaging in conflict without taking steps to secure
their own networks and will not attack an enemy with physical forces without also seeking to disrupt
that enemy’s cyber systems. Further, if the effects created by cyber war are essentially the same as
those caused by physical attacks, the debate is largely moot; to the victims of attacks, the method of
inflicting punishment will be largely irrelevant. Cyber war is thus a part of the modern notion of war,
whether it can stand alone or not.
Perhaps most importantly, Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta announced in 2012 that the United
States reserved the right to classify cyber attacks as acts of war and to retaliate by any appropriate
means. Panetta remained deliberately ambiguous about what type of attacks might provoke a
retaliation and whether retaliation would be confined to the cyber realm.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Attribution; Cyber Attack; Cyber Ethics; Cyber War; Panetta, Leon E.; People’s Republic of
China Cyber Capabilities; Russia Cyber Capabilities; United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Arquilla, John, and David Ronfeldt. The Advent of Netwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1996.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Darnton, Geoffrey. “Information Warfare and the Laws of War.” In Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs. Edited
by Edward Halpin, Philippa Trevorrow, David Webb, and Steve Wright. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009.
Reveron, Derek S., ed. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Washington,
D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Ventre, Daniel, ed. Cyberwar and Information Warfare. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Martin C. Libicki has been a senior management scientist at the RAND Corporation since 1998. He is
also a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, a distinguished visiting professor at the U.S.
Naval Academy, and an adjunct professor with the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at Georgetown
University. Prior to working at RAND, Libicki spent 12 years at the National Defense University, 3
years with the U.S. Navy as a program sponsor for industrial preparedness, and 3 years as a policy
analyst for the U.S. General Accounting Office’s (GAO) Energy and Minerals Division. Libicki has
also worked as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Libicki received
his PhD in city and regional planning from the University of California, Berkeley.
Libicki’s most recent research has involved net assessments of Russia and China in cyber space;
modeling cyber-security decisions, cyber-war strategy, and demographic change for the U.S. Air
Force and organizing it for cyber war; exploiting cell phones in counterinsurgency; developing a post-
9/11 information technology strategy for the DOJ; and using biometrics for identity management. He is
one of the foremost global theorists regarding cyber warfare and an extremely active author. Among
his most notable works are Cyberspace in Peace and War; Conquest in Cyberspace: National
Security and Information Warfare; and Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar.

Lisa Beckenbaugh

See also: Arquilla, John; Brenner, Joel; Clarke, Richard A.; Cyber War; RAND Corporation

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.


Live Free or Die Hard is a 2007 action film directed by Len Wiseman that stars Bruce Willis and
Timothy Olyphant. In this fourth installment of the popular Die Hard films, Willis reprises his
character, New York Police Detective John McClane, who becomes involved in the investigation to
hunt down a former Department of Defense (DoD) employee turned rogue cyber terrorist Thomas
Gabriel (Olyphant).
Gabriel enlists the support of unwitting hackers to unleash a series of cyber attacks, referred to as
a “fire sale,” designed to disrupt the nation’s infrastructure, including the stock market, transportation,
telecommunications, and the power grid. In a motif common to the series, Gabriel’s publicly
professed motive of demonstrating the weakness of American cyber networks is a cover for an
elaborate robbery intending to steal billions of dollars from a secret facility designed to store
financial records in case of attack.
The film’s plot is inspired by the 1997 article “A Farewell to Arms,” authored by John Carlin,
that appeared in Wired magazine. Carlin’s article raises the specter of “cyber Pearl Harbors” that
Richard A. Clarke and other national-security experts warned could pose a major threat to national
security due to the increasing reliance on networked computer systems in key sectors.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Clarke, Richard A.; Cyber Attack; Cyber Terrorism

Further Reading
Carlin, John. “A Farewell to Arms,” Wired, May 1997. https://www.wired.com/1997/05/netizen-2.
Demchak, Chris. Wars of Disruption and Resilience: Cybered Conflict, Power, and National Security. Athens: University of
Georgia Press, 2011.

A logic bomb is malware, either a program or a partial program, that when placed lies dormant until
a specific preprogrammed time and date is reached. Then the logic bomb activates, executing its
programing. Another activating factor could be a certain message sent on a regular basis. When the
logic bomb stops seeing the message, it will activate and execute its code. Other applications may be
included at a programmer’s discretion.
In its most dangerous form, this computer virus or Trojan horse activates when something does not
happen. If the creator of the logic bomb does not log-in after a specific time, it might wipe out all of
an infected server’s data. The logic bomb is unique in that it does not replicate itself, it is easy to
write, and it will not spread to unintended parties. It is specifically targeted.
A logic bomb is widely used to trigger payment for software after a trial period. If payment is not
received by a certain date, the logic bomb activates and the software deletes itself. More nefarious
logic bomb attackers, in combination with spyware, will attempt to steal one’s identity by capturing
keystrokes, and when certain Web sites are visited, they secure usernames and passwords.
In defense against logic bombs, an updated antivirus program can detect and eliminate this
malware with periodic computer file scans. Auto-protect and e-mail screening should be used
whenever a computer is online. Network administrators usually provide added protection. There is
no known absolute protection against sophisticated logic bombs.
There have been numerous logic bomb applications. In June 2006, Roger Duronio of USB AG,
based in Zurich, planted a logic bomb to drive down the company’s stock. He failed and was
convicted of securities fraud, receiving eight years in prison and a $3.1 million fine. Another attack
was launched against South Korea on March 20, 2013. Three banks and two media companies’ master
boot records were wiped out.
In 2008, an information technology (IT) contractor for Fannie Mae’s Urbana, Maryland, facility,
Rajendrasinh Babubhai Makwana, was terminated, but prior to losing his access to the network, he
planted a logic bomb that could have wiped out 4,000 servers. Upon discovery, Makwana was
sentenced to 41 months in prison. Douglas Duchak was terminated from his data analyst job at the
TSA Colorado Springs Operations Center. He tried to plant a logic bomb but was caught on camera.
He was sentenced to two years in prison and fined over $60,000.
Logic bombs on the extreme level could initiate cyber wars. In theory, a sophisticated cyber user
might sprinkle logic bombs throughout a nation’s infrastructure, to be activated in the event of a future
conflict. The U.S. infrastructure is dependent on computer networks, which also makes it vulnerable
to this level of attack. To counter the possibility, cyber-security experts, working with the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS), have sought to upgrade the cyber defenses of the nation’s infrastructure.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Crime; Infrastructure; Malware

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.


The Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is a program designed to allow multiple linked users to
overwhelm targeted Web sites with requests that ultimately cause the site to crash. A number of
hackers affiliated with the anonymous imageboard Web site 4chan first developed the LOIC in 2004.
Praetox Technologies refined the tool to stress test networks and eventually released the LOIC to the
public as a free download.
Once downloaded onto a computer, the LOIC is extremely easy to use and only requires that users
know the name of the Web site they wish to attack. Once a site is targeted, the LOIC sends a large
number of UDP, TCP, or HTTP communications requests as part of a distributed denial-of-service
(DDoS) attack. The LOIC also allows its users to turn over control of the program via Internet relay
chat servers that link hundreds or thousands computer to completely overwhelm even large, well-
supported Web sites, causing them to crash and go off-line.
In 2010, the hacktivist groups Anonymous and LulzSec used the LOIC to attack Web sites as part
of Operation Payback, a series of retaliatory hacks. Initially, the groups focused their attacks against
the Recording Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture Association of America, and other
copyright enforcement groups. Later, the focus shifted to several banks and financial services, such as
PayPal and MasterCard, after those companies ceased allowing individuals to donate money to
WikiLeaks after the site published numerous classified State Department cables leaked by Private
Bradley Manning.
The LOIC fell out of favor with Anonymous and LulzSec in 2011 after the arrest of hackers in the
wake of a series of DDoS attacks both groups launched against the Department of Justice (DOJ) and
other Web sites in retaliation for the FBI and international authorities closing the popular file
download site megaupload.com. The arrests proved that authorities possessed the means to trace
LOIC attacks, a critical factor that led to the 2012 release of a more advanced hacking tool, the High
Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC). Like its predecessor, the HOIC is free for public download and easy to
use, but the HOIC can initiate up to 256 simultaneous attacks. Still, because HOIC attacks can also be
traced, other more sophisticated programs, such as Hping, which can spoof tracking measures, found
favor with Anonymous and other hacking collectives.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Anonymous; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; 4chan; Hacktivist; Internet
Relay Chat (IRC); LulzSec; Manning, Bradley; Operation Payback; WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. New York: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Little, Brown, and Co., 2012.
Stryker, Cole. Hacking the Future: Privacy, Identity, and Anonymity on the Web. New York: Overlook Duckworth, 2012.

LulzSec (full name Lulz Security) is an offshoot of the organization Anonymous. Like Anonymous, its
membership includes hackers and hacktivists worldwide, though most are from the United States or
the United Kingdom. LulzSec was created in 2011 by a small group of hackers known by their online
aliases, Tflow, Topiary, Sabu, and Kayla. The group later expanded to about six core members and
various associates, most of whom have been identified by their real name and subsequently arrested
and charged with computer crimes. The name comes from combining the term lulz, itself a reference
to the text shorthand “lol,” or “laugh out loud,” and the word “security”. It was originally created to
launch lulz, or Internet pranks, against various corporations for fun as opposed for purely principled
reasons, like the activities undertaken by Anonymous. The group’s motto is “Laughing at your security
since 2011.” The group is known by the symbol of a figure wearing a black top hat and monocle.
While still working with Anonymous, a small group of hackers later known as LulzSec first
hacked into the Web site of the computer-security firm HBGary, its affiliate HBGary Federal, and its
CEO Aaron Barr. Members of the group Anonymous happened to stumble on a plan proposed by
HBGary Federal to smear and spy on WikiLeaks on behalf of Bank of America. The group easily
hacked into the company Web site and downloaded thousands of company files and e-mails as well as
remotely controlled Barr’s iPhone and iPad. After the success of this infiltration, the group splintered
from Anonymous and began to scour the Internet looking for security holes on the Web sites of many
different corporations and government entities. The group started to gather the usernames and
passwords of thousands of individuals connected to various databases, including Great Britain’s
National Health Service Web site, Sony’s PlayStation Network, the American Public Broadcasting
System, and Fox.
The goal of this new group was not just to steal information but to widely distribute it as a form of
“lulz.” It was not interested in supporting social justice causes per se, but in exposing the security
vulnerabilities in the Web sites of many corporations to raise public awareness. LulzSec also targeted
so-called white hat computer hackers who charged corporations thousands of dollars to expose
security vulnerabilities and help fix them.
The group’s most active year was 2011, during which they expanded their attack list to include
various governments, the U.S. Senate, and a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) known as InfraGard. The attack on the Senate and InfraGard was in direct
response to the Obama administration’s statement that cyber attacks could be considered an act of
warfare. Through a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, the group also brought down the
CIA.gov Web site. Soon after, they were contacted by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks to help infiltrate
the Web sites of several Icelandic government and corporate Web sites. By the end of 2011, members
of LulzSec had released a statement titled “50 Days of Lulz,” in which the group founder Topiary
stated that LulzSec would cease operations.

Barbara Salera

See also: Anonymous; Assange, Julian; Cyber Crime; 4chan; Hacktivist

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Back Bay Books, 2012.

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is a broad term that applies to any software designed to
disrupt the function of a computer or network. It encompasses everything from state-sponsored cyber
attacks to intrusive advertising on otherwise benign Web sites. The term was coined in 1990,
replacing “computer virus,” when it became apparent that there were many forms of intrusive and
dangerous software that did not technically conform to the proper definition of a virus.
Malware can be divided into several main categories, depending on the type of program and the
intent of the user. Computer viruses seek to replicate on other hosts and then cause some form of
damage, such as data corruption or rerouting of Internet traffic. Worms are a subspecies of computer
virus that primarily seek to spread as rapidly as possible, often damaging systems in the process.
Trojan horses appear to be useful but instead contain harmful code hidden inside. Spyware is a term
referring to software that attempts to copy and extract data from a computer system. Adware is an
annoying form of intrusive advertising that bombards the user with unwanted images and links to other
network sites. Ransomware is software that attempts to seize control of a computer and prevent the
user from regaining control until a ransom is paid to a third party. Scareware attempts to frighten a
user into purchasing software to confront a phony threat to the system, and often installs worse
programs if the user panics and agrees to download further malware. Malware is primarily combated
through the use of antivirus and antimalware software and through firewalls.
Malware, like any other form of software, can take many forms, including active content,
executable code, and scripts. It may be designed to evade detection (particularly spyware), or its
presence might be overt (ransomware and scareware) as part of its function. Some malware has been
discovered embedded into otherwise beneficial programs, including spyware concealed within Web
sites that tracks a user’s online behavior after the user has left the host Web site.
One prominent example, the Sony rootkit, was embedded on CDs sold by the Sony Corporation.
When those CDs were copied onto a computer, the rootkit was also installed, allowing the Sony
Corporation to track users’ listening habits, ostensibly as a means of combating piracy. Unfortunately,
this malware created vulnerabilities that were exploited by new malware released by unrelated
programmers, meaning that Sony had compromised its customers’ computer networks without their

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Antivirus Software; Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Cyber Security; Spyware; Trojan
Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

Kevin Mandia (1972–) is the founder and former president of Mandiant Corporation, which provided
cyber security to businesses from its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. In 2013, Mandiant
Corporation caught the world’s attention when it released a 60-page report detailing Chinese
espionage. Mandia had made the personal decision to release the report, only informing one of his
board members of his intention. He had determined that it was his patriotic duty to make Americans
aware of the massive amount of intellectual information that the Chinese military had stolen from U.S.
Unlike other similar reports issued around the same time by other organizations, Mandia had no
hesitation in attributing these attacks to the Chinese military. Mandiant’s report emboldened the
United States to become more vocal about Chinese cyber attacks. Later that year, Mandia sold
Mandiant to another cyber-security company, FireEye, Inc., for $1.05 billion. He initially served as
its chief operations officer and senior vice president until February 2015, when he was appointed
president of FireEye.
After growing up in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, Mandia received a BS in computer science from
Lafayette College in 1992 and an MS in forensic science from George Washington University in 1995.
It is Mandia’s dual background in computers and forensic science that made Mandiant Corporation so
distinctive. Unlike many business models that stress firewalls, Mandiant emphasizes detecting cyber
attacks and then responding to them to shut out the hackers rather than focusing on preventing them.
Mandia also served in the U.S. Air Force as a computer-security officer until he became frustrated
with its bureaucracy.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Attribution; Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Firewall;
GhostNet; Malware; Mandiant Corporation; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Easton, Nina. “The CEO Who Caught the Chinese Spies Red-handed.” Fortune, July 8, 2013. http://fortune.com/2013/07/08/the-ceo-
Luttgens, Jason T., Matthew Pepe, and Kevin Mandia. Incident Response & Computer Forensics. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Mandiant Corporation. APT1: Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units. Alexandria, VA: Mandiant Corporation, 2013.

Kevin Mandia established Mandiant Corporation in 2004 to provide cyber security to businesses.
Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, Mandiant had more than 300 employees at its peak, including
some in Dublin, Ireland, and others in Redwood, California. Mandia primarily hired former military
intelligence officers (Mandia served in the U.S. Air Force) and experts in computer forensics.
In 2013, Mandiant Corporation released a 60-page report detailing Chinese espionage. The report
attributed massive theft of U.S. corporate secrets to a secretive Chinese military unit known as
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398. Mandia’s dual background in computer science and forensics
explains the company’s business model. Believing that attacks are impossible to prevent, Mandia
focuses on identifying attacks and responding to them in a manner analogous to an alarm company.
Mandiant Corporation’s growing reputation resulted in prominent companies and the government
increasingly turning to them when they learned they had been victims of cyber attacks. Mandiant then
sent in teams of three to five specialists, who might spend months identifying every piece of malware
before removing it. In 2012, the company served 30 percent of Fortune 100 companies, which earned
it more than $100 million in revenue. Another cyber-security company, FireEye, Inc., acquired
Mandiant in December 2013 for $1.05 billion. FireEye’s complementary focus is on the detection of
malware. It had worked extensively with Mandiant prior to purchasing the company, using it to
remove malware it had detected.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Defense; Cyber Espionage; Cyber Security; Firewall; GhostNet;
Malware; Mandia, Kevin; People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of China Cyber

Further Reading
Easton, Nina. “The CEO Who Caught the Chinese Spies Red-handed.” Fortune, July 8, 2013. http://fortune.com/2013/07/08/the-ceo-
Stone, Brad, and Michael Riley. “Mandiant, the Go-to Security Firm for Cyber-espionage Attacks.” Bloomberg Business, February 7,
2013. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2013-02-07/mandiant-the-go-to-security-firm-for-cyber-espionage-attacks#p3.

Bradley Manning (1987–) is the former name of the U.S. Army private responsible for the biggest
data leak in U.S. military history. Manning was convicted in July 2013 of various violations of the
Espionage Act of 1917 for leaking over 700,000 government files, including videos. He released
these government files through the Web site WikiLeaks. The various documents that he leaked went on
to be known as the video “Collateral Murder,” the “Iraqi War Logs,” and the “Afghan War Diary.”
Bradley Manning was born on December 17, 1987, to Brian and Sue Manning. He spent most of
his childhood in a small town in rural Oklahoma. However, after his parents divorced, Manning and
his mother moved to his mother’s hometown in Wales, United Kingdom. At the age of 17, he returned
to the United States to live with his father in Oklahoma City. Family life was rough, and soon after,
Manning was kicked out. Manning moved from city to city until finally staying with his aunt in a
suburb outside of Washington, D.C. He enrolled in a local community college but left after one
semester. In the fall of 2007, at the age of 19, Manning decided to join the military.
Manning enlisted in the U.S. Army in early October 2007. He began basic training on October 7,
2007, at Fort Leonard, Missouri. After first failing basic training, Manning finally completed it in
April 2008. He went on to train as an intelligence analyst in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. After his
training, he was assigned to be an all-source intelligence analyst with the 10th Mountain Division,
2nd Brigade. His unit was deployed to Iraq. While in Iraq, his position as intelligence analyst meant
he spent anywhere from 12–14 hours per day on a computer on base in a room known as a sensitive
compartmented information facility (SCIF). Manning was charged with mining data from a variety of
sources on the Iraqi insurgency, including the State Department’s Net-centric Diplomacy database.
This database was maintained by the State Department to facilitate communication between
government agencies and thus was connected to the Department of Defense’s Secret Internet Protocol
Router Network (SIPRNet).
By Manning’s own admission, like other soldiers, he spent most of his deployment both miserable
and bored. To pass the time, soldiers often watched videos, some dubbed “war porn,” which
consisted of anything from live feeds from drones to video clips shot from Apache helicopters
engaged in combat. Manning was particularly troubled at watching a clip showing an Apache
helicopter fire at what appeared to be unarmed civilians. In this clip, it appeared that the crew and
pilot were making wisecracks while also shooting those who tried to crawl away. The clip was later
released in April 2010 by WikiLeaks, dubbed “Collateral Murder.”
A turning point for Manning was when Iraqi Federal Police arrested Iraqi citizens for printing
“anti-Iraqi literature.” When the U.S. military was called to assist the investigation, Manning was
assigned to the task. He found that the anti-Iraqi literature was a scholarly critique of the corruption
within Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s government. Manning informed his superior officers of this, but
he was told to ignore the information and help the Iraqi police find more individuals to arrest.
After this event, Manning began to question U.S. occupation policies in Iraq. By late November
2009, he began to use his data-mining skills to investigate events surrounding WikiLeaks’ released
information on the DoD’s SIPRNet. In December, Manning contacted WikiLeaks, and he received a
message to contact its founder, Julian Assange. By January 2010, Manning had begun collecting
classified information to turn over to WikiLeaks.
In May 2010, Manning was designated for discharge due to “adjustment disorder.” By this time,
he was struggling with a gender-identity disorder and knew his only hope of being able to transition
to living as a female was outside of the military. He punched a female superior officer and was
demoted back to private first class. It was at this time that he made the fateful decision to reach out to
well-known hacker Adrian Lamo, on May 21, 2010. On May 26, 2010, Manning was arrested while
still in Iraq and sent to the brig at Camp Arifjan, in Kuwait. Later, he was transferred to Quantico,
Supporters of Manning protested the harsh treatment he received in prison, sparking a UN
investigation. He was then transferred to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and court martialed after being
deemed mentally fit to stand trial. He was sentenced to 35 years in Fort Leavenworth, but his sentence
was commuted by President Obama. A transgender woman, he has changed his name to Chelsea

Barbara Salera

See also: Assange, Julian; Snowden, Edward J.; WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Madar, Chase. The Passion of Bradley Manning. London: Verso, 2013.
Nicks, Denver. Private Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and the Biggest Exposure of Official Secrets in American History. Chicago:
Review Press, 2013.
The Matrix is a 1999 film directed by Andy and Lana Wachowski that stars Keanu Reeves and
Laurence Fishburne. In the film, Reeves plays Thomas “Neo” Anderson, a hacker who thinks he is
living in the late 1990s. With the help of Fishburne’s Morpheus, he discovers that the world he knows
is merely an elaborate simulation. Instead, human body heat and energy serves as a power source for
the machines controlling Earth sometime in the 22nd century.
The Matrix depicts a future where combat between machines and humans occurs in two realms:
The first is the real world, where robots known as Sentinels hunt humans traveling aboard hovercraft
ships in a postapocalyptic wasteland. The second realm is inside the simulation known as the
“Matrix.” The film’s human heroes tap into the Matrix via plugs that connect directly to their nervous
systems and receive guidance from “operators” who can read the machines’ code. Once inside the
Matrix, they are hunted by self-aware programs known as Agents. Death while inside the Matrix
results in the death of the physical body in the real world.
The Matrix is one of the most prominent examples of “cyberpunk” culture that combines noir and
technological anxieties in a dystopian future. It also includes elements of postmodern theory and
Eastern philosophy. The film’s financial and creative success led to the production of two sequels,
video games, and other media.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Neuromancer; Terminator, The

Further Reading
Clover, Joshua. The Matrix. New York: British Film Institute, 2007.

McAfee is the largest dedicated computer-security technology company in the world and is
headquartered in Santa Clara, California. It was one of the first companies to produce antivirus
software. The company was founded by John McAfee in 1987 as McAfee Associates and is best
known for its antivirus and antispam product lines. Controversies led to McAfee’s resignation from
the company in 1994. In 2010, it was bought by the Intel Corporation for over $7 billion and is now
part of the Intel Security Group. Intel continues to use the McAfee name and brand for products.
McAfee’s digital-security products are mostly designed for personal computers and server devices,
but Intel is beginning to expand into mobile device protection.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Antivirus Software; Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; Intel Corporation; Kaspersky Lab;

Further Reading
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Vacca, John R., ed. Computer and Information Security Handbook. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.
Microsoft Corporation is a titan in the computer software sector. Its programming innovations
revolutionized the industry, particularly the Windows operating system and Office suite. Founded in
1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Microsoft’s main focus has been
software creation for personal and commercial devices, though it has diversified by entering the
hardware and gaming console markets. As the world’s largest software development company,
Microsoft has confronted cyber-security issues for much of its existence.
In the mid-1970s, longtime friends Gates and Allen developed the BASIC programming language
for the MITS Altair 8800, an early personal computer. Allen joined U.S.-based Micro Instrumentation
and Telemetry Systems (MITS), and Gates left his studies at Harvard University. Microsoft was
officially established on April 4, 1975, under MITS’s auspices. Gates was its first CEO. Microsoft
separated from MITS in 1976. IBM contracted Microsoft to create an operating system in July 1980.
Microsoft retained the licensing rights to the highly successful system, MS-DOS (Microsoft disk
operating system). In 1981, the Microsoft mouse made a small piece of hardware a requisite
computer accessory. Allen left the company in 1983, keeping his stock holdings. Microsoft went
public in March 1986 and was the world’s largest personal computer (PC) software company by
In 1985, Microsoft debuted its revolutionary Windows operating system, which gave users a
graphical interface. Microsoft introduced its Office software suite in 1989, which bundled
applications such as Word and Excel with Windows. Both became industry standard-bearers.
Developing software that is preinstalled on devices produced by PC manufacturers such as Acer and
Lenovo, or licensed directly to users, has generated much of Microsoft’s revenue. It also found
success in the highly competitive game console market with the 2001 Xbox launch. Its search engine,
Bing, went live in 2009. The Windows Phone, Microsoft’s first smartphone, was released in 2011.
Forty years after its founding, Microsoft launched its first laptop, the Surface Book, in 2015.
Microsoft’s progressive approach to the Internet was propelled by Gates’s belief that the Internet
should take precedence in computer research and development. The company’s Web portal, MSN,
debuted in August 1995. Microsoft’s embrace of the Internet was underscored by Gates’s
announcement on December 7, 1995, that the company would create a free Web browser, albeit in a
Windows bundle. Internet Explorer 3.0, released in August 1996, was Microsoft’s breakthrough
Internet application.
Microsoft’s reliance on licensing and application bundling resulted in clashes with government
agencies. The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigated Microsoft’s business practices in the late
1990s, prompted by complaints that the company’s bundling was anticompetition. In 2000, a judge
ruled that Microsoft was a monopoly. Microsoft agreed to a settlement that did not require divestiture.
The European Commission brought a similar suit in 2004, resulting in the largest fine handed out by
the commission at the time.
Over the 2000s, Gates moved to spend more time on his global philanthropic initiative, the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has donated billions to various humanitarian causes. He
stepped down as CEO in 2014, replaced by longtime Microsoft executive Satya Nadella. Microsoft
redefined its development path, rethought licensing, and made its products cross-platform friendly
(including its Azure cloud service). In 2016, Microsoft purchased the business-directed social
network LinkedIn.
Microsoft has been active in combating security issues related to its products. Its approach has
revolved around protecting consumers, detecting and responding to threats, and preventing piracy of
its products. The company’s business strategy was initially criticized for eschewing security for
product innovation. Pushing to have every product Internet-oriented meant they often launched before
being wholly secure. Microsoft products are vulnerable to cyber attacks, in part, due to design flaws.
Windows has been particularly susceptible because of its size; errors in millions of lines of code are
difficult to detect and present hacking opportunities. Integrating Windows with Internet Explorer
across Microsoft platforms also enticed attacks.
After facing increasing complaints from elite business consumers, security was prioritized in the
2000s. The Digital Crimes Unit works with international legal and cyber-security experts to
investigate and analyze cyber crime and hacking behavior. Microsoft’s Cyber Defense Operations
Center opened in 2015 as a war room for its global cyber-security team. Microsoft has also
developed relationships with benevolent hackers, who are hired to test product defenses.
One of Microsoft’s methods for combating cyber conflict has been to take legal action against
those running malware through its systems. This includes filing actions under the Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act (1986) and the CAN-SPAM Act (2003). Using stealthy legal maneuvering, Microsoft
essentially seizes private assets, such as servers, obtaining restraining orders to shut down botnets
(an infected group of remotely, often criminally, controlled computers) based on the premise that the
company’s trademark is harmed by this malicious activity. The company has been commended and
criticized for its tactics. While largely successful, this strategy often impacts real users on authentic
network services and disrupts legitimate businesses.
A component of Microsoft’s cyber-security awareness is the recognition of its role in protecting
consumers from government surveillance. In April 2016, the company filed a lawsuit against the U.S.
government, arguing it has the right to notify users when government agencies request access to
personal documents located on its remote servers. This is in addition to Microsoft’s promise to
inform e-mail users when their accounts have been accessed by the government.
Microsoft contends that cyber security, national security, and privacy rights must find balance. It
participated in President Barack Obama’s 2016 Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity,
through which high-tech industry leaders and government officials worked to improve the U.S.
position on cyber security. Recommendations included protecting consumer data, sharing threat
intelligence, and transparency. Microsoft is tangentially involved in the National Guard’s cyber
squadron, which participates in offensive cyber missions and includes Microsoft employees.
Moreover, in 2015, Microsoft signed an information-sharing agreement with the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization’s (NATO) Communications and Information Agency. The agreement allowed for the
sharing of technical information and threat intelligence to establish a stronger cyber-defense network
in the European Union. Indeed, Microsoft has similar relationships with dozens of governments
around the world.

Anna Zuschlag

See also: Apple Inc.; Botnet; Department of Justice (DOJ); Gates, Bill; Google; Malware; National
Security Agency (NSA); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Obama, Barack; Software
Further Reading
Allen, Paul. Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft. New York: Penguin Group, 2012.
Andrews, Paul. How the Web Was Won: How Bill Gates and His Internet Idealists Transformed the Microsoft Empire. New York:
Broadway Books, 1999.
Hiller, Janine S. “Civil Cyberconflict: Microsoft, Cybercrime, and Botnets.” Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal 31(2), January
2014: 163–214.
Stross, Randall E. The Microsoft Way: The Real Story of How the Company Outsmarts Its Competition. New York: Basic Books,

Microsoft Windows is a computer operating system (OS) first released by the Microsoft Corporation
in 1985. In the decades that followed, successive versions of Windows dominated the personal
computer (PC) market. Microsoft also adapted Windows for use by commercial servers and handheld
devices such as smartphones.
Windows improved on Microsoft’s first operating system, MS-DOS, which it designed for IBM
and released in 1980. MS-DOS had relied on a text interface for users to input commands, but
Microsoft overlaid a more intuitive and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) over MS-DOS.
First announced in 1983, Microsoft finally released Windows 1.0 in late 1985. Windows 1.0 set a
trend followed by all of its successors whereby Microsoft “bundled” other programs with the OS,
including a drawing program and a word processor. Microsoft’s engineers, including cofounder Bill
Gates, used their experience with Apple’s Macintosh to construct the first Windows program.
Windows 2.0 (1987) became the first version of Windows that was compatible with other
companies’ software. Although Microsoft had grown significantly in the late 1980s, Windows had yet
to truly catch on in the market.
Windows 3 (1990), followed by Windows 3.1 (1992), were extremely popular, selling over 10
million copies in the first two years of release. Windows 3 appeared just as personal computers were
becoming common household items. The success was not without controversy, as Apple accused
Microsoft of infringing on the copyrights of its operating systems. The lawsuit was first filed in 1988.
In 1994, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Apple’s argument that Microsoft’s aping of the
“look and feel” of Apple’s operating systems constituted copyright infringement.
By the mid-1990s, Microsoft had parallel lines of operating systems, one for consumers and one
for servers and business computers. For consumers, Microsoft introduced Windows 95 in 1995,
followed by Windows 98 (1998) and Windows ME (2000). While each was a distinct operating
system, they shared many traits. Windows 95 was a success, and Windows 98 further refined the OS.
But the instability of Windows ME resulted in a commercial disaster. Meanwhile, Windows NT first
appeared in 1993 for use in servers. The Windows NT family continued to evolve through the decade,
culminating with the popular Windows 2000.
In 2001, Microsoft merged its consumer and commercial software together with the release of
Windows XP. The new operating system grew out of the Windows NT line and abandoned the MS-
DOS underpinnings of previous consumer versions of Windows. Initially disliked, XP became the
most popular and long-lived version of Windows due to its stability and low hardware requirements.
In fact, Microsoft continued to provide updates and support for some XP users until 2014.
Unfortunately, XP proved susceptible to viruses and malware, and the software’s ubiquity only
exacerbated that tendency.
Not until 2007 did Microsoft unveil XP’s successor, Windows Vista. The new OS attempted to
remedy the security deficiencies of Windows XP, but fixing these issues came at the cost of slow boot
times and frequent permission requests. In addition, Microsoft incorporated features to limit the
spread of pirated media. Consumer dissatisfaction with Windows Vista led to a much shorter release
cycle for its successor, Windows 7. Released in 2009, Windows 7 built on the strengths of Vista
while correcting the previous software’s numerous inefficiencies.
With the release of Windows 8 in 2012, Microsoft attempted to adapt the venerable platform to
work on touchscreen-enabled computers. Users heavily criticized the changes made in Windows 8,
especially for its new touch-friendly “Metro” home screen, and a significant update known as
Windows 8.1 did little to stem the criticism. Microsoft released Windows RT alongside Windows 8
to serve as the operating system for low-power computers such as Microsoft’s Surface, a computer-
tablet hybrid, but the incompatibility of programs between Windows 8 and RT led to the latter’s
failure and rapid demise.
The 2015 release of Windows 10 saw a number of significant changes to the OS. First, Windows
10 partially rolled back the changes made to Windows 8 while simultaneously integrating better
touchscreen functionality. Second, whereas Microsoft had previously required users to purchase each
version of Windows, Microsoft allowed users of older versions of Windows to upgrade for free for
up to one year. This move matched Apple’s release strategy for its iOS, but it also allowed Microsoft
to more rapidly cease support for the older versions. Third, Microsoft integrated a number of new
features, including the personal assistant Cortana—similar to Apple’s Siri—that incorporated cloud
capabilities. Privacy advocates have criticized Windows 10 because of the default sharing of
significant amounts of user data with Microsoft.
As the personal computer market stagnated and contracted in the 2010s, Microsoft looked to
expand the Windows brand into new devices. As early as 2000, Microsoft started producing a series
of operating systems designed for palm PCs and other smaller devices that shared some of Windows’
basic functions. PocketPC 2000 and PocketPC 2002 were followed by Windows Mobile 2003,
Windows Mobile 5 (2005), and Windows Mobile 6 (2007). Subsequent to Windows Mobile 6,
Microsoft switched the focus of these operating systems to the burgeoning smartphone market to
compete with Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Windows Phone 7 appeared in 2010, followed by
Windows Phone 8 in 2012. Microsoft partnered with Swedish phone manufacturer Nokia in 2011 to
develop Windows-based Lumia smartphones and eventually bought Nokia outright in 2014. Microsoft
released the first Lumia phones with Windows Mobile 10 in late 2015. Despite the significant effort
Microsoft invested in the smartphone market, only approximately 3 percent of global smartphones ran
a variant of Windows Phone/Mobile as of 2015.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Apple Inc.; Gates, Bill; Google, Microsoft Corporation

Further Reading
Allen, Paul. Idea Man: A Memoir of the Cofounder of Microsoft. New York: Portfolio, 2011.
Isaacson, Walter. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 2014.
Swaine, Michael, and Paul Freiberger. Fire in the Valley: The Birth and the Death of the Personal Computer. 3rd ed. Raleigh, NC:
Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2014.
Zachary, G. Paschal. Showstopper: The Breakneck Pace to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft. New York:
Open Road Media, 2014.


The Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN) is designed to maintain
communications between the National Command Authority (the president and the military chain-of-
command) and the fielded nuclear-capable forces of the United States. It was initially proposed in
1994 as a means to upgrade emergency transmissions in the event of a nuclear war. As such, it
requires a robust transmission and receiving capability as well as the ability to withstand enemy
attempts at disruption should a nuclear war become a realistic possibility.
The U.S. nuclear arsenal requires a series of code authentications before nuclear weapons can be
made operable. The codes reside with the president of the United States and must be transmitted to
individual fielded forces before a nuclear attack can be launched. This need for communication
represents a potential vulnerability for a sophisticated opponent, as it theoretically could be jammed
or otherwise cut off, rendering the nuclear arsenal unusable. Other nations have considered this
problem and created a series of fail-safe mechanisms to utilize at least a portion of their nuclear
arsenal in the event of total communications loss, on the theory that such an event could only occur
during a major nuclear exchange. The United States has shown no inclination to create such a system,
often called a “dead hand switch,” as it carries the risk of accidental deployment. Instead, American
systems rely on maintaining at least a one-way communication capability.
Although the exact specifications of the MEECN are classified, certain aspects of it have been
released to the public. It requires a miniature receive terminal, a specialized piece of equipment that
is capable of transmitting and receiving on the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) and Very Low
Frequency/Low Frequency (VLF/LF) sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. It relies on both
satellites and airborne relays, creating redundant paths for a message to get through. These terminals
guarantee a high data rate for transmissions, even in the face of enemy attempts at signals jamming,
and are capable of functioning even in the immediate area of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
Because the MEECN does not rely on a cyber network, it is at least theoretically immune to cyber
attack, and guarantees that the key element of U.S. deterrence policies remains functional, while
minimizing the possibility of an accidental nuclear attack.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Cyber War; Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP); Infrastructure; Weapons of Mass Disruption

Further Reading
Hoffman, David E. Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy. New York: Doubleday,
Schlosser, Eric. Command and Control. New York: Penguin, 2009.

Kevin Mitnick (1963–) is an American computer-security consultant, author, and hacker best known
for his high-profile 1995 arrest and imprisonment for computer and communications-related crimes.
Mitnick was born August 6, 1963, in Los Angeles, California. His first unauthorized computer access
took place in 1979 at age 16, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment and 3 years’
probation in 1988. In 1992, Mitnick became a fugitive from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), facing a host of hacking and software theft allegations at some of the nation’s largest cellular
telephone and computer companies. He gained national notoriety after a 1994 New York Times article
claimed he hacked into NORAD’s computer system at age 17 and was the inspiration for the 1983
film WarGames, allegations Mitnick denies.
Mitnick was arrested February 15, 1995, after a highly publicized pursuit. In 1999, he accepted a
plea bargain agreement and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, including time served. He
spent eight months in solitary confinement and was released January 21, 2000. Mitnick wrote in a
2002 book that he had compromised computers solely by using passwords gained through social
engineering, not software programs. Since 2002, Mitnick has been a paid computer-security
consultant, performing penetration-testing services and teaching social-engineering classes to dozens
of corporations and government agencies.

Steven B. Davis

See also: Cyber Crime; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Hacker; Social Engineering;

Further Reading
Mitnick, Kevin. The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishers, 2002.
Mitnick, Kevin. Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker. New York: Little, Brown and Company,

Moonlight Maze was a large-scale cyber attack that began in March 1998. Still mostly classified, the
attack consisted of hundreds of cyber-espionage attacks, mainly targeting the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA), the Pentagon, other government agencies, universities, and
research laboratories. The thousands of stolen files included maps of military installations, troop
manifests and configurations, and military hardware designs. The Joint Task Force for Computer
Network Defense (JTF-CND) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) combined their efforts to
locate the source of these multiple intrusions. They were able to trace the source to a mainframe in
Russia. The attackers remained unknown, and Russia denies any involvement. These attacks are still
being investigated by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
This event was a wake-up call for cyber security and a sign of the increasing role of state-
sponsored attacks. Today, there is little unclassified information available on what was compromised.
The FBI investigation was made public in 1999, which spread shockwaves through the cyber-security
industry. Moonlight Maze made them aware that there was no easy way to ascertain the source,
dynamics, or goals of this form of espionage. In defending cyber space, the government now needed
new and different tools, concepts, and organizations to fight this threat.
The government response to prior threats was the creation of the Joint Task Force for Computer
Network Defense (JTF-CND). On May 22, 1998, President Bill Clinton signed Presidential Decision
Directive 63 (PDD 63), which called for an interagency department that would secure the nation’s
governmental and civilian infrastructure from cyber attack, the National Incident Protection Center
(NIPC). Moonlight Maze brought to focus that security of cyber space required larger focus with
different tools, organizations, and concepts. It also brought into focus that the Russians were capable
of “system on system” military operations and recognized the importance of the “military-technical
Institutions with critical infrastructures now needed to be protected. Various agencies were
formed, including a national coordinator for security, infrastructure protection, and counterterrorism,
who also chairs the Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group (CICG); the National Infrastructure
Assurance Council (NIAC) was composed of the private sector combined with state and local
government officials to protect critical infrastructures. Information and analysis centers were created
in the United States and on the international level, and the United Nations and Geneva began debating
the integration of cyber warfare to existing laws.
The cyber intrusions for Moonlight Maze were not conducted solely through the Internet. They
included attacks on the DoD’s scientific and industrial contract providers. The attackers employed
sophisticated hardware and computer power, and their operational skills were able to counter all
attempts to shut them down. The attackers used thousands of servers to overwhelm a single server,
called distributed coordination approach, which disguised their identities and made it difficult for
the server to realize that it was under attack.
Targeting the attackers and disabling their operations were contemplated, but curtailed, because
the United States feared these measures might be considered an act of war if sponsored by the
Russian government. Also, a lack of understanding of who the adversaries were, coupled with
Russian denial, hindered the response. The Pentagon rerouted its communications through eight
expanded gateways to better monitor and cut down the attackers’ focus. Encryption of passwords was
forced on the DoD, and $200 million was invested in new firewalls, encryption development, and
intrusion technology. The Chinese espionage cases in October 1999 also hindered the U.S. response,
as they depleted manpower resources.
The attack was traced to Internet servers located 20 miles from Moscow. Their pattern of attack
revealed that they had regular office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and they never attacked on Russian
holidays. This implied that if the attacks were not conducted by the Russia, they were state-enabled.
The intrusions also showed that they had an unusually high-speed connection that linked research
facilities in Moscow to the United States, hiding an offensive command and control network within
civilian research facilities. It was not until 2000 that the United States formally complained to Russia,
providing the attackers’ telephone numbers. In response, Russia denied any prior knowledge and
claimed the numbers were all nonoperational. The United States also went to Moscow to reach out to
the Russian government to investigate the source, with no success. Russia consistently denied any
involvement in Moonlight Maze. In 2001, the attackers were continuing to operate within the system
through code or instructions that would let them gain access to a previous compromised system.
While considered an espionage incident, it was also a hostile military cyber-war act. It was a
warning of what was to occur in future, recurring cyber-attack methods and investigations. It took
years to attribute the attackers to Russia, and no one knows how long they had access prior to
detection. Moonlight Maze showed that even though a government agency can be protected, its
dependence on outside institutions is still a cyber-security problem. It raised the concept of defense
in depth, which began reorganizational innovations under a counterintelligence czar implementing
policy shifts.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Cyber Espionage; Operation Aurora; Operation Shady
RAT; Russia Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.

Moore’s Law refers to an observation published in the trade journal Electronics in April 1965 by
chemist Gordon Moore (1929–), then employed by Fairchild Semiconductors. Moore noted that the
surface area of a transistor, as etched on an integrated circuit, was being reduced by approximately 50
percent every 18 months and that the subsequent computing power increased at an exponential rate. In
1968, Robert Noyce and Moore founded the corporation that would later become Intel, eventually the
world leader in the production of microprocessors. Moore revised his previous observations in
1975, postulating that this doubling of semiconductor power was actually happening every 2 years.
This observation has widely been expanded to include virtually all aspects of computer memory and
performance, especially semiconductor memory, disk storage, and other aspects of digital
microelectronics. As of this writing, Moore’s Law is still holding. In general, this means that
computers double in speed and computing power for roughly the same price every 2 years. In many
ways, recognition of this phenomena drives both consumer expectations and manufacturing goals for
computers and their subcomponents.
Although recognition of the growth in computing power specifically in regard to integrated
circuits spurred the concept, others have projected the growth in information-processing power more
broadly over the history of all mechanical, electromechanical, and digital information-processing
devices. One notable theorist in this regard is computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil, who
describes this as “The Exponential Growth of Computing, 1900–1998” in his book The Age of
Spiritual Machines.

John G. Terino

See also: Hardware; Intel Corporation

Further Reading
Brock, David C., ed. Understanding Moore’s Law: Four Decades of Innovation. Philadelphia: Chemical Heritage Press, 2006.
Thackray, Arnold, David C. Brock, and Rachel Jones. Moore’s Law: The Life of Gordon Moore, Silicon Valley’s Quiet
Revolutionary. New York: Basic Books, 2015.

MS Blaster Worm is a computer worm released on August 11, 2003, that infected approximately
100,000 computers, including those belonging to government agencies in the United States, operating
Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000. MS Blaster Worm is also commonly referred to as
Lovsan, Lovesan, MSBlast, MSBlaster, the Blaster Worm, and simply, Blaster. MS Blaster Worm was
able to infect computers through a vulnerability and security flaw in the Microsoft Distributed
Component Object Model (DCOM) remote procedure call (RPC) service. The computer worm
caused computers to reboot, have blank screens, and become inoperable. Microsoft released two
patches, the MS03-026 and MS03-039, to fix the security flaw.
MS Blaster Worm is able to spread to other computers through networked computers that are
already affected by the worm. MS Blaster Worm illustrated the importance of network and computer
security for governments, networks, companies, universities, organizations, and businesses due to the
volume of Internet and computer users in such institutions and because the worm highlighted the ease
of spreading computer infections among institutionally networked machines. The attack from the MS
Blaster Worm cost millions of dollars in damages, interfered with network traffic, and prevented
organizational transactions.
Even though the identity of the original author of the MS Blaster Worm is still unknown, U.S. law
enforcement officers arrested an 18-year-old Minnesota teenager who pleaded guilty to spreading a
version of the MS Blaster Worm that infected approximately 50,000 computers in August 2003.

Roger J. Chin

See also: Antivirus Software; Malware; MyDoom Virus; SQL Slammer Worm; Worm

Further Reading
Bowden, Mark. Worm: The First Digital World War. New York: Grove Press, 2011.
Schultz, E. Eugene. “The MSBlaster Worm: Going from Bad to Worse.” Network Security 10, 2003: 4–8.

The MyDoom virus was a computer worm sent via e-mail that was first detected on January 26, 2004.
The worm targeted Microsoft Windows–based systems. MyDoom was transmitted through an e-mail
with an infected attachment. Once the recipient opened and thus executed the attachment, the virus
located the user’s address lists and sent itself to other unsuspecting users. The virus also created a
backdoor by use of a Trojan horse program to allow a remote computer to assume control, which was
then used to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks as part of a botnet.
MyDoom launched DDoS attacks on Microsoft and SCO Group by accessing the Web sites
simultaneously from infected computers. The attack on the SCO Web site occurred on February 1,
2004, with an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 computers involved. SCO Group and Microsoft offered a
$250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the malware’s creator.
Approximately 500,000 systems were affected worldwide by MyDoom. At its height, it was
infecting roughly 1 in 12 e-mail messages. According to Jaikumar Vijayan, MyDoom became “one of
the fastest-spreading viruses in history” during that time period. The creator of the worm remains a

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Botnet; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Microsoft Corporation; MS Blaster
Worm; SQL Slammer Worm; Worm

Further Reading
Metz, Cade. “Havoc from MyDoom: A Fast-spreading Virus Teaches Lessons.” PC Magazine, March 16, 2004: 21.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Vijayan, Jaikumar. “Mydoom Lesson: Take Proactive Steps to Prevent DDos Attacks.” Computerworld, February 9, 2004.


The U.S. National Cyber Strategy is a strategy shaped and formed by a collection of presidential
directives, executive orders, and legislation that traces its origins to the 1980s with the collective
goal of securing and protecting the federal, state, and local governments; private sector; and civilian
population from increasing threats to the disruption of operational information systems for critical
infrastructures. The aim of the National Cyber Security Strategy is not to end attacks and disruptions
to informational systems, but instead to limit their consistency and improve recovery time.
The U.S. National Cyber Security Strategy has evolved over the last 30 years and traces its roots
to the Reagan administration. In 1987, Congress passed the first law of its kind regarding computer
security with the Computer Security Act (CSA), which was signed into law by President Ronald
Reagan. At the most basic level, the CSA required every federal institution to inventory its
information technology (IT) systems and to create security plans for said systems and review these
plans annually. This act also confirmed that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
was responsible for nonmilitary government computer systems, and it limited the National Security
Agency (NSA) to providing assistance in the civilian-security sector. By 2002, Congress had passed
the E-Government Act, which includes Title III, more commonly known as the Federal Information
Security Management Act (FISMA), and this was created to replace the CSA. As a result of the
terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, FISMA was created in response to congressional demands for
increased security. FISMA upgraded informational security and provided the framework for federal
agencies to secure their IT systems with a risk-based approach.
As technology advanced and critical military, government, and economic systems became more
reliant on technology, the need for increased security became an important factor of national security.
Continued efforts were made to increase the security of private and government IT systems. Major
headway in this area occurred in 2003 when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as part of
their national strategy, produced the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. Though not a mandate
or presidential directive, the suggestions offered within came from three strategic objectives: to
prevent cyber attacks against critical infrastructure, to reduce vulnerability to attacks, and to limit
recovery time and damage from attacks that do occur. Based on these three objectives, DHS detailed
five priorities for future and improved security that focused on the public, private, and government
spheres of cyber space: a national cyber-space security response system, a security threat and
vulnerability reduction program, a security awareness and training program, securing governments’
cyber space, and a national security and international cyber-space security cooperation.
In 2008, the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) was created by
Presidential Directive 23. The directive outlines further cyber-security goals and extends across
multiple federal agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA) and DHS. The goals of this
directive were to enhance situational awareness of vulnerabilities and threats within the federal
government. Also included were tasking objectives to improve counterintelligence, to secure of the
supply chain for key technologies, to improve education, and to strengthen research and development.
When President Barack Obama took office, he requested a review of cyber-space policy, which
resulted in the production of the “Cyber Policy Review.” This review examined current policies and
methods to improve weaknesses it found. Following the review’s publication, Obama announced
cyber security as a national challenge and important part of national security. This policy review also
advised the president to create a government cyber-security official that would recommend policy for
future security. The recognition of cyber security as significant to national security encouraged
several executive orders, reviews, and legislation that produced the International Strategy for
Cyberspace, Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World (2011) and the Department of
Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace (2011). These all culminated with a presidential
executive order entitled Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (2013), which ordered the
improvement of the country’s cyber infrastructure—physical and virtual assets—and communication
and sharing of information with public and private companies. It also requires these organizations to
maintain that civil liberties violations do not occur.

John J. Mortimer

See also: Bush, George W.; Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI); Department of
Homeland Security (DHS); Infrastructure; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST);
National Security Agency (NSA); Obama, Barack

Further Reading
Andress, Jason, and Steve Winterfeld. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics, and Tools for Security Practitioners. 2nd ed. Waltham,
MA: Syngress, 2014.
Department of Homeland Security. The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
Grama, Joanna Lyn. Legal Issues in Informational Security. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2015.
Reveron, Derek S., ed. Cyber Challenges and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World.
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2012.


The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) provides advice on issues related to the
security and resilience of the critical infrastructure of the United States, focusing on their functional
systems, physical assets, and cyber networks, to the president through the secretary of homeland
President George W. Bush created the NIAC in 2001 as part of a wider effort to protect critical
infrastructure in the information age. It was formally established by Executive Order 13231. This
executive order established several focus areas for the NIAC to include the security of information
systems for critical infrastructure supporting the banking, finance, transportation, energy, and
manufacturing sectors of the economy and for emergency government services. To provide the best
advice for securing both governmental and private critical infrastructure, the NIAC consists of 30
members of the private sector, academia, and state and local governmental officials appointed by the
president. Executive branch employees are prohibited from becoming members of the NIAC.
The NIAC meets quarterly to enhance the partnership of the public and private sectors for the
protection of information systems for critical infrastructure, to propose and develop the private
sector’s ability to perform risk assessments of critical information systems, and to advise lead
agencies with critical infrastructure responsibilities. The NIAC is led by a chair and a vice chair
designated by the president and is managed by a Designated Federal Officer (DFO) appointed by the
Department of Homeland Security’s under secretary for national protection and programs. While the
chair and vice chair lead the advisory functions of the NIAC, the DFO manages the operations of the
NIAC, such as approving and calling NIAC meetings, approving meeting agendas, adjourning NIAC
meetings, executing NIAC business transactions, and fulfilling all reporting requirements according to
the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
The NIAC provides advice on the security and resiliency of national infrastructure by presenting
the president and responsible federal agencies with formal reports and recommendations. These
reports and recommendations are the products of a NIAC working group. NIAC working groups are
formed in response to either a White House or congressional request for information or from a focus
area determined internally by the NIAC membership. Once a research topic is approved by the NIAC,
a working group is formed that ultimately produces a report or recommendation. Over the course of
its history, the NIAC has produced reports on transportation-sector resilience; the creation of a
critical infrastructure security resilience research and development plan; the implementation of EO
13636 and PPD-21, which ordered an increase in cyber security across the country; intelligence
information sharing; the optimization of resources for mitigating infrastructure disruptions; a
framework for disaster mitigation, insider threats to critical infrastructure, and chemical, biological,
and radiological events; and the critical infrastructure workforce.

Michael A. Bonura

See also: Bush, George W.; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); National Infrastructure
Protection Plan (NIPP)

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Department of Homeland Security. “The National Infrastructure Advisory Council.” https://www.dhs.gov/national-infrastructure-


The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) is issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (DHS). It provides a coordinated and collaborative approach to help public- and private-
sector partners understand and manage all risks to critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR),
including cyber risks.
The Homeland Security Act; other statutes and executive orders; the National Strategies for
Homeland Security, for the Physical Protection of CI/KR, and for Securing Cyberspace; and
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) provided the authority for the component
elements outlined in the NIPP. These documents worked together to provide a coordinated national
approach to homeland security that is based on a common framework for CI/KR protection,
preparedness, and incident management.
The NIPP also formally defined the CI/KR protection components of the homeland-security
mission. Implementing CI/KR protection requires partnerships, coordination, and collaboration
among all levels of government and the private sector. Many CI/KR functions and services are
enabled through cyber systems and services; if cybersecurity is not appropriately addressed, the risk
to CI/KR is increased. The responsibility for cyber security spans all CI/KR partners, including
public- and private-sector entities.
The first NIPP was released by DHS in June 2006, with subsequent revisions released in 2009
and 2013. The June 2006 NIPP provided the first approach for integrating the nation’s 18 CI/KR
sectors. The 2009 NIPP revised the 2006 NIPP and stated that CI/KR protection planning involved
special consideration for unique cyber elements that support CI/KR operations and complex
interpersonal relationships. It also addressed the protection of the cyber elements of CI/KR in an
integrated manner rather than as a separate consideration. As a component of the sector-specific risk
assessment process, cyber infrastructure components would now be identified individually or
included as cyber elements of a larger asset’s, system’s, or network’s description, if they are
associated with one. This identification process included information on international cyber
infrastructure with cross border implications, interdependencies, or cross sector ramifications.
NIPP 2013 was issued by DHS on December 20, 2013, in response to the February 2013
Presidential Policy Directive-21 (PDD-21) signed by President Barack Obama on Critical
Infrastructure Security and Resilience. NIPP 2013 promoted cyber security by facilitating
participation and partnership in CI/KR protection initiatives, leveraging cyber-specific expertise and
experiences, and improving information exchange and awareness of cyber-security concerns. It also
provided a framework for public- and private-sector partner efforts to recognize and address the
similarities and differences among the approaches to cyber risk management for business continuity
and national security. This framework enabled CI/KR partners to work collaboratively to make
informed cyber risk management decisions, define national cyber priorities, and address cyber
security as part of an overall national CI/KR protection strategy.

Jim Dolbow

See also: Cyber Terrorism; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Infrastructure

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Department of Homeland Security. National Infrastructure Protection Plan 2009: Partnering to Enhance Protection and
Resiliency. Washington, D.C., 2009.
Department of Homeland Security. NIPP 2013: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Washington, D.C.,
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a nonregulatory agency of the U.S.
Department of Commerce that focuses on the development of measurement standards with the goal of
enhancing economic security, improving quality of life, and promoting innovation and industrial
competitiveness. The institute was created in 1901 as the National Bureau of Standards, with the
mandate of overseeing weights and measures, and served as the national physical laboratory for the
United States.
During World War I, the bureau aided with production of war materiel and military research and
development. In 1948, with funding from the U.S. Air Force, the bureau built the Standards Eastern
(or Electronic) Automatic Computer (SEAC), the first stored-program electronic computer in the
United States. In 1988, the bureau became the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The
institute is headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and maintains a facility in Boulder, Colorado,
that is known for housing an atomic clock that serves as the nation’s official time. NIST is involved in
developing a diverse array of technologies, including building design, aircraft, global
communications networks, and nanomachines, in addition to a grant program that shares the cost of
high-risk technologies with industry partners.
NIST became involved with cyber security beginning in the 1990s through a series of special
publications emphasizing the importance of computer security by listing and continually updating best
security practices. These were initially aimed at assessing and protecting government networks, but
the best practices were equally applicable to private security efforts. In February 2013, President
Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which
directed NIST to develop a voluntary cyber-security framework—a system of best practices to
protect critical infrastructure sectors and organizations and limit cyber-security risks as well as foster
communication regarding cyber-security practices. The framework was completed after a yearlong
process of collaboration between NIST, industry, government organizations, and academia. The
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 further strengthened NIST’s role of facilitating voluntary,
industry-led cyber-security standards to ensure the safety of critical infrastructure.
Because various organizations have unique threats and risk-tolerance levels, the framework is
intended to be an adaptable set of general guidelines to be implemented differently by adopting
institutions. At the same time the framework was released, NIST also released the “Roadmap for
Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” which identifies high-priority areas in need of
development for future versions of the framework. This project involved a partnership with
infrastructure operators and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) known as the Critical
Infrastructure Cyber Community (C³) Voluntary Program. The Framework Core is publicly available,
although it is considered a living document and is subject to continual updates as the result of
cooperation and coordination with stakeholders.

Michael Hankins

See also: Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Infrastructure;
National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC); National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)

Further Reading
Andress, Jason, and Steve Winterfeld. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. 2nd ed. Waltham:
Syngress, 2014.
Lopez, Javier, et al. Critical Infrastructure Protection: Information Infrastructure Models, Analysis, and Defense. New York:
Springer, 2012.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Freidman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford: Oxford University Press,


The National Security Agency (NSA) is the premier U.S. intelligence agency operating in the cyber
domain. It holds primary responsibility for overseeing the nation’s cyber defense and, when
authorized by the president, conducting offensive cyber operations. It has been heavily criticized in
recent years for apparent intrusions into American citizens’ private lives.
The NSA was created in 1949 under the name Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA). Its initial
mission was to bring American code-breaking assets under a single umbrella. In 1952, the name was
changed to the National Security Agency, and the organization began a much closer relationship with
its military counterparts. The NSA was one of the earliest government agencies to adopt computing
technology as a means to enhance its cryptological capabilities. The first decade of the NSA was
characterized by efforts to improve the security of the national communications infrastructure and
determine means to compromise the networks utilized by other nations. Despite the expectation that
the Allied victory in World War II would usher in an era of prolonged peace, President Harry S.
Truman and his successors understood that maintaining an internal ability to break the encryption used
by other nations would enhance the intelligence-collection efforts of the federal government and
hence make a major contribution to the security of the United States.
As the nature of the Cold War emerged, with a growing rivalry between the United States and the
Soviet Union, the NSA shifted its primary focus toward the erstwhile ally. The victory of the Chinese
Communist Party in the Chinese Civil War, completed in 1949, underscored the notion that
communism, rather than fascism, had become the most aggressive political philosophy on the planet.
When the United States announced a policy of containment toward the expansion of communism, the
NSA became a key player in the intelligence community for its ability to intercept foreign
communications and decrypt them. Eventually, the NSA assumed responsibility for the
communications security (COMSEC) of the nation, under the auspices of the National Security
Council. Unifying the responsibility for secure communications ensured that there would be
standardization in American components and a centralized authority to respond to any detected
In 1955, the NSA purchased an IBM computer, dubbed “HARVEST,” as part of a program to
create a general-use computer that could be reprogrammed to suit new purposes. By the end of the
1950s, the NSA had fully embraced the use of computers as a means to both create and break
sophisticated codes. This early adoption provided a significant advantage to their cryptologic efforts.
The NSA established partnerships with research universities working on the next generation of
computers and was able to offer suggestions and advice regarding design architecture, thus creating a
perpetual government-academic partnership for the development of increasingly powerful computers.
While many government agencies adopted a wait-and-see approach to computers, the NSA set
aside increasing portions of its budget for the purchase and improvement of computers. The agency
had grasped the fundamental principle that computers improved so rapidly as to make models
obsolete within a few years. If the agency wished to remain at the top of the cryptological hierarchy, it
needed to continually update its technology, regardless of how wasteful such spending might appear
to other agencies. In 1963, the agency purchased a UNIVAC, a computer that could process enormous
volumes of communications from a widely dispersed array of interception stations, and the agency’s
reach became truly global. By the end of the 1960s, NSA could boast it had over 100 computers,
covering five acres of floor space, serving both defense and national signals intelligence (SIGINT)
and COMSEC customers. By the 1970s, computers had emerged into a full-fledged industry, with
university support not just of experimental models but also of computer science and engineering
courses to assist in the design and operation of continually improving models. The NSA tapped into
this new field of expertise and began to recruit the top graduates of computer programs across the
In 1971, President Richard Nixon combined the NSA with its military counterparts into a unified
command, keeping the NSA’s name for the new agency. The following year, he directed the
establishment of the Central Security Service (CSS). Although separate organizations, the director of
the NSA served as the chief of the CSS. This “dual-hat” concept allowed the top cryptological
commander to oversee both military and nonmilitary initiatives. As communications and computing
speeds increased, the private sector and scientific community grew concerned about the security of
their communications. This concern led to the rise of publicly available encryption programs. The
NSA contributed to the field by improving cipher machines that could be integrated with radio
transmitters. The NSA also purchased desktop terminals to speed its own internal communications.
As more offices began relying on computers, disparate groups of users emerged, each favoring
different, and often incompatible, systems. In 1974, the NSA established an interconnecting system,
known as PLATFORM, that centered computer operations on four core host complexes. The new
system allowed for the use of a variety of interactive systems around the agency.
During the 1980s, the Soviet Union, and by extension the Communist Bloc, continued to be the
major focus of the cryptologic community, although other national-security threats, such as the rise of
mass-casualty terrorism, began to occupy significant amounts of the NSA’s capabilities. Recognizing
the rising number of responsibilities held by the agency, President Ronald Reagan secured a major
increase in financial resources for the NSA, which in turn allowed the agency to continue its policy of
pushing the technological capabilities of the computing industry to their utmost limits. Of course,
expanded capabilities required a corresponding increase in the size of the NSA workforce, as the
agency began to employ fixed stations, airborne platforms, ground-based communications satellite
dishes, geosynchronous and orbiting satellites, and other assets to achieve its mission.
The 1990s saw the end of the Cold War, a development that caused many political leaders to
believe that the nation’s intelligence-collection efforts could be safely scaled back as a cost-saving
measure. Military drawdowns also occurred, leading to a significant decline in the intelligence
agencies’ abilities to detect and respond to emerging threats, particularly from nonstate actors. At the
same time, computer technology continued to expand at an exponential rate, and the costs of
maintaining a technological edge required sacrifices in the number of outposts and the personnel
staffing of the agency. An assumption that the NSA should provide enhanced computer security to the
private sector contributed to the complexity of the agency’s mission.
Rather than waiting to have the nation’s computer systems attacked, the NSA adopted a highly
aggressive “red team” approach to network security. NSA employees sought to penetrate U.S.
computer networks to discover vulnerabilities that might be exploited by foreign agents. In the
process, they discovered an unprecedented number of security flaws in a wide array of software and
found that these same flaws might be exploited in foreign networks if those entities utilized the most
ubiquitous computer software in the world, in particular Microsoft Windows. In most instances, the
NSA notified Microsoft and other software designers of potential vulnerabilities and assisted in the
creation of patches to close the weaknesses. In other cases, though, the NSA almost certainly held
back its knowledge of a new potential exploit until it had the opportunity to use it as a means to
infiltrate foreign networks.
With the dawn of the 21st century, media sources began to claim the NSA was failing in its efforts
to maintain a significant technological edge over rivals. Perhaps most embarrassing, on January 24,
2000, a software anomaly caused a massive computer failure within the agency’s networks at its Fort
Meade facility. NSA computer networks experienced significant degradation for three full days. When
the crisis was past, the agency issued a public statement designed to maintain American citizens’
confidence that the agency’s functions had continued and no intelligence had been leaked—but the
very issuance of the statement confirmed that the NSA was not invulnerable to cyber attacks.
During the War on Terror, the NSA played a crucial role in tracking down Al Qaeda leaders,
largely through massive intelligence-collection efforts that involved computers sifting through huge
reams of data searching for telltale signs of terrorism links. To maintain the security of the American
homeland, the NSA also began collecting metadata from U.S. telephone service providers and running
the data through its computer systems to search for relationships between potential terrorist agents on
American soil. When details of the collection efforts emerged, the American public was infuriated to
discover that its own government had essentially been spying on private citizens without any judicial
oversight. Promises to halt the program did little to assuage the public rage against an agency that few
understood or fully trusted.
In 2010, President Barack Obama directed that the NSA should be incorporated into a new
unified military organization, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). The NSA director, General
Keith B. Alexander, was named to command the new military unit while also retaining his official
role as the director of the NSA. Alexander called for an aggressive response to cyber attacks,
recommending that the NSA be the lead agency for offensive operations in retaliation for enemy
activities. This proactive stance directly countered previous NSA approaches to cyber security.
In 2013, NSA contractor Edward J. Snowden leaked thousands of internal NSA documents to
several journalists. Fearing prosecution for his activities, Snowden fled the country, stopping first in
Hong Kong and then seeking asylum in Russia. Snowden has been called both a patriotic whistle-
blower and a traitor to the nation and has been charged with violating the Espionage Act for releasing
classified information. The Snowden revelations rocked the intelligence community, as they
demonstrated that the NSA had developed far more capabilities to break into computer networks and
eavesdrop on computer users than had previously been thought possible. Worse, Snowden
demonstrated not only how easily the NSA could infiltrate even secured systems but also that the
agency had been systematically engaging in a massive invasion of American citizens’ privacy in its
never-ending quest to obtain information about potential threats to the nation. Snowden became the
feature of a number of documentary films and books and a frequent guest for technological interviews
carried out via teleconference. He remains in Russia, where he has sought without success to obtain
permanent asylum.
The NSA remains the foremost offensive cyber-operations organization in the United States. In the
aftermath of the Snowden revelations, the Obama administration took pains to curtail the activities of
the agency, and it is now hindered from launching cyber attacks without explicit approval from the
president. The NSA is an enormous intelligence agency that has gone to great lengths to avoid
significant public scrutiny of its activities while still holding responsibility for the security of U.S.
communications systems. It retains an active presence on American universities, assisting in research
efforts and the training of future cyber warriors. Its current commander, Admiral Michael S. Rogers,
is still the commander of USCYBERCOM, although there have been several proposals to return the
NSA to complete independence.

Roy Franklin Houchin II

See also: Alexander, Keith B.; Bush, George W.; Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
(CNCI); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA); Gates, Robert M.; Red Team; United States Cyber Capabilities; U.S. Cyber

Further Reading
Budiansky, Stephen. Code Warriors: NSA’s Codebreakers and the Secret Intelligence War against the Soviet Union. New York:
Knopf, 2016.
Hayden, Michael V. Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. London: Penguin Press, 2016.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber-war. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Wallace, Robert, H. Keith Melton, and Henry R. Schlesinger. Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA’s Spytechs, from Communism
to Al-Qaeda. New York: Dutton Adult, 2008.


NATO Centres of Excellence (COE) are international military organizations that train and educate
officers and civil servants from NATO members and partner countries. They assist in doctrine
development, identify lessons learned, improve interoperability and capabilities, and test and
validate concepts through experimentation. Centres of Excellence offer recognized expertise and
experience, and they support the transformation of NATO. They embody “pooling and sharing” by
avoiding the duplication of assets and resources. Centres of Excellence were first proposed by Allied
Command Transformation following the 2002 Prague Summit. However, they are not part of the
NATO Command Structure, nor do they receive any funding from NATO.
Estonia, a NATO member since 2004, proposed a Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of
Excellence (CCDCOE), located in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, in 2005. Estonia believed a CCDCOE
would enhance Estonia’s value to the alliance and ensure a better defended Estonia. Cyber security
was crucial to Estonian defense because Estonia had responded to the challenges of reindependence
(1991) by prioritizing information technology infrastructure (Project Tiger Leap). This created a
digital society, commonly called E-Estonia. E-Estonia made the former Soviet republic bordering
Russia extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks, as it lacked many of the analog redundant systems found
in nations whose technology infrastructure had developed over time. The need for and importance of
a Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence was driven home in 2007, when the government
of Estonia decided to move a Soviet war memorial called the Bronze Soldier from the center of
Tallinn to a military cemetery. The move triggered the first large-scale ethnic riots since
reindependence, which were followed by a large-scale cyber attack, widely suspected to have been
orchestrated by Russia. Government Web sites and the Web sites of banks, media outlets, businesses,
and universities were targeted by a massive and effective denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that lasted
for three weeks and effectively isolated Estonia from the world. Estonia’s political leadership was
deeply shaken by the Bronze Soldier riots and the cyber attack, which indicated that Russia could
seriously imperil the Estonian economy and society without even sending troops across the border.
The cyber attack on Estonia following the Bronze Soldier riots also convinced other NATO
members of the need for such a COE and of the benefits of committing to its support. This support
was vital, as a COE cannot be established without at least seven NATO members committing support
for funding and staffing. In the aftermath of the Bronze Soldier riots, the Cooperative Cyber Defence
Centre of Excellence was officially established by seven sponsoring nations: Estonia, Germany, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, the Slovak Republic, and Spain, who signed a Memorandum of Understanding on
May 14, 2008, with the aim to enhance the cooperative cyber-defense capabilities of NATO and
individual NATO nations. The current sponsoring nations are the Czech Republic, Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey,
the United Kingdom, and the United States. In addition, Austria and Finland have joined the CCDCOE
as contributing participants.
The CCDCOE is guided by an international steering committee consisting of the representatives
from the sponsoring nations. Day-to-day business is coordinated and led by the organization’s
directorate, consisting of the director and chief of staff. The CCDCOE consists of five branches: law
and policy, strategy, technology, education and exercise, and support. The law and policy branch has
issued the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, which is the
guiding document for cyber warfare within NATO. Tallinn 2.0 is the follow-on project to the Tallinn
Manual. The strategy branch supports the development of NATO cyber strategy and the cyber
strategies of member states, allies, and partners. The education and exercise branch provides
resources, including subject matter experts on cyber security, to professional military education
institutions, ministries, and headquarters and provides expertise to NATO and member state exercises
in addition to hosting cyber exercises. The support branch ensures necessary host support is provided
by Estonia and that non-Estonian personnel have been assigned to the CCDCOE.

Augustine Meaher IV

See also: Cyber War; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Patriotic Hacking; Tallinn Manual

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Schmitt, Michael N. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University Press,


Since the 1990s, the United States has sought to obtain an asymmetric advantage through network-
centric warfare (NCW). This theory of war, when implemented in practice, is referred to as network-
centric operations (NCO). NCO enables joint forces to link their devices to communicate faster and
more effectively. The sharing of important information has the ultimate goal of improving situational
awareness on the battlefield to see through the fog of war as much as possible.
In its essence, NCW is the military’s conceptual response to the information age. It anticipates
moving away from industrial warfare—and its platform-centric approach (different types of
airplanes, tanks, or ships)–to one of linked networks as a way to counter opponents relying on a
quantitative material superiority. The ability to obtain and apply relevant information quickly results
in a de-emphasis on massed firepower. Although less force might be applied than in a platform-
centric approach, a network-centric approach has a greater warfighting effect.
The U.S. Navy pioneered NCW, borrowing from transformations within the computer industry. In
1996, Admiral William Owens first published a paper titled “The Emerging U.S. System-of-Systems”
that morphed into what came to be known as net warfare, with its goal of obtaining information
superiority. Owens wanted to emulate the transformation made in the computer industry in which
connecting individual computers, despite possible geographical dispersion, worked as a force
Navy intellectuals married the computer industry’s transformation to Air Force Colonel John
Boyd’s vision of an OODA loop, which consists of four phases: observe, orient, decide, and act.
Boyd argued that whomever could complete this thought process first would win an engagement.
Thus, the goal of net-centric warfare is to allow the U.S. military to complete its OODA loop faster
than its adversaries. In operationalizing this concept, the military envisioned the interaction of three
domains. Information would be obtained from the physical domain and then transferred through the
information domain to be processed and acted on in the cognitive domain. Much of this
operationalization occurred while Arthur K. Cebrowski served as the director of the Office of Force
Transformation for the Department of Defense.
NCW moves the U.S. military away from attrition-style warfare, or trying to exhaust one’s
opponent, to an efficient way of waging war that speeds up the pace of operations. It brings together
the “sensors”; the “command and control” (C2) or decision makers; and the “shooters.” Information
does not just flow in one direction from the sensors to C2 to the shooters, as it might in a more
traditional organization. Rather, the flow of information is intertwined, with each feeding information
to the other, even as the sender of information continues to receive it. This provides a powerful form
of situational awareness, which is commonly referred to as C4ISR. C4ISR reflects the transformation
from the more traditional concept of C2 (command and control) to one of command, control,
communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
NCW enables effects-based approach to operations (EBAO). Developed in large part by the U.S.
Air Force, EBAO seeks to evaluate an opponent’s system holistically by managing vast amounts of
information and considering a range of kinetic and nonkinetic options. Once the end goals are
determined, the way of achieving those objectives comes under consideration.
As an offsetting advantage for the United States, NCW is increasingly coming under threat as the
increasing affordability of this technology allows others to develop similar concepts. Another
problem is that NCW relies in part on satellite-enabled communications; yet, near-peer competitors
such as China and Russia are actively seeking to challenge U.S. space superiority.
Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cebrowski, Arthur K.; Department of Defense (DoD); Informatization; United States Cyber

Further Reading
Blaker, James R. Transforming Military Force: The Legacy of Arthur Cebrowski and Network Centric Warfare Army. Westport,
CT: Praeger, 2007.
Cebrowski, Arthur K. The Implementation of Network-centric Warfare. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2005.
Cebrowski, Arthur K. “Network-centric Warfare: An Emerging Military Response to the Information Age.” Military Technology, May
2003: 16–22.

Net neutrality is the principle under which all Internet users are equally able to access the network
where they want, when they want. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) argues that
net neutrality fosters open competition between Internet service providers (ISPs) and can create
consumer demand for faster, better communication. Conversely, a number of technology companies,
including Amazon, Netflix, Google, AT&T, and Verizon, have voiced opposition to legislating for net
neutrality and, instead, that ISPs should actively manage the network to provide better services. ISPs
argue that by controlling the download speeds of particular users or types of data, they can ensure that
every user has an optimized service, and they can also prevent illegal file swapping over their
networks. Controversially, they also advocate for privileged special services that require heavy,
uninterrupted bandwidth consumption, but at an additional premium price for consumers.
On June 12, 2015, the FCC introduced the Open Internet rules to protect and maintain open,
uninhibited access to legal online content without ISPs being allowed to block, impair, or establish
fast and slow lanes; the rules also included measures intended to sustain and encourage further
commercial investment in U.S. broadband networks. The FCC’s Open Internet rules apply to both
fixed and mobile broadband networks equally and incorporate multiple sources of authority, including
Title II of the Communications Act and Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Despite
criticism that the use of Title II constituted a regressive monopoly regulation, the FCC emphasized
that broadband would thereafter be treated as a telecommunications service instead of as a utility,
thereby avoiding the latter’s regulatory regime and thus encouraging investment in broadband
networks. The FCC’s regulations are summarized by the Bright Line Rules:

• Broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, and services.
• Broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content,
applications, or services.
• Broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in
exchange for consideration of any kind.
Following the adoption of the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy by the European Union (EU)
in 2015, the European Parliament, Council, and Commission reached agreements on the rules of net
neutrality that apply from April 30, 2016. Although the rules state that every European must have
access to the Open Internet and that all content and service providers must be able to provide their
services, there are a number of exceptions: if a judge or the police have ordered blocking of specific
illegal content or to preserve the security of the network by combating viruses, malware, or
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) events. Unlike the U.S. legislation, privileged services can be
provided if there is sufficient additional network capacity to provide them, and they must not be to the
detriment of the availability or quality of access services for end-users. However, these privileged
services cannot be provided for additional compensation to the ISP.

Graem Corfield

See also: E-commerce; Internet; Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Further Reading
Federal Communications Commission. Report and Order on Remand, Declaratory Ruling, and Order. FCC 15-24. GN Docket No.
14-28. Washington, D.C. Released March 12, 2015.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

Neuromancer is a 1984 novel by William Gibson that is credited with popularizing the term cyber
space and is widely considered a seminal work in the literary cyberpunk genre. The book was the
first to garner the triple crown of science fiction by earning the Nebula, Hugo, and Philip K. Dick
Awards. Set in a dystopian future, the main characters exist in a reality where boundaries between
computers, machines, and humanity are supple and flexible. Computers are networked, consciousness
and experience are easily shared, and reality can be completely augmented or constructed. The vast
network of machines and “jacked-in” people described as cyber space in the novel in turn became the
default popular description for the World Wide Web a few years after publication.
Elements of the novel are influenced by and, in turn, have influenced perceptions of cyber,
computers, and technology in many parts of popular culture and media since the 1980s. Among the
most prominent examples, a line from the 1981 John Carpenter movie Escape from New York
purportedly stimulated Gibson’s writing of the book. The movies Blade Runner and Tron (1982), in
some respects, resemble aspects of the book. The movie The Matrix (1999) draws on elements of the
work in its depictions of the future of both computers and humanity. Gibson also wrote the screenplay
for the film Johnny Mnemonic (1995), which was adapted from one of his other short stories and has
characters from Neuromancer in it.

John G. Terino

See also: Matrix, The

Further Reading
Edwards, Paul N. The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press, 1996.
Gibson, William. Neuromancer. New York: Ace Books, 2000.
Nimda is a self-propagating worm that infects computer files though mass e-mailings. The computer
worm was first discovered on September 18, 2001, and affects both Microsoft Windows computers
and servers. The name Nimda derives from “admin” spelled backward. Nimda was listed at the top
of the reported attacks on the Internet within 22 minutes of Nimda hitting the Internet. Computers can
be infected one of two ways, either by opening an infected attachment or browsing on an infected
server. The worm’s primary targets are Internet servers, but it can also infect personal computers.
According to F-Secure Labs, Nimda’s life cycle can be broken into four parts: infecting files,
mass e-mailing, Web worm, and local area network (LAN) propagation. File infection consists of
Nimda locating the .exe file from a local user’s system and infecting the host by assimilating that file.
The worm locates e-mail addresses in the user’s e-mail client and searches for additional address
lists on the computer. Nimda then sends an infected file called “README.exe” to each e-mail
address collected. Web worm allows Nimda to scan the Internet for servers and then attempts to
infect these servers via known security holes. The infected file server will then modify the site’s Web
pages for future infection by Web surfers browsing the site. LAN propagation is when the worm to
searches for file shares within the computer system. Once the file shares are located, Nimda will then
drop a hidden file within the directories containing DOC and EML files. The PC then becomes
infected once the user’s programs open and execute these types of files.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Code Red Worm; Malware; Worm

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,

NIPRNet (Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network) is the primary computer network of the
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It is used by millions of DoD employees, particularly those
engaged in telework, as well as partner agencies, for the bulk of Internet connections and usage. It
evolved from MILNET, an all-encompassing computer network originally built on the same
architecture as ARPANET. Use of NIPRNet is limited to unclassified materials, as it is considered a
nonsecure Internet Protocol (IP) data service. In addition to providing communications through e-mail
and file transfers, NIPRNet also serves as the primary means for DoD personnel to access the public
Internet. This access is routed through a centralized access system, which improves the defense of the
network but slows down its performance as a result.
One primary function of NIPRNet is to provide common IP services to the entire DoD community.
This guarantees that all DoD computer systems will be able to communicate in a seamless fashion and
is largely the result of earlier communication breakdowns between the various services, each of
which created its own radio and telephone networks. Data rates on NIPRNet vary widely, as it can be
utilized in field situations via satellite connections or through direct connections to a NIPRNet router.
The NIPRNet Federated Gateway system creates a DoD-wide common approach to protecting
against malware, dangerous protocols, and loss of connections to the larger Internet. This makes
NIPRNet capable of quick reactions to new cyber threats. NIPRNet has its own Domain Name
System (DNS), and hence does not rely upon outside agencies to maintain its contacts.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: ARPANET; Cyber Defense; Department of Defense (DoD); Domain Name System (DNS);
JWICS Network; SIPRNet

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the world’s most successful political-military
alliance. It consists of 28 member countries—26 from Europe plus Canada and the United States. The
political headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium. Allied Command Operations (ACO, also known as the
Supreme Headquarters for Allied Powers Europe, or SHAPE) commands all NATO operations and is
located in Mons, Belgium. Allied Command Transformation (ACT) provides for education, research
and development, and doctrine and is located in Norfolk, Virginia, in the United States.
These two headquarters have subordinate organizations all around the globe, from the United
States to Afghanistan. The main subordinates are the two Allied Joint Force Commands in Brunssum,
Netherlands, and Naples, Italy; Allied Maritime Command in Northwood, United Kingdom; Allied
Air Command in Ramstein, Germany; and Allied Land Command in Izmir, Turkey. They provide
command and control for daily operations in Afghanistan, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, the
Balkans, the Baltic Sea, and the North Atlantic. Because of the global dispersion of NATO
operations, their command and control requirements (as well as the need to safeguard them) are
substantial. NATO cyber efforts are mainly oriented on providing for and securing those command
and control systems, although their efforts have expanded recently in the face of Russian political
warfare (which has a strong cyber element). Other actors also seek to weaken NATO. Anyone seeking
to weaken NATO would use a variety of cyber techniques. As NATO Headquarters stated, “The
growing sophistication of cyber attacks makes the protection of the Alliance’s communications and
information systems (CIS) an urgent task.”
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) identifies four types of cyber actions: cyber-space
defense; cyber-space intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); cyber-space operational
preparation of the environment (OPE); and cyber-space attack. Any actor facing NATO will perform
at least two of them on a daily basis: cyber-space ISR and cyber-space OPE. In the case of
emergency or conflict, NATO will face cyber-space attack. NATO has to constantly defend against
both ISR and OPE while simultaneously preparing to defend their networks.
NATO has been focusing on cyber activities since the Prague Summit of 2002. In the wake of the
2007 Russian attacks on Estonia, the North Atlantic Council (NAC) activated the Cooperative Cyber
Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). Interest continued to intensify in 2012 when Allied
leaders reaffirmed their commitment to improve the Alliance’s cyber defenses by bringing all of
NATO’s networks under centralized protection and upgraded the NATO Computer Incident Response
Capability (NCIRC) under the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA). In 2014, the
Allies created the Cyber Defence Committee, the NCIRC achieved full operational capability, the
Allies approved a new action plan at the Wales Summit, and they also created the NATO Industry
Cyber Partnership. In 2016, NATO signed the Technical Arrangement on Cyber Defense with the
European Union. These evolutions will continue into the future as Russia and others continue to
challenge NATO.

G. Alexander Crowther

See also: Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
(CCDCOE); Riga Summit (2006); Tallinn Manual

Further Reading
Duffield, John S. Power Rules: The Evolution of NATO’s Conventional Force Posture. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,
Schmitt, Michael N. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University Press,


Several recent major cyber attacks have been attributed to the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK), commonly known as North Korea. These attacks included attacks on South Korean
television stations and a bank in March 2013 as well as on Sony Pictures Entertainment in November
2014. Since North Korea is a totalitarian state that spends a lot of energy isolating itself from the rest
of the world, information on such secretive activities as those related to cyber warfare are especially
hard to obtain. Given this, the little open-source information that is known about the DPRK’s cyber
capabilities has to be regarded as at least partially speculative, though the following is what most
experts agree on.
In general, North Korea is not a high-tech, advanced economy. However, its cyber capabilities
are very good. They are even better than those of the Republic of Korea (commonly known as South
Korea), which is known for its cutting-edge technology. The fact that the DPRK is, for the most part, a
conventional nation centered around its military makes its advanced cyber capabilities particularly
dangerous. While the DPRK could potentially cause great damage to a technologically advanced
economy in cyber warfare, its enemies could not cause equal damage in retaliation because the DPRK
does not have an extensive technological infrastructure for them to target. For example, only a few
more than 1,000 Internet addresses exist in the DPRK.
The DPRK’s agencies tasked with cyber-warfare operations are mainly located in its military’s
General Bureau of Reconnaissance (GBR) and the General Staff Department (GSD). Different
agencies are concerned with various aspects of cyber warfare. Within the GBR, the Korean People’s
Army (KPA) Joint Chiefs Cyber Warfare Unit is the main cyber-warfare agency. This agency has
existed since 1998, but it became more important to the DPRK in the late 2000s. Bureau 121 has also
been identified as the one that caused the high-profile cyber attacks mentioned above, which received
a great deal of attention in the media. In this cyber unit alone, more than 3,000 experts are employed.
There are several other relevant units within the GBR: Office 91 directs principal hacking tasks.
Office 3132 is tasked with electronic cyber warfare. Bureau 110 (Technology Reconnaissance Team)
conducts cyber attacks against strategic targets. Finally, the Document Investigation room conducts
cyber attacks on civilian organizations.
The main organization responsible for general cyber capabilities is the GSD, which is also
responsible for every other aspect of the DPRK’s army. The GSD is believed to play merely a
supporting role in cyber infrastructure and projected wartime cyber operations, while the GBR and
its Bureau 121 are focused on cyber-warfare operations, especially during peacetime. Within GSD’s
Command Automation Bureau, there are three units—Units 31, 32, and 56—that are responsible for
software development and enhancing the networking within the KPA. Unit 31 is responsible for
hacking software, Unit 32 is responsible for military software, and Unit 56 is responsible for
developing communication and command software.
Within the GSD’s Operations Bureau, the Enemy Secret Department Cyber Psychological Warfare
Unit (Unit 204) has a more active operating role—compared to the more passive one of the above-
mentioned three units. It is responsible for the psychological aspects of cyber warfare (cyber
propaganda) and the acquisition of cyber intelligence. However, Bureau 121 and the other units in the
GBR remain the key peacetime units that conduct cyber warfare in the DPRK.
Because the DPRK is a totalitarian state, it recruits its cyber experts in an unusual way compared
to many other countries. Talented people are identified at a very young age, and an education with a
focus on information technology is planned for them. This includes a domestic university education as
well as being sent for further study abroad. Within this system, an estimated 100 new cyber experts
are added each year to the existing cyber-warfare units.
Strategically, North Korea’s cyber strategy fits seamlessly into its general military strategy. Its
main goal is to emphasize its asymmetric capabilities. Because the DPRK does not provide much of a
target for cyber warfare, enhancing its cyber capabilities is a cost-effective way for the country to
reinforce its military strategy in both peacetime and wartime. There are also two additional
explanations for the increased importance of developing cyber capabilities in the DPRK. First, it is
difficult to identify the origin of a cyber attack, which may help to protect the DPRK from retaliation
by its enemies. Second, the KPA appears to believe that its enemies are unlikely to retaliate in
response to a cyber attack with a conventional use of force.

Lukas K. Danner

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Sony Hack

Further Reading
Haggard, Stephan, and Jon R. Lindsay. “North Korea and the Sony Hack: Exporting Instability through Cyberspace.” AsiaPacific Issues
117, May 2015: 1–8.
Hewlett-Packard Security Research. “Profiling an Enigma: The Mystery of North Korea’s Cyber Threat Landscape.” HP Security
Briefing 16, August 2014: 1–75.
Jun, Jenny, Scott LaFoy, and Ethan Sohn. North Korea’s Cyber Operations: Strategy and Responses. Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2016.
Siers, Rhea. “North Korea: The Cyber Wild Card.” Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare 4, Winter 2014: 1–12.

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States. Immediately
after taking office, he met with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
concerning cyber security. This led to the Cyberspace Policy Review released on May 30, also
known as “60 Day Cybersecurity Review.” It called for a comprehensive “clean slate” to assess U.S.
policies and structures for strategies, policy, and standards for the future. Directed toward the U.S.
State Department, Commerce Department, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department
of Defense (DoD), the review encompassed a full range of threat reduction, deterrence, vulnerability
reduction, international engagement, response, resiliency, and recovery policies on computer network
operation security on global communications information and infrastructures. These cyber experts
also received information from industrial, academic, private, and civil liberties communities.
By March 2010, the administration had declassified limited material from the Comprehensive
National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI). They established a number of mutually reinforcing goals
for a front-line defense against network intrusion and for defense against threats through
counterintelligence. They called for education, coordination, and research to strengthen future cyber
security. By January 6, 2011, the National Security Agency (NSA) began building the Community
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center (Utah Data Center) at Camp Williams,
Throughout his presidency, Obama issued cyber-security policy initiatives. On March 30, 2011,
he signed Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8), “Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of
Classified Networks and Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information.” On
February 12, 2013, the White House issued Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21) and Executive
Order 13636, “Improving Critical Infrastructure Security, Resilience, and Cybersecurity.” Finally, a
“Cybersecurity National Action Plan,” dated February 9, 2016, requested $19 billion for cyber
security in 2017, a more than 35 percent increase from 2016.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Cyber Security; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); National Security Agency
(NSA); United States Cyber Capabilities; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.


In April and May 2015, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) detected a large breach of
personal information from background investigation records that affected 22.1 million current, former,
and prospective U.S. federal government employees due to a lack of security measures on numerous
older information systems.
The Office of Personnel Management is responsible for all human resources actions for
employees of the U.S. federal government. As such, the OPM maintains records on all current, former,
and prospective federal government employees. This makes the OPM a valuable target for hackers
interested in large quantities of personal information on federal employees. The OPM was created in
1978 as a result of the recommendations of the Civil Service Commission, and it has been managing
the federal workforce ever since. This has led to the coexistence of a large number of legacy
information databases.
In February 2014, the director of OPM, Katherine Archuleta, issued a Strategic Information
Technology Plan that established a strategy for streamlining OPM’s information technology to make
the hiring, retention, and retirement of federal government employees more efficient and to increase
information security for the millions of records entrusted to OPM’s care. During the implementation
of the strategy, OPM discovered a large data breach of background and security investigation records
in April 2014. Not 30 days later, OPM discovered an additional data breach of investigation records,
prompting Director Archuleta to resign under pressure.
On April 15, 2015, OPM discovered malicious software on a server with access to the security
clearance database. The malware was a never-before-seen variant of the programs PlugX and Sakula.
PlugX and Sakula are remote administration tools (RATs) used by hackers to gain control over
computer systems; they allow them to either disable the systems or steal information. OPM
investigators then discovered data traffic between the secure OPM servers and Web sites deliberately
designed to appear legitimate, or faux infrastructure. Hackers use a faux infrastructure in conjunction
with a RAT to gain access and control over secure systems and export secure data. One of the faux
Web sites was opmsecurity.org. It was registered in April 2014, went active in December 2014, and
then went inactive on June 3, 2015, the day before OPM officially announced the data breach. The
other was opm-learning.org, which was registered to Tony Stark in July 2014. It went active using an
Internet Protocol (IP) address of a California company with excellent network access to Asian
networks and China. The detection of malware RATs and faux infrastructure are all signs of
deliberate hacking.
Information from the OPM investigation in April–May 2015 began to explain what had until that
time seemed to be unrelated security issues. In June 2014, OPM contractor United States Investigation
Services disclosed a breach of 25,000 federal employees’ records. This breach was most likely
connected to a wider effort by the OPM hackers to gain access to OPM information systems. In
September 2014, hackers compromised 390,000 Department of Homeland Security employees’
records from another OPM contractor for background investigations, KeyPoint Government Solutions.
In December 2014, a second data breach occurred at KeyPoint Government Solutions that
compromised another 48,000 federal employees’ records. It is believed that during this data breach
the hackers stole security credentials to access the OPM systems directly. The hackers used these
credentials to access the OPM servers and perpetrate the largest data breach in U.S. history.
Information technology security experts continue to consider the OPM hack an act of state-
sponsored espionage, even though the Obama administration chose not to officially accuse the
Chinese government of direct involvement. Experts cite information from the investigation that points
to the use of the two RATs, PlugX and Sakula, built by Chinese hackers. The use of this malware is
similar to a series of other high-profile data breaches that have been linked to China, including the
Wellpoint/Anthem, Premera, Empire, and CareFirst hacks. All of these companies provided health
care to federal employees. Additionally, all of these hacks used faux infrastructure to hide the data
breaches and to facilitate the movement of data out of the companies’ secure databases.
The Washington Post reported in December 2015 that China was investigating the OPM hack as a
criminal case and had arrested several suspects linked to the hack. The Chinese government has
continued to deny involvement in the hack, stating instead that it was the work of a cyber-criminal
gang for purposes of commercial espionage. However, the investigation and the arrests have as yet
been unconfirmed by sources outside the Washington Post.
Most jobs in the federal government require some form of security clearance or background
investigation. It is highly likely that anyone who went through a background investigation from 2000
through 2014 is affected by the breach. Specifically, people who filled out the Standard Forms 85,
85P, or 86 were vulnerable as these are the forms used for new investigations and periodic reviews.
Although in the past these forms and the supporting documentation were collected in hard copy, OPM
has used the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) since 2003. The e-QIP
questionnaire requires applicants to include information about personal finances, family members,
previous addresses, criminal records, mental health information, Social Security numbers, and digital
copies of fingerprints. Stealing these questionnaires provides comprehensive records on federal
employees and their families.
Investigators concluded that in the December 2014 breach, 21.5 million employee records were
compromised, which included 5.6 million sets of fingerprints. The second hack of background
investigation records, discovered in May 2015, affected 4.2 million current and former employees.
Because many of these people were affected by both breaches, it is estimated that 22.1 million total
Americans had their government records compromised, which included 19.7 million people who
applied for clearances as well as 1.8 million nonapplicants, such as spouses and cohabitants. OPM
sent notifications to all those affected and offered identity theft monitoring and restoration services
through the end of 2018.

Michael A. Bonura

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Identity Theft; Malware; People’s Republic of China
Cyber Capabilities; Remote Administration Tool (RAT); Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Schmidt, Michael S., David E. Sanger, and Nicole Perlroth. “Chinese Hackers Pursue Key Data on U.S. Workers.” New York Times,
July 9, 2014.
Zetter, Kim, and Andy Greenberg. “Why the OPM Breach Is Such a Security and Privacy Debacle.” Wired, June 11, 2015.
Operation Ababil refers to a series of cyber attacks launched against American financial institutions
in 2012. It was named after a Pakistani operation that failed in 1984. The attackers “justified” their
attacks on Pastebin, criticizing Israel and the United States in response to a video they believed was
an attack against the Prophet Muhammad and Islam called “Innocence of Muslims.” The attackers, Izz
ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters, were named after a Muslim preacher of the 1920s and 1930s who
resisted French, British, and Jewish nationalists. They claimed to be volunteers from different parts
of the Middle East, but they appear to be mainly based in Palestine and Iran. The distributed denial-
of-service (DDoS) attacks began on September 18, 2012, and ended on October 23, 2012. Targets
included the New York Stock Exchange and a number of banks, resulting in limited disruption of their
Web sites.
Their first target was the Bank of America and the New York Stock Exchange on September 18,
2012. The next day, they targeted JPMorgan Chase banks. A week later, the targets included Wells
Fargo (September 25); U.S. Bank (September 26); and PNC Bank (September 27). Attacks resumed
in October: Capital One Financial Corporation on the 9th; Sun Trust Banks on the 10th; Regions
Financial Corporation on the 11th; the Capital One Financial Corporation on the 16th; BB&T
Corporation on the 17th; and HSBC Bank USA on the 18th. The attacks ended on October 23, 2012,
coinciding with the Eid al-Adha holiday.
The attacks were at first believed to have come from the Iranian government, in response to
Western economic sanctions. Senator Joseph Lieberman made this claim on C-Span, and later the
Washington Post and Reuters published it on September 21, 2012. The size of the attacks, at 65
gigabits per second, was consistent with a state-sponsored action. Some found the attacks to be
amateurish, as they depended on outmoded techniques. Others claimed that they had help from the
hacker group Anonymous.
Phase 2 of Operation Ababil began on December 10, 2012, once again targeting banks and
financial institutions. The Qassam Cyber Fighters denied the involvement of any nation, but the
sophistication of the attacks increased focus on Iran. This phase ended on January 29, 2013, when
YouTube removed the main copy of the offending video. But the attackers claimed other copies were
still available on the site. A warning on February 12, 2013, followed by a “serious warning” and then
an “ultimatum” promised that attacks would resume if the videos were not removed. On March 15,
2013, they began Phase 3, again disrupting several previously targeted financial institutions.
In response, the banking industry has developed “BankInfoSecurity” and “Packet Storm,” which
show fast and efficient sources for early warning of future attacks. Operation Ababil has an uncertain
conclusion, for there is little real detail on the Qassam Cyber Fighters. Some observers considered it
too convenient for the attackers to call for the U.S. government and the financial community to remove
a video that they have no control over and believe the “cause” being offered was merely a red
herring, used by Russian hacker syndicates to skim money from major banks while using the DDoS
attacks as a distraction.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Anonymous; Cyber Crime; Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Hacker; Iran
Cyber Capabilities
Further Reading
Ablon, Lillian, and Martin Libicki. “Hackers’ Bazaar: The Markets for Cybercrime Tools and Stolen Data.” Defense Counsel Journal
82(2), April 2015: 143–152.
Bossler, Adam M., and Thomas J. Holt. Cybercrime in Progress: Theory and Prevention of Technology-enabled Offenses.
Basingstoke: Routledge, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: US Naval Institute Press, 2016.

An extended intrusion by Chinese hackers occurred during the second half of 2009. Operation Aurora
was first publicly disclosed by Google on January 12, 2010. Its name derives from a reference in its
code that was identified by McAfee security company executive Dmitri Alperovitch. The Operation
Aurora hack is unrelated to the similarly named Aurora Project, which was a U.S. action to simulate
remote degradation of supervisory control and data acquisition equipment used in electrical
Operation Aurora relied on spear phishing against certain Google employees. Those who
unsuspectingly followed a link in a received e-mail were directed to a Web site that contained
malicious JavaScript code. The specific exploit, known as Trojan.Hydraq, specifically targeted users
navigating the Internet through the popular Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser. Those victims
using Internet Explorer became subject to an unidentified zero-day exploit that established a remote
administration tool (RAT), allowing hackers to collect information about the user’s activities and
files. Having gained access to the accounts of victims, hackers proceeded to send e-mail messages to
new potential victims, drawing on contacts lists to spread further.
Even more seriously, Aurora hackers managed to access Google source code. This development
enabled intruders to not only illicitly access information from hacked individuals’ machines but also
provided the opportunity to adjust corporate source code in various ways; this included the ability to
create fresh vulnerabilities to espionage among customers and partners of the victim’s system who
trusted the source code of the victim. The potentially compromised source code involved the Gaia
system that was built to enable users to sign into multiple Google services through the entry of a
single password. Organized hacking efforts frequently involve a consolidation phase in which
garnered information and successful methods are compiled for use in subsequent actions. The ability
to access, and potentially manipulate, source code represents an extremely valuable tool in this
Perhaps partly because the hack was able to insinuate access so widely, its range of targets was
so diverse that the motivations and objectives of the action were difficult to definitively identify.
Activists working on civil rights issues in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) appeared to be a
prime target. Remote access to victims’ computers compromised both their stored files and their
communications via Gmail accounts. PRC has demonstrated interest in maintaining domestic political
stability, and information dominance is a useful element in these efforts.
However, many corporate entities in various business sectors were also affected, and this
suggests that Operation Aurora’s objectives may have been more complex than simply internal
control. This included U.S. information technology companies such as Yahoo, Symantec Corporation,
and Adobe; the U.S. aerospace company Northrop Grumman; and Dow Chemical. Three dozen U.S.
companies were affected by the hack, suggesting that the effort may not have been solely intended for
the purpose of countering individuals criticizing PRC human rights policies. It has been suggested that
the total number of victimized companies worldwide ranges in the thousands.
The likelihood of an industrial and financial espionage component to the effort aligns closely with
patterns in Chinese cyber activity and capabilities. It has furthermore been suggested that Aurora may
have been linked to another hacking effort, Operation Shady RAT, which dates to 2006. As such,
Aurora fits the description of an advanced persistent threat (APT).
Evidence points to PRC culpability in the Aurora hack. Researchers from the security company
VeriSign traced the hack to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that had been compromised and used in
an earlier distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) action against South Korea and the United States in
the summer of 2009, and they noted patterns in the operations that further suggested that the entity
responsible for the 2009 DDoS effort had also undertaken Operation Aurora.
Experts believe that the hacks emanated from some of PRC’s premier universities in the computer
science field. Students at Jiaotong University in Shanghai have defeated rivals from over 100
international institutions in such competitions as the 1997 Battle of the Brains competition sponsored
by IBM. The potential involvement of another institution in eastern China, Lanxiang Vocational
School, has also been debated. Officials at the school have denied any connection to the hack and
have argued that personnel at Lanxiang lacked the sophistication to perpetrate it. However, the school
is closely linked to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Some analysts also believe that Unit 61398,
the most notorious of the hacking entities in the PLA, may be connected to Operation Aurora. Unit
61398, like Jiaotong University, is in Shanghai. Evidence does suggest the unit’s culpability in a
number of other efforts geared toward gaining strategically and sometimes economically valuable
information through espionage directed against foreign entities.
Operation Aurora sparked responses by a number of parties. Google, which had previously
agreed to comply with PRC strictures in the formation of its PRC engine, Google.cn, announced the
retraction of its earlier policy and stated that it would instead operate its search engine without
censorship or would end operations in China. Signs of spontaneous support for Google within PRC’s
borders emerged and were quickly stifled by the regime. One of the PRC politburo members, Li
Changchun, has been linked not only with the Operation Aurora hacks but is also affiliated with the
Chinese company Baidu, whose ventures include a national Internet search engine.

Nicholas Michael Sambaluk

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Alperovitch, Dmitri; Baidu; Cyber Crime; Cyber
Espionage; Google; Malware; Microsoft Corporation; Operation Shady RAT; People’s Liberation
Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Spear Phishing

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York City:
Penguin Press, 2011.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. Oxford: Oxford University, 2013.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.
Segal, Adam. “From TITAN RAIN to BYZANTINE HADES: Chinese Cyber Espionage.” In A Fierce Domain: Conflict in
Cyberspace, 1986 to 2012. Edited by Jason Healey. Vienna, VA: Cyber Conflict Studies Association, 2013.
Shakarian, Paulo, Jana Shakarian, and Andrew Ruef. Introduction to Cyber-warfare: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Waltham, MA:
Syngress, 2013.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

Operation Babylon, also known as Operation Opera, saw the State of Israel launch a surprise
airstrike in June 1981 against an Iraqi nuclear reactor facility being constructed on the orders of
Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi nuclear facility was located some 10 miles south of Baghdad. Iraq
purchased a nuclear reactor from France in 1976, which the French sold to Iraq on the understanding
that it would be used for a peaceful nuclear energy program. Israel opposed the sale of the reactor
from the beginning and feared that it would be used to develop a nuclear weapons program. Israel’s
successful attack followed Operation Scorch Sword, an unsuccessful attempt by the Islamic Republic
of Iran to destroy the same facility in 1980. Hussein commissioned French technicians to repair the
facility during the first year of the Iran-Iraq War. While the Israelis did not favor the Iranians, they
feared that allowing Hussein to acquire nuclear weapons would lead to nuclear proliferation
throughout the Arab world, endangering the State of Israel. The attack was planned and ordered by
Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin. As part of the so-called Begin Doctrine, “every future
government in Israel” was prepared to take action to prevent nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.
Controversial at the time and still today, Operation Babylon set an important precedent for Israeli
foreign policy that remains especially relevant as Iran considers its own nuclear program.
Operation Babylon was executed on June 7, 1981, when a group of Israeli Air Force F-16A
fighter jets escorted by F-15As hit the facility with bombs, inflicting severe damage on the reactor.
Israeli Air Force commander David Ivry led the operation. Begin announced that Hussein was one
month away from possessing the ability to build a nuclear weapon and asserted that the operation was
an act of self-defense. The operation resulted in the deaths of 10 Iraqi soldiers and a French civilian.
The United Nations responded negatively to the Israeli operation, issuing a resolution against
Israel for an act of aggression. Worldwide criticism was harsh, including from the United States and
the administration of Ronald Reagan. Nonetheless, Operation Babylon has become a textbook
example of a successful preventive strike. Iraq lost its nuclear reactor, and Israel suffered no
significant consequences.

Jordan R. Hayworth

See also: Israel Cyber Capabilities; Operation Orchard

Further Reading
Feldman, Shai. Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in the Middle East. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.
Scott, Shirley V., and Anthony Billingsley. International Law and the Use of Force: A Documentary and Reference Guide. New
York: Praeger, 2009.
Shue, Henry, and David Rhodin. Preemption: Military Action and Moral Justification. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.


Operation Buckshot Yankee was the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) reaction to the infiltration
of computer malware throughout DoD classified and unclassified computer systems in late 2008. The
incident forced the U.S. government to reconsider its approach to cyber warfare, leading to the
creation of U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) in 2009.
The incident probably began when a U.S. serviceman or contractor in Afghanistan found a flash
drive and inserted it into a networked computer sometime in early 2008. The malware rapidly
replicated itself and spread to a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally’s network by June
and then was picked up throughout various DoD networks. It was finally noticed by National Security
Agency (NSA) Advanced Network Operations (ANO) team analysts in October after the malware
penetrated the DoD and State Department’s Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and
began sending a beacon to its creator.
That malware, called Agent.btz, needed to communicate with its creator to receive instructions on
what documents it needed to look for and on how to transmit them back home. To do that, Agent.btz
sent a signal out on the World Wide Web, and it was that signal that NSA analysts discovered. After
an intense investigation to determine the extent of the damage, the ANO team needed to come up with
a way to either neutralize or remove the virus without damaging sensitive files or key programs. This
was the genesis of Operation Buckshot Yankee.
The ANO team finally devised a way to counteract Agent.btz. The counterprogram searched for
the beacon signal of Agent.btz and mimicked its creator, effectively putting the malware to sleep.
Then the painstaking process of removing the Agent.btz malware from U.S. government computers
began. Cooperating with DoD was another NSA group called the Tailored Access Operations (TAO)
unit that went outside of the government on the World Wide Web to search for Agent.btz variants to
help government defenders anticipate new threats and engage and defeat them before they could
degrade the integrity of the network. This collaboration, and the realization for its need, was one of
the key takeaways by the government from Operation Buckshot Yankee.
William J. Lynn III, the deputy secretary of defense, wrote a controversial article in the journal
Foreign Affairs in 2010 that discussed the Agent.btz incident, the Pentagon’s response to it, and the
creation of U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Lynn discussed how the Agent.btz breach was
the largest experienced by DoD up to that point. It forced the U.S. government to recognize the nature
and scope of the threat, and Operation Buckshot Yankee provided a blueprint for dealing with those

Terry L. Beckenbaugh

See also: Cyber Espionage; Cyber Security; National Security Agency (NSA); North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)

Further Reading
Lynn, William J., III. “Defending a New Domain: The Pentagon’s Cyberstrategy.” Foreign Affairs 89(5), September/October 2010: 97–
Reveron, Derek S. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World. Washington, D.C.:
Georgetown University Press, 2012.

Operation Cartel refers to a cyber quasi war between Anonymous and Los Zetas, a major drug cartel
based in Northern Mexico. It exists within the context of a broader social media and Internet-based
conflict that had been taking place between the Mexican cartels and various cyber vigilantes. This
conflict roughly began when Borderland Beat (in English) and Blog del Narco (in Spanish) were
founded in April 2009 and March 2010, respectively.
These informative blogs and the utilization of other forms of social media—such as Twitter
messaging—emerged as a reaction to both the ongoing Mexican cartel’s atrocities that were being
committed and the fact that the traditional radio and television news media in many parts of that
country had been both suppressed and co-opted by the cartels. While at first glance progressive, such
cyber vigilantism actually trailed the cartel’s use of such social media. These criminal groups, as
early as 2005–2006, had already begun using YouTube and other Web media to transmit photos and
videos of their killings, gunmen, group symbols, and messages.
Anonymous—the shadowy hacker collective—became directly involved in this conflict as early
as August 2011 by means of Operation Paperstorm, which was a leaflet campaign denouncing
Veracruz authorities for protecting Los Zetas while at the same time prosecuting Twitter users for
posting cartel kidnapping reports. Later, on October 6, 2011, they stated that one of their members had
been kidnapped by the Los Zetas cartel during a street protest in the Mexican port city of Veracruz.
One of their members, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, as seen in the 2006 movie V for Vendetta,
delivered their online video message to Los Zetas in Old World–accented Spanish mixed with
Mexican slang. In the message, they demanded that the Zetas release their member by November 5 or
the collective would hack into their Web sites and protected accounts and release information
pertaining to their members and journalists, politicians, police officers, and taxi cab drivers they had
co-opted. As a show of force, Anonymous defaced the Web site of Gustavo Rosario Torres, a former
Tabasco state prosecutor, changing it to a Halloween background. Anticrime activists earlier
identified Torres as being linked to illicit narcotics-trafficking activity.
By the end of October and going into the first days of November, Anonymous members fell into
disarray over whether to go ahead against Los Zetas with Operation Cartel as planned. Some
members of the collective called for the operation to be called off, citing the danger to the group’s
membership. Some individuals and commentators questioned whether an Anonymous member had
even been kidnapped and suspected that the collective was dangerously toying with Los Zetas,
originally founded by ex-Mexican special forces personnel, for no valid reason. Additionally, the
Stratfor group, a private intelligence organization, stated that Los Zetas was now in fact hiring
mercenary hackers to track down Anonymous members that could then either be kidnapped or killed.
This threat was not unfounded, given the deaths of a number of bloggers in Mexico who had earlier
been tortured and killed by the cartels. Ultimately, Operation Cartel was called off by the collective
prior to the November 5 deadline, although the IberoAmerica Anonymous site still continued to
solicit anonymous tips concerning Los Zetas collaborators.

Robert J. Bunker

See also: Anonymous; Cyber Crime; Dark Web; Hacker

Further Reading
Arthur, Charles. “Anonymous Retreats from Mexico Drug Cartel Confrontation.” The Guardian, November 2, 2011.
Bunker, Robert J. “The Growing Mexican Cartel and Vigilante War in Cyberspace.” Small Wars Journal, November 3, 2011.
Kan, Paul Rexton. “Cyberwar in the Underworld: Anonymous versus Los Zetas in Mexico.” Yale Journal of International Affairs,
February 26, 2013. http://yalejournal.org/article_post/cyberwar-in-the-underworld-anonymous-versus-los-zetas-in-mexico.


Operation Cast Lead was a 22-day military assault on the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces
(IDF), December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, in response to continued missile attacks originating
from groups and individuals in the area. The name of the operation was taken from a poem by Chaim
Nachman Bialik, the Hebrew national poet, titled “In Honour of Chanukah,” in part because the attack
occurred during the Jewish festival of Chanukah. The poem mentions a spinning top of the finest cast
lead. The operation commenced at 11:30 a.m. on December 27, 2008, with a surprise aerial attack
that lasted a week before ground forces entered the area. Israeli F-16 fighter jets, Apache helicopters,
and unmanned drones hit over 100 locations across the Gaza Strip in minutes. Although some
Palestinian civilians reported that they had received recorded messages, radio broadcasts, texts, and
leaflets to evacuate structures adjacent to Hamas buildings, the initial loss of life and property
damage was extensive.
On January 3, 2009, the Israeli army invaded Gaza from the north and east. The number of total
causalities varies by source, and there are even bigger discrepancies between the published numbers
of combatants killed. No foreign journalists were permitted to enter Gaza, and none were embedded
with Israeli troops.
In response to the damage and casualties inflicted, cyber attacks were launched against Israeli
Web sites and other related sites by members and supporters of the Arab and Muslim communities.
Most of the hackers were believed to be Moroccan, Algerian, Saudi Arabian, Turkish, and
Palestinian, based on the information left on hacked Web sites. Thousands of sites were attacked.
Most of the attacks were Web site defacements containing images of victims and destruction in Gaza
or appeals to Israel and the United States to stop the violence. Internet traffic was also redirected
from legitimate sites to ones created by the hackers with similar images and messages and the
apparent motivation of drawing the world’s attention to the plight of the Palestinians.
Israel and its supporters tried to respond with their own cyber attacks, but they were less
successful in winning international support for the incursion into Gaza. They used recruits to flood
blogs with pro-Israel opinions and hacked a Hamas television station. Hackers supporting Israel also
infiltrated pro-Palestinian Facebook groups and collected information about the group members.
Israel also tried to pressure hosting companies to cut off service to hacker Web sites. A group of
Israeli hackers also created the botnet Patriot to initiate distributed denial-of-service attacks against
anti-Israel Web sites. Although Israel gained one of its major objectives, to reduce the number of
rockets entering Israel from the Gaza Strip, it lost the battle for international public opinion. Under
intense international pressure, Israel declared a unilateral cease-fire and withdrew its forces from
Gaza. Armed Palestinian groups followed with a separate unilateral cease-fire.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Hacker; Hacktivist; Israel Cyber
Further Reading
Carr, Jeffrey, and Lewis Shepherd. Inside Cyber Warfare. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2010.
Gavriely-Nuri, Dalia. The Normalization of War in Israeli Discourse, 1967–2008. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013.
Shindler, Colin. A History of Modern Israel. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


Operation Night Dragon was a targeted and coordinated cyber-espionage campaign against global oil,
energy, and petrochemical companies to exfiltrate competitive proprietary operations and project-
financing information regarding oil and gas field bids and operations as well as collect data from
automated industrial supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The main countries
affected by Night Dragon included the United States, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, and Greece. The campaign,
classified as an advanced persistent threat (APT), ran from at least 2007 through 2009.
Night Dragon attacks followed a consistent methodology:

1. Structured Query Language injection (SQLi) was used to gain access to an extranet server and
then retrieve data from databases by injecting harmful SQL payloads. Targeted spear phishing
and social engineering of mid- and senior-level executives was also used to trick individuals
into compromising cyber-security procedures enabling access into systems.
2. Hash-dumping tools were uploaded to collect the underlying authentication protocol of user
passwords along with password-cracking tools. These programs would harvest credentials in
the Active Directory to gain access to sensitive servers and desktops.
3. Once access to servers and desktops was gained, they were scanned to access sensitive
documents and material.
4. Remote administration tools (RAT) malware were used to provide cybercriminals with
unlimited access to infected terminals, which enabled uninhibited conduct of cyber crime and
freedom to create custom Trojans.
5. E-mail archives and sensitive information were exfiltrated out of systems laterally.
Night Dragon is similar to other cyber crimes, such as Operation Aurora, Operation Shady RAT,
Elderwood, APT1, and Byzantine Candor, in that they all targeted companies in the oil and gas
industries and focused on the large-scale theft of corporate data. The Night Dragon attacks were not
sophisticated in nature, as they appeared to implement standard host administration techniques, which
is why they were successful in avoiding detection through standard network policies and security
software. McAfee did not begin to monitor Night Dragon until late 2009, and it is estimated that the
attacks had been ongoing for two years, but likely up to four. Seminal to Night Dragon attacks is the
released McAfee report providing an advanced persistent threat (APT) analysis and technical
No specific attribution for Night Dragon was made, but McAfee was able to provide
circumstantial evidence based on observations and findings. One individual in Heze City, Shandong
Province, China, was attributed as providing the command and control (C&C) infrastructure to
hackers through his company and may have had knowledge of some of those involved in the cyber
attacks. The individual’s U.S.-based servers hosted the zwShell C&C application that was
responsible for controlling machines across victim companies. Other factors also indicate the
probability of China-based operations for the Night Dragon attacks.
McAfee was able to determine that a majority of the hackers operated during the hours of 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Beijing time. This suggests that those involved in hacking were regular employees
who were conducting operations as part of their normal job as opposed to being freelance or
unprofessional hackers. Furthermore, it was found that the password to unlock the zwShell C&C
Trojan, “zw.china,” coupled with exfiltration activities occurring from identified Beijing-based
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to be compelling. Finally, many of the hacking tools that were
employed were known to be of Chinese origin and common in Chinese underground hacking forums.

George L. Chapman

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Operation Aurora;
Operation Shady RAT; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Social Engineering; Spear
Phishing; SQL Injection

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,

Operation Orchard is the English name for an Israeli preemptive operation against a Syrian nuclear
reactor in 2007. The operation adhered to Israel’s “Begin Doctrine.” Put forth by former Israeli prime
minister Menachem Begin in 1981, the doctrine states that Israel will not allow a Middle Eastern
nation to pose a threat to its national security from weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear
ones. The doctrine was announced after Operation Opera, during which Israel preemptively
destroyed an Iraqi nuclear facility in Osirak in that same year.
The Israeli government took many steps to ascertain Syria’s nuclear weapons developments
before the operation. U.S. intelligence had first discovered the Al-Kibar complex, located in the
northern area of the Syrian desert in 2004. Passing the intelligence along to Mossad, Israel’s
intelligence and counterterrorism agency, the agency happened to also learn of a Syrian official’s
arrival in London. When the official left his laptop unaccompanied in a London hotel room, Mossad
operatives entered the hotel room and installed a Trojan horse on the laptop. As a result, Israel
obtained access to key intelligence on the complex, including building plans and photographs. This
intelligence helped Mossad to begin confirming that the building was indeed a nuclear facility. In fact,
Syria’s reactor at the Al-Kibar complex was nearly identical to North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear
Scientific Research Center, which has processed nuclear material that could be used in nuclear
bombs. Before making the decision to carry out a preemptive attack, Mossad also sent in a team of
commandos to test the soil surrounding the complex as well as to gather reconnaissance. Despite
being detected, the team returned to Israel safely with its evidence, which was found to contain trace
results of nuclear material. In deciding to go forward with a preemptive attack, Israel alerted the
United States to its intentions. Accounts differ of what occurred, but the United States seems not to
have offered its formal support; but it also did not announce Israeli intentions as a way of precluding
the operation.
The actual operation was so secretive that Israeli pilots did not know their intended target until
after takeoff. Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-15 and F-16 escort fighters flew north from Israel, over the
Mediterranean, and into Turkey accompanied by an electronic intelligence-gathering airplane,
probably a modified Gulfstream G550. Upon entering Syrian airspace, they dropped precision bombs
and conducted electronic warfare and cyber hacking against a Syrian radar site. This was key to
defeating Syria’s highly advanced Russian-made integrated air defense system (IADS). It is believed
that the Israelis used something similar to the U.S. Suter program, about which little is known, except
that it is a network airborne attack system manufactured by BAE Systems. The Israeli version enabled
IAF to peer into Syrian communications as well as to provide false information to Syrian radar by
temporarily administering the network system.
Eighteen minutes later, the jets arrived safely at their target. The F-15s dropped their bombs on
the Al-Kibar complex, completely destroying it with the help of Israeli commandos on the ground,
who used lasers to assist in targeting. In the wake of the attack, the Israeli prime minister used the
Turkish prime minister to convey to the Syrian prime minister that no further attacks would be
launched as long as Syria did not seek to reestablish a similar complex.
Despite Israel’s blatant use of military force, the operation did not make many headlines. It should
also be noted that Operation Orchard was far more preemptive than Operation Opera, where the Iraqi
reactor had been nearing completion. This limited stage of development caused consternation among
some U.S. officials, who worried about the ramifications of such a preemptive strike. Another key
difference was that Operation Opera resulted in far more international condemnation than the
aftereffects of Operation Orchard. Israel, Syria, the United States, and other Arab nations remained
almost silent on the operation. Publicly, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad only commented that
Israeli jets had targeted an incomplete nonmilitary building. The one nation to speak out loudly
against the operation was the one that had provided key materials and personnel: North Korea. It is
likely that some of that nation’s citizens were killed in the strike, as they were highly involved with
the facility. Given this general silence, along with other factors, there are varying reports and
interpretations still circulating about this highly secretive operation.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cyber Espionage; Cyber War; Israel Cyber Capabilities; Spoofing; Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Federation of American Scientists. “A Sourcebook on the Israeli Strike in Syria, 6 September 2007: Version of 2015-01-09.”
Follath, Erich, and Holger Stark. “How Israel Destroyed Syria’s Al Kibar Nuclear Reactor.” Spiegel Online 11, 2009.
Spector, Leonard S., and Avner Cohen. “Israel’s Airstrike on Syria’s Reactor: Implications for the Nonproliferation Regime.” Arms
Control Today 38(6), July/August 2008: 15–21.

Operation Payback was an attempt by the activist group Anonymous to retaliate against a variety of
actors and agents for shutting down file-sharing Web sites as well as trying to punish various entities
that withheld services from WikiLeaks. Operation Payback took place in the latter part of 2010. It is
noteworthy as perhaps the first cyber war between nonstate actors.
The cyber attacks began in September 2010 as a result of the shutdown of the Swedish file-
sharing Web site Pirate Bay. This site allowed users to share music and other files, some of which
contained copyrighted material. When Pirate Bay was forced to close down, the collective group
known as Anonymous claimed that these companies were restricting the freedom of the Internet and
that they had decided to attack the institutions that had closed down Pirate Bay.
Anonymous’ first attack was on the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) Web site on
September 16, 2010. The group attacked the MPAA, and soon afterward other Web sites, by using a
network stress test program titled, “Low Orbit Ion Cannon,” or LOIC. The program was readily
available and free to anyone with a computer and Internet access. LOIC increased the volume of Web
traffic to a Web site. This is known as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. One user would
not be enough to stop the Web site from functioning, but a group of users coordinating their attacks on
the site could overwhelm it with traffic to the point that the Internet user trying to use the attacked Web
site found it nonfunctional. This is what Anonymous did: It encouraged users to download LOIC, and
it set times and dates for specific coordinated DDoS attacks on specific Web sites. The effectiveness
of the attacks varied with the ability of the targeted sites to resist the attacks. While in the midst of
Operation Payback, Anonymous found another cause: WikiLeaks.
Anonymous shifted its targets to businesses and other entities that refused financial and other
services to the whistle-blowing Web site WikiLeaks in early December 2010. WikiLeaks obtained
secret government and business documents from around the world and posted them on its various Web
sites. Several large corporations, including Amazon.com, MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal, refused their
services to WikiLeaks. In retaliation, Anonymous targeted these Web sites with DDoS attacks of
varying effectiveness.
The leaders of Operation Payback were indicted in federal court for a variety of crimes, and
eventually they all took a plea bargain to, in most cases, avoid jail time. All were cited for
misdemeanors and fined for the losses the attacked businesses incurred. Some of the entities attacked
fought back with DDoS attacks of their own, and this is why at least one author argues that Operation
Payback may be the first case of two nonstate actors engaging in cyber warfare.

Terry L. Beckenbaugh

See also: Anonymous; Hacktivist; Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC); WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Coleman, Gabriella. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. London: Verso, 2014.
Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York:
Back Bay Books, 2012.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Denver:
Praeger, 2013.
Operation Shady RAT was an extended data exfiltration project conducted by Chinese hackers, begun
in 2006. Hackers used spear phishing to fool victims into opening electronic documents that were
accompanied by malicious code. To sharpen the effectiveness of the e-mails, hackers frequently
referred to actual people and events that would be of interest to victims, such as a national-security
seminar hosted by the Center for Naval Analysis in the Washington, D.C., area. Including such
information seemingly bolstered the credibility of the phishing message and increased the chances that
a victim would unwittingly open a document with a command that simultaneously opened a remote
administration tool (RAT).
Authors have pointed to Microsoft Windows’ significant security vulnerabilities as a factor
facilitating this hack. Users whose software patches were not thoroughly up-to-date found the nominal
files opening with a slight delay, while the Trojan operated unnoticed in the background. The RAT
navigated online in search of one of the command and control Web sites the hackers had established
to remotely control victim computers and exfiltrate data. The addresses for these control sites
typically appeared to be normal text files so that even an alert human user might see the Trojan and
not identify it as abnormal. Command and control functions were unobtrusively hidden as HTML
comments, and because HTML comments are often a part of normal and innocent code, the Trojan
was relatively secure against discovery. Using the RAT, hackers could access files on the victim’s
machine and could also insert further malware onto the victim’s computer, building further on their
capabilities and access.
Operation Shady RAT was not publicly identified until the second half of 2011, after five years of
operation. The report by McAfee vice president Dmitri Alperovitch also identified more than 70
victim organizations. By nationality, 49 of these were located in the United States, and the rest were
mostly located either in Western Europe or the industrialized Pacific Rim. More than a dozen of the
victim companies were defense contractors. Other companies suffering intrusions represented a
variety of other sectors, including electronics and energy. Two think tanks were also targeted.
Responders during the events noticed that policies intended to maintain security also led to
inadvertent shortcomings in sharing information about the hack.
A puzzling factor, which ultimately became an additional clue for attribution, was that five
Olympic committees and the World Anti-Doping Agency were also among the targeted entities. The
hacks appear to have peaked as the 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing. The absence of
obvious financial opportunity in targeting an antidoping body, a national security think tank, and a
global democracy organization pointed to politically oriented motives. The sophistication of the hack,
from the creation of plausible and enticing phishing messages to the way in which the Trojan was
hidden, suggested that the perpetrators possessed significant talent and training and implied potential
state sponsorship. The array of defense and economic entities that were targeted matched the pattern
established at the time and since by hackers operating from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The origins and even the scale of Operation Shady RAT have proven somewhat murky and
contested. At McAfee, Alperovitch noted that the perpetrator appeared to have nation-state support
and to be especially interested in Asian affairs, but he was reluctant to identify a particular nation-
state. Others have since pointed to similarities between Operation Shady RAT and other actions, such
as Operation Aurora, that emanate from the PRC. Different companies within the security field debate
the scale of the hacks; as with many such actions, it is difficult to determine exactly what information
and how much of it was illicitly accessed. Extensive data exfiltrations, such as Operation Shady RAT,
Operation Aurora, and the Operation Night Dragon hacks against the energy sector in 2008 and 2009,
have basically coincided with an apparent trend toward reporting on cyber activities involving
economic espionage.

Nicholas Michael Sambaluk

See also: Alperovitch, Dmitri; Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Malware; McAfee; Operation
Aurora; Operation Night Dragon; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Spear Phishing

Further Reading
Lindsay, Jon R., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron, eds. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the
Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.


Operation Titan Rain was the U.S. federal government designation for a series of cyber attacks
against U.S. computer systems, beginning in 2003. Although the attacks appear to have originated
from China, the actual identities of the attackers remain unknown. The attacks were classified as an
advanced persistent threat (APT), but the use of zombie computers, proxy servers, virus- and
spyware-infected sources, made it impossible to determine their nature, whether corporate- or state-
sponsored espionage, or random hackers. They were able to gain access to U.S. defense contractor
computer networks and their sensitive information, to include Lockheed Martin, Sandia National
Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA. Their main targets were the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) and the British Ministry of Defense (MoD).
The security SANS Institute claimed in December 2005 that the attackers were likely the result of
Chinese military hackers. Some believed that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was
responsible. China has admitted no association to the attacks, instead claiming the possibility of
hackers using Chinese computers. Many Chinese computers and Web sites are unsecured, and hackers
use the Web site or system to attack a targeted system, making it look as if China were the source with
relative ease. This concept protects the hackers, and the Chinese government cannot prove they were
not responsible, causing tension between China and the United States, Great Britain, and Russia.
The attacks were first noted in September 2003 during a network break-in at Lockheed Martin.
Several months later, they hit Sandia, but the threat became evident when the U.S. Army cyber
intelligence also confirmed the methodical and deep intrusions by penetrating secure networks of the
most sensitive military bases, defense contractors, and aerospace companies, getting all the files that
they could find in the hidden section of hard drives. They were then transmitted to stations in South
Korea, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, and from there to mainland China in the southern province of
Guangdong. The attackers were traced to three Chinese routers that acted as the first connection point
from a local network to the Internet. The attackers wiped their electronic fingerprints clean with
undetectable beacons but retained the ability to reenter the attacked computer at will. Attacks took 10
to 30 minutes, and they never made overt mistakes, such as hitting the wrong keys, especially in
government computers.
The quantity of compromised files was enormous. Titan Rain could be a point of departure for
more serious assaults and might shut down or even take over several U.S. military networks,
according to the Department of Defense (DoD). The compromised data were not classified as secrets,
but they were sensitive, such as flight-planning software from the army, and subject to strict export
control laws that required U.S. government licenses for foreign use. In 2006, the British House of
Commons’ computer system was shut down, exposing sensitive material from the Ministry of Defense.
Other companies affected were Mitsubishi in Japan and Rio Tinto of Australia. Canada, France, and
Germany reported APTs traced back to China, but they were cautious to not directly accuse the
Chinese government.
Titan Rain also saw attacks on many countries. In 2008, BAE, Britain’s biggest defense
contractor, was compromised, and MI5 warned companies that do business with the Chinese that their
networks were being attacked. After German government ministries, to include Chancellor Angela
Merkel’s office, were compromised, she complained directly to Chinese premier Wen Jiabao and
labeled the attacks espionage. Canadian firms in the aerospace, agriculture, biotech, military, oil, and
communication sectors were attacked. The collapse of Nortel, the telecom giant, after a decade of
espionage attacks was linked to China. Mitsubishi in Japan reported cyber attacks on submarine
manufacturing and research on guided missiles and rocket engines, power ships, and nuclear power
stations. Japanese Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery Ministries reported stolen files pertaining to
trade negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
In 2009, the Joint Strike Fighter project, known as F-35 Lightning II, was attacked, and diagnosing
maintenance problems during flights was compromised. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and
BAE Systems had over 24,000 files concerning developmental systems stolen over a period of 18
months, including online meetings and technical discussions. When finally discovered in 2011, cyber
analysts found that hackers gained access to the security tokens through aggressive espionage efforts.
Software for the specialized communication and antenna arrays had to be rewritten.
China has repeatedly denied any involvement in the Titan Rain attacks, claims the accusations are
an effort to destroy bilateral relationships, and argues that they are irresponsible and calculating.
Despite denials, the United States accused China in October 2011 of “a massive and sustained
intelligence effort by a government to blatantly steal commercial data and intellectual property” by
the House Committee on Intelligence, and the Office of the National Counterintelligence stated that
China was the “world’s most active and persistent perpetrators of economic espionage.”
At the Security and Economic Dialogue in 2012, cyber security was on the agenda and raised by
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and
by Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta with Chinese Defense Minister General Liang Guangjie in
the United States. These dialogues have had no effect publicly. The difficulty is that the United States
promotes cyber security, which protects communications and critical networks. China refers to
information security, a broader category that includes controlling content. The United States tries to
limit economic espionage, which China claims it does not engage in, while maintaining the ability to
conduct operations against foreign governments, militaries, and terrorist groups. China makes no
distinction and has no prohibition against economic espionage and sees itself vulnerable to U.S.
computer operations.
Titan Rain attacks from China are massive. The NSA and U.S. Cyber Command
(USCYBERCOM) have called espionage attacks on U.S. companies the “greatest transfer of wealth
in history,” at a cost of $250 billion per year through intellectual property theft. The U.S. reactions
have been restrained due to the nature of demands for a positive relationship with China as well as
for not wanting to reveal intelligence capabilities. It should be expected that the Chinese operations
will continue, and in keeping the U.S.-China relationship intact, industries will have to learn to
accommodate them until the U.S. government decides to raise the costs for Chinese hackers.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Cyber Espionage; Operation Aurora; Operation Night
Dragon; Operation Shady RAT; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Lindsay, Jon R., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron, eds. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the
Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.

Leon E. Panetta served as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2009 to 2011
and the secretary of defense from 2011 to 2013. Born June 28, 1938, in Monterey, California, to
Italian immigrant parents, Panetta graduated from Santa Clara University in 1960 and Santa Clara
University School of Law in 1963. He served two years in the U.S. Army, received the Army
Commendation Medal, and was discharged as a first lieutenant.
Panetta represented California in Congress (1977–1993). Then he became the White House chief
of staff (1994–1997) under President Bill Clinton. As the director of the CIA, he conducted a review
of CIA interrogation programs under President George W. Bush, increased the CIA’s use of drones,
and oversaw operations that resulted in Osama bin Laden’s death on May 1, 2011. In 2012, he warned
of the possibility of a cyber Pearl Harbor and outlined the three areas of focus for the Department of
Defense (DoD): develop new capabilities for defense and attack, create new rules of engagement to
strengthen U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), and build stronger partnerships between the
private and public sectors. Panetta retired from government service in 2013.

Mary Elizabeth Walters

See also: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); Cyber Terrorism; Department of Defense (DoD); U.S.
Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Panetta, Leon, with Jim Newton. Worthy Fights: A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace. New York: Penguin Publishing Group,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber War: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

Patriotic hacking is the hacking of Web sites and Web-based services by individuals who believe that
their actions are helping a particular country. These actors may sometimes be known as hacktivists,
as they can be driven by patriotism or the wish to attack other states’ governments. Hacktivists and
patriotic hacking are not always the same, but as the definition is fluid, it may be difficult to know the
true motivations of the hacker. Understanding hacking is essential to understanding this term. Hacking
includes installing software on computers that allow others to spy on the computer and connected
networks, to corrupt data, or to plant a backdoor program. Such a program, also called a trapdoor,
allows data to be stolen, and it can also change the entire system to allow for more uses of the
backdoor program or even to shut the entire system down. The skills and wits of the administrators
are often the only line of defense to protect a system and to stop hacking attempts.
Patriotic hackers may conduct their operations with or without government support or knowledge
of their activities. These activities are often directed against other foreign governments, particularly
in times of conflict. They are often viewed as guerillas or saboteurs operating in cyber space,
particularly when receiving clandestine support from governments or other groups. Governments may
choose not to prosecute the patriotic hackers in exchange for the benefits they receive from their
actions. This certainly depends on the goals of the country where the hackers are present and the
relations with the attacked country. Public opinion is also greatly affected by patriotic hacking. As the
Internet is an information network, opinions and propaganda posted there can easily reach millions of
people with little effort and time. This can be used by governments as attacks against enemies, but if
the targeted government is particularly vulnerable to public opinion, patriotic hacking can do more
than simply affect computer systems.
This form of hacking is an example of how nonstate actors can affect relations between two states,
often negatively. If the government of the attacking nation does not halt the action, relations can
become strained between nations. Proxy wars can also be fought by patriotic hackers. Certain
nonstate actors can receive support from governments for attacks on groups or states. Doing this
allows governments to deny any involvement in the attack while still being able to achieve its goals.
Cyber attacks also allow smaller groups to have more impact than they normally would. Nonstate
actors can achieve more through a cyber attack by being able to shut down an enemy’s energy
infrastructure or its e-commerce. This can be done with just one person, and the impacts can be much
larger than what one person can do on a conventional battlefield. Patriotic hacking has allowed
governments to attack their enemies with plausible deniability when they do not wish to be identified.
They can also cause much more damage than conventional attacks, with minimal cost and public
There have been many examples of patriotic hacking in the 21st century. Numerous countries have
used patriotic hacking, including the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China (PRC),
to achieve diplomatic or internal state control goals. On April 27, 2007, a cyber attack was launched
on Estonia. It affected major banks, the telecommunications system throughout the country, and
numerous media outlets. The attack lasted two weeks and is thought to be a Russian response over the
relocation of a Soviet war memorial in Estonia. No official connection to the Russian government has
been proven, but pro-Russian hackers, possibly from youth groups within the country, may have
received unofficial government support. Russian businesses may have allowed the use of their
networks for the attacks.
The Russian government has not limited its cyber attacks to Estonia. Russia was the first nation to
combine large-scale cyber attacks on a nation while simultaneously launching a conventional
invasion. This was done with their actions against Georgia in 2008. As Russian forces invaded and
cut off the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, from the coast, cyber vandalism and attacks were launched
against Georgian government Web sites. A group of hackers from the breakaway area of Georgia,
South Ossetia, vandalized government Web sites. Other attacks were organized that shut down major
government, financial, and media outlets in Georgia. This appears to have been done by Russian
citizens without official government support.
Patriotic hacking has been used to quell internal dissent, particularly in the PRC. The government
attempted to crack down on Falun Gong, a Buddhist revival movement in China. The government
began to fear the group as their membership grew larger than that of the Communist Party of China.
They feared that a group that large could take power in China. The government began their crackdown
of Falun Gong by disrupting servers in North America used by the group. Personal e-mail accounts
provided by Google were hacked by Chinese government agents, possibly with help from Google
employees. This was done to track human rights activists and Chinese journalists who were exposing
the harsh treatment of Falun Gong members. These hacking activities were supported by patriotic
hackers in China from groups known as the Green Army and the Red Hacker Alliance. This example
shows that patriotic hacking has been used for more than state conflict and moved into internal

Brad St. Croix

See also: Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA); Cyber War; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007);
Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); Hacktivist; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Gutmann, Ethan. “Hacker Nation: China’s Cyber Assault.” World Affairs 173(1), 2010: 70–79.
Kerschischnig, Georg. Cyberthreats and International Law. The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 2012.
Russell, Alison Lawlor, Cyber Blockades. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2014.


The highly secretive People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Unit 61398 has become infamous for its ability
to steal a variety of secrets from nations and companies around the globe, particularly the economic
secrets of English-speaking nations. The unit is also known as the Third Office of the PLA General
Staff Department Third Department Second Bureau. It is located in a 12-story building in Shanghai,
People’s Republic of China (PRC), and staffed by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of employees.
Much of what is known about the unit is due to a report released in 2013 by Mandiant
Corporation. The American cyber-security company, established by former U.S. Air Force officer
Kevin Mandia, rose to prominence with the report’s release. The company had already been
investigating Unit 61398 in light of Chinese cyber attacks against the New York Times after the
newspaper reported on the vast familial wealth of an outgoing Chinese prime minister.
Mandiant Corporation has labeled the organization behind these attacks Advanced Persistent
Threat 1 (APT1). An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a cyber attack by which an unauthorized
user acquires access to a network and maintains access for a significant period of time in order to
steal information.
Despite the many pieces of evidence pointing to Unit 61398, the question of attribution—or
definitely determining the real source behind cyber attacks—persists. While it cannot be established
absolutely that Mandiant is correct, the evidence provided in the report is overwhelming. Mandiant
considers but ultimately dismisses the possibility that this could be a secret unit located nearby Unit
61398. That would not necessarily explain, for example, the impressive array of fiber-communication
networks in the building that such a unit would require. The complex is also supported by a range of
facilities, such as a kindergarten, usually only found at highly prestigious units. Scholars also point to
the existence of a strong and large constituency of patriotic hackers in China as well as criminal
operators who could also be behind the attacks. However, most of the attacks coming from this area
occur during normal weekday working hours.
The primary goal of the unit is purported to be the theft of intellectual property. The unit, which
has functioned since at least 2006, has targeted more than 141 companies and organizations, running
many of these operations concurrently. While it has stolen information from obvious cyber-espionage
industries such as telecommunications and advanced electronics, it has also targeted less obvious
types of industries, including agriculture and health. This emphasis supports China’s strategic goal of
not only acquiring military secrets but economic information that can help China improve its global
position, as presented in China’s 12th Five-year Plan.
Unit 61398 uses social engineering, or the practice of tricking people into providing access to
confidential information, and malware to gain access to networks. Using its English proficiency, the
attackers entice people into clicking on links within e-mails, which is known as spear phishing. For
example, they create e-mails using names that are recognizable to the recipient. Next, they establish a
foothold that enables the unit to control systems remotely. Once the malware has become established,
it is extremely difficult to locate and identify the intruder’s actions. In the next step, the intruder
focuses on privilege escalation, in which it seeks to obtain usernames and passwords to reach more
secure information. Finally, the attack concludes with small transfers of information back to the unit.
This process can average about one year, as antivirus software has difficulty identifying this malware.
Since the release of Mandiant’s report, the United States has become more vocal about Chinese
cyber attacks. In May 2013, the Pentagon made its strongest objections yet to Chinese cyber activities
in a report presented to the U.S. Congress. In 2014, the United States indicted five Chinese military
officers, all members of Unit 61398, for spying against six U.S. companies. The case constituted the
first time a state actor had been charged for a cyber attack. The case is consistent with the report’s
findings that a military unit is being used to target economic information.
U.S. complaints against China have been undermined by Edward J. Snowden’s release of
documents claiming to show how the National Security Agency (NSA) has attempted to hack Chinese
networks since 2009. From China’s perspective, it is just as much a victim of cyber attacks as U.S.
companies are. The U.S. government, however, avows that it only engages in hacking to protect its
interests, not to steal intellectual secrets.
In light of the discussion about how a massive cyber attack could result in a reaction akin to the
U.S. response to Pearl Harbor, it should be noted that war could be counter to China’s long-term
strategy. Scholars have pointed out that China is more interested in economic and regional power than
in direct war with the United States. This strategy is highly influenced by the renowned military
strategist Sun Tzu, who believed that the best way to win a war was to outsmart the enemy and avoid
fighting altogether. As such, China seeks to do anything to strengthen its military and economic
position while avoiding pushing so far that it would draw the United States into war. It also reflects
China’s belief that national security is not just limited to military matters, but runs the gamut of
anything that can bolster China’s position in the world, even if not traditionally thought of as

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Attribution; Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; GhostNet; Malware; Operation Shady RAT;
People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Social Engineering; Spyware; Trojan Horse;
Unrestricted Warfare

Further Reading
Ghafir, Ibrahim, and Václav Pr˘enosil. “Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Detection: An Overview.” International Journal of
Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security, 2014: 154–158. http://www.seekdl.org/nm.php?id=3901.
Heckman, Kristin E., Frank J. Stech, Roshan K. Thomas, Ben Schmoker, and Alexander W. Tsow. “Countering Denial and Deception.”
In Cyber Denial, Deception and Counter Deception, 109–126. Edited by Kristin E. Heckman and Frank J. Stech. New York:
Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Lindsay, Jon R. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2015.
Mandiant Corporation. APT1: Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units. Alexandria, VA: Mandiant Corporation, 2013.


Cyber capabilities in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) facilitate the country’s economic growth,
and its cyber capabilities also constitute an important part of the wider realm of information-
dominance issues valued by leaders of the PRC and its People’s Liberation Army (PLA). PRC’s
philosophy about information, the PLA’s robust support of growing cyber assets that can operate
within the context of PLA strategy, and contrasting definitions between Chinese and foreign voices in
interpreting the requirements and implications of cyber capabilities play crucial roles in influencing
China’s cyber capabilities. The country’s capabilities in the cyber realm continue to expand, and their
impact carries complex implications.
Within the country, the idea of information dominance leads PRC to establish tools such as the
Great Firewall to restrict domestic access to sites deemed subversive or otherwise dangerous to the
regime. PRC officials have, furthermore, pointed to efforts made to skirt its restrictions and
proclaimed these to constitute cyber attacks. Although misuse of such terms is common outside PRC,
the country is essentially unique in condemning efforts to evade firewalls to constitute attacks. The
definition rests on a conception of sovereignty that cedes control over information to the state and the
party. A PRC white paper in 2010 declared that the state had the right to protect its own networks to
eliminate criminal activity, threats to the state, and disruptions to the social order. Control of
information figures importantly for the leadership’s own maintenance, and this translates into efforts
to dominate electronic information environments. Examples of censorship are presented as actions to
ensure stability.
An ironic complement to the expansive definition of sovereignty has been a burgeoning interest in
applying cyber capabilities to espionage. Defining security and national interests in military and
economic terms, considerable espionage activity is traceable to the PRC, and targets for espionage
often blur the boundaries between military and industrial espionage. A paramount example is the hack
of contractors engaged in the design of the U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The project is the most
expensive technological development program in military history, and a significant portion of the
mounting development costs may be related to the potential compromise of development data, as
systems that may be compromised require redesign to reestablish their integrity in a finished airplane.
The hackers who exfiltrated F-35 development data did so using methods that encrypted the stolen
information as it was copied and removed. As a result, the task of determining what information had
been accessed and taken became more complicated. Defense experts have pointed to similarities
between PRC’s new J-31 stealth fighter plane and the F-35. An array of defense-industry
corporations, such as BAE Systems, have been targeted in these espionage efforts, and in the case of
BAE Systems, hackers are believed to have been active on the network for a year and a half before
their presence was detected.
Espionage has not been confined to government or corporate entities with obvious connections to
national defense. In 2007, German chancellor Angela Merkel complained to PRC officials of Chinese
hacks into the computer systems of that country’s government ministries, and in 2008, the United
Kingdom’s internal security and counterintelligence office warned British companies doing business
in the PRC that they were being targeted by Chinese hacking activity. In 2009, Canadian researchers
took a lead role in uncovering a massive and coordinated action labeled GhostNet. It gained real-time
control of computers, covertly accessing files and operating computer microphones and Web cameras.
Nearly 1,300 computers were infected during the project’s two-year span, and infected machines
belonged to an array of government, media, and NGO entities in over 100 countries. The vectors for
the action included both e-mails with remote-access Trojan horse payload attachments and lures to
Web sites where infected files were downloaded. The ploy of attracting victims with files and e-mail
addresses of purported Tibetan independence sympathizers represents one element of information
suggesting that GhostNet originated with PRC, which sees Tibetan movements as destabilizing to its
The following year, Google announced that it had been targeted by a highly sophisticated attack
that struck the corporate infrastructure, in which intellectual property had been stolen. The actions
against Google, known as Operation Aurora, made use of vulnerabilities identified in Microsoft
Internet Explorer and utilized another Trojan horse method. The data breach in 2015, in which the
personal identifying information of more than 20 million U.S. government employees and others was
stolen from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), is believed to have been the work of PRC
hackers. Experts also believe that the PRC consciously permits the existence of a lucrative
underworld of cyber-criminal elements.
PLA strategists nest cyber operations within the larger framework of information warfare.
Following the U.S.-led coalition victory over Iraq in 1991, PLA analysts pointed to the role of U.S.
communications technologies and networks in supporting operations and thereby dominating the
physical battlefield. They contended that the best counter to this potent approach used by the United
States involved the development of capabilities that could neutralize U.S. communications, through
the destruction of communication satellites and targeting of U.S. cyber networks. As such, acts of war
could be conducted not only by the uniformed military but also by ordinary citizens able to act as
“fighters” because of their expertise with relevant technologies. Reflecting the influence of analysis
during the 1990s about integrating cyber operations into People’s War, PLA doctrinal publications
have expressly identified information warfare as a key element in opposing a more formidable
It’s likely that PRC cyber activities reflect the government’s expansive definition of security and
national interest. This includes espionage into the defense technologies of other states and efforts to
maintain control over domestic access to information, but it also involves various efforts to surveil
activities by nonmilitary entities overseas and to use information gained through industrial espionage
to provide the PRC’s own industries with advantageous positions in the global marketplace. Official
denials of such activities in the cyber realm have habitually launched counteraccusations that any
suggestion of PRC involvement in cyber espionage is an irresponsible claim.
Statistics can be selected to prove various assertions, and PRC officials often use them when
arguing that the PRC is the world’s leading victim of hostile cyber activity. However, many activities
that PRC identifies as “attacks” include efforts to evade the Great Firewall or to use the cyber domain
to voice ideas inimical or offensive to the regime. Measurements in 2012 did confirm that 23 percent
of the global Internet population was in China, giving PRC an Internet presence (in terms of
population) nearly equal to the United States and the European Union combined. Given that PRC’s
population of 1.38 billion is two-thirds larger than the combined U.S. and EU population, this implies
PRC’s online participation (in gross terms) as 60 percent that of the United States and the European
With the world’s largest total population and the world’s largest online population, the PRC
possesses important opportunities to mobilize its population in cyber. Even actions by botnets of
controlled computers conducting actions such as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
require a degree of human coordination, and mobilization is an important factor affecting Chinese
cyber capabilities. The phenomenon of patriotic hackers exemplifies both the potential power and the
unbridled character of voluntary mobilization. Following a virtual collision of a U.S. surveillance
plane and a PLA Air Force jet near China’s Hainan Island in 2001, the Communist Party encouraged
nationals to use the Internet to embarrass the United States.
The leveraging of patriotic hackers or hacker-activists (hacktivists) in the short run offers the
tempting prospect of adding force multipliers to a competition in the cyber realm. Additionally, such
actors are difficult to associate with a government, providing a degree of plausible deniability that
can complicate the alternatives open to a targeted country. For example, researchers traced the origins
of a hacking project labeled Byzantine Hades back to the PRC, but they were unable to definitively
link the geographic location of the hackers to the PRC government itself.
Conversely, although the leveraging of nongovernment hackers can serve as a force multiplier in
specific circumstances, the separation between the government and the hackers can complicate the
government’s ability to direct or curtail hacking efforts as effectively as might be possible when using
official resources. The PLA indicated its interest in identifying and nurturing cyber talent through a
series of regional hacker competitions in China in 2005. This resulted in the recruitment of a leader
within the PRC’s hacker community as a consultant for the Shanghai Public Security Bureau.
However, significant complicating factors concern mobilization, particularly with respect to a
people’s war notion of hostile cyber activities. The raising of a cyber militia as a viable instrument of
national policy requires more than the amassing of large numbers of people, an array of computers,
and appropriate training.
The PLA itself is believed to have conducted military exercises exploring the organized use of
computer viruses, starting in 1997, and to have expanded its studies in subsequent years. From about
2002 to 2005, in an action labeled Operation Titan Rain, hackers believed to be linked to the PLA
infiltrated the computer systems of several entities within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) as
well as the aerospace company Lockheed Martin, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), and Britain’s Foreign Office. To date, as is the case with other hackers, the operations that
can be effectively linked to the PLA have engaged in nonlethal forms of cyber exploitation. Some
entities within the PLA are known to be involved in some of the industrial espionage emanating from
The exact organizational structure for PLA cyber entities is not entirely known. However, analysts
believe that the PLA General Staff Department’s Third Department, with a signals intelligence and
decoding role similar to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), is a hub of PLA cyber activity.
The Beijing North Computer Center, Unit 61539, may serve as a PLA analog to the U.S. Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM). A dozen or more major cyber-training facilities are thought to be
distributed throughout the PRC. The most infamous of the PLA organizations engaged in cyber actions
is the Shanghai-based Unit 61398, to which the interception of voluminous amounts of militarily,
economically, and politically significant U.S. intelligence information has been attributed.
The PRC possesses extensive cyber capabilities and regularly uses these to pursue an array of
goals that it considers to be within the scope of its national interests. Control over domestically
available information is one important area. It also includes considerable espionage and surveillance
activities directed against foreign governments, businesses, activists, and citizens as well as the
toleration of cyber crime and the nurturing of cyber talent for use in militias and sometime recruitment
in the formal organs of the PLA.

Nicholas Michael Sambaluk

See also: Baidu; Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Cyber Security; Cyber Weapon; Distributed Denial-
of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Firewall; Google; Hacker; Identity Theft; Office of Personnel
Management Data Breach; Operation Aurora; Operation Shady RAT; Operation Titan Rain; Patriotic
Hacking; People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; Spyware

Further Reading
Chansoria, Monika. “Defying Borders in Future Conflict in East Asia: Chinese Capabilities in the Realm of Information Warfare and
Cyber Space.” The Journal of East Asian Affairs 26(1), Spring/Summer 2012: 105–127.
Deibert, Ronald. Black Code: Surveillance, Piracy, and the Dark Side of the Internet. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013.
Lindsay, Jon Ar., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron, eds. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the
Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Mazanec, Brian M. The Evolution of Cyber War: International Norms for Emerging-technology Weapons. Lincoln, NE: Potomac,
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

The term phishing refers to an attempt by a hacker or other illegal entity to obtain personal
information for nefarious purposes. Phishing is a homophone for the commonly accepted term fishing,
which refers to the act of casting bait in the hopes of hooking prey. In the cyber world, phishers use
“bait” to obtain personal and sensitive material from their targets, such as usernames, passwords, and
other identity information, that can be used for financial gain or to obtain access to protected
computer systems.
To hook their prey, phishers use e-mail that appears to be from legitimate social media sites,
banks, or online payment companies to trick people into entering their personal information into fake
Web sites. These social-engineering techniques are able to deceive people because they believe the
e-mail’s substance to be factual. As the technique has evolved, new terms have come into being as
well. Spear phishing refers to a specific attack against an individual. For example, an individual gets
an e-mail from the bank or online payment service they commonly use. Because of the specificity
involved, spear phishing has become the most successful form of attack. When hackers go after high-
level executives or very important personalities, the term whaling describes this type of phishing
To prevent phishing attacks, e-mail users can employ spam filters to isolate or highlight suspected
phishing attempts. Increased e-mail defenses have caused hackers to employ other types of attacks,
including instant messaging phishing as well as voice phishing.

Melvin G. Deaile

See also: Cyber Crime; Hacker; Identity Theft; Social Engineering; Spear Phishing

Further Reading
Hadnagy, Christopher. Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2011.
Verma, Nina. Social Engineering: A Means to Violate a Computer System. New Delhi, India: Global Vision Pub. House, 2011.


Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63) was a directive approved by President Bill Clinton on
May 22, 1998, to create a framework and definitive policies to protect the United States’ critical
infrastructure, which includes both physical and cyber-based systems. PDD-63 set two goals: (1) by
the end of 2000, the United States must have achieved the operating capability to protect the nation’s
critical infrastructure from deliberate and destructive acts; and (2) by 2003, the United States must
have created protection mechanisms and the ability to maintain the protection of the infrastructure.
While these infrastructures used to act as independent systems, the advancement of information
technology caused them to become automated and interlinked. With greater interdependence,
nonconventional attacks on the cyber-supported and physical systems have the potential to cause
greater disruption and destruction to the U.S. military and economy. PDD-63 came as a result of the
findings from the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP). The
commission focused upon aspects of the national infrastructure essential to the basic operations of the
economy and government to include telecommunications, energy, banking and finance, transportation,
water systems, public health services, and emergency services. PDD-63 became the founding
document for the creation of multiple agencies, including the National Infrastructure Protection Center
(NIPC), the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), and Critical
Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO).
Under PDD-63, the U.S. federal government designated lead agencies to oversee various sectors
of the economy considered vulnerable to attack. For example, the Department of Commerce received
the task of securing the information and communications sector. Within each designated agency, a
senior liaison official was selected to work with private sector organizations. The private sector then
chose a sector coordinator as a counterpart to the liaison official. Together, these officials and private
corporations worked to create a sector-security plan that was integrated into a National Infrastructure
Assurance Plan. In addition, the sector liaisons worked with the national coordinator for security,
infrastructure protection, and counterterrorism who chaired the Critical Infrastructure Coordination
Group, which worked to develop and implement policy for the federal government’s internal security.
On December 17, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Presidential
Directive-7 (HSPD), titled “Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection.” This
directive superseded PDD-63 and expanded the policies and development of critical infrastructure to
protect the United States from terrorist attacks.

Heather M. Salazar

See also: Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); Cyber Security; Department of Homeland
Security (DHS); Infrastructure; National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP); President’s
Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP)

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Notice. “Presidential Decision Directive 63 on Critical Infrastructure
Protection: Sector Coordinators.” Federal Register 63(214), August 5, 1998: 41804–41806.


The President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) was a commission
established in July 1996 to examine the scope and nature of the vulnerabilities and threats to the
United States’ critical infrastructure; to recommend a comprehensive national policy and
implementation plan to protect these infrastructures; to determine legal and policy issues raised; and
to propose statutory and regulatory changes required to implement recommendations. The PCCIP
spent 15 months working on these tasks and submitted their report to President Bill Clinton in
October 1997.
On July 15, 1996, President Clinton issued Executive Order 13010, creating the PCCIP and
outlining the members, committees, and its mission. Robert T. Marsh, a U.S. Military Academy
graduate, chaired the commission. Marsh holds master’s degrees from the University of Michigan in
instrumentation engineering and aeronautical engineering. PCCIP’s membership included two
individuals from each of the following departments: Treasury, Justice, Defense, Commerce,
Transportation, and Energy. It also included representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIS); the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); and the National Security Agency (NSA). The order created two committees within the PCCIP.
The Principals Committee reported to the president following their review of all reports and
recommendations submitted by the PCCIP. The Steering Committee had four members, all appointed
by the president, and they approved the submission of reports to the Principals Committee.
The PCCIP concluded that no immediate threat existed but that the government needed to think
differently about infrastructure protection due to the nation’s heavy reliance on it. They identified
eight critical infrastructures requiring protection: telecommunications; generation, transmission, and
distribution of electric power; storage and distribution of gas and oil; water supplies; transportation;
banking and finance; emergency services; and government services.
The commission recommended several measures to achieve greater protection from both physical
and cyber threats and attacks. An increased level of cooperation and information sharing is needed
between governmental agencies and private infrastructure. Protecting the infrastructure must be
ingrained in society and should be done through education and awareness programs in the academic
and professional environments. The PCCIP called on the federal government to lead by example in
facing this new information age by increasing protection of its own infrastructures from attacks. In
addition, it should streamline the legal structure that is behind technology’s pace and move forward
with the research and development of new technologies to counter these possible threats.
In October 1997, President Clinton received the commission’s report and sent out for an extensive
interagency review. That review resulted in the issuance of Presidential Decision Directive 63 in
May 1998.

Heather M. Salazar

See also: Cyber Sabotage; Infrastructure; National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP); Presidential
Decision Directive 63 (1998)

Further Reading
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Critical Foundations: Protecting America’s Infrastructures.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. “The Nation at Risk—Report of the President’s Commission on Critical
Infrastructure Protection: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information.” 105th Cong.,
1st sess., November 5, 1997.
U.S. President. Executive Order. “Executive Order 13010: Critical Infrastructure Protection.” Federal Register 61(138), July 17, 1996:

Prey is a 2002 novel by Michael Crichton. The plot, as in many of Crichton’s works, employs
speculation on emerging trends in science and technology as the foundation for a thriller involving a
protagonist struggling against both technology and nature. Among the major scientific and technical
themes explored are nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computer-based artificial intelligence (AI).
Regarding AI, the plot discusses concepts related to artificial life, the creation and utility of genetic
algorithms, and aspects of agent-based computing.
The novel revolves around out-of-work computer programmer Jack Forman, a homemaker taking
care of three children while his wife, Julia, is an executive at a nanotechnology firm with a
fabrication plant in the Nevada desert. Employing algorithms Jack developed at his former company,
Julia’s company devises organically based swarming nanobots to conduct real-time battlefield
surveillance to fulfill a Department of Defense (DoD) contract. The company has lost control of some
of the nanoswarms, which are rapidly evolving in unintended directions outside of the laboratory. In
an ironic twist, Jack is rehired by his former company in a last-ditch effort to eradicate the now
predatory and wild nanoswarms. Ultimately, Jack and members of his software team employ their
unique knowledge of the software and other training they have acquired to save the world from the
man-made threat looming from this technology convergence run amok.
The book elevated interest in nanotechnology and highlighted the role that advanced computing
was playing in that field as well as in a number of other sciences.

John G. Terino

See also: Matrix, The; Terminator, The

Further Reading
Crichton, Michael. Prey. New York: Harper, 2002.

The PRISM program is purported to be a collaboration between the U.S. National Security Agency
(NSA), the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and major U.S.-based
Internet service providers (ISPs), whereby the U.S. and U.K. government agencies can access data on
company servers to extract audio and video files, photographs, e-mails, documents, and connection
logs to facilitate intelligence gathering. The U.S. companies are alleged to include Microsoft, Google,
Yahoo, Facebook, AOL, Skype, Apple, and YouTube, but each company has issued rebuttals to the
effect that they have only complied with lawful requests for access. PRISM is not a departure from
established practice in the United States; the NSA has collaborated with U.S. companies for decades
in Special Source Operations and, more recently, on other NSA programs, such as BLARNEY,
working in parallel with PRISM to collect metadata to conduct network traffic analyses.
PRISM was instigated following adverse media disclosures and lawsuits concerning a secret
program of warrantless U.S. domestic surveillance; between 2004 and 2007, Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA) judges issued surveillance orders that were alleged to have been secured in
the absence of probable cause that an intelligence target or facility were connected to terrorism.
Following a review, the FISA Court forced the U.S. government to develop lawful authority to
undertake surveillance of foreign communications traffic transiting through U.S. servers; this led to
the Protect America Act (2007) as well as the FISA Amendments Act (2008), which effectively
rendered private companies immune to prosecution provided that they cooperated voluntarily with
intelligence gathering.
The controversy that surrounds PRISM arises from the NSA’s lawful mission of foreign
intelligence gathering being achieved by sifting through servers on U.S. soil that facilitate the transit
of international network traffic as well as hold the personal data of tens of millions of U.S. citizens.
To ensure immunity from lawsuits, when the companies are issued a directive from the U.S. attorney
general and the U.S. director of national intelligence to provide access to their servers by the FBI’s
Data Intercept Technology Unit (DITU), they must comply. If they do not comply, they can be
compelled to do so by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) under the authority of the U.S. Congress.
Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act authorizes the collection of communications content under
PRISM and other programs, and Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act authorizes the collection of
metadata from telephone companies. The FISA Court only approves the NSA’s collection procedures;
individual warrants are not required. PRISM purportedly does not directly access company servers;
it is instead facilitated by collection managers who forward content tasking instructions directly to
equipment installed at company-controlled locations.
Checks and balances do exist to ensure that only noncitizens outside the United States are targeted
and that the acquisition, retention, and dissemination of information about U.S. citizens is minimized.
In practice, analyses are undertaken by NSA staff inputting search terms (selectors) which are then
used to examine collected data via signals intelligence activity designators (SIGADs) tasked for
different types of data, such as the content of phone conversations or Internet metadata.
Analysts cannot specifically target someone reasonably believed to be a U.S. citizen
communicating on U.S. soil; there must be at least 51 percent certainty their target is a foreign
national. An analyst collects records on a target’s contacts and their contacts’ contacts (termed
contact chaining); in the eventuality that a U.S. citizen is identified, the analyst must take steps to
remove the data. Nevertheless, inadvertently acquired communications from U.S. citizens may be
analyzed for up to five years. Moreover, communications that are reasonably believed to contain
evidence of a crime that has been, is being, or is about to be committed can be forwarded to a U.S.
domestic agency for action. Significantly, if communications are encrypted, they can be kept
indefinitely. The PRISM program exemplifies a wider shift toward mass-collection techniques for
intelligence gathering.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Espionage; Encryption; National Security Agency (NSA); Snowden, Edward J.; The
Onion Router (TOR)

Further Reading
Harding, Luke. The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man. New York: Vintage Books, 2014.
Hayden, Michael. Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. New York: Penguin, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.


A programmable logic controller (PLC) consists of three components: an input module, a processing
unit, and an output module. In operation, the processing unit scans the input signals, processes the data
based on its programming, transmits an output signal, and then performs internal checks or
programming updates. The significant feature of this device is its ability to reprogram the processing
unit. This represents a versatility not found in the old hardwired relay systems, and for this reason,
manufacturers have largely switched over to PLC units in production lines, starting in the early 1970s.
The processing unit’s nonvolatile memory provides another attractive feature to manufacturers, as
it retains programming through power shutdowns or outages. Standards commissions have defined the
syntax and semantics for four of the controller programming languages: function block diagram,
ladder diagram, structured text, and instruction list. The languages have evolved from simple relays
functionality to a full range of functions, including counters, shift registers, and math operations. Using
these languages, developers write new programs and update the PLC units remotely through built-in
communications ports. These ports are often networked within a larger system, such as a supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. This networking represents a vulnerability not
considered in most original designs, until Stuxnet was discovered in 2010.

Paul Clemans

See also: Cyber Sabotage; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA); Stuxnet

Further Reading
Bolton, William. Programmable Logic Controllers. 6th ed. Waltham, MA: Newnes, 2015.
Kandray, Daniel. Programmable Automation Technologies. New York: Industrial Press, 2010.

Vladimir Putin (1952–) is the president of the Russian Federation. Putin served as the prime minister
(1999–2000), president (2000–2008), and prime minister again (2008–2012), and he returned to the
presidency in 2012. Prior to entering politics, Putin spent 16 years in the Soviet State Security
Committee (KGB) during the Cold War, an experience that left him skeptical about the intentions of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) states toward Russia and framed his worldview. It
also pressed upon him the importance of espionage and high-technology surveillance for states like
Russia to obtain advantages in world affairs.
Few countries have been involved in as much conflict as Russia during Putin’s reign. He has
expanded Russia’s cyber-warfare capability, which has been used aggressively as an instrument of
foreign policy. Russia first demonstrated its cyber-warfare capacity in a 2007 incident involving
Estonia. Roughly a year later, Russia used distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks coupled with
a kinetic offensive in a territorial conflict with Georgia. Cyber offensives were also part of Russia’s
conflict with Ukraine, beginning in 2014. Russia’s military operations in support of the Assad regime
in Syria have involved cyber attacks on Syrian opposition groups.

Joseph Hammond

See also: Bush, George W.; Cyber Espionage; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georgian Cyber Attack
(2008); Obama, Barack; Patriotic Hacking; Russia Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Givens, Austin. “Putin’s Cyber Strategy in Syria: Are Electronic Attacks Next?” Cyber Defense Review, November 17, 2015.
Thomas, Timothy L. “Nation-state Cyber Strategies: Examples from China and Russia.” In Cyberpower and National Security. Edited
by Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz. Dulles, VA: Potomac Books, 2009.


The U.S. Congress established the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 1996 to review areas
where the U.S. military can be reformed to better protect the nation. The QDR took on more
importance after the 9/11 attacks and the War on Terror began in Afghanistan. The report is released
every four years, and it is intended to ensure that the Department of Defense (DoD) conducts long-
term planning in regard to defense policy for the next 20 years. It is presented to the Armed Services
Committees of both the Senate and House of Representatives. The report must look at defense
concerns on land, sea, air, space, and cyber space, it focuses on defense concerns on a worldwide
scale. The inclusion of cyber space in the QDR shows how seriously the DoD is taking cyber threats
not only to the U.S. military but the United States as a nation as well.
Several issues have been raised about the QDR and implementing the recommendations made
within it. One concern is timing. Trying to plan so far ahead in terms of both physical and cyber
security is extremely difficult. Technology changes so rapidly, especially information technology, that
planning for 20 years into the future is difficult, if not impossible. There may be cyber threats that do
not even exist at the time of the report and become real concerns in the near future. Certain events
cannot be planned for, such as natural disasters, major cyber attacks, or man-made events, such as
nuclear or biological attacks.
Preparedness is an important part of the QDR, as it is the only way to plan for the future. As
conventional and cyber attacks can cause destruction on a national scale, they must be prevented
before any damage can be caused. Economic concerns are a focus of the DoD, particularly relating to
cyber warfare. Flexibility in response to threats and attacks has been highly recommended in every
QDR. The reliance of communications on the Internet also receives attention from the DoD. As
economic situations and national communication networks are open to cyber threats, the QDR allows
for future planning to protect vital areas of the U.S. economy and national security.
The DoD works on the assumption that the U.S. military has the advantage in cyber war and
defense. Research and development and funding of technology projects are an important part of the
recommendations made in the QDR to maintain their superiority. The threats of an enemy, both state
and nonstate, with advanced warfighting capabilities is a major concern of the DoD. To maintain this
advantage, constant research is needed, as information technology (IT) advances at a very quick rate.
The DoD plans to support projects that have the best potential for game-changing breakthroughs,
particularly in cyber warfare.
The QDR highlights the importance of maintaining offensive options as well. The DoD will work
under the laws of war, along with permission from the president, to eliminate any cyber threats in the
United States and aboard. Cooperation between the different branches of the military is stressed in the
QDR to respond to all manner of dangers. The QDR suggests setting up standing joint task forces to
respond to all threats, whether they come from land, sea, air, space, or cyber space.
Cooperation with other U.S. government departments is an important part of the QDR’s
recommendations for protecting against cyber threats. Working with the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is critical, as these departments need to
protect the communication and economic infrastructure of the United States. The DoD can provide
important information and experience with law enforcements agencies in the areas of cyber threats.
The QDR also focuses on cooperation with private industry to conduct research and to protect
vital infrastructures. Alliances are an important part of protecting the United States, especially in
cyber defense. Resources and information can be shared with allies, which will allow better
responses to threats to prevent attacks from occurring.

Brad St. Croix

See also: Cyber Defense; Cyber Security; Department of Defense (DoD); Department of Homeland
Security (DHS); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Further Reading
Hagel, Charles. Quadrennial Defense Review. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, February 2014.
Noonan, Michael P. “The Quadrennial Defense Review and U.S. Defense Policy.” Orbis 50(3), 2006: 584–591.
Simon, Christopher A. Public Policy: Preferences and Outcomes. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007.

The RAND (Research and Development) Corporation is a think tank that provides strategic guidance,
in-depth analysis, and policy examinations to the U.S. government, the U.S. military, and associated
organizations. It was founded in 1948 as a collaborative partnership between the newly independent
U.S. Air Force and the Douglas Aircraft Company, but it has grown far beyond its initial size and
mission. RAND still receives funds from the U.S. government, but it has diversified to included
finances from private donors, universities, and the health care industry, all of whom have benefited
from previous RAND analyses. RAND now operates as a nonprofit organization with more than $250
million in annual revenues.
When General of the Air Force Henry H. Arnold envisioned the creation of RAND, he expected it
to serve as a means of developing long-range technological projects. In this regard, Arnold thought
that an independent agency would be best able to create major weapons improvements, including
some projects on the order of the Manhattan Project that might revolutionize the nature of warfare.
When the Douglas Aircraft Company became concerned that RAND’s theoretical research would
hinder the company’s ability to bid on major defense procurement projects, RAND was spun off into
a separate organization. Since that time, RAND has served in more of an advisory and analysis
capacity with government and private agencies, rather than in direct pursuit of hard research
objectives. RAND’s current mission statement is “to help improve policy and decision making
through research and analysis.”
RAND’s early contributions included major projects of systems analysis for the space program,
computer science, and in developing artificial intelligence (AI). RAND’s researchers were
instrumental in developing both the theoretical concept and the actual structure of the Internet, and
they have helped in the long-range planning for its improvement and governance. Most of RAND’s
research directly involves national security in some fashion, although it has also done major long-
term studies for other aspects of the U.S. government. RAND has served as a magnet for top talent,
with more than 30 Nobel Prize winners working with the organization in some fashion. Much of
RAND’s national security research is highly classified, but every piece of unclassified research is
posted on the RAND Web site for free public access.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Arquilla, John; Libicki, Martin

Further Reading
Abella, Alex. 2009. Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire. Boston: Mariner Books,
Ware, Willis H., ed. RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays and Vignettes. Santa Monica, CA: RAND
Corporation, 2008.

A red team can be defined as a group that engages in alternative analysis to challenge the assumptions
and procedures of an organization or entity that it is beneficially testing. Red teams have many
variations and include analytic, physical, and cyber-focused groups that may take on the persona of an
opposing force (OPFOR). A cyber red team (CRT) exists within a subset of red teaming activity,
typically performing penetration testing (pentesting) of computers and their networks. Both business
(private sector) and governmental (public sector) cyber red teams exist as well as some independent
collectives that view themselves as white hat, or positive, hacking groups. Examples of well-known
cyber red teams include the cyber component of Sandia Lab’s Information Design Assurance Red
Team (IDART); the National Security Agency’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO) group; and the
iSec Partners, a white hat company.
Cyber red teams can operate in one of two types of environments. The first type is the actual
computer operational environment, or, from a system administrator’s perspective, the production
environment. The strength of operating in this environment is that it provides the same picture that
outside attackers would achieve, while the dangers of using it are that it can cause programs to crash,
data to be lost, and sensitive information to be revealed. The production environment, in turn, can be
further subdivided into black-box tests in which no prior knowledge of or access to it exists, white-
box tests in which full knowledge and access of it exists, and gray-box tests that include some level of
knowledge and access.
The second type of operational environment, called a cyber range, is a simulated one used
specifically for red teaming purposes. The benefits of using this environment are that concepts,
technologies, and policies can be tested as well as new cyber-defense professionals trained. The
detriments of such ranges are that they can be costly to maintain and, ultimately, they represent
simulated non-real-world environments that do not operate the same as way as a production
When engaging in a cyber attack, a red team must overcome individual computer and broader
network defenses, reminiscent of an onion-peeling approach. At the most basic noniterated level, it
does this by means of a defined process or cycle, such as that derived from the four stages of
preparation planning, reconnaissance and information gathering, the execution phase, and after-action
analysis. A more advanced and iterated technical model engages in such attacks via a kill chain
approach derived from reconnaissance and weaponizing and then the cyber-engagement zone phases
of deliver, exploit, install, and command and control—actions that then repeat themselves over and
over again.
Great variability exists in cyber red team certification. In the case of the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD), a well-defined cyber red team certification and accreditation process exists. From
the commercial side, however, certified ethical hacking (CEH) training and confirmation is generally
viewed as both outdated and fairly meaningless.
Robert J. Bunker

See also: Cyber Security; Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA); Mitnick, Kevin; White Hat

Further Reading
Brangetto, Pascal, Emin Çalis¸kan, and Henry Rõigas. Cyber Red Teaming: Organisational, technical and legal implications in a
military context. Tallinn, Estonia: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), 2015.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Department of Defense Cyber Red Team Certification and Accreditation. CJCSM 6510.03,
February 28, 2013.
Sandia National Laboratories. The Information Design Assurance Red Team (IDART). Sandia, NM: Sandia Corporation, 2009.
Zenko, Micah. Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy. New York: Basic Books, 2015.


A remote administration tool (RAT) is a piece of software that allows a remote computer user to
control a computer or network as if physically located at the terminal in question. It typically includes
full administrator privileges, which places the affected system under the total control of the remote
user. While this concept is often used as a means to allow information technology professionals to
troubleshoot computers via the Internet, it is also a common form of attack carried out through
malware. Trojan horse programs, in particular, are often used to transmit a RAT into an infected
Once the remote user has gained administrative control of the target computer, he or she may be
capable of browsing files, downloading or deleting data, or even activating the hardware associated
with the computer. This might include turning on an attached camera or microphone for espionage
purposes. Many of the most devastating cyber attacks, particularly those involving an advanced
persistent threat (APT), have included the incorporation of RAT software to facilitate the attacker’s
ability to steal or destroy targeted information.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; GhostNet; Malware;
Operation Night Dragon; Operation Shady RAT; Operation Titan Rain; Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Lucas, Edward. Cyberphobia: Identity, Trust, Security and the Internet. New York: Bloomsbury, 2015.
Ventre, Daniel E. Chinese Cybersecurity and Defense. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014.

Senior leaders from 26 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations held a summit in Riga,
Latvia, to discuss the organization’s mission and transformation in 2006. Member nations formed
NATO in the late 1940s in response to Russian aggression and the formation of the Eastern Bloc.
When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1989 and the Eastern bloc democratized, NATO searched for a
new purpose to give meaning to its existence. Terrorism emerged as the new raison d’être, leading the
member nations to redefine the threat and their required military capabilities in the NATO Defense
Capabilities Initiative at the Washington, D.C., Summit in 1999. After the 9/11 tragedy, the fight
against terrorism expanded to engage terrorist-sponsoring states and failed states, such as
Afghanistan. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan required not only significant military resources and
political resolve but also nongovernmental organizations to conduct relief and construction efforts.
By 2006, many member nations questioned whether NATO had lost its focus and was now
overstretched in its worldwide commitments. Member nations had begun to specialize their military
capabilities as their defense budgets fell far below their commitment to 2 percent of their gross
domestic products. Five years of operations in Afghanistan highlighted gaps in military capabilities
between the nations and the operational readiness of the coalition force. At the same time, Vladimir
Putin had come to power in Russia and was rebuilding its military power based on a new, aggressive
nationalism. The Riga Summit brought member nations together to move national commitments to
concrete actions for the purpose of transforming the NATO military into a capable, relevant force.
NATO’s secretary general proposed six transformation objectives for the conference. Although
the spotlight focused on Afghanistan, other discussions tackled such significant issues as equitable
sharing of burdens and risks in combat zones; inclusion of nonstate actors in relief and construction
efforts; and alignment of NATO and EU efforts. Military transformation requirements fell into one of
five areas: joint maneuver and engagement; improved civilian-military relations; information
superiority and NATO network-enabled capabilities; expeditionary operations; and sustainable,
integrated logistics. Of those, the development and interoperability of member nations’ information
systems and the protection of those systems remained constant concerns.
After consideration of the progress to date and the projected threats, the member nations included
statements of the need for information superiority and the ability to defend against cyber attacks in the
summit’s Comprehensive Political Guidance statement. The statement led NATO to prepare an
assessment of its cyber-defense approach and to deliver it to Allied defense ministers in October
2007. The report highlighted the need to share information across NATO military partners while
maintaining secure communications. Not surprisingly, the report points to the political aspects of this
effort as the most relevant to developing common technical standards and protecting mechanisms both
for information networks and unmanned aerial systems.

Paul Clemans

See also: Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
(CCDCOE); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Further Reading
Libicki, Martin. Crisis and Escalation in Cyberspace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012.
Schmitt, Michael N. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. New York: Cambridge University Press,

Michael S. Rogers (1959–) is a U.S. Navy admiral who serves as commander of the U.S. Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM), director of the National Security Agency (NSA), and as chief of the
Central Security Service (CSS).
Rogers is a native of Chicago. He attended Auburn University and graduated in 1981. He
received his commission through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, and he graduated with
distinction from the National War College. He is also a Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Seminar XXI fellow and Harvard Senior Executive in National Security alumnus, and he holds a
master of science in national security strategy. He started his naval career as a surface warfare officer
(SWO) aboard the USS Caron, working in naval gunfire support operations off Grenada and Beirut
and maritime surveillance operations off El Salvador. He also served at the strike group level as the
senior cryptologist on the staff of the commander for Carrier Group 2/John F. Kennedy Carrier Strike
Group. In 1986, he was transferred from Unrestricted Line (URL) Officer to Restricted Line (RL)
Officer and redesignated as a cryptology (now known as information warfare) officer aboard the
USS La Salle. He has also led cryptologic direct support missions aboard U.S. submarines and
surface units in the Arabian Gulf and Mediterranean.
Between 1998 and 2000, Rogers commanded Naval Security Group Activity in Winter Harbor,
Maine. He also served at the Naval Security Group Department; at the Naval Communications Station
in Rota, Spain; at Naval Military Personnel Command; as commander in chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; at
the Bureau of Personnel as the cryptologic junior officer detailer; and at Commander, Naval Security
Group Command, as the aide and executive assistant to the commander.
During the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, Rogers joined the military’s Joint Staff, where he
specialized in computer network attacks. After becoming a flag officer in 2007, he served as director
of intelligence for the military’s Pacific Command. In 2009, he became director of intelligence for the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, and he was subsequently named commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command
(FCC) and commander of the U.S. Tenth Fleet, which is responsible for all U.S. Navy cyber-warfare
efforts. As such, Rogers was the first RL officer to serve as a numbered fleet commander and the first
Information Dominance Warfare officer to achieve the rank of vice admiral.
In January 2014, President Barack Obama announced Rogers’s nomination as director of the NSA
and the commander of the U.S. offensive cyber-space operations unit in the Department of Defense
(DoD). Rogers succeeded General Keith B. Alexander, who served as director for nine years. The
Senate unanimously approved Rogers’s appointment as head of USCYBERCOM. Since assuming the
directorship, Rogers has increased the command’s capabilities and has made progress in building its
133-team cyber mission force, to be accomplished by 2018. As director, Rogers focuses on cyber
defense, but as of January 2016, he plans to extend USCYBERCOM’s focus to systems and platforms.

Angela M. Riotto

See also: Cryptography; Cyber Defense; Department of Defense (DoD); Encryption; National
Security Agency (NSA)

Further Reading
Lovelace, Douglas C., Jr. Terrorism: Commentary on Security Documents: Hybrid Warfare and the Gray Zone Threat. Vol. 141.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
McGhee, James E. “Hack, Attack or Whack: The Politics of Imprecision in Cyber Law.” Journal of Law and Cyber Warfare 4(1),
Winter 2014: 13–41.
Donald H. Rumsfeld is best known for serving two terms as secretary of defense, under presidents
Gerald R. Ford (1975–1977) and George W. Bush (2001–2006). Rumsfeld was born in Chicago on
July 9, 1932, and in 1954, he graduated from Princeton University in the Naval Reserve Officers
Training Corps. Rumsfeld served as a pilot in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1957, after which he joined
the Naval Reserve. In 1989, Rumsfeld retired as a captain.
At the age of 30, Rumsfeld was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for the Illinois 13th
Congressional District (1963–1969). In 1969, Rumsfeld joined the administration of President
Richard Nixon, and in 1973, he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO). As the secretary of defense under President Ford, Rumsfeld guided the
transition of the U.S. military to an all-volunteer force. In 1977, he was awarded the Presidential
Medal of Freedom. After time in the private sector, Rumsfeld was reappointed as the secretary of
defense in 2001, where he oversaw the invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003.
President Bush also tasked Rumsfeld with modernizing the U.S. military. The resulting doctrine,
termed the “Rumsfeld Doctrine” by journalists, emphasized a smaller but more flexible, deployable,
and precise military force that employed network-centric warfare (NCW). In 2002, Rumsfeld warned
of the threat of cyber war to national security and formed the Joint Task Force–Computer Network

Mary Elizabeth Walters

See also: Bush, George W.; Department of Defense (DoD); Net-centric Warfare (NCW)

Further Reading
Graham, Bradley. By His Own Rules: The Ambitions, Successes, and Ultimate Failures of Donald Rumsfeld. New York: Public
Affairs, 2009.
Rumsfeld, Donald. Known and Unknown: A Memoir. New York: Sentinel, 2011.


As the inheritor of much of the military and technological infrastructure of the former Soviet Union,
the Russian Federation is one of the most technologically advanced nations on earth, particularly
regarding cyber capabilities. The collapse of the Soviet Union allowed the rise of enormous Russian
criminal networks, many of which have focused on the burgeoning field of cyber crime. The Russian
economy, which has been in turmoil for decades, causes many individuals with advanced computer
programming skills to turn to criminal activities when they have failed to find legitimate employment.
The Russian intelligence services, which have always been regarded as some of the most capable in
the world, have also turned toward cyber activities as a major means of conducting espionage
The Russian government, realizing that it does not possess the resources necessary to directly
challenge the military forces of the People’s Republic of China or the United States, has embraced a
form of hybrid warfare, relying on irregular forces backed by conventional units to bolster an
aggressive foreign policy. In the cyber domain, this has led to the development of patriotic hackers,
individuals willing to use their computer skills on behalf of the government’s objectives, even if they
may not be directly connected to the Russian government. These individuals have played an outsized
role in resolving Russian conflicts with several neighbors and, in the process, have demonstrated
how even relatively unsophisticated cyber attacks can have a significant effect if they are conducted
on a grand scale.
The nations of Russia and Estonia have a long history of conflict, albeit in a very lopsided
fashion. After centuries of Russian domination, the republic of Estonia proclaimed its independence
in 1918 and achieved international recognition as a separate nation in 1920. In 1940, the Soviet Union
invaded Estonia, but it only occupied the country for a few months before being driven out by
Germany, who held the territory until 1944, when the Soviets again conquered the region. In the
aftermath of World War II, Estonia was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union as a Soviet
Socialist Republic, and it remained a part of the USSR until its collapse in 1991, when Estonia once
again proclaimed independence.
In 2004, the small Baltic republic joined both the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), two moves that irritated the Russian government, which saw its previous
hegemony in the region in continual decline. In 2007, the Estonian legislature passed the Forbidden
Structures Law, which required any public vestiges of the Soviet occupation of Estonia to be removed
from public lands. This included a massive bronze statue of a Soviet soldier that had been erected in
the capital city, Tallinn, at the end of World War II. The statue symbolized the Russian determination
to defeat Nazi Germany and was surrounded by the graves of Red Army soldiers. Any attempt to
remove it might upset the significant Russian minority in Estonia as well as the Russian government in
Moscow. Nevertheless, the Estonian government chose to move the statue to a new and less
prominent location in the national military cemetery, a move that absolutely infuriated citizens of
Russian heritage and Russian nationalists throughout the much larger neighbor.
The statue’s removal did not provoke a full-scale invasion by Russian forces, a move that might
trigger a much larger conflict with NATO forces. Instead, the entire nation of Estonia was hit by a
series of massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, primarily originating from Russia.
Tens of thousands of botnet computers began to flood the Estonian computer servers with requests for
information and Web site access. The result was essentially a massive cyber traffic jam, one that
knocked hundreds of Estonian government and financial servers off-line.
Unlike a typical DDoS attack, which might be considered a nuisance and last only a few days, the
DDoS attacks on the Estonian cyber system continued to increase in intensity and soon began to have
a significant effect on the Estonian economy. Estonia is one of the most Internet-dependent societies
on earth, with an enormous percentage of the population relying on the Internet for information,
banking, and employment. The massive attacks against Estonian servers essentially brought the entire
Internet to a nationwide halt. Every attempt to reset the servers brought a renewed flood of DDoS
attacks, and soon over a million computers were included in the attacks, most of them probably being
used without their owners’ knowledge or consent.
The Estonian government reached out to its new economic and military partners for assistance,
including a complaint to the North Atlantic Council, the governing body of NATO. Cyber experts
rushed to Tallinn to offer assistance, but they could do little to halt the unprecedented flood of DDoS
attacks. Attempts to trace the attackers demonstrated that the botnets were being reprogrammed to
counter any efforts to stop the attacks. Unfortunately, the cyber-security technicians could not
definitively prove the original source of the attacks, even though some evidence showed that much of
the coding for the attack programs had been produced on Cyrillic-alphabet keyboards.
Entreaties for help from the Russian government fell on deaf ears. Not only did the Russians
adamantly deny any responsibility for the attacks, they also refused to participate in any investigative
attempts or to allow any cyber investigators access to Russian systems. Even when evidence
demonstrated that the botnet controllers were in Russia, the government suggested that Russian
patriots might have attacked on their own volition, for which they would not be punished by the
Russian government.
Eventually, the diplomatic crisis faded and so did the attacks on the Estonian infrastructure. The
bronze statue remained in its new location, although the Estonians did deign to engage in some
beautification projects in the area to give it more prominence. NATO also created a cyber-defense
center in Estonia, which opened in 2008. Of course, in the cyber domain, the location of such a center
is largely irrelevant, but its presence on Estonian soil served as a symbol of NATO’s resolve to
defend the nation, whether against physical or cyber attacks.
In the year after the Estonian cyber attacks, the Russian government turned its attention to a
different former Soviet vassal, the tiny Republic of Georgia on the Black Sea. Like Estonia, Georgia
had attempted to take advantage of the chaos caused by World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution to
declare independence from Russia. Its attempt proved far less successful, and once the Russian Civil
War concluded in 1921, Soviet troops crushed the breakaway republic and brought it firmly back into
the Soviet fold. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Georgia was one of the first republics to proclaim
its independence, and, like Estonia, it sought to join NATO in the aftermath of the Cold War, although
its application was rejected due to issues of autocratic governance and corruption. In 2008, Georgia
became embroiled in a conflict with two of its semiautonomous provinces, South Ossetia and
Abkhazia, each of which had a Russian-majority population. A Georgian invasion of South Ossetia
provoked an immediate Russian military response, which quickly drove the Georgian armed forces
out and threatened to overwhelm the entire Georgian nation.
Russian cyber forces acted decisively in support of the Russian invasion of Georgia. Massive
DDoS attacks sought to isolate the Georgian population both from the Georgian government and from
the rest of the world. Not only did the attacks seek to disable Georgian government servers and media
outlets, they also sought to spread pro-Russian propaganda. Targeted attacks went after the Georgian
banking system, and when Georgian banks cut their Internet connections with the hope of protecting
their clients’ information, Russian botnets began sending false messages simulating cyber attacks from
the Georgian banks, aimed at the European banking system. This, in turn, triggered a host of defense
mechanisms that only served to further isolate the Georgian banking system and to shut down any
ability to process credit card payments in Georgia. Shortly afterward, the entire Georgian mobile
phone network was taken off-line by DDoS attacks, effectively cutting off the small nation from most
of the outside world.
Faced with overwhelming military and cyber force, the Georgian government was forced to sign a
humiliating peace accord with the Russian government, dropping all claims to South Ossetia and
Abkhazia, both of which soon voted to be annexed into Russia, and allowing Russian forces to retain
control over a buffer zone until relieved by UN peacekeeping forces that never arrived.
As in the Estonian case from the year before, the Russian government denied that it had ordered
any form of cyber offensive against Georgia and suggested that any such attacks must have been
conducted by patriotic Russians on their own volition. In both cases, the cyber methodology was
relatively crude, in that it involved a brute-force DDoS approach that required enormous botnets to
continually evolve and continue their attacks. Despite the primitive approach, though, both attacks
were remarkably effective and demonstrated the willingness and capabilities of the Russian
government and its compatriots to use cyber attacks as a major force enabler to complement physical
In February 2014, Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych was ousted from office and fled to
Russia for protection. Armed forces quickly began seizing positions in Eastern Ukraine and the
Crimean Peninsula, both of which have a majority population of ethnic Russian heritage. On March
18, 2014, Russia formally annexed Crimea, over the protest of Ukraine and neutral observer nations.
Pro-Russian militants in the easternmost provinces also demanded independence from the Ukrainian
government and subsequent annexation by Russia. They may have received both covert funding and
overt military assistance from the Russian government, although Russian president Vladimir Putin has
repeatedly denied any such intervention into the affairs of Ukraine. Certainly, by the summer of 2014,
Russian military units had entered portions of Eastern Ukraine and seized territory. Unsurprisingly,
Russian cyber forces have been intimately involved in the conflict from its very beginning.
As was the case in Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in 2008, hackers in Russia began targeting
Ukrainian government Web sites and major corporations, vandalizing Web sites and shutting down
servers through DDoS attacks. These patriotic hackers also sought to control the flow of information
from the disputed region to the rest of the world, in part by attempting to shut down media
transmissions of conditions in the area and in part by overwhelming social media discussions of the
crisis with coordinated messages defending the Russian position and actions.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Botnet; Cyber Crime; Dark Web; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georbot; Georgian Cyber
Attack (2008); Kaspersky Lab; Kaspersky, Yevgeniy “Eugene” Valentinovich; Patriotic Hacking;
People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities; Putin, Vladimir; Russian Business Network (RBN);
Rustock Botnet; Snowden, Edward J.; United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.
Thomas, Timothy L. “Nation-state Cyber Strategies: Examples from China and Russia,” 465–488. In Cyberpower and National
Security. Edited by Franklin D. Kramer, Stuart H. Starr, and Larry K. Wentz. Dulles, VA: Potomac Books, 2009.


The Russian Business Network (RBN) is one of the largest cyber-crime organizations in the world. It
offers hosting services for a wide variety of illegal Web sites, including ones that specialize in
identity theft, credit card fraud, and child pornography. It also collaborates with the largest spam
operators and malware distributers in cyber space. The RBN was registered in St. Petersburg,
Russia, in 2006, and it quickly grew into an international criminal network. Many of its activities
have proven impossible to trace by global authorities, in part because the Russian government turns a
blind eye to the RBN’s activities as long as it does not target Russian interests or institutions.
In addition to providing hosting services for illicit networks, the RBN also serves as a
clearinghouse for cyber mercenaries, offering up enormous botnet resources for rental that can then be
used in DDoS attacks. Businesses that have criticized the RBN for its practices have encountered an
almost endless stream of attacks originating from the RBN’s servers, which are housed on hundreds
of networks in dozens of countries. The massive DDoS attacks on Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in
2008 may have been initiated by the RBN, possibly with some degree of government collusion. There
is some evidence that the RBN’s founder, who is known only by his online nickname “Flyman,” may
be related to a powerful Russian politician, which would account for some of the protections that the
RBN has been able to claim from the Russian government.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Botnet; Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Dark Web; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georbot;
Georgian Cyber Attack (2008); Malware; Patriotic Hacking; Putin, Vladimir; Russia Cyber

Further Reading
Krebs, Brian. “Shadowy Russian Firm Seen as Conduit for Cybercrime.” Washington Post, October 13, 2007.
“A Walk on the Dark Side.” The Economist, August 30, 2007. http://www.economist.com/node/9723768.
Warren, Peter. “Hunt for Russia’s Web Criminals.” The Guardian, November 15, 2007.

Rustock botnet is a spamming network that operated from around early 2006 until March 2011. This
botnet operated over five years, making it one of the most persistent in history. The botnet affects
Microsoft Windows computer users. At Rustock’s peak performance, the botnet was able to generate
over 30 billion spam e-mails per day. Most of the spam e-mails sent were mostly junk pharmaceutical
advertisements, such as counterfeit Viagra offers.
As a botnet, Rustock first had to infect computers using rootkit technology, which allows malware
to stay under the radar from the user’s presence and antivirus software scans. This infection can be
accomplished either through accessing an infected Web page or through a Trojan horse program
embedded in an infected attachment. Once the computer is infected, the computer then tries to link up
to a command and control server. The server transmits instructions to the infected computer, which
then tries to distribute the malware and recruit other computers into the collective for further spam
distributions or distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS). In Rustock’s case, the goal was
primarily distributing spam. Rustock’s infection reached between 850,000 and 2.4 million machines.
During the early stages of Rustock’s virus release on the Internet, the emergence was subtle as to
not raise suspension. The botnet first experienced a setback in 2008 after its Internet service provider
(ISP) that hosted control servers at McColo were shut down by Global Crossing and Hurricane
Electric. McColo, a rogue network provider based in San Jose, was a known malware and botnet
trafficking site. Half the world’s spam came from this location. McColo’s servers regained
connection to the Internet for several hours, which allowed the botnet to transfer control to other
servers somewhere in Russia, according to Trend Micro.
The botnet was finally taken down on March 16, 2011, by a consolidated effort from a consortium
of company experts during Operation b107. The consortium consisted of Microsoft, Pfizer, FireEye,
the University of Washington, the Netherland Police Agency, and CNCERT/CC, a Chinese security
response organization. These coordinated efforts allowed the U.S. Marshal’s Service to seize over 26
core servers in seven U.S. cities (Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Scranton, and
Seattle) along with two overseas locations. Internet providers were then able to block access to the
ISP ranges used to control this spamming barrage. Because most of Rustock’s servers were located
within the United States, it evaded most detection efforts, which typically focused on intercepting
overseas traffic.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Botnet; Cyber Crime; Malware; Russian Business Network (RBN)

Further Reading
Bright, Peter. “How Operation b107 Decapitated the Rustock Botnet.” ARS Technica, March 22, 2011.
Goodin, Dan. “Dead Network Provider Arms Rustock Botnet from the Hereafter: McColo Dials Russia as World Sleeps.” The Register,
November 18, 2008.
Krebs, Brian. “Host of Internet Spam Groups Is Cut Off.” Washington Post, November 12, 2008.
Lanstein, Alex. “An Overview of Rustock.” FireEye, March 19, 2011. https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2011/03/an-


The U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) was established in 2010 to centralize cyber warfare
and information operations activities in an “operational level of war” command. ARCYBER
functions as an operational army force reporting directly to the chief of staff of the army (CSA) at
Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA). At the direction of the secretary of defense, the
secretary of the army assigned ARCYBER to U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to function
as the Army Force Component Headquarters of U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER).
ARCYBER directs and conducts integrated electronic warfare, information, and cyber-space
operations as authorized or directed. The mission of ARCYBER is to ensure freedom of action in and
through cyber space and to deny freedom of action in and through cyber space to adversaries of the
United States and its allies.
In 2014, the Second Army was reactivated, and its assigned elements comprise an army force
retained by and assigned to the secretary of the army in accordance with Title 10, U.S. Code (USC),
to carry out the “man, train and equip” functions assigned to the secretary of the army. Second Army is
a direct reporting unit of the HQDA chief information officer in the execution of administrative,
policy, management, architecture, and compliance responsibilities as delineated in applicable USC.
The commanding general, ARCYBER, and Second Army have headquarters elements at Fort
Belvoir, VA; Fort Meade, MD; and Fort Gordon, GA. Subordinate units reporting directly to the
commanding general are the Joint Force Headquarters–Cyber (JFHQ-C), Fort Gordon, GA; Network
Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM), Fort Huachuca, AZ; 780th Military Intelligence
Brigade (MI BDE), Fort Meade, MD; First Information Operations (IO) Command (Land), Fort
Belvoir, VA; and U.S. Army Cyber Protection Brigade (BDE), Fort Gordon, GA. NETCOM’s mission
is to install, engineer, operate, and defend army network capabilities; 780th MI BDE’s mission is to
conduct signals intelligence (SIGINT), execute computer network operations (CNO), enable dynamic
computer network defense (CND), and achieve operational effects in support of army, combatant
command and Department of Defense (DoD) operations; the mission of First IO Command (Land) is
to provide deployable support teams, opposing forces support, reach-back planning and analysis, and
specialized training, and the Cyber Protection BDE’s mission is to evaluate and respond to
unexpected and dynamic cyber situations; defend the nation in response to hostile action and imminent
cyber threats; conduct global cyber-space operations to deter, disrupt, and defeat adversary’s cyber-
space efforts; and defend the United States through specialized cyber support missions. In 2014, the
U.S. Army Cyber School was unveiled at Fort Gordon, with a mission to provide specialized training
to build a highly skilled cyber effects and electronic warfare workforce. Soon after the opening of the
cyber school, the U.S. Army Cyber Branch was established as a basic branch of the army, the first
new army branch to be created since Special Forces in 1987.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Department of Defense (DoD); U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER); U.S.
Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); U.S. Tenth Fleet

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

Second Life is an online virtual community launched in 2003 by Linden Laboratories of San
Francisco, California. Within a decade of its launch, Second Life had approximately 1 million regular
users, regular users being defined as someone who logs into the system almost daily. Second Life is
not classified as a game, as there is no scoring system, enforced competition, or objectives provided
for users. Rather, Second Life users define how they will choose to interact with their online world.
Linden Laboratories and third-party providers have created a free set of programs to allow
access to Second Life. Members of the Second Life community, who call themselves residents, build
virtual representations of themselves (avatars) and then proceed to interact with other users,
locations, and objects within the Second Life world. They can purchase access to virtual objects and
property, which can be traded within the Second Life world, and avatars can also be used to build
new content. Within the Second Life community, there is a virtual currency, Linden Dollars, that can
be exchanged with a variety of real-world currencies.
One of the revolutionary aspects of this network is the ability to use an included three-
dimensional modeling utility to allow the construction of virtual objects by residents of Second Life.
Those objects can be programmed to interact with avatars through the incorporation of Linden
Scripting Language commands. Users are allowed to copyright their creations within Second Life, a
fact that has allowed some residents to develop lucrative businesses within the Second Life
Second Life has become an increasingly popular form of social media for real-world institutions.
For example, many colleges, universities, and libraries have used Second Life as an outreach
platform. Those organizations have often recreated their real-world physical structures in the Second
Life world and then encouraged residents to visit and interact with their unique resources and
collections. Similarly, artistic communities in Second Life have created virtual adaptions of art
exhibits, music performances, and live theater. Sporting leagues within the Second Life platform offer
a wide variety of competitive opportunities for residents so inclined.
One unique location within Second Life is Diplomacy Island. The Maldives was the first country
to formally open an embassy within Second Life, and they were soon joined by a Swedish embassy.
Other nations have begun to follow suit. These locations allow users to interact with computer-based
“ambassadors” to discuss visas, trade inquiries, and other international issues. The embassies also
offer an opportunity for host nations to promote their tourism industries and educate others about their
Not surprisingly, religious organizations quickly grasped the outreach potential offered by a
Second Life presence. An Egyptian Web site, Islam Online, purchased territory in Second Life to
recreate the sacred Hajj in virtual form, allowing would-be pilgrims to inquire about specific
challenges faced on the trip to Mecca. Several major Christian churches have established campuses
in Second Life, and they encourage members from around the world to attend virtual services.
Military forces from around the world have also begun to use Second Life as a recruitment and
outreach tool. In particular, countries that heavily recruit outside of their own borders have found
Second Life to be a useful tool for contacting potential servicemembers. Intelligence agencies have
also begun to use Second Life as a potential means to harvest information from global users, often
through the practice of social engineering. Scientific communities have experimented with Second
Life as a potential collaborative platform, bringing together interested researchers to coordinate
efforts on specific projects and holding virtual conferences to exchange new concepts.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Internet; Social Engineering

Further Reading
Boellstorff, Tom. Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2008.
Malaby, Thomas M. Making Virtual Worlds: Linden Lab and Second Life. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2009.

A server is a network computer that stores information and executes tasks for clients. Tasks may
include access to Web sites, file retrieval, and e-mail services. One particularly important example of
server technology is the Domain Name System (DNS), which searches various name servers for
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Shopping cart technology, which enables secure electronic
commerce (e-commerce), is another example of server software. Servers are also used to control
functions on a local area network (LAN), such as printing.
The terms host and server are often used synonymously, but not all hosts are servers. Servers are
often distinguished by their specialized functions (such as a name server or commerce server) and
their ability to share workloads with clients. This distribution of tasks reduces network traffic and
requires less processing power. The client-server relationship is considered a technological advance
from the terminal-host relationship, in which a host computer performs all the work as directed by the
user through a terminal.
Client-server technology developed in the 1980s, as the expanded use of personal computers
(PCs) and LANs increased user capabilities and created a need for more efficient networking
processes. Novell’s Netware 2.0 operating system, released in 1985, helped standardize this new

Christopher G. Marquis

See also: Authentication; Domain Name System (DNS); E-commerce; Encryption; Software; Tier 1
Internet Service Provider

Further Reading
Jansen, Erin. NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary. Ojai, CA: NetLingo, Inc. 2002.
Moschovitis, Christos J. P., Hilary Poole, Tami Schuyler, Theresa M. Senft. History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the
Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1999.

The Shamoon virus is a self-replicating modular computer virus that was discovered in August 2012
by Seculert, Kaspersky Lab, and Symantec Corporation. Shamoon appears to be a program designed
primarily for cyber sabotage. The virus affects both Microsoft Windows client and server-based
machines and is spread from one infected computer to another within the network. According to
Symantec, the virus contains three components: a dropper, a wiper, and a reporter. The dropper is the
primary component that initiates the copying and execution of itself as well as embedding the other
components into the system. The wiper is the destructive component that deletes files and overwrites
files with corrupted JPEG images. The reporter transmits the virus information back to the attacker.
The virus basically renders the infected computer systems unusable.
The virus appears to only attack energy companies. The most notable attacks were on Saudi
Aramco, the Saudi Arabian national oil company, and RasGas, a natural gas company in Qatar. The
Saudi Aramco attack occurred on August 15, 2012, and infected approximately 30,000 computers,
while the RasGas attack occurred on August 27, 2012. Both companies spent over a week restoring
their services. A group calling itself Cutting Sword of Justice claimed responsibility for the attack on
Saudi Armaco, although it appears that a disgruntled Aramco employee initiated the attack.

Steven A. Quillman

See also: Aramco Attack; Cyber Sabotage; Malware

Further Reading
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Zetter, Kim. “Qatari Gas Company Hit with Virus in Wave of Attacks on Energy Companies.” Wired, August 30, 2012.

Silk Road is the name of the online black market Web site launched in 2011 by creator Ross William
Ulbricht, known by the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts.” Silk Road was notorious for allowing
individuals to purchase illicit or illegal substances and items without fear of being discovered by law
enforcement. The name is derived from the ancient Silk Road, which connected the Asian continent to
the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
The cyber Silk Road was hidden from investigators on what is known as the dark web. Silk Road
used the Onion Router (TOR) to protect the identity of those visiting the site by using techniques that
stop investigators’ ability to trace Internet traffic back to users. TOR is able to hide the identity of
individuals by weaving their connection over the Internet through multiple servers; thereby making
any attempt to trace back useless, as there is no clear point of origin.
Additionally, users paid using Bitcoin, an electronic currency. Bitcoin is a decentralized and
virtual currency that is unable to be traced back to the buyer. Shoppers on the Silk Road exchanged
their individual currency online for Bitcoins. Therefore, when consumers made a purchase, the only
record of exchange showed a transaction of cyber monies.
In October 2013, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) discovered, and gained control over,
the administrative server for Silk Road. Afterward, they were able to seize control of the marketplace
and forced the site out of business, although similar sites have emerged to fill the vacuum left by its

Jason R. Kluk

See also: Bitcoin; Cyber Crime; Dark Web; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); The Onion Router

Further Reading
Chander, Anupam. The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 2013.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

The Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) is a computer network maintained and used
by the Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agencies to transmit information classified
at the “Secret” level. In addition to secure communications via e-mail, SIPRNet is capable of
hypertext document access and video teleconferencing. Because SIPRNet is designed for the
transmission of classified materials, access to the network is strictly controlled. Users must hold an
appropriate security clearance and can only work on certain computer terminals capable of accessing
the network. The hardware required for SIPRNet access is provided by the users’ organizations and
is unique to the network.
Like the unclassified NIPRNet and the “Top Secret” JWICS network, SIPRNet allows for the
centralized control of cyber-security issues and enterprise-level responses to cyber threats. Transfer
of materials onto and off of the SIPRNet requires adherence to a set of formal security protocols
designed to prevent the loss of classified data. Materials from the SIPRNet were included in Bradley
Manning’s massive 2010 leak of classified materials to WikiLeaks. SIPRNet has been exposed to
malware on at least one occasion, an event that demonstrated that the network possessed insufficient
internal security measures, meaning that once the network had been penetrated, the malware spread
very rapidly throughout SIPRNet.
SIPRNet operates at a lower transmission speed than NIPRNet, largely due to the requirements of
security considerations. The centralized security system allows for rapid responses to cyber threats.
Nevertheless, SIPRNet is the key mechanism for operational planning and other day-to-day DoD
communications activities. SIPRNet supports the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) and
the Defense Message System (DMS), each of which are vital to daily military operations.

Jeffrey R. Cares
See also: ARPANET; Cyber Defense; Department of Defense (DoD); Domain Name Server; JWICS
Network; NIPRNet

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

Edward J. Snowden (1983–) is a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and U.S.
government contractor. His revelation of classified and other information that he obtained as part of
his interactions with the U.S. intelligence community generated a great deal of attention around the
world. This information involved areas of intrusion on the privacy of individuals and organizations in
the United States and digital and computer security and led to a vigorous debate across the globe on
these issues. This debate continues today. Snowden fled the country in anticipation that he would face
prosecution for his unauthorized actions and traveled to Russia, where he was first granted a year of
temporary asylum and then, in August 2014, three years of formal residency in Russia. Documents
collected under questionable circumstances continue to be released by Snowden and his contacts
among journalists around the world. These documents describe a variety of secret and largely
unaccountable practices across the domestic and international intelligence community.
Born on June 21, 1983, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Snowden was raised in an upper-
middle-class family. His father, Lonnie Snowden, was an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, and his
mother, Elizabeth B. Snowden, was a court official and, as of this writing, serves as the chief deputy
at the U.S. District Court for the Judicial District of Maryland. When Snowden was in high school, he
contracted mononucleosis and was unable to attend school for more than eight months. He did not
return to high school, but instead completed the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) examination
and then attended but did not graduate from Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland. He has
also completed work toward a master’s degree through an online program at the University of
Liverpool in the United Kingdom.
Snowden enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve, but he was discharged from the program after
breaking both legs in a training accident. Later, he worked for less than a year as a security guard at
the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Study of Language at the university’s College Park,
Maryland, campus. After attending a job fair, where he described himself as a “computer wizard,”
Snowden was hired by the CIA in the global communications division at CIA headquarters in Langley,
Virginia. His responsibilities included monitoring the security status of agency computers and
participating in the creation of programs to protect the security of data collected and generated across
the CIA’s areas of responsibility.
During his work first with the CIA and then with various contractor organizations, Snowden
discovered that the CIA and other arms of the U.S. intelligence community were operating in ways
that he found morally and ethically questionable. As early as 2009, Snowden began collecting “Top
Secret” documents to support his beliefs while working as a contractor for the Dell Computer
Corporation. This document collection continued as Snowden proceeded through a variety of
assignments, where he was exposed to more detailed information regarding these practices, which he
found objectionable. The documents eventually became part of a series of files that Snowden
produced on practices that he found invasive and disturbing.
Snowden was able to collect this information as a result of his various assignments in the CIA and
later when he was transferred to the National Security Agency (NSA). It was at the NSA that he
collected the bulk of the material that would later be released as part of his unauthorized disclosures
on the practices of these agencies. In May of 2013, Snowden told his NSA employers that he needed a
leave of absence for treatment of epilepsy and flew to Hong Kong, China, where he had arranged a
meeting with journalists from The Guardian, a prominent newspaper in the United Kingdom, and a
filmmaker, Laura Poitras, to begin the process of releasing the documents he had collected. Poitras’s
documentary on his story, called Citizen Four, won the Academy Award for Best Documentary for
2015, and did much to publicize Snowden’s justification for his actions. When The Guardian
published the first of his documents, he sought and eventually received temporary asylum in Russia
rather than return to the United States, where he would almost certainly have faced charges for the
unauthorized release of classified information.
The documents supplied to the press by Snowden show that the U.S. intelligence community and
its partners around the world, including agencies of the United Kingdom, Israel, and Germany, among
others, indicate that these agencies are involved in mass surveillance of U.S. citizens domestically
and around the world. This surveillance is conducted without the required warrants and in the
absence of probable cause; much of the data appeared to be the sort of routine records that are
produced when people use computers, fixed and mobile phones, and other devices to communicate
with each other. The surveillance goes well beyond that which might be performed for legitimate law
enforcement or counterterrorism purposes and includes collection of data from civilian organizations,
such as cell phone service providers, in situations that are removed from any demonstrable
intelligence value or purpose. These disclosures have caused U.S. officials to admit a need for
investigation and greater transparency in the intelligence-gathering activities of the U.S. government.
They have also been deeply embarrassing to U.S. officials, who, while appearing to support the
requirements of the U.S. Constitution with regard to permissible searches and seizures, have
permitted the warrantless gathering of private data to continue.
Snowden’s accounts of policy abuses in the NSA and other arms of the U.S. intelligence
community are not without confirmation. In 2016, The Guardian published an account of a former
assistant inspector general at the Pentagon, John Crane, who, like Snowden, had concerns about
certain practices of the intelligence agencies he was associated with. Crane attempted to bring his
concerns about what he felt were wasteful, illegal, and unconstitutional actions by the NSA, but he
found that the system in place to address such concerns was not productive. He then forwarded his
concerns to members of the U.S. Congress and initiated a whistle-blower complaint to the Pentagon’s
Inspector General’s office under the understanding that his identity would not be revealed. The
Inspector General’s office subsequently revealed Crane’s identity to the Justice Department, and a
criminal prosecution against him was started. Crane was charged with 10 felony counts of espionage.
The charges were eventually dropped, but Crane was professionally ruined. He resigned from the
NSA in January 2013.
According to Snowden, Crane’s experience demonstrated inadequacies in the checks and
balances in the NSA and support his claim that these checks and balances were likewise inadequate
to protect him had he pursued his grievances through existing channels. Snowden has stated that these
problems illustrate the insincerity of the claims of a variety of U.S. officials, including President
Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that Snowden’s grievances would have been
heard and protections against recriminations provided had he made use of the avenues available to
employees of the intelligence agencies of the United States. Snowden has subsequently called for a
complete overhaul in the whistle-blower protections available to those in the U.S. intelligence
community to protect those who seek to expose wrongdoing.
After a year of temporary asylum in Russia, Snowden was granted three years’ formal residency
there, starting in August 2014, and documents from his collection continue to be published. These
documents reveal a variety of secret and unaccountable practices across the domestic and
international intelligence community. Attempts to extradite Snowden from his asylum in Russia have
so far been unsuccessful. Vladimir Putin, a former intelligence agent himself, has stated unequivocally
that Russia will take no part in Snowden’s return to the United States, but he also made it clear that he
did not wish for Snowden’s presence in Russia to further damage relations with the United States.
According to Putin, if Snowden wishes to remain in Russia, he must refrain from causing additional
harm to the United States. What actions would constitute harm, however, were not specified, and this
statement has not stopped the continued release of Snowden’s documents. The controversy continues
as of this writing. Meanwhile, at least 19 proposals for legislative reform of the intelligence
community’s practices are pending in the U.S. Congress.
A subject of debate that continues, Snowden has variously been called a hero, a whistle-blower, a
dissident, and a traitor. His disclosures continue to fuel intense public interest and serious concerns
about mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance that should exist between information
privacy and national security in a free society. In the summer of 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice
unsealed charges against Snowden under the Espionage Act of 1917 that are pending.

Mary Lynn Bartlett

See also: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); Cyber Espionage; National Security Agency (NSA);
PRISM Program; United States Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Fidler, David P., ed. The Snowden Reader. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2015.
Gellman, Barton. Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the Surveillance State. London: Penguin, 2016.
Greenwald, Glenn. No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. New York: Metropolitan Books,
Harding, Luke. The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man. New York: Vintage Books, 2014.

Social engineering is the deliberate study, manipulation, and use of a target’s social context, values,
and interests to elicit desired behavior. The use of cognitive biases—the expectations people have
about the social contract, markers of authority, trust, and personal vanity—to provoke actions far
predates the social science that labeled them and is a key component of salesmanship, politics, police
work, and religion, although in its most exploitative form it is the basis of confidence games, psychic
cold readings and financial scams. Traditional social engineering most often takes place in person,
with a premium placed on the ability of the practitioner to read the visual and social clues of a
situation and use them, and requires significant social skills and the ability to operate in a complex
interpersonal situation without being caught or exposed.
In a 21st-century world of information security, social engineering is a much broader practice of
exploitation to gain access to private information or secured networks for the purpose of illicit or
illegal use. Some plans still require personal contact and may be schemes to walk past security in a
building by wearing the uniform of an expected package delivery service or convincing a receptionist
that the intruder needs access to a phone or a restroom. Organizations that do not dispose of
confidential materials properly can be exploited by a determined dumpster diver. Other plans that
take advantage of physical proximity may include leaving flash drives in employee spaces, labeled in
ways that make it hard for people to resist plugging them into their work computers and thus exposing
the network to viruses and hacking. A skilled social engineer can also often get targets to reveal key
information about themselves in person by signing them up for prizes, surveys, or petitions, all of
which is just a continuation of the traditional skill set of con men.
Internet access opened new vistas for social engineering. The relative newness of the technology
and the open availability of massive amounts of personal information have been a boon for scammers,
hackers, and thieves. People who take steps to protect their person and property face-to-face are often
not attuned to the dangers posed by downloading online games, answering “fun” quizzes that ask for
the personal data most likely to be answers to security challenges (childhood address, grandparents’
names, high school mascots, etc.), or friending strangers in chat rooms and on social media. Phishing
attacks play on the assumed authority of banks and organizations like eBay to threaten people that
their accounts are under suspension, panicking recipients, who then lose their account numbers and
logins to scammers. The relatively low cost of sending thousands of e-mails promising love with
exotic partners or fortunes lost in the Nigerian civil war makes the handful of responses worthwhile
to online social engineers who will work the mark over an extended period of time for money and
access. Additionally, an experienced social engineer can quickly find background on targets’ political
and religious beliefs, family, location, and hobbies with ease, thanks to the ubiquity of apps like
Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp. A target can then be lured into downloading a coupon for a
favorite restaurant, going to a chat room for a niche hobby, or even approached in person once faux
commonalities are established with this information.
Because skillful social engineering exploits intimate vulnerabilities, it is very difficult to prevent.
Information-security training may mean little to the receptionist who lets in the interloper who makes
friendly small talk and asks to leave a package on a “friend’s” desk or to the person so excited about
free tickets to a favorite event that he clicks on a suspect link and is then too embarrassed to report it
to IT. Security firms can conduct tests of an organization’s security, but the myriad opportunities for
socially engineered attacks are endlessly adaptable and require an enormous investment in training,
empowering employees to refuse to obey people they don’t know and creating a desire to protect
company data. Individual people, even those who consider themselves technology savvy or wise to
scams, probably have some bias or blind spot that can be exploited by a clever and determined
opponent. In a world of technological warfare and security, social engineering assures that human
error and habits remain a vulnerability and opportunity.

Margaret D. Sankey
See also: Authentication; Hacker; Phishing; Spear Phishing

Further Reading
Hadnagy, Christopher. Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2011.
Russell, Ryan. Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft. Rockland, MD: Syngress, 2000.
Verma, Nina. Social Engineering: A Means to Violate a Computer System. New Delhi, India: Global Vision Pub. House, 2011.

Computer software is composed of encoded information in programmed form. It can be used to
supply a computer with commands, or it can supply information or functions to the computer user.
Software, in contrast to computer hardware, has no physical form and, as such, requires computer
hardware to function. In the same fashion, computer hardware that is not equipped with software has
no utility to a user. Computer software comes in many forms, including computer programs,
informational libraries, documentation systems, and digital media. Sophisticated computer programs
have been written that are capable of devising less-complex programs without the intervention of a
human programmer.
The most basic form of software is executable code that provides machine language instructions
for a computer processor. Most machine languages consist of binary value groups that can change a
computer’s status from a preceding state. These instructions can be used to change the information
stored on a central processing unit, which would not be directly observable by the user, or it might
change the value of anything provided on the computer display for the user. Typically, a processor
carries out the instructions provided in the order received, although it is possible to program the
processor to jump from one point in the program to another.
The vast majority of software is created in high-level programming languages that are far more
efficient for programmers and then translated via compilers or interpreters into a form more easily
used by a machine. It is possible, although time-consuming, to produce software directly in a low-
level programming language, which then allows a faster translation to machine language using an
assembler, but such approaches are relatively rare.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Hardware; Malware

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.

Solar Sunrise is the code name for a series of cyber attacks on networks of the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) by three individuals exploiting a well-known operating system vulnerability from
February 1 to February 26, 1998. The name came from the operating system being used by the DoD,
Sun Microsystem’s Solaris. This system’s vulnerabilities allowed the hackers to gain access to
government networks. The hackers, two California teenagers and their teenage Israeli mentor, used
moderately sophisticated tools to probe the system for its vulnerabilities. Once the weaknesses were
determined, they implanted a program to gather data from unclassified network computers. They later
returned to retrieve the collected data. Targeting key parts of the defense network, the attacks
compromised over 500 computer systems and acquired hundreds of network passwords. Fortunately,
the government reported that no classified data was removed.
The investigation into the Solar Sunrise attacks showed the difficulty of quickly identifying the
originators of cyber attacks. The U.S. Air Force’s Information Warfare Center in San Antonio, Texas,
picked up several unauthorized intrusions. The newly established National Infrastructure Protection
Center (NIPC) headed a multiagency investigation to identify those responsible. Some initially
believed that Russia perpetrated the DoD attacks. Initial intrusions were first tracked to Abu Dhabi in
the United Arab Emirates. As the attack occurred during a period of international instability over
weapons inspections, some U.S. government officials believed that the intrusions into the networks
were the work of Iraq or its sympathizers. Misidentifying the real perpetrator or acting on unproved
suspicions is a real danger in responding to cyber attacks.
The attacks raised the question that if they had been perpetrated by another nation-state, how
could the United States have responded? What would have been an appropriate response? Could
attacks like Solar Sunrise directed by a nation-state or nonstate organizations be defined as acts of
war? Identifying the perpetrators and their possible sponsors remains a major difficulty.
The DoD had not determined the implications of these attacks before larger attacks occurred. At
least 11 additional attacks had the same profile. Attacks were widespread and appeared to come from
sites in Israel, the United Arab Emirates, France, Taiwan, and Germany. The Moonlight Maze attack
was more extensive and was not uncovered for approximately two years, after it had compromised
over 2 million computers, including systems in the Pentagon, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and
the Command Center of Space and Naval War Systems (SPAWAR). Investigations led to accusations
of involvement by Russia and the Moscow Science Academy.
The success of these attacks and additional similar attacks against the air force, navy, and Marine
Corps computers worldwide that contained a similar signature demonstrated the danger associated
with the government and the military using commercial off-the-shelf software systems (COTS). While
the use of COTS lowers procurement costs, the products are developed by multinational corporations
with programmers who may have anti-American allegiances. COTS allow the government to keep up
with continuing developments, and the systems come with training and documentation to educate
users. In addition, new hires can come in with some experience with the operating system if it is used
in other areas and industries.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Hacker; Moonlight Maze; Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”

Further Reading
Anderson, Robert H, and Richard O. Hundley. “The Implication of COTS Vulnerabilities for the DoD and Critical U.S. Infrastructure:
What Can/Should the DoD Do?” Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1998.
Binnendijk, Hans, ed. Transforming America’s Military. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 2002.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Solid state refers to electronic circuitry that is constructed completely out of semiconductors. Solid-
state drives (SSD) store data on interconnected flash memory chips. Unlike hard disk drives (HDD)
that are magnetic, SSDs do not have any moving parts. Data is stored in erasable and rewriteable
circuitry. They are not the same as the flash memory used in USB thumb drives. Both the type of
memory and speed are different. SSDs use less power than HDDs, allowing for faster data access,
cooler running temperatures, and more reliability. Computers with SSD can boot in seconds, do not
have a problem with fragmentation, and are quieter than computers with HDD. SSDs also can be built
smaller, making them lighter than more traditional hard drives. SSDs are more durable because they
are nonmechanical, and they are less likely to be damaged by being dropped. The disadvantages of
SSDs are that they have a limited life span and they are more expensive per GB than HDDs. The
increased usage of SSD started in the late 2000s, during the rise of netbooks, but they still remain an
expensive choice.
SSDs may also have a security issue. Erasing data from SSDs can be difficult, if not impossible.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, Non-Volatile Systems Laboratory (NVSL)
have questioned the ability to erase data on SSDs. With HDD, overwriting memory locations is not a
problem. SSDs with flash memory must have each location erased before reusing. HDD protocols
may not work, and magnets are ineffective. Computers’ built-in sanitizing commands are not reliable,
overwriting the entire visible address space has poor results, and degaussing has no effect. While
encrypted SSDs’ data can be made useless if the encryption key is deleted, the same problem remains
with successfully and confidentially deleting the locations where the encryption key was stored. It
may not be possible at this time to successfully destroy the data on a SSD without physically
destroying the circuitry.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Encryption; Hardware

Further Reading
Parsons, June Jamrich, and Dan Oja. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts: Brief. Boston, MA: Course Technology, 2014.
Wei, Michael, Laura M. Grupp, Frederick E. Spada, and Steven Swanson. “Reliably Erasing Data from Flash-based Solid State Drives.”
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, 2011.

The Sony Hack was a November 2014 incident whereby hackers from the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (North Korea) launched an attack against the servers of Sony Pictures
Entertainment in Los Angeles, California. The hackers sought to prevent the release of the comedy
film The Interview, which depicted the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Prior to the attack, Sony poorly protected its networks from intrusion. It is believed that the
hackers first accessed Sony’s network in September 2014. Over the next two months, the hackers
eventually granted themselves administrator privileges that provided unlimited access to the
company’s network. Subsequently, the hackers then downloaded significant amounts of critical
information from the servers without attracting notice because Sony encrypted almost none of its data.
In addition, the hackers slowly copied the data from Sony servers to their own to hide the file
transfers among Sony’s legitimate data traffic.
The company learned of the breach on November 24, 2014, when a short video from a group
calling itself the Guardians of Peace played on Sony’s networked computers. Soon after, the hacker’s
malware erased data on approximately half of Sony’s computers and servers and also caused Sony’s
network to crash. For many weeks afterward, Sony conducted business with very little network
connectivity as technicians scrubbed the infected machines. This led company employees to conduct
business through in-person meetings, hard copy communications, and even by reactivating obsolete
computers and Blackberry smartphones held in storage. Eventually, Sony built an entirely new
network with much tougher security protocols. It is estimated that the direct effects of the attack cost
Sony $41 million in the months that followed, not including any potential lawsuits stemming from the
release of personal information.
On November 29, journalists received e-mails from the Guardians of Peace that linked to more
than 100 terabytes of information. Seven more leaks of data occurred in the days and weeks that
followed. The hackers released significant amounts of sensitive company data, including employee
records and e-mails between producers and high-ranking studio executives. The e-mails proved
especially embarrassing to the company’s leadership, as they revealed personal and creative
disagreements as well as pay disparities among top actors and actresses. WikiLeaks eventually made
much of this data available for download. The hackers also released digital copies of unreleased
Sony films to the Web for illegal distribution by torrent sites, potentially costing the studio millions of
dollars in revenue. The fallout from the attack also cost shareholders, as the company’s stock price
fell more than 10 percent in late 2014. In addition, the hack also contributed to Sony Motion Pictures
Group cochairperson Amy Pascal’s decision to step down from her position in early 2015.
On December 16, the Guardians of Peace sent a cryptic e-mail implying that theaters showing The
Interview would suffer attacks like those of September 11, 2001. As a result, many theater chains
soon announced that they had dropped the film from their release schedules. Sony CEO Michael
Lynton sought to cancel The Interview because of the threats, but a public backlash, including critical
remarks from President Barack Obama, caused Sony to reverse course. Many independent theaters
went forward with plans to release the film as scheduled on Christmas Day. Sony also released The
Interview for digital download on Christmas Eve. The Interview grossed $40 million from the
limited release and digital downloads, but the film’s lack of a wide release to theater chains meant
that it failed to recoup the company’s investment.
Initially, many speculated that a disgruntled employee had caused the Sony Hack. On December
19, 2014, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) publicly attributed the attack to North Korea.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Espionage; Dark Web; Malware; North Korea Cyber Capabilities;
Patriotic Hacking; The Onion Router (TOR); Torrent; WikiLeaks

Further Reading
Elkind, Peter. “Inside the Hack of the Century.” Fortune, July 1, 2015. http://fortune.com/sony-hack-part-1.
Hess, Amanda. “Inside the Sony Hack.” Slate, November 22, 2015.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Seal, Mark. “An Exclusive Look at Sony’s Hacking Saga.” Vanity Fair, March 2015.

Spear phishing is a form of social-engineering attack, whereby targeted communications, typically
over the Internet, seek to influence the recipient into undertaking an action that is to the attacker’s
benefit (and usually to the recipient’s detriment). Although such attacks most commonly take place
over e-mail, almost any other form of online communications may be (and usually has been) used,
including social-networking sites, Web forums, chat, voice/phone calls, and even removal media such
as compact flash USB drives. In contrast to e-mail spam, spear phishing attacks are personalized to
the recipient, using information that may be gleaned from a variety of sources, such as social
networks, and may impersonate a personal or professional acquaintance or family member. Typical
goals for spear phishing attacks include convincing the target to reveal financial or other personal
information (such as credit card numbers) or access credentials (such as passwords), installing
malicious software posing as legitimate or required; or undertaking an action that will subvert the
security of the target’s system (e.g., set a password to a known value, or open a document that
contains an exploit for a vulnerability in the corresponding document reader).
Spear phishing attacks have been prevalent in the past few years. This is primarily because of
their relative ease and flexibility, compared to alternatives such as server-side software exploitation.
A second advantage to using such attacks is that they target a part of an organization’s IT infrastructure
(user devices such as desktop computers) that is more challenging to secure and offers more
opportunities for attackers to hide and persist because of less uniformity and higher unpredictability
stemming from their direct interaction with users.

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Hacker; Phishing; Social Engineering

Further Reading
Hadnagy, Christopher. Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2011.
Verma, Nina. Social Engineering: A Means to Violate a Computer System. New Delhi, India: Global Vision Pub. House, 2011.

Spoofing is a category of cyber attack in which the attackers disguise themselves to convince the
targets to give them access to their systems or data. Spoofing attacks vary widely in their methods and
levels of technological sophistication.
The most common type of spoofing attack is Internet Protocol (IP) spoofing. IP spoofing alters the
packets that a computer sends so that those packets appear to have been sent from a different machine.
IP spoofing can be used to attack systems in several ways. The most common attack is the distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. A DDoS attack floods the target with an overwhelming amount of
information, slowing or shutting down the system. IP spoofing allows the attacker to both hide the
source of the attack by making it appear to come from one or more different machines and to hinder
efforts to defend the system by blocking information from particular IP addresses. Another common
use of IP spoofing is to use it to defeat network-security measures that rely on authenticating IP
addresses. By spoofing their IP addresses, the attacker can fool the security system into believing that
the attacker has legitimate access to the network.
IP spoofing fools machines, but several types of spoofing target users. Phishing uses spoofed e-
mail or social media accounts and messages to encourage recipients to disclose valuable personal or
professional information. As anyone can set up an e-mail or social media account with any name, or
pretend to be anyone within the contents of an e-mail or social media message, this type of spoofing is
both easy and versatile. More technically sophisticated variants may use IP spoofing or other means
to make it appear that phishing e-mails have come directly from the legitimate accounts or
organizations they purport to be from.
Web spoofing is when an attacker creates a fraudulent Web site designed to get users to
voluntarily enter the desired data. This may take the form of a phony log-in page for a real site, such
as a bank or an e-mail account, where the user’s information can then be used by the attacker. These
spoofing techniques are often used in tandem for greater effectiveness.
While most spoofing efforts are targeted at personal computers, networks, or servers, similar
principles can be used to attack other systems. Telephones and caller ID systems can be spoofed as
well as GPS systems. As spoofing is a style of attack rather than a specific technique, it is almost
endlessly variable and easily adapted to new systems or technologies.

Benjamin M. Schneider

See also: Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack; Phishing; Social Engineering; Spear
Phishing; Trojan Horse

Further Reading
Lobo, Lancy, and Umesh Lakshman. CCIE Security v4.0 Quick Reference. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press, 2014.
Shostack, Adam. Threat Modeling: Designing for Security. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
van der Linden, Maura A. Testing Code Security. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007.

Spyware is malicious computer software (malware) that is designed to surreptitiously collect
information from a computer without the knowledge of the owner. It is also designed to collect
information about the users of an infected computer and transmit the data to another computer user
without consent. There are four primary types of spyware in common use: system monitors; Trojan
horses; adware; and tracking cookies. The utilization of spyware can range from minor cyber
criminals and vandals to state-sponsored espionage programs.
System monitors are programs that are created to collect information accessed on a host computer
or input into the computer. The most common form of system monitors are keystroke loggers, which
track every input into the system, copy it, and forward it to a third party. More sophisticated system
monitors have proven capable of activating a target computer’s camera or microphone as a means of
eavesdropping on an unsuspecting user. Trojan horses are software programs that appear on the
surface to be useful, or at least benign, but which contain hidden sections of malicious code. The most
common form of Trojan horses attempts to establish vulnerabilities for later exploitation and, in some
instances, may allow a malicious user to seize complete control over a victim’s computer. Adware is
spyware that observes a host computer’s Internet activity and scans computer files to target
advertisements more effectively. It can also be used as a means to display fraudulent advertisements.
Tracking cookies are small programs that log and report a computer user’s Internet behavior without
the consent of the user being tracked.
Spyware has occasionally been inserted into genuine software. One example came from the Sony
Corporation, which inserted spyware into music CDs that tracked the behavior of owners who loaded
the music files onto their computers. Upon its discovery, Sony claimed that it had only used the
software to combat digital piracy and illegal peer-to-peer sharing of content, but the spyware was
demonstrated to have tracked all of the victims’ activities online, not just their behavior regarding
music files.
Spyware is not usually classified as a computer virus, as it is rarely designed to spread itself
throughout a network. However, a small industry of antispyware software creators has emerged to
combat the massive expansion of spyware. Because spyware is generally installed without the user’s
knowledge, it is considered malware and, as such, has been explicitly banned in some countries, but
it continues to proliferate. In particular, spyware is common on illicit Web sites, where merely
visiting a Web site can trigger an automatic download of the software.

Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Cyber Attack; Hacker; Malware

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attacks append an SQL command to the end of a
legitimate response within a form field. The programming accepts the command along with a user’s
response and executes the malicious code. Most interactive software applications use form fields to
collect information from users. For example, form fields may be found at the Google homepage
search, an Amazon product search, or vendors’ credit card purchase information Web sites. In each
case, an Internet user enters data for a search (i.e., a query), and the data is used to query a database
and to return the requested information. This is only an Internet example; however, many commercial
and residential software applications perform the same operations. The SQL injection adds a
delimiter and a SQL command to the user’s response. A delimiter such as a semicolon (;) indicates
the beginning of a command. SQL procedures are unable to discriminate between user’s response
data, and these commands are executed as long as they contain a syntactically valid query. There is a
misconception that SQL injections only affect the Microsoft SQL Servers, when, in fact, any database
allowing multiple statements to run in the same connection is susceptible. Examples of other
susceptible databases include Access, Oracle, and MySQL.
These attacks continue to be successful because of the ease of implementation and the dynamic,
interactive access users have to databases. The functionality was first published in 1998, when a user
with the screen name “Rain Forest Puppy” documented how easy they were to implement. Since then,
user interaction with databases via Web site or user interfaces exponentially increased, and SQL
injections have matured along with the countermeasures. For example, an SQL injection successfully
penetrated one of the world’s leading software-security firms, Kaspersky Lab, in 2009. Many other
successful attacks have occurred to compromise usernames and passwords, utilities’ user accounts,
and credit card information. While any information stored in a database can be compromised, most of
these attacks are thwarted by software developers and information technology administrators.
The malicious code’s success depends on the ability to get to the back-end database, so there are
straightforward methods to defending against the attacks. Generally, there are four safeguards that may
be put in place to significantly reduce the risk. First, type-safe SQL Parameters, an SQL Server tool,
may be used to validate the type and length of data being received. This tool treats input as a literal
value vice an executable code so that it is impervious to embedded SQL commands. Second, filters
protect against SQL injections by removing escape and delimiter characters, such as the semicolon
(;), from inputs. Third, multiple transaction SQL statements can be compiled into one execution plan,
called a stored procedure. These stored procedures are less susceptible to manipulation when used
along with filters or parameters. Finally, administrators should review their code for execution
statements and error reporting to detect and mitigate successful attacks.

Paul Clemans

See also: Cyber Attack; Hacker; Malware; SQL Slammer Worm

Further Reading
Cherry, Denny. Securing SQL Server: Protecting Your Database from Attackers. New York: Syngress Publishing, 2015.
Clarke, Justin. SQL Injection Attacks and Defense. New York: Syngress Publishing, 2012.


A worm is a computer virus that is designed to spread itself as quickly as possible to, in theory, move
through entire networks. The power of destructive worms has only continued to grow. In 2003, the
SQL Slammer worm was first detected as it rapidly spread through the World Wide Web. The virus
required only 374 bytes, making it far too small to do anything truly damaging to an individual
computer, other than using its memory and communications systems. However, it spread so quickly
that it managed to shut down the entire global Internet for more than 12 hours. Essentially, each
infected computer began sending copies of the virus as fast as possible, which in turn caused Internet
routers to become overwhelmed by the traffic and crash. As each router crashed, it shifted the burden
of transmissions onto other routers, putting an exponential number of routers at risk.
Further compounding the problem, the individual routers sent updates to all other routers,
informing them of the loss of neighboring systems, which increased the strain on the network. As
routers were restarted, they sent a similar message to all neighboring routers, with similar effects.
The result was a cascade of router crashes, essentially bringing the entire Internet to a standstill until
router software could be updated with a patch that Microsoft had actually released six months earlier.
After more than a decade, Slammer is still one of the most commonly detected viruses in the
world, in part because billions of computer users in the world use pirated copies of operating system
software, such as Microsoft Windows, that are not eligible for security patches. That same year, the
MS Blaster worm followed shortly after Slammer and had nearly the same level of success, a fact that
not only exposed yet another software vulnerability but also showed that fixing one problem will do
nothing to protect against the next exploit discovered by malicious programmers.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Malware; MS Blaster Worm; MyDoom Virus; SQL Injection; Worm

Further Reading
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Stuxnet, originally known as Rootkit.Tmphider, is considered the first malicious malware designed to
target a specific type of industrial control system (ICS). An ICS includes any software that controls
industry production and distribution, like oil or natural gas. Stuxnet manipulated Microsoft Windows
operating systems and exploited its vulnerabilities to infect its intended target. The most notable
attack was against Iran’s nuclear facilities, specifically their uranium-enrichment centrifuges. It is
believed that Stuxnet’s intent was to shut down Iran’s nuclear capabilities or at the very least impede
any progress.
In June 2010, Virusblokada, an antivirus company in Minsk, Belarus, was hired by an Iranian
client to investigate an anomaly in a computer. The anomaly was believed to be a glitch, as the
computer was continually rebooting itself. Sergey Ulasen, an analyst at Virusblokada, eventually
discovered Stuxnet, and the firm immediately notified the international community and began working
to discover its origins. Thus far, Symantec Corporation, an American technology company, has the
most detailed account of Stuxnet available to the public. Reports indicated that not only did Stuxnet
destroy 1,000 of the 5,000 centrifuges at Iran’s nuclear facility in Natanz, but that there were also up
to 9,000 new infections daily at the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which would make the centrifuges
spin out of control and ultimately self-destruct.
Stuxnet was a 500-kilobyte computer worm that was installed onto a computer with a flash drive
or USB, transferring from one computer system to the next within a local area network (LAN).
Because Stuxnet is a computer worm, it was able to duplicate itself to spread throughout a network
without attaching itself to any specific file and reprogrammed integral systems. Therefore, Stuxnet
was difficult to detect once uploaded because it bypassed any antivirus program by simulating
legitimate software.
Allegedly, Stuxnet was devised to destroy or impair centrifuges used in Iran’s nuclear program
through supervisory control and data acquisitions (SCADA) systems. SCADA systems are computer-
based devices that monitor and control the operations of a program. These can be electrical power
grids, railway transportation, or, in this case, nuclear facilities. It allows human operators to remotely
access data and perform automated or manual commands. SCADA systems include a master terminal
unit (MTU), a remote terminal unit (RTU), a communication apparatus, and the system software. The
MTU is essentially the core of the SCADA system, while the RTU circulates information it has
gathered and stored. The communication apparatus then transfers the information that goes in and out
between the MTU and RTU while the system software commands the control boundaries and can
respond to irregularities. The intended target within the SCADA system was the programmable logic
controllers (PLC), which would allow the authors of Stuxnet to spy on the systems. PLCs are small
computers that are responsible for the operational functions of the system, such as timers, switches,
and relays. As with SCADA systems, PLCs are not connected to the Internet.
Stuxnet, therefore, used the SCADA system to distribute the worm and specifically targeted the
PLC that controlled the centrifuges used in uranium enrichment. Stuxnet was tailored in such a way to
spread to other personal computers (PCs) that were operating on the same shared network with the
originally infected PC. The SCADA system was likely vulnerable to this type of attack due to the lack
of personnel training or proper network security. Moreover, the Stuxnet code is available to view
online as are its vulnerabilities. Most importantly, Web addresses of SCADA systems are also
available online, which worries security analysts because nonstate groups or terrorist organizations
can figure out how to use it.
Iran was likely the intended target given the number of setbacks its uranium enrichment facility
had suffered. Stuxnet’s design intentionally disrupted Iran’s nuclear-enrichment networks by targeting
ICSs. The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization stated that the malware was likely transferred to their
facility’s computer with a USB drive by someone working in the facility. Stuxnet targeted the ICS that
controlled the centrifuge operations in the Natanz nuclear facility, which employed software from
German electronics company Siemens called SIMATIC STEP 7. A human operator is required to
monitor and control the exterior devices that operate such equipment as the centrifuge rotors, or
propellers. Therefore, Stuxnet targeted Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 PLCs, which run on Microsoft
Windows operating systems, because it could easily penetrate this particular system. The Stuxnet
code directed the centrifuge controller to speed up for a given time, return to normal operating
standards, slow down, and then return to normal once again. This variation in speed caused
irreparable damage to the centrifuge.
According to Symantec, there have been three versions of Stuxnet, although only the first version
caused any damage. Stuxnet operators employed the worm in three waves: June and July 2009, March
2010, and April and May 2010. Stuxnet used two authorized digital certificates from Taiwanese
firms, Realtek and JMicron, to install a rootkit, which is a program that can gain complete control
over a computer and can boot and reboot repeatedly. With the certificates and rootkit installation,
Stuxnet essentially blended in with authentic software. The rootkit identifies SIMATIC files and then
exploits a Siemens vulnerability, which is a password embedded into the SIMATIC software to gain
access to the network to infect the control systems. It can then communicate with network servers on
the Internet by uploading reports of what has been found and subsequently infected. The worm
managed to get as far as it did because it was designed to also bypass any firewalls and other
networks or computers that did not have direct Internet connections.
Ultimately, the Symantec report explained that once the worm replicated itself, it spread through
local area networks (LAN) and server message blocks (SMB), repeatedly duplicating the process and
injecting itself into remote computers and STEP 7 programs. It would update itself within a LAN,
evading security products by replicating a precise ICS and altering and concealing any Siemens
PLCs. Stuxnet manipulated three vulnerabilities to penetrate Iran’s uranium enrichment program.
First, it exploited the default passwords embedded in the SCADA systems. Second, it penetrated the
Microsoft Windows rootkit and used it to spread across linked computer networks. Finally, it
harnessed four previously unknown zero-day vulnerabilities within all Windows operating systems,
which is typically used to damage computer programs, other computers, or an entire network. It is
known as zero-day because the software’s creator has zero days to plan and direct any modifications
against the operation.
While investigating Stuxnet, analysts at the Russian-based international software security group,
the Kaspersky Lab, discovered traces of the file Flame, a 20-megabyte file considered Stuxnet’s
predecessor that also penetrated networks undetected. While Stuxnet was designed to destroy a
system, Flame was intended for spying. It had the ability to search for keywords and report a synopsis
of what it was looking for. Flame penetrated systems immediately after a Windows 7 update in which
a user would assume that they were downloading a Microsoft update, but they were downloading
Flame instead. Flame was primarily used in Iran but also across other countries in the Middle East.
After Stuxnet, Siemens and Microsoft worked to provide solutions for the PLCs and zero-day
flaws. Additionally, VeriSign invalidated the stolen Realtek and JMicron certificates. Countries
affected by Stuxnet include Iran, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Germany, China, and the United States. In
November 2012, Chevron was the first U.S. corporation to have been infected by the Stuxnet worm.
No group or country has claimed responsibility for creating Stuxnet or the attacks against Iran’s
nuclear facilities. Security analysts believe that given the malware’s sophistication and complexity, it
must have been developed by a state rather than an individual or group. Countries believed to have
the monetary assets and expert capability to develop Stuxnet are the United States, Israel, the United
Kingdom, Russia, China, and France. Iran accused NATO, the United States, and Israel’s elite Unit
8200 security agency for the Stuxnet attack, which all have denied. Stuxnet proved to the international
community that cyber terrorism is the next credible threat the world is facing. As a result of Stuxnet’s
devastating capabilities, countries are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on cyber-defense
programs. Stuxnet established a new class of malware, thereby setting a high standard for cyber-
security infrastructure.

Alma Keshavarz

See also: Certificates; Flame Worm; Iran Cyber Capabilities; Israel Cyber Capabilities; Kaspersky
Lab; Malware; Programmable Logic Controller (PLC); Russia Cyber Capabilities; Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA); Symantec Corporation; United States Cyber Capabilities;
Zero-Day Vulnerability

Further Reading
Chen, Thomas M. Cyberterrorism after Stuxnet. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 2014.
Collins, Sean, and Stephen McCombie. “Stuxnet: The Emergence of a New Cyber Weapon and Its Implications.” Journal of Policing,
Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 7(1), 2012: 80–91.
Kerr, Paul K., John Rollins, and Catherine A. Theohary. The Stuxnet Computer Worm: Harbinger of an Emerging Warfare
Capability. Washington, DC: 2010.
Lindsay, Jon R. “Stuxnet and the Limits of Cyber Warfare.” Security Studies, 22(3), 2013: 365–404.
Poroshyn, Roman. Stuxnet: The True Story of Hunt and Evolution. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press, 2013.
Zetter, Kim. Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon. New York: Crown Publishers,
Sun Microsystems is a defunct technology company that was responsible for creating much of the
modern computer, server, and networking architecture between 1980 and 2010, including UNIX,
RISC/SPARC, NFS, Java, and MySQL. Unlike many competitors, Sun encouraged open-source
collaboration and development, particularly within its Java environment.
Sun Microsystems was founded by Andy Bechtolsheim, Bill Joy, Scott McNealy, and Vinod
Khosla in the early 1980s at Stanford University. Bechtolsheim began the company by designing the
Sun-1, a UNIX workstation. Over the next several years, the company incorporated and continued to
develop workstations based on the Berkeley reduced instruction set computing (RISC) strategy. Sun
also developed an in-house operating system called SUN OS, later renamed Solaris. This marked it
as a competitor in the “workstation wars” of the decade. Sun developed a reputation for building
reliable, high-end, innovative systems, including the powerful SPARC architecture in 1987 that
largely replaced the Berkeley and other similar RISC-based processors. The company also created
the Network File System (NFS) in 1984, allowing clients to access network files in a manner similar
to locally stored files.
During the 1990s, Sun transitioned from creating dedicated workstations to network-based
products, becoming one of the dominant companies manufacturing networking solutions, storage
systems, and supercomputers. The company developed the Java platform in the middle of the decade,
marking a shift to virtual computing. Its main component, the Java Virtual Machine, was designed to
work across multiple platforms and operating systems, providing a space for development of
applications, including the JavaScript programming language run on the JVM compiler. In 1999, the
company purchased StarDivision, giving it ownership of OpenOffice, the leading competitor to
Microsoft Office. After the dot-com bubble, Sun shifted priorities again, concentrating on high-
performance computing, including high-end multiprocessors for its servers. This allowed it to
develop UltraSPARC, several supercomputers, and grid computing solutions, including in partnership
with Microsoft. It also continued to develop software for its platforms, such as the purchase of
MySQL AB in 2008. Most significantly, Sun began to release much of its software under GNU
licenses, including the OpenSolaris OS and Java, including the JVM and its compiler. In 2010, Sun
was purchased by Oracle and folded into the company.
During its existence, Sun played a prominent role in cyber warfare. One of the first worms, the
Morris worm, spread into the wild on Sun computers in 1988. The Sadmind worm also infected Sun
Solaris systems in 2000 and 2001, which ran a significant portion of the world’s network
infrastructure at the time. The latter infected Sun servers with anti-American messages originating
from China, marking one of China’s first forays into cyber warfare.
Most prominently, Sun systems were involved in the Solar Sunrise incident in early 1998. Three
hackers, including Ehud “Udi” Tenenbaum, exploited a UNIX vulnerability in Solaris versions 2.4
and 2.6 to enter U.S. military computers, first at Andrews Air Force Base. Sun had previously
warned about the vulnerability, but the systems affected were not repaired in time. The attack was
initially feared to be the work of a foreign government, perhaps Iraq, particularly given the Eligible
Receiver scenarios that presaged just such a cyber attack. However, the culprits were simply
hobbyists, and all three were arrested within a month of the attack.

Jonathan Abel
See also: Cyber Attack; Hacker; Infrastructure; Microsoft Corporation; Server; Solar Sunrise;
Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi”; Worm

Further Reading
Hall, Mark. Sunburst: The Ascent of Sun Microsystems. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1990.
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Southwick, Karen. High Noon: The Inside Story of Scott McNealy and the Rise of Sun Microsystems. New York: John Wiley, 1999.


Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are a technology that enables data to be
collected from remote industrial facilities and instructions sent to control them. SCADA systems are
used to control pipelines, water and transportation systems, industrial plants, and critical
infrastructure. SCADA systems operate by collecting real-time data and implementing standardized
control programs that reduce human error and the cost of operating industrial plants. The use of
SCADA systems has become more pervasive as low-cost PC-based systems have become available
at the same time as advances in programmable logic controllers (PLC) and the Internet.
By using standard software, communication, and network protocols, and because of the need to
operate in real time, SCADA systems are vulnerable to malicious code, distributed denial-of-service
(DDOS) attacks, and modification of data. As a consequence, attacks on SCADA systems in critical
national infrastructure, such as power generation, distribution, or transportation networks, have the
potential to wreak havoc across industrial societies and present a risk of harm to humans. In the
United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has responsibility for working with
industry and across government to coordinate the identification, targeting, and addressing of
vulnerabilities in critical national infrastructure arising from SCADA systems.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Attack; Infrastructure; Programmable Logic Controller (PLC); Stuxnet

Further Reading
Krutz, Ronald. Securing SCADA Systems. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Libicki, Martin C. Cyberdeterrence and Cyber War. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2009.

Symantec Corporation is a computer software company that specializes in computer-security
products. It was founded on March 1, 1982, in Mountain View, California, by Gary Hendrix.
Symantec is the creator of the Norton antivirus security software, which is one of the most widely
used antivirus programs in the consumer market. It helps to protect individuals from cyber threats and
ensure hackers cannot access computers or networks. This is very important, as cyber threats are
increasing each day and individuals are now open to threats not just from individual hackers but by
state-sponsored individuals and teams designed to steal personal information.
Symantec formed a joint venture with Huawei in 2008, which combined Huawei’s
telecommunications network infrastructure and Symantec’s security and storage software. Huawei is a
Chinese-owned company, which has raised concerns over computer security in the United States and
throughout the world. It is feared that the Chinese government may use this relationship for
developing more sophisticated computer network attacks and defense for their own network. These
strategies could be abused by both nonstate and state actors in China. This new venture demonstrates
that global reach provides new business opportunities, but it could negatively affect American cyber

Brad St. Croix

See also: Antivirus Software; Malware

Further Reading
Carr, Jeffery. Inside Cyber Warfare. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2012.
Jager, Rama D., and Rafael Ortiz. In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations with the Visionaries of the Digital World.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.


The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) was formed on March 15, 2011, by a group of hackers supporting
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Syria is the first Arab country with a public Internet army that has
launched open cyber attacks on its enemies, through spamming, Web site defacement, malware,
phishing, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. SEA has targeted government Web sites
in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. News organizations, Syrian opposition groups, and
human rights groups have also been compromised. The attack style varies from serious political
statements to pointed humor.
The foundation of SEA can be traced back to the Syrian Computer Society of the 1990s. A Syrian
malware team was discovered on January 1, 2011. The following month, Syria lifted a ban on
Facebook and YouTube. Antiregime protests soon emerged on Facebook. The Syrian Computer
Society registered SEA’s Web site on May 5, 2011, which signified the backing of the Syrian
government. SEA initially claimed that it was not officially sanctioned but more like a group of
patriotic hackers, but they removed all text that denied official sanction on May 27, 2011. By 2014,
their activity showed links with Syrian, Iranian, Lebanese, and Hezbollah officials.
The Syrian Electronic Army’s activities concentrate on four styles of attack. Their primary goal
was attacks against Syrian rebels, using surveillance to discover their identities and locations. This
was later expanded to include foreign aid workers. Secondary intrusions were made against Western
news Web sites that were hostile to the Syrian government. Their third actions were spamming
Facebook pages with proregime comments. The fourth concentration was global cyber espionage,
targeting technology and media companies, allied military procurement officers, U.S. defense
contractors, and foreign attachés and embassies. Their tools of attack included malware, phishing,
and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. They have used the Blackworm virus and
spamming to achieve their goals.
Two members of the SEA were added to the FBI’s “Cyber’s Most Wanted” list on March 22,
2016: Ahmed al Agha and Firas Dardar (“The Shadow”). Both are believed to be in Syria, and there
is a $100,000 reward for the capture of each. In 2013, they hacked into computers and threatened to
damage, delete, or sell data unless paid a ransom. They compromised Twitter accounts of prominent
U.S. media organizations and gained control of a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting Web site, urging
marines to refuse orders. The FBI reported, “While some of the activity sought to harm the economic
and national security of the Unites States in the name of Syria, these detailed allegations reveal that
the members also used extortion to try to line their pockets at the expense of law-abiding people all
over the world.” The FBI agents and analysts continue to work with both domestic and international
partners to curtail SEA operations.

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Cyber Espionage; Hacker; Operation Orchard

Further Reading
Kaplan, Fred. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.

Published in 2013, the Tallinn Manual resulted from a three-year-long study sponsored by the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (NATO CCDCOE).
The CCDCOE brought more than a dozen experts in cyber warfare and international law together to
consider the extent to which current international law could be used to govern cyber warfare. Three
individuals also attended in their official capacities, including representatives from U.S. Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM), NATO, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, because of
its ties to upholding the Geneva Convention. It was chaired by Dr. Michael Schmitt, who is a
professor and the chairman of the International Law Department at the U.S. Naval War College.
The committee arrived at 95 “black letter rules” that apply to what they consider generally
accepted, customary international laws relevant to cyber warfare. Every committee member had to
agree on each of these rules. They then provided commentary that included noting any disagreements
among committee members as to the application or interpretation of these 95 laws. Because the
manual was designed to be a practical work that could guide advisers rather than an academic one,
the purpose of this commentary was to provide various options and considerations as opposed to
definitive guidelines.
The manual gets its name from Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, where CCDCOE is located.
The impetus for the center’s placement was the cyber attack Estonia suffered in 2007, when Russia
launched an extensive number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks over a dispute between
the two nations. In 2008, Russia then launched a cyber attack against Georgia. These two events
brought cyber warfare to prominence, resulting in the establishment of the CCDCOE in 2008.
The project sought to wrestle with three major issues: (1) Do current international laws apply to
cyber warfare? The committee concluded that they do, just as already-extant international law applied
to other technological developments, such as nuclear weapons. (2) The particularly challenging area
is the determination of jus ad bellum, which is Latin for the “right to war,” where states must
consider whether it is legal to use force. The committee concluded that a cyber attack need not have
kinetic consequences, or physical results, to be considered a use of force and thus a violation of
international law. They pointed to the prominent case of Nicaragua v. United States, where the
International Court of Justice determined that arming and training guerrillas constituted an act of war.
Economic and political warfare, however, do not merit the same consideration. Thus, the committee
concluded that cyber espionage and cyber intelligence are not acts of war. Still, economic attacks that
cause massive societal upheaval could be considered justifiable in responding with force. As such,
they merit future consideration as cyber war continues to evolve. In helping legal advisers to
determine how the international community would view a forceful response to a cyber attack, the
committee developed eight different criteria, ranging from severity, the most important one being the
extent to which a nation’s military was involved in an attack. (3) Finally, the committee considered
jus in bello, the Latin term for “law in war.” Jus in bello guides the conduct of states during conflict,
particularly regarding the treatment of civilians. The committee concluded, among other
determinations, that cyber attacks must not harm civilians in a physical sense or cause severe
psychological harm. The majority of the committee agreed to a “functionality test.” If a cyber attack
against civilians necessitated some kind of repair to reestablish cyber functionality, the act should be
considered illegal.
The first version of the manual, which is now being referred to as Tallinn Manual 1.0, focuses
only on cyber war. A subsequent version, known as Tallinn Manual 2.0, was released in 2016. Its
focus is on activities below the level of war, which include cyber terror, cyber espionage, and cyber
The manual has received some critique for being exclusionary in its preference for American and
Western European scholars. As Schmitt argues, though, he had two criteria: excellent international
lawyers and those with experience advising on these matters. Others have argued that the manual is
too concerned with self-defense rather than in providing nonmilitary solutions. Countermeasures
receive greater attention in Tallinn Manual 2.0, as they are the most practical solutions for states.

Heather Pace Venable

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber War; Estonian Cyber Attack (2007); Georgian Cyber Attack (2008);
Just War; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
Fleck, Dieter. “Searching for International Rules Applicable to Cyber Warfare—A Critical First Assessment of the New Tallinn
Manual.” Journal of Conflict and Security Law 18, 2013: 331–351.
“International Law and Cyber Warfare.” C-Span. Washington, D.C.: March 28, 2013. http://www.c-span.org/video/?311806-1/panelists-
Schmitt, Michael N. “International Law in Cyberspace: The Koh Speech and Tallinn Manual Juxtaposed.” Harvard International Law
Journal Online 54, 2012: 13–37.
Schmitt, Michael N. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Press, 2013.


In 2013, the Target Corporation was victimized by a sophisticated computer hack that obtained 40
million credit card numbers and 70 million mailing and e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and other
personal information from customers. It is the second-largest retail cyber attack after the 2006 hack of
TJX Companies that affected nearly 94 million credit cards.
On December 19, 2013, Target announced it was investigating a major data breach involving
millions of customer credit and debit card records that took place between November 27 and
December 15, 2013. It warned that up to 40 million credit and debit cards were affected, including
names, card numbers, expiration dates, and CCV security codes. On December 27, Target announced
that debit card PIN numbers were also stolen, albeit in encrypted form. On January 10, 2014, Target
disclosed that the names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of up to 70 million
additional customers had also been stolen, bringing the possible number of affected persons to 110
In the days before Thanksgiving 2013, hackers began installing malware in Target’s security and
payments system that was designed to steal every credit card used at the company’s 1,797 U.S. stores.
The malware was in place on November 30, and data began moving out on December 2 and
continued unmolested for nearly two weeks. Data was automatically sent to three U.S. staging points
and later routed to a server in Moscow, Russia. Federal law enforcement officials contacted Target
with evidence of a breach on December 12, and Target confirmed it three days later.
The cyber-security company McAfee described the breach as a low-tech hack using BlackPOS-
based malware—a common exploit kit for sale that that can be easily modified and applied with little
programming skill. Cyber experts believe the hack was the work of a stolen credit card vendor
operating out of Odessa, Ukraine, but no arrests have been made.
Target was heavily criticized for not taking preventative action. Six months before the attack,
Target had installed a $1.6 million malware-detection tool from the cyber-security company FireEye.
Their system produced multiple malware alerts beginning November 30, and Target’s Symantec
antivirus system also identified suspicious behavior on the same server over several days around
Thanksgiving. A FireEye system option to automatically delete detected malware was turned off.
Target headquarters took no action on the alerts until it was contacted by federal authorities.
The hack prompted a congressional hearing into Target’s lack of action and placed national
pressure on retail stores to adopt a more secure technology by using cards with embedded chips, as
they are harder to counterfeit than magnetic strips. On March 5, 2014, Target announced it was
investing $100 million to implement this technology. In March 2015, Target reached a $10 million
class-action settlement with affected customers.

Steven B. Davis

See also: FireEye; Malware; TJX Corporation Hack

Further Reading
Carr, Bob. “Target Breach Is a Wake-up Call.” CSP 25, May 2014: 28–30.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Riley, Michael, et al. “The Epic Hack.” Bloomberg Business Week, March 17, 2014: 42–47.


Ehud Tenenbaum, an Israeli computer hacker, first came to prominence in 1998 when he managed to
break into the Pentagon’s security system. Tenenbaum was only 18 when he was unmasked by FBI
investigators reacting to his incursion into Pentagon systems. The Israeli and U.S. agencies took the
intrusion seriously, but both countries concluded that Tenenbaum acted without malice or ill intent.
Tenenbaum was a typical teenage overachiever from a middle-class family who excelled in math
and science. He graduated from high school with top marks, despite having dyslexia. He had been a
hacker since the age of 15 and operated from his bedroom computer. For three years, Tenenbaum,
known only as “the Analyzer,” targeted various U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy computer systems and
NASA, as well as American university and federal research sites, such as the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories.
In 2002, Tenenbaum went to jail for eight months because of his involvement in the Pentagon
incursion, code-named “Solar Sunrise.” After his release, it was difficult for him to find work, so he
left Israel and lived in France and then Montreal, Canada. In 2009, Tenenbaum was arrested for
masterminding a global operation that hacked into financial institutions. In 2012, Tenenbaum accepted
a plea bargain that required him to repay $503,000 and spend three years on probation.

Christopher Menking

See also: Cyber Crime; Department of Defense (DoD); Hacker; Solar Sunrise

Further Reading
Cuthbertson, Richard. “Naive or Evil?” The Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan), February 21, 2009.
Zetter, Kim. “‘The Analyzer’ Gets Time Served for Million-dollar Bank Heist.” Wired, May 7, 2012.

The Terminator is a 1984 film directed by James Cameron that stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Linda Hamilton. In the film, Schwarzenegger plays a cybernetic organism—a robot covered in living
tissue that looks and acts human—known as a Terminator, that is sent back in time from 2029 to 1984
to assassinate Sarah Connor, the mother of the leader of the human resistance in a future war against
the machines, which had taken over the world. Her future son, John Connor, sends a human soldier,
Kyle Reese, back to 1984 to protect Sarah from the Terminator. The film’s financial and creative
success led to four film sequels, a short-lived television series, and numerous other media properties.
The Terminator fueled anxieties over the growth of computing power and became a point of
discussion for many futurists, who debated the impact of future technologies on society. In particular,
the film anticipated the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated weapons systems and
depicted a dystopian future overrun by automated aircraft, armored vehicles, and robotic foot soldiers
mercilessly hunting the remaining human population. In the film’s first sequel, Terminator 2:
Judgment Day (1990), it is explained that the killing machines spawned from a runaway artificial
intelligence program named Skynet that had been used to control the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Matrix, The

Further Reading
French, Sean. The Terminator. New York: British Film Institute, 2008.


Known as TOR, the Onion Router is open-source software that allows individuals to operate
anonymously on the Internet. TOR was developed by the Center for High Assurance Computer
Systems (CHACS) of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and was intended to prevent network
traffic analysis of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) communications. By providing private,
untraceable connections through public networks, the DoD was able to support such activities as
multilevel secure communications over a single network, anonymous open-source intelligence
(OSINT) gathering, and communications using networks controlled by third parties, such as coalition
partners and even adversaries. Since 2002, TOR has been available to the public as a free download
through a nonprofit organization.
TOR consists of both software that can be downloaded and installed on a computer and an
overlay network of computers that manages its connections. TOR works by using a volunteer network
of computers that anonymously relays encrypted traffic through its network. Each relay node in the
network knows which neighboring node that information packets are coming from and going to but not
the entire path to the final Internet Protocol (IP) address. TOR effectively creates a number of layers
that conceal identities so that Internet-surveillance techniques are unable to trace the traffic back to its
The TOR network consists of three types of relays: middle relays, bridge relays, and exit relays.
Middle relays handle routed traffic and are constituted from volunteer TOR users who retain their
anonymity. Bridge relays are alternative entry points into the TOR network, and like middle relays,
these volunteer IPs are not publicly identifiable and retain their anonymity. However, when a user’s
data emerges at an exit relay to pass a request to the public Internet, it is possible to observe what is
being sent and received because the traffic emerging from the exit relay retains the protocol and data
that was issued at the origin. Critically, then, while TOR provides for end-user anonymity at the
packet level (IP address), it does not provide for end-to-end data secrecy. Despite the exit relay
constituting a weak link that can attract surveillance or IP blocking, TOR users continue to volunteer
to act as an exit relay for reasons of social reciprocity that further engenders trust in the network.
One drawback to using TOR is performance-related; as Internet traffic is being routed through at
least three relays, this will introduce latency in the TOR network that will appear as sluggishness to
the user. While there is no expectation that users volunteer to act as relays, it is the case that the larger
the network, the greater the anonymity of its users. Also, the greater the ratio of volunteers (relays) to
users, the less latency will be encountered. TOR is the largest network of its kind.

Graem Corfield

See also: Cyber Security; Encryption; Internet; Internet Protocol (IP) Address

Further Reading
Dingledine, Roger, Nick Mathewson, and Paul Syverson. Tor: The Second-generation Onion Router. Naval Research Laboratory
Release Number 03-1221.1-2602, 2003.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2014.


The Internet consists of many networks around the globe that are owned or operated by various
companies, called Internet service providers (ISPs). ISPs provide Internet access to government,
commercial, and residential customers to generate their profits. The largest bandwidth networks form
the Internet backbone and are labeled as Tier 1 networks. The associated network owners are Tier 1
ISPs. Tier 1 ISPs directly connect with, or have access to, all other Tier 1 networks in their region
without fees under a “settlement-free peering agreement.” Communications between these networks
are voluntarily exchanged under this agreement.
In 2015, Dyn Research estimated there to be about dozen Tier 1 ISPs in the world, such as Level
3, NTT, Telia Sonera, GTT, and Cogent. Some smaller networks, called Tier 2 networks, exist that
practice peering with other networks but must purchase access to portions of the Internet. Finally,
some networks exist that are almost completely dependent on other networks for their access and must
purchase all their access to the Internet. These are classified as Tier 3 networks.

Paul Clemans

See also: Hardware; Internet; Internet Service Provider (ISP); Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)

Further Reading
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Montgomery, Justin. “What’s the Difference between Tier 1, 2 and 3 Carriers, and Who Are They in the US?” Mobile Marketing
Watch, February 3, 2010. http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/whats-the-difference-between-tier-12-and-3-carriers-and-who-are-they-
Zmijewski, Adam. “A Baker’s Dozen, 2015 Edition.” Dyn Research, 2016. http://research.dyn.com/2016/04/a-bakers-dozen-2015-


In 2007, TJX, the parent company of TJ Maxx, Office Max, and Marshalls, disclosed that hackers had
compromised its network, stealing data for at least the previous 18 months. It was the largest breach
of credit card data at that time, with an estimated 45 million compromised credit and debit cards.
Later court filings raised that estimate to 94 million.
The hackers that compromised TJX found their target by simply driving around Miami looking for
vulnerable wireless networks, a technique called war-driving. At the time of the breach, TJX used
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption to secure its wireless networks. WEP, as an encryption
protocol, had been broken in 2001. By 2003, it was possible to break the encryption in three seconds
on a laptop, making it one of the weakest forms of security for wireless local area networks.
Once the hackers were able to crack the encryption for transmitting data from cash registers to
computers inside the store, they were able to intercept wireless data and then collect information on
system usernames and passwords as employees logged into the company’s central systems in
Massachusetts. Using this information, they were able to set up accounts on TJX’s central system.
Between mid-2005 and throughout 2006, the hackers were able to exfiltrate historic credit card and
debit card information. The hackers were also able to intercept unencrypted transaction data sent to
banks with a packet sniffer that they had installed on the network.
Cybercriminals led by Alberto Gonzalez perpetrated the hack. Gonzalez was no stranger to law
enforcement. At the age of 14, the FBI had visited him at his high school after he compromised NASA
systems. In 2003, a plainclothes detective followed him to an ATM and watched him use a series of
debit cards to withdraw several hundred dollars at a time on each. After being interviewed by the
U.S. Secret Service, Gonzalez agreed to become an informant for the Secret Service to avoid
prosecution. As an informant, he provided evidence to prosecute over a dozen of his former
colleagues from the Shadowcrew message boards. His work for the Secret Service eventually landed
him a job as a paid informant, drawing a $75,000 annual salary until his arrest. In 2010, Gonzalez
was sentenced to 20 years in prison for leading the TJX hack and an assortment of other cyber crimes.
In 2008, Nick Benson, a TJ Maxx employee, was terminated for disclosing confidential
information after a firm TJX had hired to monitor the Internet for anything mentioning the company
found an anonymous post on a computer-security Web site that highlighted deficiencies in the
company’s basic practices. Benson noted that when he was hired in 2005, his password and username
were identical. After the breach, TJX sent out policies requiring employees to use more robust
passwords. At his location, Benson noted that his store manager changed the log-in protocol to allow
employees to log in to company servers using blank passwords. The manager went so far as to post
usernames and passwords on a Post-it note next to one system. The store’s local server was also
running in administrator mode, allowing anyone who logged in to have elevated privileges across the
network. Benson cited his management’s unresponsiveness as his reason for going public.
In 2009, the PCI Security Standards Council released guidelines aimed at securing wireless
networks, specifically those for payment-card transactions, in response to several high-profile hacks,
including the TJX hack. The measures included regularly scanning networks for rogue access points,
installing firewalls to isolate networks that process payment-card data from those that fail to do so,
changing default passwords and settings on wireless devices, and using strong encryption.

Marcus Laird

See also: Cyber Crime; Cyber Security; Encryption; Hacker; JPMorgan Hack; Office of Personnel
Management Data Breach; Sony Hack; Target Corporation Hack

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Kaplan, Fred M. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Verini, James. “The Great Cyberheist.” New York Times Magazine, November 10, 2010.

A torrent is a computer file that contains metadata about files to be distributed and usually a list of
network locations of trackers. Trackers assist users in the system to locate one another so they can
form swarms, or efficient distribution systems. While there is a centralized directory of torrents on
Web sites like BitTorrent, the data transmission is shared by the swarm members. Unlike a centralized
system where individual computers download a large file from a single source, torrents allow for a
decentralized system. A torrent file does not contain content, only information about files, including
names, sizes, and folder structure. Using a peer-to-peer (P2P) system, one large desired program,
document, or media file can be obtained by downloading and then combining small pieces of the
desired file from multiple locations. Downloading is faster because computers are not all requesting
the same file from a centralized source. The torrent system is designed for when many users all
demand the same file at the same time, what is called multicasting. This system can prevent
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks from succeeding.
The danger of these kinds of systems is that the providers do not offer their users security or
anonymity. The IP addresses of the computers that make up each swarm are not hidden. This exposes
users with insecure systems to possible attack. A high volume of traffic on the Internet is P2P; this
could possibly make discovering malicious traffic more difficult, as so many systems are sharing
information for perfectly legal purposes.

Lori Ann Henning

See also: Botnet; Internet

Further Reading
Bailey, Matthew. Complete Guide to Anonymous Torrent Downloading and File Sharing: A Practical, Step-by-step Guide on How
to Protect Your Internet Privacy and Anonymity Both Online and Offline while Torrenting. United States: Nerel Publications,
Chiang, Mung. Networked Life: 20 Questions and Answers. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.


Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) are two complementary sets of
conventions established for the purpose of sending data across multiple computer networks, enabling
the operation of the Internet. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) establishes a uniform standard for
data transfers between host computers, and Internet Protocol (IP) enables data to seamlessly travel
from one network to another.
In 1974, American computer scientist Vinton G. Cerf of Stanford University and electrical
engineer Robert E. Kahn of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) published a paper
describing their ideas for sharing data across networks. Their concept, then called “TCP,” was
successfully demonstrated in 1977, when a data file was sent through the Packet Radio Network
(PRNET) to ARPA’s network (ARPANET) to the Atlantic Packet Satellite Network (SATNET) and
back through ARPANET to its destination. By 1980, IP was distinguished from TCP for the specific
purpose of passing data through “gateway” computers between networks.
TCP/IP usage spread rapidly. ARPANET adopted it in 1983, and Sun Microsystems included it in
their workstations as part of the UNIX operating system. The privatization of the Internet in the 1990s,
and the establishment of the World Wide Web with TCP/IP as a foundation, solidified its status as the
standard Internet protocol.

Christopher G. Marquis

See also: ARPANET; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Internet; Sun
Further Reading
Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2000.
Hafner, Katie, and Matthew Lyon. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster 1996.

A Trojan horse is a malware program used to steal private informataion. It is used by hackers to
infiltrate computer networks and implant unauthorized commands. Usually, the Trojan is sent by e-
mail, with computer users enticed to open an attachment or follow a download link. Once the target
has done this, a hidden file in the target executes a program that allows the hacker to gain access to
the hacked computer. The Trojan allows the intruder to scan the activities of the computer. In general,
the access to sensitive data allows the hacker to use this data for theft or espionage. As the Trojan
horse is usually not affecting other programs, it is much harder to detect than most malware.
Kaspersky Lab, a leading cyber-security firm, defines 19 different types of Trojans, depending on
their behavior. Antivirus programs have provided a high level of security against most known
Trojans, but new variants are constantly being developed. With new technological possibilities,
highly skilled hackers and secret agencies might try to find a new backdoor for their Trojans to gain
access to secure networks and use them to place other forms of malware.

Frank Jacob

See also: Cyber Attack; Cyber Espionage; Hacker; Malware

Further Reading
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,


In October 2008, Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff General
Norton A. Schwartz announced the creation of a new Numbered Air Force (NAF) to oversee the U.S.
Air Force’s cyber-space operations. Established on August 18, 2009, at Joint Base San Antonio-
Lackland, Texas, under the command of Major General Richard E. Webber, the 24th Air Force served
as the U.S. Air Force’s operational-level organization responsible for planning and executing cyber-
space operations in support of air force and joint force commanders. The 24th Air Force originally
consisted of a headquarters staff, the 624th Operations Center, and three wings: the 67th Network
Warfare Wing, the 688th Information Operations Wing, and the 689th Combat Communications Wing.
During the first 14 months after its activation, the new NAF focused on building its organizational
structure, increasing manning, and maturing its relationships with Air Force Space Command and U.S.
Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). The 24th Air Force reached full operational capability on
October 1, 2010.
Operating in a climate of reduced resources and policy constraints, the 24th Air Force carried out
its operations at a time when many senior government officials and policy makers expressed
significant interest in military cyber-space operations. This emphasis has shaped the environment in
which the NAF executed its three primary roles. First, as a Numbered Air Force assigned to Air
Force Space Command, 24th Air Force organized, trained, and equipped cyber-space forces and
operated, maintained, and defended the air force’s network. Second, in its role as Air Force Cyber
Command (AFCYBER), the NAF served as the service cyber component to USCYBERCOM and
presented forces to that subunified command charged with the operation and defense of DoD
networks. Finally, with the establishment of the USCYBERCOM Cyber Mission Force in 2013, the
24th Air Force staff also functioned as the Joint Force Headquarters–Cyber (JFHQ-C), charged with
directing assigned cyber mission force teams.
Since its establishment, the 24th Air Force has focused on instilling a culture of mission assurance
rather than information assurance and has emphasized efforts to operationalize its cyber-space forces.
This has been accomplished through the implementation of standard planning processes,
conceptualizing cyber-space operations using warfighting terminology rather than complex technical
terms, and the introduction of AFCYBER Force Packages, which were discrete elements designed to
carry out specific missions. The 24th Air Force also conducted the full range of cyber-space
operations, including offensive, defensive, and network operations, as directed by higher
headquarters, using seven cyber-space weapon systems approved by the Chief of Staff of the Air
Force in March 2013. Finally, the 24th Air Force, partnering with the 25th Air Force, has taken steps
to develop multidomain concepts through the convergence of cyber-space intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic warfare.
As of 2016, the 24th Air Force consisted of nearly 6,000 active-duty servicemembers, civilians,
and contractors assigned to the headquarters staff, the 624th Operations Center, the 67th Cyberspace
Wing, the 688th Cyberspace Wing, and the 5th Combat Communications Group. In addition, nearly
9,000 additional members of the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve supported the NAF as

Gregory W. Ball

See also: Department of Defense (DoD); Second Army/Army Cyber Command; United States Cyber
Capabilities; U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER); U.S. Cyber Command
(USCYBERCOM); U.S. Tenth Fleet

Further Reading
Lord, William T. “Cyberspace Operations: Air Force Space Command Takes the Lead.” High Frontier 5(3), 2009: 3–6.
Vautrinot, Suzanne M. “Sharing the Cyber Journey.” Strategic Studies Quarterly 6(3), 2012: 71–87.
Wilson, Major General Burke E. Wilson. “Embedding Airmenship in the Cyberspace Domain: The First Few Steps of a Long Walk.”
Cyber Defense Review 1(1), 2016: 21–26.


When all the organizations within the United States that are involved in cyber operations are taken
into account, the United States is by far the most powerful nation currently active in the cyber domain.
These organizations include government agencies and private corporations, and they are augmented
by an enormous number of private actors with extensive cyber experience. However, the American
economy and society are extremely dependent on the Internet, perhaps more so than any major power
on earth, and as such, the United States is also subject to enormous threats originating from the cyber
domain. While the exact capabilities of the U.S. government are a closely held secret, numerous
authorities have implicated U.S. agencies in the most sophisticated cyber attacks publicly known and
suggested that these examples are merely a small part of the total American strength in the cyber
The United States was by far the earliest nation involved in cyber activities, in large part because
most of the early computer advances were made in the United States. Likewise, the first effort to
network computers occurred in the United States, when the Advanced Research Projects Agency
debuted ARPANET as a means to connect defense-related researchers at multiple sites. When the first
computer networks were envisioned, there was little effort given to the notion of security, as they
were anticipated to be a tool used by only a handful of researchers and government agencies, rather
than the primary means of communication for the human population around the globe. The architecture
of the early unsecured networks continues to have an influence on the structure of the modern Internet,
despite decades of malware demonstrating the need to undertake a greater effort at cyber security.
The American portion of the global Internet is by far the largest segment held by a single nation.
Being the earliest adopter of cyberspace provided a significant advantage, as did American economic
resources, a technologically savvy population, and a large citizen base. The United States has the
world’s largest economy and biggest university system, both of which have also driven expansion into
the cyber domain. In terms of raw computing power, the United States possesses the most processing
and storage capacity of any nation. It is also the source of most of the driving innovations regarding
computers, including being the largest producer of computer equipment and the creator of ubiquitous
software commonly in use around the world. All of these factors contribute to the current American
hegemony in cyber space.
The most prominent American presence on the Internet, from a cyber-warfare perspective, is that
of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). All military services maintain a major presence in the
cyber domain, plus the services have a number of joint initiatives combining the capabilities of all.
DoD cyber activity operates under the umbrella of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM),
headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland. Established in 2009, this four-star command is colocated
with the headquarters of the National Security Agency (NSA), a key actor within the intelligence
collection realm. The commander of USCYBERCOM, Admiral Michael S. Rogers, is also the
director of the NSA, making him a key actor in the U.S. cyber effort. This structure has led some
critics to claim that the U.S. government is blurring the lines between military operations, which are
governed by Title 10 of the U.S. Code, and intelligence agencies, which are governed by Title 50.
Similar accusations have been made regarding the U.S. conduct of warfare in the physical realm,
particularly during the ongoing struggle against Al Qaeda, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS),
and other terror organizations.
Under USCYBERCOM, each of the services maintains its own cyber force. The U.S. Army Cyber
Command (ARCYBER) is headquartered with Second Army and is responsible for defending army
networks from external intrusions. Under certain circumstances, with presidential approval, Second
Army, like other service commands, may undertake offensive cyber operations. The U.S. Fleet Cyber
Command (FCC) is maintained with U.S. Tenth Fleet, which defends the navy’s networks and can
likewise potentially undertake cyber attacks. The U.S. Air Force, which prior to 2009 was the DoD’s
lead agency for the cyber domain, activated the 24th Air Force to serve as its key cyber command.
In addition to the individual services, there are also specific DoD agencies responsible for
certain aspects of military operations, including the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA),
which takes the lead in providing network security for the DoD. The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) is a DoD-funded organization that seeks to make technological leaps
forward by uniting researchers toward a common goal. One of the most well-known examples, of
course, is the Internet itself, but DARPA has been responsible for dozens of key innovations within
the field of computer design and is currently examining the possibility of building organic computer
systems and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.
Defense communications occur on three different networks, depending on the level of
classification of material being transmitted. At the highest level, the JWICS system is the most secure
and is the only network upon which materials classified “Top Secret” are allowed to be stored or
transferred. Documents that are classified “Secret” can be transmitted on the Secret Internet Protocol
Router Network (SIPRNet), which is somewhat less secure than JWICS but is still not connected to
the Internet per se. Daily communications that are not classified, including those that are still
confidential, may be transmitted via the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet),
which has much greater connectivity to the World Wide Web.
U.S. intelligence agencies have found the Internet to be a tremendous means of conducting
espionage activities. The primary intelligence actors in the cyber domain are the National Security
Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The NSA is one of the largest intelligence
agencies in the world and was initially founded to concentrate on signals intelligence (SIGINT). By
the 21st century, the NSA had established itself as one of the most sophisticated cyber operations in
the world. It remains the lead agency for SIGINT, to include the interception of data traveling through
the Internet. The NSA also has a key role in the encryption and decryption of data and is most likely
the lead agency for strategic offensive operations in cyber space. It goes to great lengths to remain
unnoticed by the public at large and rarely offers commentary on allegations of its possible
involvement in cyber activities.
In 2013, former NSA contractor Edward J. Snowden leaked an enormous number of sensitive
documents to global media agencies. These documents demonstrated that the NSA was involved in a
massive intelligence-collection operation targeting the U.S. public, essentially creating electronic
files on every citizen active on the Internet. Snowden’s revelations also demonstrated that the NSA
had targeted the personal communications of world leaders, including several key allies of the United
States. The CIA traditionally focuses on human intelligence (HUMINT) collection methods, including
the stereotypical methods of spying on foreign nations. While the NSA is more likely to absorb and
analyze enormous volumes of data, the CIA has traditionally preferred targeted espionage activities,
focusing in particular on foreign government activities.
The security of the United States and its citizenry is also entrusted to the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). DHS is the lead agency for protecting
key infrastructure, particularly critical elements of U.S. transportation, communications, and the
electrical grid, all of which would be lucrative targets for an enemy nation-state in the event of a
major cyber war. The FBI is the lead agency for investigating cyber crime, cyber terrorism, and
engaging in cyber counterespionage operations. As such, the FBI’s responsibilities heavily overlap
with those of the DoD and DHS, in large part because many cyber attacks are not immediately
classifiable as crime, espionage, terrorism, or acts of warfare.
One of the major military strengths of the United States for the past two centuries has been the
ability of private industrial corporations and the U.S. government to cooperate in times of war. The
same remains true in the cyber domain, as many of the largest and most sophisticated cyber
companies are headquartered in the United States and were created by American citizens. For
example, Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft, each of which is a titan within its own sector of the
technology industry, are all American companies, and each has cooperated with the U.S. government
on a variety of cyber initiatives. Many of the world’s leading cyber-security companies are also
based in the United States, including FireEye, McAfee, and Symantec Corporation (Norton). While
these companies are by no means under the control of the U.S. government, they tend to share
information relatively freely with the federal government.
The United States has an enormous number of private citizens who are very active on the Internet
and who play almost every role imaginable in a cyber-warfare scenario. There are thousands of U.S.
“white hat” hackers who seek means to penetrate cyber defenses as a hobby. Upon success, they
notify the affected companies or software designers, sometimes receiving a bounty in return.
Unfortunately, the United States also has an extremely high number of “black hat” hackers who seek to
penetrate cyber networks for personal gain, often for criminal purposes. In some ways, these hackers
are an irritant, as they tend to engage in cyber crime and their most common targets are fellow U.S.
citizens. However, at times, they become incensed at an external actor and turn their capabilities
against an enemy of the U.S. government. Many of the leading elements of the hacker collective
Anonymous appear to be operating in the United States. That group had “declared war” on the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Mexican drug cartels, and the government of North Korea, with
interesting effects.
The United States faces a number of rising competitors within the cyber realm, most notably the
People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. Nonstate actors also represent a potential
threat to American networks, as terror organizations, criminal networks, and military forces all seek
means to upset U.S. advantages in the physical domain. To maintain its competitive advantage in the
cyber domain, the United States will need to emphasize the formal education of cyber operators,
recommit itself to upgrading the nation’s cyber infrastructure, and improve cyber security throughout
the public and private sectors. Failure to do so could lead to the rise of peer nations that can steal
U.S. innovations almost as quickly as they are developed and might outproduce American industry in
military-related hardware. Should the United States lose its comparative advantage in cyber space, it
might also face a corresponding threat in the physical realm.

Paul J. Springer

See also: ARPANET; Department of Defense (DoD); Department of Homeland Security (DHS);
EINSTEIN (Cyber System); Hacker; JWICS Network; Manning, Bradley; National Cyber Security
Strategy; National Security Agency (NSA); NIPRNet; People’s Republic of China Cyber
Capabilities; PRISM Program; Russia Cyber Capabilities; Second Army/Army Cyber Command;
SIPRNet; Snowden, Edward J.; 24th Air Force; U.S Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER);
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM); U.S. Tenth Fleet

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin, 2011.
Carr, Jeffrey. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009.
Clarke, Richard A., and Robert K. Knake. Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do about It. New York:
HarperCollins, 2010.
Gellman, Barton. Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the Surveillance State. London: Penguin, 2016.
Greenwald, Glenn. No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. New York: Metropolitan Books,
Harding, Luke. The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man. New York: Vintage Books, 2014.
Kaplan, Fred M. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber War: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Stiennon, Richard. Surviving Cyber War. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes, 2010.

In 1999, two political air force colonels of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Qiao Liang and
Wang Xiangsui, wrote a book, Unrestricted Warfare. It primarily focuses on how China can defeat
technologically superior opponents. Instead of a direct military confrontation, it calls for victory by
other means, to include using international law and economic pressure. The first English translation
was produced by an obscure publisher in Panama and subtitled China’s Master Plan to Destroy
The authors argue that the primary weakness of the United States in military matters is that it
views a revolution in military concepts in terms of technology and new capabilities. They state that
the United States does not consider the larger picture of legal and economic factors and thus is
vulnerable to attack. The authors propose that new means, such as political and financial coercion,
will prove more effective than traditional military action. Any state that does not acknowledge these
warnings might be vulnerable. The best-known alternative attack is through data networks vital to
financial, transportation, and communication institutions. The ability to shut down any power grid
would be devastating to both civilian and defense areas. Within economic warfare, disastrous results
on a global level can be inflicted without taking any military offensive. Political action could change
policy through government and nongovernmental organizations. Their last tenet is the use of terrorism
to shatter a nation’s sense of security. They conclude that globalization has broken down the
differences between warfare and nonwarfare and that a grand warfare method combines all

Raymond D. Limbach

See also: Cyber War; GhostNet; Informatization; Operation Night Dragon; Operation Shady RAT;
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398; People’s Republic of China Cyber Capabilities

Further Reading
Liang, Qiao, and Wang Xiangsui. Unrestricted Warfare. Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, 1999.
Lindsay, Jon R., Tai Ming Cheung, and Derek S. Reveron, eds. China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the
Digital Domain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.


On October 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA
PATRIOT Act). Leading up to its passage, there was resounding support for the increased measures
found in the act within Congress and the general public to mitigate the potential for additional attacks
and create a sense of security. Passage of the act significantly increased the executive branch’s global
reach and the executive authority to carry out preventative actions against terrorist threats directed
against the United States.
September 11, 2001, served as the catalyst in codifying increased measures by the government
that were preexisting and established in law as well as previously rejected due to their infringement
on constitutional rights and individual freedoms. A mentality of acceptance, crisis management, and
an increased tolerance for expanded law enforcement activities gave the administration and
government a mandate from the American people.
Prior to September 11, 2001, the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the 1996
Antiterrorism Act were two fundamental laws governing actions both internal and external to the
United States. Following the 9/11 attacks against the American homeland, action was demanded by
the public. If the government was to effectively assess, deter, prevent, and react to the evolving
situation and recent attacks, it needed to act swiftly. The first proposal arrived at the Senate floor on
September 13 and was approved after 30 minutes of debate. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) was the only
senator to oppose the bill on the basis of speed, lack of information presented, and concern for the
degradation of civil liberties. The next attempt to pass comprehensive security measures was
presented by the U.S. attorney general as the Mobilization Against Terrorism Act (MATA), which
become the Antiterrorism Act (ATA) of 2001 after limited negotiation.
In retrospect, there was limited debate on what some would consider the most important
legislation of the current century, yet minority voices of opposition did generate enough leverage to
eventually have the MATA-ATA tabled for a more bipartisan proposal. Following this rejection, the
administration immediately began drafting the Uniting and Strengthening America Act (USA Act),
which was eventually signed into law as the USA PATRIOT Act.
The final bill passed in the House by a majority of 356–66 and in the Senate with a margin of 98–
1. On October 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed the USA PATRIOT Act into law and
ushered in broad and sweeping changes to the application and interpretation of U.S. government
responsibility and authority in regard to terrorism. The USA PATRIOT Act has served as the security
initiative for the protection, safety, and survival of the American way of life, according to the U.S.
government. What is not fully addressed are the incurred costs on civil liberties and the implications
of these expanded powers.
The act allows for expanded traditional wiretaps, the application of pen registers, tracking and
tracing of electronic communications, and multijurisdictional orders, and it lowers the standard for
attaining a search warrant. Senator Russell Feingold (D-WI) addressed significant concerns about
giving law enforcement agencies the power to investigate crimes outside the realm of terrorism, to
include monitoring computer systems without consent and the power to conduct search and seizures
without meeting the threshold of previously existing probable cause. Ultimately, the utilization of
cyber space and the application of intelligence processes within the domain changed the U.S.
approach to terrorism and redefined authorities across executive agencies.

Jose Alberto Rivas Jr.

See also: Bush, George W.; Cyber Security; Cyber Terrorism; Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Further Reading
Atkin, Michelle Louise. Balancing Liberty and Security: An Ethical Study of U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, 2001–2009.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.
Ball, Howard. The USA Patriot Act of 2001: Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security: A Reference Handbook. Santa
Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2004.
Wong, Kam C. The Impact of the Patriot Act on American Society: An Evidence Based Assessment. New York: Nova Science, 2007.


The U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER) was established on June 23, 2009, under the
command of Rear Admiral Robert E. Day Jr., USCG. Located at the headquarters of the U.S. Coast
Guard (USCG) headquarters in Washington, D.C., CGCYBER consists of 63 military personnel and
17 civilians. CGCYBER maintains a liaison detachment at the headquarters of the U.S. Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM) at Fort Meade, Maryland.
The mission of CGCYBER is to identify and protect against threats to the USCG’s portion of the
Department of Defense Information Network (DODIN). CGCYBER provides cyber capabilities that
foster excellence in the execution of Coast Guard operations, support Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) cyber missions, and serve as the Service Component Command to USCYBERCOM.
CGCYBER is a designated Computer Network Defense Security Provider, and it reports to
USCYBERCOM on matters related to DODIN.
CGCYBER is headed by a USCG admiral with collateral duties as the Coast Guard’s chief
information officer (CIO) and the assistant commandant for command, control, communications,
computers, and information technology. CGCYBER is divided into five departments: Certification
and Accreditation, Information Assessments, Network Operations Security, Compliance and
Reporting, and Plans and Policy.
Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Paul Zukunft unveiled the USCG’s cyber strategy on June 15,
2015, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. This strategy identified
three distinct strategic priorities crucial to the Coast Guard’s mission: defending cyber space,
enabling operations, and protecting infrastructure.

Jim Dolbow

See also: Department of Defense (DoD); Department of Homeland Security (DHS); United States
Cyber Capabilities; U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
U.S. Coast Guard. United States Coast Guard Cyber Strategy. Washington, D.C., 2015.


The U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is a subunified command under U.S. Strategic
Command (USSTRATCOM). USCYBERCOM was formed in 2010 by consolidating two
USSTRATCOM subordinate organizations: the Joint Functional Component Command–Network
Warfare and Joint Task Force–Global Network Operations. USCYBERCOM plans and executes
operations in support of DoD’s primary cyber missions: defend DoD networks, systems, and
information; defend the U.S. homeland and U.S. national interests against cyber attacks of significant
consequence; and provide cyber support to military operational and contingency plans.
USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities to direct the
operations and defense of the Department of Defense Information Network (DODIN). It also
prepares, when directed, to conduct full-spectrum military cyber-space operations to enable actions
in all domains, ensure U.S. and allied freedom of action in cyber space, and deny the same to
USCYBERCOM is located at Fort Meade, Maryland, colocated with the National Security
Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS). U.S. Army General Keith B. Alexander was the first
commander; he was replaced by U.S. Navy Admiral Michael S. Rogers in April 2014. General
Alexander had been the G2 for the U.S. Army prior to commanding USCYBERCOM, while Admiral
Rogers had commanded U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet. The commander of U.S. Cyber
Command is also the director of the NSA, a position known as the DIRNSA. This dual-hatting
structure has both advantages and disadvantages and is under constant review to determine whether or
not to continue that structure.
USCYBERCOM’s main operational instrument of cyber power is the Cyber National Mission
Force, which conducts cyber-space operations to disrupt and deny adversarial attacks against
national critical infrastructure. It is the U.S. military’s first joint tactical command with a dedicated
mission focused on cyber-space operations. It plans to create 133 cyber mission teams by the end of
fiscal year 2018. The plan is for these 133 teams to consist of 13 national mission teams to defend the
United States and its interests against cyber attacks of significant consequence by performing full-
spectrum cyber operations; 68 cyber protection teams to defend priority DoD networks and systems
against priority threats; 27 combat mission teams to provide support to combatant commands by
generating integrated cyber-space effects in support of operational plans and contingency operations;
and 25 support teams to provide analytic and planning support to the national mission and combat
mission teams. The combat mission teams are similar to the national mission teams, but rather than
serving at the national level, they conduct cyber-space operations to achieve combatant commanders’
objectives and are geographically and functionally aligned under one of four Joint Force
Headquarters–Cyber (JFHQ-C) in direct support of geographic and functional combatant commands:

• JFHQ-C Washington supports U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Pacific Command, and
U.S. Southern Command.
• JFHQ-C Georgia supports U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, and U.S. Northern
• JFHQ-C Texas supports U.S. European Command, USSTRATCOM, and U.S. Transportation
• JFHQ-DODIN defends the DODIN.
The DoD has cyber strategy and doctrine. These are nested in the overall U.S. cyber strategy as
produced by the National Security Council (NSC) and coordinated across the U.S. government. The
service chiefs also develop their own strategy and doctrine and will provide cyber operations
capabilities for deployment and support to combatant commands as directed by the secretary of
defense and remain responsible for compliance with USSTRATCOM’s direction for operation and
defense of DODIN.
The DoD, the Joint Staff, and the services have published a variety of important cyber

• The White House published the International Strategy for Cyberspace in 2011.
• DoD published The DoD Cyber Strategy in 2015.
• The Joint Staff published Joint Publication 3-12 (R), Cyberspace Operations, in 2013.
• The army published Field Manual 3-38, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, and is currently
developing a new cyber branch and military occupational specialty to facilitate the
development of its cyber workforce.
• The navy has a set of approaches, including the Department of the Navy
Cybersecurity/Information Assurance Workforce Management, Oversight and Compliance;
the Navy Information Dominance Corps Human Capital Strategy 2012–2017; Navy Cyber
Power 2020; the U.S. Navy Information Dominance Roadmap 2013–2028; and the Navy
Strategy for Achieving Information Dominance 2013–2017. The service also created the
Information Dominance Corps, a unified body that produces precise, timely warfighting
decisions by bringing together the intelligence, information professional, information warfare,
meteorology and oceanography communities and members of the space cadre.
• The Marine Corps has Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 1-0, Marine Corps Operations. The
service recognizes five types of cyber operations: network operations, defensive and offensive
cyber operations, computer network exploitation, and information assurance.
• The Air Force codified its cyber doctrine in Air Force Doctrine Document 3-12, Cyberspace
Operations, published in 2010 and updated in 2011. It has also created its own cyber branch by
carving out part of the air force communications community.

Each of the services also has its own cyber organizations. Under their Title 10 U.S. Code role as
force providers to the combatant commanders, the services recruit, train, educate, and retain the
military cyber force. These are U.S. Army Cyber Command/Second Army, U.S. Fleet Cyber
Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet, 24th Air Force, and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyber Command.
The U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER), or Second Army, is the single information
technology provider for all network communications and is responsible for the army section of
DODIN. The U.S. Intelligence and Security Command conducts intelligence, security, and information
operations for military commanders and national decision makers. The command is also responsible
for the Joint Forces Headquarters–Cyber in Georgia.
U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC) and U.S. Tenth Fleet compose combined headquarters at Fort
Meade, Maryland. FCC is the staff organization to organize forces, and Tenth Fleet is the operational
staff that provides command and control. FCC has a mission set similar to the other services: direct
cyber-space operations globally to deter and defeat aggression and to ensure freedom of action to
achieve military objectives in and through cyber space; organize and direct cryptologic operations
worldwide and support information operations and space planning and operations, as directed;
execute cyber missions as directed; direct, operate, maintain, secure, and defend the navy’s portion of
DODIN; deliver integrated cyber, information operations, cryptologic, and space capabilities; deliver
global cyber network operational requirements; assess cyber readiness; and manage, man, train, and
equip functions associated with Navy Component Commander and Service Cryptologic Commander
responsibilities The mission of Tenth Fleet is to serve as the Numbered Fleet for Fleet Cyber
Command, to exercise operational control of assigned forces, and to coordinate with other naval,
coalition, and joint task forces to execute the full spectrum of cyber, electronic warfare, information
operations, and signal intelligence capabilities and missions across the cyber, electromagnetic, and
space domains.
Marine Corps Forces Cyber Command has two subordinate elements: the Marine Corps Network
Operations and Security Center and L Company of the Marine Corps Support Battalion. It has also
been innovative in its deployment of cyber forces, with the Marine Air-Ground Task Force
Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell being embedded into the Marine
Expeditionary Unit onboard ships where it provides support directly to deployed forces.
Air Forces Cyber, or the 24th Air Force, is self-described as an “Operational warfighting
organization that executes full spectrum cyberspace operations to ensure friendly forces maintain a
warfighting advantage.” It has several subordinate elements:

• The 624th Operations Center serves as the cyber operations center for the air force.
• The 67th Cyberspace Wing operates the Air Force Information Network, which is the Air Force
section of DODIN.
• The 688th Cyberspace Wing delivers proven information operations engineering and
infrastructure capabilities.
• The 5th Combat Communications Group delivers expeditionary communications, information
systems, engineering and installation, air traffic control, and weather services to the president,
secretary of defense, and combatant commanders.
The U.S. DoD identifies four types of cyber actions: cyber-space defense; cyber-space intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); cyber-space operational preparation of the environment
(OPE); and cyber-space attack. According to DoD, cyber-space defense is intended to defend DoD or
other friendly cyber space. Specifically, they are passive and active cyber-space defense operations
to preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyber-space capabilities and protect data, networks, net-
centric capabilities, and other designated systems. Cyber-space ISR is an intelligence action that
includes ISR activities in cyber space conducted to gather intelligence that may be required to support
future operations, including offensive or defensive cyber operations. These activities synchronize and
integrate the planning and operation of cyber-space systems in direct support of current and future
operations. Cyber-space ISR focuses on tactical and operational intelligence and on mapping
adversarial cyber space to support military planning. Cyber-space ISR requires appropriate
deconfliction and cyber-space forces that are trained and certified to a common standard with the
intelligence community. Cyber-space OPE consists of the nonintelligence-enabling activities
conducted to plan and prepare for potential follow-on military operations. OPE requires cyber-space
forces trained to a standard that prevents compromise of related intelligence operations. ISR and OPE
operations conducted by DoD in cyber space are conducted pursuant to military authorities and must
be coordinated and deconflicted with other departments and agencies in the U.S. government.
Cyber-space attacks are actions that create various direct-denial effects in cyber space and
manipulation that leads to denial that is hidden or that manifests in the physical domains. These
specific actions are

• Deny—to degrade, disrupt, or destroy access to, operation of, or availability of a target by a
specified level for a specified time. Denial prevents adversary use of resources.
• Degrade—to deny access (a function of amount) to, or operation of, a target to a level
represented as a percentage of capacity. Level of degradation must be specified. If a specific
time is required, it can be specified.
• Disrupt—to completely but temporarily deny (a function of time) access to, or operation of, a
target for a period of time. A desired start and stop time are normally specified. Disruption can
be considered a special case of degradation where the degradation level selected is 100
• Destroy—to permanently, completely, and irreparably deny (time and amount are both
maximized) access to, or operation of, a target.
• Manipulate—to control or change the adversary’s information, information systems, or
networks in a manner that supports the commander’s objectives.
Cyber attack is a popular phrase, but not one that is defined to any degree of precision. Under
international law, there are “armed attacks” and there is the “use of force” as mentioned in the UN
Charter. Although there is a high level of congruence between the opinions of the United States and
those of international organizations and other states on other norms for cyber space, the United States
has articulated a different definition of what an armed attack is than what the rest of the world
considers to be an armed attack. However, most international actors agree that existing international
law is in effect in cyber space and that certain existing norms developed for use in other areas are
applicable in cyber space, including specific law of war rules, “even though those rules were
developed before cyber operations were possible,” as well as norms under international law, such as
upholding fundamental freedoms, respect for property, valuing privacy, protection from crime, and the
right of self-defense. There are several Web pages that allow one to watch in real time as a variety of
cyber attacks occur.
According to Admiral Michael S. Rogers, the release authority for cyber-space attacks is the
president of the United States. If the president authorizes these operations, they are conducted by the
Cyber National Mission Force or one of the combatant commands.

G. Alexander Crowther

See also: Alexander, Keith B.; Department of Defense (DoD); National Security Agency (NSA);
Rogers, Michael S.; Second Army/Army Cyber Command; 24th Air Force; United States Cyber
Capabilities; U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER); U.S. Tenth Fleet

Further Reading
Kaplan, Fred M. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Rid, Thomas. Cyber War Will Not Take Place. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.


The U.S. Tenth Fleet of the U.S. Navy, based at Fort Meade, Maryland, is the operational unit of the
service’s U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC). These forces constitute the naval element of the larger
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), which is also based at Fort Meade. As of 2016, Vice
Admiral Jan E. Tighe commanded both the FCC and the Tenth Fleet.
Following the establishment of the USCYBERCOM on June 23, 2009, the navy required its own
command to manage the fleet’s cyber units. The navy created the Fleet Cyber Command and
reestablished the Tenth Fleet on January 29, 2010. The Tenth Fleet took its name from the U.S. Navy’s
antisubmarine warfare command, originally led by Admiral Ernest J. King in the Battle of the Atlantic
during World War II. Much as the original Tenth Fleet ensured the defeat of German submarines to
allow the flow of supplies across the Atlantic, the new Tenth Fleet aims to ensure the navy’s access to
cyber space by coordinating the navy’s efforts against cyber threats. The new cyber fleet includes
larger task forces and smaller task groups organized to work on four key areas: network operations
and defense, information operations, fleet and theater operations, and cryptological operations. These
units are deployed at key navy installations in both the United States and overseas. As of 2014, the
Tenth Fleet totaled approximately 15,000 officers, enlisted persons, and civilians with a budget
allotment of $904 million.
The navy conceptualizes the cyber realm much like the service does the sea, as a global commons
of information flowing through cyber space. To best exert its influence in cyber space, the navy seeks
to control the domain through commanding critical nodes and lines of communication. The Tenth Fleet
enables naval operations in both the real world and in cyber space through the direct attack of cyber
threats by securing navy information networks, especially in high-threat environments, and providing
navy units with an information advantage over its adversaries. To ensure proper execution of these
operational goals, the Tenth Fleet seeks to develop a force of skilled cyber experts to support the
continued development of critical information technologies in both government and private industry
and to reform the navy’s acquisition process so that the service can rapidly integrate new capabilities
into the fleet.

Ryan Wadle

See also: Net-centric Warfare (NCW); Second Army/Army Cyber Command; 24th Air Force; U.S.
Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER); U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)

Further Reading
U.S. Navy. The Navy Strategy for Achieving Information Dominance.
U.S. Navy. U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/Tenth Fleet Strategic Plan 2015–2020. http://www.navy.mil/strategic/FCC-C10F Strategic
Plan 2015-2020.pdf.

The 1983 movie WarGames, starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy, represented a significant
turning point in U.S. cyber-security policy. Allegedly, President Ronald Reagan was so concerned
about the plausibility of the movie that he ordered a study to determine the risk that hacking posed to
national security. In the movie, Broderick’s character randomly calls telephone numbers looking for
computers with modems to play games. He discovers a computer filled with games that denies him
access. He researches his target and discovers the lead programmer’s backdoor. Unbeknown to the
protagonist, the computer is actually a mainframe at the North American Aerospace Defense
Command (NORAD) that is responsible for nuclear weapons command and control. The computer
then initiates a sequence that almost causes a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.
WarGames was the first movie that fairly accurately portrayed hacking methodology of the time
period. Many people in the government were relatively unfamiliar with hacking, as computer
networking was at a very early state and dependent on telephone infrastructure. The idea that
advanced national-security computers could be breached by unsophisticated hackers seemed
implausible to many computer-security experts at the time, but the government study found otherwise.
The Reagan administration reacted by signing the first detailed national policy on cyber security,
called the National Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security
(NSDD-145). Although there were certainly groups within the federal government that were
significantly concerned about cyber security, WarGames was the catalyst the government needed for
action. Even today, this is still, perhaps, the most significant hacking movie, and it certainly had the
greatest influence of any film on cyber-security policy.

Zachary M. Smith

See also: Matrix, The; Terminator, The

Further Reading
Brown, Scott. “WarGames: A Look Back at the Film That Turned Geeks and Phreaks into Stars.” Wired, July 21, 2008.
Kaplan, Fred. “Cybersecurity’s Debt to a Hollywood Hack.” New York Times, February 21, 2016.


From the end of World War II to the present, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been a
persistent concerning topic. WMDs are generally broken into the categories of biological, chemical,
and nuclear/radiological. They are noteworthy because they have the potential to cause enormous
casualties and major disruptions in the social order. In the period since the end of the Cold War, the
definition of WMD has come under debate, as cyber weapons have gained prominence in possessing
great disruptive and destructive potential—weapons of mass disruption.
Perhaps the most iconic WMD is the nuclear weapon, powered by either fission or fusion. The
only entities that possess these weapons are national governments, though certain terrorist groups
have expressed interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. Throughout the Cold War, nuclear weapons
formed the military basis of the conflict and the enforcement mechanism for deterrence. To this day,
the threatened use of thousands of nuclear weapons provides the basis for international security and
the prevention of large-scale conflict between major powers. Despite past and current security
regimes being based on the threatened use of such weapons, several treaties and organizations have
been fashioned to reduce the number and ultimate use of nuclear weapons.
Chemical weapons are those that use toxic or caustic chemicals to inflict harm. As with nuclear
weapons, chemical weapons have the ability to inflict broad human damage and deny the use of large
areas. They include nerve agents, blistering agents, and respiratory agents. Chemical weapons have
been used in war and continue to be used as a method of crowd control. By and large, however, the
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) of the 1990s has outlawed the use and possession of most
chemical weapons.
Biological weapons are organic compounds that present dangers to humans when they are
weaponized. Typical biological weapons include naturally occurring toxic substances and dangerous
communicable pathogens. The Biological Weapons Convention generally outlawed the possession
and employment of biological weapons. Given the potential for the mass destruction, death, and chaos
that can be caused by WMDs, the proscription of the use of such instruments has grown in an
increasingly globalized world. In large part, the ban is derived from the difficulty in using WMDs in a
discriminating manner.
Cyber weapons’ key resemblance to WMDs is their ability to create widespread effects in a short
period of time. While they do not have the physical destructive potential of classical WMDs, they are
often called weapons of mass disruption because of the enormous variety of ways in which a major
campaign of cyber attacks could potentially interrupt even the most basic aspects of modern life by
shutting down electrical grids, communications networks, and financial institutions.

Trevor Albertson

See also: Cyber War; Cyber Weapon; Infrastructure; Unrestricted Warfare

Further Reading
Kaplan, Fred M. Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Libicki, Martin. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Singer, P. W., and Allan Friedman. Cybersecurity and Cyber War: What Everyone Should Know. New York: Oxford University Press,

The term white hat is usually used to refer to ethical hackers who are not using their skills to destroy
or attack a computer system but to prevent such damage by testing it via simulated penetrations. The
term harkens to Western films, where the good character usually wore a white hat while the bad one
had a black hat. The ethically acting hacker is consequently a white hat, while the one who uses
malware to gain unallowed access to personal data or is illegally intruding into a secured system is a
black hat hacker.
A security test for the U.S. Air Force Multics system was one of the first instances of white hat
hacking. As a consequence of this test, security issues could be discovered and improved before
launch. The U.S. military uses white hat hackers to test new devices or programs to make sure these
new technologies are capable of resisting any known form of cyber attack. Such tests do not solely
include pentrating attacks against software and computer systems; they usually also try to simulate
other forms of intrusion into private data, such as through corrupt e-mail messages. White hats are
usually recruited by security agencies, the military, or private corporations to secure their hacking
potential for the greater good, though some white hats engage in their activities as a hobby. Especially
with regard to the future scenarios of a cyber war, these hackers will play a tremendously important
role for national security.

Frank Jacob

See also: Black Hat; Cyber Security; Hacker; Patriotic Hacking

Further Reading
Haerens, Margaret, and Lynn M. Zott, eds. Hacking and Hackers. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2014.
Holt, Thomas J., and Bernadette H. Schell. Hackers and Hacking: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013.
Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Beijing: O’Reilly, 2010.

A whitelist is a grouping of identifiers representing authorized or confirmed benign entities or
content. Such identifiers may include Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, domain names, file hashes, or
e-mail addresses. Whitelists may be used for two purposes:

1. To precisely define the entities with which a host or network may communicate with or the
content that may be allowed to enter or reside in a system or network.
2. To indicate authorized exceptions for a security mechanism that would otherwise block or
restrict such communications or contents.
The primary uses of whitelisting fall in the second category, as a way of addressing limitations in
security mechanisms (e.g., ensuring that a critical mail server will never be accidentally blocked).
However, the high volumes of malware in recent years has inspired the creation of systems and the
use of security policies that explicitly define complete sets of allowed software (e.g., as identified by
a hash of the code). In such environments, all other software will be prevented from executing (or,
with less strict settings, an alert will be raised). This may be contrasted with a blacklist approach,
where the system may prevent execution of malicious software that is included in the blacklist. The
choice between blacklisting and whitelisting primarily depends on the relative prevalence of
malicious versus benign entities, the ability or difficulty to precisely define one or the other class of
entities, and the degree of dynamism in the system (e.g., the rate at which new benign or malicious
software may be encountered).

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Blacklist; Cyber Defense; Internet

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

Wi-Fi is a means for electronic devices to connect to a wireless local area network (WLAN) without
requiring a hardwired connection. Most Wi-Fi networks utilize ultra high frequency (UHF) and super
high frequency (SHF) radio bands, although it is possible to operate on other sections of the
electromagnetic spectrum. WLAN allows any wireless-capable device to access and utilize the
WLAN network, assuming the device meets the necessary password or encryption requirements that
are created to protect the network.
The most common means to access Wi-Fi networks are personal computers, smartphones, and
tablet computers, although an increasing array of devices are now Wi-Fi enabled. Home appliances,
video-game consoles, digital computers, and network printers are now commonly connected to
WLAN through wireless access points. These access points, also called hotspots, have ranges of
approximately 20 meters indoors and 100 meters outdoors, although obstructions and electromagnetic
interference can reduce the effective range. Wireless access points (WAP) can be used to connect
wireless devices to a wired network. Often, the same router that is used to connect a local network to
the Internet will also have a built-in wireless hotspot.
Because Wi-Fi does not require a physical connection, it is by definition less secure than wired
networks. Any wireless-enabled device can theoretically detect all WLAN hotspots within range,
even if it does not have the password to connect to the network. Further, many open WLAN systems
(such as those commonly provided at airports, hotels, and other public locations) have little or no
security, making users who connect to them without an encryption protocol subject to detection and
interception. Unfortunately, many computer users falsely assume that they possess anonymity when
using Wi-Fi networks and thus expose themselves to significant cyber threats.
Cyber criminals have taken advantage of the open nature of many public Wi-Fi nodes to engage in
identity theft, financial crimes, and cyber vandalism. In particular, intercepting signals for credit card
transactions has proven extremely lucrative. State-sponsored cyber actors, especially intelligence-
collection agencies, have established open Wi-Fi networks in public locations as a means to trawl for
potentially useful intelligence through the interception of unsecured communications. One favored
tactic has been to offer free Wi-Fi access in social gathering spaces near major work centers of the
targeted population. For these reasons, savvy computer users utilize encryption algorithms to protect
their data and establish virtual private networks as a means to conceal their vital computer
Jeffrey R. Cares

See also: Cloud Computing; Cyber Defense; Hardware; Internet; Internet Service Provider (ISP);

Further Reading
Brenner, Joel. America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare. New York:
Penguin Press, 2011.

WikiLeaks considers itself a nonprofit media organization, though it is most noted for publishing
leaked documents, videos, or other media documenting government or corporate wrongdoing on its
Web site. The Web site was launched in 2007 by noted hacktivist Julian Assange. Assange also
serves as the editor-in-chief and director of the Web site. WikiLeaks is owned by the organization the
Sunshine Press.
Assange first thought of the idea of WikiLeaks in 2005 while at his home in Melbourne, Australia.
He wanted to create a Web site where anyone could anonymously post documents. In 2006, he
reached out to fellow hacktivist John Young, founder of the Web site Cryptome, to register the domain
WikiLeaks.org on behalf of Assange. WikiLeaks works by allowing whistle-blowers to upload
content to a secure, anonymous drop box. Assange also gathered together a group of Chinese
dissidents and techies from the United States, Australia, South Africa, and Europe to serve as
WikiLeaks’ advisers. Assange wanted to create a system where the identity of whistle-blowers was
hidden, even from the organization itself. Secure communications and the protection of whistle-
blowers’ identities were of utmost importance to Assange from WikiLeaks’ founding.
One of WikiLeaks’ first stories revolved around a leaked document accusing Somali leader Sheik
Hassan Dahir Aweys of planning to assassinate the leaders of the Somali government. Assange
himself wrote an analysis of the piece and posted it directly to the WikiLeaks Web site. WikiLeaks
also became the source of a 2007 story alleging corruption by the Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi.
WikiLeaks also published other documentation concerning the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo
and the costs of the war in Afghanistan. WikiLeaks was also the site where Anonymous-affiliated
hacktivist David Kernell uploaded the contents of Sarah Palin’s hacked e-mail account.
In early 2010, it is alleged that a soldier named Bradley Manning had contacted Assange about a
number of documents that WikiLeaks might desire. Later that year, WikiLeaks released a U.S. State
Department cable related to the 2008 Icelandic banking scandal. WikiLeaks then released a video
titled “Collateral Murder.” The video provides footage of two American Apache helicopters opening
fire on what appeared to be unarmed Iraqi civilians. Among those killed in the attack were two
Reuters journalists covering the war. This video was followed by two more releases of material
documenting U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan known as the “Iraqi War Logs” and the “Afghan War
Diary,” respectively. In 2010, WikiLeaks partnered with news outlets the New York Times, The
Guardian, and Der Spiegel to release a huge archive of redacted U.S. Department of State cables.
Disagreements over the handling and release of the material led to a split between Assange and
longtime collaborators at The Guardian. Relations between Assange and the New York Times became
equally acrimonious when the New York Times released a very unflattering portrayal of Assange.
As a result of the release of the diplomatic cables, it was revealed that former secretary of state
Hilary Clinton had directed employees to spy on UN secretary Ban Ki Moon as well as other UN
employees and U.S. allies. It also revealed the names of Arab countries pressing the United States to
bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. State Department cables also acknowledged ongoing high-level
corruption in African countries such as Egypt, Kenya, and the Sudan. It also documented U.S.
knowledge of corporate wrongdoing in various countries. Later documents released in 2015
uncovered that the United States was spying on French presidents Nicholas Sarkozy, Jacques Chirac,
and Francois Hollande; German chancellor Angela Merkel; and several Brazilian government
Since the release of documents outlining the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, WikiLeaks
and Julian Assange have drawn the attention of the U.S. government. In 2010, Department of Justice
(DOJ) officials began to explore the possibility of charging Assange under the 1917 Espionage Act. A
few weeks after the release of the “Afghan War Logs,” the Department of Defense (DoD) organized a
150-person WikiLeaks Task Force meant to investigate Assange’s and WikiLeaks’ activities. The task
force was made up of high-level military intelligence officials working around the clock to stop
Assange and WikiLeaks.
After Manning’s arrest, the Pentagon began to explore the possibility that he was manipulated by
Assange to collect material for publication by WikiLeaks. U.S. government officials spoke broadly
about the threat WikiLeaks and Assange posed to U.S. national security, and the Obama administration
pressed European and Australian governments to detain Assange and prevent him from crossing
international borders. In August 2010, Swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant for Assange under
allegations of rape and sexual misconduct stemming from incidents with two Swedish women earlier
that year. Assange was arrested in London, but supporters soon posted bail.
Assange petitioned the U.K. courts to not extradite him to Sweden to face charges. His attorneys
argued that Swedish extradition was tantamount to a death sentence, as he feared Sweden would then
send him to the United States to face the death penalty on espionage charges. The U.K. courts denied
the request, causing Assange to seek asylum at the London office of the Ecuadorian embassy. In 2016,
the United Nations convened a Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. The group found Assange’s
arbitrary detention by Sweden and the United Kingdom was a violation of his human rights.
Regardless, U.K. authorities are still looking to extradite him to face rape charges in Sweden. As of
this writing, Assange still resides at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. His Swedish rape charges
are set to expire in 2020.
Prior to his arrest, Assange was seeking residency in Sweden to make WikiLeaks a Swedish-
based organization. He chose Sweden because free speech laws make it illegal for journalists to
reveal sources. Additionally, WikiLeaks’ servers are based in Sweden, making it nearly impossible
for the United States to shut them down, as they previously had when Amazon hosted the Web site.
The Swedish Pirate Party also agreed to pay for hosting as well as technical upkeep on the Web site,
and they also agreed to keep hidden and not record the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of any
WikiLeaks users. This is to ensure anonymity for whistle-blowers and users alike.
WikiLeaks has few employees and is mostly administered by volunteers. It is financed through
private donations. In December 2009, due to a shortage of funds, WikiLeaks disabled all but the drop
box functions of the Web site until funds could be raised to pay for operating costs. In 2010, Paypal
suspended WikiLeaks’ accounts and froze all their assets. In response, Anonymous launched
Operation Payback to get Paypal to reverse its actions against WikiLeaks. Valitor (an Icelandic
company related to Visa and MasterCard) also prevented donations from being made using its credit
cards; however, this action was deemed illegal by Icelandic courts. Donations to WikiLeaks are
technically made to the Wau Holland Foundation, which then disperses the funds to pay employee
salaries and other daily operation costs.
WikiLeaks has undergone drastic restructuring since 2010. Prior to 2010, it had functioned similar
to other “wiki” Web sites, where all users could upload and discuss posts. However, now all posts
are vetted by an internal editorial board, with Assange having final approval for all material posted
to the Web site. The editorial board consists of subject matter experts and computer programmers
who work to verify the authenticity of documents. Users are no longer permitted to edit, alter, or
comment on any posts. The organization has also had an employee restructuring, with many former
supporters no longer working with WikiLeaks, the most famous being longtime WikiLeaks supporter
Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who was suspended by Assange. Other collaborators and supporters have
equally been dismissed, left, or become Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informants.
Supporters of WikiLeaks argue that the Web site and others like it represent the rise of a digital
“fifth estate,” or a sociopolitical organization powerful enough to influence public opinion and policy
making. The fifth estate is able to speak truth to power, even when the fourth estate, that is, the
mainstream media, cannot or will not. Supporters have also argued that the rise of WikiLeaks has
ushered in a new era of accountability, where governments and other powerful organizations can be
held to higher standards of transparency, thereby enhancing global governance, democracy, and
freedom of speech. However, because WikiLeaks releases classified information, often unedited,
critics argue the organization poses a threat to national security, undermines diplomatic efforts, and
puts lives at risk.
Human rights organizations have urged WikiLeaks to redact the names of civilians on the
documents it releases. Assange himself has publicly stated that if WikiLeaks continues to release
unedited documents, it could one day have “blood on its hands.” WikiLeaks has also spawned a
variety of similar whistle-blower Web sites, many focused on particular organizations (e.g., the
European Union) or a specific industry (e.g., the coal mining industry).

Barbara Salera

See also: Anonymous; Assange, Julian; Hacktivist; Manning, Bradley; Snowden, Edward J.

Further Reading
Fowler, Andrew. The Most Dangerous Man in the World: The Explosive True Story of Julian Assange and the Lies, Cover-ups
and Conspiracies He Exposed. New York: Skyhorse, 2011.
Greenberg, Andy. This Machine Kills Secrets: Julian Assange, the Cypherpunks, and Their Fight to Empower Whistleblowers.
New York: Plume, 2013.
Madar, Chase. The Passion of Bradley Manning. London: Verso, 2013.
Nicks, Denver. Private Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and the Biggest Exposure of Official Secrets in American History. Chicago:
Review Press, 2013.

Computer worms are programs that self-propagate across systems. The distinction from a computer
virus is that such propagation occurs without the need for user involvement (e.g., to copy files to/from
removable media, such as a flash drive, or to execute an infected program). In most cases, this means
that the worm is capable of identifying and exploiting one or more vulnerabilities in target systems,
which allows a new instance of its code to start execution there. As a result, worms are generally
capable of propagating across a network much faster than a virus, whose propagation speed is limited
to that of the human activity that helps spread it. Fast-spreading worms, such as the SQL Slammer
worm, whose code fit within a single UDP packet, are able to infect almost all possible targets within
10 minutes. Such fast-spreading worms have sometimes caused network-stability problems as
secondary effects of their aggressive scanning and propagation activity.
The three primary components of a worm are target identification, propagation, and payload.
Target identification involves finding new systems to infect and partly depends on the communication
medium. For worms that rely on removable media, targeting consists of infecting each new such
medium (e.g., a USB stick) and determining whether any new systems on which that medium is
inserted are already infected. For Internet worms (or, more generally, worms in networked
environments), target identification has historically been done as a mix of an explicit hit list of targets
that is compiled ahead of time by the worm creator and scanning the network to identify vulnerable
Worms seen in the wild have mostly used a pure-scanning approach, with each instance of the
worm randomly probing and infecting remote systems. However, most such worms have been
launched against an initial set of known vulnerable systems that had been identified a priori.
Academic work has shown that it is possible to create even faster-spreading worms by making
heavier use of such precompiled hit lists, at the risk of exposure due to the scanning activity. In
general, the logistic function provides a good model of the propagation speed of worms; the same
behavior is seen for infectious diseases in the biological domain.
Propagation is the method for how a worm replicates itself and spreads. Although the majority of
worms in the early years of the 21st century exploited software bugs that allowed for remote code
injection and control flow hijacking, primarily using buffer overflow bugs, other worms have
exploited features, such as removable media auto-execution; configuration weaknesses, such as open
services or disabled authentication; and stolen or predictable credentials. Several worms also
demonstrated the use of multimode propagation (i.e., using a variety of attack vectors), including the
first widely publicized Internet worm, the 1989 Morris worm.
The payload component refers to code that is not relevant for target identification and propagation
and which may be invoked to achieve an effect on all or a subset of infected systems. Many of the
worms seen in the wild have not carried an explicit payload; rather, their sole purpose appears to
have been propagation. A notable exception is the Stuxnet worm, which appears to have targeted
specific supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for destruction. Other payloads
seen in the wild include deletion of files, installation of backdoors, and even patching of systems to
prevent other worms from propagating.

Angelos D. Keromytis

See also: Antivirus Software; Conficker Worm; Malware; MS Blaster Worm; SQL Slammer Worm;
Further Reading
Bowden, Mark. Worm: The First Digital World War. New York: Grove Press, 2011.
Springer, Paul J. Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2015.

A zero-day vulnerability is an error in the code of a program that exposes it, and potentially the
system or network that runs it, to a hacker who becomes aware of the exploitable mistake. It is called
a zero-day vulnerability because the first warning that the hole exists usually comes in the form of a
cyber attack that exploits it, one leaving a cyber defender zero days to patch the hole before damage
commences. Zero-day vulnerabilities are a serious threat precisely because they are revealed through
an attack. A zero-day attack can come through almost any piece of malware, including Trojan horses,
worms, and viruses.
Hackers prize the discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities, in part because knowledge of their
existence and how to exploit them can be sold to unscrupulous users. The larger the vulnerability, and
the more systems running unpatched software that might be exploited, the larger the payday for
discovering it. Some software companies now offer bounties to hackers that discover these
vulnerabilities and point them out to the company rather than selling them on the underground market.
The companies then create patches and push them out to users, effectively blocking the vulnerability
before it becomes publicly known.
Cyber attacks that exploit zero-day vulnerabilities have a high probability of success, particularly
if they use more than one such opportunity. However, the discovery and hoarding of zero-day
vulnerabilities is expensive and somewhat risky. Software companies constantly test their own
software for errors and might discover a problem before a hacker has the opportunity to take
advantage of a discovery. Other hackers might find the vulnerability and exploit it, making it visible
to the companies and subject to repairs. Thus, there is always a certain degree of pressure to take
advantage of a zero-day vulnerability as soon as possible, lest the opportunity evaporate.
Nation-states with advanced cyber programs spend an inordinate amount of time and resources on
the discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities. These exploitable errors create remarkable opportunities
for cyber espionage and might even facilitate large-scale attacks in a future cyber war. Some analysts
pointed out that Stuxnet, the malware program that significantly damaged the Iranian nuclear program,
utilized four zero-day vulnerabilities, making it an enormous investment for whomever created it.
They argue that the use of such a large number of zero-day exploits demonstrates that the program
must have been the work of a nation-state, although there is no definitive proof as to the identify of
Stuxnet’s creators.

Paul J. Springer

See also: Antivirus Software; Cyber Espionage; Dark Web; Hacker; Malware; Stuxnet
Further Reading
Poroshyn, Roman. Stuxnet: The True Story of Hunt and Evolution. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press, 2013.
Rosenzweig, Paul. Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World. Santa
Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013.
Primary Documents

1. Remarks of President Barack Obama on Securing the Nation’s Cyber Infrastructure,

Washington, D.C., May 29, 2009

Barack Obama’s first presidential election campaign harnessed the power of cyber space in ways
that no candidate had ever done before, including using the Internet for unprecedented amounts of
fund-raising and directly communicating with supporters. In this major policy speech, President
Obama outlines his plan to improve the cyber security of the United States through several major
steps to protect U.S. cyber networks. Although critics argued that the president’s plan did not do
nearly enough to protect the nation’s cyber infrastructure, it still represented a major shift in the
federal approach to cyber security and defensive preparations for cyber war.

It’s long been said that the revolutions in communications and information technology have given birth
to a virtual world. But make no mistake: This world—cyberspace—is a world that we depend on
every single day. It’s our hardware and our software, our desktops and laptops and cell phones and
Blackberries that have become woven into every aspect of our lives.
It’s the broadband networks beneath us and the wireless signals around us, the local networks in
our schools and hospitals and businesses, and the massive grids that power our nation. It’s the
classified military and intelligence networks that keep us safe, and the World Wide Web that has made
us more interconnected than at any time in human history.
So cyberspace is real. And so are the risks that come with it.
It’s the great irony of our Information Age—the very technologies that empower us to create and
to build also empower those who would disrupt and destroy. And this paradox—seen and unseen—is
something that we experience every day.
It’s about the privacy and the economic security of American families. We rely on the Internet to
pay our bills, to bank, to shop, to file our taxes. But we’ve had to learn a whole new vocabulary just
to stay ahead of the cyber criminals who would do us harm—spyware and malware and spoofing and
phishing and botnets. Millions of Americans have been victimized, their privacy violated, their
identities stolen, their lives upended, and their wallets emptied. According to one survey, in the past
two years alone cyber crime has cost Americans more than $8 billion.
I know how it feels to have privacy violated because it has happened to me and the people around
me. It’s no secret that my presidential campaign harnessed the Internet and technology to transform our
politics. What isn’t widely known is that during the general election hackers managed to penetrate our
computer systems. To all of you who donated to our campaign, I want you to all rest assured, our
fund-raising Web site was untouched. (Laughter.) So your confidential personal and financial
information was protected.
But between August and October, hackers gained access to e-mails and a range of campaign files,
from policy position papers to travel plans. And we worked closely with the CIA—with the FBI and
the Secret Service and hired security consultants to restore the security of our systems. It was a
powerful reminder: In this Information Age, one of your greatest strengths—in our case, our ability to
communicate to a wide range of supporters through the Internet—could also be one of your greatest
This is a matter, as well, of America’s economic competitiveness. The small businesswoman in
St. Louis, the bond trader in the New York Stock Exchange, the workers at a global shipping company
in Memphis, the young entrepreneur in Silicon Valley—they all need the networks to make the next
payroll, the next trade, the next delivery, the next great breakthrough. E-commerce alone last year
accounted for some $132 billion in retail sales.
But every day we see waves of cyber thieves trolling for sensitive information—the disgruntled
employee on the inside, the lone hacker a thousand miles away, organized crime, the industrial spy
and, increasingly, foreign intelligence services. In one brazen act last year, thieves used stolen credit
card information to steal millions of dollars from 130 ATM machines in 49 cities around the world—
and they did it in just 30 minutes. A single employee of an American company was convicted of
stealing intellectual property reportedly worth $400 million. It’s been estimated that last year alone
cyber criminals stole intellectual property from businesses worldwide worth up to $1 trillion.
In short, America’s economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity.
And this is also a matter of public safety and national security. We count on computer networks to
deliver our oil and gas, our power and our water. We rely on them for public transportation and air
traffic control. Yet we know that cyber intruders have probed our electrical grid and that in other
countries cyber attacks have plunged entire cities into darkness.
Our technological advantage is a key to America’s military dominance. But our defense and
military networks are under constant attack. Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have spoken of their
desire to unleash a cyber attack on our country—attacks that are harder to detect and harder to defend
against. Indeed, in today’s world, acts of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide
vests but from a few keystrokes on the computer—a weapon of mass disruption.
In one of the most serious cyber incidents to date against our military networks, several thousand
computers were infected last year by malicious software—malware. And while no sensitive
information was compromised, our troops and defense personnel had to give up those external
memory devices—thumb drives—changing the way they used their computers every day.
And last year we had a glimpse of the future face of war. As Russian tanks rolled into Georgia,
cyber attacks crippled Georgian government Web sites. The terrorists that sowed so much death and
destruction in Mumbai relied not only on guns and grenades but also on GPS and phones using voice-
For all these reasons, it’s now clear this cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and
national security challenges we face as a nation.
It’s also clear that we’re not as prepared as we should be, as a government or as a country. In
recent years, some progress has been made at the federal level. But just as we failed in the past to
invest in our physical infrastructure—our roads, our bridges and rails—we’ve failed to invest in the
security of our digital infrastructure.
No single official oversees cybersecurity policy across the federal government, and no single
agency has the responsibility or authority to match the scope and scale of the challenge. Indeed, when
it comes to cybersecurity, federal agencies have overlapping missions and don’t coordinate and
communicate nearly as well as they should—with each other or with the private sector. We saw this
in the disorganized response to Conficker, the Internet “worm” that in recent months has infected
millions of computers around the world.
. . . From now on, our digital infrastructure—the networks and computers we depend on every day
—will be treated as they should be: as a strategic national asset. Protecting this infrastructure will be
a national security priority. We will ensure that these networks are secure, trustworthy and resilient.
We will deter, prevent, detect, and defend against attacks and recover quickly from any disruptions or
. . . First, working in partnership with the communities represented here today, we will develop a
new comprehensive strategy to secure America’s information and communications networks. To
ensure a coordinated approach across government, my cybersecurity coordinator will work closely
with my chief technology officer, Aneesh Chopra, and my chief information officer, Vivek Kundra. To
ensure accountability in federal agencies, cybersecurity will be designated as one of my key
management priorities. Clear milestones and performances metrics will measure progress. And as we
develop our strategy, we will be open and transparent, which is why you’ll find today’s report and a
wealth of related information on our Web site, www.whitehouse.gov.
Second, we will work with all the key players—including state and local governments and the
private sector—to ensure an organized and unified response to future cyber incidents. Given the
enormous damage that can be caused by even a single cyber attack, ad hoc responses will not do. Nor
is it sufficient to simply strengthen our defenses after incidents or attacks occur. Just as we do for
natural disasters, we have to have plans and resources in place beforehand—sharing information,
issuing warnings and ensuring a coordinated response.
Third, we will strengthen the public/private partnerships that are critical to this endeavor. The
vast majority of our critical information infrastructure in the United States is owned and operated by
the private sector. So let me be very clear: My administration will not dictate security standards for
private companies. On the contrary, we will collaborate with industry to find technology solutions
that ensure our security and promote prosperity.
Fourth, we will continue to invest in the cutting-edge research and development necessary for the
innovation and discovery we need to meet the digital challenges of our time. And that’s why my
administration is making major investments in our information infrastructure: laying broadband lines
to every corner of America; building a smart electric grid to deliver energy more efficiently; pursuing
a next generation of air traffic control systems; and moving to electronic health records, with privacy
protections, to reduce costs and save lives.
And finally, we will begin a national campaign to promote cybersecurity awareness and digital
literacy from our boardrooms to our classrooms, and to build a digital workforce for the 21st century.
And that’s why we’re making a new commitment to education in math and science, and historic
investments in science and research and development. Because it’s not enough for our children and
students to master today’s technologies—social networking and e-mailing and texting and blogging—
we need them to pioneer the technologies that will allow us to work effectively through these new
media and allow us to prosper in the future. So these are the things we will do.
Let me also be clear about what we will not do. Our pursuit of cybersecurity will not—I repeat,
will not—include monitoring private sector networks or Internet traffic. We will preserve and protect
the personal privacy and civil liberties that we cherish as Americans. Indeed, I remain firmly
committed to net neutrality so we can keep the Internet as it should be—open and free.

Source: Obama, Barack. “Remarks by the President on Securing Our Nation’s Cyber Infrastructure.”
The White House, May 29, 2009. https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-

2. Excerpts of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom, Washington, D.C.,

January 21, 2010
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered these remarks before a gathering of Internet freedom
activists, U.S. political leaders, and international visitors. Her remarks demonstrate both the U.S.
resolve to protect its own cyber space and a belligerent approach to any nations that have a
different view of the importance of Internet freedom. Her remarks were interpreted by some
authoritarian governments as a deliberate effort by the United States to undermine their control of
the Internet in their nations and as a call to arms for insurgents in China, Iran, and North Korea
to use the Internet as a means to communicate with fellow rebels and increase their resistance to
the government forces.

The spread of information networks is forming a new nervous system for our planet. When something
happens in Haiti or Hunan, the rest of us learn about it in real time—from real people. And we can
respond in real time as well. Americans eager to help in the aftermath of a disaster and the girl
trapped in the supermarket are connected in ways that were not even imagined a year ago, even a
generation ago. That same principle applies to almost all of humanity today. As we sit here, any of
you—or maybe more likely, any of our children—can take out the tools that many carry every day and
transmit this discussion to billions across the world.
Now, in many respects, information has never been so free. There are more ways to spread more
ideas to more people than at any moment in history. And even in authoritarian countries, information
networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable.
During his visit to China in November, for example, President Obama held a town hall meeting
with an online component to highlight the importance of the Internet. In response to a question that
was sent in over the Internet, he defended the right of people to freely access information, and said
that the more freely information flows, the stronger societies become. He spoke about how access to
information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generates new ideas, encourages
creativity and entrepreneurship. The United States’ belief in that ground truth is what brings me here
Because amid this unprecedented surge in connectivity, we must also recognize that these
technologies are not an unmitigated blessing. These tools are also being exploited to undermine
human progress and political rights. Just as steel can be used to build hospitals or machine guns, or
nuclear power can either energize a city or destroy it, modern information networks and the
technologies they support can be harnessed for good or for ill. The same networks that help organize
movements for freedom also enable al-Qaida to spew hatred and incite violence against the innocent.
And technologies with the potential to open up access to government and promote transparency can
also be hijacked by governments to crush dissent and deny human rights.
In the last year, we’ve seen a spike in threats to the free flow of information. China, Tunisia, and
Uzbekistan have stepped up their censorship of the Internet. In Vietnam, access to popular social
networking sites has suddenly disappeared. And last Friday in Egypt, 30 bloggers and activists were
detained. One member of this group, Bassem Samir, who is thankfully no longer in prison, is with us
today. So while it is clear that the spread of these technologies is transforming our world, it is still
unclear how that transformation will affect the human rights welfare of the world’s population.
On their own, new technologies do not take sides in the struggle for freedom and progress, but the
United States does. We stand for a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to
knowledge and ideas. And we recognize that the world’s information infrastructure will become what
we and others make of it. Now this challenge may be new, but our responsibility to help ensure the
free exchange of ideas goes back to the birth of our republic.
There are many other networks in the world. Some aid in the movement of people or resources,
and some facilitate exchanges between individuals with the same work or interests. But the Internet is
a network that magnifies the power and potential of all others. And that’s why we believe it’s critical
that its users are assured certain basic freedoms. Freedom of expression is first among them. This
freedom is no longer defined solely by whether citizens can go into the town square and criticize their
government without fear of retribution. Blogs, e-mails, social networks, and text messages have
opened up new forums for exchanging ideas, and created new targets for censorship. As I speak to
you today, government censors somewhere are working furiously to erase my words from the records
of history. But history has already condemned these tactics.
Some countries have erected electronic barriers that prevent their people from accessing portions
of the world’s networks. They’ve expunged words, names, and phrases from search engine results.
They have violated the privacy of citizens who engage in nonviolent political speech. These actions
contravene the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which tells us that all people have the right
“to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
With the spread of these restrictive practices, a new information curtain is descending across much of
the world. And beyond this partition, viral videos and blog posts are becoming the samizdat of our
As in the dictatorships of the past, governments are targeting independent thinkers who use these
tools. In the demonstrations that followed Iran’s presidential elections, grainy cell phone footage of a
young woman’s bloody murder provided a digital indictment of the government’s brutality. We’ve
seen reports that when Iranians living overseas posted online criticism of their nation’s leaders, their
family members in Iran were singled out for retribution. And despite an intense campaign of
government intimidation, brave citizen journalists in Iran continue using technology to show the world
and their fellow citizens what is happening inside their country. In speaking out on behalf of their own
human rights, the Iranian people have inspired the world. And their courage is redefining how
technology is used to spread truth and expose injustice.
Some nations, however, have co-opted the Internet as a tool to target and silence people of faith.
Last year, for example, in Saudi Arabia, a man spent months in prison for blogging about Christianity.
And a Harvard study found that the Saudi government blocked many Web pages about Hinduism,
Judaism, Christianity, and even Islam. Countries including Vietnam and China employed similar
tactics to restrict access to religious information.
Now, just as these technologies must not be used to punish peaceful political speech, they also
must not be used to persecute or silence religious minorities. Now, prayers will always travel on
higher networks. But connection technologies like the Internet and social networking sites should
enhance individuals’ ability to worship as they see fit, come together with people of their own faith,
and learn more about the beliefs of others. We must work to advance the freedom of worship online
just as we do in other areas of life.
A connection to global information networks is like an on-ramp to modernity. In the early years of
these technologies, many believed they would divide the world between haves and have-nots. But that
hasn’t happened. There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. Many of them are in the hands of market
vendors, rickshaw drivers, and others who’ve historically lacked access to education and
opportunity. Information networks have become a great leveler, and we should use them together to
help lift people out of poverty and give them freedom from want.
Now, we have every reason to be hopeful about what people can accomplish when they leverage
communication networks and connection technologies to achieve progress. But make no mistake—
some are and will continue to use global information networks for darker purposes. Violent
extremists, criminal cartels, sexual predators, and authoritarian governments all seek to exploit these
global networks. Just as terrorists have taken advantage of the openness of our societies to carry out
their plots, violent extremists use the Internet to radicalize and intimidate. As we work to advance
freedoms, we must also work against those who use communication networks as tools of disruption
and fear.
Governments and citizens must have confidence that the networks at the core of their national
security and economic prosperity are safe and resilient. Now this is about more than petty hackers
who deface Web sites. Our ability to bank online, use electronic commerce, and safeguard billions of
dollars in intellectual property are all at stake if we cannot rely on the security of our information
States, terrorists, and those who would act as their proxies must know that the United States will
protect our networks. Those who disrupt the free flow of information in our society or any other pose
a threat to our economy, our government, and our civil society. Countries or individuals that engage in
cyber attacks should face consequences and international condemnation. In an Internet-connected
world, an attack on one nation’s networks can be an attack on all. And by reinforcing that message,
we can create norms of behavior among states and encourage respect for the global networked

Source: Clinton, Hillary. “Remarks on Internet Freedom.” U.S. State Department, January 21, 2010.

3. Excerpts from the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare,
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, 2010
In 2010, NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, headquartered at Tallinn,
Estonia, invited experts in international law, cyber security, and information technology to draft a
manual of rules for cyber warfare. The manual is not binding on even the member states of NATO,
but it does offer a means to open discussion on the creation of international law governing cyber
conflict. In this regard, it follows the long history of international laws of armed conflict that
began through similar international conferences. This manual seeks to apply the laws of physical
warfare to the cyber domain and also recognizes that some aspects of cyber war, including the
means of attack and the individuals involved, differ markedly from the physical world.

Rule 5. A State shall not knowingly allow the cyber infrastructure located in its territory or under its
exclusive governmental control to be used for acts that adversely and unlawfully affect other States.
Rule 6. A State bears international legal responsibility for a cyber operation attributable to it and
which constitutes a breach of international obligation.
Rule 7. The mere fact that a cyber operation has been launched or otherwise originates from
governmental cyber infrastructure is not sufficient evidence for attributing the operation to that State
but is an indication that the State in question is associated with the operation.
Rule 8. The fact that a cyber operation has been routed via cyber infrastructure located in a State
is not sufficient evidence for attributing the operation to that State.
Rule 9. A State injured by an internationally wrongful act may resort to proportionate
countermeasures, including cyber countermeasures, against the responsible State.
Rule 10. A cyber operation that constitutes a threat or use of force against the territorial integrity
or political independence of any State, or that is in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of
the United Nations, is unlawful.
Rule 11. A cyber operation constitutes a use of force when its scale and effects are comparable to
noncyber operations rising to the level of a use of force.
Rule 16. The right of self-defence may be exercised collectively. Collective self-defence against
a cyber operation amounting to an armed attack may only be exercised at the request of the victim-
State and within the scope of the request.
Rule 20. Cyber operations executed in the context of an armed conflict are subject to the law of
armed conflict.
Rule 28. Mercenaries involved in cyber operations do not enjoy combatant immunity or prisoner
of war status.
Rule 29. Civilians are not prohibited from directly participating in cyber operations amounting to
hostilities but forfeit their protection from attacks for such time as they so participate.
Rule 30. A cyber attack is a cyber operation, whether offensive or defensive, that is reasonably
expected to cause injury or death to persons or damage or destruction to objects.
Rule 31. The principle of distinction applies to cyber attacks.
Rule 32. The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of
cyber attack.
Rule 36. Cyber attacks, or the threat thereof, the primary purpose of which is to spread terror
among the civilian population, are prohibited.
Rule 51. A cyber attack that may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to
civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation
to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated is prohibited.
Rule 61. Cyber operations that qualify as ruses of war are permitted.
Rule 66. (a) Cyber espionage and other forms of information gathering directed at an adversary
during an armed conflict do not violate the law of armed conflict. (b) A member of the armed forces
who has engaged in cyber espionage in enemy-controlled territory loses the right to be a prisoner of
war and may be treated as a spy if captured before re-joining the armed forces to which he or she
Rule 77. Prisoners of war and interned protected persons shall not be compelled to participate in
or support cyber operations directed against their own country.
Rule 84. Diplomatic archives and communications are protected from cyber operations at all
Rule 85. Collective punishment by cyber means is prohibited.
Rule 93. A neutral State may not knowingly allow the exercise of belligerent rights by the parties
to the conflict from cyber infrastructure located in its territory or under its exclusive control.

Source: Schmitt, Michael N. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber
Warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Copyright © Cambridge University Press.
Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press.

4. Excerpts of “International Strategy for Cyberspace,” May 2011

Many Western nations, the United States included, make their national security strategies
available to the public. Of course, these strategy documents offer more of a general guide to the
nation’s priorities and goals than a practical examination of how those goals will be reached.
Nevertheless, the U.S. cyber-space strategy is an important example that clarifies not only how the
American government envisions the needs of the international cyber-space community but what
underpins its understanding of the interaction of nations. Take note that while much of the
document is extremely optimistic regarding the future of the Internet, there is a lightly veiled
threat that any form of cyber attack may provoke a kinetic retaliation from the United States.
Further, the American conception that all the people of the world should have free, open access to
the Internet and should be granted liberty and privacy in its use is anathema to the totalitarian
regimes of the world that abhor the idea of open information-sharing among their subject
populations. As the United States tries to push such a vision on a global scale, it is essentially
sowing the seeds of revolt among those populations.

The Future We Seek

The cyberspace environment that we seek rewards innovation and empowers individuals; it
connects individuals and strengthens communities; it builds better governments and expands
accountability; it safeguards fundamental freedoms and enhances personal privacy; it builds
understanding, clarifies norms of behavior, and enhances national and international security. To
sustain this environment, international collaboration is more than a best practice, it is a first principle.

Our Goal
The United States will work internationally to promote an open, interoperable, secure, and
reliable information and communications infrastructure that supports international trade and
commerce, strengthens international security, and fosters free expression and innovation. To achieve
that goal, we will build and sustain an environment in which norms of responsible behavior guide
states’ actions, sustain partnerships, and support the rule of law in cyberspace.

Stability through Norms

The United States will work with like-minded states to establish an environment of expectations,
or norms of behavior, that ground foreign and defense policies and guide international partnerships.
The last two decades have seen the swift and unprecedented growth of the Internet as a social
medium; the growing reliance of societies on networked information systems to control critical
infrastructures and communications systems essential to modern life; and increasing evidence that
governments are seeking to exercise traditional national power through cyberspace. These events
have not been matched by clearly agreed-upon norms for acceptable state behavior in cyberspace. To
bridge that gap, we will work to build a consensus on what constitutes acceptable behavior, and a
partnership among those who view the functioning of these systems as essential to the national and
collective interest.

The Role of Norms

In other spheres of international relations, shared understandings about acceptable behavior have
enhanced stability and provided a basis for international action when corrective measures are
required. Adherence to such norms brings predictability to state conduct, helping prevent the
misunderstandings that could lead to conflict.
The development of norms for state conduct in cyberspace does not require a reinvention of
customary international law, nor does it render existing international norms obsolete. Long-standing
international norms guiding state behavior—in times of peace and conflict—also apply in
cyberspace. Nonetheless, unique attributes of networked technology require additional work to
clarify how these terms apply and what additional understandings might be necessary to supplement
them. We will continue to work internationally to forge consensus regarding how norms of behavior
apply to cyberspace, with the understanding that an important first step in such efforts is applying the
broad expectations of peaceful and just interstate conduct to cyberspace.

The Basis for Norms

Rules that promote order and peace, advance basic human dignity, and promote freedom in
economic competition are essential to any international environment. These principles provide a
basic roadmap for how states can meet their traditional international obligations in cyberspace and, in
many cases, reflect duties of states that apply regardless of context. The existing principles that
should support cyberspace norms include:

• Upholding Fundamental Freedoms: States must respect fundamental freedoms of expression and
association, online as well as off.
• Respect for Property: States should in their undertakings and through domestic laws respect
intellectual property rights, including patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights.
• Valuing Privacy: Individuals should be protected from arbitrary or unlawful state interference
with their privacy when they use the Internet.
• Protection from Crime: States must identify and prosecute cybercriminals, to ensure laws and
practices deny criminals safe havens, and cooperate with international criminal investigations
in a timely manner.
• Right of Self-Defense: Consistent with the United Nations Charter, states have an inherent right
to self-defense that may be triggered by certain aggressive acts in cyberspace.

Deriving from these traditional principles of interstate conduct are responsibilities more specific
to cyberspace, focused in particular on preserving global network functionality and improving
cybersecurity. Many of these responsibilities are rooted in the technical realities of the Internet.
Because the Internet’s core functionality relies on systems of trust (such as the Border Gateway
Protocol), states need to recognize the international implications of their technical decisions, and act
with respect for one another’s networks and the broader Internet. Likewise, in designing the next
generation of these systems, we must advance the common interest by supporting the soundest
technical standards and governance structures, rather than those that will simply enhance national
prestige or political control. Emerging norms, also essential to this space, include:

• Global Interoperability: States should act within their authorities to help ensure the end-to-end
interoperability of an Internet accessible to all.
• Network Stability: States should respect the free flow of information in national network
configurations, ensuring they do not arbitrarily interfere with internationally interconnected
• Reliable Access: States should not arbitrarily deprive or disrupt individuals’ access to the
Internet or other networked technologies.
• Multi-stakeholder Governance: Internet governance efforts must not be limited to governments,
but should include all appropriate stakeholders.
• Cybersecurity Due Diligence: States should recognize and act on their responsibility to protect
information infrastructures and secure national systems from damage or misuse.
While cyberspace is a dynamic environment, international behavior in it must be grounded in the
principles of responsible domestic governance, peaceful interstate conduct, and reliable network
management. As these ideas develop, the United States will foster and participate fully in
discussions, advancing a principled approach to Internet policy-making and developing shared
understandings appropriate to each issue.

Defense: Dissuading and Deterring

The United States will defend its networks, whether the threat comes from terrorists,
cybercriminals, or states and their proxies. Just as importantly, we will seek to encourage good actors
and dissuade and deter those who threaten peace and stability through actions in cyberspace. We will
do so with overlapping policies that combine national and international network resilience with
vigilance and a range of credible response options. In all our defense endeavors, we will protect
civil liberties and privacy in accordance with our laws and principles.

Defense Objective
The United States will, along with other nations, encourage responsible behavior and oppose
those who would seek to disrupt networks and systems, dissuading and deterring malicious actors,
and reserving the right to defend these vital national assets as necessary and appropriate.

Protecting networks of such great value requires robust defensive capabilities. The United States
will continue to strengthen our network defenses and our ability to withstand and recover from
disruptions and other attacks. For those more sophisticated attacks that do create damage, we will act
on well-developed response plans to isolate and mitigate disruption to our machines, limiting effects
on our networks, and potential cascade effects beyond them.

Strength at Home
Ensuring the resilience of our networks and information systems requires collective and concerted
national action that spans the whole of government, in collaboration with the private sector and
individual citizens. For a decade, the United States has been fostering a culture of cybersecurity and
an effective apparatus for risk mitigation and incident response. We continue to emphasize that
systematically adopting sound information technology practices—across the public and private
sectors—will reduce our Nation’s vulnerabilities and strengthen networks and systems. We are also
making steady progress towards shared situational awareness of network vulnerabilities and risks
among public and private sector networks. We have built new initiatives through our national
computer security incident response team to share information among government, key industries, our
critical infrastructure sectors, and other stakeholders. And we continually seek new ways to
strengthen our partnership with the private sector to enhance the security of the systems on which we
both rely.

Strength Abroad
This model of defense has been successfully shared internationally through education, training and
ongoing operational and policy relationships. Today, through existing and developing collaborations
in the technical and military defense arenas, national share an unprecedented ability to recognize and
respond to incidents—a crucial step in denying would-be attackers the ability to do lasting damage to
our national and international networks. However, a globally distributed network requires globally
distributed early warning capabilities. We must continue to produce new computer security incident
response capabilities globally, and to facilitate their interconnection and enhanced computer network
defense. The United States has a shared interest in assisting less developed nations to build capacity
for defense, and in collaboration with our partners, will intensify our focus on this area. Building
relationships with friends and allies will increase collective security across the international
The United States will ensure that the risks associated with attacking or exploiting our networks
vastly outweigh the potential benefits. We fully recognize that cyberspace activities can have effects
extending beyond networks; such events may require responses in self-defense. Likewise,
interconnected networks link nations more closely, so an attack on one nation’s networks may have
impact far beyond its borders.
In the case of criminals and other non-state actors who would threaten our national and economic
security, domestic deterrence requires all states have processes that permit them to investigate,
apprehend, and prosecute those who intrude or disrupt networks at home and abroad. Internationally,
law enforcement organizations must work in concert with one another whenever possible to freeze
perishable data vital to ongoing investigations, to work with legislatures and justice ministries to
harmonize their approaches, and to promote due process and the rule of law—all key tenets of the
Budapest Convention on Cybercrime.
When warranted, the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any
other threat to our country. All states possess an inherent right to self-defense, and we recognize that
certain hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we
have with our military treaty partners. We reserve the right to use all necessary means—diplomatic,
informational, military, and economic—as appropriate and consistent with applicable international
law, in order to defend our Nation, our allies, our partners, and our interests. In so doing, we will
exhaust all options before military force whenever we can; will carefully weigh the costs and risks of
action against the costs of inaction; and will act in a way that reflects our values and strengthens our
legitimacy, seeking broad international support whenever possible.

Military: Preparing for 21st Century Security Challenges

Since our commitment to defend our citizens, allies, and interests extends to wherever they might
be threatened, we will:

• Recognize and adapt to the military’s increasing need for reliable and secure networks. We
recognize that our armed forces increasingly depend on the networks that support them, and we
will work to ensure that our military remains full equipped to operate even in an environment
where others might seek to disrupt its systems, or other infrastructure vital to national defense.
Like all nations, the United States has a compelling interest in defending its vital national assets,
as well as our core principles and values, and we are committed to defending against those who
would attempt to impede our ability to do so.
• Build and enhance existing military alliances to confront potential threats in cyberspace.
Cybersecurity cannot be achieved by any one nation alone, and greater levels of international
cooperating are needed to confront those actors who would seek to disrupt or exploit our
networks. This effort begins by acknowledging that the interconnected nature of networked
systems of our closest allies, such as those of NATO and its member states, creates
opportunities and new risks. Moving forward, the United States will continue to work with the
militaries and civilian counterparts of our allies and partners to expand situational awareness
and shared warning systems, enhance our ability to work together in times of peace and crisis,
and develop the means and method of collective self-defense in cyberspace. Such military
alliances and partnerships will bolster our collective deterrence capabilities and strengthen our
ability to defend the United States against state and non-state actors.
• Expand cyberspace cooperation with allies and partners to increase collective security. The
challenges of cyberspace also create opportunities to work in new ways with allied and partner
militaries. By developing a shared understanding of standard operating procedures, our armed
forces can enhance security through coordination and greater information exchange; these
engagements will diminish misperceptions about military activities and the potential for
escalatory behavior. Dialogues and best practice exchanges to enhance partner capabilities,
such as digital forensics, work force development, and network penetration and resiliency
testing will be important to this effort. The United States will work in close partnership with
like-minded states to leverage capabilities, reduce collective risk, and foster multi-stakeholder
initiatives to deter malicious activities in cyberspace.
Moving Forward
The benefits of networked technology should not be reserved to a privileged few nations, or a
privileged few within them. But connectivity is no end unto itself; it must be supported by a
cyberspace that is open to innovation, interoperable the world over, secure enough to earn people’s
trust, and reliable enough to support their work.
Thirty years ago, few understood that something called the Internet would lead to a revolution [in]
how we work and live. In that short time, millions now owe their livelihoods—and even their lives—
to advances in networked technology. A billion more rely on it for everyday forms of social
interaction. This technology propels society forward, accomplishing things previous generations
scarcely thought possible. For our part, the United States will continue to spark the creativity and
imagination of our people, and those around the world. We cannot know what the next great
innovation will be, but are committed to realizing a world in which it can take shape and flourish.
This strategy is a roadmap allowing the United States Government’s departments and agencies to
better define and coordinate their role in our international cyberspace policy, to execute a specific
way forward, and to plan for future implementation. It is a call to the private sector, civil society, and
end-users to reinforce these efforts through partnership, awareness, and action. Most importantly, it is
an invitation to other states and peoples to join us in realizing this vision of prosperity, security, and
openness in our networked world. These ideals are central to preserving the cyberspace we know,
and to creating, together, the future we seek.

Source: “International Strategy for Cyberspace: Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked
World.” The White House, May 2011.

5. Excerpts of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on Cyber Security, October 11, 2012
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, speaking to the Business Executives for National Security, laid
out both the current capabilities of the U.S. Department of Defense and its short-term priorities
for the cyber-space domain. In his speech, he suggested that the United States had largely solved
the fundamental attribution problem for cyber attacks, while also noting the incredible
vulnerabilities of American infrastructure and the failure of private companies to undertake even
the most basic cyber-security precautions. Unlike many leaders in comparable positions, Panetta
seems optimistic that cyber defense and deterrence are both technically feasible and fiscally

Cyberspace has fundamentally transformed the global economy. It’s transformed our way of life,
providing 2 billion people across the world with instant access to information, to communication, to
business opportunities. Cyberspace is the new frontier, full of possibilities to advance security and
prosperity in the 21st century. And yet, with these possibilities also come new perils and new
dangers. The Internet is open. It’s highly accessible, as it should be. But that also presents a new
terrain for warfare. It is a battlefield of the future where adversaries can seek to do harm to our
country, to our economy, and to our citizens. I know that when people think of cybersecurity today,
they worry about hackers and criminals who prowl the Internet, steal people’s identities, steal
sensitive business information, steal even national security secrets. Those threats are real, and they
exist today. But the even greater danger—the danger facing us in cyberspace goes beyond crime and it
goes beyond harassment. A cyber attack perpetrated by nation-states or violent extremist groups could
be as destructive as the terrorist attack on 9/11. Such a destructive cyber-terrorist attack could
virtually paralyze the nation.
Let me give you some examples of the kinds of attacks that we have already experienced. In recent
weeks, as many of you know, some large U.S. financial institutions were hit by so-called distributed
denial-of-service attacks. These attacks delayed or disrupted services on customer Web sites. While
this kind of tactic isn’t new, the scale and speed with which it happened was unprecedented. But even
more alarming is an attack that happened two months ago when a very sophisticated virus called
Shamoon infected computers in the Saudi Arabian state oil company Aramco. Shamoon included a
routine called a “wiper,” coded to self-execute. This routine replaced crucial systems files with an
image of a burning U.S. flag. But it also put additional garbage data that overwrote all the real data on
the machine. More than 30,000 computers that it infected were rendered useless and had to be
replaced. It virtually destroyed 30,000 computers. Then just days after this incident, there was a
similar attack on RasGas of Qatar, a major energy company in the region. All told, the Shamoon virus
was probably the most destructive attack that the private sector has seen to date.
These attacks mark a significant escalation of the cyber threat, and they have renewed concerns
about still more destructive scenarios that could unfold. For example, we know that foreign cyber
actors are probing America’s critical infrastructure networks. They are targeting the computer control
systems that operate chemical, electricity, and water plants and those that guide transportation
throughout this country. We know of specific instances where intruders have successfully gained
access to these control systems. We also know that they are seeking to create advanced tools to attack
these systems and cause panic and destruction and even loss of life.
An aggressor nation or extremist group could use these kinds of cyber tools to gain control of
critical switches. They could, for example, derail passenger trains or even more dangerous, derail
trains loaded with lethal chemicals. They could contaminate the water supply in major cities or shut
down the power grid across large parts of the country. The most destructive scenarios involve cyber
actors launching several attacks on our critical infrastructure at one time, in combination with a
physical attack on our country. Attackers could also seek to disable or degrade critical military
systems and communication networks. The collective result of these kinds of attacks could be a cyber
Pearl Harbor, an attack that would cause physical destruction and the loss of life. In fact, it would
paralyze and shock the nation and create a new, profound sense of vulnerability.
The Department of Defense, in large part through the capabilities of the National Security Agency,
NSA, has developed the world’s most sophisticated system to detect cyber intruders and attackers.
We are acting aggressively to get ahead of this problem, putting in place measures to stop cyber
attacks dead in their tracks. We are doing this as part of a broad whole of government effort to
confront cyber threats.
The Department of Defense also has a role. It is a supporting role, but it is an essential role. And
tonight, I want to explain what that means. But first let me make clear what it does not mean. It does
not mean that the Department of Defense will monitor citizens’ personal computers. We’re not
interested in personal communications or in e-mails or in providing the day to day security of private
and commercial networks. That is not our goal. That is not our job. That is not our mission. Our
mission is to defend the nation. We defend. We deter, and if called upon, we take decisive action to
protect our citizens. In the past, we have done so through operations on land and at sea, in the skies
and in space. In this century, the United States military must help defend the nation in cyberspace as
well. If a foreign adversary attacked U.S. soil, the American people have every right to expect their
national defense forces to respond. If a crippling cyber attack were launched against our nation, the
American people must be protected. And if the commander in chief orders a response, the Defense
Department must be ready to obey that order and to act.
To ensure that we fulfill our role to defend the nation in cyberspace, the department is focusing
upon three main tracks. One, developing new capabilities. Two, putting in place the policies and
organizations we need to execute our mission. And three, building much more effective cooperation
with industry and our international partners.
First, developing new capabilities. DoD is investing more than $3 billion annually in
cybersecurity because we have to retain that cutting-edge capability in the field. Following our new
defense strategy, the department is continuing to increase key investments in cybersecurity even in an
era of fiscal restraint. Our most important investment is in skilled cyber warriors needed to conduct
operations in cyberspace. Just as DoD developed the world’s finest counterterrorism force over the
past decade, we need to build and maintain the finest cyber force and operations. We’re recruiting,
we’re training, the best and the brightest in order to stay ahead of other nations. It’s no secret that
Russia and China have advanced cyber capabilities. Iran has also undertaken a concerted effort to use
cyberspace to its advantage. Moreover, DoD is already in an intense daily struggle against thousands
of cyber actors who probe the Defense Department’s networks, millions of times a day.
Throughout the innovative efforts of our cyber operators, we’ve been trying to enhance the
department’s cyber defense programs. These systems rely on sensors, they rely on software to hunt
down the malicious codes before it harms our systems. We actively share our own experience
defending our systems with those running the nation’s critical private sector networks. In addition to
defending the department’s networks, we also help deter attacks. Our cyber adversaries will be far
less likely to hit us if they know that we will be able to link to the attack or that their effort will fail
against our strong defenses. The department has made significant advances in solving a problem that
makes deterring cyber adversaries more complex, the difficulty of identifying the origins of that
attack. Over the last two years, DoD has made significant investments in forensics to address this
problem of attribution, and we’re seeing the returns on that investment. Potential aggressors should be
aware that the United States has the capacity to locate them and to hold them accountable for their
actions that may try to harm America.
But we won’t succeed in preventing a cyber attack through improved defenses alone. If we detect
an imminent threat that will cause significant, physical destruction in the United States or kill
American citizens, we need to have the option to take action against those who would attack us to
defend this nation when directed by the president. For these kinds of scenarios, the department has
developed the capability to conduct effective operations to counter threats to our national interests in
cyberspace. Let me be clear that we will only do so to defend our nation, to defend our interests, to
defend our allies, and we will only do so in a manner that is consistent with the policy principles and
legal frameworks that the department follows for other domains including the law of armed conflict.
Which brings me to the second area of focus, policies and organization. Responding to the cyber
threat requires the right policies and organizations across the federal government. For the past year,
the Department of Defense has been working very closely with other agencies to understand where
are the lines of responsibility when it comes to cyber defense. Where do we draw those lines? And
how do those responsibilities get executed? As part of that effort, the department is now finalizing the
most comprehensive change to our rules of engagement in cyberspace in seven years. The new rules
will make clear that the department has a responsibility, not only to defend DoD’s networks, but also
to be prepared to defend the nation and our national interests against an attack in or through
cyberspace. These new rules make the department more agile and provide us with the ability to
confront major threats quickly.
Three years ago, the department took a major step forward by establishing the United States
Cyber Command, under the leadership of General Keith Alexander, a four-star officer who also
serves as the director of the National Security Agency. Cyber Command has matured into what I
believe is a world-class organization. It has the capacity to conduct a full range of missions inside
cyberspace. The threat picture could be quickly shared with DoD’s geographic and functional
combatant commanders, with DHS, with FBI and with other agencies in government. After all, we
need to see an attack coming in order to defend against that attack. And we’re looking at ways to
strengthen Cyber Command as well. We must ensure that it has the resources, that it has the
authorities, that it has the capabilities required to perform this growing mission. And it must also be
able to react quickly to events unfolding in cyberspace and help fully integrate cyber into all of the
department’s plans and activities.
And finally, the third area is to build stronger partnerships. As I’ve made clear, securing
cyberspace is not the sole responsibility of the United States military or even the sole responsibility
of the United States government. The private sector, government, military, our allies—all share the
same global infrastructure, and we all share the responsibility to protect it. Therefore, we are
deepening cooperation with our closest allies with the goal of sharing threat information, maximizing
shared capabilities and determining malicious activities. The president, the vice president, secretary
of state and I have made cyber a major topic of discussion in nearly all of our bilateral meetings with
foreign counterparts. I recently met with our Chinese military counterparts just a few weeks ago. As I
mentioned earlier, China is rapidly growing its cyber capabilities. In my visit to Beijing, I
underscored the need to increase communication and transparency with each other so that we could
avoid a misunderstanding or a miscalculation in cyberspace. This is in the interest of the United
States, but it’s also in the interest of China.
Ultimately, no one has a greater interest in cybersecurity than the businesses that depend on a safe,
secure and resilient global, digital infrastructure. Particularly those who operate the critical networks
that we must help defend. To defend those networks more effectively, we must share information
between the government and the private sector about threats in cyberspace. We’ve made real progress
in sharing information with the private sector. But very frankly, we need Congress to act to ensure that
this sharing is timely and comprehensive.
Companies should be able to share specific threat information with the government, without the
prospect of lawsuits hanging over their head. And a key principle must be to protect the fundamental
liberties and privacy in cyberspace that we are all duty bound to uphold. Information sharing alone is
not sufficient. We’ve got to work with the business community to develop baseline standards for our
most critical private-sector infrastructure, our power plants, our water treatment facilities, our gas
pipelines. This would help ensure that companies take proactive measures to secure themselves
against sophisticated threats, but also take common sense steps against basic threats. Although
awareness is growing, the reality is that too few companies have invested in even basic
cybersecurity. The fact is that to fully provide the necessary protection in our democracy,
cybersecurity legislation must be passed by the Congress. Without it, we are and we will be

Source: Panetta, Leon. “Remarks by Secretary Panetta on Cybersecurity to the Business Executives
for National Security.” U.S. Department of Defense, October 11, 2012.

6. Excerpts from U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Science Board, Task Force Report:
“Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat,” January 2013
In June 2011, the Defense Science Board (DSB) was tasked with examining the current state of
cyber security in the Department of Defense (DoD) and offering recommendations for how the
DoD could improve its cyber posture. The extensive report, of which excerpts are below, paints a
grim picture of the cyber conditions confronting the DoD and concedes that there will be extensive
penetrations of the U.S. cyber network, even if all the recommendations are carried out. Further, it
is telling that the DSB considers it an important aspiration for the United States to rise to the
level of worthy competitor in the cyber domain. The DSB views the potential of cyber warfare,
which it believes will be a part of every future conflict, to present an existential threat to the
nation matched only by the danger of nuclear weapons.

The United States cannot be confident that our critical Information Technology (IT) systems will work
under attack from a sophisticated and well-resourced opponent utilizing cyber capabilities in
combination with all of their military and intelligence capabilities (a “full spectrum” adversary).
While this is also true for others (e.g., Allies, rivals, and public/private networks), this Task Force
strongly believes the DoD needs to take the lead and build an effective response to measurably
increase confidence in the IT systems we depend on (public and private) and at the same time
decrease a would-be attacker’s confidence in the effectiveness of their capabilities to compromise
DoD systems. We have recommended an approach to do so, and we need to start now!
While DoD takes great care to secure the use and operation of the “hardware” of its weapon
systems, these security practices have not kept up with the cyber adversary tactics and capabilities.
Further, the same level of resource and attention is not spent on the complex network of information
technology (IT) systems that are used to support and operate those weapons or critical cyber
capabilities embedded within them. This Task Force was asked to review and make recommendations
to improve the resilience of DoD systems to cyber attacks and to develop a set of metrics that the
Department could use to track progress and shape investment priorities.
Over the past 18 months, the Task Force received more than 50 briefings from practitioners and
senior officials throughout the DoD, Intelligence Community (IC), commercial practitioners,
academia, national laboratories, and policymakers. As a result of its deliberations, the Task Force
concludes that:

• The cyber threat is serious, with potential consequences similar in some ways to the nuclear
threat of the Cold War.
• The cyber threat is also insidious, enabling adversaries to access vast new channels of
intelligence about critical U.S. enablers (operational and technical; military and industrial) that
can threaten our national and economic security.
• Current DoD actions, though numerous, are fragmented. Thus, DoD is not prepared to defend
against this threat.
• DoD red teams, using cyber attack tools which can be downloaded from the Internet, are very
successful at defeating our systems.
• U.S. networks are built on inherently insecure architectures with increasing use of foreign-built
• U.S. intelligence against peer threats targeting DoD systems is inadequate.
• With present capabilities and technology it is not possible to defend with confidence against the
most sophisticated cyber attacks.
• It will take years for the Department to build an effective response to the cyber threat to include
elements of deterrence, mission assurance and offensive cyber capabilities.
The DoD, and its contractor base are high priority targets that have sustained staggering losses of
system design information incorporating years of combat knowledge and experience. Employing
reverse engineering techniques, adversaries can exploit weapon system technical plans for their
benefit. Perhaps even more significant, they gained insight to operational concepts and system use
(e.g., which processes are automated and which are person controlled) developed from decades of
U.S. operational and developmental experience—the type of information that cannot simply be
recreated in a laboratory or factory environment. Such information provides tremendous benefit to an
adversary, shortening time for development of countermeasures by years.
In addition, there is evidence of attacks that exploit known vulnerabilities in the domestic power
grid and critical infrastructure systems. DoD, and the United States, is extremely reliant on the
availability of its critical infrastructure.
Recent DoD and U.S. interest in counterfeit parts has resulted in the identification of widespread
introduction of counterfeit parts into DoD systems through commercial supply chains. Since many
systems use the same processors and those processors are typically built overseas in untrustworthy
environments, the challenge to supply chain management in a cyber-contested environment is
DoD is in the process of institutionalizing a Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) strategy that
prioritizes scarce security resources on critical mission systems and components, provides
intelligence analysis to acquisition programs and incorporates vulnerability risk mitigation
requirements into system designs.
The success of DoD red teams against its operational systems should also give pause to DoD
leadership. During exercises and testing, DoD red teams, using only small teams and a short amount
of time, are able to significantly disrupt the “blue team’s” ability to carry out military missions.
Typically, the disruption is so great, that the exercise must be essentially reset without the cyber
intrusion to allow enough operational capability to proceed. These stark demonstrations contribute to
the Task Force’s assertion that the functioning of DoD’s systems is not assured in the presence of even
a modestly aggressive cyber attack.
The benefits to an attacker using cyber exploits are potentially spectacular. Should the United
States find itself in a full-scale conflict with a peer adversary, attacks would be expected to include
denial of service, data corruption, supply chain corruption, traitorous insiders, kinetic and related
non-kinetic attacks at all altitudes from underwater to space. U.S. guns, missiles, and bombs may not
fire, or may be directed against our own troops. Resupply, including food, water, ammunition, and
fuel, may not arrive when or where needed. Military Commanders may rapidly lose trust in the
information and ability to control U.S. systems and forces. Once lost, that trust is very difficult to
The impact of a destructive cyber attack on the civilian population would be even greater with no
electricity, money, communications, TV, radio, or fuel (electrically pumped). In a short time, food and
medicine distribution systems would be ineffective, transportation would fail or become so chaotic as
to be useless. Law enforcement, medical staff, and emergency personnel capabilities could be
expected to be barely functional in the short term and dysfunctional over sustained periods. If the
attackers’ effects were reversible, damage could be limited to an impact equivalent to a power outage
lasting a few days. If an attack’s effects cause physical damage to control systems, pumps, engines,
generators, controllers, etc., the unavailability of parts and manufacturing capacity could mean months
to years are required to rebuild and reestablish basic infrastructure operation.
The DoD should expect cyber attacks to be part of all conflicts in the future, and should not expect
competitors to play by our version of the rules, but instead apply their own rules (e.g., using
surrogates for exploitation and offense operations, sharing IP with local industries for economic gain,

1. Protect the Nuclear Strike as a Deterrent (for existing nuclear armed states and existential
cyber attack).
2. Determine the Mix of Cyber, Protected-Conventional, and Nuclear Capabilities Necessary for
Assured Operation in the Face of a Full-Spectrum Adversary.
3. Refocus Intelligence Collection and Analysis to Understand Adversarial Cyber Capabilities,
Plans and Intentions, and to Enable Counterstrategies.
4. Build and Maintain World-Class Cyber Offensive Capabilities (with appropriate authorities).
5. Enhance Defenses to Protect Against Low and Mid-Tier Threats.
6. Change DoD’s Culture Regarding Cyber and Cyber Security.
7. Build a Cyber Resilient Force.

The network connectivity that the United States has used to tremendous advantage, economically
and militarily, over the past 20 years has made the country far more vulnerable than ever to cyber
attacks. At the same time, our adversaries are far more capable of conducting such attacks. The DoD
should expect cyber to be part of all future conflicts, especially against near-peer and peer
adversaries. This Task Force believes that full manifestation of the cyber threat could even produce
existential consequences to the United States, particularly with respect to critical infrastructure. To
maintain global stability in the emerging area of cyber warfare, the United States must be, and be seen
as, a worthy competitor in this domain.
This Task Force developed a set of recommendations that, when taken in whole, creates a strategy
for DoD to address this broad and pervasive threat. Cyber is a complicated domain and must be
managed from a systems perspective. There is no silver bullet that will reduce DoD cyber risk to
zero. While the problem cannot be eliminated, it can and must be determinedly managed through the
combination of deterrence and improved cyber defense. Deterrence is achieved with offensive cyber,
some protected-conventional capabilities, and anchored with U.S. nuclear weapons. This strategy
removes the requirements to protect all of our military systems from the most advanced cyber threats,
which the Task Force believes is neither feasible nor affordable. It will take time to build the
capabilities necessary to prepare and protect our country from the cyber threat. We must start now!

Source: U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Science Board. “Task Force Report: Resilient Military
Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat.” January 2013.

7. Statement of General Keith B. Alexander, Commander, United States Cyber Command,

before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, March 12, 2013

General Keith B. Alexander, the director of the National Security Agency and the commander of
U.S. Cyber Command, gave a prepared statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services.
In that statement, he laid out the basic tenets of U.S. cyber policy and the current state of affairs
in the cyber domain. This excerpt, titled “The Strategic Landscape,” clarifies the role of U.S.
Cyber Command in the American national defense structure. It pays particular attention to the
threats that currently confront the United States in the cyber domain.

U.S. Cyber Command operates in a dynamic and contested environment that literally changes its
characteristics each time someone powers on a networked device. Geographic boundaries are
perhaps less evident in cyberspace, but every server, fiber-optic line, cell tower, thumb drive, router,
and laptop is owned by someone and resides in some physical locale. In this way cyberspace
resembles the land domain—it is all owned, and it can be reshaped. Most networked devices, for
example, are in private hands, and their owners can deny or facilitate others’ cyber operations by how
they manage and maintain their networks and devices. Cyberspace as an operating environment also
has aspects unique to it. Events in cyberspace can seem to happen instantaneously. Data can appear to
reside in multiple locations. There is a great deal of anonymity, and strongly encrypted data are
virtually unreadable. In cyberspace, moreover, sweeping effects can be precipitated by states,
enterprises, and individuals, with the added nuance that such cyber actors can be very difficult to
identify. The cyber landscape also changes rapidly with the connection of new devices and
bandwidth, and with the spread of strong encryption and mobile devices. Despite the unique
characteristics of cyberspace, states still matter because they can affect much of the physical
infrastructure within their borders. Convergence is our watchword; our communications, computers,
and networks are merging into one digital environment as our political, economic, and social realms
are being re-shaped by the rush of innovation.
In this environment that is both orderly and chaotic, beneficial and perilous, we at
USCYBERCOM have to focus on actors who possess the capability—and possibly the intent—to
harm our nation’s interests in cyberspace or to use cyber means to inflict harm on us in other ways.
Unfortunately, the roster of actors of concern to us is growing longer and growing also in terms of the
variety and sophistication of the ways they can affect our operations and security.
State actors continue to top our list of concerns. We feel confident that foreign leaders believe that
a devastating attack on the critical infrastructure and population of the United States by cyber means
would be correctly traced back to its source and elicit a prompt and proportionate response.
Nonetheless, it is possible that some future regime or cyber actor could misjudge the impact and the
certainty of our resolve.
We have some confidence in our ability to deter major state-on-state attacks in cyberspace but we
are not deterring the seemingly low-level harassment of private and public sites, property, and data.
As former Secretary of Defense Panetta explained to an audience in New York last October, states
and extremist groups are behaving recklessly and aggressively in the cyber environment. Such attacks
have been destructive to both data and property. The Secretary mentioned, for example, the remote
assaults last summer on Saudi Aramco and RasGas, which together rendered inoperable—and
effectively destroyed the data on—more than 30,000 computers. We have also seen repressive
regimes, desperate to hold on to power in the face of popular resistance, resort to all manner of cyber
harassment on both their opponents and their own citizens caught in the crossfire. Offensive cyber
programs and capabilities are growing, evolving, and spreading before our eyes; we believe it is only
a matter of time before the sort of sophisticated tools developed by well-funded state actors find their
way to non-state groups or even individuals. The United States has already become a target.
Networks and websites owned by Americans and located here have endured intentional, state-
sponsored attacks, and some have incurred damage and disruption because they happened to be along
the route to another state’s overseas targets.
Let me draw your attention to another very serious threat to U.S. interests. The systematic cyber
exploitation of American companies, enterprises, and their intellectual property continued unabated
over the last year. Many incidents were perpetrated by organized cybercriminals. Identity and data
theft are now big business, netting their practitioners large profits and giving rise to an on-line sub-
culture of markets for stolen data and cyber tools for stealing more. Much cyber exploitation activity,
however, is state-sponsored. Foreign government-directed cyber collection personnel, tools, and
organizations are targeting the data of American and western businesses, institutions, and citizens.
They are particularly targeting our telecommunications, information technology, financial, security,
and energy sectors. They are exploiting these targets on a scale amounting to the greatest unwilling
transfer of wealth in history. States and cybercriminals do not leave empty bank vaults and file
drawers behind after they break-in—they usually copy what they find and leave the original data
intact—but the damage they are doing to America’s economic competitiveness and innovation edge is
profound, translating into missed opportunities for U.S. companies and the potential for lost American
jobs. Cyber-enabled theft jeopardizes our economic growth. We at USCYBERCOM work closely
with our interagency partners to address these threats.
We must also watch potential threats from terrorists and hacktivists in cyberspace. The
Intelligence Community and others have long warned that worldwide terrorist organizations like al
Qaeda and its affiliates have the intent to harm the United States via cyber means. We agree with this
judgment, while noting that, so far, their capability to do so has not matched their intent. This is not to
downplay the problem of terrorist use of the Internet. Al Qaeda and other violent extremist groups are
on the Web proselytizing, fund-raising, and inspiring imitators. We should not ignore the effectiveness
with which groups like al Qaeda and its affiliates radicalize ever larger numbers of people each year
—on more continents. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies cite instances in which
would-be terrorists found motivation and moral support for suicide attacks at jihadist websites and
chat rooms. This is an especially serious and growing problem in areas of hostilities where our
troops and personnel are deployed. Another threat that is not growing as fast as we might have feared,
on the other hand, is that of hacktivists with a cause or a grievance that leads them to target U.S.
government and military networks. Our vulnerabilities to this sort of disruption remain, but 2012 saw
fewer such incidents than 2011.

Source: Statement of Gen. Keith B. Alexander, USA, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command.
Department of Defense Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014 and the Future Years
Defense Program. Statement to the U.S. Senate, Committee on Armed Services, March 12, 2013.

8. Excerpts from U.S. Department of Defense, The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, April
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) periodically releases strategic documents that reflect its
missions, roles, and efforts to defend the United States. In 2015, the DoD released its formal cyber
strategy, an overview of the primary means by which the Department of Defense operates in cyber
space. The document does not contain specifics regarding cyber attacks or defensive limits, but it
does offer a broad perspective of the DoD’s approach to cyber security and how it perceives its
role in a mission that includes many other agencies, both public and private.

Three Primary Missions in Cyberspace

The President has established principles and processes for governing cyber operations. The
purpose of these principles and processes is to plan, develop, and use U.S. capabilities effectively,
and to ensure that cyber operations occur in a manner consistent with the values that the United States
promotes domestically and internationally.
The Defense Department has three primary cyber missions. First, DoD must defend its own
networks, systems, and information. The U.S. military’s dependence on cyberspace for its
operations led the Secretary of Defense in 2011 to declare cyberspace as an operational domain for
purposes of organizing, training, and equipping U.S. military forces. The Defense Department must be
able to secure its own networks against attack and recover quickly if security measures fail. To this
end, DoD conducts network defense operations on an ongoing basis to securely operate the
Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN). If and when DoD detects indications of
hostile activity within its networks, DoD has quick-response capabilities to close or mitigate
vulnerabilities and secure its networks and systems. Network defense operations on DoD networks
constitute the vast majority of DoD’s operations in cyberspace.
In addition to defense investments, DoD must prepare and be ready to operate in an environment
where access to cyberspace is contested. During the Cold War, forces prepared to operate in an
environment where access to communications could be interrupted by the adversary’s advanced
capabilities, to include the potential use of an electromagnetic pulse that could disrupt satellite and
other global communications capabilities. Commanders conducted periodic exercises that required
their teams to operate without access to communications systems. Through years of practice and
exercise, a culture of resilience took root in the military and units were ready and prepared to operate
in contested environments.
Since the end of the Cold War, however, a younger generation has grown increasingly more
accustomed to an environment of connectivity. The generation of military men and women that grew
up since the end of the Cold War have had near constant access to information and communications,
and the information revolution has led to a more agile and globally adaptive force. In the face of an
escalating cyber threat, the lessons of the previous generations must now be passed down. The
Defense Department must be able to carry out its missions to defend the country. Organizations must
exercise and learn to operate without the tools that have become such a vital part of their daily lives
and operations.
For its second mission, DoD must be prepared to defend the United States and its interests
against cyberattacks of significant consequence.
While cyberattacks are assessed on a case-by-case and fact-specific basis by the President and
the U.S. national security team, significant consequences may include loss of life, significant damage
to property, serious adverse U.S. foreign policy consequences, or serious economic impact on the
United States.
If directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense, the U.S. military may conduct cyber
operations to counter an imminent or on-going attack against the U.S. homeland or U.S. interests in
cyberspace. The purpose of such a defensive measure is to blunt an attack and prevent the destruction
of property or the loss of life. DoD seeks to synchronize its capabilities with other government
agencies to develop a range of options and methods for disrupting cyberattacks of significant
consequence before they can have an impact, to include law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic
tools. As a matter of principle, the United States will seek to exhaust all network defense and law
enforcement options to mitigate any potential cyber risk to the U.S. homeland or U.S. interests before
conducting a cyberspace operation.
The United States government has a limited and specific role to play in defending the nation
against cyberattacks of significant consequence. The private sector owns and operates over ninety
percent of all of the networks and infrastructure of cyberspace and is thus the first line of defense.
One of the most important steps for improving the United States’ overall cybersecurity posture is for
companies to prioritize the networks and data that they must protect and to invest in improving their
own cybersecurity. While the U.S. government must prepare to defend the country against the most
dangerous attacks, the majority of intrusions can be stopped through relatively basic cybersecurity
investments that companies can and must make themselves.
Third, if directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense, DoD must be able to provide
integrated cyber capabilities to support military operations and contingency plans.
There may be times when the President or the Secretary of Defense may determine that it would
be appropriate for the U.S. military to conduct cyber operations to disrupt an adversary’s military-
related networks or infrastructure so that the U.S. military can protect U.S. interests in an area of
operations. For example, the United States military might use cyber operations to terminate an
ongoing conflict on U.S. terms, or to disrupt an adversary’s military systems to prevent the use of
force against U.S. interests. United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) may also be directed to
conduct cyber operations, in coordination with other U.S. government agencies as appropriate, to
deter or defeat strategic threats in other domains.
To ensure that the Internet remains open, secure, and prosperous, the United States will always
conduct cyber operations under a doctrine of restraint, as required to protect human lives and to
prevent the destruction of property. As in other domains of operations, in cyberspace the Defense
Department will always act in a way that reflects enduring U.S. values, including support for the rule
of law, as well as respect and protection of the freedom of expression and privacy, the free flow of
information, commerce, and ideas. Any decision to conduct cyber operations outside of DoD
networks is made with the utmost care and deliberation and under strict policy and operational
oversight, and in accordance with the law of armed conflict. As it makes its investments and builds
cyber capabilities to defend U.S. national interests, the Defense Department will always be attentive
to the potential impact of defense policies on state and non-state actors’ behavior.

Source: U.S. Department of Defense. “The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy.” April 2015.

1948 The RAND (Research and Development) Corporation is formed, creating a direct partnership between
the U.S. Air Force and the Douglas Aircraft Company.
1952 The National Security Agency (NSA) is established to oversee all U.S. government signal intelligence
collection efforts as well as signal counterintelligence activities.
1958 The U.S. government creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), later renamed the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an organization dedicated to preventing
strategic surprise through technological development.
Jack St. Clair Kilby invents the integrated circuit while working for Texas Instruments. It is the first
great leap forward in miniaturization since the completion of the transistor.
Seymour Cray, an engineer for the Control Data Corporation, finishes the first supercomputer, a
machine that pushes the limits of processing speed for any given technology. Cray’s first model relies
upon transistors and will soon be surpassed by integrated circuit machines.
1968 Intel Corporation is founded in Santa Clara, California, and quickly becomes the world’s leading
producer of microprocessors.
1969 ARPANET is introduced, linking a handful of government and academic computer networks.
1972 The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) system is created, providing a specific
model for how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed, and received by computers
on a network.
1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computer Corporation and begin to build home computers
designed for ease of use.
1978 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is passed, limiting the ability of federal intelligence agencies
to engage in domestic surveillance without court approval.
1979 The first computer worm is developed, but it is not released on a network.
1983 The movie WarGames is released, in which a young hacker nearly starts a nuclear war by accessing a
Department of Defense computer system.
The Domain Name System (DNS), a hierarchical naming system for computers connected to
networks, is created.
MILNET, the dedicated U.S. military network, is split from ARPANET.
1984 William Gibson publishes the science fiction novel Neuromancer, in which the term “cyberspace” is
The term “Internet” is created, and the TCP/IP system is selected for communication on it.
1988 The Morris Worm is released from a Massachusetts Institute of Technology laboratory, where it was
developed by student Robert Morris. It infects thousands of machines on the nascent Internet and
reveals the lack of protections against such programs.
Donald Gene Burleson is the first American convicted for the malicious use of software after writing
code to destroy the payroll data of his former employer, creating one of the first logic bombs in
The first computer emergency response team (CERT) is formed by DARPA at Carnegie Mellon
University in response to the effects of the Morris Worm.
1993 The Mosaic Web browser is released by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This Web browser makes the Internet accessible for
nonexpert home users.
1995 The U.S. Congress requires a national policy to protect information infrastructure from strategic effect
as part of the fiscal year 1996 Department of Defense budget authorization bill.
Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski publicly describes the U.S. military’s new concept of network-centric
warfare, an attempt to incorporate sensors, commanders, and operators into a single system, making
for a reflexive, adaptive military organization.
1997 The U.S. Department of Defense conducts Eligible Receiver, its first information warfare exercise. The
35-person red team easily demonstrates an ability to hack into power grids, government Web sites, and
industry networks using off-the-shelf technology.
1998 Moonlight Maze hacking attacks against government, academic, and corporate networks begins. It is
not discovered until 2000, and the culprits have never been identified, although the attacks have been
traced to a server in Russia.
In the Solar Sunrise incident, two California high school students and their teenage Israeli mentor
compromised more than 500 computer networks, but because they did not remove any classified data,
the Department of Justice declined to press charges.
The U.S. federal budget includes $1.14 billion for critical infrastructure cyber security.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporate Google while PhD students at Stanford University.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is founded in Los Angeles,
California. It coordinates multiple databases to assign unique namespaces on the Internet, ensuring its
smooth function.
The President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) is created.
Three thousand Chinese hackers attack Indonesian government Web sites to protest anti-Chinese riots
in Indonesia.
1999 The science fiction blockbuster The Matrix is released, in which the protagonist discovers that the
entire human population on earth is living in a virtual reality world.
Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui release Unrestricted Warfare, a book advocating
unconventional strategies to defeat the United States or other technologically advanced nations,
including massive cyber-attack campaigns.
2000 The ILOVEYOU virus spreads so quickly that it causes $10 billion in damages.
2001 The USA PATRIOT (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) Act is passed, creating massive new opportunities for signal
intelligence collection in both domestic and international locations.
The Code Red worm exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft’s Internet Information Server software,
allowing defacement of infected Web sites and possible theft or destruction of data.
The Nimda worm uses a five-method approach to spread, including through backdoors created by the
Code Red worm.
The U.S. federal budget includes over $2 billion for critical infrastructure cyber security.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is established.
2002 NATO begins its Network-Enabled Capabilities transformation, adopting the network-centric warfare
concept for the military alliance.
2003 The U.S. government releases its first National Cyber Security Strategy.
Titan Rain cyber attacks target U.S. government and corporate networks, eventually exfiltrating more
than 20 terabytes of data before being discovered. The attacks are eventually traced to China, which
denies all culpability.
The SQL Slammer worm is released. It spreads so quickly that it completely shuts down the entire
Internet for 12 hours. Ten years later, it remains one of the most commonly detected pieces of
The MS Blaster worm replicates much of SQL Slammer’s success, demonstrating the transitory nature
of most security fixes.
John McAfee, creator of McAfee antivirus software, announces the identification of nearly 60,000
computer virus threats, with an additional 10 to 15 discovered daily.
The Department of Homeland Security announces the creation of the U.S. Computer Emergency
Response Team at Carnegie Mellon University.
2004 The Mydoom worm spreads throughout computers operating any recent version of Windows, causing
$2 billion in damages worldwide.
2005 General Keith B. Alexander is named director of the National Security Agency, and the organization
begins attempts to collect the full electronic communication stream of entire global regions.

2006 General Michael Hayden is named director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), returning from
retirement to assume the position as a four-star U.S. Air Force general.
Google begins censoring Chinese search results, as required by the Chinese government, in exchange
for doing business in the People’s Republic of China.
2007 Israel bombs a suspected Syrian nuclear facility, using a cyber attack to blind the Syrian air defense
network in the process.
Estonia decides to move a bronze statue depicting a Soviet soldier, provoking a massive cyber attack
by Russian hackers against the Baltic nation’s cyber infrastructure.
The NSA commences PRISM, a massive data-collection program that targets foreign communications
that pass along the backbone of the Internet.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are launched against the Internet’s core domain name
servers, essentially stopping almost all Internet traffic.
2008 Russian hackers contribute to an attack on the republic of Georgia, cutting off Georgia’s access to
news outlets and attacking Georgian government Web sites.
WikiLeaks publishes a State Department cable alleging that foreign hackers stole 50 megabytes of e-
mail messages as well as usernames and passwords.
TJX Corporation reports a breach of its credit card information, a cyber attack that eventually costs
the company more than $250 million.
Israel launches Operation Cast Lead against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. A massive cyber war
erupts between Israeli and Arabic hackers. Both state and nonstate hackers are involved on both sides.
The U.S. military bans the use of all flash drives due to the high incidence rate of worms and viruses
on the devices.
2009 A North Korean cyber attack uses a botnet to bring down U.S. and South Korean government Web
sites in response to a planned joint military exercise near the Korean peninsula.
Five million machines participate in a coordinated attack against Israeli Internet infrastructure during
Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip.
French naval databases are infected by the Conficker worm, forcing the grounding of naval aircraft.
Google, the Internet’s largest search engine, announces that it will no longer filter results in the
People’s Republic of China, largely because Chinese hackers have penetrated Google’s software and
used it to persecute religious dissidents.
Hamas hacktivists deface 800 American and Israeli Web sites.
North Korean government hackers launch attacks in response to UN sanctions over nuclear weapons
Canadian researchers discover “GhostNet,” a network of infected computers in 103 countries that are
all connected to a single espionage effort against the Tibetan government-in-exile.
2010 U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is activated at Fort Meade, Maryland. It incorporates the
separate cyber organizations of each of the military services as well as the National Security Agency.
The Stuxnet virus is first discovered and publicly reported. Earlier versions of the worm had already
significantly damaged the Iranian nuclear program at Natanz.
Google reveals it was attacked as a means to track and hit Chinese subversives.
The “Iranian Cyber Army” hacks the Chinese search engine Baidu and disrupts its service.
2011 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announces that the United States may consider cyber attacks to be
acts of war and retaliate in any fashion it deems appropriate.
The Georbot worm infects Georgian government systems, allowing both snooping and exfiltration of
data. A Georgian CERT team reverses the attack, seizes control of the botmaster’s computer, and
manages to film him with his own Web camera.
2012 The Shamoon virus attack against Saudi Aramco renders 30,000 workstations unusable. A previously
unknown group, Cutting Sword of Justice, claims responsibility.
The Flame worm is discovered and publicized. It is quickly regarded as the most complex malware
ever developed.
The New York Times claims the U.S. government engineered the Stuxnet virus. The government
refuses to verify the claims, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) begins searching for the
source of the leaks about Stuxnet.
The Gauss worm is discovered targeting Lebanese financial institutions used by Hezbollah.
The director of the National Security Agency declares that cyber attacks on U.S. infrastructure
increased 1,600 percent between 2009 and 2011.
An Iranian hacker group, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, launches Operation Ababil, a sustained DDoS attack
against Western financial and corporate targets. The attacks continue throughout 2013.
Al Qaeda’s recruitment and propaganda Web sites are attacked and knocked offline for two weeks.
2013 NSA contractor Edward J. Snowden engages in a massive whistle-blowing operation, exposing an
enormous domestic surveillance program undertaken by the NSA.
Target Corporation reports a data breach in which more than 50 million consumers’ credit card
information was stolen. The company had failed to engage in even the most basic security measures.
Major media outlets, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg News, announce
that they have been under continual Chinese cyber attack for years.
North Korean hackers release DarkSeoul, a malware program targeting South Korean media and
financial corporations and specifically designed to evade South Korean antivirus software.
The Syrian Electronic Army hacks into U.S. and European media outlets that have urged intervention in
the Syrian civil war.
Hackers encrypt elements of Al Qaeda’s English-language Web site, making it unreadable.
Israeli cyber-security experts foil an attempt by the Syrian Electronic Army to disrupt water supplies to
the city of Haifa.
Edward J. Snowden releases documents demonstrating that the United States had engaged in cyber
espionage against China.
President Barack Obama issues an executive order instructing the United States to aid allies being
attacked by North Korean and Iranian hackers.
Mandiant Corporation, a cyber-security firm, releases a massive report detailing sustained Chinese
cyber attacks, probably launched by PLA Unit 61398, against hundreds of Western private corporations
and government agencies.
FireEye purchases Mandiant for $1.05 billion.
2014 Admiral Michael S. Rogers is named commander of USCYBERCOM and director of the NSA,
continuing the pattern of one military officer commanding both organizations.
A U.S. federal grand jury returns indictments for five members of the Chinese PLA Unit 61398, who
are accused of cyber espionage, cyber sabotage, and other computer crimes against private American
A member of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) beheads American journalist James Foley on a
live video feed broadcast through the Internet.
JP Morgan Chase reveals it is the victim of a cyber attack that compromised 83 million accounts.
Sony Corporation is hacked, probably by North Korean state agencies.
2015 Al Qaeda Electronic emerges, the first cyber franchise of the global terror organization.
The FBI indicts four men, including two Israelis, for hacking JP Morgan Chase’s servers.
Kaspersky Lab announces the discovery of Equation Group, an organization reportedly linked to the
creation of Stuxnet and Flame.
Microsoft opens its Cyber Defense Operations Center and signs an information-sharing agreement with
According to the UN International Telecommunications Union, 3.2 billion people use the Internet.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management detects a data breach affecting 22.1 million current, former,
and prospective federal government employees’ records.
The CIA launches the Directorate for Digital Innovation.
Hacker collective Anonymous declares war on ISIS.
Apple Inc. refuses an FBI demand that it break the security features on an Apple iPhone that had
belonged to a terrorist in San Bernardino, California.
2016 The European Union announces new rules on net neutrality that require all citizens have Internet
Microsoft purchases LinkedIn, expanding its social media presence.
The European Union and NATO sign the Technical Arrangement on Cyber Defense.
Two members of the Syrian Electronic Army are added to the FBI’s Cyber Most-Wanted list.
Tallinn Manual 2.0 is released, focusing on cyber terror, cyber espionage, and cyber crime.
Kevin Mandia is named CEO of FireEye.
WikiLeaks publishes 28,000 files from Democratic National Committee internal communications,
exposing dissent within the party.
Russian hackers are accused of interfering in the U.S. presidential election on behalf of Republican
nominee Donald Trump.
2017 President Barack Obama commutes the 35-year sentence of Bradley [Chelsea] Manning after 6 years.
WikiLeaks publishes more than 8,000 documents demonstrating the CIA’s immense ability to break into
encrypted devices and networks.

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Dr. Paul J. Springer

Professor and Chair
Department of Research
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama


Dr. Jonathan Abel

Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Arlington

Dr. Trevor Albertson

Assistant Professor
Department of Airpower
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Gregory W. Ball

Command Historian
24th Air Force
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Dr. Mary Lynn Bartlett

Profession of Arms Center of Excellence
Department of Leadership
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Lisa Beckenbaugh

Assistant Professor
Department of Research
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
Dr. Terry L. Beckenbaugh
Associate Professor
Department of International Security Studies
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Bonura, PhD

U.S. Army

Dr. Robert J. Bunker

Division of Politics and Economics
Claremont Graduate University

Major Spencer Calder

U.S. Army

Jeffrey R. Cares
U.S. Navy, Retired
Founder and Chairman
Alidade, Inc.

Lieutenant Colonel George L. Chapman

U.S. Air Force

Roger J. Chin
PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science
Claremont Graduate University

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Clemans

Chief of Academic Research and Publications
Department of Research
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy Cole

eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Daniel Connelly

Assistant Professor
Department of International Security Studies
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Wing Commander Graem Corfield

Royal Air Force, United Kingdom

Dr. G. Alexander Crowther

Senior Research Fellow, Cyber Policy
National Defense University

Dr. Ronald N. Dains

Associate Professor and Chair
Department of International Security Studies
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Lukas K. Danner
PhD Candidate
Department of Politics & International Relations
Florida International University

Steven B. Davis
PhD Candidate
Department of History
Texas A&M University

Dr. Melvin G. Deaile

Associate Professor
Department of Warfighting
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Jim Dolbow
Military Legislative Assistant
U.S. Senate

Dr. Manas Dutta

Assistant Professor
Department of History
Kazi Nazrul University, India

Joseph Hammond
Independent Scholar

Michael Hankins
PhD Candidate
Department of History
Kansas State University

Major Brandee J. Harral

Chief, Personnel Management
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Jordan R. Hayworth

Assistant Professor
Department of Airpower
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Lori Ann Henning

History of Technology
Auburn University

Dr. Roy Franklin Houchin II

Associate Professor
Department of Strategy
Air War College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Jonathan Hoyland
PhD Candidate
Royal Holloway
University of London

Dr. Frank Jacob

Assistant Professor
Department of History
City University of New York

Dr. Angelos D. Keromytis

Program Manager
Information Innovation Office
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Alma Keshavarz
PhD Candidate
Department of Political Science
Claremont Graduate University
Jason R. Kluk
PhD Candidate
Department of History
East Stroudsburg University

Major Marcus Laird

U.S. Air Force

Raymond D. Limbach
Independent Scholar

Major Christopher G. Marquis

Department of Warfighting
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Augustine Meaher IV

Associate Professor
eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Christopher Menking
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of North Texas

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Y. Mihara

U.S. Army

John J. Mortimer
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Southern Mississippi

Dr. Deonna D. Neal

Associate Professor
eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Lieutenant Colonel Steven A. Quillman

Director of Staff
Department of Research
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
Dusan Repel
PhD Candidate
Royal Holloway
University of London

Angela M. Riotto
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Akron

Major Jose Alberto Rivas Jr.

U.S. Air Force Reserve

Heather M. Salazar
PhD Candidate
Ohio University

Dr. Barbara Salera

Assistant Professor
Department of International Security Studies
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Nicholas Michael Sambaluk

Associate Professor
eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Margaret D. Sankey

Director of Research and Electives
Air War College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Benjamin M. Schneider
PhD Candidate
Department of History
George Mason University

Major Zachary M. Smith

U.S. Air Force

Brad St. Croix

PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Ottawa
Dr. John G. Terino
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Airpower
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Heather Pace Venable

Assistant Professor
Department of Airpower
Air Command and Staff College
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Dr. Ryan Wadle

Associate Professor
eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

Mary Elizabeth Walters

PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of North Carolina

Dr. Anna Zuschlag

University Lecturer
Department of History
Western University, Canada

Page numbers in bold indicate the location of main entries.

Advanced persistent threat (APT), 1–3, 41, 57–58, 77–78

attributes of, 1–2
Aurora, 215
and Cymmetria, 106
detection of, 2–3
GhostNet, 121
goals of, 1–2
and hop points, 139
Operation Night Dragon, 221–222
Operation Titan Rain, 227–229
and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Unit 61398, 58, 78, 233
and remote administration tool (RAT) software, 250
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 13–14, 81–82, 144–146, 295, 351. See also Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA)
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), 13–14, 162
creation of, 62, 82, 94, 144, 298, 351
and Ethernet, 105
and Internet history, 105, 144–145, 149, 150
and MILNET, 205, 352
and TCP/IP, 14, 145, 295
Afghanistan, 6, 31, 69, 206, 218, 246, 251, 253, 316
Agent.btz, 218
Air gapping, 3–4
Al Agha, Ahmed, 286
Alexander, Keith B., 4–5
as NSA director, 4–5, 58, 198, 340, 354
statement before Senate Committee on Armed Services, 344–346
as USCYBERCOM commander, 4–5, 58, 198, 253, 305, 340
Alexander, Yonah, 67
Allen, Paul, 114, 178–179
Alperovitch, Dmitri, 5–6, 214, 226–227
Al Qaeda, 6–7, 15, 31, 198, 299, 324, 346
and ISIS, 6–7, 156–157
Web sites, 357, 358
Al Qaeda Electronic, 357
Amazon, 8, 80, 95, 136, 137, 202, 225, 277, 317
Andreesson, Marc, 146
Anonymous, 7–9, 21, 316
declaration of war on ISIS, 157, 301, 358
and 4chan, 8, 113
and hacktivism, 128–129
and Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), 171
and LulzSec, 9, 21, 171–172
and Operation Ababil, 214
and Operation Cartel, 219–220
and Operation Payback, 8, 171, 224–225, 317
Antivirus software, 9–11, 41, 48, 50, 139, 357
AVP antivirus project, 165
and Conficker worm, 36
and cryptography, 39
and GhostNet, 122
Kaspersky Lab, 10, 164, 296
and logic bombs, 169
and malware, 173, 233, 259
McAfee, 10, 178, 354
and Rustock botnet, 259
and Stuxnet, 279–280
Symantec Corporation (Norton), 10, 164, 284–285, 289, 300
Apple Inc., 11–12, 95, 123, 142, 300
creation of, 11, 351
and FBI, 12, 39, 358
and Microsoft, 114, 181, 182
and PRISM program, 242
Arab Spring, 9
Aramco attack, 12–13, 154, 263, 338, 345, 356
Archuleta, Katherine, 211
Arnold, Henry H., 248
ARPANET. See Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
Arquilla, John, 14–15
Assad, Bashar al-, 224, 245, 285
Assange, Julian, 8, 15–16, 128, 172, 177, 315–318. See also WikiLeaks
Attribution, 16–18
Authentication, 18–19

Baidu, 20, 216, 356

Ban Ki Moon, 316
Baran, Paul, 145
Berners-Lee, Tim, 146, 149
Bina, Eric, 146
Bin Laden, Osama, 6–7, 31, 68, 156, 230
Bitcoin, 20–21, 23, 67, 95, 264
Black hat, 21–22, 126, 127, 301, 313
Blackhat (film), 21
Blacklist, 22, 314
Botnets, 22–24, 106, 355
and Conficker worm, 37
and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 24, 92, 118–119, 188, 237, 257, 259
Georbot, 24, 78, 116–117, 356
Mega-D, 109
and Microsoft, 180
and MyDoom virus, 188
Patriot, 24, 221
and Russia, 255–257, 258
Rustock, 109, 258–259
Brennan, John, 28–29
Brenner, Joel F., 24–25
Brin, Sergey, 123, 353
Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, 102–104, 200, 255
Bush, George H. W., 31
Bush, George W., 4, 25–26, 31, 154
and CIA, 230
and Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), 33, 97
and cyber-space security, 25–26, 64, 139
and Homeland Security Presidential Directive-7 (HSPD), 240
and National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), 192
and 9/11 attacks, 63–64
and Rumsfeld, 253
and USA PATRIOT Act, 108, 111, 303

Carpenter, Shawn, 27
Cebrowski, Arthur K., 27–28, 201, 352
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 25, 28–30, 300, 324
and Brennan, 28–29
Directorate for Digital Innovation (DDI), 29, 358
and FireEye, 109
and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 111
and Gates, 115–116, 210, 356
and Hayden, 4, 130–131, 354
and LulzSec hack of CIA website, 172
and National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force, 90
and Panetta, 70, 230
and President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 239–240
and Snowden, 265–266
Cerf, Vinton, 146, 149, 150, 295
Certificates, 30–31, 281
Child pornography, 9, 79, 80, 113, 258. See also Pornography
China. See People’s Republic of China
CipherTrust, 5
Clarke, Richard A., 31, 169
Click fraud, 23
Client-server model, 23, 263
Clinton, Bill, 31, 148, 185, 230, 241
Clinton, Hillary, 229, 267
“Remarks on Internet Freedom,” 326–329
Closed network, 31–32
Cloud computing, 32–33, 92, 99, 121, 123, 136, 179, 182
Code Red Worm, 33, 57, 353
Cohen, Don, 16
Cold War, 28, 57, 130, 167, 196, 197, 245, 256, 312, 342, 347–348. See also Soviet Union
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), 33–35, 64, 97, 191, 210
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 35–36, 46–47, 97–98, 106, 117, 240, 352, 356
Computer network operations (CNO), 83–84, 260
Computer Security Act (CSA, 1987), 63, 190
Conficker Worm, 36–37, 131, 325, 355
Continuous persistent monitoring (CPM), 41
Copyright, 96, 142–143, 171, 181, 225, 261, 333. See also Intellectual property
Cray, Seymour, 37–38, 351
Credit cards, 89, 256, 274, 315, 317, 324
and identity theft, 133
MasterCard, 171, 225, 317
and Russian Business Network, 258
and spear phishing, 274
and spyware, 24
and SQL injection, 277–278
and Target Corporation hack, 288–289, 356
and TJX Corporation hack, 293, 355
Visa, 8, 225, 317
and World Economic Summit hack, 45
Crichton, Michael, 242
Critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR), 193–194
CrowdStrike, 5. See also Alperovitch, Dmitri
Cryptocurrency, 20. See also Bitcoin
Cryptography, 5, 18, 20, 30, 32, 38–40, 78, 100, 107
Cutting Sword of Justice, 12, 154, 263, 356
Cyber attack, 40–43
Cyber crime, 44–46
Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA), 46–47
Cyber defense, 47–51
Cyber-defense exercise, 51–52
Cyber deterrence, 53–55, 56
attribution, 53–54
effect of defense quality, 53
retribution capability and attacker sensitivity, 54
Cyber-equivalence doctrine, 55–56
Cyber escalation, 56–57, 101
Cyber espionage, 57–59, 65, 78, 164, 285, 320
and Bush administration, 25
and CIA, 29
and Flame worm, 110
and GhostNet, 121
and Moonlight Maze, 185
Operation Night Dragon, 221–222
Operation Titan Rain, 27, 63, 227–229, 237, 354
and People’s Republic of China, 27, 63, 227–229, 233, 236, 237, 354, 357
and Tallinn Manual, 287, 288, 331, 358
Cyber ethics, 59–61
Cyber kill chain, 49–50, 77
Cyber sabotage, 13, 61, 263, 357
Cyber security, 62–66
Cyberspace Policy Review (2009), 34, 66–67, 210
Cyber terrorism, 6, 44, 45, 67–70, 71–73, 96, 128, 135, 169, 282, 288, 300, 337
Cyber war, 70–75
Cyber warriors, 58, 71, 75–76, 154, 199, 339
Cyber weapon, 24, 60, 65, 73–74, 76–78, 135, 312

Dalai Lama, 121–122, 124

Dardar, Firas (“The Shadow”), 286
Dark web, 79–80, 80, 96, 157, 264
Davies, Donald, 145
Deep web, 79, 80–81, 96
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 13–14, 81–83, 94, 146, 147–148, 149, 168, 299, 351, 352. See also Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 83–84, 85, 162, 299
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. See North Korea
Department of Defense (DoD), 4, 25, 84–87, 206, 210, 230, 237, 253, 260
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 13–14, 81–82, 144–146, 295, 351
and cyber defense, 49, 115
and cyber red team certification, 250
and cyber warriors, 75
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 13–14, 81–83, 94, 146, 147–148, 149, 168, 299, 351, 352
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 83–84, 85, 162, 299
Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, 347–349
and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 115
JWICS Network, 162–163, 265, 299
and Moonlight Maze, 185–186
NIPRNet, 163, 205–206, 265, 299
and Operation Buckshot Yankee, 26, 64, 218–219
Panetta on, 339–340
and Quadrennial Defense Review, 246–247
“Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat,” 341–344
SIPRNet, 163, 176, 218, 264–265, 299
and Solar Sunrise, 270–272
and TOR, 291
and United States cyber capabilities, 299–300
and USCYBERCOM, 4, 58, 85–86, 137, 297, 305–309
WikiLeaks Task Force, 316
See also Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
Department of Energy (DOE), 63, 87–88, 271
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 84, 88–90, 195, 210, 284, 304, 340
and certification of FireEye, 109
and critical infrastructure, 138, 170
EINSTEIN (Cyber System), 96–98
and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 47, 88, 89, 241
and Gates, 115
and JWICS, 162
and National Cyber Security Strategy, 190–191
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), 193–194
and Quadrennial Defense Review, 247
and United States cyber capabilities, 300
and US-CERT, 35
Department of Justice (DOJ), 90–91
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, 40, 51, 77–78, 91–93, 203, 215, 337, 354
and Al Qaeda, 6
and Anonymous, 8, 9, 129, 225
and botmasters, 23–24
and botnets, 92, 118–119, 188, 237, 257, 259
and Code Red Worm, 33
and Estonian cyber attack (2007), 42, 70, 78, 102–105, 137, 245, 255, 256–257, 258
and Georbot, 24, 78, 116–117, 356
and Georgian cyber attack (2008), 42, 70, 116–120, 134, 137, 232, 245, 256–257, 258, 287, 325, 355, 356
and hacktivism, 128, 129
and Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), 170, 225
and LulzSec, 172
and MyDoom virus, 188
and Operation Ababil, 154–155, 213–214, 356
and Operation Aurora, 215–216
and Operation Payback, 225
and People’s Republic of China, 215–216, 237
and Russia, 42, 78, 102–105, 117–120, 245, 255–257, 258, 287
and Rustock botnet, 259
and spoofing, 275
and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, 284
and Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), 285
and torrent, 294
Domain Name System (DNS), 93–94, 146, 205, 262, 352
Drone technology, 28, 31, 130, 176, 220, 230

E-commerce, 88, 95–96, 133, 231, 262, 324

Effects-based approach to operations (EBAO), 202
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 81
EINSTEIN (Cyber System), 96–98
Electronic mail (e-mail), 5, 14, 29, 62, 82
and “@” symbol, 145
and blacklists, 22
and botnets, 23
and clone-phishing, 78
and deep web, 80
and flaming, 144
and Gauss worm, 116
and GhostNet, 121–122
and Google, 123–124
and government surveillance, 4, 180
hacks, 29, 172, 232, 288–289, 316, 324, 355
and ILOVEYOU virus, 134
and logic bombs, 169
and MyDoom virus, 188
and Nimda worm, 204–205
and phishing, 238–239
secure email gateway, 50
and Simple Mail Transfer Protocols (SMTP), 41
and social engineering, 269–270
spam, 22, 23, 109–110, 239, 258–259, 274
and spear phishing, 121, 214, 216, 233, 274
and spoofing, 276
and Trojans, 236, 295
and whitelists, 313
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), 98–99, 183, 347
Eligible Receiver, 63, 283, 352
Encryption, 99–100
Equation Group, 164, 357
Escalation Dominance, 101–102
Espionage Act (1917), 175, 198, 268, 316
Estonian cyber attack (2007), 42, 46, 70, 78, 102–105, 117–118, 137, 200–201, 206, 231, 245, 255–257, 258, 287
Ethernet, 105–106, 146
Ethics. See Cyber ethics
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 146, 149
European Union, 153, 180, 203, 237, 255, 318
Technical Arrangement on Cyber Defense, 207, 358
Evron, Gadi, 106–107

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, 58, 228, 235

Faraday cage, 3, 99
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 25, 27, 57, 63, 107–108, 171, 184, 290, 356
and Anonymous, 8–9
and Apple, 12, 39, 358
“Cyber’s Most Wanted” list, 286, 358
Data Intercept Technology Unit (DITU), 243
and Department of Justice, 90
and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 111–112
InfraGard, 172
and JPMorgan hack, 160, 357
and Moonlight Maze, 185
and Quadrennial Defense Review, 247
and Silk Road, 21, 264
and Sony hack, 274
and United States cyber capabilities, 300
and WikiLeaks, 318
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 202–203
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 47, 88, 89, 241
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 14, 144
FireEye, 109, 174, 175, 259, 289, 300, 357, 358
Firewall, 22, 23, 36, 48, 50–51, 92, 109–110, 164, 173–174, 186, 235–236, 281
Flame worm, 110–111, 116, 164, 356
Foley, James, 357
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 111–112, 243, 303, 351
4chan, 8, 112–113, 170

Gabriel, Thomas, 169

Gates, Bill, 114–115, 178–179, 181
Gates, Robert M., 115–116, 210, 356
Gauss worm, 116, 356
Geneva Conventions, 42, 185, 287
Georbot, 24, 116–117, 356
Georgian cyber attack (2008), 42, 70, 116, 117–120, 134, 137, 232, 245, 256–257, 258, 287, 325, 355, 356
GhostNet, 121–123, 235–236, 355
Gibson, William, 204, 352
Global Information Grid (GIG), 83
Global War on Terror, 6, 65, 112, 198, 246
Google, 123–125, 136, 182, 300, 353
and China, 124, 232, 354, 355, 356
and 4chan, 112
and net neutrality, 202–203
and Operation Aurora, 5, 124, 214–216, 236
and PRISM program, 130, 242
Grove, Andy, 141

Hacker, 126–128
Hacktivist, 7, 113, 127, 128–129, 171, 230, 237, 315–316, 346, 355
Hammond, Jeremy, 21
Hardware, 129–130
Hashing, 100, 222
Hayden, Michael V., 4, 130–131, 354
HBGary Federal, 9, 172
Heart, Frank, 145
Hendrix, Gary, 284
Herzfeld, Charles, 145
Hess, Markus, 57
Homeland Security Act (2002), 88, 112, 193
Honeypot, 57, 131–132
Huawei Technologies, 284

IBM v. Papermaster, 142

Identity Theft, 96, 133–134, 213, 258, 315
ILOVEYOU Virus, 134–135, 353
Indicators of compromise (IOC), 2–3, 53
Industrial control system (ICS), 98, 279–281
Information Warfare Monitor (IWM), 121–122
Information Warfare Weapons Treaty, 135–136
Informatization, 136–138
Infrastructure, 138–140
critical infrastructure, 25, 34, 61, 63–65, 88–89, 138–139, 185, 190–195, 239–242, 284, 305, 332, 334, 338, 342, 344–345, 353
cyber infrastructure, 139, 191, 193, 208, 301, 323–326, 354
hacking infrastructure, 138–140
Obama’s remarks on securing the nation’s cyber infrastructure (2009), 323–326
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP), 239–240
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD-63), 239–240
Intel Corporation, 140–142, 178, 187, 300, 351
Intellectual property, 5, 54, 57–59, 89, 91, 124, 142–143, 229, 233, 236, 324, 329, 333, 346
Interface message processors (IMPs), 13, 105, 144, 145
International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), 152. See also Interpol
International Court of Justice, 287
Internet, 143–147
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 37, 147–148, 150, 353
Internet Governance, 148–150, 333
Internet Protocol (IP) Address, 2, 14, 22, 33, 79, 93, 113, 147, 150–151, 211, 215, 222, 262, 275, 291, 313, 317
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 151–152
Internet Service Provider (ISP), 17, 92, 139, 146–147, 152, 202–203, 242, 259, 292
Interpol, 152–153
Interview, The (film), 161, 273–274
Invisible Internet Project (I2P), 79
Iran, 68, 316, 328, 357
and Aramco attack, 12
cyber capabilities, 154–156, 339, 356, 357
and Flame worm, 110, 164
and Internet censorship, 129
“Iranian Cyber Army,” 356
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, 154, 213, 356
and Operation, Ababil, 213–214, 356
and Operation Babylon, 217
and Stuxnet, 3, 29, 60, 65, 70–71, 74, 101, 110, 131, 154, 164, 244, 279–282, 319, 320, 355, 356, 357
Iraq, 31, 63, 175–177, 217, 223–224, 236, 251–252, 253, 271, 283, 299, 301, 316
Iraq War, 71, 217
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 6–7, 156–157, 299, 301, 357
Israel, 24, 29, 70, 74, 106, 110, 116, 154, 213, 271, 281, 290, 265, 357
cyber capabilities, 157–159
and Operation Babylon, 217
and Operation Cast Lead, 220–221, 355
and Operation Orchard, 43, 134, 223–224
Ive, Jonathan, 11

Java, 215, 282–283

Jobs, Steve, 11, 351
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) Network. See JWICS Network
JPMorgan Hack, 109, 160–161, 213
Just War, 60, 161–162
JWICS Network, 162–163, 265, 299

Kahn, Herman, 56
Kahn, Robert, 146, 149, 295
Kaspersky Lab, 10, 37, 106, 110, 116, 164, 165, 263, 278, 281, 296, 357
Kaspersky, Yevgeniy “Eugene” Valentinovich, 164–165
Kennan, George, 136
Kennedy, John F., 81
Kilby, Jack St. Clair, 351
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 111
Ku Klux Klan, 9

Laws of Armed Conflict, 42, 101, 135, 166–168, 329, 330–331, 339, 349
Lessig, Lawrence, 149
Li, Robin Yanhong, 20
Libicki, Martin C., 168
Licklider, J.C.R., 145
Linden Laboratories, 261–262
Live Free or Die Hard (film), 168–169
Local area networks (LANs), 14, 105, 145–146, 204–205, 262–263, 279, 281. See also Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
Logic bomb, 61, 169–170, 352
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), 170–171, 225
LulzSec, 9, 21, 128, 171–172
Lynn, William J., III, 218

Malware, 173–174
Mandia, Kevin, 174–175, 358
Mandiant Corporation, 1, 109, 122, 139, 174, 175, 232–233, 357
Manning, Bradley, 16, 163, 171, 175–177, 265, 316
Matrix, The (film), 177–178, 204, 353
McAfee, 7, 10, 37, 109, 164, 178, 214, 222, 226, 289, 300, 354
McAfee, John, 178, 354
Merkel, Angela, 228, 235, 316
Metcalfe, Robert, 146
Mexico, 219–220
Microsoft Corporation, 123, 178–181, 198, 300
and Code Red worm, 33, 353
and Conficker worm, 36–37
Cyber Defense Operations Center, 180, 358
and FireEye, 109
and Flame worm, 110
and Gates, 114–115
and ILOVEYOU virus, 134
Internet Information Services (IIS) software, 33
Microsoft Windows, 45, 181–183
and MS Blaster worm, 187–188
and MyDoom virus, 188
and Nimda worm, 204
and Operation Aurora, 236
and Operation Shady RAT, 226
and PRISM program, 242
purchase of LinkedIn, 179, 358
and Rustock botnet, 258, 259
and Shamoon virus, 13, 263
and SQL injection, 277
and SQL Slammer worm, 279
and and Stuxnet, 279–281
and Sun Microsystems, 283
Trojan.Hydraq, 215
Microsoft Windows, 45, 181–183
Million Mask march, 9
MILNET (Military Network), 205, 352
Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN), 183–184
Mitnick, Kevin, 62, 184
Mockapetris, Paul, 93, 146
Moonlight Maze, 63, 185–186, 271, 352
Moore, Gordon, 140–141, 187
Moore’s Law, 141, 187
Morris worm, 35, 283, 319, 352
Mosaic (browser), 146–147, 352
Moss, Jeff, 21
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 8, 171, 225
MS Blaster Worm, 187–188, 279, 354
Mueller, Robert, 45, 108
MyDoom Virus, 188–189, 354
MySQL, 277, 282–283

Napster, 96, 143

Narayanaswamy, K., 16
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 15, 27, 63, 81, 102, 128, 154, 185, 227, 237, 290, 293
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), 146, 352
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), 25, 90, 190–191
National Cyber Security Strategy, 67, 190–191, 354
National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), 185, 192–193
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), 193–194
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 63, 190, 194–195
National Science Foundation (NSF), 14, 82, 145–149
National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), 14, 145
National Security Agency (NSA), 63, 85, 195–199, 229, 338
and Alexander, 5–6, 58, 198, 253, 305, 340, 354
and Brenner, 25
and CIA, 29
creation of, 195–196, 351
and data centers, 34, 210
and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 111
and Gates, 115
and Hayden, 130–131
and National Cyber Security Strategy, 190–191
and NCIJTF, 90
and Operation Buckshot Yankee, 218
and President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 239
PRISM program, 12, 130, 242–244, 354
and Rogers, 252–253, 305, 357
and Snowden, 124, 234, 266–267, 356
TEMPEST program (Telecommunications Electronics Material Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions), 3
and United States cyber capabilities, 299–300
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), 199–201, 206, 287, 336
Net-centric warfare (NCW), 27–28, 201–202
Netflix, 80, 95, 202
Net Neutrality, 59, 202–203, 326, 358
Network control protocol (NCP), 13, 14, 144
Network File System (NFS), 282–283
Network Working Group (NWG), 14
Neuromancer (novel), 204, 352
Nicaragua v. United States, 287
Nimda worm, 204–205, 353
9/11 attacks, 28, 31, 68, 130, 246, 251, 337
and CIA, 28
FBI investigation, 108
and Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 190
and USA PATRIOT Act, 111, 303
and War on Terror, 6
NIPRNet. See Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet)
Nixon, Richard, 111, 197, 253
Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet), 163, 205–206, 265, 299
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 42, 134, 206–207, 218, 253
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), 199–201, 206, 287, 336
and Cyber Defence Management Authority (CDMA), 46–47
and Estonian cyber attack (2007), 103, 118, 255–256
and Microsoft, 180, 358
and network-enabled capabilities, 251, 353
and Riga Summit, 251–252
and Russia, 245, 255–256
Tallinn Manual, 42, 200, 287–288, 329–337 (excerpts), 358
Tallinn process, 42–43, 102, 118
and Technical Arrangement on Cyber Defense, 207, 358
North Korea, 57, 71, 223, 224, 273–274, 301, 326, 355
cyber capabilities, 207–209
and Sony Hack, 9, 29, 65, 109, 133, 160–161, 207, 273–274, 357
North Korea cyber capabilities, 207–209
Norton, 10, 44, 164, 284, 300. See also Symantec Corporation
Noyce, Robert, 140–141, 187

Obama, Barack, 210–211, 253, 327, 357

and Assange, 317
and CIA, 28
Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, 125, 180
and Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), 34, 210
and cyber security policy, 65, 66, 172, 191, 210–211
and drone technology, 28
Executive Order 13524 (Interpol), 153
and National Infrastructure Protection Plan, 195
and NSA, 198, 199, 210
and Office of Personnel Management data breach, 212
remarks on securing the nation’s cyber infrastructure (2009), 323–326
and Snowden, 6, 198, 199, 267
and Sony hack, 274
and Stuxnet, 154
Occupy Wall Street movement, 9
Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 36, 80, 97, 131, 211–213, 236, 358
Office of Personnel Management Data Breach, 211–213
Open-source intelligence (OSINT) gathering, 291
Operation Ababil, 154, 213–214, 356
Operation Aurora, 5, 124, 214–216, 222, 227, 236
Operation Babylon, 217
Operation Buckshot Yankee, 26, 64, 218–219
Operation Cartel, 219–220
Operation Cast Lead, 220–221, 355
Operation Night Dragon, 7, 221–223, 227
Operation Orchard, 43, 134, 223–224
Operation Payback, 8, 171, 224–225, 317
Operation Shady RAT, 215, 222, 226–227
Operations other than war (OOTW), 60
Operation Titan Rain, 27, 63, 227–229, 237, 354
Oracle, 277, 283

Page, Larry, 123, 353

Pakistan, 72, 213–214
Palin, Sarah, 113, 316
Panetta, Leon E., 70, 167, 229, 230, 345
and Aramco attack, 12, 338, 345
on cyber security (2012), 337–341
Patriotic Hacking, 71, 122, 230–232, 233, 237, 254, 257, 285
PayPal, 8, 225, 317
Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, 20, 23, 79, 96, 143, 277, 294
People’s Liberation Army Unit 61398, 58, 78, 122, 175, 216, 232–234, 238, 357
People’s Republic of China, 45, 57, 68, 69, 136, 202, 212, 301
Baidu, 20, 216, 356
cyber capabilities, 234–238
and cyber war, 71–73
and Dalai Lama, 121–122, 124
and GhostNet, 121, 122
and Google, 124, 232, 354, 355, 356
Great Firewall, 235–236
Hillary Clinton on, 326, 327, 328
and Informatization, 136–138
and Operation Aurora, 215–216
and Operation Night Dragon, 7, 222
and Operation Shady RAT, 226–227
and Operation Titan Rain, 227–229, 354
Panetta on, 339, 340
and patriotic hacking, 231–232
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Unit 61398, 58, 78, 122, 175, 216, 232–234, 238, 357
and Snowden, 266, 357
and Sun Microsystems, 283
and Unrestricted Warfare (book), 72, 302–303, 353
People’s Republic of China cyber capabilities, 234–238
Phishing, 41, 48, 57, 76, 78, 133, 152, 238–239, 269, 275
spear phishing, 1, 121, 78, 121, 133, 140, 214, 221, 226, 233, 238–239, 274–275
Pirate Bay, 8, 225
Poole, Christopher “Moot,” 112–113
Pornography, 59
child pornography, 9, 79, 80, 113, 258
revenge pornography, 9
war porn, 176
Pouzin, Louis, 146
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (1998), 239–240
President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP), 240–242, 353
Prey (novel), 242
Primary documents:
Barack Obama on securing the nation’s cyber infrastructure (2009), 323–326
Department of Defense Cyber Strategy (2015), 347–349
Hilary Clinton on internet freedom (2010), 326–329
“International Strategy for Cyberspace” (2011), 331–337
Keith Alexander statement to Senate Committee on Armed Services (2013), 344–347
Leon Panetta on cyber security (2012), 337–341
“Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat” (2013), 341–344
Tallinn Manual (2010), 329–331
PRISM program, 12, 130, 242–244, 354
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), 244, 280–281, 284
Putin, Vladimir, 104, 245, 251, 257, 267–268

Qiao Liang, 72, 302, 353

Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), 246–247

RAND Corporation, 15, 145, 168, 248–249, 351

Reagan, Ronald, 62, 63, 65, 153, 190, 197, 217, 311
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) v. Napster, 143
Red teams, 52, 197, 249–250, 342, 343, 352
Reduced instruction set computing (RISC), 282
Remote Administration Tool (RAT), 211, 215, 222, 226, 250–251
Riga Summit (2006), 251–252
Roberts, Lawrence, 145
Rock, Arthur, 140–141
Rogers, Michael S., 58, 199, 252–253, 299, 305, 309, 357
Roosevelt, Theodore, 107
Rumsfeld, Donald H., 15, 253–254
Russia cyber capabilities, 254–258
Russian Business Network (RBN), 117, 119, 258
Russian Federation, 57, 70, 245, 259
cyber capabilities, 254–258
and Estonian cyber attack (2007), 42, 46, 70, 78, 102–105, 117–118, 137, 200–201, 206, 231, 245, 255–257, 258, 287
and Georgian cyber attack (2008), 42, 70, 116, 117–120, 134, 137, 232, 245, 256–257, 258, 287, 325, 355, 356
Gerasimov Doctrine, 137
and information warfare weapons treaty, 135–137
and JPMorgan hack, 161
and Moonlight Maze, 63, 185–186, 352
and NATO, 206–207, 251, 253, 255–256
and Operation Buckshot Yankee, 64
and Operation Orchard, 134
and patriotic hacking, 231–232
and Snowden, 198–199, 265–268
and Solar Sunrise, 271
See also Soviet Union
Rustock botnet, 109, 258–259

San Bernardino terror attacks, 12, 358

Saudi Arabia, 328. See also Aramco attack
Saudi Arabian Oil Company. See Aramco attack
Schmitt, Michael, 287, 288
Second Army/Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER), 58, 86, 260–261, 299, 307
Second Life, 261–262
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet). See SIPRNet
Secure Computing, 5
September 11, 2001. See 9/11 attacks
Server, 262–263
Service Set Identifier (SSID) data, 32
Shamoon virus, 12–13, 77, 154, 263, 338, 356
Siemens, 280–281
Signals intelligence activity designators (SIGADs), 243
Silk Road, 21, 96, 264
Simple Mail Transfer Protocols (SMTP), 41
SIPRNet, 163, 176, 218, 264–265, 299
Snowden, Edward J., 4, 12, 58, 124, 130, 198–199, 234, 265–268, 300, 356, 357
Social engineering, 152, 184, 262, 268–269
and advanced persistent threat (APT), 1
and cyber attacks, 41
and GhostNet, 121
and identity theft, 133
and Operation Night Dragon, 221
and phishing, 239
and PLA Unit 61398, 233
and Second Life, 262
and spear phishing, 274
Software, 270
Solar Sunrise, 63, 270–272, 283, 290, 353
Solid-State Drive (SSD), 272
Sony Hack, 9, 29, 65, 109, 133, 160–161, 207, 273–274, 357
Soviet Union:
and Al Qaeda, 6
collapse of, 68, 118, 120, 251
and Department of Energy, 88
KGB, 57, 165, 245
and NSA, 196, 197
occupation of Estonia, 102, 255
and Putin, 245
Sputnik, 81
See also Russian Federation
Spear phishing, 1, 121, 78, 121, 133, 140, 214, 221, 226, 233, 238–239, 274–275
Spoofing, 92, 101, 275–276, 323
Spyware, 10, 24, 169, 173, 227, 276–277, 323
SQL injection, 1, 77, 118, 221, 277–278
SQL Slammer worm, 278–279, 318, 354
Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 14, 93
Storbeck, Jürgen, 45
Structured Query Language. See SQL injection; SQL Slammer worm
Stuxnet, 3, 29, 60, 65, 70, 74, 101, 110, 131, 154, 164, 244, 279–282, 319, 320, 355, 356, 357
Sun Microsystems, 109, 270, 282–283, 295
Supercomputers, 14, 37, 129, 145, 283, 351
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), 25, 221, 244, 280–281, 284, 319
Symantec Corporation, 10, 13, 37, 164, 215, 263, 279–281, 284–285, 289, 300
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), 285–286, 357, 358

Tallinn, Estonia, 118, 200

Bronze Soldier of Tallinn, 102–104, 200, 255
Tallinn Manual, 42, 200, 287–288, 329–337 (excerpts), 358
Tallinn Manual 2.0, 288, 358
Tallinn process, 42–43, 102, 118
Target Corporation Hack, 109, 160, 288–289, 356
Taylor, Robert, 145
Tenenbaum, Ehud “Udi,” 283, 290
Terminator, The (film), 290–291
The Onion Router (TOR), 79, 264, 291–292
Tibet, 121–122, 236, 355
Tier 1 Internet Service Provider, 139, 292
Tighe, Jan E., 310
TJX Corporation Hack, 96, 288, 293–294, 355
Tomlinson, Ray, 145
Torrent, 273, 294–295
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 295
and ARPANET, 14, 145, 295
creation of, 93, 105, 146, 295, 351
and creation of Internet, 14, 145, 146, 352
and DNS, 93
and ethernet, 105
Trapdoor, 231
Trojan horse, 23, 44, 164, 173, 295–296, 320
Georbot, 24, 116–117, 356
and logic bombs, 169
and MyDoom virus, 188
and Operation Orchard, 223
and Operation Shady RAT, 226
and remote access tool (RAT), 122, 222, 226, 236, 250
and Rustock botnet, 259
and spyware, 276
Trojan.Hydraq, 215
24th Air Force, 58, 86, 296–297, 299, 307

United Nations, 135, 185, 256, 330

Charter, 166, 309, 333
International Telecommunications Union, 147, 150, 358
and Interpol, 153
investigation of Bradley Manning, 177
North Korean sanctions, 355
and Operation Babylon, 217
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, 317
United States cyber capabilities, 298–302
United States v. Pelton, 111
United States v. Troung Dinh Hung, 111
United States v. U.S. District Court, 111
UNIX, 282–283, 295
Unrestricted Warfare (book), 72, 302–303, 353
USA PATRIOT Act, 108, 111–112, 243, 303–304
U.S. Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER), 89, 304–305
U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), 229, 230, 304, 305–309, 349, 355, 357
and Alexander, 4, 305, 345–346
creation of, 58, 64, 115, 198, 218
and cyber warriors, 75
and Department of Defense, 4, 58, 85–86, 137, 297, 305–309
and NCIJTF, 90
organization and mission of, 58, 299, 304–309
and Rogers, 199, 252–253, 299, 305, 309
and Tallinn Manual, 287
and 24th Air Force, 296–297
and U.S. Tenth Fleet, 310
U.S. Tenth Fleet, 58, 86, 253, 299, 305, 307, 310

VeriSign, 215, 281

V for Vendetta (film), 9, 219
Virtual private networks (VPs), 79, 315
Visa, 8, 225, 317

Wang Xiangsui, 72, 302, 353

WarGames (film), 62, 184, 311, 352
War on Terror. See Global War on Terror
Washington, George, 38
Watergate scandal, 111
Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 55, 162, 223, 312
Weapons of Mass Disruption, 312–313
Weiner, Norbert, 59
Wen Jiabao, 228
Westboro Baptist Church, 9
White hat hackers, 127, 172, 249, 301, 313
Whitelist, 313–314
Wi-Fi, 32, 48, 133, 314–315
WikiLeaks, 8, 15–16, 58, 171, 172, 176–177, 224–225, 265, 273, 315–318, 355
Wireless local area networks (WLANs), 293, 314
World War I, 38, 194, 256
World War II, 38–39, 59, 88, 102, 196, 254–255, 310, 312
World Wide Web (WWW), 68, 69, 82, 143, 146, 149, 204, 218, 278, 295, 299, 323
Worms, 128, 318–319
and antivirus software, 10
Conficker Worm, 36–37, 131, 325, 355
Code Red worm, 33, 57, 353
Flame worm, 110–111, 116, 164, 356
Gauss worm, 116, 356
ILOVEYOU, 134–135, 353
and malware, 173
Morris worm, 35, 283, 319, 352
MS Blaster Worm, 187–188, 279, 354
Nimda worm, 204–205, 353
and payload, 319
and propagation, 319
SQL Slammer worm, 278–279, 318, 354
Stuxnet, 3, 29, 60, 65, 70, 74, 101, 110, 131, 154, 164, 244, 279–282, 319, 320, 355, 356, 357
and target identification, 319
Wozniak, Steve, 11, 351

Xu Yong, Eric, 20

Yanukovych, Victor, 257

Young, John, 16, 315

Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 156

Zero-day vulnerability, 77, 215, 281, 320–321
Zhang et al. v. Baidu.com Inc., 20
Zukunft, Paul, 305

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